m. i^t. t " "f'V- l,' *t ■'i: ■' '•(■ v%v i/, #/ ,' .* y 0 L.LL,N 0 ^ 268^ (CtoMliad AdfuritolMg on ipiift t.). (t/stVAiBaBy : . ■ .; r ..■ t J/I .■■■'■ ••-•'•■' l:- '- A s Poirierm e iifelE H dm o ft^^W i^« 0 0 0 it P. €. ' ^ v. .<,?| * • ■ ' ' ,'■ ......... '' ' , ' ' . »( 1 • .. .1 j- ________ '-• ' .' ... •■'•'■• - ' " ' --------- ------- ------- ' I ," ENGULFS GERMANY D^KWaAe and Hand fim ad es UPTURN IN MARKET Gmataifiig Sereral .A, Ihrled h a Dozen'Cities HITS PESSIMISTS , Coils To More Than $1 / Hmdrads of Windows i D S n ash d . Reaction Shows Wiok Na­ mimusEDEinB Is Mansted. — AtteiveT tion Rejoidng That Things / . ‘ BwUn, A ^ . «.—(APy—Dynamite New York, Aug. 6.— (A P)— u d hand freaadea from the anen* Begin To Look ftij^ te r. S to c ^ Boomed ahead in a fresh wave Another Rednse Suspected Genml Bnrrews Q in^ ala of peUtleal faetlona gave a new of buyhig today. Gains ranging, touch'today to the violence which ftem a ffN cents to more than $1 h Mpsteriens^ Murder ef General Statutes Ih 'tS ^ -M haa jnrept through Germany for the New York, Aug. 6.—(AP)— The Here are the directors of the Reconstructioih: FbiaiM>a'C!oipora4on' at their first meeting in Washington, D. a' share apepared at the onenlng and paat aiz weeka. psychological reaction from a state were suDetantially extmided in the 'In a wave of aabotage, dyna> C., after Atlee Pomerene, CSevelai^ attorney and U» B. senates became chairman and Charles Mttler active esrfy^^salings, blocks of 1,000 (Nd Senthem Spinster. ffis Dedsien. of profound pessimism, which start­ ot Utica, N. Y., president of the |%80(LOOO,000. coHM niti^ LMt to right a t the conference table are Pome­ mitera damaged buildings in h ^ .a rene, MiUer, Harvey C. Couch and ^llaon MOCarthy^ At extrente right is Jesse H. Jones. - ^ to 5,000 shares Were numerous. dogen places, and several persona ed quietly more than a month ago, Leadeps rising a dollar or more narrowly escaped injury from attained a larger statue in the finan­ included U. S. Steel, American Tele­ Natches, Miss., Aug. 6.—(A P)— Hartford, Aug. 8.—(AP)^---The bomba. cial markets this week. phone, C^e, Consolidaied Gas, The eccentric Richard Dana, beard­ State of Connecticut'is,ivqnlred, to. At -Breslau, Ernst Eckstein, head 'Union Pacific, Union (Mrbide and Stimulated by jiools and - rumors ed fnd long-haired recluse, was fuznish esure for State. paupers ‘'re­ of the Socialist Labor Party, was American Tobacco "B.” among seven persons questioned to­ gardless of whether sm! apjvdpria- shaken out of Us bed when'a bomb of -po<)ls, but aim by a more^ general V O T E R S IN A te*'’J^votel kisues quickly met nw thrown from a speeding auto­ readiness to eiqiect the best rather but the gsheral mar­ day in the inquiry into the slaying tion is made-for that .punma er mobile throu^ his bedjrooip win­ than the worst, prices of stocks and kedonly'sUghtly and ac* ot the equally, eccentric Janet whether an insufficient approp^- dow. The room was wreidzed but he commodities moved sharply higher. ONIU btvif^t^ iiaiatehued a t a feverish pace. Surget Merrill, spinster. tion is provided'by the LfgiSlaLture.- wpa not hurt. He told police he sus­ Stocks completed a recovery of ap­ SW IN G T O Anirnmiit Staffk Arrested wite him was his-houae- State Agent Raymond F- Oatte is so pected the Nationsl Socialists. proximately fifty-percent of their Brokers, forced to angmsht-tlMdr keqper-guareHan, Mias Octavla advised by Attorney . W4r- SM Windows Broken March-June dectoes. Bonds, with a de^eteif staffs because" ioif tee'heavy Dockery. They live on a plantation ren B* Burrows in an opinion made A dynamite ekplosien broke 800 record of uninterrupted advance increase in bushmak^^teis week, re­ whlch^ adtetea that of Miss Merrill. public today. The advice, of .1^. at­ windows and caused extensive othr during July, began August in the Registratioi. Skows hrtjjlTUDE. A G R E ^ ported larger inquiries from all parts In addition'police: held three white torney general was soughl tiy CQl er. .damage at Bruns^ck. The same cheerful frame of mind. Staple of the country as well as malnten- men and two negroes. (^ates becanse; tee. aiqiroptistton charge was planted in a narrow products were almost unanimously afcs of the foreign buying. The. Bat comprised besides Dana made by the General Assembly h is. street inhabited by ^ workingmm. stronger. - Has More ThaB DdoUe • Overnight news included reports and'Miss Dockery, the following bem exhausted and .the-state agffint' n ien were numerbus'injurim from Too Spectacular that plans for the so-called commo­ men:- John Geiger, a logger who inqui^ whether an.-addUionai ap* gUun, but nobody was s^ - dity pool were ^ing forward at identified a coat found in the Met^ is requlrea to meet tha The advance, especially by stocks, StrengtJi h Had Two emergency. ourty left some i&epticism in its wake on conlmsnces beii^ held here. From rill homa as hia property; Odell At Schwerin a building occupied the theQty that it had not only been Europe caxas advii^es that the Brit­ Ferguson and T.' W. Carr, white, The opteien of tee attetney gen­ by the Socialist newspapers was Years Ago At Prnnarjr. BrMA Te Make Dedsknis / H artford, Aug. 6.—(AP)—Govar: ish and capitals had been im­ ahd (Seorge Slmir. and R. Norman, eral in tee matter is as foUbws: too spectacular but that business nor Wilbur L. Cross is hot inelhied damaged by vandals, presumably news to date, making allowance for pressed Iqf the maiiie fire enthusi­ negroes, who were tzkiled by blood­ "We are in receipt of yodr recriit political opponents. All the windows te discuss the posslhility or proba­ asm of our market; while the Lon- hounds. ‘ . communications setUngferth'tn sub­ normal seasonal movements, failed Next Week — Prebably bility of his renomination at the stance that under Section iTlS of , and glass doors werer broken. to Justify excessive bullishness. (Copyright 1932, By NEg Service) Idmf “EconomisV’ a prominent finan­ Bad Bad Aiginnefit Bombs Are llwown Democraffc.Stete convention next cial publication said teen was rea­ tee General Statutes, rsvtoon: of Nevertheless, continued reports of San Francisco, Aug. 6.—(AP) — month. Every effort to get the gnvT p u a -and Mlsa Deehery had had A department ktore in Karstadt plant reopenings and expanded ac­ Democratic registration for the Cali­ son tebdisvs **th'e giant Of the wasit an 4 ir|ui|Mt wtte^^^^ woman 198CI, certain towns; have futnitoad was damaged inj a bomb. A hand emor to comment oh the probabiU^ has passed; the crlsia of his sick: in ds^ polka hsard, over nebdssary suptort to (iertain stete .. tivity by smaller industrial lines fornia state primary August 80 is of his being a candidate Tor re-elec­ 'paupers rest(Hng in their towns,. grenade was -thrown into the bed­ were sufficiently numerous to com­ tion has been good'nattitedly turned ness” even if it 'waa too soon to pr&> damage done to the Metvfil property room of -the chairman ot the C ath­ considerably more than double the diet that AmelfCa was. within' sight by DockAy*s herd- of goats. said towns have ren<}ered bills for mand attention. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. O.'—(AP)— aside, and t matters more agreeable suifii support and claim rriminirsn* olic Church Council in Schunn. It The Inflow of goU continues one party primary vote two years ago. to the governor have been dis­ of economic rttiovery. The lH>dy of the sphsiter wiffi started a lire which was put oi^t The plana of the Ikimlnlons for. SterUng exdbange was again three bullet .wounds wanTfCuUd in a msnt^erefor, and that. yqu> are of the most important manifesta­ Registration figures from all but cussed. satisfied, after ,acaminatiaa and in­ oulckly. and the chairman was not tions of world confidence in Ameri­ six of the state’s 58 counties p|We trade agreements with;-Great'Brit­ Asked Direotly -weak (iff 1,5te^"dtete at the ' opening clump of bushes 200‘yards fr0m the hurt He said he had been threaten­ ain was all In the hands of th* Brit: to a cable mistatlon of 88.45 1-2, .dwelUng. vestigation tiiait tee atetements con­ ed in the past by National Social­ ca. This increase 'las amounted to the situation. The govemor. who on Friday* re­ suggesting further biiying of dolairs. tained in tee-claims nre'true'and more than 182,000,000 in seven Taking the six counties into con­ Ish delegates today. The . BdtUfh turned from Lake. Sunapee teat he ’tetdittihg room bore atgoB ot .a stn^Ie.' TkiBre'was blood on the teat te e ' rrimbursemeate - zlaimed ists. weeks, accomplished largely through sideration, the Republicans have were •xpecteil to begin making might be . present at Nlahtic on Another bomb was thrown at Sunday when Governor’s. Day will floor a iU i-I^ e t h d e s in yjfae w all. are reasonable.' Mudheim into a window of the La­ releases from earmark. There has lost 91,Ti8 potential votes or 5.95 their decialoM next week. D raw m ^ido^nistairs Wssn'jW'u oikn The laqatiy been heavy buying of dollars a b it^ per cent of their registration in»two be featured at Camp Cross, was ask­ bor omce, damaging the City M The two ezceptiona were/the IrlMi; ed, jleflnltaly w hether he would -be a but authorities siioutM n rob-: "Your inquiry to t^ i office is sgd brealdng glass in nektby Ingld- and banks sgy they expect a further Whether or not you Should certify swelling^ of our gold stocks.
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