Drive Opens to Raise Fund for Estes Park Church
r-n: ;h Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations I Drive Opens to Raise Fund for Estes Park Church Contents CopTrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1946— Permission to Reprodnce, Except on Bishops’ Committee Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Xssne Construction Cost For Spanish-Speaking DENVER CATHOLIC IS M ED AIG. I To Excoed $30,000; ij. To Establish Office y FIELD $10,000 Now in Bank i A Mass dedicated to the army Rev. John J. Birch of Los Angelos, Noted for air forces men killed or tnissing in action will be held in a Lowry Bvlldlng Work on New St. Walter’s to Start as REG ISTER Field chapel when the post ob Youth Work, Will Head Regional Center The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We serves the 38th anniversary of the army air forces with a day-long Soon as Materials Are Released; Will In San Antonio, Tex. Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Hail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller open house at the Denver installa Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) tion Wednesday, Aug. 1. Be of Native Rock, Timber “ All Denver parents and wives The initiation of a broad program for the promotion of VOL. XL. No. 47. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1945. $1 PER YEAR who have sons and husbands in the With the architect’s plans already drawn and paid for, the spiritual, social, and economic welfare of the Spanish army air forces or who have lost a three-acre building site in their possession and $10,000 speaking people of the Southwest w'ill be undertaken in a loved one in combat.” declared in the bank, the Catholics of Estes Park are launching a San Antonio, Tex., next month with the establishment there of l i t Col.
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