Teaching Outlines & Notes 2021 DAY 1 SESSIONS

9:00 AM “Stake in the Ground” | Fouad Masri

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9:15 AM “: The Man and Messenger” | Ali Reza

Commenting on the prophet of and pointing to Jesus


Qur’anic Verses: Sura 33:40; Sura 3:19


570 The birth of Muhammad

576 Muhammad’s mother Amina dies, leaving Muhammad orphaned; Abu Talib cares for him

610 Muhammad claims prophethood in Arabia Khadijah confirms his call

622 Hijra (emigration) – Muhammad escapes from to Yathrib (). date the beginning of the Muslim era to July 16, 622, the first day of the lunar month in which the Hijra commenced. Notice the date is not the prophet’s birthday or the revelation of the Qur’an, but the Hijra.

623 Muhammad raids caravans and leads military campaigns 632 Death of Muhammad


• List some of the good deeds of Muhammad: Taught One God Taught to follow Jesus Stopped infanticide Women’s rights Stopped warfare United tribes

• State the effect of the Qur’an on the Arab culture.

• Stress that only Christ was sinless from birth.

Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

• Show from the Injeel (New Testament) that Christ was the Redeemer. • Read Hebrews 1:1-2

• Ask if he/she has read the Injeel (New Testament) and offer one as a gift.

“In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in vari- ous ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.” Hebrews 1: 1-2

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

9:30 AM “The Wives of Muhammad” | Safeeya

Aisha – the saddest name in history


Women’s status in Islam is one of the most serious issues of our time!

Education entered many Muslim countries due to the efforts of Christian missionaries. Although many Muslim women are educated and involved in the professional arena, the majority are still illiterate, hidden, and treated as property.

This is an overview of what the Qur’an, Hadith (traditions of the life of Muhammad), and Sharia (Islamic Law) discuss about women and their role in a Muslim society.


Surah 4:34 “As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first); (next) refuse to share their beds; (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience seek not against them means (of annoyance): for is Most High Great (above you all).”

Surah 2:228 “Men are a step up from women.”

Surah 2:282 “The testimony of two women is equal to one man in a court.”

Surah 30:21 “Women are created for Man, just like other beings.”


Muhammad and his Wives

1. Khadijah: A Christian by birth from Mecca. Muhammad did not remarry until her death.

2. Sauda bint Zam’ah: A widow with a son who had been among the emigrants to Abys- sinia.

3. : Married her at age 6 or 9. She was his favorite wife.

4. Hafsah: The daughter of Umar, whose husband was killed at Badr.

5 & 6. Umm Salamah and Zaynab bint Khuzaymah: Married both in quick succession. Zaynab died, however, within three months of her marriage to Muhammad.

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7. Juayriyah: A young woman of the Banu Khuza’ah, defeated in an attack by Muhammad. Her marriage became a ransom for the whole tribe who were released immediately.

8. Zaynab bint Jahsh: First cousin and wife of Muhammad and therefore considered by Muslims to be a Mother of the Believers.

9. Mariyah: A Coptic slave woman. Out of all his marriages, Mariyah alone bore him a child, a much-loved son named Ibrahim, who died after 18 months.

10. Umm Habibah: The daughter of Abu Sufyan, who had also immigrated to Abyssinia.

11. Safiyah: A Jewess, who lost her father Huyayy, her husband Kinanah, and both her brothers during Muhammad’s assault on the fortress at Khaibar. Muhammad wed her the same night.

12. Maymunah: This widow was his last marriage.

13. Rayhanah (usually left out): A Jewess. There is some doubt as to whether she ever married Muhammad.


What issues need to be addressed when ministering to Muslim Women?

Muhammad is the model husband according to Islam. How might we help Muslim women see the difference in the teachings of Christ?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

9:45 AM “Muhammad and the Qur’an” | Rani Espanioly


• Paganism in the Arabian Peninsula • Ka’aba was a shrine for idol worship • Church divisions


570 The birth of Muhammad

576 Muhammad’s mother Amina dies, leaving Muhammad orphaned; Abu Talib cares for him

610 Muhammad claims prophethood in Arabia Khadijah confirms his call

622 Hijra (emigration) – Muhammad escapes from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina). Muslims date the beginning of the Muslim era to July 16, 622, the first day of the lunar month in which the Hijra commenced. Notice the date is not the prophet’s birthday or the revelation of the Qur’an, but the Hijra.

623 Muhammad raids caravans and leads military campaigns

632 Death of Muhammad Age of the Rashidun (rightly guided leaders)

655 The Qur’an collected by Caliph Uthman ben ‘Afan Ridda Wars and as first Caliph

Inspiration and Revelations:

• Who is Jbreil? • Who copied the verses? • What ayah or Qur’anic verse was eaten by a goat

Role of Aisha in the Qur’an

The manuscripts of the Qur’an today?

How might we be able to use this information to move the conversation to the Gospel?

Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

10:00 AM “Understanding Muslim Beliefs” | Keivan Tehrani

The basic beliefs of Muslims everywhere


Islam as a religion derives its teachings from two primary sources: The Qur’an and the Hadith.




Belief in God

Belief in Angels

Belief in Prophets (Sura 2:136; Sura 3:84)

Belief in Holy Books (Sura 5:44-47)

Islam teaches that God sent four holy books that must be read and studied by all Muslims. Tawrat Book of Moses* Zabur Book of David* Injeel Book of Jesus* Qur’an Book of Muhammad

*Muslims do not possess these books; they are only referenced in the Qur’an.

Belief in the Judgment Day

Belief in Fate

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10:15 AM “Understanding the Rituals of Islam” | Sara Abdalla

How Islam’s ritualistic structure can never be a means to salvation.


Islam claims that there are specific rituals that act as pillars in the religion of Islam. Mus- lims are required to perform them in obedience to God’s command. In the West, with the influence of evangelicals, imams have begun describing the rituals of Islam as “spiritual disciplines.”


1. Al-Shahadah: Creed

2. Al-Salat: Prayer Ceremony

3. Al-Saum: Fasting

4. Al-Zakat: Alms

5. Al-Hajj: Pilgrimage

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10:45 AM “Roots and Wings: The Spread of Islam” | Rani Espanioly

The spread of Islam: Islam’s foundation, rapid growth, and influence on the world today.


Islam as a major religion has impacted whole civilizations through its military and political structure. To understand Muslims, we must have a clear understanding of Islam’s histori- cal and cultural influence throughout history.


• Paganism in the Arabian Peninsula • Ka’aba was a shrine for idol worship • Church divisions


570 The birth of Muhammad

576 Muhammad’s mother Amina dies, leaving Muhammad orphaned; Abu Talib cares for him

610 Muhammad claims prophethood in Arabia Khadijah confirms his call

622 Hijra (emigration) – Muhammad escapes from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina). Muslims date the beginning of the Muslim era to July 16, 622, the first day of the lunar month in which the Hijra commenced. Notice the date is not the prophet’s birthday or the revelation of the Qur’an, but the Hijra.

623 Muhammad raids caravans and leads military campaigns

632 Death of Muhammad Age of the Rashidun (rightly guided leaders)

655 The Qur’an collected by Caliph Uthman ben ‘Afan Ridda Wars and Abu Bakr as first Caliph

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656 A civil war between Ali and Mu’awiya ensues, resulting in the division of Islam: Shi’ites – followers of Ali Sunni – followers of tradition – Mu’awiya

661 The Umayyad Dynasty (Al-Umawiyoun) begins

711 The Muslim conquest of Spain

732 Charles Martel defeats Muslims in the Battle of Tours Advancement in astronomy, mathematics, optics and chemistry in Arab Spain Political and military advancement as Arabs conquer other cultures

794 The Abbasid Dynasty (Al-‘Abbasiyoun)

1258 numerals of Indian origin are used in Baghdad. Greek philosophers and scientific books translated into Arabic by Greek-speaking Christians under Arab Muslim rule. Al-Chwarazmi writes a book on equations and coins the term “Algebra.” Arabs borrow Indian numerals, including zero, to multiply by ten. Astrolabe is perfected by the Arabs. Arab physicians mention infectious diseases in medical books of this era. Advancements are made in astronomy and physics.


Many cults and Muslim sects began during this era (i.e. The Druze)

1258 Mongols overrun Baghdad and destroy its library. 1453 Constantinople falls into the hands of the Turks 1914 World War I – Colonization of the Muslim World


1939 World War II 1948 The Liberation War – The birth of the state of Israel 2001 9/11 – WTC and Pentagon and Pennsylvania – Islam’s attempt to control major Western countries in the political arena

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Will the Islam of Muhammad survive?

Since September 11, 2001, Muslim leaders and imams have been forced to reevaluate Islam and the teachings of its leader. The Muslim world is going through a major dilemma.

2010 Arab Spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

The resurgence of Islam today is primarily based on the following factors:

• Failure of the Church to invest in reaching Muslims who are thirsty for the Truth • The reaction of Muslim immigrants to the decadence of the West • The political use of religion for personal gain • The last resort for Muslims before abandoning their oppressive religion

Christian Witness


• Muslims and globalization • A new awakening – Muslim encounters with Jesus • Lessons learned

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

11:00 AM “Digital Tower of Babel” | Fouad Masri

The Information Age on a digital platform

Is it information or opinion?

Where do I check the facts I am reading?

Muslims, Social Media and Faith

Searching for Hope

How might we use the digital platform to introduce the teachings of Christ?

What are the necessary changes to impact Muslims in “closed” or creative access coun- tries?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

11:15 AM “What is Shari’a?” | Ali Reza

The religious apartheid today

What is Sharia?

Sources of Sharia?

Countries that practice full Sharia

Women in Sharia Islam hold the honor and shame

Al Hudood 2:187 – rules and regulations 2:230 – disastrous solution to any marriage

Christians and Jews in Sharia

Jizya: What is it? How much? Who decides when and how much to pay?

Dhimmitude: Why? Christians are capable of providing for themselves.

ISIS and Jihad against non-Muslims: Is Sharia right today? Quran 7:55 and attacks on non-Muslim property

How might we transition to the teachings of Christ due to the deficiency of Sharia Islam?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

11:30 AM “Women in Islam” | Sara Abdalla

Ministering to women and families in Islam



• Women’s status in Islam is one of the most serious issues of our time! • Education entered many Muslim countries due to the efforts of Christian missionaries. Although many Muslim women are educated and involved in the professional arena, the majority are still illiterate, hidden and treated as property. • This is an overview of what the Qur’an, Hadith (traditions of the life of Muhammad), and Sharia (Islamic Law) discuss about women and their role in a Muslim society.


Surah 4:34 “As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first); (next) refuse to share their beds; (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience seek not against them means (of annoyance): for Allah is Most High Great (above you all).”

Surah 2:228 – Men are a step up from women. Surah 2:282 – The testimony of two women is equal to one man in a court of law. Surah 30:21 – Women are created for Man, just like other beings.


Muhammad and his Wives


• Equal in religious responsibility • Women are expected to perform all duties of Islam. Nevertheless, the husband reserves the right to disqualify her from entering heaven. • Unequal in social status >> Women’s world revolves around the men’s world


• Unequal in marriage >> She is one of four wives at a time. • A wife may not have four husbands. • Unequal in Family >> Motherhood is the only role in the family structure.

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• Reasons a Muslim man is allowed to divorce his wife: Unable to bear male children Physical beauty and age Housekeeping Conversion to another religion


• Pleasure marriage or temporary marriage


• In Arabic, hijab literally means: a covering or something that separates two objects. • Historically, we cannot find a command for women to wear the veil. The hijab in Arabia might have been used to distinguish a free woman from a slave so that no one would molest her.


• Issues with modernity • Issues in politics and education • American women married to Muslims

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 3 SESSIONS

11:45 AM “The Many Faces of Islam” | Keivan Tehrani

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

12:00 PM “Baraka Baraka Baraka” | James Cha

Understanding Folk Islam, its widespread practice, and how it paves the way for the Gospel


• A blend of Islamic monotheism and animism. They are doctrinally Muslim, practically animist.

“In folk Islam, people in everyday life are believed to be at the mercy of evil powers: spirits, ghosts, demons, evil eyes, curses, and sorcery. Their only protection is to seek the aid of Allah, angels, saints, charms, good magic, and other power.” – Paul Hiebert

“The ordinary Muslim understands the power of the Qur’an to heal, or the use of the rosary to divine and guide. He needs to discover that Christ can heal, can give power, can defeat demons, can speak supernaturally to man to guide him.” – Bill Musk


• That the seen world is related to the unseen world. Therefore, humans can be controlled by spiritual forces.

• “Baraka” means “blessing”- Blessings of Allah is what is sought after on a daily basis.

• To attain this baraka the system is based on people or events that can manipulate God to invoke his blessing.

How might we use this concept to shift the focus on Jesus and his power?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

12:15 PM “Something Old, Something Blue” | Fouad Masri

Mysticism in Islam


• Everywhere! Among 3/4 of the Muslim population.

Powerful Places, Powerful Beings:

Mecca and Medina Allah Cities of prophets Satan Tombs of prophets and their wives Angels / Demons Mosques or shrines Dead prophets Tombs of holy men Dead Imams/Mullahs Ancestors

Powerful Times, Powerful Objects:

Islamic festivals and holidays Amulets Local festivals Charms / Blue beads Rites of Passage: birth, circumcision, Hand of Fatima engagement, marriage, pregnancy, The Qur’an birth of firstborn, death The Shahadah Visions and dreams Calligraphy of Qur’anic verses Sunrise or sunset Islamic rosary

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 1 SESSIONS

1:00 PM Day 1 Breakout Session

Breakout Leader(s):


Breakout Session Notes

Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

9:00 AM “Conversations Count” | Fouad Masri

Basic attitudes and foundational knowledge for sharing with Muslims

Guidelines in Sharing Your Faith

A look at Christ’s model of compelling evangelism.

We are to share Him! – Matthew 28:18-20

A Woman from Samaria – John 4:1-41



• Where did you find this information? • How do you know it is true? • Have you read the Injeel? • What do you mean by that? • What happens if you are wrong?

Bible Verses


Stories / Bible Stories



Gift-giving and Prayer


How can you learn from Jesus’ interaction with the woman from Samaria? What methods do you feel most comfortable using in ministry?

Conversations lead to conversions

Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

The Levels of Conversation:

1. Physical Level

2. Religious Level

3. Miraculous Level

4. Spiritual Level

5. Salvation Level

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

9:15 AM “At the Well” | Jenny G.

Meeting Muslims where they are


The Messiah Jesus is our model in ministering to people The incarnation is the greatest model: Philippians 2:7-8

The Samaritan Woman:

• Jesus met her where she was • Barriers Jesus crossed

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector:

• Jesus invited himself, giving honor to a man hated by many • The fellowship of a meal was the best place to impact a life in need of salvation

Feeding the Five Thousand

We are the Hands and Feet of Jesus:

• Meet Muslims where they are • Willingness to listen • Understand cultural cues • Be straightforward in your message • You are an ambassador

Refugee testimony: Muslim refugee beaten by her husband; the need is not for food, but for Christ to change the husband.


• What changes do we need to make in order to incarnate the Gospel? • Where do I need to be to impact Muslims with the Gospel? (Location)

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

9:30 AM “Points of Connection” | Ali Reza

Similarities to Build Bridges


• Islam and Christianity share many similar Ideas and beliefs • Similar beliefs but they are not the same beliefs

Points that can be used as a starting point to build a Bridge: • God is one • Jesus the son of Mary • Judgment Day • Heaven and Hell • Prophets and Messengers

The Biblical Revelation


Muslims see God as transcendent and unreachable. He is the master and humans are slaves to His laws.

How might we be able to use these similarities to begin a conversation on joining the family of Jesus?

What changes must we make to impact Muslims with the message of hope?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

9:45 AM “Jesus in the Qur’an” | Keivan Tehrani

Is it the same Jesus?!


Top prophets in Islam?

Jesus and the Qur’an:

• Servant of God • Son of Mary • Word of God

Jesus and the Bible:

• Redeemer/Savior • Messiah • Son of Man • Son of God


What do we need to change to give Muslims a biblical view of Christ?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

10:00 AM “Salvation in Islam” | Safeeya

Sin and salvation in Islam, as contrasted to the Bible

Surah 31:33: “O mankind! Do your duty to your Lord, and fear (the coming of) a Day when no father can avail aught for his son, nor a son avail aught for his father.”

Surah 2:281: “And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.”

Surah 7:8-9: “The balance that day will be true (to nicety): those whose scale (of good) will be heavy, will prosper.”


• “Khalifat Allah” The master of creation • Man is master of earthly domain. • Man’s desires and actions are ordained. • Man sins because he is prone to forget God’s commands— Insan-Nassa


• All humans are born Muslim. • All humans are born pure.

Surah 30:30 “So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith: (Establish) Allah’s hand- iwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not.”


• Adam is responsible for his own sin. • Humans today are responsible for their own deeds.


• “Yaum Al-akhira”, literally, “the final day in history of mankind” • Islam teaches that God will judge the living and the dead. • The Scale (al-Mizan): A scale will weigh the good and evil deeds. • Mathematical righteousness

PARADISE IN ISLAM (Sura 2:266; Sura 56:8-46)

Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

• Al-Janah in Arabic means a beautiful garden • Described for men only, no description of a heaven for women. • Very sensual and material • Imams dispute if Paradise is one garden for all Muslim men or multiple levels where each is blessed according to his deeds.


A wood-burning, perpetual fire


Matthew 18:11: “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”

Ephesians 2:8-10: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”


What can Jesus offer Muslims? • 1 John 1:9 • Philippians 3:10 • John 17:3 • Revelation 3:20

If we’re not born into sin, then at what age do humans first sin?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

10:15 AM “Is the Injeel Corrupted?” | Fouad Masri

Defending the Injeel’s integrity and pointing the way to Jesus


Qur’anic Verse: Sura 2:146

Folk Islam / Muslim Logic:

• The Tawrat of Moses was corrupted, so God sent the Zabur. • The Zabur of David was corrupted, so God sent the Injeel. • The Injeel of Jesus was corrupted, so God sent the Qur’an. • The Qur’an will never be changed, since God keeps and protects His word.

Christian Response: The Injeel is the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16).

Christian Logic:

• God inspired the writing of the Injeel. • God will keep His word to enlighten and judge the human race.


The “Zero-Corruption” Bridge

• Theological • Logical • Historical

Theological: “Man stronger than God? Astaghfur-Allah!”

• If God sent the Injeel and humans corrupted it, then humans are stronger than God. Impossible!

Logical: “Show me the evidence!”

• Who corrupted the Injeel? • When was the Injeel corrupted? • Where was the Injeel corrupted? • Why was the Injeel corrupted? • Where is the original Injeel? • What parts of the Injeel were corrupted? • Was the Injeel corrupted before or after the life of Muhammad?

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Historical: “May I share my research?”

1.The Eyewitness Stage (AD 1-100): 2.The Persecution Stage (AD 100 – 325): 3.The Translation Stage (AD 325 – present):


• The Injeel has not been corrupted. It is God’s letter to humans about His Word, Jesus Christ. We must obey all its teachings in our faith and conduct.

• Point of Decision

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

10:45 AM “Practical Apologetics” | Keivan Tehrani

What is Apologetics?

Defense of the faith

Biblical Apologetics: return to the message of hope Biblical Foundations: 1 Peter 3:15

The Jesus Way:

• The art of asking questions • Answering questions with a sharp focus • Answering questions with a thought-provoking question • Answering with Scripture verses • Answering with a parable or proverb from the culture (the lost son/lost sheep/lost coin)

The Art of Sharing the Hope We Have:

• Philip and The Ethiopian: Acts 8 • Peter and John in Front of Priests: Acts 4 • Paul and King Agrippa: Acts 25


• All Christian believers are on a mission • All are ambassadors • Conversational Apologetics take place daily • What would you change as a ministry to impact Muslims?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

11:00 AM “Adha in the Injeel” | Sara Abdalla

Responding biblically to the question, “Why did Jesus have to die?”


• Why did Jesus have to die? • There is no need for sacrifice. Are we not saved by good works?

MUSLIM VIEW: Qur’anic Verse: Sura 7:8-9

Folk Islam:

Muslim Logic:


Christian Response:

No man is righteous. All need salvation through an eternal sacrifice (Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 3: 10-12, 23)

Christian Logic:


Adha in the Injeel Five Main Points: 1. Al-Wadud “The Affectionate” 2. Al-Qudoos “The Holy One” 3. Al-Adil “The Just” 4. Al-Raheem “The Merciful” 5. Al-Ghafoor “The Forgiver”

Christ the Eternal Sacrifice

Point of Decision: Toub = Repent Ish-had = Confess or Testify

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

11:15 AM “Final Revelation?” | Fouad Masri

Introduction: Revelation in Islam

Revelation in Christianity: Hebrews 1:1-2

Abrogation in Islam: Quran 2:106

Responding to Muslims who argue that the Qur’an replaces previous Scripture, including the Injeel:

“The last revelation was the Qur’an, so all people should follow it. It replaces the need for the first 3 books.” (Qur’anic Verse: Sura 16:101-102)

Folk Islam:

• The Tawrat of Moses was corrupted, so God sent the Zabur. • The Zabur of David was corrupted, so God sent the Injeel. • The Injeel of Jesus was corrupted, so God sent the Qur’an. • The Qur’an will never be changed, since God keeps and protects His word.

Muslim Logic:

• God sent the prophets with a message, “Rasul” in Arabic. • Each prophet came to lead his generation to worship God. • Islam came last chronologically, so it should correct what the Injeel teaches about God.

Christian Response:

“Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God. His life and teachings are the measure.” (Hebrews 1:1-2; Mark 13:31)

Christian Logic:

• God sent His Word, Jesus Christ. The Injeel records and explains what Jesus taught. • The Word of God became flesh and redeemed us. • The life and person of Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God. • The Qur’an and all religious materials should be viewed in light of the teachings of Christ.

Jesus Christ proved that He is the true messenger of God by resurrecting from the dead.

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• Read Bible verses from Hebrews 1:1-2 and Mark 13:31. • Explain that as believers in God, we reject that any human can corrupt God’s book, the Injeel. • Show that Moses, David, and Jesus went to people who believed in God. • Explain that Muhammad’s generation was pagan and needed to worship one God, but this lesson had already been taught to the Jewish people from the days of Abraham. • Although Muhammad and the Qur’an came last chronologically, the core message had been revealed before from the days of Abraham. • The message of the Injeel has a more advanced spiritual level. • The Injeel moves beyond monotheism to salvation, grace, faith, sanctification, and holiness. • Christians accept the Qur’an when it agrees with the Injeel. • Muslims must study the whole Bible to understand fully the will of God for their life.

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11:30 AM “The Trinity” | Rani Espanioly

Defending God’s revealed character as Three in One in light of the Gospel

INTRODUCTION • “Don’t Christians believe in three gods?” • “Christians worship God, Jesus, and Mary!”

Qur’anic Verses: Sura 5:76; 112:1-4; 4:171; 5:119-122

Folk Islam:

• The Trinity is viewed as three gods: generally God, Jesus, and Mary. • 1+1+1= 3; Christians are idol worshipers.

Muslim Logic:

• Trinity is tri-theism, a teaching that would not be accepted by Jesus, who is a prophet of Islam. • Christians fall in the sin of “shirk” (the one unforgivable sin) because they associate equals with God. • This is similar to pre-Islamic Arabian Paganism.

Christian Response:

• The concept of the Trinity is taught in the Injeel. • We worship one God in three Persons (Matthew 28:18-20; John 14:9,16; John 16:13).

Christian Logic:

• There is no difference between any of the three Persons of God. God always existed with His Word and His Spirit. God’s Word is Jesus; His Spirit is the Holy Spirit. They are all the same and equal. • We believe in this doctrine, for the Injeel clearly states it. • The concept of the Trinity may be above our reason but it is not against it.


• Stress that the Injeel teaches this doctrine. • Explain that God is Father, Son (Word), and Holy Ghost. Mary is not part of the Trinity. • Humans cannot understand God’s nature. God reveals His character. • Ask “Which existed first in eternity? God, His Word, or His Spirit?”

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Physical examples might help:

• Multiplication (1 x 1 x 1 = 1) • Triangle • Water (solid, liquid, gas) • Electricity (power station, cables, light bulb


How might we use this approach in leading Muslims to faith in Christ?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 2 SESSIONS

11:45 AM “The Sonship of Christ” | Ali Reza


“Don’t Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, semi-god and semi-man?” Qur’anic Verses: Sura 5:19; 5:75; 6:101-103; 10:68; 112:1-4

Folk Islam:

• God incarnated in Gabriel and had sexual relations with Mary. • The offspring is called the Son of God, which is blasphemy in Islam.

Muslim Logic:

• This is considered idolatry and paganism, which is unacceptable in Islam.

Christian Response:

• Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Word of God. (John 1:1-4; Hebrews 1:1-5; 1 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-56)

Christian Logic:

• All things are possible with God.


• Ask your Muslim friend why the Qur’an calls Jesus “Isa bin Maryam.” • Stress that you believe in the same miracle of the virgin birth. • Ask if there is a difference between God and His Word. • Stress that Jesus is the Word of God. Read John 1:1, 14. • Stress that the Injeel teaches the incarnation, though above human reason.

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12:00 PM “Muhammad in the Bible?” | Rani Espanioly

Islamic Propaganda

Why Muslims look to find Muhammad in the Bible

Quran 61:6 “So Jesus the son of Mary said: ‘Children of Israel, I am Allah (God)’s messenger to you, confirming whatever came before me in the Torah and announcing a messenger coming after me whose name will be Ahmad.’ Yet when he brought them explanations, they said: ‘This is sheer magic!’” Muhammad Hijab

Deuteronomy 18:18 – A Prophet From Your Brethren

John 14:25-26 – The Comforter

John 10: 1-2

• Jesus compared to Muhammad

• How might we use this info in sharing the Good news?

• What impacts Muslims when comparing the life of Muhammad with the Life of Jesus?

• What responses are best to transition the conversation to Jesus and salvation?

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12:15 PM “The Question of the Cross” | Fouad Masri

A biblical response to the crucifixion of Jesus


Jesus was a prophet of God, so how can he lose by dying? Qur’anic Verse: Sura 4:157

Folk Islam: • Jesus was lifted to heaven to escape his enemies. • Someone else was crucified instead. • Christians are mistaken in believing that Jesus died on the cross.

Muslim Perspective: • Muhammad defeated the enemies of Islam and destroyed the idols in the Ka’ba. • God’s prophet must win and be victorious. • Five Theories on who died on the cross: - Judas Iscariot - Jewish bystander - One of the disciples (Peter) - A Roman soldier - Swoon theory (Ahmaddiyah)

Christian Response: Christ rose from the dead, victorious over sin and Satan.

Bible Verses: Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24, John 18-21, Acts 4:33, Romans 1:4, Romans 10: 9-10, Philippians 3:10, 1 Peter 1:3

Philippians 3:10 “I want to know Christ, the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, in so attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”

Christian Logic: • Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. • Jesus rose from the dead to indwell and guide all who believe. • The resurrection proves the power of God and Jesus is victorious over the enemies of God. • Jesus is the only Prophet who is still alive today. • No human has risen from the dead. • Resurrection of Jesus is proof that Christ was righteous, and his sacrifice was acceptable to God.

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• Christ is glorified through the resurrection. • Ask what glorifies God more: to help Jesus escape death or help conquer death? • Wait for the response of your Muslim friend. • Read the story of the resurrection in the New Testament (if possible). • Explain to your Muslim friend that God is glorified in the resurrection of Jesus. • Jesus did not lose by dying; He won through the resurrection from the dead. • Jesus is the only prophet who conquered death, sin, and Satan.

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1:00 PM Day 2 Breakout Session

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 3 SESSIONS

9:00 AM “Form and Meaning” | Fouad Masri

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9:15 AM “Keys to Understanding a Culture” | Rani Espanioly

As we take the forms used by the host culture, what meaning are people associating with our behavior?

The following are to assist us in evaluating the forms we use for the purpose of best communicating the meaning we hope to teach.

KEYS TO UNDERSTANDING A CULTURE: • Geography • History • Politics • Family • Religion • Money/Possessions • Time • Space/Social Distance • Humor • Education • Skill/ Talent

POSITION (Social Status)


KEY ADVICE: Third culture: a person who is comfortable and connects with the heart of the home and host cultures.

CONCLUSION: How might we use this information to connect with the community we are ministering in?

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

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9:30 AM “Fences” | Brett W.

Seeing culture and its components through the lens of the Bible.


WHAT IS CULTURE? The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. It can also be defined as the sum of values, traditions, and views developed by a group of people.

WHAT IS WORLDVIEW? “Worldview is the basic way of interpreting things and events that pervades a culture so thoroughly that it becomes a culture’s concept of reality – what is good, what is important, what is sacred, what is real. Worldview is more than culture...The beliefs, values, and behaviors of a culture stem directly from its worldview.” – Carol Hill



• Guilt-Innocence – most of the Western world • Shame-Honor – 10/40 window • Fear-Power – tribal peoples in Africa, South America, and Asia

Muslim societies often have a combination of Shame-Honor and Fear-Power worldviews.

All three worldviews are found in the Genesis story of the fall: • When man broke God’s law, he was in a position of guilt. (Gen 3:7) • When man broke God’s relationship, he was in a position of shame. (Gen 3:8) • When man broke God’s trust, he was in a position of fear. (Gen 3:10)

Conclusion: Jesus transforms cultures.

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9:45 AM “Hidden Signals” | Fouad Masri


Matthew 28:18-20 • All cultures are tainted by sin and need the intervention of Jesus. • All cultures need a redeemer to save them from this present darkness.

How we might use this process to connect with the community and culture we are serving in?

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10:00 AM “Gender Relationships” | Safeeya

The Biblical and Islamic view of gender relationships.



• Men to Men or Women to Women - Encounters should be with same sex. Avoid one-on- one relationships and activities with the opposite sex. It may be acceptable for couples to minister to a male or female student as a team.

• Be sensitive to customs regarding dating and marriage.

• Think ahead about how you would handle being a potential date or marriage prospect.

• Some cultures consider single women living in another country as an indication of a problem with family or reputation. They question why you are not married and home with children.

• Be aware of how men from Muslim cultures view women and their role in society.

• If someone from the opposite sex shows interest in spiritual matters, arrange for them to be introduced to someone from the same sex to continue the spiritual discussions.


• Matthew 5:28-30 • Mark 10:2-13

What changes will you make to impact Muslims in your community?

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10:15 AM “Peer Influence” | Fouad Masri


Community in the 21st century

• Location • Language • Digital

Communities are always interacting within themselves.

Three Levels of Influence in a Community:

• Influencers - opinion/interpretation • Leaders - decision makers • Members - cross generational, different education, different careers

Understanding the hidden messages connects with the heart of the community.

Cultural connections are the platform to impact the community.

What changes we must make in light of this information?

Who are the peer influencers and where to find them?

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10:45 AM “The Nations Among Us” | Aaron Myers

My Neighborhood is Changing:

• Changes in the 21st Century

• Travel and Migrations

• Refugees and Civil Wars

• The Global Village

Having the Eyes of Jesus:

• Compassion

• Do we see them?

What might we do as we see our communities change?

• Prayer

• Research

• Visit stores, community center and homes

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11:00 AM “The Gospel with Skin On” | Rani Espanioly

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11:15 AM “Beyond Tolerance” | Fouad Masri

The Time is Now

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” - Daniel 3:16

Islam and Freedom of Religion: • Persecution • Propaganda • Sharia- Religious Apartheid

Islam and Human Rights: • Women in Islam • Children and Refugees

Distractions to the Church: • Political Involvement • Social Gospel • Political Correctness • Avoidance • Hypocrisy • Judgmental Spirit

House Churches Across the Muslim World: • A new spiritual awakening • Jesus gives hope

What changes must we make to increase our impact on Muslims in our community?

Be an influencer. Be a leader. Take a stand when everybody bows and kneels – stand up for Jesus.

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11:30 AM “Something Amazing About Grace” | Jenny G.

Muslims transformed by grace


Ibn Taymiya (1263—1328) “Man can only attain perfection by being a true slave to Allah.” Al ‘ubudiah, p. 62

Contrast between a slave to Allah and a child of God.

”Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” John 1:12-13

Why is grace attractive?

Why do Muslims decide to follow Jesus?

• Dreams and visions • Bible in their language • Friendship with a follower of Christ

What changes happen in the life of a Muslim who decides to follow Christ?

Why is the Gospel necessary?

Social services and the Gospel?

What changes do we need to make to become effective in reaching Muslims around us?

• Urgency of the Gospel • Faithful to our faith even when it is not comfortable • Faithful to share the message entrusted to us • Faithful with those in our circle of influence

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11:45 AM “World Changers” | Keivan Tehrani

“But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city. They rushed to Jason’s house in search of Paul and Silas in order to bring them out to the crowd. But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city officials, shouting: “These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them into his house. They are all defying Caesar’s decrees, saying that there is another king, one called Jesus.” - Acts 17:5-7

Here Comes Those Who Have Caused Trouble: • Troublemakers??? • Against the status quo • Change influencers

Impacting Diaspora

Impacting the Community

Dedication and Leadership • Persecution • Discipling others

What changes will you make to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus?

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Sahara Challenge Teaching Notes | © 2021 Crescent Project DAY 3 SESSIONS

12:00 PM “Together” | Ali Reza

Jesus’ mission will only be accomplished by community. (Acts 2:42)

How Should We Treat One Another?

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves... Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited... If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” - Romans 12:10,16,18

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” - Romans 15:7

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace... Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” - Ephesians 4:1-3; 32

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” -1 Thessalonians 5:11

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” - Hebrews 10:24

“Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.” - 1 Peter 3:8


• “One another” and “community” are major themes in the bible • How does a “together” team concept impact Muslims in our community?

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12:15 PM “Call to Action: 2033” | Fouad Masri

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

- Matthew 28:18-20

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1:00 PM Day 3 Breakout Session

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