Denial of private schoolaid calleda threat to democracy vol. I, NO. ?8 |ND|ANAPOL|S.|NDIANA, ApRIL 11,t96l dcstro,v these tliffclertces," he Pope,ltalian Premier in historicmeeting sni(|. llul, hc adrlctl tlrnt I'erlerrl aitl which iguoles privatc sclrools "rvould excludc onc orrl. of cvcry Cl'l'\' - Lcss lltatt l{}0 duliug lltc ceuteuiu'Jf cclcbl'atiolls o{ ltaliaur YiTlll,\N .\'crtt's srrven childlcn f l'ollr consirlcra. tltc " rftcf lhc Pltral Stalcs \rcl'c \\ t't'stetlflottt ullificatiou, s.ynrbolizcd Ilrc trcnrcrrrlous tion. tlrc politicitl ttttil'it:itliott l)opcs to collplctc (:hilnfjc that has colnc :rboul in thc modclr] "l[ plelcrs lll sinples oul an(l onc of Italy, atr Ilitliittt l)frrllliel' trrcl a [)ol)c pnrt rvortd tvltcrc thc llapacy is no longcr a l,enl- of thc Anrclican c(hlcationill l'tltntal att(li0llc0 lllill'kiltg lltc t:ettttttltr.l' of systcnt ovcr tha othcr," hc slid. folcc but stailtls pt'ccnrillcllt fls a .synl- "'l'his lhnt unily. lx)rirl is tl;rngerous. lt is a dan- I-lis I'tolincss I'orre .fohn \\lll lct:t'ivcd bol and prollrise of lhc lltol'rrl iln(l slrl)cl'- gcr to the civir: conrrnunil.y, fot' Pt'c'tltier .\tltintrrrt' iratrf;ttti al ;t sl;rlc attdi- natural nuthol'it\r $'hich i,s al)ovc illl rlalions. fi 11il111ililililililililil1ililil1ililililililililililil11111il1111 ellee lllill'liotl rvillr I'ttll tlililornitlit: :rtttl llalurl \\'ltilc tlte \ratican laitl no stlt'ss ort tltc honors itt lhc Vltit'iln olt ;\pt'il ll. ccntcrruii'll cr-.lebl'ations in its tltficial au- Relrled rrlieler on Plge ? ,1. Ital.r"s rruification is g0tttlt'illl)' rltl{ctl lti lrolllrecurcnt of thc au(liclrcc. Itonols accOl'd- rnd rdiforial on Plgc lBtil althcrtrgh iln(itlr('r' nille vc:u's clltpsorl crl to i\lr. li'anlaui rnrl lho Ilorc's o\vn \\,or(ls ililililnnilililil11ilililililililililn11ililililililil1ilt11111 bel'olc lloons trlok rllutl t'clnilinc(l oi'tiro at thc nrectiug ptricl tributc [o thc c\/cntual Ihousantl-.\'cirr'-rlltlltlllaI Statcs It'otn tlelense- llr\ire(lfltl stlttlolllr)llt of the so-cilllc(l Ilottttru Ittss Pour lrius lN. {lucstio|r cl'eate(l by tlre taking ol the Paptrl t\h'. iranlani's arrtlicner',corltilrg ls it rlid Stalcs. ,LPIlIi, l6- t7 YOUTH AWARD WINNERS-Falher John Elford, Archdiocesrn CYO Direcfor, poses with lhe boy an6 girl winnerr ol lhe Roger Grrham Awards rs oulslanding Junior CYO'ers in lhe Are hcliocose. They rre Joseph Hoch, of 51, Andrew's parish, Richmond, and Elrine Prlierson, of St, Charler prrish, Bloonlinglon. Anolher Bloonlington 9irl, Susie Carler was elected new president of the Archcliocesan ll't'l'lrill ciltlrolic scllools llc T'errc)ttaute will host Junior cYo rt lhe annual convention held lrst week.end at scecina High sclrool. (s;;;r^;;';;;"'i'i grilnt0(l klng.tclnr, lol.intcrest hans, i\l r'. llccd dcsclibtrd this "highly as a reasonnlllc rcrlucst" itt vitrrv of tlrc facI tlrat tlre l'ctl- ct'nl govcurnrrnl crtn'cntly lcntls annualACCW parl*y tttotrcl' to plivltc collcgcs ft-rl tlot'ittitot'y consl.fu(:tion and to pl'ivlttc glatlc 'l'lrllitil,l nrrd ltiHlr st:lurols -- lt.\t'l'i':. lrttl. .fot' st:icrttific antl fot'eigrt langui,l{c [;atlrol ic:pt'c]ss i" \L'cn r\lorc lh:rn Stlt) rlou'rcrr;llc c'lllll)trlctlt, r.\pccl0(l llcl't' oll .Srrrrtlal' ,l) "op1xr5c ;\ ltlt:a tu tlisclinriu' :rud Nlorrtlur',,\plil l(i and ltiott" in l'ctlclal r.l.l "THIS aid b1':ridrnrl 17, for tlrc lilrrl ilunuill con- PHILOSOFHY thrivcs all stutlcnts alikc. llr', l{cetl suid golerrrncnt progrlrtts 1 r'nlr{}n ril tlrc .\t','!trlioct,sartCornt. o!t rllticlt lltc opltositigtt tg disct'itlitt;tligrt "(:itl ils l,atill 1\nlt)l'l(:an eil of Clttltoli(' \\'t)ltlr'll. -\lsrr itt kt:v +++ crtccrtrlugcrl lrl thc llislrol)s :ltttl)(l,illl('c r|ill hc I'irslol's trn(l t;rlic nratry iot'rtts, lltt ccltirinly '/ ('t'\V spililrral rlt.lt'gittcs florn thc 'l'itet'u {lrt.r'c is nothing in the tkrt:unrcn! \\ r\SlllN( i'l'{)..i -- is filr 0nc itrrothct. lttttl thtt1, aIrt t'ight dca nclies ol l ll(. .\r'clrtlio- thnt inrplics a rlcsilc to kill l'cd- ull('ons('i('ns of litr tterv dartgr:r's (lclcgatoc Convt:ntiott ittt tt t'gcrrl rttctl to i;lrcugtlr- ccsc. ,\n r-stinlatc(l li() clal aid." ('lrrrlclr. cn lrlrnd ('irtlrolit: plcs;s faring lhc l'ill ultcnrl florl lho lrrtli:ruaptrlis lltc of l)o:ul('f)':rklllc. 'hedges' l R, REED declalctl tlrat gerr. lcltlct's irr l,ittirt Antclictr 'l'ltflttt' ttirte ftcedortr of cluricr: in crlrrcl, so tli;ii. tliey cnn cr'0ate irrl loI thc ('rlil\ r,nlion, "ploglessivcly .lOtlfltirllStl(r c()ntllrl ellcc. orr liort is bccorning ellcclive, up-to-rlate inru;1r: oI the u'lrirh wilI ol)cn \\:itll {lrtr annrur'l ' i 1..,,'. g (-'lrtrreh ; !r scl'il)(!(l ll.v rnotrnIin f itta n. lhlourthorrt {ltc at'ct, a ANO,THE R ".'r'll'rrr'.:. 1.1{het lioulii llcr.,lirr* ilt i::j() p.rn. (5ls1v " clit'i plcssuros. U.S. ctiitol said ltcrc, Ne r rns grtinllrl trrrrc) StrnrlirS', in thc l)enrinrl orrt. is tltc Iaet "'l'he "llifty Ilott'|. rvill lre (.'atholic aiel pel ceut of Callxrlic par'- I,'atlrcr,\ll)ort,f. Ncvirrs, lll.r\1., Lli,lI in a llrlqr' ,trnllrr,l' {)i pll(fos sc:hool lrlilor oI lltlrc arc l.)o \\'otrrirrr'l\rrll.r'." ]lr'.s, liussL'll cnts cannol cxclcisc this frutrla- llitr'1'krroll rrrartlzittr', nliut.\'ptrpt,r's, rt,lriclt ('liut{'n. tttcntal ftt'erkrrn rt'atnotl tltat ln orrlnrotlt'rl vicrv oi llli'irlls lll(,lc itf(, t{ro f[illt(il0us \\'ilson. .\t't'\\' prt.sitltnt, nUf l'ALO, N.Y. --llejcctittlt it bccartsc of thr: ('htrlch ('irn slttrlt;rgc of existitr{ sr:[rool facili. lhr' ilr l,;ilnl '\lrlt,rira ru't'lrlilnr,s in;t !Jur,'t ilt;rI ne(:(lrt t rt tll llt'ositlt'. I'hc attrirrll llrralrl tuotion asking lctlclll aitl for' ettrlaltq,'r' tlrtr ('lttrlrlt's n'ot li for (il)(, 5ltlrrr:i {rtt{'. L)trtttct' rvill hlLru al ir:ll() Ir.rn, tltc Atttct'icltn tics." he sairl. IIc arltlctl tlrat it Ilalochiftl scltools. "h'cctlorn" is fulilc to sprak o[ socill .jttslit'e tltet'c al a tirul ol' l'or llrjs t{'itsr,n. lrc t'urtelrttlttl, t'ltlrolir: I'ltikrsophicirl Associatiort '[iro THE CONVEN f ION \\'ill .su'ift atrrl elitical rhlrnitt'. llrr' ( l'.\ slrrtl.r' cllrlli)[lrc ls tlr'()l!r,r ill o(luciltir)n \ilt(,tt ('('()llonll(:Ilr('s. :rt its closing scssiott ltet'c arloptcd (latlrr'lit's, oltoil \\'llh lt rlllrnt t'rrrc \lt,rtinq stttts nrlkc it. irnpossiblc lo often Llrlitt .\tttt'r'icln l'r'('{)}t)t}lln(iill( tltitl litr' l)tcsS irtstrrad ir rtsolution saying tltat e.rcf- in tlrt'Sehtrltt, lligh Sclrool -\rrrli- "is cisc this frcerlorn. hc s;rirl. irlr' lcfl ttn:ru;rlc ol llrc llttrt'l lrc -sll r't!,llltllir'{l lrr <:onsoli- thc issrtc at pt'oseltt il tlt;ttter l(\l rilttr ill 7:ii() p.lll, srrrrrltr]' cvc- :l()th-('{'nllrr'\'r'nlcr'lllisls irt slriilr rllrlittg irlt(l rnllill\ in! r:stsling o{ dcbntc" antl sltoulrl ltc settlctl nin:.1, aI ulrir'lt ][r'. .]trlrn [r. l]. "sountl lhcir' (lhutclt i.s ctrtlrutetl. by plittciltlcs." llltt'1tltr. llt'i's()lllli'l tlit't't:tgt' ot pricip!cs, it suitl, l"irlltet' l\cvitts. 1lt'ostrlt,ttIof lhc ('o. Aiirong such t'h:rrlcs l'fuot' :rnrl and a "1. 'l'lrc ('atholit' l'r-t'ss r\ssrrcialion rrl lltc nle rcquit'r:nte nts ol dis- nl(.lltl)rr ol Sl . I'irl r'ir.k's pftt.ish trtritrrl Statcs lrtd ('anatla. sPolic trilurtivc .iusticc, 2.'l'lte pt'iot'ity irct'tr,rvill 5o ilrt llalrrlr'rl sP('xlipl'. on ltis t'clrrt'n [Lont a l(., th(: of gralcutal liglrt otcl govcfll- trip IIis lrhilr.r: uill hc lurst'tl on thC :rr('il:ts t:ltirit'ttratt of llrc ('l).\'s ('rrnIi'lrti,]l] nrtntal li;{ltt. itt lhc cluricc of iltc {r'ncIal tltct)lc.'l'htt 'l'ltc l.;rlitt .\rrtt'r'it'rrnSlrttll (irrrtInitllr,. (ilcc folnr of ctlucatirrtt- ll. tlis- liclrrrltc t'lull rvill lrrrrr.rrkr tinction betu'ecn a t'iqht possr:sscd ruttsir:rl ('ntrllilir'nll(,111 ;rl llrtr TODAY'S sot:ial ft:t'tucttl itt and a right csclt'iscd. 4.'l'ltc "tlrI[it'c t'itrl ]lr'rtin:1. rrlrrcirsrii irc optn l.lrtirr'\rnclit'4, l"ntltet' Ncvitts nrcnninglt'ssrtcss of a ligll{ ulticlt lrl N'lassin lirrgl islr ttr tltt' tlnr.r:rl I'rrl'lir'. Jxrinlt'rl out. is nrar'lietl t'apirl in- is inopclaiive bt't:arrsc of an intltts{r'iaI t'xpattsirrrt, sitlcsllt'e;trl Conrnriltt'r'l ollt s Ir ttps ;tt.c cquitablc tlistlibution of corunron l'ct'nlissi(ln ol {lrt IIolv St,c fol " lno\'onlcnt ol rlilss('s ol tttt'itl schetlrtlcrl if()nl ll it.nl. lo l(l il.ln. fu nrls. {ltc t't'lt'blalion {}l thc enlilc .\lass, lfo {ool< ctceptiorr lo thc brit'f's norlir.r's to llrc citit's. poqrttlatiott ott llontil) urolning ;rt lltc ll'cr.r.c inclurlinq thc (-'lnon. in l)nxlislr sttnrl tlrat acloss thc boartl ltirns g|0ulh irrrrl lhc Ircoirlc's {r'ou inli llatttt: llrtust'.
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