The Tertiary Formations of Western Washington
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,~, ASHTNG'l'ON HEOLOHICAL SURV FiY HENRY LANDES, State GMlogls ' B LLETIN N o. 13 The Tertiary Formations of Western Washington By CHARLE E. WEAYER 0 1.\'.' )I l'U.. \\'.\SH. FllA:-IK ) 1. I.A~I ROlt '.'I ~ I'r11r.1c f'81!(T•:R l!)JG ::·::. ·:: .. ··.: :: : : : ..: :. ·. :• :~ ... : ·:.::::: :·:. :·.. .: . ·.·.:·. .: ·.:.. ..··: . .: .. ·.·::·::...... .. .. ... .... ..... ... : :::·-.::·.. :: .. : ... .. .. ... :. : •• : !• •: ••• : .... ... .. .. .. ...... ... .... ) BOA RD OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. G0Yc 1·nor ERNEST LISTER, Chairman. L ieutenant Governor L ou is F . H A1tT. State Treasurer E nw AR n l\I EATH, Secretary. P re:-idcnt I-! E NltY S 1, zzALLO. President ERNJ,ST 0. HOLLAND. H .ENUY L ANDES, State Geologist. 15719 LETTER OF TRANS:\IIT1\·\L. G01•ernor Ernest Lister, Chairman, and Members of the Bocird of Geological Survey. GENTLEMEN: 1 have the honor to submit herewith a report en titled "T he T ertiary Formations of ,~, cstcrn VVashingtou," by Charle E. VVcaYcr, with the recommendation that it he printed as Bulletin No. lS of the Survey reports. Vcry rcspectfully, 0 H El\rrl.Y L l\NDE.. Sta.te Geologist. .. .. ...... .. ..... .:. ··::.. ...·:: . .. ... ... ·: ..·::··.::~.:: ..: ... ... ... :. : .•: :• •: ·. : : :··. :. ·.: . ··:. .:·.:: . ·:. .. :. •. .: TABLE OF CONTENT S. P«uc ILLUSTRATIONS . .. .. 10 INTRODUCTION . 13 Field wo1·k and acknowledgments. 13 Historical review . • . 16 Bibliography . 19 CHAPTER r. To1,ou11Aeuv .,x1> DHATNAoic................. ...... 54 General statement . • . 54 CHAPTER II. PUE·Tt:R'l'ILl.ln'. Fo1u1Nl'I0NS . li2 General statement . 62 Old metamorphic series. 63 Geographic distribution . 63 Western slope of northern Cascades....................... 63 Olympic mountains . 66 Index granodiorite . 66 Areal distribution . 66 Character of outcro1>. 66 Petrographic description . 66 Correlation . 66 Hoh formation . 67 Geographic distribution . 67 Character of outcrops. 68 Lithology . 71 Geologic structure . 72 Stratigraphy . 74 Conclitions of deposition. 76 Fossils . ... 76 Correlation .............................. , . 76 Chico formation . 77 General st.'ltement . 77 Geographic distribution . 77 Character of outcrops. 78 Lithology . 78 Conditions of deposition...... 79 Geologic structure ......... .' . 79 CHAPTER III. EOCENE FORlCATIONS............................. 81 General statement regarding the Tertiary as a whole.......... 81 General statement of the Eocene............ ................. 85 Geographic distribution . • . 86 Lithology . • . 88 Thickness . 91 Stratigraphy . 92 Fauna . • . 93 Conditions of deposition ...... ........................ ....... 100 Climatic conditions ..................... .................... 101 6 'Table of Contents CHAPTER III. EooE~E Fo101AT1oxs-Oontinuea: 111111,, Newcastle Hills-Grand Ridge Area ...... ..................... 102 Geographic distribution . l 02 Character or outcrops . 102 Lithology .............................................. .. 102 Geologic structure . 105 Stratigraphy . l 09 Green River Area ..... ............................ .... • . 110 Geographic distribution ................................. .. 110 Lithology ........................ ......... ............ 110 Stratigraphy . 111 Geologic structure . 117 Conditions of deposition. 118 Cedar Mountain Area. • . l 18 Geographic distribution . 118 Stratigraphy . 119 Geologic structur e . J 19 Raging River Area . ... ... ................................. 120 Geographic distribution ................................ .. 120 Stratigraphy ... .. ................ • .................. .... 120 Geologic structure . 122 Quimper Peninsula Area ............. ......... ............. 125 Geographic disti-ibution . ... .... ..................... 12;; Lithology . 126 Geologic structure . J 27 Port Crescent Area ..................... ...... .. .......... 129 Geogra1>hic distribution ................................... 129 Lithology .................................... , ....... ... 130 Stratigraphy . l 30 Fauna .................... .. .............. ... ........... 131 Geologic strncture . 13'.l Bald H ills Area ............................... ............. 133 Geographic distribution .... ......................... .... 133 Character of outcrops ............ ........................ 133 Lithology ................................ ............... 13-1 Geologic structure ... ............. .- ...... • ... .. ... .... 136 Black H ills Area ...................................... ..... 137 Geographic distribution .................... .............. l 37 Character o.f outcrops ...................... ...... ..... 13 Lithology ................................. ........ 140 Geologic structure . 1,11 E lk Creek and Chehalis River Area ............... ...... • ... 142 Geographic distribution ................................. 142 Character of outcrops ............. .................... .. 144 'Divide between Columbia and Willapa rivers Area ............ 14:S Geographic distribution . .................. ... ....... ..... 14::; Character of outcrops. H; Lithology ..... .. .. .... ......... ................ ...... 152 Geologic structure ...................................... 153 CatbJamet-Germany Creek Area·. ............................. 15:1 Geographic distribution. 15:3 Character of outcrops ..................................... lii~ Lithology . 156 Geologic structure ............. ................. ... .. .. 157 Table of Contents 7 CHAPTER III. Eoct;x f~ FOIDl.\'flONS - Continuecl: Plf/1< Ilwaco Area . • . 15i Geographic distribution .................... ...... ....... 157 Lithology .............. ................................ 158 . Geologic structure . 159 Lower Cowlitz Valley Area ..................... ............. 159 Geographic dis tribution . 159 or outcrops. L59 Stratigraphy ... ...................... ...... ............ 162 Geologic structure ........................................ 163 CHAPTER IV. O L I COC't: NE FOR)IA'flOSS •••..•••.•.••• • •..••••.••. 164 General statement . 164 FaunaJ Zones . 166 j\lfolopophorous lincoi11ensis Zone. 166 T1iri-itella porterensis Zone ......... .. ........ ........... 167 Acila oettysburgensis Zone .......... ......... ........... 168 L ist of Oligoce)1 e and lower Miocene faunas. 170 Lithology ................................................... 179 Stratigraphy . 179 Conditions of deposition ...................................... 183 King County-Restoration Point Area .......................... 186 Geographic distribution. ..