ADOPTED by the city council 11th OcTOBER 2012

RIVERCITY VISION Welcome to RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG RiverCity Gothenburg will be open to the world. It will be inclusive, green and dynamic. It will be designed in a way that connects the whole city, embraces the water and reinforces the regional centre. Success in this endeavor requires openness, collaboration, knowledge development and strong leadership.

RiverCity Gothenburg is central Gothenburg along the river. Major areas of our city are waiting to be transformed into a living, attractive inner city. What you have before you is the RiverCity Gothenburg Vision and Strategies document, the result of an extensive consultation and concept process. The process has involved the people of Gothenburg, municipal administration representatives, companies, private industry and academia. Since August 2010, public consultations, expert workshops, exchanges of experience, enquiries and studies have been conducted. Student projects have been developed in collaboration with the secondary schools in Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology, the School of Design and Crafts and Harvard University. An international workshop involving 80 leading urban development experts has been held. An exchange of experience with seven other major Nordic urban development projects has taken place. Collaboration and co-ordination have taken place with Gothenburg 2021 as well as Mistra Urban Futures. The public consultation work and international workshop have taken place with the support of the Delegation for Sustainable Cities.

During the course of the work, a consensus has emerged about how the city ought to be developed. We should strive towards urban development where we make use of the features offered by the river and the water. We should understand and use our historical heritage. The city should be accessible for everyone, regardless of background, and it should be designed with meeting places that vary in nature and which promote activities in every form. The city should be open. We want to take possession of our city and use it for our own benefit and the benefit of others. We want a living city that can be extended cohesively across the river.

The task of producing the vision and strategies was commissioned by the City Council under the leadership of the City Executive Board. The original name in Swedish Centrala Älvstaden was changed during the course of the work to Älvstaden (RiverCity Gothenburg) in response to the image of the future that has gradually emerged. The vision was adopted by the City Council 11th October 2012 and will form the basis for future work in the city with the aim of planning and developing RiverCity Gothenburg.


Anneli Hulthén Jonas Ransgård Chair, City Executive Board Deputy Chair, City Executive Board



PAGE6 PAGE8 RiverCity Gothenburg is There is a open – inwards towards need to create Gothenburg and West a common set of – and outwards objectives – a vision for to the world. RiverCity Gothenburg. strategieS


PAGE12 PAGE 20 PAGE 28 We will bring the The water will To meet the challenges we city together across be a permanent are facing, the knowledge the river to become feature of urban and ideas of all actors – a physical and life and will be an big and small – must be social whole. asset for everyone. used and developed.

FROM VISION TO IMPLEMENTATION There is widespread consensus on the type of city we are seeking to create. Experts and the people of Gothenburg all point in the same direction. PAGE36 RIVERCITY GOTHenburg - open to the world

RiverCity Gothenburg is open – inwards towards Gothenburg and – and outwards to the world. It is a meeting point for old and new, the known and the unknown. In the city, people feel a strong sense of community feeling and there is always a new initiative around the corner. The area is alive and open and at the same time unique and special.

In RiverCity Gothenburg, there is a warm and welcoming atmosphere alongside an ethos of involvement and participation. The area is growing in line with our needs and wishes. RiverCity Gothenburg is inclusive. A meeting place for everyone, regardless of age and background. Children, young people and adults meet, play and learn from each other. At the same time, a long-term sustainable city is being planned, providing scope for more short-term solutions between buildings that promote diversity and flexibility. Some uses are here for just a short while – others will remain far into the future.

RiverCity Gothenburg is close to the water. The water- front and quays are buzzing with activity. Ships, ferries, sailboats and a range of other leisure boats make their way up and down the river and sometimes moor at the quayside. RiverCity Gothenburg is green. Good access to renewable energy, attractive public transport and interconnected paths for pedestrians and cyclists make it easier to live sustainably. The quays protect against flooding while at the same time bringing us closer to the water.

RiverCity Gothenburg has been built around the principles of the compact city. There is a wide variety of meeting places and activities. RiverCity Gothenburg is dynamic. Culture and industry are developing side by side, inspiring each other. The industrial side of the city brings out the best of a knowledge-intensive Gothenburg filled with new ideas and innovations. New forms of collaboration offer added impetus to the development of the regional centre and attract entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world. RiverCity Gothenburg has an international reputation.

6 INTRODUCTION RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION “ It was a beautiful day – 2021. Lots of nice people walking around and cute children playing with their friends at nursery. The Central Station has been redeveloped, making it larger and more attractive. Everyone is welcome. ... The river Göta älv has become more beautiful, with lots of couples strolling along romantically. ”



RiverCity Gothenburg can Gothenburg’s strengths WATER contribute to releasing the The identity of the city is to a large extent The river Göta älv and its contact driving forces of Gothenburg. defined by the river, the history of the city with the oceans of the world was what It can transform the challenges within the moat, the industrial legacy and determined the location of Gothenburg. the cultural diversity. These are strengths Even today, the river is vital to the facing the city into opportunities development of the city. The water for the future. Changes in the that future development of the city should rely on. landscape and the mark left by history global economy, widening are to a large extent characteristic of

socio-economic differences and DIVERSITY the city landscape. Along the river, the remains of the shipyards and a range a changing climate with rising Since Gothenburg was founded in 1621, of other industries co-exist with port water levels and extreme weather the city has developed closely with operations – development varying in the world around it. The city was built events as a result, requires a fuller nature and from different eras. While and organised by Dutch and German and more integrated approach. in many cases access to the river is settlers. As a centre of trade and ship- This is what the Vision provides. limited, this has not diminished the ping, relationships were created and It provides guidance on how city’s inhabitants’ strong relationship an exchange of culture and knowledge to the water. RiverCity Gothenburg can be took place with other parts of the world. developed sustainably, reinforcing The city developed as an industrial DRIVING FORCES both the city and West Sweden. centre with technology and expertise Over a period of 300 years, Gothenburg from Britain. The economy expanded developed from a fortress and trading with the aid of immigrant labour from city to a shipbuilding and industrial Italy, Greece and other countries. city. The present-day export industries Many of the companies in Gothenburg are strong. At the same time, both are now internationally owned. The industry and commerce are developing city’s inhabitants have moved here and are increasingly about knowledge from all parts of the world and the and innovation. The city’s economy is diversity of the population is greater increasingly a knowledge economy. than ever. Now, as in the past, it is the These economic changes put different contrasting experience, perspectives demands on the design of the city and commitment among the people compared to the days when the of Gothenburg that enrich the city and economy was purely industrial. The constitute its most important resource. inherent character and qualities of the


city are crucial to driving the expansion due to the financial imbalance between what exists at present and stimulate the of this knowledge economy forward countries and the impact of climate development of new or complementary – an economy that also includes the change. It is a challenge to use the sectors. It involves putting actions into events, tourism and creative sectors. expertise and labour resources that have words in different ways. One way is resulted from migration and at the same through urban development. The challenges time work to reduce social exclusion. facing Gothenburg RiverCity Gothenburg CLIMATE CHANGE Gothenburg is facing significant represents an opportunity Several of the city’s densely built and challenges in the wake of continued RiverCity Gothenburg offers the central urban districts are close to the globalisation, increasing social exclusion opportunity to get to grips with and river or other bodies of water. During and the effects of climate change. By develop the strengths of Gothenburg. the second half of the 20th century, the taking on the challenges, the identity It can transform the challenges facing number of periods of extremely high of the city can be strengthened and its the city into opportunities for the future. water and extreme precipitation has economy can remain competitive in an The large area covered by RiverCity almost doubled. It is a challenge for the increasingly inter-connected world. Gothenburg, over four square kilometres, city to deal with these effects of climate is in the very heart of the region and will change effectively. It is also a challenge SOCIAL EXCLUSION be easily accessible from a large part of for the city to create a robust urban West Sweden. There are areas that are The Gothenburg of today is a socio- environment and transport infrastructure under-used and can be used to create economically excluded city. Economic that can reduce the city’s impact on the new neighbourhoods where people will and social deprivation is clustered in climate and the environment. specific parts of the city. Such areas want to live, work and socialise. tend to exhibit high unemployment, low CHANGED ECONOMY A modern inner city can be developed with a vibrant city life, with a whole range levels of educational attainment and The city is largely dependent on exports, of people, organisations and activities. skills, poor health and low levels of which means that it is dependent on the Through RiverCity Gothenburg, the civic participation. There is a significant global economy and what is happening in various parts of the city can be brought disparity between these areas and other the rest of the world. The trend towards a together. The river and the water add parts of the city. At the same time, the more distinct knowledge-based economy personality to the area. Shipping and city operates within a common European means that earlier working models of port activities give the area a distinct labour market, which is leading to greater economic need to be re-examined and character and at the same time reflect cross-border mobility. Globally, migration new models of development need to be the rich history of the city. is increasing between different parts explored. The challenge is to understand of the world. Migration could increase what is required in order to reinforce Continues 

RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION INTRODUCTION 9 THE RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG AREA RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG – AN ATTRACTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL CENTRE Backaplan Ringön The regional development strategy Sustainable Growth (Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities, 2006), aims to create good living conditions Kvillestan and sustainable development in the Gothenburg region. A basic assumption Göta is that the larger and denser a region is, Frihamnen älvbron the better the conditions are to develop Gullbergs- a strong diversified economy. With a vass strong economy, there is increased Södra potential to ensure continued welfare. Lindholmen Älvstranden Having a strong regional centre is a key part of this strategy.

By 2020, 30,000 new homes and 40,000 jobs will be created in the Staden inom regional centre, which comprises the vallgraven city centre district Centrum, the Linné- Majorna districts and parts of Lundby. Södra By 2011, almost 15,000 homes and Älvstranden almost as many workplaces had been added to the regional centre.


The RiverCity Gothenburg Project was initiated by the City Executive Board in November 2009. Following a decision by the City Council in March 2010, a directorate was appointed along with a project group that was commissioned to formulate vision and strategy for the area. According to the assignment, the work of the project group has been pursued using social, environmental and economical dimensions as a starting point. Through dialogue with the Gothenburg community, it has been characterised by openness as well as an exchange of experience on the national and international level.

The work took place with the City Executive Board as the steering committee. The directorate and project group were made up of individuals with varying backgrounds, affiliations and expertise. Representatives from industry and academia were involved. The directorate co-opted consultation groups made up of representatives from municipal administrations, regional and government bodies, industry and academia.

10 INTRODUCTION RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION This means we are well on the ought to be viewed in a broader context. CONNECT THE CITY way to achieving the established Questions need to be answered from We will connect the city objective. Through RiverCity the perspective of the city and region – we will counteract physical and Gothenburg, conditions are being as a whole. There is a need to create a social segregation and expand the city established to create 30,000 homes common set of objectives and a vision for with strategic links across the river. We and 30-40,000 workplaces even after RiverCity Gothenburg – a vision that lays will create a mixed city with pedestrian 2020, which could further reinforce down the direction for all the plans and and cycle friendly streets & paths and the regional centre. projects within the area. neighbourhoods with lots of vibrant meeting places. At the same time, The population of Gothenburg One vision and three we will offer the people of the city is continuing to increase. The strategies for RiverCity the opportunity to be involved in the development of RiverCity Gothenburg. Comprehensive Plan for Gothenburg Gothenburg states we must primarily focus on new The vision aims to contribute to EMBRACE THE WATER development in central locations and sustainable development in Gothenburg We will embrace the water in locations with good access to public and West Sweden. The aim is to create – we will create a living, attractive transport. The plan also highlights five an attractive, sustainable city from a riverside space and deal with the effects strategic development areas. Two of social, environmental and economical of climate change. We will make it easy these, Centrum and Backaplan, lie point of view. to live a sustainable lifestyle. within the RiverCity Gothenburg area. Three strategies have been REINFORCE THE CENTRE There are already a number of projects formulated to realise the vision. We will reinforce the regional centre in progress within RiverCity Gothenburg These indicate how the city can build to strengthen Gothenburg and West such as Lindholmen, Skeppsbron on the strengths that already exist and Sweden as a whole. The design of and Backaplan. Common to all these transform the challenges facing the RiverCity Gothenburg will stimulate projects, both present and future, city into opportunities to deliver a more development towards a more diversified is that they all include issues that sustainable pattern of development. and robust regional economy.

What you told us During the course of work on the vision and strategy for RiverCity Gothenburg, knowledge and ideas have been gathered from a number of sources and on different levels. Through consultation with the general public, through the workshops that were arranged, in contact with national and international experts, industry, the university and other organisations in the city and through co-operation with the Gothenburg 2021 project, a concurring image of how the city ought to be developed gradually emerged.

Everyone should have a place in the city. Housing should be developed for everyone. The value of the river is highlighted, it is important to get close to and move along and across the water. There should be greenery throughout the city with a central park beside the water and numerous pocket parks in various parts of RiverCity Gothenburg. Pedestrian, cycle traffic and public transport should be prioritised. It is important to preserve the soul of the city, build on what is already there and use our culture as a source of strength to develop upon.


We will bring the city together across the river to become a physical and social whole. In RiverCity Gothenburg, there will be room for everyone and for variation in content and expression. In RiverCity Gothenburg, there will be openness to initiatives and ideas. It will be possible to exert an influence and establish one’s place. Social exclusion and physical segregation will be counteracted through openness, variation and involvement.

We will create a city with a wide variety of places, architecture, homes and the room for people to express themselves in socially and culturally diverse ways. A city where everyone has a place and can feel a sense of belonging – a place that is open, inviting, alive all year round and at all hours of the day and night. The creativity of children and young people will be unleashed when we are developing RiverCity Gothenburg. Art and culture will contribute to creating identity, context and change.

RiverCity Gothenburg will connect the city across the river by means of new strategic urban links and a more cohesive urban street network. The network of paths, including streets, will be designed as inclusive urban spaces where public transport, pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised.

RiverCity Gothenburg will be developed through dialogue. We will work with the grain of existing civic life and structures, making use of and strengthening existing networks and activities. Many of the current buildings and their uses will be kept and will help to create a unique area that blends the new with the old.

RiverCity Gothenburg will consolidate the whole of Gothenburg by: ÆÆ Creating a city for everyone ÆÆ Building the city together ÆÆ Getting more people involved


Gothenburg at present is a socially community living can be tested as a WE WILL: fragmented city. Everyone should means of bringing variation to the area. -- establish a test bed for feel welcome here, be able to take At the same time, we need to show socially sustainable housing. consideration for existing housing their place, have the opportunity -- work to ensure a wide range for the socially excluded. To pursue of housing for everyone. to meet and feel an affinity with development, a test-bed for socially Gothenburg and the city centre. sustainable housing should be created Provide space for RiverCity Gothenburg therefore within the area. Through collaboration meetings and play needs to provide a mix of housing, between universities, colleges and enterprises, jobs, uses and public various bodies within the construction Public spaces that provide space for places that provide room for industry, an international exchange of social and creative encounters are different expressions. We must knowledge will be promoted along with indispensable in a living democracy. In RiverCity Gothenburg, we will create create a city for everyone. the development of knowledge that will benefit the whole city. meeting places for all weathers, seasons and times of the day and night. We will All parts of RiverCity Gothenburg should work to ensure that all parts of the area Build to promote contain housing. The districts that make are populated 24 hours a day. A variety mixed housing up the area have different prerequisites of cultural, cross-generation and well We should work to ensure that all for integrating housing with existing designed meeting places where people citizens have the opportunity to live in and future businesses and their feel they belong can be created by the RiverCity Gothenburg area. Socially commercial activities. lots of people and organisations being mixed housing creates a varied city involved in contributing to the design life and a more interesting range of Along the urban paths and hubs there and activities. It makes them accessible services. It also helps underpin a broader should be housing interspersed with and usable for everyone. The location commercial and industrial base where space for existing and new businesses of public and commercial services will more people have the opportunity to in a dense structure. In other areas, the help contribute to a more active street work. A socially mixed population should proportion of housing can be greater, life. Community institutions and facilities be promoted by varying the range with variation in density and expression. will be visible in the city. These will of housing through different forms of Alternative forms of housing, such as be located strategically in the area to tenancy and size. We should be open houseboats, could be accommodated contribute to the positive development to new ways of living. Communes and at Ringön and along selected quays. of the area.


To be attractive to everyone and in that everyone feels a sense of affinity WE WILL: different situations, there needs to be with RiverCity Gothenburg. -- work to promote variation by considerable variation in places, from having more people involved large venues to small intimate spaces. WE WILL: in the development of the area. We need protected places where -- create a varied range of -- give priority to individuals and buildings and greenery contribute to meeting places for all ages. agencies who can demonstrate a good local climate. There should be how a modern city can be built activities and initiatives on squares, Create a city at eye level with a diversity of content streets, quaysides and parks. There and expression. Successful cities are often characterised needs to be space for things large by their diverse streetscapes. We want and small; for planned or spontaneous to create this diversity. The development ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS cultural events and installations. Squares of RiverCity Gothenburg should be and parks should be easily accessible varied and rich in experiences in a way and form an integrated network to satisfy 1 that contributes to improving the overall rivercity workshop the needs of young people for space for attractiveness. The greatest qualities Proposal from Team EGA play, recreation and a functioning daily of this open space should be found at Urban paths with a mixture life. Nursery schools and schools should eye level for both children and adults. of activities and expressions have a high quality outdoor environment. can be established along the We should be open to new ideas about Natural meeting places should exist water at Ringön. how the city should be designed and where children, young people and adults provide a space for a diversity of people can meet, play and learn. We must 2 RiverCity Workshop and agencies. Public art should be used ensure that the needs of the whole city Proposal from Team SLA/HLA to enrich and establish identity in urban for meeting places is satisfied, ensuring spaces. The density of the development RiverCity Gothenburg should offer meeting places where we should be varied, with compact and ” Our city is segregated. can all feel welcome. A park higher rise development focused in can be created at Frihamnen. Take up the challenge and specific locations, such as the key create a true mixed city! ” development areas and urban paths 3 MALMÖ and lower rise development in other VISITOR AT THE SQUARE Western Habour district locations. A mixture of functions and OLSKROKSTORGET The Stapelbäddsparken park in density will produce buildings and places PUBLIC CONSULTATION / Malmö is an example of a popular PUBLIC MEETING that vary in character, thus expanding the meeting place that contributes to range of impressions and experiences. creating a vibrant city life.


The city is physically fragmented. Create strategic direction. A path for pedestrian and cycle To some extent, RiverCity links across the river traffic should be created as an extension of Östra Hamngatan and Avenyn streets, Gothenburg comprises urban RiverCity Gothenburg should connect over the area Frihamnen towards the islands separated by barriers that the city with strategic links across square Kvilletorget and Backaplan cut through the urban landscape. the river. These new paths should node. In time, a public transport route Roads, railway tracks and closed- be part of a cohesive urban structure between the Stigberget hill and the area off areas separate north and south that brings together urban streets and Lindholmen needs to be built to increase meeting places on either side of the from each other and the city from capacity and reduce congestion. the river. Even the river, which river. A main urban axis should link Wieselgrensplatsen and Backaplan to historically has been a unifying WE WILL: the north with the Central Station area link, is nowadays a barrier. We -- create an urban axis between in the south. It should form part of a need to connect Gothenburg Wieselgrensplatsen and the compact city with meeting places and an Central Station area. across the water by eliminating active mix of uses on both the north and -- add a bridge for pedestrians and barriers and replacing them south side of the river. The urban axis cyclists to Frihamnen as an extension with an urban environment that needs to be supplemented by a number of Östra Hamngatan and Avenyn includes accessible paths that link of urban paths in a north-south direction and a public transport link between the various parts of the city. and with urban paths in an east-west Stigberget and Lindholmen.

“ The infrastructure ought to be planned as an open space where different social groups can meet in the public space… Places that unite. ” team EAST RIVERCITY WORKSHOP



a. An urban axis between Wieselgrensplatsen and the Central Station area. b. A bridge for pedestrians and cyclists to Frihamnen as an extension of the d streets of Östra Hamn- gatan and Avenyn.

c. A public transport a route that increases capacity and reduces b congestion between Stigberget hill and the Lindholmen area.

d. A public transport route that connects the areas of Ringön and Gullbergs- c vass across the Ban- gården area towards Skånegatan street. 3

 A path is one or several streets or places where people move. Paths create important links and directions in the city.


1 RiverCity Workshop Proposal from Team East The islands in RiverCity Gothenburg are currently separated by barriers that cut through the urban landscape.

4 2 RiverCity Workshop Proposal from Team West8 need to be designed to promote a Eliminate barriers Barriers ought to be eliminated mixed urban life where distances are We will design RiverCity Gothenburg at Gullbergsvass and replaced considered short. Pedestrian-friendly by dense city development, paths as a cohesive inner city where it is easy environments with intimacy, safety and for walking and a new canal. to move around on foot. Road traffic variation will be promoted throughout still has a role to play in the city, but 3 YOUNG:RIVERCITY RiverCity Gothenburg. accessibility and usability for pedestrians Proposal from and cyclists need to increase. Main Noleredsskolan school WE WILL: roads, streets, railway areas, car parks In the city centre, parks, homes -- eliminate the barrier effects and closed or unutilised areas must be and boats ought to be prioritised. created by busy urban highways redesigned so that they become part and unused/closed areas. 4 rivercity workshop of the new accessible inner city. Busy -- study how the busy urban highways of Proposal from Team SLA/HLA urban highways can be transformed into Oskarsleden and Mårten Krakowgatan The new bridge over the river walkable urban streets and boulevards can be redesigned and when and how Göta älv can be designed as with public transport and greenery. Lundbyleden and the port railway line part of the city – a bridge to The urban spaces between buildings can be redirected underground. live on.


RiverCity Gothenburg is in the are already strong and varied social, everyone, regardless of where we live centre of Gothenburg and should cultural and economic networks, as well in the city, is given the opportunity to be as key buildings. We will make use of involved in the planning and expansion be there for everyone. This makes people’s capacity for initiative and at the and at the same time capitalise on it a matter for the whole city. same time create an urban environment local knowledge and experience. We There are many thoughts and and architecture that is unique in its will build on the experience from the views on how the various areas expression and identity. We will build RiverCity Gothenburg public consultation within RiverCity Gothenburg on the urban life that already exists and process and develop a set of appropriate ought to be designed. We will at the same time open up to new and methods. Those who normally do not varied forms of social expression. Certain have a voice in public debates will be continue to use the creativity areas could take longer to develop. How sought out and consulted. and ideas that exist. Involving the area looks and functions should people who feel a strong affinity guide the development of all areas RiverCity Gothenburg will be designed to Gothenburg will provide a within RiverCity Gothenburg. Existing with the best interests of children and solid foundation for reducing qualities should be cherished and used. young people in mind. We need to work segregation and improving A cultural base can thus be created as from a child’s perspective. We should well as variation where the new meets listen to thoughts and ideas presented social cohesion. It is only the existing. by children about developing the city. through dialogue and continued Children and young people should be involvement that RiverCity WE WILL: consulted in all matters that concern Gothenburg will be truly inclusive. -- document and analyse the cultural them. Schools and education can be and historical heritage as well as the used to make use of the children’s ideas. physical and social conditions in each In doing so, the expertise in the schools Use what already exists project within RiverCity Gothenburg. can be reinforced in subject areas as a starting point related to sustainable development More people will have and urban development. As we design the RiverCity Gothenburg an opportunity to of the future, we will make use of what exert an influence WE WILL: already exists as a starting point. There -- develop RiverCity Gothenburg through is considerable knowledge about the The expansion of RiverCity Gothenburg involvement, learning and interaction. cultural and historical heritage and an is a matter for the whole city. We can all -- work from a child’s perspective and abundance of ideas about how the area envisage living, working or spending time listen to children’s thoughts and can be developed. In the area, there in the area. It is therefore important that ideas about developing the city.


Start with Temporary activities and uses will be ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS temporary measures used to inject vitality into the area, to create a vibrant area, to test new ideas 1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Major changes will take place in and to demonstrate that change is RiverCity Gothenburg for a long time to happening. Temporary activities and Train of ideas, The Central Station come, but even now we can start to take uses will take place in the various parts control of the area. We will develop the Visitors and passerbys give of the area alongside the transformation their ideas of Gothenburg. city in partnership, arranging concerts, process and as major projects fall into jumble sales and exhibitions. We will place. The temporary activities and 2 rivercity workshop grow things in areas that are not being uses will be used to highlight life as Proposal from Team West8 used or build installations directly on site. it is at present and at the same time The city can be linked to Because many different people will be demonstrate the potential of the area. a network of public areas. involved in designing urban spaces, a diversity of expressions will be created. WE WILL: 3 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Art and culture will become a powerful -- be open to, support and provide space Public meeting in driving force in the development process. for temporary uses and activities. the area Eriksberg Visitors at a public meeting “ Places to sit place out their favourite places on a map – places that offer along walking paths potential and places with are important for the problems and shortcomings. elderly and this will encourage health-promoting 4 YOUNG:RIVERCITY activities... The city should School workshop be there for everyone. You Task – ”Build your fantasy home”.

do not get afraid if you 5 rivercity workshop know one another. ” Team Espinàs Tarrasó RESIDENT AT FYRKLÖVERN How would you move around the city if the river wasn’t there?” PUBLIC CONSULTATION A map from the Espinàs Tarrasó Group. Public consultation 5 during the RiverCity Workshop.


Gothenburg will be developed into a green city at the water’s edge; a global icon for green urban development where a sustainable lifestyle is encouraged and renewable energy supply, climate adaptation and biological diversity enrich the urban environment. RiverCity Gothenburg will contribute to the development of smart systems and green technology. The water will be a permanent feature of urban life and an asset for everyone.

RiverCity Gothenburg will have a living breathing river space where the city is developed in harmony with ship- ping. The river will bring the city together through uses on and along the water. The design of the areas, urban paths and green spaces along the river and canals will contribute to vibrant city life with varied and mixed places. A good local climate will be created to provide cooling relief in the summer and protection in bad weather.

RiverCity Gothenburg will be the centre of development, focusing on a sustainable city and region. The city will be designed in such a way that makes it easy to live sustainably, with efficient, flexible systems for renewable energy and transport. The full potential of the sun, green areas, wind and water will be used. People will recognise Gothenburg as a green city.

RiverCity Gothenburg needs to adapt to meet rising water levels and extreme weather events resulting from climate change. Each area has different conditions and therefore needs to embrace the water in different ways. We will use climate adaptation measures as an opportunity to create interesting and flexible places and spaces near the water.

RiverCity Gothenburg will embrace the water by:

ÆÆ Creating a living river space ÆÆ Making it easy to live sustainably ÆÆ Using climate adaptation as a driving force


The river and the water have Develop shipping in – ferry and cruise traffic should live up to shaped the city, its development harmony with the city the RiverCity Gothenburg objectives of being green. and settings. Throughout history, Shipping should be promoted. It is an there has been close relationship important part of the history of the city WE WILL: and it is of major significance to the between the water and the city -- work to ensure a modern, green with thriving trade and the identity of the city and the development shipping industry that will reinforce shipbuilding industry along of business and industry in Gothenburg the identity of Gothenburg. and around the lake Vänern. Small- the river. Yards still exists in the scale shipping, large-scale shipping Create meeting places area today. Together with traces and ferry traffic inject life and activity of bygone industrial activities, on the water and contribute to a living along the water our shipbuilding industry adds river environment. We should keep the Life beside and on the water should character to the area and is a vital river open without any new bridges grow stronger as RiverCity Gothenburg part of the city’s identity. In recent downstream of Frihamnen. The shipping develops. The design of urban paths, industry along the banks is steeped streets and green spaces need to times, the link between the city in tradition and this is something we increase accessibility along the waterside and the water has been weakened should safeguard. At the same time, the and link up to ferries and bridges and needs to be restored. shipping sector needs to be developed connecting the two sides of the river. in harmony with new links across the We will establish continuous pedestrian “ Make the water accessible river and with improved access to the and cycle paths along both sides of the for children and young waterfront. If there is a shift in balance river. The river should be easy to reach people. Provide the between freight and passenger traffic, from surrounding districts. Barriers in the opportunity to sail, canoe we should re-assess the location of form of roads, railways and large unused existing ferry terminals. No freight ferries and closed-off areas along the water and so on. Young people with should be permitted in Frihamnen. should be redeveloped and redesigned disabilities are important. ” We should examine the potential for to counteract barrier effects. Meeting VISITOR AT ERIKSBERG continued cruise traffic upstream of the places with activities should entice us to bridge Älvsborgsbron. There needs to move along and on the water. The border PUBLIC CONSULTATION / PUBLIC MEETINGS be ongoing improvement to reduce the between the water and land should be environmental impact of shipping dissolved, allowing the city to expand


Water should be seen as an asset in the urban environment. It should be easy and attractive to move across and along the river.





out into the water and for the water to city beside the water with welcoming residential environment with, enter the city. Using steps, jetties or other green spaces in attractive locations. for example, green courtyards, arrangements, the river should be made New green spaces or features should be roofs and walls. accessible and usable by young and old, planned in such a way that it increases making it possible to get physically closer accessibility and attracts people down to WE WILL: to the water and to fish or to bathe. The the waterside. Several large parks and -- create a number of large parks; water should be part of our urban life with a large number of small green spaces one being the Jubilee Park beside the water at Frihamnen and a river traffic and marinas, walking paths are required for rest and recreation in park at Gullbergsvass. and activities along the quays and banks. the future dense inner city. Our urban paths and streets will be viewed as an -- create a network of small green spaces WE WILL: integral part of the city’s green space linked to the large parks and the water. network. Places that are attractive for -- ensure that everyone has access -- channel the stream Kvillebäcken to the riverbanks and canals. development could be left untouched and make it a green corridor to the benefit of the green areas that through Frihamnen. -- establish cohesive pedestrian contribute to our quality of life and and cycle paths along both increase biological diversity. sides of the river. ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS

-- provide space for active uses and The vegetation in the area should create vibrant places that attract contribute to creating a healthy 1 RIVERCITY WORKSHOP people down to the water. urban environment with stabilised Proposal from Team EGA -- set up one or several guest marinas. temperatures, wind protection, good An activity park in Frihamnen. -- make space for a cultural harbour air quality and low noise levels. As and for the ship Ostindiefararen. the temperatures rises due to climate 2 RiverCity workshop impact, greenery in the urban spaces will Proposal from Team Güller Güller Add more greenery become increasingly important to create A park can be created at Frihamnen a comfortable local climate. The greenery for all the people of Gothenburg. We will build on the Gothenburg tradition will highlight how the city is dependent of creating parks and use greenery as a on natural resources, thus creating an 3 rivercity workshop means of raising the attractiveness of the understanding of the importance of Proposal from Team SLA/HLA city. RiverCity Gothenburg will contribute greater environmental adaptation. It The city ought to be designed to the city’s reputation as a lush green will also contribute to creating a good for a good microclimate.


Many of the challenges facing Gothenburg, such as “ In each block – climate change and resource management, are global. eco-living, community To bring about sustainable development, all cities living, age-integrated need to assume joint responsibility for the environment. living, allotments, RiverCity Gothenburg is an opportunity for the city self-build resources. ” and the region to develop in a direction that leads to RESIDENT OF MAJORNA LINNÉ a sustainable society, including good public transport, PUBLIC CONSULTATION / CITY DISTRICT WORKSHOP attractive walking and cycling paths, renewable energy supply and sustainable construction.

24 EMBRACE THE WATER RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION 2 integrated at the construction stage. consumption through smart grids RiverCity Gothenburg should also speed to ensure the best financial and up the development of innovative, environmental outcome. We must COOLING Gh = 900 kWh s/m .an SOLAR CITY sustainable transport solutions that promote commercial activities that satisfy the needs of the city, industry facilitate a sustainable lifestyle and KEILLERS PARK and people for effective transport and an sustainable consumption. It must be easy attractive urban environment. to live without a car in a rich and varied urban environment where everything WE WILL: we need in day-to-day life is close at BIO GAZ -- develop small-scale and large-scale 5 - 10 kWh b/m hand. District heating can be used for 1 - 2 L / m .an systems that are flexible and easy HEATING Mud collector ice-free cycle paths and heated bathing to use from the perspective of the whole city. facilities. RiverCity Gothenburg should be attractive and ensure leisure activities -- pursue the development of inno- in the city all year round through good vative and sustainable transport solutions for goods, material access to recreation, greenery, sports, recycling and energy supply. water, services and culture. The child’s Develop smart systems day-to-day life must function simply. Children should be able to expand their The key to a sustainable city is that Make green circles and move without necessarily we all assume joint responsibility technology visible for development. Counteracting of being in the company of adults. It is greenhouse gas emissions is a key Energy supply are a key issue in a particularly important to ensure that element in the creation of a sustainable sustainable city. Switching to renewable children are close to and able to access city. RiverCity Gothenburg should energy sources requires effective green areas. Good environments therefore be free of fossil fuels and interaction between small-scale and for play must be promoted – streets waste. To achieve this, we will create large-scale power generation. This cannot replace such environments. An an urban environment that involves requires flexibility and the desire to urban environment that encourages a people and facilitates their pursuit receive and pay for power generation sustainable lifestyle also provides added of a sustainable lifestyle. We need in close proximity to the property, e.g. social value, encourages co-operation from sun, wind or water. Solar energy to find solutions that take the entire and generates more opportunities to can be integrated effectively and visibly city into account. Existing large-scale meet in the city. systems, such as district heating and into the urban environment, thus helping district cooling, must be used and to educate people and raise awareness WE WILL: developed, but the expansion of the about renewable energy. The RiverCity -- create an urban environment where Gothenburg areas must be designed with area must go further and contribute to there is a wide range of sustainable effective integration with other functions. a street structure, variation in height and alternatives, where it is close to what The district heating system can be building orientation that allow solar cells we need in our day-to-day lives and supplemented with buildings that store to be placed on the facades and roofs. where it is easy to move around – heat. These technical systems should At the same time, we need to be open without a car. be flexible and usable over time. to the idea of integrating further energy sources (e.g. wind and water) into the ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS The expansion of the area needs to urban environment. be grounded in excellent resource management. The whole life cycle WE WILL: 1 kvillebäcken perspective must be taken into account -- use, test and promote the Stadsjord when assessing the environmental development of renewable energy. Local allotments close to the impact of development. The use of -- actively follow the development of Kvillebäcken stream, an example energy, materials and resources must the latest knowledge and innovations of an activity that promotes be evaluated in a way that makes and put it into practice. a sustainable lifestyle in the them visible in financial calculations. RiverCity Gothenburg of today. A resource management system that Facilitate ensures that development is promoted 2 RiverCity Workshop sustainable lifestyles within each phase. It is vital to ensure Proposal from Team Grau that life within and between the buildings In RiverCity Gothenburg it should be Heating, cooling, electricity will function. Functions that facilitate easy to choose sustainable solutions. and waste management can be a sustainable lifestyle need to be It should be possible to control energy integrated in a sustainable system.


Proximity to water is an asset for Use the strategies attack, Climate adaptation measures should RiverCity Gothenburg although retreat and defence as be an opportunity to enhance the urban at the same time it represents a a starting point environment. Creative measures should be employed to bring the city closer to challenge for the city, both now Climate change is causing sea levels the water. They should be used to create and in the future. The area will be to rise. RiverCity Gothenburg will be public areas and urban paths along the affected by climate change in the planned from a 100-year perspective, waterfront. The areas that are flooded form of higher water levels and where a planned safe height is temporarily could create exciting and extreme weather with strong winds established to cope with future water educational elements in the and heavy rain. The total volume levels. At the same time, knowledge urban environment. of surface run-off will increase. and flexibility need to be developed We need to learn how to handle to satisfy needs over an even longer WE WILL: perspective. Each area should be the effects of future climate -- use climate adaptation to bring designed using a selected strategy or the city closer to the water. change. In the area, we will a combination of strategies, i.e. retreat, -- design each area based on use climate adaptation as an defend and attack. Retreat means that the strategies of attack, opportunity to not only develop certain areas will be permitted to flood retreat and defence. our city but also to create and the design of these areas is adapted -- plan on a 100-year perspective accordingly. Defence is about holding interesting urban spaces that and use the best available bring the city closer to the water. back water by, for example, building knowledge and climate change embankments. Attack means that adaptations and innovations. buildings meet the water – in the form “ See the potential raising of floating constructions for example. Develop of the water level as an The choice of one or more strategies opportunity to create a within the various urban districts in the innovative solutions shifting, surprising city. ” area is determined by the specific needs Considerable flexibility and preparedness TEAM EGA of the location. A starting point when is required in urban construction to RIVERCITY WORKSHOP choosing a strategy is that existing areas handle uncertainty caused by climate should be secured as far possible. change. The need for climate adaptation


will affect how the various areas in generally. This creates the need to deal 4 HOUSING OFFICE

PARKING STORAGE WORKING RiverCity Gothenburg can be developed. with increased volumes of surface water. RETAIL To find appropriate solutions, there needs Surface water must be an urban asset to be interaction between organisations that can be channelled away in creative and agencies in the private and public ways that bring fun and enjoyment to


PARKING sector. Climate adaptation must be used STORAGE WORKING children and others. Water and rain RETAIL as an opportunity in urban development protection can become exciting, light- and as a means of developing and hearted elements when designing attracting knowledge, skills and playgrounds and parks. Green roofs, ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS innovation into the city. The area will ponds created from surface water and be a test-bed where new solutions for a flood reservoir that can absorb and 1 Rivercity Workshop climate adaptation and renewable energy delay the water and at the same time Proposal from Team West8 supply are produced and presented promote biological diversity and create Frihamnen can be designed with the aid of local, national and with houses and meeting new meeting places. To deal with large international organisations. If this work places on the water. volumes of water, larger areas could were to be successful, it could reinforce need to be left open. Run-off needs to 2 Pilot project Gothenburg’s brand and attract business take place in open systems along streets, Mistra Urban Futures owners and researchers in the climate cycle paths and tram tracks. Large, open Climate adaptation strategy change field. grassed areas and sports areas could be ’attack’ at Frihamnen.

used as temporary reservoirs. The city’s WE WILL: 3 Pilot project sewage system needs to be adapted to -- create a test bed for climate change Mistra Urban Futures harmonise with open systems adaptation and innovative solutions. Climate adaptation strategy and storage. ’defence’ (top) and ’retreat’ (below) at Frihamnen. Allow the rain to WE WILL: 4 rivercity workshop enrich the urban space -- integrate water management into the Proposal from Team EGA Climate change will mean extreme urban space to minimise the load on Flooding can temporarily the surface water system. weather events in the form of heavy rain transform RiverCity and strong winds and more precipitation -- create places that are enriched by rain. Gothenburg into a ”small Venice”.


The social and economic driving forces of Gothen- burg must be released in RiverCity Gothenburg. We will use all the expertise, networks and companies in the city and meet the needs of people and large and small organisations. The compact, mixed inner city will grow across the river. The regional centre will be brought closer to the rest of the region and become more accessible for all our region’s residents. River- City Gothenburg project will reinforce the regional centre, Gothenburg, and West Sweden as a whole.

In the area, there are excellent opportunities to build on Gothenburg’s growing reputation for innovation. To meet the challenges we are facing, the knowledge and ideas of all actors – big and small – must be used and developed. We will work together to gather and release the forces that exist to make the economic development of the region a lever in the economic development of Gothenburg and the region.

RiverCity Gothenburg is located in the very centre of the region. By building an accessible, compact and mixed city with a large number of hubs, the inner city can expand across the river. With a strong regional centre, we can stimulate development towards an increasingly diversified and robust economy that could in time reinforce the whole of West Sweden, providing the capacity to face future challenges.

RiverCity Gothenburg will be accessible, dense, mixed and green. An attractive urban environment will emerge with excellent communications infrastructure, services, green spaces, and a wide range of jobs, homes and activities. The area will attract people and companies to Gothenburg from throughout Sweden and from abroad.

RiverCity Gothenburg will reinforce the Gothenburg regional centre by:

ÆÆ Releasing the driving forces ÆÆ Allowing the regional centre to come closer ÆÆ Creating an attractive urban environment


The industrial city of Gothenburg Capitalise on of people who have moved into the city is changing and fast becoming a existing strengths by supporting enterprise and innovation on all levels. distinct knowledge economy. This Gothenburg is dependent on develop- development is based largely on ments in the global economy. To meet WE WILL: existing knowledge and expertise future challenges with stiff competition -- build on and diversify clusters that in the city. We will aim to unlock and considerable uncertainty, we are already established in the city. the full potential of the economic need to capitalise on the strengths -- ensure that industry has access that are already established in the city: to the correct level of expertise. forces that exist and find new large companies, strong clusters and -- make use of expertise that ways of working together. To strong collaboration between the city already exists in the city. achieve this, we need to be open authority, academia and industry. At to new ideas and approaches and present, we have strong business-driven Use culture as environments in medicine, logistics maintain an open attitude. We a driving force must not only see but also actively and transport as well as in the creative industries. To move towards a more In order to move towards a more distinct work to realise the development robust, dynamic economy, the cities’ knowledge economy, we need to build of new knowledge, expertise clusters need to be diversified. The on the knowledge, skills, commercial and innovations. service, visitor and life science sectors activities and networks that already are examples of complementary sectors exist in the city, even those that are that need to be strengthened. RiverCity small-scale. Culture is one of the driving “ We have the capacity Gothenburg will be designed to promote forces. It supports the service sector and these sectors. is important for regional development, to be world-leading growth, job opportunities and new and we’re here To contribute to the good provision of products. In RiverCity Gothenburg, there in Gothenburg. ” skills and expertise and thus broaden the are networks and companies ranging number of sectors in the city, we need an from small-scale trade and industry PELLE STENBERG, NUDIE JEANS excellent educational environment. There to service production and the creative must be a clear link between secondary sector. For instance, Lindholmen INTERVIEWS / INDUSTRY AND ACADEMIA school, high school and university Science Park brings together different and ultimately the specific needs of forms of collaboration in the media, employers for knowledge and expertise. arts and academia. Collaboration of We will also make use of the knowledge this nature needs to be expanded.


“ The city must begin and we will then follow. Provide us with a clear vision that creates credibility. ” MESSAGE FROM THE CONSTRUCTION STAKEHOLDERS WORKSHOP / AUTUMN 2011

Backaplan Ringön To contribute to development along on operations. The large will help the 3 Commercial SMEs and these lines, an open, active investigatory small to grow and the small will help Manufacturing Centre attitude to urban development and wider the large to develop. We will bring economic development is required. We together existing business experience New Business City Life need to pay attention to the uses and in incubators and create a common community Social & Incubator Cultural Sciences Centre businesses that already exist in RiverCity culture of mentorship. Mentors will Cluster Commercial Gothenburg. Planning for RiverCity support new entrepreneurs from a variety Automotive Expansion Technology Area Gothenburg should be transparent and of backgrounds and different stages Cluster Central Station involve individuals and organisations in their development. By doing so, we University that are or will be active in the area. will make full use of new ideas at the Commercial Central same time supporting everyone in our O ce Commercial Area Relationships between businesses entrepreneurial community including New District and public sector organisations should players large and small. We will develop Community be improved. Advice, establishment of a space that makes it easier for them to networks, mentorship and financing are meet. By allowing industry, academia vital tools for business growth. A growing and the city authority to collaborate in ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS and broader industrial base will result in development projects that focus on a a labour market where employees with sustainable, dynamic regional centre, 1 STUDENT PROJECTS different backgrounds and education small and large players can collaborate. Proposal by Edward Becker, levels are sought. Apart from collaboration between student at Harvard University different players, we will build up A hub for public transport and a WE WILL: knowledge of how to create a climate- park will be created at Frihamnen. -- focus on giving advice, establishing adapted, resource-efficient, inclusive business networks, promoting and dynamic city. 2 rivercity workshop mentoring and financing to broaden Proposal by Team EGA the industrial base in the area. WE WILL: Gothenburg ought to be developed -- develop new methods to involve -- bring together experience in carefully over time – allow industry in the urban planning process. incubators and create a common enterprises to grow side by side. culture with mentors who support new entrepreneurs on all levels. 3 rivercity workshop Large and small meet -- establish a test-bed to bring large and Proposal by Team Happold RiverCity Gothenburg is a place where small players to collaborate around Activities and clusters can be players both large and small carry a sustainable, dynamic regional centre. linked in RiverCity Gothenburg.


The city centre of Gothenburg The region will and more attractive to switch and the wider city region of West meet at its centre between different modes of transport. Sweden need to be strengthened. The regional centre is the focal point WE WILL: in the regional labour market and RiverCity Gothenburg is in the -- develop the Central Station area heart of a regional economic is important for regional economic into an attractive communications system with good accessibility development. It offers job opportunities, hub and regional centre. cultural experiences, services and from both the rest of the city -- remain open to the idea of linking meeting places. The larger the regional and from the wider travel to the Bohusbanan railway to the centre, the more opportunities there are system by means work area. Accessibility will be for the region, not only within the country of a tunnel under the river. improved further by investments but also internationally. The regional within the framework of the West centre is expected to grow and if it is able The inner city will to do so sustainably, the region and its Sweden Package. By densifying grow across the river and establishing several strong centre need to integrate more effectively. The Central Station area is located in hubs in the area, the centre can be RiverCity Gothenburg is located in the heart of the regional centre and will the heart of RiverCity Gothenburg but developed and grow sustainably contribute to this integration. also in the heart of the future inner city of over time. It reinforces the Gothenburg. We will focus development competitiveness of both the An increasing number of people in the around a number of hubs. The area will city and the wider regional Gothenburg region use public transport benefit from such a development with labour market. to travel between home and work, Frihamnen, Backaplan, Lindholmen, particularly young people without a car. the Central Station area and Järntorget/ As the regional centre grows, the need Järnvågen as strategic development “ Plan public transport for efficient, accessible, public transport hubs. Frihamnen will be strategically and cycle paths to keep car will increase. At the Central Station and important, because it will link the inner traffic to a minimum. ” the terminal Nils Ericsonterminalen, city across the river and with the quarters trains, buses and trams already meet of Kvillestaden, Backaplan, Lindholmen RESIDENT OF LUNDBY and the ferries are not far away. The area and Ringön. Backaplan will link the rest PUBLIC CONSULTATION / workshop will gain in importance with the planned of the quarter of Lundby to Frihamnen West Link system and as the regional and Brunnsbo. The Central Station area centre continues to grow. It will be easier will open up the development of the


The RiverCity Gothenburg area should be characterised by a vibrant urban space built on the principles of the compact city. The qualities of the inner city should expand across the river.


3 quarter Gullbergsvass and link the More people will walk, New enterprises must fit into the whole area to the water, including cycle and use public established urban fabric. . Lindholmen will in transport time link Stigberget to by WE WILL: means of a public transport route. In a compact inner city with several hubs, -- design public transport stops that are attractive meeting places in Järntorget/Järnvågen will open up conditions will be created for a rich and their own right. the quarter Linnéstaden towards the varied city life. The squares and urban -- connect RiverCity Gothenburg river and link the Southern river shore, paths, where people can move around with a continuous system of calmly and safely, will form a basis for including Skeppsbron, Masthuggskajen pedestrian and cycle paths. and Stigberget. local services. If home and work are -- test the possibility of expanding closer we will be able to walk, cycle and the local ferry traffic to link up WE WILL: travel by tram and bus more frequently. more places along the river. -- establish and develop the Frihamnen To make the choice simple, there must hub – this will be the Northern be distinct, safe and accessible urban ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS equivalent of Korsvägen! paths. In RiverCity Gothenburg, it should be easy and attractive to move around -- develop the Backaplan hub – 1 rivercity workshop other than by car. This can be facilitated Vågmästareplatsen will become Proposal by Team Sweco the Hisingen equivalent of the by creating intelligent solutions where Both sides of the river can be square Järntorget! alternative modes of transport are linked by means of a Jubilee combined. It must be easy to switch -- develop the Central Station hub – Area around the new bridge the area will be the central business between the different means of transport. over the river Göta älv. district of the city and a regional We must reinforce contact between meeting point for people coming ferries and other public transport in the 2 rivercity workshop from the wider city region and area. More squares along the river will Proposal by Team Schønherr Gothenburg itself. be made accessible by ferry. The public The regional centre should offer job opportunities, cultural -- develop the Lindholmen hub transport stops must be designed as experiences and meeting – the area will be integrated more meeting places that enrich the urban places for the whole region. effectively with the quarter Stigberget! environment and support surrounding 3 -- develop the Järntorget/Järnvågen activities and businesses. They must rivercity workshop hub – the square Heurlins Plats will be located and designed as part of the Proposal by Team SLA/HLA become the heart of the Southern urban space at squares or along urban Attractive public places can river shore! paths where we move around naturally. be created at Skeppsbron.


Apart from accessibility, the most establish new operations. Through its at locations that offer good prominent features of RiverCity attractive city environment, RiverCity access, support and service. Gothenburg will attract individuals Gothenburg are the historical city -- create a city environment that working internationally as well as attracts international attention within the moat and proximity to students. Access to student apartments, and uses RiverCity Gothenburg to the river. Despite this, it is sparsely accommodation for key workers and reinforce the image of Gothenburg developed and busy commercial places at international schools need and West Sweden. thoroughfares and railways are a to match demand. We will continue to recurring feature even in central work to support the establishment of Build a compact city international companies by offering locations. By creating an attractive A compact or high density city means location support with attractive sites and that more people can move around city environment, making way for good accessibility. a multiplicity of enterprises and in an area. With many people moving around, there are lots of encounters. creating a rich range of services RiverCity Gothenburg offers a unique RiverCity Gothenburg should therefore opportunity to market Gothenburg on and culture, the attractiveness be built densely. High density brings the national and international level. We of Gothenburg can be increased new commercial activities that contribute will use the project to make Gothenburg nationally and internationally. to a vibrant, attractive urban setting visible and to capitalise on opportunities where people will happily spend time. A to attract national and international compact city creates the conditions for investors, organisations and companies, Create a wide range of services, workplaces, tourists and people with skills and international reputation culture and recreation. It provides a basis expertise. We will market the area and Gothenburg has a relatively small for good public transport and contributes tell the world about Gothenburg. residential area and a small travel to a city that is very much active for most of the day and night. An urban to work area. We cannot rely on the WE WILL: local market to sustain a wide range of environment such as this generates -- attract skills and expertise by offering higher levels of economic and business services and amenities. We need to work an exciting urban environment with in a national and international context an interesting cultural life and an growth, because businesses will cluster where access to skills and expertise is attractive residential setting. together, develop stronger relationships, collaborate and foster innovation, new key to success. The living environment -- support international companies is an important consideration when looking to enter the area by products and new supply chains. Where a company chooses to invest and facilitating their establishment we will make the city denser, we will think


2 3 in the long term and create clusters of housing, workplaces, institutions, WE WILL: economic activity and other groupings services and recreation facilities as -- reinforce diversity by supporting the that can be developed over time. well as a mixture of old and new, large creation of a mixture of enterprises as Initially, we will build on existing retailing and small. It will be an area that offers well as the different facets of the city. locations. Backaplan, Frihamnen and the variation in architecture and other forms -- take particular account of the potential Central Station area will be developed of expression. We must build densely offered by architecture and art to into compact mixed use city quarters. but not everywhere. Some sparser contribute to a vibrant, welcoming city. Incorporation of squares and green development could remain and be areas into this dense city structure will developed in line with different principles create added value and must be taken ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS and thus enrich the denser areas of into account. RiverCity Gothenburg. It is the contrast 1 YOUNG:RIVERCITY WE WILL: between the dense and the sparse, the small and large, the old and the new Proposal from Gustaviskolan school -- build a dense urban environment There ought to be a car-free area that promotes meetings and that generates diversity in urban space in the city with space for greenery interaction. Particular account and life and creates conditions for more and games. should be taken of the creation people to live and work there. of squares and green areas. -- strengthen existing retailing areas In RiverCity Gothenburg, the diversity 2 RiverCity Workshop and create dense hubs of activity will be reinforced by providing cultural Proposal from Team EGA with a mix of uses. institutions such as museums, At Frihamnen, large-scale events performance venues and public arenas and daily meeting places could exist side-by-side. Reinforce diversity alongside small working premises for A diverse range of businesses studios and workshops. We will satisfy 3 and organisations are interested in the needs of various branches of industry STUDENT PROJECTS establishing operations in an attractive by offering a varied range of premises. Proposal by Edward Becker, student at Harvard University urban environment. The content of Ringön and Gullbergsvass are examples an area – its diversity – is of crucial of areas where different commercial A green embankment that houses a centre for commercial activities activities can co-exist. This form significance to how active it will be and communications below ground during the different hours of the day of diversity should be utilised and could put Gothenburg firmly and night. This mixture comprises reinforced in the area. on the map.


There is widespread consensus on the type of city we are seeking to create. Experts and the people of Gothenburg all point in the same direction. RiverCity Gothenburg will be open to the world. At the same time, the process has revealed that we need more than a vision to achieve our ambition. We must continue to demonstrate initiative, organise the work process and lead by example.

RiverCity Gothenburg will make Gothenburg visible to the world. We will achieve this by using the area as a test-bed where we try out new models and technologies – socially, environmentally and economically. We will do this by capi- talising on our strengths in the lead-up to 2021 and we will work in a way that attracts attention and interest in what we are doing. As we plan for the area in the long term, we will make it accessible here and now through short- term measures and activities.

Urban development covers many political areas and requires collective political leadership. In each sub-project we must maintain a view of the totality of the RiverCity Gothenburg project. Of particular importance is how we design the shared spaces of the city– the city spaces, streets, squares, quaysides and parks. We will therefore continue to develop the way in which we plan and collaborate to shape our city. We need clear roles and a working model that can change and adapt over time. We need working forms where we test, measure, follow up and learn from what we have done. We need to improve the way we communicate and continue to discuss the type of city we want. All this requires openness, a capacity to see beyond the established norms and practice and a sense of curiosity and courage to test new ideas and innovations.


ÆÆ Use RiverCity Gothenburg as a test-bed for new ideas and innovations ÆÆ Capitalise on our strengths through to 2021 ÆÆ Make full use of temporary measures and uses ÆÆ Communicate with active openness ÆÆ Develop our way of working

36 IMPLEMENTATION RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION The Lingaphone sculpture by Olav Christopher Jenssen was erected at Frihamnen on November 4, 2011 on the initiative of the Department of Culture, City of Gothenburg.


USE RIVERCITY a sustainable city. This will cover MAKE FULL USE GOTHENBURG AS A TEST BED everything from socially mixed housing OF TEMPORARY to effective, flexible climate adaptation, MEASURES AND USES Socially sustainable development will innovative energy production and be a high profile issue for Gothenburg collaboration between large and small Work on RiverCity Gothenburg will as well as RiverCity Gothenburg. We players and industry. We will seek out the continue over a long period, but the will investigate how the city can be best possible knowledge and methods to vision can become part of the city made available to everyone. This can promote collaboration. We will make this now. We will encourage temporary be achieved through pilot projects a reality by working together with Mistra measures, activities and uses to and comparative studies. RiverCity Urban Futures, Johanneberg Science support and develop life in the city. Gothenburg will move the city forward Park and Lindholmen Science Park as Initially, we can test new things to as a sustainable, attractive city well as other national and international find models that can be used during for everyone. bodies of expertise in academia and the process in order to incorporate industry. We will learn more about how elements naturally into city life. The In the area we will test new ideas, we can create the ‘good city’ through discussion about the city will be kept methods and technologies to build collaboration and dialogue. alive and the results will be followed up.

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Go green, Inclusive Dynamic starting Monday!  programming  planning process







CAPITALISING ON Gothenburg Vision should also be ÆÆ IDEAS FROM THE PROCESS OUR STRENGTHS retained in our future work. THROUGH TO 2021 We will engage the services of a 1 ST PETERSBURG In 2021, Gothenburg will celebrate its wide range of leading national and New Holland 400th anniversary. We will capitalise on international experts. The first step is Temporary measures all our strengths to celebrate the Jubilee a concept process where the chosen and art installations attract by developing the first stage of RiverCity working approaches will reinforce the people to visit and spend 2021 – which by then will have been national and international interest that time in New Holland, a previously isolated completed. The people of Gothenburg has been created in Gothenburg during island in St Petersburg. are eagerly awaiting the linking of the the visioning process. city across the river and construction at Frihamnen. This stage will therefore be After 2021, the process will need to be 2 rivercity workshop directed at the Frihamnen/Ringön area. evaluated and developed. The vision Proposal from There is also strong interest among the will be enriched by experience and Team SLA/HLA business community in the city to be re-shaped in line with new conditions Begin with the small-scale, involved in expansion within Frihamnen and ideas. green aspects and people and the areas beside the future northern and companies will appear. support for the new bridge over the river We are already building and planning in Göta älv. the area. The quarters of Kvillebäcken 3 EXPANSION PLAN and Skeppsbron will be followed by RiverCity Gothenburg Key issues for RiverCity 2021 will be Norra Masthugget. A replacement for the RiverCity Gothenburg will to show how housing, workplaces and bridge Göta älvbron will be completed in expand from the hubs and services can be integrated into a modern 2020. The West Sweden infrastructure urban paths and a vibrant inner-city place beside the river. An package will result in substantial river space. By allowing the inner city which in every sense is made investment in public transport. Work area to grow gradually from available to everyone. It is also about on the West Link rail tunnel will take projects that are already connecting the city across the river, until 2027. The Central Station and in progress along strategic links and by commencing expanding a Frihamnen and creating its immediate vicinity are facing wide- construction at Frihamnen a Jubilee Park on the waterfront. reaching transformation that will extend and the Central Station over a long period. These and other area, a cohesive city can The open working approach that has projects will contribute to realising the be created at an early stage been established in the RiverCity vision for RiverCity Gothenburg. in the expansion process.

RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION IMPLEMENTATION 39 COMMUNICATE WITH have different pre-conditions. In areas  During the RiverCity Gothenburg with a high number of residential units public consultation process, ACTIVE OPENNESS a number of lessons have or companies and organisations, We should all be able to follow what is been learned. different working forms are required happening in our city. We should be able than in areas that at present are Among other things, it is important to become involved in issues that affect relatively under-utilised. when making a decision about everyone. RiverCity Gothenburg affects a consultation activity to define us all. We should therefore continue to at an early stage: Industrial and business sectors need work actively to communicate what we • the purpose of the to be involved in the process. To achieve are doing and to inform people about consultation activity, this, a Strategy Council is proposed that the projects that lie ahead. It is also • the influence those who will work on an interdisciplinary basis. important to develop ways to discuss take part have on the process, We need to learn from the RiverCity and find suitable arenas to pursue • who is ultimately responsible Gothenburg Vision project if we are public dialogue. Practising active for implementation and who to carry on the dialogue and practise openness means making it possible is behind the commissioning. active openness. to be part of the urban development dialogue. Not only do we need to inform people and provide feedback We need to communicate a collective knowledge about how the city of the on the results to those who are involved, and consistent narrative about how future will be shaped. The image that we must also anticipate situations where we are seeking to develop our city. we communicate of the area will be we ought to reach out to groups that RiverCity Gothenburg is an important in harmony with the image that we normally do not make their voices heard. part of the city’s planned development communicate of Gothenburg as a whole. It should be possible to ensure that an and will to a large extent shape the When working on the vision there will increasing number of people feel they Gothenburg of the future. A shared be a particular focus on capturing the are being kept informed and that they narrative will facilitate work with values for the city as a whole. The aim is are part of the process of making external parties and could attract that all communication around RiverCity RiverCity Gothenburg a reality. The investors. At the same time, it gives Gothenburg will contribute to reinforcing different aspects of RiverCity Gothenburg us, the people of Gothenburg, the image of Gothenburg.



1 YOUNG:RIVERCITY School Workshop We must listen to the thoughts and ideas of children about developing the city. Pictured are children from the Gärdmosseskolan school who gave their own visions for the city.

2 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Book Fair 2011 We will work actively to seek out thoughts and ideas about the city among the people of Gothenburg. Pictured are visitors at the Book Fair pointing out their favourite places on a map of Gothenburg – places with potential and places 1 with problems and shortcomings.

40 IMPLEMENTATION RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION DEVELOP OUR When working on the vision, such a The basis for the model is that all WAY OF WORKING model emerged. The model is driven by projects within the area will have their leadership, a holistic view, involvement, starting point in the vision. Even at the Each project within RiverCity Gothenburg co-operation and learning. The model is programme stage, we will report on how will be founded on the values set out in dynamic. It will be developed as part of a the project contributes to the vision being the vision. To achieve this, we need to learning process that takes place through achieved and how the strategies and focus on our way of working with each our experiences. working model will be applied. sub-project. We need a model for urban development that ensures that the vision is achieved and the strategies delivered.


LEADERSHIP HOLISTIC VIEW Implementation of the vision for Integrated planning uses the totality of the RiverCity Gothenburg requires strong THE VISION IS THE HUB city as a starting point before the individual leadership and a capacity to mark out parts. Development, traffic, parks, services, The vision and strategies are and communicate a direction for urban activities and events should be regarded the fundamental values that development. This task will be organised as parts of the totality that contributes we ought to use as a point of using the vision and strategies as a to the life of the city. All the parts are departure when developing starting point. A mandate will be assigned interdependent. Urban development is RiverCity Gothenburg. The on both the political and operational level. about prioritisation and compromise. It is vision is long term. It reveals The roles must be clear. important to pick up at an early stage a holistic view that we should on expectations at a specific use as a starting point in the location. This then forms the short term and the long term. foundation for dialogue At the same time, this dynamic and collaboration. process means that the vision is open to change over time. INVOLVEMENT Lessons we learn from the The city belongs to everyone. It process should enrich and LEARNING provides space for meetings and public develop the vision. The work at RiverCity Gothenburg dialogue. Participation and openness must be based on the best available to initiatives must characterise city knowledge. We need to learn from our own processes. Lessons that are learned from experience and the experience of others. We will use public consultation dealing with RiverCity pilot projects. New solutions and methods will be tested Gothenburg must be used in future work. CO-OPERATION and evaluated. Knowledge will be channelled back to Involvement increases understanding There are many players enrich future processes and to refine our methods. of the city, provides better solutions and involved in developing our city. reinforces the capacity to collaborate. This presupposes that we co-operate. Co-operation requires courage, a mandate and trust. Interdisciplinary co-operation contributes to an expanded view of plan- ning and urban development. A Strategy Council, with representatives from industry, academia and the local authority, can monitor the work and pursue discussion on how the vision can be achieved and how forms of collaboration can be developed.


RiverCity Gothenburg will be THE SOUTHERN RIVER SHORE open to the world. It will be The Southern river shore will be brought closer to the water through the quarters of Skeppsbron, Masthuggs- shaped in such a way that it kajen and Stigberget. The Järntorget/Järnvågen hub will be connects the city, embraces the the midpoint and link up the area. It will be complemented by a mixed range of commercial activities and uses. There water and reinforces the regional will be further study of how the busy urban highway of centre. The area needs to be seen Oskarsleden can be redesigned into an urban street. as a totality but also as individual parts. To safeguard the character and expression of each district, they THE CITY WITHIN THE MOAT must be given the opportunity to We should safeguard the mixed commercial activities and develop in parallel and subject to uses in the city within the moat and the rich range of events and pursuits. The quarter will be developed different conditions and plans. towards Lilla Bommen and the Central Station area.

THE CENTRAL STATION AREA The Central Station area will open up development of Gullbergsvass and link up to the waterfront. The area will be an attractive communications hub and a regional centre. There will be dense, mixed urban development with meeting places and an abundance of greenery. The Central Station area is part of the urban axis that will be created across the river to Wieselgrensplatsen via Backaplan.

GULLBERGSVASS The Gullbergsvass quarter will be reinforced with a mix of uses, which both builds on the local qualities of the neighbourhood as well as a new, large park. The area will be integrated more effectively with the water through new walking paths along the THE RIVER river. There will be further study of how the busy urban highway of Mårten Krakowgatan can be redesigned into an urban street. We will have a living river space with small- scale and large-scale boat and ferry traffic. Continuous paths for walking and cycling will be established along both banks of the river. Squares and activities on both sides of the water will attract people down to the water and link the city across the river.

42 IMPLEMENTATION RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG VISION LINDHOLMEN The Lindholmen quarter has an important role to play as a centre for the knowledge economy with collaboration within the media, the arts and academia. This role will be reinforced by building on existing clusters. The green area of Ramberget Work and education in the area will be is of considerable value to the improved, but it will also be complemented urban environment and will be by new homes. Lindholmen will be better integrated into the KVILLESTADEN developed as a hub and in time Stigberget rest of the city. The commercial activities in link on the Southern shore to Hisingen Kvillestaden will be safeguarded through a public transport link. alongside the character of the residential area. The area will be linked to the Frihamnen and Backaplan quarters. How Lundbyleden and the port railway line will be directed underground will be the subject of further study.

BACKAPLAN FRIHAMNEN Backaplan will link the rest of If the inner city is to expand across the river and link Lundby to the Frihamnen and up the Kvillestaden, Backaplan, Lindholmen and Ringön Brunnsbo quarters. The area will quarters, Frihamnen will be strategically important. The be developed as a dense mixed area will be a hub comprising new workplaces, socially use hub. Retailing will continue to mixed housing and good public transport. The development be developed. Backaplan will form will be dense and contain a mix of uses. The Kvillebäcken part of the urban axis that will be river will be channelled through Frihamnen to form a ’green created across the river to the corridor’. No freight ferries will be permitted here. The area Central Station area. will be linked to the city within the moat by means of a new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists between Frihamnen and the extension of Östra Hamngatan and Avenyn.

rivercity 2021 We will capitalise on our strengths in the lead up to the Jubilee by developing the ringön first stage of RiverCity 2021. The area At Ringön, various businesses currently exist will comprise parts of Frihamnen and side by side. This diversity will be utilised and Ringön. Key issues for RiverCity 2021 will reinforced. The area will be developed under be to show how housing, workplaces and its own power at the same time that scope will services can be integrated into a modern be created for industry – enterprises that are inner-city environment and which connect at the leading edge as well as enterprises that the city across the river. A Jubilee Park are more conventional. The range between will be created on the waterfront. the new enterprises at Frihamnen and the existing enterprises at Ringön is an important contributing factor in the development process. There will be old and new, expensive and less expensive. Alternative forms of housing, such as houseboats, will be accommodated at Ringön.


Interest groups Visitors and students RiverCity Multicultural Finnish Folk High on Walks of the Future Workshop Teams School in Angered Ringön – Frihamnen East Caritas Voluntary Centre, Hjällbo Brämaregården and Kvillestaden EGA Residents of Fyrklövern, Lundby Lindholmen Espinàs Tarrasó Senior citizens of Lundby Långgatorna – Stigbergstorget Grau Inter-Religious Council Gullbergsvass GüllerGüller Students Happold Omställning Göteborg Schønherr Pantrarna i Biskopsgården Visitors and participants SLA/HLA Idéverkstan Majorna Gustav Adolfs Torg Sweco Aktivitetshuset Gyllenkroken Kyrkbytorget West8 Fryshuset: Being Wanting Doing Project Galaxen Bergsjön Consultation Group for Physical Vårväderstorget Accessibility The Flunsås Path Day Others Skolhusgruppen i Västsverige Brunnsbotorget Trainees and students in the project Residents in all districts of the city Kortedala torg Consultants Olskrokstorget Monitoring researchers, Lunch meetings Selma Lagerlöfs torg Mistra Urban Futures Everyone who became involved and Eriksbergs torg presented their ideas about RiverCity Farmers’ Market, Haga Many thanks to everyone who took Gothenburg at Älvrummet during the Frölunda torg part in the workshops, interviews and course of the project. Angered Centrum projects. Our sincere thanks also to everyone who came along and listen to Train of ideas us at Älvrummet and other fora. Teachers and pupils Energy and Environment Day Angered High School Kulturkalaset Schillerska High School Book and Library Fair Tynneredsskolan Exhibition at the City Library Bräckeskolan Noleredsskolan Experts who took part in Brännö skola Workshop: A Fossil-Free City, 2011 Gärdsmosseskolan Workshop: An Inclusive City, 2011 Gårdstensskolan Workshop: A Differentiated Industry, 2011 Nya Varvets skola Nordic Exchange of Experience, 2011 Hammarkulleskolan Glöstorpsskolan Gustaviskolan School of Design and Crafts Harvard University RiverCity Workshop, Directorate Project Team Assessment Group Lars Ivarson Bo Aronsson Convener Project Manager Lars Reuterswärd Älvstranden Utveckling Chair Christer Samuelsson Mistra Urban Futures Lundby City District Administration Hanna Areslätt Deputy Project Manager Martha Schwartz Ulla-Carin Olsson City Planning Authority Harvard University East City District Administration Manilla Shillingford Ana Betancour Björn Sandmark City Hall Chalmers University of Technology Cultural Affairs Administration Camilla Näslund Moa Tunström Johan Trouvé Lundby City District Administration KTH Royal Institute of Technology West Sweden Chamber of Commerce Anna Jarkiewicz Anders Sandoff Henriette Söderberg City Planning Authority Gothenburg University; School of Chalmers University of Technology Business, Economics and Law Adelina Lundell

Björn Siesjö City Hall City Planning Authority Anders Svensson RiverCity workshop, Christina Johnsson City Planning Authority Advisory Board Property Management Administration Lisa Häggdahl Helle Søholt Birgitta Hellgren Property Management Administration Gehl Architects Traffic and Public Transport Authority Mikael Ivari Rob Adams Mats Andersson Traffic and Public Transport Authority Director City Design, Älvstranden Utveckling City of Melbourne Gerd Cruse-Sondén S2020, A Safer and Lars Reuterswärd More Humane Gothenburg Mistra Urban Futures Former members of the Directorate: Anna-Karin Sintorn Martha Schwartz Parks and Landscape Administration Harvard University Anna Bertilson City Planning Authority Anders Erlandsson Solvejg Reigstad West Sweden Chamber of Commerce Gehl Architects Bengt Delang City Planning Authority Björn Johansson Barbro Sundström City Hall City Planning Authority Advisers Cecilia Borgström-Fälth Helle Søholt Cultural Affairs Administration Gehl Architects Katarina Folland Solvejg Reigstad City Hall Gehl Architects Bibbi Wopenka Cultural Affairs Administration Strategic Dialogue Groups for: Former members of the Project Team: Socially Sustainable Development Carin Malmberg Environmentally City Hall Sustainable Development Economically Sustainable Development Johanna Petersson Parks and Landscape Administration Regional Development Svante Sjöstedt Environmental Administration MATERIAL ABOUT RIVERCITY GOTHENBURG


RiverCity Gothenburg The Outcome of the International Workshop

Reports: • A Summary of the workshops: A Fossil- • Walks of the Future, a Summary Free City, An Inclusive City and A (in Swedish) • Program for the International Diversified Commercial and Industrial Workshop RiverCity Gothenburg • Presentation of the result of the Life, as well as the Nordic Exchange of (in Swedish and English) RiverCity Gothenburg International Ideas and Experience (in Swedish) Workshop at the School of Business, • RiverCity Gothenburg, • RiverCity Gothenburg, Material for Economics and Law on 11th June The Outcome of the International discussion - potential for development 2011 (in English) Workshop (in Swedish and English) and distribution of homes and • Advisory Board Report (in English) workplaces (in Swedish) Online: • Dialogue on the Future of • Learning from Hamburg (in Swedish) RiverCity Gothenburg (in Swedish) • You can find more information about the processes that have created the • Vision and strategies - Evaluating Exhibitions: vision at the process (in English) • Results from the RiverCity • To remain updated, please visit • Reports from the RiverCity Gothenburg International Workshop and follow us on Facebook, Workshop Ten Teams (in English) YouTube and Twitter. • Young:RiverCity • Harvard, Student Project (in English) • You can view the ideas that • Harvard, Student Project contributed to the vision at: • Polluted Land (in Swedish) (summer 2012) • From Vision to Built Environment (in Swedish) • City Life Analysis (in Swedish) Films: • Young:RiverCity (in Swedish) • Socially Mixed Areas (in Swedish) • From reed to knowledge • Retailing in RiverCity Gothenburg cluster, the (in Swedish) (in Swedish, with English subtitles) • Sound of the City (in Swedish) • Introduction to the RiverCity • Green Plan for RiverCity Gothenburg Gothenburg International Workshop (in Swedish) (in Swedish, with English subtitles) Project RiverCity Gothenburg, a summary

2010 Decision taken by the City Executive Board of Gothenburg to start the RiverCity Gothenburg project, together with a launch of the project at Älvrummet public exhibition hall

Public soup-lunches in Älvrummet public exhibition hall, where the public were given the opportunity to present their ideas for development in the area 2011 Workshops with experts on the chosen themes: - A Fossil-Free City, - A Diversified Commercial and Industrial Life, - An Inclusive City

Nordic Exchange of Ideas and Experience

DiverCity, exchange with Chalmers Architecture master programme

RiverCity Gothenburg, an international workshop about RiverCity Gothenburg’s future involving about 80 international experts grouped in 10 teams

Public exhibition of the proposals from the RiverCity Gothenburg international workshop at the City Library, followed up with a portable exhibition on the city’s district libraries

Events on the Göteborg Book Fair, the Göteborg Culture Festival and Train of Ideas etc.

Public consultation, including interviews, workshops and square meetings with around 2800 people from Gothenburg’s urban districts

School of Design and Crafts, exchange with the Business and Design master programme 2012 Young:RiverCity, a school project involving about 380 pupils from Gothenburg’s elementary schools

Interviews with representatives from commercial and industrial life, academia, the municipality and interest organisations and groups

Harvard University, exchange with the Graduate School of Design master studio

Public exhibition of the Harvard students’ work at the City Planning Office

Public exhibition of the result from Young:RiverCity at the public exhibition hall Älvrummet

IFHP, International Federation of Housing and Planning, international congress in Gothenburg

Follow up with the 10 teams of the RiverCity Gothenburg international workshop

Decision on Vision for RiverCity by the Gothenburg City Council

Print October 2012 Text production and design Following adoption by the City Council, RiverCity Gothenburg Project Group: Maria Kask, illustration p. 42 the report has undergone some minor Anna Jarkiewicz, editor Jakob Ekstedt, illustration p. 8 editorial and graphical changes to Manilla Shillingford, illustrations Rebecca Elfast, illustration p. 24 increase readability. Lena Andersson, Rådhuset Arkitekter AB Flygare Palmnäs, photography p. 2, 4 Please continue to follow the vision at