THE HERALD. WHOLE No7l5,397. NEW YORK, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS SPECIAL NOTICES. HOItSKK. CiftHlAOEk, «('. HUBVBt, (AUlllAOKK. A.nushntiiT 1'rupri.roprletor Mr. SHERIDAN NIBLO'8 OK DiVOKcli'sPREDILV AijOWik a M. PALMER LAST NIGHTS KHll'K I. KINll. Lawyer, 0 8*iui Mark'* place, adjoining NfcAll 4T11 AV. enres can address VIKTOK, box lr® Herald Lpto.n Manager ...Mr: OFFICE 1,265 - Inatituie Branch office, three days. 4TH WEEK. CONTINUED SUCCESS Mr CIIAKLh'a POPE, JBERALD BRANCH RECEPTION OP Cooper ______. 4TH WEhK. ot Sardoirs la the romantic Drum# ol OPEN DaV AND NIGHT FOlt REGULAR SALES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGES greatest play, OK TIIK AJtU SALES OF PAPERS. IVOttCK «'AUHKS AT1EN 11 ED 76 1'HUM PTLT, KRIDaY. I- lii wamti-.d.i&k has us mailt 41H WtKK. MOT11EK AND SUN. nick woods; ADVERTISEMENTS without publicity, coiimuIt him. ISAAC U. liOYCK, KVEKV TURSDaY AND Roai>square tfaitol. sound nnd kind and rl*nt in every way ! 4IH M KKK. MOTllKK AND SON. ok, ilie -41 Jtroailwnv. On every horse that in warranted sound or kind sod (rue must be drivers and unl** to show oh track *-:4 >. WEr.K. The first brilliant pit of the *<»asor! jiho.v anosay. Oth coll. experienced lawyer, iu harness una to are pleasant #ril Pack.*th. r>lh ltd from iliree days given or double. a to abov* descrip¬ 4TH « K !.. K. "A th*u 'Led . Next week the meat entitled THE MKLITOE, AMUSEMENTS.1st to iiiuisle Kor pair i(n*wering much better piece Astray."' spectacle Pauk-6th col. R. OKIMDLft n|A||t AU SPECIAL OMBAIMWt test warrantees tion and suiting the subscriber a fntr price will be given. 4111 WEEK. New York Tribune. astrology.12th col. ¦ I! ramie cured. Office 47 Weat 13tlt at. UitOAlJVV \V 35TH a* HILLIaKDS.12th I'AtiK-HiU D quickly Address. witn tall particulars. KOAU. hox 140 lUrata lp- 4111 WlSKK. "The masterpiece of tlie ablest dramatist of rrri^UUAHir.W. KV UN I NO. WANTED.2i> l'AUK-2d and 3d eolt. CATALOGUES OK Till* 17aY'S ((FRIDAY) SALE. town office. 4TI1 WHKK. tlie " New York iiaee. 1 rills (KRIUAY) BOAKDK1U Jack-3d FURBISHED Foil ALL LEOAL1ZED ug* drat annearance nl the m arvellously trained BOARDING AND LODGING WANTED.2d lotteries EMEltSON A 180 Broad- AT 10 O'CLOCK. 4TH WEEK. MOTllKK AND SON. and 4th cull. INFORMATIONby OOSS, Broker*, TOP PONY PHAETON, BY GhUKUc II* 4TI1 MOTllKK ANU S.t.N. AMERICAN I hOROlIliHIiKKD HoRSc.8, coll. way, room 4. DAPPLE GRAY HANDS HIGH. « years Cloie, cost soiled. $18». in tliclr wonderful test* and ovolutiona. HOARD.2n Pack-4th llORSR, lifc SUPERB &i0">, scarcely price 4TIi Every niuht ami Saturday Matinee. act. ESTATE POK SALE-2D PACK-lit UAVANA DRAWS 10. old;n driver; has fine style and action ; per¬ HaKK KK'.s, 3tKh -t. »»id Broa'lway. nt No. Startling mid sensational BROOKLYN REAlv XT .ROYAL OCTtfHhK handy and kind A branch for thin theatre has be^n established GER tLDINE, col. IV. CAPITAL PRIZE, $200,000. fectly safe and reltablei warranted .outid TO LEI AT lTTeUY PRICKS JN PRIVATE 185 Moula.tid St., Brooklyn, where seats may be had tree OPPORTUNITIES-Oth Pack. tit (HIND CAPITAL. TIIIK1) 939.000 and true lu all harness: mid tor iie.ount of lorm r of extra charge. a >oiiQi{ lady. BUSINfcSS $.V».000| CAPITAL, auJ STALL*stable, 17 West 44th. with or without board; also shot from a ennnon a ili-tance ol over thirty feel. tUSINBSS notices.7th Pace-SUi col.. Tickets, $4<>. $20, $lo-.Twentieth*. $2: Fortieth*. $1. purchaser. Set Imported Coupe Harness, Rooms for coachman. BI'IY HEAL ES I ATE FOR SALE 2i> 1'ACK-lst coL KENTUCKY STAIR DRAWS OCTOBER :»1. BROUGHAM. MOROCCO TRIMMING, in flue order, by A NO OPEKA HOUnK. Daring Double Trapeze Performances. Ac.. As. CLERK** AND HALKHMEN .12tii Pack.6th col. CAPITAL PRIZE, $I4,000| WHOLE TICKETS. $1. Wood Brothers. SIDE HAK, It V STIVE RS. $05; GutrPOOLE A UONN'hLLY Leasees and Managers HAKNuM'S Pack.litli col. LOUISIANA STATU DRAWS NOVEMBER 13. CROS-. ,\t ATCH ED TICAM BROWN AND ROAN GELD¬ Wagon. canaoa bound, kind, rteserved »a»i< (Orchestra Circle and Kaleoiiv) 50 cents. T. clothing.12tii and 1) old; STORaGE.-TOPOpen $2.">; stroug Horse, UK J> COACHMKN AND GARDENERS.12th Page-5th capital prize. $;*>.ooo: tickets, $a axd $i. INGS, 10 hands high,8 and years prompt $100. 511 7tfc hv. ENGAGEMENT TIIK PEERLESS FAVORITE, 6th C"li. JACKSON A CO., Banker*, 82 N»s*au at., near Fulton. drlvors, extra fust travellers : not afraid of auythlng; MAGGIE MITClfELI. show ON KAKTI1. I Pace.5th and 6th eoli. both flue saddle horses; warranted klud and true in vKitv Vise horses-, brown aT7> gray ; M AflGIh MITCHELL NKW AND GREATEST I'.NTUCKY STATE OCTOBER all and 17 Wo«t 44th. Fr!Ai^iSEr?Tu.^S"'HII'a.2nCOUNTHV HOARD.2d Pack.4th col. >raws 31.TICK- harness. D«u* taken; daily Ticket* at the old as BREWSTER. OFlluiTmME ST.. $ R&SUf . col. new. FAMCHllN. NT1 «TR \ 1 2th I'ACS.6Hi Private Pnriora for ladles nt 838 WAM'KD-Aor Brouzbaru, but little used. Address Post office box I < W t.MORE'S GARDEN. I .'ST Pack.4th col. pricea. Broadway. Open DARK HAY MARE. 14>{ HANDS HIGH, 0 years old; KANCHON. EVERYTHING NEW . I . , until 8 P. M. 3.450. ( 5mo?. furnished and UN. from 7 A.M. warranted sound anu«kinii uud true in alt harness. _____ KAN Oil UN'. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, H. .NATHAN. 181 and 838 « <* Pack.lit nnd 2d coll. Broadway. CHESTNUT GELDING. 15(, HANDS HIGH, years old; ELL BK.Ji MARK.CAN TROT IN "2;» »: 7 OREETED BY CROWDED AUDIENCES, TIIK GREAT show is welcomed BY ®TBAM8111PS.2d PAUK-5th col. curtains. .adjustablk frames for prompt, tree, atvllsh nriver; can road 1() miles an yearn old; 15}^ hands high: dark bar; sound and re¬ Willi <9 5»J?nj?£AN, col. hour; has vreat endurance; warranted kind aud true liable ; sent Top Wagon: 240; Harness. Blank¬ REPEATED PEALS OP APPLAUSE AND LAUGHTER. «4> EJCCURSIOV8.2n Pack.Oth Lackdoing lare curtiins. Inquire at reaiilencu H. F, % weight H OVERFLOWING HOUSES FINANCE.8th Pack. MAUSH. 373 West lltli »t. lu all harne»s. Rockaway Harness, and et!. Ac., all nearly new Addres* ft., no* 1*78 llerald office. STANDING KOoM ONLY AT O"JLOCK. KOR SaLE.11th Pack-5th eol. EXTENSION I op PilAETON ; shl It I UK tup. SEGUlvE -EATS IN' TIME. AM' HIPPODROME RECEIVED WITH ROOM* and APARTMENTS TO let. ROAN MaRK, 11 A.N OS IIGH. 7 year* old ; a plans- WELL MATCHED PAIR OK* HORSES, Box oRIcm open daily from U A. M. t» 111 P. M. THE CI lit'U* FURNISHED mure not steam cob built, not over 8 year* old, short coupled, with A PERFECT CYCLONE OF ENTHUSIASM! 2n Pack.2d col. aut, easy driver; sale family ; afraid of W~XnTED-A drl- MATINEES WEDNESDAY aNII SaTUKDAY. » . col. "M." cars; good saddle mare ; warranted kind.and truo in plenty of oone and weight. 15.2 hlgli, pleasaut. free "ENITUKE-Htk Pack-5th col. vers; sound and kind in evury way; must be able to trot OPEKA~HOU.SK: h.XIKA. | THE TWENTY i "ENCU PACK-flth nervous a all harness. V= ADVERTI-E.UENTS.12Tn and 5th Disease* of men and the system specialty. 6 nod 7 squarely Instde of four minutes and to do twelve miles iu CMIANDX ON SUNDAY EVBNtNO NEXT, I TRAINED IMPERIAL STALLIONS FEMALES .12th l'ace-4th or PAIR OK RaY HORSES, 15 HANDS HIGH, HELP WANTED Important ciises, meilical surgical; impairment ot any u to the hour; bay. chestnut or dark brown preferred ; an y one URST (illAND CONCERT f, <3> coll. or constitutional taint. years old; have been used by private goutletnan by all. PAOK-6tb col. organic function, hereditary a T cart; are drivers; do not shy or nail; are sold having a pair tally answering to abov description uiay BY MR. P. S. UILMOKE admired aud applauded good >4 with lull HIS . ¦ B£H.,V <£ HORSES, carriages, AC..1st HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., and including lowest valuation, as nolow: no others With the world's greatest Cornetlst, COUNT PATKIZIO | coli. kind aud true Hi ail harnets. Double Harness, particulars, T art of .. modern will be taken at any price. J> W. W., box 145 Herald Up¬ LEVY. I appears in his torrlUc I HOTELs-2d Pack.4th eol. 144 Lexington it., near 39th at. T CART, ONLY THREE times used;haaall the A cannon ROOMS. AC.. W ANTED.2d Page.2d eol. improvements. town office. OO'l'H'S THEATRE. FAKKWKLL, CATCHING BALL, rol. BAY Uhi.DING, 15* HANDS HIGH. G years old; can d> a l'AOK-4th Hours, 8 to 3 nnd fl to 7. horses, wagon and haknesb; i cart. Bi'"ARitETT i. PALMER Lessees and Managers. lirod trum a cannon loaded In the presence of the audiouee. instruction.11THAND FOUND-Ist 1'ack.1st cot trot close to 3 minutes; well broken to saddle ; w ar- Horse and Harness ; 212 Greene. fcOST eol. EIROPOL1TAS ranted sound and kind and true in all harness. cheap. LINDA JEAL, MACHINlCKY-llTn Pagk.5th hands 0 SiiLD IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS lit the Only Female Hurdle Kider In tbe World. * *HBI.B MANTELS.12th PACE-Oth eol. M VERY HANDSOME HaY 1IOHSE. 15V high, HOUSES, 1T~ABLE KOK~AjiY BUSINKSS, Oil AM. W. FISH, »L -2d PACK-^etlt col. years old; a prompt, handy and stylish driver; lias One .»lat a sacrifice at Hudson River 8tablos,4lO West 30th st. The wondrous spectacle Barebaca Rider MEDIC AND DKEnSMAKINO-Ist pAG*-4fh col. action and appearance: broken to all gait» under sad- HENRY Vm. Chaicplou ot nse ; warranted ojr kok Tiorse, top express wagon Male, Female and Juvenile Riders, Runners, Leaner*, ¦fffLLINEHVI8CKLLANEOUH AD VEltriSfcM ENTS.IOtu Pack. PRINTING dlo; a sharp traveller; sold for want i HANDS HIGH, 8 years old; a ml Of .Tor" BREWSTER IMPR<>VE1) B0G(iY. Katherine. T.ekets ready. <.> OF AKEMC TALENT, *E V PUBLICATIONS-?*!. PAG*-6th col. 28 ANN ST. good, Iree driver; has been nsed to aeonpo; war- .with Harness, Ac.; used six times. Stable 142 I VOLCANIC ERUPTION j kind and true in all harness. PACK.lit col. runted West lHth st. Macbeth ever seen In tills Pack.4th eoL VARIETY OF FROM A. HANDSOME GRAY GKLD1NG, lfi>£ hands high. 8 years will irlren on far surpassing anything city. EVERY PRINTING, - bo Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday even- \loukryK, Mules, Uoais, v»np S^I'*^°ANAC..1stPice.oth col. VISITING CAKD TO A has been used ns a gentleman's lamilv horse for (tiOO .A VERY SHOWY bay KENTUCKY MAKE; 1 of next with a Trained Lions, Tigers, Elephants, old; and will iiK* week, powerful cast, including Miss Ponies and a situations WANTED.FEMALES. MAMMOTH COLORED POSTER over two years; Is a flrsl class driver, does not shv or hands. 8 years old; sound kind; GENEVIEVE Ward as LADY MACBETH the lust Don*. professional and kind or doubto and has all tor the saddle. (fur .UAELSIROM OP MUSEUM MA I! VIC LSI Pack.4tti col. pall; extra saddle norse; warranted soana drive single gaits time In America. Tickets ready. of WILD BEASTS! «r^.!£rn OUT OF THE CITY FOB SALE OR TO WORK 8ENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY, and true in all harness. Can bo se**n st 52 East 32d st. AN ARKFUL PROPEKTY O. D. BAY 10 IIANDS HIGH. 7 yoars DAILY EXPENSES. fct.OOO KENT.2d PAGK-lit col. C. BRIGHT HORSE, old; JANE SHORE llmea tbau any other exhibition evet 1EAL ESIA1E Tii KXCHAVOK.2n PACK-lit col. a free, prompt driver; ha* great endurance; not DliY CiOOI)>. rith Its great east and scenery, will he on Three greater solu lor want of use warranted superb repeated opened in thla city. KaL ESTATE WANTED.2d F.tOK-liteoL FIRST CLASS WOKK AND LOW PRICES afraid ol any thing; ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings and at tue Satur¬ AOMIKSION ONLY 25 AND 30 CENTS. IEWARl>.s-lgr PAOE-lit eol. 1*011 CASH. kind and true in all harness. day matinee, those performances closing the protracted 23 and ana 5th cols. BaY sired ont of a A." Children nnoer nine rears. cents, AT AUCTION.2d !*ACK-4th MAHOGANY llOKSr., by Champion, special BARGAIN'S And tiluniphsni engagement ot Miss WARD and the lease ONLY 25 CENTS EXT HA FOR A KKSERfED, NUM- ituations wanted.females.iith pack.oth METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Star mare, 1 .r>\ HANDS HIGH. B yeurs old; a tree of the theatre by the present mauagera. Tickets ready. ARMCHAIR! 3d and 4th coli 28 ANNI tit. was bred bv the pn sent owner; In BEIIKD, CUSHIONKD .n<> 12th Pack.lit. 2U, drlvor; isverytluely at I and 7 P. M. Performances on* heur later has had no warranted sound and OAUI'ETS. Doors open " T" eo". MISSION ONKAKTih. A THOItOUOH MEDI- gnited; training; BENEFIT NIOHT ! ! HPECl AIN o niVQTK|U~p1^1ST Pack.lit and 2d eol. AN'S kind and truo in all harness. Single* and Miss GKKEYIRVK WARD'S larewell boneflt will take FTIi THEATRE^ . cal treatise, indicating how confirmed diaablllvle* J. 0. iH AVENUE ELJi..J'. Ac..1st Pack-2d col. inay TOP 1'IIAKIO.S. by KLaNDRAU. ft .IOHNHTON, next FKlltAY lust. bill. FISKK A IlARKINS. bo removed. Tlie of twenty years' study, obser¬ 6th nr. nnd 22d placo evening, the ^5th Extra I Lesaeos aud Managers THE TKaSkk0?/' IjIRDS "l experience BAY H AM B Lis TO N1A N TROTTING IIOKSE, Ift^handa Broadway. st., *«* tickets now ready tor either announced occasion. vation anil professional practice, showing the auencie* that 7 au extra when pur¬ will insure restored strengthened and high, years old; roadster; on PRICES. gagfe1®,TiSr^i* manhood, vitality chased by present owner he trotted a mile iu 2 UtO',i; will offer ADMISSION to all of the theatre FIFTY CENTS. romeo jSS aoitnd condition* of health that have boen by over¬ October parts Last night i Vonly matinebT impaired eau beat that when in condition; can trot nettvr MONOAY, 14. 187«, Keserved seats in or IM&J'KSSKr»'. taxed power*. A statement ol obstacles to marriage and nnd during tho w >ek. Orchestra, Orchestra Circle Kaicouy iStfftKW ROOM8- *C- TO LET.2d Pack-2d than 2:40 to-day; Is perfectly sale, reliable In every but 50 cents extra; cushioned seats in Dress Circle, 50 TO-NIGHT. JULIET. I TO-MOKROW. I ot the mean* by which they can be removed. By mnii, 25c., Ua.KC.AIN3 respect and is warranted kind aud true In all harness. UNQUESTIONABLE cents; cushioned seats iu Family Circle, _'5 cents. corNISUB° currency or postage itainoa. Address Secretary Museum HANi'S ItlitH. .* old ; an in thisdennrtment, tn agk.5th eol. and Science, 1,140 Broadway, New York. SORRBi. HORSE, 1&X years conslstlir.- ot CURTAIN tails at 11 o'clock. MATIN EES begin at 1;30. BatcSH JJK 8 KK A A can trot in 3 minutes; bat all the saddle 6>i0 pieces bast Tapestry Hru^seli, JARKETT £ PALMER bog to announce the LAST A PEIISOSAL. 3d av. driver; gaits; recont rnlne M N NMO OD » JJ EEE SK8 KK A 1s safe tor a lady to drive; warranted sound ana kind, price 75c., $1. M MM MO OD D JJK HKK AAA Davis and'corpokal^prank'o'f AND MANUFACTURERS DESIRING and true In ail harness. All xnperior )ris SUNDAY NIGHT APPEARANCE here of tne renowned MNNMO OD D JJ JJ E 8 8K K A A OConipnnrH^oralF. lfl.ith rejflruont New York Volunteers 'will MERCHANTStlie service* ot a reliable detective actively engaged In BLACK perfectly broken; has been used from n lending mHiiufitctaror, V KW LARGE, GOAT, su unexcelled ol HKK OO DDD JJJ EEEE SSS K K A THKODOtt "UHIIOHN. the dry good* diatrict may address box Herald office. by a little girl, 10years old; Set Harness and twu- together with variety lliingaiian Nightingale, Mile. ILMA DE MURSKA, who ^ "maon^t^ New^r.".'0 TREATMENT FOR RHEUMATISM, wheel Cart. THE. COUNTESS MOZANTA AS JULIET, BAY HORSE. HANDS HIGH, 0 MOQUETS. will take most prominent part in a Grand Popular Con¬ WANTEO-CONCKRNING JOHN MAGNETICnervous (llsoaie*, by lady of experience. 368 West 23d BLOCKY-BCILT 15tf WILTON8, cert with other afiists. including Mme. Tf!hu?}l£,rl~S*ilS '*r"h MurP"y' who "*.<» at., lower ball. years old; a fine driver; excellent saddle horse ; a fast VELVETS. ulstinguiHhed ? names nnd art. traveller, sale aud reliable everyway; warranted CAHRKisO, Mr. Cll. ItlTSOll, SI*. TAGLIAPIETKA, KKOU MOl'JK -K A Sew VorTlZ?MB. ^ir" deceased, toe FROU # . INGRAINS. Mr. MARK KAlSEK (the llt-rr f u- - ? AONETIC THEATMENT.BATHS.-MISS HATTIE kind aud true in ali harness. Sig. SUSINI, violinist), AS Addre" **»«>LrH. ^ GOOD OILCLOTHS WKINER and Professor HILL, funning a remarkable com¬ TO-MORROW | N*J* (iibba, 159 Eaat 30tb St., first floor, second door. Don't OHEbTNUT PONY MARK. li'« HANDS HIGIIj nnd I NIGHT. UILBERTK. efliciVoK iw'isewarK. ring, saddle mare; has been u»eu by a lady lor three years; MATS. bination nnd giving promise of a- musical entertainment McCKODEN IF warranted kind and trae in all harness j single Har¬ oi extraordinary merit and proportions. Tlie programme BOX SIIRKT NOW RhADY W,ANTED.JOHNW. to CARkIE BELL. 18 CLIN I ON PLACE..MAU- Theio Uarpets art exquisite patterns will embrace the very gems ol tne ooeras. DE MuRSKA, V> 1 le"rn "oinotUinc ttielr ad- ness. " «¦»*!!£"ntw klby 5!iV"addrei»lnir! iho*wHI,880 Baltimore. Md. MISSnetic treatment; rubbing for rheumatism, kidney com- TOP PONY PHAETON. at "The supreme Queen ol Song," to sing I he Shadow Song,'* tiikaTuk. broadway a :«i> st. piaints; piasters, prostration, debility. viaibly reduced prices. a Hungarian pastoral song, and "Duo Crispino" with Big. StandardWM. HEMDKRSON. froprlolor and Manager. * EELLK B W IS IN CITY OK VIOIVITV ROCKA bnilt Alio &US1NL Monday evening, ocr. u. write me. but not to box 147. bridgeport. ISS BESSIE Ka.NE WILL UIVE~ MAGNETIC PINE CUT-UNDER WAY, by ELLIS; top an collection at I¦plea»« treatment for Nervous Disea*ea, Ac. 235 and no top Depot v* agons, top and no t»p side bar and unparalleled PRIOES. EVERY EVENING and matinef. SATURDAY, 1:3a Rheumatism, six-seat extension of The sale of tickets will be begun this (Priday) morning. Reappearance at this Theatre ot MUsT SEK YOU ONCE MOKE. WHITE AND Oth av. full spring Wagons, top Phaotons, rare Turkiah and IVrslati and .make appointment. flushing top Phaeton. double and single Harness, Ac, Notwithstanding the grandoar ot the programme the THE POPULAK KAVORITIS, EW MEDICAL WORK <»N SKIN DISEASES AND SALE COMMENCES AT IO O'CLOCK. BUOS AN U CARPETS. wonderful array ot engaged artists, the price <>l au J. K. EMMhT. lusiK UAitDNER.WHITE HOWARD'S. EAST 12TH N" imporltio* of the blood, with authentic cases. Mailed ADMlbSlON TICKET will be but FIFTY CENTS, who will apt>ear, supported by his own company, la tU BINGHAM. tree lor 10 cent* direct from the author*. Drs. JACQUES » RCI1. JOHNSTON, AUCTI ON EE R, J. A C. JOHNSTON. and ot reserved seats In the orchestra, orchestra circle greatest sucifess. ^1-!^ near a chair in the iuri ,vn and BRODIE, 7 University place. New York. ID to 25 13th st., University place. and balcony only Sue. extra; cushioned THE NEW FRITZ, "INKS.HKCKNTLV PIIUM I.S8&B' SUITS, dress circle Sle.; a enshionod seat in the laniily circle 25c. AH Ills popular and inlitinul songs. M.AR,f *«*.*.* "e'«h Boi'ton^pl^ .ROYAL HAVANA DRAWS OCTOBER 19, 1878. OLDBST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE M For thi( ontirmy new scenery has been painted. i«Vri.lhHf"^'ll5;jlri. H.,32 llndion"h4 it., Ilartlord, Conn, capital prizk, 200.000 pesos. HOUSE IN THE CITY. EXCEEDINGLY STYLIslI. MADK AND KINISHRD ALLACK'S. productionPOPULAR PRICES. All prises cashed by ns. Havana Bank Bills bought and REGULAR SALES OK IIORSKS A.VIi CARRIAGES IN TIIK MANNER, OK SIi.K. RAMKLK' HaIH. Proprietor and Manager....Mr. LESTER WALLACK Reserved Seats.. 73 corns and SI -LETTER FOR YOU IN NEW YORK POST .old. Drults on Havana isaned. OiiOTII. AU, KOR OIKLs FROM *.* Hie mauacor Is much gratified In announcing tlie .Office.' EVERY TUESDAY AND KRIDAY. (t)ASHMEKR. INCLUDING Admission (with, seat) 23 aud 30 cents M C. VIADERO A CO., Bankers. 24 honrs to three days' trial on horses warranted sound. TWO TO SIXTEEN YKaks. .MANY ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION WHO NOTICED GENTLE- No. 1 New at.. New York. et the ARK THEATRE. COMKDY. iLA'dVroom 10 ELEGANT NOVELTIES. COMEDY SERIES. HENRY E. ABBEY Lessee and Menagei WLLau |MnRp«JI^ULP 8 lu»«h yeiterday (Thuriday) ILESI-DR. CHANDLKK'S PILONt SURE CUKE THIS DAY (KRIDVY). AT O'CLOCK. ot ol the abont^ oka l> if > MORTGAGEE'S SALK. In order to afford the frequenters bis theatre Last nights ««""**«"« for Piles; give« instant relief; is harmlo**: Is never AND AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK READY MADK variety GREAT COMEDY COMPANY. &ri.1" flarSdr«?e.U tailing; all Broadway drngirista; 5o cents per BLACK KAMILt TEAM (HOIISK MARK), 15Jf as well as Mr. Wallack would re- on annnat package. 0 and 7 ye irs old ; kind and truo in all DRESSES OK EVERY DESCMPTION, KOR STREET. completeness ol detail, prior to their deoarturo their second tonr, Trou WHOM 1 LOVKD FROM A CHILD, LET MR K. CKaNDI.RR. Proprietor. hands. CHURCH. SCHOOL AND EVENING WEAR, spectlully eall attention to the following programme : . FRIDAY aud SATURDAY EVENINGS, Oet 18 and 19, harness and froo from vice ; agoon lamily or liv¬ the SCHOOL Foit SuaNDAL. hurricanes. oyal Havana uraws octobkr i»; capital. ery team. Friday evening, 1200 000; Tickets, $40. 93, VI. Royal New Brunswick CLARENCi'.. BY WOOD BROTHKIW; IN GOOD AT SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. .Saturday matinee, the ROAD TO KUIN. saturday MAIInEK AT 2-"BABY." draws October 30; $200,000 cou¬ of Double Harness. Saturday evening, SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21. (Canada) capital, gold; order, and Sot A. T. STEWART A CO., In preparation Coleman's Comedy of tii« last Mr. MacDonongn's lusty pon Tickets.$L FIELDS k CO . 1,312 Broadway. THE JEALOUS WIFE. positively appearance^ ' ELEGANT HAY MARE. 15*^ HANDS HIGH. 6 »T!I 10TTT will be Havana lotteky next ordinary and tn all harness, sno froe BROADWAY. 4TII AV.. AND STS. Monday evening, October 21, presented Colmsn's Tueaday evening, Oct. 22. CHAMPAGNE AND OTSTRR8, A»D PUUMb. RoyalDrawing October 19; *810.000 drawn: capital, years old; kind true five-act Comedy of The entertainment to commence eacb evening with Prise* order* filled; information Inr- from vice beautiful, stylish action ; does not shy THE JEAfiOUS OLIt LOVR LETTEK8. SfoNg^cOFK $200,000. cashed; or an excellent traveller, of rreat bottom SULUNEIIY AMU DKKH8MAKIMO. WIPE, i.» U0 niahed. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers, 11 Wall st. pall; wish evening, October 26. LOTTA In LA CIGALK. I.Ji2nS.T~AMutton, IS5?-A?jrWMlf^AMfeorfto finder will be llbernllT rev^rdnd hv and endurance; a lirst class coupe, earrlage or aTus"k. FTitRKRn, KoKiBKtEt NEW COSTUMES and Saturday »ng miii at atteo ot Hteroni HAVANA tnare; warranted sound. SCENERT, APPOINTMENTS, aoflt HoJS^Sti^SStSSST OYAL LOTTRKT. family No. 7 Went 30th «t . nnd Mm*. MAAKK. latest stylos and a CAST ROADWAY THEATRf. CORNER ST. Next October HORSKS. sKh CATALOGUE.E. W Lesaeos RED MARKED J. R. HOC HE R Drawing 10. 30 OTHER a tall ana winter Eonuots. Orders punctually attended te. Including all the principal members or this RDtiAR A FULTON aud Managers T WALLET, 810,000 peso* In prises. AN IMMENSE SALE. 4» Went Mk. B ,'fi8*-A °""'*ll>e4 oaoori and lf22 In aonir Tiio For address VERY K1NE EAST ROAD IIORSBS.S. UNRIVALLED COMPANY. PRICES ON broadway. m"!T' ""..btj rewarded by roMrniog 11 Alio? particular*, TWO LSF.K "5£ POPULAR H X. A. M A RTINEZ A CO., Banker*, K1KTEHN FlhST CLASS KaMIiA' HORSES. PIASOFOIITEU. WMMLM. ALLACK'S. EXTRA. A RESERVED SEAT (In p»rquetor bslcunyl, 40 CKNT8. 10 Wall *t., baaemont. New York. TEN EXCELLENT BUSINESS HORSES,**"' w WEDNESDAY MATINEE. October 23. A RESERVED SKaT THIS WEEK ONLY M CENTS. ACADEMY OF WoRK HoRsKs 'FINE ASSORTMENT OK KIRST "CLASS" PIANO-" for the benefit ot tho fund for the sutT; At HORSE AND CARRIAGE BALE AT30 University place, a tar*" a«aortment of new and sec¬ CHARLEY A KESKRVED SEAT the Roman Empress. 5<) CENTS. t>er 19 Prise* cashed and information given by SONNEN* ond hand Piano* («>nie of the latter a* *ood aa new) will I BENEDICT, A RESEKVED SEAT 30 CKN18. * 2 1IEKU A CO.. New Haven, Cnnn. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), TO-MORROW. be sold or rented at prlcea to suit the times. I AT O'CLOCK. | KITTY O'NKIL. A RESERVED SKAT Matinee Satnrday. SO cen Is. ti> rentro of named ** Prince. Al 11 O'CLOCK. ROGERS AND VICKRRS. Drowa ¦pot Hack, lUWIH .RoYaL h avana lottrk y. AT BARKER A SON'S .POR AND ORAND HARRY Next drawing October III RENT, UPRIGHT. SQUAKB <4> KENNEDY, OK MUSIC. FUR THh K&TtKN OF WATCfi JlOlU.UUU. CITY AUCTTON MART AND NEW YORK TATTER- A..«..*. Pianos of our own make ; alio tor anie and rent a nuin- 1KWIN SlSTEKs, BKYanT AND IIOEY. Capital price, $200,000; $810,000 cash uifts. corner ol Broadway and 3» h of line in WILL- j^CADEMY Ticket*. lortiotba, SaLLS, at.. second hand Pianos, perfect order. FKENOn TWIN SISTERS, Socond Night of ina Subscription, $40. quarters. $10; eichtha, ff>; $1. All advertised entries close at 4 P. M. to-day. I AM KNAH I'. A Co., 112 *»th a*., noove lllth st. EMERSON AND CLARK. FRANK OIRARD, OCTOBER at & Kentucky Stalo, October 31. Whole tic«eta.$l. Entries received np to time of commencement of sale. JENNIE SATTKELEE. THIS (FRIDA* EVENING), 18. Prlae* caaued. Fnll information of the aoove sent free. CHIGKBRIKO riANOrOKTB. i7:>7 STKINWAY lor tlia drat time tnia trtion, Mmart'i opera, REWARD FOR RETURN OF SMALL J. DUFF A CO.. Banker*. G.lEA i~SACllIKlCE.fias. KINK TOP JSUGOY A,'Piano ortf, bargain: UpriKht I'ianotorto, extremely LE NOME D1 FIGARO. nun of Koaei Ion coet last also near Cherabino Mile. MINNIE HAUK Li,®*KAL""ek'tlxwk. containing 42 Nassau at . cornor Liberty, New York. and Harness, $470 July; top Pony low. MIDDLE'S 13 Waverley place, itroadway. SEClTRE PEATS EARLY FOB THE »?. and Obarioe at., to police Italian tn Charli-i it. Phaeton, Double Hornets, black bear Rube: perfect nruor II Comie Almavira Slitnur i>EL PUEN1K PIANOS AT VERY GRAND MATINEE TO-DAY. < * A &t. snld very low and separate by coachman. Stable. 10t» West KEW SECOND HAND WEiIRR y ivnro Hlfn« AI. h.SI UPEl'UI, KOTICK.S. gPOETiHG-m>iis,jmius. 17th st. Brewtter Clartnee. $150. ¦Treat bargains: some of them used but a very short FRANCISCO min-TRELS i OPERA HOUSE, II Donor . Bartolo M THIERRY -a ouls"'sale. time br our beat musicians and really almoat as good aa nnd 21hh Knnllio SiBnor BIGNAKDI . AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS | Broadway at. -^OPfWAKA STATE LOTTERY COMPAN».-lf A: CIIANCE SELDOM OKKB K ED KOR SALK LOW new: luiiy warranted In every respect. Please call at tha SaxHOUSES okowhw). immense SUCCESS. lion Carsio Slirnor URAZZt A EXTRA SalB OF SPORTING QCNS. Ove llorsns; snit any bnainess: or will be tlvan for tnelr WEBe.ll warerooms. Nib av. and 10th at. til E o keatkst SHOW o.N ear iii. Antonio...... Slgnor KiiA XC BSC III NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. eleventh keel) In the for five months. Stable. 525 Hudson Mile. PAllODl eonntry SI EIN WAV .t MIN'S PiXnOKOkTE ; AN KL BIRCH. wamkulu. BACKUS, THaTCHEK, Le Cuntesau... BARKKR A CO.-. 47 and 40 Liberty *t., st., near West 10th. all made POWERS, RICAKDO. Marcrlllua Madnms LABLAUIIS GRAND DISTRIBUTION AT NEW 1SOVEM. ¦oil thin at ilic very fluent ami moil .Agant Cabinet l.'prlf lit I'lano, improvements, hyman, joiinson, and ORLEANS. iluy. o'clock, relia¬ HOKHKH. SUITaBLIi PoR TRUCKING to order. coat to be aold at public auction tbia day. at BUsSELL. FRILLMaN. STEVENS, RAYMOND, ble sporting Oini and Kiftes, Ac. They are all fully war- to near IN nf.w AND si'ARKLINO SONUS. so.NKS. *0. Sn»anna...... Madama 8INICO BER 1.857 AMOUNTING TO runted and In A.TEN.farming, any business, $25 $85. RAPID TRANSIT 10 o'clock, at private rcsideuco 120 West 23d it., Oth 12; prizes. flMJ,400; complete every respect. ICE COMPANY. 540 West St. AV. Received with ncrenma Hyiuan'a now Sketch, IIKkali) i'i-.iwu.NALS , Director ol the Mnalo and Conductor...... blgnor ARDITI AC. PIORONS. OUT~OF~IMPORTED STUCK. bkown or, capital PRIZES, $3Q.ouo, $Iii,ooo, $.->,000, | \t auction on ahgain.-handsomk blooded Horse sell ciiickkkino boskWood CUIMD in HOT uat8k. filtNCVfor tale Saturday, Itttb. at 1<> A. M.. by well broke. 1(1 hands. 7 yeart old, prico $150; cott $41»Y BLAIli manaoeu Fanst Hlgnor CAMPANINt BREWSTERnwajr.$IOO; Covpe, $150; $400; Pony Phaeton. or to rent. KR. SCIIUI.KR, ID Earn 14th. del1uiited POST OFFICE BOX 6H2. NEW ORLEANS, LA.. Oh' OKRIsTaND PLAIS I) boat KACr7~TO-DaY ; $115; Wood Bro.'t T t.'iut, $225; new and seeoeo hand Car¬ ments, ENTHUSIASTIC A»i> AUDIENCES Mopnlstopheles Slirnor FoLI M remit received at Tbomn*', No. H Barclay at. riage*. WILLIAM U. GRa Y. 22 W< inter st, nuiiitly GREET OIK I'ekkok.m antli-.. Valentine ...... Slgnor DKL PUK.N'Tls H. L. PLUM. 319 broadway. NF.W VOIfK. W. LOTKLL. LADY WILL. SELL BKAUTIFUl> ROSRWOOD 7 ADMISSION 33C. Wagner M.-nor t RaNCEsCiII EXTENSION TOP PHakTOM. SLA IS Aoctave Pianoforte, $mi. 2211 hast :«0th St.. noar 3d av M ATI NEK i evekv THURSDAY, i MATINEE 81-nel Unit. HI8A.NI line and Aral'. M. M-SUBE CUBE FOR LUN(J, Til BOAT AND BEAUIIKULf» nr. pole and shafts; Ton Wagon Ilarnott MATINEE i matinee Martha .. Mine. LABLaCIIR THK TIHP. cheap 114 West 27th st., near tltli av. KAMILY WILL SELL STEIN WAY (irani) KAC..ED CONCERT. and MALARIAL DISK ASKS.VAN BEIL'S "BYE AND -rlKhtWiu paTik and etVilTio^ir \PRIVATF,Pianolorte, $12J; Cabinet Orand caae. SUNDAY nltilll. COMMENCING at « O'CLOCK. Mile. MINNIE HAUK 1 -GI.'KAT SaLK HLaNKKTs «ND LAP KoaEn octavo naed flvi' raontlia,Upright^iulaid#17,"i; Margberlta . Open to the public freo. 11> ",i(> Hmaitwav. 1% Plane, only punitive BOCK." USE NO OTHKK. bold by leadino Contests of speed between gentlemen'* road horses every c'.510 Broadway Broadway. sacrifice; I.ox lor ahipping; aiao Imndaome parlor, library, PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S. NIGHTLY PRICKS »r ADMISSION: altcrn»on. Trotting race to roid wagons Saturday nfter- business wagknr, VILLAGE cbatnoer and dlnius Furniture, in iota. «t quarter coat. rj^ony Parquet $8 OU Mrisaiiine boxes (to DRUGGISTS AT «1 PEtl" BOTTLE, A»D AT WHOLE¬ at 3 o'clock. Admission free. Call No. 72 Vv eat HUh St.. between 5th and Oti ava. two 3 00 admit lour 10 00 noon, Ciarriagks.;C>rtt, .ke.. at CALVIN WITTY'S carriage warerooms, C. I. V\[\ Balcony (first rowa) peraons)f UATKS II. IIARNARO. Proprietor. 154 Ponth 5th av. ,»lra DEVEERE. f* TONY PASTOR'S f Balcony (older rowa) 2 50 | Klrat Circle ana Mes- SALE AND RETAIL DKPOT, 88 CHAMBERS ST. <«> <» Private boxes (to admit tanine Maata...... 3 00 ROSPBCT PARK PAIR GROUNDS, ORAVBMRD. LIGHT BUILT, BY J. B. BREWSTER A I.ROANT UPRIGHT AND -yUAilE piakos.-somk MATINEE TO-DAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK. four 10 00 | 1..Thl* last ol tlrattd Kali Trm ting a lltt'n naed, il.Hi. RAVEN (late ltaveu Jt Bacon), 13 persona) | (8ETEN DOORS WEST oFit ROADWAY). L. day (Krlday). day JCo., In fine order, $100: bargain. ^ ~ * Oaueral Admission 91 30 Meeting; 2 ;.'K) class; entries are Cnaimcy M. Hedle, J ago, C1LARKN0K, WW. II. 22 Wooster St. Eiiat Kith si. PASTOR'S. belle of .Marl¬ GRAY, TONY * amlly Circle (reserved), 91; (Unreserved).SOaema. N. VAN BEIL. Stiletto, Kings. Kltsgerald. Essex Maid, Applications lor places to b« made at the ilox Office n{ boro', Volunteer Maid, Star, Magvle Mitchell, hntrlts tor LEtlA.sT riding horse or TWO CAhRlAGR RAND PIANO. FINK TONE, RKNT $S; #2 MONTHLY ^ tha of Music, which is dally troin l» till 4, -royal Havana loitkr*. Doable Tenm Itaee are llurnloltt and mate, Jusle and Horses for tttla, by private gentleman. Apply stablet, ("1Twill rent. #4 buy new Orit in; upright 7 octavo Piano Academy open 1 HI. and on the evening* of parrormance. A , Urtnlnt October 10. m«te. Judge Daffy and mate. Tip Allen nnd mate, Altianv Lttf A est 4th et. (|iU; Mjijurd f.'iii. <>(JUDoN A SON. 1.1 K.4 ni. SECURE SEATS fcARLY. ~ Kentucky and (iaotiit Dally Drawing*. Olrl and mate. I'roapect Part and Coner Ialand Railroad GOOD iTkatkk com iuTTk, m4 broadway! Full Information given. run hors'j end atcaui car* to staud Irom Kulton i^tiR SALE.Ct>Nt!ORl» TRUCK, AS NEW, a cabinet winner* grand ferry. Pole and Shaft*, the thin* for down town carman; iumlin, organs, T-HARRIOAN A HART Proprietor! TIIEouoiiE 23 Turk row. I Ja*t the inedal to Amerii an mualeal Inatrn- ZsGMOCtl, ATI? OOO A CO. Masonof only irolil Fourth week of the . also Double llarneas. good at new. Call at SKLDKN'M menia at Parla E tpnaiiion, 1H7M. nnd hiKhest honera at HALL ALIIAIZA. REIGNING SKNSATIOS. A -KLhCTKlU BELTS.A certain. SAFE AMD livery itablo, 150 and 15H 2.Hd it., between Lexington aud wortd'a exDition lor twelve yeara. Kor ca«h or Sjteinway) Saturday, October i», at 2, A IIART cur* li>r nil nervous and « hroulc IKIHSKS, CAltltlAGKH. «C. evi-ry URA.n1> 1'akliwhl.u matinee IIARKIGAN ^..effectual diseases. ¦Hd a vs. eaar paymenta. One may bo purchased by payment of In Edward liarrlitan's eheerful comic drama 1 tieae appliance! are nppllcabt* to either sex. nnd afford ATA MBL'RTON IAN "jit ARB, 15W II AN Its.« YKAKs #0 7*> per quarter lor ten i|nnrtera. Warorooina 2"> Union and positively Lnat Appearance of THE MILLIOaN GUARD Instant relief In eases ot rheumatism, dyspepsia, general trot 10 LM)R SALE CHEAP-A IIANt*M»MK SOHRr.L MaKE, alina alhaiza. TOMA.-i. llllerti. honiverd1 Ac. A-.old. i!:45, sound, kind; Messenger fo-se, r hands high ; can trot In 2:4<), tingle or double, or aqnare New York. PICNIC. debility, Pnlverioncber's are tho only genuine. De¬ trot - kind; side bar l"'1, nnd the icreat European I'ianlat, hand*, jf>i1. sountl, Ilrewster top no tale. 11<> West 50th »t. A grand olio of apealaltlea. pot. 212 Broadway. Wagua; Wood Brother* Pony I'haeton also lady'* llorse, and ,-gUAKK PIANOS-KAUOAINS FOR FRANZ 1u M M el., MATINF.F.S XVKDNESDAt AND SATURDAY. .KbEC I'lUO ItRLTs SURE CURE FOB PRRMA- ¦addle or driving. 7 tear*, aound an kind, trot* fast; OK SALE.TWO HORmKS. WORKED To D;H UPRIGHTcaati: small montnly payments; renta |nw. III. IIS, Superb Prufrrnram*. MAX MARETZKK, Conductor. Kimball Sleigh, boar ami fox Ac ; Mia- ! and matt ft n 4th av . near at. A.tnre debility; the only reliable. S»nd lorelrcnlar. ttobea, Blanket*. fwsgons; warranto sound; $45 $25; tall. 43 Aianutaeiuror, Uuii aqunre. 14th THEATRE AND society I'aLACK. theatrr. gle and Double Harness. INI West .H'th St.. one door east Dr. KAIPI- mare Rra, gray horse Willie; can beat Si :|0 or c*n trot In SALK.a PAIR OKUAKIiUOE IiORRKS; i:>i< lMU»KnK1Tx. SENSATION notice. .tiiV usd A v, OCTOBER 24, WIIITOOMB. tal experience ; specialties, diseases «f mun and nemos 2 :.V> single, and warranted In every particular; top Brew¬ hand* hlgli: good roadatera; atyliah. kind and gentle ; FIRST MONSTER VIENNA I'ai.ISlAN as performed by him 124nlghta In Chlcag* and 68 aoa* FORdriver*. To bn mo at ownor'a atable Irora 8 to II) and FAIR COnTUMK. aecutive ntglils in San Krnuciauo. lysten ; consultation free. I>r. JACOBY, Itll Bioecaer st. ster Wagon, Pony Phaeton, Slnne and Double Itsrne-a, nice FANCY ditkss AND PRESENTATION BALL. 2UU SATURDAY MaTINKR. bearand woollen Robe*, stable and dres* Blanket*, Whips, I to 8, S7 KM S3d «. QRF.ATOF TIIK AMERICAN INSTITUTE. frteNIill AND vif.nna LADIES IN costume. EVKRY EVi-NlNG AND fbbe..dr. whitehead. prokk.-mir all must b» st>ld and no roasonable offer refused. ot rale treatment board nnd Ac.; THBaTRK. AdviceMlawllery: guaranteed; Stable 1 !'¦ West .list *t. S'.LK-IWO OtSAOlAN IIORHK.H. 5,0 YR\R* u to pastor's. tony pastor's. tartlng. 213 hast 44th St.. near ltd a v. 0 Open dally Irotn A. M. 10 P. M. BOWEI1VKj.UDI.NAND W. HOKELK ...... Managar FOKold ; Dim) Iron grar Morae, yenra, unit truck. rxpreaa I ata. EMEu.-0\ and T ST~~W A KKBN ST..CAKKI AtlKS, IIA KNURS, bmlitia; warranted. 414 Wont Kith at. 2,1 nnd 3d ava., 03 and 04ih Tony BLANK. <.> Benefit of LL SPECIAL U11M PL A i NTH CB ETaI N, 8 A PE AND llorse Blankets, Holies. Ac.. at astonlshiuir Induer- .ilf Single admission, OOc.; childrei un lor 10 yeara, 2.%o. the grealaat of all Son* and Dance artlsta, ¦ MATIN.. E MISS MINN1K oscAR UREY, pertaanentiy cnreil to either ml Dr. COX, 2u2 East menta; Pony I'haetnn*. Boggles,JuniD-*eat Carriage*, sur¬ subap-a. pair of htyusii hay I ro-DAt. i WILLIAM T. STEPHENS. »0th at. reys, Boekaways, Depot Wagona, Ac., Mthataotlal work, For-ralklloraea. 10 hart ft i hliili: a Bronshain and ilouhl* art of ("oupon ticketa, 10 admiaaiona, $J Till i A host of volunteera. ft / from 4175 upward; Harness In variety ; ativer llarntea. and Uog I art and llarneaa; al«o two K n g- Coupon tickets, a.lmmalona. 1 *>o Transferable. bhrumatism P08ITIVKLY CI7BED.. Et'RO- large Blankets, Xaddiea. Addre»» Orennrn'l ticketa, H admiisiena, I in) tivoli theatre. PASTOR'S . BIIkUMaTIO some damaged, sqnare and shaped, exceedingly low; Hiding atable, 37th at. Conpou A.PKAN SOCIETY, Incorporated act :t(Vt a». hth at. betwi-on 2d and :td a vs. February 17, 1848. Sole offl«e,2U7 VtTest 34tb. Term* and pins'), wool, buffalo, wolf Itobes, Ac., at bargain*. and 7th nr.. or owner, .'ith Aberle'S rjlON* * Moohk, ,i7 Warren st. 80C. FIKTY CENTS 500. IIEST VARlf.TY performance IN THE CITY, lirculara tree. HAI.K POWKBrUL IIOR8B. 0 ybars OLD; will proenre admlaaion and paa« llelmnnt,Char-' MATI NEK TO-DAY. A LLDISKASKS or MEN, M Mill! A I. OK SURtllCAL, BHOUOHAM TO LKT MONTDb'f) WITH FORwarranted Bound and kind ; eleo two eheap llorroa, $7o. THE Ni.W YoRK ELKVATKo,)AD. ley banna, Ida Morrla. Billy Robin- ANervou> Debility a specialty. DR. BRADFoiiD, lai ANKWbra** Harness. handsome llorse, with style and knee r»n^ WaaMngton at. Tleketa to be had at all east aide stations. Thnrsday <»n, Little Daly, Krant and joale East 12th st. rfelton ceaelinian in Hvery ; entire turnout eq'ual to any In i>e Korrt-al, Turn Hlckey. i.»vanl«n ALL THE GREAT the city. Apply JAMKS KltASRR. 127 Wait 2*th St. «oi MAJLK Oil KAI*.Til It KB QSAkhlM Bl.KD MUSIC BY DOWN1 NO'S NINTH RKOIMK.VT BAND. and ir.ll VMM*, Tlie lirand Ballet Pan- Sunday lT7.DISEASES OF men. WHATEVER the b_ t-heitiint WaddU llorao. I.V2, 1(1 .tear* old; nnuaoailr saturdxy mmlne. Aeronaut, and mlanlirut, STARS APPEAR * cauee. recent or 1onj? Mending, speedily nnd perma¬ BLEOAXT RRKWSTRR IXPROtBD -PKINO handaoma and ahowy; aotind nnd kind; haa born n»ed by a pastor's. tony pastor's tllr: ORHAT VIENNA BALLET TltOliPE. cured by Drs. DYh.Il A, »7 \Ve»t litIII A>top Wacon: extension top light Phaeton (seats loitr) ; irtj Addreaa bo» 177 I'ortld office. HARRY and JOHN KERN nently Tony

ELL, « IN THEIR CHOICEST M.. Bear Oth nr. top I'ony I'haeton; Single and Donbta Harness, almost M A IN K K t.'ll ARl.K Y BKN M>It!V PKKX a.MA THE trr. new; great sacrlheej owner going abroad. Uossmoro V II ANU.SOMK II I, K vTaii. nbuknpukff. Director WltlTlf.N UP AND BAL- at. L"H)R 8Al#B.- AC KADDI.K TODAY. |and the KKKNCil TWIN SISTERS, SPECIALTIES. ANl> accounts Stables, 217 West 41st llorae. 1 ft it high ; euund and kind: 1> »a ln-rn <*> with iiai llllRAT aTAKh. TO-niuiit. nlk IHlf.I lanoiiaen.xr, Comedy bv Ran¬ a haying a few lintirs each JP p*rtectly <9. BOOKSanei'd by gentleman spare n»rd by a lad r iirlro pML I'rlvntn Ktnhie \Vr«t ftiith at. ter: TAUB MUSS k i SKIN. Comedy by eirlch. Post offlee. *14.Y-TOP MKHWaTKN IMPROVBU HtX^l Y, 8 SECURE HEATH EARLY. day. II. BURNS, ho* l,:t02 Ne^Vnrk SOI It EE. E V K it Y KRIDAY. CLARENDON Bo* office open Irom to 4 o'clock dally. A..with lino iinmoss. Blanket, Lap Kobe, Ae.; cost j4t>5 ~ I NO ANDLI'. ri'KR WltfclMU AUENCY.-CO*. in July. Apply to coachman, I Wist 15th St.. near 5th av. BAKQAlX. .TKRY LIUIIT TW0.8KATKI) Hull, 114 and lit f.aat 13th every Moniinr. 05 A'rat AM. DISPLAY 100 STARS. extension and SAUSK'S _ COPYIldentfnl nnn linsineis letters and circulars prepared at load of GRKvTPar* Phaeton. top, polo ahafta. wlih |^AST efllne 4:Mi!ttli ar.. corner of 34th tt. oar" 'rum, rooifa, sound drauuht 11kIit Conpe Hamaaa; need Bvo tltnei; cold arparatc. pastok's. ton* pastor's. of famous London show. and bualness linr*oS just arrived from Ohio, at auction Htalila, l"tl Weat 17th at. Q <3>thk ACKNOWl.RDUKD KAMILY FLOWERS AND DBAF.Mn* AMI THBliAT DISEASES.. morrow (Saturday), at 11 o'clock, at B AKKh.II A SON'S, TonyMATINEE THEATRE OK new Yilllk llol^Kn FRUIT, The (Lata Irom Ollmore'a Oardea, N. YJ /Immediate rellel and enres effected In tli» IIMth *t. and IIAUN BSH !! IIANh.»8 !I It ROOK I, If N ONE Wc.RK ONLY, tlATAIIHII. permanent Broadway. to-OAY. | CIIOWl»e.I) IIY TIIK El.iTK and IN- balance of thii andOarlion avenues. nio«t sugrarsted eases hr Or. LIOHTII ILl., No. 0 West HAitNKt'V'Wlilpa (of rvnrr rteaeriptlom, Whip*. OK THE MRTHOFuLI*. daring week, corner Atlanlle zOt'i it. Reference* of the highest character from some -FOR BALK. TWO HOICSRS. SUIT KARMBR, ('all al tlin old reliable hone* trlLUdlHOll at tlie 3 PERFORMANCES EVERY DAY. ef the mesi tufluentinl nnd residents of New A grocer, nnv basin***; g'eat aairilm trial allowed; rnT»R8 A OAl.llOUN CO.. BIO Broadway. OlICLS FoiT"** Ell.*! A LI N A" AT AMERICAN INSTITUTR EXHIBITION, Saala lor s,unr> people;2.0)10 opora cnalra. Doors ope* prominent a .» 3d nr. and at. York. Consultations from 9 to 1 anil ."i to 7. property ot widow; mnst be sold. 21 West I.ittl St., bt- the . at the |U|{« door from mil at 1 and <1 Mil P. M. Performance commence one hoar later. twrett 7th and silt av*. HoR-.BH.-MVB i-l>B IIKIVt.ttn a>I> UTARTRD.BALLKT Apply Elevated railroad nation at the entrance. children. 2-V. JPJUip 4 I'. M. Admlaalon. !K>e.; _____ KNTK a I, PARK HaTHS, AHTH ST. ANll Trll AV . KK.vlUCKYaaddh-ra nn I one elegant pnlr nt Coach lloraea, for aalo RAND Turkish an I Russian B.itlis, 7."> cents; 111 tickets #0; IAU, MABIMONH HKOWN moiuIaN at BAHKhK'8. ."tltth at and Broadwav. LOAN kxhlltlrion ONY PAS I OK'S, TON Y PASTORM. 0" ...... 241 NEAR STANTON in ot . Horse; warrantetl *nan QK1TTY KENNEDY, ri-aconahle terms. 3:50; salo for a lady to drive; hall vain'. 215 West t i.Ks] iIiikskh.- j|i;ihow evary nvenlna; of SOCIETY or decorative ART, matinee tha TAIN sISIERS and l.'itb st. ,t»»t arrived, ftn good Work lloraoa, 2S good young the slRlita;" atrau^nra should not miss it; musio by liar- NATIONAL ACADEMY OK DESlON, I TO-DAY. too STARS, la a P V I A ItRII, DEAFNESS, NAB DISCIlAKOKs AMD Mnlra, cent from company In Penniylvenl.t; murt (flu, 23d at. nnd 4th av., <» MAMMOTH B1I.L TO-DAY. diseases. .Inveterate esses KINK BLACK COOl'K IIOR.Hh-ALStI KAY;MUST lie »old. 322 Weal 24th at. NOW oi'EN l^/throat solicited and enrpil; sold: term* to DAILY, l .arjes moderate. Dr. CA M I'BI.M.. 170 l.e*lnKts.n av.. Alie stilt purchaser. Inquire lor Dr. Oihh's rnosy Pasior's. tony pxstor's. 0 A. M. to (i P. m and 7'* to lu P. M. entertainments. cooper union, kverY' sear 3let «t.. 0 te I and ft to7; Rundav«, 10to 12. team. 2r»,i class go. &03-oct 17,1878, Lntn-tbe llester -sRCOltD II AN If ('A It Itl AOFi*. THE I.KRAI MIAII'ANV APPKARINti IN TIIE SAME H Contialto; Mr. HENRY HALT. Baritone and Humorist! *.>, 4". 72, 30, 7.V IS M, 43. 47. 1, 0, 4«t, U7, 03. HAHtlAlN..BLACK CHUNKY ilOK-K7 l-"V>i jT I' it Oil K A MM K A.s AT THE BYENINiI RKI'RESEN Ta- at A»a«riatton Hall, Mr. ARTHUR NENf, Comet Soloist; Mr. HENRY gmrucilT.ctAsg no ftot.ocr. 17. i*7m. Lliand* high, !. yrars, not halt value 1152 llud-on 2 l.ii nnagers. Roekaway*, I Omntlina. 2 Cabriolet*, I Ornnd Victoria, I admuaion, .">oc. (JtrOROt* *TAT*:-r*TIM ft.AM HO. 013.OCT 17 ISJrt. WKK W ANfIS'I FlrtSi CLASS SltM.'K At LOW Miinbope PliNtnh 3 no top four-paaa. I'hnetona, 1 Knrroy IHEMokNK TIIEATVE, mo NT. AND Ofil av.. AM. I,IT'V ItnthAI', Manauara, 8, 71, 1«. 0«, 23, lit, H3. :,t. 12, 7S, 4'i 58, Ml ». VNYAgnrr*. call and examine two very line Top Bungles, Cart, :( top I'ony Phaeton-. .1 no top I'ony Phaetont, 4 c Wanted, 2INI yomiK ladies for the atace. Call Iroin 10 rflony 1'AnTO ICS. TONY PASTOR'S. I1FOIM.IA XTATK-CMM NO. 014.OCT. if IM7K J'ole nnrt Shifts; no superior lop Pliastsu (seat four Itr-water .v co.'a atandaid Road Wagona, 1 elegant eight* to 11 in tue mornlnK. 1<.> ? TONY PASTOR will SINU tiir'-.e moNY PANTOR'H. TORY PASItlRX IS. 10. 00. 12, 23. 24, 88, 01. J7. 28, 8. 19. person-), Po.e and -*li ret ts h.indsonie Morg.n ilorso, apring i.nndnn. |MaT1NEE|NEW BONUS ok A ltocal, in- I I NliOUMI'RD hit OK tiik OKKAf* . A 78, built and 15>|1 rPHR III. m onskii. |,|» ITALIAN OKhRA, I tYINU TO day. i tekest AT mis OWN PRONOUNCED SUCCr-SS OK M AIINKKT . , I'-Di'Y A Cf>., Mnnagera. line, biocsy hay llorseyysinule Double Darnc**, maiineii TO- COMPANY Infor nation irlren the al.ove ush Drest A 372 1 I'LACE. AOjOl.MNO THE ACADEMY OK MUSH'.. ,fo at 2 THEATRE BY KASI1- I To-DAY. reoardlnu ilrawinirs. Annly handsome Inr atMl p ll«hes, Blanket*. Manhat¬ A. 8. Ft.ANDRAl' CO., and 374 Broomo at. of clu y iiop^'Tv. > \n rTmI Tj~-RorVi. J In haLhT MoTTsbS,-kor 0 will commence a Hall. l/.tal prlte f<*l, Spnnisli m .ney Second capital 7\.»«ro *2n 8U>. 8A given. 2lt>Chrvsll» St., near Stanton. (JK UOH8 WANT. O-BAY OK OilBvr.lUt FAnTUH'S. ular hall, on and ladles, .*iitc.; Hoa^s, fl. |2, ft. CI.IITK A CO Hankers, 2t> t Hroadway. tirelarretl; not lea* than 14.1 or morn than 14 :l hanria fj'ONY MONDAY EVENING, OCTOURR 21. A SACKlFtCK.TWKN rv IIDsIN mm aad Fikliv. IiIkIi roiinit, amooth bnllt. «ith gnod atylo and knoe aetion ; MATINEE Today AT~2 O'CLOCK, 'f pastor'S. Toh V PAVfOi,'< T% -BIHULK MfMNMM KSMI ICK Y 7mT\W«~tM 10- /\ ery Wairons, all Mi«t,fKll«|IIU; new, second hand tlicy tntiat be In ertrr way right, aonnd in.I kino, and edit¬ ^ A k d -1' riv ats LESsONi pi A 5XT, vl.iLIN, TONTWATSON" and i-.LLIS, HILLY RARRl',# A J_/.berSI. (!apltal flTi.lKIO. Tickets only $|. I,nnlslaun Wagons tor eaiirest, grocer, bntclinr, baker, milk, dotiot, able lor a larir m drive. Addreaa. giving lull partlrnlari THE OHRaTRST BII.L EVER PRESMNTKI? /iioitak, (:kiian, FLUTE. sinu1nu. 7fl) Broad¬ ROOK ICS and VIv KhKS, IMaTIM-F Mtate draws November 12. t'npltni »3