THE WATERFORD NEWS SHIPPING S 01L E D | Bhk N.K E T S SAXES.^ Puhliihid every Friday Evening at 49 A'in<7 ttreet, NEW SILKS [Opposite the Provincial Bank.] "BLACK BALL" and "EAGLE" LINE THE AUCTlbWfiOOM, OP KTO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted Wfor the reception THREE PENCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE ; 133. .D.ONNELL & CO ¦¦' - ~ ' : JAMES LYNCH begs to inform the .P blift PRICE HAZLETON , O' JiT of ^Fnrmtutey &&. forlSOBAK fT . ol MR. ^ EARLY ROBERTSON AND LEDLIE, Rrilish and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets. he has Removed from the " V ICTORIA HO. STAMPED , 4d. ; Y , 17S. 4d. for Sale a LARGE LOT OF BLANKETS, much under present market prices. Alio a large •! Persons not wubing to.have^rapcrtydisposed m -- that HAVE their own. Premiseswill fin^i ( twnrlitereatto make use twi/':to ' that of the - '^BAjSLE," which is now ouried , ! ARE NOW SHOWING FT"HIS Line of Packets is composed of Lot of WINCEYS and DRESSES, of this Establiflhraefit, as lhe'IUoq^ijpoth''spaclous ind on under tbe above, name and which he has fitted up "5- JL the largest and most modem Steam and ^ of his many XSir Suited for CharitabU Pnrpottt and Christmas Presenlt. lofty, and admirablyadapted for TorBtareBales; in a Bqperior: etvle. to r the wishes Clipper Ships in the world, And ii the only one .¦¦ jeperAlly, wbo may favor him PRINTING A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SILKS ^aSWjU ¦;- , . .. TiTQMAJ y^frglf,.Proprietor.... Friends and tte Piiblfc1 OF £3gQ|fkw)iicli has had tho distinguished honour of a $3"AN INSPEOTION 8 OLICIT.BD BB POBB BU YIN G. with their Patronage.' He hu'slwrfitted npVtivsBT CiJvJi^JSVisit from Her Majesty the Queen. /- COUNTY OF .WAy^ORU. ,; YAID, with a number Of Box Stalls,' together with ¦¦ EVERY DESRIPTION LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE , In consequence of the great increase in ourTlBde, we were compelled to add largely to our Ware- " 1 of At a Great Reduction in Price! in the Lease. 76 Stphtte.Acruof Le nd] eltenslte/Postii^B'ttahlishment, where V«Hot*s On the 6th and 15th of every Month. Rooms to give more accommodation to our Customers. JnttrM o/ . ' ' raiunte''< noticey-with situate within ohe 'mue' aitd'&haffofthe City, ma every descriptioniriny bi had at a FOR Skip. Keg. Bar. Captains. Dat«. We have Opened a Wholtule Room exclusiveljr to suit Wholesale Purchasers in all branches of our » Staff of safe pAitx *.' Charge*MoiteTiite;- Tfc «;Pub- ICP 53 QTTAY WATEEF0ED BATHS FAMILY 2160...5000...HogR oth Mnr ' extendingfrom the old Cork road to the Rher S or, , . business. ' . „ lic Conveyances to the principal Towns in tbe South PUBLIC BODIES, LONDON FOR MELBOURNE . ¦ [ffi.4t] ¦ We have added largely to, our Stocks, particularly to our Carpet, Damask, Linen, and. woollen daily pass by the Door. - (sJOtf) GOHUK Sooin 2000... ¦¦¦25th F»b, ¦ ' TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC •AUCTION, PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, HOP;J 2000... ... ...26th Mar Departments. FRIDAY, 27th FEBRVAJHTV insi, at One o'clock, » EXTENSIVE \W H., O'D., and .Co. return their most Binoere. thanlcs to the Citizens of Waterford and the aur- ON " THE;EipLOPEAB,' , FOR SYDNEY. business, at my Public Sale Room,. 101, QUAI, WAI BS- MERCHANTS AND CITT or MADBAS (from London) lOtli March, rounding counties at large for the kind support! they .have;.received .since they commenced . J tqejr Tonv by directions of Mr. BtouAaD SPENCEU, whose FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, CUT STDKKT (New), ( „ ) 10th April. hoping, by eiving good' value and strict Attention to their Customers, to merit a continuance of , TRADERS IN EVERY WARE, o* declining health oompeU'him to' retire' from farm "Londonitrty;') FOU QUEENSLAND (Free Grants of Land, value £30). kind support. «V WANTED—An Experienced Milliner; f ko, Two Apprentice * (Lat* T . BSF 71 , j£3 BHJIPOBK avocations, hi* INTEREST ia the LEASE of ithe I »«T»« B (from London) 28t h Fcb, the.Market , How. 4, 5, & 6 BOLTON STREET,,DUBLIN. T DAVID MCIVIE (from Liverpool) 10th Mar. 47 QUAY, WATERFOiyPiTHOpporite LANDS of W00D8T0WN, aitaala''within one mile . HASTE , QUAY, WATERFORD. CiiEKOOEM : ( „ ) 20th M ar. and a-half of the City, held for 41 yearn, from 1833, 3. MOLONY, (snecesaor¦ to WAMU & G OBBOH ,) (from Glasgow) 25th „ of Prime Grass Land; ' ' ¦' Proprietor ' • ¦'¦ AND BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. and containing about 76 Acres Fe .-sous who hold Pas<nge Warnnts or Bounty Tickets with an excellent Slated Dwelling House and suitable Z3TTress VERT MODBBAI* - r«116-lyl will please make immediate application to tho undersigned, ¦ of £139 Cs. Id. iper PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, Mechanism."—Morning Post. Out Offices, at the.low Bent: THE INVERNESS CAPE, LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE. " Perfection of annum. It is bounded on one side by the old Cork , Quality of the Work Considered), UPON BENSON'S GREAT CLOCK AND WATCHES. CITY MANSION HOTEL (The Packet for the 6th M ARCH , the magnificent Clipper Ship OPINIONS OF THE LONDON PRESS road and on the other by the river Suir, and, by water, ' DUBLIN AT ONE G UINEA ! 11 BATES FAMILY," Capt. Hogg, 2163 tons regi.ter 6000 the highest " Some of them are of gteat beauty ; S0 & 31 LOWER BRIDGE STREET, AT , ," As a sample of English Clock-work " The entire finish is of. U only two miles from the Cityjto the Quay, tons burthen ; classed A1 for twenty yenrs. Is one of the on a large scale, the works of toil are t»»t»."~Dailyjtf ews, May,29, 1862,. and . if the English witch-trade onlj dairy-men (Late Proprietor, Mr. MAnsicc Couii). REALLY ' ' ~ inc. 93* lolgentlcemes, ihjppfftj^or this 659" GOOD VALUE. largest and fiuest abips afloat, has most superior accommo- probably the 6nest finished that bave » ;A «,I „.„ • :».ii» lollow up with the saine spirit *iA ' News Book and Job Printing, mn ~> l J.A An Farm would be most valuable ; it ia-well sholtered, The dation for all classes of pnssepgers, and is an unrivalled op- ever seen in this conntry.No Ch»o- A^'tt? ",m «2 h.H*JZce""' " first •ttoBPt to.eomptte with CAREY having Purchasedthe Interest in tbe All the Leading VERCOATS \*L j . decorative watohei, there fenced, watered, and as good Grass Land as any other MACHIKE RULING, Styles in O READY MADE portunity for shippers. For Freight or Passage, nometer could be. fitted with mare per- ^' ' ^ i ^ T ^^ RO &>«*"«« " • above old and welLestablished Hotel, nojt con- "*11- Standard, June 17, ^1882. n0 Klioa why we Immediate possession P Apply to T. M. JliCZAT i Co., 1 Leailcnhall-street, Lon- f-ct or carefullyadjustedmecbaniimy- )eemj to ^ al>oald within ten miles of the City. veniently situated to the. Great Southern and Western AND BOOK-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, P. J. SULLIVA N don ; G IIIDS, BRHI HT & Co., 1 North Jolm-street;- Tines, June 11, 1882. " Tha largest, and unmistakably the not get the trade entirely into our own wilt be given to the purchaser. Railway, and in close proximity to. the Four Courtsand , JAMES BAINES & Co., Water-street, Liverpool "— bands."—Times June 23, 1882. 49 1 s "A triumph of ingenuity."— Tele- best fiuisbed Clock in tho Exhibition. , And at One o'Clock precisely same day will be sold houses of Business In the City, has refitted and improved f ^Nos. Sf 50 King Street, Waterford. PRACTICAL TAILOR. J BEBMIAD M UBFIIT, 14 MerchantB Quay, Wnterford; or to graph, Hard 31, 1862. Engineer, August 16, 1862. on the lands, the following which 'he solicitspublic FATSICK O'SDIMVxv.Auctioneer , 4c, CarricV-on-Suir. tbe entire Establishment; for |my8| ESTIMATES GIVEN : FOR CHURCH AND TURRET CLOCKS. FARM STOCK , Ac: Patronage, feeling confident of giving satisfaction to 2 Useful Farm Horses Ordinary Daily at Five o'Clock. THE WATERFORD AND MILFORD HAVEN of erery description , from the plainest to the highest quality ol C Primo New Mich Cows, , Visitors. WATCHES, CLOCKS, and BRONZES excellent Outside Jaunting Night Porter always in attendance, lisfl-ly] RAIL WA Y TIME TABL ES for FEBR UAR Y manufactured from High-Art designs by English, French, and Carts and Tackling ; an f$*A IRISH SERIAL PUBLISHING COMPANY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS which Art is at present capable, Car and Harness Two Donkeys, 3 Ploughs, 1 Harrow great celebrity. , , (LIMITED) , WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Italian Artists of 10 Store Pigs, 1' Sow and 10 Bonhams;Winnowing HOTEL, DAILY COMMUNICATION W A TCHES. I CLOCKS. FO LEY'S Up Train*from Waterford. Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Bid-Room, Library, Machine, Barrel Chnrn, 21 Milk Tubs, 1 large heap 30 4- 31 WICKLOW - STREET, DUBLIN the 1st of MARCH will appear the First Number (Sundays Excepted,) Chronometer, Duplex Lever, Horizontal, Vertical, and a number of Farm Implements OX TH AinS OK WKF.K PATS. SUSWATS. Repeaters j Inde- Hal l , Staircase, Bracket, Carriage, Chime, Musical , of Prime Manure, (Thirty Doors from Grafton-strect, left side). "IRISH HARP," a New Catkolic, Na- WATERFORH 3i — jT Minute , Half-quarter , nnd Quarter of the \ 3 | j J; j j BETWEEN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, Astronomical, Church, Turret, Stable, Railway, Post not enumerated. Also a quantity of useful HOUSE- tional Magazine, under the same Editorship aa that of TO 12&3 Ui 1 U 212&3 1&2 12fc3l2& 3 pendent and Plain Centre Seconds ; Keyless, Chrono- Feather Bods, &c 4c. There SOUTH WALES AND ENGLAND , Enamelled, Astronomical) and Reversible office . Shop, Warehouse, Office, or Counting-house, from HOLD FURNITURE, , TJARTIES or TOURISTS visiting DUBHN can ho tho liarp, published in 18S9, and only suspended to LIMERICK Cla» data. clais Clou CI IM Clan Class graphs are 4} Acres of Wheat at present planted. AM. A.M. r.M. F.K. r.M. A.K. AM. Via Waterford And Milford Haven, in connection with Watches, from 200 Guineas to £3 3s.
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