Appendix: Database of Irish Vaudeville Acts 1865–1905
A p p e n d i x : D a t a b a s e o f I r i s h Vaudeville Acts 1865–1905 his database lists Irish vaudeville acts as gleaned from the pages of US newspapers during the course of research for this book. It does T not aim to be exhaustive, and for a number of the acts and per- formers listed, no further information was found in other archive sources. Nevertheless, the database gives a flavor of how Ireland and the Irish were presented on the vaudeville stage, and would be helpful in supporting fur- ther research. In compiling the database, the original sources have been abbreviated as follows: A D D Akron Daily Democrat (Akron, OH) A R Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AR) B D E Brooklyn Daily Eagle B D R Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, AR) B N Bourbon News (Paris, KY) C B Cairo Bulletin (Cairo, IL) C D L Cleveland Daily Leader (Cleveland, OH) C D N Charleston Daily News C F Cambria Freeman (Ebensburg, PA) C L Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) C M L Cleveland Morning Leader (Cleveland, OH) C S Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AR) D A Daily Astorian (Astoria, OR) D B Daily Bulletin (Honolulu, HA) D C The Daily Critic (Washington, DC) D C J Daily Capital Journal (Salem, OR) D C T The Times (Washington, DC) D D Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA) D G Daily Globe (St Paul, MN) D N R Daily National Republican (Washington, DC) 176 Appendix D P Daily Phoenix (Columbia, SC) D P L Daily Public Ledger (Maysville, KY) D T Daily Times (Richmond, VA) D Y J Yellowstone Journal (Miles City, MO) E A Elk Advocate (Elk County, PA) E B Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY) E C Evening
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