Notes of Post-Nwrlem Examination Made by Me, White. Larynx Trachea
CORRESPONDENCE. 359 Saturday, June 4th, x898. On the evening of that inflamed, contained a little undigested milk ; it was day they were said to have eaten some ice cream deeply bile stained, especially at the pyloric end. bought trom an Italian's barrow in the street near Jefunum and Duodenum, inflamed and bile stained, by their home, the younger boy having three times empty. Cvecum and Colon, empty. ATesenteric as much as his brother. Glands, very hard. Liver, smooth surface, natural Their mother stated that the younger boy did appearance on section, weighed i lb. 13 ozs., lower not seem quite himself on Sunday, June 5th, 1898 , lobes extremely bile stained, almost black. Gold and was only "pretty well" on Monday, but that Bladder, full of bile. S~leen, 2 ozs. in weight, on Monday night both boys were taken ill with section normal, but I thought darker perhaps than pain in the stomach and vomiting ; that in the usual. Kidneys, healthy, 3 ozs. each; Ureters, interval between Saturday night and Monday night normal: Urine (before death), black and full of they had had nothing more than their ordinary plain albumen. Bladder, empty and normal. Sujbrarena[ and wholesome food. bodies and generative organs, normal. I saw them for the first time on Tuesday, the Brain--membranes healthy and non-adherent ; 7th, and found them in bed, pale, breathing blood vessels, fall; brain substance, healthy; rapidly, especially the younger one, and vomitting superficial congestion. at intervals a yellow fluid containing mucus. They 2Voles on Post-morlem Examination.--There were were both cyanosed to their finger tips.
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