IETM MAPPING THE PERFORMING ARTS IN CROATIA by Nataša Antulov Željko Zorica Šiš, “12 chairs”, 2013, photo: Tomislav Medak IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts February 2020 ISBN: 978-2-930897-43-1 IETM is supported by: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an en- dorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. IETM MAPPING The Performing Arts in Croatia IETM Mapping by Nataša Antulov Nataša Antulov is a resident dramaturge at the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” in Rijeka and an associate professor at the acting programme at the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka. She worked as a writer, director and dramaturge on numerous theatre and film projects. She is a member and co-founder of the inclusive performance group The Fifth Ensemble. Published by IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts, Brussels, February 2020 Editing and general coordination: Vassilka Shishkova, Elena Polivtseva, Ása Richardsdóttir (IETM) Graphic layout: Milton Pereira on a template by JosWorld This publication is distributed free of charge and follows the Creative Commons agreement Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND). You are free to reuse and share this publication or parts of it as long as you mention the original source. This publication should be mentioned as follows: N. Antulov, ‘The Performing Arts in Croatia’, IETM, February 2020. Link: For further information please contact
[email protected] The publishers have made every effort to secure permission to reproduce pictures protected by copyright.