CaajJates In !-••! .•-".'."1*"J>-»l"«1?»"'i'!!l ROTH-C linden, Carteref, Guaranteed • •''••.•.•''''(.•.•uK'*^ Roose vert, Co Ionia, Larjest CircuU Rahways New Dover HMAN'S in Railway TgltgpfefcOtA^ and Vidait? hese SARSFACHON GUARANTED VBCV Bfcvocate Friday and Saturday A a/I purchases A_8eln« ground ETCHi public ichooia held a social U»i '*—J*> J Hams 10c lb Hams |4c Ib REPAIRS AT ONCE to pieces by a troiley car on ft mtsjftt haTe • aad. •tory nepi3«^* *** sorrow, bet it end- ^^ _ house Roast, wortfi 24c pound Will Be isipnjTtti At Earliest up Btcfiet? O^ <5t2ler iiroxuineiu re-sid-eaL* 18c A SoiT Herring * Oats Quaker Oats h«adll«lit of ih« car fell ^ di««reatlj. Aboui of the dtj w«re invited. An excep- AS«d Pletsul dosen 18c 9c package PossiiJe on and ia« motors clamp^J « o clock taU mornln*. tiie Th«l_B«r fattier cam* in. package liale Extra Special Fresfa braji.ea- The car slid aloa* and ^n->^r-old daughter of Joiua in* cHId home after teUlng Calei A feature of the *-veotn« was the la First FrwbyteriAfl Chmtk Small wQen u stopp«y L ars Dom&stia OH Curtice Eros, an undertaker. As it happened he grandfather and that she had o*d no child .1 20c Sardines, can 4c y far 15c 0r£aiace Vacating Bridj« Street *«a away tn Che coarse of Us« even- llclb 12k lb fell Into the hands of the poaee and breakiast- Tears coursed down the po£$C* vtwre she startled tho Peaasylruda Rtilnai Ftssea yesierday afternoon In Police Court he HtUe black face and dlminutlr© sob* oAcexflT a fancied tale of cruelty the iavHed g-oevts who were «f Cad tad Irta Bisk *f 7 Everybody looking /or fE«~ sayiferw © 3«>iir chance ley. which he paid. A LurtL, onart was clad and there were no tlsse&t&V&nAwaj. Once she went to * and Irs cxcasse Na«a. who ta a laborer. 44 y«ar? A strings In toe well-worn *. So Woodfigldiv and the police had to Sir sisd Mr*. H, S. Qcre-KeUy. Mr Addrrt««l3 None Sach J Swift* & Borajc old. amo to this city Wednesday and Fancy Potatoes 69c A Gold Dxxst A sp^daJ meeting ot UM ~" of Police Ramsey sar« hmx a co th nn d night to bxla* hex b&cfe. aisd Ifn. PhUln Hoffman. Mr and caJce drank too mnch. la th« AJS Meat, pkg 8c large pkg Octrmcll vma h«ld last nlg&t tn City bsJi of twin* _ tbm repaired the lat- , S%« cottld £tmv« had all she wasted o Mn Ike P. Bartlett. Mr aa4 Mrs which will be Ion* <_©•! r>io *-• A started to so to his home In Wood- j tax defect with Q A. Vett. Mr and Mrs G*or«« B to cocjldOT Use matter of It wsja so warm f eat lid* wwwwi-wj; tf she so desired, for b«r«d was the animal b*aqa«t of __ A Salt Pork Stew Veal Foreanarters bridge township and on the waj be-Is Ctad*k. 8ap«rlnUad«nt and Mrs. Wil- .Men's Ctab of the First Pr**byts*fta t» —*•; -3 -fcaU-J -*_C<1 jtt^-3 ~*"^ —»1AIA *"-' Extra Big Uart Street, whicb la raported to XSmtt vu dm rody for h*r. 9h« A came tired. H« either fell or lay liam J. Btckstt. Mrs. O C Chorea, held last nis^it. An «xc«OssU pottnd 14c paand 14c Lanth, £6 12c fee In Tery bad coc Boneless Baoon 4P sensible. About 11 30 o'clock the car The reception committee coaststed amusing* addrssses. and a thoroes^lr FISH A B- Moffett. whose attention was called pound UC pound X\JC came along and the motorman had of P J Myers. Mis* E M HaJlday.' capable table terrlce combined «*> A Hams, poand I2c to the condition of the street by a Cod-Fish Steaks 14c Just time to throw oo the brakes and Miss Ada Pirwll and MUs Jennie B make the occasion unique. A •onununication from Mrs. Vi. J. stop the car Just be/ore the wheels Fresh Herring 3 lbs 25c ILOEBJM CLUB TEAM Ttn^ley The aocai commute* waaj It La estimated that over two hsja- A uaricry a/ Smoked, Salt and Canned. Fish for the Lenten Season J^ Tfe«maiL Th« iett«r was read in the have ground tbe man to pteces. Wrtsi^-3 Catherine roover Grace Smith ' dred people were present m Mae Fresh Ftotxnders - 3 lbs 25c A meeting and stated that Hart Street Word waa telephoned back to the Marlon R Pajce. Georgia T UnderoUi, course of the e-renlns; and It ls c«T- .;^0ss£gg| A between Brother's and Thomall's was Junction and the car crew waa in- BEATS CITY HeJen Smith MutM1! Talada, l^a-ulse tain that each one had a re^aj Ft&sH B&ddock 3 lbs 25c STAMP SPECIALS STAMP SPECIALS -to dla&ntoiful cundlilon snd aatteC tDal i& bring- the «a» •*« J Gordon.- Ats«a:~H- *~ " '««ry"S t '"th"e A wrrn rrxxrrt 10 with each 3 pouad ho\ cooncil take Immediate steps to turn h±in orer to the first pottc*-1 M ^ ai >:?J Bine Fish - lb 14c FijjC ScorcS OQ T. Sproul, president of the Coal ^_ _ A repair the road. man wen. Patrolman Crahan was at • Owner of Property States Pro/e«»or P J Myers la president Iron bans of New 'York. Mr Sprosjl. A 75 wi:h each i* u: a It waa stated that th« road was Inthe corner of lrvla« and Cherry Alleys Against Winners His Attitnde Regarding of the Teachers Q3ub. Misa Grace who Is usually serious, was In A tach a condition that It wu menace Streets when the car came In and took Junior A.. C- Lea.£tl€ Smith ts secretary and Mis* Marion - t ' ''"-^'JUr the man to the station house where he Condemnation Matter T«ln last nliht, and treed himself of A 60 witn each -^un to man and beast and that It was pewi- •- a* cruelty to •w^^^)« to driTe thepi was locked up for the night. He did a number oi lnts*«*tl&ff storlesv **• A 10 -A-itli cacn The Ilderan OaUn« Clnb bowler* •. Edward Woodruff, the owner of a baii A tfee conditions th*t were In existence thorooxhly frightened. Judge Bock- from tne Jersey City A. C. quintet, tie do* B» with crockery." la 30 «ith each 1-2 lb Best Tea any Extract seeking to conrtftnft, s*i4 today that l«0 intoxJcstsd On 8tf««t. ot hl« remarks h« each 14c lb A mixture •a tbAt street. then Imposed the fine of $5 which Jersey City players taking the last ot •mm Vcw a 10 with one bottle Worcester he paid. ha knew of he or bis Elmer Allen, a fkrm«r worttos; forMstor and the ohnren oS "20" with rach-t-^- ib-Ghetce Tea Strqgt i* rifitft of . _Ulft -(-the- -*8**e* -by ar Sroag Sauce - of th» gfty SJ^ UM»W IS M33tBKiBMT an\ mixture FIRST PfiESSYTERfAJt CHURCH. City player*, wtesera of thm Junior wsfter toas whit**«H by te«ao& of the HazvlwooU cemetery, trti aJTesi- ncai«d excepc il JO with each six cakes Laundry crest deal of traffic-"over It to and 15 with each, x.^ ib- Xiood. Tea. -from "Carteret- It la said that the con- A. C. League for iail 1913. did cotthe n»l]iwul seektaff to man Ord* nation And Installation Service Barta and Drought to the itatlon house any mixture Soap dition of the road-oray Is such tfeat show up well In tne first two games nood and fellowsillp now tAsn establish its %lx tracks on its Newwhere he was locked op on a charge 20 with each pound Progress 10 with each two packages local physicians have a difficult time Win Se Held Sunday. and had it not been for a slump in theYork dirison. fore, he said. Men's clubs wers not BE IT OJtDAlVED ^y tk« Mayor UP-TOWN GROCERY of betns helplessly intoxicated. The stiff and formal affairs, they were f*r Bfentl Corfe 35c Soap Powder respond!Tig to harry calls torn Cartor- In the First Presbyterian Church on Jnderan play ttaey would not have won Mi. Woodruff* attitude in reapeet et and that Tor the past few weeks Sunday morning Installation ceremon-1 the third same. The Ilderans, too, patrolman plctod him op oo Mtltoo the benefit and enjoyment of sJL Ttfessr 20 with each poun»k«ri and walk around the worst part of the Martin starred witn 201 and 223. For A party claiming to represent your worked. He did. friendliness and brotherhood reetcbaa r Treated •tx

wiw mw juiiLaw . „"—--—.-«-.^A^^-W. ^. ,^ -- -

^^^^^^ M -S^W^ g i l-i^2^ m«

iS. S. IN BUO BUSINESS* T X«w TeriC. WasMaztco. March SI.—Cacie Sam tiff • A FA -VwwA> DAILY RECORD. DAY, HAACH 22. C ComsaJasst, wfik> ts -the principal of CHARLES 1. SP8ASUE. has enter -i the bo^ business. Ft>r Ut»? pobBc school vacation centra at Use past c*v ' years be has tiewu liu- N*w York Bankar Avenue A. and Seventy-eighth street, porUns litti-r *iujra tc eat op btg baga. BEJ,.3H« Who Oied ef antii now ia— U;tle bag fxmlly hs>» WHERE BOILER EXPLOOEO. REPUBLICANS OF and who speeds & good part of aeri CETTING READY time trying to tndTwre Ote yxsosg reached quite respectable proportions ainl •Tiininn of iteat to qoit caxteej troctlas and faicity of Use bis bag- Tbia mi) ! COAL STME r'E"-" ffbas, made xhe meinjbers oJ Ufe ^iat- sound a bit strsjoc*. bat It Is true. tooal letgtw tor the dvlc education ot Since I90o rod** Sam has spent p *onwn «lt op tats alieraoon "then sbs more tii*».ii fl?e yptlii^>mf of dollars Is p Raising Foods Don*t like Letter to Dr. said U&az oce of tn» beef ways to stop erpsy moth, tbe brovm- w*j tor dmrcnga to ctye fa'ajji'eut danc- tail moUi- th* .common cabbaee but- Pitzherteit EWABK'S i J •:"r:^fc-'"'^ ii For Protection BROAD, JVEW-AHO HAkl^SEY STREETS es for yoonc tolka of all kinds In tivelr lerfb . ' ^ coi t oc boil weerll an reiaxlns her ex- pf the Awncau farmer and forester Tlie L ••••in-J'.T^sSSf? 11Y ISSBE A STATODEXL We Give card Redeem Surety Coupons periences as a Um to the turkey trot Few Eur\ ;>eaj& countries hav« sp«nc a 1 ••.TgS LOVTFACTS SLSPLNDED. cvaz in fitting these peats, yet the '•£'sSlij and grixdy bear, told general stories l | brown-tali and gypay moch are bocb «'jiC:ff-.i'r,'i*^ 3 li th£t seecwd to surprise- the cinb wo- the g **6 l« It, rf TH#y Do* B* « trftnrtnn. S.—TWr* wfU be oo xiatlTes of Kxirop*. They have too£ Tlie ct? li Stf L •* Hint •# Partisan Vtfta. of jpnrtiartwmc foUov«d by tnixabitated Italy an$^ he ^^g done more More Replendent Than Ever With Solid Gold Jewelry for Easter had soddonlr streams. As prettv TYeoloa. N J A 21—Ptqu*<3 damage to fruit and forest trees than th* l«Ct«' wet by Dvssocrsxlc « bad begun some honeymoon as a b ators to Bfefianl to Ute Ut*«t tiwflcaiicna Ms predecessors of 'he old world h^vc ris coonty *«o> a&e said, to lead the young done (or cen^.urle.-*. aad all this dam coula select. Jewelry jffitfTi ot tiM nxen and women vho UT« in the "vi.- ase In spue oi iw«aty yean constant •tor. ifi be to i tor- OX Uie recreation centre orer this rava-ftin« Insect sign, t&e Solid Gold and Diamond Set; On sole Saturday 1-3 Off oar regular Price* Ppemiar Ratfocr to postpone the whica the presidea. away from the tht?re must b« some way of at U» b4ii tor nr^ifrg that prcxlacea im- of combating tb* spread of this de- to tit* rmin—f 4*tail that poliuc* pU.j«l i^ pare is in effect a motion to re- Gifts in Solid Gold for Boys and Girls To besis with, sh« had got Pbotc by Ainrrtcan Press structive moth, ihe Depatrtmeot of 1 a i tii*tr rotin^ for tfa« mtn'i bUl. was Toted dews 1B Agricultuns studied the moth oo his will b* (wrmUted U> pexiniasioct from the beard ol educa- $T 60 to speciaJ GoJd Barrla^a. r«g. $2.5umoaU up the timetable"! dT« tor jroox seat wlii aoc sirocml tor Solid Gold $2.50 lo $o 00 tbat his party did dot want du- ftTT*iy«

^"••'yff'1!: ;',;'-"•" - • • •••.'." TO M«S. L. ALLEM WHWAY 22. T912. FOUR At the Zenith of Beauty and Variety— Janes McCreery & Co, PfifJ THEODORE ROOSEVH.T, MMYUNO NOW HAS 23rd Street 34th Street The Easter Displays of MUHnery T. i TAKES NEW LOAN Hundreds of from Our Own Workrooms &•?«& S5J O and Upward kno VD h-esv On Saturday. 23n3 Also Special Collections Just for Tomorrow fUN€ AT TAfT ins ty Ttttify ia M to jwi aMBty Trimmed Lagiiorn Hats, $3 MAMXST S J2AZ-£E"y STS. of tr-ood quality, in natural in •sent anx3 ws ^rffl hand yoa tfee asi style, soin« itre bound with silk. Variously teriro- Says President Opposes Pop» with niTTOw velv«t ribbon *nd lac* SUIT 4)EPTl3. lm Both tor Witt Attsiapied R KP ESK5CES h*x, passed ta Velvet-faced Derby Hats, $2.75 1NDOHSESEST8 iwc Trimmed with black ribbon , co^Jirdes and / PLEDOfcS Suits of Mistral Voile,—new Spring with fancy trimxiied . Hired with six Btylea m smart D«rbie«. BLat^k, whit*, primrose. aaTy, «r tS« bocsv roted Co tax* 09 tb* oca' | Ko "teattex what rate n» are aow f March ilii and natural UUS TO BIG ACWENCL P>eiaa de Cyjpie. Sixes 14 and 16 years. bill WTH1XE3 R. &m*J^woo-i •!<*• \ or feai^o paid aay nftw eost- Fancy Ostricb Featlxers, $1.50 gatte Crocs Prtoe* George ooosrj *-ro** « wm msJce yoa a ssca at a 3O,OO ssd c£MjT«d l&ax John F Suits and Dresses quilts, pompon and tre* otfect*—the l»t co rW D displayed at the Bamberger store. Every- Afternoon Dresses of Crepe Meteor. " Mil « ToTk. Murb Zl F. CtesaSesla of C«cD coumtj. s.^1 be known Having 1>?*Q born non.h d realty, a Climes* "straw m»d« to r«fl«mbl« Italian Milan I*' had accepted. thing new and fresh—everything is beautiful. vritli lace collar and cuffs- Sizes and Dixon Un-e, m boor «IT>«1 a bail b*^for* &a Flower - Trimmed Ropa Ed#« Roll Hats—a Novelty to of t2ke [•••w^t^w^ of t&e and 16 years, of man accs—d tbe «WIWI*«I*W—m j^o*- Come in and setect that new Spring — American Loan Co. Thes^ Hat*, which aw among the newest ideas in miUitrtry, are Dm her ti-eart and tau»rest.s Hemp Hats. $8.75 in itAlUn Milan. t&\ hemp, $4; Neapolitan, &3S; CMp, tl^a TarT doa isat beOef e ta fld A tSHSflnO C yoo wifi be surprised at the variety of styles SI* no diYidUig line in dlurct aad tnax h« tmvar+ Coo*. Dwcoocratic floor I—fir r aad Orw Before h-er niim^ge 10 Another Hew Importation of Flowers of M that we are showing. . K Allt»a of :b'.s piace fs of rose* and Krom Tr«n«« and England—a hundred different idea* in Ok* te«. aad ti>e ii*^^1*1**11'* ••+ of Taet* CLOTHING DEPOTS, la Both S other pn?tt> Mooti-.s. Ne- side* other chaj-ininiir and clusters of FashiooS n«w bloom*, $1. $X3& Sl.flO, fl.78, ways in which flowers iiid S3.75. Boys' Suits of Cheviot to be a tnae d« b* do— ooc taow Tailored Suits £17.5O mar adoru smart Kvery day we are delighting women with the courtesy orf omr Worsted. Various models. v AW* oi biack. vir what** TBIMMINO SERVICE r.mpin? an wnh wbioa she Their Easter Suits, and Coats from be H« says that tbey do aoc asvwvr tbe of tils ailiTr— B«t be did oo* Oxx line of $23-50 salts embrace* al) of the moat popular materials 25 E Steams Street J.hi act ca.u*e her to relax 1.^1 itxw iliiUmi of AJtea and Sdwmrds aad Students' tir^t long trouser Suits, made Hundreds of Styles Designed Just for Them bo depurt ffcora tt fraqaaeptty THREAT FROM I that ta«5 offered DO reslstajic* wb« —fine H* uad maid Ids bomt was to wr.h • Appointments and Its distinctive Apparel ANARCHIST STIRS PARIS T la Ctee todk&cv w«re peopfa mt t&e Wtostoo-Saltsa. TTs* ocb«r t* * his Young Men's Suits of Cheviot. Velour a: Every kind of costume that a young girl may desire is here—and also many Cfevroecle bail tort, vttb v saxoa &a C»nnJ# L±n*to«e*: and «ar» his and Worstwl. Size ;V5 to 3?* inch chest. ID ^!! tha; r-H?r*. kinds that she never dreamt of getting ready-made I The apparel itself is what w© •tfcirt fronts aad *^«ntns df «.• a. bock« Is la WVnstoo-Saleaa. New Serge Dresses 7.98 15.541 to S^ .a wetfarv The ^e^^is specialize! Our high standard of quality and our moderate prices are known far and Two boy* ftrteea j««r» old «^alt«d ihe church she made ht-r ow^ c itonM tn the ctty and pur We ha.T« a choice collection of ser«v dre»»e* ax thia price The wide. And when these two important factors are linked with correct style—as tfeey based bread and a quantity of rnaed styles *r« all goodL aad the serges axe o£ nice euality. Smart, aew :r!b«[in,« utaeral 1 y -,o t:» >uppori ilKi in«* a:o5}t delicate way The are at GIMBELS- what more can he desired? aa.ia* exrvpt oor* offlc«n were Q0(tfleel and effecCs. trimnied in vaxloa> ways aad all nicely nnUb.«*d $7.93 Halsey Vanderboven Among the Hundrcd.3 of Tailored Suits Reflecting r tt*? youngster*, w^o bad gone James McCreery & Co, co:ninunlon service with A ctiainnan of tile ineT ?^ Ptrarrts m appre HP*- ' before tbe M *»a and 23rd Street 34th Street r*r*a!r- I^.IT :h«»**- boy» are rto^Tiji rt>* New Tub 3 claiioa of til* teiudnesa shown the la' 1=^ on Vlooda;, ~ into tor the Allen a letter A splendid showing at womea's n*w wasfa eir.- prvj*uni tamc^r«l ai '* Oj liartirr 'i* noted anarcilsL GRACE BOND CAUSES TAUC white, dainty eok>rm.s« *n*1 neat ?tri[>t-s a.a*J «a«*cJc» Neatly made ing and with It so capable, that r ts J at . • *3-0t> friend of her husbands family! < bank ta*^-"•M-^-^^ in rb# holdup UD tb-Aocuud Walsr O Grace, who K •»f for Easter r er — remiml«?ullet. 9-00. 10,00. 12-00, I54H3 , 18-00 to 7&00 swwt ih« bitter waters. But tha •aid, ' Uia-u have Uiat pmrticolar the sl«nalurv of "t;arnier" w rtu sljcn#d by two professional bocdaTDen. ts betn? sharply criticised, Correct, refined styles in Trotting Hats, every shape and coloring healing influence not confined i SFf^ •,-, class do U for me." g«r print. MERCHANT TAILOR and there ta talk of an tnreatls>tton- seen in 's calendar for spring are to be had here at most moo* her own flreside, All who knew hi y _-; :.»-.: • Caloo«l Roommrmtt took peius to point M. BerrlUo^. after an examination, 109 Mais Street i out when be •lands on ration* Looen. declared tb<^ flnyer print and the hand When Grace was told his wire bad crate prices. felt Its benediction To & friend quai .1 a« tbe recall of Judges- Be d«-wntln* *rt th*- letter Identical ftod be said 2.95, 3-95. 5.00, 6-00, 7.50 » antined with a caae of scarlet fever i ill —^4—do not -c**ev It La prormbiy the RAJHWAY, N. J. Tn J1T •_ fttt -aufcodj w wild mi* unrf »T tbom' -pn.u^.i—eri try* t-*w poibrr Untrimm-cd Hats *a a w44«-range ot styU&aa4-coloriaga,ia Hemp, i b»>r h^'^fl her fty p ^y ^onna la Aa ^xQulalLe piece of cut glaa Lstor «a b« Utraw away some of bissuit all officialdom Is awaiting a Mali i •JHS iwpt os to a parallel be from i;arnt<»r. who !• known to b* ca- BORN ON IMPORTED SOIL IJBQ* 1^5. 2-50, 3-25, 3.95. 4,50 to 12.00 with a this country and France In tbepable of i-arrylu* out bin tbrvai Aft Studio OSTRICH FEATHERS, AIGRETTES, FANCY STICK-UP remarks w«re 97 Pritvee Vidtor Nepelvan and Princess WINGS, FLOWERS and MILLINERY NOVELTIES at right wttli applaasa. and at tbe end of hi* PARTICULAR Pastels, Crayons, OQ Paintings MURDERED FOR REVENGE. Clem—itin« Pnrtntm of a Daugfatar. address, wherw b« declared that a lead March 21.—Former Prtn- Her new home and envtronmen' sr worth bis amit ahould b« wilUns to may have be^n very unlike her dt; HtH«m'i -H«tty Q.-*««i" Shot 0«w« by CWmentiDe of Belgium, the wife ^want to Know YOB and we Paintings Made From Any The biggest bargain ever offered in be wed and. If broken, cast amide, home but she quickly adapted herwel Unknown Asaaaama. of Prtac* Victor Napoleon, BSTW birth Small Photograph tlfcs audience fiTe him as generous ap Ntn» \i»rk. Miu-< U \1\ The murder of to a dsoffhter This la the first child Want You To Know Us Women's and Misses' to southern Ideas. None surpassec as be reevtred tbrotmhoat bi> Mrs. PajMjuart-ll* SpinncflU. known as born to tbe couple. her in hospitalit>. indeed, few famll _the *"H«-rt> *;r*««»n .if_ Iiarl«-m'» Little It wu stated some time ago that tbe NEW SPRING SUITS entertain as many quests. Sht At $19.76—Francis model in navy or two-toned whipcord 00- ltaijr" be-, nme of ter wealth i prince was so anxtoo* to bare The chlto made as many (rieuda dor Ins bei At $S$J)O^Rmi&d^0ddinjLerge wi th fancy a ti tching tsy of appla trbcD ttw a ftBte bettsr -.. 15Q SUITS of the finest Serge, ail the new colorings and a large ^1 n«n» abliltT. •>• *-urrv*i tn born on ^r*Dch ^oll that sacsjr ot eartn r^etdeace hore a* many penpU Wtteu he caiDe In there were brouaiit here from France and assortment .of styles; value $30.00, at. ~ ^22£O A&4$& —Poir^-modelin S^Mirim^n^ wUh^^ j arose the familiar aboots of ". she own«*d H than you have been getting, get what you Rahway 2SL J, * Alterations free of charge. make la a life time. Her home waa At $£9.6Q~TEaquin model* wool cordeUne, trimmed with bengaHns •hot twUt* lu th* hea\•> iwo asamxsln* placed tn the room where the accouche- r oh. Twld>:" and "Ctwcni for Ti^ldjr ment was ordered to take place. want from us. That's our hobby—to please. an ideal one. Upon her her husband At $85 —DrecoB model, in serge, with satin-edged walloped Bat tferoacn the «ddrv«s tbe audience who concealed tn*msetv*>t on th* ••*> Unusual Glove Values lavished tbe wealth of manhood's af ond of tbe stabiv aad had evident- The best of everything in our line at the lowest Other new models at #40. $46. $60 and upward listened as tbomjfa it waote<1 to know WOMEN'S V/ASHABLE WHITE DOE SKIN; 16 B. leogth, feet ion and received In turn his Ideal w^hat be bad to any ly lain tn wvH tor *»ot»r»- Therv ma» uo attempt to rob tbe WEATHER EVERYWHERE- possible price, QUALITY considered. P. K-, Paris Point back; regular $3.00 value, at £2S and Inspiration. She understood and Four Special Collections for Tomorrow Wltn Mr. Uoosevelt wbea b*» eauie Something New, appreciated every detail ot his bosi In were CoouitiroU*r Prcndenra*t &nd- woman, who bad a por» at her wal»t WOMAN'S WASHABLE WHITE DOE SKIN, i clasp, prix that ;Contaln*d aoveral hundred doilant. ObserratloBS of tbe Oaited .'. The .-. ness—she was his comrade. Bobert BL Ely. executive secretary of State* weather bureau taken at A FEW SPECIALS FOR warn, spear.back; regular $1.50 value, at. 1.00" tbe Ctric Forum, under tbe au*plce« nor was there an attempt to loot the "Besides her devoted husband ah* Goats of doabli^faesd •uniae* WmmtA wltfc Oaafts ot wblpoor< with office. Th*> poUcv «aj that the crime 8 p. m. yeaxerdaj follow: leaves four brother*, Mr. Charles T of whlcb tb»* addream Temp. Weather. blaek rttbon vslwt. milk; with waUt-UofUi pansl collara, nr-tt b t r hal pnrolv an l^dirwt mHhwl ftf nrw . N. J^ Mr. Joel Crap* Mrtacr nfessaa,. filmsisll wtt» a pxrfaaton BD tawsy « on tbe platform were Oscar & Strau*. talnlnc rwrensv- on the woman's Sew Tone ... . 37 Fridav a A Ibanj . 20 B. McKenzie and Dr. 1 of aarrow- pi Tnunan H. Newberry. G«>rspr B. Cor ter. M rw. Nico Una Letsero, for a lllini; of New York, and Mr. R. M. UeKcnzle Weidosjsjle of Frank Monaco OQ Oct. 20 of laat Atlantic dty . . 44 ClooOy ILLUMINATE THE HIGHWAYS anxioasly watcfted by «v«ry «tat© in teiyoo. wbo were memben < ' tbe cabi- Boston . 30 Cleaf of the lowa-Stito Agrl«i!tnr«> MdH^ net in Roosevelt's time; Albert Shaw, Coffee, (Old Homestead) per pound 30c the Union as well as foreign coun- Prsssej. U4ateiy res WMUBMS- Buffalo . 22 Clotttlj tries. cbonieal College, -^lth the exception peplums and fleHu, trtaimsd tftb Uo*> If. 3. Collier. Jacob A BUS. Glfford and 22 A b4^J^u been. Introduced tn REID QUERY WITHDRAWN. Cbicaso Snow Mackerel, No. 2, 10c each; No. 1 per pound 18c It will not -cost much to- accomplish of the latter- «U of whom wore present Amos Itncbot. Rabbi a 8 Wise. Ham St. l«oats . 34 80 Irving St, New \^t.St^tO'Ua«l*latnrQ fcy Sanar Rain Macaroni, (Domestic^ 3 packages 25c at the funerai." it./ tltoo Bolt, editor of tbe Independent PuMurt by Government PVweeAa Ui- New Ortonns . T> Clear tor WUlei appropriating 926,000- for this. A. fewyear s s*«y sneh a aeheme and Cbarie* Daaa Ulbaon. vestiQ alien by Washington . .. 54 Cloudy Clam Chowder, large can 22c; small 10c RAHWAY, N.. J. have Oscar OL: Birau^—w^o- apofce- -after London, via Glace Hay, Mare* 21.— UghttaB of ten miles ^^^ j^j^j^tao amefr attentlaH, COMMITS SUICIDE WITH QA*. >- J Jelly, (Assorted> regohur 2Sc . special 22c Roosev«1* went off to tb# Car «r Henry DalxSeU. U P.. has with- but the 6fth© new Newark^ Jfatch U^rWalter Kinc Lyceum owe ting, wald tbat tul» H drawn tbe qneatton tn tbe boos* of Sweet Garden Peas,, regular 15c, speckd T3c, 2 for 25c S. K. Tombs H, Roarkft power metal filament was found, 4ea4 sestwda^to a caa? blatory bad three parts, the OOHll^M^BS Ul reatajEQ tO ipy SHtJ9S^KDd^7 filled roon\,at hZ WlprenrStiwet. Coan- fwratattoa. the period at coostroetlon ADMIRAL'S FUNERAL Premier Strained Honey, per bottle 10c oa^om*-designated -lamps are Ideal-for this t>ur&o*e as 1mm of tbe iBterrtew with WUtslaw Held no uttentton and can ty-fhysiHap ^JtfgHiffltfiB saift It was » wkM and the «rs of rwfutm- In on* Wash prtsted. by a New Tora newspapag, to Table Raisins^ regular 25c, special 20c PLUMBING blKbw«tsj^1hj was the lemdcT. tn tbe second which tbe ambassador was q*ota& mm Safer* Carrying Admiral Melville's on on an4-^6tt- from a reasonable of aad tn the third BooaeTeU. J Betfy rww His PfcUadstshia M< Matches, (Crescent Brand) per package 35c ThfirWrtd ©Itelinate laaip- living in El SKIPI coBipaoBS toe preeent «|fi«Bfl^er on.tli© w ot tbe colooeJ wa» made pnb- Extra Fancy Creamery Hotter pound 36c Bsjbb«rft«r^ bqlldb*'-^--^*—' " Mr tn&aent'to old style P tfe far Ills'caocipsjja% manager. Senator It Is admltte* that priinrn bms jto >.51.-<9 ~ twalww ¥?* bora In OtxoB. Tbe colonel will lea re M*w biwucht to baar nptm Sir 17—IJ to J^hester, N. T., September 13, 1862, Tar* March 90. He will srrl»e tn Chi 3*5''"*' tmk* tM» acfUsfc. It to maUrrtoos) that Full &10 Johnson's Educator Crackers tt^»JabfemsJ Wi pen name of Mickey Ktnn. ^^KtMT ft! tost sys- r«aclJ««; aJ*o Aecld«at^«ad Plat* preme and at me* bomejty Tolk to the twacmentx Record Ad vertiseinenti coiasiftttced-tha practise off his New jL-vnt U*« |ki appUosiSoa. profession, to which h« was *^,^M^^!d^MWi^iiiigiiiiii^^ .-^-^•"-.f^'Sj, WuWJ&Vii^ T-

J»*G£ 8SW? PEMM1MCTOJ) QUART tT 1 RHO f«WENS£ ORE DEPOSIT. | FOR SALE—• H. P Dott«s OPPOOTJilTIK an til ap??ototed to the Runmr DAILY RECORD "lyCUJBBMIOIKT SOCIAL and PERSONAL WOODBRIDGE C Mr Wxlrer va^ X the Ooanty. Bo*ni of ' 1 Mra. B Hok£Lua-i spent W &AX-E— Dtsaj *ni_ «L. with, A Good Baker OF WINTER mm (Q \3. Aa XV. r^*j* a^*fl p^Ta^ ^ lues Turaw spent n tn 1 $d>J ! m*t*raoca «« «« ton- later £a the with th« raal of major He wms Hlnrt of Eon AT«niw. d*ra *auirtiti foftcwwfl lh«e bc«to«Bj oa««c£af. Mr*. Toledo!* DrampieniaB of for cuastt If daatrod. by Cha&c BOOD GROCERIES -i•fcf" 'it Clrei# appo£B£s<(S tVftj'lr^ni tthi to §.:$ r««S of a H»rurd oAra. Box tt O Ti&g&ay Unas tusun rsaasov- Mr*. OV«Q oo October ». 1XTT. for * full :$m i,'; tlbe *taf I St. >P>» 1« Maor. Wm. J to t«rtn ot »«Teaa r^mrw^ to raccg^d VTo»- Is: ban. Haroid K. sons* old eJm and s.ppJ* trvaa from till b« hmZA tn to be f*ir y« to 5r Bgrgec. who r««iirT»*i3 to ;-,••# hlis tmpjroTtaj Tile deie^alei r'h-na-tn Mr* Bar- TltM ol :-»«, Abo^v *J3 K d#«lr»d to N- looks at ih+ t«H. Urt WUliaia *bo are to ta&e poLTt La Ufre uul Mr*. Court I Q P*.IJ! 11les h-e I* x LV mocni POS RENT— Slsi««r «w Jr ptajr #ntitJ* lev'd'eJ to xbcliso the present Box fl "X Y. Z" R*ctml the twi-S-ebai! prarv.o* fl by ta« ladi«« of t-b« M fc: 7 Cakes Swift's Borax 8oap 25c S'oie Pre«3d-ent of Itfl W C of rvpre*enuilves frotn each '..1 ..urn ceo-; V . 3ffl« EsTter H ElTreti city, borough and township. &n«l r«- S FOR RENT by ; .ax ±: '.h« Y M 0 ^T^RELL •"•AiiM al the home ot M rs M B AJLKI^R i YORRE, ••;.*$ Th-e of \hv s«*oocj year Cxmi? Kin^ eotertaiaed a tew laaunty xt JOB ntnrnxG OF ALL KINDS un d( ' Th-e Mrs Vaiectia* wu aji OQI duo« from aay siaaii p-beto^rapb a <3iaJiy tn*1teJ to i ctli«s tn c»>-un:y ahouM hire o-n«- of if by Oliver iaa tor W e la AA4 see- os ire teas anocft'er is- Mrs. »r . ls agr Araftoy- Ls wM*ly known :ea.cfeer-s of the Avenue Street. O1AJ3 fOf a Cl-OCtb. pr^Te a m-o«t ro LET —fotxr roocu M 4-4 Hirruoo Mrs rNner way N. J. Elmer Mtnte! who h,as been '.II wy If nomfoatesl at the R«pabll«*aji prl *. re*rc JS per soati- Appi? The Trtacaie i-j^: roe', for *e*k * ft emoco LH VV nh A zi&o y started the first few dollars saved and the grtp for a wwt. hj-s ct^c-1 back ss one oT the C0.ca321.saloners h ATE FOREST COMMISSION Elm • S WITCHES, PVFT^ '.-.irn Pnil- ir 1- ?nt-r.» tnv work. x iar* wlnnr-r 1*. 1J un txs were city * 'jr.ors Roomn Mn Lc-eJer of PhiLiJ-elptLa. is Tle- hat cetih**r of of R H *5 p-eopi* of have all been erected like the pyramids, a tting M rs H L Ro-binsoa of Bryan: froon thLs r:t ei::i-cioQ", b . > ^e^''- A very Street. to th* fact 'b-i; if stone at a time. so<*t e t •. e ^ : 2' S4 East Hawl- Tbe AltAr Chapter of St. Paul s j j.1 USe hocie of Mi« WANTED, m 1 n tte Phooe 2 r tn Barroa Avenue The art of successful saving is the con- Churcb met at the home of Mrs SUli- tinie '.o lb*? pos:*i->n y eier- BIUJUC icd vinous gxniea *»^.' rwi*: -> *--• :-'*' i=.O*r w *f M' L.*«2* fo»- shoe man tn Elm Avenue yesterday after- tinued, persistent saving of small amounts w e re oci: au • - «* per i-CHi s Dooa Tho» E K hour*, if' FOR SALE—Frvab e^s. delivered if t1^' th'.r'.y Silb-ers - - - : -iJ BroaJ S Cone Mrs Mead Mrs W-.r.i^m Ba* WMAT A BLIND MAN CAN OO —small sums—week by week or month f. V:H hour *.o * be s j 1*4-1 si er Jr Mrs William Blisa ar.J M :*-* wli after month—as they can be spared from dtral.-_jed :a Ruth Srilltnaa • Drouth ih<* United TINNING AND PLUMBING IN ALL Mr and Mrs. Dawea of Semlaar> salary or income. FOR SALE A '.tic offl ft* of done by C Tlce All Avt-nue, are 1-eaving :o* n for Hlghu ! bfiwetn tin* Junliir-s and COW S «,\ «\\ > win receive wrft at rvsidenoe. 19 Campbell . N J . on account of Mr. Dawes' for- sc i\ai?!> for Sou'i I'arulma. 1: Tu-*lav WJLTI^ i'stti, A carload of st.-vet. 17«-tues-rrt-tr pUo* on Woa*lay of n«xt w«t part daf *o him ilia: M i 11 on S tain m Seen caJ led t o Fidelity Trust Co. co* * jind springers. TO L£T — S i o re in good loca uon oc The Sophomores JL.K ±1*0 'hinkin* of , of Somfl Carolina s a^riculturaJ ,f$&*m horn** tn I Pa_. liy f j ] T placing a t*?am in ihf 1" •<*^''' -n N?w\- _ al- -tae cnndrTO*s com cra&s and n> lowest market prices at Gus. [ -' **•' *^ •*" •ooflca.tion. rvcoT«red safflcjoptly to rotona to The old expressloo. 'Xher* are ooc« Department—most of them started with of 1 mow, both potttJcaJ and n TO LET—Furaisnod room*. Amoixc tne represenXaiiTes who will jfwuwflwi.'' to lrhicil k« • *^^**^ <** tbe- &msgw3Befit asti tn- FOR bed roam L*ara B&rdv«U of WettfleM. wort at the Federal Terra CoCta so bltnd as those who will not see.' MS Uala 8tr««t go the N«w Jersey T. M C. A. rump wtth propriety b« r«TiT«d tn tba small amounts—many have grown to 1b* wlt* "TOOT Smil*,** wrltfo j •tmct»d t* ttod oot which cani«r» 3 ts 4 p. 103 rulton to bnro j«sterdA7 and rponJon when win «tart tooi^fct ts to tts pra—nt and for him by DoroUaj Pore» »©rt ta or n«*r hia district aad let Street. Mr*. EU3wmr4 €off«r was a of tnodero achievements of blind larjje amounts, but all of them mrm betftar LOST—Fte« Montdalr ar« 8hipl*y of the Junior tba> cAmractaw of Its usd A t«r HU hut •election wu "Caizn a* | tJj*™ *=now wh«re h« ema be re*ch«d, Wisa Josephine G*Ha«her of New Bed- Ain&oy visitor Toesday afler&ooa- worfcar*; as an tnstancs, J. E. Swear- •••T pendant on T&axsday class and Garth wait* at the Freohmaa off financially for the establkhmcm #rf sa a (tv tocrv poilc*- Paradise Ln Porta«mJ by Smi«. Th« JLn< FOR 3A1-E—Twenty R3H»de Mlas Kmma HlHer, of Rah way, vis- tfte Mind State Superintendent the Nl^ht," by C*ri Bofan and has «o- * bow word may be gotten to pi«*«a wtaTB to Box 7, catrw ford, Has*. Tb*7 will be marrlsd te dasa. The cooTeaUoc wlU last from red hens, bwjotr* R. Boeord eifice. ited Ur«. W. A. GUham Tueadaj af- of Edneatlon for Booth Carolina, Is their saving: habita. ; eoro wma tClpHa^'a poeso. tn the easiest and qnlck««t way. Record OfiBcA. fime and reside ta New York Cty. Frltlay afternoon an til Sunday night ha»# also bvea adiS»d to t&e library teraooa and oT«iin«. seeing wonderfully w«U for thousands O M Ine. ~ met to raoxlc Toe United States Secretary ot ' 1S+1SS T. C Wttff^.Tw»Ti of West Grand A fin* Time- is- expected* not expget ihry can A. L. Hnfaer of Ralncay, Vms a bus- boys ana s^rIs. E- Toloii." j- ptcalttifre haa notified t£e ctsrain Street, has returned home atfter ttd The grades were given their week- START YOUR ACCOUNT NOW. Nr» Tort iness visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Swearlasefi has Uvotf tn darfcn : r ihe mu*K-»i pro«rmni. that the fund allotted o New eJrse; SENSATIONS ON A. SUBMARINE. absence at two xaonths for his health. K"'' 311ft As the air is automatic&Ir; ^X ieasonj a m^noaj.. t^g_ la "th« aincA- -his £tev-enxlT ~yM3TT Wh- storm and calm the submarines are day to attend a birthday party Wed- visited Wood bridge relatives Tuesday. r n a capltaj piano solo. Rachmaninoff s and by the terms of the law Ls appli- ship One may be choking for lack ot bers of the Modern history class un- of Injured. Dr. Samuel Orldiey Howe, 1 via Ike rereiled with tb* completion IJc texjar—«iicyw that the employe* capable of navigating the seas with nesday night. Miss Joei« Ohmenhls«r ls coniln«d . -jy prelude tn C minor, for which he wascable only to North Jersey, where the good air tn one paxt and b« exhilarat- der Mr. Strong. The title of the talk early ln the thirties the founder of the ot tracJt The president have a record ot 99 7 per cent perfect. dit to their lovectors and con Mr. and Mrs. H T. McCUntock. u> her home ln School Street by 111- tia hy a- too- -abundant auppiy tir an^ "uess: "'--=^- ==^- -= ---^ ^ ^-^ or coflxmerw te*t»—at. lime called" s tor l^il 1 1 tlb—- :' •••."• 1 Tbe flora.] decorations were given value of an active watch on ite wood-' ^u^ ^ ^"»h a fleet of these ves- other. Ttstttng tn nbrtoa are expected Home It ls rumored that the pupils will be tb*- uti&# ofrtntoo al the Board of •urprtee Tests—as conducted on tb* U The "Liaes of the Field" Mission try. vas wont to say that 'blindness is The Best of MEATS and PROVISIONS may I to tht- club by John W Saiing of Har- lands when there is danger of fires ** stationed in the vicinity of any Sometimes, when the engines are tomorrow. given a week's vacation this year at m*«inj( the otiter nl^iat. that Pennsylranla Railroad cover a wide o{ our la an Uiconvenience, but uot an afflic- f» 1 starting n5« coast cities, lt would be Oilman, the young son of Mr. and Band were entertained by Miss Mar- w» have b«ea urstn* on t be city all ' rison Street, and were, at th«* close of running to charge the batteries, the Easter Instead of the customary three tion.' Sometimes a human handicap be had at Our Store of subjecta. such aj 'conformlt> difficult for battleships to get within ian Brec&emid&e at her home in West naro«l j t hai w Hh ibe oompl*- the banquet, presented to th*> women fumes of the gasoline become so Mrs. Frank Dome of Bryant Terrace, days. The pupils naturally hope that to regulations "* "ob*ervance of effective striking distance. Green Street yesterday afternoon. U the spur that makes a career. When who served at the tabk^s. strong that men are rendered uncon- has the measles. the report Is true. of UH- track et*-TatK>ii our growth all kinds of signals,~ leaving or ar- Miss Anna Hart win entertain her I asked r&lr. Swearingen If he felt bis 13 SANDBAGGED AND ROBBED. The first impressions received on scious. They must be ta^en Ira C. Ayera of Hamilton Street, 111 The pupils of the Physics class un- t>«" "pbeiiomenaJ " Wltb this ririns ah^ad of tlm** " "car doors not Tho«e who waJted on the tables and up on Sunday School class at her home on growth oad been because of bis blind- i J. Fetter's Market Ba>onne. March 21. -Harry HU1 of i descending into ihe hold ot submax- , w^ firmly belieTe. will come S3l te 1 at Ih deck then to get a whiff of fresh air. at home, was reported as greatly Im- der Mr. Hess were given a test ln that ness, rather than tn spite of tt, he was properly closed." and many others of 1 * * < ^ banquet and^r the di- 1.00S Avenue C. was about to enter | ine axe those of discomfort and suf- Edgar Hill Friday evening- MM tn<-rea«« to taxable raJues that will For this reason the batteries are proved yesterday. subject yesterday morning on sound Inclined to believe hla 'Inconvenience' 75 IRVING STREET similar naiurv rection of Mrs. F (" Borden werv hls honit? t-arly yesterday morning, i focation. Tbe accommodations for a Mifls EdiLh Whitney entertained a a* a r**»ptt* au<1 i breath of rour only charged when above the water. J. R. Rollinson's Sunday School , and light. had. been a help to his ambition. He Tests are coniiucted by dtrision ot- Mrs, Almeth White Miss Helen White when he was struck with a sandbag ] crew f thirteen seem about ri^ht for friend at dinner Tuesday evening. With thia w« win get the heart But in time of war it might be neces- class enjoyed a social ln the Baptist During Mr. Meyer's brief absence has conquered so far as to pass ^•'•*.'C; - of the railroad, who at unusual Mrs, [fctvid Armstrong. Mrs land by a man and knocked down His as f half a dozen One is ln too close MUs Bolce of Brooklyn, ls the guest We also carry a full line of t» tae^la tlie tmproretnent of our rtv- sary to charge them while running be- from the room during the first period through the prescribed course to the* times and placta. chtrck up employes Gibbons. Miss Ida Morss. Miss Mar robbed him of his months \ proximity of whirring machinery, too, Church Lecture rooms Tuesday night. of her aunt, Mrs. Oscar Miner .on Ed- er- Ttte cumxii^Uaa. of Lhe Unw will low. Thea, Indeed, th« man aboard ta the afternoon yesterday Miss Mar* University of South Carolina, leading ttj tbetr work, to see That all rules and Jartjtoe. Mtss i^rtxte Onrth- . $75. and. ringing the doorbell, to enjoy the sensation. Games, refreshments and "plenty of gar HilL FRESH VEGETABLES. n* addltloaal lAia-bJe values 'ha walte. Miss Mamif Hillman, Miss At>- the submarine might envy the aerial music were provided. Among the garet Curry of the Junior class was his class, to become a teacher In the gag reculat Ions are obeyed Fail urc to run off Hill's wife answered the bell On all sides art? arranged electrical Tbe Men's Club of the Congregation- i Direct Wire. No waiting. Phone 306. Goods delivered ; will altav us to wtpe out our debt and navigator yinK aNov^ r^c sea with nis participants were J. R. Rollinaon. John given charge. State Institution for the blind, and o{>s**r\e any of tbe rules regarding the: bi<* HiJlman. Mrs. H. Mooney, and fouud her husband unconscious. devices and machinery to operate tiie al Church were entertained Tuesday &• ^ 1 coxne to sp«-ndin$r~our money on abundance i-f m-^h air to breathe. Heir, Elmer Brown, Bert Marsh, Geo. Tbe pu[>la of the Fr^jgfrinan English finally to be accepted, through the use of signals ta lmmexliately reported Mrs. Ada Woodruff. Miss Elsie Miller. craft and the torpedoes. A thin shell evening by Rev. Dr. Kain at the per- rttr Thi* will tx* our real era ^nder water is a pretty un- Mantlo. Harold Bouiton and Arthur class under Mr Nestor are now engag- ci vie • off rage of hjs people, as the |1 and the offender Is called before itxe Mrs Thomas Urmston. Mrs. Sillier. of steel separates the vUitor from the sonage^ ~ ?S:flSBMBjK3p^r-iSJ certain and disagreeable work. The ed ln milking an outline of Canto six •49,4.5"- • . of proifresa proper official for~rflsclpllne Mrs Samuel Tooker Mrs Richard Cornish- torpedoes, and the outside water is so of the Iliad. SfrtT Ensign 6T"EHfiibeth, vTsfteff fe^ • —• fca-rh * meantime we mast be thank In 1911 the Pennsylvania Railroad Horton. Mrs. Clatbourne Morss, Mrs. only appliance for this purpose ls a Mr- and Mrs. O. Janson and chil- Mrs. Samuel Eying in West Main dlrect the training of Its future, cltl- fee .. that one can almost feel Its moisture. Wanted—Twenty cents to get a hair in fal tor the little bleaslnjta we ran get made <• xactlr S43.572 efficiency tests Charles D. Pomeroy, Misa Gladys aruaJl electric heater. This Is Just dren, of Jersey City, are expected to Street Tuesday. Drug Store When under way on the surface the cut. See Lutz for particulars. like the rapid Improvement of Hart and 99 7 per cent recorded perfect. Pomeroy, Mtss May Ayrvs. Mlas Edith about big enough to heat water to pass the coming Sunday at the home Mrs. Roohman was an out of town submarine hums and trembles. The Overheard: Lutz—Say. do you still 39iM Street that the Council promises. Slory. Mrs. S. B. Hloras. Mrs. Ed. make a cup of coffee and nothing else. of Mrs. Janson's mother, Mrs. Barker, Bauer In other worda. only three-tenths of visitor Tuesday evening; of gasoline are almost suffocat- have nsh for bre EATING WITH A MILLIONAIRE 11 Mllnes, Miss May Silvers. Miss Estelle The crew have their food cooked 4 mp^gy. .;•' - -* one per cent, of these tests railed to la Robert Fulierton, Jr., spent Tues- In the March American Magazine, siPM "Tins tfififler. anniversary of Mrs. Frazer, a sis-' id employes obeying the. spirit and TerHU. Mr». Jessie Wraight. MUa The call of the out-door day* Some of the mea contract what ls Ludlow—No, It does not agree with day evening In Perth Amboy. Hugh 8, Fulierton writes an amusing Mast Orm&fe, March S3.—The pas- The submarine Is built on tne prin- ter of Mrs. Janson. Pi letter of t V" corrruiny'a rules. In a Mildred Wraight. Mrs. Florence Grove (s approaching and we wtU soon called "gasoline heart." If under wa- me any more. and- at- th» «me-tim© Important, ar* of tae BesJ-d'btll at Trenton has very large majority at this three- ciple of economizing space ta every- Mrs. Charles A. Grove. Mrs. George begin to enjoy the field* the ter too long the fumes make one sick Tbe Ladles' Aid Society of the Bap- Another eating contest w&» hel<^ E. R. WALKER 18 CHANCELLOR. tide on "Eating." Following ls ose of I practically put an end to the plan that thing. There Is no I•Pi tenths of on« per cent., the observance B MsxWhinney. Miss Jessie Kennedy. and dizzy. tist Church met yesterday afternoon yesterday by the same two Freohies hlsastorles: Matter of Pure'flome- |I#F woods and the sea shore. What except the actual necessities. *Bvery Trenton, March 21-—Vice Chancel- • East Oraase. Orange and Montclair of rules was partial, but any alljrht In- at the residence of Mrs. William Mer- II Miss Emma Urmston. Mlaa May Mac- a satisfaction It Is to have a rec- A novice cannot remain in a sub- inch of space is given over to machin- we have heard of before. This con- lor Edwin R_ Walker, of TrenGm, suc- "A few days ago I accepted an Invi- warklns on together for fract Ion was counted against the en shon In West Milton Avenue Whinnej, Mrs. Sidney Schultm. Mrs- ord of the pleasant scenes and marine under water for any great ery. This Is everywhere compact and test proved to be a doughnut conflict. ceeds to the chancellorship' vacated tation to ranch with the fcetr of one of disposal apart from tbe large plan to ploye's record. Walter Hall Miss Madeline Hall. Mrs. Fred If. Miller of Upper Railway, Made Randies & lee IsteJ of th« happy faces that come In- length of time without suffering ex- efficient, bat multiplied so often that Miller went dtfwn to his first defeat when Mahlon Pitney was sworn is asChicago's packers. ran a trunk sever through the P U Y. Oraham. Mrs. Florence Ocbiltree has removed from 110 Seminary Ave- to our lives. It ta such a simple cruciating torture. In time, however, one wondera' what it ls all for^ when bis opponent, Buddie Glendln- an associate Justice of the United •**Louls,' be -nld> after sale Valley, and thus portfy the P&a- TEST A NEW AEROPLANE QUN. M rs Ader, Hrs. John Brooks. M Iss nue to the Abbott residence In West matter to "snapshot" those one gets used to it, and a trip may be nlng ate one-fifth of a doughnut more States Supreme Court. «aic AJTOT, which now takes all the Fisher's I Bland, N. X•• March 83-— There Is machinery for running the the menu languorously, 'A sman por- Assorted €boc»late8 23 cents pound Eva Brooks and Mrs. Slater. one of enjoyment. Grand Street. than he did." • — Tbe name of Vice-chancellor Walk- ttv^v tn a raw state from this sec- In the presence of many United State* things that one wants to re boat, for guiding It under water, for tion of the clear soup, and please hare But it is when the submarine dives jMr. and Mrs. Geo. C- Oliver are en- The German 1A class has now been er was sent to the Senate by Govern- Chocolate Peanuts 21 cents ponod ttoa. Bast Ormnge, howeve/. has notarmy and navy offlcera on board member when on a trip or a controlling it when It dives, for com- Adolpb brush the ©dg» of tne * that the most unpleasant symptoms tortainlng as guests , relatives from taught to write dates In German-, or Wilson early Monday evening and the slightest Intent ton pt being driven bar»» off Fort Wright, a successful SUSTAINS SUNDAY TRADE BAN stroll. We have the Rah way pressing the air tanks, for operating with a «prt« of garlic. He forgot it Cocoantit Kisses 13 cents pound come. There are ten compressed air Philadelphia. der the 'direction of Miss Cornell. the appointment was unanimonsly ap- Iftto the trunk sewer project, from test *ai elven to a eun to be carried Trenton. March 31.—Tbat neither agency for the Eastman KODAK the power of vision above and yesterday. tanks supplied to keep the crew alive water. "Stewart Slalght of TottenviUe, is They will now be able to date their proved tn executive cession lust be- Peanut Brittle waUch it and the other xnunidpailtles by aeroplanes. It Is said to be tbe the coasUtutlonaJ nor common law Company and we can supply - 'And, Loots, a trifle of the 11 cents a good many hours. German papers ln the Dutch style. largest sun yet designed for this work, you wlthevery-thJng that you When caught In a storm ln a Yieltlng Marion Prank of East Rajh- fore adjournment fur the night. lrrer. Pleae aerre tt on the stood aloft, because the basis of right* of citizen* are violated by an But did you ever live on compress- j marine Ufo Is The teachers of the R. H. 8. had„ Chaflrwllnr WJilVwr- was—bora—te. and althmigh U Xaa Used twice, there Ordinance prohibiting "the"carrying; < -to*-oast of •traction jdr? Tf not, it will be a new een- feystfaer oweaklf Hiey Tennttmt. SI. . Cnn thA«. ttnwHnyesterdag »1y -\ Rochester, N. y., September 13 1863, absolutely no recoil, owing to UM) of certain occupations or basin; It consists of a series etrng- r pimento and gfapefnilt, lonls. 'i RAHWAV vnfsir. East Orange Is now work if you are fifty feet afternoon. It is reported that the where his father, DrC Walter Walker, delicate steel spring* on which lt 1" on Sunday, is the Judgement sites to prevent death being bat- m«w the orvsalBC. * Tfof»o Trrms; lag alone on a sch«m« of JU own, -and of the water. There FRATERNAL faculty win form a team, to .compete uctory- mounted. tered against wall* or te keep practised rasdidne- and surgery, but my,own oil and ray box ' ot so it aContclalr. Orange mast aoJvo Supreme Court exprek^ed Knights of Columbus— with the various class teams. tas) sma ot|f..•.....*.•.. to Commander Cl eland Da via. U. S. Also—Ffeesh Fruits am over the from ^becoming, in volt od -far fWpper^ xoe -u»Tor of tnaT Its problem 1 by itself. ion sustaining the o The meiabera ot ~HaTrwayf ConncH mold ««t ear drums and wheels and dynamoa the- home, of hi»^niaternal ancestors, J N.. of WaahinKton. Invented it. It U by PttU;raon regnlatlng Si r No. 1148, Knights ot Columbus, will at- th^ sej"WL " wooden daai «B a four Inch gnn, twelve feet long and Harpor*8 FAILS IN SUICIDE ATTEMPT. two ot vfeom w«re^oiHoefrs te WILL NOT RESIGN—CUTS PAV impoft * tm 100-t© $000 a year. H* ton and officially tested by the govern- to coaadl to pmas Wished 1879 school 7.80 ^ tt- Hospital in a oiUcsJ eosdiUaa. of tneUteWnuy & Uttle, tibm ttaa not yet rulgn«a. The cbnrcn ment. the Psterson charter Jj •;•-.•;• TfUEPHONE a| in C3ifln«*yT -WWte Mrvinr la tbe &0Y. Joseph C. Kulp, and While the gnn was receiving such a' in his opinion for the 0 -Royal Arcanum WIL P. Cnatjceiry offlee B© »tndi«d.I»ir wlta h&d teen promised to them, th© successful test, a new Curtis* biplane. amid m part: Abernetlir Cotmcil. No. 1607, Royal 13* Irvlno , N, J. the late ColoHel 8. Mer#dUB IMcMa- raerabers «!Klm. by the conference built for the army, was receiving an "It wlU be ohserred ^Ul.aa taterestlQs meetins mm, and afterward wlt!i Jndg% D. W. Vroanv Ha was admitted to Just dosed at Aabury Paric iml test at Augusta, Ga. The en-and immemorial at Lowest Prices Blent In Essex Halt Tbe Inltla- , fieottlsh Union and to the ROT. Mr. Kulp the church. gine worked well and there was no degreG, was ezempllfled on a class and PeBHsylvania Flf« the bar at pi» Jmi» tstm Gt tho So- as indicated b ythe prem© t ftataS for the Rer. Fred Uhl of difficulty in accomplishing the reqnlr- ty act, has been to >f canuldtttfes duriag tbe session. Ar- Aeeldest and, Plata sties* wmditt^ throat^ 4 two hour*' sustained flight. as a day of ret ^ TEL. 207-J

, • - - .«*

r ' .*h ' ?- A^ •' ». ''• i - w ! i« vi . y .^;jL'^it •••*[>• .r^Au j=:-ff%i ^ '•;' -i .ibV«^»iiihvi.iiW,!,irHLttfiStt.tfaHMt£^

stAKWAV DAU^ 1l*9ea^ffi^ j " ' ;,!__- •-- :^_..f'-/'''' ""^

NOTES. 91MCSR WINS PAMg jwtnx t* an extract from an sr- OAIi-Y FRIDAY MRS. L B T4GJE.

'n t:. U* > n rh- Vlinfi w.uniii's Home I?" C First Saturday of SprTh I "Trim*** T«o*p» so yvors ftjto ta > Neoa wQlct *• HI W Hour-Here in Women's mest. but \t was beyood bJm- i«.ir :' nnmTSTi»lc in proceeded to C«O ooe of tfc* Kl. bT Mr ^•' \ ;>-! •*T^eo irtij tile dict«i» dooT you tali s 1 tocet No Tailored Suits at $15 to $18.75 •0 ! folks "U kmv wft*« tt*» abootr n« body looked Going to do Some Tinning Jt3d$*. fcesuatoxOTVT . tald tn «~m as- J. C. Melick & Co. ^ -Borrow—bmC Ehixscs-D Work Novtlixed by too* of dtsapoolmtawot. V^": tea. ti' " w!w tbougjli kno-wc as d'Aa At each price arc unusual!> strong with bia «aai£m»tic cgMle. ""WeiL b*- I doot *ee tbe MA ICOQ fc» W ff«St t&» OCd<*T- m > prepared for the the nr*t Saturda> oi Spnng Modish tb* rnl*« doot require U." bijcr. * in bi* f »Jis studio, ii A meiQ t^ouis JOSEPH VANCE jroa tfctak tt L» tiiae to tt»T-e 166 Main St., Rahway* N. J. oT yoo naean feytba i T" TT*c«y of that Jok.*." **Saz I either." Dom Virajinlsi fun is one of the least of the virtue* of thes* handsora* til* wtlty consjcL ""Sot JOQT booor repaired* A a*w «is**t of - . 111 From the Play of the The coats are all ••! the newest two-button cutaway told tt to nae on ff t il*ilkk ed oeatly. "Tbl» t» ooe of j-onx er rxia pip*« or comxettom cosy b« _'«-ra ''tilj oa>« b**(** b*?r irlunipn ssf3s£ b* drw to tny oicuwaitw 1 gSm rreot&c*. teal tc. TrmceyT" »il UsAt t» rwqolred to- m*l» tt food n ' h* ^r with Tn< ••« 11riri' ." effect WINCHZUL SJGTH coociod*d to flT« t&e jok* « trtai by -!Li '.» only t*-nt> vw:» ol yo« hnrry siosj^. m dpea op fid voicily to ^ h; and z ra c *• fu I S tie is the tltco-" To Duacaui. ao« uaxwS 00 T&« *dx* CALL d*e Bocfflers. lrlio lTT*fl ta tl» 4 of as cpcnni*d box ta » corner of tb* btttstt't ifld tixe and •* eixbia* ninety century, cooJd break a bar store* came &n kS*a_ He dxvw a roD of rtfftt. •v \ . r U After H*»r • of iron *rt£b his hands. Tti* tcrcm^- nuenna from his poefcel aad ttztpoed off Our cftxra— ara »Mh .re-ir. occ eat man coo3d aoC take from bixo a beil to b« ctM to Tncey. whicti be held berweeo hl» thnmb ajsd AT ' '•u or un wnip-oxd. ftnaer WtilJe staadSn* o^- *^tto Graves' Livery •. t* «*>»*« with tli Ti «uiu "Gtrts -*« QsRxsJQy be eapcsrvd by ^ POPULAR CN BE^iCH T w1aj> TOO 00 support v&atsver. foor ttroo* sol-

• t Sc «5 as flrm as) a rock So^S^mesTTSF Fi « J • •\ x c i'r • r -u-1 - f -v ' £ <. ceally. am-iised oiaaseif'fay tm*t"y oa his shoul- 41 Inrinr St., Rahway RUNABOUTS end HACK Do yoa wxnt t» marry her T door ders his) own Iwarse, folly oaroeesed. f iseliiln sia ^%1Tsi 1 tsee St. T«L ttt^ i I canst hajdiy wait! OnJj." Th* boy ptttsaod w-ttA that bea-ry Used he pr SERVICE pqta5c samare. to tbe greet rmfij. so p«rty ta 1 of tbe lah*bttsjrt». At lo rrr** " toe much Tel. g5 11 j Irving Street, ,!*-,. New Waists tbe aasse ttm« tbere HT«d a acan^ Locsnroodn, bet rich «J1 do tlsat." Up Sale of mused Pleditx wbo cooid break tbe 11 IS L, 1 net I'm oaaiy tbe too of -GceA. th&z li be tlse boniest role of Rahway. N. J, ''^S^jji •a aB for mer A ibadow clooded Tra- •croQjgest hajideeff* that ccroM be pot r.-l an an' fat sj !. 1 f froci eey^ honeet eyea, "Bat 1 fot to do Itarc and ais wrists. He folded his anna M 1 1 tlmt way. aaywajr 1 can't s-it h^ to oc him cbe-»t. and ten men p^aittng tss *."harming pointed j.x'piuin • u-: \hc I :] - ' > Traceyr" Nat tntemspted and IM«M 1 co« ytt. I oust afford to get dUTerent directions wttn rope* r.expe«."*.e«! ^- - «1 t« rtunc .»t >J ftrmiy. "If ycu really wmat her s_od It not nnfoid thecv Aoyostos II . will C*a»w tbe raie* I f3-r« yoo tTv ft of Saxony. •""*-•» A man of great Al 1J •» i hiff-Ti wiMta with : "»*-ij» •>( .-.trifc«-'t a contrary wortd. Tracey. a coo WOMEN'S He cooJd curry a man tn his nifton tht- ialr-at f^ihior. noie - thr««s|wttir M trary world r si«fced Sat tn a too* of HEo*teat. Ur. Dimcmnr* Mm l«f*\>* ?<>->-d hl*h .-v I i.i r .-f plain n**t «!ihrr in :•..->•> tx. Tracey. Listen to deepeet melancholy FOOTWEAR -What mak« yoci say tbaf You O A. 1ST X> I I ••!•* brovv n • • r !• la. k TO Aad axpotaaded tin gil married » sooo 's yoa want to." *T>M Puppy'* F««it. TWO KILLED, FOUR HURT "Tfoa ctsink *a Tracey T" Au eatlia»!]LstJ»- f*rmini»x ^ enter- Men « Patent Leather & "AJi yoc grot to do s ask Josoe" — taining trteodj* b y reaillnjg U» U n«?« Gan Metal Shoes mostly For Home-made Candies to be abso- |5pp i i.,r:- ;,..,. fo; HI ""I'm aiioowt afraki you're rigtil." wbjch SberWau usdittxl to tee pu^py 1,500 New Waists. $1.50 with a (-anfc*ter tit*d to its tail I.*>rd Button, $3.50 and S4.0O IN NEW JERSEY WRECK ; Doo'i yea want to gil mar lutely PURE and FRESH you have to go to the Kt fi'iKHS t'«' I.KdK \OTK> wi .. , .A. ,,.. None Worth L«*» Than $2 Sotn« a» M«ch a* $3 Sho«s at ^2*75 If . :-*•-,; eil" — Vat scall^il — "Tio. "OonT tse- .",.ii • »o of ;'.-) : tjcuidr i.-laj- et s. * S\it wa.v » 'I J H JI i 1 Si 1 do, not )O3t now. at any ratft." k m<» bebuj Jaatly aaooj"* ! by tiie 1 i| 1 l~ lug Braocti Express Hits a •> • < ^>kfii • ".f Ij.iakr-tbuu Ct ur' f nnnrfc. Sn^rtdan d*sb**ry newest and pr«ttle»t uui but rruL*l»s ready for wear, of flne llnena. 1 53.50 and 54 OeSfao« Vn• .i nmior:iiii btjarinjt on lh« 1 Tail. lmajcinabi* . ut <>i\ su^ti R^od lines that ihej Ht a.J - . -•* 1 is rightto o u-('-na. $16.SO upwardj * sixes 14 to 18). - He grimaced ruefully beneath ha faJr L-ii*iy Ann •v ; i , . i, • < \f' 1 ' \ i u- U) i of the iniercl " ?!*• *'l tl> jcam** itJ***li waa* lii'tieSK- ITiuihioa's current h-ts turned toward Norfolks— and woo! at $9. m got a few mootns left. ' s hurt at • •.iiii. 1 K«i wu i il I'IHI)' o( K.i h \\ a v caas-ed much entbaslaam ou vou ou£ht tn se« the n«w styl«a .n whlt» sergre, blue Hundreds of little waak dre«*es <*ud comparison , shepherd's checks and auJtlrLg*. dreaaea very moderately prlced. i But wtwefore 1-2 Cherry Street i • i:u- !- .i ^»>p!',"iviv »• .in,!' m'!ia*'O i- iiart of the spectators ^;JWf t far f; .in S*-a.-»J*if I'urk ''lie We shall be fflad to have you examine crltlcsbUy So the winter wore away, and as - *n the half niil** In «-\f•*•* 11 **nt form He Younjy women's of H to 18 years. 11«.5« \V 1 lmoi. a former star of the New Ui« careful workmanship of the lea_st spring drew nigb upoo our valley Dun- Geo-Mclntj/re c£ooi: "replaced" Bol- ," 3-1-5 iM-d tiy 11 1 m " tru'u u*r at left forward for the Sophs and as n« had b«en In tne antnmn before TbaCa Uw» («ult of th« 147 Main Street pLn>6d an ^Tr^IT^nt g?\y^**. acortug four! Norfolk Suits In Attractive Models Here at $10 oil UlOUtb fleld goals Bechael. who substituted Dttncan orerd Sans to more hi* hotwe- Rahway, N. J. f ftOMPT HICK SEIWOE Of especially serviceable serge in blue or black; also m shepherd check, skirts from over tbe store to a. boose. He Flymg P«w«n of Birds. tntin \tultiujs Hi* \ fur Stead It* nt guard. also showed rate at which some birds can The »-'\ ftioihall i-i.i'-**! and •ap:;iln of I he I pleated to match the coats; white-center buttons. Sizes 14, 16 and 18. pointed run -«*oon'l tn tl iju .i rt **r-mil«* rn i eregular Sophomore team, put a high $2 Halcyon chants {Tid* a "Personal" ta tbe- 3a*» darfcaaas ovorhoad tt l*v In registerlnjc a victory for the That Would B« Seven styles In modtsta ions sometimes give ten-pozmry re- - 'ii I v ,• \ ;ir• 1 or ><•: forniam-i- is ?u I-, i a Ken us a • Copenhagen, old rose and a few In T 1 units is to *hn«wnghlgyy Ji black; sectional or accordion pleated *» th^ p*i?*«•«iju«»r trn 1 n. arm For the Juniors. Leslie played his $6 and $7 eye npoo was larse enoogn to of the actual dates of the departure from the blood all the imparitiesii . Kothing i ! <•> inn H-MIIK-I > uf i lu* v ai Hit y , flounce or knife pleated ruffl*. of the migratory birds In autumn than X uo«f broken run fuwter than I'Ver | of those of tbdr arrival earlier In the keep thebowefa, kidneys and the pu»4f*ajcvr tnvlo. hurt alx>ui Htnea at center added greatly to the ham family. tt la th« ftnsst plot In tfie town, bordering on two streets I it- fur** I f i) tM-*'p t heir tilt] p«> [ fancy braids, chip, pea- $3.85 Silk Pongee year, WB& this for obvious reasons. bvsr: conditioo asSCTH EJltXS, the Total number of points by accurate Graham fell in with the scheme with- aderrsl nmedy that has pioved iugnst Lake; ene-ltaff block from tbm ocean; beau0*tst pine gr«««; ill UMlS nut straw and hand- Petticoats at $2.50 out a murmur of dnbiety or dissent. The way In which our most dunning foul shooting. The Junior captain merfis the past 43 yeus. six eettaoes er bunQalewa* Can fllv« ffratdaaa laflnsiicea from \nhui Hu.ii he .-[ F)rot>ki>[i l» an made braid hats in NaturaJ color pong-e^ With •na- Whatever Mat nropoaed hi Sam's un- ten sflentiy skulk out of the behsdof SH threw ten out of 12 chances and also tional flounce and piping. try in the autumn to very dlfler- people wHe> knew thla property. Addreaa Wb&L truiu tu inhtr fn*>hnitti] fuin whom Rn»ut i hundreds of styles— derstandlnff was ri^ht and feasible, st SO cents par bottle. Give it» good trial i a d(led one field goal. Schenck. w ho from that tn which they make OVIT Intti the 1 and even if tt wasn't realty -so N«t and wstea your rheumatism disspp—r. WILLIAM N. ORAV, «r^ GUAHPOW*, M. J. tfcke tbe •wlii-h niii kuuwu The ofl\<-lul» of iitt pxj>t»rleurf :ia a rumii'i. but lu the ( Other Silk Petticoats ynnM m**k<* it mn. . They cngagel up well at forward and managed to one hat alike. With whea nnsyTYnn1n wtio full Tntt*r class nie<-t ho ran the fwo-j itonse- and moved. Uiss- Ann Sophron- could not tluit th«- »ult< i! rop tn two basket*), while Johnson aH» WTiltmarsfa, a maiden lady of for* with tsetr melodT««.—Wtedsor l&aga- iwciiti \ aid da.-*h In i ^t-nt > four a«*o- tailored bows, feathers left <

•-•ST.- Txrat bein* i^& ^ piHiipiM IITIIIM iui.iili7ij.ii;i-li.ii.i.IlMi XkStfattMaiLiiiiL^'hiii^ 3^^^^SppP^^^^^^^^|fg^

iV L .WWKAUV I V*aFHV , - ' ' -" i \ ' •• B*;M * i JOHN E. HICSH

SAKWiY OAILV RECC»O. PAGE Midway at the Panama-Pacfr Exposition FUNERAL DIRECTOR • o to i' 1 ' •••.'Ji'',W'il-'7i 1 .. •'• -:1'-v i*»iteC+ SO JT ISVIXO s . RAHWAT rr CONDEMN THE GUN * port .* nwn T!^ - Tint '^ 1 l Will Be the Most Striking a Original of AD I. D TBt-EPHONB » BUT EDUCATE THE USER t --Mil ^TS « coc- JTBW YOBK If Are : OL. . - 4 By HAMILTON M WRIGHT it* •' ? • v • L;M > if fc** - JOf D PHO'5TS !»«» SPRING ('WlNii tb-e i--aul«»*£u.p in.! «, • * <*. ^»» TiS-e :-i »s of t h* stale sv^cify * &* ts •IdU'-jifr> tii«r .iua'ors P«;-cip» '.a^r .uo>: o*" fiCM ai the country a.a*± Ui-eir exiea: of Ui* Jjuly S-t-cJily i by Wo- Thomas Jardine & Son ttca tl CikJil th< as* of iti-e r on J grots &L t " •* off t fa-e ;- "J^ Ms.- "Jl<-'. - gun* an •:•-•• JA .r. •»•»:•> ap Cc'd-a in $4 .Honansedts and CtmtXtTf 1 .'. • ' h* i3 ;• -it ;: oae. Sbo« wio a nf Evary - more jften stop- or by a-t!t!-ciai • ai#m '.ILS* it ts ao*- n«c»w**i" - us ortl-ej ^-o-l'.-o*! :a :i '•-• St. Gwsrt*'i A*e.. a«tr Grsad St., Troubl-es, n ir -. 1-;UA:e- •r Fels-Naptha Soap is more than a America's Greatest Funait help—it's a right arm in your fight against Plumbing Heating dirt. Tinning ^^^ WhilWhile YOtt t, I When you've soaped your clothes with Kahway, Feb-Naptha and put them to soak in cool a — -, Fr* :,- •*• or lukewarm water, you can turn to some- i' »»i * r-< •• • thing else or fold your hands and rest. TAILORING •*•-.' t )• -Y — -i The Fels-Naptha works on. Ladies and Gents (*-*!• t I 1 ' i*: i"' • It attacks the dirt in your cloches and Cleaning, Repairing, I: t*-.*- - - • dissolves it; loosens every tiny particle. Pressing \ 1 I *u; • • uusriDic* f>r tw»«i work *o«i quick THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE FOR THIS B' ' ' At the end of a half hour it has dis- -•«r v i PQS STDOOEB VXJ LAWTt, P05HTH, f t •JM. ! 49-51 MARKET STREET U- . 1. solved jdl the dirt. K. V. PLATTUAS LOW. COTTAGE. BOASDING HOUSES OS CTTT :. f The largresl assortment of rustic hdxkxwjy wmflm, r«ed» All that remains for you to do is to 34 Main St R*Jrway, N. J. New York Store—Block 8th Ave.—35th to 36th Sts 1RISSSOD n rub lightly, rinse and hang out to dry. SATURDAY BVBXIXO TILL 1O Clothes are whiter, cleaner, sweeter IXVITE COMPARISON than ever before. . WYES & SON And all this in cool or lukewarm wa- JAPAJTESE TSA QAKDEU IN OOLD£N GATE PARK, SAN FBJUffCISCO BEST LEHI6H COAL Red Tape HO J«p*n wilt m*k« tHs gr»*tsist «xhib«t tv«r ihewn from tt«i# P1*w«ry King ter, mind you. HARDWOOD SPICE CABINETS NO EXTRA Office, 92 Irving Street* MQ Strings NO Extra Charges 59c Value CHARGES ., ., • -r-A , > - in No boiling, no hot suds to stew over. to TOs Offer! RAHWAY, N. J. Advertised articles ?$& No back-breaking, knuckle-wearing You may furnish Accounts opened may be boaght tbousaiMlt will have an hard rubbing on the washboard. any room com- from $5.00 to or with other _ \\XAi they could have In uo other WJI > FDRNITDRE KGYED! pletely by paying $L,0OOU5O o n 29c at advertise prices WITHOUT CHARGES •to know th«*»r own • ountry better More than a million women employ small weekly Suit* en'ur>hui •» lu i lit Yoneinlte. t\w City or Country OF ANY KIND. ii uf 3C«l—I - I pp h lowmonc National part, the 29c of th«- iwrtla ^tii*t of Califurnin. the To make it—aid. you in Summer or DOLLit Size rtunltl*'a of 1915. to see ^00 4.29 &2S AAQ ...JL&5.-ASQLAJSL 1.65 1.O5 :vuich of the world nt n modernte ex- i^ndlture and under ooudltlona never Miller's Shoe Store before obtained. When the Panama T Housekeepers HUHEtTU 15 OO£DSH GATE PAfiE, SAN FRANCISCO. canal la tu operation ships will ueKO- is located SORROW OUR CASH Amid «*mltr«pioal Mttlna* will b« teestsd the . futures of the i-P»elfio International axpa«Itl«n to b« h«ld in San Pa»*lflr roust ports In less than tferoo and there you can get suited in shoes We are telling oar money out on In !91ft. I woeka' time \ a me bar la as yoor dealer sells 70-1 grocerW T- Ufp of tho ri for anyone in the family. slew, or cJoihtiig. or fnrnttoro; be most give yop flood valu« to hold your trade, on urounti ^'ualoo The t and we must jjlve reasonable rates and ut- •UM» v«lm« s» VsJv* "lit v»in« «14 V«Jn« « tttli cost ?l.lh^(Xd il'.Tiilf.t I.I tlre satisfaction tn order to do traslness. •!".in uttornev- U:K Here are some of our prices Our cbaryw are fair coowldering tli« OA- tnrw of -lie transact ton—Wr~imtirjB" 5.00 4.75 7.75 7.00 2.75 t.50 3,25 1.75 3.75 3.00 4.00 4.50 2.50 1.37 3.75 4^5 6M will shortly leave fot cost ODlysufllcleiit to fflv© as a reaaoa From NcvaiJa Men's Patent Leather, lace or button, marsln oo oar investment. Loans made n a few hours time, sail taMtetv -a guarantee not to breakthrough, $4.00 writ* or 'phone TTO R Elizabeth. WeIN button, best shoe on market for monev, $3.SO Fargo stniw drivers. samh!i»rs and nimi. pn>t*pe*'itor^. *tjoot- Elizabeth Loan Co. and boklurw will leud « risiU«;'" Ladies Tan or Black, Room 253. HBR»H HLI>O. cuinp latest style, lace or but- 3EUOAD PLOON.S07 Broad St. chief vliaruj of llurbor for most poople will Ho tu iw ton, hand made, $3.00 ELIZABETH, N. J. 5.0a 5.25 6.00 4.50 4.75 2.50 2.6& 1.45 1.25 1.29 1.39 I^5 1*75 2.1 3.95 •cttlajt In 8au Francisco tony A» iUf Office Hours 8 till « «row flies tho «lto oxtemls alone ttrc Ladies Special qualities l^atnrday* 8 fin 8 Refrigerator Sale Heather Bungalow Rocker «oter front tor about A tuik*> but foi or Gun Metal, lace or AN EXTRA MONTH 8 DI«COOMT lowlns 0»e Irregular contours of ihe Borrowers who hrrog in this advertisasftm $10.00 Uft T09 Refrigerator Actual $&M Value shore the distance-ia more than tbnt button, worth $2.50 when maklnj[ application for the onUro water's «4oe at Oar- Feb i s moa $1COO .now _ -_. _ _, $L2*Q0 HOUSE «TYU& hund. alone "wuleb • visitors way ^.uud un eflstlus lacooa will be Misses and , Children's the* baste of a eujwrb yacht liar- Shoes of . J»r. •Classic columnsIJWJU rise from James N. Taylor ^4 the water's edBC.and^ear by wilt be ••^•"•*!» greftt deposition- atructurtss. the JPolace-of TiHie^r Artg; ddtl All Kinds of bnhdlng:fa , the munufuctxireH build h or Box Calpfronjj 7 fetal «t* Vita* other edifices tUut *house'the 1 expoaiUon, a?. Tfie Trucking as anami ®pi$^;J»hia«$iitet, witb'lUXsldea thp wooded •r! Ladies* and Men's house S^ife^iweflTof the Presidio'and ththto tenant that will'strft anyone. ~ and ^^^^IliSlMns^.Sttft prancisco, U la now, ••^«J;1 ^SSKt*^ moat populous part of tbo city 13 not more Ihun twenty mlnutca' , -wMoro, lived the CAllf6rnla*B onr I Moving jSfgffi latoliiff flayi Looklnu down from the A GLIMPSE , SAH JS UB 1 1 o w$$$ * f?! ® co^,«OOy.? l; yer tbo Harbor • Chin, will _ «urtl&Ulftt th» Panama-Paol^e '^^W^^k&r- ^J^.% SS' yUnt^ttt,' while Ironi Harbov View «Mo<»Hlon it ©«H 70 Essex Street ..".3.,' -,^^7,™

••. .1 •*>-.Xt;^ 1 ^••i '. *.

)• '•• •: .'.L-jjj. •.^-,-'!\- 'SBS •' "iS^fa^ ^^pl.^l^^^Sili^^^^^^TO s^fiss^^^^^^^^^^ss. f trrr-rrrr •^.'"•*"J! '^L-i'"' .' '".'""" ..-"S" 1 1 : 'X •.." •'" '••V* ' "' '' '-' • "' •' ' ... . '••* ".'••••• t (" • '" " '"" '* •":.":'-'- .. '*:"..- •••CV * J^ WL..-^^ ^^^UUJ 1^^-^^ ^^-^^ -^^^.^ ^ J •• '^:c "'•^ "*^.W


ROTH-CO AS WE LIVE WE CROW Cotnfates In 's g Market I linden, Carteret, 14 Stsrcret Tel«pl»one 4O8 HMAN Avend, New Dover asd R. F. D. and Viciait* :i»2r-*ct M *i-e DO£:<~T These Specials for SI Friday and Saturday 3 SATISFACTION GUARANTED OR MONET RcVP Jers^ep H&vocate ONLY ^ We gfrm Bemt Premium and & & H. Green Stamp* with all ABSORBING THE RAHWAY NEWS-HERALD. THE SUCCESSOR OF THE UNlOV DEMOCRAT. ESTABLISHED 1 S 4 0. VOL. L NO. 186. ONE CENT N. L SATUFDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 23 ONE CENT SERIAL NO. l$t> Sale Sugar-Cured Smoked Specials - Friday - Saturday REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ARREST ANOTHER PAMNANOLER Ham Regular Hams—Special I4clb May Form Recreation Park T, JL FYFFE., Activity Is R«portare a sum of moo-ey. about plac«a wb**r° y-cMjn«Tsters could eo- IW? ia cona3»*eii su^cjreated : *i& part by house Roast, worth 24c pound purcha*e dozen 18c package 9c package 9c li not quite, to Sh«flff Wright s resi- ple. • •> \ d Ami ynn^g. t n thi d p ro jec t •vithir. -he ?•• >pe 1' :he Juuea ^ Police Ram^ev ro w ^om JI Gty Small Extra Special Fresh d«nc w . above, New Church Street. by Ma) ir Thomajs A and rNSTFUCTED BY ONE OF FIR* Mutton TRKEB T0" It f* rumored th*t the title £ tile se-nted it flse aext Cluster Table Domestic Oil Curtice Bros. I6c pound Abrum SlwrtweH of and that the oity the Common Council Ih 2Qc oft riff; iqg ui Determined tv Pvt # worth Me-—— Grau-d Street, who win taJre posses- smaJi appropriation for equipment, Mr Wright 9 ot the opinion thai ta tit* Compound Saam Kraut Phillip* Lmm Are LrrSeii to Co-operate With sion April 1 Mr iiaguire and family and :o a ro^d from Church ••>? her •;• roperr y ow uen* w:: 1 be II beral Stop to Practise of S«attena| 9ta*«a and cely 23 per c«t ta are removing to Elisabeth. Everybodyyy looking for this soj here's year chance Lardy lb 9c (mart 10c eon Poanoiers of to St Georijea Avenue The enough :o giv^ land for A park &sx-,ii\\ wa, '•*.111, J J Jeffries is erecting a shed in t us plant would include the construc- thus assist in making a mor- beautiful None Sttch Mine* Swiff* Borax rear Qf his property in Milton Avenue Gold Dust city 1 ast I33.S Potatoes 69c J2£, for the purpose of building and re-tion of A few rustic bridge*, the piant- t'hi«f if Po!;<*i- Kail .-' •• A:*-1 > Fancy Meat, pkjf 8c Soap, cake Majror Thomas A F*yffe Em tasales for th* ctir large pkg 19c pairing his boAta Every h.ou»e in D of Gr te*t se.> 4*>i n,; ••-f n.ui j rrea t ed Sah Pork cosatr^ctw* of a !&Jst? on Rjihway to Stew Veal Forequarters East Milt on Avenue is rented before potmd river. Wkea Interviewed on Lll-e sub- r*.i oo*i «trartJoc during the 14c pound 14c Lamb, lb 12c completion *" I OOQ Id reo t as many y. M. c. A, INGE CONCRETE who dia patched Fatnilman Smi'fi Jr wltt> for the ject by •ffl-dals of the Board of Trade Vea 1 / Vea 1 / more at once if I had them said Hamilton S'rvt*:. w!i«»i-»» ^'hi^f Ram in ^ Fresh California f ?% and others interested in the project **»« Tears o* Fresh Shoulders Boneless Bacon Mr MuddeU yeaterday .:\PS in 'h»- meati'imc Roe**- ^ Big shipment MUk Fed Veal Snow White ^ Hams, pound t /U*l pound 13c pound 15c he state*! that ihe plan &a outlined FOL s&^i w4th his hearty appTt?va i and U J-* reyoFi^i to1 '< H\i action-!* I j i.U'f ioh :^ \V bur *-h*» At a saving of 4c a pound that the scheme waa one which would barber has rented he butKiing in lr Big Mixer m Operation at i erf tfc« moat widely r^ad »tort«a 1 Close 1911-12 Season With v- ry sudpu" ' *j..-» Z,*•! y-flre years were Rump Veal 18c lb or the fropoaed dam U show Q, It is also reported rha; James 8 428 F&r Oppo&eets Others Ready ror Use. ; ^ Little Sis*pii*r4 of an-t v STAMP SPECIALS STAMP SPECIALS which will convey a general idea of pi] h ! !r ;>i;tci or ." aad "Tbe TrtJI of th« Purber h&s pnrchsLS^d from Sher'.f 'i - i rs W h**n he j \ • p**;\ ;'i"<1 \\ ' h«* '>.•* c U 80 with each can GentrcU Baking the constraction of the dam. WuiJ their victory over '.he Cube on The big coacivte mixer * h :s be- or Ptn*.~ by Job a For, Jr In book Shoulders Veal 14c lb 10 with each 3 pound box WHiiam H. Wright the Stdnev Hul Powder - - 45c property I as i Monday night, the Y M C. A »r^i ep of or i-atiM to be Jerom« Starch 15$ The Board of Trade haa sent today, mg used in th«- preliminary m his •Tvert-ow.r p*"x*k*»* and said that fiani th-ey v«rw long listed imooi the -1'. >' r 11' u' »tra%vead I'pnipjiny'a mg hoth hands -ind arnis found >r upon any doorstep aj\y Oats . . If, to the vicinity of the proposed *oorfe^(!p«»rfi»<*t!%> normal .md rather piece of paper circular, card or ptun- Stewing Veal Federated Women*' Club* Will Meet :tabl«? showing. A slump ia the mid- the yeCT. will commeace in 12c lb anv mixture - - 5Oo 10 with each bottle Vanilla lake a letter, explaining the project b ra w n •• phl«»i and ne«*n drinking circular, card or pamphlet." SO with each 1-2 Ib Best Tea any to pull their record down. As it i—tnjeo—tnl'g***4—Mwt- do poo t ted to- tfe^ e^- of the story This Is a story of Veal Chops Extract . - 15c H. Roberta- in £hn JLv«xme- «w- wjsicli- HeavfTy in3" Dow Ue Tiild" ^•••-•T31 16c, 18c, 20c lb' i Yeeterday Herman Grtea of Qrtes mixture - - 30c "Dear Sir: — tie federated w omens clubo of stands they axe credited with seven 10 with one bottle Worcester v t cuvation for the foundation of the the only way he could stop was to Brothers seat Zelmam and » ammll boy SJ-« brought tn contact wtth 20 with each 1-2 lb Choice Tea victories and six defeats. They ha e OUT JS TS$ *&aSTry "Way" from ffi^ totaled SOI points to tneir structure ai iMa oat to distribute handbills. H* admit- i of rbe HTne anv mixture - - 25© Sauce - - TOc •ad yet tttronyn its midst tlon of a league for city im- boys He said thac he a painter 428 Orr proved their beet point get- A aimtlar mixer is being made ready ted tn court rhat h« had instructed) main lnr«»n*«t of the plot 15 with each 1-2 lb Good Tea 10 with each six cakes Laundry flows tiM Rahway River, hitherto provements- A. paper on this subject by trade, but that he had not worJted a-boot a boy an-1 glr! of T h* hills ami ter. The records follows: at the Commerce Street crossing and to distribute the circular* at anv mixture - - 20c Soap - - 25c negfectetl, wM«h wttl* a ttttle effort will be read by a prominent resident ar the trade since November as he had the hous*n of the city The circular* S> boy and girl of the plains. It ta thetr \ Seniors 38, K_ O. K. A. 17; Seniors will be started probably on Monday. could be *aade into a beautiful oat- of tne city. Those interested ia the been in a hospital. It developed that or handbill* were large pink sheets dtwrelopment from a crude childhood 20 with each pound Progress with each two packages 40, Tottenville A. C. 36; Seniors 47, h-e oral wmter coarse, adopted to boating movement are not yet certain as to The mrrer at Avenue is and were placed on doorsteps. In g&ur- to wiser maturity that enchains in** Blend Coffee - - 35c Soap Powder 10c Mariou A. C. 38; Seniors S9, Wander- ward "f St. Joseph's hospital in Tren- Peoples' Gash Groeei in smnner and skating in winter, af- the outcome of the meeting, but they one of the latest type, and Its ooera- bee ween fence pickets of houses- Th*ti ar«* real i^opl**. »a up 20 witk each pound Mv & j. Best Ha~~fe<*rear4pn Jj5"fS$~ of Eltaaooth 24; -Soaioro 3 tea wTj«r*i Tj«?~ p"ad flie- with each Three pounds oT '. nope tfiat~a 'cfvic league or" tion was watched Interestedly during and placed behind doorknobs. Desk and K>va&4* tus i'oad or Jtirw Coffee - - 30c thoasan4s residing here. With the- cent A. C. 41; Seniors 29. Elizabeth mens After be wan released h« was ot Fox's previous stories Ther»* ar*- Carolina Head Rice 25G , to act possibly as an auxiliary to ' the afternoon by & large aumber of Senreant William KinneaHy found on^ We want cash buyers id©a tbat^Sfp" ^stabiiahing a dam in thj ethe Board of Trade, will be formed J employed aa an orderly at the hospit- tfr&xnatlc action, humor. 8«?nttnient an.j Ra v A. C. 24; Seniors 35, Cubs 32; Seniors residents. stuck In the balustrade of a front T i North BrwacbiHof the rkJ? ;3^ River al until March 4. when he began pathoa. ami aoiiM-t hla« of political IU Wednesday, March 27th, Double Stamps on all purchases paid at store ' and that some definite plans will be - Tbe machine has a capacity of ap- porch and brought It to the police Just above the 'Grand Street bridge, 34. Tottenville A C. 68; Seniors 54, drinking heavily a^ain. moll. It fs a story near at hand tn un- at cut prices and save formulated for the betterment of the proximately 500 yards ot material per Marion Chief Ramsey and Caance- the water wooid be raised two to Tottenville A. C. 24; Seniors 36, Mont- people and Interest -a picture of mod- city. The meeting U called for 3 > day. this, of course, depending largely "I knew I waa drinking too hard. man Hughes later saw Zelman and three feet, it is thought that ample clair Y. M. C. A. 52; Seniors 23, Cubs ens Kentucky Illust rat ions by F. < \ o'clock. ! on the rapidity with which the cement Judge. ' he aaid, "and I knew that the the boy with the handbills and the you money. depth would be given tor aquatic 32: Seniors 32 Cube 21. Yohn and sand are fed to it. only way I could quit and make «. told Hughes to watch them sports without causing the river to Ga. O. F. T.P of myself would be to get out DR. FRANK MOORE TO SPEAK. The feeding at this mixer ia done by "whUe he returned to the offlee to look, overflow its present banks. In other Boyne 11 62 7 131 country and get away from the.*1 wheelbarrow jrangs. The sand and city ordinance coreiing this- COULD HAVE SAVED MONEY words the channel of tbe river, though Voung 12 46 3 95 on tbe corners. So I started td- Specials for Saturday and Monday Superintendent Of Reformatory WUl cement are dumped into a large hop- and the boy went ap Elm You can savH money hv np*-ntitns It deepeaM, would beJwpt entirely with- 6 10 0 30 to Newark or Jersqy City wfagj Address Mast Meeting in Newark per, which, •TCTIaf right, as welt a« by ]a> Inj* it aside : 4- -»-—0~tw Strictly fresh Eggs 23c doz Dr. Frank Moore, the superintendent has been inserted. Is raised by steam could get work at my trade and raultl '" ' yft went after the mai and For Instance 'litre are many people MA1N-ST.; wlthoat snbtaGrging any property. A. Armstrong 4 12 0 24 a man of myself." "^ ^ but could not locate them. •who do not hu\ 'h>' rl»;ht m«*dlcln« f« r of the Rahway Reformatory, will de- Ayres 110 3 power to the mixer, from which it la Our Fancy Creamery Butter 33c Ib **Tse Rahway Board of Trade Is en- liver an address tomorrow afternoon Rose admitted that he had been ar- 'iJtter Ctianceman Hughes went over their ailments, ao.l i ay out many dol- Ritzman 1 10 2 dumped Into a large bucket and then deavorinsj * to carry this project at the mass meeting to be held In the rested twice before In Trenton for In- Aveno© and flaajly found Zelman- l&r* befurf th«?> It-am Just what 10 do Good Table Butter 30c Butterine 20c Orr . 13 86 4 174conveyed by derrick to its destination. through as it believes that not only . of hoy« of, |,TI ^al- T^.eJracket and mixer have a capacity toxication, but said that he never corner ol Mra. Alex. Duma^, ut.. M,«iyn< N. D. Armstrong «- * -t to jot! for* the ehargea. His nerves -Why net buy the best bo»0 Medal Flour, $6.35 barrel is tbe project Justified by the results Hall, Y. M C. A. building in of one yard of concrete. A yard of and Maple Avenues and placed them T. knows ihls now She says "A Fiero 12 3 0 6 today were In bod shape and to give Obtained In giving the people of Rail- that city. The meeting will be held this material makes a fairly heavy under arrest, having seen them in the- rcry heavy cold settle splendid tonic" Bailey's Sugar Cured Hams 14c Ib cement or not using a, sufficient Quan- a tough struggle last night In arrest' the products of snch well-known offering of shoe styles for wo- crrty ftloas that branch of the Railway years and was for five years president the First BaptistTchurch ,arc making ing William Lake, a young man whoute the bills from house to houao. Hor When you buy Vlnol for your cough, Bailey's Sugar Oured Bacon 14c Ib tity. Under present conditions tfte however, made stftmg objectSoBS manufacturers as GEORGE E. men. Shoes made by QUEEN river will Join Is th«?undertakin& tne of Penninaton. Seminary. plans for their first an mi R I banqnet, concrete is bound to be up to stand- liven on Westfleld Avenue and wbo •r to but Id you up, you are setting Mason Jar Cocoa 23c Toilet Paper 3c or 9 for 25c KEITH, RALSTON HELTH; the arrest of his man and said QUALITY and GEO. E. KEITH Board ot Trade respectfully asks yoor During the services C Henry filarle, which will be held on Thursday eve- ard. was charged with creating a disturb- tfte best remedy that can be had and 6 quart Basket Apples 20c 6 quart Basket Turnips 15c CLARK A MUTCHINS CO., and such an ordinance would Your choice will be Correct and othera. — Help tow^ the flnecess of the pro-tenor, wiU render selections. All men ance in his home. Lake defied arrese wfn not need to experiment with any other dependable manufactur- ject. interested in tbe welfare of boys and aing» May 16. The largest and most interesting newspapers to atop-t&e. Lemons 17c doz Oranges 15c doz mixer, however, is that now f being and made attempts to escape after he •filers. We guarantee Vino) to do if you Select Your ers- These shoes represent ex- We are very particular that young men of Newark are Invited to Efforts are being made to have a livering papers to snbscrlhnw you good, and will give back your Mixed Nuts, 13c or 2 lbs 25e English Walnuts 16c Ib -1st. "Oft tho understanding: that erected at the junction. Thla^fttt to was arrested and-ft was only alter a ceptional value and guaranteed an accurate fitting of th« foot ike pTHpm*& dam wffl keep the waterattend the meeting. number of prominent men present on Money If you are not well satisfied. Parties having horses will do well to call and examine quailtv at a great extent be operated automatl*hard struggle' that he was brought to Chief of Police Hamsey slid this Is made with every sale. of the river entirely within the pres- that occasion. Charles R. Scott^ statei cally and* wfll be electrically driven. Police Headquarters by the patrolmen; Wai. M. Davis. Main Street. Rahway. my stock, Hay, Straw, Oats, Grain, Etc., sold at cut prices A BILLIARD GAME TONIGHT • secretary of boys* work of the Y. M. morning that the police department ivs.5 ent tan&» atid wiQ not rabmergo any In this machine the materials will b» ,Tfce case Is being tried tfils afternoon PROPOSALS FOR FIRE HO8E of. yocg gr other property, will yon A same of poefcet billiards will be had been trying for. two W get the" d«Tft«t -VBB OOMMOTTHB ON FIRE AND to tha- erection ot aame if played this evening at John Leonard's Word was received teat evening at cafe, West Grand and Ireraote-8treetg dropped Into the machine by gravity. from oat or town, who WATER of the COMMON COUNCIL to yon? out of towa win be C. Flood,vtlie trt batlar elfciUaf OF THE CITY OF RAHWAY, N. J-. between Joseph Gallagher, the_enafife ^fe Jtev: the jjojjee stattoa that yoUna; Lake 2a*. **wm_aroa doaat» to the City was creating a- dutorbaaer- at to Bottt© agaittat tte «£U receive proposals to turn lab the BrooklleW . —„ gwyiw' %P pton of Rahway. and James Watir of N. A. j^errttt Jr. of KSw-Branswlck, a home OB We*tfl«ld Aveaae anc«. Air the Imw FTRB DEPARTMENT of tbe CITY OF i The game vtn be cafled at former pastor of tB&. chorefiu Local Bond, Grand and Monroe Sts.t Rahway (or more or lew. according speaker trill1 al«ar ha-rhesrv, Jt% os^Discuss Plans r«r Observance off men jgm|ttt were seat of this ordliun» mtt|^1b*^^ •ili SAHWAY with Fifteen Hundred a- • -• • •* ' v r r with th© *. - w» t M«meri«r Day1» t?I^ "~ 0&6een extinguished fag- Mann and Davis tant and mmeg ot propeFtyv time bids will be opened In the is'ework. March. Z%~—Battalion Chief Dr. Poisner Shoes for aflfl:»wsjk¥«i«ai8ft €E£mbers ot the Common Council. iound evidences of turpentine. Thero «wentlal to matttrs were dBcassed p» William Kxall of the Newark Fire coa, a* were also RIGHTS reserved to reject any* or Deyartmtmt, asked Capt. 1.'. Albert waB also excelsior packed back of the and HATTERS runned goods on Hue shelves. mil bids. Gesser, Superintendent of the Bureau schoo!, AMnieth White, Chnrle* Sow- dash to escmpe the ofn^e**; but ps> it .Ywttfd •*w By order of the Common Council. "To Men Who Care" 1 James Martlne cam© in far of Combustibles to Investigate the Under the allspices of tho Bachelors' Bated March lCtn 1912. ' circumstances of a fire that did $1,000 Club another successful social ant' a deer. • He gwblwsdi_*«M»j WRcyMJtwwi JW EDWIN T. VALENTINE. damage to the grocery store of James danco waa held laat night In Vnlun James flcCollu JJM&& will- be B*#«a | QLIFTORD B. QEHRINU, Galate at 424 Bank Street late Wed- 9 Cherry Street Hall. The floor was w$Jl Oiled all the , * OiflORGE M. GAGE. nesday night. Chief Bxall reported'to) evenlnR. about Bitty couples being ; . Committee on Fire and Water. Capt. Qesser that there were two dte- Rahway. N. J. J,P Xj present. Music was fu en Is bed by Mar- 114-120 Main St., Rahwi Mch 16, 18, 19. 20. 21 33 23 26. Unct fires In the otoro.whon tho fire tin *a orchestra.

•:1V. . \* fMSBs