1985 Extras Cut Lines

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1985 Extras Cut Lines John LOWENSTEIN 2L 0 L Leo HERNANDEZ 3L 0 R Tom O'MALLEY 2L 0 L 1985 BALTIMORE 1985 BALTIMORE 1985 BALTIMORE 4 LFLFLF 3 (3) 65 1 1B1B1B 5 65 1 LFLFLF 1 (2) 11 3 3B3B3B 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 21 R 19 6 3 16 1 1 27 L 1 11 27 31 1 3 21 R 1 11 27 31 2 3 16 2 6 27^ 16 2 35 55 1 2 1 27 31 2 35 2 1 1 27 11 3 3 165 16 4 16 3 35 11 1 27 36 3 35 21 1 27 31 4 4 16 57 6 27^ 16 4 35 1 57 1 27 31 4 35 3 1 1 27 8 5 5 163 16 5 16 5 35 13 1 27 36 5 35 31 1 27 36 6 5 1647 11 1 166 35 3 42 1 45 31 6 35 447 1 45 11 AGE 38 BUNT 5 AGE 25 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 233 1 23 11 24H/RH/RH/R 132 18 18 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 132 18 18 10 27 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 12 26 0 0 .077 .138 .077 12 21 0 0 .048 .048 .048 8 14 1 0 .071 .071 .286 Kelly PARIS 3L 0 R Kevin ROMINE 3A 4 R Ed JURAK 4L 0 R 1985 BALTIMORE 1985 BOSTON 1985 BOSTON 12 LFLFLF 3 (3) 65 1 1B1B1B 4 11 1 LFLFLF 1 (2) 11 2 2B2B2B 4 11 1 CFCFCF 2 (3) 65 12 RFRFRF 3 (3) 65 3 SSSSSS 4 65 7 3B3B3B 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 211 6 27 31 1 2 21 X 4 11 27 31 1 10 21 X 4 1 3 36 2 4 3 1 6 27 31 2 35 11 * 2* 1 27 60 2 35 11 2 1 32 6 3 5 31 11 27 31 3 3 25* 1 2* 313 35 2 5 1 4 36 4 5 4 1 6 27 31 4 35 3 57 1 27 57* 4 35 2 57 11 32 31 5 5 51 39 27 31 5 4 430 17 4 31 5 35 23 18 5 36 6 5 542 6 4531 6 45 55 4 42 1 45 60 6 35 55 4 42 1 1 26 AGE 27 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 1 AGE 27 BUNT 3 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 133 1 23 11 24 H/RH/RH/R 3331 18 10 26 H/RH/RH/R 532 2 18 10 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLGGGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 5 9 0 0 .000 .000 .000 24 28 0 1 .214 .241 .286 26 13 0 0 .231 .286 .231 Devon WHITE 5C 6 B Pat KEEDY 3K 6 R Gus POLIDOR 3L 0 R 1985 CALIFORNIA 1985 CALIFORNIA 1985 CALIFORNIA 14 LFLFLF 3 (3) 65 1 LFLFLF 2 (2) 65 1 CFCFCF 3 (3) 11 3 RFRFRF 3 (3) 65 1 SSSSSS 4 65 1 RFRFRF 1 (2) 11 2 3B3B3B 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 21 X 4** 11+ 10K 31 1 10 21 X 31 6 27 11 1 10 21 X 4 20 15 31 2 1 1 37 6 5* 31 2 5 11 2 19 27 11 2 5 11 2 11 27 6 3 2 15+ 6 10K 36 3 10 5032 6 15 9 3 10 505 6 15 31 4 2 2 57 6 5* 31 4 5 11 32 6 45 11 4 5 11 57 20 27 31 5 2 33* 39 10D 36 5 10 5030 11 27 11 5 10 503 6 15 31 6 5 462* 6 10K 26* 6 5 55 4 42 19 1K 11 6 5 55 1 4239 27 26 AGE 22 BUNT 5 AGE 27 BUNT 5 AGE 23 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 332 10 23 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 532 5 23 13 27H/RH/RH/R 5 34 5 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 21 7 0 3 .143 .333 .143 3 4 1 0 .500 .500 1.500 2 1 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 Mark GILBERT 4L 0 B John CANGELOSI 5L 0 B Mike SQUIRES 1L 0 L 1985 CHICAGO (A) 1985 CHICAGO (A) 1985 CHICAGO (A) 2 LFLFLF 2 (2) 65 5 CFCFCF 2 (2) 65 4 CFCFCF 2 (2) 65 1 RFRFRF 2 (2) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 30 214 17 5 36 1 1 21 X 1 6 36 31 1 5 21 X 1 11 27 31 2 35 11 2 11 1 21 2 2 1 1 6 36 31 2 5 5 1 6 27 31 3 2 25 1 5 36 3 2 11 11 36 36 3 5 501 6 27 31 4 35 2 57 1 3 26 4 2 2 16 36 31 4 5 50 16 27 31 5 35 43 19 20 36 5 2 31 6 36 36 5 5 501 6 27 31 6 45 55 2 621 4 586 5 4 62 39 36 31 6 5 5047 39 45 31 AGE 28 BUNT 5 AGE 22 BUNT 2 AGE 33 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 532 2 18 10 25H/RH/RH/R 1 32 10 23 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 134 1 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 7 22 0 0 .273 .385 .318 5 2 0 0 .000 .333 .000 2 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 Jim WILSON 3L 0 R Doug BAKER 3L 0 B Scotti MADISON 2L 0 B 1985 CLEVELAND 1985 DETROIT 1985 DETROIT 2 1B1B1B 4 65 1 2B2B2B 4 11 12 SSSSSS 3 36 1 CCC 2 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 214 11 4 31 1 2 214 6 32 36 1 5 21 R 19 6 5 16 2 1 11 2 6 27 6 2 2 11 37 6 27 57 2 5 16 19 6 2 16 3 10 15 19 5 36 3 2 25 39 27 36 3 5 5019 6 5 16 4 2 11 57 6 1 31 4 2 2 57 11 27 31 4 5 50 19 6 4 16 5 2 33 19 15 36 5 4 33 17 27 36 5 5 5019 11 20 16 6 4 55 2 42 6 2 26 6 5 55 1 62 17 45 60 6 5 5062 39 5 16 AGE 24 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 3 AGE 25 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 532 5 23 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 332 10 23 10 25 H/RH/RH/R 134 1 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 4 14 0 0 .357 .400 .357 15 27 0 0 .185 .185 .222 6 11 0 0 .000 .143 .000 Jim WEAVER 5K 6 L Rusty KUNTZ 4K 6 R Jim SCRANTON 2L 0 R 1985 DETROIT 1985 DETROIT 1985 KANSAS CITY 1 1B1B1B 5 11 3 CFCFCF 2 (3) 65 1 RFRFRF 2 (3) 11 5 SSSSSS 4 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 21 X 3111 5K 361 2 21 X 1 6 5K 31 1 5 21 X 16 27 31 2 1 1 37 6 32 36 2 2 2 1 6 5K 31 2 5 5 1 6 27 31 3 1 132 39 5K 36 3 2 21 6 5K 313 5 50 1 6 27 31 4 1 1 326 3K 36 4 2 2 1 6 5K31 4 5 50 16 27 31 5 1 130 31 20 36 5 4 337 6 20 36 5 5 501 11 27 31 6 4 347 6 4K 60 6 5 442 11 5K 316 5 50 42 6 45 31 AGE 25 BUNT 5 AGE 30 BUNT 5 AGE 25 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 26 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 1 341 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 12 7 0 0 .143 .250 .286 5 5 0 0 .000 .286 .000 6 4 0 0 .000 .000 .000 Bob HEGMAN 3L 0 R Jeff REED 3L 0 L Dave HUPPERT 1L 0 R 1985 KANSAS CITY 1985 MINNESOTA 1985 MILWAUKEE 1 2B2B2B 4 11 7 CCC 3 (6) 65 15 CCC 2 (0) 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 21 X 1 11 27 31 1 10 21 X 4 6 27 36 1 1 211 11 4 36 2 5 5 1 6 27 31 2 2 11 37 6 27 31 2 35 1 2 1 32 31 3 5 501 6 27 31 3 2 25 6 27 36 3 2 15 1 5 36 4 5 50 1 6 27 31 4 2 2 5711 27 31 4 35 1 11 45 31 5 5 501 6 27 31 5 2 33 18 27 36 5 3 33 1 5 36 6 5 5042 39 45 316 4 55 2 47 18 45 26 6 35 442 1 2 31 AGE 27 BUNT 5 AGE 22 BUNT 3 AGE 28 BUNT 1 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 134 1 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 32 10 23 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 132 18 18 10 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 1 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 7 10 0 0 .200 .200 .200 15 21 0 0 .048 .130 .048 Juan BONILLA 3L 0 R Juan ESPINO 2L 0 R Victor MATA 3L 0 R 1985 NEW YORK (A) 1985 NEW YORK (A) 1985 NEW YORK (A) 1 LFLFLF 3 (3) 11 7 2B2B2B 3 26 1 CFCFCF 2 (3) 11 2 RFRFRF 3 (3) 65 9 CCC 3 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 26 L 31 6 27 31 1 10 21 X 4 6 27 31 1 5 21 X 4 11 27 31 2 2 2 2 6 27 31 2 5 11 2 19 27 6 2 5 11 2 16 27 31 3 3 232 11 27 31 3 10 505 6 27 31 3 5 505 39 27 31 4 4 3 57 17 27 31 4 5 11 57 19 27 31 4 5 50 57 6 27 31 5 4 43 17 27 31 5 10 503 11 15 31 5 5 503 17 27 31 6 5 542 6 45 60 6 5 55 2 42 39 27 26 6 5 5042 6 45 26 AGE 30 BUNT 5 AGE 29 BUNT 5 AGE 23 BUNT 3 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 232 10 23 10 25 H/RH/RH/R 534 5 23 13 24 H/RH/RH/R 334 1 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 8 16 0 0 .125 .125 .188 9 11 0 0 .364 .364 .364 6 7 0 0 .143 .143 .143 Keith SMITH 1L 0 B Dan MEYER 2L 0 L Charlie O'BRIEN 2L 0 R 1985 NEW YORK (A) 1985 OAKLAND 1985 OAKLAND 3 SSSSSS 4 65 1 RFRFRF 2 (3) 11 1 3B3B3B 4 11 16 CCC 3 (6) 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 21 X 111 27 311 5 21 X 1 1 3 31 1 2 21 X 46 5 31 2 5 5 1 6 27 31 2 35 5 1 1 27 31 2 2 11 37 6 5 60 3 5 501 6 27 31 3 35 501 1 5 313 2 2 5 6 5 31 4 5 50 16 27 31 4 35 50 1 1 4531 4 2 2 5719 5 58 5 5 501 6 27 31 5 35 501 1 5 31 5 4 43 11 20 31 6 5 5062 39 45 31 6 5 5047 11 1 316 5 55 1 4217 5 60 AGE 23 BUNT 5 AGE 32 BUNT 5 AGE 25 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 134 1 23 13 24 H/RH/RH/R 134 18 18 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 3210 23 10 26 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 4 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 14 12 0 0 .000 .077 .000 16 11 0 0 .273 .429 .364 Al CHAMBERS 4L 0 L Ricky NELSON 3L 0 L Nick CAPRA 5L 0 R 1985 SEATTLE 1985 SEATTLE 1985 TEXAS 1 LFLFLF 2 (2) 65 3 CFCFCF 2 (2) 65 3 RFRFRF 2 (2) 65 4 RFRFRF 2 (2) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 21 X 1 6 32 36 1 1 21 X 1 6 32 36 1 5 21 X 4 17 27 31 2 2 1 1 6 32 31 2 2 1 1 6 32 31 2 5 5 2 11 27 31 3 2 11 6 32 36 3 2 11 11 32 36 3 5 505 6 27 31 4 2 1 1 6 32 36 4 2 1 1 6 32 36 4 5 50 57 6 27 31 5 3 31 11 32 36 5 3 31 6 32 36 5 5 503 39 27 31 6 5 447 6 45 316 5 4 47 39 45 31 6 5 5042 17 45 26 AGE 24 BUNT 5 AGE 26 BUNT 5 AGE 27 BUNT 5 12 3 45 6 12 3 45 6 12 3 4 5 6 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24 H/RH/RH/R 334 1 23 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 4 4 0 0 .000 .000 .000 6 2 0 0 .000 .000 .000 8 8 0 0 .125 .125 .125 Jeff KUNKEL 4L 0 R Luis PUJOLS 2L 0 R Willie AIKENS 1L 0 L 1985 TEXAS 1985 TEXAS 1985 TORONTO 2 SSSSSS 3 65 1 CCC 2 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 25 L 46 32 36 1 10 21 X 4 20 15 31 1 2 21 R 31 17 5 36 2 1 11 37 6 32 6 2 5 11 2 11 27 6 2 35 55 2 37 17 32 8 3 1 15 6 32 36 3 10 505 6 15 313 35 1 32 1 5 36 4 1 1 57 19 32 36 4 5 11 57 20 27 31 4 35 16 57 11 3 16 5 1 13 11 15 36 5 10 503 6 15 31 5 35 23 1 20 36 6 3 55 2 42 6 3226 6 5 55 2 42 39 27 26 6 45 55 2 47 1 4 11 AGE
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