 Oil and strategic trading lands have continued to be sources of conflict in the Middle East o and Soviets fought for control during the Cold o Western countries continue to want control  Israel’s creation by the United Nations in 1948 was not recognized by Arabs in Palestine, leading to many conflicts still continuing today o Three  1956, 1967, and 1973 . Leads to Israel gaining more land; While between wars, Israelis faced terrorist attacks; United States continually attempts to make peace, unsuccessfully . 1967 war  Israeli military takes control of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula in , and Golan Heights from . 1973/Yom Kippur War  Arabs surpassingly attacked on Yom Kippur, but still could not take back occupied lands; Israelis begin housing Jewish people in occupied lands o Palestine Liberation Organization leads Arab fight against Israel . Led by Yasir Arafat; Extreme dislike of Israelis, and wanted to destroy Israel; Attacked Israel numerous times; Airplane hi-jacking and Olympic killings . In 1987, Arabs in Israel-occupied lands attempt to revolt; Using suicide bombers and terroristic attacks, with many Israelis and Arabs dying o United States and United Nations have attempted to bring peace to the region . Golda Meir was in peace talks in 1973 when Arabs attacked; Peace Accord signed in 1979, giving Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt; makes peace with Israel in 1994; Syria and Israel continue to fight over Golan Heights . Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 by Yasir Arafat and Israeli leader gave Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank limited self-rule, and recognition by Israel, and Palestinian Liberation Organization stops terrorist Attacks on Israel o Even with pledge by Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian violence on Israelis continued . Palestinians split between Fatah, Yasir Arafat’s party, and radical Islam group, Hamas; supported and supplied Hamas; Hamas wins 2006 parliamentary elections, ultimately getting many Fatah out and taking control of Gaza Strip by 2007; Leads to Israel’s economic blockade of Gaza Strip; Hamas launches rocket attacks against Israel; by Israel into the Gaza Strip leads to a brief, but violent war o Decades of disagreements and conflict keep peace from occurring in this land . Land  Palestinians continue to claim their ‘right of return,’ but Israel extremely opposes this belief . Jewish settlements in West Bank  Israel forced Jewish people out of the Gaza Strip in the early , and Palestinians continue to opposed Jews in West Bank . Jerusalem  Holy land for Jews, Christians, and Muslims; Israel controlled Arab East Jerusalem and East Jerusalem, but allowed Muslims and Christians to control Holy Sites within the city; While Palestinians believe East Jerusalem should be their capitol . These disagreements have led to many issues in other parts of the world  Added to anger of radical Islamic groups, and adds to their popularity (Hamas and ) (Hezbollah = radical group based in )  These groups dislike Israel as well as any of its allies . In the early 2000s, a group of countries including United States, United Nations, and Russia supported the ‘Road Map’ plan for peace  Two-State Solution o Israel and democratic Palestine o Called for an end to violence o Approved by some Israeli and Palestinian leaders, but extremely rejected by and radical Islamists  Lebanon had traditionally been a thriving area, but had always had a mixture of ethnic and religious groups that continued to hold power after Lebanese independence o (most power), Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and Druze (similar to Islam) o In the 1970s, the tensions in the nearby Arab-Israeli conflict began to trickle into Lebanon as flee to Lebanon . Leads to Lebanon’s Muslim population growing larger than its Christian population; As well as the sending of guerrilas disguised as refugees across the border to attack Israel o Lebanon’s Civil War in 1975 leads to issues with Israel . Christians vs. Muslims  Muslim refugees from Arab-Israeli conflicts  Israel invades south Lebanon to stop border attacks; Syria controls East Lebanon; United Nations sends troops to help, but pulls troops after many killed by suicide bombers; Takes 16 years, but Lebanon and Beirut eventually get restored to order and began being rebuilt by government . Presently, Lebanon continues to have divisions, but have taken steps to help solve those issues  Hezbollah began an attack in 2006 that lasted about a month, killed people in Israel and Lebanon, and caused extreme damage; Syria and Iran continued to back Hezbollah, as well as Shiites in Lebanon; The two sides agree to give Hezbollah more power in 2008, with the agreement both sides cease using weapons and violence in Lebanon  Throughout the , and even after, Iraq had been an important country that both sides competed for, while Iraq continued to be an important oil provider o Also some divisions among Iraq’s people . Population was majority Shiite, government controlled by Sunni Arabs, and in the north wanted their own government o Iraq’s dictatorial leader, , begins wars almost immediately after he takes over in 1979 . 1980 Iran-  Hussein invaded after Islamic revolution in Iran; Brutal war, both sides attacking others’ oil fields, leading to the United States to send Naval ships to protect shipping lands in the ; The war ended with stalemate in 1988  Kurds o During the war, the Kurds attempted an uprising in north Iraq, but were brutally suppressed by Hussein’s use of chemical weapons . 1990-1991  Began with Hussein’s invasion of for its oil-rich land and proximity to Persian Gulf; The United States this as a threat to , and much of the rest of the Middle East; Invaded Iraq under the United Nations’ banner in 1991, and quickly push the Iraq forces out; Hussein remains in power by brutally and inhumanely defeating Kurd revolts and Shiite revolts . Following the Gulf War, the United Nations begins placing sanctions on Hussein and Iraq  No-fly zone over minority groups’ lands  Limit on oil sales  Restriction on use of oil profits  Hussein hardly complies . 2003 United States invasion  United States claimed Hussein had nuclear weapons and aided terrorists in attacks against United States in 2001; In December of 2003, in ‘,’ United States forces attack and capture Hussein o Hussein is kept in United States custody in Iraq, and tried by the Iraq Interim Government for in 1982 attacks, and a separate 2005 trial for attacks against the Kurds; He is ultimately found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging in November of 2006, and was hung on December 30, 2006 in secrecy o United States aids in formation of new Iraqi government . Constitution written and elections held in 2005 . New government was hampered by many surprise attacks and suicide bombings from insurgents in Shiite and Sunni groups o Iraq moves toward civil war during new government structuring in 2005 . United States and British attempt to train Iraq military to protect themselves; but United States sends even more troops to Iraq in 2007 to attempt to quell violence . Government continues to struggle, however  Sunnis claimed the Shiite-led government did not represent their interests, while Kurds continue to want some type of independence  Oil industry continued to decline during war  Around 2 million Iraqi refugees seek peace in other countries . Plans were set to remove United States troops by 2001