THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE No7l5,397. NEW YORK, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS SPECIAL NOTICES. HOItSKK. CiftHlAOEk, «('. HUBVBt, (AUlllAOKK. A.nushntiiT<t. ADVEHTC8KKS. ILL T NlON <yUAUE theatre. GARDEN' TilfcATuK. DlliKCTUIiY FOU OBTAINED.TERMS 8UPEK- HOUSE OK VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY. AkWm'm Wl Sll ISCi AHOKSK AN D UUllUV^W SHOOK EOWARD F. SI AKIN Proprietor »nd Manager lativeiy reaionable; CONSULT VI IONS free. FR-.D- 110 AND 112 P.ASl' 13111 ST.. P~rsf«d foi during winter nioutlim lor Us use. "est refer- L> 1'rupri.roprletor Mr. SHERIDAN NIBLO'8 OK DiVOKcli'sPREDILV AijOWik a M. PALMER LAST NIGHTS KHll'K I. KINll. Lawyer, 0 8*iui Mark'* place, adjoining NfcAll 4T11 AV. enres can address VIKTOK, box lr® Herald Lpto.n Manager ...Mr: OFFICE 1,265 broadway- Inatituie Branch office, three days. 4TH WEEK. CONTINUED SUCCESS Mr CIIAKLh'a POPE, JBERALD BRANCH RECEPTION OP Cooper _______. 4TH WEhK. ot Sardoirs la the romantic Drum# ol OPEN DaV AND NIGHT FOlt REGULAR SALES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGES greatest play, OK TIIK AJtU SALES OF PAPERS. IVOttCK «'AUHKS AT1EN 11 ED 76 1'HUM PTLT, KRIDaY. I- lii wamti-.d.i&k has us mailt 41H WtKK. MOT11EK AND SUN. nick woods; ADVERTISEMENTS without publicity, coiimuIt him. ISAAC U. liOYCK, KVEKV TURSDaY AND Roai>square tfaitol. sound nnd kind and rl*nt in every way ! 4IH M KKK. MOTllKK AND SON. ok, ilie -41 Jtroailwnv. On every horse that in warranted sound or kind sod (rue must be drivers and unl** to show oh track *-:4 >. WEr.K. The first brilliant pit of the *<»asor! jiho.v anosay. Oth coll. experienced lawyer, iu harness una to are pleasant #ril Pack.*th. r>lh ltd from iliree days given or double. a to abov* descrip¬ 4TH « K !.. K. "A th*u 'Led . Next week the meat entitled THE MKLITOE, AMUSEMENTS.1st to iiiuisle Kor pair i(n*wering much better piece Astray."' spectacle Pauk-6th col. R. OKIMDLft n|A||t AU SPECIAL OMBAIMWt test warrantees tion and suiting the subscriber a fntr price will be given. 4111 WEEK. New York Tribune. astrology.12th col. ¦ I! ramie cured. Office 47 Weat 13tlt at. UitOAlJVV \V 35TH a* HILLIaKDS.12th I'AtiK-HiU D quickly Address. witn tall particulars. KOAU. hox 140 lUrata lp- 4111 WlSKK. "The masterpiece of tlie ablest dramatist of rrri^UUAHir.W. KV UN I NO. WANTED.2i> l'AUK-2d and 3d eolt. CATALOGUES OK Till* 17aY'S ((FRIDAY) SALE. town office. 4TI1 WHKK. tlie " New York iiaee. 1 rills (KRIUAY) BOAKDK1U Jack-3d FURBISHED Foil ALL LEOAL1ZED ug* drat annearance nl the m arvellously trained BOARDING AND LODGING WANTED.2d lotteries EMEltSON A 180 Broad- AT 10 O'CLOCK. 4TH WEEK. MOTllKK AND SON. and 4th cull. INFORMATIONby OOSS, Broker*, TOP PONY PHAETON, BY GhUKUc II* 4TI1 WEr.lv. MOTllKK ANU S.t.N. AMERICAN I hOROlIliHIiKKD HoRSc.8, coll. way, room 4. DAPPLE GRAY HANDS HIGH. « years Cloie, cost soiled. $18». in tliclr wonderful test* and ovolutiona. brooklyn HOARD.2n Pack-4th llORSR, lifc SUPERB &i0">, scarcely price 4TIi WKK.lv. Every niuht ami Saturday Matinee. act. ESTATE POK SALE-2D PACK-lit UAVANA DRAWS 10. old;n driver; has fine style and action ; per¬ HaKK KK'.s, 3tKh -t. »»id Broa'lway. nt No. Startling mid sensational BROOKLYN REAlv XT .ROYAL OCTtfHhK handy and kind A branch for thin theatre has be^n established GER tLDINE, col. IV. CAPITAL PRIZE, $200,000. fectly safe and reltablei warranted .outid TO LEI AT lTTeUY PRICKS JN PRIVATE 185 Moula.tid St., Brooklyn, where seats may be had tree OPPORTUNITIES-Oth Pack. tit (HIND CAPITAL. TIIIK1) 939.000 and true lu all harness: mid tor iie.ount of lorm r of extra charge. a >oiiQi{ lady. BUSINfcSS $.V».000| CAPITAL, auJ STALL*stable, 17 West 44th. with or without board; also shot from a ennnon a ili-tance ol over thirty feel. tUSINBSS notices.7th Pace-SUi col.. Tickets, $4<>. $20, $lo-.Twentieth*. $2: Fortieth*. $1. purchaser. Set Imported Coupe Harness, Rooms for coachman. BI'IY HEAL ES I ATE FOR SALE 2i> 1'ACK-lst coL KENTUCKY STAIR DRAWS OCTOBER :»1. BROUGHAM. MOROCCO TRIMMING, in flue order, by A NO OPEKA HOUnK. Daring Double Trapeze Performances. Ac.. As. CLERK** AND HALKHMEN .12tii Pack.6th col. CAPITAL PRIZE, $I4,000| WHOLE TICKETS. $1. Wood Brothers. SIDE HAK, It V STIVE RS. $05; GutrPOOLE A UONN'hLLY Leasees and Managers HAKNuM'S Pack.litli col. LOUISIANA STATU DRAWS NOVEMBER 13. CROS-. ,\t ATCH ED TICAM BROWN AND ROAN GELD¬ Wagon. canaoa bound, kind, rteserved »a»i< (Orchestra Circle and Kaleoiiv) 50 cents. T. clothing.12tii and 1) old; STORaGE.-TOPOpen $2.">; stroug Horse, UK J> COACHMKN AND GARDENERS.12th Page-5th capital prize. $;*>.ooo: tickets, $a axd $i. INGS, 10 hands high,8 and years prompt $100. 511 7tfc hv. ENGAGEMENT TIIK PEERLESS FAVORITE, <i. <s> 6th C"li. JACKSON A CO., Banker*, 82 N»s*au at., near Fulton. drlvors, extra fust travellers : not afraid of auythlng; MAGGIE MITClfELI. show ON KAKTI1. I Pace.5th and 6th eoli. both flue saddle horses; warranted klud and true in vKitv Vise horses-, brown aT7> gray ; M AflGIh MITCHELL NKW AND GREATEST I'.NTUCKY STATE OCTOBER all and 17 Wo«t 44th. <j> Fr!Ai^iSEr?Tu.^S"'HII'a.2nCOUNTHV HOARD.2d Pack.4th col. >raws 31.TICK- harness. D«u<ile Harness, and T^(7young, suuud. klud fast; 13.3 IN 11ER BEAUTIFUL kOMKSTIC DRAMA, OPEN AFlKKNOONS AND EVENINGS. AT 1'auk.5tn col. ota, SI; Tifeilaiana Vraws November 13, Ticket', #3; EXTi NSION TOP PHAETON; seats six persona; good rolfE FANCHON. .1'academies.llTn sealed and open Ki*>* taken; daily Ticket* at the old as BREWSTER. OFlluiTmME ST.. $ R&SUf . col. new. FAMCHllN. NT1 «TR \ 1 2th I'ACS.6Hi Private Pnriora for ladles nt 838 WAM'KD-Aor Brouzbaru, but little used. Address Post office box I < W t.MORE'S GARDEN. I .'ST Pack.4th col. pricea. Broadway. Open DARK HAY MARE. 14>{ HANDS HIGH, 0 years old; KANCHON. EVERYTHING NEW . I . , until 8 P. M. 3.450. ( 5mo?. furnished and UN. from 7 A.M. warranted sound anu«kinii uud true in alt harness. _____ KAN Oil UN'. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, H. .NATHAN. 181 and 838 « <* Pack.lit nnd 2d coll. Broadway. CHESTNUT GELDING. 15(, HANDS HIGH, years old; ELL BK.Ji MARK.CAN TROT IN "2;» »: 7 OREETED BY CROWDED AUDIENCES, TIIK GREAT show is welcomed BY ®TBAM8111PS.2d PAUK-5th col. curtains. .adjustablk frames for prompt, tree, atvllsh nriver; can road 1() miles an yearn old; 15}^ hands high: dark bar; sound and re¬ Willi <9 5»J?nj?£AN, col. hour; has vreat endurance; warranted kind aud true liable ; sent Top Wagon: 240; Harness. Blank¬ REPEATED PEALS OP APPLAUSE AND LAUGHTER. «4> EJCCURSIOV8.2n Pack.Oth Lackdoing lare curtiins. Inquire at reaiilencu H. F, % weight H OVERFLOWING HOUSES FINANCE.8th Pack. MAUSH. 373 West lltli »t. lu all harne»s. Rockaway Harness, and et!. Ac., all nearly new Addres* ft., no* 1*78 llerald office. STANDING KOoM ONLY AT O"JLOCK. KOR SaLE.11th Pack-5th eol. EXTENSION I op PilAETON ; shl It I UK tup. SEGUlvE -EATS IN' TIME. AM' HIPPODROME RECEIVED WITH ROOM* and APARTMENTS TO let. ROAN MaRK, 11 A.N OS IIGH. 7 year* old ; a plans- WELL MATCHED PAIR OK* HORSES, Box oRIcm open daily from U A. M. t» 111 P. M. THE CI lit'U* FURNISHED mure not steam cob built, not over 8 year* old, short coupled, with A PERFECT CYCLONE OF ENTHUSIASM! 2n Pack.2d col. aut, easy driver; sale family ; afraid of W~XnTED-A drl- MATINEES WEDNESDAY aNII SaTUKDAY. » . col. "M." cars; good saddle mare ; warranted kind.and truo in plenty of oone and weight. 15.2 hlgli, pleasaut. free <g> "ENITUKE-Htk Pack-5th col. vers; sound and kind in evury way; must be able to trot OPEKA~HOU.SK: h.XIKA. | THE TWENTY i "ENCU PACK-flth nervous a all harness. V= ADVERTI-E.UENTS.12Tn and 5th Disease* of men and the system specialty. 6 nod 7 squarely Instde of four minutes and to do twelve miles iu CMIANDX ON SUNDAY EVBNtNO NEXT, I TRAINED IMPERIAL STALLIONS FEMALES .12th l'ace-4th or PAIR OK RaY HORSES, 15 HANDS HIGH, HELP WANTED Important ciises, meilical surgical; impairment ot any u to the hour; bay. chestnut or dark brown preferred ; an y one URST (illAND CONCERT f, <3> coll. or constitutional taint. years old; have been used by private goutletnan by all. PAOK-6tb col. organic function, hereditary a T cart; are drivers; do not shy or nail; are sold having a pair tally answering to abov description uiay BY MR. P. S. UILMOKE admired aud applauded good >4 with lull HIS . ¦ B£H.,V<rANTED.^MALES-12TH l'AGK-2d, 3d and 4th only lor want of use, aud are warranted sound .aud find purchaser at a fair price by an dressing, AND FAMOUS BAND. <j> <£ HORSES, carriages, AC..1st HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., and including lowest valuation, as nolow: no others With the world's greatest Cornetlst, COUNT PATKIZIO | coli. kind aud true Hi ail harnets. Double Harness, particulars, T art of .. modern will be taken at any price. J> W. W., box 145 Herald Up¬ LEVY. I appears in his torrlUc I HOTELs-2d Pack.4th eol. 144 Lexington it., near 39th at. T CART, ONLY THREE times used;haaall the A cannon ROOMS. AC.
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