A Late Oligocene Or Earliest Miocene Molluscan Fauna from Sitkinak Island, Alaska

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A Late Oligocene Or Earliest Miocene Molluscan Fauna from Sitkinak Island, Alaska A Late Oligocene or Earliest Miocene Molluscan Fauna From Sitkinak Island, Alaska By RICHARD C. ALLISON and LOUIE MARINCOVICH, JR. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1233 Describes the late Oligocene or earliest Miocene molluscan fauna from the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island, noting the mixture of Asiatic, North American, and endemic high-latitude North Pacific taxa. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, &cretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Catal ogi ng in Pub1 ication Data A1 1i son, Richard C., 1935- A late Oligocene or earliest Miocene molluscan fauna from Sitki nak Is1and, A1 aska. ( Geological Survey Professional Paper ; 1233) Bibl iography: p. 9-10. Supt. of Doc. no.: I 19.16:1233 1. Moll usks, Fossil --A1 aska--Si tkinak I sl and. 2. Pal eontol ogy--01 igocene . 3. Pal eontol ogy--Mi ocene . I. Marincovich, Louie. 11. Title. 111. Series. QE801. A44 564' .09798' 4 81-607925 AACR2 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Introduction Faunal composition Age and correlation .................................................................................................................................. Relation to the type Narrow Cape Formation of Kodiak Island Paleoecology ................................................................................................................................................ Water depth Water temperature ............................................................................................................................ Paleozoogeographic affinities References cited Index .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ..... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... ... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... .. .. .. ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1. Acila, Clinocardium, Crenella, Cyclocardia, Hiatella, Liocyma, Macoma, Mya. 2. Periploma, Pitar, ?Serripes, Ancistrolepis, Spisula, Bruclarkia, ?Beringius, Buccinum, Parasyrinx, Priscofusus. 3. Echinophoria, Calyptraea, Turritella, Epitonium, Musashia, Natica, Polinices. Page FIGURE 1. Index map of the Kodiak Island area, Alaska, showing outcrops of the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Stratigraphic section. of. the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island, Alaska, showing megafossil local~tles................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 3. Chart showing inferred paleobathymetry for each fossil locality, based on the fossil mollusks ......................................... 7 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Occurrence in Pacific Northwest Tertiary molluscan stages of selected species from the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Benthic foraminifers from the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island ................................................................................ 4 3. Reported occurrences in North Pacific strata of some mollusks from the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Maximum. known depth ranges of some living taxa found in the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Latitudinal ranges and marine climatic tolerances of living analogs of some mollusks from the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island .................................................................................................................................... 8 6. Occurrences of fossil mollusks in the Narrow Cape Formation, Sitkinak Island, Alaska ....................................................... 9 A LATE OLIGOCENE OR EARLIEST MIOCENE MOLLUSCAN FAUNA FROM SITKINAK ISLAND, ALASKA By RICHARDC. ALLISON and LOUIE MARINCOVICH,JR. ABSTRACT Formation on Sitkinak Island was by Allison (1976, The Narrow Cape Formation of Sitkinak Island, in the western 1978), who assigned these strata to the Juanian Gulf of Alaska, contains a marine molluscan fauna of late Stage [=Echinophoria apta Zone], which he considered Oligocene or earliest Miocene age that represents the Juanian Stage [= Echinophoria apta Zone] of the Pacific Northwest to be of late Oligocene and early Miocene age. This (Washington and Oregon) provincial molluscan chronology. The fauna has great significance for circum-North Pacific Narrow Cape Formation on SitkinakIsland is older than the type chronostratigraphic correlation because of its mixture Narrow Cape Formation on Kodiak Island, which contains of North American, Asiatic, and endemic high- mollusks referable to the Newportian Stage. The fauna of the latitude molluscan taxa. Our purpose here is to docu- Narrow Cape Formation of Sitkinak Island lived in the outer neritic zone in a cool-temperate marine climate. The ceoccurrence ment this fauna and discuss its paleoecology, faunal of taxa with Asiatic, North American, and high-latitude North affinities, and correlations. Pacific zoogeographic affinities makes this fauna especially Fossils examined for this study were collected by important for the development of circum-North Pacific chrono- George W. Moore in 1962,1975, and 1978, by geologists stratigraphic correlations. of Marathon Oil Co. in 1971, and by geologists of Mobil Oil Co. in 1971 and 1975. These collections are housed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, INTRODUCTION Calif., and the University Museum, University of Upper Oligocene or lowest Miocene strata, pre- Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. The illustrated specimens dominantly of marine siltstone and approximately are housed at the U.S. National Museum of Natural 210 m thick, crop out on Sitkinak Island, south of History, Washington, D.C., and the University of Kodiak Island, in the western Gulf of Alaska (fig. 1). Alaska Museum, Fairbanks. Terrestrial sedimentary rocks containing coal and We are indebted to Mobil Oil Co. for providing data fossil plants have long been known from Sitkinak for the columnar section (fig. 2). George W. Moore of Island (Dall, 1896; Smith, 1939), but the marine beds the U.S. Geological Survey and John Armentrout of were not discovered until 1962, during the course of Mobil Oil Company have provided valuable informa- field work by George W. Moore of the U.S. Geological tion concerning the stratigraphy of the Narrow Cape Survey. MacNeil (1965, p. G9) made the first lit- Formation on Sitkinak Island. Kristin McDougall erature reference to these marine strata and referred examined the benthic foraminifers from four of our them to the "Echinophoria apta zone of the Oligocene samples; Warren 0. Addicott made helpful sugges- and Miocene." Moore (1967) published a geologic map tions on the report. Photographs of the fossils were of the Kodiak Island area showing these marine beds made by Kenji Sakamoto. All are of the U.S. Geologi- as Miocene in age. In 1969 Moore named and cal Survey. described the Narrow Cape Formation with its type FAUNAL COMPOSITION section at Narrow Cape on Kodiak Island, and assigned the marine siltstone of Sitkinak Island to The molluscan fauna of the Narrow Cape Forma- the Narrow Cape Formation (fig. 2). The first pub- tion on Sitkinak Island (pls. 1-3)consists of at least lished account of mollusks from the Narrow Cape the 44 recognizable taxa listed in table 6. Specimens 1 1 154"15' 154"05' FIGURE1.-Index map of the Kodiak Island area, Alaska, showing outcrops of the Narrow Cape Formation on Sitkinak Island. FAUNAL COMPOSITION 3 were examined from 17 collections within a measured collections (M7334 and M7335) from a separate out- stratigraphic section (fig. 2), augmented by 10 collec- crop (fig. 1).Among the 44 recognizable taxa are 22 tions from unknown stratigraphic positions and two bivalves, 20 gastropods, one cephalopod, and one Unit Lithology Fossil locality Age number -- Erosional surface truncates - ' - ' top of section - , - .- .1- M6590 _- a.-. --- .-, - .-. --I- . - .-. -, -.- -I - .- .- . - ,-I-. - .-.- -, -, -.a --I-. -.- . -, - .-.-a- *-@ -*-* -.- ,-.-a- ,- - - , , 6. :, , .-,., '.7 a,.... .A', Mainly siltstone with some beds containing scattered . -. -I - M6589 pebbles and cobbles, and scattered to locally .- a-.-.- -'-.cTI abundant calcareous concretions. Occasional thin m beds of very fine sandstone. Megafossils throughout m .-.-.-. siltstone and commonly in concretions; locally o r , - . -. -- M6588 abundant. Total thickness of formation about 210 m .-o .- . -. - .- 5 m - -Z E .- . -. L -=&,e m -a-.- - 9 . - M6587 L o, .-.-.-.- 0 a -.-.-a- m J ---,-- 0 s -za.7,:T.;7M6586 B 2 -.-.-.- rn L .- m -.-,-.-........a. 6 .-,-.-a- m - Me585 C .- , -. - To0 0 0 0. O,OO~O J . -M6499 -0-. -. 0, I - METERS -. - . - ,- I-.-. - .-O- . -. 0 0 -.-..- I-.-,--,- M6583 . - . - . - -M6582 - - - -- M6581 - . 0 '-.-' -.-.-0-. -. -. -. - ,-0- 0- - -.-. .- 0 -. -.o- -.-,--.. ....a.
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    Oi<~e2> K A.. Natural History Museum ifiCl^i Of Los Angeles County IVooCL Invertebrate Paleontology J. Vakom.. 62(1). 1988. pp. 76-82 Copyright 1488. The- Paleontologual Society 0022-3360,88/0062-0076S03.00 CEPHALOPODS FROM THE LATE EOCENE HOKO RIVER FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON RICHARD L. SQUIRES Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, Northridge 91330 ABSTRACT—Rare specimens of the nautiloids Nautilus and Aturia and extremely rare specimens of a sepiamorph sepiid are described from the late Eocene Hoko River Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. The well-preserved partial phragmocones are from channel-fill clastics deposited on the inner and middle slopes of a submarine-fan system. The Nautilus specimen is allied to N. cookanum Whitfield from middle Eocene strata, New Jersey, and is probably conspecific with Nautilus sp. (Miller) from late Eocene strata, northwestern Oregon, both of which were previously assigned to Eutrephoceras. This is the first record of Nautilus in the northeastern Pacific. The Aturia specimen is tentatively identified as A. cf. A. alabamensis (Morton), a species previously only known from late Eocene strata in the Atlantic-Gulf Coastal area and northeastern Mexico. Aturia alabamensis may be the same as numerous Eocene North American aturiid species. The two sepiamorph sepiid specimens resemble Belosepia Voltz but are probably generically distinct. They are only the second record of sepiids in the Eocene of the northeastern Pacific. INTRODUCTION rizian Stage (late Eocene). He also inferred, based on the benthic ATE EOCENE cephalopods are rare in the northeastern Pacific. foraminifers, that the formation was deposited in relatively cool, L moderately shallow ocean waters between lower neritic and up- The occurrence of three genera at a locality in northwestern permost bathyal depths.
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