THE WATERFORD NEWS SHIPPING S 01L E D | Bhk N.K E T S SAXES.^ Puhliihid every Friday Evening at 49 A'in<7 ttreet, NEW SILKS [Opposite the Provincial Bank.] "BLACK BALL" and "EAGLE" LINE THE AUCTlbWfiOOM, OP KTO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted Wfor the reception THREE PENCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE ; 133. .D.ONNELL & CO ¦¦' - ~ ' : JAMES LYNCH begs to inform the .P blift PRICE HAZLETON , O' JiT of ^Fnrmtutey &&. forlSOBAK fT . ol MR. ^ EARLY ROBERTSON AND LEDLIE, Rrilish and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets. he has Removed from the " V ICTORIA HO. STAMPED , 4d. ; Y , 17S. 4d. for Sale a LARGE LOT OF BLANKETS, much under present market prices. Alio a large •! Persons not wubing to.have^rapcrtydisposed m -- that HAVE their own. Premiseswill fin^i ( twnrlitereatto make use twi/':to ' that of the - '^BAjSLE," which is now ouried , ! ARE NOW SHOWING FT"HIS Line of Packets is composed of Lot of WINCEYS and DRESSES, of this Establiflhraefit, as lhe'IUoq^ijpoth''spaclous ind on under tbe above, name and which he has fitted up "5- JL the largest and most modem Steam and ^ of his many XSir Suited for CharitabU Pnrpottt and Christmas Presenlt. lofty, and admirablyadapted for TorBtareBales; in a Bqperior: etvle. to r the wishes Clipper Ships in the world, And ii the only one .¦¦ jeperAlly, wbo may favor him PRINTING A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SILKS ^aSWjU ¦;- , . . .. . TiTQMAJ y^frglf,.Proprietor.... Friends and tte Piiblfc1 OF £3gQ|fkw)iicli has had tho distinguished honour of a $3"AN INSPEOTION 8 OLICIT.BD BB POBB BU YIN G. with their Patronage.' He hu'slwrfitted npVtivsBT CiJvJi^JSVisit from Her Majesty the Queen. /- COUNTY OF .WAy^ORU. ,; YAID, with a number Of Box Stalls,' together with ¦¦ EVERY DESRIPTION LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE , In consequence of the great increase in ourTlBde, we were compelled to add largely to our Ware- " 1 of At a Great Reduction in Price! in the Lease. 76 Stphtte.Acruof Le nd] eltenslte/Postii^B'ttahlishment, where V«Hot*s On the 6th and 15th of every Month. Rooms to give more accommodation to our Customers. . JnttrM o/ . ' ' raiunte''< noticey-with situate within ohe 'mue' aitd'&haffofthe City, ma every descriptioniriny bi had at a FOR Skip. Keg. Bar. Captains. Dat«. We have Opened a Wholtule Room exclusiveljr to suit Wholesale Purchasers in all branches of our » Staff of safe pAitx *.' Charge*MoiteTiite;- Tfc «;Pub- ICP 53 QTTAY WATEEF0ED BATHS FAMILY 2160...5000...HogR oth Mnr ' extendingfrom the old Cork road to the Rher S or, , . business. ' . „ lic Conveyances to the principal Towns in tbe South PUBLIC BODIES, LONDON FOR MELBOURNE . ¦ [ffi.4t] ¦ We have added largely to, our Stocks, particularly to our Carpet, Damask, Linen, and. woollen daily pass by the Door. - (sJOtf) GOHUK Sooin 2000... ¦¦¦25th F»b, ¦ ' TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC •AUCTION, PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, HOP;J 2000...... 26th Mar Departments. . FRIDAY, 27th FEBRVAJHTV insi, at One o'clock, » EXTENSIVE \W H., O'D., and .Co. return their most Binoere. thanlcs to the Citizens of Waterford and the aur- ON " THE;EipLOPEAB,' , FOR SYDNEY. business, at my Public Sale Room,. 101, QUAI, WAI BS- MERCHANTS AND CITT or MADBAS (from London) lOtli March, rounding counties at large for the kind support! they .have;.received .since they commenced . J tqejr Tonv by directions of Mr. BtouAaD SPENCEU, whose FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, CUT STDKKT (New), ( „ ) 10th April. hoping, by eiving good' value and strict Attention to their Customers, to merit a continuance of , TRADERS IN EVERY WARE, o* declining health oompeU'him to' retire' from farm "Londonitrty;') FOU QUEENSLAND (Free Grants of Land, value £30). kind support. «V WANTED—An Experienced Milliner; f ko, Two Apprentice * (Lat* T . BSF 71 , j£3 BHJIPOBK avocations, hi* INTEREST ia the LEASE of ithe I »«T»« B (from London) 28t h Fcb, the.Market , How. 4, 5, & 6 BOLTON STREET,,DUBLIN. T DAVID MCIVIE (from Liverpool) 10th Mar. 47 QUAY, WATERFOiyPiTHOpporite LANDS of W00D8T0WN, aitaala''within one mile . HASTE , QUAY, WATERFORD. CiiEKOOEM : ( „ ) 20th M ar. and a-half of the City, held for 41 yearn, from 1833, 3. MOLONY, (snecesaor¦ to WAMU & G OBBOH ,) (from Glasgow) 25th „ of Prime Grass Land; ' ' ¦' Proprietor ' • ¦'¦ AND BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. and containing about 76 Acres Fe .-sous who hold Pas l J.A An Farm would be most valuable ; it ia-well sholtered, The dation for all classes of pnssepgers, and is an unrivalled op- ever seen in this conntry.No Ch»o- A^'tt? ",m «2 h.H*JZce""' " first •ttoBPt to.eomptte with CAREY having Purchasedthe Interest in tbe All the Leading VERCOATS \*L j . decorative watohei, there fenced, watered, and as good Grass Land as any other MACHIKE RULING, Styles in O READY MADE portunity for shippers. For Freight or Passage, nometer could be. fitted with mare per- ^' ' ^ i ^ T ^^ RO &>«*"«« " • above old and welLestablished Hotel, nojt con- "*11- Standard, June 17, ^1882. . n0 Klioa why we Immediate possession P Apply to T. M. JliCZAT i Co., 1 Leailcnhall-street, Lon- f-ct or carefullyadjustedmecbaniimy- )eemj to ^ al>oald within ten miles of the City. veniently situated to the. Great Southern and Western AND BOOK-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, P. J. SULLIVA N don ; G IIIDS, BRHI HT & Co., 1 North Jolm-street;- Tines, June 11, 1882. " Tha largest, and unmistakably the not get the trade entirely into our own wilt be given to the purchaser. Railway, and in close proximity to. the Four Courtsand , JAMES BAINES & Co., Water-street, Liverpool "— bands."—Times June 23, 1882. 49 1 s "A triumph of ingenuity."— Tele- best fiuisbed Clock in tho Exhibition. , And at One o'Clock precisely same day will be sold houses of Business In the City, has refitted and improved f ^Nos. Sf 50 King Street, Waterford. PRACTICAL TAILOR. J BEBMIAD M UBFIIT, 14 MerchantB Quay, Wnterford; or to graph, Hard 31, 1862. Engineer, August 16, 1862. on the lands, the following which 'he solicitspublic FATSICK O'SDIMVxv.Auctioneer , 4c, CarricV-on-Suir. tbe entire Establishment; for |my8| ESTIMATES GIVEN : FOR CHURCH AND TURRET CLOCKS. FARM STOCK , Ac: Patronage, feeling confident of giving satisfaction to 2 Useful Farm Horses Ordinary Daily at Five o'Clock. THE WATERFORD AND MILFORD HAVEN of erery description , from the plainest to the highest quality ol C Primo New Mich Cows, , Visitors. WATCHES, CLOCKS, and BRONZES excellent Outside Jaunting Night Porter always in attendance, lisfl-ly] RAIL WA Y TIME TABL ES for FEBR UAR Y manufactured from High-Art designs by English, French, and Carts and Tackling ; an f$*A IRISH SERIAL PUBLISHING COMPANY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS which Art is at present capable, Car and Harness Two Donkeys, 3 Ploughs, 1 Harrow great celebrity. , , (LIMITED) , WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Italian Artists of 10 Store Pigs, 1' Sow and 10 Bonhams;Winnowing HOTEL, DAILY COMMUNICATION W A TCHES. I CLOCKS. FO LEY'S Up Train*from Waterford. Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Bid-Room, Library, Machine, Barrel Chnrn, 21 Milk Tubs, 1 large heap 30 4- 31 WICKLOW - STREET, DUBLIN the 1st of MARCH will appear the First Number (Sundays Excepted,) Chronometer, Duplex Lever, Horizontal, Vertical, and a number of Farm Implements OX TH AinS OK WKF.K PATS. SUSWATS. Repeaters j Inde- Hal l , Staircase, Bracket, Carriage, Chime, Musical , of Prime Manure, (Thirty Doors from Grafton-strect, left side). "IRISH HARP," a New Catkolic, Na- WATERFORH 3i — jT Minute , Half-quarter , nnd Quarter of the \ 3 | j J; j j BETWEEN THE SOUTH OF , Astronomical, Church, Turret, Stable, Railway, Post not enumerated. Also a quantity of useful HOUSE- tional Magazine, under the same Editorship aa that of TO 12&3 Ui 1 U 212&3 1&2 12fc3l2& 3 pendent and Plain Centre Seconds ; Keyless, Chrono- Feather Bods, &c 4c. There SOUTH WALES AND ENGLAND , Enamelled, Astronomical) and Reversible office . Shop, Warehouse, Office, or Counting-house, from HOLD FURNITURE, , TJARTIES or TOURISTS visiting DUBHN can ho tho liarp, published in 18S9, and only suspended to LIMERICK Cla» data. clais Clou CI IM Clan Class graphs are 4} Acres of Wheat at present planted. AM. A.M. r.M. F.K. r.M. A.K. AM. Via Waterford And Milford Haven, in connection with Watches, from 200 Guineas to £3 3s. each. 1,000 Guineas to £1 ]«. each. -L Comfortably Accommodated at tho above Hotel. make arrangementscommensurate with its success. AMPHLET For further particulars, apply to Express Trains on the Grsa t Western, South Wales ENSON S I LLDSTBATED PAMPHLET ON WATCHES B ENSON 'S I LLUSTRATED CLOCK P contains Breakfast Is. Od. to la. Cd. I Lunch, Os. 9d to Is. Od. The Price of the Iriih Harp will be SIXPENCE, and hm hm lim hm hm htn hro B ' THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. , V'aterford trod Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny, (free by Post for two stamps) contains a short History a full and carefully prepared Price-list of every descrip- Dinner, Is. 3d. „ 2a. Od. ) Teaorsuporls.Od ,, 2s. Od. will be devoted to Irish History and general Litera- 6 0 9 45 2 35 4 16 8 30 10 20 8 30 Waterford February 13th, 1863. (f!3- t) Cairick 6 4(1 10 20 3 8 4 55 0 15 11 0 » 15 and other Trains in the South of Ireland. of Watchmaking, with descriptions and prices. It tion of Clock and Time-piece, with a short and interest- , Beds, Is. Od. to 2s. Od. (j30-6t) ture and Instruction. It will be larger than thcllarp, Clunmel 7 IS 10 511 3 15 S 45 10 0 It 40 10 0 «l rpHESE Fnst and Well-appointed Steam- acts as a guide in the purchase of a Watch, and enables ing History of the Art of Clock Making. In it will be and beautifully printed on fine paper. Junction Drp 8 45 Vi 24 .1 25 a 40 12 IS 1 30 112 IS ^ ¦"• ' of Clocks suitable for COUNTY OF WATERFORD ffl|aiat"T^\ ore tini 'suS Her Majesty's Mails, Sail those who live in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Colonies, found a great variety of pntterns CROWN HOTEL {Cy Agents Wanted, to whom liberal terms will ba Limerick.../frit-l 9 45 120 0 30 950 ISO 2 30 I 1 SO Iv^.Daily (Sudavs' excepted), will be sent post-free for two KELLY'S <^.^\ India , or any part of tho world, to select a Watch, and all purposes, nnd it MOSCK STBEET, WEXFORD. given. (By order), Down Trains from Limerick. ^BeHaEBafc FBOM WATKBPOBD—From the Adelphi have it tent free and safe by post. stamp!;. Important and Unreserved Auction M. J. M'CANN, Secretary. Wb iri immediately after the arrival of the Limerick Train I TRAIN!) OK WEKK DAIS. I SUNDAYS ARGENTINE SILVER. Of highly-bred Dairy Cows, Heifers, a Thorough-bred is a Central and Comfortable House, in which Office, 3 Monck-strect, Wexford. [fC-3t] LIMERICK —j—I .j. 1 [—JJ 1 2* »t Three o'Clocl in the Afternoon, reaching Milford Haven BENSON'S THIS 3 4 I [wird and weather permitting) in time to enable Passengers speaking of tho Plate in tho Exhibition, says, " Mr. B ENSON , who Bull, two years old; an imported Aldcrneg Heifer, everything can be had on the most Moderate terms. TO 12&2 I2&3 1&2 f*2 1 *2 I2A312.V3 The Morning Herald, October 23rd, Cla»« C1ai» to proceedb y the I) 5 urn. Express Trnin to London, reach' beautiful things. two years old; prime Sheep; Four powerful Horses, lJ2f Besl Dublin and Wexford, Spirits J also Brandies, WATERFORD AND KILKENNY WATERFORD.„.. „„.„ Cla6. Clan Clasi. Clan. Clan has a Medal for 1'Iate, exhibits some " A M JM | fK rM , K ,„ | L „. ing Paddington at 6 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will The Argentine is a composition possessing all the beauty and richness of color of Sil ver with its durability, a splendid London-built Chariot and set of Double Wines, Porter, Ale, &c faul5-tf) Game Preservation Society, 1862 be forwarded by the Through 7 5 a.m. train to London.— at a mere fraction of its cost. It is a compound of various metals with a heavy deposit of pure Silver, forming Harness; Invalid 's Bath Chair,wilh Hoods Donkey, Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. [hm hm hm hm hm hm bn Pns.'iengers arriving at Milford Haven on Sunday mornings y side the most 1'2 10 in 45 one hard, compact, white body. When the Argentine and the real Silver are placed side b , and Harnesi ; Ploughs, Scufflers , Harrows, Carts, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the above Limerick Dtp. 7 30 U 0 4 0 6 0 10 45 ifill leave per the 0 15 a.m. Train. Junction Dtp] 8 « 12 22 5 25 7 20 12 15 1 30 12 IS skilful judge cannot distinguish between them, while its durability is so gjcat that after many years' wear it Drays, and TucMing ; Winnowing Machine, Garden MILFORD HA FEN Society has been formed to prevent the SMe of From M ILFOED HAVBS, from tho Railway Pier Daily, at Clonmel 110 20 ! 1 32 6 50 — 2 15 2 40 2 15 years it has been so well received by the Public, that its manu- Game at unseasonable times—the destruction of Game 7 If p.m, Sundays ezcepted, after the arrival of the 0 30 a.m. remains unaltered. During the bat seventeen Implements, Water Barrel and Dray, Ladders, Carrick Ill 0'23 730 — 255 3 25 255 articles usually made in Silver, viz. :—Spoons, Forks, Dinner, Tea, and on Lands -whereon Persons arc not duly authorised to Wat«rforil.../«rr/ll 40 2 31 8 10 — a 45 4 0 3 4i Eif vess Train from l'addington Station, London, reaching facture has been extended to all those Mill: Tubs and Barrel Churns ; about 40 Tons of THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, Bread and Cake Baskets,.Candelabra, Dishes of all kinds, Epergnes, Claret Jugs, &c ., go in pursuit of such—tho Prevention of Peaching, and Mail Trains marked with an asterisk. Waterford (wind and weather permitting) so as to secure the Coffee Services, Waiters, prime Mangold If orzel , 10 Heaps of prime Stable A DJOIN1NG the Terminus of the South Wales Establishments of J. W. BESSON , whose new Show Rooms contain an the putting in force the provisions of tbc Game Laws Fines :—First Cla«s Single Tfrkct, 14i2il : Second do., 10> Si ; depirture of the 6 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, and the and which can be seen at the various and Farm Yard Manure, Sfc , 8;c. J\. Railway Company at New Milforrt, and the Land- Third do, (is Sd ; Return—First Clan. 2113d ; Second do., 16s. South of Ireland j and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny and immense assortment. A Prize Medal was awarded to J. W, BENSO.V /or excellence of manufacture of Argentine and Cork Royal Mail Packets. generally. Every Person Prosecuting to Conviction Stamps BE SOLD by Auction, on THURSDAY, MARCH ing Stage of the Waterford ~ "~ Dublin. Passengers by the G a.m. Third Class Train from and Electro-Plate. A Sample Spoon will he sent post free to any part of the Kingdom on receipt of 30 , TO are respectfully informed that the above any party offending, will receive £1 R eward, or on Silver 5th, 18C3, at 11 o'Clock precisely (to enalilo all The Public WATERFORD AND KILKENNY RAILWAY. Paddington will also be conveyed by these Steamers at Ke- and an elaborately Illustrated Catalogue, containing 300 Engravings and Price-list of Argentine and Solid extensive Establishment is replete with every accommo- giving such private information as wilt lead to a Con- 'm from Waterford. tho Property to be disposed of ,in one day), at BEL- Dp aVai duccd Rates. FABSS. Plate, will be sent post-free on receipt of six Stamps, dation. Coffee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ; Bil- viction , 103. Reward. 1st Class and 2nd Class MONT, the residence of Wjf. FITZGEBAID, Esq., whose TRAILS OX WKKt DAT8. SUKOAT TkAIHB. J. W. B BRSON 'S Branch Establishments are, 40, 47, and 03 CORNIULL. All Letters should be ad. ' The Rooms are large lofty, All Communications to be addressed and information ~ Cabin. and Saloon Leue of same will expire on tho 25th Proximo, his liard and Smoking Rooms. , It 2» 3 4 ~T 5~] 3 dressed to the Principal Establishment, 33 and 31 LUDQAT E HILL, London (Established 1749). (f20-2Ct. decorated elegantly furnished, and lupplied to EDMOND T. POWER, (slO-ly) 12 43 1 2 &3 Waterford to Paddington .. 50s. 40a. entire DAIRY and FARM STOCK, amongst which will and airy, beautifully , STATIONS. 12&3I& O 1 Jc2 12t3 t «Jc3 comfort and Solicitor to the said Game Preservation Society, Clata Class. Class Cliit. Class. Clan. Clan Limerick to do. ... 60s. 47s. be found :— are otherwise fitted up with every regard to 44, Lady Lane, Waterford. A .M . A.M . r.M. r.M r.M. r.M r.M. Kilkenny to do. ... 55s. 449. 62 HEAD OF HORKED CATTLE (the greater portion of convenience. This Hotel is situated on the banks of the far-famed ?;rd Class and Deck, Waterford to London, 34s. Gi. JAMES WALPOLE which ore raised from tho far-famed Stocks of the Mar- GAME NO T I C E hm hm hm hm hm pm hm Milford Haven,juid con^naniU Amost extensive view of Wattrlnrd ...Dtp 7 45 12 0 5 0 — 4 15 — — R ETORN TICKETS— From Waterford to London, Ox- that he has quis of Waterford, Sir Robert J. Paul, and J. H. to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Waterford and its Vicinity, her Majesty's Dockyard,' and or the romantic and ictu- Kilkenny irrl 0 3D 130 S 30 — S45 — ~ ford , or Reading, 1st class and saloon, 70s. ; 2nd Clas3 BEGS Jones, Esq.), viz. :—30 Prime Young Dairy Cows, all p LANDS of GRENAN, near ROSS, in the 2 35 ? 15 — 7 0 — — just received a Choice Selection of resque Scenery of the neighbourhood. TUB Carlow(ISE)Z)p — and cabin, 60s. serv;d by Young Foundation (to Calve in March) ; 10 County Waterford, are strictly preserved, and DuhlintGSJcWM — 4 SS 10 HI — 9 30 — — Visitors Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, and Fa- Tilts BY STEAMSR. RBTPRIt TICKRTS Two-year old Heifers ; 1 do. Imported Aldemey do. ; , any person found thereon in pursuit of Game will be BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS, milies will find this Establishment, for situation and Down Trains from Kilkenny. Cabin, Deck, Cabin Deck. 10 One-year old Heifers ; 1 Thoroughbred Bnll, prosecuted. (f20-3t) Suitable for the Season. Also, a Large Variety of comfort combined with moderate charges, surpassed by Wnterford to JIi!for<1...12«. 6d. 7a. 6d. 18s. 9d. 11s. 3d. " Young Foundation, ealved 17th February, 1861, got , TBAIKS OX WEEH DATS. gOKDAT TRAI53 . from the & TOILET SERVICES no other in the Principality. Night Porter meets the It V 3 ] 4 1 S I 3| Passengers with 2nd Class Tickets can exchange DINNER , DESSERT , BREAKFA ST , TEA. , by Foundation out of Thorough Bred, b Guy E . Cabin to the Saloon on payment of 2s. 6d. each. , y Boats. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, G AM STATIONS. 12&3 1&2 1 US ,1? &3 15\a 12&312* 3 TOGETHER WITH Fawkcs, I. Class. Class. Clati.dasi. Claaa. Class. Class. Through Ticketsallowing Passengersto break the journey, All communications should be addressed to (jy25-tf) undermentioned Townlands, in the Barony ol A.M. A.M. r.M. I r.M. A .M. A.M. r.u. maj ba had at Paddington Railway Station, aud at the First- A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND PSESSKD TABLE GLASS. 66 SlIBEP(in lots of Five), viz. :—10 Prime Leicester E. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE preserved : Ewes, to Yean before the 17th March ; 30 Store do. ; Ida and County of Kilkenny, ore strictly hm hm hm Cl(.ss Stations of tho Great Western and South Wales, Water - Prices, Farkstown Treanarcc, hm hm hm hm ford and Limerick, and Waterford and Kilkenny Railways ; |£g* An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, which will be disposed of at Moderate 16 Wcddera ; 1 Thorough-bred Ram. , Dublin(GSW)Dp — 8 45 12 30 — 80 — — ¦ ¦ also at the Offices of Messrs. FORD & JACKSOV, 36 Cannon- all under 8 years ; Mersey Dock Estate-Loans of Money Atateemorc, Carriganurra, Carlow (ISE).... — 10 33 3 0 — 10 20 — , Three Powerful Farm HorseB, Tinvancoosb, Catsrock , Kilkenny ....Drp 7 45 11 45 4 10 — 11 30 — — street, London, and Milford Haven Railway Station ; or ol FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN STOCK. bl. g., Monarch, 8 years old, great strength and action, 1211 550 — in — — Waterford. MERSBT DOCKS and HARBOUR BOARD hereby Chatlcstown , Ballinlammr, Waterford »..Arl 930 Ml. M. DOWUBV, Quay and Adelphi Wharf, well known with hounds up to 16 stone, and an excel- THE 'SETUBX at a Fare and a MATCHINGS GOT TO ORDEK. 83 " WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. ive Notice, that they are willing to RECEIVE Ballymountain, Ballinclare, Goodsconveyed by Trains marked t ; Mail Trains ' . Tickets, available for 30 days, lent performer in double and single harness. g Gaufctown, FAKI-S TO DUBLIU :—Pint ClaM Slnvle Ticket, 21a. ; Second hal f for the Double Journey, arc issued at Waterford, Lime- LOANS of MONEY, on the Security of their Bonds, Moanroe, 9a 3d ; Return—First Class 31s 6d ; Sf. 6ST CHINA HALL, CO, QUA Y, WATERFORD. A splendid light London-built Chariot, as good as hobuck lo , ]5] 8d ; Third do, , rick, Tipperary, Kilkenny, &c. at the rate of £4 6s. per Cent- per Annum Interest, for ibllrhomuck, Bally , cond do, 23s Rd. new, and ect of Double Harness; an Invalid's Bath Scarlnamoe Class Single Ticket, 6« ; Second The Sea f oyageis only Seventy Miles. periods of three, five, or seven Years, or arrangements Baunnagcloge, , FARII TO K ILSIXBT :—First Chair, with Hood, Donkey, and HarneBsj Ploughs, at tbe option of the Melville Slieveruc or Kilmurty, \o, 4s OSDES of SAILING—FEB. 1863. female ailments, liver disease, and all inward disorders. MOST rel (which will be sold by the ton), 10 large Heaps of Christendom, U pper and Kcwtown. and 1 2|3 4 S 6 I 7 B 9 10 Cashel and Emly. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. \TOTICE.—The Waterford Steamship WOOLLBT'S PBCTOBAL CAHDT, the most simple and Stable and Farm-yardManure , with sundry property Lower, Ken-rath. m p m { p m p m p m p m I p m p m pm a m *k-k Printed on good Paper, and in large clear Type. WATERFORD snd LIMERICK RAILWAY * Company receive Goods for Shipment efficacious remedy known for affections of the throat, chest , not enumerated. THE ley All Persons Trespassing on any of these Lands, h m hm hro hm hm hmihin limi Jim iim gciMsk^^N..ou -^ 'the RECOMMENDATION. COMPANY are open to receive, to a limited ATSHT STAECH, a vevy important arti- Waterford Tower Ferry. Catalogues, Pedigrees, &c, Ballymountain, August, 16G2. (au29-tf) ani will not bo accountable for injuries or losses arising from The P Faithful of these Dioceses. 3 per Cent., subject to repayment at any time after FAR V.S:—First Class Single Ticket, lod.; Return Ticket, li cle for all Housekeepers who valui beautiful Lines. to be had on and after the 26th instant, from of One Wrek's notice. OIsm Single Ticket. 1i . . Return Ticket 9d. delay, accidentsof the Seas, Rivers, Fire, the Queen's Ene- " ij< D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B. the first Month, on expiration Peruvian Government Guano- Second , BLUB and BLACK Inn in Jars, Is. each. THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. Cent, if left fcr Twelve Months and longer. mies, defective Navigation, or accidents from any other cause, nibs and barrels " Waterford June 2, 1P59." 4 per SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. not for any loss which might have been covered by Insurance, GiLLOTi'sMeUUic Pens, the bent made, 101 Custom-house Quay, Waterford, of £20 and upwards taken, and the Prlncipa of various qualities and prices, adapted for all writers. Ordera from any part of the Diocese, sent im Any sum T THOMPSON , T. BONAR & CO., ' nor for Leakage, Breakage, Condition, Quality, or conteuts of IC3* 9th February. 18G3. (fI3-3t) or Interest will be paid as desired by Depositors. g 1 nm PATS—nr T»Aim. ACCOUHT BOOKS and STATIOHEKT, AC EDMOND, Printer and Publisher, 1. LONDON, any Parcels or Packages, unless specially entered and ad ta- and directed to C R Information can be obtained from the uuder- Tt 1IAH0S3: \£zp. 1, J, 3 i'lf. 14311 , 2, 3 ^011 1,2, 2 Waterford Neies Office 40 King-street, promptly at- Further Solo Consignees and Agents for sale in Great Britain 5 1 1 it 2 clan 1 k 2 class clas» 1 k 2 clats, lorem Freight l aid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the , AUCTION OP HOESEB, signed, and alsofrom the following Agents s—A. STE- HEALTH AND CHEERFULNESS-PHILOSOPHY tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. and Ireland. .NTs Starting am am. am am m pm pm, risk and expense of the Consignees. AND FACT. Machines Farming Implements, Slock, PHENS, Duncannon, County Wex/ord, THOMAS S. HAR- * All Goods will be considered as subject to a general lien, May be had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in Travelling , Apply to R OBERT F. GLADSTONE, 91, Middle Abbey- 0 New Mllford — 7 Is 9 0 — 11 0 4 28 « 30 tyc. VBT, Quay, Waterford ; J OHN G ROBB, Carrick-on-Suir; [d2C12t] 80 Llanellr — 9 47 10 55 — 1 41 6 44 8 M ani held not only for Freight of the aauie, but for all Arrears HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. the Diocese. #<» treet , Dublin. 72 Swansea — 10 21) 11 13 — a 5 7 0 9 38 THOMAS WALSH'S nezt Auction of Horses P. R. BANrtiLD, Clonmel ; SAMUEL J BLLICO, Cahir; of Freight, Storage, or other charges due by the Importer, HE E XCITINO CAUSE OP SICKNESS.—The blood ia MR. AVID ITZQEKAXD & Son 114| Cardiff. 6 S 12 38. 14 49 — 4 38 8 48 — , Travelling Vehicles, &o, &c, will take place DAVID COLBMAN , Tipperary;D F , TO FARMERS 126j Newport « 20 1 25 1 20 — 5 18 9 13 — Owner or Consignees to the Company. T the life-6ustaining agent . It furnishes the com- MERCHANT TAILORING (By Order), 1863 Limerick. 171 IGlouc ter(dp) 8 0 3 55 2 41 — 1&2 12 40 — WATEKFORD AND BRISTOL. ponents of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve, and integument. ON MONDAY, 2tin o, MARCH, , T. AINSWORTH, Secretory, 285 Paddington.. 11 15 8 iff I (1 — 11 0 4 35 — Gipsy and Juverna. PITZMAUR1CE respectfully informs the No- I The stomach is its manufactory, the arteries and veins At M R LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY (n22-tf SPECIAL MANURES. i non wATERronn DIRECT : PBOM B RISTOL , G . bility and Gentry of the County, that he haa Board Room, Waterford Terminus. GRASS, GRAIN, S I "UK PATt—DO WB TRAIB S. its distributors, and the intestines the channels through • Ettablkhment , Beresfuri-slreet, WaUrford, V! 8TATIOKS. |I ,2, 3.|I.2, 3 £xp 114 211 , 273£xp. I) 42 Gipsy, Tuesdays ; Juverna,] Gipsy, direct: in its production is now under engagement an EXPERIENCED COTTER, who POTATO, TURNIP, and FLAX MANURES, ,\ , which the waste matter rejected , ORDER OF SALE : CALL OR DEPOSIT S , eluslcitss.l I 42lclais.]clal«.l 1&2 I clan or , Fridays. |Friday, Feb. 0, ... 7] Morn circulation has been principal Foreman in the most Fashionable LOANS ON Speciall y prepared. Friday, | '• 13, ... I Attn't expelled Upon the stomach, the , and the Game Dogs, &c., at Mis " 'am am am am am pm pm Tuesday, Feb 3, ... 1 Morn Merchant Tailoring Establishmentsin Dublin. Gentle- Travelling Vehicles, Harness, VITHIOLIZED BONE COMPO UND, . Starting ' »' 7J Morn bowels these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indiges- DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny O Paddincton j - 6 0 9 15 II 45 _ 4 SO 8 III Friday, " «, ... l:J Aftn n 'i . . - , easy and gtaceful fit will not be dis- rwelve o'Clock precisely. THE CONCENTRATED MANURE, Tuesday, " 10, ... 11 Alorn .Friday " 27, ... 12 Noon , purifying the fluids, and regulating both the se- men who value an prepared to accept TENDERS for 114 Glouc'ter(dp 8 45 II 13 12 511 3 30 — 8 20 2 15 tion appointed, rgiy Alteration never required. Hunters, Riding and Family B jfses, at One o'Clock . X Railway are CRUSHED BONES AND BON E MEAL, 1S6J Newport...... ! 8 40 1 10 2 10 5 25 _ 0 39 3 40 Friday " 13, ... 3J A hn' n Juverna, calling at Pembroke cretions and the excretioos. MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent ' Tuesday, " 17, ... 7 Mc.rn I Dock : (n28-3m) Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after. LOANS on .^psy- Manufactured by fjlG-Gm] 170J Cardiff ._... 05 135 830 5 86 — 0 5!l 4 4 ATIOMAL OMFLAINT —Dyspepsia is tho most Square, Dungarvan. Friday. " 20, ... 12, Aftn'n Feb. 3, ... 6 Morn TUB N C . Persons intending property for this Sale will be able upon Three Months' Notice, or at 4 per Cent,, pay- RICHARDSON, BROTHERS, and Co., 216 Swansea. H I) 3 M 3 43 7 SO - 1) 30 S 31 Tuesday, all classes in this country. It Qgf 225 Llanellr ..... 11 43 4 40 4 23 8 37 _ — 6 11 Tuesday " 24, ... II Mnrn iTuesday, " 10, ... Bj Morn common disease among B. HYAM , required to have it entered at Mr. D OBBIN'S, or at Mr. able at One Month's Notice. IL ASD GRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, BELTABT , Friday, " 17, .„ 3, Aftn'n.Tne«day, Morn and is the primary source O CnusiiEBs A 275, Hav'fordw't 1 46 I 6 40 6 8 - - I - Bll " 17, ... Si assumes a thousand Bhapcs, S W> n Custom-house Quay, oa or befon They will also accept Tenders for like Bonds, at 5 Tcstirao. " 24 most extensive WALSH' Office , $&•Above , with Price Lists, Analyses, anu 335 NnyMilford 2 15 I 7 5 6 28 - - 1 - 8 36 Wucsday, , ... 8} Morn of innumerable and dangerous maladies ; but whatever Proprietor of the 2s. Od. per Cent., for One, Three, or Five Years, and for the. Pembroke Dock to Waterford, from the South Wales Kail- Nine o'Clock tbe morning of Sale. Fee for entry, nials, on application to from P^ddington takes Third Class Pasen- its type or symptoms,, however obstinate its resistance Debenture Stock bearing interest at 6 per The 6 0 «.m Train way Terminus as soon after arrival from Bristol an possible. TAILORING AND CLOTHING Purchasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Fivejper Cent.i Guaranteed , J. P. GRAVES & Co., Waterford . gets for the South Wales Railway only. , ptions it yields readily and rapidly to in Sailings the Cabin of the Steam- to ordinary prescri , Establishments in the ' THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. C«nt. for Two Years, and 5 per Cent; perpetuity A. STEPHENS , Ap;cnt, Duncannon, County Wexford , ¦UfDAT TRAINS. fiSTOn Early Morning , this searching and unerring remedy. Down Train* from PaiJdinglon, 8 0 a. m. em will be Open to receive Passengers arriving from London , Auctions attended in any part of Country or Town. afterwards. Milford 11 0 a. m. SICK HBA"bACHE, WITH LOBS OP APPETITE.—A ccr The Line is worked by the Waterford and Limerick PATRONISED BY THE FACULTY. Arrival at New by the Night Mail Train. and low irits. Is celebrated for Excellence, combined with 100 Custom-bouse Quay, Waterford, 1863. tf Up Irom New Milford , ... 10 40 a. m. Cabin Fare, 17s. 6d.; Servants nnd Children, 10s. 8d.j tain cur? for headache, loss of appetite , sp Company, and there is a large surplus after payment of WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY Paddington , arrival 10 50 p. m. may bo taken withont danger from wet oi ECONOMY IN Bo/a) He turn do., 27s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin, These Pills working charges and interest on loans. Twenty Years stood pre eminent as i PARES :—For Fares s:e Wslerf orA and Milforil Harm f ee no restraint from business or pleasure. ' Clothing. Gentlemen 's Full Dress, CUERAQHMORE, HAS now ftr Steam Ship Advertisement,In another column. CDrk, or Wexford, 31s. 8rf., Steward's included; Deck, cold, and require Bojrs'and Youths IMPORTANTProperty SALEof tho ATMarquis of Waterford, on Applications to be addressed to tbe undersigned nt the hs Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza , ' Cabin. and promote a healthj Undress, and Lounge Suits, THE remedy for Coug , 7n. 6d. Females attend the Ladies They strengthen the: stomach, THURSDAY, tho 2GtU of FEBRUARY, at 12 Company's Offices, 2 Bank Place, Mall, Waterford. ABthma, Loss of Voice, and all Affections of the Cheal THE MAILS PROM WATERFORD. , purifying the blood, cleansing the DAPESand OVERCOATS, Clerical and Professional action of the liver o'Clock. Luncheon at 2 p.m. By Order, or Throat, and is strongly recommended by many emi- The hours up to which letters and papers may be posted WATERFORDVesta, Zep hyrAND, Beta , LIVERPOOL.or Nora. skin, bracing tbc nerves, and invigorating the system. in all the leadiug Suits, &c, &c. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary. HH_- > 10 THOROUGHBREDS, One, Two, Three Years Old, nent Medical rr.en. Round each Box are numerous at tht Watnford Office arc as follow :— IROM WATERJORD: FROM LIVERPOOL ! A WORD TO FEMALES.—The local debility and irre- styles.atvlpa , 1862. (JalO-tf./ Boi Closes. Despatched, b Gemma de Vcrgy, Claret, Barbarian, and Lord Waterford, Nov. 25 Testimonials, selected from hundreds, speaking of its Tuesday, Feb 3, ... 11 j Morn Tuesday, Feb 3, ... 10 Morn gularities which are the special annoyance of the weaker ETON SUITS, CAPES and OVERCOATS y Clonroel. Cork. Limerick, *c., 8 15 a.m 9 25 a»m Friday, „ 0, ... U Noon Friday. „ 0, ... 12 Noon In all the leading George. efficacy, both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Sold Jl 30 a.m II 45 sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are RUGBY SUITS , Boxes Dublin (earl? English Mails) ic, «-m Tuesday, „ 10, ... 3 Aftn 'o Tuesday, „ 10, ... 2 A/tn'o Styles ; 4 BROOD MABES, thoroughbred, with Foals. by all Medicine Vendors in Is. ljd. and 2s. Od. Dunganan, — ... 1 30 p.m 2 0pm Friday, „ J3, ... 4 Artn'h Friday, „ 13, ... s Morn relieved for the time being, and prevented for the time HARROW SUITS, 0 LADIES' RfDING HABITS HUNTERS. Copy of a Letterfrom Mr: Octavius Glyn, I Kirby Tramore (1st Mall), ...... 7 ».m 7 40 »Jn I.'ueaday, „ 17, ... 11J Morn Tuesday, ., 17, ... 0 Horn to come, by a course of this mild but thorough altera- OSBOKNK SUITS, 10 Do (2nd do), ...... 1 30 a.m 3 0 p.m Friday, ., SO, ... 12 Noon Frlda/, „ 2U, ... 12 Noon , Livery Suits, Box CoaU, 10 USEFUL CART HORSES. Street, Poplar London : tive ZOUAVE SUITS JCP ^^^^^^s±_ (HKNURUW lUncLJ DI * ^^^^^ Passage East, ...... 4 0 a.m 6 0 »Jn Tuesday „ 24 , ... 3 Aftn'o Tueiday, „ 24, t AHu'n . KNICKERBOCKER SUITS, and Catalogues to be had day of Sale. ^ ^^ ^^^tr 1, Kirbey-slrect , Poplar, London, Sept 30, 1851...... 4 0 sun 6 0 a.ra ^ ROPSICAL SWELLINGS AND THE 1 URN or LIFB.— Dunmore — Friday, „ 27 ... 4 Ann'n Friday, „ 27, ... 0 Morn D Ready made or to Order, ' Undress Clothing day previous. DKAU SIR—I cannot speak too highly of the excellence ol Ferrjbank (1st Mail), ...... 4 0 am 6 0 a.m This is the most distressing period in woman s history, Servants Horses to be seen Cabin Fare, 16s. ; Servants and Children, 10s.; Deck, 7s. fron» WETHEBALL, Stud WOOLLST'S 1'ECTOUAL CAKDY. I have suffered for yean Do (2nd do) ...... 11 0 a.m 11 30 a.m ' ; the whole of the gross humors . . of every kind, For Particulars apply to Mr. In tins Do (3rd do) ...... 2 23 p.m 2 20 p.m 6d.; Children. 4s. Females attend the Ladies Cabin. it destroys thousands Cfcoice and Durable Order (f20-lt) ifith a dreadful cough and difficulty of breathinjr. Goods receivedat ClarenceDock. collect together, and, like a tide, sweep away health and Ready-made or to Groom. distressing stite 1 was recommended to try WOOLLIST'S Kilkenny, Thomastown, New Eos?, Materials, from Wezford, 4c., on weak days ... 6 30 p.m I 45 p.m life itself, if not timely and powerfully checked. The J'KCTOBAL CA.NDT, the first box of which gave me great WATERFORD AND LONDON. adapted for Play Choice and Durable AUntlcs, HORSES FOR SALE Do do., on Sundays ... 3 45 p.m 4 0 p.m Citizen or other eligible Vessels. most certain remedy for nil these dangerous symptoms relief j the secoud box completely cored roe. I have recom- Dublin (lat« English M»il«) 4c, ... 7 45 pjn 8 IS p.m Aurora, Manger, , School, or Dress Wear. Adapted for erery purpose friends who were inroilnrly 45 p.m 8 !5 p.m is Hollonay's Pills. Armed with this great antidote, seen at Mr. DOBBYN'S, V.S.,, daring the mended them to many of my Clonmel, Cork , Limerick. *c, ... 7 ?nOM WAT SBfOBD : PEOM LONDOK : ; STREET DUBLIN bo who have all received the greatest relief from them. arrive and »ro delivered as under :— Friday Feb. 6, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday, Feb 4, ... 6 Morn. the fiery ordeal is passed through, and tho sufferer is 30 DAME , TO Assiics two small handsome Dark Bay afflicted , Tlie mails Friday „ )3, ... li Noon. Wednesday „ II , ... 8 Morn. Coming , I am, Sir, your obliged, OCTAVIUS GLTIC. Arriiil. Delivery. once more restored to the possession of unimpaired sisters, b " CRACOW," out of a small, Malls) Ac, ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a.m Friday „ 30, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday „ 18, ... 8 Morn. HVAM'S Charts of Fashions, with Detailed MareB, own y Prepared by the present Propricter, J. CLIFT, Dork- Dublin 0» Friday Feb. 6, ... 12 Noon.lThursday, Feb 5, „. 8 Afln'n properly resumed until eleven o'clock. and without any operation. " One set lasts Ferrybank: (1st mail) ...... 11 0 a.m 2 0 p.m )3 8 Ann n plication can occur if the printed directions arc when business is HINTON, in returning thanks to the gene- BRAIDS. ParisIndustrial Art Exhibition , BAAIDB. wires, morning Friday „ , ... 12 Noon. Thursday, „ 12, ... ' themselves to the JOHN and warranted for every purpose of masti- (2nd do) .~ ... 2 20 a.m nezt Friday „ 211, ... 12 Noon. Thursday, „ 19, ... 8 Attn'n attended to, as the; Invariably address ral Publio for tbe great confidence hitherto re- CORDS. 11881. CORDS. • lifetime," (3rd do) ...... t 30 p.m do those organs Orders per post .should contain Remittancesin favour of cation or articulation, even when all others fail. Purest Friday, ., 37, ... It Noon.|Thur*lsy, „ St, ... 8 Ann'n seat of the (affliction , without deranging posed in him aa an Auctioneer, and tbe large patronage It will Sew the Finest Muslin or Thickest Pilot loth Cabin Fare, 20s.; Deck, 10s. Taking Goods for Falrnontb, y. Holloway s Pills BOJAHIH HTAM. materials and first-class workmanship at half the usual which ate already acting healthil ' he haa experienced from his friends, bogs to stato that and is superior to any;other Machine, for -Families, Southampton, Portsmouth, and places adjacent. therefore the surest prcventaj CAUTIOH.—The public are cautioned against mistakes cost. M EJSBS. GABRIEL. WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION are the best purifiers, and Clothing Es- no exertion shall be wanting on his port for the time Dressmakers, anB Draper*. ' fiend ftr a ftbspttflns. WATERFORD AND BELFAST. of which, if tbey be already sometime* made by persons going into other THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, tives, of serious maladies, and ending, after having made their purchase to come to give entire satisfaction. Applications 'ftr the' Agency ftr WATI«JO»D TO NEW YORK DIRECT. Aurora, Nora, or other eligible Vessels. the most unremitting ex- tablishments, <3" 27 H ARLET-STRBET, CAVKNDISH SQUARE, and 34, established, they then become not: been to B. HYAM'S aa they intended, _ Valuations undertakenat an hour's notice, and will be received.: Any party having time;'energy, and , FKOM WATER!OBD : PBOM BELFAST : that tbey bave 0jy. " LOOGATI H ILL, LONDON. Liverpool—134, DUSE-ST. 'ipHE Liverpool , New York , tirpators. and bave therefore paid higher price* for inferior goods. B. Auctions, in any part of the County,'ghall be condncted a lijtle capital can do welt—none others need apply. ^r-joMasV Saturday Fel> 7, ... 12 Noon. Wednesday,Feb 4, ... II Mora these : f (55, NEW. ST. "" JL and Philadelphia Steam Sbip 14 12 Noon. Wednesday „ 11, ... 2 Aftn'n NIRVODS DISORDERS.— Any derangement of HYAM respectfully informs the Publio that bis only place and unwearied attention. BOLIMT:,; ,LIVERPOOL. ff&3tl Birmingham— •XSjlL/BvT\ Wi A, Saturday, „ , ... body and with care, fidelity, Orncs—TS^ American Mineral Teeth, best in Europe, i to 7, and /llfcH 1"1" *¦ " Company intend despatching theit Baturday, „ 21,1... 12 Noon. Wednesday „ IB, ... 11 Morn delicate organs affects disastrously both the of business iu Ireland is 30 Dame-street, Dublin, and would A Spacious Mart, for the Bale of Property of every C3T ^7 ii 2 Altn n are 10 to 16 Guineas per Set, warranted. .^SBsSoiiBFull-powered Clyde -built Iron Screw Saturday. „ 'i8, .- Vi Noon. Wednesday „ , .„ ' the mind. To the nervous invalid Holloway 's FiHs suggest that they strictly enquire whether tbev ato really at U now attached to (he'Red Home. GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS aUPFEEERS. Cabin Fare, 16s. Deck, 7s. 6d. and description, GABRIEL'S ROTAL TOOTH POWDER, prepared from a an article of vital necessity. They impart a tone HYAM'Sbefore tbeypurcbase. (myS-tf) Unnbcortb every Fairand Market Dr. SMITH has jnst MbUthtd.frI taXfitSoii of ' to NEW to the J. H. attends y Recipe, as used by her Majesty, Is. 6d, and 2». 6d. per From Q^JEENSTOWN (CORK) YORK. WATERFORD AND NEW ROSS. vigor to the internal organs, and consequently TBFBBM HIM Arthurstcwn, receives 80,000 copiesof tb. " WARNINGVOICE , or IS1VATE , at 3.16 r.n, them. Street Day ; and Mr. S W , FBIBND," a Ntw,W«k Ner. box. Sold at the office of this paper, and by all cbe- u follow : FROM WAIEBPOBD—Daily, Sundays excepted nervous system, which pervades and connects Marble Works, Bereaford , Orders there. All letters to be addressed to, Red MEDICAL oa tl*1 eur»)of OB Sundays excepted, at 8.30 A M spirits D«bilKy .LoM of Memory, Dimn«a, oft Bight, Laui- °>iats throughout the kingdom. CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, 26tb Feb. FBOM NSV R »—Daily, . . Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low , WATERFORD. -, (aS2tf) To And every Thursday. OBCAXNOH —Daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.1S A.M . Depression, etc., which, if neglected, reitut in Coiuomption, to the Enamel, 2s. Cd., aud Ss. per box. Sold at the FROM D the ute of these invaluable Pills, i hM to "nppty of CHIMNEY Hinton, Auctioneer, conducted•' my. 8«le • at B«llyne»««r IWth with lain dirqrfaiU tm- PASSAGE SfoKBr.—Cabin, 16, 17, and 21 Gainea*, ac- secured and every information given by the Agent*. in the world f ct** sSs»T Ka • e* prompt Insanity,and premature p p ^. Office o." this Paper, and by all Chemists throughout berths Hothway's Pills are the best remedy known PIECES maleof Irish, Italian, Lodge j and I am convinced, that bis Uct, abilHr. feet rettoraiiou Bootwig be tent cording to accommodation. _ Bristol—The General Steam Packet Office. Liverpool— MiW*^lflaN attention to client*,,willcommand to health and XUWft . Ito. the Kingdom. Fro. for the follmoing diseases : ' »ndEgyptian Marbles, ond of the settlements, and faithful port fret' to liryjti rlrWea>tf3 StfOTdirectal envelops White Gutta Percha „ „ Forward, 6 Gnineai, including Waterlord Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street, Acne Debility Inflammation Sore Thrown fia l^B^ Hin tha large, amount of deserved patronagewhich it certain to GabrieTsChemically prep ared visions, properly Cooled. AsTHOKT. G. ROBIHSOK , ; and Gravel Newest Designs. W ' enclosingtwo aottage (tamps. ' Addraa;Dr.Surra , 8 Bar. Decayed Teeth, Washington Buildings. London— Aithma Dropsy Jauadice Stone ffjjj .JHggffiflS await him. , " J. H. B»PPT. Enamel is the beBt Stopping extant for Passenger* for Canada, the United States, and British Lane; British and Foreign Steam Wharf, Lower Bllilous Com- Dyientery Liver Cora- Secondary Symptoms WiW^^XlimD Also, he has now s LargeAs- ton-crncent, TavMtodMaurt,'London , .W.O. ; far decayed, renders the 20 Mark " """ ¦ Tk Douloureux Tooth-ache, and no matter how Columbia booked through on very advantageous Urm>. East Smithfield, and West Kent Wharf, Southwark ; Par. pUJnls Eryiipelas plainU lortment of MONUMENTS. HEAD STONES, and CAR FOR SALE. ' , BT'THB'8iM' A.UTH0V and prevents or Blotchei on Femalolr- Lumbago ! Tumours JAUNTING AMO injured member again sound and useful, For further particular apply in Belfast to JOHN MoKEE, eels receivedat 137 Leadenhall Street, E.C. Flymouth- TOMB STONES, all Rudy Made, in hit Establish- , CHEAP, a "Beantiftd: OUTSIDE AND HER DI8BA8E8.—A Treatise de- free from any ' the Skin regularities l'ilen Ulcers BE 80LD WOMAN r Tooth-ache. This preparation is entirely at theCompsDys Offioe«f 103 Victoria-street;in Quettutown, HBHBT J. WABIMO , the Wharf, Milbay. Stlfast-R. HE.N- Fevtri of all Rhenmatlim Venereal Affection! ment , and CUT STONES for Buildings at the ahortest TO JAUNTING CAB and HABNES8, as good as • scribiogthe8ynrptomjiC»ri»e>iaid Treatment, is specially to C. 4 W. D. SEYMOUR &¦ Co. ; end in Liverpool to Bowel Com- metallic subsUnre, and, ss its name signifies, DBBSOK & SOKS, Donegal Quay. [je29-tf] claims kinds Retention of Worms of all klndi Notice. • AB Bean- ' (S2 New. Apply to Mr. . O"¦ L« », Coach¦ ¦ factory, Illustrated with Casts, Free by Poatonrt xrpttfSeven prepared for the purpose. With directions for use, WILLIAM INMAN, & 63 Tower Baildinn South, 3 WATERFORD Collc« Pits Urine Weaknoii, from best of Workmanship, and ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' , and at the Company's Office, the MALL, , |C7» Moderate Prices, treat Waterford. • : ' ; [o81 -tf O Stamps/ Contains a mass of information' tocajpeniable 4s. 6d. per box. Water-street; or to GEORGE FETHER8TON, Cltmnel ; Oonitip&tlonofGogi Scrofula, or whiteveroauie (ba characteristics« f tha above Jgstab- , ; ' [ T. S. HARVEY, Qn»y, WaUrford. the Uoweli Bead-nehe King's Evil !tc.a &e. Punotualiy, are to'those for whom it S« writien;'' Address;Dr. SMITH, 8 G ABRIEL'S WHITB ENAMEL CEMENT , Jor Front .l liihment. (je24-tf.] ~~~ ¦ " r "Passengers engaging in Waterford art conveyed to PRLZEllEDAitTAWARDED FOR Consumption Indigestion VOICE TO XQUNO MEN BnTton-creactn^Tavlntock-squara, Le*don1"»T.C. Teeth, is an invaluable stopping, and has acquired a Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAT, WARNING world-wide reputation Ss. per box. Sold at the of- Cork at greatly reduced rates. rrKE GLENFIELD STARCH, WORKS, A ¦ A Physician, who has devoted fifteen jrean tothestody /TiONStfM'ATIOJf.By LETiT5B»^aJHOtfl:FKB. International Eibibition, 241 Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London ; also, at The STONE fice of this piper, and b all chemists throughout the X by tho Jurors of Class 2, all WATERFORD. and treatmentof NervousDebility, Eibsu Jtron, Dimness ot V/,, -7D*' SMITH wlnf fpf.^BtnMtMriapoaaat- y is used in the Royal NewsOffice , No. 49 King street, Waterford, and by JOHNSTOWN , Q«n«T«lIneap»crty,'Louo !NervoosPower v tyae&^ iiu Itingdca. ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE. 1863. This UoriTallcd Starch through- Sight, Diffident , fering"from Nervous_DsbUiqr, i!k ¦!¦ ¦ f/ie/nejt Starch she ever used. Her Majesty's out thecivilisedxorld. JOHN on receipt of a stampeddirected : envelope, a copy of • new f i ¦ ' i Vite^..itihiiiui ' WIIUWI1 ^ tnd refreshing Lotion for hardening the Gums, 5s. or DAW8ON Is now supplied with & large Assort- tobe 22s. and 33s. each box. There M haa Monuments, Head Stones, and Tomb 8tonei envelope touMf nTc$pitf)yj. ^a w^t^^^W!W!^^!^Pf^»4vte**^ ment of Knom tnd Hull Papers I.aoe Dresner deolarei it to be the best she hat tried , Ss.0r1., 4s. 64, Us., MEDICAL WORK, containing bis B&blj^ticceMfulmoae ' jhe mqitffl^'^ rAe^^t-WiSrt'and • 10s. 6d. per bottle. Sold at the office of thii paper F• , in great rariety, taking the larger flies. ready made. All kinda of Cut 8tone for Buildings. occetsaryinstroc&ns which anfferen and directiondirecUonss>r.Jhe,for : '"fe ^TO'^aiBS ' ^ he offers for Sale at Low Prices. and the above award, by some of the most eminent a considerable]saving by of treatment, with .b/ to» - and by all chemiststhroug hout the kingdom. which guidanceof patients in every 43" HoderaU Prices, and Best of Workmanship may obtaina cure. AndrewJ. 8. Esq.,Wilford Ho nw cure. Addrepa. Pr./flj^ra,^^gttrt)i«wHWf Home Fainting,DecontiDg, and PaperHang ing jcientifio men of the age, confirms iu superiority, my N.B.—Directionsfor the Gabriel's Practical Imtisefree by poston applica- £9* affixed to won box. i All Order* attends* to in the Shorteat Notice. .. (flS-tl Bart

' •' i * .

¦ t . • i < I

,. \ •: "Ifo mpbjrtieally repudiate SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE V - fliOON'S^CHANOKS.1 those nnwortl.y expressioni MICHAEL HARTIGAN PRELIMINARY NOTICE First Quarter, Wednesday. Febni«ry;«, ... .;P » P-m- of MtitfKtoon at the contemplated disruption of the AmS *! MUSIC <5w itlaihets ,8 TJnknEwbich bin disgraced tbe (LATB OT LIMERICK), AUCTION of First-class HOUSEHOLD Thursday, lUrch 6, ... •. H p.m. . colnmos of IC O M OF SOCIETY of ST. VINOEIIT de PAUL, Fall iioon, ^, and tlie otterauces of too W T ? BLOSSOM , FAIR FURNITURE j most valuable Oil Paintings by Last Quarter, „ in # journals, many of onr publie nS. * "• intoliS c»tcd to the future PRINCKSS of W Set of Knives and Forks ; Cat Gla leading orgaDs of tbe press HOUSE, 9 BARHONSTOAND-STRBBT (opposite the X Visited and Believed at their Eomci. ' METEOROLOGICAL TABLE , of reports of meetings at wtoJ OWAKD, Quay, Watcrford, and Piano by Broadwood and Son, Music Waggon, Chair, cline of 3d to 6d per barrel 14 1803. views hostile to the slave power have been Sold by Mr. F. T. H GREAT CIIAPEL), on WEDNESDAY Next, 25th FEB. Already Acknowledged ...... 121 10 0 FOB WEgr ElfPIgQ (8EC05P MOKTg)-JKB. , eipretted. W (KO-Ot) &c, which will take laco earl in the ensuing month, ¦ " " feel that tbe credit of English journalism and by all Music Sellers. Having spared no expense in making such improve- p y Nicholas M. Power, D.L., Faithlegg Uouia ... £10 O 0 OATS—Short supply ; demand good, at 3d advance Thermometer. • tbe bonoof at CROMWFLL'S ROCK, tho residence of Mrs. SNOW, ^romter of onr country are compromised, by these onwortby ments B8 will add to tho comfort of all parties requir- Alexander Sherlock, J.P., Tramore...... 3 0 0 BARLEY—No chihf t ; little offering Date Wind. Rain. , S-* tempts to foster at. THE NEW full particulars of which will bo published in a future Mai. Mean. Mln. jealousy of a growing kindred powtr t« ing Refreshments, he expects from his closo attention TOWER WARD. FOREIGN WHEAT—Demand somewhat Improted ; no change create a desire to see that poffer humbled, and tbe advertisement.' ' ¦" prrwm. and long experience to insure tho confidence of all Auctioneer. Edwsrd Roberts £3 0 0 Wm. Downey ...£0 10 O ' "¥ " ¦ - 1*- of popular government thereby impeded. Tbeij rjenreSsCT PATENT PRINTING MACHINE THOMAS WALSH , INDIAN CORN—Demand slow, at » decline of 3d to 3d per lst-day s 8.W. — - »>; suppressions - who may pntroniso him, and merit a continuance of [fiO-H] P.CoiiDolly.M.U. 10 0 Phelan, Brothers ... 0 10 0 8. -01 48 44 39 -"18 , and misrepresentations have unfortonaW. Watcrford, Feb. 20th, 18G3. Rohcrt Lawlor ... 1 0 0 \V. J. Dennehr ... 0 10 0 barrel 2ndday 9 created in the minds of the American peop their support. (f20-2t") 3rd day 10 S. W. -02 49 40 32 -^1 le. north anJ MACHINE is now in full E. 1. Barron ... 1 . (1 0 Mn. O"Keeff» ... 0 7 6 FLOUR—Demand slow : value nnaltered • THIS New ana Beautiful P.S.—Coffee always hot. Orders for Balta, Suppers, AGENTS WANTED 4th day 11 8.W. '13 61 44 37 -f Fedeial canw and Pic-nic Parties Pntrick Msher ... 1 0 0 John Corcoran ... 0 7 0 COLE 4 PROSSOR, Corn Factors. "02 60 47 «* . -« , and would bo exultant at tbe downfill «of tt ! operation at TRE NEWS Office. Whilst it , oxoouted at tho shortest notice. OOR ft well known MANURE which commands a London 6th day 12 W. . .. great republic" .«w A Friend, , A Sympathiser ...050 6thTJay l3 8. '— 68 44 31 —60 it completely throws the old, SJ read Salo ; is highly recommended by Custom- ner J. Dolierty ... 1 1 0 Thomas Jl'Kenus, ... 0 5 0 PRICES CURRENT. greatly economises labor, y 7th day u| S.E. '- 61 . 41. 30 -'47 The cause of all this change of sentiment is to years and sold Carriage Free. Liberal Richard Allen ,,, 1 0 0 Mrs. Cullemoro ... O 6 O - •: b* tedious system of Printing into the shade. SEVILLE ORANGES ers for several , Total rain 0 19 inches. ' found in the English desire for the terms given. Address B.C., 10, Pall Mall Eaat GmldFiUgcrald... 1 O 0A Friend ... O 6 O IRISH. New Old dismemberment Work executed in first-class , and Twenty- John Malcomson ... 1 O 0 W. ll'Laughlin ... 0 S 0 WILLIAM BEALE. tar London. (f20-lt») of a power which they have for at least a quarter Cent, under the prices usually charged. (j3O-tf) G. Coarlenny ... 1 0 0 Mrs. Brownrigg ... O 6 0 Waterford, 2 nd Month, 17th, 1863. of fire per MASON has now the above in the best J. G. Fowler a century looked on with an eye of jealousy APPRENTICE WANTEJD ... 1 0 0 Cnptaiu Brothers ... 0 S 0 WHEAT, p-rliarrelof280lhj. i. d. .. At. 6. ¦. d. for bet W • condition for preserving, with SAIHT AN James Dobbyn ... 1 0 0 K. O'Leary ... 0 6 0 — White - - - 2s 0 to 28 0 00 0 to 00 0 MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. growing strength and unparalleled NEW ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TRAMOEE the IRONMONGERY BUSINESS.—Apply to Win. Llnrd n Power ... 0 6 0 — Red - - - 24 0 2< 600 0 00 0 advancement in im. ... 1 0 OJoh LoXDoir TBUB8DAT E«Ki»o.—The discount demand MICHAEL'S and VALKMCUS, all the fineit fruit rO ALSH 34 and 35 Barronstrand-strect, J: Donaldson G annon ... 0 6 0 — Shipping do, - 21 0 23 (MX) 0 00 0 , all the achievements which make nations WALTER W , ... 0 15 0 Jame; at tho bank has become wholly unimportant. About £11,000 , as well ai Mrs.Jacob ... 0 6 0 BARLEY, per barrel , of 224lb> TO PLASTERERS. ported. Watorford. (ftO-tO ... 0 10 0M. Roberts — Grinding - - - 13 t VJ SOO O 000 in gold was taken to the Bank yesterday, making a total men, great in the eyes of the world . This J. J. Aylward ,., 0 10 0 Mrs. Lunhara ... 0 6 0 , too," the Committee of the above Church will receive — Malting - -18 0 17 000 0 000 inBux of £231,000 stneo the last return. Consols, 92J 3. " Emancipatio n Society " THE HALLY, W. Dowley ... 0 10 0 T. W. Condon ... 0 6 0 OATS, per barrel of 1961b«. understand, and Tenders for PIASTERIKQ the interior of it, in- EPPS'S COCOA, ICELAND MOSS COCOA MICHAEL Shares rather weak. American and Canadas very weak. the* f-^ ENERAL BILL POSTER, most respectfully James Ryan ... 0 10 0 W. Kiibey ... 0 5 0 — Black - -li e 12 000 0 000 Italians dull. French and foreign firm. thus point out the Oisasters which a eluding tho Porches and first story of the Tower. Tho (Both delicious Breakfast beverages). Mrs. Bogan Mrs. Kirw«n ... 0 6 0 — White - -13 0 14 O0O 0 000 dismemberment \JT informs his Friends and tho Public, that he ... 0 10 0 FXEIS, TnpBSPAT Evtmao.—Rentes cloaed at 70.10. work to be done with Cnrrarus Sand, and executed in J. P. Penrosa ... 0 10 0 Smaller Sums ... 3 4 S — Grey - -12 0 13 000 0 000 of the Union would entail on mankind in general MAIZENA JELLIES, JAMS , STEPHEN-STREET opposite to Alexander. FLOUIt, per Sack , ui 280lbi •-» the best manner to the satisfaction of J. J. M'CARTHT, , resides in , Richard Pnrcell ¦— OP DISCOUNT; " Tbe breaking up of tho American where he will be found to answer all calls. ... 0 10 0 _ Superfine! - - 14 6 .IS 6i"O 0 00 0 REDUCTION IN THE RATE Union into two Esq., Architect. Tenders to specify in what time tho And all articles of |gencral consumption, at Strcot, Robert Laffan ... 0 10 0 £28- It 6 Inferiors - - - 2ti 0 30 000 0 Oo U Lou DOS, TncitsDAT.—At the Bank sitting to-day the more separate governments would be a His charges for posting : — world-wide diauti? ¦work can be completed. Tenders to be lodged CUSTOM-HOUSE WARD. OATMEAL, per Too - - £13 0 0 0 00 0 On 0 directors lowered tho rate of discount to four per cent. ana enmii many gnmous calamities, such a dijrnnii.; Large Doublo Crown Bills, per 100 ... Is. Cd. BRAN, per barrel , of 84llia. -39 4 OiftO 0 00 0 with tho Reverend NICHOLAS CANTWELL, P.P., on egT 40 , QDAY , ^ 1 Mr. P. Stephenion, nomas F. Differ £0 10 0 would substitute for a single and cheap government, two Small Bills, per do. ... Is. Od, LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE— WEDIHISDAT. more of a very expensive character; would or before the 22nd inst., on which day the parties ten- Fairbrook, per L. Ryan Brothers ... 0 10 0 impose UPCII MA (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE) Hand Bills, per do. ... Is. Od, OPBKIKO PEICBS—Consols for Money, 92}} ; Consols the necessity of keeping up large standing dering are requested to be present at the Church, at Distributing Dobbyn ... 5 0 0 James English ... 0 10 0 FOREIGN. Free. amies/in?? , Alexander-St, for Account, 92§ 3; New 3 per Cents, 92JJ. would absorb, as in Europe, a third of tbe half-past Twelve o'clock. Hcsidence STEPHEN-STREET opposite Henry Pope ... 3 o 0 Cornelius Sheehan... 0 10 0 resources of Ik James Delahunty ... 2 0 0 Samuel Jones ... 0 10 0 CLOSIKO PRICKS—Consols for Money, 92JJ ; Consols state, imposing licaty taxes on the people; wonld By order of the Committee, nrornfl DOWER'S ALE AND PORTER TO BE LET, P. Cnrran, Chronicle 2 0 0 Miss Ronayne ... 0 10 0 WHEAT, per barrel , of 2801bi. i. d. a. d for Account, 92193 : New 3 per Cents, 92}}. sooner or later, other wars as disastrous u tbe Drew«( EDWARD WALL, Secretary. Doctor Carroll 1 0 0 Collector Strike ... 0 10 0 — American . . . . 28 II to 21 8 wonld encourage tlie secession of other states, and BY PROPOSAL, FROM THE 26TH MARCH, — Marianople ¦ . . . 25 6 28 0 tbes m Tramore, I Cth Feb., 18C3. ' (f20-lt). DOWER'S PRIME ALE and PORTER to be V. Delandre ... 1 0 0 Wm. Dobbyn ... 0 10 0 DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE—Y ESTERDAY. lyze that magni6cent development of human actiriJ j JR. the most Mode- THAT PART OF THE — Berdianskl . . . 25 6 28 0 constitutional liberty, which lias been tbe . . h»d in any Quantity nnd on 18G3, James Mosley ... 1 0 0 Patrick Comerford... 0 10 0 — Ghirka . . » 1 1( I Pd. Cash. Acct. admiration^f ,L NURSERY & SEED ESTABLISHMENT at T ANDS of BALLYNAHILA, County of Watcrford, George Gibson ... 1 0 0 Johu Hosro ... 0 10 0 Galatz and Kalnfat- . . 0(1 0 00 0 S per Cent Consols 02ii 62ii civilized world ; and would reo-pen the African •!,„, j rate Terms, with all its horrors and barbarities. 25. KINO'STREET, ITA.TERFORD. I A lately occupied by M AURICE G OUOII, with tho Dobbyn »nd Tandy 1 0 0 Mrs. Dowling ... 0 10 0 INDIAN CORN , Yellow , Oileua , & Galatz. 18 8 1» 0 New 3 per Cent Stock 91} 91H We are, tWf R & J. RYAN'S, GENERAL GROCERS, Foxonlan deeply convinced that tho maintenance 62a. 2r. 18 statute mea- St. George Freeman 10 0 Benjamin Graham... 0 10 0 — — tc Ibralia . . II 9 18 3 Bank of Ireland 100 226i — of tbe FedenllTn ' STREET, WATERFORD. House thereon, containing p., American 12, BROAD Nicholas Walton ... 1 0 0 Robert Egan ... 0 7 6 — — , 18 3 18 6 Hibernian Bank 26 42 — of America is an object of unspeakable iinporUno tx i£ ~\\r POWER offers for Sale, at very MODERATE suro or thereabouts. The above is a most desirable — — French and American White "0 0 00 0 whole hnman family, N.B.—On Trial, the above will be found to surpass E. Wall. Tramore... 1 0 0 Rev. Mr. M'Evoy ... 0 S 0 _ Provincial Bank 25 89i — and that its disruption wonlj VV • PRICES, an extensive and carefully selected Farm and has been considerably improved. Proposals — Egyptian, . . . . , 00 0 00 II a calamity to tbe cause of freedom orm similar articles in the Trade- [je6-tfj Michael Tobiu ... 1 0 0 Michael Maliony ... 0 6 0 — Damaged ...|;s 0 17 o National Bank 30 77} — nnd to tbe intereluLf stock of VEGETABLE and GERMAN FLOWER any to be sent into Mr. FLOOD'S Office, Dungarvan. — civilization." •' F. T. Howard ... 1 0 0 Wm. Power ... 0 6 0 FLOUR, American.per liarrel, or I061bs. . HO 0 00 0 Union Bank (limited) 12 10J — SEEDS which includo many new and approved varie- For further particulars apply to Mr. FLOOD. , EDWARD WALL, Walter Walsh ... 10 0 James Power ... 0 6 0 — French, per sack, of 2801b». - - oO 0 00 0 Mining Co. of Ireland 7 19}} — In the face of this state of feeling in Eng ties. N.B.—Tho Caretaker, JOHN L BNEHAN, will show David Slaney ... 1 0 0 M. Sheridan ... 0 6 0 INDIAN MEAL, American, rrer lirl. of IMIbi. 00 0 OU 0 City of Dublin Steam Companj- 100 Uik — land, tit WATERFORD , and SUMMER HILL, ( Home Manufacture renegade policy of the country Also, I MPORTED S EED POTATOK .% POTATO ONIONS, tb« Lands. Miss Slaney ... 1 0 0 Wm. W. Murphy ... 0 6 0 — , J 1910 . M,„ n Royal Atlao. Steam Navigation Co. 10 3U 3il drawing forth nd, TRAMORE , J per sack, of 2S01b». j | SPRING VETCHES, ITAMA .V R YE G RASS, nnd GENUINE Dunijarvan, February 5th, 18G3. (f20-lt) Miss Kelly, Square .. 1 0 0 P. Hanrahan ... 0 6 0 » ' ° United General Gas 60 31}id — strong protests even within its own AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, Mr.Fitrgemld stamp RYE MEAL, - >' iOO 0 00 0 boundaries, tbi Fi'R7.s S EBD LINSEED, OLD B EANS, OIL CAKK , &C. TEA, WINE, P.J. Sullivan ... 1 0 0 , B1I1WAY8. , office 0 6 0 British Government can never, with cleamh« 43* Nursery at Bailinalrill, adjoining the Demesno Wholesale and Retail. COUNTY OF WATERFORD Vincent White ... I 0 0 Great Southernand Western 100 104id 10-iid Ork Edward Power ... 1 0 0 A Friend to tbo Poor 0 6 0 Watcrford and Limerick 60 18 — or with effect of J OHN MALCOMSON , Esq. (f20-2t) AGENT for Sale of W ILLIAM YOUNGER , interfere for the re-establishment RESIDENT John Flavalisn ... 1 0 0 John Murphy ... fl 6 0 imports and Exports for the Week ending Thursday> Wntcrford & Lim. 5 per ct. rd 30 — — of and Co.'s Edinburgh Ales, Mild and Bitter ; from 25th March Next, peace, and the change To Be Let, P; Newport Barron 1 0 0 Mrs. T. Phelan ... 0 6 0 the \2lh inst. Watcrford Kilkenny 100 12i — of feeling, the desire for tin NOTICE AND ADVERTISEMENT OF TRANGER and Co.'s Totnes Devonshire Cham, * H. W. S BELMONT HOUSE, and about 186 Acres of Land, Congreve Rogers ... 1 0 0 Mrs. S. Plielan ... 0 6 0 IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Do, 6 per cent, red 100 — — beginning of the end which is now AMES LAIR , Glasgow Crushed Sugars strongly roani. WRIT OF SUMMONS & PLAINT, p agne Cider ; J B , within One Mile of Waterford, whero three W. Murphy ... 1 0 0 James Gallaher ... 0 6 0 Wheat - 1374 Quarters. Wheat ... 40 Barrela Waterford and Tramore 10 4i — les each Boat JAMES J AMIE- Indian Corn fested everywhere in America Issncd in Actions against an Incorporate Body, and Molasses, fresh Samp ; Railways havo their Termini. Tho House contains 4 John Stafford ... I 0 0 Maurice G»ey ... fl 6 0 . . 3453 do. Oat*, - - 1872 ilo .can only be entered in- Dari , - , 17, Vic, e. 113, s. 33, extensive views of the rich valley of tho Suir ; neigh- HAVE now on Salo Messrs. GEORG E SATF.R & Co.'s Michael Kirwan ... 0 10 0 Patrick Fanning ... 0 6 0 Week ending Friday (tbis day) , the -:0th intt. tendencies, of L INCOLN and his followers, destroyed Plaintiff; that a Writ of Summons bourhood good, with two Packs of Hounds, aspect Miss Grant .. 0 10 0 Thomas Walsh ... 0 6 0 " FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1863 J I BRANDY, of tho same quality as obtained the ¦Date. No. Firkins. Price. the enthusiasm of the North for the cause which Tho Guardians of the Poor and Plaint has been issued International Exhibition 1802 Sooth, on a gentle eminence. The Land all in prime James Hickey ... 0 10 0 Captain Bartlott ... 0 6 0 Feb 14 13 12"i. to l!2s in. PRIZE MEDAL at the , , duced them lo take up of the Waterford Union, this day, at tho suit of the condition and in pasture. A. Woolridge ... 0 10 0 J. Mullins ... 0 6 0 — 16, 0 120s. — 122s. arms—tbe preservation of and which I offer on Rcasonnblo Terms. !' Defendants. I said M ICHAEL P. HOWLTTT, Application to PIERSE NEWPORT TJARROK , ESQ, Mrs. Stono and> n , n n • M'Kcnna ... 0 6 0 — 17 30 120s. — 1229. LATEST NEWS. the unity of the States—no ¦* DAVID LECKIE, 01 Petpr longer exists, and a wu apainst tho Guardians of Grange Lodge, Wafcrford. (f20-tf) Mrs. Young ... Ryan ... 0 6 0 — 18, 52 120s. — 1229. S irit Merchant, Ac, Direct Importers of ° ° — 19, 24 1208. — 152K . ? for negro liberation and Southern the Poor of tho Waterford Union, in tho Court of Wine and p Wm. Alcock ... 0 10 0 E. M'Coy ... 0 6 0 plunder, which tho RANDT . John Tobin ... 0 10 0 James Keating ... 0 6 0 — 20 25 1203. — 1223. AMERICA. Exchequer, Ireland. FRENCH B COUNTY OF WATERFORD. Washington Ministry seem lo desire solely, must KM" Stores—EXCHANOE -STREET. (j30-tf) John Farrcll ... 0 10 0 Anthony Forristal... 0 7 0 QUEENSTOWN , THURSDAY.—The Liverpool etw Dated this 17th day of Feb., 1803. Total 159 , New meet with the W. Burrowes ... 0 10 0 Mrs. Donovan ... 0 5 0 York, and Philadel hia compuny ' strongest opposition , not only of tbe THEODORE CROSIIEI.M , and G EORGE CARR L ETT, TO BE SOLD, p a steamship ST. STEPHEN'S BREWERY, John Mullowney ... 0 10 0 Michael O'She* ... 0 6 0 Edinburgh from New York on the South , but of a large majority in the Attorneys for the said Plaintiff, No. 9 Eustace-street, 0 6 0 Corrected this Day for the Waterford News. , 7th inst. North. Efin WATER ORD rnHE TENANT'S INTEREST IN THE LEASE Robert Furnisi ... 0 10 0 Miss Maher ... PROVISIONS. in the City of Dublin. F . 0 arrived. She brings the mails, 32 cabin, and 57 the abolitionists see the disunion JL of ROSSDUFF, containing 72 Irish Acres, on Mrs. Fitzpatrick ... 0 10 0 James Power ... 6 0 ISACOX Pins, per cwt 42s Od to 42s 6d which LINCOLU 'I -the steerage passengers, and 913,000 dollars To the said Guardians of Poor of the Waterford which are erected an excellent Dwclling-Houso and Mrs. Prondcrgast ... 0 10 0 Thomas Reddy ...060 OrrAl. do 40s Od — «2s Od in specie proclamation lias produced , and wearied b PATRICK KEJL Y Sf SONS Mist Mary Power ... 0 10 0 Smaller Sums ... 6 10 0 Frf.T do Os Ud — 10a 6d and frei ht. y politi- Union, and all whom it may concern. [f2U-U] suitable Out Offices, held under Lease, of which a long g nttcntiou to their SUPERIOR POR- R. Cutlar ... 0 10 0 — H EADS do Vn Od — 27» nd cal intri gues, by delay and reverses, and b BEG to call ired nt a very raodcrnto Rent. N EW YORK, FEB. 6.—The Confederates have y tin THE TURKISH DIVAN , ALES, and STRONG BEER.. term is unexp , Michael Power ... 0 10 £63 4 6 TAt.r.ow do 00s Od — OOs Od slaughter of friends , TER The Lands aro in good heart, situated within Five L AKO (chandlers) 41s Od — 42« Od withdrawn , their forces from the rear of Fredericks- , nnd the general ruination to tot TOBACCO CIGAU , AND FISHING TACKLE They particularly recommend their XX ALE and CENTRE WARD 1 , Miles of the City of Watcrford, and Two of the beau- BUTCHKRS MEAT. burg. Colonel Stuart, chief of the cavalry on country which is everywhere manifesting itself SUPERIOR STOUT to the notice of Bottlers and the Robertson i, Lcdlie £5 0 0 Jolin Power ... 0 10 0 Br.r.r, joints ... 6d to lid I Vr.AL , thi WAREHOUSE. tiful Bathing Town of Dunmore East. , do ... Cd to Si M'Clernand's start at Vicksburg, while making a re- people Trad o generally. Robnrt Locke ... 6 0 0 W. Behm ... 0 10 0 M UTTON , do ... 6d to 7l to 1 B 4d | Do. Scotch Downs 6d to 8|d book containing most important information wish for is drawing near, and peace will again shad Cut Cavendish, and other Fancy Tobaccos. New Street. December, 18C1. (d27-tf) respect- TO BE LET , "Poirsa Kelly ... 2 0 0 Mrs. M . Power ... 0 10 0 BREAD. ing the Federal plans at Vicksburg. its hoppy influence over that country A choice selection of Meerschaum and Clay Pipes. ; WniTr., pcrdb .. 6}d | Housmo 41b 6d to 8jd which hat be. rpHE FRONT ROOMS and Upper Part of the House, Tbonm W. Jacob... 2 0 0 Pntrick Commins ... 0 10 0 .pr N EW YORK, FEB. 7.—Despatches received LAMBKIN 'S Cork Snuff. NOTICE. Hnzleton£0'Donnell2 0 0Thomas Kinulla ... 0 10 0 WHISKEY. at stowed so many favors on the human family, and in Sole SPILLANB'S Celebrated Limerick that no Person will be allowed to JL No. 5 GEORGE'S-STREET, adapted for a Pri- DU BMX , per sal ... 1B< 6d I OtD, gal, ... lSn 9d Washington state that tbe blockade at Charleston Agent for rpAKE NOTICE, James Fcely, N.Bank 3 0 0 P. Coady ... 0 10 0 a particular manner on the Irish race, who hare Smoughteen and Twist Tobaccos. X Land Manure at BALLYCANVAN QUAY, less vate Residence. Apply at 6 GEORGE'6-STREET. E. Fielding ... 1 0 0 J. Fahy ... 0 10 0 COXK , puncheon ... 16J Cd was not interrupted for any considerable time by the , fa return £3- Real Limerick Flies and Hooka. London Per than £1 per Boat. THOMAS BROWNE. Jannary 22, 1863. (j23-tf) M. Prendergsst ... 1 0 0 R. Hayes ... 0 10 0 FISH dispersion of tbe Union fleet on the 31st of January, , shed their blood so plenteously in the effort fumery, and Concertinas. Ncw-street, Waterford, Feb. 2, 1803. [fG-3t] Rev. Dr. Ryan ... 1 0 0 Y. Power ... 0 10 0 N'rsni.xn,pr c«t 18* to 20* I SAI.MOS, porlb... li 8d while there can be no doubt that the port was to maintain the institutions under which they fooni TO BE LET, Miss Kent ... 1 0 0 VV. Brown ... 0 10 0 HrnalstiH , pr brl 10s to 'J3a | SOLR , do ... Os Od Observe-96QUAY, WATERFO R.D. [oll-tf] opened by the sudden assault of the Confederate protection and prosperity. BUILDERS, CABIN ET-MAKEKS, &o UgrA rpHE Large and Commodious HOUSE, No. H.D.Grant, B.Irelwd 1 0 0 J. Knox, Fcrrybank 0 10 0 FOWL AND EGGS. TO Fowl., each ... In 7d | Eons rams. It appears that ou the 3rd instant the block- 'iiif ATRICK TREET Wm. Power ... 1 0 0 Wm. Sago ... 0 8 0 , per dozen, 6Jd 7d WATERFORD HARBOUR Jili X 19 P S , auitablo for iny ex- ade was completely resumed, and the iron now keep in Stock a very large assortment of tensive Bnj incss, with any amount of accommodation Philip Devereux ... 1 0 0 W. Day ... 0 6 0 SOAP AND CANDLES, clads A DRY DOCK FOR WE The Misses Bronnin 1 0 0 D. Kennedy ... 0 6 0 WuiTr, ncr cirt ... 40s Oil I Mooio, perlb... Os 7d were then lying inside the wooden vessels. An WATERFORD Commissioners for Improving the Port and the finest quality of PINE, MAIIOOAXY, WALNUT, in the rerc if required. A plentiful supply of Water s THE , Michael Murphy ... 1 0 0 W. Pope ... 0 6 0 Baovr. , do ... 329 Od | DrrT, 4o ... OS 6d attack on the city of Charleston Harbour of Waterford will receive Sealed Ten- and B IRCH LEAVES and SCANTLING, all thoroughly was momentarily on the Premises. Matthew Deriram 1 0 OH Dillon ... 0 o 0 TIMBER. We perceive b PRUCE LOORING OARDS J OISTS and expected. The new Confederate iron-clad Merrimae y the report of the Harbour Com. ders for the Supply of the following, from 1st APRIL, Seasoned, with S F B , , Apply to W. P. W ALSH, next door. (fl3.4t) Michael Harrington 1 0 0 P. Doberty ... 0 6 0 BKD P IXK , per ton, 65s Od I STAVrs , per 1000 £65 Os REI ARED APER Yrt.Loiv, 489 to 50s Od I LvritR, per do ... 159 Od is now lying aeven miles below Richmond. missioncrs' meeting, in this ' 1863, to 31st MARCH, 180 1 :— R AFTERS, GALVANISED I RON and P - P Edward Fennesiy ... 1 0 0 Owen Power ... 0 7 C Two day s impression, that ARBLE COALS. other iron-clads are in course of construction TIMBER AND DEALS FOREIGN AND COAL TAR COVERING for R OOFS ; also a great variety of M , TO BE LET James Walpole ,,, 10 0 Smaller Sums ... 1 12 9 there. Mr. T. W. J ACOB, a most perceptive and rueful , , CAROirr, 153 Odtto 16s Od | NKWPOBT , por ton ... 15s NAMEL and SLATK CHIMNEY PIECES. « The attack on Fort Donnelson is stated to have I RON, PITCH, E , Two HOUSES recently built opposite the Anonymous ... 1 0 0 — fellow-citizen, has very opportunel J. P. GRAVES & CO. THE Rev. E.J.Browne... 10 0 £52 10 3 FODDER AND GREEN CROPS. resulted in the entire defeat of the Confederates y initiated tht SAILS AND SAIL WORK, V ARNISH, &C , Terminus, Tramore. They contain each Three HAY , por ton, ... SOs to 15s MAXo agreed on, a YAWL, with Crew Rate of Assurance and every information may be Feb. 18, as Altarilla, Cahir, tbe wife of Alexander Going, E«q., from Vicksburg states that the Federal ram, Queen of Four Men, for use at Passage Pilot Station. Par- had of SWEETS TIIOJ . B. Prossor ... 1 0 0 John Furlong ... 0 10 0 of» daughter. tion to which we would beg to draw the attention ot PURE Phili Browne ... 1 0 0 John Devereux ... 0 10 0 of the West, ran the blockade of Vickaburg on the ticulars of the duty to be performed can be learned MR. RICHARD HARRIS p On tbe I4th Inst., at Sunriew Terrace, Sunday's-well, Cork , tbe all , Comprise a great Taricty of first-rate Richard O'Neill ... 1 0 0 Mr. Hinrahan ... 0 10 0 wife of Daniel M'SwIney, Esq., of a daughter. 3rd instant. One hundred rifled guns opened fire good men who love the prosperity of Waterforf from the Pilot Officer there. Securit y will be re- 15, Queen-street, Waterford. John AUinzliam ... 1 0 0 Miss Knox ... 0 7 6 Feb. 12, at 31, North Great George's-street, Dublin, the wife of upon her as she steamed past ; a Confederate steamer is the MACHINE-MADE CONFECTIONERY promotion of a Free Bridge. A noble ri«t( quired for its performance. MARINE ASSURANCE. Thomas R. Cherry 10 0 James M'Evoy ... 0 S 0 Richard M'Namara, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter. also opened fire upon her, but the Queen of Scaled Tenders endorsed " Tender for Of the most wholesome and delicious character. February 12, at Fallydatid, county Waterford, tbe wife of Cap- the West magnificent railways, a' dry dock, splendid w»ttt> , ," are Cargoes per Steamer and Sailing Vessel to any Peter Mackey ... 1 0 0 James Wallace ..,. 0 6 0 cri led her. The ram was under fire to be left at this Office on or before MONDAY Sold by Grocers, Confectioners , Druggists, &c, tain Armstrong. J.P.. ot a son. pp three-quarters worki , tho port in the Irish, Bristol , and English Channels, as- White Brothers ... 1 0 0 Mrs. Cole ... 0 6 0 of an hour. , are, after all, incomplete without a Fret 9th MARCH, and they will be submitted to a Meeting in Transparent and other Packets, at P. A. Power ... 1 0 0 The Misses Dwyer... 0 6 0 sured on very MOOEKATE TERMS . (tf) MARRIAGES H.M.S. Vesuvius has arrived at Havanna Bridge. But this, like all other necessary project* of tho Commissioners, nt Twelve o'clock on that day. O N F, PENNY PER OUNCE. Samuel Harris ... 1 0 0 Henry Roche ... 0 6 0 On Monday, at the Catholic Cathedral of this city, by tbe Rer. , with a is onl JOHN FARRELL, Secretary, Beware of Imitations. Michael Slattery ... 1 0 0 Mrs. Walsh ... 0 6 0 Thomaa English, CO., Richard Goff Pnrcell, Esq., merchant, to million and a half dollars from Mobile. It wai y a question of time. We hope to see til SEAMEN'S ADVANCE NOTES Sarah. Anne, only surviving daughter of the law Michael Hanlon Waterford Harbour Commissioners. John Slattery ... 1 0 0 James Cummini ... 0 5 0 , reported that Mr. Seward would demand ex- question of the dry dock taken hold of with es, SCHOOLING & CO., Mrs. E. Ryan ... 1 0 0 Capt. Thos. Walih .. o 6 0 Esq., Waterford Arms' Hotel. Ballast Office, 17th Feb., 18G3. repeal of the Mercantilo Marino Act of 1850 ' planations. (f203t) ON the , Edraond Walsh ... 1 0 0 Rody Kennedy ... 0 6 0 On Sunday, in tbe Catholic Church of Camck-on-Snir, by the larged views and energy, and carried to a succenftl Seamen's Advance Notes became liable to Wholesale and Export Confectioners, BETHNAL Rer. Richard Fitzgerald, P.P., Michael Power, Esq., ot ClrticV- MEXICO-DEFEAT OF THE FRENCH. GREEK , London. [f20-ly] Mrs. Grennan ... 1 0 0 Martin Denn ... 0 5 0 on-Suir, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the late John Boyle, issue speedily. As to the question of raising £20,- WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY STAMP DUTY as Bills of Exchange. As such lia- Joseph Coombe ... 1 0 0 John Murray ... 0 5 0 Advices from Mexico confirm the evacuation of * Esq., of Carriekbeg. bility does not appear to be generally known, tho George White • ... 1 0 0 M JBS Dunne ...060 February 17th, at the Catholic Church, Tramore, by the Rev. Tampico and Jalapa. The British war ship Vesuvius, 00b for the work, there cannot be the slightest diffi- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Board of Inland Revenue deem it advisable to give SCOTCH SEED POTATOES, T.Walsb.Bairbricken 10 0 Nicholas Hcarne .... 0 6 0 Nicholas Oantwell , P.P., Edmond, eldest son of the lat« John at Bermuda, on the 27th ult., reported that the culty, for on the security of the harbour ntei Ibtt a GENERAL MEETING that any porson who shall make, sign, or iasne AT JOHN McREDMOND'S, James Rrennan ... 0 10 0 John Long ... 0 6 0 Kearney, Esq., of Waterford, to Mn. Ellen Matilda Hessioo. THAT of the Shareholders notic*, , In the Catholic Church of Stradbally, on Sunday, the 15th Inst., French army had been defeated in an attack on ST WATKBroRp (three Richard Harris ... 0 10 0 A Friend ... 0 6 0 amount can be at any moment raised, even at to in the WATERJORD and LIMKRICK R AILWAY Com- or shall accept or pay any such note, which is not duly 40 BABBONSTRAND. ., doors from the by the Rev. Thomas Ca««j, P.P., Mr. John Copp, Baden, to Puebla, and lost 3,000 men. and late of Little Qtorge' s-street). James Slattery ... 0 10 0 Mrs. Purccll ... 0 6 0 pany xrill be held at the Offices of tho Company, at the stamped, will incur the penalty of £50. Great Ctiapel, Catherloe, youngest daughter of Mr. James Nicholson, ihoplceeper, per cent., the rate of interest paid by the' Ton Edmond Plielan ... 0 10 0 Mrs. Maher ... 0 6 0 Boomahon, connty Waterford. TERMINUS, near Waterford, on FRIDAY, the 27th An Adhesive Stamp cannot be nscd to denote the ILLNESS OF PRINCE ALFRED. Council who have Beg to apprize my Customers and the Public that Simmons White Co. 0 10 0 Wm. C. Dresper ... 0 5 0 On the 10th inst., at St. Jamas', Marylebone, by the Rer. Canon N APLES , FEB. 18.—The sttamer Oeorge left last , always been offered more money day of FEBRUARY next, at the hour of 12 o'Clock duty on such notes, tho law requiring that Bills of * Hnnt G. T. Fitzgerald , Esq., Chef d'Escidron 1 have Imported from one of the most eminent Thomas Bellord ... 0 10 0 Smaller Sums ... 3 1 0 , , Imperial and night for Malta with Prince Alfred on board. The than they required for any loan. at noon, for the purpose of receiving and considering Exchange shall be writt en upon paper impressed with I Royal Regiment Austrian Cuirassier Guards, son of A. Fitzgerald growers in Scotland , a Supply of SCOTCH REGENTS A Friend, B.M. ... 0 10 0. Prince is suffering t heJDircctors' Report and Statement of Accounts the appropriate stamp. Esq., of Scariew House, county Waterford, to Adine Eliza, eldest from fever. of the and SKERRY BLUE POTATOES, the quality of Matthew Farrell ... 0 10 0 £i8 18 8 daughter ot Tburston B. Caton, Esq., of Denrilles, Hants, and Company for the half-year ending tho 31st day By order of the Board, COLLECTION FOR THE CATHOLIC UNIVEBSITT of Dc- which needs no comment from me. I have also Pur. James Shanalmn ... 0 10 0 grand-danghter of tbe Rer. R. B. Caton, M.A., of Blandford HOUSE OF COMMONS-LIST NIOHT. cembcr last, and for the transaction of tho ordinary T. SARGENT, Secretary . SOUTH WARD. Square. London, and Binbrook, Lincolnshire. PROVISION FOR THE FBIKC3 Of WALES. ? ! chased from M. W. K NOX , Esq., J.P., Co. Wcxford, 14th of Feb., business of the Company. Inland Revenue, Somerset House, 0 Joseph Boutcher ... 10 0 On Saturday. at the R.C. Church, St. Patrick'*, Lord PALMSRSTON moved that on tbe Prince of Wales' On Sunday tit the produce of 5 Acres of the above.mentioncd|: which John Lawler, T.C £2 0 Cork by the Rer. Canon Brown, assisted by the Rer, Mr. Lane, next, the annual collection for The Share Transfer Books kept February, 1803. , marriage, the House should graut a sum by the Company will 13th (f20-lt) very Moderate TermB, whose letter I annex J. and E. Maher ... 2 0 0 Miss Caulfield ... 10 0 Captain Francis R. O'Donnell, son of John O'Donnell, Esq., of £40,000 a year Catholic University in tia be closed on and from Friday, I offer on Rev. T.M'Grath C.C. 10 0 Michael Caulfield ... 10 0 from the Consolidated Fund, for the establishment of tbe of Ireland will take plsce. the 13th, until the 27th -Orders from the Country attended to on re- . Nicholaatown Castle, to Mary Caroline Jotephine, youngest dangh. P.S. Rev. R.Dunpby,C.C. 10 0 Patrick Bowe ... 10 0 ter of the late James Fahie, Esq., Cuba Honoe Banagher King's Prince snd Princess, and £10,000 a year to tne Princessfor city. With tbe very great depression of trade s> day of February next, both days inclusive. delivered free at any railway or , , ceipt of a Cash Order, Wra 1'helan Manor 1 0 0 Joseph Ryan ... 10 0 County. her separate use, making £50,000 in all (cheers). In case And Notice is hereby further given, that after the . . ' generally felt everywhere we know how difficult i boat, at Is. 4d. per Stone ; in New Sacks, at 1. 6d per Mrs. Dalton • ... 1 0 0 Matthew Farrcll ... 10 0 On Monday, at St. John s Church, Kilkenny, by the Ror. E, of tbe Princess surviving His Royal Highness it was pro- , ordinary business of the said meeting shall be Larkin, administrator, Aid. James Martin P.L.G., , concluded Sack until returned, £Sf - A guarantee given with all Henry Lee ... 1 0 0 John O'Neill ... 10 0 , to Bridget, posed that tbo sura of £30,000 a year should be allowed her is for moat people to meet their •.dtmindi; an EXTRAORDINARY MEETING daughter of Patrick Lonergao, E«i., architect and builder, both bo^ of the Share- qualities:— Fortuno and Co. ... 1 0 0 Thomas Browne ... 7 0 during her Ilife, which was £20,000 less thaa was agreed to holders of the Waterford HKI of said city. nevertheless, the University has done so much ftr and Limerick Railway Com- CONTRACTS FOR " Kilmnnnock, Nov. 21st, 1802. N. Fortune, Tramore 1 0 0 M. Power, Manor ... 6 0 On the 17th inst., at the Protestant Cathedra! in this city, b« allowed in George IV.'s case (cheers). will be held at by pany tho place aforesaid, for the " M R. M C RKDMOSD —TIIO Potatoes I sold you (Skerry Mrs. O'Ncill,Micb.-st 1 0 O|I)avid Scurry ... 5 0 the Very ROT. the Dean of Waterford, assisted by the Rer. The resolution was unanimously agreed to. Waterford in the establishment of a fint-cliil purpose of authorising the Company MILITARY PURVEYOR'S STORES. Edward Hughes, incumbent of Donaraore, couoty Wcxtotd to raise by the Blues), wcro from Seeds Imported last year, and I had not I). Coinan, T.U. ... 1 0 OT. i'belan, John-at ... 5 0 ^ The House went into committee on tbe Registration of School, so long required, and which cannot yet Ml creation of Shares, either ordinary or ouo diseased in two acres. The Scotch ltcjcuts I got from Thomas Brown ... 1 0 0 J. Power, Michl-st ... 6 0 Frederick Achcson'Montgomery Moore. Esq., eldest son of Robert Births (Ireland) bill, but made no progress. preferential, such IS HEREBY GIVEN, to nil parties doai- Montgomery Moore, Esq., D.L., J.P., of Auchnactor, county ( sums of money as the Shareholders NOTICK you last yenr, anil which I have now sold you also, arc tbe Patrick Carroll ... 10 0 Edward O'Counor ... 6 0 paying institution, that we are sure tbe belli. may think fit, not roiw of Tendering for the Supply of such quan- Tyrone, to'Mary, daughter of Tbomu Boyio Preuor, Esq., J.P., exceeding the sum of .€23,000, ptirstiant to the brat I have seen since the disease appeared. I am quite sure Wm.Power.narrk-st. 10 0 M. Hartry ... 5 0 tbe Mall , Waterford . No cards sent. families and the public generally will cqnbibdl I pro- tities of the undermentioned Articles, namely •— getting either for Seed will be well pleased. Kirwan Tinions of tho Waterford and Limerick Railway any person Nicholas O'Reilly ... 1 0 0 M ichacl ... 6 0 On the 16th inst., at the Catholic Church. Fcthard, Denis Duan POSITION OF AMERICAN AFFAIRS Act MEAT BREAD, FLOUR, GROCERIES '•¦"¦ NOX Purcell Eaq., Captain Tippciary Light Infantry, liberally on this occasion. It should not bt fi 1802. . , WINES, [n28-tf] W. K ." Maurice Flynn ... 0 0 0 J. Power , Newgate-st 6 0 , son or Robert \ (ja3U-3t) SPIRITS, AND MALT LIQUORS ; MILK Mrs.Mannin , 10 0 Thomas Wedger ... 6 3 Purcoll, Esq., Roan House, to Ellen Mary, second daughter ol Dated this 10th tlay of January, ISM. , B Charles Blaokmore, Esq., of Rathcoole. The nevrs from America gotten that before the University School wal«fa »: FOWLS, EGOS, POTATOES & other VEGETABLES, PICKLES AND SAUCES P. Casey, Michael-it 10 0 Wm.Kirwan.MVs-walk 6 0 now possesses little inte- WILLIAM MALCOMSON, Chairman. On the 14th instant, at St. Michael's Catholic Church, Kings- Iished in Stephen-street, many parents deenrf > As may be required during a period of Tivelvo Months Michael Casey ... 1 0 0 R. Dunpuy, Castletown 6 0 town, Joseph J. Greene, Esq., of the Inner Temple, rest. The belligerents remain inactive, and (he desire THOMAS AINSWORTH BROTHERS, LONDON.-PICKLES Wm. Walsh Pntk. London , , Secretary. for the service of the Military Hospitals, WATERFORU, FEAST. , J. Fitipatrick .Manor 10 0 , -st 6 0 eldest son of John Greene. Esq.. J.P., Wexford, to Jane, eldest for slaughterseems to hare necessary, at heavy expense, to send their »|WMff SAUCES, CONDIMENTS, and JELLIES 0 J. Fower MayorVwnlk daughter of the late Georgo Rath, Esq., ceased. Each party appears LIMERICK , T EMPLRMOUE, C AMIR , CLONMF.L. DUN-CAN - , Wra. Day, B'bricken 1 0 . 6 0 of BalllnaclashHome , In ^ Warranter! pure. Sold in Waterford at. 49 King-street. Edward Kcnnefick... 1 0 0 E. Walsh, 5 0 connty Wexford. heartily sick of the sanguinary to distant places to be educated. This exJMM •, CASSELL'S COFFEES NON FORT, from the 1st APRIL next, 18G3, that par- and ruinous contest, James Myers ... 1 0 0 Mrs. Hassett ... 6 0 Feb. IS, in Tagoat, Mr. Arthur Roche, of Leritetown, Dnncor- now avoided. But ticulars nnd forms of tender may be obtained by appli. mnck, to Alice, only daughter of the late Mr. John Paxle of and feels desirous of entering into the victories which , independent of all thii, ttKfft a long scries of years these truly Celebrated OF Cnpt. Johnson, J.P. 10 0 Mrs. Morris ... 6 0 , rOR cation to the Purveyor to the Forces of the District at COUNTY WATERFORB Cnnrcbtowu, Kilrane, connty Wexford. the bounden duty of Catholics to foster andaostw Coffees have been held in the highest estimation , Richard Power ... 10 0 Thomas Burko ... 6 0 February II in Oarlow Ellen peace possesses as well as war, but the difficulty is to the Garrison Hospital Limerick. , , , eldest daughter of the late Mr. ^ throughout the United Kingdom by the many thou- , GRAND JURY of tho County of Waterford John Hudson ... 10 0 Michael Bowe ... 6 0 Patrick Kinsella, Castle-street, to Mr. M. Dobbyn, Grairue. arrive at a satisfactory their great national University, until >' : Tenders must be delivered at tho Offico of tho Pur- THE Walter Mnrphy February 12 at the Gathollo Church solution. The basis on which '*Hj sands of families to whom they have become in accus- will enter into CONTRACTS for tho following Mm. Flemiog, Manor 10 0 ... 6 0 , , Wexford. Robrt Stafford, Thomas Darmod Esq., to Lizzie Mary, only daughter of John Richards, ion. Esq. a termination to strong and vigorous enough to sustain itself t ^XI |t tomed household beverage. veyor, properly filled up and signed (in triplicate) on Works at SPRING ASSIZES, 1863 :— Thomas Clarke, do.... 10 0 y ... fi o the war could be arrived at is ap- Walsh and 0 David Hyland .„ 6 0 February IS. in Weiford, James D. Viokery, Esq. M.D., eldest h So hig arc CASSELL S OFFEES or before tho 23rd day of FEBRUARY, 1803. Mahony... 10 ¦on parently unknown to cither cause is one that needs no lengthened exhortttW?! hly ' C esteemed, ind so GAULTIER. Richard Fitzgerald... of James O'Donoghne Yickery, Esq. to Rebecca, youngest party. What either Samples must accompany the Tenders when sent in. T. Maher, Stcphen-st 10 0 5 0 daughter of the late Jonathan Boxwell, Esq, Infirmary House. mnft l} wide-spread is their reputation, that further commen- To build a bridgo on tho road from Wa- £ a. d. 0 M. Powor, Ballybrickea would be satisfied with is not known to themselves stimulate the Catholics of Waterford lo Dated at Limerick, the R.Walib.Mayor's-walk 10 5 0 February 16, in Kilkenny, Darid Boa'ger, Pay-Sergeant 88th , dation may be considered needless. tcrford to Tramore, between Carrigroo aud John Walsh, do ... 5 0 their usual liberality . 22nd day of January, 1803. (f20.2t) Mrs. Dunford ... 10 0 Regiment, to Johanna, third daughter of Mr. Nicholas Ryan, and, after all, the terms to which they will agree ; / iff 1 CASSCLL'S COFFEE, NO. 1, Pink Wrapper, at n Is. Kilcohan—not to exceed . . 49 0 0 Mr*. Ileneberry ... 10 OiJohn Hearn ... 4 6 Windgap. per lb., is the very article to produce a good strong Timothy Rafter ... 10 0 M. Veitch ... 3 6 On tbe 16th February, init, in the Chapel of Graignamanagh, must yet be arranged by some friendly European economical beverage. ARMY CONTRACTS MIDDLETHIRD. Patrick Dillon James Harney ,„ 3 0 Mr. John Healy, of Ballinrally, in the county Carlow, to Joanna, ARE THE POOR LAWS ADMINISTBWH& To mako 4G perches of anew line of road ... 10 0 daughter of Mr. Edward Loe, ot Gral gne, county Kilkenny. power, used to diplomacy. France, therefore, seems CASSILL'S CorruE, No. 2, Blue Wrapper Patrick Harrington... 10 0 Smaller Sams ... 2 4 6 , at Is 2d. TENDERS, in duplicate, will bo received from Tramore to Dunmore, between the ¦ to be (he onl per lb., is of similar character to No. 1, SEALED Wra. Delahunty ... 10 0 y poorer which ii likely to have the Properly administered, we are told, thf'J^f but with finer at this Office, until noon on MONDAY tho 23rd present strand road and the life-boat house, DEATHS. f fliToar. , Mrs. Slattery ... 10 0 £48 3 0 On the night of the 10th February, at his residence, (Scotch happiness of performing that meritorious task. Her FEDRUART, from Persons desirous of Snppl ing, during townland of Tramore East—not to excood . 40 10 0 Patrick the British Empire are as just as any taiji ^;^ CASSEI.LV) COFFEE, N O. 3, Blue Wrapper, at Is. 4d. y Maguire ... 10 0 Quay, in this city, after a protracted illness, borne with the true " the Year ending 31st MARCH, 1864 such quantities of To construct a slip at the end of the Long- spirit of a Christian, Terence O'Reilly, Esq., architect—an excel, offices are known to be solely guided with a view Imperial laws we think that may W ',M per lb., possesses great strength, with fine full aromatic , Further Contributions will be received by the Right , be spjp f houso road, Crobally—not to exceed . 50 0 0 lent citizen, who had earned for himself, through a long career in to terminate a war which is bringing ruin on her flavour. In reality the Coffee for family use. FUEL AND CANDLES Rev. Doctor O'BRIEN , the Right Worshipful THE Waterford , the respect of all daasei, for the honesty of his in- truism, but when the Imperial Parliament pf^% CASSELL'S COFFBE, N O. 4, Yellow Wrapper, at Is. 8d. as may be required at the several Barracks and Stations COSHMORE AND COSHBRIDE. JIATOU , and the Members of the Conference. tentions, the Integrity of his dealings, the unaffected simplicity, manufactures, and destitution and perhaps disquiet of the road from and charity without ostentation. The deceased legislate for Ireland solely, we think per lb. A most rich and choice article; to lovers of in Ireland. To repair 996 perches , for many yean, '•^i'Si* to Clonmel, between Tintur and enjoyed a seat In the Town Council and other pnblio boards of in the ranks of her unemployed operatives. Eng- enacts laws that will not bear tbe test of fine Coffee a decided treat. The Tenders must be made on the Printed Forms, to Cappoquin onr city, and was extensively engaged In large iW^M townlands of Lyre East and LATEST MARKETS. architecturalworks , land's partisanship towards Sold in Canisters of 2 lbs., 1 lb., and \ lb. each ; nnd be obtained from this office on or after the 7th instant ; Touranarihccn, the last of which was the new gaols, which he had jut lired long the South, in contra, criticism. The existence of lawyers and LONDON CORN EXCHANGE—WEDKMBAT. !**^ffii| in air-tight Packets of 4oz., 2OJ ., and loz. each, by the they must include only one article of supply, and must Knockafrehanc—not to exceed . . 000 0 0 enough to see completed. After High Maas and OrBce in the vention of all her professions for the liberation of The arrivjli of foreign barley and Sour this week havo bren Church of St. John, on yesterday morning, the remains of the is a great proof that every la? is open to tgN*iffcfi appointed Agents throughout ilie kingdom. be addressed undercover to the " DECIES WITHOUT. good ; of alt other grain this morning*a market there Commissary-General, email' At deceased were remored for interment to his family null in the the negto who prepares the cotton oa which it is one exposition, and the majority AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT: Dublin," and marked on the outside " Tender for Fuel," To keep in repair, for one year, 368 per- wai only a yen limited attendance, and the littlo buiineai grareyard ot the Church of Trinity Without, and were followed by ¦iin ^^^» transacted in either now evident the prosperity Cassell's Cqffies can be obtained in this District, of the or for " Candles," as the case may be. ehes of the Btrcets of Dungarvan—not to English or foreign wheat was at Monday's a large cortege of clergymen and all classes of citizens, by whom of England, in a great their interpretation. So it is with Pootfc*^ffi pricei.—Spring corn remains unaltered in value. he Is deservedly regretted. May he rest in peace. 'be following appointed Agents :— Every information us to probable quantities required exceed 2s. Gd. per perch measure, depends, debars her from successfull LONDON ESTERDAY In Beresford-ttreet, on tbe 13th inst, aged 21 months, Walter y, or Ireland, for we fesr that it is the element wb*OT Waterford W. MABON, NO. 40 The Quay. in repair for one year, 3r2 per- CATTLE MARKET—Y . may bo obtained at this office, or at that of tho Barrack- To keep , Btef and mutton dull without any quotable change from John, son of Mr. John Farrell. even gracefully, entering into Cork J. I.ANCLANDS &CO., 11 Brid , negociations tot a least about the wants of the poor bareibe p»wS ge-street. masters at the several Stations. dies of the streets of Dungarvan—not to Monday last. Veal quotations are in advence of that day. On the 17th inst, Mary, daughter of Captain Richard Power , of treaty of Ctonmel J ACOBS & Co., Tea Dealers. perch Deef , 3s 3d to 5a ; mutton, 4s 4d to Si; veal, 4i 8<1 to U lOd ; Knockboy. peace where her termi would be felt to io- fluence in their administration. In the Commissarial Office, Dublin, exceed 9d. per At sea on board the ship Woodttock i*rt,*tjPJ Wanted. Pork, li 4d to 4i Bd per sib*, linking tbe offal. , , Captain Peter Whlt», Carrlck Agent 7th Februaary, 1803. [fl3-2t] To keep in repair, for five years, 999 of this city. May his soul rest in peace. dine all towards one tide, and that ride the per- of Parliament, another amendment of tho*$S Callan Do. of the road between Rcdclif t bridge LONDON BUTTER AND BAOON MARKET—MOHDAT. February II , at, In the 73rd year of his age perches Butter—Stock , petual disruption of the Union of the Snir and , 30 Ms ; delivery, 2,960. Bacon—Stock. 4,298 ; Humphreys Peare, Esq, formerly of Grange county Wexford. , and the triumph of amended Irish Poor Laws was made, sn3^a]fwn Clonmines Do. Fisheries Blackwater. and the Colligan old turnpike—not to ex- delivery, 2,014. , Pricet—Batter—Clonmel, Carlow, Re, 80! to February 15, at ber residence, Iriahtown. Clonmel, of brain Southern principles. So well is this Dungarvan... .B W ALSH, G rocer. ceed Is. per perch . 112i landsd : Cork 3tdi, gSs landed. Bacon—Wafcribrd 52s to prejudice of many sections in the act were worse than u*>|*||^ Clashmore, Co. Watcrford, Feb. 11th, 18G3. , ferer, MUs Mary Crobb, deservedly regretted by all claaea in KilmacthomM.A&eat Wanted. To keep in repair, for one year, ISO per- S8> landed ; Lirneriek, binto 5li landed. Clonmel. England, and her abandonment of what was once J LORD—We, the undersigned members of the the purpose of the amendments they *eWBM»fl| Knocktophtr... Do. MY ches of tlio rtreota of Dungarvan—not to LONDON PRODUCE MARKET-Fsn. 19. At the Abbey, Tipperary, in childbirth, Anne, wife of tbe Rev. considered one Blackwator Defence Association request that Arthur Gore Ryder D.D. of her principles, understood even to effect, yet there were some provuiooiV, New Ron Do. , exceed 6s. per perch Suear very quiet at previous raUi Refined, small bniinesi , " Thomastoton... Do. you will conveneja Meeting, at your Lordship's earliest doing; at lame rate! Coffee firm ; not much builnetidolnf Tea At Ranelagh, Ellen, daughter of the late Peter Smlthwlck, Eaq, within ber own boundaries, that the " Emancipation would be hi hl tuiUinmenHfW COUNTY AT LARGE. —Bu.lness limited j rates unaltered Bier—Previous pricei of Sulrrille, Tipperary. g y useful in the Wtxford ..JEFTARES, B ROTHERS. convenience, of the Owners, Lessees, and others who WUIIam-ttreet Limerick at an adrancedage, Societies" of London To TO-erect, and properly fix in mason- few buyer* Saltpetre—Fair demand at fully former intes. At her residence, , , and Manchester have been life, and yet we see little use , being mada|{j | Wholesale from J OHK CASSELL & Co.. 80, Fenchurch may be interested in the Fisheries of the rivers Snir Anna, relict of the Iata Edward Qulnllraa, Esq, and mother of . work the 7th and 10th raileposts from Wa. LONDON TALLOW MARKET-FJBBIURT 10. compelled to issue addresses Street, London ; and O. OLOHAM & Co. 64 Dame-street, and Blackwater, for the purpose of determining what , AldermanLaurence QnJnll ran.J.P. in the vain hope of dis- The mortality amongst children in workbpittss*| Kilmacthomaa, and to repair Previous quotation. Many contract! on tbe spot and for February 13, in Patrick^treet, Kilkenny, after a, brief Ulness, in Publin. Agents still appointed ; for terms apply as action should be taken with reference to the prcsont terford to , delirery; abusing tha public mind of the palpable fact that bat »W where necessary, and properly paint all the her nineteenth year, Mary Kate, youngest daughter ot Thomas , thing too notorious to need observation, •bore. 'fl3-200 Confiscatory Bill before Parliament. CBeiMy, Eaq. England' milepoats between Watcrford and Kilmac- LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET-FKU. 10. s nywpathies and even practical aid, are all in which' ' We have tho honour to be, my Lord, your faithful Market doll and draping, Sales about 2,000 brjei Im- February0 , at his residence, Tinahely, county Wlcklow, M hear of very few case* thV arf 'rfj || thomas—not to exceed . . 6 10 0 Patrick Lalor, aged 81. with what ore called the servants, porti, 8,377 balei Previously, 17,901 bales Southern " Slave States," sion hat been used by Boards of GuardlsjttJ WATERFORD UNION. To provido a sufficient supply of water On the Mb Inst, at Llimore, in this county, aged 71, Professor Union will JOHN RONAYNE. LIVERPOOL CATTLE MARKET-FID. 9. X Fltzalmon. He waa was born at Fethard, county Tipperaryr and against the Northern abolition factionista fTH E Guardians of the above , on WED- gamated Now Prisons The lupplr ol cattle , who them out to nurse, and thereby endeavbnrHj M 4lb MARCH next, entertain Tenders for ROBERT R. KENNEDY. for the Amal wai lenthan lutllcoday—odhMplarger and inch waa the talent he displayed from his early youth that at ityle themselves the 1 NESDAY, Plans and Specifications for the above Works can be Demand good for cattle at rather better ptlcei. For aheep doll, nine yean of age be could translate LIvy and Homer, At sixteen advocates of freedom. Articles youth from a premature grave or a .life. ¦applying the Workhouse from the 7th M ARCH to thc4th Tho Right Hon. Lord Stuart dc Decies, and pricei lower. Prieei-Bcef. to 71d per lb ; mutton, 7d $||j*2 seen at my Office, COUBT-HOUSB, Waterford, and ten- Sid be oommeneed teaehlnc Olatalcs and Mathematics are quoted by these Associations, in of April, 1863, with the following Article*:—From 40 to Chairman, Blackwator Fishery Defence Association. to 8jd ; beuta, 3.S04 j iheep, 8,747. instalment of the mueriesmiseries and crime*crimes of a workboiiieUliworkhoaseS,H%! IS ders will bo received by me up to the first day of meet- SALFORD the viewi tie have 00 Sicks Best Superfine Flour/A—per sack ; from 25 to CATTLE MARKET—I UMDAT. HMBRDAY repeatedly expressed, that the report of the North Dublin Board of CuiffMBl ina of the Grand Jury. At maiket:—Benti CORK BUTTER MARKET—Y of the Ovf i S5 Sicks of But Setondtat—per tack; Best Beef (nunis Dromana, 14th Februaiy, 1863. , 1,805 ; iheep, 4.833 : calves, 113. Beit Firsti, H8> ; Meondi 118s ; thirds, 85« j fourths, 62*j fifths people and the A. U. ROBERTS beef, OJd to 7d; mlddhnf do, 4d to Sid j Inferior do, id to U. , , press of England aided on, by clamor have the care of over 2,000 paupers, wiji lapsor odd era, to weigh not lessthan SOlbs each), Tidal Weir Owners and Le«. , 481; lixthi, 42s Mild cura-FiraU, OOOs ; leconds, 000 a ; without To the Members of the Beat wedderi, 8|d to 8|d; middling, 8d to 81d s ewei, Sj to 7d ; in market. and by money, the (f20-2t) Secretary to the Grand Jury, Co. Watorford calvei, 6d to for beef wai ilow nt a little thirds, OOi.—170 firkini Northern faction of abolitionist* appalling statement of tho mortaUtjr;u£ «t — per lb. : But Ox Headi, at — each; Pork Steaks sees' Association of the County of Watcrford. 8JU per lb. The trade OM wheat Connty Court-house, Watcrford, Feb. 14, 1863. over last week' pricei. 8heep weie dearer. C Conn.—Wbtt« , 10s Od to 10s t>i . BEST MADE.-For Saleat Th$ Watcrford y»tt * The Wexford and Kltlinlck Harriers mett the following daji:— , 36i to 33i ; Wlcklow short bams, S*t , th y»M : b« ^^ initant —(By order), r^Ks/» THE Wi to 7tot be.boat After they had contracted disease, the Aid. P. Cox, Messrs. S. Harris, T. Barnes, T. K. White, them. The commissioners lind a revenue of upwards vogue dispeniaty committee contracted to ray Dri Howlett, u Alio present—Mean.Ancboay ^D.V.C^ Keuefick, WaUb, ttood. Mr. SAtt*ryi;Oa[yonr; solemnpatb, did yoo tee trWe. city, for the parishes of Trinity Within nnd St. John's, to ,1. Roniyne over-crowding the Lawler, J. Pcniose, P. A. Power, T. C. Spencer, P. K. often thousand a year, and at the end of the finan- my substitute, daring tbe month's sick leave of abeeDce , Samuel E. Fitt^erald, J.P. .. . HWtmam put his band to either ttfaon .or ,Mtf Bab* applied was to reduce by ' ' , ' 1 remedy commence on -Sundny, tiro 29th instant. The Hon. and Very Reid. cial yenr they would have a sum of four thousand should be deducted from said salary," the question (subject . ADMISSIONS. . oonstab!*: I did not ; Mr.' SUttery: : Will W *•*• "P«B their living by treatment which would THE DREDGE-BOAT COMMITTEE. majorit Some of «almon.; 8ab- probability of Rev. Wm. Plunkott, Missionary Rector of the order, pounds to their credit. He did not conceive wby to yonr decision) was carried in tbe affirmative by a y the fishermen of the port applied fop ad- yourself to »we«r you inr M'Jftinarikill tfie as the rate of On the reading of the report of this committee it of one I ' * mission, cojtuble: I will not tvmr that, bat I »w >it Jrat into th* produce illness in a healthy body, passed through town to-day. they could not do the work as they did in Cork, by and were rejected on tbe ground-of having wai stated that the boat was now doing her business Now, I beg leave to say this lit most unfair towards me; received from two shillings to three shillinga each boat he was standing in. * Mr. Slattery : Why. ton, do you during five months, procured by Dr. TBB NEW CnvKcn op CLONKA .—When the old parish raising the necessary money on the security of the I complied with the instructions of article 28, laid down in bring tach a sweepbu ' against tha man which you Bortatily, in a very satisfactory manner, the tecretury observ- from the relief committee on Monday last, to fit , charge proves. " I have," said that gentle- chaps! of Clone* hud existed for 70 years, its dilapidated, harbour's rntei, a proceeding which be saw would tbe general mips for the government of district*. I had tbe esnoot tottain t SoKooatttbla: Iff illejtlfort hem to fish iD*, folly ing that her weekly workings amounted to up- laid it them for tea. They acted in the most rude manner tS ' yoor Bi and even dangerous condition,rcndcred its removal imperative, be much facilitated by the Merchant Shipping certificate of Dr. Mnckesy a» to my state of health, there at all (great'Uughtar). Mr. 81»tUryi Hold ii added the two books together, nnd I find wards of three thousand tons of mud. before the committee—recommended Dr. Howlett as my towards the board when rejected. tongue, sir ; tbe magutntca'bmtb* lavrbefore them , ana I and on the 10th June, 1SG0, the foundation of the new edifice Amtndment Act of I860, brought in by Milner infants during the five weeks Mr. Thorpe, representing the builders nf the •ubstitute—h» was approved! of—the proceedings of tlut ; MEDICAL OFFtCER's REPORT. am aura they an better'interpreter*ot it thin you are. jj,t» the deaths of Gibson, which authorised the Public Works' Com* was laid by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Rev. dredge vessel, Messrs. Robinson and Co., of Cork, oam-nitteo were entered on tbe minute!, which were for. The medical officer brought under the After tome farther question*, tho court were of opinion that Saturday, January 31st, were 57 (sensation)* missioners to ive loans on very favorable terms, in- notice of mdeel Dr. O'Hrien , since which time the parishioners havo been came before tbe board, according to previous notifi- g warded to the board of guardians. tbe board that the male side of the the defendant did not Mt the net with tbe intention of kil- deed, nt three and a quarter per cent, with fifty years I rely, therefore, gentlemen on yonr sense of justice, U infirmary was ling ulmon it turned up by meret eddtnt tint the talmon is in five weeks—for the week ended January necessitated to hear Mass under a small shed, whilst a cation from his princi pals, to nsk payment of the , full, there being ; jilt to repay the money. He did not think they could have your decision confirmed in my lavor. no vacancy if any accident or an was killed, and on this grounddhraut ndth* cata.Adjourned. January 10th , 13; January 17th, majority of them are denied even the shelter of that humble last instalment on the bnat, £500, the six months' urgent case should 3rd, three deaths; hope to obtain money on more favorabl e terms than At the latu investigation hefore Dr. Parcel), ronr inspector, occur. RELIEF FDHD.—The relief committee*awpott Uadtbly ' trial agreed on, having now expired. to tin ¦PIEDY RECOVERY. aged and January 24th, 10; and January 31st, 12; total , roof, ttml arn exposed to the wet nnd cold outside. Hopes those, and with them in view, he did not see why Dr. Hackesy camo forward to instantiate bis letter exerting themtelve in affording relief to the rick, , 19; During the interview statements were made, from hairman of the committee, nn the alarmins state of mj Mr. C. Langley'a man, named John infirm in the respective localities for 'which thev were ap- fear the over-crowding system is pcrsucd were entertained that tlie now building would be roofed in the project could not be carried out. It could not Evans, who 57 " We which it seemed that on the part of the builders health, which letter, with the other proceedings at that met with the accident from an explosion in a pointed. Nothing hu been left undone to afford immediate before last winter came upon us, but owing to the unfortnn- be done, however, without an act of parliament ; —I hare quarry relief to and lodgers in the town. too many workhouses in Ireland , and if the ad- there was some feeling that something tvas due for investigation, were forwarded for- yonr inspection. near Dungarvan, and reported in last Neat distressed faooM-keepers, Jo »te disaster which overtook the structure, several of the most that act should be a short one, and be called the the honor to be, your obedient servant, , is nearly There wero many subscriptions received last week, amongst afforded to Boards of Guardians to provide extras, and on the part of the board and dredge boat quite recovered, and will be leaving t»nt»gw important parts of it having fallon, causing serious injury to Dock Act, and be did not think they would ex- JASCES C. FlTZfATBICK. the workhouse which were :—William Cody, Esq.. £10 ; Miss Anne Car- committee an opinion wns expressed that they felt, hospital in the course of the next week. There is bery, £10 ; John , £1. Tba names of those children outside are not availed of, it all perience much difficulty in having such an act Mayor—Dr. Fitzpatrick refuses to pay Dr. Keily, Esq., Dublin fot parts of it, the work bad to be suspended for about twel ve owing to the length of time the vessel was idle in great credit due to Dr. Battersby, the M.O. of the the subscribersfor the last fortnight who havo banded in taken as another evidence that the Poor passed. He felt that the corporation also, as the re- Howlett 1 - mult be months, but within the last nine months the re-construction consequence of the breaking of the bucket shaft, establishment, who has paid unremitting attention their subscription* will be published neit week. has progressed most favorably, the roof is on nnd elated, but presentatives of t e public, ought to identify them- Mr. Mackey—And quite ri ht he is too. Lsws are not efficiently administered in Ireland. necessitating the construction of a new one, they g to tbe poor man since the accident occurred. the windows arc not glazed, nnd owing to the complete ex- selves with the commissioners in carrying out such Mr. Jacob raid they, nn the last day, confirmed were justified in asking for two months' longer trial. BENEVBLENT ACT. haustion of tho funds, tlio work is again suspended. The a work , and he considered that a short petition the resolutions of the Kilmacnvopue dispensary com- FASHIONABLE NEWS, SHEE ON THE BENCH indefatigable pastor the Kcv. T. Dowlcy, again appeals to Mr. Thorpe's reply to that was to point out the A man named Patrick Terry came before the William S. O'Brien visited tha Eternal City SERGEANT , from the corporation to parliament in favour of such mittee, and having done so he felt they were bound , Esq., from the London correspondent of the charity and generosity of the public, and iu our last we length of lime the builders were paying for the teat- board for relief, shortly after Chrutmas, and was most graciously receivod Tbr following, a bill would be of great assistance to the work (hear, to pay both doctors unless it mi ht be that the com- and staled that if he had the price will be read with the highest satisfac- had the pleasure of publishing the names of several noblemen ing of tiie boat, the mnking of the new set of , g of a spade he'd never trouble tbe union in future. by the venerable Pontiff. The distinguished Irishman was Ibe Freeman, hear). He (chairman) had nothing further to say missioners should hold that Dr. Howlett had not engaged for fellow-countrymen, in every clime, of and gentlemen, many of them liheral Protestants, and buckets, and other things, some of which were The chairman said if he fulfilled his promise be some time in consulting tbe Roman archives, tion by tne having nn connection with the parish or tho county, who •n tbe subject than to propose the committee, and qualified. He (Mr. Jacob) decidedly objected to with a new to the compilation of a hittory of Ireland. gentleman to whom it refers, and counted in the extras. would ive him two shillings. A licant said that the distinguished have liberally responded to thnt appeal, and as it is evident in order to give effect to the suggestion he had al- the proceedings of the Inst meeting in this respect, g pp Mr. bothern's engagement at the Haymarket will join in our earnest hope that the are inadequate The Chairman said it was the feeling of the board he'd never return to trouble them again. ire sure all that the parishioners, however wel l inclined, ready made in reference to the corporation in the and, in consequence, he had asked to have the Theatre wilt caase iu tho beginning of April, when he will p of the learned Sergeant is only to the task of completing the work to which they hare con- to hand over the balance, on the Messrs. Robertson DISCHARGED FAUPERS. give tbo provinces nn temporary judgeshi matter, he would propose that it be constituted of names taken down, but the majority of the boar-] opportunity of witnessing tbe very prelude to his permanent elevation to tributed with such munificence and alacrity, we therefore, giving a receipt in full. The board bad under consideration the case of ridiculous " Lord Dundreary." the immediate three of the corporate commissioners, three of the having so decided, they were buuncl to pay both great mind so well adapts him trust that all those who are in \ position to do so will aid by Mr. Thorpe said at the present juncture lie was Mrs. Casscll whoso children were in the workhouse The death of Airs. Taylor, widow of the late in- a position which his their charitable gifts the completion of a work so essential in members of tho hoard representing the chamber of doctors. , ornament :— not authorised to do that,but he would communicate during the period she was attending the lying-in- cumbent of Clifton, is announced. She was the daushter of to prove an that parish for the salvation of man nnd the greater glory commerce, and Mr. Mnlcomson as chairman. The Sir Robert Paul—Did the commissioners sanction the famous Irish orator satisfaction I am enabled to inform you that with his principals, who, lie was sure, were ready to , of , the Right Hon. John Philpot Cur- It is with of God. chairman then proposed a formal resolution expres- ' hospital Dublin ; and being opinion she was now ran, Master of tbe Rolls and possessed no small Sergeant Slice, the leader of tho home cir- Dr. Howlett s appointment? , aharo of her the name of Mr. ONTR 'S EMORT last tho month's me- meet the commissioners in the most friendly spirit, in a position to provide for them, they directed to father's wit and huuionr. ns one of the judges of assize in the M M .— On Thursday , sive of tbe board 's conviction of the urgent neces- Mr. Jacob—No, they did not. It was of her sister, the betrothed enit has been included raory, far the repose of the soul of the Rev. Patrick Iturke and he woul d inform the board of their decision with have the children taken out of the house. nf the ill-fated Eminctt ' the Western Circuit, and that the Iparncd , sity of a dry dock for Waterford, their opinion that Mr. Richardson said the resolutions of the Kil- , executed for his jhare iu an abor- eomtnission for C.C., Newcastle Clonmel who died after three day'« illness, the least possible delay. COBBKSPOKDRNCB. tive insurrection, Moore wroto tho touching melody, " She the place of M r.. Baron Wide. I nerd , , they were the proper parties to carry it out, and macavogue dispensary committee were contradictory nntltman will take and only a few months on the mission, was celebrated in It was resolved, that on tho Messrs. Robertson A communication was read from the commissioners in re- is fur from the land where her yonng hero sleeps." inform jou that a counsel filling tlie position of Mr. iving their sanction to the committee as proposed. of each other, as he remarked on last day, and for Scarcely the church of that parish. Tho Rev. Thomns Finn, C.C., notifying their acceptance of the proffered terms, g ference to the proceedings of the board of tho 6th inst.,, from Napoleon Bonaparte W yse, J.P., has arrived from R»reMint Slice would not lave been selected for this honour Rev. William Aid. Cox said he did not know they would re- that reason he had voted against them. He was 1 y intended to offer him the seat in Ardfinan , celebrant; Rev. Mr. Phehn, deacon that three of the finance committee he empowered which they perceived that a proposal to increase tbo muster ! Turin. if it were not ultimatel Shanahan, C.C., Anlieynide, sub-dcacon. In the choir pre- quire an net of parliament. lad he had done so, and: he hoped the board would salary was negatived by a majority of the board, but that nc about to be vacated by Baron Wilde. For to sign the check for the £500, and Mr. Thorpe g James Gnllwey, Esq., J.P., has arrived at the the Exchequer sided—Very Hev. Dr. Flynn, P.P., V.G., Trinity Without, The Chairman said they would. When tho dock re-consider the matter. decision was come to in reference to the suggestion contained Hibernian Hotel, Dublin, from Watcrford. ,om. time there have been rumours that Mr. Sergeant She* Watcrford. the Office, aud High retired. THE ORAVINO BANK . the bench and the deration would Over forty priests assisted at in the commissioners letter of the 22nd ultimo, as to tin Aid. T. L. mis about to be raised to , Mass nnd nmongst them we noticed Kev. Walter Cantwell, would be completed they could not raise dues from Mr. Conn said as the chairman of the committee Mackesy, J.P., has arrived from satisfaction to Die profession of wliicli , The Secretary brought forward the rncmorial to propriety of appointing a schoolmaster or a wardmaster foi Dublin. lane given tlie utmost P.P P.P Watcrford; Rcr. John Power, P.P it without an act of parliament. At present they it might be proper for him to detail the nature of the workhouse These reports were however .; Rev P. Kent, . . the Lords Committee of the Privy Council for Trade, , and the commissioners request that the board kris so srMt un ornament. , , Powerstown ; Hev. Patrick Wall P.P., Ardraore ; Rev. Mr. would have no power to raise dues. the circumstances of the case, as lome gentlemen will have the goodness to take into consideration the pro- Edmond Power, J.P., and Mrs. Power have ar- by the objection that the learned Ser- , from shipowners irt this city, in reference to tbe met in certain circles Spmtt P.P. Cappoquinj Rev. Stephen Loncrgan, P.P., Mr. Lawler said seeing the very great importance were now present who wore not aware of them. priety of appointing a scboolmnstcr of the workhouse who, rived at Eastland*, Tramore, from Dublin. admitted to be the greatest .'lawyer at the , graving bank ou Merchants'Quay, forwarded on the jeant although Ballylooby ; Rev. Thomas O'Mearn, P.P. ; Rev. P. Power, of the proposed work to Waterford , he felt bound to Mr. Richardson—We confirmed minutes of a in addition to his duties as schoolmaster, might assist the MARniAGE IN HIOH LIFE.—On Thursday last, the common law bar of England, is an Irishman and n Catholic. and Rev. 13tb of January, by their lordships, to the commis- mnrriage of Captain Denis William Pack C.C., Carrick-on-Suir ; Kcv. Thomas Prendergast ive it every aid in his power, and would therefore meeting and not speeches. mnst«r after school hours in the discbarge of the duties of Beresford, M.P. That the former circumstance is no disqualification for judi- Clonrael; Rev. James Prendergaiit, g the tatter. for county Cariow, with Annette Caroline, onl daughter of e of the channel is proved by the Mr. Slattery, O.S.F., sioners, nnd laid before their meeting ou the previous y cial preferment at this sie' Rev, P. Power C.C., Powerstown ; Itcv. T. Tracey, Rev. P. second the motion with much pleasure. Mr. Conn said it was unfortunate that white some With tho present number of children (130 according to Robert Clayton Browne, Esq., of Browne't-hili, was solemn- bench in , Monday. fact, that there arc already throe Irishmen on the Casey, Rev. G. Long, Clashmore ; Rev. P. Tuoiny, O.S.A., Mr. Barnes said no one, perhaps, in the city felt guardians were listened to patiently, others would the weekly return for the 31st ultimo) between the ages of ized in the Pariah Church, Carlow. At eleven o'clock the Martin, Mr. Justice Mr. Spencer said he did not see what they had to Westminster Hall—namely. Mr. Baron Dungari-an; Uev. .11. Mooney, C.C., Dungarvan, &c &c. more the want of n dry dock than he did. not be heard, particularly when they opposed those five mid fifteen yearn, it is obviously impossible that educa- marriage party began to arrive, and soon the gallant bride- Justice Keating. Should Mr. Sergeant at least. Besides Widen, ami Mr. His blameless and edifying lite give to his friends the con- do with that memorial, at present, Mr. Spencer—It will employ from fifty to one former gentlemen. This wns particularly the case tion can be successfully carried out in tbo workhouse school groom appeared and immediately after tbe bride entered Shu be added to the number, he will be the first Catholic it wad read for them before. ^ solation and holy hope that a God of mercy and goodness hundred persons in its construction. when any interference was attempted by the rural under the prcstnt arrangement. Should the number of eaning on the arm of her respected father. The bride and •object of the crown who has occupied the judicial bench in has called him to Himsel f because He saw that the measure The Secretary begged to set Mr. Spencer right. children attending school hereafter materially diminish it bridegroom then advanced to the Communion table, where gn of Queen Elizabeth. , Mr. T. R. White—Better still , it will give per- guardians in city business, which the city guardians , Znjlind fiuce tlie rei of his good works iras filled up.—Tree Frets. The memorial bad not been read as yet. It was not a is possible that tho services of the schoolmaster might again the Hon. and Yen. Archdeacon Stopford, assisted by the manent employment. would not allow. Rev. W. J. Pardon On Sunday, the Right Rev. Dr. Furlong, Lord Bishop very long document. be dispensed with. The commissioners are of opinion that , Rectorof Carlow, performedthe nuptial LIVING IN THK POOR HOUSE. conferred th» Holy Order of Priesthood, in tho The motion was unanimously passed, and the Mayor—That is not the case. to secure the services of a competent teacher tho salary of ceremony. At the conclusion of the marriage a select circle, COST OF of Ferns, Aid. Cox said it would be only right to have the drove off to Drowne' 's College on the Hev. John committee named as follows :—Mr. William Mal- Mr. O'Dwyer said they were bound to protect the the schoolmaster should not be less than £30 per annum. s-hill, where they partook of a sumptuous There are, it appears, 60 girls in the Watcrford Work- Church attached to St. Peter , memorial read for the board. One thing was certain , dejeuner; and in Hoice son of Clement Roico, Esq., Churchtowu, Tngoat, and comson, chairman ; Messrs. Jacob, Keily, nnd Cox ratepayers of the Kilmacavogue division. The board were of opinion that tho numbers in the school the afternoon the bride and bridegroom where on an average, they have each resided the , the shipowners would not send their vessels above , in a carriagc-and-four boose, , on the Rev. John Parker, son of Mr. P. Parker, Coolamain, as representing the corporation , and Messrs. Harris, Chairman—Oh ! gentlemen, you had better keep being now diminishing nnd likely to come down shortly to "It , for Gowran Grange, county put tan yours, at an aggregate, cost of £5,000 ; or, at the Oylegate. The two rev. young gentlemen pursued their bridge. the ordinary standard, nnd tho schoolmistress being at no Kildare, the seat of the Baron do Roebeck. Amonc»t the Spencer, and T. R. White, as representing the to the question. inconvenience with the help of monitresscs to carry on the party present ut the wedding ceremony were:—The Marquis nta of £500 a year. So the chief officers of the establish- studies in Maynooth. The Chairman said they we re not prepared to the Rev. chamber of commerce. It was further decided to Mr. Conn said he never interfered in the city arrangement of the timo table, that the services of a school- and Marchioness of Waterford, tho Countess of Clonmel »nd ment inform us. These creatures have little or no hope of flis Lordship, also, has heen pleased to appoint take any steps in tbe matter at present. the Ladies Scott for many years senior curate of Wexford, apprise Mr. Malcomson of this nomination, and to business only when urgent necessity compelled bim, master can be dispensed with. , General Lord Downe*, the Hon. and Ven. William Murphy, Aid. Cox moved that the memorial be read, which Archdeacon Stop tver obtaining employment in tint country, but they can be to the pastoral charge nf the parit-h of Cushinstown, vacant await his convenience to name a day fur meeting. and tbe rural guardians alway s refrained from so MASTER'S REPORT. ford, Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Rochfort, was accordingl done as follows :-— Baron and Baroness De Roebeck traaiplanted to America for about £500, or one year's sup. by the resignation of the Rev. John Richard, owing to long y TUB P1LOTAOE. interfering. Mr. Conn here -detailed tho whole circumstances The Master suggested in bis report to the board the de- , Miss De Roebeck and sirability of fitting np the bakehouse (which is now inearly Miss Burton ; Lady and Miss Cuffe, with a largo number ot port in the workhousp. The majority of the guardians seem continued ill health.— Wexford ludcpcndant. To the Lords of the Committee of the Trivy Council for The following letters were rend by the secretary : as set forth by him at the bo.ird last meeting, and concluded Trade and Foreign Plantations. by saying the resolutions of the committee should be sup. cleared out) a» an additional infirm ward. There was great other distinguished guests. In the evenine tbe event «M« in favor of their emigration. We think they are right, Passage, February It, 1863. celebrated in Carlow with extraordinary entbuM;ism, all to be powners of Waterford : ported. pressure on the accommodation of the henlthy and infirm he looked alter in the union— CATHOLIC YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY The Memorial of the Shi GBNTLEMF.X—I think it expedient to acquaint you that I dormitories (most- of the spare room in the house being in dasaes heartily uniting in the demonstration. The trium- for howerer their welfare may ORDSHIPS —That memorialists Mr. Bloomficld—Did Dr. Fitzpatrick understand that On Sucday evening last it was announced that readings M AT IT PIEASB TOCB L scut six of the Passage pilots to the outiido station in the the new building). Tho room which the master proposes to pliial arches were brilliantly illuminated, and dazzling and lad we believe it to be as well as possible—still arc they not are owners of several vessels trading out of the port of Wa- Qannet, pilot-cutter, on tbe evening of the 13th inst., to act Dr. Howlett was to be paid out of his salary? from Shakspcarc nnd other authors would be given by a Mr. Conn—Tbc committee bad no power to fix the salary fit np is commodious and favourably situated, and it would many-colored lights and splendid Ore-works illumined tho H likely to continue ten more years within the workhouse terford. os auxiliaries on board tbe Seagull, pilot-cutter, which had be a means of enlarging the infirmary accommodation for streets.— Carlow Pott member of the Brotherhood on tho following night, nnd That in the said port there is a public graving bank for tho outside look-out nt the time, as there were a great many or to decide how they were to be paid. wtlL", at an additional cost ot £3,000, as they were the past Sir R. Paul said in his opinion the board only confirmed male patients, a step which be seen to be essentially neces- w ell did such readings repay those who assembled on the oc- the use of tho shipping frequenting it, upon which bank vessels expected that night. sary. Referred to visiting committee who recommended (in y«rs f ¦hips 'whatever shipwrights shipowners what the committeedid , and under such a state of things, if , CARRICK-ON-SUIR UNION-SiTURDiY. riscoc in tbe absence of the presi- can b« repaired by. , ,^ The moment that tho Passage pilots went on board the the accommodation required. Tenders to be invited by this casion. Mr. George J. l' , masters of vessels may think well to employ. correct, he felt the committee had not rcliered themselves of L. H. jEPHSoir, Esq., J.P., in the cbair. 1 Seaqull, they were all informed by Captain Mitchell that he day week. MECHANICS INSTITUTE. dent and vice-president, both of whom had to attend a meet- That in 1859 attempts were made by the majority of the couid not board one of them while he had one of his own the responsibility devolving on them. Also present—Messrs. J. Richardson, D.V.C., T. B. Wil- Vincent de Paul filled tho chair Mr. Jacob a»id the committee ought, at the outlet, have PETITION TO PARLIAMENT—ON TAXATION. son We beg to direct public attention to tbc lectures an- ing of the Society of St. , , harbour commissioners of tbe port to close up the said public crew pilots left. Also, tbe Seagull 's pilots got quite refrac- , J.P., T. Lalor, D.L:, 0. Mansfield , J.P., M. Quirke, M. and introduced to the audience Mr. Edward Moran. The accommodation which, if successful, would be a serious injury made it to be clearly understood that Dr. Howlett's salary The Clerk was directed to prepare a petition by O'Uyan, T. Connolly, J. Hickey, W. Moaie, P. Keeffe, and nounced to be given on behalf of onr Mechanics' Institute tory in the matter, so much so that the Passage pilots say chairman asked for his young friend the approbation of his to the port of Waterford and sacrifice to the ahipping fre- they were nil very glad to be able to leave the Seagull on should be paid out of Dr. Filrp.itrick's salary (hear, hear). this day week , such as the Waterford board of M. Casey. by Dr. Daniel, on Monday, February 23rd, and Monday audioncc for the very superior taste and judgment evinced quenting it. tbe first opportunity, which they did, us passengers, on board Mr. Conn said they could not fix the salary or its mode of guardians have adopted.—Adj ourned. There were a number of admissions before the board, which March 2nd. The first night's lecture will bo the " Fall of by him in the selection of his pieces, not alone for their being Memorialists, with others, protested from time to time the schooner Richard Sill, and came back to their station payment. were disposed of in the first instance, after that the corres- tbe first French Empire," and the second, " The Hundred productions of the " Hard of Avon," Macaulay, Hood, but igBinst such being carried, and although all the revenue of (Passage) at nine p.m. Mr. Jacob said the committee could recommend to the pondence, of which there was a large ninount, was gone they evoked PETTY SESSIONS—SATURDAY . Dajs," themes of the highest interest and instruction. Wra. also for the interest which, as historical pieces, the said harbour commissioners is derived from tbe shipping, In consequence of the Passage pilots not being allowed to loard how it was to bo done. All committees had done so through. Among the communications were a circnlar from Parson*, Esq., delivered, during the week, his course of in their pernsal. Mr. Moran then proceeded with his recitals. to be expended solely for sliipptnsr purposes under their act remain on board the Gull, without incurring danger, the litherto. Before Samnel R. Fitzgerald, Esq., chairman ; J. Gnllwey, Mr. Kisher of the TVatcrford Mail, relative to the taxation three lectures, to crowded and delighted audiences. He con- The first given was delivered in. such a manner ns to elicit of parliament, yet such majority of the harbour board would schooner Alexander got clear of pilotage from fea to Water- Mr. Strange said be was A member of the Glenmore dis- and S. £. M'Guire, Esqrs. of Ireland ; a letter from the Rev. R. Fitzgerald , P.P., in- cluded, last evening, with his lecture on "Dante," nmid general attention for the remainder. Tho " Dream of Cla- not accede to such protests, but issued advertisements in tbe ford, and the schooner Dirk Hatteriek got clear of pilotage pensary committee, and he would desire to say, that in bis Beoc ING .— Sub-constable Thos. M'Keon charged timating his willingness to officiate at tbc Fever Hospital ; peat applause. rence," which was the first , was followed by the dialogue of month of December, 1860, for tundeis to close it up nnd from sea to Pasiagc. opinion, the guardians, having regard to tbe circumstances of Bridget Dal better known ns the " White Lady," one from the commissioners sanctioning the payment for King John and Hubert , taken from Shakspeare'a play of the case, ought to pay both Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Howlett. y, three weeks to Mr. William Cole erect one instead thereof in the bond of the river Suir above Tbo sending of Passage pilots to the cutters, as auxiliaries, with begging in the public streets of Dungarvnn on , who had been employed for Kinc John, act iii, scene iii. T. Hood's beautiful and affect- Bilberry Rock a locality situated above the bridge of Wa- When Dr. Fitzpatrick got leave of absence he did so because that time in the master's office ; and another from the com- TO COKKKSl'ONDENTS. , mult be relinquished until further orders from your hono- Saturday. The charge was dismissed the summons ing " Bridge of Sighs" was next recited, and then " Hora- terford. rable loard.—I am, gentlemen, your very obedient servant ho was ill, and being so he ought to be paid. As to what , missioners, desiring to be furnished with a return of the A report of Ptradbally petty sessions, aud other communi- tho Fearless," by , tius," by Macaulay, and " Sir llupcrt, That tho harbour master of the port as well as your me- W M . HOOAH, Pilot Officer at Passage. Mr. Conn aaid about Dr. Fitzpatrick being a Ebort time only not having been personally served. arrears uncolleclable in the district of Mr. Baldwin, one of cation!, unavoidably held over. Ingoldshy, were given ns tho concluding pieces, and it is morialists and others Connected with the shipping condemned Watcrford Harbour Commissioners. in tho employment of the committee, although there might L ARCENY .—Michael Curreen charged John Walsh, the rate collectors ; tbe amount uocollccted being £U 7s. 3d. only justice to say that they, as well as the rest, were ren- Bilberry Rock as unsuitable and totally unfit for such a pro- Dun more Pilot Station, 14 Feb., 1803. ba something in it, yet when Dr. Fitzpatrick was elected by of Helvick Head, with stealing a piece of timber, The return to show tbe amount and state the grounds on dered in a most masterly manner. We cannot help drawing tbe committee it was quite apparent to them all that bo ject (even it' the bridge was not an obstacle), and would only DBAB SIR— Captain Mitchell has just called on me to Bay , which the rate was deemed uncollcctable. With repard to DISASTERS AT SEA aud of delicate health ; opposed to the property of Lord Stuart do Decies, out of a ' attention to the school where this young man received his result in wasting the public money. that last night, six of tbe Passage, pilots came on board the was an elderly gentleman, Mr. Fisher s circular the board adopted a petition to Parlia- In our shipping intelligence this week, we find the follow- a young man much more adapted for house at Helvick Head. The complainant de- education. The present director of the schools of ?Mr. That iu the face of such facts the majority of the harbour Seagull , by direction of the Passage pilot officer, and claimed him was a competitor, , ment, on motion of Messrs. O'Ryan an d Quirke, praying fur ing :- Rice was his master in elocution, and well those teachings board issued the advertisement above alluded to. their right to be boarded in regular turn with the cutters' that wild district, being a young man of robust health, for posed that the robbery took place on the 30th an equitable adjustment of the taxes on Ireland, and soon are repaid by Mr. Moran . whom he (Mr. Strange) voted. Ho was out-voted, tbo com- ftor adjourned. CALDKRA , Jjiir. 4.—Tlie ship Stcansea, Woods, master, That finding, nndcr the provisions of the Waterford pilots, which Captain Mitchell! declined doing, in accordance ultimo, and that the value of it waa threepence. which arrived here on the 25th ult., from Swansea, reports Mr. A. Johnson, another of the talented pupils of theso Harbour Act, they bait no authority to do so without at first with my instruction, he having, at the time thirteen of tho mittee thonght proper to elect Dr. Fitzpatrick , thia elderly The defendant was fined sixpence and costs. to thank his comrade , with his hiring descried a ship in distress Nov. 29tb, in Iat. 51 defr. schools, rose on behalf of the society acquainting the Louis Commissioners of tbu Admiralty, cutter*' pilots ready for duty. My orders on tins subject gentleman, and they were bouud to take bim Patrick Flynn charged Michael Hogao, farmer, KILKENNY UNION-YBSIEBDAT. S; and long. 70 dec. W.; they bore down upon her, and for the manner in which he acquitted himself. He suggested memorialists therefore memorialed their lordships, who were are, that the cutters' ilots as a matter of right and jus- liabilities. EDWARD WnEELEB, Esq., in the chair. , their kind p , with taking a quantity of seaweed, his property. fonnd herto be the Woodstock, ship, of Liverpool, from Sun- to the society the propriety of again requesting pleased to send to this port in the month of February, 1861, tice, are to be boarded, sod that then the boatmastcrs Mr. Bloorafield said ho would move that they ask the Also precent—John Buggy, Win. O'Donnell, James W. of tho evening's f irtt board's rcso lution Thomas Slattery, Esq., sol., for the defence. Tbe derland for Callao 160 days out, with master (White) nnd lecturer to favor them with a repetition Mr. J. 6. Cockburn Curtis to examine and report upon tbe are to take the pilots fiom the other stations, aud then opinion of the commissioners, whether the Sullivan, Wm. Coraerford, Michael Purcell, James Doyle, , entertainment. The chairman, remarking on tho early dis- one seaman dead, and 11 others of the crew down with matter. After the examination of Mr. Farrell, secretary of board tbem iu their regular turn. You will please submit of last day, on this question, wns legal or not ? wife of complainant stated that she collected a Thomas J. Lalor, John Murphy, John Shea, Patrick Hart, able to work. Supplied them with play of genius mado by his schoolfellow, put tho vote of tbe Waterford harbour commissioners, Mr. Gibson, secretary these facts to tho pilot committee Mr. Jacob seconded this motion, which passed. quantity of seaweed on the strand at Ballinacourty Michael Carroll, and Patrick Moiau. •curvy, only six being which passed unanimously. Mr. Moran returned , and let mo know if they nntl a chart of the Falkland Isles, where thanks, of the chamber of commerce, and Captain Thomas Bellord, approve of my arrangement in this matter. TnK ecDoor,—UIITERE-ICES. Theie was little business before tbe board to-day. Two potato™, picllci, and so ended a delightful evening's entertainment. last week , which was taken by defendant. Flynn the Woodstock intended to frtch. [hanks, tbc harbour master of the port, and having also taken sound- Captain Mitchell wanted tho Passage pilots to remain A report of Captain Hamilton was read, specifying that nurses were appointed, and the matrou of the house, having » ings and minutely examined tho several localities of the port failed to prove bis ownershi p to the land, and the The ship Jioodtlocl, mentioned above, is tbc property of , on board the Seagull until he required their services, which the girl's school was retrograding, which he attributed to entered tho holy state of matrimony, resigucd her appoint, LEINSTER CIRCUIT. ho made bis official report to the Admiralty in March, 1861, they would not do because he gave the preference differences between tho master matron, and the school- case war dismissed. ment. An advertisement was ordered to be published for ot Watcrford, New Koss, and Liverpool, , , in tho , the Messrs. Graves, WiCKLOVf.—On Monday, February 23, eleven o'clock. wherein he stated that tbe making of a public graving bank first instance, to his own.—I am, truly yours mistress. Those officers were had before the board, and the A SSAULT .— Patrick Hayes, bailiff, charged a man her successor. The board adjourned about two o'clock. , ' .l and the numerous class of citizens, to whom the late master Wjt.TronD.—On Thursday, February 26, ten o clock. at Bilberry Rock would be detrimental to the navigation, EDIVAED H. ALCOCX , Pilot Master. guardians went into a minute inquiry of the matters of named Brennan , with assaulting bim while in the Peter White, was known, will read with the deepest regret of WATKBFOUD.—Comity and City, ou Monday March 2, apart from the exposed part of the river, as well as being Secretary Harbour Commissioneis. which tho officers complained. Ou their retirement, discharge of his duty in making a distress.. Mr. WATERFORD FARMING SOCIETY'S PLOUGHINa at ten o'clock. above the bridge of Waterford. with a feeling the. demise, under such melancholy circumstance, of as Mr. A. White, referring to the late pilotage pro- Mr. Jacob moved that the board bad heard, George Keily, solicitor for the prosecution, and Mr. M ATCH. Socin RIDISG OP TIPPBBAIIT.—At Clonmel, on Thurs- That after several applications had been made to their of regret, of the differences between tbe master, matron , and o( upright a seaman as ever sailed over tbe peri- ceedings, as appearing in the recent examinations, Slattery, solicitor for tbe defence. Complainant de- As noticed iu our last, tbc annual ploughing match sterling and day March 6, twelve o'clock. lordships, they were pleased to permit the majority of tbe schoolmistress ; it seemed to tbc board that a system of this society took place on Thursday, the 12lb inst,, on 5 graving bank there but upon the said he conceived it was clearly tho duty of Hogan posed that he made a seizure on a quantity of ma- lous ocean. Oentle, generous, and humane wera the combi- KILKESST.— City and Counry, on Monday, March 0, at harbour board to make a , annoyance was pursued towards the schoolmistress and she, field, at Tramore, the property of Congreve Rogers, Esq. express understanding that the present one shall not be to have sent on the ilots from Passage to Dunmore 's father nation! which guided the conduct of his life, and in his two o'clock. p on her part, showed too great a readiness to find fault, and nure, the property of defendant , for rent The following is tbo list of tho competitors, and the prizea IDIXO op TirPtBABif.—Nsnagh, Monday, closed. overland , when they were there after performing that the service s family which he has left in this city to NoBTn R they resolved if those ill feelings continued, due by him to Mr. Power, the landlord, and that they obtained :— death the desolate March 16, at three o'clock. That, memorialists most respectfully beg to refer yonr their duty, of tbo matron and schoolmistress, one or both, would he mourn over his fnte, will ever have cause to deploi e the lose and not have kept them waiting. tbe defendant (Patrick Brennan) thought to strike OBNTLEXBS'B CLASS. O'Brien, aud tbe Hou. Baron lordships to the respective memorials presented to the Lords BU[QBATIO C. most estimable and endear- Judges.—The Hon. Judge The Chairman said the question was very fully dispensed with. ! him with a three pronged fork ; he ran away, and Mr. Backu, a first class medal ; ploughman, Joseph of a, husband and a father of the Commissioners of the Admiralty in December, I860, and The report of tho emigration committee was here brought deceased had been for about fifteen years nugbes. gone into, Doggan, £1 lus. ing qualities. The MUNSTER CIRCUIT. January, March, and September, 1861, by the shipowners and it did seem pretty clear that the detailing ths recent steps taken by them with a view to defendant followed him, and while in the act of (radio? from this port and elswberc to up, Mr. J. Congreve, a second class medal ; ploughman, Jobn in command of ships Monday, March 2nd, at t'nnis, lonro'clock. and mastersof vessels coming to this port, as well as to the pilot officer at Passage could scarcely know when the sending out of the female emigrants allotted, to the running towards one of the other tenant's house, he ICorth America. Power, £1. Thursday, March 6th, at Limerick , 3.30 o'clock. official report of Mr. Curtis and the report oi the harbour or what vessels would be coming in. There was no number of sixty-two, and recommending that the board atruck him on the elbow with a stick, which Jiurted Mr. J. Ktuld certificate. Grant master, , The barque Btrgmann, of New Ross, , Friday, March 13th, Tralee, ten o'clock. master of the port ; also the memorials of private shipowners , question but that the pilot master at Dunmore ought take immediate steps to have those females sent out. him severely. Cross-examined by Mr. Slattery : TARXEBB* CLASI: ' Mr. Daniel Carrigan and Mr. Thomas Walsh. akared from New York, Oct. 31; for London, and has not Tuesday, March 17th, at Cork, two o clock. to buve had those pilots sent on to Dunmore at once. Sir R. Paul moved the adoption of the report, and in so How did he strike you with the stick ? Com- Michael Caahin, Ballycasbin, fanning implement, value was tbc property of Judges—The Chief Baron and Mr. Justice Fitzgerald. That memorialists believing attempts will be mado by the Mr. Barnea thonght Hogan ought to have sent on those doing f aid thcro was. in the poor laws one bad feature, and £3 ; ploughman, the owner, £1 10. since been heard of. The Bcrgmann the face of the decision of plainant : When I was running away he threw it into which port she was majority of the harbour boird in pilots. Hogan was the person who suggested the reduction that was that it left yonng persons, such as those whom the Michael Fitzgerald, implement, valae £2 ; ploughman, the Mc»»r.". Ualavan , of New Hoss, tho Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, as stated in the after me, and hit me on the funny bone (laughter). and had been noted for quick and TO THE EDITOR OF THE. WATERFORD NEWS. in the number of the pilots. committee proposed sending out to Canada, to be reared up owner, £1. a few years apo purchased, 8th paragraph of this, your memorialists' humble memorial Mr. Slattery : And you were all covered with blood Her master, Charles Grant, was a Sm—Permit me through the medium of your columns, to , Mr. P. A. Power observed that Hogan waited for the cutter in idleness in that house. Brongbt up in such a state aa Thomas Nolan, Old Court, implement, vain* £1 10s. ; prosperous vovngc*. to apply to your lordnhips under tbo powers of the harbour Kast , in this harbour, nnd was married. reply to a letter which appeared in the Citizen of last week, to come up for tho men. Hogan was a very proper officer. that was, those young persons could not be expectedto know (renewed laughter) ? Patrick Downing sitorn : ploughman, Denis Hayes, 10s. native of Passage transfer act of last session, to get your permission to close up in his opinion 1 He held a Board of Trade certificate of competency. nndcr the heading of " The Trades of Waterfoi d," and The Chairman thought they would not gaiu anything by anything about sell-respect, and therefore, , Saw the defendant throw a " gowlogue" after David Mullic, commended, and to Michael Carroll £1 for signed " Civis." Now, sir, as I consider myself to be the this public and most useful accommodation, feel it their duty ditcussing over again what had already been discuised and they were bound to do what they could, and what the law and hit him on the elbow ; be ran fonstones, bringing his plough best appointed to the ground. to lay this their humble memorial before yoor lordships, to make tbem self-supporting. The old Hayes, certain only practical coach-builder iu Waterford, and " Civis" asks decided. allowed them to do, came around ScruiiTivr.LT TASTALISISG.— Never ho too praying that you wilt bo pleased not to comply with any worn ont man or woman was tbe inmate proper of that and came towards Hayes ; the women " Why could not the bodies of carriages, and axletrccs be Mr. A. White asked what would be the expense, of estab- PETTY SE3SIONS-THIS DAT. ol anything in this aggravating globe, is an advice very often request which such harbour board may make you, until at bear), for him< it was mado an asylum; they had bim, and were it not for that, he was sure he'd made in Waterford ns well as in Bristol and other English lishing tbe telegraph between Dunmore and Passage ? He house (bear, On the bench-The Right Worshipful Andrew Ryan, ped who least they make as good, convenient and suitable an accom- also the young orphan, who having got no one to look after strike him. Mr. Keily: Did Hayes strike Bren- overlooked, with tantalising results to the brainless bi towns ?" " Have we not smiths, carpenters, &c., here ?" I thought from the disposition of tho company with which Esq., Mayor ; D. B. Franks, R.M., Charles Newport, Capt. modation at the seaward side of the bridgo of Waterford. - him they were bound to protect, but then tb: iutarmediatc Slattery : When do so. In " Karc Clonmel," a damsel of varied accomplish- beg to inform " Civis" tbat an ordinary smith will not snit they were connected there would bo little difficulty in getting nan ? Witness : He did not. Mr. Newport, John Mackesy, M .D., Jobn Power. a coachraaker ; it is a trade that has to be carefully learned ,- And your memorialists as in duty bound, will ever pray, them to lay their poles between the two places. It would be class, tbe adult, those young persons fnll of vigour and full did this occur 1 Witness • On Wednesday last. tntnU, ranging from scrubbing tbc kitchen to dusting the to better their con- There were 24 cases for bearing. A woman of tbe town, for instance, a horsc-shoer could not do it, nor a smith who Loconun FBEBX AH, T.C., Chairman. a very great advantage. of life, appealed to them for some means Brennan ? Witness : He did arrested by Borongh Constable Preicott merchant , and they could do so Did Hayes strike , for using obscene dnwiog.ioora, abided iu n domicile of a respectable is in tbc habit of working for ships, or making farmin; im- Mr. Spencer said they would bo requirin^ofnees othor dition. He saw no better way in which language on tbe Mall was sent to gaol for a lortnight. Mr. Spencer—la there only one signature to the gration and feeling so would not indeed strike him. Did Hayes speak civilly , where she made those qualifications the means of earning for plements, house w ork, &c A bouse carpenter could not things, and would have littlo business to do for any but the than the plan proposed of emi , Mary Keating, charged with stealing a medal &c., in her memorial ? ^ tbc report. to Brennan that day ? Witness : They spoke , did for m.ikc the body of a carriage, though he might make some- board. He did not think it could be carried out. beg to move the adoption of abode in the Ru» de Qov>, from Private Keegan of tba •erselfhcr d.iily bread, which ihc most assiduously Secretary—That is all, sir. It is signed b Mr. motion which was also sup- Patrick Power, , thing like a common car ; bnt the body of a brougham, a y The subject then dropped. ( Mr. Bloomfield seconded tbe , stiff enough to each other. 86th regiment, was acquitted, the prisoner Laving- delivered loots time. Miserable, however, for poor Polly, under the ported by Mr. Hudson. clarence, or a barouche, he would ha totally incompetent to Freeman, T.C., as chairman. THE PAB8AOI PILOT SERVICE/ landlord, deposed that the father of defen- up the property at the time on the condition there would b* ume roof there dwelt a fellow servant, of lbs male gender , complete. " Civis" is not , perhaps, aware that there in not A form of resolution was agreed to, on motion of A letter was read from Mr. B. Conn, offering to provide Mr. Power objected to emigration on principle. He con- dant was a tenant of his for several years, and no prosecution. ceived that instead of sending out those females to Cannda and between Poll aud John an acquaintance of the softest nor has been for many years, a W.iterford coach sraitb, body- Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Lawler, that in refe- boat and a crew of four ineu for the pilot service at Passage, that his rent was thirty shillings per year, paid by maker, wheeler, Jot painter ; they arc brought from Dublin, to act as officer himself, for £60 le« than it was doue for a or elsewhere, they could be kept at home with more advan- THE COMING ASSIZES kind soon sprung up. To make matters worse, John had rence to their lordships' communication, the board the half year ; he went with Patrick Hay«s, the Cork , Limerick, or elsewhere. I commenced business in present. tage to themselves, and be pnt in a position to be made good It will be seen that tbe spring assiztswill commencein pledged were of opinion when the proper time arrived they Besides that be and was present when he made tbe distress. ilrejdyp lighted his troth, and her to whom he had Waterford in 1859, and was compelled to import a few Secretary—That is for £130. parlour-maids of, and good bar-maids too. bailiff, this city unusually early this year, and that the grand juries an inducement to be made hi« vows on a recent occasion, presented him, in turn, with bodies from London, until I got men competent to make would be able to furnish satisfactory reasons for the Mr. Reid—Hogan's is a permanent appointment. feared that this emigration system would be Mr. Slattery : So you caused a distress will be sworn in on the 28th of the present month. Th* them on my own premises. Since thkt time 1 have manu- closing up of the present bank. The Secretary explained that at the meeting in March the to persons to press into the house with a view of being sent 's rent? Landlord : Yes, of course a lively pledge of her utftction. Polly, however, maile for a half-year commission will open on Monday, March 2, at ten o'clock. factured all that can be done under ray own inspection. As FILOTAOB PENSION. board took their yearly contracts, that of the Passage pilo t out, due time. Mr. Slattery : How long is Jndge O'Brien and Baron Hughes will preside. forget both one and tbe other, and as Clonmel was ' ly to this latter objection, said that tbe when it was Jobnny for wheels, I never imported a pair. Axletrecs cannot be The widow of James Murphy, ilot for twenty- service amongst tho rest, so this letter of M.r. Conn s was in Mr. Jacob, in rep Landlord : Sbce September their loveable propensities, they re- because one axletrce maker would be a p a month before the usual time uulsss there was some reason committee had recommended none but those who bad been the rent due to you ? of too small an area for made in Waterford, , sharp shoot- SHIP NEWS sufficient to supply the whole South and North of Ireland. five years, memorialed the board for the usual to change it. five years in the school. last. Mr. Slattery : This is certainly aolved to give their affections a wider field, ami as a prepara- CARDHP EB There is not a coachmaker in Ireland that has consumption pension of thirteen shillings a month. Mr. Spencer thought no change ought to be made, and tbo Mr. Conn said that disposed of the objection. ing. Did you see Brennan do anything to the , F . U.—Arrived—Newcastle, Prince LeopoM, Watcrford city, which vraa both from Waterford. tory step they hied them to enough to keen a staiT of men for that purpose, viz., axle- The Secretary ) in reply to the board, said that matter ended. QUAY COMMITTEE. Mr. l'ett objected to emigration on princi plo also. Tin bailiff on the 11th inst. ? Landlord : Yes, Brennan honored with their presence on Tuesday evening. Unfortuna- I appreciate the good intentions of" Civis," if On motion of Mr. lleid, seconded by Mr. A. \Vhite, Mr. great O'Connell bad sail the poor laws wonld be a failure, " HOLTUBAD, FXB. 18.—Put in—Louisa, from Liverpool for trees alone. Murphy had been always accounted a skilful pilot , (the defendant) seized a " gowlogue and threw it Waterford. Polly made up a want in the combined ward- any good can be done for W»tcrford, but I think that the T. K. White was added to the Quay Committee in room of and he was right. Tbe poorhonse could, under proper laws, Uty, however, and a very well conducted man. after Hayes, and hit him with it on the elbow; be NEW YORK JAW. 29.—Arrived—Del gentry who go to England and elsewhere to purchase their Mr. W. S. Thompson, resigned.—Adjourned. bo made of advantage to those poor people, and to tbe rate- , phen, from Neir rol* of certain articles belonging to her master, a pair of The Chairman said the only difficulty there might removing then ran for stones, and the women collected around Ross ; Viking, from Waterford. Sailed, Jan. 12—Portia (or ilot coat goods, in preference to buying them at borne, are more to payers, but it was not so. This emigration was gloves and a silk handkerchief for herself.and n blue p be in the way was the possibility of their having, and leaving the bad you see Hayes with a stick in his hand Waterford. necessi- he blamed th;in the manufacturer who is compelled to import WATERFORD BOARD of GUARDIANS-WEDKISDAT. the arterial blood from the country, him. Did for Johnny. This act, of course, when found out, blood behind. He would give twenty pounds a piece from I did. Did he strike ? purpose goods that are not made in Ireland, viz. : files, bolts, screws, hereafter, to reduce the pension list consequent on . over Brennan's head ? Yes, tated sin inquiry as to tbeir whereabouts, for which S. T. Gauss, Esq., J.P., V.C., High-Sheriff, in the chair. the rates to get the badly disposed away, and leave the good PAIRS FOB NEXT WEEK. laced in the bauds of the re- wire pins, and plated wares, suitable for coach furnishing. the position of their pilot establishment. him with it? No, he did not. From whom do you a warrant was, on Tuesday, p sir allow me to invite " Civis" Also present—Right Worshipful A. Ryan, mayor, D.V.C.' behind. They bad not received encouraging accounts from SATUEDAT, FBB. 21—Ennitcortby, co. Wexford. hy, the Fouclif of the Irish In conclusion, , to inspect Mr. Lawler said he would move that the pension hold the place ? Mr. Keily : Don't answer that nowned Constable Malachi Jlurp where 1 shall be most happy to show him Messrs. M. Itobcrts, A. Mackcy, J. Hudson, T. W. Jacob, J' those who had gone away. M ONDIT, FBB. 23.—Kilgobinet, co. Waterford. police. Malach ! who is never at fought, from the if ry start, my establishment, and if any reduction should become Mr. Slattery : From whom did you get , the whole concern, the goods that I am be granted, h. Conn, Sir B. J. Paul, Bart., W. Peet, P. Strange, J.P., Captain Hamilton said aiacc be had come to the district question. TtiBsDAi, FIB. 24.—Bennets-bridge, co. Kilkenny, ind at once knew where to bag his game, and came to Waterford the working of . Landlord : The man is dead uair. Is compelled to import, the number of hands employed, and unavoidable, then for the widow Murphy to come J. O'Dwyer, J. Strannman, F. G. Bloorafield , J.P., H. no less than seven thousand persons had been sent away. the place 1 Moneyhore, co. Wexford. too. Leisurelyperarabulat 'ng the city, Malacbi, who beats whom did you THURSDAY., 26.—Carrick-on-Suir the rates of wages paid, which range from £1 2s. to £1 13s. in with the rest. White, It. W. Morris, J.P. Captaiu Hamilton, P.L.I., was Over and over again he had seen money and the moat grati- that an answer to my question ? from , co. Tippenry, tod that old primitive head-constable Argus, of the hundred eyes, also present. fying letters sent borne by very many of those people. Mr. late Mr. O'Keeffe, Portroe, ditto. ' , and per week. I als'i wish to add that 1 am not the author of Mr. Power seconded the motion, which passed. get the place 1 Is it not from the all to smithereens, saur tcred into Bailey s Xcw-atreef VISITOR'S BBPOBT. Buchanan had informed him that tbe best class of emi- SATCEDAY, 88.—Graigoa, co. Kilkenny. took a seat. With :> letter published iu yonr paper some time ago, signed DRY DOCK FOR WATERFORD. and now is it not in the bands of Mr. John O'Keeffe, then into a nautical hotel, wherein he " Whenever I will writo a letter for Visited tbe house this day from one p.m. to three o'clock. grants sent out to bim were tboie last forwarded from Clon- ? that delvdhering wa<- which Malachi knows so well how to " Nil Despcrandum. The Chairman, said pursuant to notice, he would who is the landlord of the property, and to whom I will invariably sign ray name in foil.—I am, The bread U of fair quality and good weight, the soup good. mel. BANKRUPT. assume where females are hi* audience,onr friend commenced publication, now with the leave of the board bring under their the rent ought to have been paid, Mr. Middleman ? dear sir, faithfully yonrs, U OUEKT LATVLBB. , , Cook complained of having the tank and tbe tap of the boiler The motion was pnt, and agreed to. Peter Moore Fisber, Yooghal, county Cork, miller and operations. In a few moments Malach i found out as a very clean and were nominated on tha ended by the defendant being fined half- Catherine-street, 19 Feb., 1803. consideration the necessity of their founding a dry out of order ; the hospitals, male and female, Sir R. Paul and Mr. Richardson The case merchant, to surrender on 27th Februaryand 20th March. certainty, what he suspected before, that he was on the right laints from tho inmates; the in room of the Hon. Watching dock in Waterford (hear, hear). He would desire welt ventiUted. No comp committee to complete the business, a-crown and costs. roid, that in fact he then sat in the right house. married mothers and unmarried mothers' day-room was not now attending parliament. ? turned the EDITOR OF THE NEWS. to place the subject before the board under two ' Mr. Fortescue and Mr. Hissard, THE FISUERT LAWS.—Sub-constable M'Loughlin the proper moment, Malnchi ascended the stairs, TO THE as clean ai might be uor themselves. The back sheds very MBILINAVAT YOUNG HZH'S SOCIBTT.—This society held * MAKBtAOE DAT AS JL. nOLIOAT. , TUB MKAM. John Drohan Michael Morony, Peter landlf of the bed-room door, walked in, and there reclining TJIE PltlK'CB OF WALES points of view, first as to its necessity, and then as ' fourteen men loyed summoned , le be better testi- clean, and no complaint; saw only emp , Mr. Howlett, solicitor of New Ross, appeared beforo tb« toiru at their rooms, Mullinavat, on Sunday evening, Mr. in tbe arms of Morp heus, Cupid smiling overhead, lay l olly SIB— How can the loyalty of our peop to whether it was the duty or not of the harbour and six at the shocmaking. I consider there is too much Kiely, James Hacket, James Kiely, and Patrick * left behind them. fied on this auspicious day than in devoting it to one f board, and informed tbem he came there at the suit of bis Philip Aylwtrd, presiding. The health of hit Holiness, and Johnny, forgetful of those they commissioneis to take up the question. He felt, egress and ingress. I saw no stone breaking. It is to be mandamusfrom Mahony, charging them with chasing, disturbing, yantomine, soon dispelled thtir thorough rejoicing P From north to south in every towu brother, Dr. Howlett, to serve tbem with a Pope Pius the IX., was propoted amid deafening applause Malachi, like the ogre in the as regarded the first portion of the subject he need regretted that the guardians do not visit the house oftener to guardians into the Queen's and endeavouring to kill salmon in the river Colligan, , and the other from hlyuum to and village of England, preparations are now making on ths , the Exchequer, ordtrinn tbe dreams, drought both one say but little on that point ; there was but one feel- keep tho officers on the alert, for there is oothing better cal- Bench to fix a salary for the plaintiff for his services u on Sunday night, tbe 8th inst. The sub-constable and was eloquently responded to by Mr. Jobn Carroll, jun. earth, took them under the protection of the law, and in his most extensive scale for celebrating this happy union in a culated to lessen the rates than to keep the able bodied in- the Vrbi befitting the occasion. In our own metropolis appro- ing abroad on the question and that was that they locum tenent for Dr. Fitcpatrick. deposed that he was on patrol on Sunday night, the Several other toast* were duly proposed and responded company neit day Polly and Jonny bado adieu to manner , mates well employed.—(Signed), JonK POWBB. h Tbe Muyor aaid this was a most unusual proceeding. to. After the speechesdancing, real Irish daniing, reels and Intacta, and started ior Clonracl, where, jio donbt, they priate measures are about to be taken, whilst Cork, throug ought to have a dry dock in tbe city (hear, February 16 1863. 8th inst., and when uear tbe bridge of Colligan saw magistrate, advises general illuminations in addition , Mr. Howlett uaiil it was unusual for a solicitor to serve , with the Lancers and Irish quadrillet, becamethe order bare been well tended. its chief hear). Tbe time bad come for tbem to make Mr. Jacob said that was a very important report the duty on himsell, not two men running away, and other parties crossing to other festivities. Many corporate bodies are voting suras such a document, bat he bad taken of the night, and were continued to a late hour next morning. Tuesday morning between nine and ten s movement on the subject, and he was sure ont of compliment to a public the river ; that be came up to a man named J ohn vriui DKOWKISO.— On for tbe special purpose of cnabliug the very poorest to enjoy indeed. to allow a bailiff to do so, The pleasures of the night were agreeably dfranified nearly ICillegrew, and inquired who the parties were, and 's and tbe Nigger Melodies added to o'clock two oailors of a Dutch vessel lying in the river this one day at least. The 10th of March falls on Tuesday if they made a united one they would be successful. It was ordered that tbe master's attention be par- board. tbe singing of Moore , formally served, and soon after tho the names of the parties noir before which there was a pantomime. separate! opposite to Henrietta-st reet were engaged on a plank paint- —an off-day as far as busineu is concerned;—let pa improve In Cardiff be was given to understand there were ticularly called to the above. The document was he told Win delighted with tbe pleasant.nigbt they had|spent. upon it , and if yonr city bo too poor to entertain its buDgor - three dry docks', and vessels, as they all knew, were THE LATB INVESTIGATION. board adjourned. the court ; from the place they ran he fonnd a three highly ing tbe stern ol tbe vessel. The tying of the plank suddenly OF TBE UOCSE. ones as we would desire let it bo apparent that our STATB H SOUCHOB, GIBKAL.—In Sergeant' Armstrong' ate tray, and the two men were precipitated into tbe water, itricken , daily taken from their city and brought to Cardiff The Commissioners forwarded to the board their pronged fork and a quantity of straw rolled up in a T * * f rich enough to do justice to the day—" to rejoice Remaining in Louse last week ...... 122S powerful tpeech, in the Court of Exchequer, on Saturday, in the tide quirkly out at the tine. A boat was im- loyalty is for repairs. In Dublin the commissioners bad gone small bag (now produced in court.) Jobn Killegrew, running that do rejoice" ou this the marriage morning of decision in reference to the late inquiry, held by Dr. Admitted eince ...... 38 the cue of" Morgan v. Gray," be said the present Solicitor mediately pat out from tbe vr»sel and, with much difficulty, with them to great expense in providing this accommodation u in anawcr to Sob-constable : Do yon remember Sunday " our future king to be."—1 nm, dear sir, yours truly, Purcell, M.I., in tbe case of the Cuddihys, in which, Born Gentrai, Mr. James A. Liwton, wu " one of the moat emin- one man was rescued, but the other, some distance off, sunk also in Belfast and in Londonderry, Discharged during this week ...... U night, tbe 8th instant ? Prosecutor : Yes, very well. Sub- y wa» recovered last evening Watcrford, 20th February, 1863. L. M. in their harbour. , after reviewing the evidence in detail, they con- ) ent lawyer* that ever honored the professionin tbii.coantry." to riie no more in life. The bod Died ... 0 constable : Where were you at tbe timo ? Prosecutor a place with not half the tonnage of Waterford, the cluded as follows :— Town Corjgcn. RIPOMT.—A full report of the meeting "tar the Adelpbi Terrace. WHERE ISTHE WATER SUPPLYTO COME FROM [ Total remaining, ...... 1220 Near the bridge of Colligan. What hour might it: be thao f commissioners had mado a very good one. Some The Commissioner!having given their consideration to tbe Prosecutor : About half.past twelve o'clock in the Digbt. of the Town Council on Friday, will be loaud io. *ut fourth /ecu IMS.—yesterday two cases were admitted to the TO IDE ZDITOB OF THB JtBVfS. General average cost ...... 2s. Od. when their late respected fellow- entire evidence, are of opinion that Dr. Howlett was gnilty of Prosecutor : YM, tin pag*. • L»I*r Ho»iiit»l one that of a youth who hurt his knee from SIR—I observe by tbe last Mail that the Town Council forty years ago, Do. iu infirmary ...... 2«. id. Were then other parties with you P grave neglect, and has shown himself to be indifferent to bia parties do anything Tax KHIXEDBT FOSIIIXM .—Gtorg* Morris. Btq.. ton. a Wl by running hastily down stair*, another that of aboy on Friday, bamboozled into the idea that there was no citizen, William White, made the patent slip it was Do. fever hospital ,. 7«. 8ld. above named persons. Did you tea those was, duties aa temporary medical officer of the diitriet, in having bt on the river Colligan ! Prosecutor : No. Court : of Sir a Morris, D.L., Waterford, bu been appointedtin- on wliost foot a piece of iron fell at the Neptune Iron Worka_ water in summer in Skibbereen and Uallinimona, &c Now, considered a very great improvement ; but since Dining Hall 1«. 8Jd. that nig . only once visited a patient in to serious a casa of fever. tee them fish on the river Colligan the nigbt of tenant by Colonel the Bight Son. W. F. Tigbe, Lord lieu- vacancy caused by the I beg to say, having known tbe localitiesfor yerymany increased in size, and Cootof provisions received ... £229 9s. Od. Didyou op Tn» 86TB RZOIMMT—The «ir, then vessels had very much Dr. Howlett's connectionwith tbe committeehaving ceased, tbe 8th inst. P Prosecutor : No, joor wonhipt, I did not, tenant of the County. Tha Comm'uwon is dated 11th years, that there never was a greater rcistake than this. Consumed , £126 9% 2d. deeply-lamented death of Surgeon Sawyer, on the 20th oj as any vessel over four hundred tons could not be it only rests with tbe commiuiquers to request that in tbe but 1 taw tbe fork in Drohan's band. ' Court : Did you see February instant. Tbc valley of tjkibbereen and Ballinamona lies in a kind of to Cardiff event ef medical assistance being KTJXBBB OP PBBSOKS WHO BBCBIVBD BBLIBf IS IBB December Waterford Barracks, has been filled up repaired there they were obliged to go required on any future bim or any of the party make use of the instrument in seeking AVCTIOMB.—Amongst Mr. Thomas WahV* anetKet, latt, in the semi-circle at the back of this city, only a short distance occasion, the committee will select some medical practitioner VXIOg DOBIBO THB SBVBH DATS FSBCBDIHS BATOB- Henry Higgins Jones, of Ballybricken. Tlio whole valley abounds in limpid and elsewhere to refit. A few days ago orie of the to kill salmon t Protecutor : I did not. Court 1 Did voo announced in this day's .2faf«,'wi!l be found a very import* ty the appointment of Staff-surgeon west other than Dr. Howlett, in whom tbe commissioners cannot OAT, IBB 14TH DAT Of IBB., 1663. Prosecutor : Yea. Mr. dejtli of Surgeon Sawyer, streams springs, and wells. In upper Ballinamona there steamers of the port had to put back here disabled; Faithlegj,16; see them ran acrou the river ? aat one, to take place on ITmnday,the 6th of March, at ll .D, from half pay. Since the , place confidence^ Waterford, 686; Kilbniry,4; Killotteian.4: neither protecutoror tab*, of Assistant Surgeon Barry, be a dearth of water in Summer, but I defy anv one to had there been a dry dock here the would have been ll; KilniKleague, 13; SUttery : Oh I your worships, th* Belmont, near this city, the. retideno*of a; deservedly te* the regiment has been in charge may Ml. Jacob—And Tery justly. Ballioakill, 1; Woodstown, 11; Killea, arcumatancettustain the charge ' for service in India. prove that tbe streams and springs of) Skibbereen ever ruu dry be 17 ; "land constable can, under those , tpectedgentleman , Wm. Fitsgtrald, E»q, who**le&te eC *bo we btlieve, is abont exchanging repaired here, but as there was not she had to Chairman—What are we to do } Rathmoylan, 13; Druracanuon, 1; Tramore, did not we them, or any one of ' jammer or winter. Sir, this locality and Ballyscanlan are in this matter 11; Newcastle, 1; Kil- against my clients; they that holding has expired. . WITXHIOKD isn LIMERICK HAILWAT.—The half- taken away and probably at some risk. Their much ¦ Keane, 14; Pembrokestown, 0; Rcisk, chase disturb, or endeavor to kill ulmon on th* night tbe only places that Waterford can possiblyobtain its supply Mr. Conn—The whole thing has been discussed BaUlnem, 1; Kilma- tbem, , 8AIHO». Sttrirfiy morning;list , thirty fin* nbata take place at the offices, respected friend William Malcomson, was strongly meaden. 8; Aglish.4; Dnnkitt, 6; in question hat merel fonnd a tfcne-Drongtd fork and pillow —On yearly meeting of this company will of water from. And if a sufficient supply of delicious ran- , before, and although I am ready to go into any dis- 1; lUthpatrick, 7; Bouinnn, 7; , y were captured fn weir of Michael Dobbyn, E»q, at ht to have a dry dock in Water- cavogue, 1; Kilcollnm, of straw on tbe buik of the river. Diamiited. - tb* Nemtth, on Friday next. ning water (and that is admitted to be tbe purest) can be had, of opinion they oug cussion on i t, I don't eee what we have to do. Portnascully, 8; Poolrone, 5; UUid, 6; Killaher, 12 ; Kil- Crook*, for which a turn of £80 m re»li»td. 8*laea b it can at Skibbereen for a comparatively irit for which he has Sab-coottable Fotttr tammoned Patrick'Ji'Namira , for 8CDDBS DIATH.—A few days ago an inmate of the Lis- and I believe , ford, and with that public sp Sir R. Paul—I don't think tbero is anything for beacon, 0 ; Karnogue, 3; Kilbride, 1; Union at Urge, 351 1 very abundant lor thii teuon of tbey*ar, a»4 NOt-tib tind without an Act of Parliament why go to bavins killed a ulmon in the port of Danfurasjos tha 11th ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' 3 :- " Bore Workhouse was found dead small rum, , ever been remarkable he (chairman) might mention, us to do. inIn aeadeaft anaand dumbaumo iinstitutionDsiirauon, 7;,, tot*!«¦»., «1820.«* 8d.alb.0Q- « 10- '- : • - .- •' -J,;>.,r-.j.j ;.. ^ , timed Bridget Donovan, at great expense, for water which may be, iMt.,ly drawmg*netact with.ehannertoth*rew of the ¦ , -' - Ballyscaolan, that he bad employed an engineer to take tests of COLLECTED. tmcouiCTBD. " consUbledepowthatd ho-wiaon duty ' i, H0M.0WAHOLLOWAYbr .ri'S OlltTMENTOofMTMENT AHoAHD : FllU-PitM.-r-Ai octUfa : in her bed: Tbe woman who slept with her was not aware because from a stagnant lak e, very much inferior i I think In connection with this subject the following militsrf barrack Tbe ™Mto duemi of tba woman' not rise when tbe most favorable places for such an object; he had Morpby £10 lr.3d: I Murphy *J69 18s. lOd. th/ luh iBlt. ,„, tbit hU ££. WIt , ^,4 b \ ^^J ^^ t mmm s death until she fonnd she did that tbe members of the Council should go and examine for were alto read :— ' 00 6s. 4d. t tie bmkfait bell rang. the beautiful stream! and springs to which I authorised him to say that if the commissioners CUmbl ¦ £9 fe. M. l Qamble. Urfenumbtr of people assembledto tb. rtr. of the miliUry wn^ ' t themselves Poor Law CommUsion Office, Dublin, 17 Feb., 1883. 1 drawiDganrtaercts tbe eb»tintl d^Vto tK ndi^r^a«SU?aS ' Last year Professor Holloway £40,000 in ad- and which now, be it told to our shame, puss round took up tbe project, those tests should be Sir—Adverting to minute* of the board of guardians of „ , , „„, . „. Urrack|ttwp^ie« Uiei», mini nT 11 LIIII I IIL I i^tlTXriSilLirii expended refer, Total ed. £19 6s. 6d. Total uncol. «39O 44. Sd. wbieh oenUin«d a quantity of fish, «ad amotujit tbem was . vertising alone. tbe city, and empty themselves into the Suir. TBDIU. sent before them and also that he (Mr. Waterford Union, of tbe 11th inib, in reference to tba re- ^U^tly^t^m^J^SV^SSStmm , Balance in favor of Buardmns ... £2,416 6s. M. ,»imon. Patrick M'Natntra WM standing in D boat at the tloo. twJ so pnriryUii Mori,- that MMMMI Wsterford. Feb. 18, 1883. any muneration to Dr. Howlett for his services u substitute for . The telegraphic wires are about being extended to New Malcomson) would be ready to act on Paid £70 6*. Od. time when tbe parties pnt tht fish Canute into It ; did not '^^ V'^.«^»?»«t^''»»*»&'»gf Bo«a, and tbe town commissioners have given the use of a , bear). With Dr. Fitrp«trick, medical officer of the Kilmacivogoe dispen- committee they might appoint (hear the commiwiontrs inclose for tin consideration • sea bim set the Mt or kill tb. wJmon. - ihv Klcbard ; , . ' • "wo in the Tbolsol for an office at a nominal rent. Then Ire 624 paupera in the Tipperary Union, being an taking up the sary diitriet, ?2^22JSI*12JK'JffiStfiFtSr9wBB ¦ , respect to tbe harbour commissioners of tba guardians, a copy of i communication which thej Gen.Banks bas mcinded Brute Batter's order doling tbs A'Hearn deposed that be saw VKanarawM stnading tn> a; p-VJH^ffi^^flggff^^'ifr^Mjfc j v TB '' EXIXMION LIKE " are increase of 36 from tbe same period last yett. The weekly ntailr ; * _ . —The works of this line matter, be (chairman) comidered they were the havt receivedfrom Dr. jfitipatrick on the subject, AorcbM of Kew Orleus, because, the- officiating olsTgymtii boat, and at the time be arrived.tiw n^ drawn.! «ttt»«dJ»Mj>gS5 tm^mnSilmiSSmg " . .: ( prograsiug with much speed, and a very large quantity of expense of provisions fas £72 lie. 9d. and tbe average cost ¦ »r wall quality of bo in it,U» we*W«fl« £, hip* rt|]g ^ r piuper 2a, 8d. beit pcrsoni to do to. He did not with to shut hii , (By order), B. Buw, ChiefCl wk, wwld¦ not praj tot Abrahamli wola. • U ^. I hate sent It acroii the su, poor law unions have not had the s present p ¦ could not forget tbat when MK Tarnat'wu' feeding relation of rape-cake or oil-cake to The clerks of said that Ballina- be brought from the county of Wicklow, a [distance uMSaoma forgiten men pectfully submitted to you, we have the honor to be, (Mr. Blake) believed Mr. Tarrant it was.oiV aasottatbt- To aik If, as t hare , advantage of being introduced to your notice by of twenty-seven miles (hear). To come to Cork. tbe eoondl b/ 'JIr^BIske, TtJu-u.^ turnips has been stated by Professor Anderson, air, your obedient humble servants, on behalf of ths mona was at a level of one hundred and eleven feet opinionentertained of tbat gentleman' Ton too bars forgiven m«. h position and influence, nor have they tried ah arm of .* capabititls* as inTr. in a contribution to the Transactions of the Highland of hig clerks of unions in Ireland * nnd if that was BO he ahould That city was supplied with water from hel of great names; they , above low water mark, draolic engineer. Mr. Tarrant was unfortunatelyoWtg aXto Kot to call up the loie that is gone , and A ricultural Society, from which an extract is to secure attention by the p tbe rirer;Lee, ana- raised to a height of ons^undred ' ' ' g as R. J. O'SiuuaiiNEssY, Clerk Cork Union. go. down that extent, if not more, to enable be absent, a cireaautaBoe to be regretted, UatttefUiln. the tad dead put; feel the less necessity, however, for these aids, Sir John Benson Or to bring back given at page 136 of the second edition of the work J. C. H ENNESSY, Clerk Waterford Union. supply into the reser- and eighty feet by force pumps. sent be might bare trivea the councilsome voluble intou. arejpersuaded the sole end and aim of the Irish him to put the required ive : ' Or the blossoms of hope that faded named as follows:— they grounds it would be conducted tbose work*. Did Sir John Benson g tioa on this important question ; however, he (CofmJi secure just and sound legislation, January 27, 1863. voir at Lisduggan. On those Roberts)- lan now wonld be to *» ti« bltiog wintrr blasU Kapo cake 29-53 per cent. Government are to any guarantee! No, be gave no guarantee beyond foil the bnt p fcW^a: be adopted upon this REM.Y Ot SIR ROBERT PEEL t quite impossible for Mr. Tarrant to do what he suggestionnude by Mr. Jacob. - . „ Linseed cake 27-69 " and that whatever course may the guarantee of his professional 'character, so dear Nor to mcall the tight graip of hands considerations for the " Whitehall, February 3, 1SG3. proposed. Mr. BLAKX, in reply, stated tbat sevend gentlemen «t Turnip 1-27 " subject will be determined by to every professional man, and he was never asked n Thattold what lips could not speak, "SIR—I am in the receipt of tho letter datedJanuary Mr. REDMOND—That is your statement ; tho state- desirousthat he shouldaccede to tbe proposaljast now ma}e » " So that 50 lbs. of turnips, according to this authority, public advantage alone. for it. There the estimato for the worki was for and although be was ready to defer to their opinion Or tie long last kiss th»t gate Farewell , to which attention may 30th, signed by you and by the Clerk of tho Cork ment of ft non-professional man. , itiIHa correspond to 2.29 lbs. of linseed cake. Professor There are two points and those works he successfully carried would rather that hi* amendment should be carried. Aod branded it on the cbeik. Union, with its annexed statement in raferenco to the Mr. BLAKE said that was quite true, but he was £60,000, If Anderson cautions his readers, however, against especially be directed—namely, the areas or boun- Neither did Mr. Bates they procured tenders for the work they would h«ve Registration of Births and Deaths which yon have adhere to it. , Whether it was a out without any guarantee. , th« s weary, wasting plin, because the equivalent in the registration district, anil the arrange- , quite prepared to advantage of lerenri surveys, as each contractor weoU Ifor to tell of trusting exactly to this, daries of transmitted to another eminent engineer, gire a guarantee to the TI AO my address, as convoying and embody- coirect one or not was very easy to find out; Another one, and these they would have witboat any expense, The wish for a welMoied f»ce, turnips contains nearly double the total quantity of ments for local centralisation. though he made some reports to ' ing tho views of tho poor law officers, represented by thing against the proposition was the evidence of Dublin corporation, themselves, whereas the employment of one enpnolPto The melees longing to fill onca more solid matters found in the equivalent of cake ; hence Of the several territorial denominations into which ineer of you and your colleaguo on this occasion. on their water works. Neither did the eng make a report and give an opinion would, : very likely..^jt The heart's cold vacant place. quantity of the latter must be our country is divided, the present poor law unions the residents of the locality. a somewhat larger " I noed scarcely assure you that I have read your the Limerick water works, and yet those works some three or four hundred pounds. However, if Mr. Jsxoh also a to possess many advantages for any system Captain JOHNSON—DO you say anything, Mr. The mbs o'er the love that put awaj, used to render the results similar. There is appear statement with considerable intorest, for it is drawn up were all successfully performed. To come home pressed his motion he would withdraw the amendment. ' of turnips, a local centre fur reference, &c. Their Blake, about Skibbereen ? ACOB said if Mr. Blake's atnmrfmsat was The crj of woe's keen smart, difference frequently in the composition requiring with much ability, and discusses the points raised in once more. He decidedly protested against benefi- Mr. J ealeaUted and of the manure, are perfectl well known to all classes of Mr. BL A KE replied that the level of Skibbereen to obtain what they required be was not disposed That echoed, unanBtterM and anheard, arising from the nature of the soil, boundaries y a lucid, temperate, and jndicions spirit of inquiry. vtorka being defeated by side-winds and to pro, so that was below that of Ballinamona, and to have the cial public hia motion. Through the chambers of the heart. , fine looking roots being often what our corres- the community—they are of moderate extent, " I regret that circumstances prevented my receiving was a gentleman with &c according to Mr. Tarrant they should by dodging. Mr. Tarrant Aid. Ds»sr said the calling for tenders would not called last week "imitation their centres are within easy reach of all persons refer and to 1 whoso proper supply tun Bat to Ull of brgones forgotten pondent, Mr. Roberts, tho deputation to which you , whom he had very slight acquaintance, be scarcely the effect of preventing them obtaining a conialtiogopie.log' , the mouey value of and in this respect they are pre- have those two sources combined. Their duty was turnips." Mr. Lawes estimates within their area, observations I would havo listened witb the attention :to him but he (Mr. Redmond) liked to They could have the consulting opinion on the tenders And bid thee pardon the past. extent to get as good a supply of water as they could with ever spoke , sent the manure obtained from a ton of turnips at 4s. to ferable to counties ; still they are of sufficient they deserved ; but I shall not bo the leas disposed to all parties. Mr. Tarrant built in for tbe work, and in tbat way, he conceit ed, they wooll >! And take from the hand I offer risk as possible and on that account when see justice done to and of that obtained from a Ion of rape cake to prevent the inconvenience of minute divisions. givo a careful consideration to thoir views, which bava as little , to work best. Mr. Hawksley could be applied to to girt Peace and friendship at the last. 4s. 3d., ht forward he the bridge over the Blackwater, near Lismore ; hit cake at £4l2s. fixed and well known, and are boon BO well embodied in tho statement yon have for- Mr. Hudson's proposition was broug opinion, aud for the one payment they could have at £418s., and from a ton of linseed Their boundaries are was done by him for the county bis de' It will look at jou gently and kindly. considered it was a very feasible one, and he was that public work cision and the beuefit of bis supervision afterward,' OTBED —Make a hotbed both longer now, and have long been used for statistical purposes. warded to me.—I am, sir, yOurB, faithfully, over th, MAKING A H . guaranteed Waterford jgratidjury, and cost some four or five operations at regular intervals, as that gentleman And bid you be happy again, the frame, so that it may rest In these respects they have advantages over baronial " ROBEBT PEEL. of the same opinion still. Mr. Hudson was »perio-*- «J- and wider than and thousand pounds. Did Mr. Tarrant give any guaran- dically in Dublin. . And to tell you to bury the wretched join the dung up well, so that end parish boundaries or over those districts! used " J. C. Henncasy, Esq., Waterford." them a supply to the level of Stephen-street, securely on it; shake , tee? No, he did not ; he was not asked for one, and Mr. BLAKE hero agreed to strike out tbe preambls of h'j Of our pusion and our pain. it, and that it will settle for special purposes such as for police, marriage that offer they would be quite safe in accepting. resolution down to tbe words " advertisemenb j there may be no lumps in , yet the work was successfully performed. Mr. Blake be ;uae bo wear/ feet hi e n , and these reasons we submit TOWN COUNCIL-THE WATER QUESTION The supply to the city was required principally &c.," limiting it to the proposition thtt It will tell that though life may evenly. It should be abont 4 gh b hi d registrations, &c. For , those who employed Mr. Tarrant in tbe coatractoi ' below that level, and with that supply they could was one of should be called on to supply water from sod, , There are bright days for us still, 3 feet before. Immediately after it is made put on that poor law union areas offer advantages ovei At two o clock, on Friday last, a special meeting park. He (Mr. Red- I^K! ive it to houses not now taking it. This proposal draining the ground for the would enable all parts of the city to obk'a-it If we lire witb a true »nl honest heart, the frame and glasses. As soon as the heat begins all others for the purposes of registration ; they are of the Town Council was held for the purpose of g , notification ' re- mond) was one of those who thought the drainage to be also given that the plans wonld be submitted And a firm and upright will. the surface and cover the dung divided into a number of sub-districts, such as receiving a report from the Water Committee, on of Mr. Hudson s gave them everything they to u to moderate, level could not 'be successfully conveyed into the Suir, hydraulic engineer. rich fresh mould ; districts suffi- the subject of the water supply of the city, preferred quired outside of the supply necessary for' manu- And 'irough the dim coming futuro , with 4 or 5 inches deep of good, , electoral divisions and dispensary , others who thought so too were mistaken. The motion, was here withdrawn, and Mr. Blak«'< propov. February the facturing purposes in such a city as theirs, an ob- but he and As the great jesxs toll along, turn over the mould daily, lest it scorch; plunge n ciently small to afford intimate personal knowledge to them by the quarterly meeting of done and did Mr. Tar- tion, as amended, agreed to. ject which they should seek to obtain, and thus The work was successfully , It will whisper some sweet words of comfort, stick into it, leaving it there, and as soon as it mo- of the population, and grouped into areas of sufficient 3rd. There were present :— guarantee 1 Alderman Dssxr then moved, and Colonel Rolfr/, ¦ should be assured of the rant give Mr. Blake or any one else any seconded a resolution that fifty Aud sing yon a cheering song. so that when the stick is taken out it is exten t to require local centres. With the union Right Worshipful AnnsEW Rxxir, Mayor, in tbo chair. benefit the city. They , pounds be awarded to (i, derates, No nothing more than his professional character, person who should send to the council tbe plan Aldermen—V. Cox, R. Coolcc, A. Denny, J.P., and T. L. success of Mr. Tarrant's proposal before they woul d , deciWon,«u It will ask jou to look far onward, something over blood heat, you may sow the seeds boundaries it may be anticipated that the machinery Some time ago a peti- Mnckesy,M.D., J.P. agree to it; it should be guaranteed to the council which was quite sufficient. the best.—Passed. To the land wbeie spirits meet, and cover very lightly, not over half inch deep. It existent within them would be adopted, and, in such from the people THE COKFPBATB nO USB-KEEPEB. Town Counnllort—H. Ridgway, J. Lawler, M. O'Shea, would succeed. If he could assure them tion was presented to the council for tho weary heart-ache , to sow seeds in such a bed ; in fact, case we trust that we would not be omitted. We that it The Towv CLBEC aunounced the demise of To the calm is not too early , M. Devercux, D. Coraan, C. Redmond, J. A. Blake, M.P., of Ferrybank and neighbourhood praying to have a the Lou. the weary feet. long since. separate or independent T. W. he would even give them the proposed supply for keeper. Steps to fill up tbe situation were And the rest /or some should have been town do not assume to have any J. O'Dwyer, C. Campbell, P. Manning, L. Freeman, ly of water given to them. At that deferred, h,, K. Roberts W, Johnson double the sum, he felt that Mr. Tarrant would be proper supp (uturo day, this being a special meeting.—Adjourned. TRANSPLANTING EVERGREENS IN APRIL.—" A claim or position : our case is this, that if the Jacob, J. Mackesy, M.D., J.P., , , have to go from all sides to Then Uke care of my little picture. J.P., and J. Power, J.P. well deserving of a present of a thousand pounds, time the people used Jo Subscriber," Waterford— Will April be too late to machinery of the poor laws or medical charities be s pump, near tha bridge. And do not cast it away ; THE WATER QUESTION. and the freedom of the city in a silver box, and tbe the then Aid. Forristal' KILKENNY CORPORATION transplant evergreen oak, pines, and other ever- adopted for registration, that we shall not be denied lace, Tis the face that you. used (o look at The following report was read by the Town Clerk : he felt his plan could There waa great need for good water in the p At tho quarterly meeting, the following axmhsn it lant laurel branches for under cover 7 the correlative position under the latter arrangement reason he said so was because tended :—In the absence of tbo Mayor And IOTO in a brgone day. greens, or to p However, the work was done by Mr. Tarrant for , AUetaunPott» lant the evergreen do so Water Committee, Feb. S, 18S3. not be carried out under ten thousand pounds. presided. Aldermeu present—D. Smithwick It will not be too late to transp which we now hold under the former. To , and so successfull was it per- tnd J Mirf Beaofotd —That having heard the proposals of Messrs. They should remember that Me. Tarrant was not about £100, y Councillors—P; Jloran, T. Power WASTE NO TIME oaks ines, aud the general class of evergreens without cause, would be a stigma and an injustice. for supplying tbe city with water we , M. Rowan, D. Cnlltn J , p Tarrant and Hudson , he was a most respectable formed, that now there was there a supply ample M. Tidmarsh, E. Murpby, Dr. Campion Waste no timo is idly thinking April if they are not large, providing' the then, poor law unions be adopted as the areas adopt that of Mr. Tarrant ; and an hydraulic engineer ; , R. Avlir7 Mtri hi early in If , recommend tho council to enough for a place six times larger than the Slip, Fceban, M. Shortall, and P. Meagher. Over what thoa hast to do. careful l but it will involve a great for registration purposes, and the medical officer! that tho council do call upon Mr. Tarrant for plans and civil engineer, for whom he entertained every respect, work is done y; and the whole undertaking was really worth not one SO CLOSED DOO8S—A OASS in FOIJr. If thy life be dark and stormy, summer to registrars, aa has been specifications for carrying out the work according to bis but he was nothing more ; an hydraulic engineer deal of watering during the spring and , oi dispensaries he appointed but fully five hundred pounds (hear). The accounts being brought up for payment, Mr. 'Pott, Still it must be struggled through. statement and report hereunto annexed :— was quite a different branch entirely, and, therefore, hundred, ' avoid which no time should be lost in getting them proposed, the next consideration is, what officer ive any guaranteo for that work ? No, said ho considered the auditors should not bo paid until 2 tho precious moments*- To the ilembert of the Water Committee. with every respect for Mr. Tarrant, bafore entering Did Ifr. Torrent g Squander not lanted. It is now too late to plant the laurel should be selected to receive the information collected none whatever ; such a thing was not required from lain. arrears would be got in. At the committee meeti'nit & p GBHTLXMEN—As I havo always kept before the commit- should have Time is ever on the wing propose ; it should have been done throughout the union, and to retain it for the conve- into' a compliance with his views, they The only guarantee he gavo ia all his works was his pro- Treasurer thought it judicious to differ withthem about S branches as you tee tho probability of having to briog water from » distance, payment. Broodingorer disappointments 1 (it overy guarantee of success. Mr. Blake referrd io a fessional character, and that was alt tbat would or should be in August or September. nience of local reference in order to supply the reservoir Lisduggan, so that the Tho Treasurer said he had his report there Sene but to increaso her sting ity would be at high level I have very eminent hydraulic engineer in London, Mr. required. What more did any professional man givo on monthly fo LAYING DOWN LAND FOR SHEEP PASTURE.—Sow, For all purposes connected with the laws for the water source for the p , , in every person to scrutinise. Ho had four parties I received from you on the England and such occasions ? Ho gave hU professional character aud from'iihoo Watte no time in Tainly fretting between the middle of March and the middle of relief of the poor, and with the Medical Charities' accordance with the instructions Mirier, whqae water works in France, , he could not get what they owed. He would made an estimato of tho expense to lie incurred reputation as a guarantee, which was all and everything to read tim Over things that might hare bMO, , the clerk of the union is now ]Oth instant, elsewhere, he highly eulogised, and observed that names. A pril, 15 lbs. perennial aud 10 lbs. Italian ray-grass Acts within his union, from the corporation lands in D.illinamona him, and if those formed no guarantee his situation would discontentment in bringing water where they had Mr. Tarrant, who was not an hy- Chairmau—We will go into committee when True it is that 4 Iba. timothy, 3 lbs. meadow and 31bs. hard the medium of communication with the head of the Lisdugcan, not and could not be considered north Sve pounds to him. the bminai to ing the proposed work was ca- is over, and decide that. It is not right to have it Often paint] a fairer scene escue 3lbs. meadow foxtail, and 6 lbs. cocks- department, the poor law commissioners, and: is the To do this effectually it will bp necessary to form a storage draulic engineer, say They knew how guarantees were disposed of by public bodies. duco~™urf , last who should ttsk a gua- in public Than the landscape that surrounds us, and 6 lbs. white clover per Cun- officer through whom any information relating to the reservoir in Ballinamona, to meet tho requirements of dry pable of being done for one thousand pounds, and Bnt, of all men, Mr. lllako is the foot grasses, after as he did introducing him Mr. Smithwick—I think this corporation oogbt to Though to an impartial eye obtained for the government seasons. The capacity of this should bo at least six times that he would do it, it was indeed very probable, that rantee from Mr. Tarrant, , , tnu. ningham acre. Parsley is good for sheep pastures, affairs of the union is his certificates—and after act all the business on tho ono public day. I. coatidet It might aoem a brilliant prospect, of the ono now constructing at Lisduggan. such a gentleman as Mr. Miller, an hydraulic en- to tbe council—after examining tbt of which you may sow G ibs, to the acre. and for parliament. In his office all information at the water works of Bel- public should know everything we do, and not htvo 'Death a cloudless sly. The water shed of the Ballinamona basin is nearly all praising h» successful experience ou Smiling FOR OP DRESSINO all ducuments ineer of eminence, and, therefore, of the required acts verge entirely into privacy, when we will N ITRATE OF SODA AND G UANO T - upon these subjects is centralised, pasture lands with an area of about 210 acres ; it is formed of g last, Dublin, nnd other places. be as Uasli , experience necessary to guarantee them success, corporation was " a closed door corporation." Waste no time ia fancy visions, A MEADOW. — 1J cwt. nitrate of soda and 2 cwt. of retained for public referewce, and we respectfully portions ot tbo lands of Cattidcpberisb, JiranHano, Qncedieu, Mr. BMSI denied haviug spoken of Mr. Tarrant as an MotMiu to do them for three thousand, quite half what we do is doue in committee aod not half da«. That must vanish in their prime, guano (best Peruvian) will be a fair dressing per submit that he is the proper person to be entrusted Gibbet-hill, Logloss, Rathfadden, Uallinamona and Cleahy. would be ready hydraulic engineer. EDMOSC BlaVo distinctly praised Jlr. Mr. Meagher entirely concurred in those vieirs. Xbi When there is so much that's real and if mixed with half a ton of salt it vril) with the registers of births and deaths for his; union, Tho levels of this basin are uuder those of Knoclthouse, satisfied with a profit to himself of two thousand Mr. H said Mr. Irish acre, with water works, and for which rea- business should bo transacted by tho whole council and'ots To employ thy leisure time i officer to retain them for the which, should a necessity arise for it, could hereafter be made pounds. The object of his amendment was by call- Tarrant in connection be an improvement. The nitrate of soda and salt and the most suitable son he got him to draw up a report on the water question. to the public. For remember 'tis a talent Hit office is uniforml available) for the general supply ; but tho Ballinamona basin, ing for tenders by advertisement, to get such men Mr. Smithwick said may be appli ed by the middle of next month, but convenience of the public. y is capable of suppl It was ridiculous to talk of guarantees, it vta merely an , in taking that view, the membefiij But to us in kindness lent, with a suitable reservoir, ying 1800 houses us Mr. Miller to offer for their execution, and the corporation should agree with him tbat it will be better to postpone the guano till the in a central place in the union and accessible from hout tho year with water. attempt to retard a good and useful public work (bear, hear, thi: groin cometh throug p»rt of the business was done withiu And of nbich the season all parts of it and it is the resort of all classes, from this sourco thereby hnve every assurance that they would be and no, no). " closed doors." Tlien weather gets mild and moist. , The cost of conveying water >vith a nine wai no question about it but their proceedings When the Question—how 'twas spent, properly done. He (Mr. Blake) would now pro- Mr. CAMPBELL said ho rose to ordsr. This was not au should U S PICING A Rousn OF BEF.F.—For ft round of beef magistrates, ratepayers, contractors, the poor, &c. inch ntrified clay pipe will be RS follows:—atorago reservoir open to the public. - - We all surely have to answer ; £400; 3 000 lineal yards of niuo inch pipes amendment observing, at the same time, attempt to do anythiug of tho kiud. To sty so was attribu- 25 lbs. wei ht, take 3 oz. saltpetre, 3 oz. coarse His position makes him known as the principal at Ballinaioona, , , pose his , Mr. Tidmarsh said he had to deal Thorefore let us now prepare, g valve) &e., ting A falsa motive. witb tho allonoa t( allspice and and he is recognised as the medium opening and closing ground , £500. Tbis outlay he did not know what gentleman would second Mr. Smithwick's that their business was sugar, 1 oz. cloves, a nutmeg, } oz, , union officer, ly ample for present purposes. The reservoirs Mr. R BDMOXD said he was doing nothing of tho kind ; he , transacted with And be careful stewards of tbo will give a supp it; he had not asked any gentleman to do so ; "cloied doon." He denied tbat emp three handsful of salt, all beat up to the finest pow- of communication, both with the other officers of the bave only to be enlarged to containthe quantity required. did not interrupt Mr. Campbell when speaking, and he would hatically, hem Gifu intrusted to our ore. he had not sought to influence any one in the mat- corpoiatiou in Ireland, nay, every corporation der, and well mixed. Take the bone out of the beef, union, those under the medical charities as well as In conducting tbo water from Ballinamona, it will be ask tho mayor to protect him against needless interruptions. in Eanm it was a matter of perfect ' there were committees formed to transact general buiam and rub it well with this mixture, and turn and rub under the poor law acts, and with the head office of necessary for a length of 1700 yards to lay down tho pipes ter ; personally speaking, He (Mr. Redmond) had no objection to Mr. Hudson s plan ; no doubt but taking his plan Why should they fear their acts to be madopublic? weeks, When to , be department. through private property ia tho toivnlands of Lisdaggan indifference to him whether it was carried or not ; Mr. Hudson was a clever can, , mimlimtu it every day for two or three the he would desire to know Mr. Smithwick said he still considered that ererrtiior Big. This can be done for tho greater part by following tbe he merely put it before the council in the discharge as Mr. Blake had put it before them, dressed, dip in cold water, to take off all the loose The similarity of his present position under the which ho proposed at Lisduggaa to be should be done by the whole council, and let it go beforetS A YANKEE BELLRINOER.—A tall, awkward look- con™ of tho existing fences, and in all cases without injury of a public duty, and would leave it in their hands. how was the fountain spice, bind it round with tape, put it In a pan with a poor relief and medical charities' acts to that which supplied with water ? Its admitted supply was by the same public. With regard to verging on tha system of thioil ing chap, just from the Green Mountains of Vermont, or inconvenienco to any ono ; bul should any difficulty arise Mr. Blake proposed the following amendment :— corporation bo considered that if tbiuga teacupful of water under it, cover the top of the he would hold as superintendent-registrar under tbe respecting tho laying of the pipes through tbe lands of Lis- rule which now supplied the three mudholcs, misnamed , were tnuiKUi came on board one of the splendid North River privately, the public would consider it detrimental beef with finely shred suet, and cover the whol e over Births and Deaths Registration Bill, proposed by duggau, it can he avoided by following the line of tbe Circular Resolved—That inasmuch aa this council has been disap- fountains, by little drifts or sewers in their vicinity. To to tbaj boats at Albany. His curiosity was amazingly ex- adopt the retrograde principle interest. The subject then dropped.—Journal. with a paste made ot the coarsest brown flour; bake your predecessor, is so manifest, that we fuel called Road ; trbicb, though in somo cases occupied by the tenant pointed in its expectation of obtaining water at Lisduggan, adopt that plan would bo to , cited at once, and he commenced " peaking," as he through whoBe lands the road was laid out, is, I consider, we deem it inadvisiblo to spend more money in seeking fur to go backwards like tbe crab. That was the old, the ex- for 5 or 6 hours; set it to cool, and when cold take upon to examine the objections that have been urged LIBERAL LANDLORDISM called it, into every nook and corner on the boat. public property. This course will increaso the distance, and water without somo guaranteo for success, more particulaily ploded, and the ever-expensive plan, and ho should express off the paste and tape; it ia then fit for use. The against clerks of unions holding that office, rather y our superintendent of rise at any professional man advocating Tbe Carlow Pott publishes the following The captain's office, the engine room, the water- add to the expense at the rate of £276 (with contingencies as it has been reported to us b his very great surp letter addntud gravy is very fine, and should be put by to flavour than detail reasons for what would appear to be the works, that in dry seasons the place (Ballinamona), from such a system as that of drifts. Me would like to havo to his tenautry by John Couolly, Esq., of ArUtw, fonoslr closet', the barber's shop, all underwent hit inspec- £300) per nfile. a hash or soup. natural and regular arrangement. The principal Since the committee visited the reservoir at which it is proposed to bring the water, is so deficient pointed out to him any city, or even any village, at the present chairman of the Waterford and Limerick Raihn.yi— tion ; and then he vent on deck and stood in Lisduggan a , objections ate these two :— considerable quantity of water has been flowing from the of it for long periods, that the residents there have to gi day supplied with drifts ? Mr. Hudson would not, ho can- " Kilmore, ArUne, Jan; 23, 1863, and BAB IB amazement at the lever beam, the chimneys, not men of scientific or excavation ; so before going to the exponso of leading long distances to obtain water for themselves and their didly admitted, supply Ballybricken, but is au humble D S —The last three seasons having been n nofi. 1st—That clerks are pro- water Tourablo to the farmers the " fains," till at last he caught sight of the bell. flafo Courts into it, I would auggeit that the reservoirand pipe chamber cattle, advertisements be published inviting tcuders from representative of Ballybricken, in the council, be (Mr. , I havo cotne to the oobchuiooto fessional acquirements. make an abatement of fifty per ' This was the crowning wonder, and he viewed it bo finished, the sides lined with masonry and covered over, and persons willing to undertake to procure a guaranteed supply Bedmond) rose energetically to protest against any plan cent, on the last hilf year i INSOLVENCY. 2nd—That the office of superintendent-registrar of water for the city, tbo tenders to state tha quantity and which wonld uot include tho whole of Ballybricken in the rent received from those tenants, who are wring tbe fait from every position, walked around it, got down on BANKRUPTCY AND 1 the pipes laid down through the streets intended to be supplied In re J. N. Power.—The present mating was for the is superior to that of district-registrar, and that it from this source.—I liavo the honor to be, gentlemen quality, and the height above tbo level of the quay, at which supply of water. Mr. Hudson said he could go DO higher ia value of their lands. I enclose a post bill for tius iraonot, his knees and looked up into it, and exclaimed, , your which I shall ttxaak final examination of the bankrupt, who was a farmer aud would be inconsistent with the dignity of medical obedient servant, CHARLES TARBAKT, Engineer. it will be supplied, together with a specification of the nature the supply than Stephen-street. yon to acknowledge, arid rtmiin. tralr a ral this beats the bell on our meeting- be executed and the time within KENT—I rise to order. The question before tbe rou« " W ll , y, road contractor in the county Waterford. Tho bankrupt wai officers to be placed subordinate to clerks. Colonel ROBERTS moved the adoption of the re- of tho works proposed to , Aid. . " Jons CO!tsou.T." tlic attention which they will bo finished , sod tbe amount for which tho council is not Mr. Hudson's report, bat that of tbe committee. house, a darned sight." By this time examined at some length by Mr. Kcrman, Q.C., who ap. With respect to the first—It is lain that the port. Before the committee, where Mr. p Hudson whole will bo completed, including all cost. Persons tender- Mr. RZDMOKD said Mr. Hudson's plan was tbo one of the captain and several of the passengers was at- pearcd for thn assignees. In the course ot his evidence as to Do SALMOK EAT, AND W HAT ?— OW do jn duties proposed for superintendent-registrars do not and Mr. Tarrant both attended, Mr. Tarrant said ing to be prepared to give satisfactory security for tho due which Mr. Blake bad previously adopted, and endeavoured "H tracted to this genius. " How much would you ask property of various kinds, the bankrupt stated there was s explain the assertion that is made that Salmon i: of valuablo farniiug implements which require scientific or professional attainments ; these hs was confident of being able to bring an ample performance of the contract, which must bo at the highest to pass in tbe water committee; that pli a proposed to sup- to let a fellor ring this bill ?" " You may ring it considerable number not eat in the sea, and that nothing is ever fonhiii had not been included in the schedule. duties are, to compare the register with its copy, supply from Ballinamona to Lisduggan, from thence level in the city, and not less than forty gallons per house ply about 300 houses only in the driest season—that is, for a dollar, sir," said the captain. W all , it's a their stomach when they are caught?" " Judge Lynch directed that tbe schedule 6hould bo nraend. and to index the several registers for the conve- to the city , giving a supply to eighteen hundred in the driest season. .ibout equal to the present supply—at an elevation not " Nqtbnj out." " bargain, all fair and agreed, and no backing; ed, and that the final examination should be adjourned until the houses six times greater than that [The last sentence was added, at a subsequent higher than Stephen-street. That would be leaving out all in the the world more simple, said Hope, i nience of reference. Now these ore precisely supplied to the bricken. Ho (Mr. K.) would ask what improvement " It's a bargain, sir," raid the captain. Our hero after that WAS done. Bally salmon, like many other creatures, votnits wlao routine duties which the official training of clerks of city at present, all to be done at an expense of only stage of the meeting, on the suggestion of Colonel would tbat b« on the old system, fer at present they sup- went deliberately and brought a seat, and took hold In re O'Regan.—The bankrupt bad been a general drape: pursued or frightened, oa the principle, I supnv, Sir. Leach- unions would enable them to perform satisfactorily, one thousand pounds. On tbe other hand Mr. Roberts.] plied as high as Stephen-street. This is tha measure which of the bell-rope, and having arranged everything to in Lismore Mr. Kerraan, Q.C., (instructed by of take my money, and spare my life.' Did tho assignees and examined a young man though (hey would be peculiarly unsuited to men Hudson proposed to bring in a supply equal to The M A von asked would a change in the works Mr. Blake supported, though he no* opposes Mr. Tarrant's ja his satisfaction, commenced ringing, slowly at first, man), appeared fur , ever go on a rock where Solon geese were named O'Callaghan, who had been in tbe bankrupt's employ, whose employments do not enforce precise business that at present for £1,330, or double the quantity do away with Lisduggan 1 plan to supply the barracks, tho jails, and all Ballybrickeo, breeding and graduall faster and faster, till everybody on in all 180O houses (bear) ! As an humble representative of It is a very a absurd sight and is a case y rnent. Tbe elimination iras in reference chiefly to the habits. This is the full extent of duty which the for £1,750. Mr. Tarrant offered to send the water Mr. BLAKE replied that might or might not turn , in point, i. board thought the boat was on fire, and rushed on of the stock in trade from the bank, tbat ward, be would never support a plan tbat would entirely Solon goose sits with one foot on her single If removal of a quantity local superintendent should be called upon to dis- to such a high level that it would supply Ball y, out to be the case. egg. deck, screaming with alarm. There stood the cap- rupt's shop in Lisraora on tho eve of the bankruptcy. Judge omit Ballybricken from its operation. What tho committee you approach her she stands up, st ill holding her charge, if uniformity of classification is to be looked bricken and the public institutions, such as the bar- Mr. D EVEREUX inquired from Mr. Blake if, at one desired was, to raise water to a high level, by which means tain, and there sat the " Vairmounter," ringing Lynch gave leave, on the application of the igent to the loot on the egg, stretches out her neck and. dagorjs the bankrupt summoned to be examined on for, as this only can be attained when it is performed racks and the new prisons. Mr. Hudson said he period, he had not advocated going to Ballinamona not on); tbe lower, but tbe higher portions of the city, so away, f rst slow and then fast, and then two or three assignees, to have the contents of her crop. As soon as you-nun tl« subject. at the head office, as is now done in the case of the would not guarantee a supply to any higher level for the supply ? thickly iponnlated as they were, ana now getting no pipe tans at a time. The passengers began to expostu- water conld get a full supply. But Mr. Blake and Mr. away she recovers her property, and swallow tU returns of workhouse mortality, and of sickness under than Stephen-street. He conceived the plan which Mr. BLAKE replied that he had no recollection of , late ; the captain said it was a bargain. But the Hudson seemed only to care for the lower parts of the city. she has just put down. A salmon I knot; COURT OP COMMON PLEAS, LONDON dispensary relief, by the poor law commissioners. would supply Ball ybricken the most desirable, and having done so. , ,, g* passengers became urgent that the eternal clangour ALLEGED BREACH OP COR TIUCT. Mr. LAWLER said that was not tho question. through the first process " The great value of statistics upon any subject and would therefore propose its adoption. Mr. DEVEREUX said he had a distinct recollection , for I have seen it done. - should be All the while there sat our hero v. Kirk and Paris—(tteforo Mr. Justice , Mr. REUUOHD said he believed it was the desire of every stopped. Rickardto* the proposition of taking Life in Normandy. Bylej)—The action was brought to recover £310 10s., ngainu the soundness of theories deduced from them, depend Dr. J. M ACKESY said he would beg to second the of Mr. Blake supporting member of the council to have this important question fully undisturbed, ringing more ways than a cockney PRIVATE EXECUTION,—We are glad to see i cm defendants, railway coutractors, of Manchester, under the entirely upon tbe extent over which they are spread , motion of Colonel Roberts. Ballinamona as the source of the supply. aud fairly discussed, with a view to a speedy settlement, and chime-ringer ever dreamed. At last the captain mencement of agitation against public txeeutioo following circumstances :—In the summer of last year a bill and the number of facts which they contain. There Mr. BLAKE said he desired to propose an amend- Mr. BLAKE said, even supposing that to be the therefore it was that he went into those matters. If they begin to think it time to stop the simpleton ; but his were not prepared to agree with Mr. Tarraut be would pro- A meeting has been held at Manchester to waila was brought before parliament to enable certain persons to can be no correct generalizing except upon a large ment, and in so doing would assure tbe council he case, it had nothing to do with the present question. answer was, " A fair bargain and no backing eout," make a railway between Waterford and Passage. Tbe d«. pose, as he had dono before, that they get the opinion aud the subject, and a memorial to the Home SeaettJ and wide induction ; this it is plain can be done best would only occupy their attention for n very short A person, be supposed, could change his opinions. and he rang away for dear life. " W ell" says the fendants, who were contractors for that railway,wero applied advice of Sir John Benson, or that of some other equally has been adopted, recommending private executim an advertisementin n news- at the head office, where facts are received from all time, indeed. In his opinion if the report was Mr. CAMPBELL said he begged to second the eminent hydraulic engineer ; but above all things, whatever captain, " what will you take to stop 1" " Wall, to by plaintiff in consequenceof It is proposed tbat certain officers , a jury empa- paper for employment as a resident engineer. The plaintiff quarters, and where results can be viewed under adopted, they would be only frittering away fifteen amendment, and be did so because he saw that up they did, let them not delay in so important and so urgent eap'n, I guess I shan't loose nothing if 1 take five nelled for the occasion ' stated that negotiations passed between himself and one of various conditions ; to act otherwise would 1 be unsafe hundred pounds of the public money. He rose in his to the present, at least, they had only the assurance a matter, on e which had been too often and too long post, , and tlie reporters of tbepnn dollars and a free passage to New York, but not a poned shall be present to certif befl the defendants (Mr. Paris), for some time, and eventually and ill ogical, and would result in producing a number lace there, as a representative of the public to of a probability of a supply of water 'being got from , and having obtained such advice and opinion, they y that the la* his darned cent less." " Well, sir, walk down into the cnj. p , could then advertise for contracts. It was esanatia! for a contract was filtered inti>, by which he was to be of deductions, founded upon local peculiarities but strongest terms Batlinamona. He, certainly, before agreeing to carried into effect, and that there shall beatolbj get your money and a-passage ticket," and to bo paid , protest in the possible against that msny reasons they should press forward tbe carrying oat of office and ployed for one year, certain in any event, could be money on those works would like of bells and discharge of minute guns 10'Sppr* annum together with a por- upon which no reliance placed, because useless expenditure, because he remembered the expend any more , the completion of the water works—first, because this was a answered the captain.—American Scrap-book. salary at the rate of £500 per , the public of tbe solemn scene passing babjad d' tion of tbe profits. In pursuance of that arrangement he they did not rest upon a broad basis, nor. had they sum of money already thrown away, nnd also he to have more than a probability before him. With most opportune timo to begin them owing to the unhappy A TURKISH S UPERSTITION AS TO BUILDING OPE- vpvbHci engaged other persons for the work. The defendants' case been subjected to correction, by comparison, with a was convinced that if those useless works were regard to the statement made by Mr. Blake, to his dearth of employment; and next, becausean ample supply walls of the prison. As far as the general RATIONS.—There exists in Turkey an ancient super- concerned trie (rant- was, that no final arrangement was made, that it was only sufficient variety of conditions. From such a system to be continued until finished, instead of a good figures and levels, assuming them correct, and he Df pure wlioleiomo water was so ranch required by tbe citi- prisoner sentenced to capital stition (carefully fostered and encouraged by the and then tens at largo. For these reasons he begged to support the 1 to be carried out in the event of tbe bill passing, confusion only could arise. of water the public would a bad one saw no reason to doubt their accuracy, it seemed ment will disappear, and be as dead from,thi I* wise architects of the East), to the effect that men per annum. Several supply get , adoption of the report (hear hear), tho salary to be at the rate of £300 The selection of a large number of that from the source mentioned, Mr. Tar- , he is removed from the dock. There will.ktt a house to parties were read in one of professional or which ho was sure would be the case, tbe city evident, Captain Joaysos, J.P., said he tvoald trouble tbo council never die while in the act of building Utters which passed between the , vulgar exhibition, no mob ofaf ht-aeers, oramiW which defendants complained that plaintiff had stated he was scientific men for this purpose, at necessarily high woul d bo in a far worse position than before rant could not bring the water to the level he with a few observations: Since this question was first agi- g live in. The consequence is, that in countries where of sensation no carousing and iokinz under b* their ngent. Plaintiff replied to this that he wonld give a salaries, is, we respectfully say, unnecessary, and a after an expenditure of three thousand pounds. proposed. In any case he (Mr. Campbell) felt they tated at the council, some three or four years ago, it was , the superstition question prevails, rich old; gentle- gallows. The law will have DeifkjV satisfactory account of hit conduct when be met tbe defend- needless increase of expense. In the first place Mr. Tarrant, in his report, un- should have a guarantee that the supply would be unanimonsly laid down by them that they should adopt the _ pronounced men are often seized with a passion for building at re. ants, but no such explanation was received. Tho jury As to the second objection we cannot believe that dertook to bring from Ballinamona and Skib- obtained before they advanced further in the pro- new system ot water wotks ia tbe city. No city in Ireland the criminal will be seen no more, except Jj,^ a period ef life when it might be thought that they turned a verdict for plaintiff, £180. _ required a plentiful supply of good water more that Water- >¦ it was ever seriously entertained by to give to ei hteen posed expenditure. They should be perfectly certain few required to certify that he has undergetai would very much prefer the dolcefar niente, so pre- any one who bereen water g {hundred houses a ford did ; their present supply was not fit for human use, it knew the relative ' about in so important a matter as sentence. This will really be solemn and irdprWn- cious in the East to the string of anxieties and positions and duties of the ttvo supply equal to six times what they obtain at present, of what they were was wretchedly bad. Wheu the council decided to have , long COURT OF ADM IRALTY,LONDON THE TRADE IN CRINOLINE. The Eliza of Waltrford.—Tbn case came on for bearing officers. It may have had its use as an ad captandum and in answer to a question put by him (Mr. that now before them. For those reasons he would those works it was arranged they should be on a high level —It wooldrbinft* vexations well known to be inseparable from dab- believed how important an industry to-day. It was for the total loss of the schooner Eliza, of argument, to which the word " superintendent" gave Blake), at the last council, Mr. Tarrant said that second the amendment. at Lisduggan. The ground was reserved at Lisduggan for bas»prd»J"* bling in brick* and mortar. Among others seized from Duugarvan for Penartb with a general the fashion of wearing Waterford, , a seeming support ; but that the office of superin- that suppl would ive to each house from forty to Mr. R EDMOND said he rose to support the motion the purpose, that being the proper place for a fountain to crinolines, if tb.en.wri>*' with this kind of building mania was Abdul Mejid, which foundered off ths former place in February of y g ' cargo, tendent-registrar was superior to that of of Colonel Roberts, that the report of the committee give ths necessary supply. At the same time it was never con- statistical documents to prove the fact 'iShit* At he got more and more sickly, he at last roused after collision with the barque Bilago, of and registrar forty-five gallons per day, and in reference to that templated—no man with brains would have thought it—that last year, do so in a few short observa- springs for petticoats amount to 4,800,0001 ^1*^ himself from the half lethargic state which generally from Liverpool , for Callao. The court gave a decree in tbe was, we are sure, never contemplated, never dreamed statement he (Mr. Blake) had no hesitation what- would pass, and to a sufficient supply would have beettgot from that fountain annum for France alone 0U0lb»yfcrftt favour of the owners of tbe Siva, the Messrs. Cm-ran, of of, and never believed by any acquainted with the ever in saying, from what be knew on the subject, tions. He begged to say that he had ever taken a to supply the city ; but it was also understood that there per , 2,400, accompanies a life of Oriental luxury, and set aboul and l Dungarvan. subject. It had always been argued that the pro- and from what information he obtained from the deep interest in the water question, knowing how were a number of spring's to be found in tbo neighbourhood, land, ,200,000lb«. for the rest of thf,•](»* building a new palace on the Bosphorous. It is a These fessional education of medical men was what fitted most reliable testimony, that Mr. Tarrant would not essential a good supply of pure water was to any and that both from them aud by going to a distance a suffi- springs, covered with cotton, are MU % * rather singular coincidence, that the sickly Sultan cient addition would have been fonnd to have constituted • LITERATURE. them, in an especial manner, for the duties of regis- be able to supply as much as two gallons a day to city or town ; he had given bis humble aid to pro- rate of Ifr. 25c. per lb., which gives an « ¦* li ved on, in his half lethargy, during the whol e tho certainty of an ample supply. If they would uot bave The Pott Magazine. London : W. 8, D. PATEXAIT, WIDC trar r t t gent and scientific the dry works for the city , and also employ- 10,500,000fr. annually. The cotton eaj&j* * period of the building of the palace, which lasted , fo he in elli statement of one house in season, when water would be mote water the works at Lisduggan, they should go elsewhere for a site, Office Court, Fleet-street. required at the present moment, covering them is sold at about 30fr. thef*JOB»< for several years, and died soon after its comple- facts, and the correct nomenclature of disease. These most required. He had the anthority of the corpo- ment, so much and where elao would they find one so eligible t M/. Blake The Poit Magavine and Insurance Directory for 1803, construction of those works conse- which raaken the sum l ,200,0i.0fr. i!. *4ft* that even the highest professional eminence is fessional gentleman, of a county engineer, of one the suggestion made by , where there was such i and two inches thick. How we could have been united posed works? He (Mr. Blakei had informed him- winter of 1848.9 , oa a .Saturday night; tfiH **!Z not take that responsible office without a conflict of opinion, obtain the advice of some eminent such fools is to me amazing, or how we nuppotted SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY. to business habits ; such an alliance is on the con- self on this subject, he had called on the corporate who could hydraulic engineer, which would remove every difficulty. crushed to death ia an attempt to esetpafaoataWkbft*? that horrid composition of calico and horsehair in Valentine's da/ is a memorable day, trary rare, and it would, therefore, appear to be engineer (superintendent ?) in his official capacity, going through a certain strict examination. That He (Captain Johnson) was certainly for having the works at of fire in it. Theatre* ia Ghugow seem rat*iys of it, ' which would give a good fore they interrupt me, and say And e'en " Marr," the maid, looks UD half afraid, before When, it was proposed to construct the fountain at Ludng- "ul consequently yield to the captain.« »*• Cromer. He has purchased the necessary atock of returns to the same officer for similar purposes— supply of water for domestic purposes only to all MAYOR—Gentlemen, keep to the question ' *ffl£i^ From tha serai-oqaque kitchen " Binder" : tbe g«n, fas remembered their engineer did not tell tbemi be enable him to retire, and tht othervtteaHmmlit horses namely, recording and transmitting to the central houses eighty feet above low water mark, and a par- us, which is the report of the water committee, , aod has overcome opposition by buying up Sees tie postman pass bj : ' ¦ would; obtain a sufficient supply there; he led them to under- «*cb. bave a handsome share. Tb* TetM-UjSK^ the individual who has hitherto worked a coach authority. Wo have dwelt upon Ibis objection be- tial supply to bouses orer that level up to one hun- resolution and the amendment. stand it was probable they would get it there, but in their bava been deserted by ber.crtw .during U* WRfa GI TM a sob and a sigb ; Blake need nol between the two points. It is understood that the cause it raises a false issue, and leads away from dred feet,' and then ask you to look at the Mr. R EDMOND observed that Mr. memorial to tbe Lords of tba Treasury, they did strongly set th* conmeocemeat of tbe wreck, ., „ i-ISE,* For she thinks she's forgot, mean to annoy him. forth they would How TO UELIXYB DISMISS.—In theBiWPgEi coach will be driven ordinarily by a professional what would be a valid objection, if it could be made, ordnance map, or Leahy 's map, and you will find eel into a passion ; he did not obtain it there. He regretted they did «o. ThoogQ her love Is red hot. they would all Bone follr of opinion, on the groundsihe stated, that the Cu»o/ffi coaebmtn, but sometimes Mr. Windham will under- namely, that clerks of unions are unfit for the duties that all those places, the barracks, the jails, and What be (Mr. R.) was going to say n^&t! And burningup fast to a cindsr. report now before them supply could not be calculated npon in tbe locality named, Halifax, there were, besides her nsnJ.Mvevfjnu take the duties of jarvey. Mr. Windham it in the proposed ; but this, we believe, has never been even Ball ybricken, are more than one hundred feet above see in tbe papers. This ¦ 127 emigrants, from S italifldd toaWBS) Valentine's daj is a memorable day, of the water committee aftei be wns certainly opposed "to mining tbo risk ot frittering weaver* p . enjoyment of an annuity of £3,000 per annum. asserted ; on the contrary, it is admitted tbat they low water mark, varying from one hundred and was tbe deliberate act away the public money oa works as to which they were not lamib'ea, and orphans from 8t. G9e»'«li«faf*tM •>>¦ enbatktd on Sunday,nader U»M»j»Waai y Oh I that birds or rare readier go- boneity hat to teldora charms for women t A sought to exclude them, by objections vthich are not port Mr. Tarrant states that the level of Ballina- the council. The water works would have been if a decision was to be arrived at between the original motion «• XBAJWB, PVP, twrair-timpenou cpnuWXtBU Could come thus together, ~ persons receiving em- a their ftmilie*. Tfau Uttn wimisVjffi ^B| woman who would ive away the last tenable, from offices which would, in the ordinary mona is 111 feet above low wafer mark. You will ing on now, and a number of and the amendment, be wonld be justified in shpportiug the 'od g shawl from And w start off in life, Mr. Slake Utter, as it left the and'° fifty. emigrtoU, who are bdnj lentW] arrangement seem properl (o be allotted to them t t t t barracks are ] 16 feet above ployment, but for a resslution put in by question of tbe water works open to her back will insist on smuggling her elovea through Both as husbandaud wife. , y , find ha he ar illery pnbliq corapetitioD *ole cote of. tbe' well-known. milliotttfaMfJB and for which there is the a from Mr. Blake). At • meeting of the , wbicb, lie conceived, it wonld be to their the Custom-house I Who can make a widow under- For whichhuman-kind was created. precedent in the law of low water mark, and therefore five feet above fait (hear, he r, advantageto decideon. If tbe supplycould not be obtained CoDTia, who alsoproTidod an outfit foreisit * on the 28th of November last there waa a ¦ ¦ stand that the ahould not communicate with her A.U.W England upon this subject. highest sources of supply," Granting, for one council either at BalUnamou or at Skibbereen her cbarity. " -- *:$*£> Londoa, 1863. Mr. Tarrant be called , wbicb be very much boy in the coloniet under the dishonest cover of a We, therefore, hope tbat if you should approve of moment, as correct in fact, what he totally denied, motion brought forward that ¦fearedwould be found to be the case, he considered they LIUBTER CIBOVR.—At a rowtraf* **» proceed with ' the works, but that resolution would lately htM in: Dublin, it was uunioKMBfl L I the union boundaries as district* for the registration o t on to ni-.i__ &f_ be forced to go to Ballyscanlon for it. Indeed, all newtpiper t It not the passion for cheap purchases PBIZB M EDAX, awarded for the G BSJIBID 8TABC I that the full supply w uld be to !be bad in he * ¦>• * • MM into operation ai Mr. Blake put in a through, he bad been of opinion they "'U» ">• approbation of.the judgo,t Ktttjjjg altogether a'female mama? And yet every cheap by tbo Jurors of Class 2, International Exhibition, 1862. of births and deaths (which principle was adopted locality mentioned by Mr. Warrant, be would still was not put wonld be forced to go to the Royal Laundry, of motion tbat the whole question be recon- bat locality for a proper supply of water, and altboujb hton tbe bit ¦ town on tbe¦ a/coir, andafcHj* purchase—every purchase made at a rate IO cheap This unrivalled starch is used in and on the'formation of the marriage registration districts contend that it would be utterly impossible for that notice their Wore. - ¦- - 'Vk . «Wg5 's Laondreu pronounced it to be the Jintil for that motion tbe works would now doing BO might, perhaps, involve an expenditure.of ¦ at to deny the vendor hit fair profit—is, in truth, a Her Majesty ha* in 1836), and if you decide that union officers be gentleman to carry out what he undertook to do. sidered. Only •one five thousand ma ttarch $he ever vud. Her Majesty's Lace Dresser declares operation in tha city. For many reasons pound*, still baring befort! them tht "- '"" „, . = Hff9?B dishonesty to which the purchaser ia indirectly a employed as registrars, that you will use the clerks In his report, whi:h Is a very elaborate one, he be in full great object of » full supply to the dty.he waidsadtd]*' • «WAtiBPO»j)^Priot«d aod .S^tMtMti it to be the best she has tried. And the above award by : Redmond) 'regretted the introduction of .party. Would that woman could be taught to hate the age confirm of the respective unions as superintendent-registrars. undertakes to give a full supply at eighty feet, and he (Mr. of opinion it. wcaM be moner weU expended.'VB* felt that. Kinrt, at-Tit WaUrfni 3tw*OmB *H some of the most eminent scientific men of , that motion and for one amongst others, which was, bargains How much lett ustlesa trash would there iU tvperioritsi. The "GISMIKL D PATK SI STABCB" is For this there is the precedent of the English a partial supply at one hundred feet above low , ' ia Great Britain and of uniformity in essential that all their that had those works been allowed to go on they be in our bouse, snd bow much fewer tremendoui sold in every City, Town and Village, arrangements. The advantages water mark. Now it wai they tt^^l in thrPinih of Trimtr WrtMfl} Ireland Id. 2d. 4d. and 8d. each, by Grocers, receive a full ' would not have had to go from shop to shop for aid p should^^^s^ go to that source XrAof supply;;' Ho(Mr.'J«oob) SSrT.h^vtWS^^SfgBg •acrificea in our thop 1—CornhiUMagazine. , in Packets at id. legislation, when it it practicable for the two coun- public .'buildings ahould supply of . Svieturttomt— Chandlers &c and wholesale; by tbe manufac- ' labourers who were left with large and wu, the other day, spe«iin|to t gtnUetaanfro* QlMgow. Vearh/ (Is «r*1we5ra ¦ We are not more ingenious in tearcbiug out bad , Druggist* , tries, should not be lost sight of. Moreover, tbe water, their barracks amongst the rest. Now what for, the poor ' turers, WoiaEBspoos & Co., Glasgow and LondoD. May artillery barracks t From helpless families !without, almost, any employment motiTW for gbe&tjituuii wbiri performed by others, bad at TAe Ae'sM « King-street. adoption of this plan would secure greater economy was the situation of their , '¦ map he found that the (hear; , hear). ' 'Mr. 'Blake said they should have a WM wft^ I **' Vrfy* ^* 1 than g«od notm*.for bad action* when- performed than if independent officers were appointed. - The an inspection of the ordnance dredthoosaiuj; Seir from^ffirf rf ?*^¥ *mJjM Ths salmon Uken in Ireland at presentis mousy valaa for wasone hundred and puarantee.' "A'goarantee !' Nothingsbut a guar- .atnne, » distanceof tbirtr.fonr l» *?*^^t *\Tt»Q^i&WMmM • "¦¦• £300000a yiarj tbe value of the salmon taken in England situation of the registration office will be always level of the artiller y barracks . mile*totta& eftrWn' b/ onwelw*. , water mark, end if Mr.' T«r> aWwttndiaatfrMr. Hafce, ^He(M?W Redmond) itMtow^U'hh ^mtiSihtji^xti^i^titM 'ip ^bbNtw,Ai^]to^Uo|iriWta(J Ibfl ftrtlwr Factory u now in full work. u but £30,000. central and veil known, and of easy access from all sixteen feet above low

' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; Y- • - j .S, ' - h I y Mi&-Mi&igfe&&ir^