Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern C onsolidated .March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. T W / C H - A - W H H K . . . . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY.

Two Dollars a Year R ockland Maine Srturday August 7 ’897 Vol. 52. . . . No. 52 ______.. .. 1 ______A REBEL IN MAINE WATERS IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY [)O YOU KNOW THAT winds being light but still strong enough to bring the craft into the circle of destruction, Concrete Walk on I.hnerock Street nnd One Palr-Ia Klnhty One and tbe Other Fligh­ and she was soon another prize to this ocean Prosper Merrlmee's "Letters to an U n­ How the Confederate Cruiser Tallahassee Stenin Boiler Knocked Out — Enoch ty .Three yenrn of nge. Came Upon the Knox County Const and chief. Owen Wincapaw was commander, known,” which have been circulated more or Davies Elected City Clerk—NewSIden nlkn less in this country, Ixrth in English and the the______Destruction ___ She Wrought „ Here— ( while Emery Davis, another soldier of the 21st The Boston Globe recently published the THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., and Seven — New Ordinance* — Other Friendship Vessels Thnt Suffered- A S tir - } Maine, was one of the crew as well as half- following interesting despatch from this effy original, have been translated anew by Henri llnalneaa of Importance. Pene du Bois. This translation, which is to ring Episode of the bate War Narrated owner. Albert Collsmore and Alphonso relative to an interesting pair of Maine twins: OF HARTFORD, CONN., he issued by the Brentanos, ia announced aa For Our Benders. Hathorn were the other two sailors. Another Monrtxy night’, meeting of the city govern­ "At the cozy home of Mr. nnd Mrs. John old musket was destroyed, more words spoken, ment w,a one of unu.j.l importance. The A. Clough on Camden at., Rockland, Me. the most complete yet made. Issues The BEST Life Insurance Contracts In the World. The 14th of August, on a bright, sunlit day not altogether in praise of their captors* con­ meeting »et!led one thing and that is that be­ there resides twins in whom more than com­ H all Caine's novel, "T h e Christian,” is to NO DISAPPOINTflENT as to DIVIDENDS in 1864, the low, dark hull of a steamer was duct. by the soldier Davis, and then the torch yond the erection of a new city building there mon interest is felt by the people of that have a first edition in England of 50,000 cop­ seen fast approaching the island of M onhe­ was applied, and the scent of the Magnolia will be no ,tep made thi, year towards per­ section. ies ready for publication on August 7, which EVERYTHING GUARANTEED in advance. gan, that gem of green, resting almost in the was far more pungent, as the odor of fish and manent improvement on the m a d , and aide- "The twins were born just 81 years ago, shows his publisher's fa th in tbe exceptions Premium Rates, I5 to 25 Per Cent LESS embrace of M aine’s delightful rivers, and still lar greeted the nostrils of the Tallahassee’s walk,. It may he ,ome time before the city March 36, and they are Mis. Margaret Fidelia to the rule as to the Summer production of the bulwark of the mighty Atlantic, where it crew, than that ot the tropical tree for which will get ,uch adv,nt,geoua offer, «• submitted Barrows and Mrs. Susan Ro&illa Barrows— important fiction. In the matter o f Urge first than those of Old Line riutual Companies defies the abort, decisive storms of Summer as the craft was named. for Ihe improvement of erock street aide- aunt "Fide” and aunt "Rose” more commonly editions A. C. Gunter, who is his own pub­ well as the dashing surf and billows caused The crew of this third prize being also walk and a steam roller. Sewer, and sidewalk, known. lisher, must take a fairly prominent position, JU L Y 1, 1897. by tbe tremendous tempests of the W inter taken in tow, the cruiser sighted a coaster in were given much attention and aa a result “ Their parents were Samuel Tyler of Cam for the Publishers’ Circular states that he months. the distance, and gave our boya the fastest there will he quite a number of improvement, den and Lucy (Keene) Tyler of Thomaston. brought out a first issue of 63,000 copiei of T o ta l A sset...... #21.916,663 63 The inhabitants of the island had gathered tow they ever had as she went dashing along in the,e department,. W hile they were still infants M r. Tyler re one of his novels. on some of the highest cliffs, watching the moved from Camden to Belfast, where the “ L ia b ilitie s...... w towards her victim. The coaster,which hailed Every member of tbe board of aldermen The supremacy of Columbus has been and S u rp lu s to I’olicv H o ld e rs...... 3,366,161 38 nearing of the craft— for this was a tim e of from Machias had on board the captain, hia wa. in hi, ,e,t and remained there through father died when they were 13. is today so secure that other navigators of the war, and reports were rife of dread Confeder­ daughter and four men. She was at once the longest u n io n for many months. Nine "The mother moved back to Thomaston, or GAINS 6 MONTHS JANUARY TO JULY, 1897. early time who voyaged to America are us­ ate cruisers abroad, burning, pillaging and hove to the wind, the people transferred to councilmen were absent. that part of it which is now Rockland with ually forgotten, but G . E. Weare, an English destroying without restrafot or mercy. The In A sse ts...... 1,018,949 00 the steamer, the torch applied, and then The roll of account, wa, a, follow, : Police her children, and life went on uneventfully author, has resolved that Cabot, at least, shall Iu S u rp lu s ...... 3§8>Z3I 9? old veterans of the deep had collected all the away. *14 04; 6re department *76.62; pauper fund until the twins were 18, when Susan married get hia due. Accordingly he haa prepared a hrearms and ammunition there was upon the *183.29; contingent fund *672.88. Capt. James Grover of Rockland. Six In Insurance in f rce (Life Department only). 1,679,918 00 One more act and J. Taylor W ood shaped volume on "Cabot’s Discovery of North island) resolved to give the invader a touch of his course for Cape Sable and so passed out City Clerk Tibbett. reported a, having col­ children came o f this union, none of whom America,” a work just published by the Lip- BIR D Ac R AUM CY, that spirit of 1812 which was aroused now as of the bay, leaving the waters of Maine for­ lected on account of sewera *6 .0 0 and for dog survive. pincotts, which aims to popularize the knowl­ tnen, when witnessing the encounter of the ever. This final act was fhe overhauling of license, *4. "Fidelia married at the age of 20, her hus­ edge hitherto confined to the specialists. M r. warships Enterprise and Boxer from the same SYNDICATE BLOCK, ROCKLAND, ME., STATE AGENTS the schooner Sea Flower, Capt. Elijah Cook, Street Commissioner Crockett’, report was band being Gilman S. Barrows of Rockville. Weare also essays some new contributions to surrounding heights. of Friendship. Either from motives of econ­ a , follow ,: Cash balance from June, *76.76; Seven children blessed this marriage, the the literature of North z\m ciican discovery. As they gazed, the wheel of the steamer survivors being Mrs. Julia B. Smith and Mra. omy, or, ns some allege, because the mate of received on mayor’, order, *600; expended, From the present excitement over the ex­ was hove to port, the course changed to go *522.93. Amount of hill, unpaid in thi, de­ R. A. Keene of Haverhill, and Mra. John A. the schooner was a Mason, the schooner was istence of gold in toe K londike country one THE MAINE STATE FAIR, Lewiston, east of the island, and soon the people who Clough of Rockland. not burned; but all on board, as well as partment ’.uguat 1,81,642 46. might imagine that the gold had been discov­ hastened to that side saw tbe object of the "U pon the death of her fiist husband Susan those thus far held in tow of the cruiser, The over,eers ol the poor are probably ered only recently. Yet it has been known change of course. Away to the east the having a, hard a time a, any of the city offi­ married Silas Barrows of Rockland, a cousin Aug. 30, 31; Sept. 1, 2, 3. | t^meTdates. were taken on deck and paroled. O ur sol­ for several years that the mines there were white wings of a magnificent bark were ob­ cial.. There ia much sickne,, in the city and of her sister's husband. She became the dier boys, having asserted boastfully that they yielding good returns nnd travelers have H orsolos. CarrlnBO Rnces. Flreraon'8 M uster. served spread to the light, southerly air. as mother of another child, making seven that would again enter the United States service the ‘department ia receiving many applica­ brought back stories of the "finds” of the Everytlilnsr Now, N ovel und Interesting;. . . . she pursued her peaceful way up the Penob­ tion, for aid. Five cases of diphtheria have had been born to each o f the twins. The last as soon as they got on shore, were detained more fortunate miners. Few of these travel­ scot bay. Beauty, which always attracts, ap­ named child was Charles A . Barrows, who m f i e t Y o r r r i f r i e n d s t h e r e « until the last; but they finally decided to give been repotted to the department. The follow­ ers, however, have put their experiences into peared to be the cause of the steamer’s defec­ moved to Haverhill. their parole of honor, mixed with some little ing ia the financial statement; Credit ny writing; ao the account o( the mining dis­ tion, and with more than racehorse speed she "The twins received the limited schooling respect for the Confederacy, whereupon they Mayor’, order, *5,478.91-.received from other tricts given by K itk Munroe, the well known gathered up the miles, soon closing the inter­ too were let go with the rest. town, *497.86; amount paid out *5944.37. Il of that day, which meant a few terms under vening space, and the booming of a single The paroled ones were ordered to set sail the diatreaa among the people continues there more or less able teachers, but they have RANCES gun proclaimed the shot which went skipping for the nearest port, the last act of the Rebel ia no doubt but that the appropriation will be gone through life obscrvingly, and are easy across the bow of the bark, causing her to officer being to cut tbe cable that held them overrun. and charming conversationalists, talking with CLARION AND STOVES come to the wind and back her topsails, to the Tallahassee. Tax Collector Simonton had tbe pleasure whom is a rare pleasure. when she lay almost immovable upon the ro ll­ Then the little craft was headed westerly, of announcing to the board that the taxea "Fidelia is fond of reading and fancy tew­ Make Friends Everywhere ingK ocean, a prey to the foe. , reacningreaching me the port 01 of rrienasmp Friendship during inc the committed to him for 1895 bad been all col­ ing, and Susan's preference is dressmaking. Down goes the steamer’s boat, and by order j night The Machiaa people went home lected and he requested that the bond, for Fidelia was obliged to wear from the "'“ '*** because th ey can be relied upon A T A L L T IM E S of Commander J. Taylor Wood, of the Con ] thence by land, fflad to shun the water for a that year be cancelled, a request that waa time she was 45 up to her 75th year, but her and are federate steamer Tallahassee (for auch she j t jme at least. freely granted.Mr. Simonton’, report Monday sight was restored, and the glasses are laid proved to be) the executive officer was sent The news of the Rebel’s devastaticn spread night waa a, follows: Collected during month, away in some forgotten nook. Susan uses onboard. 1 he crew of the bark was ordered rapidly and the excitement was intense, *1,352.85; collected interest, *38,64; previ­ glasses when she sews or reads, but can do THOROUGHLY into her own boats, and while with sad hearts Threats against the ravager were many and ously reported intere, *228.59, previously re­ fairly well without them. they pulled towards the island of Monhegan, dire. The whole people of our town wore a ported collected on tax >or 1892, *105.72; "Susan joined the Free W ill Baptist church where they arrived before nightfall, the torch constrained and subdued appearance, so that total collection,*93,729.8o. here, but when she went to live in Burnham, CONSTRUCTED of the invader of these Northern waters was a stranger happening in the place might have There w a, the about the usual buainea, W aldo county, she joined the Christian church. applied and tbe stately ship, so proud of her transacted at the liquor agency, the sales Fidelia is a Spiritualist. in the best m an n er possible said the little port had seldom been tbe might and power, so majestic in her beauty, theatre of an event of so great magnitude. amounting to *17888. Of this *64.60 wa, "The twins draw government money in the New Designs, New Improvements, was wrapped in smoke and flames, which M . B. Co o k . for new rum, *18.50 for old rum, *33.15 lor form of widows'pensions. Susan’s son, fames but the same old of excellence crept higher and higher until all that remained whiskey. Hudson Grover, was killed before Petersburg; in every detail. Ask your dealer for them o f this "Pride of the Ocean” sank beneath the City Marshal Crockett made 33 arreati fo- while Fidelia’s son, Gilman S. Barrows, was BUSY AT NORTH JAY in the battle of Baton Rouge. or write to the manufacturers. blue billows of the Atlantic, over which but a the month aa follows: Drunkenness 21, selr few hours before she had so gallantly sailed. ling intoxicating liquor, 7, malicious lAischief "The twins arc tbe surviving members of a WOOD & BISHOP CO., On sped the steamer towards the coast, as At the North Jay quarry of the Maine & 3, insane and larceny, one each. Received family of five children, one of whom was If the terror of her dark deed was but the New I lampshire Granite Co. may be seen the *32 88. Alden L. Tyler, the veteran schoolmaster who ghost of her own destruction, stopping not died last year. THE IMPERIAL CLARION. Esteblodied 1839. Incorporated 1804. largest piece of granite ever taken out of that CITY TREASURER JONES’ RBt'ORT. until the hull of a little fisherman, at anchor "Their resemblance is striking, even for quarry and probably out of any quarry in the CAMir nacKirra. some ten miles southwest from the rock of country. It contains over 2,000 cubic yards twins. Even their own relatives know them Matinicus, rose into view; and then this Cash balance from June, 1887, *47,204.44 apart by their dress and voice only, and they and weighs over 5,000 tons. Gut of this tiupt. A. P Irving, account of tuition, 12.00 CHAMPION TRICK TUSKERS commander, this Southern gentleman, crowd­ piece of stone which 1 clear while without a ...... ” ” free text recall laughingly that when they were veung writer for boys, who visited them about four ed on more steam, bound to sweep from the flaw, is to be cut a shaft 85 feet long, 50 feet book a, 17.15 girls and went to parties their dresses had to years ago, is of particular interest at this lime. Burn the Best! Cemetery hind, sale of lot, 5 00 seas of Maine every vestige of the craft by wide and eight feet thick, for a monument for be marked in some distinguishing manner.” It occurs In M r. Munroe's story, "Snow-shoes The Moat anti Beat Trained Kleplianta Liquor Axency, 138.01 which the people could support themselves. a party in Texas. City solicitor, expenseipviiai) nur.uum,accnunt. 11.60 and Sledges,” a sequel to "T h e Fur-Seal's Ever Shown Together. As he came alongside this tiny dot of a fisher­ Among the large orders now being filled Htute treuurer, voldlur'a burial, 85.40 Tooth,” both of which, published by the Har­ Armory rent, 2.00 The Belfast Age not to be outuone by this The management of tbe consolidated Adam man, the boat was again lowered, and again by the company are the granite for the £250, pers, are narratives o f adventure in Alaska. Feea par city rnamhal, 21.56 smart record printed in its issue of last week Forepaugh and Sells Brothers’ America’s the haughty officer stood upon a Yankee 000 R. G. Dunn sky scraper being erected in Dog license*, 4.00 As the book appeared in 1895, M r. Munroe 1 he following paragraph: Greatest Shows, which are booked for Bath deck. A t once he demanded the "uncondi­ New York; the W. A. Clark monument for Hewer aiMeaimcnti, per city solicitor cannot be suspected of having colored hia ac­ and other*, 446.17 "Probably the oldest twins in the .State are on Saturday, Aug. 21, go upon the broad tional surrender” of the schooner Pearl of Woodlawn, N . Y .; the granite for the Detroit, count to gratify the present eagerness of news­ N . T, Karwoll and other*, executors at present in this city. One of them Mrs. guige principle that they can't give their Friendship, manned by Capt. Rufua Geyer, Mich., court louse,which w ill cost $1,000,000. “ .loRcpb Farwell Fund," paper readers for glowing descriptions of the Mary Woods, resides in Belfast with her son, patrons too much of a good thing, and carry Thomas Geyer, Isaac Geyer, Scott Geyer, This will take 7,000 cubic feet of granite, cut Hl nt 0 treasurer, pennluns, gold fields. Edw. J. Geyer and John Richards. Scott Halo of Shore bine It. It. Mr. Kimball Woods. Her sister, Mrs. Elmira that purpose to a literally elephantine climax. into about c,ooo stones; the Alleghany Bank Co. bonds. Mrs. Oliphant has left some materials in the Geyer had just returned from a service of nine 6,000.00 Belding of Palermo, is now visiting her. Each of these famous exhibitions includes a building of Pennsylvania, which w ill take Premium ou above, 150.00 nature of an autobiography, which Messrs. months in the 2lst Maine Regiment. He They are the daughters of N athan French, and big herd of tbe biggest and littlest performing 35,000 cubic feet of stone; and for the statue Interest “ “ 2,796.66 Blackwood will publish in England. She had Certillcates of deposit, were born in Montville, 83 years ago. Mrs. elephants o f every species, from Asia, Africa, had lost a brother at the storming of Port of D r. Hohneman which is to be placed at 1,786 00 Colludor Simonton In full for 1895 Woods is a widow, and of five children she completed and finally revised before her last Borneo, Sumatra and Ceylon, and ranging in Hudson and was not easily intimidated. H e Washington, D. C. taxes and Interest, 81.18 only has one living. She is somewhat of an illness the first volume o f the history of the age from tbe colossal tusker of over a hundred demanded of the boat’s officer who they were, The present force at the North Jay Quarry Collector Hlinonton on account 1896 invalid, but takes a keen interest in every­ celebrated firm and their magazine, with years to the youngest, who can easily walk where from and what they wanted; to which alone is 300 men beside tbe carvers and 1.862.88 thing transpiring. Mrs. Belding has been which she had been closely connected for so under him, and bosses tbe big magnanimous the surly lieutenant did not deign to give general help, and this force will be enlarged 8H.64 married three times. H er first husband waa many years. She was engaged upon tbe fellows about in a manner most comical to be* drawing-room answers. to 600 men in a few weeks. Timothy Jackson of M ontville, by whom all proofs of the second volume at the time of hold. It should be borne in mind that these In looking over the little cabin the lieuten­ Total cash receipts, of her children were born, aix in number, her death. These two w ill he published in are distinctly different herds, appearing simul­ ant came across an old K in g ’s Arm musket, C&HII DISJJUBBXMXNTM. three o l whom are alive. H er second bus- the Autumn, and the third and concluding taneously and each illustrating in many as­ which he took by tbe muzzle and dropped ETNA SPIRITUALIST CAMPMEETNfi Mayor's orders, Btele pensions, band was Nehemiah Smith o t South Freedom. volume about Christmas. M rs. Oliphant com­ tonishing, queer and comical ways, and in overboard, against tbe vigorous protest of "Joseph Farwell Fund," Invested at H er present husband is James Belding of pleted a Life of the Queen ahortly before her novel feats, apparently impossible to such Captain Geyer, whose ire being fully aroused From the secretary ot the society, I I . B. ftoekland Havings Bank, 6,000.00 Palermo. Mrs. Belding is a very active death, and Messrs. Cassell w ill publish it. COAL bulky creatures, tbe different methods of tbe exclaimed: Emery of Glenburn, we learn that arrange­ Certificate* of deposit, 2,676.00 Interest on above, 388 04 woman, and even when visiting is bound to A writer in a current number of a book­ schools in which they have been graduated to "By king 1 if we had bad one of them ments for the Etna Spiritualist Campmeeting Municipal bonds due July 1, 1897, 9,700.00 work. Last week she was busy weeding tbe seller’s monthly preaches a homily in praise FOR SALE BY tbe degree of roasters of elephantine art. apiece you never would have got on board I” are now well completed. The meeting opens Knox k L. It. It. Co. bonds, 7.300 00 garden. The sisters look much alike, and are of "literary reserve.” Popular authors are They are great— great enough to deserve After a short dispute tbe men of tbe fisher­ Municipal coupons, 6,016.00 Friday, Aug. 27 and closes Sunday, Sept. 5, inlelligent and entertaining women.” warned that it is bad taito for them to be special attention among the innumerable men and a few of their effects were bundled K.JfcL. It. U. coupons, 640.00 1897- tempted into "the show bnsiness as a profit!' wonders, sensations, and fun*makers of tbe into a dory, towed to tbe steamer and by her AJ.BIRD&CO. Among tbe speakers engaged are A . E. Total disbursements, >88,700.99 ble pastime.” Every third author ia now his greatest enterprise of its kind, and tbe only again taken in tow. Tbe little fisherman was Cash balance to Auy. 1,1897, 6,179.28 Tisdale, the eloquent orator and singer, of THE TIME IS PASSING own Boswell, says the article, and is willing, Telephone 30-2. big show to visit us the present season. first set on re and soon another "P earl” was New London, Conn.; Moses Hull, accompa­ W . IL F o g ler executor of the'estate ol Mary from cupidity and vanity, to exhibit himself ROCKLAKD, MB. added to old Ocean’s bed. nied by his wife, Mattie E. H u ll of Stoneham, C. T it co mb, notified the board that deceased W e are rapidly approaching the day set for and his wares at ao much a night. "T o the By tbe time this honorable transaction had Masr.; J, Frank Baxter, lecturer aud platform bad bequeathed to the city f iooo, tbe income the opening of our annual Y . P. S. C. E . con­ ear ot the true lover of literary art, something F . W . Devoe & C o .; established 1754. been accomplished, tbe schooner Magnolia, of test medium, of Chelsea, M ats.; Mrs. Ella A C H O IC E to be expended for the support of the public vention at Biddeford. Enthusiasm kindled at in this show business strikes a powerfully dia- Packard Hewes of Carmel, Me., and Mrs. library. A hearing was appointed tor tbe San Francisco will find cipreasion here. sonant note.” Tbe writer goes ou to say AND Sarah A . Byrnes of Massachusetts. Others special meeting to be held M onday, August Christian hospitality will be abundant and the that "all this makes tbe heart yearn toward are alto expected. H a lf fare on the railroads VARIED 9th. pretence of the Holy Spirit is assured. tbe geniuses like Charlotte Bronte, who ffed and Sunday excursions to tbe grounds have City Solicitor Kimball rendered his report W e want a large representation of the C. publicity like a plague.” been provided for. An interesting program in reference to delinquent sewer assessments. E’s. of Maine. We want you fot yourselves; Nice Second Hand Hay Tedder Hall Caine’s new romance, “The Christian,” LIN E OF has been prepared and an enjoyable session is About 125 sewer assessments bad been placed we want you for tbe blessed, helpful influence is described as a drama of frail human nature anticipated by the management. in hia hands for collection. H e reported that you will bring to bear upon the twin cities by aspiring to perfection and struggling to attain C O O D 8 AT a reasonable percentage o f them bad either the Saco; for the radiation of gracious influ­ the highest ideal. Tbe story opens in the 1 Second Hand W alter Wood Mower .Something to Depend On. been collected or tbe parties had shown good CENTHNER’S ence upon the local societies represented Isle of M an, but tbe action takes place for cause why the assessment sht uld be abated. A resulting from this concentration of prayer and THE JEWELER. M r. James Jones, of the drug firm of Tones the most part in London, and the author’s & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of D r. list of the delinquents were banded to the effort. Why not make thia the great prepara­ strenuous preparation for this book is shown 1 Jones Chain Mower mayor and tbe solicit »r gave it as his opinion tion service for the work in tbe home cburcb K in g ’s New Discovery, says that last W inter iu the succession ot moving aud dramatic FRANK T. PEARSONS that they could be made to pay. On motion this coming Autumn and W inter? Be sure his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and scenes from a strange ami unknown life in of Alderman Porter it was voted to leave mat­ aud have your society represented and make Has reopened his Music Studio her case grew so serious that physicians at tbe world's metropolis. H is mastery of the ter with the committee on finance and that a the necessaiy arrangements at once that there GREAT BARGAINS IN ABOVE Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. human drama has never been shown so at 38 Pleasant Street. . . . report be made at the next meeting. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consump­ may he no failure in this. Rev. S. H . Emery, forcibly. The romance is said to throb with A communication was read by tbe Solicitor Miss Annie L . Cobh, committee. PIANO,HARMONY, GUITAR AND tion. Having D r. King's New Discovery in life, and tbe emotional force of these pictures in reference to a milk inspector, be showing store, and selling lots of it, b eto o k a bottle of aspiration, temptation, love and tragedy BANJO INSTRUCTION home, and to the surprise of all she began to that tbe statutes made it compulsory to have Hood's Pills are tbe only pills to take Repairs for all Machines Nice Hartshorn Oil reaches a height which w ill make a lasting one. Tbe only candidate to appear was D r. with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Orders may be left at Uulnu Muelo Co. 44 66 get better from first dose, and half dozen dol­ impression upon the literature of our time. ls r bottles cured her sound and well. D r. Freeman. A m ilk inspector is paid a aalary The Appletooa publish it in thia country. 02LQTOni^k. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which range* in other Maine cities from £100 The international medical congress w ill The fio- O. W. DRAKE Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this to >250. I f one was elected at this time in this year be held in Moscow. A somewhat * Is OB il&ilt this city it would be necessary to take tbe unusual feature will be tbe large attendance YOUH FAVORITE POEM flf&AtUJ* iTtry a a t r x 1i°°d w°tk . Try it. Free trial bottles at wrapper. The Implement Man, IvvJLzK. L U I W. H. Kittredge's Drug Store. money from tbe contingent fund. It was of medical men from Mexico. About fifty of voted without discussion to lay tbe cotnmuni them have hooked tb n r passage to Eufope Here will be primed the eld poems that have de- cation on the table until tbe next regular lighted the world for generatlou*; aud tboae of by the Hamburg-American line and will sail moderu birth that seem worth preserving. (tender* meeting. on Thursday on the N orm andie. Tbe re­ are Invited to aeud In tholr favorite poems. An ordinance was passed to tbe effect that mainder of the party are on their way from no pernon shall distribute on the highways Mexico. Some of tbe medical delegates will Lines Writ tvn lo Early Spring. any book, magazine, pamphlet, almanac, news proceed to Moscow by the Berlin aud others or story paper, band bill, or other printed by the way of Paris. I heard a thouaaud blended notea, matter, by giving same to pedestrians. For While iu a grove I oat recllued, Iu that sweet wood when pleasant thought* $ 1 .0 0 Cabinet^ Phfiraphs $ 1 . 0 0 violating this ordinance a penalty *a attached Brlug aad ouea to (he mind. for each offence ol not less than S3 nor more than >5. This does not apply to the selling To her fair works did nature link Thu human soul that through we ran; UMTIL. AUG UST 13til, ’97. of papers or tbe distribution to regular sub­ Aud much it grieved wy heart to think scribers. It will have a tendency to keep our What man haa wade of wan. streets cleaner and will abate a thorough $ 0 . 0 0 .11 «,t Nuri'ace, “T h e S2.OO per doz. Thro' primrose lufta, lu that greeu bower nuisance. The perewlukie trail* Ila wreathe; Ordered, that section 24, chapter 15, be And 'lie tu v faitb that every dower I*(1O Crayon I ’ortrnilH, SI. 50 each $15 PttMtol Porfraite, S2.50 each amended by adding alter the word passengers, Enjoy* the air It breathes. COPIED FROM ANY PICTURE. io the fourth line, the following w ords; "aud The bird* around w e hopped and played, no person shall stand in front of any store or Their thoughts I eauuol wuaaurv, Ibis otter it, merely lor an advertisement. VYe wish to thoroughly introduce our work into every household iu thia section, aud cannot make shop window, in such a way aa to be detri­ liut the leant wotlou which they wade, mental to tbe business ol such store or shop, It ae>med a ihiiJJ of plsaeure. m o re th a n TWO DOZEN CABINETS FOR ANY ONE CUSTOMER at the above prices. Don’t wait until tbe last minute. Come so that it will read : "three or more persons The buddlug twigs spread out their fan early and be cure of a sitting. Cloudy weather is just as good as fair. shall not stand together, or near each other, To catch the breezy air; in any street iu the city, in such a manner as And 1 must ildok, do all I cau That there waa pleasure there. to obstruct a free passage therein for passen­ The A.. Photo gers, aud no person shall stand in front of any If ibis belief from Heaven be aent store or shop window, in such a way as to be if such be uature'a holy plan, Uave I not reason to lament Whut wan hu« wade of wan ? Suooe«Borto BOND, Rockland, Mo. Headquarters at Waterville, Me. Branch Studios all over Maine and N. Ii (Continued uo Faga 8.) THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1897

FASHION'S FARCIES GHOSTS TAKE LIBERTY MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION T h e end o f nncertainity regarding The Courier - Gazette. duties on imports gives greater con­ Turn-over collars cut in square tnrre'- Thousands of people have seen ( ?) ghosts, I a w a to Regulate the Sale of Commercial t w ic e - a - w e e x fidence alike to those who have If The New Woman shaped pieces and made of lace-edged Swiss says the Lewiston Journal, and nearly every Feeding Stuff and Seed*. or the material of tbe dress ere fashionable. town has at some time had its haunted house. opposed and those who have favored The Maine Experiment Station is now Th e demand for white shirt waists is alto This time it is at South Liberty, just over the ALL THE HOME NEWS the change. The great Mreneth in sending out two bulletins o f special impor­ gteat. Victoria lawn, French nainsook and line from Washington, on a road running tance to dealers in feeding stuffs and in seeda. stocks, particularly in those o f the linen lawn form ihe most serviceable ones, from the Belfast stage road through what is The Legislature of 1896 passed la w i to regu­ «6? I StT«l, Rockland Granger list, reflects assurance of Will Bring Her Old Man while fine dotted muslin and satin striped known as “ Fish Tow n.” late the safe of these materials and both deal- grenadine make the elaborate ones. Thia house ia no», ^Ike moat haunted heavy crops. The remarkable rise in eis and purchasers need to post themselves ■ YTHE ROCKLAND PUBLISHING CO To our store we will proceed to make a new man of W hite veils.are almost universally worn houses, a mile or more from other houses in on the requirements of the laws. wheat, notwithstanding that assurance, Sleeves fit the aims closely from wrist to a lonely spot surrounded by woods and far NEWSPAPER HISTORY him. There is nothing that so measures a man’s worth Bulletin 36 of the station contain* the full arm's eye, and are generally surmounted by a from the road, but it is near the roadside and The Rockland GafCIte wa, -aubliahcj la iA(6. In is based on buying for export and text of the law entitled, “An Act to Regulate in the eyes of those he meets as the clothes he wears. puff ot epaulet of some kind. The triple row but a very short distance from the home of 1874 the Courier was established, and consolidated with belief that foreign demands will be the Sale of Agricultural Seeds, the methods the Gazette in »88a. The Free Press was established ol lace-edged ruffles over a tight fitting foun­ ohn Patterson. Many people in passing by Just now we arc offering at reduced prices a line of to be used in the examination of seeds in this in 1855, and in 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. large. To these must be added another dation is a variety which has been much in lave seen the house lighted up on dark The Union Times was established in 189a. The three state in conformity to the requirements of the unusually fine, dressy sack suits fashioned from the vogue all Summer. Ruffles of lace, chiffi n nigh's, but have said but little about it until papers consolidated March t , , 1897. element of confidence scarcely observed law, and other matter pertinent to the sub­ or plaited silk are worn a! the waist, tailing a week ago. The heavy increase in lately. ject. Subscriptions $2 per year in advance; single copies over tbe hand, thesleeves being extended in a Some time the first of July Charles Curtis ) W h o s e C I o H o i i i Bulletin 37 gives the text of the “ Act to three cents. receipts of gold, whether from one and his brother Clarence of North Washing­ Advertising rates based upon circulation and very You Wearing? long point. Regulate the Sale and Analysis of Concen­ Best Scotch Curious and pretty little novelties for this ton hired out to get the hay on this place and reasonable. side of the Alaska border or the other, trated Commercial Feeding Stuff," a concise Communications upon topics of general interest are season, which are certainly appropriate, are the moved into the house, taking with them their swells deposits at the mints and in the outline of the points which need to be ob­ solicited. tiny green enameled grasshopper brooches. sister and Charlie’s wife and child. The story : Rockland lor circulation served by manufacturers and dealers, and a Entered at the postoffice banks of this country, and if the yield Serpent skin it a new trimming for tailor- told of their experiences there is as follows: — at second-class postal rates. fac-simile of the tag which the law direct* from new regions answers current ex­ Cheviots made gowns, and it employed for entire re­ In a short time strange noises were heard the director of the station to furnish to deal­ vert and tiny bands on the cloth revers. and when they were away from the house a pectations, may have an influence ers or manufacturers. Cheeked taffeta teems to he a favorite fabric few rods at work they have several timeaseen After October 1 all feeding atuffs coming Circulation 6,000 Each Issue akin to that of gold discoveries in a man looking out of the chamber window. in Paris. within this law must be thus tagged. W ith O f all the materials used for yachting co»- They would go to the house immediately to California. The one retarding force, and Worsteds. this exception the provisions of the law are tumes serge takes tbe lead and maintains tbe investigate, but could find no one. In deciding to admit citizens ot the the strike of coal miners, has caused very similar to the fertilizer law which haa popularity year after year. O f course there Several times they have seen the houae , They are elegantly made with been in force for a number o f years. The en­ United States to full mining privileges closing of a few manufacturing works are different weaves each season, but the ordi­ lighted in the day time. One day Miss Curtis forcement of this law, like that of the fertili- Canada lias simply followed the long- for want of fuel, but negotiations for nary medium weave and of tbe waterproof was returning from the well and saw an arm fine serge linings, sewed through­ z t law, is placed upon the director of the quality ia the beat. Even when said to be hanging out of the chamber window anu established example of thin country. settlement are still pushed with hope. Experiment Station. out with silk and designed by the waterproof, however, the serge should be well soon saw the form of a woman, silvery white. In addition to the 8,ooj on the regular —‘‘D u n ’S,” J u ly 24. sponged before it is made up, as nothing is She went in and told Mrs. Curtis, and they finest artists in the business. Our mailing list of the station, these bulletins are Argentina has called upon this coun­ more annoying than to have a gown defaced started for up stairs. They heard footsteps, being sent to all wholesale and retail dealers prices place them within your by a sadden shower of salt spray. but though they hurried upstairs they found try for 140,000 bushels of seed wheat. in feeding stuffs and in seeda in the state. In Japan's spurt in strengthening her Moat of the sailor gowns are lined, but the reach at $7.85, $8.85, $10, $12,$15. nothing. case any deafer or other person interested Our climate after all seems to be the blouses are large enough lo permit of wearing After they finished haying they moved navy through her orders for war ves­ (ails to receive copies of these publications by best in the western world for all-round silk shirt if desired. back to Noith Washington, and last Saturday sels in England may have no relation Aug. 10, they will be sent on application to W hite duck costumes are made on precisely night A . L . Grotton, F . S. Collins and several p u rp o se s. the Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, to the Hawaiian Question,but is is well the same li es as tbe serges, but the band others went and stayed in the house, but Maine. for the United States, as a matter of J. F. Gregory & Son around Ihe skirt and the sailor collar is of neither saw nor heard anything. Recent reports from Mexico show precaution, to put its war-ships in flannel, dark blue or red, with rows of narrow Three or four years ago, perhaps more, that the fall in the value of silver is ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. white soutache braid. The colored linens are Harrison Hannan, a young man, and his Schooner Emma W . Brown discharged a fighting order and to push with all pos­ sometimes used instead of the flannels for family lived there. H e was taken suddenly ill creating great businss disturbances Under Farwell Opera House. Rockland fare of 2,500 halibut and 1500 cod at thia sible speed the work on the vessels trimmings, but are not considered so smart. with pneumonia and died in a few days. port Monday. there, and may lead to the adoption of which are in process of construction. Linen duck is also preferred to cotton, for Some of his folks claim that it is his spirit the gold standard. although it ia more expensive, it does not that has come back to communicate something It ought to be well understood by our THE CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC cream and m ilk that the housekeepers, out of shrink so badly; but both cotton and linen in regard to his sudden death or to tell some­ government that the one argument an exalted though mistaken sense of equity, must be shrunk before the gown is made, and thing he wanted to before dying. They are Knives and Spoons are Going; Foreign exporters will now take a bad ordered from an adjacent farm house and it is best to shrink them in the piece. talking of getting a spiritualistic medium to which appeals impressively to the un­ An Occasion of Rare Enjoyment, Marred : Rapidly With rest in hurrying forward cargoes to paid for. W hite leather belts are worn with the sailor find out what his message is. derstanding of barbarous or semi-civ­ lly Only a Single Taux Pae. But M r. Fuller has been figuring it out and head off the new tarifi. It will be the blouses, but a band ol flannel with rows of ilized nations like Japan i9 force. The A perfect picnic day (a rare thing this it appears to stand this w ay: narrow braid at either edge is smarter, and fault of the American people if they summer) favored the Congregational Sunday T B B COXORKOATIONAL BuXDAT SCHOOL PICNIC, F. W . Devoe & Co.; established 1754. C. E. RISINGS’ United States must place itself in a more in keeping with the exceedingly nautical get another such opportunity for many school, Wednesday, and a great company of As acct. with W . O . F uller, .In. appearance deemed necessary. position to use force in the Hawaiian peopte poured over to Oakland by tbe D r . W h ite pique promises once more to be the years. The Harpers are to publish on August 6th affair if needed, and plenty of it. electrics. That favored spot was at its best To X pint real cream...... 16 leading feature of tbe seaside toilette, and in “Jerome, a Poor Man,” by Mary E. Wilkins, Celebrated Domestic Bread. and all the enjoyments of a picnic were To 2 quarts unused milk...... 12 truth there is nothing more practical or more which had a wide reading during its course as gathered troro its mingled charms o f wood To services of Mauoog I’lliglan lugging water 16 Since Bryan’s defeat the Nebraskans To services of self, building Are and offering pleasant to look at. a serial In H arp er’s W eekly, and is said to be and shore. The facilities o f the pavilion have paid off indebtedness to the extent CITY CLERK DAVIES suggestions...... 37 Lace seems to be mote popular than ever, one of Miss W ilkin ’s finest achievements; were utilized for the dinner hour. Tables and on all the smartest gowns a vast quantity “Infancy and Childhood,” by Frances Fisher of $28,000,000. There is nothing the were spread on the broad verandas and at Total »0 70 Ws have Another New One called Some Interesting Tacts Connected W ith o f beautiful laces are being used. Wood, a manual on the intelligent and con­ Cr . matter with Nebraska except that the 12.30 the picnickers sat down to such a A great variety of helta are being worn just scientious care of little children, written with the Life of Our New Ofltctal. By 7 dinners to family. Including four growing famous repast as the ladies of this Society now with the muslin gowns so much in lavor. a rare mingling of scientific knowledge and Pops hypnotized it into thinking itself Enoch Davies, who was elected city clerk know how so well— and apparently so easily children with appelltoe of their own, nt C. E. RISIN G S’ 26c. each...... SI 76 The white leather holda its own, but a very sympathetic interest, and an abridged edition Monday night, can boast an experience ragged, penniless and crooked. __to furnish. The housekeepers were By 1 head lettuoe found In ico chest...... 10 pretty novelty is a belt formed by tortoises of of Phillips and Fisher’s “ Elements of Geome­ which probably has few parallels. H e By parts of 2 chocolate cakes and 1 yellow Mrs. W. E. Mayo, Mrs. A. D. Bird, turquoiaes joined with oxydized silver links. try," intended more particularly for those been around the world, has worked 44 years ditto turned over to ue by generoue pic. HEALTH BREAD Mrs. W . C. Pooler, Miss Edith Simonton, Very narrow belts of light-colored crocodile schools and instructors who desire a briefer The Trans-Mississippi Congress was in the block making business and for 36 suc­ nlekere...... 76 J. C. Perry and Harry Shaw, and how By 1 tart left over.....'...... 06 are decorated with studs of colored enamel. course than that offered by the original work. an absolute failure from a business cessive yean was clerk of the common coun admirably their pait of the program was dis­ By 3 dozen cookies...... 30 In ribbon bells, which are still very much The Harpers have also in press “ Certain Ac­ Made from old Grist Mill cil. H is life has been one of active labor By I dozen stuffed eggs...... 26 standpoint, and the men who organ­ posed of may be Inferred from the fact that worn in Paris, the favorite and tbe most effect­ cepted Heroea," by Henry Cabot Lodge; since he became old enough and while the By several gobs butter. In ell X pound...... 16 entire wheat It is a winner. they had counted on an attendance of 60, By some tee, which we don’t diink hut yet le ive are the check, especially tbe pale green “Three Operettas," with words by the late ized it in the interests of the great Mis­ position to which be is now chosen is any­ but the number actually in evidence at table valuable...... 06 and the white check. I I . C. Bunner and music by Oscar W eil; sissippi Valley are disgusted with the thing bnt a sinecure, it gives him a well earned By 1 plate lfary Blood's doughnuts...... 26 We al.-e have Crumb Crust, when all had eaten was nearer 200— and yet Although tbe biscuit colored grass lawns Celebrated Trials," by II. L. Clinton; rest from the hard, manual labor of nearly Bouquet, Cottage, Twist. Vienna fact that the silver men took posses the housekeepers with smiling countenances Total $8 88 have no longer Ihe charm of extreme novelty, “ White Man’s Africa," by Poultney Bigelow; half a caofury. took care of everybody and the hot coffee and many pretty frocks are being made by the Mrs. Keith’s Crime," by Mrs. W. K. Clif­ and many other late styles at the sion of and monopolized it for their Davies first worked at the block maker’s Thia at a perfectly fair computation leaves tarts and other bivalves proved adequate to Paris dressmakers in grass lawns of other del­ ford; “My Studio Neighbors," by W. Hamil­ own political purposes. trade in 1831, in which and the following M r. Fuller in debt to the housekeepers a all. matter of 33-86, which in one of his naturally icate colors, such as pale pink, green or blue. ton Gibson; “An Open-Eyed Conspiracy," by year he was under the employ of Francis Following dinner, which was a long time sensitive disposition is almost too much to be Hand-embroidered batiste is another material W. D. Howells; "Marchesi and Music," by North & South End Bakeries Harrington, father-in-law of George F. Kaler in passing a given point, the guests roamed The sugar trust is not wholly happy. overcome. that is very much favored at the present Madame Marchesi; and “Outlines in Local who now conducts the extensive plant on Sea shore and wood, or sat in the luxury of moment; and beiidea these, crepe de chine is Color," by Brander Matthews. — o f — The Dingley law deprived it of the street. The block mill at that time was in a veranda chairs and marveled at the loveliness being very largely used just now for smart race small building not far from the present m ill. A MISSING FAMILY. special advantages which it had enjoyed of the water view. And here came in (he per­ dressea and fete gowns generally. Later Mr. Harrington occupied the mill at formance of the Chapman impromptu Maine W hite veils o l fish net with small, frequent F. W. Devoe & Co.; established 1754. C. E R ISIN G . under the Wilson law, and now the the corner of W illow street, the “ m ill" being Festival chorus and comb orchestra, in which The following despatch has appeared in dots of black chenille ate much liked for wear farmers of the United States are pre­ neither more nor less than what is now Rock were represented such taleuted prime donne several of the state papers this w eek: ing with light-colored Summer . After land’s city ball and book and ladder bouse on paring to raise beets for the sugar of and virtuosi as Mm e. Pierre Cennedie, Mme. “Great anxiety is manifested in Ellswoith the sun has thoroughly browned a brunette Spring street This building which cannot Helena Stein, Mme. Lily Mortlandt, Mme. over the whereabouts of the family of Melvin skin they should never be worn, for while a the country and refine it in the factor­ look forward to a much longer existence, has Louise Callochi, Mile. Litchfeldt, Mme. Ellis, which left there lour weeks ago in a sail blonde complexion is whitened by their influ ies where the sugar is made. been a bone of contention in its day as many jobann Mai and Mile. Ioiogene Porte- boat for Rockland. Nothing has been heard ence, the color of a datk one is intensified. of onr older citizens well remember. The moonaie. The impeisonation of the great from them since. Notwithstanding tbe convenience ot Ihe FULLER & CO block m ill later had its quarters in the brick The Treasury receipts during the director Chapman by Mme. Cennedie, and The Ellises ate not very well supplied with waibable shirt waist, it is an inappropriate building now occupied by J. P. Wise & Son. the solo singing of Mme. Callochi, have rare­ worldly riches, their most valuable possession garment for middle-aged women except fot first few months of the operations of M r. Davies— coming back to our original ly been excelled on the Rockland, St. George being a schooner rigged sail boat fitted up io athletic use. Ils comfortable construction theme— intended to have gone west in 1849 the Dingley law will probably be light and Port Clyde daily stage. that they could live in it. It this boat Ellis justly makes it a favorite. I f its appearance is when the California gold fever broke out, but because of the enormous quantities of Tb e picnickers lingered till a late hour was jn the habit ol embarking with bis family, too youthful to suit all ages, itacan be success­ his calculations in the way of transportation tom e auppering on the shore,and all unwilling i anj making trips along tbe coast, stopping fully copied in rich silk for older women. Tbe foreign goods which were brought into were upset and it was not until the latter to bring to a close one of Ihe most delightful | here and there lo do odd jobs of whatever August Clearing Sale. identical model is used as for percale and part of 1853 that he saw the realization of his the country dnriug the months in which events of the summet, with exception, work be coulu get. madras, giving ease and lightness, while a dreams and one day stood as a passenger on the Democrats and Populists held the perhaps, of one episode that seriously marred About four weeks ago he stocked up the craft handsome material adds dignity. This is the season of the year in which to close out the decks of the good steamer Star of the the festivilies and threatened one time to tend and taking his family, which consisted of bis Dingley bill up in the Senate. West bound for the land of promise. A rriv ­ the houtekeepeti home in a special car and wife, N ettie, and five boys, Linwood, Aubury, A distressing accident occurred in Buffalo, seasonable and odd lots of merchandise. Customers will find ing in California he worked for some little tears. I t seems that W . O . Fuller, J r , is Orswell, Herbert and Winfield, ranging in N . Y., July 23. A laborer, John Griffin, era time as a wheelwright, but finally got out to taking a vacation outing at Oakland, accom­ aae from 2 lo 19, sailed [from Ellsworth for it to their advantage to examine bargains mentioned. Chairman Bynum, of the Democratic ployed ny tbe Buffalo Cold Storage Company, the mines only to find that gold nuggets did panied by hia large and interesting family. sound-money organization known as Rockland, where he expected to secure work was frozen lo death by ammonia. So low not lie around loose in the fields and forests H e bad, on the morning of the picnic, and lo live aboad his boat. As the days and was the temperature that the unfortunate the National Democracy, is receiving and that only about one out ol every thou­ secured from a neighboring iarmhouae a two- weeks rolled by and no word was received Boys’ DeDt. Offers Bargains in man's body was blistered and he was frozen sand “ struck it rich.” And M r. Davies it of quart package of unskimmed m ilk, also a from them their relatives and friends began to great encouragement from all parts of so badly that he was literally burned the opinion that the men who are making half-pint of real homemade cream, the whole fear that some trouble bad befallen them. 25 odd Summer Suits, 4 to 14 sizes Underwear. the country, and there can be no doubt death. Three other men were injured, but such a wild rush for the K londike gold fields intended to be used in sustaining at a proper Thia feat was in a measure confirmed on Sat­ $ 1 .6 9 . that the sound-money wing of the will have just experience. Mr. Davies point the life and health of hia family afore­ not seriously. 1 lot Odd Vests, 19c. urday, when some fishermen strived and Boys’ Print and Percale blouse and Democracy is much stronger today had not lived the rough mining life long be­ said. Being unaware of the near promixity reported seeing a boat answering tbe desetip' Gents’ Ribbed Shirts and Drawers fore he came to suffer some of the discom­ Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured m 3 pants, 19c. than it was in last Fall’s campaign, o f tbe picnickers, he bad no opportunity of tion of Ellis’s craft floating bottom side up in 19c. forts that usually follow and which need not concealing these articles so necessary for the the bay off Cape Newbury. It ia expected D ays. Boys , 39c. and is likely to gain strength during be described here. H e had got enough of sustenance of human beiugs— and children— that steps will be taken to learn whether the Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says Children’s Long Sleeve Vests 18c, the coming campaign in which it is to mining and so had the man for whom he until the crowd had invaded tbe pavilion, and family is lost or not.” My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in Gents’ Negligee Shirts made to sell 2 for 25c. worked at wbeelwrigbting when he first take an active part. in the general shuffle his cream and milk The Ellis family arrived at this port about every muscle and joint, her suffering was ter for 81.50, our price to close out, 69c. struck California. This man and a partner (fresh and up to that moment unskimmed) two weeks ago and with their craft at Bick­ rible and her body andface were swollen al 14 to 19 sizes. located an expensive plant on the banks of became thereupon diverted to the uses of nell's w haif were the objects of some little most beyond recognition; had been in bed for American wool-growers are likely a promising stream and then waited for the people who had come from Rockland with curiosity upon the patt of those who noted six weeks and had eight physicians but re­ Miscellaneous. to gain some advantages iu prices rains to come in order to begin operations. appetites that they had evidently long been Ibeit arrival. They had fishing gear aboard ceived no benefit until she tried the M Y S T IC The rains came but instead of the mild peace­ saving fot that purpose. and were getting a pretty good living from CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It gave im Ladies’ Skirts To close, Fancy China Silks 22o through the great reduction iu the sup­ ful rains in which they had calculated there W hen tbe housekeepers learned that two that soutce as they travelled from place to mediate relief and she was able to walk about 1 lot Duck Skirts, 49c. p e r y a rd . ply of Australian wool which must came a downpour worse, if possible, than we ( 2 ) quarts of pure, young milk, also one-half place. in three days. 1 am sure it saved her life." have bad Ibis Spring and Summer, and their 1 lot Duck, White and Colored, 1 case Figured Muslins, 4c. ensue from the shortage of the pastur­ (Ja) P*°l cteam, that Mt. Fuller actually One of the children also had a white rat in Sold by lA . J. Coakley, Druggist, Rockland plant was almost completely ruined. Th e needed in tbe maintenance of bis family— and Check Skirts, 79c. j 1 bale 40-in Unbleached Cotton 4c age in the great wool-producing area a cage, and was looking for putchaset who partner concluded to hang to the wreck, which is not only young hut growing— had was willing to give 50 cents ot better there however, and alter months of unrewarded toil, Crash and Linen Skirts, 98c. 1 bale Fruit of Loom Bleached of that country. Australian sheep are vanished down throats some of which per­ for. STATU OF MAINE, reported starving to death iu large one day found a pocket which yielded about haps bad long been unused to such beverages, r p o the Honorable, the Judge of the I’robate Iu All the better grades of Linen Cotton, 6c. $1800. H e did not test fickle fortune further their distress knew no bounds. D on't bolt yout food, it irritates your stom­ and for the County of Knox. Skirts reduced. numbers, and others are being slaugh­ but returned to his home completely cured of Reapectfuliy repreuente Nancy A . llobba of St. Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose, 5c per “ What," they cried, wringing their hands— ach. Choose digestible food and chew it, George, in auid county, that John A . llobba;. tered for their skins, so that it is es­ the gold mining fever. very pretty hands loo, “ wbst shall we do?” Indigestion is a dangerous sickdesr. Proper who luat dwelt iu dt. George, in aalil county, died Only $1.69 for a nice Black Fig­ p a ir. After abandoning the mining business M r. “ Think no mote of it,” said M r. Fuller, care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cotdial ou the twenty-alx day of April, A. D-, 18V7, intea ured Skirt. timated that one-half of the usual tale; that he left estate to be udiniulatered, to w it; Shirt W aists reduced in price. Davies secured passage on the bark Jennie with the large aud openhearted manner of cutes it. That is the long and short of indi­ wool clip of that country will be sacri­ —personal eatule to the amount of at leual twenty 15 Ladies’ Jackets, price to close Pitts, the master of which was Capl. Israel one with whom 2 quarts of sweet m ilk is a gestion. Now tbe question is: H ave you dollora: that your petitioner ia interested in auld 25 Shawls, $1.89. these Shawls ficed iu Ibis way. As last year’s clip Snow and the mate of which was Capt. Henry daily occuneoce. “ Do not, I beg of you,” got indigestion? Yes, if you have pain or estate as widow of said deceased, that aald deceused $1.00 each. Pearsons. From California the Jennie Pitts discomfort after eating, headache, dizziness, left u widow, whose name ia Nancy A. Uobbs, uud are bargains. amounted to 643,000,000 pounds, the he implored, “ weep over this paltry loss, us bis only bciis*st luw and next of kin, tbe persona 12 Duck and Linen Suits marked sailed for Hong Kong and finally brought up which can easily be repaired by seating nausea or offensive breath, heartburn, lan­ whose uumua, residences uud relationship to the $1.25 for choice. Ladies’ Hemstitched Handker­ efleet of this will bej very materially at Cuba where M r. Davies took passage for several of my children at your present family guor, weakness, fever, jaundice, flatulence, deceased are us follows : N ew York in a small brig belonging at Blue- loss of appetite, irritability, constipation, etc NAME. MEalDUKCB. UKLATIONSUIP. chiefs, colored border, 3c. fe lt. table.” hlubel llobba, tit. George, Duugbler. bill, and of which Capt. Pearsons assumed Gradually tbe emotions of tbe housekeepers Yes, you have indigestion. To cure it, take Arthur Hobbs, '• oou. Machine Thread, 200 yds. 2c. charge on tbit voyage. subsided and tbe feslivities went on. M t. Shaker Digestive Cordial. Tbe medicinal Both being minor children. Ladies’ Suits. The forces of nature aud trade, as Arriving io Rockland again M r. Davies Fuller felt proud to have contributed from herbs and plants of which Shaker Digestive Wherefore, your petitioner prays that Chiyrlea li. Spool Silk, Black and Colors, 4c. W iley of fit. George, iu the County of Knox, or to We have too great a variety to well as the intelligence of tbe people found that b it old employer, Francis H arrin g ­ Cordial is composed, help to digest tbe food his slender store of m ilk to tbe cujoyment of uonss other suitable person be appointed udiuluia- quote price on them all. Call and Hooks and Eyes, 5c, regular price ton bad gone into tbe dry goods business aod in your stomach; help to strengthen your trator of tbe estate of uaid decezoed and certifies of the] world, seem to have all com­ Congregationslist people who perchance 12c. be went to work for A . A . Woodbridge in often have to eat milk tpat bss been ^kim m ed stomach. W hen ycur stomach is strong, care that the statements herein contained are true to the let us show you what we have. You bined against the 16-to-l silver the .block making business. This was in will keep it to. Sbaket Digestive Cordial la best of her knowledge aud belief. car decide for yourself as to style by an exacting skiuiest. Judge, therefore, of Dated this 20th day of July, A . D-, lbwl. 1 lot of Ladies’ Collars 2c each. theorists. The gold production of 1855. Mr. Harrington later bought out Mr. bis mortification next morning to find banging for tale by druggists, price to cents to 31.00 N a n c y a . HOBB8. a n d p ric e . tbe|world has increased enormously; Woodbridge and worked at bis old business at the back pavilion door some brand new per bottle. KNOX MB We are selling a good Print for until bis death in 1869. G . F. K aler was Subscribed and sworn to Ibis twenty thiid day of 1 Special Suit, Navy and Black, prices off grain aud other farm pro­ July, A . D , 1W7. 8 l-2 c . administrator on this estate and took charge Before mu, WILLIAM B. tiUKKKK, $2.98 to close. Our bargain box is lull of 12 1.2o ducts have advanced despite the asser­ of tbe block mill, afterwards moving into Juetice of tbe Peace. 1 lot of 25 Misses* and Children's tions that this could not happen until what is a part of tbe present mill on Sea KNOX COUNTY.-In Probate Court, held at goods for 6 l-4c per yard. street. From 1855 M r. Davies worked at this Rocklaud, ou the third Tuesday of July, 1W7. Lilliputian Suits, your choice from free coinage should come; the exports There Are Not Hany On the foregoing petition, ordered. That notlue trade almost without a break up to last Sat­ be given, by publishing a copy thereof aud of this lot $1.25. Many of the suits have a 10c Dimities going at 5c. of the last year are larger than iu any urday night and for 13 or 14 years was in shoe bouses that can honestly bear order, three weeks successively, prior to tbe third nice little hat to match. Tuesday of August next, iu the Courier-Gazette, Bleach Sheets, 49c. year iu the history of the country, tb partnership, selling out bis interest to tbe W. H. Glover Co. He bad charge of tbe © K out tbe claim of giving “ a perfect fit a newspaper printed in Rockland, that all persons Bicycle Suits at one-half price. Pillow Slips, tic. thus hriugiug large quantities of mouey interested may alteud al a Court of Probate, then to block department and tbe majority of tbe be held iu Uockiaud, aud show cause, if any, why Lace Pillow Shams, 12 l-2c. into] the| United States; farmers are time bis duties were practically those o f xore* and your uaouey’a worth." If you tbe prayer of said petition should not be granted. man. H e bad tbe utmost respect and ad­ C. K. MKtiKRVBY, Judge. 1 lot Ladies’ Percale and Lawn payiug ofl their debts despite the ab­ will help us, by wearing a perfect A true copy of tbe petition and order thereon. Children’s Jackets. miration for M r. K aler, whose capacity for Attest:—Ed WXKU K Go u l d , Register 50c, 75c, and $1.25. Genuine j House Dresses, waists and skirts, sence of free silver; sundry nations work even while sick enough to be at home, fitting stocking, we will coine as near mark down values; all sizes. I H-80, reduced from $3 and $3.50. which had tested free silver are going seemed to know no limit. “ Few men,” said to the gold standard, aud uoue of Mr. Davies, “know of tbe great amount of to giviug you a perfect fitting shoe as work that M r. K aler has done?' Commissioners* Notice. those which had tested the gold sittu- Of bis own long connection with tbe busi­ any shoe concern ou earth. We have The uuderelgued, appointed by the Judge of Pro­ Our stock of New Fall Carpets is dard are coming hack to free silver; bate for the County of Knox, Commissioner • to re­ ness M r. Davies is too modest to say much but tbe right goods. Women’s Fine Vici ceive aud examine the claims of creditors ugaluet the], international conference ou the there are few of our readers who are not able the estate of F. O. Keating, late of Appleton, de­ ready for your kindly inspection. to place about tbe right estimate upon bis ceased, represented insolvent, give notice that six silver question is promised, and prac­ Kid button and lace Boots , Vat. Tip, mouths are allowed to said creditors to present arid faitblulness and capabilities. prove their claims; uud that they will he in session tically every assertion made by the M r. Davies has found time from bis numer­ new style Toes at $3.25, *3.00. at Mortlaxtd & Johnson's office, Main street, silver orators of last year is being ous duties to take an interest in Rockland Rocklaud. Me., on Thursday, August IV, 1W7 and fraternities aud is a life member of Aurora $2.50, $2.00, $1.26, $1.00 Thursday, November IS, lbk7, at ten o ’clock in the proven (false. They will have little forenoon, lor that purpose. FULLER «fc OOBB, Lodge, F. & A. M., for which he was at one M A. JOHNSON, left lo talk about when the campaign time secretary. H e also belongs to tbe W E N T W O R T H dt C O ., 3 3 8 M ain St. W .H. MESERVEY, Syndicate Building, Kockiand. 4k Commissioners. opens- I Knights of Honor and Royal Arcanum. THE ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 1897

James Tuttle at Ingraham ’s H ill lost a THE MOONLIGHT FESTIVAL EVERYBODY’S COLUMN TALK OF THE TOWN horse Wednesday, the cause of the animal’s A T rium ph I death l>eing lockjaw. Pale and Thin Advert sementa In tbl« oolnrnn not to exceed Knln Took Place of the Moon lint Festival of the Baking Art-v^ five linos Inserted once for 25 cents, four times for ! H , G, H a ll’* house on Broadway has been ! The N. E Telegraph & Telephone Co. ex­ Was a Success for a’ That. 60 cent*. painted. tended its lines to Gardner Bro*.’ factory at Could Not Help Herself for Throe PANLESS FILLING. the Meadows this week. Moonlight festival was rather a misnomer Our Summer visitors give ihe street* an Months--Impure Blood Causes for the carnival at the ground W ed­ W an ted . The indications are that this will be a very Hale Method. appearance of liveliness Croat Suffering— How Relief nesday night, for the moonlight failed to Crimp Crust Bread busy month at the beaches and hotels. Every make its advertised appearance and the elec­ A N T E D —Boye and Girin to sell 5 Ibe. of The beaches are being well patronize J, train and boat is bringing new arrivals. Cam e—Better than Ever Before. Have been using B alk Mamnn rtm I’a im - Ths sales of this kind have been far Ten and get a fall aired Hammock with both by our people and the Summer visitor*. tric lights which were depended upon for a LBWS Fit. LI NO for pawt three years nnd rnn beyond onr expectation. The quality W Pillow. Sell 8 Ibe. of Tea and get the Dalny 4 Edward W otton’s uew house on Pleasant “ I havn b-en in poor herltli owing to substitute were not up to tbe snufl at first. eheerfullv recommend It to those who suffer Improves with the demand. through having teeth filled. wheeled Cart with neat, daaher nnd whip. Thia In The Methodist Missionary circle met street is/iow all ready for the plasterers.When impure blood, week stomach, biliotinnees The difficulty was soon remedied however and a big bargnln. QOOLD’S TEA STORE,68 Free fit., Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. Ilodgdon, completed this will be one of tbe pleasantest TRY Portland. 60*67 nnd sick lieadnches, ever since I was a when the band concert began there was light No Injury to Teeth In Any W arren street. and most homelike cottages in the city. child eight yenra old. I have suffered enough for the multitude. Between 300 and T3LAIN SEWING W a NTBD-WIII he well W illiam Gaston of Boston is to have an 400 people passed through the entrance gates . . W ay . . NICKEL BREAD JL done at very reasonable rates. Work called We really have not felt at home this week; everything for the past 15 years. I got so £8000 Summer cottage built at N orth Haven, and pending the commencement of the band j It Is the sweetest little loaf on the for and returned. Addrenn P .O .B o x 658, Rock, there was not opportunity enough to find low that I could not help mj-self for three It works bo satlaflk'itorlly that it mnkes the market. the contract for which goes to the W . I I . concert found plenty to interest them in the ‘ land. fault with the weather. montha, and was pale and thin. My operstlon of teeth filling a thing not to be We are devoting onr efforts to per- Glover Co. of this city. W o tk is to be com­ handsomely decorated booths. The fruit stand I dreaded In the least. No extra charge. feetlon In . . . ANTED.—Everybody who owns a watch to A Methodist cottage prayer meeting will be pleted by next May. neighbors did not expect me to live adorned in tl e national colors of red, white know that Daniels the jeweler In the Thorn- held this evening at the home of Mrs. A . M . through tho winter. I asked my doctor W dike Hotel block will put In a new main spring for United States Senator W m . P. Frye is posi­ and blue, was under the charge of Mrs. U M. ■ ENTIRE WHEAT Smith, 5 Union street. ♦1.______41tf tively engaged to give the annual address at if I could take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and he Robbins and Mrs. R. R. Ulmer and the at- | It makes tlie Mcxlern Graham. said th a t I c .Id ta k e na m u ch o f It ns I tractive assortment c f bananas, pears,peaches, P A IN L E S S ANTED.—People to know that I do the very The initiatory degree was conferred by the mass Sunday School Convention at Noble- extracting TRY A I.GAF AND YOU WILL UK beet of Upholstery and Furniture repair. Knox Lodge, I. O .O . F., upon Peter Jacob­ boro Campground, Wednesday, Aug. I I . No liked. I v -y soon found it helped me watermelons, plums, etc.,was the open sesame PI.EA.MKD. W Ing, old furniture repollnhed and make over mat­son of Crescent Beach, Munday night. one should miss this. It w ill be a big and very much. I continued Its use until of many a willing purse. Th e flower stand Have been trying for a number of years to tresses N.T. MURRAY,Ben street. erected in the form of a star was prettily got­ produce a preparation for P aini.kah Kx grand time. I had taken six bottles, nnd nt that time I THACTINO FltRX FUOM COCAINX Slid St iMt T&8tfApr20 Quite a party from this city saw “ N an, the ten up, with decorations of ferns and ever FLINT BROS. One o f the Gay kilns at the N orth End was looked better than I ever did since I can have succeeded. No bnd after effects or sore and the Mascotte,” presented in Camden Opera greens and under the charge of Mrs. Cora mouths same ns with minority of ooealne mix­ 4// Leading Grocers have Our Goods. House last night by the Camden Comedy Co. set afire this week, likewise the H urley kiln remember. I shall never be without Lot rop assisted by Miss Myrtle Lothrop and tures. 52tf at the South End. It is expected that rather H o o d ’s S arsaparilla ns lo n g ns I can get it. Miss Eva White had liberal patronage. The Charles H . Cables and Miss W inifred M. more benefit will be derived from the former larln order to Introduce this prepara­ It helped me more than any other medi- lemonade booth decorated in the Epworth Savage, both of thia city, have filed their transaction, however.— The Brown kiln at the tion to tha public will until Sept. 1st, Ex­ For Sale. intentions of raarrisge with City Clerk Davies. cino that I have ever taken. I adviBe any­ League colors of red and white was under the tract One Tooth for each patient PRRR North End has been leased by Farrand, Spear direct supervision of M r. and Mrs. H eary C. one who is in poor health to try this OP CHARGE. OR SALE—A story and a-half bonne and lot, E. A. Rhodes, formerly manager of the & Co. great blood purifier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Day who dispensed a large amount of the 60 Grace street. For farther particulars ap­ Postal telegraph office, is in charge of the Shipping Commissioner W . F . Tibbetts1 has cooling beverage during the evening. Fply on the premises 62* Western Union office at W aldoboro tempo­ been absent from »he city on a bicycle tour I owe my life to this medicine.” E l iz a SOMETHING T h e confectionery booth was a commo­ OR S A L E -100 cords fitted Hard W ood; 50 rarily. this week, Augusta being his destination. H e A . R u m b il l , B ox 1178, C la ro m o n t, N . I t . dious affair daintily decorated in green and cords fitted Juniper Pine, Split Pine and was favored witth rather better wheeling A ll druggists, g l i six for fit. Get only Hood's. well seasoned, for kindling sold cheap as I need the Eddie LaBarre and Tom Gilmure left Mon­ white and in it were to be found almost every F. E. FOLLETT. D.D.'S. wharf room. C. K. BICKNELL.______46 day to join tbe Sockalexts Indian Medicine weather than the season has averaged, and kind of home made candy of which the cook managed to get a good deal of enjoyment out OR SALE.—Dwelling house nod lot with stable Co., at Oldtown. The advertising is done books have knowledge. In charge was 'M iss ROCKLAND. FOR nnd outbuildings connected, nearly two acres with a tent show. of the trip. THE PASCAL ASSOCIATION Emma Clark, assisted by Miss M ary Bunker F of land with a never falling w ell of water near the A. K. 8PKAR BLOqC. Over 0. T. Spear s Edward B. McAllister has recently taken There is now open a very favorable opportu­ and Miss Laura Foster. At the refreshment house, slluntvd In the town of Vlnnl Haven and booth were sandwiches, cake, tea, coflee, within one mile of the pestofflce, nenr the Ennt the agency for the Mutual Life Insurance Co. nity for Rockland singers who need lessons in The sixth annual reunion of the Pascal As­ Boston quarry, so called. Will bo sold nt a bar­ of New York. The late Erasmus II. Cochran voice productions and advanced singing. sociation, YV. S. R . C., waa held at Grand and a number of other eatables and drinka gain, the reason for soiling la owing to sickness. was the former agent in Kockiand. Prof. G. W . Tibbetts, who is staying here for Army H a ll in this city, Wednesday, about 75 blcs capable of affording quite a substantial For terms enquire of tbe owner on the premises, lunch. The booth was decorated in red CHARLES E. FORBES, or D . II. O LIDDK N, the Summer, will receive three or four pupils being present. The members began to gather NOTHING William Staples has entered the barber for English or Italian singing. Among the and blue, and those in charge were Mrs. T’HE NEW MAINE REGISTER Vlnal Haven, Maine. 39 shop of Fred French as assistant. H e takes at 10 o’clock and spent the time from that professional singers who have studied with George Glidden, Miss Fannie Mitchell and E W HOUSE FOR SALK at n bargain. N ot a the place of Edgar Brown who has taken the time until noon in preparing dinner and in Mr. Tibbetts are Philip Newberry, Miss Addie Lothrop. The ice cream booth N cheap made house but one thoroughly well shop recently vacated by Charles W . Lee. the pleasing social manner common to the Now being delivered in the city by J. M . built. Neither labor nor expense has been spared Madam Spada, Jessie Palmer, Miss H ill, Relief Corpa ladies. Th e dinner was served propably did the most thriving business and Donham, is larger than any previous edition, to make it convenient, allraot re and home-like W. G. Labe, Arthur Titus,Wyman Cushman Perry Averill, and many other artists who in the banquet hall and partook of the na­ the tables arranged in the form of a maltese is of the greatest value not only to the busi­ This is what you can­ within and without. It has 8 rooms, spacious and Orville Woods leave today for Northport hallways, bath room and several closets. It is have come before tbe public through his ture of a picnic, with the addition of hot cross and prettily decorated with streamers, ness and professional men but to every citizen where they w ill spend tbe remainder o f the pleasantly located In a good neighborhood at 18 hands. baked beans and fruit provided by Edwin were never allowed to get lonesome. The of Maine. not get from everybody Birch St., 80 rods froaa electrics, 275 rods from Summer season. M r. Woods takes along his James N . Donham of Portland visited the Libby R elief Corps. After dinner the busi­ booth itself was decorated in red, white Beside the vast amount of statistical mat­ P. O. Address J N.FARNHAM. 32 Cedar Street. two buckboard*. T33tf C.-G. office Thursday, leaving a copy of the ness meeting was called to order by the presi­ and black and was under the charge of ter, answering almost every possible question and it may seem strange A special meeting of the city government Maine Register for 1897-8. N o office is com­ dent, Mrs. Sarah L . Pascal o f Rockport, and Mrs. George Lurvey,Mrs. Mary Jenkyns, Mrs. relating to our general and state governments; WO atory dwelling with ell and shed. stable IdaSimmons and a competent force of waiters. and small carriage house. House has 13 w ill be held next Monday night at 7:30. plete without this valuable book. The book the report of tbe treasurer, Mrs. Kittredge of it is also a complete business directory of our to you how we can do it. T rooms besides pantries, halls and shed; eight orThe object of the meeting is to vote on the was prepared pursuant to orders from the Vinalhaven, was read. The report showed a The boy’s quartet, comprising Thomas 20 cities, 423 towns and nearly 100 planta­ nine closets. Arranged for two families. Watar acceptance of the M ary C. Titcom b bequest Legislature and is the state year book and balance on the right side o f about £10. The Hayden, George K. Robinson, Will Thomas tions. It aids greatly in making known to We will tell you how below and above, also on the outside of the houae and Charles IL Robinson sang at the respec­ and In the stable. Newly painted last fall. Elec- of £1000, and tbe city fathers w ill be detained legislative manuel. Standard time has been following officers were elected for the ensuing the general public the large resources and tive booths and their renderings were a pleas­ trio cars pass the door. Also a large lot on Waldo only a short time. adopted for calendar pages. It also contains year: many attractions of our state. Few have any we do it. You buy Avenue, overlooking the harbor. Also a small Edwin Libby Post wishes it distinctly un­ a correct map of the state. This work is *0 President— Mrs. Pascal of Rockport. ing surprise to many who had only heard adequate conception of the great labor and field of acres near the John Jones farm on from this youthful organization by reputation. Jameson's point. Inquire of C. C. CROSS, of derstood that they as a Post w ill show no well and favorably known that no further Vice President— Mrs. Grace Austin of expense involved in collecting the material The quartet does astonishingly well and at Cochran, Baker It Cross, 406 Main St, Rockland. favoritism in their piaoo and bicycle contests. words of praise are necessary from us. Rockland. for and publishing such a work,or the patience 60 They would like more contestants to come in. Secretary— Mrs. Georgie Small of Camden. every booth was encored. The concert by and care necessary to make it a reliable com­ Morris Dennison of South Thomaston was the Ingraham’s H ill Band was of course tbe "IjIOR SA LE—10 h. n. Boiler and Engine and A ll shall be used fairly. Ask the merchants before Judge Hicks yesterday upon the com­ Treasurer— Mrs. W . W . Kittredge of Vinal­ pilation. Everyl>ody should possess it. Pub­ J j Knuckle Joint Cider Press all complete. Can principal attraction o f the evening and every for your votes when you trade with them. See plaint of Fred M . Smith who charged him haven. lished by Grenville M. Donham, Portland, be seen running, d. T. JACKSON, East Jefferson, number on its generous program was duly $ 5 WORTH s GOODS Maine. 202-6* advertisements on another page. with tearing down and destroying one of the Directors— Mrs. Bradford of Union, Mrs. Maine. Price postpaid £2. appreciated. Before thi* concert the band LiECO ND Hand Horses for Sale. Address or Dr. Sullivan of Portland, the well known Crescent Beach sign boards at the Head of F. S. W alls of Vinalhaven, Mrs. S. L . M iller of Waldoboro, Mrt. Clark of Warren, Mrs. went to Thomaston and Maverick square, O call on W. W. LIGHT, So. Liberty, Me. 196- eye and ear specialist w ill be in Rockland, at the Bay, tbe particulars o f which appeared in playing all along the line. A G r e a t N u rp rlse Is la Htore William Gay of Thomaston, Mrs. F. D. Lamb At our store and by NGINS AND BOILER.— ▲ twenty horse the Thorndike Hotel, Tuesday and Wednes­ this paper at the time. Dennison was found The rain began to fall about 9 o’clock and of Rockland and Mrs. E. Taylor of Appleton. for those ^rho will go today and get a paokago of power Engine and Boiler In good order. II. day, Aug. 10 and 11. This w ill be an ex guilty and fined £12 and costs, amounting to cut the festivities rather short, but all who at­ GBA1N-O. It takes the place of coffee at about 1. MILLS, Lincolnville, Me. 81 Remarks of an interesting and anecdotal your pay ing 93.96 extra cellent opportunity for all tboae requiring the £20.78. County Attorney Prescott appeared tended went away well satisfied that a pleas­ the cost. Il la a food drink, full of hsalth, and oan services of a first-class eye and ear specialist for the plaintiff and L . R. Campbell for the character were made by Col. L. D. Carver be given to the children aa well as the adult with T o L e t. and Gen. J. P. Cilley of this city, S. L . Miller ant evening had been spent. The Epworth great benefit. It Is mads of pure grains and looks you got a Gold Watch to avail themselves of tbe occasion o f his respondent. The witnesses were Fred League and Ladies’ A id Society of the M etho­ and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or Java visit. W itbam and Charles Crouch. of Waldoboro, Joseph Mears of Thomaston, coffee. It satisfies everyone. A of Gratn-0 Is Mrs. Pascal of Rockport and Mrs. Small of dist church worked hard to make the affair a or a set of silver dishes O LET—Tenement on Stanley Lane. North Tax Collector Simonton’* bond of £40,000 Senator W m . P. Frye, and Gov. Powers butler for the system than a tonic, because Its benefit Main St , Rockland. Rent reasonable. Ad- Camden. These were varied by the follow­ success and to the general committee, com­ Is permanent. What coffee breaks down Ursln-O was approved by Mayor Butler and tbe board are to be among the speakers at the Mass prising D. A. Packard, L . S. Robinson, Mrs. Tdieas, P O. BOX, 154, Warren, Me. 60 ing well rendered musical numbers: Piano builds up. Ask your grocer for Gralu-O. 16c. and 26o. Isn’t this something for of aldermen Wednesday and was filed with Convention of the Sunday Schools of Knox, duet, Miss Mabel Lam b and Miss Maud Cora Lothrop, Mrs. F. E. White and Mrs. City Treasurer Jones. Collector Simonton Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties to be held George Lurvey, as well as the sub committees, Lost and Found Marsh; solo, Miss Vivian Billings; piano about nothing? Wo enters upon hia third year in that capacity and on the Nohleboro Camp Ground, Wednesday, is much credit due. The Euruent Circulation. solo, Mrs. F. E. Payson. unless every appearance is at fault is giving Aug. 11. It is not surprising that this meet­ A vote of thanks was extended to Edwin Printer’s Ink, in a review of the American are making a big dis­ J W . T ., ’8«, la "on the In.Ido. W ill Under p lou e general satisfaction. Capt. Simonton is a ing, affording as it does a delightful excursion, T Libby Relief Corps for its cordial greeting. Newspaper Directory, says: earn nl TIIB COUKIKIIGAZKTTE OFFIO popular official. picnic dinner, and musical and literary en­ F . W . Devoe & Co.; established 1754. Acting upon the invitation of Mrs. Pascal it “The Rockland, Me., Courier-Gazette, semi­ play of . . . tertainment of a high order, calls out thous­ weekly, is credited with the largest circula­ OUND—A Bunch of Keys on Holmen street The fast steamer Merryconeag, w ill leave was voted to hold the next reunion at Ballard The owner can have tho sumo by paying for Bangor next Sunday morning at 8.30 a. m., for ands of people. It has come to be the tion accorded to any paper in Rockland or in Park, the first Wednesday in August, 1898. Miss Quickstep— H o w nicely your bicycle F this advertisement. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. 4a j sail down the river as far as Camden,touch­ largest Sunday school meeting held in New Knox County.” suit fits you, Cousin Oliver. You look as if ing at Winterport, Bucksport and Northport. England. you had been melted and run into it. flisvellaneous' Music will be furnished by the Bangor M ili­ A delightful excursion will be afforded our A KITE PHENOMENON Young Peduncle (mopping bis heated tary band, which w ill give delightful concerts people Sunday when they w ill he given an JQOK.3XT b ro w )— You’re very kind, Cousin Amanda; Hock—New York City, July 27, to Mr. and Mrs* all along the route. Refreshments w ill be opportunity of visiting Verona Park, one of SUflflER GOODS HIROPODY AND MANICURING.—Mrs. II. E. Ktchbiel of the New York Tribune, but I feel ns if I were melting and running Charles W . Ilock, a daughter—Birdie Anna. Ellzubeth Underwood, 16 Sohool St., Rock­ served and the best order w ill be preserved. the pleasantest resorts in this section. The 1’AHKEit—North Haven, July 24, to Rev.and Mrs. who i« Summering at Cooper’, Beach, lend, out of i t !’’ land,C Thursdays, Fridays aud Saturdays. Toilet steamer Gov. Bodwell w ill leave Tillson C. A. Parker, of Quiuey, Musm., a aou. Preparations. 48*65 One of this week’s visitors was Prof. W . S. tbe following interesting communication to wharf at 7.30 o'clock and Camden at 8 30 D avis—Doer Isle, July 18, to Mr. and Mis. Wight, who taught singing school here dur­ tbe editor of this paper: Joseph It. Davis, a son. Boots, Shoes and Slip­ NION, Past and Present. An Illustrated hia ing the Winter of 1892. Mr. Wight has o’clock for Temple Heights, N orthport, V e­ l'AHKlluitaT—Ballard Vale, M ass, to Mr. and tory of the town of Union, Maine, from earl» Cooran’u B rack— Tuesday. been in Aroostook County for the past five rona Park and Bucksport. The annual Mrs. (neo Ilodgdon, of Itockl^id)) F. B. Parkhurst, U times to date. By mall, post paid, 26 cents. Ad­ About 3.20 thi, afternoon a kite which we Maine Wesleyan Seminary u daughter. pers of very latest de­ years teaching and giving concerts with great campmeeting of the Penobscot Spiritual Tem ­ dress, G. W. FISH, Union, Maine. were flying from here—-wind a little south of success. H e intends opening schools in ple association is now being held at Verona AND /LTIIT.IID Park. This resort is situated upon an island west, blowing fairly —broke loose at the reel. sign. Gout’s Furnish­ IANOFORTE INSTRUCTION.—MISS MA- Rockland and vicinity during the coming Hock—D avim— North Waldoboro, J u l/7, Adel BEL II. HOLBROOK, 22 Camden Street, There was a ball and three-quarters of English Fall and W inter. M L W ight is a graduate on the banks of the Penobscot, one m ile from FEHALE COLLEGE, bert Ilock and Lizzie M.Davis, both of Waldoboro. P will rbeetva pupils In planoforto Instruction, twine attached and tbe kite was about four leet ing Goods. Some­ of the Holt Normal Institute of Vocal Har­ Bucksport. A more delightful trip could not either ut her home or will go to them. Especial high and six-cornered. Now the atory. It fell as Kent’s Hill, - - Maine. attention given beginners. mony, Boston, and his methods o f teaching be wished for than this. It w ill cost you but DIED usual for perhaps half a minute, then steadied thing extra good. . . are up to date. 50 cents for round trip. IlKV. A . F. CIIAHK, Ph. II., PrMld.nt. Hukldon—South Thotnastou, July 30, John HARPEN your Lawn Mower? I will send and and moved rapidly with the wind up the coast. Sheldon, a native of Rockland, aged H5 years, 11 Tbe insurance on the property of Mrs. get it, sharpen it well aud send It home. L . B. H ill, the assistant adjutant general of W e watched it with glasses for 20 minutes tuoniha, 10 days. SJAM ES WIGHT, Park St. Plaoe.38 David F. Smith, 111 N orth M ain street, Fall Term Opens Aug. 31 o st the department of Maine, G. A. R-, reports and it was moving as steadily a, ever and P —Owl's Head, South Thotnastou, July 20, damaged by fire on Wednesday night o f last Enoch Post; a native of Camden, aged 33 years, 1 that already five Pullman cars have been en keeping it, altitude, apparently, when it faded Eleven IJtorary, Scientific, Art and week, bss been paid by the agents. Bird & month. gaged for those who propose to attend the en­ out of the glass. W e imagine that it wss the Musical Courses. Commercial Col­ Ca m p u b ix —Maitland, Nova Beotia, July 27. Mrs. A Little Money goes a Long Ways Barney, as follows: £640 on the house; £270 campment in Buffalo, N. Y. Each car will twine draggiq^i in the water that held it and lege. Military Tactics. James Campbell, mother of Mrs. John jWIIHsm accommodate about 30 persons. The party on furniture; £400 on the barn; £500 on Creamer, of Waldoboro, aged 87 years. FOR SALE! are curious, as being something new in kite Pubsbky—Deer Isle, June H, Asa 8 . Praaaey, at our stole. contents of the ham ; a total o f £1,810. The will leave Portland Saturday morning, August flying experiences, to know where it tame aged 71 years, 6 months, 10 days. loss on barn and contents was total, but that BUND FOR CATALOGUE. 21 at 8.15, and arrive in Buffalo Sunday after­ down. Perhaps some correspondent or your UoDNCX—South Warren. Iuez A., wife of George on houae and furniture partial. The loss on E. Councu, aged 24 years, 8 months, 10 days. noon. The round trip trom Portland is only exchange, may hear of it. I f you do w ill you MM Stock, Fixtures and the Cobb Lime Co.’a property, burned Tues­ ilA u a riirr—Mansfield, Muss., Mary, wife of £13.15 and one can make the excursion, all kindly let u, know. Charles Haggerty, a native of Rookport, daughter day morning, has been adjusted by S. T . expenses included, for £30. W ith fraternal greetings, I S O * 1 8 0 7 of the late Capt. Chene and llelon Amsbury Pack Good-Will . . . Parsons, A . M . Wood, and M r. Connor, of ard, aged about 86 years. Our theatre goers w ill have the pleasure of H . E. K r k iiu ik l . Boston, special agents of tbe companies rep­ o r THI LONQ KSTABLlBBBD witnessing an old time favorite, Miss Lizzie resented by Bird & Barney, on that policy. P. S.— Ona hour later— A tandem team Evans, in the up-to-date production “Coon HEBRON ACADEMY Grooery Busineaa, at the Brook, The lost ia total and Bird & Barney w ill pay of sites (M r. H arry Farw ell’s six-cornered,, FALL TKltM OPKNN NOTICE. Hollow,’* at Farwell Opera house, Monday Notloe la hereby given that Lewie Frederic Bier- over £3000 on tbe contents o f the sheds and paper, four feet high, and James W ight’s, Main Street, evening, August 23. The company will open Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1897. rett will apply for admission to praotlce law lu tbe £2000 on tbe kilns and sheds. T h e loss sus­ four-cornered, cotton cloth, six feet high) Courts of the State of Maine, at the September F. A. PETERSON, Must be sold In thirty days without regard to ooa the season in this city and will get in a week Send for Catalogue to tained by tbe Limerock Railroad Co. was followed tbe first. M r. W ig h t', kite fell in the Term, 1807, of the Supreme Judicial Court for Knox or value. Store to let. 43 of rehearsals. “ Coon H ollow ” has filled the W . K. MA KG KN T, Prlu., adjusted at £2500, the insurance for which harbor and must have been towed by the County. principal theatres of the country for weeks at M-MS H eb ro u , M e. 61 RALPH R ULMER, Clerk. 364 Main St.. Rockland was also canted by Bird & Barney. Farwell kite which moved off rapidly in the J. EDWIN FROHOC. a time and is one of the most popular plays the same direction aa tbe first and disappeared I Successor to Q. A. SAFFORD. ever produced on the American stage. W atch behind some low hung cloud, in about ten and wait for further announcements. WITH THE CHURCHES minutes. I I . E. K . There were lots of strangers in town Tues­ day and about 150 of them came down from C h a n ce of At tbe Congregational church tomorrow Tbe lobster hatching season at the Ten Bangor on tbe steamer Sedgwick. It was an morning the Key. W m. E. M o o n o f Colum- Pound Island Fish Hatchery i, over, and excursion to Camden from which place the bui, Ohio, w ill preach. There ia no evening about 47,000,000 fry have been batched and A L ifetim e! visitors took the electrics for Thomaston service. liberated along the coast. The Grampus bss many of them stopping off in this city. Ban­ Tbe preaching ot Rev. D r. Butler at tbe been taken to Woods' H o le and hauled up. On account of change of gor and Rockland probably exchange more Firat Baptist church during the preaent month business : : : excursions than any two places in M aine, the ia likely lo delight tbe audiencca with a nota­ It ia always gratifying to receive testimoni­ fine sail up and down the Penobscot river be­ ble aeriea of aermona, if that of laat Sunday, als for Cbsmberlain's Colic, Cholera, and I WISH TO SELL MY ing one reason and the hospitality which is Higher Temperature the first, ia to he accepted at an in d i^ to r of Diarrhoea Remedy, and when tbe endorse­ always shown in both cities is another reason. wbat ia to follow. It waa a discourse marked ment is from a physician it is especially so. F . W . K . Reed, was in Surry on Sunday by simplicity of manner but of rare insight, “ There is no more satisfactory or effective say* the Bangor Commercial, where he made Two Night Lunch practicablcness and a literary flavor that was remedy than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera arrangement* for the steamer Catherine, Capt. and Diarrhoea Remedy,” write* Dr. R. E. O. A. Crockett, of Rockland, to take an ex­ unique. Tbe large congregation heard it Wagons. with high appreciation. D r. Butler referred Robey, physician anu pharmacist, ol Olney, cursion from Bangor to Northport next Sun­ at tbe opening of hia sermon to the feeling of M o.; and a , he has used tbe Remedy :n his Those carts have done an excellent day. The steamer is licensed to carry 425 and Lower Prices pleasure it gave him to appear in tbe houae own family and sold it in hia drug store for aud payiug business ever siuce 1 estab­ people, but tbe number of passengers w ill be in which bis father waa one time the preacher six years, be should certainly know. For lished them about two years ago. My limited to 375 in order to make it comfortable and to which bis own recollection* aa a child sale by H . L . R o bbins, Union, D. B. Conn & for all. The steamer w ill leave Bangor at books show tbe amount of uusinpps often turned. A t the close o f the service Son, Searsraont and W arren Pharmacy. 8.30 a. m., arriving at Northport at noon. doue and are open lo auy oue desinsg D r. Butler officiated at tbe ordinance of tbe On the return Bangor w ill he reached not later to purchase aud I iuvite the most thor­ Lord's Supper, after which many gathered than 8 o’clock. The Old Town band will ough investigation. about to shake him by tbe hand, many who accompany tbe excursionists. Tbe excursion R A YM O N D & bad tat under tbe miniatry of bis father and for seasonable clothing that may be worn upon any w ill be under tbe management of M r. Reed W H IT C O M B ’S ,,, W. B. HILL. remembered tbe child Nathaniel. and W . L . Mountainc who so successfully TOURS. managed the excursion on tbe steamer M erry­ occasion during the summer months. A special line of high class Worsted coneag two weeks ago, and there is no doubt SPECIAL SUNDAY TRIP ALLTHA V KLING KXFKNH1SM INCLUDED but what the capacity of tbe steamer will be A parly will leave lioatou August 31 for a filled. On the excursion to Camden many - TO THE - Grand Tour of Sixty seven Days lo Suits just put on sale are bound to strike the fancy of the critical man and people were unable to go on account o f the accommodations, and the trip next Sunday w ill afford them an opportunity. Camp Groupds THE YELLOWSTONE the price will appeal to the thrifty. F. W. Devoe & Co.; established 1754. •ANP Bucksport AND CALIFORNIA. Tbe trip will Include a week in ibe National Fork, Sunday Excursions and ample stops at Healtle, Victoria, Tacoma and Port­ SUNDAY,AUC.8, land, ibe picturesque Shasta Route, and vxleuded visits lo 8an Francisco, Banta Bar bara, ix>s Ange . . Matinicus. . . Str. Gov. Bodwell ies, ban Diego, etc , i vluruing via California. Will leave Ruck Uud, Tillson's wharf, al 7.30 s. M-, Nuiumer uud Autuiuu Trius of Five to aud Camden ai 8.16 a. M , for Tem ple Heights, Twenty-Due Days to tbe Principal Resorts of New Noribporl. Veroua Park aud Bucksport. Returning BURPEE & LAMB, Str.W.C. BUTMAN Bug land, New York and Canada, in August aud will luavu Bucksport al 8.80 p. m ., for Veroua Park, beptcuber. Will make regular trips lo Matinicus aud Criehaven Northport, Temple Heights, Camden aud Rock- Tour to tbe Yellowstone Park Auaust 31, each Tuesday uud Friday, leaving Rocklaud al 7.30 laud. Annual W inter Trips to Caliiorula, ones a Is the BEST HEATER in the World.! a. M-, arriving Muikulcu* at lu.30, leasing 10 return month or ofleuvr. beginning iu November. al 2.30 F. x„ arriving al Rocklaud at 6.30. Fare for round trip, from Afuet that bus been dewouslx a ted by every pereou ludepeudeut Railroad aud bteauxsAUp whu has uaed one. Our apace will out allow qa Lo any landing, 50 cents. Tickets to all points. describe it. We have oue iu our store. Ootue lu . . smuAis . . N e w England Clothing House. and aee it. 8521/ The annual Gawp Meeting of the Penobscot bend for descriptive book, mentioning whether The steamer makes regular excursion* lo Bunny- Spiritual Temple Association will beheld at Veroua Yellowstone or btuniner tour As desired 61 62 aide aud Creaceul Beach, leaving Rocklaud al 11 A. Park, August 1 ih lo 23d. Adwiaslou to the Park on RAYMOND A W U ItliniU , Jonathan Crockett, M. aud 8 p. M-—Leaving Creaceul Beach to lelurn al Sundays, 10c- 1.30 and 6.30 r. m . Veroua Park Is situated upon an Island on the 296 Wuhiogloo St / opposite Sohool St, ) Boston i MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. 46U CAPT. W. G. BUTMAN. banks 0/ the Penobscot, one mile from Bucksport. T H K R lO M M ’ ' H’kIBK-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1897.

OALL AND H VK YOUR bin called the best man aronnd these OHIO DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM tion. The gold money ol the world has more than doubled since 1873, the silver money of Maine Central R. R. SKETCHES BY M. QUAD parts, but lately I ’m kinder doubtln It the world has nearly or quite trebled in that Watches, Clocks and Jewelry — kinder tbiukin it's all a mistake, Its Most Important Assertions and Argu­ Health is Wealth! In Effect June 20. 1897. CLRANEU AND REPAIRED. ment* Considered And Answered. time and the paper money has also in JParlor ther days except ” ' interpretation must be followed, why do they A. F. Crockett Co. From Searsport Mondays, at 2 farms at an average cost of 60 cents per days and Saturdays, at 4 30 p. m. IRON -:-FOUNDRY. now insist upon a standard silver dollar with bushel. • * * Wages of In d ia farm hands From Brooklln, Sedgwick, CastineC and way only 4124 grains of silver instead of the 416 run from 6 to 10 cents of our money per day.” N o rth E n d . landings, via of Belfast, Mondays at 10 A. M., other grains which the act specifically names? By The same report shows the cost o f producing days nt 12.30. Light Iron Castings a Specialty. their own proposition they demand a viola­ wheat on the great farms of California and From Bar Harbor, and way-landings, daily ex­ DEALER IN cept Sunday, at 1.00 p. m. tion of what they claim is a constitutional re­ the Dakotas is less than half the average cost Orders by telephone FRED LOTHRGP, Agent, Rockland. Hussey Plows, quirement. This act which they claim is an in tbe Central Mississippi valley, while CALVIN AUSTIN, General Supt , Boston. Cultivators and Harrows, WILLIAM II. HILL, General Manager, Boston. interpretation of the constitution on this similar conditions prevail in Argentine and tiven prom pt attention Osborne Mowing Machines, question provides that “every fifteen pounds’ Australia, which through the extremely low Hakes and Tedder weight of pure silver shall be of equal value in ocean freights are also competitors with us in Inland Route-■••Portland and Rockland, A general line o f repairs and fixtures for the above. allpayments with one pound weight of pure all the markets of tbe world. The reduced pure gold.” If this is an interpretation cost of agricultural products, due to the com C. FRANK JONES, Commencing Monday, July 5 , 1897, Steamer SOUTH UNION, MB. of the constitution why do these stick­ bination of low freights and the use of lers for its observance propose to violate machinery finds a parallel in the reduced cost MERRYCONEAC. S . A PEDRICK. M. D. it by saying that every sixteen pounds’ of manufacturing in all lines through similar Stenographer I. E. ARCHIBALD, Ma st e r , weight of silver shall now be equal to one causes, and also in the reduction in the cost . . and Leaves Portland T U ESD A Y , THURSDAY and O m c B a n d R k sid bn c eI G eo. A . P ease Houbb pound of gold? Would there not be equal of mining and the production of the precious SATURDAY, Portland Pier at 6.30 and Boston authority for saying that every seventeen or metals, which thus supply the money of the Typewriter. Boat Wharf at 7.00 a. X., for Rockland, touching at Hours 1 to 4 ana,” to 8 p. m. “•HE'S AN OLD BLUFFER, BUT HE CAN’T 8KEER ME OFF." eighteen or twenty or thirty pounds’ weight of world at a greatly reduced cost of that prime Boothbay Harbor. New Harbor, Round Pond, 632 flAIN STREET. Friendship, Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor, ar- A p p l e t o n , M e . 162-78 silver shall be equal to one pound weight of measure of value, labor. riving in season to connect with steamer for Boston. gold? By their own proposition to change 1 have opened an offleo at the above number, Leaves Rockland MONDAY. WEDNESDAY A Reliable Method. “ We declare that the act of 1873 * * * has bluff me, aud he got off his boss and the ratio they admit that neither the constitu­ where pereonn can secure I he eervices of an expert and FRIDAY, Tillson's Wharf, at 6.30 a. m., for S-P. STRICKLAND,M.D. "Bliggins’ wife doesn’t insist on re­ resulted In * • * a heavy lucrease tn tbe burden of Stenographer aud Typewriter at a nominal figure, Portland, making way landings as above, arriving oamped down.’’ tion nor the first act passed under it is bind­ taxation.” or I will come to your placo of buelncss every day In season to connect with Boston and New York “ And yon followed suit?” queried taining possession of the latch key any ing as to the future relations of gold and and take your work by dictation returning the steamers same night. WASHINGTON, ME. The increase in the burdens of federal the colonel. m ore,” suggested Mr. Meekton. silver as money. The fact that this act spe­ taxation are mainly due to the increase in letters to you in time for the next mall at these Connections made at Rockland the following prices: morning with steamers for Belfast, Castine, Bucks- “No,” replied Mrs Meekton, “she cifically said that “ every fifteen pounds’ expenditures for pensions, public buildings “ I hud to or chaw my words. He’s an For an averago of 40 letters per week or lew, 81 .5 0 port and Bangor; Islesboro, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, BTRTOI HOUSE, has fonnd a better way to make snre weight of pure silver shall be of equal value and river improvements, and any party which Brook .in, Bluchlll and Ellsworth; Vinalhaven, ole bluffer, but he can’t skeer me off. ” I “ ” more than 40 and lean than 1U0, 2 .0 0 with one pound weight of pure gold” indi­ Green’s Landing, Swan's Island, So. West Harbor, • • • UNION, MAINE. “ As to bluffin,” said the other, “ B ill that her husband stays home aftei would specifically declare against a continua­ For all legal work we low ue It can possibly be North East Harbor and Bar Harbor d a rk . ” cates that gold was intended to be tbe meas­ tion of these would quickly find itself repu­ done. Whnrton, which is me, has novor bin ure of value, for had the framers of this act diated by the people. g cy l aak your eupport Mr. RuhIucbb Man for thia Regular and Transient Boarders. "W hat is it?’ venture. 17 outbluffed by anything on two legs or intended that silver should be th e measure Special attention given to the “We declare that the act of 1873 * * * has re­ four, and it’s too late to begin to craw­ “ Sho has taken the lam poff his bicy- Traveling Publio. they would have said that one pound of gold sulted in * * * a heavy increase In the burden of A L O C A L ole — Washington Star. BLUEHILL LINE K. F. WIGHT, - - Proprietor. fish now- If that old galoot kin stand a should be equal in value to fifteen pounds of all debts, public and private.” D is e a s e snowslide he'll find me right alongside silver. Alexander Hamilton, who was one of The census figures show that the increase CATARRH A C l i m a t i c Private Parties served on short notice. An Opening For Him. SUMMER SCHEDULE. of him to the bitter end.’’ the framers of the constitution and whose re in debts since 1873 has been, in a very large A f f e c t i o n “ Is there an opening hero for an in- port to Congress was the basis of this act said "You both realize the danger, do share of the cases, for the purchase of homes Nothing but a local of the alleged unit, the Spanish dollar, “that STR. CATHERINE HOTEL CLAREMONT, you?” asked the colonel. telloctuul writer?” asked a seedy, red or the improvement of. farms, and that the remedy or change of species of coin has never had any settled or climate will cure it. CAPT. O. A. CROCKETT. “ We do,” they replied in chorus. nosed individual of tho editor. sections in which this increase in mortgage C- S. PEASE, Proprietor- standard value * • while gold has a fixed price Get a well-known phar­ W ill leave Rockland, on arrival of steamer from “ Yes, my friend,” repliod the man indebtedness has been greatest, have shown Co b. Cu b e x o x t a n d Ma . onic Bt h e it s, “ There’s tens of thousands of tons of maceutical remedy, by weight with an eye to its fineness. This as a result the greatest activity and the great­ snow up there ready to fall and bnry of letters. “ A considerate carpenter, Rockland, Mo. greater stability of the value of gold coins is est increase in actual wealth and genuine oggln, Little Deer Isle, So. Brooksville, Herrick th is puss. ” foreseeing your visit, left an opening an argument of force for regarding the money Ely’sCream Balm prosperity. Landing, Sargent vllle, Sedgwick, Brooklln, So. for you. Tnrn tho knob to tho rig h t” Bluehill, Parker Polut, Bluehill, Surry and Ells “ Jest so,” replied No. 1, “ but I kin unit as having been hitherto virtually attached It is quickly Abaorbed. “ Wo declare that the acl of 1873 * * * hu» resulted Gives Relief at once. worth. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Bot y e re as lo n g as he k i n . ” - T i t - B i t s . to gold rather than silver.” Insure your buildings at actnal oost with the in * * * the enrichment of the money lending oluss Opens aud cleansew tho RETURNING will leave Surry at 8 a. m. (stage “ And I’ll see |t ont if it takes all Ii the framers of this platform insist that at home and abroad.” ______Nasal Passages. leaves Elbworth 7 A0 o’clock) every day, except MAINE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00. of All the Convenience*. tbe first coinage act passed under the consti­ Sunday, make slope at above landing stations and Auguslu, Maine. Insure against accident in a re w inter,” added the other. The money lending class can only “grow liable accident Insurance company. Finest policies Tourist (in a coal inino, After passing tution is an exact interpretation of the mean­ COLD

Do not cook when you can fill THEOSOPHY-DEMOHSTRATION OF LAW awaiting developments before purchasing fun for a trip to Alaska. your Picnic Basket at the V. A curious phenomenon was recently oh* served near Brewer Jiy some haymakers. A On turning our attention to the law of ac­ tion and reaction we shall observe it* workings whirlwind was seen to whip up the biggest haycock in an adjoining field a i cleanly as a in our own immediate sphere, and feel Knox Farmers’ power hay lif er would do and to carry it into convinced not only of its perfect justice but of the air a distance estimated by the men to be its beneficence and its reformatory tendency. 300 feet. The hay was in the air about three As applied to mere mechanics it gives us Exchange Market something to rely Jupon. W e know that minuter, and when it was dropped by the whirlwind it was scattered all over the lot. when a mechanical force is sent forth, it will, if no counteracting force intervenes, return The Alaska gold scheme has so permeated W . C. SA W TE LL E, with equal power in the opposite direction, the minds of some of the Waldoboro youths and therefore we can in employing that force that they are asking for a postponement of 81 Limerock St., ■ Rockland A permnnent. original copyrighted feature. Pleeae eend any suggestion*or calculate upon certain infallible results. Now, their marriages so as to go and get rich. * recipes to our special editor, addressed Good Cookery, I Water street, Boaton. this law works just as unerringly in regard to A Methodist pastor in Lincoln county who Telephone Call so-4 any mental force that we tend forth, in our has been installed but two months is already (Copy rig kt> every thought, for thought is a force of high reported as having made 130 calls besides potency. It is a cause that will produce its doing his regular Sunday work. If he keeps own effect, and in proportion to its intensity on at this rate, in three years he will make at Kennedy’s Fancy Crackers. THKNEW YOKE CHAMPION IIAV ItAKK, the Iraderof the wordlh wood or steel and the Dear Samnntha—1 received your letter A TROFER FOL ' - 1'ANDARD. will its effects be powerful upon ourselves as least 2,210 calls, unless there's tiuth in the Dicrina All theei !(««••. asking me how to make good bread and As we are. largely, what we eat. It Is well as upon any object to which it may be adage that a new broom sweeps clean. THE CH A M I’lON AM . MT EE I. TKDUKK. We have ihl* tedder In wood . r so e . The heavy, Society Cheese, 15 cte. lb. I send you some general directions evident that a true standard of food'is directed. The blueberry villages in Washington cumbersome geu» on drive wh<« is have been dispensed with, nnd the center chain sear using si el chain S altlnes, 15 •• “ which I have made use of successfully. far more Important than any other Also our feelings, our emotions, which are I performs the work wlm much frb-i on nn» 0.0 monotuck silk co. Pints, Quarts and from 50 to 60 ndnutes. When linked, re­ writings to which we may have access, that do respond with the views of many fishermen in Impaired for lack of proper nourish­ this section and along the eastern coast our pocket entirely—it’s one ot our ways ot advertis­ Two Quarts. move the loaves Immediately from the ment. By a perfect system of dieting, so. The old philosophy presented by theoso pans and place where the air will circu­ phy tells us to give, not only what we would Said he : ing. We want you to get acquainted with the whitest there Is no doubt that our entire lives “It is not the fault of nature that our lob­ late about them freely and thus carry off would ho made more comfortable, as well wish to receive, but also that at some time we floating soap on the market. If your grocer can not the gas which has been formed, but Is shall be sure to receive precisely what we do ster supply has dwindled into insignificance; as useful, and any real progress toward nor is it entirely the fault of tbe fishermen. Extra no longer needed. give, and proceed to explain the governing supply you, send us his address. well-balanced eating and drinking must The trouble is right in the very lows that Some people use scalding water In law that so works. lend to gTeatly Improve health an.l were framed to protect lobsters. It is an MADE ONLY BY CHICAGO. Rubbers making wheat bread. In that case the Now if we can with our limited perception, J as. S. K irk & CO., m orals. indisputable fact that the supply has dim in­ flour must be scalded and allowed to that part of the working of law winch is im­ THE LARGEST SOAP MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED 1839. mediate, may we not infer that a great part of ished in a few years to an alarming extent cool before the yeast Is added. CLARENCE COOKIES. Where a few years ago a man could make Delivered to any If you like crusts that are crisp do its working which cannot be immediate, pro­ Ono tablespoonful of vlnegnr, one cup­ a fair living at the traps— and the »ime has not cover the loaves; If you wish them ceeds unerringly on the same lines or that our p a rt o f tho Cit ful of h'a "k molasses, one egg, two ta- been when by steady industry and attend.hi to be soft and tender wrap them while every act, physical, mental or moral, will at FREE. blespoonfuls of lard, a little salt and one to business could make a thousand dollars Btlll hot In several thicknesses of bread some time bring us a just and corresponding teaspoonful of soda are the Ingredients reaction ? in a season. M r. Treat himself has done i cloth. In summer I make my bread with required. Mix, to roll, with white flour How otherwise can we account for the dif­ now the business is a poor one." the scalding water, as It keeps moist and cut with a cookie cutter. Bake very ferences in what we call the fate uf the human M r . Treat's argument against the piesent much longer. I send you my recipe for c a re fu lly . brotherhood as it appears upon the earth law is as follows: m a k in g today? W ith every one of us there surely is “ First, tbe law prohibits the taking of lob You Can’t WHEAT BREAD. B1,MBLED EGGS. a logical relation of our present life to past aters under io4 inches in length. Copeland’s Bazar “ Second, it prohibits the taking of seed Sift the flour Into a large bread pan or (Mrs. Parker.) lives,otherwise this life is a broken,unfinished, lobsters. M ake howl; make a hole In the center of It and Beat eggs with Cottolene and a little pitiably meaningless and inconceivably unjust 398 MAIN STREET. “ Piactically, then, undtr the first condi po.ur In the yeast (half a teacupful to two milk, put in a saucepan and stir. Pour portion o f a human career. tion, the law allows the taking only of such quarts of flour). Stir lightly and then on buttered toast. When we see a kind and generous man de­ pour In your “wetting.” stir very lightly, nied every meat s of gratifying his generous lobttrrs as by their size are capable of be­ coming seed 1 tbsters. This condition keeps but do not mix all the flour Into IL Cover PINEAPPLE SHERBET. impulses by outward act toward the miserably h ithathlck towel and sefiaway In a warm poor among whom bis lot is cast, we perhaps the supply of seed-producing lobsters con Havana = Tobacco The Juice of one can of plneappleB,two stantly diminishing, for the lobster which place to rise. This Is called “putting the say that such a man ought to have a fortune cups of sugar, two cups of water and carries no seed today may, if undisturbed, be Has advanced over bread In sponge." The next morning to dispense, that be deserves it and that if one teaspoonful of gelatine are required. carrying seed tomorrow. One under the a White Plume from a add a teaspoonful of salt and mix all there was any justice in tbe world be would Mix the water and sugar, adding the legal size may not become a seed lobster for the flour In the pan with the sponge, have it. but if he could lift the veil of his Crow’s Tail, nor a good BO p er c e n t In p ric e gelatine, which has been soaking for a many weeks, and then may be caught on tbe kneading It well. Let It stand two hours past, we should see that there was a time Bicycle from Castings. half of an hour In cold water; dissolve It eve of becoming productive. So under the or more until It has rlseoqulte light Re­ when be was selfish, and that his only cure In one-half cup of boiling water. Strain first proposition there would be better pro­ The MONARCH No Advance iu Price Means No Havana move the dough to the board and mold was to experience himself the dire want to Into the freezer and then freeze as you tection by prohibiting the taking uf those Is good all through. in the Cigar. It again and again until the dough is which he had been so indifferent when it con­ would Ice cream. cerned only others. Gradually by these hard ex­ more than ten and one-half inches in length, elastic under the pressure of the hand. for that would be protecting without any pos­ Wo use the finest Havana Tobacco In molding cut Into pieces and mold periences this life was teaching him the need­ CHOCOLATE CAKE. sible show for mistake, all the seed-producing we can buy in the manufacture of them together. Then form Into loavea and ed lesson. In truth, bis lesion seemed to be One-half cup (scant) butter, creamed. lobsters. It is true of the lobster as it is of place In the tins. The louves should already well learned and if we could lift the one cup sugar, two eggs, whites and yolks veil of the future, perhaps even in this life we everything else in nature that the increase come half way up the pan. Let them beaten sep:vntely, one-half cut) sweet should see him with ample means at his dis­ of the species is insured through protection stand 10 or itj’Uen minutes, prick three or milk, two cups flour, two teaspoonfuls posal as a natural effect of the causes that he, to the seed rather than protection to the im four times with a fork and bake In a Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder. himself bad started into action. mature offspring. It would be impossible to quick oven. If through any mistake the J. W. A. Cigar Boll together not quite one-quarter cake Similarly, when we behold an utterly selfish deplete any species of fish if the seed-bear E very dough becomes sour before you are chocolate grated, one-half cup milk, yolk man rolling in wealth, we feel that be ought ing individual members were protected. And iu order to muintain tho high ready to bake It. you can rectify it by of one egg. one cup sugar ai d one tea­ in justice be deprived of it. W e may rest “ The second condition is a dead letter and standard of quality for which this adding a little dry super carbunate ot spoonful vanilla. When cool add to the assured that he is on the road that either in made so by tbe operation of tbe first. If Inch a cigar is noted we are obliged to ad­ soda, molding It a long tim e to distribute above rtilxture. Bake In jelly tins and this life or some other leads directly to tbe a inan is permitted to take full sized lobsters vance the price of samo to correspond the soda equally throughout the mttss. put boiled icing between the layers. very condition that he seems to merit, for be and only those, It is the simplest matter in as near ns possible to the advance iu Be sure and keep your bread well cov­ is now earning it. tbe world to take a seed lobster and by a prico of Havana Tobacco. ered In a tin or stone crock,which should FRIED PUDDING. This feeling of ours, iu both cases, is a cer­ pass of the hand remove the seed and that B icycle! he wiped out every day or two. and Take the cold breakfast porridge, cut tain sensing of the law of justice, which gives lobster may be inspected by the best expert and will be pronounced a legal catch. Call for tho J. W. A. Cigars und you scalded twice a week and given a "sun­ into slices, dip Into egg and fry on tho to each of us in degree and kind just what we “ The law therefore, has so far fallen short bath" once a week. griddle like Indian pudding or hominy. have earned. But in anticipating the course W e w a n t b r ig h t will make no mistake. of the end for which it was designed, and Yours cullnarlly, Serve with butter or syrup. of law, we should draw the line at wishing business men COMFORT JONES, misfortune for anyone, for we arc thereby really sanctions the quickest method of de­ struction. to represent us D o c to r o t C o okery. DEPARTM ENT CONDUCTED BY THU drawing down misfortune upon ourselves. “ There is no protection under the law everywhere. Dorchester, Moss. NEW ERA COOKING SCHOOL, W e may always with safety identify our even to tbe lobsters under the legal limit, for J. If. Anflersoii G iaar Co., WORCESTER, MASS. selves with law by working on the side of CHESTNUT SAUCE. good for every fellow being, regardless of they are taken now and sold in every mar­ Send for Catalogue. MANUFACTURERS. Mothers are beginning to understand ket in Maine and are shipped daily to other Chestnut sauce Is a very recherche their responsibility. Children are built merit or demerit. W . J. B. 8&Ttf states. sauce, and good recipes for it are scarce. out of the food they cat. In. rightly “ If tbe law was just tbe reverse of what it MONARCH CYCLE MFQ. CO. Shell one-half pound of chestnuts and choosing and preparing that building MAINE NEWS NOTES 11— that is, allow all fish under eleven inches Chicago New York Londoc scald till the skins can be peeled off eas­ material lies the mother's power to or twelve to he taken— and prohibit the tak­ Best ily. Place these In a pan with one-half realize In her child the Ideal human ing o f those larger ones, nature would hersell pint of veal stock, the rind of half a s tru c tu re . Applications for rooms in tbe state restore the deficiency in the supply in a short lemon and a little cayenne and salt to You don’t need to be told that whole prison will no doubt be more numerous than time. in Our taste. Let this simmer till the chest­ wheat is the natural basic food, because ever now. Tbe new Thomaston brass band “The impoverished condition of the lob­ It oontalns all the properties required to has begun to practice, nuts are soft, pass it through a sieve, add ster fisheries," said M r. Treat, “ can only be DAMARISCOTTA M0NHE8AN a cupful of cream, let all simmer slowly thoroughly nourish each of the four­ Tbe Biddeford Journal understands why the seen by those who rely upon it for the means Bu n k e r H i l i ..— The fanner* arc bu«y Line for two minutes and then serve. teen elements of the human body. That boys are no longer reading the pernicious of living. It is a matter that tbe whole- A very few mackerel were taken here the fact Is already well established. ten cent novel. This class of literature is now state should be interested in, and one that haying. The hay crop '■ much better than past week------Rev. W. E. Brcwser uf Rock­ HALF CUP CAKE. But possibly you don't know what a afforded for a nickel 1 should not be allowed to suffer by delay. One last year------Celeste N ath, Velma Linacutt, land was in town last week holding meetings The Best Tobacco Lillian Linscutt and Nettie Hodgkin* were ------H enry Robinson of Cushiug was in town One-half cup of butter, one-half cup boon has befallen humanity In that a man went out to bis traps yesterday and Best Brands of Cigars Whole wheat food has been put upon the Bath's Sunbeams— a club of little girls from among those attending the Summer school at last week with green pea* and fresh beel------of sugar, one-half cup of molasses, one- after eight hours' work returned with four re­ Best Quality of Pipes market—all ready eooked, palatable, four to nine years of age— have just sept Damariscotta------E K . H a ll has gone to Steamer Nadine broke down Saturday and half cup of coffee, one-half cup of sweet markable lobsters from seventy-five traps. Best Assortment of Goods and, at the same time, conserving with­ thirty children with their mothers to spend a Pittston to cut the hay for Allen H u rd — ...... was towed tu by steamer Lottie ami May m ilk, one egg, one and one-half teaspoon- “ Did be throw all others back?" M r. Bost Kind of Treatment 25 out waste all the food properties of the day at the seaside— which is pretty well for Treat says short lobsters are sold day after Summer visitors in the place at present are •------Sheriff Sherman of Boothbay was in fuls of baking powder and enough floui wheat berry. Shredded Wheat Biscuit sunbeams uf any age, this year. day on tbe streets of Searsport, and though Chas. Linscott and wife, Linwood Linscott town Saturday aud made an arrest on charge to make It moderately stiff. Very good alone answers that description. It Is Coming home from Europe this Summer, the wardens have been notified and some ef­ ano Master Raymond Bond uf Revere, Mass, ol riot------hist Warden N . J. Hanna was in and Is quite a favorite cup cake. D . C, Linscott and wife, Fra-.k Linscott and Just what tire people have been looking the family of Gen. Tbos. W. Hyde of Bath fort has been made to check the breach of town Saturday and made a seizure of five Howard Cigar Co. wife, D. C, Linscott, Jr., Misses Annie and for. and Its welcome In the homes of tills and Chauncey M . Depew were on tbe same tbe law, it still continues. The people rec­ short lobsters— —Dog fish still continue to GREEN COLORING. Grace Linscott, Misa Etta Hatch, Edward country royally attests Its worth. steamer and got very well acquainted. Thurs­ ognize tbe need uf law, but the first law be plenty in ibis vicinity------Last week broke 404 MAIN STREET. Hodgkins and wife, Mrs. Melissa Shacklcigh, Take fresh spinach or beet leaveB, and And that Is not all. day, a telegram was received in Bath from with them is self-preservation. tbe record for business. There were lawyers, pound them in a stone mortar. When Not only Is It a perfect food In Itself, Mr. Depew inviting Miss Ethel Hyde and her M r. Treat is well known 10 the patrons of Misses Mabel and Jennie Shackleigh, Miss sheriff* and ministers all doing duty and Sun­ you have a teacupful of Juice, add to It but it easily combines with other nat­ brother Arthur S. H yde to visit at tbe Depew Maine fairs. H e is known as tbe clam man, Sahra Hodgkins and Mrs. Moore of Boston day closed up with baptism------Steamer a piece ot alum the size of a pea and boll ural foods.—vegetables, fruits, berries, mansion at Newport. and state fair people remember him with ------A llie A verill was in the place, Sunday Salacia made a trip to this place Monday a few minutes In a sauce pan. Bottle It etc., In Innumerable dishes,—whole­ pleasure. U e says that he could make lots ------Anyone in search of a g >od place to fish with a party of 350------George C. Everett A sensation was caused at Old Orchard tbe had better try Damariscotta Lake. There air tight. If you want It for Immediate some and delicious beyond compare. of money selling short lobsters at tbe fairs, for has arrived and will loop have hi* collage other day by a man who insisted on wading are quantities of bass weighing from I ao to use take off the green froth which rises Let us mail you our cook book, the they are much more desirable for food than reader to move in to ------Capt Joseph Starling out into tbe deep surf with all bis clothes on. four pound* just dying to be caught, not to o f Falmouth is spending hl* vacation with ICE In the mortar and mix It with the article "Vital Question." It Is a little gem of the large one; but M r. Treat believes in up Some said he was crazy; others whispered Information and contains over l!0 holding the law even if does fall short of the speak of perch and pickerel, his daughter Mrs A. L P te r.e ----- Lawyer you Intend to color. A marble mortar la that be was drunk; aud some suspected he recipes. If you will send us your name object for which it was framed,and be has no Brackett of New llartxjr was in town Satur­ t h * best. was trying to escape the wiles o f tbe Summer O. W. Perry wauls tbe public to knew and address, mentioning "Good Cook­ patience with the men who violate it. NORTHPORT day—— Mis. John Mulling of South Port­ girl. Bathers dragged him ashore, and he land is in town for a few days stay M r a. that be is aupplyiug customers every day ery" In this paper, tt Is yours during The four masted seb oner C. K . Schule of RED COLORING. calmly walked off, without thanks or explana­ obn Webber of South Portland is visiting along bis ice routes. August—free. Philadelphia, loaded with coal, run onto the H e baa uot sold out— be Is ou deck w ith Take two cents worth of cochineal tion. LIBERTY er mother, M i*. Alden Wiocbenbach. and THE NEW ERA COOKING SCHOOL, Barley ledge near Islesboro, Sunday, July 25, i tbe finest outfit this city ever saw. A correspondent from Scarboro, being lay It on a flat plate and bruise It with Worcester, Mass. L iuertyvjlle C k n t e b .— Mrs. Rhoda Cox, but cainc off tbe next day with but slight Ioe delivered at your door at all hours. much harrowed in feelings, wants to know the blade of a knife. Put It Into half a who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. damage------Prof. Whitten ul Belfast is to Let me put your name ou my list. bow, in the name of heaven, to keep the WALDOBORO teacupful of alcohol. Let It stand ten N ettie Towle, returned home last Sunday have a dance at Union hall every Wednesday STEAMED BLUEBERRY PUDDING. neighbors* hens out of his garden. This is minutes und then filter It through fine ------Miss D e lp h i Sherman has gone to Old night during the Summer — The annual F iy l k r 'b CoitMLK.— M is . Ida Groton of Three cups rollqd and silted Shredded easy, says Gideon Stevens, in tbe Portland muslin. Always ready for immediate use. Orchard------Miss 1st Lceman recently visited reunion of the Boynton family will t>c held ou Washington has been visiting her sister Mrs. Wheat Biscuit, one cup Entire Wheat Express. Dear Correspondent; 'J ake lot Be sure and cork the bottle light. a Miss l*enora Lewis------Watson Knowlton of Marshall's shore iu Liberty, Sept. 2. A ll of A. L . H ilto n this week------Mr*. Callie C.W. PERRY. Flour, one cup sugar, one-half cup but­ of small, stiff cards, about 1x2 inches; write Belfast recently visited relatives here; on the family aud friends arc invited to be pres­ M ank has returned Ircm Damariscotta------ter, one level teaspoon salt, two tea­ on them : “ I'lease keep old heus at home." bis return borne be was accompanied by his ent and try to make it a social aud interesting George Burgess and wife of Oiff's Coiner Fit 1313 CONHULTATION. YELLOW COLORING. spoons baking powder, one cup blue­ T ie a short string to each card, with a grain of niece Miss Flora Sherman------Mrs. Sarah lime. The Northport scribe 1* very much in were at Frank Burgess' Friday------M is. Take a little salfron and sleep with u berries, one and two-thirds cups milk. corn at tbe other end of tbe string aud scatter Great Egy pilau lam son BlaisdclJ and baby N ina of Boston hopes to see Brother George there with bis Will Fcylcr returned from Rockland Saturday small quantity of cold water In an Rub the butter Into the orumhs, add them where the hens congregate. W hen the HeuAvdy. A pun­ arrived last Saturday. They w ill stop with bm fork------Samuel Lane a respected citizen — -Mis. C. E. Harris aud family of Union itive C u re fur all earthen vessel until It is a bright yellow. the sugar and blueberries, then the hungry biddy gobbles up the grain that draw* Mrs. Blaisdell's parents M r. and Mrs. J. R. or this place died very suddcuJy last Sunday are visiting relative* and friends in this vicini­ Btumach.Eiduey Strain aud add half alcohol to it. flour, baking powder and salt, sifted to­ the prize she follows up tbe siring, stowing it aud Bladder l>amsou for a few weeks------Carrol Turner of of heart failure. Mr. Lane was a member uf ty------Mrs. Fred Stetson visited M r*. D . Stet­ To color fiu lt yellow boil the tru ll with gether. Mix well and add the milk, sth away until she comes to tbe card. Then you Trouble*. Mo* East Palermo is baying for parties here------the 26th Me. Regim ent; also a comrade uf son Sunday------Everett Mank and family excellent for Sci­ fresh lemon skins In water to cover them In quickly and turn Into a buttered see her puli out for home, carrying your po­ Mrs. Taylor, who has been stopping with M r. lhornas 11. Marshal Post < f Belfast. were in Warren Sunday------Frauk Stain and atica. Send 4 etc. until the fruit is tender. mould, and steam two and one-half lite request. iu stamps. The and Mrs. W . F . Sbcrmau and who has been wife visited Mrs. J. Holiscs of FUndcr's Cor­ Egyptian Medi­ hours. Serve with hard or sweet sauce. Maine has a K londyke— of course it has! quite ill, is very much better------Mrs. E. J. ner Sunday------Theodore Fcylcr and family KhuinaUam Cured in • Day. cine Co., 46 Cliff Several of them in fact. Tbe latest mentioned Lecrnan is improving iu health------Miss Isa weut to Warren Sunday—— Miss Myrna fit., New York. LADY FINGERS. THE WIRE FLY KILLER-Fat'd. is in Jonesboro where Michael Cassidy lately Lceman and Miss Lenora Ixw ts called on “Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism ano Neu­ Davis is visiting her graudmolhcr M r*. Syl­ Mayl Put a ball a pound of butter Into scooped out a vial full of something he be­ Mrs. Blaisdell one evening this week------Miss ralgia radically cures in x to 3 day*, it* ac­ vester Davis. one pound u f flour und a hall a pound oi lieves to be gold-dust, while exploring around Isa Lceman will finish work here soon pre­ tion upon the system is rcmarkublc and mys­ sugar; giate iu the riud ol two lemons; O A-OTOX1.I-A.. a brook on his farm. A Machias jeweler has paratory to attending the Fall term at the terious. I t remove* at once the cause aud squeeze in the juice o i olio; a d d three Cleanliness of the head usual!/ insures a taken enough interest iu tbe find to send tbe Norm al School in Castine------Louis Gliddcn the disease immediately disappear*. Tbe good growth of hair. Au occaaiousl appli­ beaten eggs aud make Into rolls. When metal away to be assayed, aud the corner is at his occupation of framing pictures; he cist oose greatly benefits; 7$ cents cation of H a ll’s H air Renewer will aid to done dip In chocolate Icing. ► grocery loungers down that way are now has an agent on the road taking orders. Sold by W . J. Coakley, Druggist,- Rockland keep the hair of a natural color. THK ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE: SATURoX AUGUST 7. 1897

Chadwick at Stone’s Point, Cushing. The above named company are very steady going Courier-Gazette Bicycle Contest Courier-Gazette Bicycle Contest young people who take chaperones as a mere THOMASTON OUR BARGAIN SALE o AiviXDTnixr L ast. . . matter of form. They are to spend ten days at the Point, and it ia reported that they have 5 lines of a II Wool Suiting, sold for $10, $11. R rq titir...... Vott/br Re qi tier...... Vote fo r contracted with two Rockland bakers to have their delivery carts make daily visits. $12, your chojce. $ 8 . 0 0 .Ytimf ...... f i n * ...... In thin Content a nice bicycle manufactured Chance! In thia content a nice bicycle manufactured All our $13, $14, $15 Suits, in neat mixture, C | 9 OO by the Monarch Cycle Oo. trill be given to the MORSE S CORNER by the Monarch Cycle Co. will be given to the boy or girl In Tbomanton receiving the largeat ail wool—your choice -P * Xr-VFVJ boy or girl In Camden receiving the Urgent number of votes. Miss Helen W iley has returned from Rock­ number of votes land where she was the guest of her cousin 200 pairs all wool Pantaloons, regular price $2, f A Q RULES OF THE CONTEST Lizzie Colburn. $2 25, $2.50—your choice, * • W DON’T MISS IT. RI LES OF THE CONTEST j Each yearly aubficrintton for The Courier- W. O. Mathewa, J. F. Wiley, F. II. Martin Each yearly aubacrintlon for The Courier- 100 Odd Boys’ Suits, regulor price, $3, $3 50, Gazette, accompanied by 82, will entitle ar.ptte, accompanied by 52, w ill e n title the have finished haying. the Rubscriber to cant 100 votes for his After Angnal 20 my Norin Washington Photograph Gallery will be abecriber to cast 100 votes for his favorite A party o f three ladies were at Barnestown $ 2 . 5 0 favorite boy or girl iu Camden. $ 4 —your ch o ice, W ith «ix months subscription is given 50 closed for good. Until that time I shall make pictnres at reduced rates. joy or girl in Thomaston. blueberrying Monday and report the berries votes. Thia applies to paying up subscrip­ W ith six months subscription is given 50 scarce. No trouble to show’ goods. Your money back for asking votes. This applies to paying np subscrip­ tion arrearages as well as new subscriptions. tion arrearages as w ell as new subscrip­ Eckart and Ray Colburn of Rockland are N o subscription received for less than six tions. N o subscription received for less visiting at F . E. W iley’s. m onths. Cabinet Photos. $1.50 per doz. Coupons w ill lie printed in each issue of than six months. We often hear people remark that “these Coupons w ill be p rin ted in each issue of The Courier-Gazette until and including glasses do’ not fit my eyes.” There is a man | Your Last Chance. Open the last three days of each week. The Courier-Gazette until and including Tuesday, A ug. 17, 1897. T h e contest w ill Tuesday, A u g . 17. 1897. Th e contest w ill not far from here whose glasses don’t nt his close at 7 o’clock Wednesday evening, Aug. close at 7 o’clock Wednesday evening, Aug. nose, for he went into a neighbor’s house and 18, 1897. Newsdealers w ill please m ake a 18, 1897. Newsdealers w ill please m ake a thought he would read the contents of the note of the fact that this office will not F. W. CUNNINGHAM, SO. LIBERTY note ol the fact that this office will not ac­ late paper. A fter he got deeply interested in accept any returned papers with the coupon cept any returned papers with the coupon a story he had occasion to go to the stove, cu t out. • Any boy or girl in Camden can enter con­ Miss C an ie Speais, New Y ork; E. M . Jones, B, as commander of the guard; Lieut. L. C. out out. when by some accident his glasses fell into Any boy or girl in Thomaston can enter test. The standing of the contestants will be Mrs. W . I I . James, Maiden, Ma« .; J- M . Holston, Co. M , as supernumerary officer o f the fire and when he had rescued them they contest. The standing of the contestants publislted iu each issue. Crewitt, Lincoln, N eb .; Miss J. D . K eith, the guard. were so completely covered with pitch as to The wheel Is manufactured by the will be published in each issue. WARREN ROCKPORT Chicago; James M Edgar Jr., Sarah Jackson, Sunday.—Capt. D. W. Lovejoy, Co. F, as 1 be past use. Monarch Cycle Co. and to the fortunate boy The wheel is manfactured by the Monarch Mrs. E. J. Southard and daughter have M. Ida Merrit, New York: D-x’er W. Lewis, officer of the day; Lieut. S. L . Foley, Co. L , Cycle Co. and to the fortunate boy or girl, T h e Rev. E. R . Stearns expects to return or g irl, who succeeds in w inning it, means gone to Bar Harbor where Mr. Southard is as commander of the guard; Lieut. C. E. who, succeeds in w inning it, means lots of from his vacation next week and will occupy lots of health and pleasure. Bostor; Edison Lewis, Soutbboro, Mass.; employed health and pleasure. CUSHING his pulpit for the first time Aug. 15. ------Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dole of Address all letters and communications to Mrs. H. W. Houghton, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery, Co. G , as supernumerary officer of Address all letters and communications to Orrington, M e ., are guests ol M r. and Mrs. VOTING EDITOR, The Courier-Gazette W . Frye Hart, B >ston; Mr. nod Mrs. Charles the guard. Ple a s a n t Po in t — Joseph Kelloch and W est W a r r e n .— There was a pleasant VOTING EDITOR, The Courier-Gazette, meeting o f relatives and friends at the home J. I I . E clls------D r. W . H . W . Rees, who bas The Contestants E. Newton, Miss E. H . N e *h .n , C E. New- Monday.—Capt. H. G. Starr, Co. M, as Lewis M ank of Thomaston visited Farnham been the gueit of Rev. N . R. Pearson, has officer of the day; Lieut. F. T. Bartlett, Co. The Contestants of Edward Anderson a few days since. Miss Blanche Schwartz...... 1900 ton, Jr., New* York; D r. and Mrs. S. B. Price S. Stone Sunday------Amasa Maloney, visited returned to Cincinnati------Miss Grace Smith Miss Fsustlu Aardwell...... 1786 and son, and Mis. J. S Stowtuan, Brooklyn, D, as commander of the guard; Lieut. IT. IT. ■Jva . H y le r ...... 2186 his parents, Capt. E. M . Maloney and wife at Am ong those present were M r. and Mrs. Cecil I n M. Roney...... 2100 of W altham is at Spear Beach for a few N. Y.; E. E Smith, Meridan, Conn ; Mrs. Sawyer, Co. A , as supernumerary officer of Hathorne’s Point, Saturday------Miss Della G. Anderson and their four daughters, and two Alta McCoy...... 2050 weeks outing------Mrs. John Conner ol E. W . Furbi-h mid daughter, 1) irenester, the guard. Morse visited Miss Gertrude Moore last week grandchildren, Mrs. E. J. Cook and Mrs. CAMDEN Exeter, N . IL , is the guest of Miss Agnes Mass.; E. M. .McPherson, B oston. Tuesday.—Capt. M. E. Conley, Co. L, as ------Miss Etta Fillm ore, who has been stop­ Reed of Sanford, Me. A very nice time was M r. and Mrs. M orton Barter of Glenmere Sylvester. Frank E. Chase has returned to Boston officer of the day; Lieut. J. W . K night, Co. ping with Mrs. John M iller, for the past two enjoyed by all present and the day will long The Misses Allen, H igh Strve’, are enter visited relatives here this week------M r. and after two weeks recreation here. M r. Chase M, as commander of the ghard; Lieut. W. weeks, returned home Wednesday------Albion be remembered. The Sch. Maintonomab from Belfast is taining the following guests : D r. Butler and Mrs. E. S. Crandon and Miss Crandon at­ is dramatic critic in the employ of W alter H . H . Jenks, Co. B, as supernumerary officer of Morse has just completed a 27 foot boat for loading lime from C. E. Carleton Co.’a for son of Waterville; Mr. and Mrs Andrews and tended (he Barrows reunion at Rockville Baker & Co. publishers of well known dramas. the guard. Frank Fllnton------Mrs. Richard A . Davis and N ew Y o rk ------The Schs. Antelope and I I . S. mother, Mrs. W. Emery, Mrs. Ernest Emery Wednesday------Miss Thersa Arau of Camden N0BLE80R0 Fred Sherman of Dorchester is the guest of Wednesday.—Capt. Geo. A. Dow, Co. A, little son Riley are visiting her parents M r. Boynton arrived light from Boston, Tuesday. Melrose, Mass.; Mrs Hayes, West Chester, was the guest o f Miss Stonie Tucker W ed­ Mrs. M ary Parker— W . I I . Follansbee was in as officer of the day; Lieut. J. M. Akerley, and Mrs. W ilson Ulm er------Albion Morse N o r t h N o bleb o r o .— Arthur and Alma G l e n c o v e — Thirty or forty members of the Pa.; Mrs. Farwell, West Newton, Mass. nesday------W illiam Sherman of Boston was Boston this week on a business trip— Percy Co. G, as commander of the guard; Lieut. went to Waldoboro Saturday, after lumber Flagg made a flying trip to IT. A. Jackson’s Bradlee Juvenile Temple, I. O. G. T., of in town Thursday en route to Waldoboro------Moore of Bangor is the guest of M r. and Mrs. M . J. Lee, Co. L , as supernumerary officer of ------Mrs. Albert Simmons is visiting rela­ Sunday night------The L . A . S. will give an Rockland, together with a number o f invited M r. and Mrs. Frank Rose who has been visit­ Fred D . Aldus— Miss Alice C. D rake ia in AT CAMP POWERS the guard. tives on Bremen, Long Island------Mrs. ice cream sale at Fred M orang’s Thursday guests from Glencove had a pleasant outing ing M r. and Mrs. Robert McPhail returned to Boaton on business— J. O. Lanterjung 2nd Thursday.—Capt. M. J. Moriarty, Co. I, as William Newbert o f Jefferson, is visiting her evening------George Shannock, wife and at this place Wednesday. The chaperones New York Thursday. and F. E. Saunders of New York are guests officer of the day; Lieut. F. B. W. Welch, sister Mrs. E. S. Stevens------Miss Bertha family of Lawrence, Mass., are at G. D . were Mesdamea George Story and Belle St. Some of the Plana for the Annual Kncainp- for a few weeks at the Bay View — Edwin G ill Co. A, as commander of the guard; Lieut. B. M r. Hook of Seareport was before Judge Morse was the guest of Mrs. Grace Maloney Eugley’s------Mrs. Sunie Buchanan and Clair of Rockland and Chas. J. Gregory of m ent In Augnatn — T. L. I.’s Go Today. baa returned to Boiton after a visit with bis P. Atkins, Co. D , as supernumerary officer of Starrett Monday for the larceny of a watch last Tuesday------B. L . Stevens, went to two children Gladys and H azel are the Glencove. They made the M . B. S. H a ll N ext week is muster week at Capt. Powers brother David G ill------Pbilp H ale, the well the guard. belonging to a M r. Crowell, an employee in Jefferson last Thursday------Mrs. Levi Sim­ guests of her sister, Mrs. S. W . H a ll------Mrs. their headquarters, where a very palatable in Augusta and the National Guard of Maine known musical critic, has returned to Boston Friday.— Capt. E. S. Gowen, Co. G , as the Boggs’ candy factory. Hook was former­ mons of Bremen, Long Island, is visiting her Sarah Young and daughter Mattie of Wake­ dinner was served. The afternoon passed moves on to the state capiiol today. after two weeks recreation here------Mrs. officer of the day; Lieut. C. H . Blackington, ly in the employ of M r. Bogg’s and being in brother Albert Simmons. field, Mass., are visiting at W . K . Dinsmore’s swifty with music and games, frequent sallies Lieutenant C. G. Morton bas been ap­ Frank Hildreth of Natick and Miss Annie Co. F, as commander or the guard; Lieut. town, dropped in for a friendly call. The ------Everett and H an Morang are at home being made to the beach. A meeting of the pointed by the adjutant general to take im ­ Fuller o f Haverhill are guests of M r. and G. M. Kavanaugh, Co. I, as supernumerary watch which was banging upon the wall from Massachusetts for a week’s vacation. society was held, a nice lunch was partaken mediate charge of the camp preparations. Mrs. W . A . Fuller, Mechanic street— Miss officer or the guard. proved to great a temptation for him and he UNION They are accompanied by Mr. Russel------of and at 5.30 p. m. the car was boarded for Lieutenant Morton is devoting much time to speedily transferred it to his own pocket, soon While riding Tuesday Everett Morang was Grace Berry of Providence is the guest of Roy Cole returned to Rockland Tuesday Rockland------Z. Lufkin has launched his the work and his experience as an officer of after taking his departure. The watch being thrown from his wheel and quite badly in ­ Rev and Mrs. S. IT. Beale------W . P. G ould’s after a two weeks visit here------Miss Lottie boat------Mr». Wm. Farrar and Mra. H. A. the United States army has made him well SOCKALEXIS LAID OFF missed suspicion was directed against Hook jured. Three ribs were broken besides being house on Washington street is being painted. Fish of Thomaston is the guest of Miss Annie Berry of Rockland were visitors at Albion fitted for attending to the many details. and Officer Peabody sent after him who found considerably bruised. Ingraham’s Wednesdsy------Capt. E. J. Collins Camden is a very popular place for ex­ There is a plan in the air of having a Burkett this week------John W hite has in ­ Ills Love for Yankee Firewater the Cause biro in Rockland and arrested him. The arrived home from a Boston trip Sunday cursionists. Three parties visited the town battle all but the bullets. Co!. K endall, the vested in a trotter with a record------D . S. of Ills Suspension. watch had been sold but was recovered. After night------Mra. R. W . Studley was at her Tuesday, two from Northport and one from officer who is to have immediate command of Goodspeed and wife are guests of M r. and WASHINGTON The Cincinnati correspondent of the New a hearing Judge Starrett bound H ook over to father’s John Haskell’s at West Rockport, Bangor. the camp, has suggested that it might be a Mrs. David Cummings------A fair sized au­ Y ork Journal says: The eminent Sockalexis September in $200 bail. N o bondsmen be­ Washington campmeeting commences Sat­ Wednesday------Miss Myrtie K eller of St.' Mrs. Lyman Abbott has returned to Bos departure that would be er joyed by every dience was present at the phonograph enter­ is off for the reservation. The charms o f the ing forthcoming the prisoner was taken to urday, Aug. 21 and holds over two Sundays. George is at Artemas Young’s------Mrs. Jas. ton after a visit of several weeks here— Miss one, and a matter o f profit t> the men, to tainment, Town hall on Tuesday evening. white man’s fira water have stirred the blood jail. This meeting bids fair to be the best ever H a ll of Rockland was at C. W . Sludley’a Lena Trembly has returned to her home in have the First Regiment pitch into the Second. ------Prof. Dioone and family are giving a that be has derived from his primative fore­ James Overlock went to Bangor Thursday. held on these grounds. Many able speakers Wednesday------Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Young Greenville after a visit of several months here The plan would be to have the Second de­ first-rate show every evening this week in fathers and the doughty red man will excite from abroad are expected and much work is and M in Laura F . Young were present at the — Pennington Gardiner is home from Boston fend the camp against the smoky onslaught The Barrows re-union was held at Rock­ their big tent------The G. V . picnic Tuesday the tumult of the rooters no more for a long being done on and around the grounds------Barrows family reunion, Rockville, Tuesday. and is the guest of his parents M r. and Mra. of the First. The latter, previous to the ville Tuesday. About one hundred gathered proved a pleasant affair------Mrs. Harrington time. The Carters o f South Hope are at work on ------Mra. Grace Elliott of Roxbury, Mass., is W. H. Gardiner------A . M . Judson of N ew assault, according to the talked-of plans, and enjoyed the day in renewing friendships of Boston is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. L . Sockalexis has been suspended. H is place Chas. Bartlett’s farm. M r. Bartlett w ill have a guest at A . T . Ham ilton’s------Artemus York was in town Monday— Mr. and Mrs. would march off and lose itself somewhere. and in social chat. Among those present Thompson------Miss Alice Sleeper of Somer­ at right field in the Cleveland nine has been his barn ready to stable horses, campmteting Young has had a pipe laid to bring the water Charles Miller and daughter of Boston are Then, when the time came for the attack, the were several ladies who have reached a very ville, Mass., is the guest o f Miss Lucy Daniels awarded to a man and a brother named Cook| week------The farmers in this section are very from his well to the house by means of a guests of M r. and Mrs. Alden M iller Jr.------engagement would take place. There is advanced age; M n ..O t il Tolman 90 years this week. President made bold to effect backward about their haying owing to the pump------W ilb ert J. Plummer at C. W . M r. and Mrs. Joseph Simonton of N ew York much interest taken in the matter, but its old, Mrs. Irene Fiske 05, Mrs. Lydia Coombs East U n io n .— R. C. Leach and family of this change Friday, and the bleacberies are rainy weather------T. H . Day is haying on Studley’s for some time is now at Pittsfield. are guests of M r. and Mrs. T . R . S im o n to n - taking place is by no means assured. 86, Mrs. Fidelia Barrows 82. A generous re­ Rockport spent last Monday with Mrs. A . C. hung with crape. the Bartlett farm ------D. D. Miller and family ------Mrs. Sylvester Parshley was at Rockville Mr. aud Mrs. George Achorn cottaged at General Richards facetiously remarks that past was provided. The tables were hand­ Leach------Mrs. Edward Taylor of Spruce Louis Sockalexis has been on the war path visited his brother N . H . M iller for a few the first of the week------Mrs. Edgar D. Grant Ballard Park this week—T. G. Rollins of the camp is “ so well fortified by corn fields somely set out with decorations ol pond Head is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James for many moons. Im m unity had made him days last week. and son Fred have returned home to Chelsea, W altham has returned to his home after a and potato patches that really the idea of lilies and sweet peas. Officers for the en­ Dornan------Mrs. Leon Howard spent a few bold and tolerance bad ceased to be a virtue Mass., after visiting relatives at this place and visit here and in Rockport------Fred Elwell having a battle is out ol the question.” The suing yesr: Tres, E. S. Crandon,Thomaston; days in Rockland recently------Some wild Fines made no impression on him. They did Rockville------Miss Susie I I . Murch was at this has returned from Boston------The wood work said fields and patches, be it understood, are Secy. Miss Allie Barrows, Union. geese passed over this place last Tuesday did not appeal to his imagination. Your sav­ WITH THE FISHERMEN place and Rockport Sunday from Rockland. on the Masonic Temple glistens in a new worth a considerable amount of money. Let Some 50 went on the Methodist school pic­ morning going South, something quite un­ age is always a savage in some respects. One ------Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Humphrey caught dress of green paint. the First or any other regiment out in nic to Ingraham’s H ill Wednesday. usual for the time of year------Sanborn Rich­ of the most important of these is that he can­ Mac mack-erel-, erell forty-two fair sized mackerel by hook Tues­ amongst the crops if for no more than to pass ardson and granddaughter of Gardiner are It is expected that the town will be full to not be educated up to the proper Christian Prof. W m. G. Boynton of chemistry in Oh, who will tell the Ronay acrid, day morning eft Pine H ill. This is the first by that way and destruction would follow in visiting at the home of Mrs. Evelyn M erri­ Where moon'lght melchers grow. overflowing with Summer people this month. sense of the extreme beauty and importance English High School Boston is visiting rela­ catch of the season at Glencove------Chas. F. its wake. It was not thus in ’61 to ’65, but field. Or neath old Ocean’s blue-eye Tld, Proprietors of Summer hotels elsewhere are of money. Hence the savage, however care­ tives in town. Find the high downs below? Richards of Rockport ifficiated at the school times have change I, and now soldiers do not complaining of the scarcity of guests but fully he may have been licked into shape by house last Sunday afternoon. D r. L . F. do such things without paying for the fiddler. Mrs. Mary Fales and two daughters of Bos­ Camden has had no reason to complain. by civilization, would never rise to the dignity The ornate ostrich turns his lay, llachelder o f Rockland will conduct services But 11 it can be arranged satisfactorily every­ ton are visiting Mrs. Lermond K . Fales. AUGUSTA The monad moans reply, Less than two weeks now remain of the of a pawnbroker or a sugar magnate. H e And all the Dolphins of the bay the 8th------T h e services Sunday evening at body hopes something in that line w ill be Mrs. Isaac Young and a neighbor of Wads bicycle contest and one of Camden’s popular simply hasn’t that kind of an intellect. W . A. Ames who has been employed at the W ill meet us by and by. the schoolhouse were led by Edwin E.Rhoades done as it would be great sport for all. worth street while berrying in the woods of So when Sockalexis was fiued 825 out of hospital for two years has given up his situa­ —Martha Hale In The Fisherman. in the absence ol Mrs. Lucy Crouse of Rock­ young ladies will soon he riding a nice bicy­ Gen. Orders No. 12 have been issued from E. S. Vose of Cushing, Monday, found a his pay for being drunk he smiled a “ never tion------Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Higgins and The white whale at the New York Aquar­ land------M r. and Mrs. Orlando Barrows of cle. The bicifcle is all right in every respect. the adjutant general’s office of which the lady’s bicycle. The wheel had been there It is a wheel worth working hard for and touched me” smile and kept right on absorb­ daughter Maud have gone to Newfane, Vt., to ium is dead. H e was seen to be suffering on Rockville were at A. C. Young's Wednesday. following paragraphs are reproduced; some time as it was badly rusted. They also fortunate indeed will be the young lady who will ing red liquor. A second fine o f £50 and a spend a two weeks vacation------Miss Fannie Saturday, and it was found that an eel had ------Mrs. Susan J. Young ol Matinicus is Train service for the conveyance of the found a large knife, a pocket knife, a small ride it. Th e contest closes on the 18th and third of $100 were accepted with the same un­ Fox is spending her vacation at the seashore. got in his blowpipe and suffocated him. H e visiting at Zebulon L uf kin’s------Charlie A . several companies to Augusta Saturday, bundle of cloth and some toilet soap. The civilized and utterly reprehensible equanim------Augusta’s shoe-factory bids fair to be a was the only whale in captivity, and had at­ from now on a grand hustle will be made. August 7, will be provided as follows: make ol the wheel had been eflaced, but the Sylvester spent Friday afternoon at Geo. F. reality in the near future. Workmen were tracted thousands to the Aquarium. Grant’s in West Rockport last week------M r. David Johnson returned from Portland Company II. 1st Regiment will take the » y- number 20,743 was intact. By means ol the Such was the condition Thursday when the busy Monday grading for the foundations------and Mrs. Herbert Young and daughter Wecnesday where he went to have his eyes train leaving Rockland at 8 a. m., connecting number the bicycle was identified as the one The lobster law is something that seems same conditions prevailed in an aggarvated Mrs. D r. Sanborn and little son Roy came up Mildred of Matinicus were at Z. Lufkin’s the treated------Miss Angie Flye of Brockton, at Brunswick with special from Portland. belonging to a daughter of Mr. Bicknell, of never to stay settled, and the latest agination form. The great rightfieldcr was not in a Monday from their cottage at the Isle of 31st ult------W . W . Gregory is visiting bis Mass., is the guest of Miss Frankie Norwood Company D 1st Regiment, will take the the firm of Bicknell & Jones, of Rockland, on the subject may have important results. condition to distinguish a ball from a hail­ Springs for a few days visit------A large crop grandparent’s M r. and Mrs. Silas ICarroll, ------Mrs. Samuel Day il visiting in Belfast— train leaving Norway at 8.30 a. m., connect which was stolen from the barn about three This is for a national lobster law, providing storm. President Robinson knew full well of hay is being cut on the hospital farm. It West Rockport------Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crawford have re­ ing at Yarmouth Junction with special from weeks ago. A notice in the paper speedily for a uniform legal length for lobsters in all that if be should fine the redman $ 1,000 Sock­ bas been slow' work on account of so much Ellis of North Deer Isle were at Capt. E. J. turned to Boston after a visit here------Miss Portland. (brought Officer Meservey of Rockland to states. A . P. Greenleaf, the Southport lob­ alexis would regard him with a pitying smile bad weather------Miss Edith H ilton has re­ Collins’ Sunday------The small two masted Saaie Davis of Boston was tendered a com­ Company K lit regiment, will take the K w n to whom the wheel was delivered. ster man, is one of those interested in this and persevere in the acquisition of a jag, be­ turned from a visit with relatives in A in a------schooner K ate o f Boston anchored in the har­ plimentary picnic and supper at Ogier’s Point, train leaving Norway at 8.30 a. m., connect­ movement. side which the alcohol revels o f the white By invitation of Misses Em ily Wilson and Miss M innie M urphy is stopping at her home bor Sunday------Miss Sadie Ellis of Camden Wednesday, by Mrs. Aina Farnsworth. Quite ing at Yarmouth Junction with special from First mate Spear of the schooner John W . man would seem like the frolic at a child'! Ochea Gloyd about sixty young people had a in Whitefield------Fred Murphy of Whitefield was the guest of Mias Ellie S. B. Weed Tues­ a goodly number was present and participated Portland. Fiske, which arrived in Bangor a few days birthday party. The time had arrived for trolley ride to Camden Monday evening The called on friends at the hospital Saturday of day------Roscoe Carter of W ett Rockport was in the pleasures of the occasion -Charles Company cooks, not exceeding two to a ago reports that several persons on the heroic measures. car was equipped with colored lights and last week------David Goodhue is spending a at W. S. Ingraham's the 30th lost. Tobin celebrated his eleventh birthday Tues­ company, and one each for the Ambulance Fiske saw, when off White Head, an enor­ “ Louis,” said Robinson regretfully, “ I will trimmed in colors making a very pretty pic­ short vacation with relatives in Sidney------day evening in inviting his young friends to a Corps and Sigual Corps, w ill be paid 81-25 a mous sea turtle which had a head as big as a ture as they rode along M ain street. The soldier boys w ill soon be with us for their R o c k v il l e .— Miss Myra Tolm an is visit­ candle party. Refreshments were served and day for each day’s service from the 7th to the have to suspend you.” half bushel measure and appeared to be Those who beard the converaation gasped. annual muster. ing friends in Appleton— — Tim othy Bucklin the young people had a delightful time. 13th inclusive. Enlisted men serving as Rev. T . E. Brastow of Rockport was in about 18 feet long. As there was a very and wife and Miss W hite are visiting Mrs. cooka w ill be so noted on the roils. A c­ Th e sensation was similar to that produced in 1 town Tuesday on business connected with the heavy sea running at the time no attempt was T h e series o f daily excursions to Vinalbsven a crowded court room by the pronouncing of Otis Fisk of Philadelphia------The Barrows counts for payment of civilian cooks, whose IKoox County Sunday School Convention to SMITHTON made to capture him. has been resumed for the season of 1897 from the death sente ce, only it was intensified by reunion waa held at the home of Orlando names must be entered in the account, w ill be be held about Sept. tat. Camden to Vinalhaven via the electrics and reason of the fact that it bad not been ex­ A very heavy shower of rain and hail vis­ Barrowa on Tuesday. All report a very nice rendered. Arcana Lodge K. of P., conferred the rank steamer Gov. Bodwell. The Bodwell leaves pected. ited this place Saturday, July 31, and low It W ill Surprise You. time------Mra. Sylvester Parshley is visiting Col. Kendall of the First Regiment has of Page upon one candidate Wednesday eve­ Tillson’s whart, Rockland, every week day at “ U u h !" said Sockalexis. ground was submerged. The streams were Mrs. Julia Keen------M r. and Mrs. Johnson of issued his orders of which the following is a ning. In order to prove the great merit of Ely’s 9.30 a. m ., for Vinalhaven; returning leaves They all vow that be said “ Ugh !” and that ?ull and running over. Growing crops were Washington are guests of Mrs. John Oxton section: Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Ca­ Vinalhaven at 2 p. m. for Rockland, landing was all he did say. As the distinguished an­ The Eureka Hose Co. has challenged the prostrated. The corn leaves look as it they ------Charles W . Smith is spending a few On the journey to and from camp the tarrh and Cold in Head, your druggist will at Hurricane each way. Commencing M on­ cestors of Sockalexis who figures in Fenim ore Knox Hose Co. to race them Tuesday, Aug. had been stripped with a knife and the leaves weeks with Mrs. Maria Tolman------Mra. senior officer will command all troops pres­ supply a generous 10 cent trial size or we will day, August 9, and until Saturday, September Cooper’s novels were'in the habit of using this 17, at 6.30. p. m , for (1 0 . Get your aprin- of the pumpkin look as if they had been Olive Barrows of Westboro, Mass., is visiting ent. Fatigue uniforms w ill be worn, knap­ mail for 10 cents. Full size 50 cents. 18, inclusive, round trip tickets from Camden expression at moments of deep emotion, there ters out boys. used for a target in rifle practice. On a cor­ her sister Mrs. M aria Tolm an------Mrs. Otis sacks with blankets under flaps, overcoats ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. Tolm an and Mrs. Bowes of Camden are to Vinalhaven and return w ill be on sale at would seem to be no reason to doubt the ac­ Miss Annie Greggs has as a guest Mrs. ner on the north side of your correspondent’s rolled on top. Dress coats and w ill E ly’s Cream Balm has completely cured spending a few days with Mrs. P. T . Ulm er, the store of Fred Lewis, for 60 cts. The curacy of the report. Carrie A. Ford of Boston------Miss Ella Barter house there could have been shoveled up a be packed and taken as baggage^ Com ­ me of catarrh when everything else failed. C lark’a Island------Mra. Harvey Barnes is in steamer remains at Vinalhaven three hours, “ Yes,” said the preaident, “ you are sus­ of Lowell who has been in town a few weeks bushel of hail stones three hours after the manding officers will see that every man is M any acquaintances have used it with excel­ where there it a grove near the landing that pended and Cook will take your place.” shower had passed. H a il stones from the very poor health. provided with a sufficient number of military left for Waldoboro Wednesday, from whence lent results.— Alfred W . Stevens, Caldwell, picnic parties can use, or within a few m in­ size of peas to chunks of ice larger over than Thousands of lilies are being taken from “ U g h !” repeated Sockalexis. she will return to bet home Saturday------Mr. Ohio. utes’ walk from the wharf are good hotels. collars and white gloves for use during the a cent fell and the ground was covered with Lily pond and the young men who gather And the e the matter ended. Roderick McPhail went to N . Jay Thursday. By stopping at Hurricane passengers have camp, also black shoes, russet shoes must not leaves that were cut from the trees------Daniel them are making quite a lew thekela. Gilman W . Fales has secured employment Justice— W hat have you to say to the hours. be worn. Sanford was taken seriously sick Saturday Port Clyde mackerel fishermen caught in Boston at his trade and will leave for there charge that you were scorching ? The following details are hereby m ade: with the colic and was in a condition The Congregational society w ill give a One of the prettiest social events ever about 900 handsome fish Tuesday. in about a week. The Accused— Only this, that that police­ Lieutenants Chas. C. Tibbetts, Co. H , Thos. for several days, but late news says he is gain­ moonlight festival and band concert on the enjoyed by the Summer people of Camden man who arrested me remarked when he P. Shelvev, Co. E, Chas. A. Doyle, Co. C, Alida Whitney, Hattie Dunn, Lilia Bur­ ing. D r. Delany attended him and his ser­ church grounds next Wednesday and Thurs­ was a German given in Engine H a ll, Wednes­ saw me that it w$s the coolest proceeding be as acting adjutants of battalions; Sergeants bank, Freda W illey, Alice Payson, M r. and vices were required daily------Master W alter day evenings. day evening by the Mitaes Prentice of Brook­ had seen this Summer Frank R . Lang, Co. B, Edw. J. Ham m , Co. Mrs. Ralph Whitney, Helen Carr, Frank Overlock has gone into stock raising. H e has Mra. Francis Robinson’s house on Com­ lyn, N . Y The hall was tastefully decorated K . W illard C. Lord, Co. M , as acting ser­ Hanley, Dwight Waldo, Roy Newhall, Arthur two pet rabbits and a dove------Haying is pro­ mercial street ia being painted by James Stin­ with pine trees, evergreen, flags and bouquets geant majors of battalions; they w ill be A G reat Offer! Elliot, Fred Overlock, J. Murray Miller, with A Remarkable Cure of Chroule Diarrhoea. gressing slowly on account of the weather— son and crew------Mrs. P. B. Cooper is visiting of yellow daisies tied together by yellow obeyed aud respected accordingly. M r. and Mrs. R. E. Dunn as chaperones, are M r. and M rs. W . G. Rowell and Miss Sadie In 1862, when 1 served my country as her daughter Mrs. S. Wilbur in Roslindale, ribbons. The eflect was delightful and trans­ During this tour of duty and until further occupying the residence of Capt. Thomas Norton visited at E . Griffin’s Sunday. private in Company A, 167th Pennsylvania Mass.------Miss A . Belle Sbibles has returned formed the ball into a sylvian retreat. The orders the regimental and battalion forma­ Volunteers, I contracted chronic diarrhoeea. home from a visit in Baugor------Mr. and Mra. young ladies were charmingly attired in tions w ill be as follows from right to left. Right It has given me a great deal of trouble ever W . A . Libby and family are domiciled in the muslins and organdies while the gentlemen APPLETON — First battalion,Major R.R. Ulmer,command­ since. 1 have tried a dozen different medi­ Rust cottage, Ballard Park------Mrs. E. S. appeared in dress suits. Mrs. Prentice, Mrs. ing Lieut. C. C. Tibbetts, adjutant, Serg. W . C. The monument recently erected ia the cines and several prominent doctors without Philhrook entertained the Congregational sew­ Lewis and Mrs. Newton were matrons. The Lord,sergt. major, Companies I,G , M , IT ; sec­ JUST RECEIVED! cemetery here by Mr. and Mis. John Gurney any permanent relief. Not long ago a friend ing circle Wednesday afternoon------Mrs. C. German waa led by Miss Estelle Prentice with ond battalion, MajorChas.Collins,commanding, i. memory of their son W illiam was the work sent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain’s L . Pascal are at their cottage, Ballard Paik a gracefulness that won the admiration of Lieut. T . P. Sbelvey, adjutant, Sergt. F. R. of James Dornan, Union,and is an artistic crea­ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and ------Mrs. Rollins and daughter Mrs. C. L. her young friends. Those who were favored Lang, sergt. major, Companies B, E, L , A ; One Dollar tion. The lot bas been recently graded and after that 1 bought and took a 50 cent hottie; Harvey of W altham , Mass., are at Mrs. R o l­ in being present were, (he Misses Prentice, third battaliou, Major W. O. Peterson, com­ otherwise im proved so that it attracts attention j and now 1 can say that I am entirely cured. lins’ cottage, Spear beach------Mrs. George Miss Alice Dillingham, Miss Edith Dolibar, manding, Lieut. C. A. Doyle, adjutant. Sergt. H a ll of East Bosten is the guest of her sister Miss Augustus Curtis, Miss Curtis, Miss Julia Men s Snag Proof Storm from visitors. I cannot be thankful enough to you for this E. J. H am m , sergt. major, Companies C, F, and leu cents by 'mail we will seud great remedy, and recommend it to all suffer­ Mrs. R. T. Spear------Mrs. Frank Cooper is Dillingham , Miss Jessica Lewis, Miss Bessie N o r th A p p l e t o n — Our Sunday school now K , D . Left— Company E w ill act as color a check good for King Rubber Boots,pr, numbers about 40. Join us------Mrs. Freedom ing veterans. I f iu doubt write me. Yours home from a visit to O w l’s H ead ------CapL E. Adams, Miss Adaline Adams, Miss Florence company and the commanding officer thereof Leland, Miss Anna Sabin, Miss Charlotte Wentworth o f N atick and sister Lydia are gratefully, H e n r y Ste in b e r g eh, Allentown, O . Patterson has returned to Charleston, S. C. w ill detail two well instructed privates to act babin, Miss Edna Waldron, Miss Vera Doug­ S 4.5O visiting their sister M yra H a ll------Bert W ater­ Pa. Sold by H . L . R o b b in s, Union, D. B. Mrs. Patterson and son will remain some as color guard, who will report to the color man and two gentlemen friends of Providence, Cobb & So n , Searsmont and Warren Phar­ weeks longer visiting here aud in Belfast------lass, Miss Codman, Miss Guppy, Miss Emma sergeant at the armory in Portland Saturday, . Alden, Shepherd Dillingham, Pennington R. 1. are spending their vacation at A. A. macy. Miss Carrie Jones of Augusta is the guest of August 7, at 12.45 P* (U- One Dozen Men's Snag Proof Knee Waterman's------Miss Mae Dunton w ill be j Mrs. O. P. Shepherd------Mrs. Enos Pressey Gardiner, Edwin Dillingham, Edward New­ The following detail for guard duty, Satur­ present at the song service Sunday evening I “ Since liigginside returned from his snd daughter Miss Mabel are visiting in ton, George Codman, Horace Moses, M r. day must be made either before leaving their Morrison, Mr. Lawson, Horace Simonton, Boots, 3 .5 0 with the violin; also Geo. M orion with the Euiopean trip be has bad quite a foreign air Worcester, Mass.------Miss Adelis Carleton is respective stations or 00 the (rain: Co. A, visiting in South Thomaston------H . W.Clough Mr. Fox, Mr. Romeri, Mr. Gould, Mr. cornet. Strangers welcome. about him .” four privates; Co. B, five privates; Co. C, Cabinet Photographs Rooimus, Fred Glover, Frank Mansfield. It “ H e must have brought it back in the is visiting in Somerville—— M r. and Mrs. W . Corporal Damon and three privates; Co. D, The Beat Wearing Boots Made. El m w o o d .— Miss Effie Mitchell has gone is proposed to bold these Germans weekly tires of bis bicycle.” D . Carleton, Miss M ary Carleton, Janies Corporal Cole and four privates; Co. E, f^ve to North W arren to work for Mrs. Jameson Carleton and Alfred Talpey are cottaging at and it is expected the next one will be given ------Master H om er Jones of Union visited at privates; Co. F, four privates; Co. G, Sergeaht Check is good until Jan. 1, 1888, hut the Carleton cottage, Hosmer pond------Miss next Thursday evening. Mahoney aud four privates; Co. H, Sergeant W m . NewberPs last week------Misses Cora Josie Spear has returned to her duties as cau he had for a limited time only so and Lida Messer visited Mrs. Ossie Butler Town of Rockport, Me. Everything is progressing finely at the Glover aud four privates; Co. K , four —You O«u Buy Them at— nurse in the Bellevue hospital, New York, apply at once to last Wednesday------Mrs. Viola H a ll is the bt'UOOL NOTICE. Ocean House. The following is a list of the privates; Co. L ,C orporal Bragdou and four after several weeks vacation here------Mrs. owner of a nice pair of white shaggy kittens guests; Solon P. Davis, Hartford; Mrs. C. privates; Co. M , five privates. First ser- I Notice la hereby given that a meeting for the ex- Robert Montgomery is visiting M r. and Mrs. ------Nathaniel Knight of California is visit­ amination of the u-uchere iu the town of Uockpori R. Waters, Miss S. Coutburst, Salem, Mass.; gcauts will report with their details to the ______T R A D E 1C E N T R E , -J BXE Charles Smith, Vinalbsven. ing his sister Mrs. W m . Newbert. will be held ut the High School building In Hock- Miss A. Syinouds, Peabody; Miss Caller, Bos­ sergeant major immediately upon arrival of port, tiulurdtt/, August 14th, A.D.16V7 All who the train at Augusta. Morse & Davies, found to teach the Fall term are expected to be ton; Dr. W. E. C.Swan, Stoughton, Mass.; M innie— In my opinion, one wheel is as present, and the fact ol having taught Ln town Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera snd Disrrbura Mrs. Stella Dyer Loring, Mrs. F. A. Gardiner, Th e following detail of commissioned previous to this year will not be accepted us a officers for guard duty is hereby announced: good as another. Remedy always aliords prompt relief. For Miss Evelyn Gardiner, Mrs. John J. H errick, Slnghi Studio, Rotklaod, evi eavey sufficient reason for failure to attend thia meeting. Saturday.— Capt. M . P. Stiles, Co. D , as Me. L S obbins Mus Clara lienick, Chicago; Dr. and Mrs. Mamie— 1 suppose there is not much differ­ sale by H . L . R , Union, D. B. Conn & J. b. FObTEtt, Hunt, of bchoola. officer ut the day; Lieut. F. A. Chaplain, Co. LKVl MOUSE. FEED M. DAVIES i THOMASTON, MAINE.I ence in rented wheels. I Hockport, Me., July l»th, A . D. 1807. 47-62 So n , Searsmont and W arren Pharmacy. W. 1). Woudward.Mr. and Mrs.F. R. Sparks, THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1897

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MARINE MATTERS ON MATINICUS ISLE HOW TO FIND OUT. CASH AND Fill a hottie or common glass with urine GIVEN FREE W . O . Abbott was in Boston this w ee*. There are about 100,000 islands, large and Some Early and Intereatlng History of and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi­ Charles Smalley has returned from a visit small, scattered over the ocean. America This Ocean Gem—The Red Man’s Hatred j $3,400.00 PRIZES E A C H M O N T H ment or settling indicates an unhealthy con­ to Biddeford. alone has 5,500 round its coasts. —Story of a Trip an Made by a Tarty of Ex- i As follows: dition of the kidneys. When urine stains cnralonlatfl with Ride Trip to Crlehaven— i Hon. C. E. Littlefield went to New York Tbe boom in tourist travel to Nova Scotia linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too W hat They Old W ith Hits of Information 4 First Pitres, each of $100 Cash - • - $ 400.00 on business this week. and all other Summer resorts makes the frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, about the Inland and People. 20 Second “ " “ SIOO/UgSiALBiojrcles’2.000.00 Mrs. D. E. Carleton and Mrs. G . F. H ix passenger business out of Boston hum at is also convincing proof that the kidneys and 40 Third " •• ‘ $ 25 Gold Watches - 1,000.00 and children are visiting at Deer Isle. present and staterooms on all are booked bladder are out of order. well in advance. The Canada-Atlantic and Mrs. Eiden Burkett of South Union is WHAT TO DO. M r. E d ito r: Prior to last Tuesday I had Cash and Prizes glren each month - - $3,400.00 SO A P’ Plant steamers to Halifax, Hawkeshury and visiting Mrs. J. B. Norton, Grove street. ascertained by various casual conversations Charlottetown are full up every trip, which is There as comfort in the knowledge so often with many o f our citizens that they, like my­ Mrs. Henry Gregory is the guest at Blue- no wonder considering their excellent service. expressed, that D r. K ilm ers Swamproot, the self, were profoundly ignorant r f Matinicus hill of her daughter Mrs. H. II. McIntire. great Kidney teniedy, fulfills every wish in Total given during 12 mos. 1897, $ 4 0 ,8 0 0 .0 0 O wing to the gradual but sure death of the Plantation, and knew of its existence only : s WRAPPERS M r. and Mrs. Bernard Williams of Glouces- ’ relieving p iin in the hack, kidneys, liver, sailing ship, the business of which must substance of faith. HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. ter, Mass., are guests of Mrs. George Collins, bladder and every part of the urinary pas­ On that morning a goodly number of ladies !omt>eii torse to snve nse nut tty SUNLIGHT eventually be iransf-rreii to tramp steamers, sages. It correct! inability to hold urtne and OAP W rnppeni ns ihev enn collect. Cut Fulton street. American seamen aie becoming 111 re scarce and gentlemen boarded the trim little steamer off the lop portion of ench The I Competitor who Rends In the scalding pain in passing It, or had effects S L n r ite st N u m b er of conpona from Mrs. A. G. Davis and children of Dorches­ every year for merchantmen, as a sailor is G. W . Butman for a trip to Matinicus and wrapper, Hint porlloneontnln. following use of liquor, wine or beer and Inn the hendin< “ SUNLIGHT tbs district in which he or she resides ter, Mass., are guests of Mrs. O. L . Lermond, little more than a deck sweeper and paint Criehaven. The party was composed, in ; SOAP.” Thefo (enlletP‘< on- will receives IOO Cash. overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being The A Competitors who send In the W arren street. scrubber on board a steamship there being part, of M r. and Mrs. J. F. Simonton, M r. and I nn«” ) nrclo bo went, pnstn*e compelled to get up many times during the illy paid* enclosed with n Next Largest Numbers of cou­ little else to do but keep the ship clean. Mrs. S. I I . H a ll, M r. and Mrs. Cross, M rr. , R pons from the district in which they H arry S. Pearsons is at Crescent Beach at night to urinate. The mild and the extra- reside will E a c h receive at winner's Foreigners who cannot find employment in H enry Gregory, Mrs. Lizzie Jennings. Mrs. I »tion a lady’s orcIaiwnre, Afary- barred from competing. at least in and about New Y ork, reminds one dress fo Dr. Kilm er & Co., Binghamton, N . Mrs. O. P. Howard returned Wednesday , action and was one of those pleasant happen­ Inna, W est Vlrslula and l>ls- 4 . A printed list of Winners In Competitor’s district that can be done is to pro­ of the old story about why a dog's nose is t r (roln ni Is I n..______will be forwarded to Competitors in about 31 days after from Bluehill where she has been visiting r e l- ! Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee ings for which no one seemed wholly respon each competition closet. always cold. The old sailor’s answer is that the genuiness of this offer. The New England Htwles.______stives for several weeks. mote conditions favorable to ble. A majority ot them had never visited A. Lever Brothers. Ltd., will endeavor to award the the dog was Noah’s most intelligent and •The Bicyoles are thecetebrated f ie r c e HpectnI. fairly to the best of their ability and Judgment, these interesting islands. PW7 Pattern, m Td by Geo. N. Pierce A Do ..o fB u f­ but It is understood that all who compete agree to ac­ Miss Mabel Brown is making her annual faithful assistant in getting the animals into falo, Boston end New York. Fittest with Hartford cept the award of Lever Brothers, Ltd., as final. The Butman is a very staunch craft of Tires, First Glass Nlokle Lanin. New Departure Summer visit to the home of her grandfather, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re­ the ark, hut when they were all in the ark D O N ’ T F O R G E T Bell, Standard Cyclometer, anu Hunt Lace Saddle. LEVER BROS., Ltd.. New York. B. P. Upham in Washington. was so full that the dog had to wedge him 25 77-100 tons burden, new, neat, a fine sea moves dandruff, cleanses the boat and a good sailer. She was built for Miss Caroline Stanley has returned to self in bnckwatd and Rave his nose sticking out, which in the forty days’ rain became Capt. Butman from his own design and model inal idea that walking is an excellent and Schenectady, N Y., Wednesday, after a visit scalp, nourishes the soil in The Grand 4m y Piano Votes. NEXT TUESDAYS WHEEL MEET niturally so cnld and damp that it has re­ and is entirely owned by him. The captain healthful exercise. of several weeks to her home in this city. which the hair grows, and, is a safe pilot, and obliging gentleman, and mained s<> ever since. There ate some very xood and well fur­ Mrs. J.C. Perry and children went to Pem­ The grand three-days’ fair given under the his 183 pounds avoirdupois is literally filled W ith a fair day next Tuesday there ought just as a desert will blossom The new t at if) ns finally pas«ed by Congress nished houses on the island. Capt. Henry aquid, Thursday, for a month’s stay at the auspices of Edwin Libby 1’ ’it, G. A. R. of with genial good nature. to be upwards ot 1,500 people at Knox Trot under rain, so bald heat s grow went into effect on Saturday last. It was Young lives in the oldest house there, which cottage of Mrs. Perry’s father, Hon. O. G. this city, will occur Sept. 21, 22 and 23 and Th e morning was one of the finest, and ting Park to see the great wheel meet under thought that it would not go iuto effect until was built f»»r permanency by his great grand­ H all. hair, when the roots are nour­ the program will he along the line laid out in scarcely a ripple disturbed the surface of the the auspices of the Central W heel Club. The Monday aud of course there was a rush to father 118 years ago. W ith its present mod­ Mrs. Charles Wilson, who will be remem­ this paper a few weeks ago. bay. “T h e waters slept.” The cerulean sky list of entries offers the finest ever seen in this ished. But the roots must be enter arriving vessels on Saturday, 10 that in ernizing it is H ill a fine house. bered by Rockland people as Georgie Geddes, The C -G. staled at that time that the Post was flecked with fleecy clouds which bore the part of tbe state, indeed if not the finest order to accommodate the public the New L ike many other Blands along the coast is visiting her sister Mrs. W . I I . Fiske, Sum­ there. If you wish your hair was going to give away a piano to the citizen appearance of having been torn from some seen in the state at all. From the list pub­ York Custom House was kept open for this Maiinicus has its rich store > f traditions, mer street. of Knox County getting the most votes. The huge mass in irregular shapes and varying lished below it w ill be seen that there are 17 to retain its normal color, or purpose until 4 p. m. instead of closing at many of them douht’ess having a frame work following Business bouses of Rockland have sizes and flung at random through the hal entries in the handicap match alone, while M r. and Mrs. Ernest Perry of Lewiston, if you wish to restore the lost noon for the customary half holiday. The of verity. One very interesting incident of generously decided Io give customers five cyon ether. tbe other events will be correspondingly well Manley Perry and M r. and Mrs. H . W . W eb ­ merchants who imported goods by the Am er­ the early history of the island will appear in tint of gray or faded hair use per cent on cash trade in piano votes: Now, reader, I warn you that this party en­ contested. Some of the fastest riders in the ber are occuping Idlew ild Cottage, at Pleas­ ican Line had no anxiety, for that line’s the present number of the Courier Gazette, Fuller & Cobb, dry goods, carpetings, etc. countered no dramatic episodes, caught no business are included »n the list and there ant Beach. steamship Paris arrived shortly after mid written by a lady of our party, who has made Simonton Dry'Goods Co., ” ” whales, saw no huge sea serpent, and you will be no loafing matches; let that be dis­ Miss Nellie Cote and Paradis of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. night on Friday and was ready to deliver careful investigaiioh of the su 'j ct and now Spear, Max, At Stover, paper hangings, etc. may at this point prefer to turn to other col­ tinctly understood. Boston are guests of Mrs. Octave P. Howard, goods the first thing Saturday morning, hut give* i: an authentic narration. Dunn \ Additon “ “ ” umns of this valuable periodical and read The following entries tiave been received Holmes street. They will remain probably those who had an interest in the Cunnrd Some yeais since a large iron English c’ip- E. W . Berry A; Co., hoots, shoes,furnishings. about games of athletic sports, study the up to date, the list not closing until tonight: through August. partook of one of the Thorndike H o tel’s first steamship had a pretty close call. The ship per ship— the Guy Mannering was wrecked on 404 Shoe store, “ “ “ wheat market, or con a new discussion of the class dinners. of that line which left Liverpool the same day the Southwest point of the island, on her pas MILE NOVICE. Miss Susie Trueworthy, who bas been con­ Wentworth At Co,, “ ” ” causes which induced President Andrews to as the Paris left Southampton was the Umbria sage from Boston to St. John. The ciicutn O. E. French, Camden tinuing her musical studies in Boston, arrived Miss Alice Kimball of Brooklyn, N. Y., is I L N . K etne, boots shoes anil rubbers. resign. and she did not cross the bar until noon. stances attending her loss were of such a Frank G. Creighton, Warren home this week to join the Baptist choral as­ the guest of Mrs. A. S. Rice. New England Clothing I louse,clothing,etc. As we sped on in the morning sunshine we Captain Dutton, however, came to the city character that not a few of the resi­ W. M. Crockett, Rockland sociation for the annual outing. Harry DeF. Smith is in the city from Gar­ J. F , Gregory At Son, clothing and bicycles. were led to believe that Capt. Butman was with the ship's papers iu a tug nnd success­ dents of fhe islands sh >ok their heads Edgar C. Davis, “ Mrs. A. II. Fenn of Aiken, S. C., is the diner, guest of Mrs. Celeste Wood, Masonic Mayo At Rose, clothing and furnishings. equal to any emergency which might arise. fully entered her nt the Custom House at 2.40 dubiously when the wrecking is spoken of ns C. H. Dickson, Portland guest of her cousin Mrs. A. B. Butler. Mrs. street. S. M . Veazie, stoves and hardware. Let me give one incident in support of this a misfortune; and some of them suggest that p. nr., amid the cheers of the brokers. Capt. MILE OPEN. Fenn’s husband has the distinction of being Miss Irene Lee of Brownville, R. I., and J. P. Wise At Son. “ “ belief. One of our party had a violent tooth­ liberal insurance is sometimes more tempting Santelli, of the French liner La Touraine, the champion golf player in South Carolina. Miss Totman of Fairfield, M e , are visiting Copelunri'b Bazaar. ache, and his heart panted for a dentist’s cruel than a fine ship which never paid ’ts owners James Daily, Philadelphia w hiih arrived about the same time as the Mrs. Carrie Kenyon, who was called here Miss M ary Hitchcock. A. Ross Weekp, crockery, glass ware. steel. In a note to Mogg Megone we are in­ many dividends. Ibis method of intuitive C. B. , Norway Umbria did not leave his ship until she reached by the illness and subsequent death of her M . M . Genthner, watches and ewelry. formed that toothache is the only pain which reasoning is sometimes decidedly more cogent C. M. Robinson, Rockland Mrs. I I . N. Perkins, Miss Maud Perkins her dock and cons quently arrived at the father, the late venerable John Jones of Bay C. E. Daniels, “ “ “ will cause an Indian warrior to cry. O ur pas­ than one which depends upon suotile logical Fred H. Mospan, South Portland and Miss Angie Keizer have been spending Custom House three or four minutes too late senger did not cry. H e — well just imagine, Point, left Tuesday for her home io Iowa. John R. Fmhock, millinery. premises, deductions and conclusions. E. A. Ricker, Sanford the week at Pleasant Beach. to enter her. McDonald At Ferguson, “ when one is out for a day’s pleasure with pro­ Arthur F. Wisner, W altham, Mass Mrs. L. I I . Rhodes of Boston, Miss Caro The inhabitants of the two islands are mor­ Misses Ruby and Jennie Thorndike went to C. Doheity, groceries. pitious surroundings, and is attacked by a W. R. Huston, Portland al, industrious, well informed people, noted Howard, Miss Ethel L. Howard and Miss Freeport Wednesday where they are guests of MARINE MATTERS. I I . G. Tibbetts, groceries and market. toothache so cruel as to make him covet im­ C H . Day, Lewiston for their ameneties and hospitality and all who Sybil Dunbar of Winslow are guests of M r. their aunt Mrs. Rebecca Bailey. McInnis At McNamata “ “ “ mediate importality, what would he be justi­ A. C. Johnson, Portland and Mrs. H enry Young, North Main street. go there for recreation speak in the highest Mrs. Herbert E. Reed of Bridgewater, What Our Hume Vessels Are Doing.—Oos- F. M . Simmons, “ “ “ fied in doing? The captain produced a pair W ilfred Senior, Sanford terms of the advantages ot this location, far J. A . Burpee of the letter carriers’ force, Maas., is the guest of M r. and Mrs. L . F. Star­ E. B. Ingraham At Co., “ ” “ of forceps, seated the passenger on the rail Ernest T* Rogers, Melrose, Mass. slp of Quarter-deck and Fo’cale. from the madding crowd. One cannot look goes on his annual vacation Monday. As rett, Broadway. M r. Reed arrives here next E. S. Farwell, and in the fraction o f a second the nuisance Arrived Tuesday— Schs. G. W . Glover, O re­ over these beautiful islands, in the season MILE— 2.50 CLASS. usual he w ill spend most of it at the beaches week. Thorndike & Harding, “ “ “ was abated and the passenger was cultivating gon, Atlanta ano Caioune Knight, Boiton; when Sirius reigns, without thinking what a John R. Nason, amid tbe seductive pleasures of a good, quiet C. B. Jones, “ “ “ an appetite for dinner. Auburn M r. and Mis. W . A. H ill and son Maurice haven of rest they aflord for overworked hu­ rest. O. M. Marrelt, New York via Portland. After a most enjoyable sail o f two and a C. M . Robinson, Rockland left Wednesday night for Boston where they S. H . H all, manity and that a “little brown cot” there Scb. J. Chester W o o l, W hite, with lurn half hours out into the open ocean we reached O. E. French, Camden Mrs. Ella Collins of Boston joined her w ill make a short visit. M r. H ill improves the Single votes, five cents, can be procured of would be such a restful joy. There one could ber from Bangor for Hingham , was in the M aj. C. B. Greenbalgh of the Post committee. Matinicus, but this was not the end of our Frank G. Creighton, W arren daughter, Miss Mertie Collins, in this city opportunity to see the ball sleep all night. One could dream all day. harbor yesterday. Votes can be dspnsited in the box at G. A . R. journey and we steamed away for Criehaven A. C. Johnson, Portland Wednesday night. After a short visit Mrs. games and among other fine exhibitions saw I be pure ocean breezes of the summer day hall. The piano is a Harvard and can be some two miles further along. This is an C. H. Dickson, and Miss Collins leave for Elkhart, III., where the Boston and Baltimore series. Sch. V ickf' u it, K i.da'l, arrived Tbnrsday would restore declining energies and prove a C. A. Mank, W arren tbe latter may locate as a physician. from New York with coal to the Boston & seen at the Maine Music store, this city. island of about 300 acres, known on the chart t mie fa» beyond the skill of man to compound as Rugged Island. The inhabitants are chiefly HALF MILE OPEN Miss Mildred Fields celebrated her fifth Bangor Steamship Compar y. Tlio CouteNtantM from drugs or reduce to portions. Pag e. UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO engaged in fishing although there is some birthday at the Highlands Wednesday after­ Schs. Carrie L. H ix, Rogers, and Charley Mias Caro A. Billing*...... IU James Daily, Philadelphia MIhs Grace M. Ulmer...... Ho arable land on the island and the crops look Though Matinicus was not included in the C. B. Pike, Norway noon in a manner that was very pleasing to Woolsey, Ginn, fr «n A. F. Crockett Co., for In view of remarkable advantages pre­ The lists arc open to all. Let unyhody thrifty. act of incorporation, it was regarded as a part C. M . Robinson, Rockland her youthful guests. The festivities culmi­ New York, sailed Thursday. sented by the climate of New Mexico, espec­ enter wl o wiibes. On a comfortable looking house some quar­ of the to n of Vinalhaven, and taxes was as­ F. IL Mospan, So. Portland nated in a tempting lunch, served at four Sch. M . A. Achorn, Ginn, sailed Thursday ially to persons of lowered vitality, the ter of a m ile from the wharf we saw the stars sessed upon its estates by this town until E. A. Ricker, Sanford o’clock. for Louisburg, C. B , to load coal for the Cobb Territorial University has arranged to provide In addition to the piano context which the and stripes, always a joy, but in this instance 1801. Arthur F. Wisner, W altham Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander Bain (for­ Lime Co. opportunities for young persons who, in the members of Edwin Libby Post, G. A. R., are the sight bad an additional charm, for we Ebeuczer H a ll was the first permanent set­ W. R. Huston, Portland merly Miss Helen Snow) arrived from Stater midst of their studies, discover a loss of Sch. Clara, Hatch, and J. R. Bodwell, running, they will award two bicycles by a knew that dinner awaited us there, and the tler, about 17 5 1, when he came to Matinicus C. I I . Day, Lewiston Island, N. ¥ ., Thursday night and are guests vigor or pulmonary weakness, and need the Speed, from Cobb Lim e Co., sailed Thursday similar method. Votes will he sold at two saline air had given us ravenous stomachs, with his second wife, her son, by a former Wilfred Senior, Sanford at I. L. Snow’s. They drove through from tonic of a bracing climate and moderate a lti­ for New York. cents each, and for every 25 cents woith of and in a few moments some thirty needy mor­ marriage, Joseph Green, and his two daugh­ E. J. Rogers, Melrose N ew York by team and were six weeks on goods bought at any of the following stores a tals were seated at dinner around tables pre­ tude, yet who cannot aflord to be interrupted Sch. A. W . Ellis, Ryder, from I. C. Gay, ters by the first wife, leaving his son, Eben- NOVELTY— MILE NEAREST FOUR MINUTES. the trip. in their college coiftse. vote will be given free: sided over by M r. and Mrs. Fred S. Rhodes. and O. M. Marrett, Harris, from Perry Bros., ezer, to learn a trade, at Pemaquid probably. Wm. A. William, of South Boston, is in C. A. Haskell, Fruit and confectionery Just look at thejmenu and remember that we O. E. French, Camden It is believed that many valuable lives for New York, sailed Thursday. The Indians were frequently at Matinicus the city, at his old home, for his annual Sum­ E. E. Simmons, “ “ ” were on a small island away out in the open Edgar C. Davis, Rockland might be saved if a few years during the Scb. Oregon, Gross, from C. Doherty for and the neighboring islands,andjfor two years mer vacation. W illiam has been in Boston F. I I . W hitney, “ “ ocean: Johnnie May, critical period of early manhood could be Boston, sailed Thursday. they were friendly to H a ll and his family. for nearly thirty years, and seems more than Farmers’ Exchange, Grocery Lobster stew Then he burned over Green Island, six miles MILE HANDICAP. spent upon the plateau of N ew Mexico, Fish chowder ever pleased to get back to Rockland, if Schs. Lady Antrim and Peerless, from J. W. T. Duncan, Pick lea away, in order to raise bay on the land. This where Albuquetque is tbe only truly modern Fried ri«h Boiled tlah C. B. Pike, Norway only lor two weeks. O . Cushing & Co., for Boston, sailed Thurs­ II. H. Flint, “ enraged the Indians,as it disturbed their “egg city. Mantled potato©* Egg sauce John R. Nason, Abuburn C. A. Pease, formerly assistant operator at Accordingly correspondence is invited, and day from Thomaston. S. I I . H all, M Green peas ing and fowling”, and they warned him not C. M . Robinson, Rockland the Postal Telegraph office, but now operator In the harbor yesterday loaded and ready D. W. Titus, Fish Market Plain lobster Lobster salad to do it again. K ing H a ll, as be was called, every effort will he made to enable such Apple pie Cuilard pie Lemon pie O. E. French, Camden in H otel Reynolds, corner of Washington student* to continue their studies under com­ were schooners Hum e, for Fall River, and The wheels— a lady’s and a gentleman’s— paid no attention to this warning, and be will be on exhibition at J. F. Grcgoiy At Son’s Doughtuuta Frank G. Creighton, W arren and Boylston streets, Boston, it here for a petent instruction and with expert hygienic Edward Laineycr, for New York from Cobb Vanilla Ice cream burned the island again, interfered with their Banana Ice cream Fred H. Mospan, South Portland two weeks vacation. Bert is looking well Lim e Co.; G. W . Glover, for Boston, from store. The members of the committee, from Cake sealing and fishing and proved such a source advice. Tfie social and intellectual atmos­ Milk E. A. Ricker, Sanford and evidently metropolitan life hat agreed A . J. Bird & Co.; Richmond, from Joseph whom votes may be obtained, ore John W. Tea Coffee of trouble to the Indians that they deputed phere of tbe University is likewise excellent. Wm. Crockett, Rockland with him. Abbott, for New York. Titus, Maj. C. B. Grcenhalgh, W illiam Steele, The cooking was of the finest, Mrs. Rhodes four of their number to send a letter to Gov. W hile it is tbe consensus of expert testi­ Edgar C. Davis, Rockland T . C. Saunders and I I . S. Hobbs. can make a three star chowder. The service Phips, in April, 1753, begging him to “ barken Miss Helen Cole returned home Wednes­ mony that pulmonary diseases and asthma, in Sch. A. Heaton finished loading yesterday Arthur F. Wisner, W altham The ConteatuiitM was equal to the best. Several fair guests to them about the Englishman who hunts us day from the Sockanosset School, Rhode their early stage, generally improve in this for New York from I. C. Gay. W. R. Huston, Portland climate, and ultimately disappear, yet peisons Bluuch Crandall...... 1A7 of the family taking a hand, with the skill of injour sealing and fishing,” and, they added, Island. She intended to have remained only Sch. Abbie S. W alker is loading stone at C. II. Day, Lewiston with pronouncsd lung troubles are not Florence Wentworth ...... pgj' veteran waiters. Many of our party “if you don’t remove him in two months we until September, but Mrs. Cole, her mother, A . C. Johnson, Portland Patten’s Point, St. George, fat New York. Fred L .H m ltb ...... 88 pronounced it the finest fish dinner they ever shall be obliged to do it ourselves.” Cosemes, is in ill health, and she will probably not ie- advised to undertake serious school work. Edith k lllin u n ...... 29 C. IL Dickson, Portland Schs. Charlie & W illie an 1 Atlanta were had. Modobt, Chebnood, and Mugdumbawit were turn to Rhode Island. For the present year several lines of re­ Jouulo ThormllKo...... rt W ilfred Senior, Sanford search are open to such students as may be loading yesterday from Cobb Lim e Co., tbe After dinner we returned to Matinicus and' the names signed to this remarkable docu­ Prof. A. D . Small, wife and daughters A piano and two bicycles make three sub C. A. Mank, W arren former for New Y ork, the latter for Boston. spent two hours in wandering about the is­ ment. Marie and Einma of Allston, Mass., are here prepared to carry on advanced work in .tnntial p iite ., nurely. They will be awarded Ernest J. Rogers, Melrose, Mass. science. The attractive opportunity afforded Sch. Chas. R. Washington is loading for land. It contains about 800 acres and like The removal was not attempted, however, on their annual Summer vacation. M r. and the la.t day of the fair, in September, by practically untrodden fields of natural Boston from Farrand, Spear & Co. Criehaven, the principal industry is fishing, till June, 1757, when a party of Indians FIVE MILE ROAD RACK Mrs. Small are guests at G .F . K a le r’s,Masonic science in this Territory, and the facilities of for which it has superior natural advantages landed at the island to execute their threat. street, snd tbe daughters at C. M . H arring­ Scb. James A. Brown was loading Thurs­ FAMILY REUNIONS John R. Nason Auburn the President’s private labratory and library, in location. About one half of the island has H a ll was away and they lay in wait for him on ton’s Summer street. Later they all visit Prof, day from Burgess, O ’Brien & Co. for New C. A. M ank W arren a rich soil, and there are some very good his return. and Mrs. A. T. Crockett. warrant the belief that a number of entbusi York. z The anuuil reunion of the bugler family farms. O ne of the unusual sights was the E. J. Rogers Melrose astic students may assemble for such in ­ H e escaped their notice and reached h it H on. Frederick C. Stevens, M . C., and Sch. James 1.. Maloy arrived at City Island will he held at South H ope, Aug. 26. I f large size mowing machine drawn by a yoke E. J. Burroughs Rockland vestigation. house in safety. Asceitaining this fact they wife of St. Paul, M inn., are guests of M r. and 4th from Rockland. •turiny, tbe tint fair day. of large sleek oxen. U ntil a few years since A ll communications should be addressed laid seige to the building for several days, till Mrs. I I . M . Ixird, Orange street. M r. and Scb. Evie B. H all is bound to Bostun from Tbe Hilt family reunion will he held at tbe there had never been a horse upon the island, to C. L. Herrick, President of tbe University, their supply of ammunition was so reduced The race officials are as follow s: Mrs. Stevens arrived Thursday evening from reaidence of W . C. Morton in Union, A u g . Albuquerque, New Mexico. New York 4th. but there are four there now. that each bullett was cut in two and made to Referee— J. W . H artley, Lewiston Bangor where they have been visiting M r. Capt. I’ieison of the sch. Stephen G. Loud, *5, 1897. There is little wood there and the inhabi­ do double duty. At last they withdrew, and Starter—John W . Thomas, Rockland Stevens’ parents. They will return from here which arrived at Savannah Monday from Bal­ The W yilie reunion w ill he held at C ulling’. tants depend principally upon the outside H a ll went out of the house, though warned Judges— A . J. Bird, Frank A. Winslow and STRAY SPORTING NOTES to Bangor after a brief sojourn. timore, in a letter to the vessel’s owners in Grove, Warren, Wednesday, A ugu.t 18, I f world for a supply of fuel. It was not ever by his wife of the possibility of some Indian Parker T. Fuller of Rockland Samuel C. Lovejoy of the United States Boston gives an account of an unusually severe stormy W edne.d»y it w ill he held Thunday thus. Some years ago an entire frame was lurking near. From the shelter of a neigh­ Timers— F. C. Knight, Will Robinson and Treasury department leaves W ashing­ Sockalexis, Cleveland’s outfielders, was passage for this season of tbe year. Tbe tbe 19. C. K . M ille r, Secy. cut there for a large ship which was built in boring rock came the report of a musket and Arnold I I . Jones of Rockland. ton tomorrow for his annual visit to bis Friday assessed three fines of £2^, £50 and schooner passed the V irginia capes on July Castine; and years ago Capt. Rufus Young King Hall fell dead, killed by the last half Clerk of Course— E. R. Davis of Rockland A reunion of tbe Caldeiwoud family will be home in this city. A t the annual examina­ £100 respectively for alleged drunkenness by l l , and on tbe following day she was struck cut a yellow birch from which he obtained bullet that remained. Announcer— H . M. Lord of Rockland. held at Carver’i H arlxjr, W ednnday, Sept. 8. tion in his department held recently M r. Love­ Pres. Robinson, and was suspended without by a storm which drove her 150 miles to tbe four cords of wood. It must have been a Joseph Green, the boy, crept through a rear If ttormy, tbe next fair day. All of name, joy passed veiy creditably, taking unusually pay until be shall again be in playing condi­ northward and tore away ber mainsail. After monster of the deciduous tree family. window of the house and hid in some tall relative, and friend, of family ire invited. high rank, insuring him promotion and an in ­ tion. Threats and coaxing, it is said, have beating against strong southwesterly winds for A party of ladies found spirited diversiou grass or rushes, from which shelter he could Camden and Warren are represented in tbe The 19th Me. Regiment AuocialioD will crease of salary from £1800 to £2,000. pioved unavailing with Sockalexis, and he has severs! days she encountered another storm in taking a ride in a hay-rack. They invited touch his mother’s dress as she, with his two list of entiies and there ought to be goodly hold their reunion 1’, September 14, persisted in going bis own way. on July 25, in which her foretopiuast was the handsomest man of the party to tide with step sisters, was lead away captive by the sav­ delegations from those towns to cbeer on Daniel G. Munson, who has been spend­ 1897, in.tcad of September i , on account of broken and she was driveu 65 miles out of them, and the rest of us masculines were ages. Mrs. H a ll was taken to Canada, sub­ their favorites. Let Knox county get just as ing a portion of bis vacation at Framingham, tbe State Fair. Sila. Adaiu., Secretary, Fiank McManus, of Lewiston, now catch­ her cousre. When below Savannah one of forced to be content with the somewhat orig- sequently ransomed and sent to England,and, many of the prizes as possible. Mass., is again in tbe city for a short stay. ing for Fall River, has a new way of kicking the crew named Cooper, a German, fell over­ The 12th annual reunion o f tbe Hewett finally returned to Portland. She married Mr. Munson found that the hot,muggy atmos­ at the umpire. The other day Connolly called board, but was rescued with much diffi:ulty fatnily w ill be held at Oak H ili Grove, Fri- again and died in Gorham at an advanced phere of Massachusetts did not agree so well Tbe road race which takes place in tbe a pretty strike a hall, and McMauus by Capt. Pierson. duy, Augu.t 27. A ll frieuda .re invited, age. with him as the more even temperature of forenoon will he an attraction well worth see­ turned on him with the query: “ Was I in firing your b a.k e l. F. S. Fbrlbrick, Sec’y. Ebenezer, tbe son of the first Ebeuezer Maine, but before be fully found it out he ing. It is impossible to give tbe entries at your way?” Tbe annual reunion of the Oaton family aa- H a ll’s first marriage, came to Matinicus, in was attacked with hay fever. M r. Munson Bucklen’a Arnica Halva. this time for the good reason that tbe lists do expects to spend next Summer at Bethlehem, aociation w ill meet with Mra. Amelia H ill, in 1763, to take possession of h it lather’s domain 1'h k B iu r Sa l v e in the world for Cuts, FREE! FREE! not close until the last moment. Quite a N . H ., where bay fever sufferers go. William II. Long,who managed the Augusta tbe aoutbea.lcrn part of Warren, near Fat* W ith him came his wife, Susaunah Young number of tbe local riders have signified their ball team bas been offered a position as umpire Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbcum, Fever leraon'a m ill., on Tuesday, Aug. 31, if plea.* Hall, of Old York. They bad fifteen chil­ J. S. Harriman, collector of customs L r the intention of going into tbe competition and in tbe Eastern League but will not accept on Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, rent, if not tbe brtt suitable day. dren, five sons and ten daughters. Belfast District, was in the city Wednesday Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively there will be a chance for the settling of some account of other business. The annual reunion of tbe Bisbee family I t ia said that one of the sons was a very with bis wife. They came down to Camden cure* Hies, or no pay required. It ia guar­ of tbe friendly rivalries which exist. The and their friend, will l>e held at tbe Simmon. religious man and a stern believer in tbe old on a buckboard ride, and from Camden rode anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money A Collapsing start w ill be made at Rankin block and from here on tbe electrics The party in addition | That will be a warm game in Belfast today. Grove, East W arren, A ug. 23. Should the theology. Another son was quite the oppo there tbe riders go up N orth Main street to 1 refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale to M r. and Mrs. Harrim an was made up as 1 day prove stormy the meeting will be held site and unfortunately addicted tcjtbcfcup that Bird & Hart's store, then over tbe county road by W. H. Kittredge. follows: Mr. snd Mrs. T. B. Dinsmore, Mr. Tbe salmon fishery ibis year bas been poor, tbe next pleasant day. U . I) . Bisbee, Scare- inebriates. Io his mellow moments he some­ to Park and down Park street, finishing op­ and Mrs. S. M. Borstel, Mra. R. P. Chase, I the catch being small. Owing to the freshets tary, North Warren. times would say, “ I believe in camfire but my posite H igh street. Book Case bro’her believes in bell-fire.” Mrs. D . P. Palmer, Mrs. F. A. Jones, Mrs. F. tbe salmon went inland easly, where they are Good, are the Beat Tbe annual reunion of tbe Tolman family The daughters married and some settled on G. Rigby and Mist Ada Larrabee. The party spawning. Prices are tbe Lowest will be held with Mrs. Abigail Tolman at Vinalhaven, where their descendants may be Most inventions are found to have been Ladies' Union ball, August 2J. AU are found in tbe persons o f tbe Lane, Carver and anticipated. E lliot, Me., celebrated tbe Variety the Largest cordially invited to attend. H u t codec wiU With a Pound of Roberts families. fiftieth anniversary of her operation, of the be served and everything done to make tbe T h e spot whereon stood tbe chimney of first electric passenger train, the other day, Parts of the Whole occasion one of interest and pleasure. 50c or 60c Tea. H a ll’s house and the ledge from behind which which was publicly exhibited for the first MEATS, The reunion of tbe H errick family will be tbe Indian sent bis fatal half bullet, are to be time at Dover, N . IL , July 26, 1847. Moses , it take, many thing, to make a perfect machine no there are quite a held at tbe borne of David H errick, tbe bowe- seen a few feet from the store ol Capt. Henry G. Farmer was the name of the iuventor, PROVISIONS itead of tbe late Joseph H errick, Northport, Young, and, in the little cemetery of the and he use I a large chemical battery con­ number of thing, accessary to thoroughly eujoy cycling. We deal exten.ively SEE THEM IN OUR NORTH Munday, Sept. 6. AU of name, iclalivea aud island may be found the grave ol Ebenezer nected with a magnetic motor to run two in auudriea. Toe Clip., Cyclometer*, Saddle*, Tire*, Wreuche*, Cement, GROCERIES, friends of family arc cordially invited. Flcalc H al), second, who died in 1814, aged seventy- | cars, one large enough to scat lour pasaen- dinner. Mrs. Lucy H errick, Secretary. Pump*, Floor Stand*, Bell*, Handle Bar*, Coavter*, Lantern*, Oil*, Him., Re­ ------a n d — WINDOW. eight years. • 1 Tbe annual reunion of tbe Sherman faudly pair Outfit, etc. A few more of those popular Cha«e Tough Tread tire* left with a picnic diaucr will take place with J. E. T r u e ’s P in W o rm E lix ir , 1 We do repairing and do it well for General Household Supplies. Famous for nearly a half century, still main- borne of the best medical authorities on Sbcrman at Bay View cottage,Ocean Avcuue, tains its high reputation as a remedy ol great athletics say a century run 00 the bicycle is a WE ARE MACHINISTS. on Thursday, Aug. abtb. A ll members of tbe efficacy and sterling merit; corroborative of thing under the best conditions, while Sbcrmau family are earnestly requested to be McInnis & McNamara, picscul on that occasion. Fcr order of Com­ this comes the report that within the last » double century run is “ absolutely suicidal.” Copeland's Bazar three mouths D r. J. F. True & Co., Auburn, Bul lbc

AUGUST CITY GOVERHMEHT city government may, however, think differ­ FISH AND FISHING AROUND THE COUNTY AN OPEN LETTER ently about the matter. Continued from P a<<* 1. M . F. Donohue was granted license to keep P. n«ey A Brewster, o f Exeter, N. H ., have From Mies Sachner, of CJoltlmbus, a restaurant and boarding house on Patk shipped the last of theit rlewive catch to ------According to oiir correspondents blue detrimental to t‘ e business o f «uch store or O., to Ailing W omen. street. England, the shipment being 409 barrela. berries are not as plentiful this season as in AN OPEN LETTER shop. It shall be the duty of the city marshal or It was about eleven o’clock when the meet­ Tbe Fish and Game Commissioner, of the past. This is due to the excessive fall of any constable,police rfficer or watchman <»f the ing adjourned. Maine have decided not to favor the plan to rain and the scorching sun. This means con­ city, to order any pettons offending against To all women who are ill:—It af­ To MOTHERS. hw ld a fishway in the dam between Rangley siderable to a large class of people who the provisions of this section, to move on, and fords me great pleasure to tell you of GAVIL F.CHOES, Lakes and Haley Pond. realize quite a sura in picking berries for the if the persons so ordered do not forthwith the benefit I have derived from tak­ WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE Upon the resignation o f Enoch Davies as market each year, etpecially to women and obey, Ihey shall be liable to a penalty nf $5 ing Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND Two Portuguese fishermen, in a dory, had clerk of the council to accept the position of young people. It means the giving up of for each offence.” This is another good thing a f ur hours’ fight with a swordfish in Boston Compound. I can hardly find words to city clerk, President Winslow introduced the “ ’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. new dresses, bonnets and things by the women and one that will be thoroughly appreciated harbor before they succeeded in killing it. express my gratitude for the boon following: “ Resolved, that this board notes folks while a number of young people take by not only our merchants but by thute "h o The sight was witnessed by many spectators. given to suffering women in that ex­ with deep appreciation tbe election of M r. this means of earning money to help them are obliged to make use of tbe sidewalks /, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyennie, Massachusetts, The fish weighed about four hundred pounds, Davies as city clerk. During his 36 years of through school or to give them some particu­ The city solicitor also read the following cellent remedy, before taking the was the originator of "PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” th e sama and will probably net its captors $30 or $40. continuous service as clerk of the common lar pleasure. This weather seems to affect which was accepted and passed: That aii C o m p o u n d council M r. Davies has proven himself of in­ all classes of people in some considerable tbe city ordinances up to the present time I was thin, that has borne and does now on ever? The anomaly of workmen asking for a cut estimable value to the city and the mere ac­ way, have been approved by a Supreme Judicial bear the facsimile signature of T&tc&K wrapper. in wages was presented when the workers in s a llo w ,a n d knowledgement of h it services does not ex­ Court Justice with one exception, viz: an the Ashley & Bailey silk mills at Paterson, 4* n e rv o u s . I press one half the estimate which is placed ordinance to regulate the i«’ribu’ion of patent Thia ia the original "PITCHER’S CASTORIA” which haa been N . J., asked to have the scale altered to con­ — -W hen fish are plentiful and are obtained w a s t r o u ­ upon them. This board takes much pleasure medicines was not approved. W ith this sin­ form to the union scale. The figures pre­ under favorable circumstances the fishermen b le d w i t h at his promotion, even while it regrets that used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty along our coast make good money but of gle exception all the «rdmances have been such promotion means the severing of tbe pared by the company were in some eases approved as the statute requires, excepting le u e o r- years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it ia higher than those demanded by tbe union. late the fishermen have been working in hard pleasant ties which bound him for such a long section 24 of chapter 15, where an amend­ rh e e a . a n d luck,but mackerel are now quite plentiful and term of years to the lower branch of Rock­ the kind you have always bought, °n ment was introduced in the Board of Alder­ m y m e n ­ the outlook has taken on a rosy hue. In land’s city government. Our thanks for the CA'a& jff&c& U Old People. men, M ay 7, 188S. It does not appear that s t r u a l ’p e ­ and haa the signature of w rap­ Friendship one day last week fishermen cap­ many courtesies he has shown us are hereby O ld people who require medicine to regu- amendment supposed to have been made tured more than 3000 mackerel. The rio d s w e r e tendered.” This resolve was adopted by a ate the bowels and kidneys w ill find the at that time was finally passed, approved, and per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex­ mackerel are coming in in large schools very irreg­ rising vote. rue remedy in Electric Bitters. This medi­ recorded on the books of the citv clerk. If cept The Centaur Company of which Chae. H. Fletcher ia which means lots of money for the hardy fish u la r . I cine does not stimulate and contains no is therefore necessary that tbe amendment T h e vacancy rendered by the resignation of ermen. As mackerel always find a ready sale tried three r—v M r. Davies as clerk of the council was im­ President. whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acta as a each one represents so much money. Fish­ which wax attempted at that time, bu» not sicians and gradually grew worse. mediately filled by the election of his son tonic and alterative. It acta m ildly on the ermen as a general thing are a saving class. completed, should now be finally passed. March 8, 1897. ,p. Ordered that a plank wain 3$ feet wide be About a year ago I was advised by a Fred M. Davies to that position. Mr. Davies’ stomach and bowels, adding strength and A bank treasurer informed us a short time THE OKNTAUR COMPANY, r MURRAY STRICT, HIWYORA ( giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding laid on Thomaston street from Main street to f r ie n d to t r y M rs . P in k h a m ’s S a n a tiv e name waa presented by Councilman E. R . ago that they formed his best depositors and Nature in the performance of the functions. Broadway. Wash and Vegetable Compound, which Thomas and upon motion of Councilman to their deposits they keep adding to rather Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and Ordered that a four foot plank walk be Blackington his election was made unani­ than taking away. I did. After using three bottles of aids digestion. Old people find it just ex­ laid on Union stteet from Limerock street to mous, Councilman Fernald casting the vote 4* the Vegetable Compound and one pack­ actly what they need. Price fifty cents per Lindsey street. of the council. Although the youngest mem­ of four years as director of the grand open FAMILY REUNIONS age of Sanative Wash, I am now enjoy­ bottle at W. II. Kittredge Drug Store. . — We have had occasion a number of Ordered that a cross plank walk be laid on ber of that body and a one-year man at that, season at Covent Garden, London. ing better health than I ever did, and M r. Davies has taken an active part in the times to speak of how much W arren is bene­ Spruce street. Smallpox is reported epidemic at Birm ing­ The Benner reunion will be held at doings of the common council thus far. The fited by her manufacturing. Knox Countv, Ordered that a plank walk 3}^ feet wide attribute the same to your wonderful ham, Ala. Fif.y well-developed cases are Cutting's, No. W arren, VVednes av, Aug 25. the state and all parts of the country have be laid on West side of North Main street remedies. I cannot find words to ex­ mantle of the father falls gracefully upon tbe known and a number of deaths have oc If stormy it will occur the next dav. C. A. son. been and are experiencing hard times but from Main street to junction o f Gurdy and press w liat a Godsend they have been curred. Benner, Sec. New England Fair, here is a little Maine town of less than 3000 M r. Davies is naturally much gratified at Cottage streets. to m e. The Bonanza mine, near Baker City, Ore., The eleventh annual .reunion of the Rob­ inhabitants that have yet to learn what hard Ordered that a plank walk be laid on W henever I begin to feel nervous and his election as city clerk by such a splendid has been sold for $750,000. Two years ago bins family will be held at the home of Mrs. PORTLAND, ME. times are. Why? Because her woolen mill Pleasant street from New County road to vote. “ I f the associations of my new position 111, I know I have a never-failing phy­ this property could have been bought for Sarah Fisk, South Thomaston, Tuesday, Sept. and shoe shop have been kept busy when Park street. The petition for this walk wa« are as congenial as they have been here in 7. Come and see your friend-*. sician at hand. It would afford me 3500,000. August 16, 17, 18,19, 20 and 21. other places of employment have been obliged signed by Miss Jennie McDonald and 76 tbe lower board” said he, “ I have nothing Berry pickers are at a premium at Berrien The Payson family reunion will be held at to stop their engine» and close tbeir doors. others. pleasure to know that my words had further to wish.” The office of city clerk is Springs, Mich. W alter Pullen, a fruit-grower, tbe Universalist church, South Hope, Wednes­ A meeting of the stockholders of the Georges Ordered that a plank sidewalk be laid on directed some suffering sister to health associated with that of tax collector and it rounded up fifty tramp? and set them at work. day, Sept. ist. I f stormy, the first fair day River Mills was held last week and the Brewster street and strength through those most ex­ w ill be something strange indeed if two such thereafter. George W . Payson, President, UNEXCELLED_ATTBACTIONS. Hundreds of people saw a horse commit report of the management was sufficient to Ordered that a sewer be constructed on cellent remedies.— Miss M a y Sa c h n e ii, genial men as Theodore Simonton and M r. East Union; F. W. Smith, Secretary, Rock­ elicit expressions o f complete satisfaction Union street from Park to Mas inic streets. Davies do not dwell together in harmony. suicide at Niagara Falls by deliberately swim- 348H E. Rich S t, Columbus, O. land. Greatest Exhibit of Live Stock ever from all present. This mill has just received Voted to accept the Lucy Gay Rankin Capt. Simonton is especially well pleased ming into the rapids and over tbe Horseshoe The Head of the Lake School Association made in America. two new spinning jacks and will soon arid fund of $200 under same conditi ins as similar with the election of M r. Davies. “ The city falls. will meet on the school ground in district N o. Finest Trotting and Pacing Program of new looms of the Knowlton pa tern. The funds, with interest at per cent. The have a pasiage. The result of tbe vote was government could not have made a better The sale of inflammable hair washes will I, H ope, Thursday, Sept. 7; if stormy the mill is rushed with work, having orders purpo-e of this fund is to keep the David as follows: Yes, Andros, Johnson; no, A n­ choice,” said he. probably be prohibited by the English Parlia­ next pleasant day following. All those who th e Y e a r. enough ahead to run into the middle of next Gay and Samuel Rankin lots ia Sea View derson, Peterion, Harrington, Porter, Black­ And Limerock street says au revoir to its ment, as a result of the recent death of Mrs. believe in keeping the heart young by renew­ Daily Bicycle Races Including Grand January. Mr. George W alker is manager cemetery in good condition. ington; and the motion was lost. hopes of an asphalt sidewalk. H on. C. E. Samuelson. ing old associations please be present. Invite Circuit Date. and be has the able assistance of his two T he petition of H on. C. E. Littlefield and Thia vote disposed of permanent improve­ Littlefield who beaded the petitioners ft r this Tbe Chinese steamer Crihegann, from Sing­ your friends. Mrs. H . A . H a ll, aecretary. F ire m e n ’s R e e l R aces. tons. These mills are a blessing to Warren others for an asphalt walk on Limerock ment on highways for some time to come. The Shiblea’ reunion w ill be held at O ak­ walk has some intention of having the asphalt apore to Maltaoita, was wrecked off Malacca, Pulling Contest of unusual Interest. and the Warren people know it. The wages street then came up for consideration. George W . Young, “ a bicycle tax-payer,” laid in front of h ii residence, providing tbe and 130 of the 150 passengers and crew were land, Wednesday, August 18. Picnic dinner. Company of U. S. Cavalry rivaling W ild each month keeps Uncle Sam's coin jingling Alderman Harrington read a protest from claimed that while riding he ran against a city government will grant him that much. drowned. A ll relatives are invited. in the money drawers of the merchants as the residents who live on the Ward 4 side of shut-off that was protruding from tbe ground, The Sumner reunion will be held August W est Performance. Public sentiment applauds the action of the U a result of the recent hold-ups of street well as ia the pockets of those who first re­ the street. injuring his bicycle $10 worth, which he 18, with Mrs. E. M. Lamb, Center Lincoln­ North Atlantic Squadron in Harbor. board of aldermen in voting not to buy the cars in Chicago, a policeman ’ has been de­ ceived them and there is nothing that gives Tbe remonstrants gave three reasons why asked the city to repay. The communication steam road roller thia year. N ot only would it la te d to guard each car on the lines which ville. Balloon Ascensions and Parachute an honest man more pleasure than to know the petition should not be granted. was referred to the highway committee. The Copeland reunion will be held Aug. be too late to use the roller to advantage this suffered. Ju m p s . that his bills are all paid and that be can put 1st. The proposed walk is not a practical B. M . Adams and others petitioned that a I I , at Cutting’s Grove, W arren, Mrs. L. B. season, but the city could ill afford the expen­ Wormwood's Trained Dogs. his hand in bis pocket and jingle something one to build, as experience has shown that large willow tree at the junction of Orange The English papers take little pains to con­ diture. There is no question, b.wever, but M cIntyre. else than a bunch o f keys. There is no store such a walk will hold frost and ice in W in ­ and Berkeley streets be removed as it wai ceal their satisfaction over the defeat of E m ­ The Parsons and Crawford families w ill Monkey Theatre. that the city ought to have the roller sooner pay about these mills either. The employes ter season to such an extent that pedestrians a nuisance, it hanging so low over the aide- peror W illiam ’s law of associations bill in the bold their annual reunion at Cutting’s grove, Trained Bear, Badger and Ant Eater. perform the work required of them and re or later. Prussian Diet. must abandon it at a time when most needed. walk that pedestrians have to stoop. Referred Warren, Friday, Aug. 13. W. O. Vinal, Sec. Air Ship taking man aloft. ceive their pay. 2nd. The valuation of the property along to highway committee. People who are prone to criticise the Before leaving Turkey ex-Minister Terrell The annual reunion of the Lermond family city government ought to belong to the board Salem Cadet Band. 4* this line does not warrant the assessment that A communication was read from General declined the invitation to dine with tbe Sultan, w ill be held at the residence of M r. Erastus would be necessary to cover the expense of Manager G. F. Evans of the Maine Central of aldermen thia year and put in as much time because to have accepted would have delayed Lermond, Thomaston, Aug 25. If stormy, the Band and Orchestra Concerts. ------The paving stone cutters on Hurricane said walk, and that it would he an injustice to railroad in relation to the removing of the as tbe members of that body are doing. Every his departure. next pleasant day. Secretary, Maude H . Greatest and Most Expensive Fair of Isle cannot see much hopes at the present for regular meeting this year has lasted later than those who have by industry and economy electric light from their yard. H e asked that An order for three forty-ton torpedo boats Lermond. 1897. the coming of better times. They should pot I I o’clock while hardly a week has passed obtained comfortable homes. it be replaced if possible. Referred to com­ has been placed with the Ordnance Company, The annual reunion of the To 1 man family S the Best at cost of the Inferior, feel discouraged. The cities all over the when the aldermen have not been called to 3rd. Experience has shown that a good mittee on street lighting, and a report to be of Bridgeport, Conn., by one of the South will be held with Mrs. Otis Tolman at the country have been cutting their appropria attend a special meeting either in the after­ ecial Rates by all Railroads. cross plank walk, constructed of good mater­ made at next meeting. I t will be remem­ American republics. “ Ladies Union” hall, Rockville, Wednesday, tions and perhaps no greater curtailment has ial and by practical workmen, has for some bered that this light was removed from the noon or evening. It is one duty of an aider- Aug 25, weather permitting. If stormy the Ask for N. B. Fair Excursion Ticket s Rev. Thomas Sherman, son of the late Gen. been made than in the paving department. yean and is now meeting the demands of yard and placed in another location where it man to be able to please parties who cannot first pleasant day following. W illiam T . Sherman, has just arrived in Admission 50 Cents. But the new tariff bill has became a law, con citizens living in that part of the city where was thought it would do more good. think alike themselves, and another duty to The eighteenth annual Starrctt family Seattle, Wash., whither he has gone in the 60.64 fidence has been restored and the calamity tbe valuation is much higher than at this F. M. Shaw and others petitioned that Co­ work cheerfully for a salary of abuse and crit­ gathering w ill be held in reunion grove, W a r­ hope of recovering bis health. howler has been silenced. Mills a*e starting point. Tbe remonstrants petitioned for a lumbia avenue be accepted as a public icism. Little wonder that there is a scarcity ren, Thursday, August 19. I f stormy on the up, grain is moving from the West, the banker plank walk. The signers to the remonstrance thoroughfare. The avenue ia 496 feet wide of martyrs. A number of small tin cans containing I9»h, it will be held on the first suitable day is removing the padlocks from his safety were William H. Hyde, Octavia W. Hyde, and extends from New County road to Pleas­ The res gnation of CouncilmanDavies leaves about 40 pi unds o f opium were discovered on tncreofter, Sunday excepted. L. F. Starrett of Real vaults, the wholesale merchants are sending Charles C. Lovejov, Charles A. Haskell, ant street. N o land damages asked for. R e­ 20 councilmen but tbe same old quorum of Squaw Island in the Niagara River and turned Rockland is president and I. P. Starrett of big orders to tbe mills while the retail mer­ Thomas Lotbrop, G. A. Ames, Mrs. S. D. ferred to committee on highways. As there are hardly ever more than 11 over to the customs officials. W arren, secretary. chants are daily making their orders larger, Dennis, Olive Howard, J. D . Stahl, O. B. City Clerk \V . F. Tibbetts tendered his res present it w ill be necessary for some of tbe Ladies in England w ho own dogs are com­ The third reunion of the Thorudike family Bargains tbe borrower is having less trouble in finding Lovejoy, F. W. Skinner, F. H. Whitney and ignation. Voted to accept the same and that delinquents to report for duty. To be elected bining. as the labor people combine, to do will he held at Capt. E. W . Harkness’ grove. lenders, money is beginning to flow in a W. II. Glover & Co. M r. Tibbetts be given a vote of thanks for councilman does not simply mean to attend away with an act requiring every dog on Lon Ballard P. in i, Rockport, Wednesday, Aug. 25, When we say that wo ure ollering steady g< lden stream and tbe cries of want M r. Littlefield being present was granted his valuable services. M r. Tibbetts’ resigna­ tbe meeting at which city officials are elected. don streets to wear a muzzle. if pleasant; il stormy, next fair day. A ll are becoming tubdued. The tide has indeed real genuine Bargains in childrens permission to speak. H e said he knew tion was necessary owing to his recent ap­ The committee on finance is having no of name, relatives and friends of family are turned and the people of Hurricane Isle will Tbe conductors on the Lynn and Boston Hats nud Bonnets and in childrens there were remonstrants to tbe petition but pointment as shipping commissioner. H e snap thia year, between wrestling with trust cordially invited. Picnic dinner. Myrtle E. feel its influence in time. New streets are Street Railway have received orders to ad­ if the city waited until everyone agreed this has made a careful, painstaking clerk and he Carter, sec. White Dresses wo mean just what we going to be built and old ones repaired. New funds and sewer assessments. dress all female passengers by teb term walk nor none other would ever be built. He severs his relationship with the city govern­ A reunion of the Moody family,will be held sav. An inspection of the goods and granite buildings are going to be erected, It looks as though Mayor Butler would fully “ Madam” under penalty of discharge. contended that his pr me together and get acquainted and lars have been appropriated by state and city is liable at any time to be sued for dam­ A communication was received from W il­ needed affair. Florence Maybrick on the ground that there make it an occasion long to be remembered. country. The m >ney has been used for other is no change of judgement in the matter. THE LADIES’ STORE ages from injuries received. “ I don’t want liam H . Ccombs stating that be was a candi­ From this out tbe meetings of the city I f stormv on that day the meeting w ill be the purposes. Tbe business atmosphere has any more wooden sidewalks,” said M r. L ittle ­ date for city clerk. The candidacy ot Alfred government this year will probably not be W hile a sun dance was in progress near next fair day. W. H. Moody. taken on a more healthful feeling and the sun field, “ I would rather walk on the ground.” Tbe third reunion of Eastern Maine Pilgrim jW(}s. £. p. CsoeKejy, C. Page for the same position was also an­ Guthrie, Okla., White Feather, a Nebraska of prosperity is already illuminating the hori­ quite so lengthy. One year ago thi* time Mr. Littlefield then dwelt on Mr. White's nounced. Indian, fell dead in a fit. There were fully Association will be held at Thomaston, W ed ­ zon. tbe common council was holding half hour Spofford Block, Rockland. proposition which is already well known to Voted that tbe mayor draw order for 875 sessions. 1500 Indians present at their annual religious nesday, August 18. The members of tbe our readers. H e did not believe M r. White in recognition of services on board of aa- rite. Association, and friends interested in the P il­ How’s This. would ever make another guarantee as be aessors It is thought that the fire in the Washing­ grim ancestry, will assemble on tbe grounds SHORT ROTES OF THE DAY of E. S. Crandon, Knox street, during the "We ofier One Hundred Dollars Reward for always calculated to give the very best work Joe Donovan made application for license ton Navy Yard was the work of an incendiary, Diamond to give sparring exhibition. Joe stated that it forenoon, and will there partake of their any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by anyway and he would not extend the five year who has a grudge against one of the officials. would not be a slugging contest. In order Mme. Nordics,who has been seriously ill in picnic dinner. At one o’clock, al the ringing H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. guarantee made in his first offer. An investigation has been ordered. “ I was the one who wanted the ten year to bring it before the Board Alderman London for some weeks, is convalescent. of the bell, tbe society and friends will gather Baking F. J. C H E N E Y & CO ., Props., Toledo, O. The Empress of Austria, whose life was in guarantee,” said Alderman Blackington, "‘and Anderson moved that license be grant­ A box car famine it threatened in tbe West at W att’s H a ll, where tbe following exercises We the undersigned, have known F. J. danger from the terrible shock of the death I would vote to build the walk with a ten ed. Result of the vote: Yea, Ander­ as a result of tbe extensive movement o f grain will be given: Singing by the choir; Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him of her favorite sister, the Duchess of Alencon, year guarantee but not with one for five years.” son, Andros; no, Peterson, Harrington, East. address o f welcome by Joseph E. M oore; Powder perfectly honorable in all business transactions in the Paris bazaar fire, is now on the road to Alderman Porter suggested that an oppor­ Johnson, Porter, Blackington. address by Edwin S. Crandon, of Chelsea, and financially able to carry out any obliga­ The Mayor of Oakland, Cal., hat signed health. On motion of Alderman Porter the Board Mass.; singing by the choir; short speeches tions made by their firm. tunity might be given the remonstrants to an ordinance prohibiting high hats in tbe ABSOLUTELY PURE speak and such opportunity was granted. of Aldermen and Common Council went into In an attempt to rescue a pet dog from be­ by members and guests; music; election of W est & T r u a x , Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O theaters. O . B. Lovejoy accepted tbe invitation and joint convention for tbe purpose of electing ing run over by a train, Mrs. Frank Taylor, of officers, reports, and other matters of busi­ —SOLD A T — W a l k in g , K in n a n & M a r v in , Wholesale Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone on Sunday cele­ spoke in behalf of the remonstrants. H e said a city clerk. Alderman Peterson, Councilmen Cross Fork Junction, Pa., lost her life. She ness. Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. brated the fifty-eighth anniversary of their the remonstrants would have been present Fernald and Frohock were appointed a com­ had her baby in her arms at the tim e, but the Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ wedding. Rockland, Me., July I, 1897.—Capt. F. S. Knox Farmers’ Exchange Market at an earlier meeting had it been known that mittee to receive, couot and sort vote*. A l­ child escaped unhurt. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ Marston, 19 Cresceut street, this city, makes the petition was to have been presented and derman Porter nominated Enoch Davies, I t is rumored that Prince Hobenlohe, the Charles Delmontco, the famous caterer of W . C. SA W TELLE, faces o f the system. Price 75c. per bottle. the following voluntary statement: “I was be was glad of tbe opportunity to appear and President Winslow did like honors for Albert German Premier, w ill retire from tbe office in New York,who was reported dying in France, troubled with palpitation of the heart to such H all's Fam ily Pills are the best. remonstrate. M r. Lovejoy eulogized Mr. C. Page and Alderman Johnson nominated L. tbe fall. arrived on the French liner La Touraine from an extent that at times I was prostrated. 1 Littlefield and made it clear that his opposi­ E. W ade. One ballot waa all that was ne­ Ex-Queen Lilluokalani had an audience H avre in good health. H e declares that he began taking H ood’s Sarsaparilla, and after Charles W . Bales, a chemist, and Edward tion was for no personal reason and that bis cessary. The whole number of votes caat with President M cK inley before be left Wash­ has not been ill at all. taking six bottles I was cured. This was six Jerry, a surveyor, of Springfield, III., claimed relationship with Mr. Littlefield and the was 19. O f these M r. Davies had 16, M r. ington. She wants back tbe throne of The little steamer Mystic of N ew London, years ago and 1 have not had the least symp­ EAST MAINE to have discovered a solution by which leaden other applicants "as t«f the pleasantest rela­ Page 2 and M r. Wade 1. And M r. Davies Haw aii. Conu., has been sold to Cuban parties. She tom of tbe trouble since.” bullets may be created so as to make them tion. was declared elected. Tbe selection of Mr. Tbe Treasury Department has decided that i» a fast boat < f light draft and ia especially hard as steel. Bullets so treated neither tear “ I am no kicker against permanent im ­ Davies is a deservedly popular one. Since the new tariff law went into effect after m ic- adapted to river work. It is thought she will A frightened sheep dashed into a church at CONFERENCE SEMINARY the barrel of the gun as do the steel balls, nor provements,” said M r. Lovejoy, “ in fact 1 1861 he has been clerk of the Common Coun­ night, July 23. be press*! into the Cuban service. Harrisburg, Pa., and created a panic. The leave a deposit in \be barrel, as the ordinary favpr them, but 1 do not think that the build­ cil and during all these years has been faith­ I t is probab'e that the treaty of peace be­ The English Government has sent 600 congregation stood not upon the order of its leaden bullets do. ing of such a walk petitioned for is in tbe ful to every trust. The fall term will open tween Turkey and Greece w ill be signed be­ more artillerymen to strengthen tbe garrison way of permanent improvement. Such a This, matter concluded the Board of Alder­ going, and tbe ininirter resigned his pulpit Aug. 80th. Able faculty, fore tbe end of the present week. at Halifax, N . S. They will be put in charge walk is not practical. I have bad some ex­ men struggled with tbe sewer assessments on temporarily in favor of the sheep. Some of low rates of tuition and of the new quick-firing guns which are being the bolder spirits ventured back and sue D w i g h t , Illinois, Oct. 13,1896. perience in sidewalks,” continued M r. Love­ Orange street, the cost of which was about Tbe will of Robert McMillan, the lumber hoard. For information placed at the mouth of the harbor. To whom it may concern:— joy, “ for 1 have walked them in this city for I3 0 0 . Ex-Mayor John Lovejoy spoke in bis king of Oshhkosb, W is., bequeaths 320,000 to ceeded in ejei t og the animal, when the in ­ aud catalogue address There is hut oue Keeley Institute tbe past eight years and 1 can say that there own behalf. H e said he was assessed for $40 Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis. A young mountain climber named Sorrel terrupted service was resumed. principal lost bis life in an attempt to make ascent of authorized by uh to do business as such isn't a brick or a concrete walk in the city although he cannot be called an abutter. H e Maurice Grau has been engaged for a term in the state of Maine and that oue is tnat is practical in the W inter months.” can reach the sewer only by by passing Mount Taillefer in the Alps. His bedy was W . A. HUTCHINSON, located at Portland, under the manage­ “ H o w if you keep them clean?” asked Mr. through a field on account of a ledge. M r. found at tbe bottom of a deep crevasse into Littlefield. Loveioy ia willing to pay for tbe privilege of which he probably fell while lost in a fog. Bucksport, Me. ment of J. D. Lovett. His physician 61) AS______are especially instructed at Dwight, “ You cannot keep them clean. Tbe ice, entering the sewer hut thinks be should not It is officially stated that the President will be called upon to pay more. W . B. H ills 111., by Dr. Keeley, in the correct ad- snow and water cling to the walk and pedes o K & f make recess appointments of all nominations tnans have to take to the road. Much of the said he was assessed 330 ami couldn’t un­ iniuistraticn of the Keeley treatment not acted upon by tbe Senate. Thia will en­ The Rockland General Hospital valuation,” continued Mr. Lovejoy, “is on the derstand why he should be made to pay more J able the appointees to lake office and draw for the cure of alcoholic inebriety and 34 FULTON bTKEET, W ard 4 aide of tbe street and we have the than bis neighbors. On motion by Alderman salary until the Senate convenes and acts drug using. Harrington it waa finally voted that tbe con­ W ill hereufUr be open to all 1'byaldau* aud tiur- 'brook* on our side. There is a chance for Cure* Every Form of Inflammation; upon tbeir respective cases. geuiie of good •Uudiog tbiougbvul the surround All Keeley remedies are manufac­ permanent improvement. Do something to sideration of the sewer assessments on Orange INTERNAL as much as EXTERNAL. W hile walking in the woods near St. Se- ing couuliy. Ail aru oordiuil) iuvlted lo visit this tured by us at Dwight, III., and can­ institution, wberu satlsfuciory arruugeuiuuts cau make the 'brook ’less of a nuisance and tbe and Purchase streets be postponed until the The real danger from every known ailment of baatian, the Queen Regent and K ing Alpbon- not be purchased for use in the state of special meeting to he held next Monday. bo uiadu for either Medical or fluraioul cases. north-aiders would not kick. Flank walks S S h M u i of , n.n u w ly c c .p .d being .hot by Physiciuu* uud durucous wlii have fuff charge of It looked as if the subject of tbe steam Maine except by the Keeley Institute are good enough for anyone if kept in repair. oiaUuui.uiautf<»t«doutwurdi: byrt'diii'M..welllnin. a yuutb out hunting, who failed to notice theit their cases uud their owu choice of consult­ and heat. Inward.^ by. presence. The heJvy charge of shot passed at Portland, hence, the genuine Keeley Then some of tbe remonstrants have worked roller would be overlooked, but it was brought veasel*, growth of u nheaknf fit— . r— , - ants. Private rooms or wards oau be iiromplly hard but are no longer able to do so. They to the attention of tbe Board by Alderman secured, night or day, verbally or by telephone No. treatment, is administered only by said disease; aa asthma, abscesses. burn*, lrrnii . _ lose to their beads. 21-8. For further particulars address Institute within &uid slate, all claims to have by practicing economy succeeded in lay Andeison. TLe report of the committee, chit In, cold*, cough*, croup, catarrh, chap*, all fur in a' ing aside a little and they are not able to pay appointed at tbe last meeting, was wade by of sore throat, la grippe, muiupa^ muscular aoicucMb Dan Balling of Boston, has sued bi* wife BELLE S. AYERS, 1*1. D> the coutrary being made with intent to for divorce because she look a bath two years I tb e assessment that tbe improvement would ' Alderman Johnson. H e said that be bad re­ 60 ,34 Fulton bt., Koeklaud, Me. deceive. ago without hi* knowledge or consent. The call for.” ceived communications from a number of T h e L e s l ie E. K e e l e y C o . “ Would you not like to see Limerock street different concerns. Two concerns asked offense complained of was committed in (signed) Curtis J.Judd, SweSiwt1i'hgSat|5FVIHI! Washington Park lake in company with a improved ?” asked Mr. Littlefield. 33500 for a 12 ton roller. A crusher would Ongluatvd by an old 1‘auilly physician in lHlQk (seal) Secy, aud Treas. 1 Could a remedy have exiolcd for o\cr eight) 1 tarsi number of friends ot both sexes. SICK HEADACHE “Yes” was the reply. cost about >1500 additional. M r. Johnson unless it hits*------cured * many fuuilly' ully ills ilia f7 'i I heren la uot| 188 tf “ D o you think that you can get as good a thought tbe Pitta roller to be tbe best in every a remedyuedy intu useu.o today w uicb M ib baabu» thel»t> V'*'1eoiwoeuto o bi ’rhe ,il“ murder in twenty year, among ibe Positively cured by these Dr. Frank E. Freeman road and sidewalk on this street, with regular particular. the public tv av great au extent os thl» Anodyuu. bac and Pox Indians of Iowa occurred M on- Our Book on INFLAMMATION Mailed freed j day night. The hody>f a young girl, Seton- | rattle mils. grade,as tbe present, to tbe Court House from Alderman Peterson made a motion that the TMIXtctvr'aTb.lAxior’. elgnaturvand.rgiu.rure.uj Uirtx-UoasouujiueUuw^vu^ier/^bortdjJ eTeprbotUj^ qua, qua. wasw a. fuuudfound in a clumpelump of next I T h e y also relieve Distress from Dysjrepsia, VETERINARY SURGEON. M ain street?” question of purchasing a roller be referred to “ 1 do not know anything about road build­ tbe next city government. S 'iijrfl/ssusa’o u -ieuril w u i w s u iu j morning, but uu trace ol tbe murdeter'. iden- Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- Successor to the late W . D. Farnham C A S T O R IA ing but 1 cannot see why it should make any Alderm an Anderson said that if the city “Beat Liver Pill Mario.” l‘'Y ,5 ° ,ouuJ; . U>« *»*•>« ottered a remedy for Dururess, Nausea, Drowsl- more difference with a plank walk than with contemplated buying a roller that now was a , • i n«s. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue ■ D r. Freeinuu baa pure baaed the buaiuuae For Infant* aud Children. concrete or asphalt.” the time to do it as the city may uever again lately carried on by D r F arn h am aud iu ' located at D r. F arnham 's Jute residence, Alderman Porter agreed with M r. Lovejoy get so good an offer. I 15 1-2 Gay street, Rockland. Dr. Freeman that the present brick and concrete walks arc Alderm an Pcterson’a motion was carried as P ia a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary not practical and that the city ia not in condi follows: Yes, Peterson, lia r ring ton, Johnson, a r s o n s Spain, has been explained. They were placed RegulateSmall thePill. Bowels. Purely Small Vegetable. Dose. . college aud haa been in j true lice at BelXaat lion to make such improvement. Porter; no, Andeison, Andros, Blackington. W IIW ■ for four years paat. 46 wurui'llvuMt'&uJSu'luS* thereth « c toby interment the ebureb in warden the graveyaid. to plea.e .uper- Alderman Johnson moved that tbe order This disposed of the steam roller. The next Small Price. frym ihu blv<>d. Jk-licaic* wmuen dud relief ftoual stitious families who preferred concealment