Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04
Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04 Ref: P/2011/2338 Ward: East Acton Address: Portal Way, North Acton, W3 6UU Proposal: Redevelopment to provide two mixed-use buildings with roof level amenity space (seven-storeys and eight-storeys) to provide 184 student units on upper floors and 382m2 on ground floor for use as student lounge and lobby, and uses within Retail (Use Class A1), Financial and Professional (Use Class A2), Restaurants and Cafes (Use Class A3), Business (Use Class B1) or Non-residential Institutions (Use Class D1); creation of biodiversity park and community pocket park; provision of four parking spaces and 132 cycle parking spaces Drawing Nos: JKK6263 1 REVC and JKK6263 2 REVC. 5303/P/5.00A, 5303/P/5.01A, 5303/P/5.02B, 5303/P/5.03B, 5303/P/5.04B, 5303/P/5.05B, 5303/P/5.06, 5303/P/5.07, 5303/P/5.08, 5303/P/5.09, 5303/P/5.010, 5303/P/5.013, 5303/P/5.014, 5303/P/5.015, 5303/P/5.016, 5303/P/5.017, 5303/P/5.018 and 5303/P/5.019. 1302/01 REVC, 1302/02 REVB, 1302/03 REVB and 1302/04 REVA. Accompanying documents Planning Statement (prepared by CGMS) Air Quality Assessment (prepared by RPS) BREEAM Assessment (prepared by Eight Associates) Building for Life Assessment (prepared by AR Urbanism) Ecology Report (prepared by Thomson Ecology) Energy and Sustainability Assessment (prepared by Flatt Consulting) Flood Risk Assessment (prepared by RPS) Fire Safety Review (prepared by International Fire Safety Consultants Ltd) Landscape Scheme (prepared by Liz Lake) Noise Assessments (prepared by MoirHands) Site Investigation Report
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