Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine C onsolidated .March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. T W / C H - A - W H H K . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year R ockland Maine Srturday August 7 ’897 Vol. 52. No. 52 __ ________ .. .. 1 _____ ____ _____ A REBEL IN MAINE WATERS IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY [)O YOU KNOW THAT winds being light but still strong enough to bring the craft into the circle of destruction, Concrete Walk on I.hnerock Street nnd One Palr-Ia Klnhty One and tbe Other Fligh­ and she was soon another prize to this ocean Prosper Merrlmee's "Letters to an U n­ How the Confederate Cruiser Tallahassee Stenin Boiler Knocked Out — Enoch ty .Three yenrn of nge. Came Upon the Knox County Const and chief. Owen Wincapaw was commander, known,” which have been circulated more or Davies Elected City Clerk—NewSIden nlkn less in this country, Ixrth in English and the the________________ Destruction ___She Wrought„ Here— ( while Emery Davis, another soldier of the 21st The Boston Globe recently published the THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., and Seven — New Ordinance* — Other Friendship Vessels Thnt Suffered- A S tir - } Maine, was one of the crew as well as half- following interesting despatch from this effy original, have been translated anew by Henri llnalneaa of Importance. Pene du Bois. This translation, which is to ring Episode of the bate War Narrated owner. Albert Collsmore and Alphonso relative to an interesting pair of Maine twins: OF HARTFORD, CONN., he issued by the Brentanos, ia announced aa For Our Benders. Hathorn were the other two sailors. Another Monrtxy night’, meeting of the city govern­ "At the cozy home of Mr. nnd Mrs. John old musket was destroyed, more words spoken, ment w,a one of unu.j.l importance. The A. Clough on Camden at., Rockland, Me. the most complete yet made. Issues The BEST Life Insurance Contracts In the World. The 14th of August, on a bright, sunlit day not altogether in praise of their captors* con­ meeting »et!led one thing and that is that be­ there resides twins in whom more than com­ H all Caine's novel, "T h e Christian,” is to NO DISAPPOINTflENT as to DIVIDENDS in 1864, the low, dark hull of a steamer was duct. by the soldier Davis, and then the torch yond the erection of a new city building there mon interest is felt by the people of that have a first edition in England of 50,000 cop­ seen fast approaching the island of M onhe­ was applied, and the scent of the Magnolia will be no ,tep made thi, year towards per­ section. ies ready for publication on August 7, which EVERYTHING GUARANTEED in advance. gan, that gem of green, resting almost in the was far more pungent, as the odor of fish and manent improvement on the m a d , and aide- "The twins were born just 81 years ago, shows his publisher's fa th in tbe exceptions Premium Rates, I5 to 25 Per Cent LESS embrace of M aine’s delightful rivers, and still lar greeted the nostrils of the Tallahassee’s walk,. It may he ,ome time before the city March 36, and they are Mis. Margaret Fidelia to the rule as to the Summer production of the bulwark of the mighty Atlantic, where it crew, than that ot the tropical tree for which will get ,uch adv,nt,geoua offer, «• submitted Barrows and Mrs. Susan Ro&illa Barrows— important fiction. In the matter o f Urge first than those of Old Line riutual Companies defies the abort, decisive storms of Summer as the craft was named. for Ihe improvement of I.im erock street aide- aunt "Fide” and aunt "Rose” more commonly editions A. C. Gunter, who is his own pub­ well as the dashing surf and billows caused The crew of this third prize being also walk and a steam roller. Sewer, and sidewalk, known. lisher, must take a fairly prominent position, JU L Y 1, 1897. by tbe tremendous tempests of the W inter taken in tow, the cruiser sighted a coaster in were given much attention and aa a result “ Their parents were Samuel Tyler of Cam for the Publishers’ Circular states that he months. the distance, and gave our boya the fastest there will he quite a number of improvement, den and Lucy (Keene) Tyler of Thomaston. brought out a first issue of 63,000 copiei of T o ta l A sset............................................................................................................ #21.916,663 63 The inhabitants of the island had gathered tow they ever had as she went dashing along in the,e department,. W hile they were still infants M r. Tyler re one of his novels. on some of the highest cliffs, watching the moved from Camden to Belfast, where the “ L ia B ilitie s................................................................... ....................... w towards her victim. The coaster,which hailed Every member of tbe board of aldermen The supremacy of Columbus has been and S u rp lu s to I’olicv H o ld e rs............................................................................... 3,366,161 38 nearing of the craft— for this was a tim e of from Machias had on board the captain, hia wa. in hi, ,e,t and remained there through father died when they were 13. is today so secure that other navigators of the war, and reports were rife of dread Confeder­ daughter and four men. She was at once the longest u n io n for many months. Nine "The mother moved back to Thomaston, or GAINS 6 MONTHS JANUARY TO JULY, 1897. early time who voyaged to America are us­ ate cruisers abroad, burning, pillaging and hove to the wind, the people transferred to councilmen were absent. that part of it which is now Rockland with ually forgotten, but G . E. Weare, an English destroying without restrafot or mercy. The In A sse ts................................................................................................................ 1,018,949 00 the steamer, the torch applied, and then The roll of account, wa, a, follow, : Police her children, and life went on uneventfully author, has resolved that Cabot, at least, shall Iu S u rp lu s ............................................................................................................... 3§8>Z3I 9? old veterans of the deep had collected all the away. *14 04; 6re department *76.62; pauper fund until the twins were 18, when Susan married get hia due. Accordingly he haa prepared a hrearms and ammunition there was upon the *183.29; contingent fund *672.88. Capt. James Grover of Rockland. Six In Insurance in f rce (Life Department only). 1,679,918 00 One more act and J. Taylor W ood shaped volume on "Cabot’s Discovery of North island) resolved to give the invader a touch of his course for Cape Sable and so passed out City Clerk Tibbett. reported a, having col­ children came o f this union, none of whom America,” a work just published by the Lip- BIR D Ac R AUM CY, that spirit of 1812 which was aroused now as of the bay, leaving the waters of Maine for­ lected on account of sewera *6 .0 0 and for dog survive. pincotts, which aims to popularize the knowl­ tnen, when witnessing the encounter of the ever. This final act was fhe overhauling of license, *4. "Fidelia married at the age of 20, her hus­ edge hitherto confined to the specialists. M r. warships Enterprise and Boxer from the same SYNDICATE BLOCK, ROCKLAND, ME., STATE AGENTS the schooner Sea Flower, Capt. Elijah Cook, Street Commissioner Crockett’, report was band being Gilman S. Barrows of Rockville. Weare also essays some new contributions to surrounding heights. of Friendship. Either from motives of econ­ a , follow ,: Cash balance from June, *76.76; Seven children blessed this marriage, the the literature of North z\m ciican discovery. As they gazed, the wheel of the steamer survivors being Mrs. Julia B. Smith and Mra. omy, or, ns some allege, because the mate of received on mayor’, order, *600; expended, From the present excitement over the ex­ was hove to port, the course changed to go *522.93. Amount of hill, unpaid in thi, de­ R. A. Keene of Haverhill, and Mra. John A. the schooner was a Mason, the schooner was istence of gold in toe K londike country one THE MAINE STATE FAIR, Lewiston, east of the island, and soon the people who Clough of Rockland. not burned; but all on board, as well as partment ’.uguat 1,81,642 46. might imagine that the gold had been discov­ hastened to that side saw tbe object of the "U pon the death of her fiist husband Susan those thus far held in tow of the cruiser, The over,eers ol the poor are probably ered only recently. Yet it has been known change of course. Away to the east the having a, hard a time a, any of the city offi­ married Silas Barrows of Rockland, a cousin Aug. 30, 31; Sept. 1, 2, 3. | t^meTdates. were taken on deck and paroled. O ur sol­ for several years that the mines there were white wings of a magnificent bark were ob­ cial.. There ia much sickne,, in the city and of her sister's husband. She became the dier boys, having asserted boastfully that they yielding good returns nnd travelers have H orsolos. CarrlnBO Rnces. Flreraon'8 M uster. served spread to the light, southerly air. as mother of another child, making seven that would again enter the United States service the ‘department ia receiving many applica­ brought back stories of the "finds” of the Everytlilnsr Now, N ovel und Interesting;.
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