
WATERFORD NEWS ¦ THE SHIFTING STEAM from LIVERPOOL or QUEENSTOWN ; ,, . MONEY. . . ..- . .- 3 SALES Published every Friday Evening at 49 King street . - . ^pA.^M-E S WALPOLE: TO MBW¦¦ ~ YORK. [O|ipoiitr Hie Provincial Bank.) " BLACK BALL" and LINE i i * to inform the Niiqftjrj Gentry, and Inhabitants of Waterford and its Vicinity, that he has WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY i THE *AUCTION ROOM. , "EAGLE" BEGS juat ; i OF rpHE Liverpool •y^H^- received a Choice Selection of V"O. WV QVAYi i« now fitted' up forthVrecepti'ja P RICE THREE P ENCE ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE; 13S. vjHs MBttZfS^ , New York, 1~ Rrilish and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packet *. of Furniture', &c. for ,8»le; . . _.„ n ,.... STAMPED . 4d. ; Y EARLY, 17S. 4d. -XSjjy/ily /f\i iu ¦*•: 4"d Philadelphia Steam Ship ORNAMENTS' MONEY , ON DEPOSIT. - : ^ Company intend despatching thcii BOHEMIAN¦ QtA«S VASES AND OTHER Pefsons not wishing td'haVi?^erty'«spo«d trf on *04a ?a ^g&j £: '" ¦ SUkf le-for the Season. Also a Large Variety of THE WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY J LIVERPOOL TOR MELBOURNE. aM^BWiaaaiMi Full-powered Clyde-built Iron Screw • , COMPANY are open to .recenre, . tQeir own Premiseswill find it their interest to make m« . to , a, limited this EstablOBnent, "THE WATERFORD NEWS" Ship. Regs. Bur. Captain. Date. Steamthips, carrving'the United Slates Mails, DINNER , DESsESf-;^ REAKFAST , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES . extent, Money on temporary Deposit, for whioh'the of as tbe Room fs both spacious and VASOCARD 1303 3000 Cnrwen 5th Dec, ' ¦ B' " lofty, and admirably adapt«iJor Furniture Sales. MACHINE PRINTING, PUBLISHING, 1 From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK :. - fv\ . . TOOETHER WITH following Rates of Interest will, nnlij further notice, GREAT BRITAIN, S.S., 600h.p. 3-200 Gray loth Dec • OF CUT AND PUES8ED TABLE GLASS. THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. BOOK-BINDING, RULIN G, Persons who hold Paetage Warrants or Bounty Tickets * follow i A BBAUrlFVL dtitOMTXSNT be allowed on sunn of £20 and npwards, viz:— CITY OF DUBLIN...... -.Monday, 14Ui Nov. 4} per Cent, per Annum, subject to repayment A3D will please make immcdiatA application to the undersigned. Excellent Lot on hands which will be disposed of at Moderate Pricei EDINBURGH ; :.Tbursd«y, 17th ., ^An of$£5!::^66fc(S , after tbe first Mon th; on the expiration of a Fortnight's AUCTION OF HbBfsM, LONDON FOR MELBOU RNE. CLASGOW Thnnday, 24th , IN ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY , ' ¦ ' Nov, STOCK notice, given at any time, • . , . . .• TravellingMachines , Fuming Implement*, .Stack CnATSWoRTn , ...... 23th And every Thursday, Fiatrid||^A|)B9 ALWAYS . ' ;¦¦ * 40 & 50 KING STREET. Assisted Passages and Free Grants of Land. aud every alternate Monday. . Or sj per cent, if left fcr Twelve Months, subject i . yr^d $«„ f a Cabin Passage by the Hail Steamers every Wednesday, fpllDER, WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. to revision thereafter on notice. ¦ LONDON FOR SYDNEY. HATCHINGS GOT TO U3T like .; . '.. ' T\/TR. THOWA8 WALSH'8 next-Auction ofHoTses of 16, 17, and 21 Gnineas, according to the accommodation. The Principal or Interest will'be paid as desired b STDHET DACEKS :..,"....; 10th Dec, "- . . : Clmr&HML, 60, QUA Y, WATERFORD. , y 1V1 Travelling Vebfctejj, &o$&$,jirill take place ci^JU ^JL npiIE Proprietor THE Cabin Passage by Saturdays' Steamers, 13 Guineas.. - . : .• . BsF Depositors. . , having made . . - -. .. * ON MONDAY , 5TH OF DECEMBER, 1864. VArts &tL ^V\ 1 NEWS FOR QUEENSLAND (fm Grants of Land, value £80). Forward Pataago, 6 Guineas, including ¦ all Provisions Further Information can bd obtained from the under- j s Pr nt n Concerns and FLYING CLOUD: ...(from London) 10th Dec. cooked.. r . • ,. - . At M R LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY ©isHJtBi a&Tt *" ' ' B LTB signed, and also from the following Agents:—A. STE- ^WJflBgFEi^gv? Account-Book Manufactory STEAM TO'SEW YORK. Passengers for Canada, the United Statw, jind British EitT^isiVE A RATIONS. Eitablishment Beretfnrd-striit WaierforB " PHENS, Dancaqnen, County.'Wexford ; THOMAS 8. HAR- , , , r( UBl t0 nn !n the f"10 110 V IRGINIA (SJ.) 2000 ttfrta (fyora Liverpool), loth Nov. Columbia booked through on very advantageous fetms. ORDER OF SH.B :