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" "f'V- l,' *t ■'i: ■' '•(■ v%v i/, #/ ,' .* y 0 L.LL,N 0 ^ 268^ (CtoMliad AdfuritolMg on ipiift t.). (t/stVAiBaBy : . ■ .; r ..■ t J/I .■■■'■ ••-•'•■' l:- '-

A s Poirierm e iifelE H dm o ft^^W i^« 0 0 0 it P. €. ' ^ v. .<,?| * • ■ ' ' ,'■ ...... '' ' , ' ' . »( 1 • .. .1 j- ______'-• ' .' ... •■'•'■• - ' " ' ------' I ," ENGULFS GERMANY

D^KWaAe and Hand fim ad es UPTURN IN MARKET Gmataifiig Sereral .A, Ihrled h a Dozen'Cities HITS PESSIMISTS , Coils To More Than $1 / Hmdrads of Windows i D S n ash d . Reaction Shows Wiok Na­ mimusEDEinB Is Mansted. — AtteiveT tion Rejoidng That Things / . ‘ BwUn, A ^ . «.—(APy—Dynamite New York, Aug. 6.— (A P)— u d hand freaadea from the anen* Begin To Look ftij^ te r. S to c ^ Boomed ahead in a fresh wave Another Rednse Suspected Genml Bnrrews Q in^ ala of peUtleal faetlona gave a new of buyhig today. Gains ranging, touch'today to the violence which ftem a ffN cents to more than $1 h Mpsteriens^ Murder ef General Statutes Ih 'tS ^ -M haa jnrept through Germany for the New York, Aug. 6.—(AP)— The Here are the directors of the Reconstructioih: FbiaiM>a'C!oipora4on' at their first meeting in Washington, D. a' share apepared at the onenlng and paat aiz weeka. psychological reaction from a state were suDetantially extmided in the 'In a wave of aabotage, dyna> C., after Atlee Pomerene, CSevelai^ attorney and U» B. senates became chairman and Charles Mttler active esrfy^^salings, blocks of 1,000 (Nd Senthem Spinster. ffis Dedsien. of profound pessimism, which start­ ot Utica, N. Y., president of the |%80(LOOO,000. coHM niti^ LMt to right a t the conference table are Pome­ mitera damaged buildings in h ^ .a rene, MiUer, Harvey C. Couch and ^llaon MOCarthy^ At extrente right is Jesse H. Jones. . - ^ to 5,000 shares Were numerous. dogen places, and several persona ed quietly more than a month ago, Leadeps rising a dollar or more narrowly escaped injury from attained a larger statue in the finan­ included U. S. Steel, American Tele­ Natches, Miss., Aug. 6.—(A P)— Hartford, Aug. 8.—(AP)^---The bomba. cial markets this week. phone, C^e, Consolidaied Gas, The eccentric Richard Dana, beard­ State of Connecticut'is,ivqnlred, to. At -Breslau, Ernst Eckstein, head 'Union Pacific, Union (Mrbide and Stimulated by jiools and - rumors ed fnd long-haired recluse, was fuznish esure for State. paupers ‘'re­ of the Socialist Labor Party, was American Tobacco "B.” among seven persons questioned to­ gardless of whether sm! apjvdpria- shaken out of Us bed when'a bomb of -po<)ls, but aim by a more^ general V O T E R S IN A te*'’J^votel kisues quickly met nw thrown from a speeding auto­ readiness to eiqiect the best rather but the gsheral mar­ day in the inquiry into the slaying tion is made-for that .punma er mobile throu^ his bedjrooip win­ than the worst, prices of stocks and kedonly'sUghtly and ac* ot the equally, eccentric Janet whether an insufficient approp^- dow. The room was wreidzed but he commodities moved sharply higher. ONIU btvif^t^ iiaiatehued a t a feverish pace. Surget Merrill, spinster. tion is provided'by the LfgiSlaLture.- wpa not hurt. He told police he sus­ Stocks completed a recovery of ap­ SW IN G T O Anirnmiit Staffk Arrested wite him was his-houae- State Agent Raymond F- Oatte is so pected the Nationsl Socialists. proximately fifty-percent of their Brokers, forced to angmsht-tlMdr keqper-guareHan, Mias Octavla advised by Attorney . W4r- SM Windows Broken March-June dectoes. Bonds, with a de^eteif staffs because" ioif tee'heavy Dockery. They live on a plantation ren B* Burrows in an opinion made A dynamite ekplosien broke 800 record of uninterrupted advance increase in bushmak^^teis week, re­ whlch^ adtetea that of Miss Merrill. public today. The advice, of .1^. at­ windows and caused extensive othr during July, began August in the Registratioi. Skows hrtjjlTUDE. A G R E ^ ported larger inquiries from all parts In addition'police: held three white torney general was soughl tiy CQl er. .damage at Bruns^ck. The same cheerful frame of mind. Staple of the country as well as malnten- men and two negroes. (^ates becanse; tee. aiqiroptistton charge was planted in a narrow products were almost unanimously afcs of the foreign buying. . The. Bat comprised besides Dana made by the General Assembly h is. street inhabited by ^ workingmm. stronger. - Has More ThaB DdoUe • Overnight news included reports and'Miss Dockery, the following bem exhausted and .the-state agffint' n ien were numerbus'injurim from Too Spectacular that plans for the so-called commo­ men:- John Geiger, a logger who inqui^ whether an.-addUionai ap* gUun, but nobody was s^ - dity pool were ^ing forward at identified a coat found in the Met^ is requlrea to meet tha The advance, especially by stocks, StrengtJi h Had Two emergency. ourty left some i&epticism in its wake on conlmsnces beii^ held here. From rill homa as hia property; Odell At Schwerin a building occupied the theQty that it had not only been Europe caxas advii^es that the Brit­ Ferguson and T.' W. Carr, white, The opteien of tee attetney gen­ by the Socialist newspapers was Years Ago At Prnnarjr. BrMA Te Make Dedsknis / H artford, Aug. 6.—(AP)—Govar: ish and capitals had been im­ ahd (Seorge Slmir. and R. Norman, eral in tee matter is as foUbws: too spectacular but that business nor Wilbur L. Cross is hot inelhied damaged by vandals, presumably news to date, making allowance for pressed Iqf the maiiie fire enthusi­ negroes, who were tzkiled by blood­ "We are in receipt of yodr recriit political opponents. All the windows te discuss the posslhility or proba­ asm of our market; while the Lon- hounds. ‘ . communications setUngferth'tn sub­ normal seasonal movements, failed Next Week — Prebably bility of his renomination at the stance that under Section iTlS of , and glass doors werer broken. to Justify excessive bullishness. (Copyright 1932, By NEg Service) Idmf “EconomisV’ a prominent finan­ Bad Bad Aiginnefit Bombs Are llwown Democraffc.Stete convention next cial publication said teen was rea­ tee General Statutes, rsvtoon: of Nevertheless, continued reports of San Francisco, Aug. 6.—(AP) — month. Every effort to get the gnvT p u a -and Mlsa Deehery had had A department ktore in Karstadt plant reopenings and expanded ac­ Democratic registration for the Cali­ son tebdisvs **th'e giant Of the wasit an 4 ir|ui|Mt wtte^^^^ woman 198CI, certain towns; have futnitoad was damaged inj a bomb. A hand emor to comment oh the probabiU^ has passed; the crlsia of his sick: in ds^ polka hsard, over nebdssary suptort to (iertain stete .. tivity by smaller industrial lines fornia state primary August 80 is of his being a candidate Tor re-elec­ 'paupers rest(Hng in their towns,. . grenade was -thrown into the bed­ were sufficiently numerous to com­ tion has been good'nattitedly turned ness” even if it 'waa too soon to pr&> damage done to the Metvfil property room of -the chairman ot the C ath­ considerably more than double the diet that AmelfCa was. within' sight by DockAy*s herd- of goats. said towns have ren<}ered bills for mand attention. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. O.'—(AP)— aside, and t matters more agreeable suifii support and claim rriminirsn* olic Church Council in Schunn. It The Inflow of goU continues one party primary vote two years ago. to the governor have been dis­ of economic rttiovery. The lH>dy of the sphsiter wiffi started a lire which was put oi^t The plana of the Ikimlnlons for. SterUng exdbange was again three bullet .wounds wanTfCuUd in a msnt^erefor, and that. yqu> are of the most important manifesta­ Registration figures from all but cussed. satisfied, after ,acaminatiaa and in­ oulckly. and the chairman was not tions of world confidence in Ameri­ six of the state’s 58 counties p|We trade agreements with;-Great'Brit­ Asked Direotly -weak (iff 1,5te^"dtete at the ' opening clump of bushes 200‘yards fr0m the hurt He said he had been threaten­ ain was all In the hands of th* Brit: to a cable mistatlon of 88.45 1-2, .dwelUng. vestigation tiiait tee atetements con­ ed in the past by National Social­ ca. This increase 'las amounted to the situation. The govemor. who on Friday* re­ suggesting further biiying of dolairs. tained in tee-claims nre'true'and more than 182,000,000 in seven Taking the six counties into con­ Ish delegates today. The . BdtUfh turned from Lake. Sunapee teat he ’tetdittihg room bore atgoB ot .a stn^Ie.' TkiBre'was blood on the teat te e ' rrimbursemeate - zlaimed ists. weeks, accomplished largely through sideration, the Republicans have were •xpecteil to begin making might be . present at Nlahtic on Another bomb was thrown at Sunday when Governor’s. Day will floor a iU i-I^ e t h d e s in yjfae w all. are reasonable.' Mudheim into a window of the La­ releases from earmark. There has lost 91,Ti8 potential votes or 5.95 their decialoM next week. D raw m ^ido^nistairs Wssn'jW'u oikn The laqatiy been heavy buying of dollars a b it^ per cent of their registration in»two be featured at Camp Cross, was ask­ bor omce, damaging the City M The two ezceptiona were/the IrlMi; ed, jleflnltaly w hether he would -be a but authorities siioutM n rob-: "Your inquiry to t^ i office is sgd brealdng glass in nektby Ingld- and banks sgy they expect a further Whether or not you Should certify swelling^ of our gold stocks. ..lUan- (Ooffilaned on Page Two) Free State and ,^dla, whose dkik candidate for re-elebtion. bery t||49i7 on, the .clsUn Miss ihia* "I.do not'care’ to oonunent on It,” •A .i rill had- llttl4 money left from ith« such claims for payment to'thf , All these incidents took pU ^ <11- whffei'^tl^ Bazik at France la .hsflBi- gates li^cated tiny' 4fi ther, Ayert MarrUl, forsatr. ambaa- te? apprtoi|iatioU,npuke)torjWwr: te saj^teteamM wr’M^ratM bhMM ■ -ii ■ s«ndor and. Muthanr (Oenttaroed <» Fafe Two)'^’ ' 'instemwf,. Um Demintew^esksd f t the oohviBtttleBi^teait V ■ ■ ■■ ted^y word tlmt leadUag banks were moffiar countlQr ,fot a protected planning a siibstantiiilly eapltaUged Brltidi mfiskat for thalr psoduote, Gffy. R aw erelt M eans Tou -.liitllanocnfato informtien could corporation wkloh would facilitate ^ T O A S Y L li chlsfiy agwqltural. M BleaMd on Mlsa Merrm’n prlvate^ Mtajtotea provl iten onher gate: "No vlittbre Want­ all State, patqtofg therein, or sent-"' week. Currency droulatlon had a Seek Oompromlsos ed/* . from luoh tdwne to any hospital lx norn^, tum-of-the-mohth riim of For a Year Is Finally Those close to the British said Ri^iard Dana, her nei^bor, aleo this . State and ehall ’be bilinbumd the dsisgation' undoubtedly would Albany, N. Y., Aug. 6.—(AP) ptisd^ tee community.' Bom of nn by ted State'itoreforTASTtitate | 88,600,000, but member bank bor­ lyith his decision on Mayor W a^er Newspapers Would rowings were reduced by a similar seek material. compromlisn. As it Beaten &Tere|y At Ifis Home •nrletooratio famte' he also retreated aggnt, if satlriied that tto ^ etete- Foimd In the West. stands, they ate asked to break vir­ enpeoted n«t week. Governor. to 'Ms anoeitral plantation - home mente are substantially true afd.. amount. The reserve system, despite Rciosevelt if pondering tee case in gains In gold, put "5,000,000 into tual monopolies for Denmark' and and'. el)Uiio*6 people. If a visitor ap­ that the diabursamehta are reasba- Unk Debts and Tariffs To Argentina, on bacon and ohllled and Tten Takei Away In his last'week end at home before proached to wbuld hide behind .a, nbls, ihall certify teem for.payxoefit government aeouritlM. making a series of Saturday cam­ In the retell and wholesale mar­ San Diego, Calif., Aug. 6— (AP) beef, practically to exclude Russian tree. Finally he was adjudged In­ "under this stiitute it. appsjirs lumber and to raise trade (barriers paign addresses. competent to handle hie affairs and tha^ Itie mudatory lu^n tee Sttite Gain Quicker Results. kets there 1’ reported an appreciable -rAllan Bradford Monks, wealthy C a r ^ Giuig. It it believed tee Demooratio change in sentiment. Inquiry for against wheat from the United hie fiousekeeper, Mlie Dockery was agtol tO wertlfy the. claims in quei(> middle-aged member of an old New States and other foreign oountrlss. presidential candidate wants- to an­ appoteted his guardian. tion for payment, inasmuch as .tee many lines Is said to have increased England family, was under commit­ nounce his declsloni before speaking as confidence gains, and puichasing The British prefer Danish bacon, other provlsloni of this itetute have Paris, Aug. 6.—(A P)—French ment today to the State Hoipltal it was pointed out Huga EngUah fi­ Taylorvme,' HI., Aug. 6.—^(AP)-i- at Columbus, Ohio next Saturday. been eatiafled. newspapers today featured a sug­ pbwer Is built up by the apprecl*tlqn John B. , Golegrove, 68 years. old He haa aiked the New York In securities. for the iDMme at Norwalk, Calif. nancial interests would be at stake CHILb DIERM CRASH State Must Pay gestion that war debts and tariffs The SanDlego County Lunacy In (the sxolustbn of Argentine beef. banker,. was ki^aped from his. mnyor to have his answer to: Samuel “Under Sectioii 1710hid' planned te discuss the stnet,. Derby, are te Griffin hospital whether or not tee tewh,.ihunieM- sented to Premier Herrlot by Am- less discks. The subsequent search failure was iittsoked. in his home, bdUi^or Edge Thursday pointing WaUfii? teek^cHiy with? Jdbn O. and Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Fagan qf ity or tee State may ultimately be revealisd that Monks' relativss in late last nigto .^and ,te9n. ,oarrled M ick ot Boughikeiqpsiei one • of bis 15 Howard; avenue, Aneonia and the flnanclUly chargeable for euph s i^ out grievances of American inter­ Latest More In Fight Agahst Boston bad not beard frozh bim'ln a away in.an autohiobllA, . ests against the recent Franco-Bel- Miinael. ini' v ^ . 41% but. Mack. wto infant ion of Mr. and Mra* Paco luf- port The town within which tee year, and had closed an account; Bear.Soresuns ffl today. Ttoltoelm oe discussed tee. glan trade pact and the French maintained for him by the estate of feted minor Injuries aa a result of pnuper finds, himself a' the moment Colegrove roturhed^.to his home case; yeStofday With hla other: eoun-^ an accident on tee Derby avenue of needing rblief is charged the duty quota llm itiv imports from the Bingham net the Senator John P. Monks, his grandfather. about 10 o’clock last ateht •Shortly United States, the newspapers said Mlfe Is Arrested ' sri'fa&irtlit Gonboy bf New .Y6rk. road’.near Race Brook last night te of furnishing such relief. After­ teereaftei' Mr. and SM.' Andrew Tbece will be little rest for him te j which a machine owned and driven wards, tee financial restxnuiiblilty Amartcan tariff laws are making Mrs.'Monks later was arrested in Senson, proprietors of a ' nearby specif arrangements with France Is Not Worried. San Francisco, and soon after Monks, tee following two weeki. On August by Mr. Pace .was hit te a head-on and its, adjustment can.be determin­ store and t^-custom ers heard tee 221; be i> sphedulsd to address Ndw collision by.tee Plochi car. difficult was foimd in a Long Beauih, Calif.,, elderly ba^er screateteg. ’They ed, but tee duty of Ihmieriate rMef France Is' likely to seek compen­ rooming-house. He was„unaUe But B rim Daclarss- Mu Is Jersey Demtorate at Sea Gin N. J., The W allace boy died a t GrUEte is fixed and certain. . - reached tee>.scene Just as tee bank­ vid tee follpwteg Saturday, Septem­ hospital this morning a t‘8:86 from Direct Rriief sations in the financial field, they Hartford, Aug. 6-^(A P )—A lbert give a coherent account of. er was push'dd teto the bar! said. Levitt, who unsuccessfully sought and was taken to tbe EVidence 'of a^ struggle te tee Conn., Piochi. was discharged from -tee Easier Work the Republican gubematorical nom-^ w ard of the county hEispir bouse was fdvted. Futnltiire had eral Statutes, revision of 198Q. re­ examination. i hospital this morning. spectively, provide for method‘'bf The financial newspaper L’Agence ination two years ago was Injected been broken and/tee floor was spat­ Economique et Flnanciere said it Mayo Shattuck, attorney for thej .W arFhns.: Officier Joseph Chimmings of tee direct relief by te*. . .Stete -ato today into the anti-Bingham cam- tered i^ te bltof nite te^^. . pensations "may be found more B. 8. Senatorship. banker hkd been rik t Later, find­ Tokyo, Aug. 8.—(AP)-;-F!fty- easily on financial than on purely w as regarded as a front rsiik cluii ' held on a technical charge awaltkig Nrither of these forms > of rsstoF* The Rev. Ralph H. White of New player. Sbattudk. said Monks wnS'lij ing the .leateep'cevwteg of a black­ seven ininers Wwe killed today te a a report' from tee coroner. however, arc now opevaitivo,'.ritoe commercial grounds. Haven, spokesman for a group of ' jack 'whiite had ;to^^I>teken - they gas explosion at the Soraohi coal Le ‘Matin said if special advan­ descendant of Oovernor. Bredfo^,, tee State agent^bas not deeim?q it Republicans favoring prohlbltldn who financed the Pilgrims. ' I ; /^arng!^ decided tee’b to to ' hSd'beeh beaten mine on tee north^^u Island of Hok­ ; A G TB^ SEE^ DIV(»Ua5. advisaUe. Since neiteer bf ttoea tages were given the United States who have banned together in an ef­ day to deriare } ^ in tee .Gran so' sev ei^ with-tee (hkckjack - teat kaido,- forty miles northeast of Sap- it was felt in French circles that The ciimlhal charge' agn^tj V. .... Other methods of suptost ssniln ek* fort to prevent'the renomination of Monks, authorities. Said; woidd' be C^o dkqtute deriared it Wto’-bAltto..’' '.. V.' pproi ■ ■ '■ ' Reno, Nev., Aug. 8.—(APO^MW. istenee, tee provisions of Stotteti France shotdd be able to obtain Senator Bingham agid <|iy leaders dismissed. Mrs. Monks is eiq^ted ' Fifty bodies were rocbvercld. some. concessions in the domain of she was ahead with Jnlla Caihern, known on-tee stege 1718 a j^ ly .and;' bebbpe'- proposed to nominate their own can- to appear in court Aug; 12 for'pre:-' FUMES KILL MAN as Julia Lyaig HoyL. tee soeiety financial arrangements. dldate on the Ihdependofit Republi­ prejpsuhtlonB for ttmed'defenise "in upon tee towns dhaqptei-wM^ “Thus,” it added, "it raay be that liminary hsari^f - ‘ ' . OPERA HOUSE b u r n s . aeti^. has ffled suit for divoroe niriilng relief to tee fitot can Party if the s^ o r Connecticut Monks first app^red here several ^ew of ' acti've^' * mohUisatein by Norwich, Aug. “8-^e these mandatory crovjytoto d ej^ armament joined, as Senator Borah toute. 'ai}d' Criitral^ American torners In- tto Mtri^en were opto. ■m proposes." Officiate ssdd he)todsbeen'dead two included te tee loss. It was^h Mod­ sealed and the hearing be held be* dent u]te>h.tee''ex|atmk»:eirdn .!to*~ nattene, . rtouMttog jn amicable set­ ern, well-equipped structure. hind closed doors. v Officials Silent Moore *Gass&d* tlem en t days'.''' ■ . ■ quate Wbted: 'Die foreign office declined to " BGdtass Oon^icatod ' the purpose .of; the atiUute comment on the newspaper obser- Peaee^' eff^orto. 'WeA cdasplieated conridetotiom. tt ia rhot o<»eitixaWe vattons except to say that these In Mock Attack however by riroorte of a'renetori (if th a t the:' were made on the papers’ own re­ fighting ter tee Ctoeo area. A Bo­ fldenf laWa'fbr ffie toto sponsibility. livian' pateQl~ fired ani an outeoet of ! I fqrtimi(teo' sQ)m^^ g g lee^ to The EdjK memorandum was be­ Fort Presidents A^Oa late yester- imbuepe- tbwng toMpg Oftipcm. to ing carefiilly studied, forMgn office Sea Girt, NT. J., (AB)—•^governor’s summer .cottage .on >the dky, but the attack weh - rt^iilsed, ■ ■‘tctnecpqns ■ officials said, but no definite policy (ktvemor A. H ar^, ]i%ke laugtod edge of tee parato ground Camp Moore. ' , th s rotoirt aald; tC'tMi 'lat-' has -yet. b ^ formulated. today over the team he shed WUaq ffhe Paraguayan Treasuity' con- Ih American quarters it was stat­ a tricky breese played hob wj|te( On rushed tee "rioters’’ (ilad in; sldeted'd'lilrii ’to'telsa war nmds by ed there has been no intfmatlbn in exhibition of how'tear gas. can quMl biiie dungarees .suid . bovling "cos- ngyiiig; % to :60,mr :cent^df its Au­ ' ... t.' off||- th|t'''.tto-'‘-truce :to^.dseli Tpanhingtdh, Aug. 6 — (AP) — set^tto part of n,dtmwtewte<1 mob ward and blew right towainl, tn» basts >ti)e-.i^tii4 Juite^'Lra-oooititirii -to uy leeeipts for August 4 Were ii^lnmed to "diieet amoh*/te^ leap gbvemot^s cottage. It gassed tto te;Whlite -lwto8l to^ dhtestedi; . y- ! oHjgr that expenditures g90,(H8^- bijM.'Orntory. ■ governor, gitteed 'diimkartei attend­ .; A teorttelM '8#teol '

B n s i j u w H n R annKHUWFlTE lAiBIlN 3Q1IS0II WDlii Lfi m s its 200IM ON i ^ A GREAT SUCCESS TmiiShim poEARsaiPArc^ i ’V Ofir AtUild FsstlTlU iBSt F 0 N B S A L 8 Eyening At Bmiuiiitl Luth­ « ------Aatf. i , —CAP) -^ TheAgrowgrowth fii of uhentiayment, tho srida* lUauM sr Tarktogton Kerry Street Mao Heari^r eran GhiirdL TIm SolktiB Bosid gJebiiiomIst. oas of Oraat B rita in ’s safsad fsUuta of bimki. the drain of hava ■ 't i '.... ftoimaeit jm iqm to and finaaciiJ, axh — P9 or Ifora tban 800 penons attended |b«8irf]eiflQrs9^^m Austin 9* otUr andl***^^J?^ hdlS^toft >, dlstrustfu publie, -inw cB ju 2 o’clock at T h a DSBWOiata g ttisd ' Foied For Asaaolt— Other the lawn festlyal ^ven Ity the lat- Mrs. Slmafi.Ji n c S i5 !f6 *F sspBOBiis stfteslla the 'mera wssv justifiably regacdli tha . Eav. M. K. ifottttQB of i registratimi since the llslr^ peimkiy Ungly and eombin«], under the di­ that toe idea advanced a t our Ian has increased 150,485 compared to crowd of 200 people gathered at rection of Helge Pearson. men toced ehargerof manslaughter idode. tto scene of the trouble, and with meeting of sponsoring-a .Manchester today .as ft result of s fatal atts<'k The standing conunlttees of the nitertainment night for the boys at nffiHAJM RACES the testimony of the investigsting Luther League were in charge of the on JOlfli Randall, 88. cf Watertowik officer, and file subsequent unwill­ toe hospital will become a n ^ t y . •"Tass. -r • ^ lawn festival, with Ivar S (^ t, vice There sure is enough .talent within Anklazn. The bullets struck the ad-1 ingness of the two daughters, Fran­ trio hdd In $5,000 bonds each jacent ^MtrtmtoA of a Sodalistj ces and Steffie to testlty or give president, as general dhalrman. toe ranks of the ez-servieemen in AB town to pnt on a worth'^hUe pro* aftdr thdr arrest tor West Hartford whose father, mother and son were I the story of the assault, the court [Bifer u i' G w ri Dak Two laat nifbt are Louis D1 Salvo, 22; wounded. I, * v « y cwmty tabulated ahows an wiu3 not going to be made a fool of gram. So let’s ffo, . l k ^ afid sriiy not call member Ivditcb at one-time were genuine pen- Thwarted in eariier efforts to dear of 45 North strEet and Joseph West Center street, another paasen-^ ITALY IS STAGHW Degrorto, 115 Main street were »‘«®“ ^ developed tohls than a week,” to answer chaises time of war. The minor objecta are ci3uon Will IcU All AwfUi f t-uest ____ ,, _ er/statra. Most of tto wSe^ ®“ ** renomlration ftfid said he wM "glad The ease of Hugh McIntosh of 111 plight, it is hot difficult to calculate Cedar street, charged with non- growing out of the fatal shooting of i » perfect communications systems. about the city ’ast night and Jotaed ^ ” ^***« toe queffion at Smith Reynolds, hen'milUonaire hus­ Improve co-operation between air the damage the abSeuEe of a pitcher thousands who watched an Ameii-I growing | this time. support of his wife, living at 132 who last season won Sl'games did uiuuMuua wuw vrai.u«>u au «.u iw i gteadUy, caustog the railroEuis to v a p le street, was continued 60 days, band, Benet Polikoff, one'of her at­ and sea forces, aad provide elfirient Deappearance of Fanils. can Legion parade. 'when he gave evidence of having torneys, laid today. coastal defense. to toe chances of toe Athletlca to lose a large toimage of m goi, led to make voluntary payments Meanwhile, Polikoff added, no fur- Phones Cut Off overhata toe Yankees to toe Ameri- . Under the. fourth taction of. the $10 per week by Exhibiting I “ oves wIU be made by Alfred Regular cammerclal telephone ih- Hartford, Aug. 0.— (AP)— ciir Lea$fuE. - Iciteratato Cdmmeree Act toe. com­ mission le authorized to peitoit such '3- leaves ofpoatal. money order , r ^ Holman, the y o u n g 'w i^ a ,fa to e r, 1 lerurhan communication in, Italy uel'Ihnds, aged fprinEr tKEunrer of 1 lu(fi(:hae. a tn i^ toe vrorid’s ^pts over absro-year ^rlod.' ^ to aiT^e baU^ to Ih- south of iVaplra "practiciUiy ceiaVed toampion . Cardtoal»: .to wholesale departures un4er proper obndftlnne. ’ ^Mcfiitosh has been separatefifrom * 0 ^ ^th Ah Walker, young Rey-: this morning- as- Fleet B, under Ad­ the Connecticut Hebrew Protectlve i lots in balktog toe dub’s drive to The commission said it felt that ITS PAUPERS, I I LAW t o wife for the past three jrears noldif friend and chum, hr oonnec* miral Moreno, took possession of the Aasodatlon whose disappearance j Win a third straight National i ^ i ^ e Peiping China, Aug. 6.---(A P)— toe present rates were sufficiently id three months, according to Mrs. Bon with Reynolds’ death July 6. shores of toe Gulf of Taranto, at tin Jura 6 w u followed, recently, by j pEnrant Lieutenant R obert^. Soule, Eissist- low. (OonOaftsd. from P e g e :< ^ ):; Scintosh’s testimony, and she a}so Polikoff declined to say where toe i!oot of toe Itdlian peiRtaiBula, anL issuance of a warrant charging him Sparky Adams, little Card third ant United States-^ military attache, testified that she had 6een paid but formervBroadway favorite is at pres- the north African colonies of Tripoli with embezzling $7,8Q0 from the basenum, ie out for toe remainder is going to Sianfu tonight to Invrati- RASKOB ESTATE SOLD I would be at no practical b ffi^ t to $6 in toe past six weeka ent, but he indicated she would and arsnaica. The teleiriians sys loan society, is scheduled to arrive of the eeaeoD, and practically every rate toe disappearance of Henty I enter Into a wtUonged (flSd^^n. of McIntosh, employ^ at Cheney come to Winston-Salem voluntarily tern was qsed for military com­ here sometime this afternoon fR>m other veteran' has been laid up at OcraU, an American employed by r Wilmington, Del., Aug. 8.— (AP> this question, rinto our S U p i^ e Brothers, said that he* has been on {whenever her father gave the word, munications. Fleet A, imder Ad­ California and surrender to the au­ one time or anotoer, including Pep-' the China United Motors Company {—The estate of John J. Raskbb. for- Court has a number of times serag- time,’ times getting little Reports here yesterday were that miral Ernesto Burzagli, has the thorities. ' per Martin, woridii. eerira /hero; of Hankow. [met Democratic National chairman. Inized the principle, above jiet.'torth, more each week than would pay his Holman planned to bring Libby to 'ower Adriatic coastline and Sicily. This is toe first definite news re­ Frankie Friechr captain and driving Reports to the legation from Han- {at Clajmsont, Pel.„ six mUra n o ^ x if Land only recently refera^ to to puU up with toe Pirates, " ° s r p ^ . .t w » .uua. w.a Jqdge Johnson continued toe case Police reveal that Davis intends Swedish Scandinavian AlUance Mis- be conrarM tato ft boys’ prepara-1 ^ comptroller for f y m w fc" - two months to allow the defendant New York, Aug. 6.—(AP)-r>In immediately upon arrlvM to mEtae have bad plenty of injury. trouble. eion, with American headquarters in { tory school. Burleigh Grimes, obtained from toe to continue payments, as evidence one of the most active opento^ of a full confession and that bis story Chicago. Mr. TornvailsTras. busi- The Raskob heme Wm built in pointed to the fact that he bad the Stock Market of toe year, the is expected to lead to toe arrest of Carte and expected to "make” the ness manager for toe China toteiina- 1918 at a cost said to have beep made every effort to do so within bull movement rolled merrily on to­ Wall Street others. His attorney, Bernard pitching etaff, has been in poor tional Famlne ltollef Coinmisslon of more than one million doUare. TbS: the limits of t o circitmstahces. day, but egEdn encountered scatter­ Ackerman dedaree the entire situa­ health and recently w m stricken Kansu. A Japanese whose Idep- Raskob family for morsi than n year j Miss. Geneva Pentiahd Ef Foster Guy J. Bruyette, fined $10 and $5 ed profit taking. tion to the eodety, which toeiated with appendicitis. Itikl Cityler, star tity could not he learned also was has been living at their Maryland { street and Ifiee LUHen Reardcer 'of yesterday for driving an automobile of the outfield, and Woody English, During toe first half hour, ad-. Briefs upon a spedal audit fdlowtog toe with them. {home, known. as“ Mo8tly HaUV, near-fWest Center-etr«et l«fbtoday:>lhr a with improper brakes and passing a , ancea of 2 to 8 points were regis­ treasurer’e disappearance, bra not third hassman, wsra crippled and on Offldale here expressed toef fEar(Centrevllle. The sale price WBanot{two weeks’ .vacatton to betapeat%t ■top sign was sent to jail in default tered by American Telephona been deared up. It . is aUiwed tltat the bench tor a long, period. Shots that au three had been zhurdersd. aimouneed. Hampton Beach, N. H. ef payment American Caqf’' Allied Cbemloal, New York, Aug. 6.— Completion Davis WM “used” to a ted ngauA- from a femiaine admirer cost toe of luterratloiHil Telephone and Case and Eastman, and leaues up a tog toe funds and that otoera axe services of BUI Jurges, shortstop, MRS. BOOeogvELT n point or more included American TElegraph Company’s contract for involved. tor a time. an interest in the Ericse<)n Tele­ Tobacco “B”, American Water It was reliably reported after a Tha; Dodgers, rated m a "dark New York, Aug. 8.— (A P I— A Works, Santa Fe, Union. Paelflc, phone Co. of Sweden le expected horse,”'lost Del Blseoaette, hard frosted cake gleaitona wtto: seventy- PREMIER OF tlllNA ■hortiy, according to advleoe frbm recent norganlsatioa meeting that Consolidated Gas, Johns ManviUe, membere deelKred from the floor hitting first baseman, before toe one birthday candles and an extra Shackled to the U. S. Steel Common and Preferred, abroad. Iqteniational’e claim to toe opening game, and eihee have seen one "to grow on” wiU find a place controlUng stock ot Erloison hM that toe trsMurer w m merely "the Ridiywood’s story ' tibomU^' RESIGNS POSmON and otoera. U. 8. Steel and Ameri­ goat” who WM warned he ’■Tatter hurts to'S^tilson, Frederick, Stripp, on the .dinlzig table of^Mra. Tbeodora can Telephone yielded part of their been to abeyance temporarily owtog get out of town.” O’Doul aad Phelps hurt their ^Its peo|te.. . . .^ita weye to compUeatlons arielng out of Roosevelt, Sr., widow of toe late 8»tos. chaacM< President, t o ^ h t Ito days ....Iteiiighte. toe dlffioultiee of toe Xreuger and BulUsbneet on America to Paris Other clubs in' both leeguta have Mrs. Roosevelt arrived at her temptoffeiai o f Sharahai, Aug. 6.—(AP)~Wang Toll Oo., wbich'formerty oontroUed and London was still said to bo per- been handicapped by the loss of Sagamore HUl home, near Oyster -to'$mNie'Wl|^^'.^ Ching w d , president of toe Execu­ Bisttog, which oonttouad to spur Ertceeott. The latter le an important PREMIER RESIGN^ star performers, but it can hardly tive Yuan and as such virtually manufacturing and operating unit Bay, Long Island, this morninr to Wall street traders to further epee- be said pernant chances were ruin­ spend her leventy-fint birthday prime iplnliter in toe Nanking ulation for toe rise. The British to toe foreign telephone field. ed. Ths genators lost Cjiurl Reynolds, .government, resigned suddenly to­ ,,«tpckhoI^ Sweden, Aug. 8.— with her ehUdren. She hM been at pCund sterling continued its decline^ possibly tor tos eeaeon, when toe her summer place in Brooklyn, Oon- day. partly rsfleetotg toe transfer of Unfavorable dividend changes in (A P )—Oerl Gustav prime ' It was a dramatic and unexpect­ mtoister of STraden ■ t o t e ^ . ' i ^ big. outflelder'e jaw w m broken by neoUout. ' Britlih funds to this eentor. It was toe.pMt week totaled 48 against 50 BUI Dlokty, but Waabington at toe ed development which arose from to toe preceding week, toe Standart rorigned today, anothEr vfettarrt She had luncheon with her son, .9 also rumored that seme Oonttoenta time elready WM definitely trailing his diisotfefactlon with toe ”paislve Statistics Co. reports; Favorable too coUapee of tvar Kreuger'e Kermlt Roosevflt, and dini»Er m le policy” of toe northern m iU t ^ au- speculators were going short of flung emj^ra, toe Yankees. her oustom, was to he with tot sterling, while geira long of dbllar changes numbered 8' compared with thorltiee with respect to Manchu­ 6. , As toe leater.oC the Ponular-Llb- Travle Jackaon.'v^Citant shortstop, members of the Roosevelt clan. Cel. ria. ■eeuritiee. was forced out of the lineup with a Theodore Itoosevelt, governor^ren- The week-end buetoess and mar etol p ^ . ha amptad C & O kroaar bad knee, but it aeemed highly im­ erst of tos PhUlppines, Captain oantUe reviews said that toe princi­ Steel ingot produotton to July fell ^ February m a Wang Ching Wei WM one of contribifflon to the party funds. At probable at^ tot. tlma that tos club Arehibald Boosevelt ^ Mrs. pal change to buitoeee had been la tr79S,6l8 tens, tos lowest for any would go aity plat^ China’s mostlost toiftoroughgotog patrt month for which toert la a com- Itoeisvelt Cragworto, howwm, w ' ftnieh fight agatnet sentiment, with the rise to ■eeuritiee a i i w ^ | S The suronsiaf PbUUei have had and a number of cemmeditles tend­ parabls record, says toa American he unable to attend. ' Japan whfie toe two countries were Iron and Steel Institute. The out­ An ftfflolal eommunitua said that Jim EUlott; eoutopaw hurler, and embroiled to toe vicinity of Shang­ ing to overcome excessive oautlcuft^ Les MaUon, lafwder, out of action, ness. Evidences of actual axpanslon put was 104,742 tons below June, toe r a m for W a ^ a S S a ttS hai several months age, Nevertoe- and 1.095.04T tons'^imder July, 19SL but toa it a t jm t addad that toe and Ed' Brandt; etar eeutopew: BW lees it was' he who signed toe peace cf buslasas activity to date, how­ UrhensW, end Art IkIrM of toa ever. w en described by "Buetoess Steel operations for all ootopaniee hM baea-raturoed to agreement last May, tadtog the admtoietratori of toa Kreuger coh- Braves have leoeivad hurts. The Shanghai taetdsat Tha control Week" as s lig ^ scattered and uh- averaged 14.86 cent of capacity comply with ^8 8 per cent to earns; loquadeua A rt never reeovtied end DANCE AT Yuan of toe National government certain. Borne iaumvtaBt baaklag waareiiheed. quarters euggeetsd that bullish m - June and 84.1T par cent to Juty last thereupon moved to have him im­ toe Yenkeee and Wratee peached because be bad signed with- touslasm BbouM ba kept wlthlai rea­ year, aoeordtog to toa institute. sonable *>***md(Ti have hid Infiny-treUMto, but both RAU ®8 out referring to4 Sgreement to toe have develcpM M ^ e otoer kuaiheart^fpuchirijgpuinma cf thA legislative department. The mov -(A F ) W r t e y and'walsfitoss «rt ^ sufftrtog firom daniiNiQi ta- sihara stvaral w m nuddaf obialv • I f f but/toe A irt Mngths are down. junea. I^iga and six othsr ' ddsu- rittoas, hut ha IS not “ in a ltl- 9i Vti. have ^toa toiop4m " yj I f g n t ^ tha car. ■•■cd#td with late rtoocti .would ha rnUst H a m W - l B >tof;tto01d01bSQBC|lil,^ ^ t b a indte oontSat. he raachee ~ ‘ haa Bom o f that women’a ed. tors mMfi et im M tm si -'LAM When one of toe p a ^ difroted a height of ^0 0 0 feet too cloud of steam had eurvas-lt la perfietly JWga’a attentteii to the he Msjuiujf On hie prevdous adventure he roes away. .Fatta.ef “ ' Mast of tZi tVi of fall;- t toe "Foroker Aief 1 P v.::^K ■:f'- \ .'aA. Elmer Ql)eil Of West H hrtM is CpemtiiM iHk Wc^dion iid^fhe'liome of l& oousln,;^l|i^d Deming stre e^ ^ a n ^ i^ ^ Seiuktof imd ' V/ / iBdimUrd'.Stui^ the ' WK. B. COLBOT, IKD. jHodera Eppent adl Bumitter. wttb-hto "'gwmdmotoer in M r. iBjid ; ■ B < |fc «f Dw OeegregattoMlIet THE UWS OF M SnittT V - Brandon. VerniMit. Among Mr. and-Mrs. Tifft and children df ' TIm ten oonunandmeDta h«ve. Ut4 BY GlkMUni OOihB ’perm^ At InU ti( moral eanadoiuBMaa ct GQh0|RB,;New Ycxrk/have moved; into and have Influenced the Intnnatimial Sunday Seheti Leeem leart, toe ‘ house with i m . Tifft’s sister,. to toe list of monMgsa of MW Mtirs, Esther Demihg. Chester peopfo -twentgMbm yM rs i%x> cdunw’'^ htinuin Mfe In a'way that "Thou Shalt love the lx>rd fl^^God* cannot hr aocoonted for merely a n Milne heart, and "Meiodloos Night” .is toe subject this monto appeam the rtopM, f o f from the atam^Mlnt of their out- with an tiiy son], and with aO fliy ' 6:5. toe.* Wappinig'Grange meeting thd marriage of Senvtpf'ROb^^,^. vrard imthortty. - The Porterfield Tire Works locat-r 9. Mrs. Franklyn G.-Welles, Smith Mins Blzabeth-' is.tbe chairman of the eveioing's The twenty-fifth adnhriiesary 'In tte .record of the tranmnlBaton Mathematics is a vast and in-<&maads from the Lord, need most to ed the comer of Spruce and Peaxi A jgnnip of'fine musical o(f‘ these commandments to the Jew­ be humble. Without the humility their marriage dotes tyom" tomov- trlcate science. The average man slmets, offers to the motorists of numbers and oim or two musical xow, August 7. .Senatmr. and' l | ^ . ish pe(^|de through Moses, the . ele­ to accept commands fh>m the 'Lord, l^ehester a thoroughly conqilete gamm have been ananged; ment irit.are more and Artoiir: Portorfidd, in what Jersey, last Wednesday. as on August 10, 1907, Mr. Fo accurate and more intricate than wen.” 'We must love the neigl^r compared with; the. present station, Mr. and Mrs. Ridph E..GoUins left and authority for men in their rela- for the Lord to (deanse the, mind'and married Miss Emily Leona Andietss tienihlps with one another. mathematics. The sum of them in ■was- a mere hole in the wall on last Thursday for ,a motor‘' trip of East Hartford and m the sdn^ the highest is infinite wisdom. In the the heart of the subtle,, loathsome School street It has steadily-grown through New JSampshire and to Old Are these commandments binding understanding of these laws, we can disease of. self-love. Jesuf said, ’T PoiitmiBUl Tire Worin at Sprnce and Pemd Streets. day Miss E tta Lebla Andrews, a aW' upon the. Christian conscience? Are through the effbrts-'of these boys to O rchid, Maine.- ’ ter ofvMrs. Foster, was niarried-fo advance to eternity. Relatively have kept my 'Father’s command­ jfiease and thoroughly satiety every - ■' - ' ...... ' -- ■' ■ Mr. and Mrs/ Harold O. MiBer, they a part of a law which every only a few become experts. That m ents.” Howard Bradely Skinner of Rdc^ Cbrlstiaa recognizes as his obllga- customer until today it rates as one ments, by party. Bighty-two men Mrs. Alfce Elchidge anid Herbert vUle. Both of toe brides had bSto the great masses of the people The commandments are .: com­ of Manchester's finest service .-rta- Mansfidd, all of Springfield, Mass., fion toward God and to his fellow might have the advantages of the mands because our higher nature is ONLYFODRRHISTER and 75 women yrere presenetd as resldtots of Vernon before moving m an? tions. applicants to .be made voters. ’The were toe guests at toc-hbme of Miss to Bast Hartford. „ expert, the infinite laws of God are to command the lower nature. When Fastidervloe Etta L Stoughton recently. It depends somewhat upon what reduc^ to the ten commandments; vile passions bum, we do not say toi registrars will sit again next Fri­ On August 29, 1907, John Hal||J. one means by that question. There The service 3rard at Porterfield's FORP^YU^ day- \ Bir. and V xm. Edgar J. Stoughton one Of Maitobmter'B weU and these ten are summarized In the them, "Please cease,” but, "Get thee Tire Works is located* on Pearl and Miss Eleanor Stoughton are were those in the tiine o t Christ who behind me, Satan.” The spixltuEl residents, took Miss L ll^ G ^ interpreted the fourth command- two great commandments, love to street at the rear of their building spending /'uly and August at their God and to the neighbor; and these man within us must be stem, vlrUe, The r^fistrars of voters,. Mtttng BIANGIN-WOOD ETN-ALISTS ner, a South Manchester riri as ti^ nient—^the law of the Sabbath—^in strc^,.and hold the dominion over which' faces Spruce street This cottage at Black Point and Miss bride and both are still resldents,,0f such a way as to destroy its spirit­ two are reduced to the one new service . yard,'.amply large enough to yesterday for. toe doubto': purpose of Southampton, N. Y., Aug. 6. Martha-Stoughton has been enjoy­ commandment, to love one another the' lower animal tendencies. Let regdstrhig voters by P ^ y affilia­ (•AP)—^Rivals 4n sevmral. European ing her vacation also.' Manchester. “ * ; - ual meaning and reality. They were love .command. ' accommodate.' fifty ears, at a time, outraged when Jesus healed the as the Lord loved us. Of all things, is ideally , arranged for the conven­ tion for primaty purposes-and. re-^ tournaments earlier in the year, sick upon the Sabbath Day, and they true religion is the most profound, Love to the Lord and to u«igh- ience the motorist. The drive- ceiving ap^catipn u£ new voters Gregory S. Mangin,; of Newark, and Things aren’t so bad as they One great advantage to^lovtog were ainaaed that the <&dples of and comprehensive; yet it if made bor, though it does no*, •eea .••Di- Witys th a t afford (entrance and exit "to he made,” had no occasion to go Sidney B.. Wood, of New. Yoto, were might be, after all. . Just imagine in December as you did .in M syfo Jesus, when they w o e hungry, most simple. "W hat doth the* Lord fest, is r ^ and practical:. :tv .muc are spacious enough to avoid any home exhausted by their labors last finalists in toe Meadow club’s, annual that iiutead of a wheat surpliu, we that toe sun tan will be gone , by shoidd have walked through the require of thee but to dp justly, and love is none other than ktatpoiM We love the T.Ard while stopping here for service. plucking the grain and winnowing it with thy God.” and the nelj^bor in the exact de­ Each driveway is equipped with aii in tbeir hanib and eating it to re­ I heard a pompous speaker say gree that we/keep the command­ automatic warning system that no-, lieve their hunger. that the commandments should be ments. He that hath my confinand- tifies those in chmge of the ' en­ . Jesus met such a situation square­ requests, not commands. They are ments, and keepeth them, he it is trance at a customer. Thus all de- ly and firmly. He said that the just what they should be. God knew that loveth me.” Jn the true obed­ lay is eliminated for those,.AMirlng "Sabbaflims made for man and not what is best for man. Those who ience to law we obtain the greatest service at this staUem. The ipsoline, man for me Sabbath.” This would so exalt the ego as to reject com- power and freedom. and oil pumps are also arranged seem to be the plain teaching of that se^ce can be given with Jenus 0QBieeEtting‘ the Command­ speed tiiat while thorough is the. ments as'Miey were given by Moses -Huunely, that they are authorita­ height of efficiency. , tive for human life, but that they ’Ihe. shop canles.^on the Porter- are to be interpreted and applied in field idea m peitect snrvice. Here is the light of the larger law of love located^ one department the vul- ana of the truth of succeeding reve­ caDmng' and tire repairing equip­ lation. ment that by the new and improvec Manifestly, if the commandments methods can make a tire damage: are to be interpreted in a strict and by curb or efit as serviceable as i; literal way, the modem Christian was before being, so damaged. world has departed very far from CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. SOUTH METHODIST LARGER B rake jobs are all handled in an- their observance. One would not H. B. Antiiony, Pastor. P A U 8H .otiier department where 'all the have to search very far to find a work is checked and thoroughly Christian church filled with "graven t Simday, August 7 Rev. BL 8. St M imster te s ^ on one of- the new Raybes- images.” Though these may not 9 a. m.. Prayer service. Rev. L..Theron Frenc A sststaht. tos S.denMc ;^rake Testing , - have become in any sense objects of 9:80 a. m., Sunday school, Class- 'chines;:'M otorists a ie iU'vitM to idolatry, they-have in some cases es for all ages. 10:45—^Morning worship union haye tiieir brakes checked or ad- taken to themselves very great 10:45 a. m.. Morning worship. In juided at any time on this equip-, A servicr .at the S ^ n d .Congregation' reverence. the absence'of the pastor on his va­ ai church. Rev. French will pm ch. m e n t: It was net amazing that in the cation the morning message will be F. . . Wilbur win play the otgan The Porterfield Tire Works are days of the Reformation, and of given by Robert BUlla. and M n Neal Taylor UrlU aihg. local distributors (for the Selberling the Puritan revival, many should 6:80 p. m., Toung People’s Serv­ . The union services will vconttnue and Norwalk tirML and Stedcote turn sternly against such practices ice. at • the Second Ccmsr^vtiona: Rubber Enamel, the new auto paint ^ / in the church, evidently ^finding 7:80 p. m.. Evening service In church until the first Sunday . in anyoito can use succawduUy. They warrant for their attitude in these also carry a complete line of auto commandments. Tet most of us in charge of the pulpit supply commit­ September. Rev. M. S. Stocking For you to buy a Rood dependable used car at about 50% of its regular value. TOMOR^ tee. win preach the.last three Sundays accessories. this modem day- woidd- hardly, be Keep Motor Cool ready to condemn the sculptor’s art. For the Week. '' ' in August. ROW , SUNDAY, is positively the last day of this stupendous, record-breaking bargain We relate the comrxumdments Wednesday, August 16— Windsorvllle , “Keep your motor running cool, rather to-the idolatrous p raeti^ in -7 :^ p. m., ^d-week Prayer Serv- Rev. M. 8.. Stocking will conduct is the advice of Arthur Porterfield event ^ ' . Israel which Moses was zealous to ■ 'ice.' c _ - • AhO'duaaay 'morainif service'kt ‘ the d The Porterfield Tire \0tAs. As stam p o u t Friday, A ugust 12— Windsorvine church. At the close o t overheated motor , means trouble,' Don’t forget we have the largest and finest assortm ent of Used in M anch^^ie Similsrly, the law of the Sabbath, 7:80 p. m.—Qass meeting. the service the monthly' coimcil and nine times out of ten it is caus­ whether we defend or denounce meeting will be held. ed by a clogged radiator.: A hot mo­ and tom orrow is your last opportunity as prices have been slashed tq 'ihe low est possitfie I modem conditions, is very different­ SECOND CONGREGATIONAL Vernon tor from poor circulation means A ly interpreted , in modem times, and CEHJRCH Rev. Stocking wiU speak a t the waste of gas and ot, a laboring mo­ l e v e l s . . it. is doubtful whether we could live Rev. F. C. AneU, P astor Vernon Methodist church in the tor and the possllfillties of repairs • • • . under modem conditions in our 10:45—^Union service at this afternoon at 8 o’clock on' "Christ unless remedied promptly. An over­ complex city life if effort were made church, with Rev. L. Theron French, Among the Common ’ThingiB of heated motor coi^ you money. NEVER AGAIN W ILL YOU HAVE SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY AS RIGHT NOW.; to obey and enforce the command­ Life.” At the close (rf the service of the North Methodist Larger Motorists experiencing trouUe of THESRPRICES SPEAK FOR t h e m s e l v e s : ' ment with the literalness with which Parish as the preacher. the monthly council meeting win Ito this kind are requested to drive it wa^ obeyed and enforced in Organist F. A. Wilbur will ren­ held...... their car to the .Porterfield Tire smaller and more primitive commun­ der the following musical program: Works for a free inspection. If the ities both in ancient and in modem times. Prelude, Larghetto, Kuhlan. CONCORDIA LUTHOBRAN trouble is in the circulation caused Soprano Solo, I Heard the Voice Comer m nter and Garden Streets. by a clogged radiator they have the Many people in a nlodem city of Jesus Say, Harriss. Mrs. Neal H. O. Weber, Pastor. equipment to remove all the Incrus would starve, or go hungry. If no- Taylor. , body worked on Sunday. We have tation and-sediment and leave toe Offertory, Andante, Beethoven. English service 10 a. m. radiator core clean without harm to come to see that the spirit of such Postiude, March, Scott Positively the L ast D ay Tom orrow. 5 days free trial License tags free w ith every can a commandment is somewhat ditfer- German service 11 a. m. toe radiator in imy way. ent from its letter just as Jesus sug­ . There wlU be no services on the Tire H eat ST. BfART'S EPISCOPAL. 14th and the 21st of August Pas Mr. Porterteld also says that toe gested. 1926 C hevrolet Sedan ... ____ ...... $ 2 .9 1931 Dodge Sport R oadste/ ------.... . $ 3 9 5 The tragic thing is the realiza­ Rev. J. S. N ^ , Reetor. to r and Mrs. W eber wlU spend a two average motorist can prove quite tion that to such a large extetit we weeks’ vacation in New Jersey visit­ easily for himself how much heat have departed in our modem life Sunday, August 7th — Eleventh ing friends. is generated by toe fiexing of an 1926 C hevrolet Coupe ...... ______$ 2 9 1931 D odge Conpe, R . S...... $ 3 9 7 from the spirit as well as from the Sunday after Trinity. automobile, tire. After the car has letter. Measured against the. ends 8:00 a. m.—^Holy Communion. EBIANUEL LUTHERAN been run for-a mile or so all-he has 1926 D odge Sedan ______. . . . $ 3 9 1932 Plym outh Coach ...... $ 4 4 4 and the problems of mankind these 10:45 a. m.—^Unlon Service at the CHURCH. to' do is get out and pUt his inttwB on cmnmandments stand the test. They Center Congregational church. Rev. K. E. Erickson, Pastor. the tread and feel how hot toe tire emphasize the things that are The Week. is. 1927 Essex Coach ...... $ 4 9 1932 Plym outh Sedan ...i .$ 4 4 & ' needed for buman relationships if Tuesday, 7:0O“p. 'm.—Boy Scoutifi. 9:80 a. m.—Sunday School and "Tires get very hot due to toe such relationships would be f^ r and Sunday, August 14th—Union Bible Classes. constant fiexl-'g they undergo,” 1928 C hevrolet C o a c h - ...... $ 7 8 1930 D odge 8 Sport S edan ...... $ 4 4 7 lust toward all in the community. Service at St. Mary’s church. 10:45 a. m.—Morning service in said Mr. Porterfields "This is unfor­ Sunday, August 21st^:00 a. m. English. Sbrinbn by the pastor, tunate, too, because rubber is a ZIOH LUTHERAN —^Holy Communion. "Are You Sincere?” very poor conductor of heat, which 1928 D odge V ictory Sedan ______$ 1 4 5 1930 D odge Sen. Sport' Coupe —..... $ 3 8 9 Rev. H. P. R. Steohhol£ Church School, Men’s Bible Class No evening service., is one of its greatest enemies. But it and Highland Park Sunday School - »T*>® Week. is equally fortunate that a way has 1929 Chevrolet C oupe ______. . $ 1 4 9 1931 D odge Sedan, D. H , ------.r. . $ 4 9 7 Simday school at 8:80 a. m. will be resumed Sunday, September Friday afternoon the Men’s So­ now been discovered to dissipate toe Service in IhigUsh at 9:80 a. m. nth. heat generated in toe tiiread of a ciety win hold a picnic at Pine'Grove 1929Plym outh C oupe ______. . $ 1 6 5 1930 Buick Sedan ... . .$497 Text of sermon, Gen. (1st Book of Tavern on Tolland Tiunplke, lea'ving tire. Recently Selberling lUtroduced Moses) 82:24-81. Subject: Jacob’s SALVATION AKHV the church at 4 o’clock. Other mem­ an air-cooled, tire. Tiny transverse fight of faith. EnMgn George D. Williams bers will leave at 6 o’clock.. holes in toe tread suck air in and 1929 Ford Coupe ...... $ 1 3 9 1931 D odge C oupe, 8 cyL 6 .W . W ...... $6^ out, toup keeping the tritod cooL .SWEDISH CONGBEGA’nONAL Company meeting, 9:80 a. m. Naturally, the cooler the tread toe 1931 E ord Coach ...... $ 2 4 7 CHURCH Classes for all ages. Those not at­ longer toe life of the' rubber. This T R U C K S ' 8. ,E. Green, BOnIster t tending Sunday school in town dur­ process is very simple and direct ing the summer are invited to at­ A but it has-never been achieved in a 1929 Dodge D. A. Coupe ... .:. ;$2^5 1930 Dodge 3 Toff Dumii 1-2 T on Dodge Panel Swedish Morning Worship, 10:80. tend this meeting. practical manner before because of 1931 Dodge Chassis and Communion. 1 Ton Reo Panel'' Holiness meeting, 11 a. m. toe numerous difficulties in manu­ 1930 D odge Sedan D. A ...... ,. . $ 2 9 5 Cab, 3 ton, 170 inch W. Wednesday evening service, 7:80. Afternoon service. Center Park, 8 And why bduddeat Mura tiie mote facturing such a product” > No reasonaUe offer refused. o’clock. The Salvation. Army Band Miat is in Miy broMier** eye, b u t oon- B. will play a half hour prececUng the siderest not Mie beam that Is in 1 9 3 1 F o r d V i c t o r i a - ». • • *sT*T#T*'7• *• •*rs?’6l6“6'• #'• s $ 3 3 9 Emanuel Lutheran meeting. Mdne own eyeT hfatthew 7:8. . ■ r M Open M r Meeting, Ekurt Center 1929 75 C hrysler Sedan ...... $345 F R E E ' street near Masonic Temple, 7 p. m. Criticism is our weak point- MARL^ODGH Knot Erickson, Pastor. Goethe. Number Plates, Driviiig Lessons, 30 Days Guanmtee, Every soldier is expected to be in The Dorcas society are rehearsing line. 1930 G raham Paige Sedan .,... .. $ 2 9 5 5 Days’ Trial, Gas an^ Ofl. TeL 5213 ACTBESS STRANGLED the play,.-‘Tlio Old pistriet School Salvation meeting. Army hall, At Blueberry Comers”, which will 7:80 p. m. New York, Aug. 6.—(AP)—Hear­ M given August 20 at toe vestry of 9:30—Bible School Ensign an«l MrsT* Victor Diamond ing on a homicide charge against toe ^ u rc h . 1 9 3 1 Dodge Bros. 6 CyL D em onstrators and the Ensign’s father, for many June Martin, burlesque actress, Chi­ ' A school board meeting was held 10:45—English service. years a bandipaster in London, an at toe library Ttoursday Gening. expected to akslst in the week-end cago, was postyoned today because Two to Choose From “Are Yon Sincere?” her attorney would not concede that Miss Fanny A. Bllsh has returned services. strangulation whs the cause of death from Boston where she spent a few Good condition, brand new rubber. New car guarantee. ^ of the defendant’s roommate. daj^ with relatives. Blorence Miller, also a burlesque Miss Elizabeth Hinckley of Wind­ actress,' was found dead July 80 in ham is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bi the room she had shared wlth'~Hiss Lord. > 1 Martin. A towel was knotted loose­ Miss Elizabeth Cooley of Weth­ Open Evenings T iH 0 O ’clo ck , t r a d e s ACCjEFfjSD Protestant Union Services ly about her throat. ersfield Is -a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adjournment of the hearing was Allan Blish. a t th e ' taken so that the medical examiner Miss Lydia-T. Lord and four of Boy! W hat Barigains! Come EarIy--^Am aztng Low Prices. Buy Now. might be called as a witness to de­ her Sunday schoolpupils and How­ termine cause of death. ard Hinoluty of WiBuiham motored I » Camp Woodstock on Sunday. - Center Church MHX10NAIBB I»B8 The monthly Tri-Oounty Ohristlaa 10:45 Endeavor phton meeting was hdd in Cleveland, O., Aug. 6.—(AP) — Columbia Sunday evening and quite Snam er seryiee for S t Mary% South Methodist and Philip A. Myers, 78, millionsiiie in- number from here attended. ventorsad manufacturer of Ash­ The selectmen held their monthly Center Congregational Parishes. land, O., died today a s /^ result of business meeting Monday e v e i^ at automobile Injuries received in an the libraty. . . >, Minister, automobile aeddent near m Rboda Fuller of Now Raven' REV, WATSON WOODRUFF last-memorial day. hoo been nondiag some time vdth ' DEALERt.; : > hir eister, RaehOl Aaei Fiwer. _____ Topic, , < A sm was bom to Mr. and Mm. ______The yinoeiit^'Roberta last week. Mrs. 684 C oiiter S treet, ‘gentti Sfaneheatse' . SPIRIT OF .g 6 D ” nighi'bafon the eeremoity, his bride IMbeets wasi jMfore' her ttarrlace eon9 osed^ music t o tiu Lord’s MUb Setty RaakL Open E rehinges^Sm dsjrs U ntil WELCOME Prayer to be sung at the wedB^ Howard Upniimott of / Middletown and since then the oompceltion ‘ hae been visiting relativoa 'in thtt i ' M bean adopted.by mahy.


1'' •>t •• '1'-: ■•’ \^-'t''V ‘'...... * ••■■»*-' ," V ‘^ -v"’ '*' V •* } f>‘ B.f.H ■■'■ • •>' • ‘ * f{ T: . iftk- r i a a t o o m lU M C B W nB BVffinKB ilBUU>t|,-lleifl!9 *■- >fr- y r

It bM not gUm$y W m dee^y poito the can gIVVB by ,tiw gbv> dMMd ^ the Roorer adnlatetratloii, MaaNat to aetoiulyly disabliddli vstef- let Ite dual elewrheie thui aas or.to the Atoto^Ints.oC % »ttlttg liera li iit e t tkbee Mho altneded thtbloM< aad ssticre wlM Jpat ,tialr Ih to la i ’iia '^ t t MOk ttAyoys' (ftotaer hem on October 1S| toaaa^^s war. v^maa# mvft map a^^v^v^sW'^mg ^PMuP^PWWab aidaa^M 1981, br listened in caned a p o ^ you're getting old fasUorMd, the ohortia ovsr tha toet that It waA •• ftois. ftaaWe Edtah IM_M to»aMteMio« •# fnads evim If tt wero to fry—aad a The attack is ewsnlrteet aight.apOt ta New York fbr to wa are aware, the oaty aawa- The, idea has besa very prsvaieat The home baa banks w9l toaka^; doeOd |or toe ettmiBer with a cake­ GeaeBhdt, whole f«6 «i Mtohi f t t u t try must bO eoeaettong very dUter^ ^a^CM to the germ to to nmsle taduatry, aCec Sm piySr MjfwMM lACfWOOUto wXwB that t|M adadatotntiea was trying toaas to m other ' SgoooootM on walk . . . Bert Lehr, sAo haen’t ,u em frott^a town eendtog a note to to ito «p a grstom thromh which w so a lo o g ttoM barn able to mnke ^ tang in a ae 9 peperweight . ^ . M :tiM and ttaltoai yu fttwd to aeoept at face valtta the fha mambiaiM i.. to toe heiu ead of a di^ he cats hta MgtOf^^NtW WatofagtoB to the eYtot that "QtilU the InAwdued home owner or pros- ta 99 per seat oTtlia ok- OOMe couple to shows, Coolda’t make Japanese report of the “killing” to peettvs bwUdto to a home could bor­ radio eadienoee glgglo enough . . ‘ . Aa aside to FerriWQrMW the toto B m m . a few o f qur folks are broke; jbease am 'aume than 19 Ottitag'toS dtolY tatotita to 1992 the OmiMto H a Chsa-Mun row Areotiy from the gdvemmeat ceat to the appraMsd vahM to eftoir and ta’ alnady off tlw ata feonmoser; “Tbaake tar that , net to ’,#«R «*rrt«i aitMi (H ft R ib (Ur^ slap a eo^e of ^ there was an tacrease, ta the dis- records of your Chnton «Im . lAok As we eaSd a t the time that repeSt and although this wac ao part to K real estate cAiaten{ai9 m Uneh to the surparlse of ingen^tm the adadnlittatien's ptott sotaiettoqg tti BtatoenA’SMd aa etademio Among the more amnsing yam i Suite” . . . A ttattem, found ta a was redolent to i)i^ odor to isa. etralgkt ahorttena .nfeeftyagsa-ap. to aad talSag- IMIhef AMH Msreaa at Ofteeto* soule hhe Oovamor Qroee, that Isn’t akin to Oonsternatlcm- haS d e te le ^ 80; per cent of the bfilanee dde^ hat being pamed aronad is the one vacant lot, i^iam atly mBfry, t o ttoas. Tbere were details that dM not to with the dtsQOveiy that sameonerse- Juog» Hogowtag toe World War about Mltm OresBr young cereea found to have 81,250 in berskceddfed the way toe It F. d propoeea to do not over 89 per beat ot the appraised hand WltaA fmntahei ftather Oa«e*ey, tit9^ the least fit they>fDfMtilltie8. And tnaliy A d adeak a provisicm into vattMt ontoreaka ta aetrtm, aad Ctaryl Friita, the movta bag. •6 nmxrtMMUtf boslfiees. in toe first place it j ^ s toe IM tad StitaBi * critic. . . . In the eoursc to her evidence eonceraing timee talea to it was exactly xht sort of propa­ tbq - bill which woAd give home It is hoped to hdp dtmtaata well-off heggsr* . . . to pay emae attention to the law owners the privU^e of borrowliqi toe diseaae deereaeed qpectiontag Ouyl asked: “And Mies ganda that grows out to sudi owl mortgages Sad slso aoder which to# reUsf fuad was fiom the heme lean tw ak siftw thqy with attsadaat AMrges hy eaisitiaf* akdattoEk whSB It reached Green, who do you think the flaeat Jock Foster, radio writer, cag- psychological oonAtkus as those to lta'km«etleviL fftace thtAtlM ooa- geitc as a enwoer’s epitaph: “Plfen- ereated and reqtfire,. before eaftod- warn established.’ ^ tag amortlaed fiaandair to'hssssa, movie aetrese?” * SXTintbAT, JULT «. the i^psasss mlUtary mlad. Howto Ibqr Ttoee Iisae The second atoftgagota tsgasdsr.^ Attafitow gradhgpy taoreased agata< MItal pondered a mmnent and ta to ground but no aerial" . . . ing to any state or mttnlcipaliiy any Reports from Ruatoi taAoati a eon- Beatrice UUie and FOante Brke, Now ft develops that Oenentt Mu Bkperts who are eapeeted to have thschtaC kugbesf i i home mpltad; “Wril, 1 ehotfld Hke to •TBAUtKQ naUNDBR anandal aid whatev«r> that tta t en­ soffletldng to do with runalag the ■tup; toe coste on eedoad. tiAMus taereas# ta the dtasoao there act ac weO ac Helen Hayes when I oM tof-stage pals, wlB ttam togeth­ is not only very much alive hto er next winter ta a revue . . . A It IS A httie duneiilt for Manchee^ tity shall show, quite, eoBclasrveiy, hoBM kua systom aajr prmdeiy run between 19 aad 90 pi . eiace 1992, itU 'M g iitt reachtag the tro ir bp." active ta the field against the.toke that the provision is so vague, so vtagheet ever readled^ta titat eooa- WBat's amusing about that is OMomeroiil mbvif stojeSt, tateod- 4 ter iMc^e tvho attended the dtaner that It has done all If can to the Msabsinki^ requirsd to eUgfble tag to give the housewivee to tiie MaacAnkuo govenaMat. Which ssMBfagly im ievaat to the remain- horhuwws. Is obtained by huytita that Ifiss Frinek, the interviewer, given by this town to CUotgi 9*. way of providtog radef on its own. see how ft can he or wm be opera- lacNaes in the United Mates wac Chariey MacArthur’s wife aad oouatry a tew potateae an heme is a situatk^ that anybody might etoAr in toe banks tv the aaioiBifM tauadzy, hoc ec Ita eotwa a hklf Tttti lord tneyor of lianchester, Strictly adhered to,.that le grtag to sis ho wit eaa h i or wiD h i opma* a nuaiimua to i per oei9 to tbs kse beea moderate. A new maxi- MacArthur later married htisi have aaticfpatod who turn M to w t tive. tanm wan reached ta 1929 vflto a B ^ e c . . . doacn ni|AI Aub tocriaec ♦ . . who, flnfi, leet Oetober* to ttodetnl^ he a pretty etifir etatollttg Mook to total due 0 0 an te a e laoftgagaa by the way, have bad to do their the course of Japanese official an- But the board, in the likely event the mernbar oarriis, with a epfdemfc that ctocned the precisely how Senator Borah’s the way of many of the panhandling touatry, affecttaf, however, oaty FlenW la a Name own washing moct to the w ia ta r... ilclaratioD in favor of linking repa- ooimcemeat eoneesaiag Manctoiria that it ignores or evades the clatiae eubecftatlOD to 91000. dtook fiot pu - And in thtir own bctotalM . . . titote. Connecticut, tor example, ______„ _ aathorlzing inAvldual loans—^whicA ohaeed by mombors ta t o be eab- litae alae peoplo ta every 190,000. : For a “natural“ we nominate f fdUons and debts revision with dls- and China dtqung the last ysar. It fftaoe 1999, the dleease hae' mMff KeatrBpecd, of the New Toth Sim, Aad acme to thoac- batogaautton having failed to t l^ any Legisla­ soribodtor by the IteOonetniottaif gamcc triileb now take tke atten­ iftmunent, as proper subjects for an is a decreasing in tkls' country so, that as the beet iMwepaper name . . K tive action and ite governor having oorporatioa whlto may tion to Wan fltrecc g w ia aia t o i such statemsat, whaltver its n att^, rua into a howl of criticism at tbs S2tn!ams occurred In January and And we think the Ranem word « Ittterhational conference, comes to coneiilentiy declared that there ie isoae seouriiles few the purpoee tb “Acty'’ to be the most expressive to be more qpetta tkaa minor etaok as an untruth. outset from those who will consldsr the extant Of 9196,009,0097^ . ______3SS in Fdbnuury, 1932, as compared, hi endowed with the quality of orig- no need of a special seMion of the with 699 ta Jsauary aad 688 ta term for high-hat folk . . . MoUa coaimefee . . . the home loan act just one Bwto ec^ u eo preetunanly ta !»e tldieb (HLBBRT BWAN« ' MhUty so freely attributed to i t Legfllature to die! vith relief, ie measure to'help out the b a i^ Februsry ta 1981. ; MaBory, ace swimmer of a few Gip by tho tm suty. yean hack, ta one of the depree- v'. The country knows that Senator going to be iomewliat bothered to Here is the proviision at issue: The baakt nay tastie hoadi up U m onfy way ta wUeb the. aver­ age person cad- protest himself ekm’s victims . . v For a time^ she rftderlc C. Walcott of this iU te is eraeb the gate Of Unde Sam’s die* ‘*Any home owner who comes to 19 tittss the amount to toeir MBDIOINB.BAU. H ealfb tmd D iet within the limits of this act iad against m eata g^ ta to avoid any found work In the sport clothes aSd lonp has been in the coafldeBee eaifital, la to be a mtalntitaii department to a Manhattan em- trthutlon Of lArgqese. Who is unable to obtain mortgage to 10.000.000. Beeh beak buOde up podlfble contact with a ease to the ^ Cincinnati.-.-(AP)—Tossing a A et President Hoover and that no set While wC haven't the slightest de­ disease. Attempts haV# ,bewi made poreuin and now plans her own pound BMdioino bail OQO times a money from any other source BMy a suf^us to buy to toe govetn- ihqp .. . . pdbQc utterance of his on a subject sire to witness an expensive extra A d v i c e obtain same from any bank oTgia- ment'e stock and it ft hoped to ia time to epidemic to uee prevefittve- day, toe last 60 times from a pOei- latlon, but in general such pre- which, for no reason, \ reminds tioa flat OB his back, worked wOn? dt fdreign ^oUey would be in the session ef toe Legistoture and while tor Dr. tVank McCoy ised under this act; provided, that federal money out of the fystem la m* of the visiting HAlywood star this sttbsectloii Shan not be efteettvu fTom tarq to five years. vetoive vacctaation is aot. advised. ders for Bob A to y ,' Ctadmuti Mist ntM l to fM M t a prindtito in wa are py mo meant eager to have The Use to oasal.. sprays, mouth Who had dropped most o| tas coin catcher. ASby had a “Uakr ta hit when the federal government has The aanonneed aim to the- act, In the recent bank crash . . . At' a abhfllct With the vftWI of tho Presi- our good old stato descend to the v e o e t a b l e f l o u r had Its stock rttired.” washes and lotions has not been throwing arm whito has now dUkp- aside from the debated individual reception a visiting guest com* peared. a s a result he win give d lh t W i do not mSAh by that that OenMtlqh of a»pui^r aqd atruggler After the water has jM ia evapo­ 999,999 U lim it loana featursi ta to food eaah ta the proved to bo to qpectal value. When toe dtagaodle. ta maOt, treatattait mented . . “Oh, but I wish I had Ernesto Loinhardl some catdaaf fe- . Mnator Walcott is* a ttire apoksf* In the federal bread line, we cannot rated, dehydrated vegetables esa be The rest to the act covers kuas banks and assoetatiana on thdr your aiotteyr 'You wish you had Uef. j. from the eight to I t home loan mortgages so th^. wont led coai^ vdth the Spedflo curative serum has than for Hoover, bht anyone tegarfi wltoout some iHtpreheniion milled Into a hour. A mwpertion of great value ta lowmteg toe aumber this dried vofstable flotm may be banks about to ho OTganizfed to pelled ta eitl out toe proper^ own­ who khowa the senator Will bO per- the rdief situation of the approach­ addoA to-foods such as maelMrs, building aad loan amoelations,' sav­ ers who can’t answer thdr to deaths and ta preventing paraly- tocUy Mto that if h i Weri to feel ing winter If the atato govemtotot maearoni, or lea cream, and s^rvas ings banks and insurance compaatoe for cask and to hdp .the asebdtatioiM itopillld to vdce an ipinidH oh an —the thrsa types to Aigiblee. le to prove todifferefit and useless in tha double purpose to overcoming to pay off depodtecB aAo have used OOHMANni BY EAIMO Ihterhidetod quiatlOn that did not the acid-formtog toadenties of the The question is rstasd as to which J them as savlagt hanks aid now W ATKIJ^ BROTHERS, Inc the sfiieiigefley. home owners come "within the' eea’t get thelr"awi«ty. ifprte with the administration’s richer foods ahd Asguises the flavors . Weehtagton, Atig. 0.— (A P )—Ik e I f Governor Cross finds himself of the vegetables. thbugh he woiild not hesitate to do first radlb drees parade ta the hie- Incapable of getting up interest The foods' usually selected fm My to thta oounttYa mttttary e«tf- si, b i Wiuld make it tery dear en ou gh s energy enough to some making the vegetable flour ara: the hands is generally a sign to soaM strange, compldc chaiaetar aad teee today toimd a corpe to Mariae Funeral, Directors that ha was apeakiBg for hiaisdf thing besides drift smUtagly spinasE, carrots, lattuoa, toustoea nervous dls(»der. I f you will search has suooeeded apleadidiy in bring­ reserves at the Great Iton e training ESTABLISHED 57 SBABS and celery. These vegetables arc es­ 'out the cause to your trouble, you- ing -him to life. His IsMt aehieve- '^ n e . along in a poppy dream of content­ station osar Chtoago to hop out ^ it a^d take raAo to thei2 «to rcaerves commaad-^ to these foods; Celery Is a member tatoig Itapttritiu Which may he It ta iMbltahed by Little, Brown ed byIw Major Cheater L. Fordney; at i tying debts aid di^rmament to' ^ hard look at the gravity of the ot the parsley family, with an agree­ causing your nervousBiaS. A Co. and adls for liuo. the ntoatag atation. ffto tr , he spoke with the voice of situation, there is one easy way out. able flavor, tt never creates Agestive m aathoMty. And thie Is what he He oould resign, you know, and let Asturbaaces and can be used by (TreaUe Ymh Elbow) aifdr anyeme who is able to use aay kind Queetion: Weadefi C. asks: “Wm the lieutenant-governor run the to sAid food. It Is/very rich to you pleaee u a me what this means Revering as a dark doud over show. organiq salts, sspedally the alkaline- —"St^[>imratihg arsa over left otor , '/V I ail this welter u d , woe is the forming orgatoc minerals, contain­ cranon, irilght lymphangitis, extsad-r prave question of aTmainents. The lK>C7TOm AZd> VIITEBAKB ing large amoupts of the boae-form- tag to axuia.” tbad^tment of debts by an Aaewsr: This simply m c ^ soma . equilateral reduotton to artoa*- The doctors put'critics of their ing calcium, and itaaatities to chl6- toents by all the itea t naUtotS Of rins for the manuhwture to bydfo- iafiammatton to a part o f the left sustained wartime ohiuges into a bit chlwio add for the stomach’s AgeS- elbow With, enlargement o f the ; the world, that their rdative safto f f ri ty may remain imdimlnlshed while of a hole during the Obngresaionol tive juices. phatic glands u ^ er the arm. ThO f toeir in tt^ ta debtori ta lights heertog 'on hoi^taUzatin tiie tady, who was frighttoied. The eertog. Ita oharactor-waa toter> that had no connection Whatever of evidfence to -Show that tafe 1^6’^ f Answer: Buttermilk Act, or toe perMta iM tok thjg to said Brutus had jumped and ani^pe^ Th^nest saattOnaL senator Walcott’s i^ e tomatoes is harmful in any way aad use to buttermilk in'ptaoe at a meal, with their military eervice any de­ / |wiat out to the nation on the air. clared that the taxpayers of the on the other hand abundant evi­ has a tehdfe&ey to dire acideds person had said BrUtus was hwtiiing at the mouth. Some boys saw Bru­ / tR tottcated, almost as clearly as It dence to prove that tomatoes stand rather then to cauce it 'Rie laette country were being mulcted of half at the very top-of the list of health­ add to the hutterimik has a bMM- tus and threw tttoiea. « Bruttffi ran, “Mad dog! li ^ dog!’* the boys fput to meh LWorde, that the united a billira dollars a year for- such ful foods, containing as the;/ do, so fleiai.effect upon the intestinal flora, cried. . Brutus wm eerntoed iuid shot; ^StatM^ provided all nations would gratuitous hreatmenL^ He asked a many vitamins^ together witii or vegetatae grow th ta the intae- tagree to a 'proportionate reduction perfectly fair question when -he de­ orgsnls minerals and vslualde fruit ttnes. t ^ arfl^ •apenditures, WOuld he wUh adds,-An analysis of tomatoes shows manded to know if there vmb any that they are very alkaline-formitoT From go^p to icandal is a short step, and heaven help the person or |tog to pay heroett thq debts due to single, reason'for the granting of cmd rich in potassium, calcium, mag­ *her~-init of the savings she hereeit free hospitalization to ex-service nesium,'iron, chlMlc-t and .vitamins thtog iMBliist whom the public'mind is poisoned. rWOUld make in reduced armament men, when their ailments bore no re- A, p and C.' lattonddp to thrtr service, that Spinadi is one of the most pro­ i We believed then and Ve believe tective to green vfegetablbS. It was w ^dn’t just as well tq>ply to free used freely even in the days of Successful merc^ts mid manufacturers are those who r ^ s e the now that Senator Walcott was groceries, toee'tent or free automo­ Medes or PerdA Long before the or­ ilag a kito tor toe adintolstmtkia biles. ganic chemists discovered that miBchiet that oah be ereated by “Ihey say.*^ Theee business men, de­ 'Whaa he mede Ide itonoheeter ad> We have long believed that the spinach contained large amounts of r, Ifeytag t o ______termined to aay tha truth, themselyes, about tiieir dwn merehandiBe and idtase; that its purpose wfus to test iron, this vegetable was tised for its RMde tin Stage ta “A I^toaec fees of physicians are unduly high healthrglving properties. Even the To Death** piiMic sentiment on revhddn or can' in proportion to the prices of com- most primitive people realize that It service, emidoy i^vertiaing to protect thonselTes ahd tbe publie from half eelbitlOB to consWeratfws of arms moAttes and to wi«es. In view of is advisable to use large quantities Preface to Deato.’? by Fled truths, from falaehooda and from the common garden variety of ignorance cats. the Aminished incomes of the people of the bulky vegetables (o ^ op toe Rothwmeli, ie a thMghtful, There was no reaction, either fa> alimentary canal and assist in the lently written, rather grim book that works havoO among the very best of inteiititoiB. as a whole. But when''the doctors peristAtic action e f the stoxfiadi and ■'3.; votable or actively unfavorable. The about toe odd tidngs ttiat neoole reply that a ocmCributlng reason tor intestines. Spinach ie ridi in soAum do wito toeawelvee^ea toeySe- ooggestlOB fe& oo deaf ears. No- their sticking^ to their fee schedule and calcium, as well as iron, and is, cover that they have only a riwrt ohare save perhaps in a Mngle sen is the disappearance altogetlwr of a therefore, an excellfent Mood-buUder time to live. These miMihsnts endmanufacturers ne und«r np ddqsioBB. They atorial seat dedicated to the use of —one to the finest If noti the, finest It is chiefly the story of Dr. considerable part of their normal blood toaic. Vendoen, dtnKtair to an eastntn kaotr t i^ canuoli tell untruths about their products and get away with it toe state • >■»>»■»• -*i U^* Id ni they are an longer tdr to ^ tM,. tet'alao m T h ^ t u w hMmm were en- • / cnsad ;ltt wood and were erectei ______: about 75 years ago. They were used TettfShun aeriiti -number bad exact datM . . ia&er,. son V im ' mainly /\^eo Rockville manuftw* 'Pisaa aamae, Qumnaader hi baiBe a a ^ after m* tnred its own gas. About 25 yean to the National Service' t o y d aeaewn w S ^ S S r e T t i aga tbe two tanks became inade­ B u 4 d i ^ Veterans of FopWlfsi Ware, .w Gm M .-S i:a m m p at tiwt ilam t L' m 'M quate and the company erected the U. S.. 881 Tow __ Council, Alderman Kerwia little Dvery pMloner iof fbt Spanisb- Oli^ can d» ntoer ttfng* ttan k n fadwnWkeaL stated that the health ootemlttee ^ .1 • ■ I .■ AmeritjMi W ar period Who is mare to the Matory ad Mm M tettoy iiM a cat He said hS visited tba HsU dl XRr-*-A MS nc nbm re Ike to u r # ' iUdcTffle In BatindftlHNit bad investigated a petitioD from Atm m im j&bea Poa^ w . tied 1W hn9 a to o . ddldrmi shottld PenaloBa. Tbfa aapandatuea ;Rqoords to see H wm a ang number a t FlOsbsry Hill reildents preplus now a stt « f pre-widOw 191i, when disabled men «i.li.4 e psgaavwd Wi From Wcii t^Mst The total of 55 names oif Wnpnded bad check chdff^ against htaa, eeeend-re a areto' nr tn H ^ ln AIbnay/ im o want a sewer. H is ommnittee* papaei. Wbyr Beoattie it usuat^ Otoat war ^piiBRid l»r While he was la ^ og police arreat- agrees that tbe sewer is badly need­ Manchester veterans have been it r - and It baa tbm been flBifvflPi 9wtM #WTB mn by aSTBana.re; warqed^to thenffice of Co tajiaa fhw i six aaontiw to seveni >d bun for writing an $88 ebaik M m Margaret OT fMren ed la that sectioa but the cost would yean for a ndiow or tbe g years. - giafi^oNliee to m Augustine Ldnergaii in Wash­ wtBiuut eoough ttoM y In the rank. tlm aala eg Hto re litre 9Uir«ii CroywSiqrle, 4St wlio ctettna be heavy. It was recommended that fo r e f minor diBdkan to giwMr tim BqMaditare en wm fTnirMr- ts tbe qoestioa be placed on the bud­ ington, submlBskm to tiie War naW repldlr daeUntaft and ft-Wdl' Hew Yorit—fWiyibg n gemav . dpt .re-tba aing to ptoaavamf re to^be «a actor "retttat*, c u m Into Dtiwrbnent as a unit for the nsesasary taMinee. after tbe vet get at the eendng city meeting and enin’s death it qedar to secure continue to declina with InoWatfag Leonard GmahMyr Oeea ydate d d , G e tty s b ^ addraere Hw aald 9 are^y dance; Rockvltlo Into lanradgU and this let. the citisens dedde when the George WaAtagtOtt BioiMUi n u d ity n tU dSoat 2 ^ whan the klntoe oaedMaed bek in * gnb< g M bar by Rebari T. Ltam^ dm Purple Heart Decoretian. This has pensittt. In mnqy. eases the rre re Ik i HBMielpetor. BMCttiaK knd a fahige gattiariog about work shall be done. quired evidaaiee la naver found and Mtoistry is likely to " A beary tcheft eaaw akwglnMi B t iBlda. one of tbe Ootfar b ^ anotbsr flns pises of work. t>y Anotber maestene ~ b fs to daath. V UUoatown, Hre-Mr* Anna hhn in tba center of tbe ciQf. He is BMldtaw Permits Gbalnasa Nsal ChaBsy o f tha-PiOo- the peotioa nevm' giwted^ Hia rides, has no post nfflea, *o ttaklBf an entended trQi by ueane necessary' papu*' and directioba -by tbS MlaiaCiy bi-4]ia Here's mii onsretion Ghaee, 16, bmed s weedpeadar to cdMioe ba pDMaaed three ' Building permits have been ration oommittoS. CamnUa CbMiey mark of annual Sependiture. tb a tti ' daliyei M.-tnng as pare of a baadsiade, ovenriM *1dddie granted 1^ the City Council as fbl- has givsa a grsat «fsii o f bis thbe to may be had hy- Writing the V. F. Iked ber taege. Runily. It are put into tin cans wKk tba car" whlcb be bnttt UaM tt. It is Unrs; BMate o f John Sehwnrs, to W. National BarVfce Bureau, 881 last year waa tbe m t one ea whidt em a—it ______bind o f wnodpaakar, it ttimad emt e a r n amoDPt of p r e t ^ tnatoqia tbs oompllation a t data ia this oon- war paamms have coat leas than ofaan. ’He big h to eeefa at tbe tiu t It prehmHd h f rire* _ equipped trtth a mattress wldcb be demolish coal shed and r^mild, 12 neotion, vriitah should bS amprsieiat Tower BuSding, Waibington, D. CL to ^akaepabbi buoys. Tbeae are arid u^olM at nigfit, sleepily in tbs ky $6 feet at 89 Nye street; new one tim tflgu e. htiaaal se cd a y e y re u ii ban fo n t bMMi Mre. obam it aarving $9 diy# upon the water'and allowad to dir^ od by all post membmv. tucidsatai- About lM,ooo,ieo9 ware spaat. and MMt But rtba Mbfinni afleote in jtlL laHI pldked t^ . . oped. He is now on a roundabout to have steel roof. ly» our quartonnasisr sergeant. IS Anderien-Hwa Anxttary, V. F. W, way boms to Albany from tbs West Mrs. Gertrud Teanstedt, 2-story the nuaobsr o f rectotaris was lass one man who can be depended upim There, wM be a .meattng of tba than 1^80,090. 1^92L tbs peak Coast. vwanda, 48x7 at 18 Oak street. to cany through a dilneult kaa^- Hartford j$oimW Council m a grove Frank P. Robert»», veranda addt^ }rear at pensions eapenditure, the droysdayls says be lost bis tti* meat cmnpletdy, taking the "bit in off Forbes Streep BSst Hartford to­ h . . • ' . tlon to mresent veranda, 8x16, at a«aiber a i beMOdaries Was 9,186^ tatament itt tbe depression and bad his teeth" sad dotaqg the "up morrow aftaraoon at |:S0 o’cloOk. 9d9. These Was thea ;9M 00 to llbd..aoma msans transporta­ 15-21 Iretfcet street. Refreshments, wifl ha aaived to all P u d Rau, remodel veranda, 24x8, brown" as it'diould be doM ployees ih the Miiriatry. TOdsytoday fbare tion as he was (mt at mamsfi so he In the course of the work, looking members. Anyona witUng to bring araoaly9Ad0. Fishing Is Only One of the Sport* built ^ three*wbeeled kiddie car. rear 87^ Union street their famiUaa Vflil bavt to hrin] Tbe potion of Steve Nsggy, Sr., over tile various records of man en' Less than half o f the ' Pfauis Wlyiitlj B otbs titled to the award, it is intensttag basket h a d i fOr them. Rase] . for a dwelUng house and garage, games and\.daiioing wfll fdlow the beneficaries are officera The old Chapman place in ToUaad the former 24x82 at Turnpike Road to note tbs number of-eltations and The others are nuiM baa b M sold to Bsnjomin H. Gili business sisifoiL You and Your Family Can Enjoy at and M. 3 , Webster for building a multipls wotoMlbi deearring in the Lutrucltona for reaching the widow* (187,799), pcreni* and other ibetpry msaager of Pratt it Whit­ henhouse, were returned to the list of Manctacstor t ^ r s a a . true dependants (464,750). ney Atrecftft Company of Bast grounds ire as follows: CM out Sti­ petitloiiers as the information was to tbrir Tankeo retlMiuio, maiw of ver Lane to Fofhia atrret; turn left The number of «x-aervice men hi H artm l Tb«rs ars 126 aersa bi tbs uMMunpleto. Manebestsr's best known vstmuns receipt of pensions is 491,850. About pn^rty which passoi mto lir. Oil- on Forbes street and fdlow signs to A petmon from.M. J. Webster for bave said Uttie about tbelr exploits thogrove. 82,090 cx-seryice man doe each ptM’ 'poaMSrdon ott Thursday. pemdssion to remodd one-family oil tbsa ftBold of battle. year, but the decUaa ifi<;aqtoditittb8 A firs cobUe«stone castle wBl be Tha flixt meetiag o$ the Auxiliary house at Bari street into a two-fam­ For instance, the committee on penMoas ia accdaretad by a built Vtgli tm on the bllfti^. A iaad- ily dwelfiag was not acted upon as WiU'be -held fb the am ory August t many other factor*. Rarimpa « I inf fleid, bmle-patbs throu^ the fmihd that one Manchester vetsren 19 at 8 o’clock. It is expected that no permit was needed. had been cited four times for cour­ mod constant Motor is tbe re* waodliaids, new axtasmn wols» an aevWai ladies wiU.be given the ob­ marrying of pondoned widow*. Tba* alaettte U^btiof syatem and modem Notes age under lire and for extraordinary ligation at that time, and it is hoped A daughter born to Assessor and conduct in a trying ititUation on the figure hovers with reintrkaMe oon- im pr^m enta for the farm house lluu: a large number *of members sistency around tbs 2,000 mark are id the plans under conHdsrttion Mrs. Wdliani JV. Sadlsk o f Grand tixmt. In his possession are certifi­ Will; be present street on Wednosday night at the cates from two A. B. F. Divisional Just now the number of chfldrsn by tbe new bwner. The Auxiliary wishes to ex t^ attaining tbs penriMSable ^ e limit n o MUtop ie a beautiful site Rockville City hoi^tal died on ‘Commanders bi addltitm to\bne eongratulatlcHUi to Comrade and Sis­ Thtcredire Wonting, living but 10 is about 60,000 a year, A m stdn from whiOB ail tbe eurroundlng French Divisional commlmder. ' RS ter OSarence and Bertha WethereU boiurs. Sorial was in St. Bernard’s possesses the Croix de Guerre with Last year the munber of boapRal country can be seen. Mr. CHipin of 128 Wells street on the. birth a t a ito -p a ^ ts was still 8,900 and tfcwe puma to erect a ntne^oom borne, cemetery. two stars. son. WHERE LOTS CAN BE George J. Hereog of 44 Orchard Another Manchester t>man who Several members of tbe AUXfflaty than 20,000 ex-sstvice men reedved n e laOdfag field win be on the Tol­ medical.and hospital treatmeat. land side of the hiU-top, and Mr. Gil­ street has been named adminis­ served In one of the maior battles attended tbe ttstitilflOn Of MefriU d BOUGHT FOR mu-atzoLoti trator the estate of his father, Smith Rost in Dshieiimi ias| Satur^' Mons-Tpres Post take this Op­ pin expects to mUra daily flights to on the western front In 1918 as a portunity ta eohgratulau Clarence Yea, ttere’a gleet flridng In Lake Aantton— 60x199 Fret Bast -Martfoed and return. John F/Herzog. First Sergeant, took conuntmd o f day.^ All reported having a good Mlu Bvelyn Haskell of Grove his company i hen all the s Gold Star thinks we are as good aa new, and at very loaall Miss Margaret M cG i^ e was named Washington to discuss the debts is­ mind readers. Oral orders don’t chairman. Maurice L. SputBng was sue. go—Write It Comrades. \ T ^ new maGhins daima appointed treasurer for the town It was said Mr. MacDonald has Veterans who served during tlM out aU the lacrustatiott and MkU- drive. not yet decided what will be tbe world war in the Verdun sector, amat-icavdi tba radiator Cora Basing Gas Holders best way of approaching the United n the area between the Azgonne The Rockvillc-WillimaBtic light­ States On this question, nor does he ! Torest and St. Mlhiel are eratied CLEiAN'so that you get maximum ing Company is having the two old believe anything can be done until xt rerei7e the Verdun medal, i^ ch ctrtuMtioi^without hurm to the |bs holders at its Mi^le street plant after the American election^ has been created by the dfy of ramator. FOR QUICK RBPAH» to your auto engine or ahy metal • mu tio bn HA-, DBIVB IN TODa T Rtm part of the car, take ouir Bp and UM tm i VMift iH FREE RADIATOR make use of our actesdehe weld­ ing process. It is ant tody qUiok INSPECTION AT but WfecUva imd em a oim ^ also, Let us examine your eUj^e and PORTERFIELD Chassis to. a it what is heeded. TIREWOREE PORTERFIELD * NO Oniiv tpiK* aM M ul MMM* TIRE WORKS , Gomer Bpraoe and Rsail Streeis. IT <^ nY w e a r

s m o o t n I*

Rxlli ton hrO tUi^ . tuto aS-tUI triM^ You can’t fool the American They find that Plymoorii Floating Power perform­ ■' * public—eapedalfy In times is longer,higm , more com­ ance. Absolutely vibration­ lilte tiiesch fortable t o M e in . less. UiUbelicvabfy amooch* HIRE'S ne^ofher tire Mie the new They’re l(ookins et all In traffic and on open RerefuL Aadso economical! Selherlnv Air^Ceebd Tbe. tthesheiet thceelowcst-pricedmnwith coed, they enjoy a new In the scale o f vatnre^ titey T critioaltyes.l>rivinffa|lchree kind o f have ptoved thre Ffynaontn right through the treedi Petented with an open mind. is unouestionably today’s QK»e-ibr

vrilj put them in fine ^ape. If rito lino e f Mlborfing Tbaa / . V V..' fiuHiI k iieaiiM 1 ^ * 0 uie ienouw etsiinkM , >lRd.Yg Sfihrer B d iil^ l^ to a apirii^d by Standord le ftoen. . 4 l -Y-.- • >y » the RaRbeatOf Matbod---atiroai, ' r ' " ' 8terdR« depandafaie. Safely firat» iaat m ail the Rate* . sYa

■ • " c J

^ ' V wwO'.i. S B l| V I C R PLY.VIOI] I II 495

■r'.'f ;W - ■■ ■- ^ tm. .. jr I ..... , X.4 ^ , PAOBBIZ MAMCBOnaiB ^BN iN d IttUtUlii


^Ksm ’s a raviah&g fluhkm along eKceedhigl •ATURDAY, AUGUST (OsBtral and lastafpi Gtaadara < n ii) BEGIN wiWtE TODAY wait for her!” Steve had Instated You’ll love I tr It hais Jong eifm 6 MONA MOBAN, Norattonbt tnm It was nther well known that lines, suggestive of Princess stjdlng WaU Street law olBoe, la annrlaed punetuality was one of the virtues Ihkn Says b Is a Rem fiat Ghlirring nips either aide o f tUs when her childhood wyeefteart. one-ipisce ihodsl td aoeehit ^ n i^ > Pftru fieoiMs 12 IidMt| -almost enm ly foreign to Lottie. (Ba n a A$$ootaM Fm u ) f STEVE BACOABELLI, retoma to ral VraistUns. Tha. skirt is given 'k ’ NGCnWlAF NETWORK New York after three' yeara of mya- The Morans were awake eariy die Aodior Qidiiis It Is gracdful fulness ..through godsts i t FftSi dw: 6hMi4 For] terlona abaenoe. Mona oontrlbatea either side, whose curved seaunlhg Sunday, morning. Kl^ty was to go • c !! wsr Inrfoly to the aopport of her moth- toi qpend the day at Alice’s as usuaL minimizes the width through the SSJS. •‘S? waal; Ml^aati ar, I n v ^ father, alater, K lia'Y , VaudeTffle. WjW. Gowns Hus Winter. wmAQ well lud wi6~banelng~by BeZ-e to o roasting In toe .oven ' and fragrant quit The union officials object to The new silhouette showed short-1 Sito—Mwt. OaTnabero. Planlat Joins Mona, Barry and Steve on hints of toe bird’s tenderness filled Our Sununer^Fauddon- Magaulpe. INaxt 6oor s *« “Scrapbook” being played at a mati­ shows all the- new and interestihg er skirts, 'twelve incheo from the several dinner and dancing en­ toe air. Kitty was far from being in nee, every day, bemuse equity ad- gagements. Mona's brother, Bud, styles fo r' yauuiiioh aind everyday grounA and had plain bodices and •<5S” Onms—Alao I}uao^t gangster, and plots to steal the would hove to yrheel toe baby for vaudeville and therefore not subject >*y^ wam- wto kVk huge dIamonA ' your v it y boat and. dropped decidedly in back. 5il5“ XI>*,®2WbarBa, Skatoh *worJtoll wren wmaq an hour before she could settle to toe hilings of equlty^The actors Send 10 cents,for your copy of Knitted stocking caps, with • a| A CANADIAN — wtmj Steve suspects this. One night down with the -newspa^r comic sided with toelr boss amd refused to apy atpry^ to c webo wday kfyr oksw etof when Mona and Lottie are. Steve's our Summer ’ Fashions. Address high rolled rim, were the outstand­ section. Kitty wanted to gO to toe quit. Fashion Depaurtn^t. ing headgear with sports wear. The tflod wra wmo wab wapl . guests,' Bud telephones that his hospital with her mother to see To Bo Announead metiier Is lU. He cornea to take For toe show. Brown hM gather­ Be sure to fill.In the size of toe colors were^ smoke ' hlUe, hyacinth wflSu k tS kS?® wb^p kpro Dad. ed unknown performers, with toe Thorpa—Alao ooaat Mona home. latter he returns and pattern, ‘ . blue, cabbage red, geranium red and | '^.■riman’a Band COAST—ksoKfl kgw komo Is forced to confess he meant to “Children aren’t allowed and you exceptions bf Frltd Scheff and Ethel pundee grey. 10rtX>;^1rt)fr-Ralph. KIrbary, Barltonas know that, Kathleen Moran.” Thus Norris, and prissents them in loosely - Day Clothes. RegoN Oreh.—Alao ooaat. gS tl‘ ‘1ia'‘3?* Ssa war ktar” ® steal the diamond. Knowing the lOiSO—TtiSO—Boator'a Orehaa.—Alao or j*l?“ Iba Farm Forum—o to o gangsters may kill the boy for Ma dlspoi^ of toe appeal briefly. connected sketches. ManehestOT .Herald Day clothes features a new ensem-1 CB8-WABC NETWORK “The doctors say, though, that Most of the program consists of this failure, Steve desides to send Patjteni Service ble with a three-qtuuter length coat, R ^IC CHAIN — Raat: wabo (key) him to South America. They drive Dad’s getting better. Glory be to reminiscences of toe theater, pre­ accompanied by. fox scarves wrapped vado woto woao waab wnao war wklm God!” senting imitations of Uts In famous wtaro whk okok wdro wcau mp-wfan to Boston where Bud boards a boat. For a.Hei^ttern send 15C close to the throat and draped over wjMjwean w^l wapd^wmal; Mldwaat: Next day Steve explains to Mona A few more tugs at her overshoes Successes of the past. m stamps ‘ or coin, directly to the shoulders. There was also a wbbm tram wfbm ktnbc woOo kipox- i - l t - and Kitty was ready to go. She dS' brown checked tweed skirt With a ■AST CANADIAN — wpg wj>h what has happened, warning her Fashion Buftou, Manobestor Bve^ wore ofrb ckac jifc she must tell no one. parted with remarks indicating that Labor Day week ^ Is a favorite aing Herald. .Fifth Avenue and geranium red knitted blouse, a three-1 gfXlk— wgit wjaa wbre wbt wdod oiSS—To Ba Announoad—batten >erlod for Broaulway 'permleres, amd knox. Mra.wrec wlao wdau wtoo krla she found these visits to Alice’s flat 28rd stesit, tork aty; B4 quarter.length tweed coat and j!®®—Amot 'n'Andy—eait onlr NOW GO ON WITH THE STOBY leas and less agreeable. wo have adreaidy b^n scheduleA jure to .fill bi number of pattern geranium red Cossack hat. J wrr ktrh ktaa waco kflt wqam wdbo !*2t"E''*"y*.WaaUra’ Orph. One Is “Flying Coiors^’, toe new whas wtar wdbj wflw wwva 5 2 ^ S!|®;“ R*y KnlghVa Cuokoea Ma drew a basket from toe closet you '"'sirei.' Plfidn high-waisted dresses of wOolj ^■'>t veah wmM 5-S^ JsS^Jho Plajra tha Thing CHAPTER XVI and packed It lovingly. The baked revue which Howaurd Dietz and and Isilk crepe were featured by 1«“ . 522!!^ f Orch.—Alao Caa. Pattern No...... wmt wnax wkbn The first weeks of spring passed chicken, fresh rolls, cturant Jelly. A rtow Schwairtz have authored. fichu, with scarves of pebbled' wool MOUNTAIN—kvor kli koh kdyl The other is “The Man Who Lost suggestive o f waffles. Satin frodts PAC^IC COAST — khl knx koln kzb Z22” 8.S^“ Flght Nlghtar—Alao ooaat swiftly. Bud’s contributions to the Dad’s illness was such that his Price lA Cents mj kfbk kwg His Heaul”, from the pen of toe had the stune scarves in ruffled rib-1 a JaZ • Harmony household finances began to arrive weekly basket might contain almost MatHmony, Si% regularly, putting the fiat on anything—wlthlng realms of discre­ author of “The Squall”, Jeam Baurt. Name . 2,794 boh called fremito. 3*2S^*J* ayrtcopator*—c to e Claude Radns and Jean Arthur have Olvhoitr*—0 to e * A"n»“nef«-*aaloi much more comfortable basis. Ma tion—^toat they cared to pack. BiWming frocks were of silk and I Rovuo-C to o Ai^y—Repaat for west toe leads. address oowoeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeee Send stamps or coin (coin prefer­ jersey, also form-fitting. Thty Conoart «reheatrs had devised an agreeable fiction “Give Father a big kiss for me,” red).., I 1-to— Roundtownora--o to c Alto o . concerning 'ler son’s new job in M ou called to her. xnotoer..*Tell showed;j^umerous;- foot-long trains S:00—Organ ReciUI—e to o t®!*9“ tl!8®^harna AgnaWa Orehto; size • e e • e e I I • • • e • • a » • aa • a • • d Connecticut.' She even spoke of the him ril be up to see him ’D ie^y.” Tabloid versions of foimous musi- Price of book 10 cents. and them, bodies were outlines with | girl he was Interested in. Later she Steve had .already telephoned cad shows have popped up agadn. 'in Price of pattern 16 cents. broaA crinkled ribbon bands. announced to her neighbors thsct that he was on his way. Mona had profusion. Famchon amd. Maurco, who Ah evening, innovation was a gold ! Bud’s employer haul sent him south answered his call gaily. x>ok« their presentations in movie lace dinner jadeet worn with match­ on a business trip. She stood before toe mirror In louses, au« sending out midget edi- gerald of Bay Ridge, N. Y., arrived ing sleeves on a dinner dress, toe "He’s working for one of them her. bedroom, touching her cheeks lions o f “ WOopee” , “Follow Thru” , HEBRON I this week to spend; a vacation at skirt of which was twelve inches') big Wall Street men,” Ma confided with rouge, then powder, with the fUo Rita” and “The Desert Song.” their cottage. from the grounA WBZ-WBZA to Mrs. Callahan. “Thinks the world utmost care. She brightened her Mr. and Mrs. John of of Bud, too, he does.” Ups with lipstick, pressed her hair Jack McGowam la writing toe A compladnt brought by toe CUld I B rld^port were j^ e r b ai 'home Bj^ehigEeld • iS6 Hariford, Kitty was easily consoled over the into dark, becom ^ waves; about sketches for toe' new edition of Eauri Welfame branch of the Humane, So-f of^ Miss Helen GUbert We<^raeday Carroll’s “Vanities.” He is toe man afternoon. They., weta. on A .motor absence of her brother who had her face and added toe faintest dato clety against Warren Squires for I Saturday, August 6.1982 of perfume to her ear lobes. Thm who turned out “Excess Baiggage,” neglect of his seven year old son trip on. thisir way -to Hampton. UNCLE SAMS Frogimm for Saturday, August 6. been chief opponent in many a bat? .1:00 p. m.—^Weather. - tie across the dinner table. She waa she drew a smart little blue sport •Hold Eveiything,” “Flying High” Ned, was presented before Judge of The Rev,.and Mra Frank Bigriow Dajiii^t Saving Unie delighted now to have a room of her frock over her head and settled It amd “Girl Cramy.” Probate Leon G. Ratobone on Tues­ o£ The . Rectory School, Pomfret, 1:06—Boston. Produce Market were -callers'at toe home o f the. 1:10—Springfield Produce Market P. M. ■ own. Knowing that her school into place. The blue, hat—the same day. While there was no complaint NEW TAXES 1:15—4-H C2ub (talk) friends would not, upon Bud’s ar­ shade as toe dress—^was adjusted at Eight shows are now. on Broaul­ of actual cruelty Squires is said to Misses - Pendleton Tuesday after­ .1:00—Gteorge Hall's Orchestra.' way, but only three-appear to be be in toe habit of leaving his child noon, They, -were mdtodng. to WHERE THEY HIT YOU 1:30—-National 4-H Club — guest 1:30—Madlaon Stidng Ensemble. rival, be rudely hustled out of. his just toe right, jaunty angle.- speakers; Harrv Keren’s Home­ favorite chair, Kitty took to in­ ttuning. in a profit “ Of Thee I Sing” alone and mor0 or less \mcared tor Bridgeport to: be the ^ests of 2:0(M-Saturday Sracqpators. friends for a few days. steaders. . - viting Isabel and Kathleen to come Mona stepped back from toe mir­ and “Another Laiiguage” are doi^ while he is away at work. The — AND HOW! 2:80—^Frankie Mdluzzo’s OrCheetra* handsomely. “Show Boat” is practi­ The rain o f Wednesday- d id . a 8:30—HBC Farm Forum—^talks; or 3:00—Baseball Game; home^wlth her. She and her friends ror for a final survey of her «>s- child’s mother is not at ^ e . ’^ e, , ., . cheetriu ' . . ■ % iVT could play the radio as much-as cally a sell-out was held over to r a two weeks’ d^:,of good as the groima 'CLUB IN niA TIdN . ADDED | Braves -vs. Onclnnati. Reds. tume. Yes, she was satisfied. The has been v w y to y for several weeks.: 3:00-—“^ ” Etesemble. they wished and Ma would never blue frock brought out 'toe color A second compamy o f “Of Thee I consideration when it will again TO TAX UST BY NEW LAW 5:OO^Danpe Parade. Sing” has been camt for Chicago amd The occasional totmder storms, di^ 3:30—Cancer Education. 5:30-^kipi^.. object. of her eyra. Its tolm lines revealed come up for trial.. Some claim that 3:46—Orgau— TirreH. Moreover a brother “down south' other mid-west theaters. OScam Squires is doing the beat he is cap-' little'mofe toah to;wet toetop fora EDITOR’S NOIE: This is the 5:45—George l^all’s Orchestra. —quite modestly — toe slend^, few inches down. 4:00—^Ren l^ con ’s Orchestra. gave Kitty a certain prestige among graceful figure. Mona knew that'she Shaw will have toe role that Wil­ aWe of for the chUd, under the cir­ 11th of .20 daily articles explaiimi^ j 6:00—^Freddie. Martin’s Orchestra. - the new Federal Taxes. 4:30—Stock Exchange quotations. 6:30—^Baseball Scores. , her Mends. Ma packed Bud’s scant was as becomingly and, suitably liam Gaxton is playing in- toe. ori^d- cumstances. 5:46—^Frank Dalton’s Orchestra. wardrobe and asked Steve \o for­ dressed for toe holiday in. the coun­ nad troupe. The paut of 'l^ce^^'esi- Gilbert of Norwich has . . :35—Jack MHler. and Orchestra. presented twelve hyamals to SL By BQBEBY XALUIY 5:15—Matins Revue-AJice O'l^ary, ward It to him. try as any Of BSr^s debutante dent Thint'tlebottom likely -will go contralto. ' , ^ . 6:45—Ctezia Nrison^ .Orchestra. 1 -rtuiO. “But we’ve already sent word to either to “Fatty” Aibufikle or Peter’s Episcopal church, for use In NEA.Servloe Writer* ^il5-*-WilllaR»'Hail, baritfme*.'-. . friends might have been.. (C»Dpyrlsht 19Si, Ry inSA Service) 5:45—Zittie Orphan 'Annie. have Bud completely outfitted; Donadd Meek. the choir, there having developed a 6:00—Time; weather; Sports Re­ 7:30-r-“Speaking of Radio Artists. .• The girl’s eyes were shining. It shortage of the books. Mr. Gilbert 7:45—Street Singer. 3a' Steve told her. “He won’t need wau toe radiamt glow of happlneim, You can join a lodgA or a college , view. • these things.” ia a grandson of tl late Rev. Al­ ■Louis Weir. .8:00—Edwin a Hill. , more than toe -blue gown, the cos­ pheus Geer, former rector of toe tetomity without paying Unde^|6!l0—torgan.Ioterlud 8:15—^Vaughn de Lisath, Coptraltoi. “The lad left without so much as metics, the padnstaddng niinutes be­ Sam a tax on your dues' or initiation' 6:1$—The Monitor ^^ews toe News a toothbrush on him. Poor boy!” church. Mr. Gilbert’s mother, Mrs. 6:80—O’Leary'S Irish .Minetrels. 8:30—^lawisohn Stadium SynqiBDBY - fore toe- dressing table that made Woman *s Place Nathan Gilbert, the rector’s daugh­ fees, but If you are initiated into “a Concert,. ' . ‘T . Ma lamented. Mona Moram on that spring morn­ l i is imtrue that Madame Cheva­ social, athletic, or sporting club” 6r45— Ray Meyers of “The “Seems to me you put on a lot of ter, was a former organist of the lier refused to live with me after Nautilus” ' 10:00—Mude ’That Satiafies; fUitE ing a read beauty. church, and it is in her memory that you probably will have to pay Uhcle Ettlng. airs for life in toe jungle,” Mona In The News my return from toe Ikiited Statesi Sam for the pri'vilege of. riiting the 7:00—Time; Amos ’u’ Andy. suggested when Steve mentioned Steve wau coming for her. Steve the gift is made. The gift ia great­ It is just a queelion of incompati-. 10:15—^Public Affalxa DisQtute;. . was lookihg forwarii to the. long goat—or whatever it 1s that they do 7:15—Musical Hints—GU Hamlin. some of toe Items of Bud’s newly ly appreciatedT as the books are bUity o f ; temperament I do not 7:30—esuckoo —Raymond Knight. 10:45—Opral. Islandera. drive hito toe country -with - Mona Governor’s Wife mi Bench much needed. * to you when, they Initiate you. 11:00—Dandity by toe Sea. ordered vvmrdrobe. loye anyone else and have no n^atri- ’The present-revenue law con­ 8:00—^Barn Dance. “Why not? In toe army toe*men But they were not thoughts of When Judge/ Thomas Meaney of The Rev..Walter Vey conducted a monial plans. 11:15—Olympic C^uttea Summary. Steve that brought toe flush.of col­ tinues a section a t the Revenue Act 8:30—Dance. lued to shave and make toemselves the Jersey Cfity JuvenUe (Jourt reunion service 'at the old Methodist —^Maurice Chevalier, movie actor. 9:00—^Week-End Revue. 11:30—Harold Stem’s Orehairtm or, to toe gtei’s cheeks. church in Hopevale Simday after­ of. 1928 vdiich puts a 10 per cent splc-and-span to go over the. top, left for a 'vacation the other day, government tax on all dues and 9:30—^First Ntyhter. didn’t they? We live in a jungle— Mona went to toe living room he ' left his duties in distinguished noon last. As many as possible, of Not one dollar of the taxpayers’ 10:00—Joe Rines’ Orchestra.. Program for Sunday, A og ist V the former, members were gathered membership fees in “sodgL athletic though we don’t call it that—^but window , and looked down on toe hands. Mrs. A. Harry Moore, wife .money o f this city has been mis­ 10:30—Louis Weir, organist. A.M. street to' watch for Steve’s long in for the service, and quite a num­ or sporting organizations” where we make ourselves comfortable o f the (Governor of New Jersey, used. such costs (in the case of an active 10:45—Springfidd Republican News 10:00—Madison Slngma; ^^rghfis there. Have lots of servants. Barry gleaimlng motor car. I t Should \a took, the judge’s place on the ber of others attended. Mrs. Ralph —^Mayor James J. Walker of New bulletins. Wright, one of the older remaining resident annual member) are more Arnold, pianist and I always dress for dinner. We there any moment now. Steve hau! bench ahd^ drew the praise of at York.' than. 825 a year. ll:0O-^’rime; weather; Sporte Re- 10:80—^New W orld. Solon Orehe** haul time enough to travel toe 10 members, gave personal remem­ send to Halt! for cldtolng. And you tendauta with her speed and sym­ likewise, the. tew taxes Initiation tra. should see toe Island we have In toe blockq^ even in toe worst of Sunday pathetic- handling of dozens. .of brances of the old church.'and Mrs. 11:15-^esare. Sodero’a Orchestra* morning traffic jams. Asa W. Ellis, whose parents -were Our Industrialists, politicians and fees charged by such organization at ll:0Or-JuUa Mahoney, Charies Car* Caribbean for holidays! When cases. Although not a jurist in her statesmen are the damnedest fools 10 per cent, if such fees amount to 12:00—Time. lllsr duets; Emery Dentoah's Or* we’re there we get linen suits from The hamds of toe clock across toe own right, Mrs. Moore is an ex­ members, also told of her early memories. Dr. Charles J. Dou8^®a I’ve ever seen. more than flO. chestra. Haiti. We learned about toe tailor room pointed to 10 minutes past 10. perienced social service worker ' —Gutzon Borglum, sculptor. Specifically exempted by toe law 11:80—Voice of S t Louis. from toe captain of a cruiser. Our ' “What can be keeping .him?” and Is thoroughly famlUar with gave a history of the church from its begiuuings. The Gilead choir are fraternal societies, orders or as- P M orders go over by one mail boat and Mona thought “If he Isn't here in toe procedure of the children’s Obviously, Industry as now n sociatioite operating under toe lodge ]i:15—Watchtower Talk, JudgG toe suits come back on toe return a few minutes we’ll be late.” court. sang a special anthem. The Metho­ dists gave up the holding of regu­ chanized cannot supply work f syatoin; aad local fraternal' organi­ Rutherford. trip. Tailored to measure, too.” She could not beam to lose even the more than 60,000,000 workinj zations amofig college students. WTIC 12:80—Polish Folk Musle. lar services in the church years ago. “Just as I’d shop In Herald 10 minutes of the day at Twilands. For five years, Mrs. Bernice Rog­ A Chamber of (jpmmerce le ex­ 1:00—Barbara and Fldcenee, vocal The building Is used by Seventh Day men and wommi in to ; Unite< Travelers Broadcaettag Servlee Square If I lived on Long Island!” Mona warn eager to see the beautiful ers Weber has been struggling to States. The nation must either give empted as U buriness organization. duo; Albert White> jfianiit. Mona exclaimed Townsend eiatato—toe home Bafry run a home, on the wages made’ by Adventists for their Saturday meet­ Hartford. O o b b . ings, and an occasional Methodist up machinery or give up . the long The Y. M. C. A. and toe. Y. M., H. A. 1:15—Four Qubmeo, Mitie Quartet “Herald Square? Say—you’d shop haid known am a child. her husband, who is a counterman are. exempted as organizations 60,600 W„ 106D K. G . S82A H. 1:80- -Community Center Faeulty on Fifty-seventh street or Madi­ service is. held Sundays. Allan L. work week and the long work day. ’Tm. going to have a whole day in a }dnch' wagon in. Bridgeport, —Statement, by executive council, whose predominant piurpoees. are re­ Redtal. son!” with him!” Mona’s .heamt was sing­ Conn. Now, however,' ahe under­ CkuT, reader at St Peter’s church, holds services there on the first Sun­ American F^eration of Labor. ligion and social, service. Also, dues Saturday, August 6 2:O0—Thirty Minute Men. ing. “One whole day! Tm going to stands she Is to receive |6,000,000 and fees paid to a ’.local” of a labor 2:80—C. A. J. Parmentier at th# They laughed together ais If their day of each month, at 2 o’clock, p. (EDST) be a guest In his home!” from an estate left by E'dward My flight (to Ireland) adds noth uidon are exempt. Organ. talk was -toe most amusing in the Suddenly toe blue eyes dark led . Weil, a Houston, Tex., capitalist. m. He will hold a service at that l.'OO—^Tbe Week-Enders. time next Sunday. All are cordially ing to aviation. The law applies to country clubs,. 1:30—Jack Milsb’ Orchestra. 8:(X)—Dance Music.. • world. She was remembering that Steve Mrs. Weber’s father was a busihesa —Amelia Earhart Putnam, trans- golf chibs, tennis clubs, boxing 8:16—Symphbnie Hour. “Baurry wanted me to ask if you SaccarelU had been her.childhood aide of Weil, and she was treated as invited to attend. 2:0(^Tom Prokop, itylophodst Mrs. Sherwood Miner Is reported Atlantic filer. clubs,, boating dubs, canoe dubs, 2:15—Aab Studio RedtaL 4:00—Cathedral Hour. amd Lottie cam’t come up to ’Twl' playmate. Mona understood Steve, hie meCe. huhting and fishing dubs and ’.'any 5:00—Irene BeoStty; ooatraltaf lands for Sunday. He’s going Erl knew that he earned for her amd ac­ as quite a little Improved and she 2:45—^Rhythm Five—Len Berman, organization for toe practice or pro­ Director. Round TCwnera (iaaitot OrdMB- day amd I cam drive you amd Lottie cepted his affection in a maitter-of- JSivlng Help on toe High Seas was discharged from St Joseph’s CLERGYMAN DIES motion of athletics or sporte.” hospital, W^lHmantlc, several too glad to throw over any other friendship or something deeper? S. S. Bremen, has the task of mak­ be the cause of her Illness. Yale Corporation two years ago, exemption The local tax collector’s WCAE, WFBR, WRC). Allan L. Carr and Frederick, A. 6:86—Harold B. Smith, pUlBiBt> date she might halve for such an in- How could toe know If Baury was ing people feel happir. T1 anyone is. died last midnight from a heart at- decision may be appealed to Wash­ 3:80—Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. 6tri6—Hal GWeidwia* Tgxaa OewhcgRi -vltation. learning to care, as toe. had leauhed? lonesome or wants advice, or some­ Rathbun took a party o f those, who teck. Mre. (Jalhotme fpimd the body ington. ' 8:45—Whispering Banjos— Austin helped In cleaning St. Peter’s ■church 7:00—Fobr Eton Beys, . “Barry’s .unde is out .of town,” . “Perhaps,” Mona thought with a one to take a friendly Interest or bn toe floor of the bithroom. Mr, Holders of life membersbipe must Scrivener, director. 7:15—Chicago Knij^to. Steve volunteer^ .ais if In miswer to quick intake o t. breath, ’ ‘today will play a game of checkers, she ia. al­ interior, on a* motor trip to Old Calhoune rieturned a few days ago pay an annual tax equal to that of 4:00—Sflent Lyme; Tuesday afternoon. Yhoy from toe IHlford hospital where be 7:45-^T1ie6 BAxte,. tenor. unspoken quesnons. ten me!” ways ready. She is hired to make Current members and at the same Suikiay, August 7 8:00—‘vraiiam 'Han, biMtona; THof Mona smlleA “Yes, I know. He’s unhappy people happier. visited the town and went on to underwent a minor operation. time. * 7:80—Orchestral Gema—Christiaan Rocky Neck Beach where they par­ The deceased was born in Warren, O rdiM tn. • at White Sulphur with Mr. Garret- (To Be Oontinued) Krlens, director; with Ruth Burt 8:85—Lewlsrim .$tadinm. Symphony son. They’re friends, you know.” Boys aren’v the only ones who took of a picnic supper. Rocky Nock Litchfield county, March-2,1847 and NEXT: lelegmme and tdephone Samson, soprano. in a state park, only recently open* held pastorates in (Cleveland, Canan' Concert, Albert Coates ' somduot- She stopped rather suddenly. Mona want tp go^dqwn to the. sea-in ships.. noeesagee. 8:00^Harry Ricbman, with RuM toa^ ■ had just remembered that she amd Som^hSre in the Atlantic is the ed to toe public. Members of toe daitniB, N. Y., Winsted, CJonn., First nolTs Orchestra. party also enjoyed swimming in the Church, Milford, Cohn., i and was :^Parads (ff lfelodlasr S is^ s .Baurry had never mentioned to Staye 28-f9ot' elora: Tallin, -,wfii<^ three 9:00—Baseball Scores. Band, iCarolyn: ^ H sn it ErEnam toe fact that they haul met before h o^ from Bsiltonia are tokihg bacj surf. over the church here for 89 yeara. 9:08--Songland—Christiaan Krlens About'twenty of toe fbrtyrtwo- He waa-gradiiated’ ftom Yale in 2,000 STRIKING M W ■MUier.: " Steve’s Introduction. hbme; . under toe (soinnm drectot; with Sally Ayers add 10:00-rJadt penny^ADre^tadra} Ed “So Garretson knom old Town- Walter, who .is 20 .-yMis old. Sixty girls-attoe Manchester Klwanls 1872 from toe divlhlty school two Etod Wade. senA eh?” Steve sadd, without jsus- girls ^ j n 0) ^ to e bpU]^f;iYi..licsrh^ aub camp on the Bolton, road, years later-and wab given an honor FACE FOOD SHORTAGE! 9:30r^ane Dillon, dtarocter ac­ SuiUvimr walked to < toe village a few days ary degree In 1887.: ip:S()—Cduidifa praawUcf and seiaed a steong aactlon of the mitted to the hospital, is thought he four ■corse waa the wtfp “Of course not But his uude German defthiM. Two..c>ouBtei!-ai^ Irene vwtad from gotof on 4nty —One man waa odfi* can’t forget It That’s the way . of now-to be suffering only from coq- t Mri. B iirie Herbert BaBriiaaB.iaoa of OUvfr day by a ftofip of ratit^ ously iityxrad wh«iL,a Chtt^Han NA* mM cdhdht / the woriA nty ehllA” tecks falMd to dldodga-ithefi 'after ccsslon, and injuries to Ambrose mlngs, Mrs. Chutes FlllmtiiK' and Harriman. It was hir third mar;- ^^waya ftdiAt trito vras hdfty of totaaoe flgnto^.' Bfn.:?Edim^ H. Mfa. riage.' Meanwhile tniioo. ‘ ' WBBlaftot It was a g i^ a IjtQe later thiat W ix ^ A d d flop h ieS ^ en i^ are lim­ Vtetthnrb^tn^tk. ja h o a t a n i| s 44iidli M ^tha Japan antibimcaa that trpopa had ited.to severaoiRS odd bnilaie. / Glbs(m FteStoh %b6 In hM* will; toe aakad to be buried Steve khouIA for the two girls been dtspatobad to toe lUiiaian port tHot effbrf to .today.' at about 10 o’clock Btmtey morn­ . A light tifiaistar, which is be- — Mu/i, to Itodyh, L c^ Islaad, ahtf that a oht o iid i^ eariy tMs of Vladivoatok to “protect' toe uvea ieved Wixted ■ was cperatlhg; ^ . heatetehe be tinted over, her grave ing, stopping first for Mona amd and fffoparty of JapaBmr dtisens.” DAvld ^Iroater, ,proi^8to then Her Lottie. crashed ixito a power pole. Miss o ^ u m e fbhty tolslmiiar to the ond'ho the grave o t toe S6e|0ty. v , . ' iff toe D)dtodlM %bi _. 'And if iras*B not ready ws won’t : * * f'^ * * ® ‘ Adniltttd ^ T;hM firftlittshulA ^A IhM t Stevtoo^; ^ fl^ fM ctlvsr >K6 vfjgtehei' The Rsv. attd Urn J. U. ■of KO^tot dies in 1898. baiSy -.r-t I i ' V,’ 'i' •?>- r-5. T- ;.y IUNCHSST8B EVENIi^G HttALP/ SO®TH ly jk a u a t t e . A J!Wf.7 t^i.-.J,j'^*!y « ?i.-

■ * ■— jic&3US3Si^ IN ACTION BEXEISANOTHQl Lehtinen Does a Zigzag miENSMtHHERS FORQCNWARntS; JOE OLYMPIC m i k BRIDGES PITCHES Foal^ To Be Riai At { MCCUUSKlY O’G o^ “Onr Tone/’ and WINUSIIY.13« FINESiBASEALL f - In Front of U. S. Athlete Seen Aftorwards Yen May ' '■■■• • • ' A A OF MAJOR SEASON But Finn Win$ Dedm n After EGAN, EVANS BACK Vets Fade After Good Siar^ )ollege Stars of East and EaR To See Hew 'Joe West Battle Monday N i|^ Fared h Race oMfis Ca­ Hoar’ s Bebote Afflong TO OLD GOLF FEUD Lade of Pradiee Evideii^ Allow! Only One Hit, Faces ir ' Secrecy Vdls Oppoang reer— Competes AgamsI O fficU s— ffiD Carr h Green To Play Golored Only 28 Batters As De* IN WESTERN EVENT Stratesy. Most Sensation b ic e De­ Gants Tomenow. troH WbHewadiM Sena­ Tan irf World’s Best Ath­ Los Angdes, Aug. 6.—r(AP)—An­ letes. feats Bm Eastman h 400 Manchester Green smothered the Have Worn Crown 12 I b e s p.' jX-Vv f other “new Olympic record” has tors, 139. - V. F. W. with hits aad^ runs 1 ^ Men made many times at the 1932 night at Jaihds Grove grounds, tiie The " finals of the 3.0O0 metei Meters To Smash To Bits punes, but there’s another one to i steeplechase win be rtm at 4 o’clock Between Them; “ ChickV Green winning easily in a six-inning * ‘ : V M made Monday night By HERBERT W. R.kRKER contest, 18-6. The Vets were v.eak this afternoon or 8 o’cloek, E. D. S '. . V A flock of football players ■ fi^m T., and the resulti of the event wll (Hd Record. afidd, making at least four errors Princeton, Yale and Harvard will Credit young Tom Davis Bridges Brother and Son Plan To of Detroit, with the iMst pitched be aYrailable at The Herald office os emd several ^ d heaves around the Sis; meet the best California* Stanford .Bissell street shortly after. The infield and plainly showed the lack and Southern California can mus game of toe major league seasom V s Herald has made arranifements to Los AngelM, A uf. — (A P )—On Enter. of practice. ter.' The 26 year old righthander pitched obtain the results, immediately on J. BeUucci, the vets regular pitcher Not only will it be the first time the Tigers to a 18-0 victory over the completion of toe steeplechase and n day that calls for c bifr h u d for is in c«np With Company G. and ■ -X (>> American football has been played Washington Senators yesterday, al­ local admlien of Joe McCluskey a great lltUa guy, Bill Cairr. for his Ray Smil£ took up-the assignment. at-the Olympic games, it will be the Rockford, ni., Aug. 6.— (AP) — v V . \ lowing one hit and facing only 28 may learn how he fared awralnst the snarvelous l^ tr hundred meter tri* He faltered inihe fourth and Matti- first time it has been played any batsmen. fenreign athletes by calling The iimph ovw Ben Eastman In 46.2 aec* Two old "war horses” of the fair­ son sterted, yielding to Belnap in where on an August night It will He retired the first ' 28 Senators Herald office, tel. 6121. ways, H. Chandler Egan and Charles the fined frame. be no trick at all to make .. football ^>ndff, the tenth Olympiad was to face him, only to have pinch hit­ Feature B\'ent / "Chick” Evans. wiU give toe 1982 m the first Inning toe vets' got attendance record for an August ter Dave Harris ’ break the spell It is expected that the steeple­ shaken today by rev^b erationt from away to a good start when the first ' I'-"-' ' V Western amateur golf championship game. There surely will be 76,900 with two out in toe ninth. After chase wiU be one of the feature the greatest upheaval since the bat- three men to face Borello got on spectators, maybe more. Hsirria=had cracked' the first ball events-of seventh day of toe Olym­ a thrill when toejyhlte peUete start base, Tedford douUed over Hub- All the players are seniors. There into left field for a clean single, pics and a gruelling brittle is ex­ ]tleofl9Q8. flying over the Rockford Coimtry The central figure of the contro­ lard’s head to centerfleld. In the fifth is hardly a man to either lineup ruining Bridges’ chances at a no hit pected between Isq-HoUo. tbe Fin­ club course August 22. with

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^ . A - , t Y Read the dlas'iified Rental Property q oof his m '■U I ■' / . U ■ '• * :n'. raUujcut'Wfi.ufiU ' • ’’iA '..ji u LOST AND FOUND DOGS— , 41 APA»TMBiNTB-FLA^ inflR SALE — THORdUQRBREXX tB N IS M B N T S Manchester FOUND—BLA.CK and broTvn dog. ; English Setter pups.. R ^ e f o r BERT*^ |tOQM f^jartmant on Inquire Earl Nevers, BuckUuid. sor..298. M oU ^si^t heat. .882. per BESULTf. ' Krening Herald mop^l The iMolbheater TruiK Cbm* ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 p o u l t r y a n d p«ay* ■ . CLASSIFIED VhJ’Va^ft 'Ida’' ttiPD. advertisements SUPPJUES 48 FOR Re n t —42 w o o d b r id o e to'Jtau.^ TS,78Hluh|||gt6b.^. WIB RBOPENINO announcement. PoUib* 7.,'Bbgt6n 3. ing and plating nickel,, brass and B^eet, 4 room , tenement, ren . g i S M t t d i 1 5 ^ Count alx aTorac* wordi to a llo*. I ,i|yY POULTRY of all. klni^..— 817.00. .John F« Aheehan.. ihsiliki' of CongMHnn dr^oago (itaiB)/’ • iQltlala aumborn and abbroTiationa copper, and spray lacquering. Man* Qremmo A ^ n . *felephone 8441— ToiTotm .i^ aanta count aa a word and compound Chester Polishing and Plating 648 Vernon straet ■ ^ ‘ ■ 1^' ''-I,'* • '•y worda aa two worda Ulnlmnm coat la FOR.iy^~iji.VAy^^ August T|> M ib Her Bow To $o- room, .Draaaad, white suits' the Company, 811*2 Chapter Oak St. 10th, 8 roonja, with price of three llnea. , . ^ all iihprove*inpro' Y i^ ty Band makas a neat at Otoflihriati '8^ Eoslonll.' Qoim. Swasahi ,.reojg$lM d'.|Si^ Line ratea per dap for tranalent flnti S^r. ’ at 10 Trqttter • Louis Jt. (1^ ada ARTICLRSl^RSALE 48 iv9l aiptett IBCacttea Manh 1T| IPIT AU1X)M0B{JLES FOR SALE 4 street. Telephone 6iD08. 'gam^jh^adiAed,) Caib Charse FOR SALBi—CIDBR vlnegw 28o also faaburad oySr toe radio, hia w ia a i^ agUlnat ioeal a Gonaeoutlve. 0aya *.i 7 ota • eta FOR SALE —1927 CHEVROLET per gallon. Bolton Oder idll. Tele­ dirac|s toe ordieaUtalilMeh is made talaht toTfn algbtdA^hOle asktali to S OoaaaeuUve Oaya ..I • ota U cU roadster, in very good condition. phone Rosedale 82*5. FOR RBNT-^ ;|lOPM; of ap.»» M ;the^"^^ .ttuaiotihal X JDfty aaeaaaaaaeee»ee| XX OX® IS OX® teaemmt 15 f^d^ewbod street. New York, Aug. 6.— (A P )— Mrs ba played at tha All ordera for Irregular tnaertlona Price reasonable. Wadsworth Me* from tlm nadtog coUegas in toe will be charged at the one time rate. klnney, 14 Arch street. Martha W. Bacon,-widow of Robert .east' Mqoliater Q..^eniay q t y 8 (2nd). aub, West BMri^pid; dn ifbiidBy< Special ratea for long tarm every GARDEN—FARM - FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement L. Bacon, one time partner of J. P. lAufl^lfl. . . day advertlalpg given upon requeat. modem conveniences. Apply to J. Next SkturdayniAt, August I8toi Newark 6^ Twqnfo 8 Ust). .. Bkitad how. at top iorm , W e«ty •T’reckJaa^’^Baurry, toe_ moviemcme Ada ordered for three or alx daya BUSINESS SERVICES DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 P. Tammany, 90 Main street M orgu, and ambassador to France, N a ^ k .tO; Ikmmto 9 (2nd). ' is agpectod to^ dioiaay .at ' and atopped before the third or fifth is aa M dtod over plana for the'debui; actor. 0^ his Aces baud'from Holiy- (Gply'gaiaaahtoeduled.) day will be charged only for the ac« OFFERED 13 FOR SALE—APPLES—Sweet Ud ^ d . CWprnlada willwUL play at RauV •• o* goif . equal, to tpal number of tlmea the ad appear* FOR RENT—-6 ROOM .tmemient, of her granddaughter, Alexandra, aa ''STASSiHafr. that wtoch-wpn for Mm th e^ rltlsh sour; also blackberries. Applecroft, with furnace and all improvements, Wesleyr. Jkarylarry played ‘ the parts Ainerioaii e^ charging at the rate earned, but wodo SAWED reasonable 302 West Center street, telephone if it' were she herself who was to Tom 8ala ^ faahd i Huok Finn in __ ohen championship sarly to Juno no allowanee or refunds can be made prices, go •any. distance. Rudolph good location, garage. Rent 829.00. make her flrat bow to society. silent ' W. L. Pot. ] a new all-time, record acoro at on alx time ada atopped after the 4622. 196 Birch street. t pioiutea.notiotutea not many years ago New Yoric ...... 70 84 fifth day. Hopfner, 35 Chsstnut street, So. Long an accepted leader of,Now and lat^dy. {dy naif,hap had many p i ^ .678 1283. Mid carried. him through to- No “ till forbids": display lines not York and Long Idand sodety, all goods insured while in trsmsit; BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Amerhsan. CLASSIFICATIONS smarts babepu qorpus action to save near. London. His son, Junius, with ing made today to Long T^iioud Our affiliation with United Vans Ventor; Isle Of Wight, Aug. 6 — Philadelphia at 8t.' Louis. Sound by patrol boats of Section Rlrthi ...... 0 c • • t e e o.e e « • • ONE ROOM. SINGLE or double dsugbter, Ubby .from cell on charge Mrs. Morgan, and thsir three chll- Service means lower rates m fur­ dren, leave within the fortnight tp (AP) —M n. Victwr Bruce, British Washington, at Detroit Baae d. Ws dty. The craft left Engagements ...... beds, for one or two people, with of slaying her husband, Smith Rey- Boston At Ctovelond. Marrl.-yes ...... e e e e eeenoeee niture moving to distant points. , or without board 19 Autumn St oin the elder Morgan in England woman flier who took off yesterday Block Island yesterday afternoon at 0 patbs ...... • a.eeeeeaaeeaoee Daily trips to New York, oaggage nplds; hearing set for today. where September 7, he will observe in an atompt to set a new endurance New York atChlcagp. .2 o’clock and headed toward Vtoe- Card of Tbanka ■•eeeaoeaeeaeete delivered direct to steamship piers. Hamilton, Ont.—Police seek man his slxty-flfth bi^day anniver­ record in toe air, faileu again today. . NatlcspaL yard Havw. Since that time, ao* In. Msmorlam eessaacOOOSOOSO S9i:m said to have threatened life of J. H. Cincinnati? at Bbftoh. Lbat and Found oeoeeeeooeoeeee Before coptracting for service get APARTMEN'I'S—FLATS— sary. Her plane, toe city ox i^rtsmouto rordlng to^ the Coaat Guard, nd Ahaouacsmsnta our estimate. Phone 3063, 8860, ’Iliomias, secretary for the domin­ came down on toe water near here Pittsburgh 8|tDro6ktyn. word has been heard -df her where* PsrsonalB eeseeeeeaeseaesaaop SjatSI TENEMENTS 93 ions. S t York. ^ Antomobllea 8864, Perrett & G>enney Ind AU the governors of the southern toto': morning after a little more abouts. The name of the boat and Automobiles for Sale ...... FOR RENT—2 DOWNSTAIRS four .Asuncion -^Paraguay informs U. states have been invited, to attend than fifteen hours in- the air. ciifl publicoh le at Connecticut mounted pbl^ as a “Sin Fstoer at Wanted Autpa-Motorcycles . . . . IS Detroit—The W riror’’, tabloid drome. They soon came down, un­ WASHING MACHINE. VACUUM street, or telephone 4857. i. n4w9P<4>cf, suspends publication. The wmiarn Wright Harts, Jr., gathered, qt tto held to- BiulaeBS and Profcaalonal' Services who returned yesterday from their t o . t o locate toe> ship'and ehortty n , Buelneii Service! Offered ...... IS cleaner, phonograph, clock, gtm, Lm Angsies—Caxr beats Eastman toe 2Srd ■;'qon.yeB«(tjp! p ,dfY^by>;Um pM ^,{m ^s a Household Services O ffered...... IS-A lock repairieg. Braithwaite, 52 FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat bn lUdge honeymoon qn the Ririera brought torward '.the dlty. <» P0t*t8mohth '■'it:' street, modem improvements, m- and setia 400 meter record, oamp dovm a ^ Mra Bruch aa^ her Y. -Ii.> Thomas, Building—Contracting Pearl street. ^ . it was exactly the. sor: of propa- sack with them some' rare birds itor Erit^.8^etaryi..for D6mto|ona. Floriets—Nurseries tcooooceoee qulre at'26 ^ruoe street. from Italy and France for Mrs. assistant wer« brought ashore in p f ,^ ''- “ ' l?e tWur. arroated last night after Funeral Otreotors'...... Montpelier,, Vt, . Mrs. Thomas Harts’ mo.ther,.Mrs. Franklin Silos. lifeboats.. Regtfng—Plumblng^Rboflng p OR RBlNi'—8 Ro o m tenement, Neill, 76, injured Monday night after police hj^. receiv^ word ot a pro- Insuyance ..p ^ ...... COUKSEfci AND CLASSES Terry. The couple expect to leave ’jedied~ attack oh Mr, ’Thomas who Millinery—Dressmaking . . . . reasonable rent, all improvements, a dynamite explosion near her homo, today for' Madisbn, Conn., to visit HEIRESS WEDS BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn WhUe garage if desired. 40 Hawrthome prevent iiio renopiinatltm. will be waa .expected here for the opening Moving—Trucking—Storaga dies. Mr. Hart’s father, B^gadler General toe principal spCiUier at toe banquet Painting—Papering ...... learning. Details free. Hartford street. Phone 6260.. Boston—L. U. Edgehill, vice presi­ of toe' Welland elflp c a ^ i Immi- Professional Servlcea Harts, who whs aide to President Chicaap, Aug. 6— (A P) —Friends tonight gratlpn 6fti|tiahi ^eTO ihviBstigattiig Repairing ...... Academy of Hairdressing, 693 dent'Of Draper and Company, says Wilson and military attache to the 6t MiaaMai^orie Montgomsjy Ward, Main street, Hartford. FOR RENT—SEVERAL desirable Henry Rorab6Ck| to6,m6n!s record with a view to de­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning the National Cooperative Wool Mar­ Embassy in Paris. daughter aC toe late A. Mmt- will also M porting him. Toilet Goode and Service .... rents ranging from 822-850 per keting. .Corporation has sold several gomery W)ud, founder ot Mont-J Wanted—Business Sorvlcs ... month. Apply Edw. J. Holl. Tel. million 'pounds of wool at a price of gomery ^^^d Ms Gqmpany of>O il- '>.'A Bdacationnl 4642. Courses and Classes ...... BUSINESS 36'tO 37 cents.'a pound,, clean basis. SAVES 314 FASSENfiERS cagoi learaedv today that she and Prlvats Instruction » S'e e e e • OPPORTUNITIES 32 POR RENT— 3 ROOM Apartment, Waltham, Mass, — Herbert E. Robert R. Baker, a retired Chicago Dancing ...... 28-A Thompson, 65, an authority on old coal mertoaht,' were -married in Musical—Dramatic . . • •. • m . 29 all improvements, heat furnished. Wanted—Instruction ...... 10 ADVERTISE IN OUT-OF-TOWN maoters and the restoration of paint­ St. Heller, Island of Jersey, Aug. Phila,delimia last . Thursday in toe newspapers. Catalog covering all 16 Lilley street. Inquire after 6 p. I may ha\n Wlh^tS^aaroikwfcing fer. Financial m. ings, dies. —(AP)—Without a single casual­ Hoty ’Triiflty Memorial chapel., Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... II states mailed free, postpaid. Stand­ ;^tinCe a Boats and‘ Accessories ...... ~ 46 Company, Bridge street, WiUiman- group. , ’The maU boat SciUoolan, with 200 Building Materials ...... 47 tic. Conn. passengers from Penaabce to toe Kentuckian sem d. longer toan sir Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 41 POR RENT—5 ROOM .PLAT, all MAY MAK® FBOTBST IciUy laleff also .met with a mishap yeaxk in jh e; Uhita^ States Senate. Electrical Appliances-Radio ... 49 modern improvements, '14 Hudson aat night stranding on a.shoal. She A ih ^ W.,<]^iff1tiey, kesnsotar. and Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A street. W. R. Hobby. Phone 4649. temporaiy ohkinnan of tha •'Demo-1 Garden — Farm—Dairy Product! 50 HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Neyv Haven, Aug. 6;—:f.\P)—The wias refloated later ahd landed aU state qonventlon of the American craoc. Hntlohal, conyentijw' faced Houaehold Goods ...... 61 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM, tenemeht, her paasengeCa. Machinery and T o o ls ...... 62 MAN—LANDSCAPE .WORK, Ex­ Legipi;i will consider a reMution bn toe east coast, toe paddle major hurdle to hip atompt t? b r ^ I Mualcal Inatruments...... 63 perience unnecessary. Better than all modem improvements, includ­ toe Jinx whii^ baabeeet incumbenta | Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 protMUng to Prudent Hoover the steamer City of Rochester, with 600 average income. Full or part time. ing shades, screent. For informa­ use of. troops in ejecting the bonus in today’s pebnary A ction. Specials at the Stores ...... tion call at 80 Hawrihorne street. passengers, ran on a sand bar near Wearing Appatel—F urs ...... 67 Moore Co., Ne>vark, N. Y. marchers when it convenes'in Wa- Hlacton, but backed off and . con- Walter ]u h d ^ 'W h o aervad froni| WMted—To Buy ...... sg terbuiy August 17 for a four-day tinuld under her own,'power. 1893 to IflidTr^w toe last K entu^ •leemB—BonrS-Hotels—Reeorfe RENT HUNTING ?^TeU us what senetor to aefve longer than six Reatanrante yqu want, we’ll take care of it for seswon. Rooms Without Board ...... 69 SITUATIONS WANTED— The New Haven Poat laat night WIFE KIlZsHUSBAND years. ' Bhridera leading opponent, W anted...... 60-Al FEMALE 38 you without charge. R. T, MoCann, whpJhapfi'fo deny him a chance fqr Country Board—Heaorta...... 69 Center street Dial 7700» endorsed a statement of protest re-elecl|^’ to.< Is former Hotels-rRestaurants ...... YOUNG WOMAN desires work eve­ made last week by Commander Watefbury, Aug. 6.— (A P )—Dep> U. S. mmator'. *(3eorg« B. Martin. Wanted—Rnoma—Board ...... nings, such as inning, mending, 6 ROOM TENBOfENT, aU UsproY^ JUUua'Marets;and appointed a comr ‘uty. Coroner Walter A. Smyth in a Martln-’^earyad a year;to ’tbe!e4nato ' Real Estate For Rest mtttee to draw; up a reseflution to finding filed in Superior Court to- Apartments, Flats, Tenements ^care of children, or typing etc. Will ments, garage, good locatlOfl, rent after toe. d<«^ at Oflto JftoiM ■ to Buelneea Locations for Rent work at home or go out. Tel. 7609. reasonably 82 Walker ptyeft In­ the; a t^ cbkvbhtioh.' ’The atate !day holds Mn;; 'OHve Biirke; 32, 1918. ; • Houses for Rent ...... quire 30 Walker. Tel. 7268. group will be aaked to forward the 'hbgress, crlmlnaUy. naponsible In Subnrbun for Rent ...... proteat to the. President tbe^^afal stabbing, (off. Her husband, .Summer Homes for Rent JOM9AK. TO-BRAYES- SITUATIONS WANTED— FORRBNT—HALF MOUSE, live iC^rge; 84, on Jifly 26. The finding Wanted to Rent ...... rooms wltb bath and all i^ eh i Real Estate For Sale MALB . 39 BHOUKD FIELDS diselares. tofft Mrs:'Burke waylaid BaltintiM* X w )8f-r.(AF) - r A Aparimctit Building for Sale , improvements, gvn^e, on Grove 'VAOA9XTI|^? hejr .buibhnd to apm ^ en t house tnido aendlng B8nter JOrdan, Balti- gusineiB Property for Sale ... street. Telephone 6628. VjLTrou and Land for Sale . ... WANTED— POSITION on place, as ha 7^ ratunitog New Ha­ taom’.iwt/basraian, to .tiy Boston Housea for Sale ...... care of vegetables, fruits, flowers, Aug. 6>—(AP), — The ven wito friends, late at night and <• F o k RENT—107 1-2 S P R U ^ ...... tol^Zieofuerolub In exchange Lots for Sale...... » s e e e e experienced-in pruning o f shrubs, National Besciag Asoodatibn today ’’preipedltatedly’’ atUbbod him. Sha ajBd.a small caah Resort Property for S a le ...... street, comer, Blsse)! styeet, 5 robm sty(rteA/(ft jmU of .its memborahip to had beito Uvi|igj,'.ap)u^;fr fp r aitimwasiminoitoeed tfxlM^ by B S ^ Suburban fOr S a le ...... 75 etc. Telephone 3672, Manchester. flat, 2nd floor, large rocloiMd: back ^ a l Estate for E xchange...... 76 detfrmipe whether 't|xe worid wel- two weblM,%toe.rat'bmDg laid by toe. P, YMwson, cahew toe Wanted—Real E state...... 77 porch. Rent 882.00. Will be. qh teryrdght djanmionamp now held by coroner to her .belief tost her hus­ The deepest salt mine in the ^Aaetfim—Legal NotlecS premises Saturday. Mrs. J. F.<9he^* Jackie Fields, nould be vacated. band was attenttye’ to > other wom­ . mbga .wiR. i^ t i W M ^ Legal Notices ...... " ...... yg world is said to be near Berlin, Ger­ ban, Vernon Center, Conn*. Haus- FleldsV sin time limit to many. It is 4,167 feet deep. . en. Burke med toa h o ^ ^ Afse Iteuao Cimnit)gbM*y pitch mann E st 976-14 RockviUe Dlv. defdid'it expiM Jnly 28. hours' after he waa subbed. era, and Bill Aiesrs, an uiflitidar. . I

/ ■ GAS BUGGIES—Time the Great Healer I.

n o i t , TREN 470L0B n t o PH f I "Wau;. 1 have; tola; fit ahead! i.hope Mto tbgtarooda wn*jeff AMY.YM OH.NOrr HMR . BARBARA WAS WORRIED ABOUT mifla,” .i^d'.itiHPpy: ,a i*d. It; win be ,«» bbb4' SHE 9LBPT RIGHT NffVER QFP HER I HAD TP GET and **• wbat w» xBMRdj*’ MY BABY SHE THROUGH FROM SCHEDULE . . SO OF OUTBib® OR rule J do .what I atart:mt to d o ,.^ CRIES A LOT. ONE FEEDING TO COURSE SHE MOtHGRt- A never-gtire up"ho|m. low ‘ toe, aa i^ SS vni DID BARBARA ANOTHER, w e AUKK.J-TMpy BGON , “It tsied*to toss me o’er Its-head. tree to tree.! totok;® WHEN SHE OibNT CRY. O FTEN HAD T O I DONT THINK FpRGBT MCAUBE but I i^oki .to lta. back,|tokdad.* 1 eat forest we win W AS TWO WAKE HER UP JC WAS, EVER ~ IT®’ USUAUY MCTHEA claim that’s pfvtty ghod.T dllte’t ' ‘ -Rifktto thty--#tol MONTHS FO R HER ATf t tNIGHT w h o ; H ^ W eveh.have. a rnpe.*^ 'my,.tlia -tmaBMHl'' ' ^OLOf BOTITLB. HM WALK T l « FIOOR J V' ■ >V J.' i ' . A* » aWraha.. f A'litiia ’tailiiirw

tM atm ... •V.: ; V . '■'t';:; /-'A . fun! -dpe ' OB*,"

i: X eobma pocli( ta a VlrglBla'' We - ahked a well-known man ItoViil WM MKttf rich m«a Whether he had enjoyed the week* i iiVon luQltUy gave Mm etnell tljps, viiUe end. Be aald that he had. He ex* poor men werrilbenl. plained that hia wife. wa« oo a tMp S f i e ' I — ~ . p Au.’ alL’leilw ’f ' -*v, V OoloM PorteiWf7dl, luh, boM and that he had kept/houM alone. .UttSOWTTtAlO! feuniu s b i i o i M Ah dcn*t know, *e*pt the rloh xnaa He hdd amuaed himaeu, he aaid. by ddy v khow he’s rich, aerubbing the kitchen floor. Then 4 ?rflu -' in v e i i t o i M t T iw u s -ibeciitaAt eieM ah' de pore men don't want nobodj' he had aobured the knivea, forka and 'M S9t9n«eA St~..iU ..r to know he's pore. pana. To eliminate, the nuiaanee of t s e A C f mlaplaced utanaila, he had made \ -t»M< ts pR ePosafiitotfs! * 1 - T » * r I i f s t f e L partitiona in the drawera and cup* Boeii—Xioak here, Reetus, I’m viV'® « oi< * I.d'aua QFFieS! AiCP^ peslaf you to cut that wood. Why boarda ao that everything might I AsevAe sAM A w A . lU did you hire the other xeilowf have a definite place. MV UFK1 — seses^ T -1 -»w — TMs oBtB* «r We—Your wife will be pleaaed. BfitiiT Ah ie gwine to > ib U R tlose Alter e A n l * pay him 11.26 fo* de lob. He—You think ao: Well, you don’t V B B M I 4 know my w ife. She’ll be ao mad ahe Bom But I was to pay you only c F F re s r » a M a iT A t t -a be A ate t t o P a doUarT ' won’t apeak to me for a week. RMtua—Yaaeuh, but its wurth a -a vcoR sih«y quartah Jes' to be de boM once. A Laugh laugh is just like sunahlne, Old Uncle Ziorenzo from out near :t freshens all the day. Yanceyville apoke a "mouthful" It tips the peak of life with light. when he said: "We need* mo’ jedgea And drivM the clouds away; on de .bench an’ fewer on atfeet The soul grows that hears it. comera.’’ And feels its courage strong; A laugh is Just like sunshine / 6 > Pullman Porter—Brueh yo’ off, For cheering folks along. euh? Old Qen^No, m get off in the There’s one good thing about the uaual maimer. two-cent check tax, anyway. All the bargain dreMoa which used to be 98 Little Woman (with pad refiec- cents will now cost a whole dollar if tiona)—He used to kisa me every paid for by check. time our train paased through a tunnel before our marriage. Her Bosom Friend—And doesn’t OANTT INSULT DOG be do ao now? ‘Look herq,’’ said one angry fel­ Little Woman—No, he takes a low to another, "did you say that drink. my mother-in-law had a face like Harry—rm forgetting women. my bull terrier?’’ George—So am L I’m for gett •T did,’’ replied the other. "What about it ? " a couple as soon as possible. ‘Take off your coat,’’ shouted the te. OLD IS A first. “Nobody’s going to say things l o o s e STUFF: A market expert la a who can make wonderful agidnst that dog and get away with B»6 ;1?(R65rTFbR p i^ profita. . . . We are looking it ’’—•nt-Bits. M A K P U i 6 K < l^ ^ w e r roadaide ahoppea thia aum* mer because of tbO slumppe . . . Eve SO SICK never taunted Adam about the num* ber of men who had proposed to her MRS. TOMPKINS: ^When my d • . . Bujdng her too big a atone has husband stays out all mght I re* put more than one boy on., the fuse to give him any breakfast MRS. SMYTHE: That may do rocks .... Beauty is only paint for Mr. Tompkins, but it wouldn’t B y J o h i i € . T e r r y deep in lota of cases now . . . Make SO)RCH Y SMITH Fighting f^ e from the Air pumeh my Jim at all. When he light of your troubles and keep ^ N them dark . . . The wages of sin are stays out all night he doesn’t want sables . . . Columbus was wrong • any breakfast.—^Tit-Bits. the world is flat... . The clvuzi tion of one age is the barbarism of r YOU Ten nightA in a barroom may have been very bad, but nothing, like Just BOMB TM's m a l l one hour in a speakeasy ..... UNDERGROWTH After the first.big battle; is over, BETORETTIE every young couple tries to get its V* domestic Uisa back on a pre-war FIRE CAM JUMP basis . . . If you let tomorrow take OVER TO IT J care of itself, that’s all it will take care of . . . . Your mouth was put on you as a necessity, not as. a nulMmce, so act accordingly. President — Our bank has gone through a reorganization period.. Bank Examiner — What, wm w rong? „ . President^Wa found, out that we had more executives than deposi­ tors. At 28 the average man’s ambition W ASHINGTON TUBBS H B y C r a n e OUTOUBWAY y By W illiam s la to enter the wmte House; at 68 his ambition is to keep out of the poorhouse. Newedd—I wonder why it is we can't save anything? Mrs. Newedd—It’s the neighbors, 7 ^ mq.'Re?u6uc OF TVV HECK Fl6HTiM6? ^ 7 -tfaat g u »j a «n t t u . f K u p W dear; they ara always doing some­ Beduolng treatmenti at least VIAT fNlKlOKlA. StflOR. •fOU ' GOIN’ OiFBCtW I T A tM -r thing we can’t ^ord. 'make parses slender. o o o O H / NX S -CD “TH’ TD GO TD tVi* TU‘ VidHTiH’? o w o o AN* SOOEAUSl*. MN' «OOEAU,| B oT MEASURE. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS rtE*S J U S T OOOOH.' T o L E T tW s/IM * -CD B y B l o s s e r -tU* B oss vLiovi A p o o r O V V / mATSOMCBOpN/ »X. ue I NNS'LL JUST 60 OVER. SOCVfeO UiiOl VNVTH A*CbMP(tD THiUk ) TO HIS VHORKSHOP AUD ALL < DEMAKiD TO S EE BELLS t ‘THIS /THlMS .'


Hey/COT THAT n OOT"'- JUST A M1K10TE...I’LL Jl OOME OUT.'.' y i • S r ^ k S ^

tu e. peijrnoftM .

SALESMAN SAM Howie H im w if! ; -\

■ s LISTlBW,)JOW, FELLAS... < . \ A u t pjLWtuaa. ON ^ \ylELL,ALk4lMHr.. '>bO 'MDOLPKl’T VUAWr - I'Lu CHAS6 lb AM A T l a s t !! e w jB p .la iw JUST OM6 PAY, MOOD w w B R e TO SEE MV OB*CAR, THOUBH.,.. go A TIME I Viaa bOARDCN' BEFORE IT’S DOME m a n w P W l M o g k K Y HAB BBiM BElKiG INVEKmED* SET. BOR M E OME BUSIHESS, gow H MORE DAV...AH' IHS JMOWigt nJ'll sh o w it OF THE ‘ '.i. >* 5^ OS-CAR.... ■ .-f-’ - vou :H4S CAR. THAT m m MJrWOUT

Krtk L'J O lt/O R . ,1 »#v >n.t i :^ BATTHRy" **e«v .1 ,'' 8 1 #

■ X - : * * . m n >

S-Y'. DA-JIhCE! YOm iSttTiiRS ■f: % ' inMANOTHERf^ In .' SO K or ttliiT HOSE fa : Slid‘fa ' I. KMIM7 Street Richard Pond Gets Staid ifaip;; .bf Award For Comiioaition Oh Prohibition—'Gota Check To up- fae TONIGHT! d ay. b p ^ f t ^ ) , JS em » LitSwfafkl . ** n o n 9:00 P. BL To 1:00 A. M. Erorts Yetteirda; At and waltersfaeaer eron ftfat place. .■nfa; p rcq p i^ I Fruit !^anip won the i^ lS ebs^ r-' OBOBOIAKS OBOHESTRA. It was recently annqimced by ,tfie hl^p^jduM^mu e tunie rice u d qeorge F%uih State W. C. T. U. that Rloharc the bUnt^^d , rue.ejfter Director wibi.di was TeeSntiy e o ^ ; n ^ Good Bfnile—lATfe BUIf— Pond, 18-year-old son of Mr. an of which 195,682 is fa uh fae.faN efatU d e.cn u M lty flaveV miles to visit his father’s people. He The boy’s'balloon r u e (pushing- a 1 seeursd claims, the book value ot is expected home next week/in care lu M 'tlrid ed ;th b street to oth o t rae I lalloon to the raft) was ' w;clp -byj the assets is g iv u as 8842,820 u d u tlo n , apd a b ag of delloious DIAI.3673 of Richard McKinney who has also MARRiErPAIR,THEN , Tony luliuo of 207 Sprues street tha preSiant vuue 8181^480, including G. E. Willis & Son, Inc* been visiting relatives and friends in and Donlon of 98? Silimrl 860)i000«fa installment; accounts re< Canada. Ane took the evut for tpe gins. oelVaUe. CHEESE CHIPS 2 Main St,» . Tel. 5125, Mancheeter JITNEYS THEM ON WAY Phyllis also vfan ths-girls' mU4pag I Si^DAT MBNU Mrs. P. W. Taylor of Porter An. favolutaty petitlu fa bank- race u d Hozmee Russell o f 84 Wrils .was filed against thb eor< street is confined to the Memoriial street topped the boim fa kettlng Ion Jply L Tha maln offioef SPECJIAL Lam Aer^M bsbri i Supptiee hospital with a fractured ankle sus­ J; of P. Symington Rxitndf Uttle ,ball over the ra ft tained in a fall downstairs at her . Tbs relay tus, oombfafag the of the - oohoemV of which Keubu home. Automobilo GouifiMy To b i^ , a|ds u d craPri strokes Smith'is ppi^eiduti are at 215 CHICKEN Oiiy-Coal Nowlywfids Re Just United. ^tirth'_ Asisus, ^ New> York. Aaron Jb^fafai.ei Ltadu, street, South Cannel Coal for Fireplace Usa. A committee from the auxiliary DINNER to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Leroy B . Chapm en, 86, givin g hip W^ Qroot and H. Orfltellt. MahohSKer, la dnotoir for 8760. will meet at the Army and Navy Na oeeupatlon as a salesm an, a native BvenfaH Events clubhouse Monday evening at 8 o f Musfietd, t a “ biit ■ at present living in Another great. ,otowd, moral Mr. Johnson Is owner of the hloek 596 Mtin Barlow Bldg* o’clock with the outing committee and Miss Antoinette qusUy divided anong ehUaru u d | fa which "the local DunhiU etore is of Anderson-Shea Post. The auxil­ RemOr, ^6, daughter of Joseph and bdulta, wars on p u d for. the open­ located; ... iary committee is composed of Mrs. Teresa Remim of West WilUngtbn, a ing of the evening events which got I Florence Peterson, Mrs. Florence nursemaid living in Hartford^ were under way shortly after 6 o’riock. a d v e r t is e in t h e h e r a l d —ft p a y s Sullivan, Mrs. Bvangeline Small, tnarrled in Manchester Thursday af< Claruoe Martin, newly elected | Mrs. Bllsabeth Maher, Mrs. Ger­ temoon by Justice' of the Peace member of the Recreation Comndt- WALTER SEite t H E NEW trude Buchanan, Mrs. Lillian Ubert. Harold R. Symington. They were tee officiated as announcer. He I anxious to get to West Wlllington itreiaed the. imporfance of holding i . HOBBY MAJESTIC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Langer ot to tell the news to the bride’s par events o f this nature, u d Jipoke; of Ridge street will spend the next ten ents so Mr. symifigton, after the he Interest shown by the Iwgt at- Electric days in Manchester, N. H., and Old ceremony, took them to Depot tenduoe of ohildremud adults at I CONiaiAtTOR Orchard Beach, Maine. Square in time to catch a Rockville tbe West 8106 Club outing for ohll Refrigerator bound bus. At Rockville they in­ ren last week u d the .^obe Hol- AND Hose Company, No. 1, ot the tended to engage on automobile to ow candval. Martin praised Life BIHLDER $$9.50 *’‘*’'*■ Manchester Fire department will take them to West Wlllington. Guard Fraifk Busch for the fine Terms!ae'low as 86 bold its regular business meeting manner in'which, the Carnival had _u V a tnontlio Monday evening at the fire head­ been initiated and carried thvpugh. “ Wfalf kinds. A lso TWO CHAMBER GOLF in the exciting duck chase, Sal- houaanAinHnff KEMFSifNC. quarters. A drill at 7 o’clock will Next. to State Theater. precede the meeting. ’The outing vatore Squatnto ud-Eddie Uth^n-J committee composed of Arthur ski, High School swlsqming star, PR O N G ST73 Coseo, chairman, Patrick Griffin, MATCHES YESTERDAY won from the li^ e nufaber of en< Joseph Coughlin, Thomas Shea and Ties, each winning a diiok after-' a g chase. LiithwfaskTs ,wfa last Conrad Apei has decided upon Wil­ Two third roimd matches were liam Reeve’s place at Wlndsorville jbt. SraS the fourth in succesrive played at the Manchester County Globe H0II0.W auqal water for the annual picnic to be held to­ club yesterday in the Chamlier of morrow. The firemen will leave the nivals. Commerce golf tournament. Fred Watermelon Race fire house at 9 a. m. J. Bendall defeated J. C. Cary 2 'and The watermelu race w u t .to 1 and Harold Alvord eliminated Mrs. Bertha Bergeron of the Leroy Slocunib 6 and 4. Chamber of Commerce stidf begins “It’s Upturn w e want, In the doctors’ tournament Dr. a month’s vacation today. Leveme Holmes defepted Dr. DIRECT SERVICE EVERY FOR YOU . . Mortimer Morlarty 2 und 1 . TWO HOURS G. Albert Pearson and Clarence An alibi tournament was played B O S T O N BPT^LBP'Md made under 0. Anderson attended the alumni yesterday at the club. There were $2.50 oanquet of the Summer School of two ties for low net. Jolm Hyde CENTER TRAVEL RUREAU- the most sw ituy condi- Music at Skidmore College, Sara­ with a 74 and two off tied Harry 199 Main St. Dlal 8864j tioi|s . of, the day .=.. .as ^ • I toga Springs, N. Y., last night. Benson with a 76 and four off. wholesome as nature gave it to us. ■ • s ' ' ^hiings don’t turn back. They go sbead. PASTEURIZED MILK “ Busweas can’t be what it was in 1929—or in MS*# Peaches fo r tttet matter. CREAM • F U E E _____ <*The so-called good old times w ill never com e bic)L A 2 Quart Basket of Pero Peaches Will Be Giyen Away BUTTERMILK ..'li,.. ... ’iBnt-gpod n tiw tifoes—moybe even becter^dnb—will Saturday and Sunday. 1>® Slven with eaeh pnreha se and peaches can be obtained at Pcrolh ' ooHie.'forwtrd. /' ^att Stand on Oakland street. Do not fail to take advantage of thia grekt offer. Great opportunities await you at CJampbell’s. You can get more for one dollar than aay DIAL 7706 /^Iiec’s think abcfut Lcjc's pUn for Ajblg.** other place in town. . “ - -’ n ■ ^ , ■ . . ' ■ ; • \ \ ' ■■* ^ SIMONIZ • '■ ' ' ^ ^ ^ r„ Regular 60e, now ...... BRAKE LINING Bank and Trurt C^fflptoy docttino, taiof TOP DRESSING 25c Regular 85c, now...... Up to 2 Inch . - I C Ftefl^ng for the fo im ii thie efMocO'O^oiif bvdnetfk In ovf 25c I^OOt -^tos.sasssasssoooossss . JL NICKEL POLISH ’ w ofic'pS 'bcB tor and-Trufftce pSrtifadatfyv’.', " y .) Regular 60e, now ...... “ .Ik 10c vWo . 0 • f 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 S S 0.0 s 0 0 0 S S'2 ' 0 c > A .'At tsscatof and Trustee uadtr wUlf* afid,tfoft agfeegMais> CAR BATTERIES it If oft^yeari before we areicalled on to A j^f^eradon or ' GOODYEAR u d HOOD t w o 0^ p tff bffoct !fae;ihdfh j^yiog doGosBO from ceftsio r! A 82.75 ud up' TIRES TrufiC nifids left in oOr 'eaM. RADIATORS REPAIRED, FLUSHED AND BOILED. used IKES •* I WORK GUARANTEED. ONE DOLLAR AND,UF ; 1 V. ' ' ■ It ' ' I ! i" •yy s iSo f '.'d ■■ >! -/ OIH'OFGAS IHLATTIRE BAttEkY > Comer Main and Bliddle Turnpike* ' t • ■I- . .. I ■fi.* 1^' ‘ ' I . 0 m I. !>/.: j’' , Mk A t .V k-yOMi, I,i/ •' ♦' ^ I 1 • -

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