' 10,299 '9399 1933 Dillon Anrbratrr Linnlh

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' 10,299 '9399 1933 Dillon Anrbratrr Linnlh M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb 84.1987 loalTHUGItt/VMIS jg|Tiuqtt/yAii8 lQ9dTRUGX8/VAN8 IQ9JTRUCK8/VAN8 TMIGK8/V/UI8 COVENTRY IBZIr m s m i HMSALE l » M F 0 R 8 M J HM8AIE G M C 1963 SuburlKm, t GMC 1987 Suburbans M ania 1967 lonobed alum­ Ford 1964 Bronco II 4x4, Mazda 1964 B2000 pickup Pork is working Republicans gear pots, v-6, outO/ pt. pb, air, brand new. 13 to choose inum OOP. Sunrise red. v-6, 4 speed, ps, pb, air, Mack. 3 to choose from red. Scranton-Codllloc- from, got or diesel, all Morlorty Brothers, 315 cossette, brown. Lynch, $3495. Morlorty Brothers, on a new image for special vote Oldunobll«-GMC trucki. equipped differently, read Center St., Manchester. 500 W. Center St., Mon- 315 Center St., Monchesr Routt 83, Vtrnon. 673- to roll. Scronton-Codlllac- 643-5135.^________________ ch ester. 646-4331.i< ter. 643-5135. x' 9145.1.^ Oldsmoblle-Pontloc-GMC G M C 1967 4 x4 V!i ton G M C 1966 brand new 7000 ... page 13 ... page 20 Datum 1964 xtra cab, 5 trucks, route 63 Vernon. pickup, brand new with series dump 5-7 yard, 366 Chevrolet 1966 Suburban, speed, white. Lynch, 500 873-9145.»>' 716 foot Fisher plow. V-8. 5 speed with 3 speed brown 6 , white. 4 ,0 0 0 W. Center St., monches- Ready to go. 4 to choose axle, red. Scranton miles, loaded. Scronton- ter. 646-4331. Toyota 1963 Sr5 pickup, from. Scranton Codllloc- Cadllloc-Oldsmoblle- Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- gloss cop, blue. Lynch, 500 Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Pontloc-GMC trucks, Pontlac-GMC trucks, Mazda 1987 shortbed, W. Center St., Manches­ trucks, route 83 Vernon. route 63, Vernon. 872- route 6 3 Vernon. 872- THUCKt *n* U t IS A WEEKLY FEATURE APPEARINQ EVERY OTHER Ondo blue,luxury pack­ ter. 6464331.t^ 9145.t^ TUESDAY AND THURSDAY IN CLASSIFIED. MOST OF THESE ADS ARE age, gray Interior. 3 to 072-9145.»r 9145.t^ DEALER ADS, BUT INDIVIDUALS WISHING TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE choose from. Morlorty GMC 1987 brand new ENCOURAGED TO PHONE 643-3711 TO PLACE THEIR ADS... Brothers, 315 Center St., camper vans, refrigera­ Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 cob Toyota 1965 4 x 4 pickup, 5 Manchester. 643-5135.i^ Mazda 1987 shortbed, tor, stove, bathroom facil­ Ondo blue, gray Interior. 2 plus, Dover white, bed- speed, 404)00 miles, white. ities, hookups, air, much llner. Morlorty Brothers, Lynch, 500 West Center GMC 1965 ton Cargo to choose from. Morlarty TMICK8/VAII8 |TmiCK8/VMI8 more, '3 In stock. Brothers, 315 Center St., 315 Center St., Manches­ Street, Manchester. 646 UGK8/VAII8 von, 31JKD miles, outo, ps, Scronton-Cadlliac- Manchester. 643-5135.«/ ter. 643-5135../ 4321.x/ anrbratrr FDR8ALE RR8ALE FOR SALE pb, red 8< white. Scranton Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Manchester — A City ol Village Charm lin n lh Cadlllac-Pontloc- trucks. Route 83 Vernon. Oldsmoblle-GMC trucks. 872-9145.X/ C h ew 1966 K10 6' pickup, Mazda 19T B2000 SE5 cob GM C 1967 3500, 2-3 yard Route 83, Vernon. 872- v-6 auto, ps, pb, 4 wheel plus. Canal blue, beige dump, brand new. v-8, 4 9145.x/ drive. Heow duty equip­ GM C 1964 Suburban. 6.2 Interior, leather package, speed, black. Scranton- diesel, auto, ps, pb, air, Wednesday, Feb. 25,1987 m ent. $10,995. C a rte r PS. Morlarty Brothers, 315 Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- 30 Cents Chevrolet. 1229 Main Ford 1904 150 van, 6 cyl, tilt, cruise, loaded, blue & Center St., Manchester. Pontlac-GMC trucks, auto, ps, am/fm, brown. silver. Lynch, 500 W. Cen­ Street, Manchester. 646- 643-5135../ route 83, Vernon. 672- 6464.x/ Lynch, 500 W. Center St., ter St., Manchester. 646 Mazda 1967 shortbed. Ter-' 9145.1/ Manchester. 6464321../ 4321../ F nodo silver, gray Interior. Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 cob Morlarty Brothers, 315 plus, California brown, Court upholds Center St., Manchester. beige Interior, leather 643-5135.X/ package, ps. Morlarty Brothers, 315 Center St., Manchester. 643-5135.X/ Mazda 1967 B2000 rab plus TOYOTA4 Dover white, wine Int6 rior. Morlarty Brothers, promotion plan Ford 1963 F-100 V-6, outo, 315 Center St., Manchester ' Rugged sport utility with removable rear top PS, sunroof, om/fm, gloss ' High ground clearance ra p , blue, Lynch, 500 W. 643-5135../ E Center St. Manchester. Mazda 1967 B2000 cab • Seating for 5 with reclining front bucket seats, 6464321.x/. plus. Sunbeam sliver, fold-down rear seatbacks and large cargo area gray Interior. Luxury • See our 4RunnerSR5 Turbo today! for minorities Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 plus package. Morlarty Broth­ 5 shortbed. Ondo blue, ers, 315 Center St., Man­ gray Interior. 2 to choose chester. 643-5135.X/ from. Morlarty Brothers, Justice William J. Brennan, 315 Center St., Manches­ By James H. Rubin Mazda 1967 B2000 cab writing the court’s main opinion, ter. 643-5135.1/ shortbed, light beige, The Associated Press beige Interior. Morlarty said the Alabama plan, ordered by Ford 1963 Ranger pickup, Brothers, 315 Center St., WASHINGTON - A sharply a federal judge, is a justified 4 cyl, 4 speed, blue & Manchester. 643-5135.1/ divided Supreme Court handed response to past discrimination by white. Scranton-Codllloc- supporters of affirmative action a the state. Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Mazda 1967 B2000 cab victory today, upholding a plan for “The pervasive, systematic and trucks. Route 83, Vernon. shortbed. Sunbeam silver, obstinate discriminatory conduct 872-9145.1/ promoting equal numbers of blacks gray Interior. Morlorty and whites on the Alabama State of the (police) department created Brothers, 315 Center St., a profound n e ^ and a firm Ford 1965 window von, v-8, Manchester. 643-5135.»/ Police force. auto, PS, $7895. Dillon By a 5-4 vote, the court said the justification for the race-conscious Ford, 319 Main Street, Mazda 1907 B2000 SE5 plan does not violate the Constitu­ relief ordered by” the judge, Manchester. 643-2145.i^ Shortbed, Californio tion. The plan forces the state police Brennan said. brown, beige Interior. to promote one black trooper for But Brennan's opinion failed to Toyota 1961 Landcrulser 4 Morlorty Brothers, 315 eyery white promoted until blacks command a majority on the court. x4 brown. Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Manchester. comprise 25 percent of upper-rank He was joined by Justices Thurgood Center St., Manchester. 643-5135.X/ officers. Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun and 6464321.x^ Lewis F. Powell. Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 plus I -UNieSB THIS KMBLeM The ruling is a defeat for the GMC/Geneva 1987 custom 5 shortbed. Sunbeam 18 ON YOUR CAR, Reagan administration, which Justice John Paul Stevens pr6 vans. 10 to choose from silver, gray Interior. Mor- YOU PROBABLY argued that the quota is “ pro­ vided the fifth vote to uphold the Scranton-Codlllac- lorty Brothers, 315 Center PAID TOO foundly illegal.” Alabama quota, but wrote a separ­ Oldsmoblle-Ponttac-GMC St., M anchester. 643- MANCHESTER, CONN The court, as in the past when ate opinion to explain his reasons. Trucks, route 83, Vernon. 5135.x/ dealing with racial preferences in Brennan, noting the absence of a 672-9145.X' the American workforce, was splin­ clear majority, said the court “ has G M C 19841984 Jim m y, v-6, tered in its voting. yet to reach consensus on the Ford 1981 Chateau van. 5 speed, air, ps, black. appropriate constitutional analy­ V-6, air, ps, pb, cruise. Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Herald photo by Tuekor Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Manchester. 646-4321.X/ sis” in affirmative action cases. Manchester. 646-4321.x' The court, which upheld racial Datsun 1963 King cab P u b lic preferences in key rulings during Abandoned can piling up Chevrolet 1904 C-10 pickup 4 x4,4 cyl, 5 speed, S A V E i Qjj Chevy 1987 its 198686 term that concluded last pickup, 6 cyl, 30,000 miles, PS, pb, stereo cassette, July, this year is considering for the Abandoned vehicles, found In Manchester by the police having them destroyed. Manchester and other towns are 2 brown. Scranton- lump seats. $5795. Carter Luxury Converted Vans first Ume job preferences for Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- Chevrolet, 1229 Main St., u rg e d to women. department, are In temporary storage at the town’s pressing for new state legislation to shorten that waiting Pontloc-GMC trucks. Manchester. 646-6464.»/ TRUCK SALE L O O K W H A T That issue is before the court in a sanitary landfill area off Olcott Street. They’ll remain period, and reduce the cost of junk-car storage. Story on Route 83, Vernon. 872- case from California, with a deci­ there for the 90-day period the town has to wait before page 3. 9145.1/’ Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 cab at sion expected to be announced by plus. Sunrise red, gray $13,999* BUYS YOU! jo in fight Chevrolet 1965 Astro, red, CARTER July. Interior. 2 to choose from. The Reagan administration v-6, automatic ps. Lynch, Morlarty Brothers, 315 By Anne McGrath 500 W. Center St., Man­ Center St., Manchester. CHEVROLET The Associated Press argued that promoting one black chester. 646-4321.1^ 643-5135.»/ for every white promoted — a 5650 plan — until blacks comprise 25 8th directors like plan for radios Mazda 1987 shortbed, Large M E R ID E N — It used to be that 4 Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 percent of higher ranking officers is black, gray Interior. Lux­ students dropped out of high school lonobed, block, gray Inte­ arbitrary. The plan is a form of ury package. Morlarty Inventory I to drop into jobs or lives as rior. Luxuary package. reverse discrimination that vio­ Brothers, 315 Center St., homemakers, but today’s dropouts Morlorty Brothers, 315 Of lates the Constitution’s equal pro­ Vendor says costly state-of -the-art system isn’t needed Manchester.
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