Manchester Historical Society, Those Who Have Might Need to Be Excited at the Thought of Driving a Suddenly Looked Like an Old Man
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t » - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurgdav. April 24, 19W FOCUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 CONNECTICUT Republicans ready MHS trims East Tag saiiors share to approve budget in ragged affair their saie secrets Wanted - Old Lace, linens, 1984 Conquest - "Pocket ... page 9 ... page 13 Newly built heavy duty Saturday, April 24, from Toyota Corona, gold, ...paged 9om to 4pm at 7 Notch ore 1950 exceptional clo Rocket' 2.4 liter turbo 5 Plonos/Organs — Giant glider swing, four seoter. 1982 Chevy Celebrity 4 needs engine work, best Rood. Ext. Bolton. Multi thing, also auallty cos speed, loaded with power otter. Call 446-0030 before Armory Sale. Baldwin & $400 Coll 449-8314. tume lewlery. Call 742- door sedan, air. power family. Items Include new options. A/C AM/FM ste steering & brakes, 9pm. name brands. New Bri Harley Supergllde - $4000. bathroom sink, oanetllno, 9137. reo cassette. Balance of tain Armory, corner of 14 cubic foot Amono AM/FM. Excellent car. 1974 MG Midget, $1500. furniture, typewriter, transterrable warran $3450. 447-9104. Stanley & East Main freezer, white, upright, tees. (Rust Proof drive Kitchen table with leaf like new $400.5 HP Mighty children's clothing, excel Streets, New Britain, lust and 4 chairs, $150. Antlaue lent condition and much train etc.) Excellent tour QQI CAMPERS/ oft route n & l-M. Thurs Moc Mulcher $250. An To Cleon coffee stains loyeseat, camel back, miscellaneous. from china or plastic, rub ing COUP. Excellent condi 1975 vega station wagon, ^TRAILERS day, April 24, 12-9pm, tlaue Mahogany server. tion $8500 or best offer. horse hair fabric. $400. Call 449-9573 after 4. stain with baking soda. To fair running condition, Friday, April 25, 12-9pm, Call 549-0614. 444-4754. Saturday, April 24, 9 to find a cosh buyer for that needs minor work. $500 1983 Ford Merry Mller. 9pm, Sunday, April 27, China closet you no longer firm. 449-2113. Van/comper, 37,000 miles, Real Tight Mower, self use, place a low-cost od In power steering & brakes, 11-4pm. Oyer 250 pianos propelled. Hahn Eclipse, Baralns Galore - Setting on display. Laroest collec TAB SALES Classified. 443-2711. automatic, air, regular 19" roller beorings, up your first apartment? gas, fully equipped - tion In Northeast. Saye Briggs engine, cast Iron Five family sale Includes 1982 Saab - 900APC turbo, iianrlirstrr Hrralft thousands! Direct factory stove, shower, toilet, re- ) Manchester A City o( Village Charm frame. Very good condi washing machine, wheat black, 3 door, garaged, frldgerator; ample stor financing ayalloble. tion. $125. 449-1724. sofa, beds, lamps, silver pampered and polished 82 Dotson 310 GX-S speed, Hurry, selection won't age. Excellent condition, ware, etc. Also strollers, weekly. Evenings 423- sunroof, excellent condi no rust. 742-7700. last. You won't eyer see Diapers - $4.50 per pack Church rummage/tag baby carriers, other In Automotive 2072. tion, AM/FM stereo these prices again! age of 48. Overnight dis sole. Saturday April 24, fant necessaries, plus toys cassette, must be seen 25 Cents posable diapers for babies and kids' clothes. 10-speed asking $4,000. Coll 546-7924 Friday. April 25, 1986 9-3. Community Baptist You don't have to be on MISCELLANEOUr over 11 lbs. Call Joan, Church, 585 East Center bikes. Women's clothes In CARS Monday thru Friday be AUTOMOTIVE 449-4744, Monday-Friday, Street, Manchester. small sizes. Saturday 9 to odvertlslng expert to get tween 8:30am and 4:30pm. PETS AND 3:30-4:30pm. 4; Sunday, 9 to 1. Rain or [10 FOR SALE results In Claulfled. We'll [jj] SUPPUE8 shine. 109-111 Ridge St., 1 help you word your od. 1980 Ford Fairmont, 2 Chew. 350, 4 bolt engine Hundreds of yards of new 443-2711. Britain calico and solids for aullt- block up h ill from door, 4 speed, 4 cylinder. will sell all or parts. Make Husky Cross - One year ENDROLLS Ing, spring sewing, etc. M c D o n o ld 's ._______________ New clutch, brakes, struts offer. After 6pnT. 646-134$. Packwood plan 2Vh wldth-256 and exhaust. Good run old. Free to good home. Saturday, April 24th, 9om. GIVE YOUR budget o 1975 Pontiac Astra, many 2 Cargo van driver, protec* Needs love and affection. 13% wldlh-2 for 2S« 294 Hackmatack St. Mon Audi Fox 1974 good condi new parts, good body, ning condition, excellent break ... shop the classi mileage. $1850. Call 228- tor von radio. Coll otter deports It interested coll 443-2751 M U S T be picked up at the Chester. Rain dote Mov fied columns for borgoln tion. To many new parts needs engine. Best otter. ask for Paul. Call otter 5pm. 449-1194. 3414. 6pm 64^7982 Manchester Herald Olllce 3rd. buys! to list. $1250. Coll 742-WW7 before It AM ONLV would cut tax, Libyans 071 MISCELLANEOUS TOWN OP COVINTRY 0O 'I FOR SALE INVITATION TO BID PURCHABC OP ONE, 11), IMS end deductions By John Jones ONE TON DUMP TRUCK United Press International WITH PLOW 5 Mens 10 speed. Excellent The Town of Coventry will LONDON — Terror-conscious condition. $100 444-9549. receive sealed bids for the purchase of one, (1), 1986 By Mary Beth Franklin from 46 percent to 33 percent and British authorities today deported Heavy Duty One Ton Four United Press International retain some of the provisions the 22 Libyans suspected of terrorist Wheel Drive Dump Truck committee adopted over the past activities as police searched for with Plow of the Coventry Town Hall, 1712 Main Street, WASHINGTON - Senate Fi month, such as repealing the Arabs accused of bombing two Coventry. Ct. 06238 until 11:00 nance Committee Chairman Bob Investment Tax Credit — a lucra airline offices in London’s Oxford A M Tuesday, M ay 6th, 1986at which time and place all bids Packwood, R-Ore., hoping to move tive and cherished business Street shopping district. will be opened and publicly his panel bark towards "true tax deduction. Britain also banned 334 Libyan reod aloud. reform.” has offered a new, It would raise $25 billion in aviation students from working on The Town of Coventry res erves Its rights to waive all radical plan to lower tax rates and unspecified excise taxes over five aircraft at British airports or Informalities In the bidding wipe out most deductions. years — a hotly contested issue — flying alone, a new security move process. Th e Tow n is not and would impose a stiff minimum that will force most of them to obligated to accept the lo The proposal, a copy of which west bid. lax on individuals and corporate leave in weeks, authorities said. Bid Forms, Bidding In TAG was obtained by United Press income to ensure that no one Britain has tightened security at structions, and Specifica International, was considered by avoids paying taxes. its airports, government buildings tions Required cort be ob senators as merely a starting point tained at the Coventry Town Together, the proposal would cut and tourist sites against possible Goroge, 46 Bradbury Lone, for discussions. individual tax revenue by $95 terrorist attack since the U.S. air Coventry, Ct. 06238. phone 74^6588. The plan, distributed in a private billion over five years while raid on Libya April 15. About 7,000 Dote: 4/21/86 committee meeting Thursday, raising corporate taxes by $70 Libyans are in Britain. TOWN OF COVENTRY calls for two tax rates for individu billion over the same period Libyan leader Moammar Khad- Harold B. Hodge, Jr. ySgSak als — 15 percent and 25 percent. Following the private meeting afy has threatened retaliation TOWN MANAGER SALE The current system includes 14 tax Thursday. Packwood said his against Britain for Prime Minister 079-04 brackets ranging from 11 percent propo.sal. designed to rescue his Margaret Thatcher's decision al to 50 percent. endangered tax reform plan, had lowing the United States to use The Packwood plan would boost produced "interesting reactions... British bases to launch its air In Larger Sizes the personal exemption from the (that) certainly were worth strike against Tripoli and $1,120 level scheduled for 1987 to pursuing." Benghazi. $2,000 — a top priority with The committee plans to resume Twenty-two Libyan students, A Crochet for Baby President Reagan. The exemption its private meetings Tuesday. businessmen and visitors detained Time Again would be phased out for wealthy "There's a greater sense of hope this week in police raids through taxpayers. and a chance to come up with out England. Scotland and Wales To pay for those generous something." Sen. Max Baucus. departed on a flight to Tripoli proposed changes (•r indivMaals. D-Mont., told r o n g it ^ .alter the meeting. "There w as'a lot of the plan would repeal most exist they were leaving London’s Hea ing deductions, including the tax sentiment ... (to pursue) true tax reform." throw Airport aboard a regularly write-off for contributions to Indi scheduled Libyan Airlines flight. vidual Retirement Accounts. "That's a step in the right They were accused leading student P Some deductions would remain direction." added Sen. Bill Brad You're sure of a successful ley. D-N.J.. a leading supporter of agitation groups in support of sacred, however, such as those for home mortgage interest, charita tax reform. "The more you put on Khadafy. In a new security move. Trans ble contributions and state and the table, the lower rates go." port Secretary Nicholas Ridley local property, sales and income The committee spent the last banned Libyan engineering trai taxes. month drafting a tax bill, but failed sole when you advertise The Packwood proposal also to meet its goals of eliminating nees from working on planes at would drop the top corporate rate loopholes to offset lower tax rates public or private airports and for businesses and individuals.