' 10,299 '9399 1933 Dillon Anrbratrr Linnlh
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M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb 84.1987 loalTHUGItt/VMIS jg|Tiuqtt/yAii8 lQ9dTRUGX8/VAN8 IQ9JTRUCK8/VAN8 TMIGK8/V/UI8 COVENTRY IBZIr m s m i HMSALE l » M F 0 R 8 M J HM8AIE G M C 1963 SuburlKm, t GMC 1987 Suburbans M ania 1967 lonobed alum Ford 1964 Bronco II 4x4, Mazda 1964 B2000 pickup Pork is working Republicans gear pots, v-6, outO/ pt. pb, air, brand new. 13 to choose inum OOP. Sunrise red. v-6, 4 speed, ps, pb, air, Mack. 3 to choose from red. Scranton-Codllloc- from, got or diesel, all Morlorty Brothers, 315 cossette, brown. Lynch, $3495. Morlorty Brothers, on a new image for special vote Oldunobll«-GMC trucki. equipped differently, read Center St., Manchester. 500 W. Center St., Mon- 315 Center St., Monchesr Routt 83, Vtrnon. 673- to roll. Scronton-Codlllac- 643-5135.^________________ ch ester. 646-4331.i< ter. 643-5135. x' 9145.1.^ Oldsmoblle-Pontloc-GMC G M C 1967 4 x4 V!i ton G M C 1966 brand new 7000 ... page 13 ... page 20 Datum 1964 xtra cab, 5 trucks, route 63 Vernon. pickup, brand new with series dump 5-7 yard, 366 Chevrolet 1966 Suburban, speed, white. Lynch, 500 873-9145.»>' 716 foot Fisher plow. V-8. 5 speed with 3 speed brown 6 , white. 4 ,0 0 0 W. Center St., monches- Ready to go. 4 to choose axle, red. Scranton miles, loaded. Scronton- ter. 646-4331. Toyota 1963 Sr5 pickup, from. Scranton Codllloc- Cadllloc-Oldsmoblle- Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- gloss cop, blue. Lynch, 500 Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Pontloc-GMC trucks, Pontlac-GMC trucks, Mazda 1987 shortbed, W. Center St., Manches trucks, route 83 Vernon. route 63, Vernon. 872- route 6 3 Vernon. 872- THUCKt *n* U t IS A WEEKLY FEATURE APPEARINQ EVERY OTHER Ondo blue,luxury pack ter. 6464331.t^ 9145.t^ TUESDAY AND THURSDAY IN CLASSIFIED. MOST OF THESE ADS ARE age, gray Interior. 3 to 072-9145.»r 9145.t^ DEALER ADS, BUT INDIVIDUALS WISHING TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE choose from. Morlorty GMC 1987 brand new ENCOURAGED TO PHONE 643-3711 TO PLACE THEIR ADS... Brothers, 315 Center St., camper vans, refrigera Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 cob Toyota 1965 4 x 4 pickup, 5 Manchester. 643-5135.i^ Mazda 1987 shortbed, tor, stove, bathroom facil Ondo blue, gray Interior. 2 plus, Dover white, bed- speed, 404)00 miles, white. ities, hookups, air, much llner. Morlorty Brothers, Lynch, 500 West Center GMC 1965 ton Cargo to choose from. Morlarty TMICK8/VAII8 |TmiCK8/VMI8 more, '3 In stock. Brothers, 315 Center St., 315 Center St., Manches Street, Manchester. 646 UGK8/VAII8 von, 31JKD miles, outo, ps, Scronton-Cadlliac- Manchester. 643-5135.«/ ter. 643-5135../ 4321.x/ anrbratrr FDR8ALE RR8ALE FOR SALE pb, red 8< white. Scranton Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Manchester — A City ol Village Charm lin n lh Cadlllac-Pontloc- trucks. Route 83 Vernon. Oldsmoblle-GMC trucks. 872-9145.X/ C h ew 1966 K10 6' pickup, Mazda 19T B2000 SE5 cob GM C 1967 3500, 2-3 yard Route 83, Vernon. 872- v-6 auto, ps, pb, 4 wheel plus. Canal blue, beige dump, brand new. v-8, 4 9145.x/ drive. Heow duty equip GM C 1964 Suburban. 6.2 Interior, leather package, speed, black. Scranton- diesel, auto, ps, pb, air, Wednesday, Feb. 25,1987 m ent. $10,995. C a rte r PS. Morlarty Brothers, 315 Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- 30 Cents Chevrolet. 1229 Main Ford 1904 150 van, 6 cyl, tilt, cruise, loaded, blue & Center St., Manchester. Pontlac-GMC trucks, auto, ps, am/fm, brown. silver. Lynch, 500 W. Cen Street, Manchester. 646- 643-5135../ route 83, Vernon. 672- 6464.x/ Lynch, 500 W. Center St., ter St., Manchester. 646 Mazda 1967 shortbed. Ter-' 9145.1/ Manchester. 6464321../ 4321../ F nodo silver, gray Interior. Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 cob Morlarty Brothers, 315 plus, California brown, Court upholds Center St., Manchester. beige Interior, leather 643-5135.X/ package, ps. Morlarty Brothers, 315 Center St., Manchester. 643-5135.X/ Mazda 1967 B2000 rab plus TOYOTA4 Dover white, wine Int6 rior. Morlarty Brothers, promotion plan Ford 1963 F-100 V-6, outo, 315 Center St., Manchester ' Rugged sport utility with removable rear top PS, sunroof, om/fm, gloss ' High ground clearance ra p , blue, Lynch, 500 W. 643-5135../ E Center St. Manchester. Mazda 1967 B2000 cab • Seating for 5 with reclining front bucket seats, 6464321.x/. plus. Sunbeam sliver, fold-down rear seatbacks and large cargo area gray Interior. Luxury • See our 4RunnerSR5 Turbo today! for minorities Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 plus package. Morlarty Broth 5 shortbed. Ondo blue, ers, 315 Center St., Man gray Interior. 2 to choose chester. 643-5135.X/ from. Morlarty Brothers, Justice William J. Brennan, 315 Center St., Manches By James H. Rubin Mazda 1967 B2000 cab writing the court’s main opinion, ter. 643-5135.1/ shortbed, light beige, The Associated Press beige Interior. Morlarty said the Alabama plan, ordered by Ford 1963 Ranger pickup, Brothers, 315 Center St., WASHINGTON - A sharply a federal judge, is a justified 4 cyl, 4 speed, blue & Manchester. 643-5135.1/ divided Supreme Court handed response to past discrimination by white. Scranton-Codllloc- supporters of affirmative action a the state. Oldsmoblle-Pontlac-GMC Mazda 1967 B2000 cab victory today, upholding a plan for “The pervasive, systematic and trucks. Route 83, Vernon. shortbed. Sunbeam silver, obstinate discriminatory conduct 872-9145.1/ promoting equal numbers of blacks gray Interior. Morlorty and whites on the Alabama State of the (police) department created Brothers, 315 Center St., a profound n e ^ and a firm Ford 1965 window von, v-8, Manchester. 643-5135.»/ Police force. auto, PS, $7895. Dillon By a 5-4 vote, the court said the justification for the race-conscious Ford, 319 Main Street, Mazda 1907 B2000 SE5 plan does not violate the Constitu relief ordered by” the judge, Manchester. 643-2145.i^ Shortbed, Californio tion. The plan forces the state police Brennan said. brown, beige Interior. to promote one black trooper for But Brennan's opinion failed to Toyota 1961 Landcrulser 4 Morlorty Brothers, 315 eyery white promoted until blacks command a majority on the court. x4 brown. Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Manchester. comprise 25 percent of upper-rank He was joined by Justices Thurgood Center St., Manchester. 643-5135.X/ officers. Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun and 6464321.x^ Lewis F. Powell. Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 plus I -UNieSB THIS KMBLeM The ruling is a defeat for the GMC/Geneva 1987 custom 5 shortbed. Sunbeam 18 ON YOUR CAR, Reagan administration, which Justice John Paul Stevens pr6 vans. 10 to choose from silver, gray Interior. Mor- YOU PROBABLY argued that the quota is “ pro vided the fifth vote to uphold the Scranton-Codlllac- lorty Brothers, 315 Center PAID TOO foundly illegal.” Alabama quota, but wrote a separ Oldsmoblle-Ponttac-GMC St., M anchester. 643- MANCHESTER, CONN The court, as in the past when ate opinion to explain his reasons. Trucks, route 83, Vernon. 5135.x/ dealing with racial preferences in Brennan, noting the absence of a 672-9145.X' the American workforce, was splin clear majority, said the court “ has G M C 19841984 Jim m y, v-6, tered in its voting. yet to reach consensus on the Ford 1981 Chateau van. 5 speed, air, ps, black. appropriate constitutional analy V-6, air, ps, pb, cruise. Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Herald photo by Tuekor Lynch, 500 W. Center St., Manchester. 646-4321.X/ sis” in affirmative action cases. Manchester. 646-4321.x' The court, which upheld racial Datsun 1963 King cab P u b lic preferences in key rulings during Abandoned can piling up Chevrolet 1904 C-10 pickup 4 x4,4 cyl, 5 speed, S A V E i Qjj Chevy 1987 its 198686 term that concluded last pickup, 6 cyl, 30,000 miles, PS, pb, stereo cassette, July, this year is considering for the Abandoned vehicles, found In Manchester by the police having them destroyed. Manchester and other towns are 2 brown. Scranton- lump seats. $5795. Carter Luxury Converted Vans first Ume job preferences for Cadlllac-Oldsmoblle- Chevrolet, 1229 Main St., u rg e d to women. department, are In temporary storage at the town’s pressing for new state legislation to shorten that waiting Pontloc-GMC trucks. Manchester. 646-6464.»/ TRUCK SALE L O O K W H A T That issue is before the court in a sanitary landfill area off Olcott Street. They’ll remain period, and reduce the cost of junk-car storage. Story on Route 83, Vernon. 872- case from California, with a deci there for the 90-day period the town has to wait before page 3. 9145.1/’ Mazda 1967 B2000 SE5 cab at sion expected to be announced by plus. Sunrise red, gray $13,999* BUYS YOU! jo in fight Chevrolet 1965 Astro, red, CARTER July. Interior. 2 to choose from. The Reagan administration v-6, automatic ps. Lynch, Morlarty Brothers, 315 By Anne McGrath 500 W. Center St., Man Center St., Manchester. CHEVROLET The Associated Press argued that promoting one black chester. 646-4321.1^ 643-5135.»/ for every white promoted — a 5650 plan — until blacks comprise 25 8th directors like plan for radios Mazda 1987 shortbed, Large M E R ID E N — It used to be that 4 Mazda 1987 B2000 SE5 percent of higher ranking officers is black, gray Interior. Lux students dropped out of high school lonobed, block, gray Inte arbitrary. The plan is a form of ury package. Morlarty Inventory I to drop into jobs or lives as rior. Luxuary package. reverse discrimination that vio Brothers, 315 Center St., homemakers, but today’s dropouts Morlorty Brothers, 315 Of lates the Constitution’s equal pro Vendor says costly state-of -the-art system isn’t needed Manchester.