The Broken Wheel A Publication for Soldiers of Christ the King St. Catherine, pray for us. Obtain for us the grace to think rightly. Issue No. 2 October 2020

The Broken Wheel Issue 2 October 2020

The Broken Wheel

A publication for the Soldiers of Christ the King Issue 2 – October 2020

Table of Contents

Editorial...... 3 Dignatatis Humanae –Vatican II declaration on Religious liberty analyzed and shown to be incompatible with doctrine ………………5 True Human Dignity—demands conformity to the Will of God……..………………..11 Libertas – excerpts from an encyclical of Leo XIII which condemns Dignatatis Humanae………………………………………………………..12 Oremus Apostolate ……………………..……………………………… …………..….13 Man is God—Fr. Paul Wickens (RIP) explains contemporary man……………….……14 November Dead List ………..……………………………………………………...... 14 Lefebvre on the Council – 1978 interview on Vatican II. This is an excerpt only. There is a link in the article to the full interview…………………………………………….…..……...15 Solzhenitsyn on Totalitarian Societies……………………………………………..…..17 A Favour from the Queen-miracle of Blessed Virgin Mary in India...... 18 Photosynthesis - a review of science class on one lie of the climate change terrorists………………..……………………………….…..18 Alexandrian Maid –Poem by a Carmelite Sister about the patron saint of our publication…………………………………..……………….….19 Reawakening Idealism – Martin MacManus shows that modern society destroys the natural lofty ideals of youth and how to overcome the ensuing Cynicism…………………………………..……………………..20 Priory for SE Queensland…………………………….…………………………………23

The Broken Wheel 2 Issue 2 October 2020

EDITORIAL “When Millet’s picture, L’Angelus, was on exhibition, two men stood be- fore it in admiration. “But what”, asked one, “would that picture be with- out the Angelus? Just two peasants in a potato field.” “What would the world be without the Angelus?” said the other. “Just a whirling globe with hopeless toilers crawling on it.” ¹ Communism did not exist when “other” made this observation yet he pro- phetically describes the Communist utopia that is our home. The Angelus recalls the Incarnation, that the Word was made flesh. Our Lord became man to redeem us. To pay the debt for our sins and open the gates of heaven. The reduced heaven to something natu- ral, granted to all members of the one big “human family”. In doing that it did away with the Angelus, the Incarnation, the Redemption, everything supernatural and holy. The Second Vatican Council is responsible for most of the evils in the miserable world that our gener- ation is privileged to live in. Without the Church being the leaven of society and the salt of the earth, there is no leaven, no salt. Savor has gone from the world. Men no longer have a purpose. Without the Angelus life is meaningless. Therefore we keep the Angelus; keep faith in the Incarnation; keep faith in the Redemption; keep faith in everlasting life.

The is the only means of salvation. We need to believe in the Church. I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is our Creed. It is a great mystery that the hierarchy of this Church is occupied by unbelievers. Men who are unconcerned about the Church being One and Holy. Men who have created a Conciliar Church in opposition to the Catholic Church. Holiness is necessary to combat despair. If there is no possibility of being holy, no possibility of practising heroic virtue, no possibility of being a hero, nothing to fight for, then those with large souls who are called to be saints have no place in the Conciliar Church. Even mediocre souls become bored with it and leave it. Their lives are wasted. We need to give such souls great ideals to seek. Make them realise that the only thing worth doing in this world is becoming a saint. The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius are an excellent tool for doing this. We are hoping and praying to get a place to use for a retreat house where generous souls can separate themselves from the world for a time and contemplate the eternal truths. We need young people determined to give their lives to God. Parents need to make a home that encourages their children to deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Our Lord closely as all the saints have done. Some Eucharistic Crusaders have made themselves sacrifice beads and are amassing huge numbers of sacrifices every month. We don’t know what criteria they use to determine a sacrifice but their efforts are impressive.

GOOD NEWS There have been some blessings in the last weeks, Deo Gratias. Fr. June Mark Ligan was ordained in Brazil by Thomas Aquinas, O.P., and is back in the Philippines helping with the Marian Corps Apostolate. Fr. Mina George, a young (24 years old) Chaldean Rite priest was conditionally ordained in Broadstairs, London, by Bishop Richard N. Williamson. He was obliged to quarantine for a fortnight in Sydney but is now back in Melbourne. His work is to restore tradition for the Chaldean faithful. It is a great blessing to have priests ordained in these evil days. Pray for them that they be- come holy priests and have fruitful apostolates. These ordinations are a blessing for the whole Church. Meanwhile border closures and travel restrictions have deprived many faithful of the sacraments. They need the virtue of hope and make acts of hope daily. Hope is the virtue by which we trust that God will provide us with all that is necessary for our salvation. Discouragement is from the devil. Q. What if I have the misfortune to commit a mortal sin and cannot get to confession? A. To lose

¹The Irish Rosary, vol. II, No. 3 – March 1898

The Broken Wheel 3 Issue 2 October 2020

sanctifying grace and separate ourselves from God is the greatest misfortune that can happen to us. The damage done is infinite. One dead in sin can do nothing for himself. He must have complete trust and confidence in God. He must go to Our Lady the refuge of sinners and ask her to obtain for him from God the grace to make an act of perfect contrition. God will give this grace. He knows our situation and has a fatherly love for us. He will assist us to repent and amend our lives. We must co- operate with His grace and make efforts to avoid sin and its occasions. God wants us to live in the State of Grace. If we have lost this state and suffer miserably in the state of sin, He wants us to amend our lives and become true disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Even with repeated falls into sin we must trust in God to give us contrition and forgiveness. The Angelus did happen. God does want to forgive sins. At Mass we are reminded that Our Lord shed His Blood for the remission of sins. The Australia State of Victoria is a police state. The police are enforcing arbitrary regulations with heavy-handed brutality. Fr. Pio Suneel, my colleague, and Fr. Mina George, along with both Chalde- an and Roman Rite faithful are in “lock down” in Victoria. Please pray for them. The Faith unites us into one body, the Mystical Body of Christ, and encourages us to work together. The revolution “liberates” us from this body. It individualises / atomises us and discourages mutual charity and cooperation. Individualised people easily succumb to and are enslaved by a police state as happened in the Soviet Union and is happening world-wide today. The world led by the Vatican Council and Conciliar Popes has rejected the light burden and sweet yoke of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All nations have said of Jesus Christ “this man will not reign over us.” Satan has quickly stepped in to rule. He has willing aids in the human race and we are all being enslaved by him. Before Our Lord came into the world most men worshipped devils and 90% of men were slaves. Now that Our Lord has been rejected most men worship devils and the slavery is more humiliating than pre-Christian slavery. The only solution is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary which requires penance as well as prayer. Everyone should make an effort to say fifteen mysteries of the rosary daily. And do penance. Fasting, abstinence and alms deeds are the chief penances. One place to give alms is to the Carmelite Sisters in Ireland. Another is for a priory here in Queensland. Bishop Williamson has given his bless- ing to a project to buy some acres a few hours from Brisbane for a priory and retreat house. Since then Fr. Chazal has added that it should also be a pre-seminary. May God bless you, the Holy Angels watch over you and Our Lady care for you. St. Catherine, pray for us and help us think correctly. Fr. MacDonald, 24 October 2020—Feast of St. Raphael the Archangel

The Broken Wheel 4 Issue 2 October 2020

Declaration on Religious Freedom, , on the right of the person and of communities to social and civil freedom in matters religious. Promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on December 7, 1965. Dignitatis Humanae is a document of the Second Vatican Council. This essay by Fr. Edward F. MacDonald demonstrates that it cannot be interpreted in a Catholic sense. It must be rejected in whole and in all of its parts. The Church Teaches The Creed tells us that God is the Creator of all things, visible and invisible. Therefore all things de- pend upon God. Lower creatures, those without reason, acknowledge their dependence upon God and submit to His rule naturally, instinctively, both individually and when they form societies, e.g., a beehive or a pride of lions. They obey God by obeying the . Intellectual beings, e.g., men, depend upon God not only for their creation but also because they were made for Him. The end of man is God. “God made me to know, love and serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him in the next.” Man's final aim is eternal union with God in heaven. - God made man with a social nature. He cannot exist outside of society. “It is not good for Adam to be alone.” God must be the end of societies composed of men. Their final purpose must be God. Es- pecially this is the case with the perfect societies, the Church and the State. The members of the Church and of the State must individually gain union with God in heaven. The Church and the State are obliged to promote this end and to assist their members to attain it. Church and State are crea- tures, they must be subject to God and submit to His rule. This absolute dependence upon God must be acknowledged by every state. The Church, the State and all other societies must worship God. The Church directs men toward their supernatural end of union with God and has the greatest duty to acknowledge its dependence upon God and its duty to worship God. Jesus Christ is God. He is the founder of the Church. The Hypostatic Union, i.e., the union of the divine nature with the human nature in the person of the Word, gives Jesus a right to be acknowl- edged as King by all creatures. All creatures must submit to Jesus Christ. None can claim supremacy over Him or independence from Him. “Christ is our King by acquired, as well as by natural right, for he is our Redeemer. Would that they who forget what they have cost their Saviour might recall the words: 'You were not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled.' We are no longer our own property, for Christ has purchased us 'with a great price'; our very bodies are the “members of Christ.”ì All creatures were given to Our Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Trinity. He has a right to rule. “All power is given to me in heaven and on earth.”ìì St. Paul explains: “There is no power except from God.”ììì Therefore authority in any society is from Our Lord and must submit to Him. French Revolution 1789 The Declaration of the Rights of Man Pope Leo XIII explains the consequences of this revolutionary declaration:ìv 1. All power and authority comes from man. 2. This power is transmitted by the acceptation and putting into practise of absolute liberty. If man has every right, he cannot be subject to any compulsion or obligation. 3. Since a man's rights may be opposed to the rights of another, modern right establishes a restriction in the use of absolute liberty: my right is limited by the right of another.


ì Quas Primas, Pope Pius XI, 1925 ìì Matthew 28,18 ììì Romans 13,1 ìv A. Phillipe, CSSR explains this in Christ the King of Nations, Instauratio Press, Australia 1992. p26

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Authority in Revolutionary Society is not from God. It is not from Jesus Christ. It is not from the nat- ural law. Authority is in the general will of men belonging to such a society. Legislation is the expres- sion of the will of the multitude. It is the result of the rights of man. Man therefore is the principle and end of all things. The Declaration of the Rights of Man is simulta- neously a Declaration of Independence from God. Society no longer depends upon God or upon any- thing above itself. It is dependent only upon the will of the men who are members of that society. Its end is no longer God. It no longer has the purpose to lead men to God. Its purpose and end are now purely natural, secular, worldly, e.g., “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”v This leads to the deification of man, free-thinking—no one can impose truth on a man, error has equal right with truth, evil has equal rights with good. Man has the right to think, teach and practise what is good and true. Man has the right to think, teach and practise what is evil and false. The lie has just as much right as the truth. Society teaches what the mass of men think is good without reference to any- thing above or outside of man. Anything that is the will of the people is legitimate and good. “You will be as Gods, knowing good and evil.”vì Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church Here is the first paragraph of the Declaration on Religious Freedom, emphasis added. A sense of the dignity of the human person has been impressing itself more and more deeply on the consciousness of contemporary man, and the demand is increasingly made that men should act on their own judgment, enjoying and making use of a responsible freedom, not driv- en by coercion but motivated by a sense of duty. The demand is likewise made that constitu- tional limits should be set to the powers of government, in order that there may be no en- croachment on the rightful freedom of the person and of associations. This demand for free- dom in human society chiefly regards the quest for the values proper to the human spirit. It re- gards, in the first place, the free exercise of religion in society. This Vatican Council takes careful note of these desires in the minds of men. It proposes to declare them to be greatly in accord with truth and justice. To this end, it searches into the sacred tradition and doctrine of the Church-the treasury out of which the Church continually brings forth new things that are in harmony with the things that are old. Who is this contemporary Man? He is the revolutionary. The man born and raised in the revolutionary environment. By his training and upbringing he opposes the Rights of Man to the Rights of God and gives place of honour to the former. He believes in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association and other revolutionary freedoms. His is not the “liberty of the children of God”vìì but the liberté of the Revolution which makes “liberty a cloak for malice”.vììì

What is the Dignity of the human person? The Council finds this dignity in the fact that men are be- ings ìx endowed with reason and free will and therefore privileged to bear personal responsibility. Dig- nity is therefore natural to man and as a consequence inalienable. The Council claims that revelation discloses the dignity of the human person in its full dimension.

This is not true. It is deceitful. It is a lie. It is true that men are creatures endowed with reason and free will and therefore made to the image of God. It is true that revelation discloses the potential dignity of the human person and the actual dignity of those who attain it. But they do not follow one from the other. This demands a long explanation. God made various types of creatures. Non-living creatures, vegetation, and animals. These creatures submit by their nature to the law of God their Creator, that is, to the natural law. They have some nat- ural dignity which is not equal in all. The pearl has greater dignity then sand. The lily and the rose have greater dignity then the dandelion. The lion greater dignity than the cockroach.

______v Declaration of Independence, USA, 1776 vì Genesis 3,5—The serpent is speaking to Eve. vìì Romans 8,21 vììì 1 Peter 2,16 ìx The Council refuses to use the term “creature”. Creature is a term indicating dependence and therefore opposed to the Revolution.

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Angels and men have an intellectual nature which requires a free will. Their duty is to freely obey the law of God. When they do this they have dignity. If they choose to rebel and not follow the law of God by that rebellion they lose their dignity. They become sinners. They fall from the supernat- ural level infinitely above the natural level to a state of fallen nature far below the natural level. Lucifer had great dignity when created. Now he is the most undignified of creatures. Yet, he still is endowed with intellect and free will. He alienated himself from his dignity which, therefore, was not inalienable. Adam was made to the “image and likeness” of God and with great dignity. Adam was created in the supernatural state with Sanctifying Grace. Sanctifying Grace raises man to the divine level making him part of God’s family, giving him great dignity. Adam sinned. He lost Sanctifying Grace. He became very much unlike God. His nature “fell”. He made himself undignified. His de- scendants are created with fallen nature. They are created in the state of Original Sin and are very much undignified. A sinner by that very fact loses his dignity. Those in the state of Original Sin do not have dignity. Every well educated Catholic is aware of this. When a man in the state of grace commits a mortal sin his conscience tells him that he has defiled something holy and now he is worthy only of hell and damnation. He knows that he has lost his dignity. Men are never in a “state of nature”. This is a revolutionary concept that eliminates God and crea- tion, and gives the myth of “the noble Savage” with innate virtue. Because God created man in the state of supernature. Man can only be in the State of Supernature or in the State of Fallen Nature. Those in the State of Supernature are in the “State of Grace”. They are like God and have great dignity. Those in the State of Fallen Nature are in the “State of Mortal Sin”, either Original sin or actual sin. They are not at all like God and are undignified. A law abiding cockroach has greater dignity than the sinner. Men are either saints in Heaven, or suffering in Purgatory, or damned in Hell, or living on earth. Those in Heaven and Purgatory are fixed in the state of grace and have great and inalienable digni- ty. Those damned in Hell are fixed in the state of sin and will never be dignified. They have inal- ienable worthlessness. Those on earth are either in the state of Grace and have great dignity, or in the state of sin and undignified. These latter have potential dignity. They could convert. It is the duty of those in the state of grace to pray and do penance for them so that they will get the grace to convert. Thus for men on earth, contemporary man, dignity is not natural to him and can give him no inalienable rights. CONCLUSION : The Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom has no foundation, not even sand. It’s foundation is the revolutionary lie that man has great inalienable personal dignity. The Council teaches: Responsible contemporary man does not (need to be) driven by coercion but (is) motivated by a sense of duty. The fruit of this Declaration has shown its falsity. Contemporary Catholics are no longer coerced into assisting at Sunday Mass, thus they do not. This is a denial of Original Sin, the wounds of which incline us to neglect our duty. The personal experience of most contemporary men is that we need to be coerced to behave responsibly and do our duty. We often neglect our duty. The Council teaches: The demand is likewise made that constitutional limits should be set to the powers of government, in order that there may be no encroachment on the rightful freedom of the person and of associations. Which governments concern the Council? The communist nations which during the Council when this document was promulgated were actively persecuting priests, religion, and Catholic faithful? The Islamic nations which outlaw the Catholic faith? No, the Vatican Council is not concerned about them. The poor persecuted Catholics suffering under communism are of no concern to the

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Council. made a pre-agreement not to condemn communism. No, the Council wants consti- tutional limits put on the powers of Catholic nations. In those lands where Catholicism is promoted by government. Governments that responsibly recognise that their citizens have a supernatural end and that Christ must be King of the nation to enable them to more easily attain this end. The Coun- cil’s intent is to persecute Catholic nations and demand that they become secular. The Council in the name of the Catholic Church is going to persecute her own children for being obedient to the law of God. No longer will Catholic governments be able to merely tolerate error. Now error must be given free reign. Government can no longer censor speech, no longer censor publications. Error and lies must be made equal to truth. They will not be permitted to censor immorality to protect their na- tion from sin. No longer will a nation be able to say: this is a Catholic Nation. Christ is the King of this nation. This declaration of the Council demands that Christ be uncrowned everywhere in His world. This demand for freedom in human society chiefly regards the quest for the values proper to the human spirit. It regards, in the first place, the free exercise of religion in society. Did the subjects of Catholic Kingdoms demand freedom of religion? Did the citizens of Catholic republics demand freedom of religion? No, in the name of freedom the Council denies them the right to claim: We are a Catholic people. This is a Catholic Nation. The freedom of Catholics not to be bothered by Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons knocking at their doors was ended by the Council’s Declaration. Now the Catholic must respect the JW’s “liberty” to push lies on him and give him his hateful propaganda leaflets. Now when Catholics pray the rosary at the Spire in O'Connell Street, Dublin, the Vatican Council gives the heretic the right to set up his loudspeaker across from them and spout errors. Did the Council give Catholics the right to publicly pray the rosary in Moscow or Mecca? No, not at all. The Council doesn’t care about the free exercise of religion in societies that hate the Catholic Church. The Council is an enemy of Christ the King. It proposes to declare them (“the desires of men for the free exercise of religion”) to be greatly in accord with truth and justice. To this end, it searches into the sacred tradition and doctrine of the Church-the treasury out of which the Church continually brings forth new things that are in harmony with the things that are old. This Vatican Council declares that the human person has the right to religious free- dom. The argument of the Council is that the Church does not force the Catholic Faith on anyone. Faith must be a free act. Everyone individually must say “I believe”.x Each must freely make the act of Faith. Therefore society cannot coerce men in matters of religion. “All men are to be immune from coercion... no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether publicly or privately, whether alone or in association with others.” LEAP ACROSS A GREAT DIVIDE “Every man has the duty, and therefore the right, to seek the truth in matters religious in order that he may with prudence form for himself right and true judgments of conscience... Truth is to be sought in a manner proper to the dignity of the human person and his social nature. The inquiry is to be free, carried on with the aid of teaching or instruction, communication and dialogue, in the course of which men explain to one another the truth they have discovered, or think they have dis- covered, in order thus to assist one another in the quest for truth. ... as the truth is discovered men are to adhere to it by personal assent.”


x This is true. Pius XII introduced the liberal approach when he added the renewal of baptismal promises to his new Holy Week cere- monies. Baptismal promises are in the singular. Each must individually renounce Satan,... Pius XII put these in the plural “We do re- nounce him”. Following that bad example the Conciliar Church changed the Creed and put it in the plural “We believe...” In their argu- ment here though the Council prefers the traditional expression.

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What is truth? The Council acknowledges the mission of the Church. “ ‘Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you’ (Matt. 28,19-20). On their part, all men are bound to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and His Church, and to embrace the truth they come to know, and to hold fast to it.” Truth for the Council has multiple meanings. It is subjective. It is not the Truth of the Catholic Church, which is one and absolute and objective. Catholic Truth is Our Lord, who said, “I am the way, and the Truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me”xì The truth of the Council is the subjective truth that each dignified contemporary man comes to know or thinks he has come to know. Then in a very 60ish manner he is supposed to sit around with other dignified contemporary men and have a truth-sharing rap session. xìì Neither God nor the Church have ever asked men to find the truth on their own because they know that that is impossible. The Church’s mission is to teach because men have to be taught. Men cannot find the truth on their own. Some essential truths are supernatural and can only be known by revela- tion. That God is a Trinity of Persons, that Jesus Christ is both God and man,... These must be taught. Those in error who want the truth must seek for someone to teach them the truth. They must find the Catholic Church, the sole guardian and possessor of the “deposit of Faith”. Only the Church has the ability to teach men religious truth. They can learn it nowhere else. It is a lie to say “all men are bound to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and His Church, and to embrace the truth they come to know,” The truth is that all men are bound to believe what the Church teaches, not some arbitrary truth that “they come to know.” Freedom of Religion requires each man to find his own truth and form his conscience according to it completely independently of the Church. This is a refinement and expansion of the heresy of Martin Luther. “Everyone can freely interpret sacred scripture.” Luther obliged everyone to find their per- sonal truth in the bible. The Council removes this limitation. Men can seek and find truth any- where.xììì Forming one’s conscience according to the personal truth he has discovered eliminates sin. There is no objective right and wrong because there is no objective truth. This is a denial of Original Sin. The wound of ignorance makes it difficult and for the vast majority of men impossible to come to the Truth about God based on their own searching and discernment. They will end up worshipping devils under various forms as the Gentile Nations did before Our Lord sent the Apostle’s to teach them the truth. Contemporary man has revived paganism and Satanism because the Conciliar Church refuses to teach him the truth. The Council begins with the truth that no one is forced to become a Catholic. And makes a great leap to conclude from this that the Church teaches everyone is free to find his own way in matters religion. Blasphemously the Council implies that Our Lord and the Apostles taught religious liberty. Repeat- edly the Council’s Declaration says that the Faith cannot be imposed on anyone; and juxtaposes with this that men are free to find their own way in religion. The declaration of this Vatican Council on the right of man to religious freedom has its foun- dation in the dignity of the person, whose exigencies have come to be more fully known to human reason through centuries of experience. What is more, this doctrine of freedom has roots in divine revelation, and for this reason Christians are bound to respect it all the more conscientiously. Revelation does not indeed affirm in so many words the right of man to im- munity from external coercion in matters religious. It does, however, disclose the dignity of the human person in its full dimensions. It gives evidence of the respect which Christ showed toward the freedom with which man is to fulfil his duty of belief in the word of God and it gives us lessons in the spirit which disciples of such a Master ought to adopt and continually follow. Thus further light is cast upon the general principles upon which the doctrine of this declaration on religious freedom is based. In particular, religious freedom in society is entirely consonant with the freedom of the act of Christian faith.

______xì John 14,6 xìì Rap Sessions have nothing to do with Rap music. That genre of music did not exist at the time. xììì John Lennon found his truth with a guru in India and brought Eastern Satanism to the west. “The gods of the gentiles are devils”— Psalm 95,5 The Broken Wheel 9 Issue 2 October 2020

Although the Council teaches that religious freedom is a natural right it took centuries of experi- ence to realise that man needed it. St. Catherine, St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Dominic etc., were una- ware of their dignity and the needs of their person. The “Dark Ages” when Christ was King were unaware of this. “Enlightened man” began to be aware of his dignity and its exigencies and now “contemporary man” has a fuller knowledge of them. Truly, revelation does not affirm religious freedom, on the contrary, Solomon was condemned and punished for freedom of religion.xìv Religious freedom is condemned in many places in revelation, notably the first commandment. There is no connection between the freedom of the act of faith and the Council’s doctrine of Reli- gious Freedom. The Council makes great efforts to conclude the one from the other but it fails miserably because the task is impossible. However the Council blasphemously claims: In faithfulness therefore to the truth of the Gospel, the Church is following the way of Christ and the apostles when she recognizes and gives support to the principle of religious freedom as befitting the dignity of man and as being in accord with divine revelation. Religious Liberty means a man is free to be an atheist, agnostic, pagan, Mohammedan or any other “truth” he may come to know. It also means that he can form his conscience according to that truth and behave in public or private according to it. Society must protect his right. The Council claims that Christ and the Apostles teach that men have a right to break the First Commandment. The Council Concludes The council exhorts Catholics, and it directs a plea to all men, most carefully to consider how greatly necessary religious freedom is, especially in the present condition of the hu- man family. All nations are coming into even closer unity. Men of different cultures and religions are being brought together in closer relationships. There is a growing conscious- ness of the personal responsibility that every man has. All this is evident. Consequently, in order that relationships of peace and harmony be established and maintained within the whole of mankind, it is necessary that religious freedom be everywhere provided with an effective constitutional guarantee and that respect be shown for the high duty and right of man freely to lead his religious life in society. This is the heresy of Americanism. Peace and harmony can be achieved in society without Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Peace. All forms of religion will become united in tolerance and mutual charity. This is the height of naivety. A religion that demands death for Christians will be in peace and harmony with Catholics. The Council’s Declaration on Religious Liberty is founded:  on the lie that men have a natural inalienable dignity  the implied lie that Catholic nations coerced people to become Catholic  the implied lie that contrary to the will of Christ and the Apostles the Church has previously coerced men to become Catholic  the blasphemous implication that Christ and the Apostles favour religious liberty Some Fruits of this Declaration  Priests and religious renouncing their vocations  Young people not considering a religious vocations  A great loss of faith among Catholics  a rise of heresy, and unbelief  a revival of paganism and the occult  militant atheism

xìv 3 Kings 11

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 witchcraft and feminism  satanism xv  immorality of all kinds, e.g., divorce, sterilization, abortion and contraception, adultery, forni- cation, euthanasia, unnatural vices, immoral entertainment, immodesty, Sunday shopping and labour, all in accordance with the truths that various dignified men have discovered. This declaration has lead to the damnation of many men Sins of unbelief, heresy, paganism, and satanism all lead to hell. The immorality promoted by false “religions” leads souls to Hell. This declaration is heretical and blasphemous and certainly a cause of the nearly universal apostasy through which we are living. There is nothing redeemable in it. It must be condemned to the burn barrel. There is nothing that can be interpreted in a Catholic sense in this declaration. Over 2,000 signed it at the Council. Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis are only implementing the Council:  When they have prayer meetings with other religions, such as Assisi. They gather with other dignified contemporary men and discuss the truths that they have found.  When they make agreements with heretics, e.g., the Catholic-Anglican accord, or Catholic- Lutheran agreement.  When they visit and pray in mosques or synagogues.  When they inculturate pagan ceremonies into the Mass.  When Pope Francis cannot judge an unnatural vice to be a sin. Or admits a public sinner to Holy Communion.  When they canonize a heretic. We must study our faith constantly and be able to defend it against all such errors. The only reli- gious freedom is the freedom to practise the Catholic Faith. Everything else is slavery to lies and errors and leads to eternal damnation. ______xv In particular we would like to thank Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells for her speech to parliament stating she would like Australi- ans “to have freedom of religion, either individually or in community with others, in public or private to manifest one’s religion or be- lief in worship, observence, practice and teaching.”—Satanist Brother Samael Demo-Gorgon announcing the first public satanic black mass in Queensland. The senator’s speech is straight from Dignitatis Humanae. I am told that she is one of the better senators.


Human Dignity

The Catholic Church does not speak about the dignity of man. This is a revolutionary concept adopt- ed by the Conciliar Church. The Church honours the saints in heaven for their great dignity. Men on earth have basic dignity if they are in the state of grace. To have exceptional dignity one must do the Will of God. Our Lord had great dignity during his Passion after conforming Himself to the Will of the Father, “not my will by thy Will be done.” Likewise Our Lady when she gave her fiat. “Be it done to me according to thy Word”. Men on earth who always do the Will of God, have souls that are faithful and profound. They seek to please God in all things. They have great dignity but they are totally unaware of their dignity because they have become as little children open and straightforward and completely unaware of their worth. “Unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”. Those who want to be considered dignified or are concerned about their “self-esteem”, do not have much dignity if they have any at all. It is terrible to hear parents being concerned that something might harm their child’s self-esteem when they should be concerned that their child is humble.

The Broken Wheel 11 Issue 2 October 2020

Libertas ¹ On the Nature of Human Liberty Pope Leo XIII 20 June 1888 This excerpt from Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical letter on Liberty is about Liber- ty of Religion. The entire encyclical is worth reading and can be found at the reference in the note. 19. To make this more evident, the growth of liberty ascribed to our age must be considered apart in its various details. And, first, let us examine that liberty in individuals which is so opposed to the virtue of religion, namely, the liberty of worship, as it is called. This is based on the principle that every man is free to profess as he may choose any religion or none. 20. But, assuredly, of all the duties which man has to fulfil, that, without doubt, is the chiefest and holiest which commands him to worship God with devotion and piety. This follows of necessity from the truth that we are ever in the power of God, are ever guided by His will and providence, and, having come forth from Him, must return to Him. Add to which, no true virtue can exist with- out religion, for moral virtue is concerned with those things which lead to God as man's supreme and ultimate good; and therefore religion, which (as St. Thomas says) "performs those actions which are directly and immediately ordained for the divine honor", rules and tempers all virtues. And if it be asked which of the many conflicting religions it is necessary to adopt, reason and the natural law unhesitatingly tell us to practice that one which God enjoins, and which men can easily recognize by certain exterior notes, whereby Divine Providence has willed that it should be distin- guished, because, in a matter of such moment, the most terrible loss would be the consequence of error. Wherefore, when a liberty such as We have described is offered to man, the power is given him to pervert or abandon with impunity the most sacred of duties, and to exchange the unchange- able good for evil; which, as We have said, is no liberty, but its degradation, and the abject submis- sion of the soul to sin. 21. This kind of liberty, if considered in relation to the State, clearly implies that there is no reason why the State should offer any homage to God, or should desire any public recognition of Him; that no one form of worship is to be preferred to another, but that all stand on an equal footing, no account being taken of the religion of the people, even if they profess the Catholic faith. But, to justify this, it must needs be taken as true that the State has no duties toward God, or that such du- ties, if they exist, can be abandoned with impunity, both of which assertions are manifestly false. For it cannot be doubted but that, by the will of God, men are united in civil society; whether its component parts be considered; or its form, which implies authority; or the object of its existence; or the abundance of the vast services which it renders to man. God it is who has made man for so- ciety, and has placed him in the company of others like himself, so that what was wanting to his nature, and beyond his attainment if left to his own resources, he might obtain by association with others. Wherefore, civil society must acknowledge God as its Founder and Parent, and must obey and reverence His power and authority. Justice therefore forbids, and reason itself forbids, the State to be godless; or to adopt a line of action which would end in godlessness-namely, to treat the various religions (as they call them) alike, and to bestow upon them promiscuously equal rights and privileges. Since, then, the profession of one religion is necessary in the State, that religion must be professed which alone is true, and which can be recognized without difficulty, especially in Catholic States, because the marks of truth are, as it were, engraven upon it. This religion, there- fore, the rulers of the State must preserve and protect, if they would provide - as they should do - with prudence and usefulness for the good of the community. For public authority exists for the welfare of those whom it governs; and, although its proximate end is to lead men to the prosperity found in this life, yet, in so doing, it ought not to diminish, but rather to increase, man's capability of attaining to the supreme good in which his everlasting happiness consists: which never can be attained if religion be disregarded.

¹ Summa theologiae, IIa-IIae, q. LXXXI, a. 6. Answer.

The Broken Wheel 12 Issue 2 October 2020

22. All this, however, We have explained more fully elsewhere. We now only wish to add the re- mark that liberty of so false a nature is greatly hurtful to the true liberty of both rulers and their subjects. Religion, of its essence, is wonderfully helpful to the State. For, since it derives the prime origin of all power directly from God Himself, with grave authority it charges rulers to be mindful of their duty, to govern without injustice or severity, to rule their people kindly and with almost paternal charity; it admonishes subjects to be obedient to lawful authority, as to the ministers of God; and it binds them to their rulers, not merely by obedience, but by reverence and affection, forbidding all seditious and venturesome enterprises calculated to disturb public order and tranquil- lity, and cause greater restrictions to be put upon the liberty of the people. We need not mention how greatly religion conduces to pure morals, and pure morals to liberty. Reason shows, and histo- ry confirms the fact, that the higher the morality of States; the greater are the liberty and wealth and power which they enjoy. ______

¹ Libertas (June 20, 1888) | Pope LEO XIII http://w2.vatican/content/leo-xiii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_20061888_libertas.html ______

November Dead Lists

The faithful who do not have a Mass may send the names of the Ho- ly Souls they want to be remembered in the November Masses to [email protected]

These names will be on the altar in Brisbane and probably also in Melbourne for the Masses said by Frs. Edward F. MacDonald and Pio Suneel.

The Marian Corps has a website which you can fill in with the names of Holy Souls to be remembered in the Masses of their priests during the month of November.

May they rest in peace. Amen.

The Broken Wheel 13 Issue 2 October 2020

Man is God Fr. Paul Wickens (+2004 RIP) explained the concept of the dignity of the human person embraced by Vatican II in an interview with Bernard Jansen in the 1980s. God and man become one. The belief that “Man and God are One” is a very old heresy predating Christianity. It is called Pantheism. In Greek “Theos” means God and “Pan” means all. Pantheism teaches that God is not simply in everything, God is everything. Modernism is a resurrection of that Pantheiestic idea that God is eveything. Modernists look at a person and say “You are God.” This is an attitude developed by Carl Rahner and many of his disciples. While it seems to be calling people to a greater spirituality, its effect is the opposite, because genuine spirituality has to be based on truth. Human beings are not God. God, the Creator, is distinct from the created. God is transcendent. We are made to His image and likeness. He may give us a limited share in His life through Grace, but we are not God. In attempting to make God and man one, Modernists bring God down and elevate man. Therefore if God and you are one, whatever you do, or whatever your instincts tell you to do is good. If your instincts tell you to be a homosexual that is good. How can anyone criticize it? If your in- stincts tell you to be self-centred and materialistic, or slothful, or to refuse to follow the duties of your state in life, that is good. It is not only permissible or tolerable, but it is good. Holy Scripture teaches that it is a crime when a man does evil and calls it evil, but an even greater crime when man does evil and calls it good. But that is what Modernists do; they actually do things that are evil and call them good, because they believe that there is really no objective good or bad. Whatever you do is good because, after all, you and God are somehow hypostatically united. This was a theme of Teilhard de Chardin: namely, that while man may possess some cosmetic imperfec- tions, we are evolving to an “Omega Point” as we get better and better, and become more and more on a par with Divinity. Modernists believe this deep down in order to justify all their actions. That is why, if you happen to meet a nun, a priest or a layman (but it is more scandalous in a nun or a priest) and they do something that is very, very much out of keeping with the traditional view of religious life, they will counter your criticism by saying, “So what? What’s wrong with it? What I am doing is good.” They stop short of saying, “After all, we are all Gods”, but that is what they mean. ¹ ______

¹ Christ Defended by Fr. Paul Wickens, 1988, Neumann Press, Long Prairie, Minnesota, p.17-18. This is a tran- script of an interview with Bernard Jansen. This and other interviews of Bernard Jansen are available from


Oremus Apostolate

The Oremus Apostolate is an initiative of the Resistance to pray for priests. It’s goal is that priests become holy. It seeks an army, called “Little Flower’s Ar- my for Priests” to commit to daily prayers for priests. Men and women over 18 years can join and will be given a booklet of prayers to say daily and the name of a particular priest to pray for. For more information and to join contact Mary at [email protected]

The Broken Wheel 14 Issue 2 October 2020

Excerpts from an interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of 1978 published in The Spotlight July 18, 1988¹ Did you not sign and agree to the resolutions of this council? No. First of all, I have not signed all the documents of Vatican II because of the last two acts. The first, concerned with "Religion and Freedom" (Dignitatis Humane), I have not signed. The other one, that of “The Church in the Modern World” (Guadium et Spes), I also have not signed. This latter is in my opinion the most oriented toward modernism and liberalism. Are you on record for not only not signing the documents but also on record to publicly op- pose them? Yes. In a book, which I have published in France, I accuse the council of error on these resolu- tions, and I have given all the documents by which I attack the position of the council - principally, the two resolutions concerning the issues of religion and freedom and "The Church in the Modern World.” Why were you against these decrees? Because these two resolutions are inspired by liberal ideology which former popes described to us- that is to say, a religious license as understood and promoted by the Freemasons, the humanists, the modernists and the liberals. Why do you object to them? This ideology says that all the cultures are equal; all the religions are equal, that there is not a one and only true faith. All this leads to the abuse and perversion of freedom of thought. All these per- versions of freedom, which were condemned throughout the centuries by all the popes, have now been accepted by the council of Vatican II. Who placed these particular resolutions on the agenda? I believe there were a number of cardinals assisted by theological experts who were in agreement with liberal ideas. Cardinal (Augustine) Bea (a German Jesuit), Cardinal (Leo) Suenens (from Belgium), Cardinal (Joseph) Frings (from Germany), Cardinal (Franz) Koenig (from Austria). These personalities had already gathered and discussed these resolutions before the council and it was their precise aim to make a compromise with the secular world, to introduce Illuminist and modernist ideas in the church doctrines. Did you let the pope (Paul VI) know of your concern and disquiet regarding these resolu- tions? I have talked to the pope. I have talked to the council. I have made three public interventions, two of which I have filed with the secretariat. Therefore, there were five interventions against these resolutions of Vatican II. In fact, the opposition led against these resolutions was such that the pope attempted to establish a commission with the aim of reconciling the opposing parties within the council. There were to be three members, of which I was one. When the liberal cardinals learned that my name was on this commission, they went to see the holy father and told him bluntly that they would not accept this commission and that they would not accept my presence on this commission. The pressure on the pope was such that he gave up the idea. I have done everything I could to stop these resolutions which I judge contrary and destructive to the Catholic faith. The council was convened legitimately, but it was for the purpose of putting all these ideas through.

¹ The full interview may be found here:

The Broken Wheel 15 Issue 2 October 2020

Were there other cardinals supporting you? Yes. There was Cardinal (Ernesto) Ruffini (of Palermo), Cardinal (Giuseppe) Siri (of Genoa) and Cardinal (Antonio) Caggiano (of ). Were there any bishops supporting you? Yes. Many bishops supported my stand. How many bishops? There were in excess of 250 bishops. They had even formed themselves into a group for the pur- pose of defending the true Catholic faith. What happened to all of these supporters? Some are dead; some are dispersed throughout the world; many still support me in their hearts but are frightened to lose the position, which they feel may be useful at a later time. Is anybody supporting you today (1978)? Yes. For instance, Bishop Pintinello from ; Bishop Castro de Mayer from Brazil. Many other bishops and cardinals often contact me to express their support but wish at this date to remain anonymous. What about those bishops who are not liberals but still oppose and criticize you? Their opposition is based on an inaccurate understanding of obedience to the pope. It is, perhaps, a well-meant obedience, which could be traced to the ultramontane obedience of the last century, which in those days was good because the popes were good. However, today, it is a blind obedi- ence, which has little to do with a practice and acceptance of true Catholic faith. At this stage it is relevant to remind Catholics all over the world that obedience to the pope is not a primary virtue. The hierarchy of virtues starts with the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity followed by the four cardinal virtues of justice, temperance, prudence and fortitude. Obedi- ence is a derivative of the cardinal virtue of justice. Therefore it is far from ranking first in the hi- erarchy of virtues. Certain bishops do not wish to give the slightest impression that they are opposed to the holy fa- ther. I understand how they feel. It is evidently very unpleasant, if not very painful. I certainly do not like to be in opposition to the holy father, but I have no choice considering what is coming to us from Rome at present, which is in opposition to the Catholic doctrine and is unacceptable to Catholics. Do you suggest that the holy father accepts these particular ideas? Yes. He does. But it is not only the holy father. It is a whole trend. I have mentioned to you some of the cardinals involved in these ideas. More than a century ago, secret societies, Illuminati, hu- manist, modernist and others, of which we have now all the texts and proofs, were preparing for a Vatican council in which they would infiltrate their own ideas for a humanist church. Do you suggest that some cardinals could have been members of such secret societies? This is not a very important matter at this stage whether they are or not. What is very important and grave is that they, for all intents and purposes, act just as if they were agents or servants of hu- manist secret societies. Do you suggest that these cardinals could have taken up such ideas deliberately or were they given the wrong information or were they duped or a combination of all?

I think that humanist and liberal ideas spread throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. These secular ideas were spread everywhere, in government and churches alike. These ideas have penetrated into the seminaries and throughout the church. And today the church wakes up finding itself in a liberal straitjacket. This is why one meets liberal influence that has penetrated all strata of secular life during the last two centuries, right inside the church. Vatican Council II was engineered by liberals; it was a liber- al council; the pope is a liberal and those who surround him are liberals.

The Broken Wheel 16 Issue 2 October 2020

Are you suggesting that the pope is a liberal even if he has never declared himself to be a liberal? The pope has never denied that he was (a liberal). When did the pope indicate that he was a liberal? The pope stated on many occasions that he was in favor of modernist ideas, in favor of a compro- mise with the world. In his own words, it was necessary.’to throw a bridge between the church and the secular world.' The pope said that it was necessary to accept humanist ideas, that is was necessary to discuss such ideas; that it was necessary to have dialogues. At this stage, it is important to state that dia- logues are contrary to the doctrines of the Catholic faith. Dialogues presuppose the coming to- gether of two equal and opposing sides; therefore, in no way could (dialogue) have anything to do with the Catholic faith. We believe and accept our faith as the only true faith in the world. All this confusion ends up in compromises, which destroy the church's doctrines, for the misfortune of mankind and the church alike.


Regrets from Solzhenitsyn

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Se- curity operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the down- stairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

The Broken Wheel 17 Issue 2 October 2020

A Favour of Our Queen from The Irish Rosary, Vol. II, No. 7, July 1898 A Jesuit missionary in Western Bengal tells us that the village of Manapadam, in the midst of a country entirely pagan, contains only a few Catholics, but they are faithful servants of God and Our Holy Mother has a modest chapel amongst them. For a long time not a drop of rain had fallen throughout the whole territory; the drought was ex- treme, and the crops were everywhere in danger of being destroyed. The Indians had employed all their superstitious practices, but in vain: the heavens remained closed, and the earth parched. Finally, they re- solved on a last supreme effort. They were in doubt as to which of their divinities they should appeal to in this supreme need, but after some hesitation they decided to let chance decide the matter. They took down palm leaves and on each wrote the name of their principal divinities. Some Indians proposed that another leaf should be added, bearing the name of Mary, the advocate of the Christians, and the suggestion was acted upon at once. A great fire was kindled in the public square and in the presence of all the people the twelve leaves were thrown into it, all declaring that they would invoke the divinity whose name was respected by the flames. Scarcely had the leaves been cast into the fire when they were reduced to ashes. One only remained un- touched in the midst of the flames—that whereon the sacred name of God’s Mother was written. Doubt was impossible and the Indians felt they were bound to invoke Mary. So they set out at once for the chapel of Our Lady, exclaiming as they went: “There is no other God but the God of the Christians and His Mother is all powerful!” And they were all united in calling upon her in their own peculiar way. These homages pleased the Holy Virgin, Hardly had the Indians left the chapel when the sky was covered with clouds, and an abundant rain fell to water the parched crops. But Mary did more than this: she poured the dew of divine grace on these sterile hearts, and a great number of pagans were subsequently converted. The leaf bearing the name of Our Lady, which was miraculously preserved from the flames is still kept in the modest little chapel at Mana- padam. ______

Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, water from the ground, and light from the sun and convert it into energy which is stored in the plant and makes the plant grow. Oxygen is a by-product. Carbon Dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis. Car- bon Dioxide is good for plants. Carbon dioxide is necessary for the Rain Forest. Carbon Dioxide is good for the atmosphere, good for the environment. The more carbon dioxide the more plants grow. Green houses owners use carbon dioxide generators to increase plant growth. Burning coal and other “fossil fuels” releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Pope Francis has joined the climate change chorus condemning carbon dioxide has harmful. This is not true. It is false science.

The Broken Wheel 18 Issue 2 October 2020


St Catherine was a spouse of Christ, The wheel was shattered at her touch, An Alexandrian maid; And many who looked on She saw the Christians sacrificed, Embraced the Faith at seeing such, But she was not afraid. Though the tyrant’s soul was gone.

To tyrant Maximin she went Conversion was a thing he dreaded, And boldly she upbraided him; His hardened heart resisted; His cruelty she could not prevent, He had St. Catherine beheaded, For wickedness pervaded him. And in his crimes persisted.

Her wisdom he could not refute, But Catherine’s soul with trophies rich, Nor could his learned men; Triumphantly took flight; And many won by this dispute, As also did her body, which Converted there and then. Was borne to Sinai’s heights.

By flattery the tyrant tried She is the Saint to whom we pray To win the virgin’s heart; To bless our weak endeavour But Catherine swiftly turned aside, To battle errors of today, For she would take no part. And banish them forever.

Then Maximin, in dreadful rage, May her wisdom help us to refute Caused Catherine to be whipped, The present groundless terrors, (Though only eighteen years of age) And drive away the poisoned fruit With scourges leaden- tipped. Of Modernism’s errors.

Then in a filthy prison cast, And may this modern torture wheel Deprived of drink and food, Be shattered at the touch Eleven days St. Catherine passed, Of truth and doctrine, sound and real- In prayerful solitude. We need this grace so much.

A wagon wheel with knives enhanced And finally, we humbly pray, The tyrant next invented; Dear virgin-saint look down; But Catherine prayed and so it chanced Assist the Christians of today, This torture was prevented. That we many share thy crown.

The Carmelite Sisters are obliged by the courts to move. They have dismantled most of their buildings and are living in sparse and primitive accommodations. The judge gave them until June 2021 to be gone. They need about another €50,000. to buy a place reasonably close to the Resistance Mass of Fr. Giacomo Ballini. Their website is: On this site under “downloads” you can find their newsletter. Donations can be made by bank transfer, paypal or gofundme.

Bank Transfer: Name: Mother (Sr.) Irene Gibson NSC: 903998 Bank of Ireland. A/C No 27746013 IBAN NO: IE34 BOFI 9039 9827 7460 13 BIC / SWIFT CODE: BOFIIE2D

PayPal: [email protected]

The Broken Wheel 19 Issue 2 October 2020

Reawakening Idealism / Not Becoming ‘Comfortably Numb’

‘When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse Out of the corner of my eye I turned to look but it was gone I cannot put my finger on it now The child is grown The dream is gone And I have become Comfortably numb.’

The song, ‘Comfortably Numb’ by Pink Floyd ends with the lines above. Here, the artist sings about how, during his childhood, he caught a glimpse of something better than the life he currently lives. Due to his life experiences, he has become cynical, disillusioned and in the end, ‘comfortably numb’. It is obvious from this song that this ‘comfortably numb’ feeling is not a peaceful feeling of contentment but a feeling of bitter resignation. This feeling captures much of what has happened to people or is happening to young people, in our society today. Many of these people had or have a burning desire to live life to its fullest, i.e. they ‘caught a fleeting glimpse’ of the potential in life, but due to bitter life experiences they have become or are becoming disillusioned and fed up with talk about goodness, truth or high ideals, i.e. ‘the dream is gone’. So how do we maintain or reawak- en this idealism of youth so that we can catch a glimpse of the true reality of life?

Re-inspiring Idealism in People’s Hearts

When people have become ‘comfortably numb’, something special needs to happen to shake them out of this. This shaking can sometimes come in the form of pleasurable life events, e.g. falling in love, landing the job they always wanted, travelling to new and exotic places. These events can awaken in people that inner idealistic teenager as one’s eyes are briefly opened to the beauty in life and hope emerges once again. However, as these feelings are often transitory, e.g. the initial crush fades, married life becomes difficult, the new job gets tiresome, travelling becomes burdensome, this awakening is not sustained and often people end up back in their ‘comfortably numb’ state. There can follow an increased cynicism as the person notes that the very thing that promised the fulfilment of happiness, i.e. the husband or wife, the new job, the exotic holiday, does not live up to the expec- tation and fails to satisfy the inner craving for happiness. They all fall short of what one expected or hoped for. Martin Mosebach (‘The Heresy of Formlessness: The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy‘)

The Broken Wheel 20 Issue 2 October 2020

also points out the various other avenues idealists go down on their quests for happiness, but which eventually lead to unhappiness and disillusionment, ‘Vegetarianism, cult of nudity, femi- nism, neo-paganism, pseudo-Indian meditation, gay liberation, ubiquitous guitar-strumming. Ba- sically, all these movements can be traced back to the burning idealism of good people who were led astray and betrayed.’ With so many disappointments and so many people and things falling short of the mark, cynicism about the possibility of a happy and joyous life and the feeling that you have been betrayed can seem like reasonable responses. Now, this reaction is not all bad. While indifferentism sometimes creeps in with setbacks and disappointments, cynicism can be a more positive reaction as it shows some sign that the person may, at least, still care, as Frank Duff, the founder of the Legion of Mary, points out in his insightful book, ‘The Spirit of the Le- gion of Mary‘, ‘When you find people cynical do not be over-hasty to condemn them. Rather rea- son out the ‘Why’. The answer to that ‘Why’ may form a condemnation of ourselves. For cynicism is not altogether an unworthy product. In its essence it is disgust, despair, disillusionment. Any idealist who is disappointed may become a cynic, but the idealism has not been destroyed. It is merely submerged. It can be brought to light again.’ This disappointed idealist ‘cannot put [his] finger on’ why he has become so cynical but Frank Duff realised that, with a little patience and guidance, the light, i.e. the ‘why’, could emerge from the darkness. So how can this idealism, i.e. this striving and longing for something better, ‘be brought to light again’ and maintained?

Presentation of The Truth

‘Many are the misguided men who in their revolt against the Christian ideal of human character and the Christian rule of life, are not in revolt against that ideal itself, but what they conceive it to be. It is not to say how far Christian themselves are responsible for this state of affairs. Not only inadequacy in the practice of Christianity, but also a faulty presentation of its values, is apt to rouse antagonism in the sincere and the reflective. The Christian theory of life is so coherent, so logical, so simple yet so mysterious, so accommodated to the average man as well as to the most highly gifted, and finally so soul-satisfying that, when adequately presented it must readily recom- mend itself to all men of sincerity and good will.’ – Fr Edward Leen, ‘Why the Cross?’

If the truth is to re-ignite the slumbering idealists, it must be presented clearly and convincingly. It must not be watered down to appeal to the masses. It must be presented in a way that inspires and lifts as Frank Duff outlines, ‘It would be a tragic thing if, in any place, the actions of its members toned down the Church to such an extent that men looking at it could discern nothing of the char- acteristics of Christ; nothing virile, appealing, inspiring, conquering, grand; nothing but a slave of its environment, something that has made terms with the world.’ Those who don’t compromise, who speak clearly and precisely, and who don’t filter their message to appeal to modern or world- ly eyes and ears will often be seen as naïve ‘idealists’ or mad men by the world. However, these speakers of unfiltered truth need to remember that many great people, such as St John Bosco, were labelled ‘idealists’ who never gave up, ‘Many hoary sinners were won by that lovable and persistent kindness, by that understanding of human weakness and belief that in the most unprom- ising characters there was always, somewhere, a vein of good.’ (F.A. Forbes, ‘St John Bosco, Seeker of Souls’). Those who speak the truth must also remember the call from Christ to perfection as Fr Edward Leen points out, ‘Jesus was a lofty idealist as regards the destiny towards which He directed the aspirations of His fellows. His ambitions for them knew no limits short of the divine. He would make them sons of God and co-heirs with Himself (Rom 8:17). Being a lofty idealist, He was at the same time, as is usually the case, an intense realist…The obstacles that impede the soul’s vi- sion of the Divine Beauty are the real source of human misery, for they are the one bar to human contentment. The clearing away of these obstacles involves toil and hardship and pain, but this pain prepares the way for peace and joy and contentment.’ This idealism is based on reality. It is not sugar coated and the reality of the battle ahead is clearly outlined. This intense realism is what appeals to the highest aspirations of the human soul as Fr Doolan (‘Philosophy for the Layman’)

The Broken Wheel 21 Issue 2 October 2020

outlines, ‘There is a spiritual craving and energy in humanity as such, from which springs ‘longings, strivings, yearnings’ for things far beyond the experience of the senses or the desires of sensuality. These strivings denote a certain idealism. It is expressed in the art of human life itself, but most notably in our poetry and painting and music and soaring architecture. Things like truth and goodness and beauty, and glory and fame, do mean something to men, and give rise to high aspirings.’ This appealing to the highest aspirations of man is also essential for the youth as Dr. Willibald Demal O.S.B. (‘Pastoral Psychology in Practice’) notes, ‘Pure love must be the ideal of the youth’ and ‘The urge to honour and self-esteem awakens in the youth his fighting spirit, his urge to heroism; while his love impulses awaken his enthusiasm for everything noble, beautiful, and good, i.e. awakens his idealism.’ The youth need a challenge and one that will require the best of themselves. The words of Frank Duff speaking to his legionnaires, also appeal to those who de- sire a noble quest to take on, ‘You must outlive the world, outpace it, outlast it, outlove it, in every- thing – in science, in art, in business, in sport, in achievement of every kind.’ Who is Appealing to Our Idealism Today? The Catholic Faith, due to how it is presented to the world today, has lost many idealists to other causes that speak to them more convincingly and appeal more strongly to the noblest of their aspi- rations. Atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and the late Christopher Hitchens (once referred to as ‘The Four Horsemen’) appealed to young idealists due to their con- viction and eloquence, while also inspiring in idealists the belief that they were part of a noble bat- tle against falsehoods and error. The truth, i.e. the Catholic Faith, has failed to convince people, mainly because these people, usually the young, were not presented with the Faith clearly and/or it was presented to them by unholy pragmatists who tried to have two masters, rather than saintly idealists, such as St John Bosco, who knew, loved and served only one Master. St John Bosco rep- resented, in his words and deeds, more than ‘a fleeting glimpse’ of the Catholic Faith thus helping to prevent many souls becoming ‘comfortably numb’.

‘So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.‘ (Matthew 5:16)

To prevent cynicism, to awaken idealism in cynics, and to sustain this awakening, there is only one ultimate solution. It is the presentation of the Truth in all its glory and splendour. This is what must happen in our world today. It will take humility, hard graft and study, sacrifice, plain speak- ing and most importantly, a display of true Christian charity, if people are to awaken in others a love of Truth Himself and a fervent hope that combats despair and disillusionment. Charity, radiat- ing in and out from a saintly soul, has a deep impact on the one it is shines on, as Abbot Jean- Baptiste Chautard outlines in his inspiring book, ‘Soul of the Apostolate’, ‘The sinner has caught a glimpse of another kind of love, one that is pure, ardent, and noble, and he has said to himself: ‘So it is possible, after all, to love, on this earth, with a love that transcends the love of creatures!’. The sinner has put his finger on the source of Love itself, the dream or yearning of the soul turns out to him to be a reality, and instead of becoming comfortably numb the inspired soul strives to- wards Christian perfection. This is the best way to combat disillusionment and despair. Hopefully, young idealists and those cynics who were former idealists will then realise, like Chesterton, that ‘The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left un- tried.’ So, let us not settle for being ‘comfortably numb’. Let us aspire to more. Let us take a closer look at the fleeting glimpses of goodness that we saw in the Catholic Faith and those that truly practiced it. Let us examine and consider the pure love we saw ‘out of the corner of [our eyes]’. Then, let us willingly take up our cross, understand the battle ahead of us, keep our eyes focused on Heaven, and let us realise that the truth is far sweeter and more liberating than any dream.

God bless you in your efforts.

Martin McManus

The Broken Wheel 22 Issue 2 October 2020

Prior in SE Queensland

The base of the Resistance for Australia and New Zealand will be in Queensland, Australia. We thank all those who supported an earlier plan to have a priory in New Zealand. We have used that money to buy a Chapel in Whanganui which will be blessed and opened on the next visit of a priest. Much renovation has been done to it. It began as a meeting house for some bizarre sect. Had a second career as a day care centre and most recently was a sewing machine museum. Here in Queensland we hope to buy land within three hours of Brisbane and have a priory. Fr. Pio Suneel and I will live there. Hopefully Fr. Mina George will visit from time-to-time. It will be a place for prayer and study. We intend also that it will be a retreat house where we will primarily preach the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. Fr. Chazal has asked that it also be a pre-seminary for young men who may require time to get visas to France or the Philippines to attend the seminaries there. There will be classes for pre-seminarians and also doctrinal study sessions. The priests would commute to Brisbane for Masses and as travel is permitted to our missions in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth in Australia, and also New Zealand, Canada and the USA. Bishop Williamson has given his blessing to this project provided we are not too far from a major airport. Some faithful have expressed an interest in moving near such a priory and we hope a Catholic com- munity develops. Out of the city we would be able to avoid somewhat lock downs and other evils of the New World Order that is now here. We have over $Australia 200,000. and need about another $150,000. We are grateful to all those who have donated for this project. At least one Mass is offered monthly for our benefactors. Included in those Masses are benefactors who made the New Zealand Chapel possible. To donate: Account Name: Our Lady Of Good Success Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Bank Address: 441 Gympie Road, Strathpine Qld 4500, Australia BSB 064-164 Account Number: 10650785 Swift Code: CTBAAU2S

If a physical address is required for Our Lady of Good Success use: 1103 Oxley Rd, Oxley QLD 4075, Australia Our Postal address is: PO Box 1019, Oxley QLD 4075, Australia

Or you may donate via PayPal to [email protected]

Thank you, Fr. Edward F. MacDonald

The Broken Wheel 23 Issue 2 October 2020