North Lights Face Lawsuit by Neighbors

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North Lights Face Lawsuit by Neighbors / Bon Secours explores alliance with Ford By Chip Chapman have a re"ponblblllty to wntm- Staff Writer i>erve the health care needs of ''It came down to St John ue to review the potentldl for the eai>tslde communIty," bald hd" 109 d dIfferent mterpreta- Bon Seco'Jrs Health System productIve reJatJOn~hlp" With Hem) DeVrlPs Jr, regIonal tlOn of the jomt venture as and Henry Ford Health our nelghbOl 109 plovldero;," vIce presIdent for Bon Secours stated 10 the MOU (memoran. System sIgned a letter of Intent saId Petel Butlel, chIef admIn. last Friday announcing that an Health Sy::.tem, m the same dum of understandmg)," IbtratIve officer for Hem v Ford new~ release allldnce IS being consIdered DeVneb said at the tIme "They Health Sybtem, 10 a new" In January 1995, Bon between Bon SCcours HospItal release saw It as an acqulbltlOn We Secours dlbcu'bed d jomt ven- saw It ab a jomt venture" dnd Henry Ford Cottage "Thebe dl"CU~'lOl1:>WIll dllow HOi>pltal tUI e WIth St John HospItal 'About 95 percent of every. u" to conbldel how the two bY,- <lnd MedIcal Center In May of thmg wab agreed to," ,aid "As the health care envIron- temo; could "'01 k togLther to ment contmues to change, we thdt year, dl,cu,o;lOns were meet mutual gOdl~ dnd bettLr cdlled ofT See HOSPITALS, page 2A Your Commun~ty Newspaper Grosse Vol. 57, No. 14 44 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 Home Delivery 56cr • Newsstand 75cr April 4, 1996 Thursday, April 4 North lights Passover begins Grosse Pomte South HIgh School's baseball season face lawsuit begIns with a double-header agaInst Brother RIce at 3.30 p.m. at South's athletIC field, weather permItting by neighbors Business and commercial By Jim Stickford stated that there would be no rubbIsh WIll be collected Staff Wrrter today m the CIty of Grosse mght gameb played at the Pointe and Grosse Pomte Exactly one week after the then-proposed football field Farms In lIeu of FrIday's Grosse Pointe Woods CIty Maurer told the counCil that, 1 regularly scheduled pick-up. CouncIl approved a vanance in hIS OpinIOn, the agreement , The Park, Woods and Shores request allOWIng permanent IS stIli In force and that the maintam regular garbage lIghts to be constructed around councIl and the school dIstrict pIck-up schedules this week Grosse POInte North HIgh dId not have the rIght to 1 School's football field, a laWSUIt change It • was filed seekmg to stop the project "I was contacted by Mr Friday, April 5 Maurer several weeks before On Monday, March 25, the Good Friday. All Grosse the speCial counCIl meetIng on Woods counCIl, 10 a marathon Pomte mumcipal offices WIll Photos by Thea L Walker March 25," sdld school dIstrict five-hour speCIal council meet- be closed, federal offices WIll superintendent Ed Shme "He Ing, granted approval of van- be open and mall wIll be A colorful told me that If the counCIl dehvered ance requests mdde by the approved the variance on display Grosse Pomte school dlstnct March 25, a laWSUIt agamst for the purpose of mstallIng the "chool dlbtnct and the permanent lIghts around the Saturday, April 6 Ian Frahm, 7, and his Woods seekmg to set aSIde the sister, Heather, 6. of football field vote would be filed by Apnl 1" Dayllght-savmg tIme Grosse Pointe Woods WhIle the varIance request begins Remember to turn study a display of color- Woods cIty attorney George your clock ahead one hour had support m the school com- Catlm saId that the city and ful Native American mumty and among many before you go to bed tomght Kachina dolls, above, the school dIstrict have 21 days Woods reSIdents, there was to respond to the SUIt, but made by elementary stu- strong OppOSItIOn to the lIghts dents enrolled in the art because he had Just receIved by reSIdents who lIve next to Sunday, April 7 enrichment program in the papers he was unwIllIng to the football field comment Happy Easter the Grosse Pointe Public School System. Anna Attorney DaVId Maurer was The plamtlffs have asked for Gabriel, 7. of Grosse at the meetmg and saId that he a temporary restralnmg order Monday, AprilS Pointe Woods poses with was actmg as legal counsel for haltmg the constructIOn of the an "art robot," right, that many of the neIghborhood resI- hghts, saId CatlIn ThIS IS not The Grosse POinte Park she and her classmates dents He told the counCIl that an unusual request In a sItua- CIty Councl1 meetmg has cODstnlcted in the art the varIance request was Ille- tIOn lIke thIS and the order IS been postponed due to the program offered during gal for several reasons usually granted, Catllll added holIday and WIll be conduct- lunch and after school One reason being that a May ed on Monday, Apnl 22, at 7 Once the city and the school and were displayed last 1965 agreement was reached p m in the municipal court dIstrIct make theIr response, week at the Grosse between the Grosse POInte room, 15115 E Jefferson Wayne County CirCUIt Court Pointe Woods Communi. WOods CIty Council and the Judge Paul Teranes WIll set ty Center. Grosse POinte school dlstnct, dates for pretrIal meetmgs and The regular meetmg of the Maurer saId ThIS agreement for dIscovery, Catlm saId Grosse Pointe school board IS postponed untl1 Monday, Grosse Pointe Cable Guide Apr1l15 G.P. Cable to move to St. Clair Shores 33 The Weather Channel By Jim Stlckford Limited Basic That's just off Industnal Drive, CIty of Grosse POInte and , 35 Arts & Entertainment Staff Writer 2 WJBK TV2 (FOX) 36 Lifetime whICh IS near the IntersectIOn Grosse POInte Farms After Apnl 12, the offices of INSIDE 3 'WTVS TV56 (PBS) 37 HGTV of Harper and Nme Mlle "In order to get premIUm Grosse Pointe Cable WIll no 4 WDIV TV4 (NBC) 38 The Learning Channel "We are moving to the new channels and pay-per-vlew ser- longer be located m Grosse Opmwn 6A 5 CommullIty Information 39 Sci-FI office on ApTll 12," Schultz vIce. customers need new sIg- 6 Educational access Pomte Letters 8A 40 USA saId ''That IS Just a few days nal converter boxes," Schultz I, 7 WXYZ TV7 (ABC) "Comcast is consohdatmg Its 41 PASS (daytime free) after I expect the upgrade saId "So after April 12, they 1 Schools 12A 8 WXON TV20 (Warner) southeast MIchIgan offices," I 42 ESPN2 we've been workmg on to be WIll have to go to our new office Obttuanes 14A 10 WKBDTV50 (Paramount) saId Grosse POInte Cable man- 43 The Golf Channel completed " 10 St ClaIr Shores" Semors 15A 12 Government access 44 BRAVO ager Mary Schultz ''The St Customers m Harper Woods Even If customers have just 14 WADL TV38 45 QVC ClaIr Shores office WIll be the Autos 16A and Grosse POinte Woods the baSIC package, Schultz 15 WWJ TV62 (CBS) 48 The Discovery Channel home base of the Grosse Busmess , 18A 16 Government access should have upgraded servIce urges them to turn In old con. I 50 Amencan Movle ClaSSIC POInte, Harper \Voods, St by April 10, saId Schultz Entertamment 8B 17 CBET TV9 53 Travel Channel verter boxes ClaIr Shores and EastpOInte Upgraded bervlce wa" first Sports ... , 1C 18 CTN-Detrolt 60 Comedy Central* "When cable first started In 19 C-Span cable systems" avaIlable to customers In Classl{ied ads .. 5C 61 Cartoon Network- The current offices of Grosse 21 02 62 Turner Class MOVies Grosse POinte Park, then the See CABLE, page 2A POInte Cable WIll remaIn open, 22 fx 63 Tnlllty Broadcast Network 75 HSN (24 Hours) saId Schultz, but only as a dIS- Pay-Per-View 77 Nostalgia (Part-time) patch and servIce faCIlIty 78 HSN2 (Part-time) "We WIll keep the servIce 76 Cable Video Store 79 InspiratIOnal (Part-time) trucks there that we dIspatch 77 Playboy (Part-time) 80 Z MUSIC(Part-time) to homes In the Pomtes need- 78 Sneak Prevue (part-time) mg repairs or mstallatlOn of 79 Viewer ChOIce (part-time) Value Pack the cable svstem," Schultz saId 80 Hot Chorce (part-trme) "So area reSIdents WIll stIll see Home: CIty of Grosse POInte 81 Continuous Hlts3 34 The Family Chan'1el 82 Continuous Hrts 4 46 WGN-Chlcago our trucks parked at the 47 WTBS-Atlanta CharleVOIX office" Family: Smgle 49 TNT News can appear one Customers worned about day and be gone the Standard Service 51 The History Channel Occupation: Floral deSIgn- makmg payments can stlll set- next But the paper 11 ESPN er, deSIgn center manager tle theIr cable bIlls at local news ISprinted on can 20 Prevue GUide Premium channels for Engho;h Gardens 41 PASS (pnmetlme) NBD bank offices Those WIsh- and should live on 23 Nickelodeon 52 rhe Disney Channel 109 to trade-Jn converter boxes last year more thar 24 VH-1 64 Cmemax "hould go the St ClaIr Shores o",e third of all U S 25 MTV Claim to fame: She's In 65 C'nemax2 office, said Schultz newsprint was recycled 26 CMT 66 HBO charge of bUYIng at And that number IS 27 NashVille Network 67 HB02 ''ThIS locatIOn WIll actually Enghsh Gardens' new growing every day 28 EI 68 HB03 be more convenIent for resl. EastpOInte locatIOn 29 C-Span2 Recycling 69 Student Film Channel dents who livE' In Harper ft 30 CNN is the one .-. 70 The MOVieChannel Woods and Gro""e POInte Quote: "I like bemg around 31 Headline News way we can W fIT 71 Encore Woods," Schultz saId "A lot of flower" " all give some.
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