Denial of private schoolaid calleda threat to democracy

vol. I, NO. ?8 |ND|ANAPOL|S.|NDIANA, ApRIL 11,t96l

dcstro,v these tliffclertces," he Pope,ltalian Premier in historicmeeting sni(|. llul, hc adrlctl tlrnt I'erlerrl aitl which iguoles privatc sclrools "rvould excludc onc orrl. of cvcry Cl'l'\' - Lcss lltatt l{}0 duliug lltc ceuteuiu'Jf cclcbl'atiolls o{ ltaliaur YiTlll,\N .\'crtt's srrven childlcn f l'ollr consirlcra. tltc " rftcf lhc Pltral Stalcs \rcl'c \\ t't'stetlflottt ullificatiou, s.ynrbolizcd Ilrc trcnrcrrrlous tion. tlrc politicitl ttttil'it:itliott l)opcs to collplctc (:hilnfjc that has colnc :rboul in thc modclr] "l[ plelcrs lll sinples oul an(l onc of , atr Ilitliittt l)frrllliel' trrcl a [)ol)c pnrt rvortd tvltcrc thc llapacy is no longcr a l,enl- of thc Anrclican c(hlcationill l'tltntal att(li0llc0 lllill'kiltg lltc t:ettttttltr.l' of systcnt ovcr tha othcr," hc slid. folcc but stailtls pt'ccnrillcllt fls a .synl- "'l'his lhnt unily. lx)rirl is tl;rngerous. lt is a dan- I-lis I'tolincss I'orre .fohn \\lll lct:t'ivcd bol and prollrise of lhc lltol'rrl iln(l slrl)cl'- gcr to the civir: conrrnunil.y, fot' Pt'c'tltier .\tltintrrrt' iratrf;ttti al ;t sl;rlc attdi- natural nuthol'it\r $'hich i,s al)ovc illl rlalions. fi 11il111ililililililililil1ililil1ililililililililililil11111il1111 ellee lllill'liotl rvillr I'ttll tlililornitlit: :rtttl llalurl \\'ltilc tlte \ratican laitl no stlt'ss ort tltc honors itt lhc Vltit'iln olt ;\pt'il ll. ccntcrruii'll cr-.lebl'ations in its tltficial au- Relrled rrlieler on Plge ? ,1. Ital.r"s rruification is g0tttlt'illl)' rltl{ctl lti lrolllrecurcnt of thc au(liclrcc. Itonols accOl'd- rnd rdiforial on Plgc lBtil althcrtrgh iln(itlr('r' nille vc:u's clltpsorl crl to i\lr. li'anlaui rnrl lho Ilorc's o\vn \\,or(ls ililililnnilililil11ilililililililililn11ililililililil1ilt11111 bel'olc lloons trlok rllutl t'clnilinc(l oi'tiro at thc nrectiug ptricl tributc [o thc c\/cntual Ihousantl-.\'cirr'-rlltlltlllaI Statcs It'otn tlelense- llr\ire(lfltl stlttlolllr)llt of the so-cilllc(l Ilottttru Ittss Pour lrius lN. {lucstio|r cl'eate(l by tlre taking ol the Paptrl t\h'. iranlani's arrtlicner',corltilrg ls it rlid Stalcs.

,LPIlIi, l6- t7 YOUTH AWARD WINNERS-Falher John Elford, Archdiocesrn CYO Direcfor, poses with lhe boy an6 girl winnerr ol lhe Roger Grrham Awards rs oulslanding Junior CYO'ers in lhe Are hcliocose. They rre Joseph Hoch, of 51, Andrew's parish, Richmond, and Elrine Prlierson, of St, Charler prrish, Bloonlinglon. Anolher Bloonlington 9irl, Susie Carler was elected new president of the Archcliocesan ll't'l'lrill ciltlrolic scllools llc T'errc)ttaute will host Junior cYo rt lhe annual convention held lrst week.end at scecina High sclrool. (s;;;r^;;';;;"'i'i grilnt0(l klng.tclnr, lol.intcrest hans, i\l r'. llccd dcsclibtrd this "highly as a reasonnlllc rcrlucst" itt vitrrv of tlrc facI tlrat tlre l'ctl- ct'nl govcurnrrnl crtn'cntly lcntls annualACCW parl*y tttotrcl' to plivltc collcgcs ft-rl tlot'ittitot'y consl.fu(:tion and to pl'ivlttc glatlc 'l'lrllitil,l nrrd ltiHlr st:lurols -- lt.\t'l'i':. lrttl. .fot' st:icrttific antl fot'eigrt langui,l{c [;atlrol ic:pt'c]ss i" \L'cn r\lorc lh:rn Stlt) rlou'rcrr;llc c'lllll)trlctlt, r.\pccl0(l llcl't' oll .Srrrrtlal' ,l) "op1xr5c ;\ ltlt:a tu tlisclinriu' :rud Nlorrtlur',,\plil l(i and ltiott" in l'ctlclal r.l.l "THIS aid b1':ridrnrl 17, for tlrc lilrrl ilunuill con- PHILOSOFHY thrivcs all stutlcnts alikc. llr', l{cetl suid golerrrncnt progrlrtts 1 r'nlr{}n ril tlrc .\t','!trlioct,sartCornt. o!t rllticlt lltc opltositigtt tg disct'itlitt;tligrt "(:itl ils l,atill 1\nlt)l'l(:an eil of Clttltoli(' \\'t)ltlr'll. -\lsrr itt kt:v +++ crtccrtrlugcrl lrl thc llislrol)s :ltttl)(l,illl('c r|ill hc I'irslol's trn(l t;rlic nratry iot'rtts, lltt ccltirinly '/ ('t'\V spililrral'gittcs florn thc 'l'itet'u {lrt.r'c is nothing in the tkrt:unrcn! \\ r\SlllN( i'l'{)..i -- is filr 0nc itrrothct. lttttl thtt1, aIrt t'ight dca nclies ol l ll(. .\r'clrtlio- thnt inrplics a rlcsilc to kill l'cd- ull('ons('i('ns of litr tterv dartgr:r's (lclcgatoc Convt:ntiott ittt tt t'gcrrl rttctl to i;lrcugtlr- ccsc. ,\n r-stinlatc(l li() clal aid." ('lrrrlclr. cn lrlrnd ('irtlrolit: plcs;s faring lhc l'ill ultcnrl florl lho lrrtli:ruaptrlis lltc of l)o:ul('f)':rklllc. 'hedges' l R, REED declalctl tlrat gerr. lcltlct's irr l,ittirt Antclictr 'l'ltflttt' ttirte ftcedortr of cluricr: in crlrrcl, so tli;ii. tliey cnn cr'0ate irrl loI thc ('rlil\ r,nlion, "ploglessivcly .lOtlfltirllStl(r c()ntllrl ellcc. orr liort is bccorning ellcclive, up-to-rlate inru;1r: oI the u'lrirh wilI ol)cn \\:itll {lrtr annrur'l ' i 1..,,'. g (-'lrtrreh ; !r scl'il)(!(l ll.v rnotrnIin f itta n. lhlourthorrt {ltc at'ct, a ANO,THE R ".'r'll'rrr'.:. 1.1{het lioulii llcr.,lirr* ilt i::j() p.rn. (5ls1v " clit'i plcssuros. U.S. ctiitol said ltcrc, Ne r rns grtinllrl trrrrc) StrnrlirS', in thc l)enrinrl orrt. is tltc Iaet "'l'he "llifty Ilott'|. rvill lre (.'atholic aiel pel ceut of Callxrlic par'- I,'atlrcr,\ll)ort,f. Ncvirrs, lll.r\1., Lli,lI in a llrlqr' ,trnllrr,l' {)i pll(fos sc:hool lrlilor oI lltlrc arc l.)o \\'otrrirrr'l\rrll.r'." ]lr'.s, liussL'll cnts cannol cxclcisc this frutrla- llitr'1'krroll rrrartlzittr', nliut.\'ptrpt,r's, rt,lriclt ('liut{'n. tttcntal ftt'erkrrn rt'atnotl tltat ln orrlnrotlt'rl vicrv oi llli'irlls lll(,lc itf(, t{ro f[illt(il0us \\'ilson. .\t't'\\' prt.sitltnt, nUf l'ALO, N.Y. --llejcctittlt it bccartsc of thr: ('htrlch ('irn slttrlt;rgc of existitr{ sr:[rool facili. lhr' ilr l,;ilnl '\lrlt,rira ru't'lrlilnr,s in;t !Jur,'t ilt;rI ne(:(lrt t rt tll llt'ositlt'. I'hc attrirrll llrralrl tuotion asking lctlclll aitl for' ettrlaltq,'r' tlrtr ('lttrlrlt's n'ot li for (il)(, 5ltlrrr:i {rtt{'. L)trtttct' rvill hlLru al ir:ll() Ir.rn, tltc Atttct'icltn tics." he sairl. IIc arltlctl tlrat it Ilalochiftl scltools. "h'cctlorn" is fulilc to sprak o[ socill .jttslit'e tltet'c al a tirul ol' l'or llrjs t{'itsr,n. lrc t'urtelrttlttl, t'ltlrolir: I'ltikrsophicirl Associatiort '[iro THE CONVEN f ION \\'ill .su'ift atrrl elitical rhlrnitt'. llrr' ( l'.\ slrrtl.r' cllrlli)[lrc ls tlr'()l!r,r ill o(luciltir)n \ilt(,tt ('('()llonll(:Ilr('s. :rt its closing scssiott ltet'c arloptcd (latlrr'lit's, oltoil \\'llh lt rlllrnt t'rrrc \lt,rtinq stttts nrlkc it. irnpossiblc lo often Llrlitt .\tttt'r'icln l'r'('{)}t)t}lln(iill( tltitl litr' l)tcsS irtstrrad ir rtsolution saying tltat e.rcf- in tlrt'Sehtrltt, lligh Sclrool -\rrrli- "is cisc this frcerlorn. hc s;rirl. irlr' lcfl ttn:ru;rlc ol llrc llttrt'l lrc -sll r't!,llltllir'{l lrr <:onsoli- thc issrtc at pt'oseltt il tlt;ttter l(\l rilttr ill 7:ii() p.lll, srrrrrltr]' cvc- :l()th-('{'nllrr'\'r'nlcr'lllisls irt slriilr rllrlittg irlt(l rnllill\ in! r:stsling o{ dcbntc" antl sltoulrl ltc settlctl nin:.1, aI ulrir'lt ][r'. .]trlrn [r. l]. "sountl lhcir' (lhutclt i.s ctrtlrutetl. by plittciltlcs." llltt'1tltr. llt'i's()lllli'l tlit't't:tgt' ot pricip!cs, it suitl, l"irlltet' l\cvitts. 1lt'ostrlt,ttIof lhc ('o. Aiirong such t'h:rrlcs l'fuot' :rnrl and a "1. 'l'lrc ('atholit' l'r-t'ss r\ssrrcialion rrl lltc nle rcquit'r:nte nts ol dis- nl(.lltl)rr ol Sl . I'irl r'ir.k's pftt.ish trtritrrl Statcs lrtd ('anatla. sPolic trilurtivc .iusticc, 2.'l'lte pt'iot'ity irct'tr,rvill 5o ilrt llalrrlr'rl sP('xlipl'. on ltis t'clrrt'n [Lont a l(., th(: of gralcutal liglrt otcl govcfll- trip IIis lrhilr.r: uill hc lurst'tl on thC :rr('il:ts t:ltirit'ttratt of llrc ('l).\'s ('rrnIi'lrti,]l] nrtntal li;{ltt. itt lhc cluricc of iltc {r'ncIal tltct)lc.'l'htt 'l'ltc l.;rlitt .\rrtt'r'it'rrnSlrttll (irrrtInitllr,. (ilcc folnr of ctlucatirrtt- ll. tlis- liclrrrltc t'lull rvill lrrrrr.rrkr tinction betu'ecn a t'iqht possr:sscd ruttsir:rl ('ntrllilir'nll(,111 ;rl llrtr TODAY'S sot:ial ft:t'tucttl itt and a right csclt'iscd. 4.'l'ltc "tlrI[it'c t'itrl ]lr'rtin:1. rrlrrcirsrii irc optn l.lrtirr'\rnclit'4, l"ntltet' Ncvitts nrcnninglt'ssrtcss of a ligll{ ulticlt lrl N'lassin lirrgl islr ttr tltt' tlnr.r:rl I'rrl'lir'. Jxrinlt'rl out. is nrar'lietl t'apirl in- is inopclaiive bt't:arrsc of an intltts{r'iaI t'xpattsirrrt, sitlcsllt'e;trl Conrnriltt'r'l ollt s Ir ttps ;tt.c cquitablc tlistlibution of corunron l'ct'nlissi(ln ol {lrt IIolv St,c fol " lno\'onlcnt ol rlilss('s ol tttt'itl schetlrtlcrl if()nl ll lo l(l il.ln. fu nrls. {ltc t't'lt'blalion {}l thc enlilc .\lass, lfo {ool< ctceptiorr lo thc brit'f's norlir.r's to llrc citit's. poqrttlatiott ott llontil) urolning ;rt lltc ll'cr.r.c inclurlinq thc (-'lnon. in l)nxlislr sttnrl tlrat acloss thc boartl ltirns g|0ulh irrrrl lhc Ircoirlc's {r'ou inli llatttt: llrtust'. u as arlvocalcrl b1' lht llitlht Rov. to plrvalc sclrools *orrltl bc rrn. :r\\':rlcllcss ol tltcit' ttrcrls :rntl lltt;rtitts llsst.t. { }.S.1}.. irt irn THE WOR K OF trro o[ [lrc r:onstrtutionaI ltecausc thc.v ulight ltghl s. "ntcasttLalllt' (.irrrrrtrtrtrisrtt, articlc appe;rlin( irr thc Jlalch A('L'\\: t.urtrtrritlt,r's ."- llc of ct'ottorttic as- lrt' s:ritl, is tuliittq ";\rrren." l.iic lssuc ol rillieial prrlrlica- :rntl lirlluirt: -- \\ - sistancc" to strch institutions- frrll atl'r'antlgr' ol thc situ:rtiotr. ill lt'etir t- ,i1tt ol the Vclnaculal Socictv of cill r,rngrilrsis ;rl llrc (icnclll Sttelt nn altitutlc, hc saitl, fails to lic $aItterl against arlJ' t('n(lcn(']f ,\trrr,r'ica. llc is a rtatilc o1 Ritr-'k- llectitig Ir(,n) l{} ir rcflcct thc corrslitrrtional rn:rntlate Irr trtttlt'tt':rtc llttl cll'ot'ls btcuttst-' lu. li} i3 lliX)n prrt'i, lnrl. t'li' ir St. ljr'no(li0t s .\itililoIirrilr. oI ttctttrality t'ctlrrilerl bv Suplrrrno Lalin r\tttelir:a lttts onll' rt'latii 'l'ltc pitt'titts.'l'hc u't'itrr'. rrho lirr nlitlll'jt:lls Prittf ipal s1rt'ahrr rvill bc Falhe'r Cout't in its l$52 Zolach ruling, snrall corrtnttntist sctt ctl as Alllrol attrl ,\rt:ltitblrot Ltltralrl \\'. f)'lii.ut'lic. t':-t'crrli'c Ilorls, ltc conlirttturl, 1r't: splnrlittg *** \r ^l-..- | ..-,1 .l(, soct'ctilt'.\'ril 1he \;rlion;tl (.atlrolie Ilrsl sunts li ltlupall;rttriit lltri ittt' Itl .rlt'llll illl .'ll l llilltltt'.t tltlll sirtct'ltis f('lir()rllont h;rs lrcl


E Music for missiotxs-PeaceCorps-flits colonialism = THE VATICAN tirx rlcmtntls on the Catholic Uni- versity of Lublin, thc spread ot r) r\ nerv nrcnt dcrrar.[ to fostel rrnti-Chrtrch propaganrla. arrrl ccn. snclerl nrtrsie in nrission lanrls is sorshigl of lihlarics in scruirrirtics. bcirtg olgartizcd lrerc l.r1'thc Pon- lilicul Institrrte of S;rcrerl I\Iusic, rccording to Msgr. lgino Angles. plcsidont of tlre instittttc. Rev. i llOSr\RIO *- l)clcgatcs to thc Michael Konr. a Divirie \Vorcl llis' scventh nnnual Clatholic Social 'I'r'iot'. sioniu',v front Gclrttnily, lr;rs Week ltclc lurvc .callcrl lol lural lter-.n nanrerl to head tlre nr.rv dr.- industlializaturn, vocational tlnrn- "rnrrsic l-opc ,lohn luts s-t.l up ll n0\\' pll'l nlcnt of in llrt' rnrs- I ing nnd inclcnscrl social aid to rlioccscs in ..\r'gcnlina anrl t'aisc

lltatlttat thoUt0 tt()illts(lorrrrs slurst.tlsltl)\\'o(l rroll(! illtll rvill\\'lll 8y VINCENT MALLON, M.M. .\hlrot (it'trcr.lrl surrrt, elrrcstirttts: tw l. II,rrt r'ottlti ltt' r.xpluirr tht srrtl- l;)ll::,:lr,,,iir:-illlil,:li,,,ill.Nllrsr,irllrrfurs i:::lliil'.i'ii,,i''lllil;i1,r:l:i;::i'i;,,,1''illr;,ilsscltt'rl llrlrt trnlil Jl,n1lntfuvtst lltut l,l.\1..\. I't'r'rr -,\rrrt,,lrrr "lihclllt'tl""lilrclllt'tl" a -l'r.:rppist (lt'n \.lrl0t{)lts rqr.ortllt ,l'l.lp- lhcr'LItcl' lhcnrschllrt,nrsc t,s, lrrcl lttt'n. tll lllO p ,,|f R SO N llr rrrirlit .q{)0d ,,rr.*t,tr.' PEE If R Sohl s rc Co' l)lsls \\'ll{) rt0tlltrt. sl}{'itli tl{rr eitt *.i1rrrrrt,ir ,,,,;l;,:::,,;li:l l"-l{r lltottlis. ltccorilil){l ",1.r- r28 N'J't''NNsYLVAtrrA' trr fl11i iltr,itl. i||lri Ittrlirr. llrc sllrrririL. tirl inrtr,ponrl. BUTTI.HIGGINS, ll{C. 'l'r'appist \\'lto 111111;itnd 1lt.ay ::::-J-?= llirl rr ho hclrtls lhe ('lte(! i_,8=.--*'- Mc 6-540r stlr'rrrrorrsll lltntttglrorrl {lrt tllt1.. \r1)ul(l t.orrlinttr.. ()t'tlcr'. "lnrlrnntt's orrl\' to I.tso f()t illosi Conrp/e tc rllirsrc Ccntrr', Ct.s itt tltc 't'r\ll)l;lf ('allrolic r\hhot lt. (l | ,, oflrt,itrls lblicl Soltuis-, tutritllc oi tht' rri,llrt-.-,inilrt, tinilt,tl PIANOS& ORGANS O.C.S.. ..\lrlxrt (lcrrer.uI Itt,t'r. r'icrv tlrr, rlceision ol llopc of lhc Sll1os-:' :.1..\r.t' ,\rncr.icitns t lr1lrblc SHEETMUSIC .1.:l:i?lllou)l)ot. ()r.tlrr. Jolrn X\llllo cl('('[ {ht.ct'rrcrvrlio. of Cislt,r.- trI ttlirltirtr.l goptl'l'r'ltltpisl trr'nl-sl) r't:tns ol llrc Stlict ()bscr.r';rrrct,, cest's lirl li\rlrnosn ns stt:tttntitrll RECORDS sititl tlt;rt thc'I\.:rp|ists ('l tlte ft'ont tltc notalllt' pt'ogless of ilut STEREO. TV&RADIO {t.S. 'l'ltu alc r'rlttal to tltt'if Church hclu in Lcccul BAND INSTRUMENTS Iirrruptrarr coun- HE SAID THAT i\mcli(iln \,0_ 1cars. IcUritrls. IIt' g:t.,r ct'catiott oI llttt rliot'osc of IlsitrchLr, MUSTC -l'lrey thlec r.t'asolts: c;rtiorrs to thc mona.stic lifc suffcr. SCHOOL aic ba.sicllll. liittiltittttg :rntl'l';rirlrti, givcs lhc 'till ,till sirrrpie; {hcv i'orn trvo glcnt tcntptations. l,'ilst, llrurrs: Open l'lruls. 8:30; ottlcl d:tj's 5:0u .llc !lt.ll(tl'ous.lrrrrl lher-llfo "n islarrrl st'r'r'n ()hrrlclr .irrlistlictions l)rac. evcr'f i\ntcrican hls littkr ot 'l'he lit'al tn llrr,il rlilct't uppr.rrlt:h instcatl ol [ivc. thlct nr,rv tlio- to tlrc llusintssrnan in hint, anrl this (iotl. ffloreand illoreleading Home Buflders plopt'nsitv sornr.lirncs conrcs to I t'nt'urrrrlric(l thr' si\ lixll.lhf(,c, tlrc folc evcn aflcl hc hts llatrt rrtltk'tic.lorriiing alrllrt sittinr; \'('&r'lnt{ thc nronastic gafl} lot. AreDisplaying lhis Symbolof ,,, crlnrll in rht' rrrirlst l'li':hlot.rr " oi llrt- oltlt,r.crl ).oilrs irtlo tltt'r'c u't'r.c J'r'ilfs. Pilr)(lr,ntrrnlunt {)l thp (l('l):ttlufr' {}l llltce'l'r'111rplsl tttollr-stt'r'it'sitt t1C More St'conrl, i\rutlicans ar.o glcrrtly Spring Phone Fair News il!r inti.t nlti()lril fliilhi fr.0nr llrc l'.S..\. u illr litt rnorrks. thr. ,\bllrrl attluclctl ll1. ph.vsicirl cornfor.ts. aill)\rt'l iri Slnliugo, ('ltik'. .\hlr0l t'cc:tllctl'liirllrv thr'r't, llr.c (11'1'[1s nttrl llrcil irktn of the rnininrunr i l!,\l.l,lllll{). It:rl.v -- Sicill's TOTAL-ELECTRIc iillhrit'i it:trl rg.trt. lrr (llrilr to \isit witll l.l{}(} rrronlis --. {)\ rr onr,. conrforts n('cos-snl'l' for. sustlrining liishops lxrvt' ulgctl tlrc lttrliirrt lltc tlu\\' lirtrtitltrliorr ln .'11111'11,'111(ltlitl lol ()l lllr' \\'hol0 0t'(h-f ,- 'l'i:r1r1ri515 hrrrnlrr Iift' alc applccialrlv lriglrt,r. llo\'('fnlll('nt to givc t,rlrral suplrolt 1111'q', *'.s otr lris [)lus {)llc lllt}nilsl(,tt ttt'['t.lrrrpist lltittt tltost' rlf l,Jttlopolns. l(t l)filalo atrrl prrblil' s<'lrools. EXCELLETUCE rt;t1' ttolllt lr) ('irllr['lr,l(,lrrs risilit. lluns. )lun5'l'r;rlrpisls lrr.lit-r'r' 'l'lrc-r;rre 'l't'lr1tl}151 lhc tlrirrl rrtr:ionlrl lloald Iiott ,rf nl(lnitslel.i('s in tlt.ltt \\'rrlkl \\'al I I r.ontrilrutcrl Ilut llrt frrct is. tlro r\l)l)ot Ccn. "tlrn{ of ltisltops i,i iirr't.r' niotriils lo clll Urr u cslt rn pn l l ul t llc l ntt(.(l irccrtlt'rrtitll,r, lrut subst:rntiall1.. to onrl strirl, Anrelicau ntonks on ltltll-'s,{lovcHln}rnt irr stAte Stalc.s l lrt glo* t h. lrr' on a pnl with thair lilf()l)cirn aitl to (-ullrolic critrrttctpatts." IIc slritl tht' r.t'a- sclurols. Iiallicl ABOARD tiri' plano--l \\'as ASBOT GABRIEL sl.\'s tlrat son s{iltot}l(,nls u,t'r'r' issrrcrl lll' {lrc is thlcofold. .,\n anall'sis oL 'l'uscitttJ' lnl hcatloil l.inrlr-l t(){)k lil\ ln. r\llt(\l'r('ilttsilr,\ ('l ti\'(. llrt',t,s tltr' r\nrclican nronaslic llishops rrl lltl lllprn11n;t, 'l'ltcr' spilit is taseIaSe of()l o\li'lnr,(:litl:.:o\li lnr,(:lttl:.: Itt a joiut pastolal io usii illtrillc trnrt. to tlrink. :rr.c lrtrsl' t'r'irlt'ntll' n [avolitc {lrenrc rvith lt'l.ler. tlre Sicilian liislurps s:ritl llrorii llrirr{s irttrl st'ltkrttr l)oll(k'l ;\hbot Gablicl, bccauso hc it is llter rlutv \\'ll('r'c ol lhc go\'0rnlile "guat.ilntce til{'\ ltr(' tl(}ill!, of ll(}w. s'rlrnt tl to thc sullicct and tlis- nt l(i jrrr.i

BernardMcGinty I'THE lerryShine BilfMofdthan fUlaryltllcGinty $TIILITGm$HffiEt1' 301N, Delaware [Yeu,s& UseclCars flle.5-7264 f,lle.7 -4378 RoyMattingfy PAGE FOUR THECR|TER|ON. apniL-ic, rrei

ing a time tvhen the nation was fighting a major war lor the acts which had been committcd-as statecl under oath in a flcedom of humanity. lrcrleral court-rvithorrt We do not recall what happened to the cor.Jroration's authority.-wts fn the 'rr/rr' the indictments on that oceasion, whether llollirrg.of the stocklroiiler.s, lh-c oustcr pfoposal crr- = Cornrrcnf lrom the Kefattvcr Committce, there they were dis- Follorving evidcnce , plrati^cally defeatcrl--by a vote of 27,810,498'shares = antl elservhere, i)rovcd or simply not proven, but we do know that, by this against The opinlonr cxpre$ad In thase edl?orlrl columnr rop are now tisiirg ?resstlres, in Congress in ri5,970. = favor of Fcdcitlf rcgtrlation of l'hc manrtfactrtring drug in- time, the notion of fidrlling rviilr the nation's price strictulc = rasent ! catholic vicwpoint-nor no.""".ritv rxg i.$t"ri. 'I'he jn(lieates oilHrrartorrio':";""-;ffi. i.s no novelty to the publie, (In 1960 alone, thc number of stockholclcr,s' clccision flrat the illcgal acts = viawpornr.rhoyrrr cffor,r $$ijlf'^Ylnll"i"tH";\1"h,'T'";l;:t';i'ii,J"gllit'J-Jlli,,,*Atncrlcan corporations ehar.ged with price_fixing rvas 105.) lrarl lhc. ovcnvhelrning support of a lar.gc saction of the gen_ withln Church end wilhln lhr Nrtion. 'Takcn arill.puDtlc = opiniorr tho yrr.e cgnrict*rtJ rvith.sorire.iail seritcnca,s. rvith other Wrth whont, airparcrrily, a desire for largc divi- An obvious reaetion is to stigmatizc corporation "for rndications, these point to att alartnittgly lol general lcvcl ma:r- dcnds and stock bonuscs'i-s str.onkbr ilran a clesire the agement, but now we are not so s-ure of bttsiness morality and intcgrity' that thii is atiogethor natioll's well-bcing. This is rvlry ivc ilrink the put- col'rect. At a reeent.stockholders, eonorii meetinA of thc Westinr_ Itc be stigrnatizerl for cncouraging larv-breakihp_ clcctr'-icr-rlcofpolations \vere also intlictett house.Corpo.ration, .shorrld 'acl,ing iSSUe We reeall that .there.was a proposal To ouit ttrrce--ib'r, antl not solely colporation TIfe 1regl - ycars lnauagemciit on bch"atf for sonrervhat similttr oflenses sollle twenty ago' dur' execulrves, (two of thenr jusl, out of jail) convictetl oi illegril of its sl,ockholclers.' One luxury wc had better t{eny ottrselves these- days is 'Obstructionist!' an old fashioned knock-dorvn'and-drag'out fight bt[vegn Box I)rotcstants and Catholics. Bislrop John Wright of Pitts- lQIlESrIoJr . STRAY I,,EAVES present burgh walns that there is tlangei of this ln t-ttp collii'oversy ovcr Fedcral aid to clturch-schools. ,lVe sugge,st vott reatl liis advice on paqe 2 of this issue antl also sttldv Questionerchidecl Co, but larefully there the suggasdons for a solution to the conflict 80, S0, nade l-ry a Protcstant spokesman. for rash judgment Culture's All thc hcat over the school qtlestioll rtray )'ct gcllcl'ate s[ow J. D. CONWAY sotne light. There is nothingtbclls lik-e a -little cotrtroversy.for Rv trlSGR. 8y MICHAEL BOWLES stinltlat'ine lhe iarled brain and shtll'pening lhe lntt' A, I rm sending you a piclura from our prpor. eua(e of iiditoriil \vliters. Take for cxamplc this sliglttly l\Iany ycars ago, fily rvile's youngcsl, brother, ll rhowr Harel Sc--il rnd her new husband, and liondenscrl edilorial from tlte current isstrb of the Jesuit tltotr agcrl ?, rvas ltcing prepnrorl -feir his filst IIoly lhey were married tt $f. Francls Xavler weekly, America: rryr Cotnmunion. Onc day, thc good nun who was in. romefhins aboul this. ll can'l bc fruc. Church. Sry structiug hirn :rt- the Sncred Ileart Convcnl at l\Iount by Rev. Congressmrn Adrm Powell. Sho ls divorced rlnvillc, Dublin, h'cland, tclcphonerl the boy's rnother. \\ften thc slnoke of controvetsy has cleared a\vay from "trldle" "\Vr: I know rhe was ! Cetholic beforc sha lravc bccn 'l'en thc ouestiotr of lroderal aid to noliDublie schools, ona thing tliscussing the Command. "establish- married a Boplist Minisfer. I also nlcnts t(xlay," "We isstta is irot rcally the slrc sairl. !ratl a littlc problem lt leist \\'ill be clclr. The know lhe Church doer not disaP. of the rvitlr thc Sixth Cornrnandment mcnt of rcligion." Rather it is the eslablislttrtent prove of inlerrrcial mrrrirges. 'fltc rvlrich I lcsolvr;rl by slrying if 1,ou public schooi' cctttral qtlcstioll in lhc $'hole conftlsod (and Thir is awful for Proleslanfs tttat't'ictl sorlc'on{r arrrl thcn nratrictl ilcbate is titc pt'opef rolc o[ iilc slatc itt cdttctttion' daily end Crtholics too) lo see in sollle()nc clsc wlrilr lhe filst one pspert. wondar Negro weekly No rvas alive, that rvoultl bc adullery. 163, s'ill cotttirttte to stan(l \\'het'c it has P.S. of coul'se. fhey think the Church hrs lwo selr I atn .iusl.plltting Yorr on lhc alort aln'ays stood, on thc corner of F ifth attd lllttt Straets itt-Any- of laws: one for rich rnd famousi becarrsc ho ltas irrsl. ltrslted olf, qtlestiolls the nceessitv o[ its bcing to*,n, U.S.A. No one one for poor nnd ignorant. skiprpintt dou,n t.lrc ave nue, siiout- right to gctialotts suppolt blt pttltlic tttxe's. Bttt "['hlcc tltere ot' its Thc minisler olso married a ing, chcct,s lol arlrrlter'5,. I'.S. 163 is thclc to stay, \1't)lnay still profit:tbly .slar)tcd that whife { Puerio Ricrn) woman, r Nou, I knorv tvhat atlult<:r.y is.',' it is lltcrc. ask why Calholic, bul by a civil rervant in Puerto Rico. Sha O lqq wos diyoreed before. \1'h1'. I c:rnnot say, hut lhis amusing litilc vig. ttt'{t

PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,APRIL T4,I96t F # Bloomington # ,i$ ,:l :? i::

i'!. t- *_:; i.: - i. \a q Y ''r,:t _,:X.ffi*X* b i rl eI e Cte d ttt whoseuo,Id? lli",':l':['\;:,'Jffi*n: '1' -,: '\rortsah''con'ec' nn :lt rvish I ltad a cause, lrr.iiii:, lll('llt to,ll') tl have a lol. of etttltrtsinsrrl." i)tttlg-i rur-im:tllr:',"';mfu hgud CYO las llyde, cx'Communist, sitys, "The Communist is tl']'ing to tl,:-""J,,i:r:::: Bv BILL SAHM ttl changethe l'orlcl anrl is rlcdiclterl .",t-n:.1*:I" ellotlgh to do it'" Lliltlsc, crltlsc' il-""'*ti"i'*.tPcErr rFt"'Y every summcr. i\lole than rbo tlelcgatcs, inclutling iillll high school students, rvho's got fl catls{}l} the srme ones (jross p;rt'islt past .i. ^._ ,._-r:_._ r_-^r_ -..r^..-...,. -r._.,.. My bel is thrt s*'nrnretl over Scecina IIigh Sclxrol antl Iloly this

I mct hirtr nron{hs niio t fil::illi:,'rilui':ii;',;"i',i,';i*;tY;d;;: :. itrNoriherrrIntlia'scliingtriicorrr-r..l.,j^:,:j:o'":11s'111th lllili:ll::ff.lfi"\lliii1Jlt\l.liil :::,;:I"*:ii fJX''i"ll li"ili )il:i.1,::....,'.T'lill,,$;'l\l:,i.,:il,:';:::":,:lt**":'

lvlrcre cln a fcllorv rvor.k thesc tcr', tlte fit'st. git'l t'lrrcttrtl Io lltc 'fly rlll's? thc oltl frtntilial phcts Itighest C\'O pttst in lltc At'ch

R.s. l\tL. 7.9926 DANCE SLATED SPECIAL! 'l'hc PIRMANINIs- $6.s0.$8.s0, $10.00 .lunior C:Y0 0f lloly Tlin. IncluderShampoo (ul and Hrir itl' palish, lltli,rnapolis, rr.ill t\ E. 8-2388 TWILITE LADY sl)r)lls()l' ;r dnn,: llris e\r'nulg BEATITYS.qLON {r'c l 8 to 11 1. ur. in tlrc parish ,1533 ti!t 2lst Strlet aurlitoliurn, Ilolmcs antl St. Clair' opcn 6 DrVs I Wc.k (omplele Halr Servicc Sts. Allcn lictrt rvill spin thc 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Lccotrls. Atlurission is fi{t1' ccnts. "'l'lie IAftIESH. DRETT 1'oung plicst of tlre ncrv 5T. PAUL QUARRIES,INC. iinrcs usr:ll ilc\v tc.c'iiniqiics iif Corporntion WhiteDriveway Stone School relrcursr.t,l MARY [OU'S sT 7.0738 sT 7-7833 scssiorrs Ia ltrtp BEAUTY 5ALON Cold Wrvcs tS to SI2 Sorrgl'csf singe,r's Shampoo& Sel, f1.50 Drndrulf Shrmpoo, $.75 GrinsteinerFuneral Home ME 9.2801 Established l85d oDclr to 6:30 l/oul,Bi,.qgat, lurrltnod CIORGEN. GRINSTEINER:. HAR,OID D. UNGEN iltlroro 1.5374 york t60t EortNew Sf. tf oartrorvs Ifeauty Salon . o. roh{EsI Ba RUGCLEANERS JrtiltEs IVARI) KEYSIONE Lt.6.1504 3956.CMerdows Dr.-Merdows ShoppingCenter (ln The Mall) ..Y . SHOEREPAIR Men's 7r Soles-il.25 IIc sltoukl ittspirc yottr absoltllc (jolt- Ladies 7r Soles-ll.i0 ttours:eo'? * wilt.E You wAtr'* Lt 6.15gl !')t?fil;'', fidcnce by his rcspcct lol yottt' opitt- his t'cercliuess Emerson Thrifi Shoe Repair ions anrl elesit'cs, :.tnrl Quick Tflash t "' r. to cliscuss all details franltly. \\/e frlll,1];"i],ftt', nl;iL "r' are always ready to I't.tllill thr:sc Your Neighborhood 24-Hour Coin Laundry f equiremcnts. As Strong and T'ough ar Offers . . . l\{ortgage Loans You Know What ' . r INSURED 24 Hours FREE Drying G ITAIDY'S FREEtrom 7 a.m. Friday fr S lD II A I'7 to 7 a.m. Saturday Vlr. J. Grnrly R. R, GradY II{OORB and KIRK MORTUARIES Tlrornfls Asphtrll Roqds, Drives, Slreel Conslruclion Orvned and Operated by Tressie l{it'li J. Msrlclerr cud Appllerr ol flosdr Oil Tcr ?530Station 5f. Ll. 6.156{ EMIiRSON Wash 5342E. Wrshinslon Sl. FL, 7.ll5t Quick Emulrtffed Agphqlt 805t E. {6rh sr. FL. t-5140 Sehoettle 'rt. tul c0Lr'EGE AvE' ct" 5'?36t 1052 Wrshlnglon St, CH, 4'4lla 3117Collegc Avc, WA. 6 6056 THE CRITERION, APR!L t4, 196I PAGE SEVEN Saints of East a,nd West ,I'IIE . LIFE OF OUR LORD Lighr ,f the World' By REV, IGNATIUS HUNT, O,S,B, 22, 1 fi.)i and as he scts out to aveDgc tlre capture of Lot and, hrving srtcccedatl, givcs By F- J. SHEED When wc cross oyer fronr Gcn, 1-11 lo 1t-50 nrilcs away in Jericho: Strangest thc lloly Spirit tithas to 1\lclkizedok, thc nrystcrious pricst-king il,,li whiclr those who ir::'r.i of all to our taste, rve colllc to a ncrv t)'pe of rvriting (literary there was a belicvcd in llim woukl one of Jerusalem? We have scon Our Lord,s wav day "Ikrbrerv I'orch Dance, with the highost receivc-for yat fornr). It is lrcsI describcd irs family of tlrarving tirnclcss teaclring orit as men's sorrls dignitarles of Israel dancing to a harl history"-storics about the grcet patriarchs of Wc notiec throu0hout lhe prtrierch.l trm. of somc happcning o{ thc moment. not cxpcrienccd the {ull set rhythm with lighted torchas the r,^hoscir I'eople: r\Lrrahanr, Isnac,,Iaeob, procosr Wc rcmember horv a Samarian lrorver o[ |lis rvolking in them ily storirr tha of relecfion or elim. thrown hlgh "bceausc into the air antl Jcsus was not yet glori- ann to.tplr. Wo nolc a inllion aboul which wc rpoke errller. Thu: wonliln camc t0 draw water at -applying caught again, What was in 'l'hc Jacob's rvell, cvcr.y fied." apostle is strangc silcncc rcgalding I Hogrr'r ron lrhmral is nol thc recipicnl of minrl was lhe pillnr ot firc rvhicir wlra[ Our Lortl said to gf()irt and Flc spoka ol them all at reallY rvorld-events the pronriscs. Hc, likc Esru, is lhc lounder had givcn light to the Islaclites glace in tlre soul tlre Las[ Suppcr-thal unless I.Ie thc titue-lhosc that u,ould of r lribo, hul nol allied fo lhc Chosen Pco. "t.lre in the desert. Ilinrsclf water lcft this rvorld and went normally bc rognrdr.el as inr plo. tlrat I rvill give to tlrc Fir.tlrr,r. in iirc giory of IIis pol'tant Not by histolians. hinr, shall be- Ucirllr an(l IesrrIrection, tha Spi|it Isaac, r\lrr'alrarn's long-awaitcd son, rcccives cvcn thc spccific namc oI t conrc itr him a rvotrkl not courc to ihcm. jn (ieriesis. plraronlr x'ho .Ios but seant attention Hc is sintDly i\lorc striking, sinee it rvas beflicndeti '!'lre Iountain of rva- not rlu'nrfod by his fathor and son. cplt is hstad. suslricions t c r', springing in rvolrl only but in act, rvas the piil't pool attitude of r\brahanr torvalds the Citnaanites rup irrto life ever'= Our lrarl the of Siloc play is slrorvn try the fact that Isanc's rvifc, Rcbecca, lasting" John a ferv days later in the is sought out f|ont rrnong xGrM Irealing of a blind nran, l.he Light is lttlror' a colltrclion of accottnts. often turn" relntivcs in l\Icso- lV.l4). Il rvas of tlrc giving potauria, Yct, nnd this is rvolld light to blind irtg $bout billhs, nt:tt't'iagcs antl dcaths, tltat an inlcr,esting fca- altcr thc ruultiplication of hreatl c)'rs. ll- is llre ture, Iiebecca rvas 'l'hat one miracle lle rt'oultl lutvc h:rtl littlc itttct'csl to itrty savc the hnxlly a nronothcist, in llrc rviltlelttcss that Our Lot'd rvorkctl on t.lris visit, and it rvas pt'oplc shc followod Itcr liustrnnrl. Isaac. in his rcli- taughl fot' tlrc fir'st tirrro :rl-rout tlte lltrbterv tltt'ntst'lvt's. 'l'lre 'fab- vcly tliffcrcnt flom lhe sDcctaeu- 'fhcsc gious belief is, hon'evcr., nltogctlrer likely, lllcarl ol' l,ifc, l,'cast of storit's*no it'rcvcrcncc of nny kind lal rrriracles IIis kinsrucn harl Ishnrael anrl tr)sau ,hRvc rLuaek:s gnvc llinr trvo oppoltttrti- llaing intcurlctl:-snvor of lltr-' notuad ciltllpfile, lerv scr.uplcs ahorrt becn eorrnting on, FIc grcat spat on the sclecting tlreir orvn tics*-thc clnrlclabra lighted rvltele lhe nntretlotcs of {r'ibc and ptlttplc rvt:rc rvivcs, Thcy :rlc rluitc con- car1h, rnarlc clay rviili thc spitfle in tlrc Corrlt of thc Wourcn on the ntett rvlto dtd tcnt s'itlr lhosc outside lhcil farrrily. lld [ouclrctl thc nran's eyes rvith Lct' ovr't'iltttl ovrrl hy Iight uiglrt, antl thc ploccssion [o llcbocca's stclilitl' (likc Snr.ah's-il conluloll it. II is rkiulltful if anyone but little rcatling ( fol thtt obviou.s t'cnson thnt tlrc I'oot of Siloc to bling back biltlical thcmc) is anrply atoncd lhc apostlcs cvcn noticctl the inci- bonks rvclc a l'arit]') but rvho harl porvct'fttl for hy hcc rvatcr tt'ltich shrrttltl bc pourctl ottt 1l'lre jostling dont. At lris eorunrancl, thc blind nrenrories thnt rvould ptlt otlfs to shetltlc. ln trvitts. constlnt of thesc trviirs hcfot'e tltc altar of thc fllost lligh. lllarl wcnt to rvash in thc pool of rve coultl rvoll ltfct'to lltis scction of It'itltin ltor' rr'onrb causctl hcl angrrislr IIe uscrt both mosI rvondcr'[rtlly. fact, Siloc, Whcn ..rvIat (enongh I Iis sight rvas ae- (icncsis lts ryas r.c11t'ptlx'r.r.rl nborrl tlrc to drivc lrcr to sonrc slrrinc for an On thc filst evcnirrc o[ tlre fes. trrally lestor.crl, Orrr Lord was not " explanation), and n'as nletltt tival, goklcn llntpstands rvcLc sct pat lialchs. to signif.y thc un- cven thelc. hnppy relations pooplos rup in lhc Coult ol thc Wornen, a oI thc trvo I'rrr. rvhiclr It rvas only gladually, 'S'l'. indecrl. tltey stood--lslnelites anrl (Gcn, $l)acc oDcll to evct'1'11611y. lllhcsc lltlontitcs 2.5, llIOStr;S'I'IIIC E'l'IUOI,l.'lN ... rorrs /'r."t, o slcue tlrcn, obtillurttl llrlt tho t'c;rlizirtiorrsprclrl thaI a starrds rvcrc cnolnrotts*150 fret ?2.23). iu. llflypt, IIe runs crlDOcrl,ctl, {)d(x,}re (t. ,llort./r: orrtl 0 pricst iD lhc rnilaclc hatl bccn rvolked. And on higlr, rvc ale Iol

f .4Ir1V-E'CA|,KIN ND alumni rrarne [tober[ Y. Wclch oll'Ian of the Y'ear:' ChurchOtganist e, date! l'he hdisnapolis Alumni I{e ca,n'tget of the Univolsity of Notre Damc has Daily Organist partics you needed at St, Catherine's Dtirtr llliss Cttlft rn.' a lnrsc gtottp of pcoplc. Yortr in' cvcn tllough lct'l lhlt uamcrl Intlianapolis husiness ex. Church you on Intlianapolis' r:olsirlural.c lr'ionds rvottltlu't havtr ltat'rr a vocatiotr to llrc sistcr- ccutivc ltohcrt V. \l'tlch lhcir south side. Man "llan or woman. hrrd art (rpportunitl' to ntlke fnn Iroor{, Brrt I enn also apprcciatc oI tlrc Yonr," last i\lorrrlay fi'hrst girl youl (rurn) he able to play an(l sing proper of 1'ou if lrlu pltoncd llre ot' lhd fr.)elin.q ol l.cacher at I.he nnnual Univclsal Notlc of Mass. ptlsonll11' :rslicd for tltc tla{e rritIt- tvlto fcels tltrrt 1'orrt' vocntiorr J):tnre Niglrt btu<1rct. Electlic Olgan. Call: ont atr atttliencr-. llclttctttbcr' lotr tttigltt bc lost iI .you lrar'ticipatc r\ 1950 gl'nduutc of r\oti'e l_tflme. lhttt a likr:s a bo!' trt lre sltcei' iu rt'ltat r-{.)ur ntolhor insists is arr Falher Carl Burald, parlor .qirl \\'elclr is a pasl plcsirltrrt ol lhr: fic. Your appt'oir{ilt sltottltl bo to importurt phase of your lifa, Ccr- "boing Irtdiarrapolis aluritrri glorrp alrql is STare 4_6525 asli lter il' she rvottll likc lo st'c a tuinly yorr ara iilctl of ctn'r'cnt11' surving ns city clrnir'" t:tt",aitr nutvic, at{r'lttl a ltitt'tirrttltr llttsltcrl aroutrtl" to rlrrntu .\,ou; l)lrt nran ol ND's S;18 rrrillic:l natiorr" tlturct, ltort'ling trith ote. I can't uurlc.r'strntl rthy yort 11o 1otr. rvirlc lirnd rllive. (i(l(id luck to.l ott. Iutvcn't tliscussetl !'()ul pl'ol)la,nl t tnrtch carlier rvillr tlrtr ruost logicitl " ]'t ) Dclr \t.(i.: person rvillt u'ltour a vocatiorr ,,.liillllli "l',,,l''lil1i,,, ft:$li;f; r,, shoukl bc tlisctrssctl; nnmely, a I unr rrr.r{plintirtg lout li:ttcr bc- plicst, Spring (:()llttlnls \Tould Car:d Par:ty carrst' I tlrink tlrr-' I lospitaISistersto notc h{ifutri:xiilli'ffii}::ll trIy rulvicc to is llrc sititrc lstlhli-sh irlcrtlitl, I ctttt :tppt'c' lorr r'ltttkr l,'t'ank Ii, Quinn, yir:n plt'si. Irs it rvtrttld lre tr: irnl'loung \r'o- Roast Beef and Pork Special t'iulc 1'out tutr{ltt'l's iot'littgs tltal rk,ni: James C. \\tclch. st:crttiiryi Dinner tnilll or rnln rf ho ltrcls ltt: ltas trcerr Sott sltottltl ntr-rcd l(:cll'ilge ittul fticlt:ttrl K. Orr'r:irs, tlcasrrle r'_ lllt'ssrlrl rr'illt n vot,a{ iou-*anrl 'lllur lhal 50th lubilL'e on April llr annual 92.O(Xl scholar_(ltit). rs t() soe t plit'sl ',r-itlrou[ rtchr], Sunday,April 15 :ru ulrlr,tl bl llrc t 'l'\\'o clrnptcl cuclr r.cnl i l*1' ltrolltet's Slslcr.\ ul Sl. lit'lttcis Sct" stirfl oI St. ['\'lnq:is ilospititl stnrl Sponsored by Altar i Iiir c t Iu ir l\liui{}n Corrnly high st:lrorrl i Society of St. Catherinc :r1rlr uL l't'r'pr'ttttl :\tlttt'aliorl, sttLt.- l1li7, :rs supt'r'r'isol in thc clinit'll I scnior'. \\'as prcscnled to Callrc- Church, I)r'trr,lJiss Crtli'ilr: Tahor and Shelby Slr. I irrg;rt. Si. l"r'irtit'is llospilul irt lrrllot'atot'1'. Slte itlso sct'r'ctl litr rllal scniol \'(]\\s llalr'1' Poliel. llr: lrlarrs I sr:I l'ot' firurl \f ill ytitt'rr't'rtcsurrietfuitig llor,r,lr {it'orr,, ttill olrstt'r't, {lteit' scvL'll I i]ars xl. St- r\ttlltottl's lrl in rtrailrerrrir{ics at Nolr.c I {lbout trlp itrrpot'lrttrr'c trf trslrrry ir(t{lr.lrrlrilot.s irr tr'li:liurr u'itlt slrtr- lhrsllilll,'ltrt't'tr llanlt:, lll{}rg l):rrrre. ,losulrh lloffnranrr. also a fl {l(,o{k,l{l}lls. t'iitl ccrlrrrotrit,s Sitttttrlir.r', .\pliI of lrtl itssigtttttlttls. lul sl. r\lr,irtritrl li Uorr rlo. ltr,tr,'s lolr- tl;rtht,rllal sotlior', t'its ot.igittitlly I lir. itr llrc lrosgtil;tl. tn(t cr(t)l .irlsllrrrrr fu liglr s<'lotrl rlcri;;rrllt'rl to I'r,r:r'itt,tltr: ",rliri. i ,\r'clrlrisltolt St:ltttltt' u'ill S'l'. lllil\ti{l). lttd. -'- I'ivc rrrr/l rctrtl ill 1tt'csitk; slrip. lll tlcr'linr,rl:rflol r'r,r'r'irirrq I {irtt'l, lut a Solt'tutt llrtss oili'tt'tl lr1' l"it {llrrtlrcls of S1. illcinlad At'elt' {:ittfr'r'slrtrrrl il li,t.7lj{, sclrolaIship fr'onr tlrc rrni. I tht,r liolrt'tt llrrlturan. (|l rvill rrr;rlit' tht'it' pt'olbs' lllrstof v c r'.sit.v. f, ahlrt.r- .) ljt,itt t-lan't Untlctst:rrtrl: Ikrlr Narrrr, 1l;rIislr. irl lt;:lll il.il1, ),, J,.:).,t.,' si0n trI l)r'tpt'l il:rl vorvs tlttLittg iu llrt lrrrslritirl r'ltirpt'1. .\lsrrt. lh0 tl()lt\('ntuill llitss in llrc .At'r:lt- [)o .sou tttinrl il I rlirt'r,t rorrr' .\llrctl ll. littsltkl. rtl' Sl. :rlllrt'r' ('ltttt't1lt itt ll a.ttt., Stltl(lit)'. ltirslut' l)ricsl, ftnrrs \t ill srr{Hcsliotr to rr/1 hi;:lr sr'lrool 11ills 11:ri)tir:11i. l'lrilip \t'r'i Irirrislr. rvill rlt'lir',r' Sistt:r' li ii:iiii r ul .\pril lt;. lit Iiet . llotlir\ t'nlt!rtl lurl trol onll' trr flcshrnrrr'l ,\ rlc ('i11. liitttsas. ltoltls lt tlr. St. "ucll. lll('st't'lnl)ll. l(irttsit> linacllt'1. tl.S.[].. lrlchltlrlrol ttl orlcllnI is l rrrtsl itt 1'orrr' 'l'ltr' ittlrilirttiurs lt(' !'istt't' \1. qlr,,' iti trtltsitti{. Sltr' lurs st'ttr,tl scicrrr-:cli:llorr slri ps lllllllllllllllllllllllltllilllllrilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllk inlatl ,.\r'clrrhltcl'. rt itl Lct't'ir tt grootttctl" liit. :\ntl plcusc tlon't T;RAYrHr I PRAY THE .ltrlili. tt.S.l".. lrtttl Sistt,t llllrtiitl, itl St. l"r'arrcis Ikrspil:rl rts llurt lllr'\o\\s. t'isk srrrin{J oll lr1. \\'.,\slil\{i'fo\. [.).(].__..\ rtlttr. .\'()uf allon;rncr, ().S.1,'., -:t*:J ROSAR,Y CALENDAR rtlto lrirtt' sr,r'tt,tl a tolitl srrltclvisor sin('(' lfr'[{i. I't'iot' tu olic pt'icst ltl lfll)T, trsittg yotil' ttrolht'r"s, lt is rltri{C atrtl turt tt,ar:lting nrlrs | lillilllllrllllillllllilililfi ilililttillililililrlillfilillillililtl littttt'ittiI tllt Ill()tlitst('r)' slrc ltt ltl sinrilirt' itr ol. llll 1r'irls its lr,llistllcrl lltu-s{'s. llrlrl lrrrsitir,rts lr:rtl lrtt'n lt\\irt'(lo(l (r,arlrrulr, lltotlrt,r's tiilt's Jlrtltictt. ().S.11., llossible lltll lror r'ltoit'r ol rle. lr,l. APRIL I,I Sislt'r' \1. .lrtlitr. l ttilli\(, r)l Iurspil:rls ol llrtr cutrtttttrttitl ltt l,rrrsltips b), tlrr' WIRE l,rntlx'tl Zirtli. t), I'ltlt'ieli orlcLatrt rrorrlrI ptrrrtr rll'er'tirr Iol \trljorritl St'it'ntc Mon.- Fri. A Fish Fry irl I .ilr(i Social at l ()llo\ill(', (tltio, ltirs l,(('n r)n tlltl I nrliiutit, Nr'llritsk it itItrl'l't'rtttr'-.s,'t:. (l.S.ll., hut. lrut iI rlocsrr't nuct,ssitlilr [ol. l"ttttttrl;ttirrtt trt ltttLsrtl trrl'.111:i:tl (it'ort' t)lctrs, liirrr llalL'1. t)-S.ll., 1430on rt lloh \ltrttt. in llrt,r'h slrrrlf irr sr:ierrt.t'iurtl urirllrt,rrtatir:s, ;rrttl -\ttstlut Clilrk.,, nlil(lc 7145p,mi rl \r ils ilntlr)ilnr('d llCfc. your Dial thcir' plr'[r'ssi()tl rtl ll'l('tltllitl to\ts Sf. Rilr's Social hcrirrs lt t;::i0 l"itllr|r ,l0ltu t.'. r)n .\pt'il 1ti, .l0rB. li,l,iil.;,1li".ll:"iil1,'iififiil l Iir,rlt'll rrf', in tht pulish hlll, ll)(h lntl 'l'lrt'r.t [r'ortt lhll of rtrtullrur. I Wbtin^a,and. l,tit'trs Crrlk'gc. l)trlrrtr;rrr,.It.. u.ill FRIDAY, April I4*(Tape) Rev. Jrmes Byrne rnd mrmberr ol r\ r'settit l, ol tlrc lirutltt't's "et'tctl Jnlutinion lii' cxpt'rinrcntiug rr itlr nlitlr\' .ltitlt fr.rl'tr rllt:lot';rlc itr Utirthi,- Holy Spirit Catholic Youlh Organirrtion. n) tllc i\l'tlll ltfcott: t'ttltrt'ittg, tlttr trrirlit's irl llrt, ('ltlrolit: t'nirulsitl. MONDAY, April l7--(Trpe) Rev. Kenny C. Sweeney. ln Memory ,\t'clrithbel .- - Srotltct's Latttlrtt't, ()rtcc ol :\rrrctica. of Dennir Reilly, requested by e mcmber of fhc Apor. [avot'itc one. .\ort lurr-r [orrntl lrt The Sutrtlowners, tlit'cr'lot' l'iltl'icli. ilttd'\ttsclttt, llt'otltet' tol ale. it,,"uscill Sislt'r trlilt'r:uiil'il(' lt(,ill\ ol tltr, (iilcs rrus rttt lit. l'l:l('i(l l'r't'rl Zirrrtcrrrln lrrs lrlotrglrl- lltrt t'ollcgc rif Sl. liosr,. TUESOAY, April l8-( Live) Rev. Edwin Soergel rnd members sirill{, sr,t}sili\o llritl rlts- Allr;rn1. \.\'.. lllll. llirirtirtg stltttrtl ltrt' []t'otltt't's loil('ll of the Sl, Theresc of fhe 'l'lrt'\rrn's ruill stirrlS' zrrolog\ ll Sl. ,lohrr's Junior Legion of Mrry of at St, llcirrl'irtl, Lor tht'ttr ,r'eitfs. lirtrrislrcrl Slulr lo iut Little Flower'. :\sstttrt irtrt srtls I nirt,r'sitr. *lrilc liislu' llerrcrlit'l lllotlrlt' Iiittt t'lttre to St. Jlt'iltrittl 1rl allol{r'tlrt'r' tiillr'r't'rrt Piclrl'rr.--otrt' WEDNESDAY, llolrnt;rrtol'l,ouisrilk,. April l9--(Trpe) Falher Charles Korlcr. tlrlrl [ot t]r(!st i\tilr,l'i('ittt att{licttt:r'-s liv,. uill rlo tlilcctll iront higlt st'ltttol. THURSDAY, April ?0-(Tape) Bernard Shcridan, re. ;rrlr;rttlcrl \\ut'li ilt t.lttttri*lt.) ;,1 Rl, Rev, llltrilrlr' (iikrs is Ir'(]lll I)col'iit. sltrtttlti 1tt'urc it t't'lt'csltittg llo\'('lt)' queslerl by r mernber of the Aposlolale. tlrrll tlr:{l pilrl.Y S1. l,orris [. trrrcr-sil.r. itt llirt'li.gluttttrl. :lor'1 trntl t:lrirt'irc lll.: l!r'olhcr' l,arnltr't'1, l.ltttt'itstt'r. 'l'r.iunr,(l '.-- ( l(,t', lirt' llrr' tttsl ltrtrt, ttrio; llrrrlltt,t' l':rll'i('li. Irlittt. .l rlttal r'itl'(l pitl l\'. sltttttsott'il ;;;;;,;;;;;;n.d,",r* .\lich.. llrotlrt't' lrirtr. \[rtttt'it', ltttl.; hr tltl tlit'clt' ,t ol tlur i\sslurll)ii{)n Rosary Radio Program of Sponsors anrl lirotltct' ,\ttsr'ltlr. llt'orrlill tt, ,\ltat'ant{ liosilr'1 -\0t'it't.r',$ill lrr 'Dial-a-Saint' Send your olferings (lergc or small) to: lrt,kl Surtrlll', ,\1rril l(i. in tlrtr st'ltottl lt.'ll :rl lltlS S. Ulrritto ,\rt,. \ll.\Ill. l,'lu.- .\ ('allttrlrr:tt,ll THE ROSARYRADIO PROGRAM "llial':r MEET l.itteltt'c atttl ntisr:olltttlc()!!:i rio{rial sr,r'tir't, t':rllt'rl l,l8 W. Georgia St. Indirnapolir ?5 CLUBTO 'J lrltotlt' g;rux's l'ill bc plllr'rl nt- l).ru. S;rilrl lr;t: rurtl ittlrr upltirlirrtt lr

Gentennlcrl Press SPRING CARD PARTY-The Alter Guild of Our Lady of thc Grecnwood prrish, Greenwood, will sponJor iheir. annual Spring Cerd Perfy cn Tuesday, April 18, a., f:30 p.n. in lhe school audi. iorium. The teniral theme will be a revolving psfron lrec decoraled wilh spring flowers. Members of lhe commitlee include. laft to Solemn1\oYena right: Mrs. Joseph A, While, Jr., tickets; Mrs. Charlos A. Garbe, FilchFurniture Barn to.chrirman; Mrs. Raymond Baunronn, Altar Guild president; rnd Mrs. Rolrnd Hawksley, chairmrn. Relrerhrnenls will be served. 'Qualiiy 'r.orv Furniiiiicot Bcrrui OverhccrciPrices" 9600 t" Wushington (U.S.40 E) Ft 6.3205 For Spring Parties to Si. Anthony "Tfte Best In Eottles" {lerod Wod' fronk Poruely und €hcs, Dye,r Home Beveroge Store illirucle ll'orher of ltaduu, 1 Crurhed and tloclrcd lrc 1 Cni hol irr Ar:t llollrlay lroy ond llodiron Avc. St. 0.8656 '['out' . " , A ilt'i-Da.y o[' Sji.xliltrro- l)eiil)(:0tltttt'itls L.G. Clements & Sons . , [,eirvittgl'rour Intliartapolis on EveryTuesday 7230 P.fUl. l cENERAL .luly Bth ICOI{TRACTORS . llscot'tedby Msgr. I'rancis J. Speciolizing in Liglrtonri Heovy Repsirr' lleiue, S.'ll.D., Presielent;oI: Comnrerciclond Resideniiol t\'IarizinCollege l5O9 Mqin Sr, (Beech Grove) St,4.6372 For Additional Informalion, Contact April18 io JuneI3 T'I\Atr ELtl,IA [tI', Inc.'ot*i' f-lt$rt* Iuclrrsile Tour membershiprpplications nusl be received by Mry Ist ENGINES-AllMokes snd Models o fl|, I Doy lnsrollorion Guorsnteed10,000 Miles or l?0 Doyr FrecPickup Within S0 Ml. G.H.Herrmarrn/ Air Fqpnrfll Ho'nc fturch qf Heart Cro nks h t Excho.nge., Sacred Cy-linder Heods Exchc n gc ME. 2.8{Bg All Mokes& Models Condilioned 13OtIrfr hrf gr..f "ln ConrpleteMochine Shop Service Sorrow,lJnderstonding Con Mean $o Much" FranciscanFathers-f 530 UnionStreet "6-@&19,---=+ l@ . - | *..'01'rt','""lii',,,."I Sermon - Congregaiional Prayers Blessing with Relic Benediction Solemn Blessingof St. Anthony Lilies June l3th THE CRITERION,APRIL I{, 196I PAGENINE

Oblate ehapier f)ancc fe:rtures currod from their being puf info Tic Tacker wriling, At fhe llmc, sets ,'ecollection race day nrotif praclicelly nolhing lr recounl. ||||||||||||l||||||||||l||ll||l|||l|||||||l|||||||||l||l|l||||||ll|||||ll|||l||l|||||l|||||l|l||l|li||||||||||| ed of lhe long Egyplian roiourn 1'hc lndianapolis chaptcr of ilre whlch may hovo laslod rs much Olrlatcs of St. tsenarlict plrish, will holrt Ntrt to thc trlorgl,arrtl toaclrcls in cvery thc ntost inrport- yerrr, as 400 ll it only towardr a Recollection on Sunday aftcr- peoplc llaintencnee nlau ant ale tht' lrousckccpcr nntl,or cook, tlle ils cloce lhat th6 Book of Ero. noon, April &1, from 1:10 to 4 p,m, attrl llrc o|gnrrist, lliil

m;r,:;riiliti:i:i,* ilirriil]llT*,tiii"r,#;liI!BlU.KUHI{ says: IN BOTTLES r,il'"i,r:,liir"lrt'ii'"1,":"* r;,r."^,,i,.tT,ii*iiTilniiiffi Norv-lve AND CANS :il.:llul'tl*';,t"llililT:i,lt"';;l'lil;it'I:,tl,., osic, rvnnd,.i,. lvil nelivcr .rl l{uion? ;tili:liiflffi,,l'n cnil o( ll. sodd. ttc cinrc.ucc ililii.'g$i'l[hi,*,'l'*.lilcm(nrnry Sctroot,Inrmdu.rory Brand-New n h.trilcss wcilncss ln t|.[rtc. AssotrnlinA, Crnfrq,nill lilifiiffi1l,:l,fil'ilil*$:i;'iffii:::ffi:l l",i::l*'!i 196l chevy slla.ll..conle.lo judgc *rli;iiiliiqilir}ll{::l;iilil[i{fthc living'- llistory {iri:T'Iffof ilrc U.S., l,rinciplcs oI - and the

receiuedby Pope John Nol.hing's thc mtttcr with co. olrcratives except thc samc thing thlt's tvrong s'ith i-,eichterrstein's \rr\TICr\N CITY-llis Ilolittess arrny: thcy'rc all too tlurn srrrall I'ope John XNIII sini:led out tlre to lick tha courpe tition. We'rc *'orl< attrl ft'atc't'ttal spit'il ()f )'nttth confining our rcrnarks hcre to lhe Iinights of Crrlutttbrrs in arl- {ilrrners' bargaining co.oDs. IIow. aurlictrcc ot thc su-

HOOSIERPLUMB|NG I Xu"r*on,s"---"'-" Goruge & HEATTNGCO. | i]l;lill,lli]ii.ll.i:;l,.ilii:,:.'','"liiil'*']1,'l:',:lll''li].l.lii,.,':,,Illjlii. GtNrRAl AUro wofer sysfern, i plumbtng trPAlRturt lih\.'htJ.Ilt(J.l!'h|rr.||hh|IIt'.n|n'ri.j1xl..lillllI,i'.'}i....:|.'1..lllt1If lnsf cl/l.ri.'s ,',,,,,",,,,,,,,,,i.ii11ii-';ll,.,'llg::i:i:::llirffr'xtit"iiil l,l;"iu,*llf**ll;*lrxlWW I ,in,r, ntrndn.d ,hn, Blue Ridee Rd' Ph' ',ll*t)rt*:.ti$ 138 t' Jockson Ph. tX. 1.1616 EX' 8"42t? | -.-*-- ffil'ffi ffi$+ffi Quolity *i't$ffit*lffi, I ni::ll:':";"::,:'j"-;iru" iliJt;lirlJlI u'l:ririr;rijr;r,iri;'rrjri irn.i:l+rki:l:'1:|iil]**-,"..- c(}AL I ^tu;l;T".'.' :l;[l$$tfr1;l,iilrill SincolB93 | ., i+:tnygt:ri'l:tlillN'ilirsfii$qirtmp:::::; ffi,iln,,^",1,@ Hi!lisossCr Son, Inc. I T::';iiJ:i.*?l,X*:' J75 Wcbrrer Ave. EX.2-2459 i.t*1il,1-lt',,,ni$l'::l'il',';'',*t** I:* I'i,mt..'*tili$ til,,1*fi;iiil*1ilifrI?,cirr's, ,1,;el"trcsu{.bhtravcr,6pd 2tt t. VJftrh. Sr, ph. EX,8_4att I l:';$i,ix "il- ,li"'.1.[i;"",illlll ,,,],,1i,,':Lrih,,,Ti1"',1,,j,,".,,* r :lllt',J'i,llit:,i;l^il;:",ili'l',1;:f1i"t","f*1,itiiH\|l|i('h(k|it$|'|n.urn"ir"iuullroIhx|ih'oiJnd*,1'i';".lll',:i'':lli',]i;:'"- i uninsrrninr&(!noIrrctrdrcr.rknn! or rh, rorcr. rood.rinnr.(irrrr\e\dx!ftFiccilrn,r rrdsc'n* ""i:li'i'"ii; b;;ni-dli;r;i;,ii;irciv,rr:;l^";.,|[llll'.il'll]l"l,,HJ'iil."l','i*":I; | | ttAPPLIANCES{' applraNcEs .,'Jil;.;iTli':',lli'".'",iil]::l'l.I,,-".ll]ll''..,,..""-

l;illi'.,.*"^.stnlD|t'|idlrt'.',,1;,;:il'*jli|lli.,:J..:.:|]I Poul cly -Tl MAC'S FEED MILL i ;t .;;,, .","*,r*",{*i;:'j:::* ri:ilt,i-,liiiilir*liliii$ ir*r,q:iif':it,il,"{,":l| ,* r*nrrioc*v **,.,, u*u :*i{ifliiii:'}r1"t'.;$:iill l;;mffiff|-1?il.|l1l{:""|li,iil:ll]liil*l.iii;liii.iliil}iilI,.ly,'x,iit"h|icdstceDNt'li"'lil-''|li,ll'l;"'.\:l'l'il]'-liliixli'?i ,:o,jr+,$,$":ffi,::i-:;i$l{ii;l$i;ilfi*i;jl ,"".11*':,'"5::'l:-,-, i';i;t1;1;ri1;1il W +;[-=J i ilirlli',:,lllil * lt,i''llml*",,,"i*it[t*;t'l+,i"{ti ;1*1;l- W-W;w llliiKcs lls olle' lt ls l]lc t';tlellill'lst !!rirrrnr J. i,r,!ir,s5, cc,ir,:n ltinir;iiei, oeil cuanI on Gotl's. atrrl c1c1y illass FURNITURESTORE |WWW|.ur'.l,l".j,l:#:llj.lif{i}lId;,,,:$dlld!:I,llll,;",i]lj:,.::fix:l$j."#l;:l"n:t$lj:$:h:ffi,[}Hlffi. hrrl f. llri-lrl:rii, i't.iiidilt ft. rU. is . rerrcrvalrrf thc c'or-enaitt"rn- 128 N. Franklin Phone 2.4581 r *,,i{oy *.irler R.- ,,,,,,,",,,,,,'*i'J',;,',;r'"',i] ltct'tlsll::lll rvlto.l.i:l cclcbt'atcll:.,::::tj:],:t..ll]:.-:jt::ll- it aurong us. i.,,illl*',oililiJ"'r n^lllllL:llil'',i?,lill,i t: rionship, HARPER'S 'ANO.. ,,1,',r'ry,rrr.r^,t. eLrf,\s',:t,u'J!^[ uur'. Jr., t ApRIL lt - \V.(lnestllfl',ff illt l-l GrI tr AI Jl''iilllirl;Il)0fln!A,||llj||]ry].Ril|er,[f.rnkll.,.^.',.,'..c....-t,'..'.'i.:.....'|''"|.Nsi{jli'l,illl',l"ll1]",ii."1'llii','lil,Xl ma:'s as .' su'd^y. rircre is Gffil FUNERAL HOME I lgf Ixcellent lood ln eolonicl SNYDER.CHITWOOD, Setting 301 N. Frenklin Phone 3.7?51 swANKslI t1 ll l\ ., I i"irri,jiiljil*;lJtl,,.'li:"ili'ti-*.ni;lricd. Leona'dSllab. Rorcrt J. Sloqccinhci, iln"i,l'i,lJill,irl'iil'.ii1,.,1:llf"ll3l,tltrllc \YUlsltl[t' Iltt ittl(lIeIlCe' nO DRUG STORE I NC. !t:li_rdn, r :$,lls$,rilow, u.l., J. Rus\cil sv,;rDo.,Se/i\Do., E,:r.r(iE,r,rd(i pilr.tpitt.t o{ - - | \t,";:l: ! _r 1,,.."', ol thciltC cornrnruritycotnttttrnity rvlrichfVltiClf 224 E, Illoln lt. Phonc 76 FAMITY NAIES 24-IIour pav J. 5lrernrnn. Pd,rl A. Sl)rinqrlr,lD, illoota: E, i.^^r:^r:^,. :._ ^r-r:_- -.:-.--,r wrrv Morc? s. wur-"'(t' nil,i 0tivcr lu. ZcihLr, |I l"li,ilr'l,]ill.';,il:i"i,"*,li'l:"i],"id ;;i"l,Tll"J,,ll:."1,1]'-ii'iiii;b]' bcrng pfcsellt, It tlris -,llllliiilfVOIShip SAVE TIME SAFETY Antbulance

L i \ r,r "::. *.::ii. l,ur rurl KA-tB Hish QuG'lity& Low Pricer | ,n'l:Jl:::,.,u:ljT.i^,lii:Ilti i: :'..'^t..,:l::l::11, ":'.91 Lotlge llroihers is a palticipilnt, an actor, a col- Stsndord labolalol in an action rvhir:lt Dial3-6688 Dial [caches anti insllilr:s antl TURNII'UREAND APPLIANCES Service rrnites EIEVEN HUNDREDCAR Lubrlcqlion Our Speciulty SERVICE 101.6W. Moin RECOLLECTION SET Phone795 Cor. Walnuf & Main Phone 55

ffAnilPr0r{ Pntronize i,lIHER PfITRS GENtRAL AS5Ef,18tY Rushvillc rnd (onncrsvillc - (llen Fuel - J. l.lerj l.ra|rl, R, litlldersoil dnd The Clork County Oils Our PeoplesBuilding l-irlries il, A'\uornrann. Stote Bonk TRI.POINT OIL CO. Br5H0t srtroN SRuT[ GENIRAt ASStMEty Adaertisers & LoanAssn, Aurorn dnd Llwrcnceburg Phone675 i ADISON, lND. Wrllr,io] G. SIi]vrrleofaqor, 5il3 Msin Kl, Z"t!44 fATHER GIBAUI"T GENEFAt, ASSTMETY Richmonrl dnd Srookville Clrarlec..I Jirnre drrd Frdilk J. Juerlinq. fAIH€R RIVET G[HERAI. ASSTMEIY FISCHER'5 Colunrbu5, Al,tdison, Scymour, Shclbyvillc rnrl TellCily Federal 5HOE STORE

"Your S, & L. f,ssn, farnily Shoe 5toret'

Ph. Kt.7.5636 ttlt clTY. lND, Nrvl cAsil.E tocAL AsstMEtY Hargol|il Gompany VJinifeatoy, lh0nt.tsi. Gnrv0y,Jol)n Mc. Gratiy,Poui E. Nilcs dnd ['\rr]orveC. poris. Cleoned Filtered E.'f'. HazledineCo. TEII CITY Lutgring Bros., Inc. Ornsrncrrrcl lron - Welding FUELOIL NATIONAI. BANK Crusherl Slone. Excovoling itochinc Shop l4O E, Ittoln "85 f2 Peort sr. Ph.WH.4-0581 Yoeru of Good Agriculturc tima Eanling Servicr"

rREE PARKINO soy,withr.owERS I XIOO Patronize WERNERDRUG CO. Palronize BrozitGreenhouses I InSUranceAgencieS Our (Walgleen Agency) C. F. llerncr, Jr. & R. V. Schneid$ 25 N, phone 0ur Wolnuf 2384 | Gennrol lnsuronre_ Bonds Ercril, Ind, Phone Kl 7-5586 f a x. wqtnut tr. phone 2I0l Adaertisers EOl E. NGw Atbany. PhoneWH.4-2285 I prlng St. tno. Stdte ond ,floin Slteett 627Mrin St. TELL CITY, ,ND. Adverlisers @ On.. talj:*-{Ppolnrmrnr 'l'he Ridtlell Nrtionnl Ilank A'iAERICANTILE &, SATESCO. Pahonize Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home Wholesrle FORMICA Retail ,'Fcr of Brazil, Inciiana 9. Cabinel Tops,, 0ur - AmbulonceServicc * Ail ?yper of FLOOR & WALL TiLE .cl L-t?v t|\lh MemberFDIC Idveriisers Ki,/"i5i i I Ltr. wt r r, u ry.

E r3l 's,,* PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION,APRIL 14,196I t ir tou}no." :l weekly Interracial Cotrneil , v,r", r"un *uws"c,ll$ol *". :':: Boston Catholic xxIII made a ncw contribution struction lo prcsenlcitution drivo in ttre New yo"t. 81,,i*u,,.1o,l_,?.,,tff;lr,l"lu,,illti"l?"T,:?li:"li.J::jnttrr_,;f;;l see'sintercst" in ir's ii-""' hits JolrrrBirch Society t0 Mrs. Gabrielle tli",J't"" fr1;'..'li"ll"t3'000'00'0'un'

- - ;:i Iermites Roaches- "' ,i"i. \ ii *i .{ j Rats,Ets .. .rf Free Inopections cALLSI 4-3236 eor-r-ecr , HUB STATE ffi$ PESTCONTROL SERVICE 931 E. Tabor Indianrpolis, Ind.

lii tt ,.t i it r :l ffi'th." L ..:J PUT ON YOUR EONNI Young Ipeopl Hec rlrl ol Mavtary Schooool. lndianapolis,lndian providedmrny laughsI day' ntorniring a Faiheher rndndlDaughhter CommunionComr Brerkfrrt. The boys,lc hr. La rry Oavi n rndd Pat Mcll/ Namal rt, iriodclediriodcl lhe CRITICS trl lltc St'rrup ltrle ite- hrl creafionsof, lefl to anc .y Chlorroup,upek, nd JoAoAnn Rinn,Ririnne lo the delishllelighl of lhe crrsocl its touutlt't' rrl tlcl'lttttiltg rud I'rcsirlt'nt llist'ttltorrr'r :rlt(l (lthtrl' [)l'oll) i lic lll .\ tltr't'ir':rlls lls t'r)lllll)tt ll. 'l'ltcst' ists s,r'rlpallr i71l'1;. nce tlsil- "('()ll- ti0tts stcttt ntaittl.v ft'ottt,il At'Clf ablf O t At.cltbislutp's lllar:ian scnior Iitlt'rrtial" plpcr (sotttctitttt's crtllt'tl a book) rt'rittcn ir1' llt'. \-\'clclt stx ,',",l:lillliiil\llil1ll 'lliii''. ll, ,',- st:lutdule sets ilrl erhihil lato I'op. I'i.s Xll.) 'Qualified support' 1'ottl'IItllirrr'.sslttt.stt1rr'rtr|l/,r.irrttr'.^l.:,ll,.,:,il ..^;;,i" NORTH EASTON. Mpss - s.r Dr(Dl!, !/r(l)t(l {ilI{f I'()rirl('rlrrl - i;- ;i..::;:'Bod,(1- r,rccrios,Tc,rc Collegrr rvill llc rlisplil1.r,tl irr Nllr- CushinE, lrs. ('.s|)('('i{rflu itl t'ott- iardinal R iclra rd llitt1l.s /rrr rr,,,ii,'. gon.a llall '. t6c l\i,.r.i.' ci''l).s *'ixN of Boslon, has given ".li-il !l il;i;',i[;,'i,]"i'il,',ln'Ic'*r{du'" Aprn r8'r\r:rv T. qurlified suppsrt lo lhc cotllro- i::,:lij",l,,l;'l,l'ii;,1'"','i''iy;,,,1,',',1,'i',,1,',', versial foundn' of lltc John pc01l|1:g|os1'1.tnr,l.,i,l,..i,i,,,,,,.|,',j,,,.,5,l.|'l]ll,',i:,,.l];;l.l,l.,.i,o,,!i'|Tlli;k,ji;.'flij":"';lll (l]lrf llrrtv Irrnilv, lrrrii.trtoprrlir,T,30 ln. ";$$,_. Birch Sociely, Roborl H. W. .[rcqrtettl Co)]t])lll)li()ll. J'ili.s 0 'lli" * Welch. of Belnront. Miss, .\rr'rr,inrr'irrr crrrisr t''r' r, rrrr: , lilll,:1,,j::l::il:,"11'*:,Ty:*;:, lilill'' ',l,'"r1,\r'lil,illl';ll,l"il]l po()pl{i lrr)'o[(/L. llt0 l.:tt]')rtrcttlrrIrri i,',','..iu Cardinal Cuslring also ele{errd- 1',". (juircrnents ir| a l].r\, tlcgr.trc lltrs llofrl, MAY 2 tor)lirrdlion, (;rccnwood,8 ed Chiof Jutlice Eatl Warren f.rl. jfttt., It {),tr r/cc' f,olil r;,iri1rlr',f tilj!":]:lii:"' $1' chrirrophcr,In' HALL rnd ihe lalc Secrefaly of Slalo, u" ili,l,i Nriss 6rrr1', . gratlr'rtt .f St. * atttottg irr lltrly lrrr.frrii. /k' Johrr Foster Dulles, from the ;;coDlc ";; ; i",;;;,,1,;;;;,,.5r. rrrcresc,Indidr. Ntar')"s r\carlcnr.v, hus slrrrlir,ti rur- .sttrely u'ottltl.sprrrtli l(rr/rrrrt. Ii /.30 sociely's charges of Conrmunist ilr,,,t{ r!.'i,. 4.it0 Y:rl uc'! Mr. E ist-rrhowe r, rrrornoled "t t'ttt' -t' ll'irui tiir cir.itl ,rrr(i tiirccr rlrrorr oi ^r\icrrdcrsrrdrc tt Conrrrrunist causes is speaking ntilli't[nii'illll;,"t"^,.illl,.?,'nij;l'l:;i'".'.,j "i11'i",uno,i ;]l]''' |': _ T l CItlC.{G().:-'l'lto ltssistltnt ttlitol ('r)rlll4lplr,,r, in rtrst,rditics. St.r tcrnerrts like tiroug/rr.41(l ,,f i,i,,tti, s(1oot.t,. ol tllc Nt'\\' \\'olld. s'trtrkll' ncwS' lhese do nol assisl honest ef- plpt'r' o{ thc (.lathtrlic itrr:htlior:cst-' forts lo resist lhe spread of Irclt. r'ontlt,ttlnt'tl tlrc Jolrn llirclt Conrrrrurrisrl arrd rrlerl People lo Soeit'tJ' iu ltis colttmn. orrc sIotr lrl loi.'rr l o ils genuilte clarrgcrs." Jot:''''-.'':,,::::.i:.;j:.;;.;;,;il;,T;;.,'-.-'r:ffi 'l'lrc Ilcv. -'l{illinnt .[". Grnncy l''r';l'i'' il1il1il ililIil1tiililililil1il il1ililiililil ilililil il1ilI1ilililtt| \\'fol 0 : iilljl;ni,i,lu'"u'','r'i,* -,...... :',",-,,. ..; I-ruulB'ER "'l'hc pasting thc .It-rlrtr ,,,1,,,,1,,i,r:i)l,ii,,r;.,,.' I)l'csrnt llrlch Society is tnking irt print I..':l:l,vo. c;f. is tkscr'r'cd antl lortunalc, H::l FTrur.l- " l{ lt'irs n lrtckl' blcalt that Cite L,uIirt rol(, li,;ii:,,,lli,,.'i,,",""i,1lllili'i,i[ii it'l: foundct' Ilohcll \\'t'lclt n'cnt be- sisth anttual Itttlittta Catltolic (.lol- hounds of sltlervrlness i ' ' ,Tx,$lggl9, lond thc , lt'gc tlllot'al lostival nt St' Jos' N. Keystone al 52nd CL l-9494 lcd Drvir.lltl D, Eiscn- lll selnIIrul'les ....,-..,r.,,-._r-. 1..,*_.._., c,,,r.,a. lrrri lalre {'l)h s tlollcge llof0 oll bttll(lxy, 8502 westfield Blvd. cL 5,5421 horvt't n Contlnttnist." r\pril lti. Indianapolis 'lhe plicsl said publicity on tltc ('hur:rl !.lroups It'ottt l\tnliarl "ought ('ollcge St. Nlat'y.of-thc- rloup to hclp us re'call hc atrtl -sb- J1*1E= that a ftrntxrs rlictator of oul \\'orrrls ('rrllcge n'ill qralticipatc cla. onc.\rloll llitler. also nratlc :rlong q'itlr lcprescntativcs of St, Package No. 2 namc hinrsell as an l,'r'ancrs (\rllefie, l'olt Wa1'ne; St. rltritc a lor SI ents [r.r' ['ope Iritrs I, Noll'c Damc; and 427 East l6th Streel rnti-Conr nrrtnist. l'o1tc ius Xl unrl [)upc l'rusIII illar'1"s Collcgc, thtr host scltool. l6th dnd (rnlrdl rt'lal ir to Ilte irnputtlttcr of $31!1.5O l/nlutl! ME 4-686r Lntin fyes Exumined rvlt iclr HOME MADE EUTTERCANDIES Glosser Made

ng [lrt) ttsc of tltc lcr'- Csrnr'cl crlsp crcanry praltnrr tltc altit'le sl irtcs tlrat, ClrccssCorE Brttlcr (jhrrlclt's ester'nt lirr' ilOOsrtilr $15.00sPEClAt $15.00 Itas alrval's givcn 0n- c-{rlAMEL cRlsP sHoP OPTICALCE" languagcs Dr. Jon. F. Kerncl BASEMENT litulgy. Dn Oonqld f,. llidrl OPIOI'IEIRISTS ROACHSPRAY llishops tlelcnrl PAY WEEK' C;ILL NOltt 26l{. PElll{. sT. PER * Free Strle.Widc lnspecfion Mt. 5-9629 * Lifetime Guarrnfee Plrn * Convenienl Terms * References: Numeroul Catholic Churches Throughout the Staic Package No. 3 h*: S350.4O Yalue! FOR THE CONVALESCENT r,grf";;-Nffi : frihl:llliiilsu'rr'N*2{', 32 Sq. Yds. Contpletely Installed Over l.Ieavy 40-Oz. ttul:berized Pad

W'oo' ";Y.;T;, 'oJ'tttt o,,,f; r^i,l He Sleeps Peocefully' $254f,9," His Fulure Secure With Celtic Scvings!

"WHERE You Buy ls JustAs lmportantAs WHAT You Buy!"

i All Paymenls Based On Monlhly Prymeni Plrn rnd Wood Floor Inslrllaiion OPEN $*rffi NOMOHEY DOWiI! MON. & THURS. EVE. 3 YEARSTO PAY! 'TtL P.M. AGERAIIIATOR EI{CLOSURES 'TIL I I5T PAYMENYNOT DUE JULY 'Til * Decorotivc OR 90 DAYS AFTER INSTALLATION Balance of Week 5t30 * lmprove HeotinE * Sove Cleoning CAtL FL7.116l AND A SALESMAN Harry J. Feeney WILL BRINGSAMPLES TO YOUR HOME Martin T. Feeney and SEERADIAT(}R SHIETII G(l. AT YOURCOI.IVENIENCE You Conlrolthc Cosl 20{l ShrlbySt. Indionopolir,lnd. ST 1.210t wltettYou Ccrll wA 3.4504