Juba, Central Equatoria Room
Minutes of Health Cluster Meeting Time Venue April 3, 2019 WHO Conference 0900=1100 Juba, Central Equatoria Room Agenda Partners Present: AAHI,CARE , CASS, CMA, ,CORAID, GOAL, HI, IMC, IRW, JDF,MEDAIR, OVCI, 1. Welcome, introduction of participants. PUI,SCI, MI, WR,CASS,CHSS,CMD,CRDA,HAA, 2. Follow up on matters arising/actions from previous meeting. ,HCO,HFO,IHO, LIVEWELL, MEDICAIRE,NILE HOPE, 3. Context update UNIDO, RHS,SMC,TADO,THSO,TOCA, TRISS,MSF- NAWG F,IOM, UNICEF, WHO,MSF-S, ACF,HPF,IMA,RRF,ONO- 4. Discussion AID, IMA, RRF, IDSR Presentation Health Cluster Team: Magda, Dayib, David, SS-MUAC screening Report-WHO NO Partners Absent: ARC,CMMB, CHWF Core Pipeline update from WHO CUAM,MAGNA, MDM,RI,TDH, WVI,CIDO,UNH, 5. Technical Update, County Cold chain update and details, Update on Emergency Responders Meeting (ERM), EVD Partners update 6. AOB: TBD Meeting outcome Action Points Welcome and introduction- Done Presentation of the meeting agenda- Presented by HC Co-lead and seconded by UNH. Follow up on matters arising/actions from previous meeting. 1. HC to share the essential clinical package with HC partners to guide them while implementing SSHF projects. The guideline has been shared and partners are encouraging to refer to the guideline and flag any issues whenever unable to implement so that the bottlenecks can be discussed and strategies can be developed jointly. 2. HC to follow up with HPF to know the health development partners for Yei and Kajo-Keji under HPF III which is due to start on April 1, 2019 so that will figure out with the incoming health partner how to address the issue of ART in Kajo-Keji.
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