An In-Depth Look at the Jemaah Islamiyah Network
The Fletcher School Online Journal for issues related to Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization Fall 2004, Article 2 An In‐depth Look at the Jemaah Islamiyah Network Yanina Golburt Seeking to destabilize regional governments Background and cultivate cooperation and sharing of Abdullah Sungkar, co‐founder of the Pondok resources with homegrown terrorist and Ngruki schooling network in Central Java in 1971, separatist groups, the radical Islamist Indonesian established JI in Malaysia in group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), poses a significant 1995 as an “ideological JI envisions the threat to the United States and its interests. The hybrid” of Darul Islam and 2 founding of an Islamic umbrella terrorist network exploits Southeast Saudi Wahhabism. Asia’s lax security controls to set up front Sungkar found inspiration state, Daulah Islamiyah companies, fundraise, forge documents, and in radical thinkers that Nusantara, which purchase weapons. The predominantly weak promoted literal would include states of the region suffer from limited reach of interpretations of Islam, Malaysia, Indonesia, law enforcement, poor border controls, and such as Hassan al‐Banna, southern Thailand, the underdeveloped financial institutions that founder of the Egyptian southern Philippines combine to provide fertile ground for JI’s growth. Muslim Brotherhood, and Political and logistical difficulties in monitoring Sayyid Qutb, who and Singapore. Islamic charity networks, Islamic banks, and espoused doctrines money‐laundering operations encourage the legitimizing militant Jihad against non‐Islamic growth of the organization through the creation of regimes. JI envisions the founding of an Islamic Al Qaeda syndicates and cooperation with state, Daulah Islamiyah Nusantara, which would organized crime networks. Poverty and include Malaysia, Indonesia, southern Thailand, 3 underdevelopment further encourage terrorist the southern Philippines and Singapore.
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