USFS Analysis of Orvs Coming Up
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The Newsletter of the Alpine Lakes Protection Society (ALPS) 2006 Issue No. 3 USFS Analysis of ORVs Coming Up By Charlie Raymond area close by the Alpine he USFS is currently Lakes, including south of Tinvolved with a multi- US-2, west of US 97, and year process of imple- north of I-90. Within this menting a new rule for zone, most of the trails managing off-road vehicles now designated as open (ORVs) on national forests. to motorcycles and areas The end result is sup- of general ORV activity posed to be closure of all lie in the southeastern areas of national forests to part, between the Kachess ORVs except for a sustain- River and Lake on the able system of designated west and the North Fork routes and possibly limited of the Teanaway River to open areas. With deter- the east. mined enforcement, this Problems from ORVs change in policy will be a in this area are not new to great improvement over ALPS, and earlier alarms the presently ambiguous from ALPS motivated the situation often interpreted FS to take local actions. to be that everywhere is These actions included open to ORVs unless ex- temporary closure to AYMOND R plicitly closed. The guide- motorcycles in some cases, lines for the new ORV rerouting or reconstruct- HARLIE rule apply nationally, but C ing trails in places such the actual designation of as Domerie Pk., Sasse Mt. routes open to ORVs will Looking northward along the divide between Jolly and Jolly Mt., as well as be based on local public Mountain and S. F. Paris Creek – Hawkins Mountain in refraining from opening input and decisions by the background. wider areas to motorcycles district rangers. Continued on page 5 Analysis” by the FS, and is starting Locally, the Wenatchee Na- Also in this issue: now. It is hoped that recommenda- tional Forest (WNF) held public Critical Wild Sky Inholding tions will be available to the public meetings in June and July, 2006 Purchased .......................................... 2 for on-the-ground investigation by to request public input by Sep- Fish and Wildlife Service Grants summer 2007. More $ for Connectivity ................. 2 tember, 2006. (See the articles ALPS, along with other like- Court of Appeals Deals ALPS a in Alpine, 2006 Issues 1 and 2.) Setback on Forest Practices ............ 3 Recommendations from the FS minded organizations, responded to the request for input with gen- Roadless Areas and the Courts — about what routes/areas to des- Stay Tuned ......................................... 4 eral concerns about ORV impacts ignate as open to ORVs are to be Fire Strikes in the Upper based on an analysis of the pres- on resources and recreation op- Cle Elum Valley ................................ 6 ent condition of the trail system portunities as well as many site- Third and Final Trailhead Opened for Iron Goat Trail ............ 7 and the public input. This next specific problems caused by ORVs. Trustees Election Ballot ......... Insert and critical step is called “Travel ALPS’ specific input focused on the ALPINE Critical Wild Sky Inholding Purchased by Rick McGuire some Creek and Trout Creek within Pine Forest.” It is one of the most the Wild Sky proposal. interesting and attractive places in WLT’s acquisition of the Bit- The Wilderness Land Trust the entire Wild Sky country. The ter Creek property is especially (WLT) has succeeded in purchasing inholding is a piece of prime real significant because of its low the most critical inholding in the estate, which with its road access elevation and critical location. The proposed Wild Sky Wilderness. The could easily have become a wealthy Bitter Creek inholding includes inholding is an old patented min- person’s private retreat. WLT’s ac- an area of relatively flat land with ing claim of 113 acres in the hang- quisition of it is a remarkable coup. ing valley of Bitter Creek, a tribu- road access, which was at high risk WLT does not plan to hold the tary of the North Fork Skykomish from residential development. That property long-term, but plans to about five miles northeast of and portion of the parcel is located on sell it to the Forest Service when upstream from Index. a flat benchland, very unusual for funds become available, thus allow- the Cascades, directly below the WLT’s mission is to secure ing WLT to put its resources into spectacular waterfall-draped west inholdings in wilderness areas and acquiring inholdings elsewhere. wall and cirque of Gunn Peak, transfer them to public owner- If the Wild Sky bill is enacted, the and overlooking the impressively ship, thus eliminating the threats Bitter Creek inholding would be a forested North Fork Skykomish that such pieces of private prop- priority acquisition for the Forest river valley. It is also next to a series erty pose to the integrity of the Service. ALPS and other conser- of interesting, south-facing clifftop wilderness areas in which they vation groups will be working to “balconies” with views east to the are located. WLT has been active secure funding to transfer the land Gunn cirque, the North Fork val- in protecting wilderness areas in so it can become part of the Wild ley below, and Mount Index and many states, and has extended its Sky Wilderness. ALPS wishes to Mount Persis to the south. There is activities in the Cascades to include acknowledge the work of WLT and an unusual forest of lodgepole and the proposed Wild Sky Wilderness. its Washington director Bill Pope in western white pine growing on the WLT has previously purchased oth- acquiring this very important place. er important inholdings at Trouble- balconies, known to locals as “the Fish & Wildlife Service Grants More $ for Connectivity Land Targeted in Snoqualmie Pass Area In September, the US Fish & The Cascade Conservation Partner- for grabs, with competing propos- Wildlife Service granted the Wash- ship also committed $50,000 to the als in the two chambers. The Sen- ington State Department of Trans- match. ate has $978,000 for Stampede Pass portation $3.9 million to buy land Negotiations with the prospec- and the House has $.5 million for in the Snoqualmie Pass area. The tive landowners are expected to be the Carbon River. Conservationists purchase will provide more habitat very sensitive, so the target parcels are urging the Conference Commit- connections in order to help miti- are not being identified at this time. tee to include both in the final bill. gate the planned expansion of I-90 Another $2.5 million was With its big turnover, there is from Hyak to the Kachess River. awarded to acquire lands around hope that the next Congress will The money comes from USF& Swamp Lake, just north of the Lake be more willing to fund critically WS’s HCP (Habitat Conservation Kachess interchange. The Trust for needed acquisitions. Washington’s Program) fund. The state and other Public Land is involved in those own Norm Dicks will chair the groups will have to provide a local transactions. Appropriations Subcommittee for match. Part of the match would Congress will not approve the Interior & Related Agencies, which come from the value of the new FY07 Interior Appropriations bill will be the first to vote on these wildlife crossings the Washington until after the elections. Two areas funds. DOT plans to build for this project. of interest to ALPS members are up 2 ALPINE Court of Appeals Deals ALps a Setback on Forest Practices Causing Adverse Cumulative Impacts By Mike Pierson consideration of the Forest Practices lated road-building in the pristine n October 10, 2006, the Wash- Board appeal, and the court has Scatter Creek area. For a time, an Oington Court of Appeals for directed the State to file a response. administrative rule promulgated by Division Two dealt ALPS and other If ALPS’ motion for reconsideration the Department of Ecology aided advocates for responsible forestry a is denied, ALPS and the other pe- efforts to force review of the envi- setback. In Alpine Lakes v. For- titioners can request review by the ronmental impacts of separate but est Practices Board, No. 33676-6, Washington Supreme Court. related activities. Unfortunately, the Court of Appeals affirmed the The new Court of Appeals deci- the Department of Ecology amend- Washington State Forest Practices sion has serious consequences for ed its rules under pressure. In the Board’s denial of ALPS’ petition for legal and policy advocacy before recently decided case, the Court a rule that would ensure review the Forest Practices Board and of Appeals also rejected an ALPS of forest practices such as road- Washington’s Department of Natu- challenge related to the withdrawal building and logging that have ral Resources, and for efforts to pro- of the former rule. ALPS and other potentially significant cumula- tect against the adverse cumulative conservation groups have contin- tive impacts on the environment. environmental impacts of multiple, ued to have to deal with inadequate Specifically, the court held that related forest practices. The ruling protections against cumulative neither the 1974 Forest Practices Act also makes more difficult advocacy impacts resulting from forest prac- nor the State Environmental Policy that seeks the adoption of rules re- tices. Act (SEPA) obligated the Forest quiring upland wildlife landscape Accordingly, in January 2003 Practices Board to add a so-called planning and watershed analysis. the Washington Forest Law Center “catch-all” provision to its list of for- Under the 1974 Forest Practices filed an extensive Petition for Rule- est practices requiring SEPA review. Act and SEPA, SEPA review is trig- making before the Forest Practices Instead, the Court of Appeals ruled gered only for a very limited list Board on behalf of ALPS and its that the Forest Practices Board has of forest practices that the Forest fellow conservation groups.