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Chemical Weapons and the Iran-Iraq War: a Case Study in Noncompliance

Chemical Weapons and the Iran-Iraq War: a Case Study in Noncompliance


Chemical Weapons and the - : A Case Study in Noncompliance


Javed Ali is a Senior Policy Analyst with the Special Projects of Research Planning, Incorporated (RPI) in Falls Church, Virginia, where he currently provides counterterrorism analytical, training and exercise support for a range of U.S. government agencies. He is a recognized authority on chemical and biological weapons issues, arms control, , and regional security dynamics, and is a frequent contributor to Jane’s Defence publications.

he 1980-1988 Iran- inflicted enormous curity elites used the Iraqi CW experience as a prime human costs, as each side sustained hundreds of motivator in developing Iran’s WMD programs and Tthousands of casualties.1 In addition, the eco- improved conventional capabilities. From the Iraqi per- nomic devastation wrought by the war was staggering. spective, its use of CW most likely emboldened Saddam The damage to each nation’s infrastructure, the billions and key Iraqi officials to continue de- of dollars in lost oil revenues, and the squandering of veloping Iraq’s WMD programs and pursue aggressive precious on the acquisition of massive arms regional security policies—a development that - purchases that sustained the eight-year war continue to fested itself during the 1990-91 and continues affect both nations to this day.2 One of the darker chap- to be of intense international concern. ters of the war was Iraq’s use of chemical weapons (CW) While the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was against Iran and Iran’s decision to employ chemical still being negotiated during the mid-, the 1925 weapons in response. stood as the controlling international The use of CW by both sides created a number of dan- legal document on the use of CW in war. Despite the gerous precedents that continue to resonate. From a existence of the Protocol and the long-standing norm it global perspective, the use of CW by Iraq and allegedly established against CW use in war, the repeated use of by Iran demonstrated that Third weapons of mass such weapons by both combatants during the Iran-Iraq destruction (WMD) proliferators could potentially gen- War fundamentally altered the debate about CW con- erate significant tactical military and strategic political trol and compliance. As a result of the use of CW, the benefits from the use of such instruments in conflict.3 issue of compliance ceased to revolve solely around the Given the international community’s initial reluctance centrality of the standoff between the Soviet to condemn and punish Iraq for its chemical attacks, Union and . The Iran-Iraq War demon- many Middle Eastern analysts speculate that Iranian se- strated the changing nature of armed conflict towards

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the end of the Cold War, as it appeared that the pros- jor powers, led by the United States in 1922 convened pects had diminished greatly for a total war between the in Europe to discuss the issue. By 1925, a protocol was North Atlantic Organization and the Warsaw Pact. signed in Geneva that prohibited the use of chemical and This new type of conflict forced the international com- “bacteriological” weapons in war. Signed on June 17, munity toward making critical decisions about whether 1925, the Geneva Protocol “For the Prohibition of the to punish violations of multilateral arms control regimes Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other , that were championed as lessening the prospects of war and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare” became the in the first place. The Iran-Iraq War demonstrated the international legal mechanism that experts believed potential problems these decisions could engender in the would create a stringent norm against the use of both future, especially if both combatants are located in one CW and BW. The Protocol was actually rather short in region. In addition to the political difficulties that arose length. It reads: in detecting, responding to, and punishing instances of The Undersigned Plenipotentiaries, in the noncompliance, the use of CW in the Iran-Iraq War of their respective Governments: demonstrated the technical challenges in enforcing, Whereas the use in war of asphyxiating, poi- monitoring, and verifying compliance when both com- sonous or other gases, and of all analogous liq- batants were relatively closed societies. uids, materials or devices, has been justly This article explores the use of CW during the Iran- condemned by the general opinion of the civi- Iraq War and assesses the impact of that use on the is- lized world; and sue of arms control compliance. It first describes the legal Whereas the prohibition of such use has been regime that existed against the use of CW. Next, it ex- declared in to which the majority of amines the strategic environment that existed prior to Powers of the World are Parties; and the Iran-Iraq War and sets forth the motivations, poli- To the end that this prohibition shall be uni- cies, and developments that drove Iraq to forge ahead versally accepted as part of International , with its CW program. It then chronicles the use of CW binding alike the and the practice by Iraq during the conflict, and assesses the reactions of of nations; Iran, Iraq, and the international community to numer- Declare: ous allegations of CW use by both combatants. Lastly, That the High Contracting Parties, so far this article concludes by assessing the lessons learned as they are not already Parties to Treaties pro- during the Iran-Iraq War and the impact the war had on hibiting such use, accept this prohibition, agree the future of arms control and compliance. to extend this prohibition to the use of bacte- riological methods of warfare and agree to be bound as between themselves to the terms of THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK AGAINST this declaration.…5 CHEMICAL WEAPONS Essentially, the Geneva Protocol established the norm I included the most extensive use of CW against the use of CW in armed conflict. However, the in the twentieth century. Virtually every power Protocol’s language was silent on the issue of research, during that war either possessed significant chemical production, development, storage, testing, and stockpil- stockpiles, or actually employed them at various stages ing. It was this enormous loophole that nations interested of combat. As a result of this widespread use, there were in both CW and BW used to further such programs after over one million -related casualties the . In addition, the Protocol did not the during the war. 4 While the vast majority of these casu- issue of monitoring, verifying, or enforcing instances of alties did not result in fatalities, the sheer numbers indi- noncompliance even with respect to the future use of cated the prevalence, widespread use, and impact of chemical or biological weapons. Also, a number of im- chemical agents. Following the war, momentum gath- portant reservations attached to the Protocol further ered in the international community to create a legal weakened an already shaky legal regime. To this end, mechanism to address the troubling issue of CW and to language was added that indicated that the Protocol’s a lesser extent, biological weapons (BW). Sensing an strictures would “...cease to be binding in regard to any opportunity to tackle the problem after the war, the ma-

44 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 JAVED ALI enemy State whose armed forces or allies do not observe Iraq War. The CWC entered into force in April 1997, provisions.” Additional language in the Protocol stipu- almost 10 years after the Iran-Iraq War ended. lated that its reservations would “...cease to be binding On the eve of the Iran-Iraq War, the 1925 Geneva as regards use of chemical agents with respect to any Protocol stood as the controlling legal authority on the enemy State whose armed forces or allies do not observe issue of chemical weapons. The Protocol’s language did provisions.” These reservations have been interpreted by not ban the research, production, stockpiling, legal and arms control analysts as effectively reducing weaponization, or even retaliatory use of CW. In 6 the Protocol to a “no-first use” treaty, so that prior to addition, the treaty did not contain an enforcement the CWC retaliatory use was in fact permitted under a mechanism that allowed its transgressions to be punished broad interpretation of the Protocol. appropriately by the international community. It appears The Protocol was open for in June 1925 and that the Protocol’s norm against use was not by itself entered into force in February 1928. In the United States, sufficient to prevent Iraq’s use of CW. While it is diffi- ratification of the Protocol by the faced strong to discern precise motivations for Iraq’s strategic opposition for almost 20 years, and President Truman decisions during the rule of , the lack withdrew it from Senate consideration after the end of of a stringent legal authority against the production, de- World War II. During the , both North Ko- velopment, stockpiling, and use of CW might have rea and accused the United States of using BW shaped Iraq’s decision to use CW during the Iran-Iraq and thereby alleged U.S. violation of the Protocol. Dur- War.11 ing the war in , many Communist nations At this point, a number of important policy questions charged that the U.S. use of herbicides also violated the can be raised and considered with respect to the issue of Protocol, but the United States argued that the Protocol’s CW in the Iran-Iraq War. Would Iraq have used CW limitations did not extend to the use of nontoxic gases against Iran if a more comprehensive CW arms control (such as riot-control agents like tear ) or herbicidal regime existed? Also, even if such a regime had existed, 7 agents. After a lengthy struggle in the Senate over the would the international community have vigorously en- issue of agents and herbicides, the United forced it? Lastly, how does this particular instance of States ratified the Protocol in April 1975. Iran ratified noncompliance relate to other cases? the Protocol in July 1929, while Iraq ratified in Septem- ber 1931.8 THE STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT PRIOR TO The 1925 Geneva Protocol stood as the controlling THE IRAN-IRAQ WAR legal authority on CW prior to the Iran-Iraq War. While Much has been written regarding Iraq’s historic and the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) ex- contemporary role in affairs. Detailed isted and its language banning the use, research, devel- analyses outlining the rise of Saddam Hussein and Iraq’s opment, production, and stockpiling of biological turbulent political trajectory under his leadership indi- weapons was indeed impressive, it did not address the cate that by the early , Saddam was eager to posi- issue of chemicals outside of toxins, which are inorganic tion Iraq as the dominant regional Arab military and poisonous compounds produced by living organisms.9 political power in the Gulf, if not the entire Middle Discussions on the CWC did not reach a critical point East.12 An influx of cash from the rise in oil prices dur- until mid-way in the Iran-Iraq War, when the issue of ing the early 1970s fueled Saddam’s personal ambitions Iraq’s use of CW had gained enough international at- to transform Iraq into the dominant Arab military power tention to warrant concern regarding the use of chemi- and Iraq began to explore every aspect of WMD prolif- cals in that conflict and the proliferation of CW in eration. Iraq began nuclear, chemical, biological, and bal- general. In March 1984, less than a after the first listic programs during the mid-1970s, and all of U.S. denunciations of Iraq’s use of CW, President these WMD activities gained momentum in 1974. Iraq dispatched Vice-President George Bush considered a CW program during the late , and by to the Conference on Disarmament (CD) at the United 1974, decided to begin CW activities.13 Nations to begin formal discussions on shaping a treaty outlawing CW.10 However, the CWC was only open for By mid-1980, as Iraq to , Iran fell signature (January 1993), well after the end of the Iran- into disarray just 18 after the flight of the .

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Shortly after the beginning of the Iranian ment from a position of strength with the new Islamic (), the Iranian armed forces lost most se- government in . The decision to stop the Iraqi nior military officers to , confinement, or ex- offensive so early in the war proved to be one of ecution, while thousands of other lower-ranking military Saddam’s major and fundamental miscalculations dur- personnel deserted.14 After the occupation of the U.S. ing the war.18 embassy by radical in the fall of 1979, Iran lost By , the nascent in the support of its major political and military sponsor, Tehran had rejected Iraq’s overtures for a negotiated and Iran’s once impressive and sophisticated military settlement, and the Iranian military began to strengthen machine began to fall into disrepair due to the lack of against Iraqi offensives. During this time, Iranian forces maintenance and spare parts previously supplied by the also began to launch their own counteroffensives to re- United States and other Western . Saddam and capture territory from the . While both sides were senior Iraqi decisionmakers most likely calculated that, absorbing significant casualties, battles were being in light of Iran’s weakened armed forces and the intense fought along a fairly static front—probably no more than jockeying for political power in Iran between moderates, 40 or 50 kilometers east or west of the Iran-Iraq border. Leftists, and Islamists, the time was ripe to reverse some Because it had limited amounts of military equipment, of Iraq’s political losses. In particular, Saddam was keen which was either difficult to repair or purchase from the on abrogating the 1975 Accord between the two West, Iran began using “human wave” attacks composed nations, in which Iran was granted control of the strate- of young Iranian combatants from the Baseeji (Popular gic Shatt -Arab waterway in return for Iran’s pledge Mobilization Army or People’s Army). Hoping to cap- 15 to cease its support of anti-Iraqi Kurdish guerrillas. Iraq ture the intense Islamic fervor that gripped Iran at the also may have feared Iranian-inspired Shia fundamen- time, these young Iranians were promised martyrdom talism spilling over into Iraq and spreading further and eternal paradise for sacrificing their bodies against throughout the region. In addition, Iraq may have hoped static Iraqi lines. With the use of these antiquated (i.e., for the possible of Khuzestan, an oil-rich and vintage ) tactics, the Iranians began to turn largely Arab in southwestern Iran. the tide of the war, and by , had recap- While Iraq’s precise motivations16 for invading Iran tured the vital oil-producing center at Abadan.19 have not yet been officially revealed by Iraqi leaders, In addition, by the fall of 1981, other events began to on September 17, 1980, Saddam announced that he was lead Iraq towards using CW in the conflict. On , abrogating the 1975 Algiers accord. Five days later, Iraq 1981, Israeli F-16 strike aircraft conducted a “surgical launched a massive offensive, and tens of thousands of strike” that destroyed the I (Osirak) nuclear re- 17 Iraqi troops began pouring into Iran. actor near . The Israeli operation exposed Iraq’s strategic vulnerabilities, not only because Israeli F-16s EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN THE GULF WAR managed to accomplish their mission without being de- During September and 1980, Iraqi forces tected or sustaining losses, but also because the bomb- made significant thrusts into Iran, and the momentum ing significantly set back the Iraqi nuclear weapons of the conflict swung in Iraq’s favor. Despite suffering program. Therefore, while the nuclear option might have from a three-to-one disparity in population (Iran’s popu- been considered a viable military instrument during the lation stood at 45 million, while Iraq’s pre-war popula- war with Iran, the Osirak strike set back Iraq’s nuclear tion numbered around 15 million), Iraqi forces were weapons ambition by at least five years. 20 Given this better trained, equipped, and motivated. development, Iraq may have begun to consider seriously the continued development and possible future use of The speed and initial success of Iraq’s initial thrusts CW in its war with Iran. into Iran led many observers to speculate that Iraq’s war aims would be reached within a matter of weeks, if not By the early 1980s, Iraq’s chemical capabilities con- months. However, Iraq seemed content with capturing sisted of limited research and production of nerve and the strategic Iranian oil-producing targets of blister agents.21 Initially, Iraq was not able to produce Khorramshar and Abadan, and the Iraqi offensive halted. indigenously most of its CW precursors, so it had to Saddam began exploring avenues for negotiating a settle- import those stocks from abroad.22 For example, Iraq

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imported over 1,000 tons of from Western February and March 1984, the Iraqis reportedly killed Europe and the United States.23 Also, Iraq’s initial at- 40,000 Iranians while losing 9,000 of their own troops. tempts to procure critical precursors for the production On the political front, the Islamic government in of nerve agents were frustrated due to Western export Tehran had consolidated its position, and under Ayatol- 24 controls and interdiction efforts. In addition to obtain- lah Khomeini’s leadership appeared inflexible with re- ing chemical agent precursors from overseas suppliers, spect to terminating the war early. The Iranian according to Iraq’s declarations provided to the United government issued its demands for a cease-fire: com- Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM—the U.N. plete Iraqi withdrawal from all Iranian territory, full war body created after the Gulf War to oversee and imple- compensation (by the end of 1983 this was estimated at ment the dismantlement of Iraq’s WMD capabilities), $150 billion), and the return to Iraq of 100,000 previ- during the 1980s it procured the majority of its CW pro- ously expelled Shias.29 Not surprisingly, Baghdad viewed duction equipment from abroad. Some of those produc- the terms as unacceptable. tion facilities were “constructed, assembled, or completely furnished with equipment by foreign com- The decision to initially employ chemical agents panies.”25 against Iranian troops most likely came from Saddam himself, as release authority was apparently not del- Despite the difficulties in obtaining the necessary egated to even -level commanders. Iraqi military quantities of chemical agent precursors and the initial planners needed to limited amounts of Iraq’s reliance on foreign chemical agent production equipment chemical arsenal and ensure sufficient quantities to and , by the mid-1980s, Iraq’s chemical pro- thwart massive Iranian offensives.30 Even though the gram became increasingly self-sufficient. This dynamic Iraqis had established an impressive CW production enabled Iraq to increase production of chemical agents, capability by the mid-1980s, Iraq’s declared total pro- and arguably served as a hedge against international pres- duction output of both nerve and blister agents amounted sure from foreign suppliers to scale back its use of chemi- to close to four thousand tons.31 cal weapons against Iran. For example, by this time frame, Iraq had expanded its production At this time, Iraq’s chemical capabilities did not pro- capabilities due to its ability to indigenously produce vide Iraq with the tactical and strategic leverage its mili- large amounts of thiodyglycol and (the latter a tary planners may have initially thought. Its stockpile byproduct from the production of or natural of agents was limited, the agents varied in degrees of gas).26 Ultimately, Iraq declared to UNSCOM that all purity, delivery systems were inefficient, and the mili- CW agent production facilities were located at the tary had ill-defined concepts of operations. According Muthanna State Establishment (MSE), and that all agents to one expert’s study, a significant amount of agent was were only produced there.27 The agents included in this needed to saturate the battlespace: 14 liquid tons of arsenal were mustard agent, , tabun, and possibly or two tons of aerosolized tabun were needed to satu- small quantities of VX.28 rate one square kilometer, or half a ton of sarin for the same .32 Based on these modeling assessments, it PATTERNS OF IRAQI USE AND THE appeared that the Iraqis did not have the huge CW stores INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY’S RESPONSE that would have enabled them to massively saturate Ira- nian troops. Developments from 1982 to 1984 In 1982, Iraq reportedly first used the riot control agent From 1982 to 1984, the situation on the battlefield for CS, or , against Iranian troop . Iraq was bleak, if not desperate. During this period, the Iraq had developed riot control agents during the 1970s, conflict had settled into a war of attrition. While Iraq in response to the Kurdish problem in northern Iraq. Iraq had proved adept at constructing defensive strong points used riot control agents in 1982 to disrupt Iranian troop and flooding lowland areas to hamper the advance of formations by forcing the Iranians to don protective gear Iranian mechanized units, both sides showed little abil- and to allow for the retreat of Iraqi troops. ity to utilize armor effectively. Rather than maneuver During 1983, Iraq began to use chemical agents with armor, both sides dug in and used them more as some regularity against Iranian troops. It is generally field pieces. Within a four-week period between accepted that Iraq’s first major employment of chemi-

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cal agents occurred in July or August 1983 during the Hawizah marshes, attempting to cut the - Val Fajr II campaign near Haj Umran.33 U.S. intelligence Baghdad . In a notable example of battle- reports indicate that mustard agent was used. Accord- field interdiction, the Iraqis isolated the ing to these reports, at this time Iraqi military planners forward elements of the attacking force with apparently disregarded the effect of environmental con- Mustard, cutting it off almost from resupply ditions and the safety of Iraqi forces. As the following by land. When the Iraqis counterattacked, they narrative explains, these early Iraqi CW attacks lacked encountered Iranians who had no ammunition sophistication and an understanding of mustard agent: and who had not eaten for several days.37 In the 1983 employment, the Iraqis used mus- In addition, the Iraqis began targeting Iranian infantry tard gas against an Iranian force which had at assembly and staging areas, causing poorly protected captured a mountain top position. Unfamiliar- or trained troops and volunteers to flee. Therefore, from ity with the gas characteristics caused the at- a tactical military perspective, Iraqi commanders decided tack to fail. is heavier than air and that CW afforded significant advantages, such as degrad- seeks the lowest elevation. The Iraqis discov- ing rear-echelon performance and morale, and disrupt- ered this as they attempted to counterattack up ing command and control activities.38 the mountain only to be met and overwhelmed by their own weapon.34 The International Response Moreover, when Iraq first used chemical agents, un- During this period, Iran began its first attempts to high- favorable wind and weather conditions, coupled with an light Iraq’s flagrant violation of the 1925 Geneva Pro- inability to deliver the agent on target, hindered the at- tocol. After sustaining CW attacks in November 1983, tacks’ effectiveness. By November 1983, Iraq was us- the Iranians began to circulate pamphlets in West- ing mustard agent extensively against Iranian troops in ern Europe that depicted chemical casualties in Tehran northeastern Iraq, which caused hundreds of chemical hospitals. Despite this public relations campaign to call casualties.35 attention to the Iraqi chemical attacks, Iran’s claims re- Despite the initial ineffectiveness of their chemical ceived little fanfare in the West. By March 1984, Iran attacks, the Iraqis demonstrated a rapid learning curve had dispatched at least 50 CW casualties to various Eu- with CW use. During early 1984, the Iraqis became the ropean nations (the , , , first nation to use nerve agents on the modern battlefield, Switzerland, and ) in order to display graphically as the tabun was used against Iranian forces the results of Iraqi chemical attacks. Despite the appar- during the I campaign in the Manjoon Islands ent evidence that Iraq had indeed used CW against Iran near Basra. As the Manjoon Islands were strategically and Iran’s attempts to publicize such activity, the lack vital and oil-rich, Baghdad decided that this territory of international criticism most likely emboldened could not fall into the hands of the Iranians, who had Saddam and other senior Iraqi decisionmakers to expand occupied the territory earlier and established a strong de- Iraq’s chemical attacks. fense. Iraqi troops reportedly began using tabun only , arguably Iraq’s staunchest supporter during after a number of hard-hitting counteroffensives failed. the Iran-Iraq War, was silent on the issue of Iraqi chemi- While Iranian CW-casualties were significant, those fig- cal attacks. France’s largest newspapers, Le Monde and ures might have been greater if not for effective Iranian France-Soir, even indulged in speculation that the Ira- defensive measures such as protective , atropine nian chemical casualties were the result of factory work- injectors, and limited amounts of protective clothing. De- ers injured in an industrial accident. At this time, the spite the use of tabun, the Iranians were not dislodged British, French, and U.S. governments were silent on the from the islands.36 matter, while the Iranians bitterly charged the French, As 1984 progressed, the Iraqis became more adept at British, and Soviets with supplying and promoting Iraq’s 39 using their chemical capabilities: CW program. For example, the British government One of the most dramatic examples was in issued a formal statement in response to an Iranian claim operation Khaybar I in February 1984. In this of CW-assistance to Iran: “We are neutral in the con- operation, the Iranians attacked through the flict. We have not supplied any lethal equipment to either side. Allegations to the contrary are untrue. We

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have not supplied any chemical weapons, or equipment a) Chemical weapons in the form of aerial for use in their manufacture, to Iraq.”40 bombs have been used in areas in Iran [sur- By the spring of 1984, it appeared that the major pow- veyed] by the specialists ers of were not interested in punishing— b) The types of chemical agents used bis-(2- or even openly criticizing—Iraq for its CW activities chlorethyl)- (mustard gas), and ethyl against Iran. However, the U.S. press41 and the U.S. N,N-dimethylphosphoamidocyanidate—a 46 Congress paid greater attention to the issue. Certain nerve agent known as Tabun. groups within Congress expressed their repugnance over Following the release of this report, Great Britain, the Iraq’s use of CW, and an effort was undertaken to rein- United States, France, and banned the sale to Iraq state Iraq on the list of nations that supported terrorism. of precursor chemicals involved in the production of The U.S. State Department announced that “available mustard and nerve agents. joined that ban in 47 evidence indicated that Iraq has used lethal chemical August 1984. weapons” and that the government “strongly condemns this practice.”42 The British government reversed its Developments from 1984 to 1986 earlier position by openly denouncing Iraqi CW use and The fighting between Iran and Iraq continued through embargoed eight chemical precursors to both Iran and 1984 to 1986 in roughly the same as the previ- Iraq.43 ous two years: one side would launch a major offensive The also began to investigate formally that would later bog down, while the other side would Iran’s allegations of Iraqi chemical attacks. According reassemble its forces and launch a counteroffensive that to an Iranian Revolutionary Guards physician, Iraq had would result in a similar fate. CW continued to play an conducted at least 49 chemical attacks against Iranian integral part in Iraqi strategy between 1984 and 1986, forces by February 1984.44 In March 1984, the United and during this time Iraq expanded and refined its meth- Nations dispatched an investigative team, and a March ods for CW use. According to declassified U.S. intelli- 30 statement condemned the use of CW and all other gence reports, the preferred method of delivery for CW violations of international humanitarian law. Prior to attacks involved the release of 250- or 500-kilogram March 1988, while a number of U.N. Security Council bombs. An Iraqi Mig-23 pilot stated that during such resolutions (Nos. 479, 487, 514, 522, 540, and 552) were attacks, bombs were released in random patterns from adopted that called on both parties to cease fighting, re- altitudes between three to four thousand meters. Exami- spect international humanitarian law, and begin nego- nation of craters produced during the war showed them tiations for a settlement, none addressed the issue of CW to be four meters in diameter and two- to three-meters use. Only Security Council resolutions 582 (, deep, with spread over a 20- to 30-meter radius. 1986), 598 (July 20, 1987), and 612 (May 9, 1988) ad- In addition, mustard droplets were detected at distances 48 dressed the issue of CW use in the war. These resolu- up to 100 meters from such craters. As the war pro- tions will be addressed below. gressed, Iraqi pilots began to fly at lower altitudes in order to ensure greater precision with respect to chemi- The U.N. effort to investigate Iran’s claims began in cal agent bombing runs; they had been hesitant to do this early March 1984 when then-Secretary-General Javier during the early stages of the war. When using helicop- Perez de Cuellar dispatched an international team of ters to deliver chemical agents, Iraq would employ the experts drawn from Australia, , Sweden, and Swit- use of two or three flying in attack clusters. zerland. A press account of this investigation indicated These helicopters carried bombs configured in 220-liter that the Iranians claimed to have suffered 2,000 CW- containers that detonated upon contact with the ground.49 45 related casualties, 30 percent of which were critical. Other intelligence reports indicated that Iraqi helicop- The team collected samples from and inspected areas ters dropped 55-gallon drums containing chemical agents where chemical agents were purportedly used, includ- from altitudes of three to four thousand feet, while at- ing like (located in the ). tack helicopters like Mi-8 HIPs were outfitted with The team completed its activities and filed a report with 1,000-liter spray tanks for use against troop concentra- the U.N. Security Council. Dated March 26, the report tions.50 While air-delivered bombs and op- stated: erations were the methods of choice for CW, the Iraqis

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also employed CW-capable artillery and mortars exten- redress the serious deficiencies in Iraq’s military capa- sively. According to U.S. intelligence reports, the Iraqis bilities: managed to achieve a multiplier effect by using many CW, ineptly employed, has not proved to be a tubes or artillery pieces simultaneously to satu- panacea to make up for other weaknesses. rate an area. This allowed for greater area coverage than Non-chemical tactical weakness such as fail- provided by independent firing of those same pieces. A ure to maximize advantages and ineffective respected munitions expert remarked that “Iraq’s chemi- employment of tactical airpower carry over cal employment tactics have also evolved. The effective into employment of CW. CW employment integration into combined arms operations of multiple shortcomings have included use of inadequate delivery systems dispersing multiple chemical agents concentrations in relation to required area cov- against multiple specific targets is no small feat....”51 erage, enemy troop numbers, weather and ter- By mid-1984, some reports indicated that Iraq had rain, ineffective delivery, and failure to operationalized a mustard agent variant known as “dusty integrate CW properly with the scheme of 56 mustard.” Whereas classic mustard is a persistent (be- maneuver. tween 32 to 36 hours, depending on ambient conditions), oily liquid that usually takes four to six hours for tissue The International Response corruption, dusty mustard was somewhat different in Between 1984 and 1986, Iran continued to publicize form and effect. Dusty mustard agent was comprised of Iraq’s flagrant violations of the Geneva Protocol. While solid particulates impregnated with mustard agent, which the majority of the international community either dis- formed a dust cloud when released. The cloud was com- missed such allegations outright, or made public state- prised of minute particles, which if inhaled into the lungs ments mentioning their disdain over the use of CW could begin corrupting lung tissue within 10 to 15 min- during the conflict, little concrete action was taken to utes.52 According to one report, the use of dusty mus- address Iraq’s actions. However, during early 1984, as tard was unique: “...the use of a fine or gas-phase noted earlier, President Reagan dispatched Vice-Presi- vesicant, without attendant liquid contamination, is un- dent Bush to Geneva to provide momentum for nego- usual. The result is a chemical munition that produces tiations on the CWC. Despite these good intentions, those many of the devastating psychological effects of mus- negotiations were marked by intense differences between tard gas but with the physical characteristics of a East and West or North and South, and discussions be- nonpersistent chemical agent.”53 Also, during this time, tween parties were often shaped by the Cold War align- Iraq began to expand its production capabilities of other ments at the time. nerve agents like sarin and VX. While there is some While the major powers appeared disinterested or evidence that sarin may have been used during the lat- unwilling to recognize the gravity of Iraq’s use of CW, ter stages of the war, there is no evidence to date con- Australia did attempt to galvanize international attention firming allegations of the use of VX. to the issue. Australian encouraged other Based on these factors, Iraq’s expanded use of CW Western countries to heed the dangers posed by CW pro- between 1984 and 1986 contributed to tactical military liferation as demonstrated by Iraq’s use of CW against successes, and potentially strategic political gains, in the Iran. By late 1984, Australian diplomatic initiatives conflict with Iran. Apparently, Iraq used CW to called for the creation of an mechanism that would ad- it willingness to defend its territory at all costs, while dress the rising specter of CW in a Third World—as apart simultaneously inflicting significant casualties on Iran. from an East/West—context. As a result of these activi- Iraq thus hoped to force Iran to the negotiating table to ties, the (AG) was formed in mid-1985 end the war.54 Whatever Iraq’s strategic designs, the tac- as a consultative body that could hopefully address the tical results were impressive: “Whenever the Iraqis used serious issues raised by the Iran-Iraq War. The AG was good delivery techniques, weather conditions and ter- established to act as an informal forum of states, chaired rain were favorable, and the Iranians were not adequately by Australia. Its goal was to discourage chemical and prepared or trained, the use of chemical weapons has biological proliferation by harmonizing national export been effective.”55 However, intelligence reports also controls on CW precursor chemicals, biological agents, indicated that the employment of CW alone would not and CBW dual-use production equipment; sharing in-

50 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 JAVED ALI formation on CBW-proliferation developments; and defensive or counteroffensive operations. By early 1988, pursuing other measures. The AG first met in June 1985 Iraq began conducting offensives to recapture territory and by September 1985 had developed a warning list. using CW. Iraq used chemicals to “soften” an area prior By May 1986, it had created a warning list of 35 precur- to a conventional attack, and Iraqi forces would wait for sor chemicals that could be involved in the production favorable wind conditions and the effects of the agent of CW.57 employed to diminish before moving into a contaminated The issue of Iraq’s use of CW also began to receive area. According to U.S. intelligence reports, usually 30 even greater attention in the U.N. Security Council. minutes to one hour was needed prior to allowing Iraqi Whereas U.N. Security Council resolutions prior to 1986 forces to enter a previously contaminated area, and Iraqi had failed to mention the use of CW or Iraq as the ag- troops also were equipped with protective overgarments 60 gressor with respect to CW activities, U.N. Security and gas masks. It was reported that during these Council resolution 582 (February 24, 1986) took a dif- offensives, the Iraqis would use large quantities of sarin 61 ferent approach. The document noted that both Iran and to contaminate Iranian positions. In April 1988, the Iraq were parties to the Geneva Protocol, and it deplored Iraqis unloosed an artillery barrage of chemical rounds “...the use of chemical weapons contrary to obligations during a massive assault on Iranian positions in the stra- 62 under...” the Protocol.58 Resolution 588, while not ad- tegic Fao Peninsula. dressing the issue of CW directly, called on both parties By this time, Iranian forces were better protected and to implement the provisions of resolution 582. equipped to operate in a chemical environment, and there are reports that Iranian forces also began to retaliate with Developments from 1987 to 1988 chemical attacks either from captured Iraqi chemical stores or indigenously produced agent stockpiles. While During the period 1984 to 1986, Iraq’s use of CW was Iran’s chemical defense capabilities in 1984 were mod- gradual, but from 1987 to 1988, Iraq intensified the est at best (according to one report, this capability con- tempo and scope of its chemical attacks. These devel- sisted of respirators, thin rubber gloves, and plastic opments occurred against the backdrop of heightened laundry bags), by 1988 Iranian forces were better pre- international awareness of Iraq’s CW practices. The is- pared to defend against Iraqi chemical attacks.63 sue of Iraq’s violation of the Geneva Protocol did not revolve around differences of interpretation regarding During the war, Khomeini reportedly de- verification or compliance. By this time, it was well-es- creed that CW could not be employed without his ap- tablished that Iraq had indeed violated the Protocol and proval. Reportedly, he had dismissed an inquiry into the that the evidence affirming this was incontrovertible, if feasibility of such an attack on Iraq due to the argument not widely known. The problem for the international that prohibits its fighters from polluting the envi- community now centered around deciding on whether ronment, even during a or holy war.64 In Decem- to punish Iraq (and then perhaps Iran) for these trans- ber 1986, Iran’s former prime minister, Hussein Musavi, gressions. During the last two years of the conflict, de- announced that Iran had developed its own chemical spite the concerns of some nations, the use of CW warfare technology. A year later he informed the Ira- escalated and neither Iraq nor, according to some reports, nian parliament () that while the military had pro- Iran refrained from their use. duced “sophisticated chemical weapons,” it would not use them as long as it was not forced to, and that it would While Iranian forces attempted numerous offensives abide by all international conventions regulating the use from late 1986 to early 1988, Iraq accelerated its use of of such weapons.65 While Iran paid “lip service” to up- chemical agents against staging areas. The targeting of holding the norms of the 1925 Geneva Protocol, Iranian rear support troops, most of whom were poorly trained decisionmakers eventually believed that their immedi- or equipped to operate in a chemical environment, acted ate security concerns and strategic objectives outweighed as a force multiplier for the Iraqis. According to U.S. the long-term benefits provided by the Protocol. Nota- intelligence data, the use of CW combined with conven- bly, Iran could have invoked the Protocol’s reservations tional tactics, as was done in the VII Campaign regarding retaliatory use to justify its resort to chemical during April 1987, proved successful for Iraq.59 Further- attacks, since Iraq was recognized as the first party to more, the use of chemicals was no longer relegated to introduce the weapons into the conflict.

The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 51 JAVED ALI

Even though Iran could retaliate in kind to a limited billions of dollars in debt, faced a war-weary popula- degree and had improved its defensive capabilities tion, and had seen its infrastructure heavily damaged. against Iraqi chemical attacks, the psychological impact The use of CW, especially nerve agents, was meant to of those attacks on Iranian forces continued to be severe. signal Iraq’s determination to sue for peace and force The employment of chemical weapons and the Iran to the negotiating table. In 1988, the use of chemi- publishing of its effects on the human body had cals in offensives to recapture the Fao Peninsula and its effects...on morale in Iran. It Manjoon Islands, and the shocking use against the affected directly the spirit of volunteering and demonstrated Iraq’s intent. Even if Iran’s claims of suf- the normal contingent of Baseeji volunteers fering 60,000 CW-related casualties are correct, this fig- attached to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard...fell ure represents a small portion of Iran’s overall casualties off by one third.66 suffered during the war (between 500,000 to 600,000).71 The psychological impact of chemical attacks was However, the powerful psychological impact of these demonstrated during the “War of the Cities” from Feb- attacks, especially against Iranian troops and civilians ruary to April 1988, when Iran and Iraq callously began in the latter stages of the conflict must not be discounted. to target civilian population centers with ballistic mis- While Iraq’s use of CW was not the sole factor that sile attacks. The fear of chemically tipped Scuds was so forced Iran to grudgingly accept the U.N.-sponsored great that some reports indicate that up to one-quarter cease-fire of , 1988, the use of CW left a deep 72 to one-half of Tehran’s population fled during that pe- impression on decisionmakers in Tehran. The follow- riod.67 ing description of Iran’s motivations in accepting the U.N. cease-fire is instructive: While Iraqi chemical attacks intensified against Ira- The Iranian decision resulted from an accumu- nian forces, chemicals were also used against rebellious lation of factors: the inability of the Iranian Kurdish factions. While Iraq had long-used CS to quell military to overcome losses suffered during the local disturbances in , the military use of CW attack on Basra at the end of 1986; the Iraqi against Kurdish elements had not been employed. How- advantage in the , especially after ever, when Iran launched its last large offensive in the the U.S. entry in the gulf; the demoralizing spring of 1988, Iranian forces drove far into Iraqi impact of Iraqi attacks on civilian targets dur- Kurdistan and threatened to capture the Darbandi ing the war of the cities; the fear in the Ira- reservoir and hydroelectric plant at Dukan. These facili- nian army that Iraq would again use ties were critical in generating hydroelectric power for chemical weapons;...the recent defeats of the Baghdad, and losing the would have been a critical Iranian army at Fao, , Manjoon, loss for Iraq. As Iranian forces drove through the moun- and ; and the nearly ten-to-one advan- tains towards , Iraqi forces used chemical tage Iraq possessed in battle tanks.73 agents.68 However, the single most publicized incident of the conflict occurred in March 1988, when Iraqi forces The International Response bombarded the of Halabjah with various chemical agents over the course of three days.69 The town, which By 1987, the United Nations was deeply involved in had been under Iranian occupation as a result of Iran’s attempting to end the conflict as it appeared that it had spring offensive, suffered a large number of chemical begun to spiral out of control. The “tanker war” that be- casualties, and reports indicate that between 5,000 to gan in 1984—where both Iran and Iraq targeted civilian 8,000 people, including Kurdish civilians (mostly shipping, especially oil tankers, plying the Gulf—esca- women, children, and the elderly) perished in the at- lated to the degree where the United States and other tack.70 It was only after this attack that Iraq faced strong Western powers heightened their involvement. In 1987, international condemnation. persuaded the United States to offer protection to the Kuwaiti oil fleet, and 11 Kuwaiti oil tankers were Set against the backdrop of Iraq’s strategic environ- reflagged under the auspices of the United States. Given ment, Iraq’s use of CW in mid-1988 appeared to be a these circumstances, on July 20, 1987, the U.N. Secu- policy of last resort and desperation. By this time, Iraq rity Council adopted resolution 598, which called for an had suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, was immediate cease-fire between the combatants, given the

52 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 JAVED ALI

“heavy loss of life and human destruction.” Resolution ians.... What is the effect of these crimes on 598 also spelled out the terms for an eventual cease-fire. the one hand and the silence of the United Na- In addition, the resolution set forth the most assertive tions on the other?76 language to date with respect to the issue of CW: Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations in letters dated The Security Council...[d]eploring also the and March 25 to Secretary-General Perez de bombing of purely civilian population centers, Cuellar also echoed these sentiments. attacks on neutral shipping or civilian aircraft, After receiving these letters, Secretary-General Perez the violation of international humanitarian law de Cuellar dispatched Dr. Manuel Dominguez, a Span- and other of armed conflict, and, in par- ish Army Medical Corps , to investigate both Iran ticular, the use of chemical weapons contrary and Iraq’s claims. During his investigations in Iran from to obligations under the 1925 Geneva Proto- March 28 to March 31, Dr. Dominguez examined pa- 74 col…. tients in medical facilities in Tehran and Bakhtaran and While Iraq accepted the terms contained within reso- found that victims had been exposed to mustard and lution 598, Iran continued to reject it. By mid-1987, Ira- nerve agents. The patients claimed they had been injured nian decisionmakers apparently calculated that the terms in the -18 Halabjah attacks or in the - of the agreement were unsatisfactory, and that they might Nowdoshe- area of Iran between March 17 and still make significant gains in the war. Also, many Ira- March 27. Based on these and other assessments, nian leaders felt that the international community had Dominguez concluded: not condemned Iraq as they believed warranted by the Compared with previous years, there has been situation. Finally, despite Iraq’s use of CW and its other an increase in the intensity of the attacks with violations of , the international commu- chemical agents, in terms of both the number nity now perceived Iran as the aggressor. This percep- of victims and...the severity of injuries sus- tion, driven largely by the strident anti-U.S. rhetoric tained. Furthermore, there appeared to be a emanating from Tehran and the reciprocal U.S. attitudes higher proportion of civilians among those toward Iran, continued to be of concern in Tehran. affected than in previous investigations.77 After the chemical attack at Halabjah in March 1988, During his investigation in Iraq from April 8 to April Iran intensified efforts to see Iraq punished. On March 11, Dr. Dominguez examined 39 military casualties at 17, 1988, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations sent the Al Rasheed Military Hospital in Baghdad, who ex- a letter to the secretary-general indicating that Iraqi war- plained that they had been injured by chemicals deliv- planes had used CW in the “operational theater of ered by aerial bombs or artillery shells in the Halabjah ,” while a second letter the same day reported that area around March 30. Dr. Dominguez concluded that chemicals had been used in Kurdish areas. This corre- all 39 patients had been exposed to mustard gas, and that spondence urged the Security Council to uphold the four had also been exposed to low levels of nerve agent. Geneva Protocol and to compel Iraq to stop using CW, Dr. Dominguez transmitted his findings to the Secretary- thus relieving Iran “of the agony of considering retalia- General, Perez de Cuellar, who then forwarded it to the tory measures.” Iran also asked for another investiga- Security Council. However, Perez de Cuellar did not tive team to be sent to chemically affected areas.75 believe that the Security Council would be able to rec- Ali Velayati, then Iran’s Foreign Minister, also wrote ommend or take concrete action against the use of CW the secretary-general in March 1988 and complained because there were few options for the international com- that despite unambiguous evidence, the U.N. Security munity to punish Iraq or Iran and there were serious Council had failed to take action to prevent Iraq’s CW differences of opinion between the major powers as to attacks. Velayati also announced that Iraq had used CW the appropriate response to such transgressions. He against Kurds in Halabjah, and declared: stated, “only concerted efforts at the political level could This irresponsible and indifferent attitude of prevent the irreparable weakening of the Geneva Proto- 78 the Security Council has indeed encouraged col.” and emboldened Iraq to employ chemical With respect to the U.S. position on the Halabjah in- weapons even against innocent Iraqi civil- cident, a State Department spokesperson indicated that

The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 53 JAVED ALI

the attack “appears to be a particularly grave violation Iran’s continued refusal to comply with the terms of reso- of the 1925 Geneva Protocol against chemical war- lution 598. He did, however, make a special appeal for fare.”79 spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater also a stop in the use of CW.83 stated “Everyone in the administration the same re- On , 1988, Secretary-General Perez de ports you saw last night. They were horrible, outrageous, Cuellar announced that the cease-fire agreement would disgusting and should serve as a reminder to all coun- take effect on August 20, yet the Security Council was 80 tries of why chemical warfare should be banned.” still tackling the issue of CW. On August 26, it passed In April 1988, the Security Council president was another resolution, 620, that also expressed intense con- ’s ambassador Hocine Djoudi. According to one cern over the continued use of CW by Iraq and alleg- , Algeria had little desire to take the lead in draw- edly by Iran. The resolution stipulated that the council ing attention to the use of CW by two other non-aligned would be “determined in its efforts to end all use of nations. The five permanent members of the U.N. Secu- chemical weapons,” condemned “resolutely” the use of rity Council, while not objecting to council action on the CW between Iran and Iraq, and encouraged the secre- issue of CW, were embroiled in a debate about whether tary-general to carry out prompt investigations into al- to impose sanctions or an on Iran. Ger- legations by any U.N. member state concerning the many, , and Japan took the lead in drafting a new possible use of chemical or biological weapons. It also resolution on the issue of CW because France, the United included language that the council, when appropriate, Kingdom, and the United States had relations with Iraq. would consider “appropriate and effective” measures In contrast, , Italy, and Japan all maintained against the future use of CW by any nation.84 strong commercial ties with Iran. By leading on the is- sue, Germany hoped to counter criticism that some of LESSONS LEARNED its industrial giants either intentionally or unknowingly A number of important tactical and strategic lessons assisted in the development of Iraq’s CW program. Af- were impressed upon both combatants during the Iran- ter two weeks of intense diplomatic jockeying, the Se- Iraq War with respect to the use of CW. These lessons curity Council adopted resolution 612 on May 9, 1988.81 were also recognized, if not fully appreciated, by the rest Resolution 612’s language was unusually somber and of the international community during the conflict. For reflected the Council’s “dismay” about the investigative Iran, what was most disturbing about Iraq’s use of CW mission’s conclusion that the use of CW had expanded was the muted international criticism of Iraq for con- to include civilians. It called for both Iran and Iraq to ducting such flagrant violations of the 1925 Geneva Pro- strictly observe the Geneva Protocol, “vigorously con- tocol. In the eyes of many in the Iranian leadership, the demned” the use of CW by both sides, noted an expec- international community’s failure to condemn or pun- tation that both sides refrain from future use, and called ish Iraq for its CW attacks against Iran (Iraq was only for the creation of tighter export control restrictions.82 severely criticized after it unleashed nerve gas attacks As noted above, on July 18, 1988, Iran grudgingly against the Kurdish town of Halabjah in March 1988) accepted the terms of resolution 598 and accepted the demonstrated the depth of international indifference— U.N.-sponsored cease-fire. Iraqi officials indicated that if not outright hostility—toward Iran. Iranian despite Iran’s acceptance of the resolution’s terms, the decisionmakers concluded that the international war would continue since Iran would not agree to en- community’s tepid response to Iraq’s chemical attacks gage in direct dialogue with Iraq regarding the terms of signaled that the global powers were more likely to re- a cease-fire agreement. On , then-Vice President ward violations of international law than to recognize Bush and Iranian Foreign Minister Velayati addressed the dangerous precedent Iraq had established, as least the Security Council. Velayati railed against the U.S. when Iran was the involved in such conflicts. Iraq’s CW presence in the Gulf, the shooting down of the Iranian attacks reinforced Iran’s strategic insecurities, and most civilian Airbus by the U.S.S. Vincennes, and the Secu- likely motivated Iran to try to acquire or produce WMD, rity Council’s refusal to deal objectively with the “acts especially CW agents. Moreover, given the effectiveness of aggression already committed.” Bush replied by in- of Iraqi CW attacks against Iranian forces (especially dicating that the critical issue before the Council was during the latter stages of the campaign), Iranian com-

54 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 JAVED ALI manders also began to appreciate the tactical, if not stra- In the political sphere, many Western powers were tegic, utility of CW on the battlefield. reluctant to punish instances of noncompliance with the Iraq’s experience with CW during the Iran-Iraq War Geneva Protocol when both violators were deemed as reinforced the belief of senior Iraqi leaders that aggres- challenges to regional security. Determining “good” sive conduct in the region would be tolerated, as long as from “bad” was an exercise in moderation during the Iraq did not directly threaten U.S. or Western interests Iran-Iraq War. Also, the fear of an Iranian-inspired or - and its conduct did not exceed certain thresholds. Iraq backed revolt sweeping across the into was not severely criticized for its use of CW until after the vitally important oil-producing nations like Kuwait the March 1988 attack on Halabjah; its previous five or or , or into “moderate” and staunchly pro- six years of CW use against Iran was not given the seri- Western Arab states in the Middle East like or ous attention it deserved due to higher priorities set by , was a development that many in the United States, the international community. Despite the relative weak- if not the West, could not tolerate. Therefore, many ness of the Geneva Protocol, had Iraq chosen to employ Western states saw nominally backing Iraq, despite CW against a regional actor other than Iran, the interna- Iraq’s track record as an aspiring regional hegemon and tional response (despite the lack of stringent arms con- Saddam Hussein’s ruthless personal ambitions, as a trol measures to support such activity) might have been lesser of two evils. Iran, despite its “victimization” as a more assertive. However, there is no way to be certain result of Iraqi chemical attacks, had done little to con- of the outcome. The international community’s failure vince Western powers, and especially the United States, to punish Iraq for its use of CW in the Iran-Iraq War that it posed no threat to Western economic and politi- most likely emboldened Iraqi decisionmakers and may cal interests in the Gulf. Moreover, Iran’s support of ter- have contributed to a risk calculus that fostered Iraq’s rorist activity against the West, moderate Arab states, plans to invade Kuwait in August 1990. and against during the 1980s, in addition to its resoundingly militant anti-Western rhetoric, effectively Beyond the strategic and tactical lessons learned by dampened its chances for winning overt political sup- the combatants in the conflict though, lay the issue of port for its cause during the war with Iraq. arms control and compliance. Further limiting efforts to punish noncompliance with the Geneva Protocol was the The Iran-Iraq War demonstrated the limitations of international political and economic context of the war. arms control agreements that do not contain appropri- Many nations and private commercial interests benefit- ate mechanisms to respond effectively to instances of ted greatly from the sale of arms and technology to both noncompliance. The shortcomings of the Geneva Pro- combatants. Imposing embargoes on either side for the tocol have already been noted. What the international use of CW would have greatly hampered those commer- community was left with at the time of the Iran-Iraq War cial efforts. A can be drawn to a more recent was an arms control agreement that provided little, if any, experience that involves tensions between competing practical response to deal with such transgressions. Fur- economic and nonproliferation agendas: the troubles thermore, by the mid-1980s, some analysts argued that experienced by the Clinton administration with respect even the norm against the use of CW set forth in the Pro- to its policy on China. While apparently eager to engage tocol had already been eroded, if not attenuated, given China economically and enjoy the commercial benefits the specter of CW use in World War II, Egypt’s use of of conducting business with the world’s largest devel- CW in in the early 1960s, the U.S. use of herbi- oping market, the Clinton administration may have let cides in Vietnam, and the allegations of Soviet use in 85 similarly important nonproliferation objectives vis-à-vis and Southeast during the late 1970s. China assume a lesser priority. The United States, how- The Iran-Iraq War starkly demonstrated that arms con- ever, is not the only Western nation that has come un- trol norms alone did not then and may not in the future scrutiny in such circumstances. Since the early 1980s, promote compliance. Norms, however, coupled with an most of the major European nations, including France, effective legal instrument that not only punishes viola- Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, have at one tions upon detection but also prevents violations in the time or another been accused of placing national com- first place might prove to be a powerful deterrent in the mercial interests ahead of international nonproliferation future. Such a legal instrument should include aggres- or arms control priorities. sive monitoring, reporting, and surveillance mecha-

The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 55 JAVED ALI nisms. However, arms control mechanisms need the sus- 7 “Geneva Protocol,” Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements, pp. 5-6. 8 Ibid., p. 7. tained and serious political support of the international 9 Iran signed the BWC on April 10, 1972 and ratified the treaty on August community in order to promote the compliance agen- 22, 1973. Iraq signed the BWC on May 11, 1972, yet only ratified the das contained in those treaties. treaty after the Gulf War (, 1991). Iraq ratified as a result of com- plying with the terms of U.N. resolutions imposed after that conflict. Ibid., The CWC provides such a legal foundation, and the p. 102. 10 Andrew Terrill, “Chemical Weapons in the Gulf War,” Strategic Review treaty’s verification, compliance, enforcement, and con- (Spring 1986), p. 55. fidence-building measures have been ongoing for the last 11 Such reasoning may be found in other instances of arms control noncom- three years. However, it is difficult to assess whether the pliance. For example, key Soviet decisionmakers apparently approved of the decision to move forward with the massive and complex biological weap- treaty has had any impact on stemming or reversing the ons program—organized and controlled under the aegis of a civilian-cum- spread of CW in regions and nations of proliferation military structure known as Biopreparat—after the had signed the 1972 BWC. According to Ken Alibek, the highest ranking official ever concern. Moreover, since the entry into force of the treaty to defect from the Biopreparat apparatus, senior Soviet officials regarded in 1997, the international community has not been forced the BWC as little more than a “scrap of paper,” whose provisions against to take full advantage of the CWC’s stringent mecha- the use, research and development, production, and stockpiling of biologi- cal warfare agents could be circumvented under the terms of the treaty or nisms to punish instances of use between CWC signa- disregarded completely. For the most detailed of the history tories. If such a scenario manifests itself in the future, and activities of the Soviet/ biological weapons program, see Ken the international community should use the mechanisms Alibek and Stephen Handleman, Biohazard (New York: Random House, 1999). under the CWC to penalize the treaty’s violators, and 12 See and Inari Rautsi, Saddam Hussein: A Political Biogra- more importantly, resolutely condemn any use of chemi- phy (New York: MacMillan Incorporated, April 1991); Elaine Sciolino, The Outlaw State: Saddam Hussein’s Quest for Power and the Gulf Crisis (New cal weapons irrespective of the nature of the conflict or York: Wiley, John, and Sons Inc., 1991) and Samir al-Khalil, The the political orientation of the combatants. A swift and of Fear (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990). serious response by the international community will 13 , “The Genie Unleashed: Iraq’s Chemical and Biological Weap- ons Production,” The Institute Policy Papers, No. 14 (Wash- help ensure further compliance with CWC in particular, ington, D.C.: The Washington Institute for Policy, 1989), p. 7. and compliance with arms control efforts on a broader 14 William Polk, “The Iran-Iraq War,” The Today (Cambridge, scale. MA: Harvard University Press, 4th Edition, 1991), pp. 335-336; also see Dilip Hiro, “The Founding of the ,” Iran Under the Ayatol- lahs (New York: and Kegan Paul Inc., 1987), pp. 106-107. 15 The “Kurdish question” had been a long-standing thorn in the side of Iraq, since the significant Iraqi Kurdish minority (between 20-25 percent of the total population) had been fighting for autonomy from Baghdad for decades. Under the Algiers Accord, the language that was created to control the is- sues of the Shatt-al-Arab waterway and Iran’s support for Kurdish guerillas 1 One source indicated that during the war Iran suffered between 400,000 to stated that both nations agreed “to delimit ‘fluvial frontiers according to the 600,000 dead, while Iraq suffered about 150,000 dead, 500,000 wounded, thalweg line’and to ‘end all acts of infiltration of a subversive nature.’” and 70,000 captured. See Patrick Brogan, “Iraq,” The Fighting Never Stopped Hiro, “The Gulf War,” Iran Under the , p. 165. For a detailed (New York: Vintage Books, 1990), p. 263. description of the historical events that lead up to the 1975 Algiers Accord, 2 It is estimated that Iraq received almost $60 billion in subsidies from sym- see Col. (Retd) S.G. Mehdi, “Shatt-Al-Arab: A Survey of and Trea- pathetic Arab and Gulf neighbors during the war, while Iran’s oil revenues ties,” . dropped from $20 billion in 1982 to $5 billion by 1988. 16 For an analysis of the potential motivations underlying Iraq’s decision to Ibid., pp. 252, 266. invade Iran, see Major (USAF), “Iran and Iraq: A Prediction 3 According to one report, the importance of the Iraqi chemical experience for Future Conflict,” Master’s , Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air in the war with Iran was not lost on many interested nations in the immedi- Command and Staff College, March 1997, pp. 13-16. ate aftermath of the conflict. One U.S. source stated “Military missions 17 Brogan, The Fighting Never Stopped, p. 261. have been virtually queuing up in Baghdad to see how Iraq did it . . . Poor 18 “Iraq – Iraqi Offensives, 1980-82,” Studies, countries see CW as the equalizer, a kind of giant-killer which can act as a , p. 1. Chemical Arms Main Source of U.S. Fears,” (London), Janu- 19 Ibid. ary 6, 1989, p. 1. 20 Mike Eisenstadt, “The of the : Iraq’s Strategic Weapons,” 4 According to one source, of the total of 272,000 U.S. casualties during Washington Institute Policy Papers, No. 21 (Washington, D.C.: Washing- World War I, there were over 72,000 chemical casualties with 1,200 deaths ton Institute for Near East Policy, 1990), p. 9. attributed to battlefield chemical agent exposure. See Frederick Sidell, Ernest 21 According to the last report issued by the United Nations Special Com- Takafuji, and David Franz, et al., Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biologi- mission on Iraq (UNSCOM), Iraq admitted that its large-scale CW activi- cal Warfare (Washington, D.C.: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1997), ties, to include the construction of production facilities and manufacture of p. 24. related-equipment, the procurement of raw materials, and production and 5 “Geneva Protocol,” Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements—Texts stockpiling of CW agents, were carried out from 1982 to 1990. See “Ap- and Histories of the Negotiations (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Arms Control pendix II: Status of the Verification of Iraq’s Chemical Weapons and Disarmament Agency, 6th Edition, 1996), pp. 5-7. Programme,” Enclosure I/Report: Disarmament, United Nations Security 6 Jean Pascal Zanders, “The CWC in the Context of the 1925 Geneva De- Council 2/1999/94, , 1999, p. 56, .

56 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 JAVED ALI

22 Ibid., p. 75. 36 Terrill, “Chemical Weapons in the Gulf War,” p. 53. A declassified U.S. 23 One example of the transfer of critical mustard agent precursors between intelligence report sheds some light on the issue of Iranian CW-protective Iraq and Western nations was detailed in a January 1989 Washington Post gear and decontamination measures. According to the report, field decon- article. According to this report, in January 1989 the U.S. Customs Service tamination of trenches and other contaminated areas was carried out with announced the of Nicholas Defino, a New Jersey resident and Frans specially constructed equipment consisting of an apparatus comprised of Van Anraat, a Dutch citizen. Both individuals worked for Nu Kraft Mercan- two tanks mounted on a Toyota truck (one of the tanks contained powder, Corporation (registered in Brooklyn, NY), and were charged with ille- the other gas). Battlefield treatment of CW wounds was varied (blister agent gally exporting 400 tons of thiodiglycol to Jordan, which then was shipped victims were given effective aid, yet the nerve agent injectors were not as to Iraq. These shipments were allegedly processed during 1987 and 1988. efficacious). Problems were encountered with gas masks and protective Peter Valentine, “2 Charged in Gas Deal; Md Firm Linked to Export clothing, since donning such gear made movement in , humid areas like of Key Chemical to Mideast,” Washington Post, January 31, 1989, p. A1. Khuzestan difficult (e.g., increased breathing and exertion, dehydration, 24 In 1984, a series of export-control incidents evidenced Iraq’s interest in fogging of masks due to increased perspiration, and loose-fitting masks due obtaining precursors for the production of nerve agents. In that year, the to beards). See “CW Use in Iran-Iraq War,” , pp. 2-3. orders to a Dutch company for 250 tons of phosphorus oxychloride, 200 37 “ V Lessons Learned: The Iran-Iraq War,” , p. filled. Nevertheless, the Iraqis were successful in their efforts to acquire 60 1. tons of phosphorus oxychloride through the Dutch company Melchemie, 38 Ibid., p. 1. which acquired it through the Italian company Motedision. Carus, The Ge- 39 Terrill, “Chemical Weapons in the Gulf War,” pp. 53, 55. nie Unleashed, note 9, p. 21. 40 “Sale of Chemical Weapons to Iraq Denied,” London Press Association 25 See “ II: Status of the Verification of Iraq’s Chemical Weapons in English, LD041455, March 4, 1984, in Foreign Broadcast Information Programme,” p. 75. Service–Western Europe (, 1984), p. U1. 26 See Carus, The Genie Unleashed, pp. 11-15. Also, according to another 41 “Iraq Assails U.S. Accusation Over Use of Poison Gas,” New York Times, analysis, under Iraq’s Second Five-Year Plan (covering the years 1976-1980), , 1984, p. 4; Henry Kamm, “New Gulf War Issue: Chemical Arms,” a project called for the establishment of a production line at the Basra Petro- New York Times, March 5, 1984, p. 1; “Iraq Reportedly Uses Mustard Gas chemicals-1 facility to manufacture 110,000 tons of ethylene per year. While in War,” , January 26, 1984, p. 8; , “U.S. in the commercial sector it has been used to make polyethylene plastics and Aides Say Iraqis Made Use of a Nerve Gas,” New York Times, March 30, other products, when mixed with air if forms an explosive mixture and thus 1984, p. 1; and “Is Baghdad Using Poison Gas?,” Newsweek, , can be used to create liquid rocket fuel and mustard gas. See Kenneth 1984, p. 39. Timmerman, The Death Lobby (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 42 “Chemical Weapons and the Iran-Iraq War: Department of State, March 1991), pp. 35-36. Timmerman’s book is also an excellent primer on the 5, 1984,” Department of State Bulletin, No. 2085, April 1984, pp. 65-66. involvement of Western corporations and governments in assisting Iraq’s 43 Terrill, “Chemical Weapons in the Gulf War,” p. 55. pursuit of conventional and unconventional weapons capabilities from the 44 Foroutan , “Report of the Specialists Appointed by the Secretary- 1970s to the eve of the Gulf crisis in 1990. General of the United Nations to Investigate Allegations by the Islamic Re- 27 Muthanna, also known as the State Enterprise for Pesticide Production, public of Iran Concerning the use of Chemical Weapons,” Proceedings of was located roughly 50 miles north of Baghdad and 25 miles southwest of the First World Congress, p. 303. . Prior to the damage inflicted upon it by air strikes in the 45 Peter Dunn, “The Chemical War: Journey to Iran,” NBC Defense & Tech- Gulf War, it had been described as the world’s third largest chemical weap- nology International (April 1986), p. 28. ons production facility, with the ability to manufacture 2.5 tons of sarin and 46 United Nations Security Council, Document S 16433, “Report of the Spe- 5 tons of mustard agent per day. The facility itself was large—up to 25 cialists Appointed by the Secretary General to Investigate Allegations by square kilometers—and consisted of a network of production facilities, stor- the Islamic Republic of Iran Concerning the Use of Chemical Weapons,” age bunkers, and related support buildings. See Leonard Doyle, Donald March 26, 1984. Macintyre, and Tom Wilkie, “Saddam’s Nerve Gas Secrets,” The Indepen- 47 Dunn, “The Chemical War,” p. 35. dent (London), August 4, 1991, p. 1. 48 “Iran-Iraq: Chemical Warfare Continues, November 1986,” , p. 7. 29 “Iraq – The War of Attrition, 1984-87,” Library of Congress Country 49 “Iraqi Strategy and Tactics in the Use of Chemical Weapons During the Studies, , p. 4. (DOCID+iq0104)>, p. 1. 50 “ Capability to Deliver Chemical Weapons,” , p. 9. _0422pgftxt_90.html>, p. 2. 31 According to UNSCOM, Iraq admitted that it had produced 3,859 tons of 51 For a complete description of many of the munitions used by Iraq to de- CW agents from 1982 to 1990, and 3,315 tons were weaponized into deliv- liver chemical agents against Iran, see Harvey J. McGeorge, “Iraq’s Secret ery systems. Iraq then admitted that up to 80 percent of that weaponized Arsenal,” Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy (January/February inventory was used from 1982 to 1988, with an additional 130 tons of non- 1991), p. 6. This report indicated that Iraq successfully employed mustard, weaponized CW agents being discarded during that same time frame. After sarin, and tabun with 250-kg bombs that employed both impact and airburst the Gulf War with Iraq, UNSCOM oversaw the destruction of 411 tons (295 fuzes. Moreover, the report noted that Iraq employed blister and nerve agents tons mustard, 76 tons tabun, 40 tons sarin) of bulk CW agents. See “Appen- on helicopter-fired 90mm air-to-surface rockets, 120mm mortars, 130mm dix II: Status of the Verification of Iraq’s Chemical Weapons Programme,” and 155mm artillery shells, and 122mm multiple rocket launchers. Iraq pp. 66-67. also declared to UNSCOM that it expended 100,000 CW munitions (out of 32 Carus, The Genie Unleashed, note 8, p. 21. a total inventory of almost 200,000) from 1982-1988. See “Appendix II: 33 “Task Force V Lessons Learned: The Iran-Iraq War,” , p. 52 “Iraqi Chemical Warfare Data,” , p. 1. 34 Ibid., p. 2. 53 Dunn, “The Chemical War,” p. 34. 35 “CW Use in Iran-Iraq War,” , p. 2. nal (London: King’s College, 1996),

The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001 57 JAVED ALI winge/pages/.html>, p. 4. 79 David Ottaway, “U.S. Decries Use of Chemical Weapons,” Washington 55 “Impact and Implications of Chemical Weapons Use in the Iran-Iraq War,” Post, March 24, 1998, p. A37. p. 11, . 80 Ibid., p. A37. 56 Ibid., p. 14. 81 Hume, The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq, pp. 153-154. 57 The AG now has 30 member states, and during 1990 its mandate was 82 Resolution 612 (1988), S/RES/1988, 9 May 9 1988, p. 1. expanded to include warning lists on the transfer of biological agents and 83 Hume, The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq, p. 165. dual-use production equipment. The list of chemical precursors on the AG 84 Resolution 620 (1988), S/RES/620/1988, 26 August 1988, p.1. warning list now stands at 54. The last major AG meeting occurred during 85 For a thoughtful essay on this issue by a former Assistant Director to the October 2000 (the AG meets annually in Geneva). See “Australia (then) U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, see Thomas Etzold, Group,”

58 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring 2001