Sssiiisssttteeemmmaaa Dddeee

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Sssiiisssttteeemmmaaa Dddeee PPRROOGGRRAAMMAA DDEE DDOOCCTTOORRAADDOO CCOOOOPPEERRAADDOO DDEESSAARRRROOLLLLOO SSOOSSTTEENNIIIBBLLEE::: MMAANNEEJJOOSS FFOORREESSTTAALL YY TTUURRÍÍÍSSTTIIICCOO UUNNIIIVVEERRSSIIIDDAADD DDEE AALLIIICCAANNTTEE,,, EESSPPAAÑÑAA YY UUNNIIIVVEERRSSIIIDDAADD DDEE PPIIINNAARR DDEELL RRÍÍÍOO,,, CCUUBBAA TTEESSIIISS EENN OOPPCCIIIÓÓNN AALL GGRRAADDOO CCIIIEENNTTÍÍÍFFIIICCOO DDEE DDOOCCTTOORR EENN EECCOOLLOOGGÌÌÌAA SSIISSTTEEMMAA DDEE CCLLAASSIIFFIICCAACCIIÓÓNN AARRTTIIFFIICCIIAALL DDEE LLAASS MMAAGGNNOOLLIIAATTAASS SSIINNÁÁNNTTRROOPPAASS DDEE CCUUBBAA AASSPPIIIRRAANNTTEE::: LLiiicc... PPeeddrrroo PPaabbllloo HHeerrrrrreerrraa OOllliiivveerrr IIInnvveesstttiiiggaaddoorrr AAuuxxiiillliiiaarrr CCeenntttrrroo NNaacciiioonnaalll ddee BBiiiooddiiivveerrrssiiiddaadd IIInnsstttiiitttuutttoo ddee EEccoolllooggíííaa yy SSiiissttteemmáátttiiiccaa MMiiinniiissttteerrriiioo ddee CCiiieenncciiiaass,,, TTeeccnnoolllooggíííaa yy MMeeddiiioo AAmmbbiiieenntttee TTUUTTOORREESS::: CCUUBBAA DDrrraa... NNaannccyy EEssttthheerrr RRiiiccaarrrddoo NNááppoollleess IIInnvveesstttiiiggaaddoorrr TTiiitttuulllaarrr CCeenntttrrroo NNaacciiioonnaalll ddee BBiiiooddiiivveerrrssiiiddaadd IIInnsstttiiitttuutttoo ddee EEccoolllooggíííaa yy SSiiissttteemmáátttiiiccaa MMiiinniiissttteerrriiioo ddee CCiiieenncciiiaass,,, TTeeccnnoolllooggíííaa yy MMeeddiiioo AAmmbbiiieenntttee EESSPPAAÑÑAA DDrrr... AAnnddrrrééuu BBoonneettt IIInnvveesstttiiiggaaddoorrr TTiiitttuulllaarrr DDeeppaarrrtttaammeenntttoo ddee EEccoolllooggíííaa UUnniiivveerrrssiiiddaadd ddee AAllliiiccaanntttee CCUUBBAA 22000066 I. INTRODUCCIÓN ..............................................................................................................................................................1 II. ANTECEDENTES ............................................................................................................................................................6 2.1 Historia de los esquemas de clasificación de las especies sinántropas (1903-2005) .............................................6 2.2 Historia del conocimiento de las plantas sinantrópicas en Cuba ...........................................................................14 III. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS ........................................................................................................................................17 3.1 Características físico – geográficas del Archipiélago cubano ................................................................................17 3.1.1 Ubicación .......................................................................................................................................................17 3.1.2 Clima ..............................................................................................................................................................17 3.1.3 Geología ........................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.4 Suelos ............................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.5 Relieve ...........................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.6 Hidrología .......................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.7 Diversidad biológica y vegetación..................................................................................................................19 3.1.8 Población .......................................................................................................................................................20 3.2 Trabajo de campo ..................................................................................................................................................20 3.3 Selección del grupo taxonómico ............................................................................................................................21 3.4 Metodología y desarrollo ........................................................................................................................................21 IV. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN .....................................................................................................................................28 4.1 Efectos provocados por la acción antrópica...........................................................................................................28 4.2 Sistema de Clasificación ........................................................................................................................................33 4.2.1 Stirps ecsynanthropophyta ............................................................................................................................39 4.2.2 Stirps synanthropophyta ................................................................................................................................39 4.2.3 Substirps parapophyta ...................................................................................................................................39 4.2.4 Substirps apophyta ........................................................................................................................................39 4.2.5 Substirps anthropophyta ................................................................................................................................40 4.3 Claves para el Sistema de Clasificación Artificial de los Magnoliófitos Sinántropos de Cuba ...............................41 4.3.1 Clave para los táxones artificiales de la Stirps (Estirpe) Synanthropophyta .................................................41 4.3.2 Clave para los táxones artificiales de la Subestirpe Apophyta ......................................................................42 4.3.3 Clave para los táxones artificiales de la Subestirpe Anthropophyta ..............................................................43 4.4 Stirps synanthropophyta .........................................................................................................................................44 4.4.1 Substirps parapophyta ...................................................................................................................................54 Superphydium parapophyta ..................................................................................................................54 Phydium parapophyta ...................................................................................................................54 4.4.2 Substirps apophyta ........................................................................................................................................63 Superphydium extrapophyta .................................................................................................................63 Phydium extrapophyta endemica ..................................................................................................63 Phydium extrapophyta normalia ...................................................................................................70 Phydium extrapophyta secundaria ................................................................................................75 Superphydium intrapophyta ..................................................................................................................82 Phydium intrapophyta endemica ...................................................................................................82 Phydium intrapophyta normalia ....................................................................................................90 Phydium intrapophyta primaria .....................................................................................................97 Phydium intrapophyta recurrentia ...............................................................................................105 4.4.3 Substirps anthropophyta .............................................................................................................................112 Superphydium archaeophyta ..............................................................................................................112 Phydium archaeophyta .....................................................................................................................112 Superphydium cenophyta ....................................................................................................................127 Phydium efemerophyta ...............................................................................................................127 Phydium ergasiolipophyta ...........................................................................................................134 Phydium holagriophyta ...............................................................................................................145 Phydium holagriophyta-hemiagriophyta ......................................................................................152 Phydium hemiagriophyta ............................................................................................................157
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