I I Mid-COctober jcjailbnndsisa /e ^ B ll-NFL^strrikelookssinevilxibl aieWHMWpeqCTWiiiiiMiiHJ» i f e - c i | I ------B E E t r . f ^

ic& Ji Kini' Smurthirthwalta of T ^ n Falls : sold har bac ; In only. .I da)Jay wllh her ;• r t j lo in ter^ ws Classlfled a d i , ^ 3 -0 6 2 6 -No w KES -'go^drlacce'-DI f

W.fl( -n 25* 82nd year, No. 261 Twin Fal=all3, Idaho Fridaylay, September 18,1 9 8 7 M i s s s i l e b3 a n a gg r e e i ri e n t ‘jir i p r i i n c i p he ! : r e a( i d y : : j : ...... The Asaodated PnPre«8 ------m .M MDT-news conference at theh e So- y ear's end. Soviet lea v ietc5t em bassy. . eader Mikhail S.- Germaiijihy, ■■Britain,“ Italy "imand very wlyhourT^ Gorbachev haa heldId back .from ac- Belgium, mantling: theth em ; • - WASHINGTON)N — Secretary of "Tl"The m ^ o r differences have b< im. aim ed a t th e Sovietviet Word of the tontativive agreement They a State George P. S sb een cepting R eagan's inviivitatibn until he Union. Ir are very dose to . Shultz and Soviet workiirked out, but the details s . In retu m , th e Soviets woulcmid came afler Shiihultz and agreement,” ...... Foreign -Miniate: 9 still. was confident thdrir third meeting destroy I It,” he aaid a t the time. eter Eduard A. mustist be filled In," the offidal, n y 612 missiles targeted on or Shevardnadze dramatictically dedded He aaid Sh Shevardnadze wr I, who would be productive,6- W estern 1 S h u ltz a nd S hevardnadze wrapped .tip their demamanded anonymity, told The i m Europe and aiwthw 171 to extond th eir talim on o: tho treaty-had virtually talkrTbtirsdaywl t lie Aa-— “G enerally, -w ithobout -reason. I aimedof ally-settled a dispute over ■ " with “anagreement— sodalaatedTresa. ______^ ot China and Japan^ that could pave the waj'ay to a super- th e A m ericar in principle" to bi don't. go_anywhere,re,-particularly ------5?No- -: ican warheads that are on. ' ban intenriediate-; Inj’n a sign of progress, Riea^n n -further - meetings are power summit by year’s•’send. 72 West G range nuclear miainiaailes, a U.S. offi- for 36 n met America," Gorbachev!v said la s t A pril scheduledlied," C harles E . Redman, the German Pershing 1-A 36 minutes in hia residence la the An official, who0 demanded miaailea.-But r cial aaid. e late during a visit by Shulultz to Moscow. State De{ But he dedined to provide T hursday u n evening with Shultz a Department spokesman, aaidlaid anonym ity, said earlierir th at experts an y details o Preaident Reago z and T he tre a ty would b will be a 1 of 316 to 3, who alao descdescribed the two sides aa a statement tomorrow att a 125 m iles and th e echecleddefordis. B ARM S on Page AS ‘TriumFph of humaian freedom’ C o in s t i t ui t i o n cc o m i rl e m o i• r a t e d ' The Aaaociated Prei>reB8 „ „ IBurger, who turned 8i 80 and forever a lte r nonot ju s t th e se th ree timeim es when Reagan finished T hursdrsday, led an in tem atio n al bell bell- United States but thee 1worid." his preparJa re d remarks, but the tim- PHILADELPHIAIIA — The birth- ringinging ceremony at 2 p.m. MDT placo of the Const D T, “In a very real sens*ise, it was then ing got fafouled up when the pro- nstitution threw a the pre)rcci8e.time.tho.4,453iWordCon Con-_-_in-1787_--that-tl-the-revolution-aident add lilibbed a fe w ex tra lines;— button«poppiog parp'ar^ Thursday to stitutioition w as signed cifler fou: four truly began," he said,id.- “For it was Duringlg ia 20-second silence after celebrate the 200UlOth birthday of a steammy y m onths of h ot debate tw( two w ith tho w riting of ouru r C onstitu tio n He gavee a missed cue, an un- document Presidentlent Reagan hailed centuriuries ago. >n- ft' ------a s -th e trium ph-o£h ... th a t th e hopes andi dreams< of the fiusterodd EReagan chuckled, “Maybe )£hum an freedom.^------pted -re '^ Iu tio n is ts - could b e . s J M r L S a The bash w a s oione of hundreds, *i,. bcarnlHTBarggyrwho acceptec d -becom e— a - 'th a t's allIthat tl we’regoing tb'rihg it."' hool J->yng^i!nduring realitjityJL_ ------Then-N i 80letnn~#nd“ 8p arkrklingracrosrthH l Sff/^8ignatures,oL6.million-achoo -National-pBric-TangemirI n - Iren reaffirming thith e The C entennial Bellell. a m odel of th e tower s country Thursdayay OS Americans ;r struck th e bell th ree m ore re. . J ititution, tugged on a ropeB toU the long-silent Libertirty Bell, rang , 9 ^^ rang bells, saluted t eeBASHonPaReA 2 .d the flag b.c.„.e S " /?a replica of the Liberty Bell foi ^erican citizensIS an d took train , I for ninutes. . rides into history toit commemorate jjjroi I l w s - the C onstitution. iroughout the land a nd m ilitarjtaiy . S I 'j in stallaillations around the world>rld, In Kansas, water ter from the Foun- otherr bellsbi great and small chimecmed tain of Juatice begoigan to flow by the Jn. I ,, rj^gil Konaas .Judicial CeCentcr, culminat- ing yeare o f fu nd-ra[.rnUiDg elTorn by ^ irger likened the Conatitutibrtion reaidenls. bridle that hamesaes a horseirse. governm ent could p u ll b u t nol I On the boundaryary botwecn New n ot '; I ^ H York and New Jeraersey, the Inijest C ’f '■ Jthe people. It marked th(the ining of the end of the idea o: ., , .fi«9rflying ,flag in thecomiliy,nU6,thi a of r,- — 400-Bqaret6et,' Wa*i ‘UYia^.-right; of •Idng8t''j^csaid George W ashingtonbn Bridge.] B urger,er, h ead o f the Tederal c o £ nnT ^ s^' f E j J H In Georgia; hundindreds of school* :elebrating the bicentennial, children were treateated to a reading Thee (d t/s $6 million bash fes . of the great documijment amid mar- tured1 a parade, picnic, pageantry .... -—ches and flag showlows-at the atate seven'barges-of fireworks t Capitol. h on o r- t]tho day when the Constitu-Itu- ^ ^ And in North;h Dakota, the wawaa signed .by 39 of its 51,66 youngest Americarcans were the designeiners. . ^ wnncrs. Babies biborn Thursday Speak•aking' in front of Indepen-en- ______were_ench _giv.enI _ a_cbpy_of_a the —‘^cnce_H:_Hali,_Rcagan_called.the sign-- Constitution., in g o f‘ tl:the worid’a first constitutionion _ ____ Former U.S. Chieihief Justice War- even/ent-“that would profoundly Tlm«».h diy J u d g e N e e h i re«;ead8 a p r o c la m a tio n aIt t tth e Ju d icial a n n e x ------i«»-NowiDholo»fSKYE8AV£SON . . Balloons were rerc J e a s e d a t B ic k e l E le mmentary e i School TwiniFalls S(jchools,, courtsi join inI Consti By CRAIG LI^^COL^ itution ( •LN . c, celebraation ceremonics praising the Cons e Times-News writerr onstitution. limited to specchcs. With 6th District Magistraitrates C haries P . “Not m Association, saicsaid, “We opplaud th e efTorts merely by the letter ofthe« 1law, b ut th e court to cel, ^ of m ent of th o t d ream upon up' which thia notion _ B nim bach, Melvin C. EdwSdwards and R. by ita spii celebrate the bicentennial. WoVi was founded. The ener TWIN FALLS — .Two hundred W pirit we have survived," Mei^eehlsaid. express nothing nergizing force remoins ~ Michael Redman present, Me(Meehl read a proc-' “^co g nlizing iz that humanity cor ing b ut adm iration for th e wri‘iit- the collective conscienci years and;a doy ago,tgo;-delegates from 12 of lo caiL.ncver_.er8 of thia docuir ence o f a people commit- . lamation produced.by theB IN — Supreme Court i nomisco Headdcdthat£at Bork's testimony before thehe commit-.; Los Angeles:s Times1 th Robert H. Bork,:, complainingc of unfair att the railroad car that wou)uld carry shame that 1120,000- Americans attacks by tee raised doubtsbts about th e nom inee's asserlertfon th a t hi . CTitica, b riatled ,.T1 his family to three yiyears of have carricd for 45 poinful yeors." ..Thursday oyer an. accusaleatioQ he his judicial philosilosophy rests on Intcrprotining tho in- WASHINGMGTON_-, -The Housc,_in ______ftt'rore u nbridle d pt It-passcd-the-H I presidential p<>ger. an d oniplflinoA-tontoF the.GonaaUtutionVframeM: tit ------:— cvoldngTCcoilcollectionB o fg iiilt undTiu^— t-Hou8e-24S-Wl7-with------■ " T h ifE Iire c b rd ie be W hile held a t a n int^itemmont support from I rbeingmisropresented.' in itia tio n still st: vivid after four co n both liberals and Bork, in h is th ird lie S en ate ^ " - D e n n i s D,DeCondni, D-Ariz'., also cc comp in Wyoming, he wouould meet conservatives.3. lird d ay of questioning by the considered decades, oveiverwhelmingly approved Qr Judidary Committ< nvPridftv undecided, praisiaised Bort for forthrightm another Scout from nearby C ittc o and facing a fo u rth day t o e s i B u t , legislation ThursdayTt that would re- yo /C ody,be- Idaho’s tw o3 congreaamen, co Demo- engaged in a tense IdwardM! DoConcini, duringing a break in tbo hearings, s yond tho wire fence — a I ns^exchange with Sen. Edv ■ sudinra- u,,, govemment to apologize gj- 1 boy who c rat R ichard Stallings S tt and Repub. '•Kehriedy.'D^afls.',is.-, overTils views bn p resider3entidlVu.- 'Orter's qucation, “I understan grew, u p .to becomo-Son.• K. -ican LnrryiCraigraigjjoth'.voted for tho '- ’ but I can’t say Fm more satij i ™ ; ianese-Ain'ericanaJt aeht-Si-Sim pson,' R-Wyo. Simpaofii ------thority-and expreaireased frustration about a.n n ew s-re= y itiflfied; to intemmeniicnt camps during World gp m, now a measure, port describing hlia ia« denial th at ho ia a r a d s t.t. ‘ D uring queatioi sponsor of similar legislotioion in th e Thocom panioi itloning.by the'-committee.,_Borit.8V_. ! _ I pay eoch living internee ..Senate, Sc recalled that it hi nion bill is expccted to - — Meanwhiler-twoiro-senatora who are conside:dered key“ pre6eedTruslratio; had boon sail through the ition over a 'n o w report, sugjl a s t i n g i t $20,000. “rather puzzling' to me" the Senate in the next " awing votes onI tthe committee expressecsed fresh m ade him soundid ddefonsivd by falling to poin m onths,,. blbut the legislation Wfervationa. lint o ut h is: Debate onn tthe m eosure \Vos omo- young prisoners in tho can com m ent on n oit t beingb( a r a d s t wa8.Tnci«ly ai im p “who faces stiff opposil•osition from tho W hite •'Whero'e th o prec an an aw er tionol and extextraordinarily personal. wore the same Scout unifoi iredictabilify in Ju d g e Bork?'•k?" oaked to o direct queatioiti^n&^'Q-s^fitor. rorm had House, T he OffiOffice of Management Sen. A rlen SpoctCT, Rep. N ormttnY.Mineta,D-Calif.,re- an' the same merit badges, t iCT, R -Pa. “W hat tro u b les memi is the "All ptftsudden m denying something I w teld the and Budget haslas soid it will recom- Ivraan’tac- called himaelflelfas a typical A m erican. sameatoriea." very aigaifiCBnt pim)ronounced shifts" Bork haa.rL8.madein—cuaedof," Bork said.8ai< . M nd a presidendential veto bccause of 10-year-old in ir 1942 who wore his ] Mineta said tho legislotio•ion could oojections to tihe h e paym ; ents; Cub Scout uruniform os l\j! boarded “finally “fii lift the uryuat bui lurden of * 8 0 6 C AVMFSonPagoA2 M Appecals COU]irt upho)lds 19854 verdilict in Biurley v B y JANE ROBISO N . /accine r - macoutical J suit cal company loft in tho ) The.Toners first filed susuit againat • Mrs. Toner • Timei-New6 writer U n ited SStatea t that still manufac- I ler soid T h u rsd ay they aaisaid on Thuraday, “and it i • Lederle Laboratories, a ddivision , of were “thrilled”cd” with th e decision. ag t discdur- responsible sciercientista and govem- tu rea th ee EDPT vacdne, m ay still not.1 i American C yanam id Co., it agcR tho v ery product impro'TOvement m en t regulatory TWIN* FALLS -- ]In a miyor bebver.Aa .in 1 980,Bl- “We’re thrilirilled for Kevin." said ' iti 3ry authoritiea that it A spokeswoman said Thurs-• 1 lepng negligence after t itp u rp o rta to endorse." is poaaible to mal^ deciaion, the U.S. 9th C th e ir one- Mrs. Toner. “It will give him th e op- ] make a better vaccine, ti C ircuit Court d ay ahe did n ot know ifth e p harm a-• y year-old son waa paralyzi Hommo aoid thb opinionn permits "aheaaid. of Appeds on Wedncad /zed w ith in portunity tot haveht th e equ ip m en t he jui eaday upheld a ceutical coicompany would appeal tho!_ 484 houra after recciviny »»T juries to ^ c id e if g '^ a n u f aocturor c ia _ In .a rg u in g _ th —— 1984-Jui7'dedBloir“aw iD ETahot— npedsand-heli:lelpwith-medicalexpen-—nc _the_case.. before -the______awording-Jl-.3 .--aecision to UieU;S.'Su^m e'Coi5tr'' ■ The suit charged Lederfi 'negligent in producing a1 vaccine Court of Appeals, million in damages too a Burloy cou- Ih a dei irie ignored . sea as ho getsts older.c I t w ill m ake his thi ala, Lederlo’a attorney deciaion that may impact; -“undiaputed"- ‘ evidence that that is “universally regararded aa aoid if th e d ediaion aio went against the pie who sued the manu]nufacturorofa whooping at tho med- future more aeisecure." aal g cough vaccinations, the'I iiication was potentially aafo a n d effective." company, theB ccomjjany may not whooping cough vaccini:ine after their U.S. Court / harmful. . Martha Hoinomma, spokeswoman * irt of Appeals in San Fran-• aand tho company, failed "The finding of negligenjnce was, mako the vaccine son was paralysed. d to heed for Lederle Laboratories, L reacted bai :ine anymore, cisco uphe^iheld th e case brought b y' ' v waniingB published in mt» based on tho argument tlthot tho Homma said nt ------B ut__ih c __flavfino'C£ ledicol and bitterly to tho10 court’s( decision. nw d n o deciaion haa been ycatold_j»se_Dayid-and.nd -S u san ..Toner, o f.B u rley _ p manufacturer could have deIgvcLojcd roade.by-Lcderle. against Lederle Laborat pharmaceutical-journalB concerningCO ------"This-dedaioiaion-holds-the-natlon’B—51 ratoriesof ------on behalfIf ( of th e ir son^ Kevin, who• tlth e h azard s o f th e dipthe: T b ^ter vacane, evon thougugh after pond manufact Pearl River, N.V., thi Mria, tota- public health■h hostage1 to lay ju ries yoi facturing tho DPT the only phar- tum s9ncxlextwe^k. nnus and p e rtu ssis vaccine. ■ yeMsofelTort,noenc has bebeonahla vnnrit^A______— ------oyetcome-by-y—sympatljjr." . HouiMu to dem o n strate to th e aatisfafoctionbf • So® VACCDCINE on Page A2 ■ ' • ■ ■ j _ - - A-2 Times-NeVa. Twin|r[n^t^ld^ho f Friday, Septf “_

— —Senate^re DesHF(Fe^to a id3 G e n tea s behii > S = 1 = 3 ejects-Contitra a id - indisale ~ ~~l^Hm5TON ( f ^'} ) — ‘The told his colleagueigues b e w anted _..._WASHINGTON.;(Ai-(AB_=i^.draft_y«tion forfor ap proving th e arm s aalea - IS - John M.-Poinde»terrthe1a-fannernfi“ donce;thflt_th_the pr«ident knew pn> ~ y ~ tu ra e d ~ fle e 'w b e iB senato:iatorB -ftandjjn.thiB _____[ — reportofthecongresaicasional Iron-Con- was a dealealre to free American hoa* J* tional security advisory,.his h aide Lt ceeda froma the I arms sales were back a n effort to sen d $310$J mil* issue.* tra committ«ea concltadudea that the tageaintfaI the Middle E aat Col. Oliver North andnd William used to eupp.pport the rebel forces in lion in new aid to th e Nict d riv i^ force behindd U.S.U arms sales But thehe members, most of whom a C asey, th en the CIA direcector. N icaragua,, and ai the testimony sug< - goerrillas. re cam e even before to Iran was the deainsaire o f som e ad* dedined1 to t be identified, said the e T he aonatora an d representatives re gestod thatt thtl e president w as igno- The Senate voted 61-31 6: to brm ally aaked Con* ______minUtration ofRdalala tot ra ise m oney draft indiijdicated that the preaident , t discussing the report hthave either rant of manymy other aspects of the table, and thus kill, th. t .M «rea* approveore a new package for the Nicaraguan CoiContraa, accord* waa manimipulated into letting the , e eeen the first draft of tbtbe commit* ^ a i r . package, although it willriirL lS of $270 millionon worth. of aid to ing to a publiahed repoeport aalea contintinue by ofEdals whoae pri* . i*. tees’ final report prepanired by the ■ vlved later after Px las fighting to ' Tht N ew York TUTimes, quoting maiy goallal was to use profiU to aup- i staff or have - discussedd th« draft Tha lawmj Reagan formally submit Nicaragua’s leftist panel-memberf, repoepOTtod -in Fri*- p o rtth e- OContras a fle r Congreaa cu t < makers’ commenta were “ •» t with colleaguea and s t ^£f assistants . liirt unexpeci veram en t day’s editions th a t tbethe report statea off militaryaryasaiatance. { >ected, tracking closely, Congress. familiar with it, the Timea.es aaid. w h at b t 'i.e., tried Minority Leade : : Tthat Preaident Reaganjan'a main moti- Thoae offidalaof were identified aa bad been'heard during * Sen. Jessa Helma, B-N.( jad er Bob Dole, R- > The committMS founcnd no evi- thesummer’sr’s hearings. - • to win Senate approval totc attach .Kan., said-he.hai-had-beon told by . the aid package to a bill 1 au- White House officialsoffic that “they - thorizing money for thele Penta- don’t quarrel with th e in ten t, b ut Vaccinne - — ^ bud^t noit year. A strong they, sure don'ta’t agreei w ith the supporter of Contra aid.d. Helms timing" of Helms’ms’move. • Continued fromo m P e g e A l As a reaiesultr^he«mpany laat yearr best decision.” Toner’a attorney, TVTwin F alls law* sent noti<3ticea to' health offidalai Pedersen said before theth suit w as < , 'y e n K en Pederaen, saisaid'the isauo around thethe country that it waa in-• filed,: Lederlo issued oni>nly a brief U / V O i waa never over forcinging Lederle out creasing: th th e cost o f th e vacdne and1 ' w arning th a t tho vaccinele could pro- ih---- — o f manufacturing thee drug.dl passing on o the liability coats) i duce severe reactions. “It’a not our poaitionJon th a t p ^ p lo through thethi product “B u t tltey said th e nummbers were . * In u e d t r o m P a g e A l boboarders from C alifom ia, twiwoi,700- GeneMurphyollyofSioux Falls,S.D., ahould not be given\ vacdnationa,"vi FiveyeaiearaagQ.aDPTshotcostbe- i ■ small ahd not that signifiificant,” he tim es a n d 1.5C,500.doves fluttered sky* pound po oxen and two teamsIS of cer- a n a tio n a l tofllceiBeer in th e D isabled' Pedersen aaid. *We w wi ant th em to tween 16-25-20 cents. Now it coats $7. i _ . w ard whilo fo . aaid. four Pennsylvania Na* tified.tif public accountants in ii busi- American Veteraterans, watched the: m ak e a safe vaccine ancand avail them - 69 a shot,t, sai id R o b ert M edlin, head I However, he said a stutidy ty the tio^'G uarddjeta j. flew overhead. neness suits twirling briefcaseses. m arch ers from1 hishia wheelchair about - aelvea of modem tcchr«hnology. They ofthe Idah'aho im m unization program 1 I Univeraity of Califon.mia, Los ^ Th« day ofof unbridled patriotism There ' was also room forr cdissent, _ 5 0 y a r^ from IndependenceIndi Hall. — haven’t changed-theireir-methods in through the ti state -Department of '^j f'^A ngelea, foiind ^brie" i I n r r,7oo solcmn-notrarDefense—thjthanks to the constitutidhi]1 ^aran*j ‘^t’s a grand!day.Aflerall,wethe-' da) '60 yeara,-and thiaI ia a model'T Health andind Welfare. < children hed seizures, aia n d one in 'a s p a r W einberger a n d te{tee of free speech. people did i t -• thith an k s to th e found* ______drug.?------a-was-also-concemcd-the—^ :_ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 doses produced se:serious side— ^bert: P.P Casey helped lay a _____ Five) peace activists were arrestedaj ers and to the the veterans," said____ Pedera^n alao challe:illenged Leder- latest rounund o f pu b lid ty over the is- wreath at thi - t effects. , the Tomb of the Un- for treapaasing a fte r th e y cnaossed'a Murphy, who was cnp^e3"m 1969 le’s aaaertiona that itata 1DPT vaccine aue will li 1 keep parents and their• ~" ■ Although the Toners susuit in p art I™ ™ " R«volirolutionary-War Hero barrier bai about 100 yardsds from in Vietnam, w u regarded aa aafo. children apaway fitim health dinics. v was to try and force Lederlo L to ependence Hall in Reagan’s Re speech and refuifused to “T h e Constitiitittution still w orks and — ------^^-He.dted a memo-wr-writtcn-by-the------?Everytiirtimo— there's— publidty—c '—change the way it manufacoctured the s - ...... lealeave, federal police aaid. Thehoywere so does the railrailroad,” aaid_BerIcs_ — - com pany's medical department de] in about lawsiw suits, i t t ends to keep peo* \ - vaccine. Lederle has not chchanged ils u nd is as hallowed a s protesting pre U.S., policy in Central ( County Preaidenident .Judge.-Forrest. ------then970nayJng^e"he~depaitm'€nt pTe'from^I commg lh," hc aaid. 'And p those graveai aat Arlington National Ait I practices, ofHcials said. America. ■ Schaeffer, whoI camecai to the festival looked into producingng Knew DPT we'reseeini sing record high cases of per- But Pedersen aaid pararenta can Cemetery,” WeWeinberger said. ;Another group protestinjng mili* by tra in . vaccine, but the markerkenng depart- tussis (who'hooping cough) in the atate s ) still avoid the fate of Kevijvin Toner, ceremonlony turned merry with tary tar spending waa sanctioiioned to A b it o f Americaricana welcomed 200 ment told them to etostop. Pedersen over the lajla st tw o y e a rs.” n now paralyzed from th e chi:heatdown, » colonial artilrtiUery blast, a flourish m ma arch in the p arad e. T hey ca;tarried a new Americansi whwho took the oath of said tb e m em o alao aaiaaid a vaccine Last yeaiear. there were 63 caeca re- il • if th ey know to recognize thati severe ofh»nwanda lead to permanent damaged spped off. hoilhoisted tattered umbrellasI iin the cago Cubs basebaleball gam e a t Voter* The Toner caae agaiigainst Lederle contracted i ed th e disease. And M edlin aaid s ta te hehealth om-' Bands rimgeiged from colonial-style m ma arch. an a S tadium . w as th e first auccessfulful y burden that the fi tial commieeion in 1983 eseS^m ated » " u ld begicgin by Dec. 1 w ith th e ! d t already puts o . S tra tto n , D*N.Y., argued. th a t this am ount failed to> ccover be- “ ' ‘“ “ te _e»»lI of<« ending all nuclear ’ I taxpayera. Rep. Bill F 1 Roosevelt did the right ^ tween $106 million and $]$164 mil- weapons testa,B. ” ; M inn., said th e $1.2 billi( d if he hadn't done it, he lion in lost income, and betw ■------J w as a n a tte m p t to “purgi /e been probably lynched." tw een $41 f~ ' ' ivhaL_the_legialation -dc- ~miinon~and~S2Q6~m>1l?nrrh-in-lostZ ------.of-flomebbdy elao’a guilj,i..,„ith an.-„-^;.'V :;; I “wartime hysteria" after P*"property. Inflated to 19633 dollars, • o th e r generation’a money ”■ , the Japaneineao bombing of Pearl thoae ^ losses would reach1 betweenI • Lungren offered en? a am en d m en t Harbor. PPresidentp Roosevelt or- $810 *8 million and $2 billion. : to d elete th e $20,000 poy - payments, but dered Japaipaneae-Americans to bc Another provision of t ; it faUed, 237-152. th e bill moved away/ay from areas near this wcwould require the Justicee Depart- : Critics cited what thoy DODGE • hey aaid were country’s wwc estern shores. Rooaeveit mim ent tb review crim inal con^nvictiotis T CHRYSySLER-PLYHOUTH-D ------Iw r e r a l o th er flawff in-th« the bill. -They—hodTnilitaiyiiy-intclligence-that-indi--or-of-Japancae-Americans wholo reiliscd ' ; pointed but that it wou!< ould offer the cated - falaiilacly, it was later learned to accept w hat they saw usidiscrim d i- ‘ ^ ; same payment to each ii h internee - -thotJapaipan had numerous agents nonotoiy treatment, and to0 recom - • regardless of whether he •he hod been among .thiatlia country’s Japanese- memend them for presidential1 ipardons f Celebrity : incarcerated for only a f(few months American popopulation. whwhere justified. _ -T o d vl y 's w es d th e r - » O L iF i l CRAIQ T. NELSOSii.SON~PK,MAj,F0ft« ^ SAMMY SHOREi — £»ti«pgi*f eom»dy •'CdOflOl Rijrnof SjI'AIC">iuc Ifl CAIL 10 GLORY. ■ llv aim hundrMi cl Kign i«d lUn in ftXTE(tC£i5 WlCJOfiiL H«huop»flMlc>ai'rrr;.: '■ __Co<)o r n ig h ts 1hint of fros>st, fall m POUEflGElSI, SIUIWimwooo. AIL IHE FWHI ' LASSI I'et. Tongt OilMO. Dun* ...... , .UQVES.STIRCflAZTlndandPRWAUetmAUIH. ____ _ - -■ £WlPmi^.— ' ' ' ______Iiria-FJJls,_Barloy,-Rupeptemb€er—H jH Valley: aaya high presa■essuro will continue to alowly _ ho state during tha next few The agricultural outlook lor SdSouthern Fair today and Saturday»y with« warmer w Idaho-Temperatures near freezins ear dayi. Highs in tho upp«r ( wormor daya and fair, tool earlythSs V 18 -19 - 2t morning in eatiem Idaho and locallyJylnthe . Lows toz^bt in the upper 20a t( s the rule into the weekend, 0 B f ! Niaglc VaJley. Generally cxccUent cow . NorihenxUtahandNevadj» d > :...... Al 3_p,m, .. i .under, lunny akiea. lem-.. Dnditlons w-haivtjtlng- and-drving' today'ththrough ------’ ■ BiUELAKES> - Utah - Fair through SatiS.lari«j, Som. 5ged from 61 et ChalUi to 70 at T n fuejday. Soli t emperatum lor the potatlatohar.------V - i - high doudi at times in th»'foum lower li 30s to Thuredjy u-uI 75 degrm at LcwUlon. Sian- dayt V - V i io x l: --MAHC'McCtURE' lower 40a. lay* and clear, cool nights. High* frortom mid “ • ''•■•IWWHf, "JimmicC a n d thhe a S p o rts World! ley again rtpone»« Shu ovni iticrtd on------CONFESSjhS. HARO. ' s p e c iaial l events with the starsi^ KM SCARECROW ANO B u sin ess^...... B 4 I d a h o ...... A 3 ,B 3 DOpinion...... / p i • G o ujrse rs Passes $10/Day. • FridayJay Practice Round, C l a s s l f i e a ...... C5-10 Magic Va!la ll e y ...... B l S pp o o r t s ...... C l1-4 D e a r A b b y ...... :W- • Fridaylay Evening BBQwith ...... D4 Nation...... A 5-6 W esf e s t ...... E.83 W £ ' ^ : Stars: Friday Special...... rs 520/PersCin. , ...... D l-4 ObituarlcEl e s ...... B 2 W'oo i r l d ...... A 7 .Aa 1 o 11-. • Saturcurddy Tourney. C3 • S u nIday d a Tourney. Circulation meco*a.,itt. clrculailon director 1 0 % " T h o s e w Circulation phones arcB m anned between 7 and 10 a.i daily and Sunday. $J.M per week; dally. da 9 wanting to play golf wll you do not receive your ] Sunday, $1.00 per week. Mail subicrlplliptloni s t a r s should sh call Blue Lalies ( ur paper by 7 a.m., call lhes nnum ber lor b. idvanre and are available only when•eea^ < - j 1 Court' y o u rarea: try C lu b ritf delivery |$ noi01 mmainlalned; dally and Sunday. U.(0toper - - / ■ u b -733-2330-Paul Wllklni Jerome-Wendell-Gooding-ing-Hagerman 53G-2535 'of' J "monlhi. Ul.CO (or ( monliit. tlOS.nMper 1 U- Burley-Rupert-Paul-Oakitakiey R7fi.MS2 only. P.j;J7.J5 per moniti. IC.OS for J monthi. m.io STARS HOSTED BV Buhl-Castleford .» per year; Sunday only,» .« per raoiaoolh, Jit.M for }.cnonlhj.ths. 132.40 tor 6.mi>nthi. U4.S0 per y< Fi!er*Rogerson-Hollislerer year. PAT'KLOtJS - n*. canNYON' SPRIAIn g s 326-5375 Sludenl and service.■viceman rale. 6y mall only: ts.600 per; OuKKKJueyUcCor'-on'onTHEtOVE BOAI. Prior Twin Falls and all otherra ar re a s 733-0844 >nonlhtor(l»llyandStndSunday. lohwictiftoeafief.ihs. kM owdeiiln Nt* ron c INN N6W S SIrphen Hartgcn, managinaging editor l»« k> «ts fLYW gwilUwrwJenHOIEliftSSS-LAT*rHAM MOTOR (c o : . - r t If you have a news tip or wish lo talk, to somccneone in the ______luWlUnHOlSTOH ■ editorial departm ent, call 733-0931 between 9;30 a.mi.m. and 5:30 BOB S^QREN *- - Ootl ol P.U. ' UAOAQNE. Hi XM a Cok) HMi) Ift Pol« p.m. weekdays. To reporEort laje news and sporls .results..pftei: rc! ______^ I C IJKEISJ^ii 5:30and'on weekends, call:all 733-0936. Uall iBfMTDtlloo AILABLE:-— ------The TlniM-New* U ptipubllihed dally al IU Thlnl-SI. W.,T>.T.U, TW IN FALLSLS: The Paris BUIlU H L: R o p e r’s WaeUd Inw THE nuCRSsSs ANO Advertising oiiiBuke.tov.idvertlilngdlreclor Fan*. Idah#, UMl, - FAue Kt hu htV oviyly *0(14 and Am«rlcin JOl, by Magic Valley Newtpspers1 1i.t. • Roper's • wwtfi in hH iport H« n you wish to place anI advertisemqd ent, call 733-0931.31. Classified Secondtliu pojiigeiage paid at Twin Palli by The Tim •The Bon BUIlU R L E Y .-fio p er’s H« won U>« 1973 ads. call 733-0G26 Mondayiay through Friday from 8,a.a m until 5 MOI. OlllcUl cily and county newipai; r “ ; • C a n y o n SSprings f Inn RUIlUPERT: Roper’s ' ■ nSffiaioWteA', p.m . and Saturdays fromrom B a.m . until noon. Infonr'Ji t,- ‘ P“r»u»ni 10 Secllonon tCC-liU el (he Idaho Code. Thursdayiw i. • B lu e L a k e ! orm ation on htr,by ddtnai^dlJU.Uie.day.oLlbe-i»ek.6a.w>iieb-Ui :es Country_Club_KE]:e t c h u m : — rdisplay^ds-ls-avallatittrweiw e k d ay s'o n ly :------noiicrtwlllbepuftllih.illihed. ------“•“ CollegeoforSouthern Iclaho Kne■neelind Gallery

_5___ _ ♦

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Friday, SoSoptemberlS, 1987 TImes-Ni>3-Nbw3, TwinFalls. ldsnoA-3 ■ ..y------^ ;------iddaho^ " Boisi>ean astksHou«sexomim itt^ltOlJTOb)e loans BOISE (A P)-^— A Boise man bas senta for- ^td~ S tafilings or- Stallings, in a letter• to the Post-Register "Itt iis apparent tp^me, based c mal request-to0 (the chairman of a- U.S. d on Mr. Stoi- 2nd Districtict congressman, defeated formerfoi . standards,” he said, ■S. in . Idaho Falls, whichI a carried a, previous linga'a’ own remark* in the press lid. House of Reprenresentatives committee, as- ;ss, that these congressmanla n George H ansen in 1 9 ^ by OA- story on tbo loans, saidsid he was satisfied two loloana were for personal use,' by 170 “In a n y event, becausebeci even tbe m ere rai- king an inveotigaiigation into iwo loans made le,"hesaid. — votea; Han5(insen at the'Ume was faciieing 0 sing of these questic ide o ile r talking to th e Fedeisderal E lection Com-' Thele National Republican Co estions concerns rae, I will I by Rep. R ichard1 SlStallings, D-Idabo, from his Congressional prison senteiitence OS tbe first elected ofloflicial not authorize any ac tus mission beforehand thathat the loans were Cominimittee, which has campaigi y additional loons of wbat- I ; campaign funds.s. ligned against ever p ro sfcuted it under ^e_Ethjc8.in_(3o>loyem;__over_kind from m y ca p roper...... - - - . Stelliilings, said e ^ ^ r it felt St ly cam paign committee," he ' • ^ i Corey Lane, a Boise employee of Pro- Stallings hed ment Ad. . said. re- “1 still havo every reasoiison to believe th a t is b re ached d . Houie campaign ; sident Reagan’sB lolobbying o riz a tio n , sent rn spending Hansen w(was charged with failing to dis- Stellings said he i int the case. In retrospect, I would have dono regulailations. he m ad e full public diaclo* a le tte r dated Monlo n d ay to Rep. Ju lian Dixon, close aboutu t $330,OW w orth o f persrsonai su re o fth e $1,000 loi )n, better to request confim[jimation in writing Butit Rep. Larry Craig, R-Idi 1) loan to C atron. “I empha- D-Calif., chairmaman of Democrats on tbe Idaho, and a loans an d concommodities profite. sizo that there was f b e from th e FEC," S tallings^said. » membiber of tbe ethics panel, said as full public disclosure — S tan d ard s of OfHciffidal Conduct committee, lid hc was not S tallin gs aaidi in the letter thatat he the borrower, the on An aide aaid StallingsIgs declined to com- certaiilin whether loans of that t J amount, the interest rote Lane said Stalli^in g s bas acknowledged a t ty{w wore a p lan n ed toJ fufully review the transactiorions to an d th e d ate of repo la ment on Lane’s latest acticetion on Thursday. violotiItio n of House mlea. He i repayment were all clearly loan o f $4,800 from frt the committee so he s said unless make certeinain they oro legal, identified." ho said,id. he “It is my understandinging th a t it is against someoiJone were willing to file could p urchase a cc. a r to be used p artly on of- lie a specific "Obviously,sly, as the care in checkingg 'vrith Stellings said the of- H ouse rules for a membeiiber to subvert cam- chargege, it waa likely the ethics p the second loan was mode Hdal business in Idaho,] and a $1,000 loan s panel-would theFECdemem onstrates, I havo h a d from)m th e to him to p ay for a ca an paign funds for personalal uuse." Lane said in not do10 anything about it. a car th a t h aa been kept in to administrative ( b eg in n in g everyevi intention of assuringg that Idaho and us{^ for ve assistant Gary Catron. th e le tte r to Dixon. Stall for transportetion within allings. in-his second termrm as Idaho's these loansIS satisfied. completely allI legalI the district. S umu i m er doldm rrms blamed ” Spee(ches, trree-p laiinting riiites Idaa h o Co.K short h i ^ l iight staate obs<>ervanc( 9 % e ^ _t,! — FlNANCilNG- — I ByTbTAssbaated'Pit b u t in> theI end, th e re w as no Idaho's federal judges es donated! a I D•L U F t l M G 1 o f ^ disunity,"y," Smylie said. white pine tre e to be pit ion goal Idaho observed the! planted on th e e 200th anniver- Stete> 5en;J Michael Crapo, R- 1. BOISE (A P'))- - T h e Idaho (3o., -I si R* ground. Tbe featuredi tspeaker was THEISrISEN MOTORS I suspect there’s a little moreirc eary of the signing of the U.S. Con- Idaho FalPalla, said there w as "m ount- -act u p to come! to th e aid o fld ah o apBth} mtt—to be J.-Blaino Anderscrson, 9th U.S. RNALDffi(SOF;_- RNi ----- : thy-thnn- wo-thought."-he"hetii rfltitutloniHn~n~vdnrneJy_of_way^in^haoi eos"__in_gqvemment_in_the businesses andid h elp them thrive, said. ' the_Circuit Court of Appeals 1. “We probably overstateded Thursday, ranging ffrom speeches years afte.fter independence b ecause of CLO:LOSEOUTTIME is 40 pereent shah( o rt o f its goal to th e fac e o f In_^a ficm C ounty cereremony, th ree 7 Q1 Main t fact that people were going to by officials to tree-planting aweakcecentral govemment. !ln Avo. E. TWln Falls raise $2 milliontn byb Nov. 1, a mem- come Emmett High School stistudents were * le rushing in and buying,lg. ceremoniea. D ispiteIte the needs to mesh the 733-7700 ber o f the compa th e to be honorcd^fbr th e ir■ pparticipation ipany’s board of di- We’veve found o ut th a t w e’re goingng In the m^or stetec observance at needs ofs)f small stetes with the large rectors said. rge in the bicentennial obs to haviave to sell.” Boise, Idaho Stete BarB< Association stetes, dedelegates finally agreed te0 a . President W. Marcus9 rNye urged peo- strong cer ! “I th in k as mim uch a s anything BlicIlickenstaff and Ted Ellis, pre- central govem m ent, h e said, '■0- pie n ot to consider thhe t Constitution He quo (it’s) th e sum mner er doldrums,” said sidentnt of Idaho Bank and Trust luoted George Washingten: ist as a forgotten documenent to be men- “It appeal Dale Blickcnstafltaff, vice chairm an Co.,both bo said T he Idaho Co. still ears to me, then, little short i And ^ P re s e n t “I tioned only in historyy 1books. ofamirac•ade.” m m of Moore Financancial G roup. “It’s cxpecti5cts to reach the goal and has “ The Constitution ttouches people Chiefr Justicc Allan Shepardird ------hard-to-get-pc(-pcople’a-attention— not thothought about.diflbanding thelie— at-every-step.—The- w hen t h e /r e rea<•eady to tak e a two- compaipany. le-Constitution-called theh e Constitution-“a g re a t leg-eg— ------makes our quality of life possible acy which — WEEKENDS/SAVINGS— ^ — weekvacation.” ich was passed down to us.” “Ourhir best option is to sell the every day," he said. He said1 e\eventually, the stete’s lead-!.d- p T h e s tete’s attem ey FRIDAYS SATUR T h e ' for-profit)fit firm, founded •es,” B lickenstaff said. eys presented a ers will be gone, and it w ill be up to glass stetute of Lady J la st year by Idahc ’ Ju stice te Gov. today’s yoyoung people to “preserve,re. ) | aho Pow er Co. Pre* O'CoConnor has said the com-n- Cecil A ndrus, to go on > sident R obert O'C n display a t the pro tect anda n uphold the great Consti- O'Connor, is trying pany/ wwould have about $600,000)0 Stetebouse. j to raise the mone tu tio n ofours." f 01 Nova \ oney through stock a yearjar for operations. It then!n Andrus called the I sales. So far, it 1 e Constitution • Later irin .the day, another- cere- it has sold shares wouldId Ifocus its efforts at smaller:r “the greatest and mi Slacks worth about $1.2 most enduring mony wasas planned at Ckiwen Field 1.2 million to raise buainejnesses and would work withJl document every prod Wiintt>l«y.-^<2 fe d e ra l_ _ B tatej-ngencies dj a n d o tb e rd ev elop*— p -- mindofman.^!------______Securities • ani ------Idaho Airir (Guard je t s .------and Exchange mentt groupsg to foster economicic The governor said ( Commission. 1 the Constitu- At tbei FederalF Building in Boise,^e, D«llloep|tKtil(Ci3M; expans:.nsion. tio n h'as produced a brilliant bi struc- Ins'tr. hcith«i Diown, ------tiut,-tHCTtiHTT.------The Idaho Co.,!!o., w hich m et in The^ile,stock is being offered for produced by men of remarkable ' Boise tb map itsts istrategy during $I0' withw'i a 10-flbare minimum, m inds. I the remaining si)six weeks, wants Proceec eeds are being held in es-8- “We are richly bletleased to have to use th e m oneyey tto g e t new busi- crow andar will be retumed to in- auch an enduringg system of Im n u In nesses off the grouround and help ex- vestors)rs ifat least 130,000 shares■B govemment,” hc aoid. isting businessesICS expand. It has arc not lOt sold, O'Connor said. One of Andrus’ preredeceaaors aa vowed to retumum any pledged chief executive, Rober>ert E. Smylie, I m oney if it does5 ncnot m eet its goal. les so far have been made mostlyly Ito corporations, Ellis said,J noted that the Conatit:itution did not n f f f. comc easy for the delegegates. ■/ / , I B lickenstaff 8ai< said the company “Nowbw becausc ifs slowed downn They were politicio:ians, but they ul / I has not detected ed any resistance to thisia point,] the tough part is toX) also were pragmatists.la. They under- 7|/ ^ by investors to the th e stock offering, get aI lotlo of individuals involved,1, stood that which coulluld be was a t ______but salesi h have n ot been as well^ell a s more corporate ac-c- leaat . aa importent as a whot they - * heavy. ------countata-within.1 thc^tate," he said...... - th o u g h t should be,” Ssmylie n said. • *?here was much di.ogreeme„t,.d

Educ[ration b[)oard w;/ants 15 ;|B - - ,______SUEE»JER SATURDAY b o o st;t in genleraTtajtx suppc3 irt'- - - ______BOISE (AP)T^Th The fltate B oard of the restest ol' the educational systemtem winter, raises would1 mcrease. the ■>VlVjfy W oot h o s noveIvor Education hasB unanimously except)t fori the public schools. Thathat budget plan by millior looked boltorl o n s o f d o llars.. s iii'I HMl•MIlIiK l‘J, KTO 12 NOON adopted a 1989 budget bu blueprint compartares to $47.8 million allocatedted The general pay hike aapproved this > d b N . . calling fora-12 porce trcent boost in gon- this yea: ------y e a r added some $2,3I rmillion to:tho - — J ------OtliorHaggar-woven— . eral tax support. T hs e bbulk of the increase wentt to financial commitmentt ofthe0 fourtl- ^ foxturizod 100% PROMPT EXPERT That includes anin increasei for the Agricultultural Research and Exten-.en- legea alone.' polyosterslacks. FREEI ALTERATIONS four sta te colleges Uso YoufRopor's cs slightly higher sion and an< the two junior colleges. :“We have one biggci;cr step.^^U Expando-matic Frti»PnikingDU»eltt [ thanthe$llmHllonlon lawmakers gen- The boaKDardljacked-a $1.4 million in- ■ Option Chorgo or >n- teke and that's the LegialawH," 1 q R eg. $2 8 , $ 2 2 .9 9 Uso Your . , erouslydoledoutlaslast winter. crease fc ^ O FF Rl-G. PRICES OuilerSlotet 0 for agricultural research, ear­!or- Board Chairman Robe:x^FieliU-Jif 0 Boll loop Bonkeards. This budget is establishing a markinging about $500,000 for eco- OFF SALE PRICES 2C0- New Meadows aoid. “ILast year, Reg. $26. $20.99 direction,” Board m m em ber C harles nomic: developmdi ent program s in ag- w e fared very well. I ho]lope we fare as Grant of Rexburgg saidi Thursday, ricultunure and forestry, and it pro->ro- well thia year." 734-76667 “Last year’s budget:et fundingI an d al- posed a $1 million increase in sup- While the Legialatu location allowed a1 positivep< environ- port forbr the junior colleges in Twin ture exceeded tyi Gov. Cecil Andrua’ r MaglcValtcy MaU ment in educationion" that should Falls anand C oeur d'Alene. recommenda- u ^ tiona for educotion supp ,,, , I ______TWININ FALLS • DUnL£Y.» fiUPERT'BU continue. ■ ■ ■ ^'''Thep;} proposal for state support of p p o r t la s t w in- ter and raiaed over $1C ludget-the-Univer— publio-i3-fichools,—which—consumea 100 million in new ta x e j {©"finance il sity of,Idaho.'"Idahiaho'Stote, Boise about -i.half-.of_,eveiy tax dollar 'it, ic^alativc ■ ^ . —leaders have already ea S ta te and Lewis'C)•C lark S tate Col- collectedted, is scheduled to be made said the sanie - ’------^------. kind of largesse shoult ______lege totaled $I13.SmS million from gen- next moinonth. For this year. Inwmnk- lid not be ex- oral tax receipts, thiT h a t c (^ p a re d to _ c rs appniproved a rMord_$343 millinn.“'^pectcdHri-the-1988-£~electro)FytW — ~ SIMHEK J*— session;------...... the"schools’ requests!sts fbr over $122 The! boardb< also adopted a $38.1 1 ------miilion and their cunnirrent appropria-^million—n ----- c ap ital----- improvement-___ T h e board, in adoptining th e recom-, ______tio n of$101.7 miUionion. budget,t, I80 percent of it earmarked mendation of itste Finance In addition, theB board b< called for for now)w constraction. The biggestggj Com m ittee, cut over 70 7( perccnt of another $53.8 millioillion from general projectata are a $10.8 million libraiy the colleges’ requestes for apecial tax receipts to covei)ver operations of renovati(dtion and'a $3 million renova- faculty salary rai•aises, new tion of fR Renfrew Hall at the Univer-er. programs, improvemeniinte to rcBolve ------sityoM d Mdaho, a now $3.8 million U-yj... accreditetion program3 a, and support a t L ew is-Clark. a $2.3 millionlijjj to cover paat budget delleficienciea. It Weatheizraids Itio n at the Idaho;Statc phar- earmarked $3.4 millionn for all those macy acachool and a $2.2 millionjjjj purposes after th e schoola s had > ef' fire crewws buildingng acquiaition at Boise State.g asked for $12.5 million, ------:______T b atJitJcquest.will.be evaluated by.by-- . .The—totol-askingB-1—woro-more— -r:— B y Tho Associated P resar the Permrm an en t Building F und Adivi-vi- than we felt it would bbe proper or soiy Boaloord along with requests forfor reasonable to go to th e governor'sg< of- Fire bosses dispaUpatched a corps of 532 milliiillion in capital spending from)m iice with," FinanceB Chairm an ! 400 firefighters to0 thotl eastern and other stajtete agcncies. This y ear, law-W-- George Alvarez said, ! ^northern “n a n k s 'oof f the 4,600-acre -makers-n■s-allocated onljr$12.3mlllion'on Boise'State Univeraitlity Preaident Cove Creek Fire jusjust north of tbo for capitalitel im provem ents, John Keiser voiced thele lone objec- S Salmon'River Thuraursday. hoping to Nonee ofi the board’s action o on' n ' tion to tho spending bluilueprint, com- - k ‘i ofllcially declare1 tthat stubborn spendingng_pkns for ^ e'year that"lat pliunihg that the cutbacocIm severely M "l BIoze'contSjneH'Boforifore’day’s end. beg)ns~ninext Ju ly included calciHa-la- restricted the ability of}f th e schoola i , Although weathericr over the Nej for general employee payay to cope with salary ininequity and •Perce National F o rest w e. If granted by lawmakers ^ islis other pressing problems. j improving, temperol:ratures atill hit _ , A lender, ju j h ig h s T hursday int onlyoc th e mid-SOs . r . juicy all-American choice Steak,si cooked jusi the ;j and humidity remainained above 30 ^ w ay you like lik( it. Hus. all (he frie^ shriirimp you can eat. Plus ------p ercen t to help keepjp fflamea down.------— iTpPICK APPLE ESV baked potatitato orgies ancl buttery breread. PKw a_U'ipJo our ...... i N ' AkNfW r tOCATIOI T he fire w as comompletely nnged ' )N!^------““ Buffet'SaiaInlad'Bar, HmPolato Bar'nntnd’Ho't \'ei>etabre Bar. w ith break line, b uIt t fifire bosses were 1 ^ 2MlleiWe

Letter'TSl Veteransis'services, mistissing rabbits, JRev. Moon, libibrary help brining comments-I - - faev* as tbe last two yearsrs hhave passed. And as oris opposed Sunday : moming after thee fafair closed. Both once witrith commitmente in the peactaceplan Now'loinin1 in Twin Falls, a t the cost of a County action T h e Times-News and KLDC1DC R adio an* ~ on amnesty, ne cease-fires, democratic‘tic e ral h undred;d ddollars to my client, to usee tthe George B u m s put it (ii(in m ovie) “Oh God." Upon th e 14th d ayayofSeptember,1987,1 I nounced i th e loas, and thoI reireau lts were reformIS, s, and free elections. One corcommission reference bookook in question a n d I expectec;ed to T e ll th e m to quit liniilining their pockete with traveled to Boise, Idoltdaho and spoke with At- am i azing. . m em beror, a frequent critic of the see th ese empinployees ofthe public libraryry m y w ord!" tomey General Jimn JiJones w ith reference to ...... T he hoppy news is th e rabrabbit was safely SandiniinistaB, is M iquel Obandb y BiBravo, the hustling aboutout working so hard they tniluly .We have a long wayvay te go to holp clean up ^ Idoho Code Scctionn 6J66*505, which section ad-• hom j e by Wednesdoy; b u t eqiequally archbistahop of Managua. Obando’si’s {presence did have justifstification to form ulate this these re a lly creepyr orgorganizations and I hope dresaes veteran prefeeference hiring within im i portent, I feel, is th e good»d news —the on the com« m ission m arks a positivedvestepto- policy; but lolI observed a m an a n d womanm The Tim es-N ew s andind IMr. F erguson can government jobs. Thorhe attomey general ad- people ] out there cared andd tlth e y certeinly w ard inan internal dialogue in Nicari^agua. who truly lookooked bored from to little to d(do. keep u s u p to date onon? Mr. Moon. How about vieed me th at no onono 1hod contacted him demonstrated < thatrW e recei*ceiv^ many calls Unforbrtunately, even as these im|mportant^- - I truly hopeipe that if the Twin Falla dtlziIzcns some others — Sdentoentology T.M. etc For our w ith reference to thehe hiring of non-veteran from | concerned people tryiniidngte help locate condliatiatory measures are being ta)taken, U.S. need anythinging from th e Boise City Publicilic Li- young people’s sake!:e! ______personnel aa Mb. Jud'fudy Felton stated. th I e robbit. Theae calls w ere?re_rc_aily______ifiuppofl irt^dJ!;ontra troops continueue to wreak hrpry pnM. BPftinn you d on’t receive/e the B. GALVIN T hereafter, I spokeDke with MivDuBois with ' appreciated. i We especiollyvly w ish te recog- havoc inin the N5»roguan countrysiii'side.Ifthe reception were ddid from your public libraryuy.If WendeU ' the Veteran’s Serviceices, who stated that hc nize i The Times-News, K LK Radio, tho fair d reamI of o peace in Central Americaica is to be- yo u d o .co n tectect me in Boise a n d I’ll be ho; did not support M s.s. FFelton's plan o f non-vet- ofEidals i and security stalT,r, a n d the employ- come Ja reality,r th e U.S. m ust stop'P £all aid te to help. A pathy is greareatcst enemy eran eervico officera.rs. iI wish to tak e a mo* eest of H airis Moron S eed CoCompany of Filer, the Commtrafl immediately. IL D .B U RRR Ii ■ I t is a h ealth y signgn w hen a le rt dtizen s m ent and refer to the comment in The W ’ e sincerely thank all o f yyo< ou. M AR'RYJ. JONES B o ise — brin g atte n tio n to matlmatters not in the public Times-Newaby Judyidy Felton, which com- AI4ITALEICHUTERt F ilej r r interest. Apathy hasas donedi in m ore republica _ m ent wo? tak en o ujt t 0of contcxt in regard to T w ln F o U e ...... atplanation given thon marauders. Even!ven th e b e a t of public ser- the V eteran S ervice;e COffice in Boise a n d does Anotl)ther verdict someJday < Policy ex[ v ante c a n call thingsgs wrongw a t tim es, not carry any substarItance whotsoever. , ^ ’ T h eT w inn FFalls i Public L ibrary does pnpro- Bob B u rk s may hovetiove saved th e C rystal ______After talk in g to theth e V ^ s t a t e ______(-Child’s grief lastsslo 1 n g ------m w riting in response te M[r.W r.' a ^ o ‘reference" services, by telephc'bop?.. Springa recreation areaare. a nd n o jobs lost; thq^ commander, ho state(lte d to me th a t he dsen'a le tte r w herein he wasaacnbcalof i aaamotterofr of normal business. Howevei'cr, w ater is n o t neededd for hatcheries or power. strongly opposes wha^hat is going on in Tvrin I read th e letter in y our fonimfor about the Mrj. Baxter'sBi desire to uso o grancindjiu^, the local librajDraiy ia deluged by requesteifrom ft M erle F ra n d s and)d R andy R ussell hiave, Falls County and woiwould ^ more th a n will* young y girl whose rabbit wasa s iStolen from the ^ d hlis i s assertions th a t the proseci:^ter'sof. agencies outI t 0of dty,-and o u t o f stote, for.•r- . likew ise, brought ottezittention to the mishan- ' ing to come dow n andmd telk te the Twin Falls fairgrounds. fi My daughter wew a s th s owner of -as in the habit of using witnttnesseswho -credit check”ck” directional information fnfrom dling of veterans affairffairs in Twin Falls ______Coun^-Commlflaionesners orany.other.gcoup___-tht] e otbei.rabbiLwhich-wasa aat to le n ______Lpeijure.themselves. I do not intend to collection comam panies a n d sim ilar agencicries Co tm ty th a t is of conce)n c e m to citizens______------who is in terested inn kknowing the position' of — I con only reiterate the griiSricfthatachild lent about the use of grandljunesbuti— ju idividiialfl”w ho'm oyow odebtsits'te o v e r ^ h c r e . the Stato VFW organfonization on non*veteran experiences c w hen o child lostloscaafriendin "’““UI like l to soy th a t I worked ononthc part^* other parties,ea. The lib rary h a s m ainteinened a V eteran a waitingJ in lin ' e a t a w e lfa re of* ...... u la r cat senrice officera. FurtJirth er, it hos been ex* such s a manner. ase thot Mr. JVandaen referreiwdteand conBistentpolpolicy of referring those inquiuiries fice is a n outrage. TherrhereisawTialeofadif* pressed to m e t h a t; th e veterans in th e su r- T h e 1987 fair ended on a veryv bad note for ^ assu “ re th e public th a t M rs.i.B B a^r nor to correspond.indent services wKich are in bibusi- ference betw een freece hihandouto a nd earned rounding counties anare alao very unhappy m n y d aughter. I now realizee thattl we should “"yone»e in tho prosecutor’s office ui nesa to providvide that type of information,n. benefite. Appointinglg a non*veteran w ith no with th e Tw in F a llsIs CounQ'Commissioners’C have h put locks on the cages!S toU prevent the nessesa who\ intended te commit peip e i^ u iy .Jtis . I t tfl o u r uunc nderstanding th a t, locally,I tl experience or trainingIng as county servies. ' . . tru e tho decision a s weL’ a s variousv a veteran service th tl e ft o fth e rabbita. hat the defendant In this par.articular chamber ofrcommerce, eft an d tho city of Tw cer m ay be illegal andmd iis certoinly a w aste of*. ^ orgonizotions. It amamazes me that three (3) * M y d aughter’s rabbit a lsoso disappeored< be- casewa^os acquitted by the jury; hovlo w e v e r.a c also dec!Jecline te provide such informraa- public money. Stetee anand federal law s per* people (county commiimissioners) can go be* tween t 9 p.m. Saturday andd 8 a.m . Sunday. II does ‘ n ot necessarily m ean tionbytolepbsphone. teining to veterans1 are almoat os involved . hind closed doors andmd adversely effect the H h er rabbit is a Califomia*NcNew Zealand mnocenmce, it sim ply m eans th a t thith e stete A RLA N CCALL / as tho incom e tax, and neccBsitetes exten- ‘ 0 it prove th e ir case beyond a n live8Ofl2.000_peoplepie (veterons in T w in cross, c but very closely resemlem bles purebred did n o t j 1 reason- Directorr .... __aive schooling ond experienceexpc to odminister.I oubt. Falls Coun ty ) a s thliey ey have in th is re gard . C C alifornia (white rabbit with ith groy oars, able dou T w in F aills lls P u b lic L ib r a r y Nobody charges ththe e 'Twin F alis Coimty______W here w ill i t stop. g ra y feet, g ray teil and g raoy y in ose).Itolso defendontwhoMr. Frandaei!aen refers - - Commissioners os antionti-vcteran; an honest . — MERLEL.FRANWC IS was V bearing tiie identificatio:ition num ber of to w l: l have h te face d higher courtt someSi day , m iateke th a t muat bebo correctedc for th e po* " T w in F a lla No. 1 in ite left ear — th is n umu ber wos writ* am I su re God will render a differentdif U thers dedeserve attention ten tial for expensive^e litigationlit is infinite; tet n in w ith a felt m ark er ondm d will even- verd ictt tht an w hot was honded dowown by th e " rh a n k s tte e 'The Times-Newa." the p rocedures mayy vioviolate both stote and tually disappear. If anyonee h a s ony knowl* ju ro rs, Your articlcid e Monday, S ept. 7, opinion,^ federal low . Also therelerc ia th e possibility, of Reasons disafa p p ea r to o TRANMER edge of th e whereaboute of th is robbit M O T M r. Moonn waaw one of the beat yet. Is M,j* “malpractice" suitaiby by’ v eteran s whose se If Wendell o n d Goojooding County a re so , . please p call m e e t 432-5544,t, eveningsc' ond . B o ise Moon a U.S.S.'dtizen? ci If h e isn’t, ho shouU d a im s m oy be miahonclandled by an unquali* asked to leave proud of Niagara SprSprings, why h aven’t th e y 423-5490 4 days. avei It all com es un d er the heilead- fjgjj co unty employee.ce. >y V ingofreligiouj done something officificial te control th e re le n t- I w ould also like te m entioitio n to the fair L i b rary a client unhappy ious freedom. Righte? We would suggest!t th e following: se t aside n^^B nTt» nnf giw ? S ottia nro ro ------less disapp^ance-ofe-ofouronce famoua-Thou—h-board thatthey-look into the:he-possibilityof ------Cn9-:M -87rI called the-Twin Foilalls-Publie ------AlLreligionf "^^--thcTiresentTippcintmtr sand S prings? ' com ing up w ith a more secucure r area for the L ibraryry te m oke inquiry o fthe refeeference merelyly tte get around law s, ovoid . . erons o f Foreign Wars,ars, American Legion Boise gives thtf sprijpringwater away anJ _ ' robbita,r O ne which con bp loclocked ot night section.n. In tho course of myj>ccupatnation I taxes, u se theitheir followere to ohtein weolt — and-Diaabled-Americarican-Veterans-ea^ sub- • brainwashing mind ______Gooding grants thee b'building perm its. Nei* ~ _oa n d w atched a little m ore.cloclosely.______h ave mnode t sim il^ requests of humundreds of - power — br ______mit a qualified veteran;ran for commissioner.. . ther agency conaider?lers public compensation' rPffciflc------manipulation:ion:------1------^----- selection; remove thehe otticeo trom ttie w eiiare for our loss of recreateational occess. M u rta u g h mcoost wiwithout so much os a questioition, b u t S o m ecu ltelIte begin as religions but move department. It's fairly obviousIB w hy Bob B urks is or- th e Tvriivin Foils Public Librory inforform ed m y ®way from GoGod — create n ew gods. OneI . G R O V E R NEWMA]MAN ; th ey had Jnoy believee aianything he chooses, b u t th£ phaned by local goveiivemment when one recog-■ ,Contra aid sh o u ld : ont, as well as myself, th a t th Com m ander VFWfTV P1 o s t N o . 8878 nizes th e counties mumain source of revenue, d s to p r : ?im : portant things to do th ann oa ssist us docs n ot givevc him1 th e rig h t to break th e 1 R u p e r t Yet unless we supporp ort his philosophy, th e Since signing the A rias PeiPeace Plan on in Boisesev io phone. I feel all th is isii coming o u t in th e open more,m very aesthetic reasonsons wo hove te re m a in Aug. / 7, the Nicaraguan goveiivemment has hero will d isap p earir aand we m oy os w ell demonstrated d its willingnessess to make con- leave for w here th ee b:big money is e o m ed . cessions c for the sake of peaceoce. Two Roman PATOTaORKE3 CCatholic priests, exiled forr th e ir anti-govem* J e ro m e mr en t statem ente. will be pperm e r itted te re* _ _ tturn to Nicarag^-La Pronsimso, the oppoai' ' h it Unmo ttion new spaper, may be allov[lowed te resume I___zMiMingrabbi) “"publicotionu¥dcr new owncinersKip! ^ . The people a re _wh(whot mako the Magic Val- M ost prom ising of oil h a18 s tbeen the estab* _ ley oroo such a wondimderful ploce to live! T h is ilishment pf the Notional Rec^econciliotion fact was impressedd fcforever upon th e h e a rts (Com m ission, composed o f aarepresentetive r o f my fam ily th is weepveek. ccross-section of Nicaragua’sI’s population.j The My daughter’s 4-H1-H rabbit wos m issin g on ccommiaaion’a toak vrill be teto verifyi compli*


William E. Howard Willum C. B la k o ' - - Pubnihcr------‘Advcnumg Manager------*

Sii-plicn Hartgen Mich.>c! Gower I Managing Edlior - CirculalKsn Man.igcr SC

■ ; T h e 1m em bers o( the editorialal tboard and wnicrs ol (.’ditorialria ls o 6 b ' ore S iephen H a rtg e n) atand WilliaiTi E. Howard - 'M E'-SOIAEgOW f - FteMEM E.THUKSOOP!' State3S are byetter ahble to dlecide nnatterslaffectiimgcitiziiens ■-— ^ W h e n ^ n g r e s s poEpoaaed the highway-bill— — ^^store-toi0 the Btato'legislatures thc.ai^authority— yedrB when thothonational energy criais-waaM ------em or Sununu of Newew 1Hampahire recently------th is p ast M arch, w'ith ith on am endm ent chang* to chooaisae.between o speed limit of)f 556 and 65 'over, b u t w henlen the federal government coicon- Buggcatod th a t if two*tvo*thirdB o fth e ste te s ’ ______ing the federal sp eedcd lim it te 65. th e reoc- m ilea peper hour. Finally, in M archiI9S7,a I! ^ tinued teimpoflpoflc ita will on th e stetes. Rig tion from Bovefal iVeatem states w as ho m ^ o ritjity of the membera of CongreiTcsa agreed tcously indignognant, some Btetea considerededig- federal sta tu te . Thee SSu un u n u suggestion joyously unreatrainecnc3 that many Eiiat- cached th e conclusion th a t incindividual noring what; hohod iKcomc u n w arran ted feded- moy be extrem e, butlit it ia boaed on a convic- em era m u st h av e thothought Westemera live — — stetes ahouldal be given more lotitud.ude in eral intrusion,>n, ialthough doing ao would tion t h a t h a s beeii wwitl ith u s sinco tho ------w here th ey do m ainlyn ly 80 they can ro a r dowm- W e tlie P ^ le ------— decidingng speed limite.------...... — have cost themem deoriyi-Foilure to enforce* ...... fo u n d in g rth a tth e statstatea aro better able to ------th e interstatea. .In lool»king at the 65-milc*on-houiour speed thc55*mile-perper-hour speed lim it'w ould hehave decide many ofthe importentimj questions The celebration in tth e W est w as about Dick Chen( aaue oa a m o tter of atete va.B. ffederal resulted in theiie loss of federal highway th a t a n b c t th e livea9 of dtizens.< Aa Abraham. m uch m ore th a n a hi{higher speed lim it, ‘‘o t r '. tth ere are certein aubtletieaea we _fundfl..Getting.ngjid ofwhat many Weatemt - -Lincolnt)nce soid. “ThjT h e m aintenance invio-. • - ______however, it had to dodo w ith ay 1large cal chonges ha>have mode stetes more de- ______cal fab ric depends." ------would keep-tho natioition fromxolhj^erThey -----—tlonul-SSTnilcTicrhourllmii1 mit-waract-by-eon^-atjHiBTl rTh^'ffc’delogflics'^/orricdabc Qboura'Cou* pendent on tediledCTal fu n d in ^S tate'a'ffre in- began w orking on a nnew Conatitution t h a t gress ( in 1974. Bccouae th e re wos a national g resa co;controlled by larger otetes anand more creasingly requcquired to subm it to federal Thia week markB the 200th anniversary of_ strengthened th e f^W « eral governm ent a n d energy ( crisis, the Congress)a vvoted the speed powerfuful regions; they worried obo'bout th a t funds-. Federalral agencies a n d federal courtrte the signing ofthe Com'onstitution ofthe Unifed yet, through checks^:tf^nd bnlancea, lim ited lim l it to aavoTuel. B ut by thth e e eorly '80a. the pow er bibeing used te exploit them, ' hove a signifiesficant role in diminiahing thele . Slates. The above artic>rticle is part ofa project • , ^ .its roje in m ost s taite te affairs.i , . , . . energyi crunch was over. PeoPeople in.the ...... - . Todayay we rarely run acroas o perleraonwho authority of'ste ste te govem m onte and localI I• on American freedomsims by the American ThegeniuaoftheAe American C onstitu tio n sparsely | populated regionsIB ofo the country, fears thiihat Pennsylvania will dominninote Wyo- outhorities. New9paper'Publi3heralers Association lay in its c areful divisivision bf power between where , driving long distencesiccB is a woy oflife. m ing orjr that the interests of the gngrowing ih this'bicenllentennialyearraB wotonsideder Foundation, to be aireolired on public television'; the federal g ovem mment e and the states. In protested | th a t any n atio na al l reasonj for the' S o u th wwill swallow up the concernsms of the the provisionsns ofthe< Constitution and ro*i•o-cx* later this fall. areoa s u c h a s foreignign affoira, w here a n a - low i er speed limit hod evapoiporated. Midwesi»st. Today th e problem for all stetes, dmincthewisdaadom o fth e founders, we necleed Today's author, DickDick Cheney, is U.S. Rep;! ______tionoLrul^wofl truly.:ily-ncceBaary,.the fe d e ra l__—•—Arm ing thot atate electedted ofTicials were _ . l o r g o on tier-new-initiativcs-arcjxquinired __ te8entative.fivmy/yQm.yoming.Xynncy-^Cheri^',___]__ governm ent w aa vested eat w ith full au th o rity , in j a b atter position to ju d ggc e w^ h at wds beat ing-p6w

Consti t i t u t i o nnalproczess doies not uwork bi>y remoite contrrol The a n cient, b u t; uunknown r soge of China limitetioiion.'Such lim ite m oybe moro3ro w orth th e thoughte,9, o] opinions, ideas and voicesI olof ‘ thoy w ill alw ays bo availableava in adequate who first said “OneB picturepi is w orth m ore o u r thoujlUght and stu d y tedoy th a n1 thtl e ccio* m en a n d wom^im sn who m ak e th e system wojwork q u antity, wrtant for what it says . th an a th o u san d wore’orda" obvioualy lived bc- _ bro tio nI oof constitutional strengths,IS. an d for whomm ti the system m u s t work. Thislis So th e film ia import* foretheageoftelevisivision. Ifh e hod it te soy T he firfirat im plied condition is th10 e ifragility is tho seriouss re responsibility of citizens inn at and w h a t i t impliea,I, forfor w hat it teaches and for w hat it sends usI to seek.{ It is an impor- . over ag ain today h e wouldw probably have , o fth o UnJnited Stetes Constitution.I. TThere is . constitutionalal rrepublic. aoid... a m illion w ordiirds. ------a teuchI of0 classic New E ngland tra-anscenden* n Tho secondd iiimplied condition is the lacliick to n t contribution to) understandinguni the na*.. pin- tu re 'o f th e ConatitutiotItion.______N othing is so likelyely te discourage read- to lism ababout o ur ^ e w of tho Constitititution.^ of any arbiterir ti te resolve difTerences ofopii ershlp os tho cover■ on a book entitled som e- We the People is only a force : in o u r lives te the ext

Natido n - c ^ — Pope bbrings rmessage[e of unilimited love to) victim;IS of AIE - ' 8 AN FRANCISCO CA DS (AP) - Pope Seca Racewi 5way. hehomosexual conduct, the! pope] al- the financiol cri John Paul II arrivedI lliursdayTi in Among th crisis which has intro- “I “I appeal to landowners, grt'rowers human digni^' of0: every man, the AIDS patienta at tho luded lu to its promise of forgiiriveness. duced “thousand thia dty U t bard by tbeje AIDSt crisis, m ission wei inds of American farm- andnd o th era in positions of pow5wer to woman and child." were a 6-year-old boy, a^ . “The greatest proof of G social, cultural and ecoronomic dians who soy that thai Indions^wero th a n all m y personal sins orit those of was on on isionland in 0 pond in the advo eiy to 62 ADDS victim>8 a gatheredg at re<»gnize ththat as moral, they came on dvoncement." brutalized underr tbetb Catholic mia- anyone.else," ho added. . m id d leo fth e 1.9l.S m ile track and the Jo: Miaaion Dolorear ------fleeking~a"a sign' of caring," said Jo h n P au l referred to th e no'Jew im- sionory system. Although the meeting wwas her- celebrants werrere seoted on tHe migr “H e loves th o se o f yoiyou who are Sheila Madladden, a counselor at oh ligrotion law that enoblea iliUcgn] -Tho-Vatican has u angeredc tho gay ------aided as on a tte m p t to heal11 Ithe pain ground on threeee hills along one side, imm eiek; those who a re suiTiulTcring.f«m.-jjearby Mn they spokesman. Archbisljbishop John Foley, . an odvance copy of thele pope’a off without pay. pa; The diocese of first care for them. He lovesBS usi all with the pope befbefore they die,’ ehe said, rei rst com e," he said. "I ask yiyou to drew heavy critie•itidsm whon iio- . remarks, was disappointed.1. Monterey contaitoina 121 farmworker welcielcome these new citizens ah unconditional andd everlastinge “T hero woa18 i is into colled AIDS a “natu “nal ral sanctifin" no feeling that this waa “His m essage to ua is. GcGod loves cam ps, os well11 os i seven of Colifor- your love.” a time for d )ur society and to respect!ct th e agoinst im m oralbehavior. beh r dissent, for any sign of yoiyou, even if you have AIDS)S. T hat’s nio's 21 earlym mi issions. Jolm Paul came to San3an Frandsco anger." ‘' it.’it." said Tom C arroll o fth e otorganiza* after a 6V4-hour visit to Monterey, The AIDSDS patients were accom- tiotion Dignity. “Hc mentioni where he asked growersers to repect panied byy mothera and fathers, on!only once." |b i 6 t o haNSTRONGl. i _ ___ the “juat daima"____ofL_migrant—o t lovera-i-ai:^:-d-& iend 8 ,-ex-wives -and ] D im ity .“which a sse rts tha fannworkers, thousandIda of whom “caregivers" hot homo-_ PRESENTS I a" — th e 36 volunteers bc:sexuals con be Catholics i took a n u npaid d a y offf to join in an who do ever:'erythlng-ljrM j cooTdng to att I in good ^ A C actm h standing without being c outdoor Mass. changing ahI'-vehide. tho Pentagon The U.S. haa protested ^ s life- soldier was wounded Thi Thursday in said, thrithreatening, inexcuaable tiaction," e . Eaat Germany when hiaa two-mant^ li- T h e Pentantagon said it did not the DlmerS) the Pentagon sa id in a stolenement. 0 aiaon team encountered e - ^ / fd a group of know the ranks n of the soldiers ^“The United States Militar■ary Liai- Soviet soldiera and waa fi New. youI ccan't afford noc to celebrlebrate the a fired on by involved, son Mission operates underT a 1947 at Jeaat one of them, the he Pentagon The incideident happened at about agreement ers of which oro fixed bby the | Seating a t 6:C>:00 p m . Show at 8:00 p.m,1, ‘ wounded by a rifle bullet:let fragment. to say why theth men were traveling agreigreement, ------Q«|S: — - . - - --S u b|Cct.tQ cai:ance[iationw ithQ uc n o tic e .^ -ofter-tho-Soviet soldier,-T.-one-of-a—through- thalhat—section—of"Eaat ------group of five, fired a bun}urst at the Germany. ’ Soviet oflicera ore ossigneiled to 0 I f^ r reservations, iC.call toll-free: 1-800-82B2M103 ^ limilar mission inside . Weef...l ^ - - - GJermany. en The missions werere cre- | in ^ 3 H ' < ' ited afier World W ar II by oilol four I ft? 5 : Accusedd hijack 1leader ccupying powers - the United I Ul I ^Itates, Soviet Union, Britaii ain and I or O 1 FrarVance— to foster cooperotion ------^— , - - - - onr— { -{t-W -j !--- W Over th^ years, however,ir, th e y - I • £ appears3 in U.S. court< I haveave evolved to what omourunta to- I ’ WASHINGTON (AP) - A Leba* eaid aeniorr Justice Department onctioned military intelliIliBcnco., I j T i A ( —nese mon accused of master- officials, whoho refused to describe ffices. o-|g m inding the 1986 hu'ockinging ofa Jor- how they luredred him aboard, _ j U J "danion'airIiner.wzisiured:ied:aboard:a-_‘'.:^He.wa 8.traniansferrcdto theU.S. airrzr 1__ * boat crewed by FBI ogent;ents in tho c raft carrier3r Saratoga and then Mediterranean Sea, arrestessted and re-- flown to Andiadrews Air Force Base ■11 eN(“rdf?- |-~" turned to the United States Sl on outaide Woshishington without touch- 1 Q% -Thursday, the JiRtice DejDopartment ing down, in: a foreign country, said I '■ W RNANCIir announced. FBI, Justicc ] e Department and De- D U R I N G3 : ______Amid extremely tightIt security,i fense dopartmlotor gave ______j him an Arabic version>n of the ...... - phtceedings. Anotlier baillil heoring w as sdieduled for Tuesday.>y- Younis. is a “fu ll-tim e empimployceof th e Am al m ilitia a n d wo for .Nabih.Berri.” a aenior.Jusllustice.De-.. partment oflicial, speakingigoncondi- o tipn of anonymity, said at a press briefmg. Bern is I^ebanon’s ~mInlater"and'is'also'1 caderder~of'the~^^^^^^H II A m al m ilitia, a group o f Shii Mos- lema allied with Syria. ■ Tha Younis case marks theL first overseas a rre st by y .S . lawiw enforce-i ment oflidals of suspectedled.terror-._^^^^^^V - ' ~ TIie'scB s e ju js mil lake yourcase-aminci'you- ist being sought im der U.S.3.1aws,A^ li "'V andyi'of of law in disguiseif fighting terrorist lawlesrlessness," rom ances:es! 'rivate Eye M eese said. “It is th e first fira such Tpm\^ operation, but it will most cecertainly . n ot be th e last." I J ___ Yotmia.woa spotted.and-kd.kept.un-— der surveillonce over . thithe past'' “several weeks" du rin g an in>investiga- tion about which President Reagan] w as k ep t abreast, said tb eloffidjiis. ofi ■— ‘YouiiiB -w o n t"ab o ard "thth e " sm a ll~ boat'voluntarily, waa tram ii^to intem atio n al w atersa a ar- IfcKAi rested Sunday by the FBI31 agenta,< s 6 33 O i A-6Tlmoa-New3. Twin Falls,Fal Idaho Friday, Septememberi6,l9fl7______

i t i o n ^ s r

------^Senate ‘ > votes to\ ‘Starr Wars’' test linmit Specaker uppbeat ' WASHINGTON (AP)’' The Senate voted poporters of SDI apending. monore wide-ranging SDI teete.La. Thursday to reatrict testete of Prceidont.Reagan'fl , Idaho's two Republicancan senators, Jam ea Nunn Ni and other Democnlocrate dispute that . “Ster Wara" anti-misailee defense system .and- a MiMcClure and Steve Symma,la, w\ ere am ong Republi* contntention. The United Steteatea atilli complies w ith ; key senator said that if Reagan carries o u t a caicans voting againat tho propc•opoaal. th ee a *T)road" view of th e powiwere of the president," saidiaid Sen. P eto W ilson, . | tion dote of theI c current aid ing resiatxatence te the deal, from mittee ^ ond one of the SSenate's strongest aup- AlABM pact, an interpretetioItion th a t would allow R-CiCalif. allocation. R epublicaicans who want a higher ’ ______nTJcre_arc.powerftirful-individu-— figure.andnd_Dcmocrate_who-want------u als and forces in Ccntijntral America IcM. Andd iit remained to be seen , le provision would be l^* ^ v is o n■y panelb&l^ts l_ . who arc trying to3 work_outw a how the modus for puttingg a ceasc-fircl greeted in Ithe Senate;where lead- NOW PLAYI'IMO into effect even befoiefore-Nov. 7," ore weroD rnot closely involved in , W right, D-Texas, toldDid a reporter. p u ttin g tegtegether the agreement. armed | f(brces sesxism “I find on all sideslea in Centra! Houee D! Democratic leaders eaid ------America a deepdesin>»ire for pcacc— th ey w en;nt t along with MichcI’s WASHINGTON (AP)I - Navy adopted moinore restrictive ap- BURE EDfflBDS FILM • and reconciliation,"■ h “ 'J; “'*■ propoBol1 — - after cutting it from and0 Marine Corpa womenin etetioned proachea th,an an are required by law ding that peacc is aciachievable so jjjg 53 nillion originally sought in ji th e Pacific o re b ein g ee:lexuallyha- in classifyingng combat-related joba long as the processac c n a b lc a -all „„vide8.the chassis for eclfic Mskfl are done...... ^ i f an“ecohomic.’downtUliium~comblncd"whon sped coll of 22,000 Ford ambujulances be- about 90 perccircent ofthe ambulances .1 w.t»i.iU.iniiiot»inrn greement, reached days ^ vrith a slum p in FordI ea!sales. T he agre 2Vz cause they may catch fire•e is m onths. in th e countrytry. ;ber granted Ford an .exten- j T he job protection paipackage would after Biebc [ behind schedule andd vehicles C h aries WhWhito, Ford's chief engi- ind in the U.S. s io n o fite8 econtract beyond ite expira- ^ be the first of ils kind [ thought to have beenI fixed are neer involvedcd in the recall, aaid in a .•ious contracts tion a t 111:59 p.m. Monday, must be ^ auto industrj’. Previoi . being callcd back again toto instell od- telephone intinterview from Detroit ther than their approved1 byb ihe union'a 23-member prow

I t '’s s our 30th B irthdit d a y . . . b uIt t w e’re giving YOIou the presents.. Witith B aartons's r Club 93 w g ivve * 200 Cash Giftstfor $500I each. Fasst Service! ____k ...... - sginning Friday S€Septem ber 18th. HC v l lub 93 will hold ai randomr draw ingg , L___ - ^ s o»metime n during ea 0 0 . 0 0 ish., - - — „ f f l rom Royal Optical! Saveve 50% on our o ' "► EC » L o50k o t your b est this fall, willwith attractive eyewear fro )mplete selection ol eyegleglass fram es in stock, wlwhen purchased wilh lenslenses. Choose rS4,ood each:h Friday Night (6 pnim to 2 am) ...... '^S drawings of $t aily wear soft spherical cOrcontact lenses for only *39.19.50 p e r pair, from majorjor Ibrands such ^ s irThin, Hydrocurve Sottm)ltmate B, and $1,500 each:h Saturday Night (99 pm to 12 am ] ...... 3 drawings of ${?S00 a s5 I Bausch .& Lomb, Amemerican Hydron, Cooperl ^esIey-Jessen. Plus, youu save,s money and savo tiitinw with our fast service^icel Olfer good $6,000 each:h Sunday (Noon to M id n ig h t) ...... 12 drawings of $t5500 W es irough O cto b ers. $3,000 each‘h Wednesday Nightt 1(6 pm to 12 am ), ...... 6 drawings of ${5500 • .

You can i)ick;up|) a;1 F R E E tickct d;ii1y ;il;ii i(lie c a s h it r ’s c a g e a n d rccc^^ccivc A dditional T ickete t s each ------lime-tlHit-yoii-liit-itiii.^i)-;iitcailaut-pald Ja c ktpO^Tickcis-are- p i ------5__ 0-valJlpJ valid lliroufjli Sun(unday of each week. Theu- Barrel will be BAIA R T O N 'S FOOD » FUN «i♦ FORTUNE uiiiplicd for •! frcslcsll start cach w«ck. The Eyewear,Exp

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Ortecga operns minisisters’ nneet wilith d emland Cc3ntra ailid e n d NAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - ^ I M AN/ — about $8.3 million a month, of The planlan calls for cease-fires foror verify compliance of the are bound totoft fulfill th e plan, P re sidlent e i Daniel Ortega on Thurs-irs- which o b o u t 30 percentithaabeendo- the war*rs in El- SalvAdor andid agreem enta. This would1 rmean Hon* Also meetineting Thursday and Fri* - d a y c ^ i ^ e d on tbe U.S. Congress to signaled for humonitojwiao use and Nicaragua,la, as well as amnesty forbr - du ras w ould have to give9 upi all tern-,, day in MarV la n a ^ a w as the In* “o n c e'a nr d for all” stop aid in g Coo*on- 70 percentfor weapons.IS, thecombatila ta n ts b y Nov. 7. I t ils o 4[j>-j>- torial support for the Coro n tra s fight- tem ationalI VerificationVc and Follow* ^ . . t r a rebe»belfl that "continue-to bleed>ed- .'The-- Reagai . nd»dmimstratiop{ mands-dedemocratic reforms nndid ingtho Nicaraguan govenemment. Up Commissiission. It is made up of oxirpeop!ople.” claims th e peace iniliiiliative siga«}4j ends tactiotical and strategic supportn M ost o f th e up to 18,0C000 Contras ropresentativiItives from each of tho cga made his comments on Ortcgi on Aug. 7 by five Centntral American! for insurgeigencies. reportedly hove left the! bbase camps fwe CentraUal American nations, tho I g U L l t ! l | th o oper>ening day of a O n tr a l A m eri:eri: presidents, including 0Ortega, ia^tai CriticsI ofof tho plan claim it is too00 in Honduras this yearr and havo • United Naliorlions, tho O rganization of «ace meeting and a day after ca n peai ler tally flawed.” Presidiident Reagan, loosely worded wo and doesn’t dealal been fighting in the Nicaraguan N Amcncan Statea,Sta the so^alled Con- congrcsicssional loaders a g r ^ in prin- nil- says be ^11 seek fnrom Congress with waysrB toI m a in ta in peace, countryside, tadora natibniibns of Mexico, Colombia, ciple toto {give the rebels on additional nal $270 miUion in militaryry and human- The foreoreign ministers were to Luis G uillerm o Solis, chiefch of staff Venezuela arand Panama, ond the $3.5 mnillion il in h u m anitarian aid . itarian for th e C ontras.IS. H e h a s said work o utI details d “to regulate, pro-fh for the Costa Ricaron foreign Support GiGroup countries of "L et’st’s be clear that whateverver hc does not believe thelie S an d in istas mote andid make feasible compli-li- m in is t^ . expressed optiitimism that Argentian,, Brazil, Peru and cing, no matter how small, to , to will live u p to it commmittments-un- ance” withth the agreement. Tho first■Bl progress would bc made. Uruguay, ------th e mlercenary en forces ... doesn’t con*on— der th e peace plan unleJess pressured- tneeling.-h-held -last-month-in-El-El - '- C o s t a Rica h as been aidliding efforts “ — * trib u tete to the peace effort we are to do so. Salvador,', cended withoul any mea-^a- for peace talk s between1 1

I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! " Tcou»* " " I FOU R TH4 AANNIVERSARY I Bennlett blaiLsts San(idinistaiIS as tyrrants ■ ANY GOURMET I ^ ! HOT DOG 1 MANAGUA. Nica:icarogua (AP) — S. Consinstitution remains “a chal-al- today, aro u n d th e worlorld and espe- press." hee isaid. “The government CELEBRATION S U.S. Secretary off I Education Wil- lenge an I ^OASIS and rebuke to tyrannies andnd cially here in Nicaragigua," he said, must tolera}ratc newspapers .indcpen-"!. "ST I m7llutLabKl|,d. Ham J. Bennett joujourneyed to this despotisitisms everywhere ... to every;r y . “It is th e e te rn a l strugiiggle between dent of itaita control. It means that,It, _ J B C (Voluii 1 Central American1 -nationm Thursday movcmcinent and every ideology that>at tyranny a n d freedom. public criticiticiam of the ruling party I “Live MusiccBy B MARLA” ! ta rebuke the Sandandinista ggvem* smothenicrs liberty and denies it life. y* SO „% 1 __ “Liberty means self-,If-govemmenl. *8 pcrmitteitied without threat of ar------nwnt-as-a-tyranny-ay-and-to compare------“Here-re-in-Nicaragua-today,-free^ G o o d M on. • Thuri^ ______i PRIZES-* f SEE■DHINKSiHATS— D t ■ _____ It m eans democracy',’TiTiTiaiar“Bul“ «8tor aesai •I tho Contra rebelss tot th e patriots dom is1 ata t issue,” said B ennett, a for- I 6:30 P .M .-11 P.M. ■ it cannot mean thj I .T-SHIRTS'MEALSU S * FREE MEALS " w ho produced the tl American mer phi)thilosophy professor and stu- hat electiona “This isB whatv freedom of speechh ■ ONLY ' should be postponed un Conatitution. d e n t of)f theI Constitution. "Now, ns until the ‘false meant in PhiladelphiaPh in 1787; this8 _ OKoroxpIroi 12/11/17 JI GIVEN AWAYWALL WEEK ■ , consciousness’ of the c: *;Bennett, one o f' ththi e most.outspo- th e n , tyranny tyi and liberty are the citizenry can is whal it; muatn- mean in Managua,>• ^ Ono coupon par parton * be 'cured.' It cannot mes I J COME JOIN ININTHEFUNH ■ kin conservatives;a in Preaident altematiatives. Now, as then, brave ean th a t a sin- today." r n m m m m m m m l « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 L gle party should contntrol all voting Reagan’s Cabinet, waswt scheduled to men andmd women fight to secure the stations, voter registratation and bal- deliver his speech at a ceremony at blessingsngs of liberty. lot counting. And it c

'•M ANILA. Philippir>pines (AP) - Pre- O n WWednesday, Mrs. Aquino ac- Thursday he believedi the Cabinet ' sident Corazon Aqui:quino said Thurs* ceptedd tthe resignations of Vice Pre-Ve- revamp was complete. dny she hnd dropped:■ed her closest and s id e nt SolvadorS Laurel a s foreignI af- Mrs. Aquino namened Catalino most controversial11 aadviser, Execu- fairs seisecretary and Finance Secre-:re- M acaraig, A rroyo’s depeputy, as her ______rtv o Roi»rr>tiiTy .Tnlforkcr-Arroyo,Jroa— tary-JaJaime-Ongpin—Sho-alao-ro--re- nnwlejcccutivc-seerctar:ary-MacaEaig_ ___ - _■/ her.Cabinet. placedd tithe heads o fthe c ustom s andind 60, w as a d e p u ty justiccccministerun* I/' - - ...... -leaders of lnst-jit-month'6-failcd---immigrcgration departments.------...... der Marcos and was vivice preaideni- ritieB*were-inve8‘- w re s totoi^tibiliiy.” r • has denie’d any role. - (igating possible foreign fo involve- Arroyioyo, 61, a former . human■an A leftist labor unionn Tuesday re- H E•XiVUtB. G l $ l b 9 9 . e s J m e n t in th e bloodyf AiAug. 28 m ilitaiy rig h ta! lawyer, la and Ongpin had thethe leased what it said wasIS a U.S. Cen- i ^ ^ L E E P E R m utiny. hig h estst profiles among Cabinetnet tral Intelligence'Agencycy rep o rt ^ a t •, The mutiny was1 theth most serious member)crs. The Aug. 28 mutineersers criticized Mrs. Aquino’st’s han d lin g of ' INCLINER challenge to Mrs. AqAquino since she had dememanded their ouster, the Communist insurgcifcncy. SECTIONAL « ' 9 5 ^ wos sw ept to poweiwer in February Arroy

4 d u g: k: s u nsfLIMITpedJ ■ • ^^3^’ .YJjc! ------:j VCTUS PETE'Ss ----- ^ - - CONVEfENTION CEN1ITER JACKIKPOT,NEVADDA X J V "ii; — “ Saturdi'day-Sept.~26tiI th - - / ------i INCLINlVING NewYor)rk Steak Dinneie r I T SOFA&LO\ * )VESEAT Hero'3 ono ol lho lovoiiosi oxaoxamplos ol aulhenirc ’15.00)0 per person Early Amcncan charm you couh:oulc) cvvr own - bloiscd Wlih lho mbtlorrx cKicloricloncy you wnni l6(J.iy - Buill mioiho fabulous sola aro Iwo Incllnuts ---3 m ptecisci/ OwlooctJ lo obey your ^oor sNghiosl louch lor mn*imum comloa SdOom Iss susuchlmu Qunliiy / i . 'lurniluie taoQOd al Such dollac-sla«-saving (jricus. Comb i ; C ockta;tails 6:00 pm soe Ihis cxceplionni buy. / s / n D i nmer i i i 8:00pm REG U LA R $i6gO M . o b ^ MATGHING-3 eHA BR-^ — REGULAR $ 2 9 9 .9 5 bus leaves Lyn 3Q00 • Free b nwood Shoppingng Center - N(,ow^78 SET I at5:0(00 pm and 6:0(00 pm PfOW ^ IS9 9 °" j Door• Prizes,1 raffle,, iauction, float trtrip, guns, — ^ 9 0 DAVY FREE FlINANCINCIG - i pictunires, etc. i Ticketets can be obtailined by calling::>:Brad Cox ! 733-OC[)014 or 733-511llO, Clif Snider•at a 733-6880, SB: m t e e c ili|-Dawson"at-3261 6 - 5 1 6 8 — ^------~ 1 2 72ND-AVENUE 2 E W E ST , 73^33-1421m I - A-6 TImos-News. Twinn Falls,Ft Idaho Friday. SepteiItember 16,1967

t t i o n — S€?nat€B votes to1 ‘Staiir Wars’’test linmit Speizakeruipbeat WASHINGTON (AP)') — The Senate voted porters p< of SDI spending. moilore wide-ranging SDI tests.IS. locrats dispute that Thursdoy to restrict teststa of President Reagon’s . .Idaho’s two Republica:ican senators, James Nunn ^ and other Democri na, were among Republi- con tea still compliea with . : "Star Wars" anti-missilele defense system and a McClure W and Steve Symma, intention. The United Statea i o fth e ABM pact, key senator .said thot if Rcogon ca rrie s out a cans ci voting ogainst the proproposal. thele exiating, “narrow” view oft! e Pentagon bill totals • onp()eace oti^tlook threot to veto the meosusure. Congress will likely In another decision Thurluraday aa it worked on The T Senate version of the Pi cut spending o n th e progrgranvmore deeply. • the U defense bill, the Senotnate gave voice-vote op- $30302 billion, including $4.5 billionbill for S ta r W art. 1 bill passed by the ' • WASHINGTON1 (A(AP) — House “I’m gogoing to bo conten t-an d The 6&-38 vote in tho10 Dcmocrotic-run' ScnaU)I proval p: to an amendmentt limitingUj the Amount of By:y contrast. ,o companion bi only $3.1 billion for Speaker Jim Wrightght eaid Thura- joyous ifif: it happens by Nov. 7th, went generally along party pa lines and; ended a SDI S work thot U.S. ollieawi3 will be permitted to do. Hoilouse last May proposes onl day th n t conversntioiitions w ith Cen* or evenI NNov. 8th." he snid. four-month partison fighght that had blockcd the But-later, B on a 61-32 vote,ite, modified the amend- Stator W ars, which haa a curreirrent budget of $3.55 } th at agree to poy on un- billillion. Reagon had sought $5.7 billion. ' ‘ tral American loaderd m in th e p ost h j aid he expectcd m ost Uem* Senate from acting on a bill1 authorizing defense ment n to exempt countries th rtion” of the total cost of The T measure that eventuallyally c lears th e S enate, week have led himTl tto hopo there to support his deal with spending for th e fiscal yec'ear starting Oct. 1. specifieds] “aubstantial portic robably in several weeks, willwill h a v e to reconciled ; may bc a ceaec-firerc ini th e region Houbc RoRepublican Leader Robert Reogan had threatcneiied to veto the Pentagon the tl spccific contract. pro fith the $288 billion House-i:ae-paased version be-_ • even before the Nov'lov. 7 deadlino Michel of Illinoia to provide aome bill if the S ta r W ars re strtriction wofl attach ed , b ut Undor the Nunn amcndrndmcnt, the admimstra- wit eRtabliahed in n five-vc-nation pence $3 ,5 „iill Sen. Sam N u n n , D-Go.lO., chief o u th o r o f th e: tion ti would require new con{ongressional approval to fon)re it goes to the president nillion to buy food, uni- that would violate the ex- In Ii the fight over Nunn’s SDISD amendment, Re- ; plan. and mcdical supplies for restriction, said a veto) couldi m con oven more go g ahead with SDI teats tha forms an the 1972 Anti-Ballistic putublicans renewed their argargument Thursday ______^He also said thethere is broad_ the Co»tiBtras through Nov. 10, a • ; reductions for th e Stratcgegic Defense In itiotivc, os isting it interpretation of thi tpnninn-Housc mcaaure tha lurt-U.S.-Soviet orms “’ogrieemerit in thee HI ouso to go rote" he; saidbi was in line with the S ta r Wars 18 formally knonowni "■ * . • "Mifisllc" ^ treaty." The-compa lat the measure-would-hurt Iment, although that ver- con ringe on tho conatitu- along wth a planan to contmue currentt aidai formula.' “If ho vetoes th is, my o\own vole would be to give contains ci a similar ameridmt sntrol talka and would infrin{ ------^ u m an itn rian , nidaid—to—NicanL______-----them-lcBB 3 D I-raonoy ,l N mon ifl wordedjomewhot: differently.dii tioronal authority of the Whitee HHi o u s e .______gun’s Contra rebelsels for n t least . B u t Mi.Michel acknowledged that T m not playing gomes hehere." Reagan haa aaaerted thathat the executive branch “It ia an, intruaion uponn tthe treaty-making ~ 40 days p ast th e OiOct. 1 expira- both hee andt Wright were meet- N unn is ch a irm a n of ththe Armed Ervices Com- acan unilaterolly move to0 ao “broad" view of the pQvowers of the president," saidaid Sen. Pete ffljlaon, . tion dote of thee c■ u rrc n t aid - >ng resistlistance to the deal, from mittee and ono of the! i Senate's strongest sup* ABM A poet, on intcrpretatituition that would allow R-C:-Calif. ------allocation;------'•------Rcpublicaicana .who want a h ig h e r . 'There are powert;erful individu- figure an^and Democrats who want ______a ls and forces in Ceni:e^tral America___l e s s . ^nd d it remoined to bc seen hc-'provlBlon-would- be - - rypanel iblasts ____who aro 'tr^'iig W_ tb work out u how the Advisor modus for' puttinglg a cease-fire greetedI Jn the Senate, whore lead*------NOW^ P tA Yn l iiG into effect even bef(before Nov. 7." cw werere not closely involved in Wright. D-Tcxas.tolctold a reporter. putting’ togetherto the agreem ent, armed fearly cense- The moneymo was to be folded th o ir commiimitment," the study the Pocific a n d assigned t firo. And he snid hle o ddid n ot know into a bil!till opproved T h u rsd ay by oontondod. ..the. .Philippines „and_J ------h o w —lik ely --th eypf—are —: — to -- be— th e — HoHouse— Appropriations - - ' ‘•page report woa-deliv— being forced into sexualml ro lo -t& ------succcssful. - - - Committeillee. - . - . I ’fense Secretary Caspar Jships and are frequently h •rger late last month by and “denigrated as humamn beings, Dofonsoe AAdvisory Committee o^ Ithe panel said. ' ' m m Women in thithe Services, which sent Itsaid the eervicewomenen confront aeven ofitsI mmembers on a two-week Ford, union1 agreec a choin-of-command thatIt fails to re- fact-findingj tourt. of the Pacific and spond to their complointnta and are Far East. — forced into living situatiarions-that-at ------response nse, Weinberger ordered times contribute “to conjnditions m the immediailiate creation of a task on corTitta^cttt o m s which extremist ^ behavior, force to deveh/elop a plan for atomping Icgbinniamj ifl-foatcred__ ^------oot-ouch-disCTiscrimination-throughout- lo hod said when ncgotia- DEARBORN. Mich.h. (AP)( - Ford Pestillo In one instance, the cocaptain of a th e four serviirvices. g an th o t both sides could a t­ Motor_Co^ and theB IUnited Auto tions begai Novy-ship-on-which-wovo m en -w ere----- W omen-coicomprise-about-lO-per* ir gools. Workers agreed Thui'hursdayon a tain theiri serving wos allegedly oveverheord of- c e n t of th e; nnation’s 2.1 million oc^- jntract gunran- Job sectecurity was the union’s top precedent-setting conti I, fering to “s c i r females sailors to ' tivc-dutymilililitary personnel, st of Ford’s 104, demand,I. \ while Ford sought to re- teeing the jobs of most c j. Koreans. In the Philippinlines, the re- The studyly convinced' Weinberger n retum for tho tain fiexibribility to m ake b u sin ess dc- 000 UAW workers in n ' port said, "we heard ofif a growing h ia previousIS {policy pronouncements laders for more cisions anand increase the efficiency ■ support of union leadi number of women who6 opt to be- a n d strictureares against sexual ha^ UEESPRESENlSJBUKEEOHSDSftD S lH ^ and qualitility of production, _ v H s tdi-s t m p io t flexible work rules. .come pregnant to cosec the loneli- rassment hohave been inadequate, ich m u st bc ap* U nder r t the contract, the national ' The conlract, which J ness of their situations." Dr. David J. Armor, acting ossia- M ffl mu M ; proved by union mcm em bers, '^also union leacsadership would bc required 1HBASIKCE»“ “ " “ 5 ■ t. Moreover, it said, bothth the Navy tant secrete•etory of defense for would boost wnges,1, pensionsr and to urge! it its locals to acccpt plant- told reporters Thursday. I ™ . -BlIKDDlTE-JOfIOHNURRO(lllEnE«lflLLmD.«lMNIELS ' ntracts reducing the number;r ond Morine Corpfe appet.ear to have personnel, tol other benefits. level conti MINI * “^iiAmysraDiiffi,A.: Under the tentativelive Hettlemcnt, of job clai:lassifications and loosening c,A.s:c, Ford would net guarani•anteed job num- work rulejIcs. Job classifications limit ‘•k ; d.« dpei!HIIITiSKCAIiyilEtlDlELIOmNt WD.KRANE ) . ( )cs. of jobs n w orker can do, Ambulancice recall laags badly ------— berB_for^plonta_and.jid..could lay off the^types. I ------■^“SBAlEUllSEIt;it“ !TO'VJD.l'IS“"^JUREEffi;EDWARDS. - S orary basis only' while worvork rules regulate how and workers on a tempora W ASHINGTON (AP)') - The re- Ford provrovides the chassis for ipC-l3.y*il«iUT^itiiine«eo^„ aiiFH. tlSBliJdS* J if an economic downtintum combined when 8pC(pecific tasks are done, coll of 22,000 Ford ambtibulances be- about 90 penicrcent of the ambulances ^.ntilWiiainUIO Loiniln • ' - w ith a slum p in Fordd sales.si The agiagreement, reached 2 V2 days cause they may catch finire is m onths in th e countr;ury. 1 package would after Bicbieber granted Ford an exten- The job protection pi behind schedule ondid vehicles Charies White,W Ford’s chief engi- its contract beyond its expirn- be the-first of its kinod agreement. Ford ban I Some ow ners said even ev though schedule, ! by the rank-and-file Truly, wc broke a lot)t ofo new ground ratified . the recall was announceiced by Ford ' • on job security. T he agiagreement fully members,rs. Yokich said voting would Motor Co. on Ju ly 17. they have within to d ay s. meets the needs off FordF workers begin witl . _ been unnWe to get ththci.amAil^ TUCte -nnd-UAW-workcrsclBrc- be requlnilrea"toni:call‘lald:off^work^J'* next year, aa late as Mararcyrin’Home _ sident who announceiced the settle- ers in pro)roportion to the amount ila^ cases. "RESERVE ACI COPY ment in the abaoncecc IOf UAW P re- productioition increased after a slump,Pj When they announced;d the rccall, IFIINAL aident Owen Dicber,, w.who w as hospi- It also woiwould have lo pay a financial- Ford officials said thejiey expectcd j T 'l f" TODA'VY talized for » stomi>mach ailm ent, penalty' i inlo a worker retraining most of the ambulancescs would be wL-V«OSEOUT 1 from the hospi- fund for)r cach hour of overtime n Bieber wa» relensed fn “ fixed by mid-September.r. Oflieials( oc- i . ,..Sol. lOA.M.- 10P.M.«Sun. M A.MA .-0 P.M. , tal later Thuradny afteiftem oon. UAW emmployee j worked, Mon.-: knowledged Thursday tlthat the re- >JOW IN 136 BLUE LAKES DLVD.,TWirWIN FALLS The union next turns tur ita atten- The nunumber of guaranteed jobs33 pnirs have been found1 to t be more ■ PRC S m K i p 733*2200 for Rosorvotloiitions tion to G eneral M otorsors Corp.. whose could beic rreduced by one job for ench:h complex th a n expected:d and th a t 70lMolnA> Q ^jy locoicoted ol Noflh S PoInU — Cornurlur ool Addlian YftlodChlekon j contract wus extend?nded Aug. 31 two workorkers who left the payroll)11 now there is no clear eeatimute of 733-7700 t f f oncJ' BIBlue Lokei — N oit lo Konluckv f 'l . when the union decide(ided it would set- throughh a attrition. when work on ali the vehiclesve tie with Ford first.. AnnlyatsA have The cocontract niso would boostat becomplcled. said they expeci theIC IUAW to meot bnse wagiages by 3 percent in the first8t The problem s involviIve gasoline | . — ______stiffer resistance fromom GM over joh year of' tV the contract and pny 3 per-r- tnnks overheating, causiising fuel to m m ;ci—3ttud5utlsyietihli5xiiu:r i »~rcmbve~d: ; Peter rc.-d saveI time t with bur fast service'ice! Olfer good $6,000 eachch Sunday (Noon toJ MI idnight) ...... 12 draw ings of $ 5 0 0 we hrough Octobers. . . . . ^ $ 3 , 0 0 0 e a cch h W ednesdaiy Nightit (6 pm to 12 a m ) ...... 6 draw ings of $ 50 0

J ’ Y(KI t:;in pick-upip aFREEi uckeldiiilyalat thf ca.sliier's cage iind recci;ccive A dditionaif T lcketo ts cach -----' ...... — liiiie-jhat-yoCi-hiu*ium^tlcndant-paid-Jackjkpot^i:i(-k.«iMr«! ------S[oyal Opiticall v a lid ilirouKh SSunday u i of cach week,, Tlic'lie Barrel will bc BAlA RTO N ’S Fobo»FU^»~I »FORTUNE emptied for a fresresh start cach week. The Eyewear Ex|xperts • You Musi 6o Pfcscnlioni to Win. • Guaranteed SIOO.i00.000.00 Tot#i Prliet i l T j Downtown Twinn F alls . ______Muiii Uc? yonts otol a.lOV- Employoos of Dofton's CluD:iuD 93 ilfo nol oli()iblu. II JIaIn Ave. W. ' Clijiomotsdrooll^bloTblororono-iro(riic)itroncheaiH3uoSuotonleWOwty-Pn^ej' • (l-M[W llM .1.1 „ -33-8668 151 Mi Ttw Sp. luiod iibovo._____ CompioiuC( doifllls avmlQblo al Ganclarion’5 Cluti 33 Caaino | ^ 5 ^ Spol bl Ntridi t a i i U Opon Mon.-Frl. 9:00-5:30 Sal 9:00 -Noon V, M------...... - . • Friday, Sopl3pIemborl8,1937- TImes-Nev•News,TwinFalls,ldahoA-7 - - W & i Ortecga operns minisisters’ nneet wilith demland Ccantra aiiid end NAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — about $8.3 million a I MAN^ a m onth, .of-- The plajnlan calls for cease-fires foror verify compliance of the are bound toM fulfillft th e plan, Jent Daniel Ortega dn Thurs* P re sld n ITS* which a b o u t 30 percentnt b aa been do-‘ th e .warsrs in El Salvador andid agreements. This wouldi rmean Hon* Also meetinjting Thuraday and Fri- ailed on tho U.S. C o i^ e s to day calli I to signated for humanita]larian us6,and Nicaragua,ja, as well aa amnesty for3r duras would have to givooupollterri* I day in Mandanagua wos tho In- a n d for ^1” stop aid in g Con* “once a r on* 70 percen t for weapons,u . . t h e com bat)atanta by Nov. 7. I t also de-e- torial aupport for th e Cor^ntras fight* temationalI VerificationVe and Follow- ibels tbot ‘continue to bleedied . 'The Reagan ad ^ , tra rebe administratiop{ monda dedemocratic reforms andid ing the Nicaraguan govere m m e n t Up Commiasiiiasion. It ia made up of ourpeop•ople." claim s th e peace initliitlative aiga^ ends tactictical and strategic supportr t M ost of th e up to 18.0C,000 Contras rcpresentotivetivea from cach of the ______Ortegiegfl-jnsdc .his comoicnts. on Aug. 7 by flve Centntral Americani forinaurgc:'gencies. reportedly hove left theJ bbaae cam ps five C entralII American A nations, the >ening day of a C e n tra l Ameri- raUcajji the oper eri- presidents, including 0O rtega. ia:‘fa- C riticaJ ofol tho plan claim it is too>0 in Honduras this yearir and havo United Nationtions, th e O rganization o f eace meeting and a day after ' can pcai ^ r tally flawed." Presidiident Reagan, loosely woworded and doesn't dealal been fighting in the Nicaraguan N American StotStotes, the stvcalled Con* CBSional leaders ag re e d in prin- rin- says ho will aeek froTom Congress with waysis to1 m aintoin peace, countryside, tadoro nation*ions of Mexico, Colombia, to pve tho rebels an additional ciple to { nal $270 million in militaryiry a n d hum an- T he forebrcign ministers were to Luis Guillerm o Solis, clchief of atoff Vcnezuelo and an Panama, and rthe nillion in humanitarian aid. $3.5 m il itorian for the Contras.:i8. H e h as sold w ork o utt detoila c “to regulate, pkh0^ ' for th e Costo Ricnr:nn -foreign Support Group Gr countries of"' "Let'st’s be clear that whatever ver he does not believe thehe Sandinistas mote andid m ake feasible compli*li* m inistry, expressed optiiitimiam that Argentian,Brazil, Peru and flnancinring, no matter how amall,, to.^Mrillto live » p tn it mmm imittmentfl.un- ance” withth the agreemonU Tho firatat progress would be made.»• , «rop»}^------tho mlercenary en forces ... d o ean 't con-on- der the peace plan unleilesa pressured meeting,, held1 last month in EISl Costo Rica h as been sicIlding efforto j , / tributele to the peace effort we are to do so. Salvador.r. malo, Coata Rica^ andm d R evolution on Nov. 7.In . 1 1985, Con- ahowedforror th e EI Salvador m eeting,g. would be held to end tht:he n early 8- ■ m H y ^ 1 Hoiidunuros. gress reversed itself-,f.ond granted Guotemolaala’s Alfonso Cabrera leftft y e a r^ ld w ar, b ut they ololso forecast , ,v . 'Hieai* added Contra funding, whichlich C ontra aid afto r O i^ega g travejed to early on ththi e first day. INAL ___ they would end withoutisucceps.j^ j " O tQ r / / - iM to ^ wted upon, wouldjjrp? -the. Soviet-Union,-whshich-provides Lope* Contrenir^n'=ThurflaHy~ C 5y~lwo‘ efforto d id in 1954:“ ' vide momoney from C)ct. 1, w hen thisJiia economic and militoniiy aid to the said Hondiiduroa hod no plans to set(Jt The Nicaraguans havcive th e m ost QSEOUT ^ year’s) at issue,” soid B en n e tt, a for- I 6:30 P .M .- n P.M. ° it cannot mean ththat elections “Thia ia \ I •T-SHIRTS'MEALSiLS'FRE^MEAlS ■ who produced- ththe Americon mer philihilosophy professor and stu- s what freedom of speechtl ■ ONLY should be postponed un Constitution. . dent df)f tthe Constitution. “Now, as until the ‘false meant in PIPhiladelphia in 1787; thisB - OHor expires 12/31/17r < GIVEN AWAY A L L W E E K ■ consciousness’ of the ccitizenry con is what it n ^Bennett, one of'thith e m ost outspo- then, tyranny tyi ond liberty are the t must mean in Managua, “ Oqo coupon per p«rion ^ ^ be ‘cured.’ It cannot mes ken conservativesis in P resident altematives. ati Now. aa then, brave leanthotasin- today.", H) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■( ■ , gle party should contntrol all voting Reagan’s Cabinet, wawos scheduled to men andnd women fight to secure the stotions,-voter registrat-otion and boi- deliver his speech ato t 0 ceremony at . blessingfnga of liberty. Q. lot counting. And it cjcannot mean ___ the ^U.S._Embasay--ay- marking—the ------c 0 drama-that-took-placc-2pO- ^ ~ t h a i c l c c t i o n a ”are'mocici:Wd by'nilers~ ^ bicentennial o fth e CoConstitution. years agiago ot Trenton a n d Yorktown aa’raffles’o r‘nuisonces.2S.’ C ' His office in Woahiiahington released and Vail’alley Forge, the dromo that tho text in advance. m tcd ot IndcDondencc H all in “A sccond requiremlen ei t of liborty ______M I lyl l.»K IJI\r 'In th e spccch, Bonnsnnettsaifl the U. Phiio^d]lelphia is again-taking placeICC treedom of speechland of the Aquinclo drops her1 closeest adviseier FURNITlURE

in appi)arent bi(id to placcrate milit;tary • 1

MANILA, P hiiippiripines (AP) — Pre- On WWednesday. Mrs. Aquino.oc-ac- Thursday he believedd th e C abinet ‘ ■ ^ sident Corazon Aquiiluino said Thura- ceptedd tthe rcsignotions of Vice FVe-^e- revamp was complete.- doy shc had droppeded hI e r closest a n d sidentt SSalvador Laurel a s foreign1 of- Mrs. Aquino nam«ned :Cotolino ; most controversial1 aadviser, Execu- foirs sccretarybci nnd Finance &cre*cre* M acaraig, Arroyo's de|leputy, as her •:*' tive. Secretary Jokerker Arroyo, from tory Jaim Ja e Ongpin. S h c also re-re* new executive aecretorary. Macaraig, / -her Cabinet:------■ placedd tth e heads o fth e custom s andmd 60, waa a deputy justicece m inister un- ' Leaders of la stt imonth’s foiled immigrtgration’departmenta. d e r M arcos and w as vivicc preaident ■ (<6up attem pt h add demonded( Ar- Mrs.3. Aquino’s 25-m em ber Cobi-obi- of 0 mining compony beforebi joining royo’s diflmissal, sayiiaying he w as inef- net andind other senior ofTicials re- the administrotion. . ___ ficicnt and.pro-.Cominaununiat . eignedd £Sopt. 9-ao-abe-couldjrcorga. • 'A rm ed fon»s chi«:hief Gen. Fidel nize hericr administration in an effortfort militory bases in thee Philippines. ------Ramos soid authoritirities were inves- - to restortore stability. has denied a n y role. - ({gating possible foiforeign involve- Arroyioyo, 61. 0 former humanlan A leftist lalMr unionn Tuesdoy rc- REGIX5ULAR $1099.95 m en t in the bloody’ Aug.A» 28 military rights1 lawyer,It and Ongpin had theth e leosed w h a t it aaid woaaa a U.S. Ccn-_ _ ^fSLEEPER_«:!| m u tin y .” ______- highestat profiles' among Cabinetnet trol Intelligcn"ce Agencyicy report th a t • The rhutiny \vaaI ththe most serious member)cr6. The Aug. 28 mutineerscrs-.criticizedM ra. Aquino’s)’s handling of ‘ ^ INCLINER challenge to M rs. AqAquino sincc shc had dcmcmonded their ouster. the Communist insurgeijency. SECTIOHAt ^895 ----- wos-swopt-to -powciwor- in - February------Arroyi iro*— R o m o s -s a id -U .S .-'j-'Ambaasador^ -----' oyo,-who'denies-he-ia-pro* Here js Nvmgioom (urmturc that’slat's 1oul o( Ihc oidinaty. ■1986 in a military-ci'’•civilian uprising__ Commu]iuni8t,_iippcared_bcfarc-(ionioniJ!{iQhoin8_EIfltt_denied_ d_tho_ieportja_ .— E/iraa/jlyjts-a-pJ«}h.v«lvcl.SBacc.)acc.savin8-sectional.-.------— that deposed Presidesid(?ttt"Ferdinand gress Sept.Se 8 and accused LaurelI of authentici^. The arme^e^ forcea com- Oul more ttian lhal. ihc armless;s sosola OECfls inio a Morcos. . • fomentiiiting dissent in the militory.. It mander eatimated that; “only 3 or|4 Qucen sietpcr wiiri convcnicnl TV heaflresl.f Overnight. . M rs. Aquino sAidoTi on national tele- was tooX) early• to tell if the departureJre percent o f o u r 160,01,000 qfflop?” V guesis Will iove sitepirg on thele thickthi all loam . maiKcss. In aijdition ihe armless Ic vision that Arroyo) ajagreed Wednes-- ofArroyroyo and Onpin would pacify:ify w ere involved in th e mulu tin y or :ss loveseat has a'buill- in inciincf lor more relaxed TV\ viewingvic^ or reafltng. d ay night to leave* the th government . the restistive military or the other crit-rit- ing for another opportu•tunity to £op- ^ This group is gracelully joineiJI by;by a matching bi-level i n hopes his d ep o rtutu re r “would b rin g ies ofthethe Aquino hdminiatration. pie the govemment. coincf lable. Why buy jusi ordinarilinary lurmtuie when .peace ond quie:uiet" to her Mutintiny leader^ Col. Gregorio'rio E a rlie r T hursdoy, U.lU.S. A ssistant ------you can have sich versatilily. ShopSho Today) administration. Honaaar3an, in interviews this week,ek. Secretory ofStotoGostciton S igur m et Mrs. Aquino saidaid speechwriter demand)nded that Natural Resourcesces with Mrs. Aquino. 01Officials said ■''Teodoro Locsin alsoilao had stepped Secretartory ' Fulgencio Factoran be they discussed ways-3-tho United'. - .down as special legal[ol

I d u c:;k s -u nsfLIMITP E D ^ i i « I

CA(^CTUS PETE'Ss . ______CONVEMENTION CENIITER JACKIKPOT, NEVADDA X J V ■■ Ji. 4 ___S atu rd:day-Sept.-26ti t h ^ y / ____ '-i I N C I«ING ^ ^ ^ ' 4 ^ I New Yori>rk Steak Dinnei e r . ~ SOFAI & L O)VESEAT \ — Here's ono ol tho lovoliosi o»nmploso»n ol nulhorMic ' ^isioo10 per person Early Amcticnn charm you coulcrould cyor Own • t)lo55(!d Wllh irto moflorn udiciurciuncy you wnni loday - -Buiii-'ntotnefnbuioussolaTinr precisely tJosigned lo'oDoy your'Our siighicsl toucli lo' maiimum comfort. SfiOomiis5 susucn (me qu.ihly furoplure laofled nt such dollar-sa»-snvin (3 prices. Como i; C ocktatails 6:00 pm see mu execplion.l1 tjuy, D i nm n i e r 8 : 0 0 p m REGULAR $1099 9 9 . 0 0 MATCHING^ CHAIR REGnEaR'$2!^ 2 9 9 . 9 5 - — ^ — DQOO • Free busb leaves L y nnwood Shoppingng Center ggoo N(,ow^7Sy S E T j at5:0(00 pm and 6:0(0 0 p m NOW ^ I S i Door■ Prizes,I raffle,, auction,i float trtrip, guns, A 9 0 DAVY ^ F R E E FlINANCINC IG j pictunires, etc. i Ticketets can be obtailined by calling:g:Brad Cox : 733-00)014 or 733-511[10, Clif Snider• aat 733-6880, i Cecil[ IDawson at 326!6-5i68 m . ^IN E .... — 12Z-2;2N P A V E N U EE^WEST.r-.73 M A-«Time9-Now8,TwlnFin Falls, Idaho Friday, Septeritemberl8,1987 Dc)oonesbury______CM>: LEI'S '7FU/^P I7FUMPCMPl»CrUASM0i f GOOPQuesnoNx nO U xliem ______/^BCaD>mics S z ^ ------:------C M B B - t — ------^

- 7 ------— ; | Frank and Em

• gg-^l^yoa-rH rTH E-.= - ? e Q u E u " r — ^

______|Peanuts^ nAvcs 16 N WE FouNP OUT I [ TJJMS'PIPITHINK i m \ .. / 5 0 METTIM1A E S ! THIMk \ | ^KUBBERRAPT ITUT LUOULP FIT IN . I MU5TET BE LOSING ) 0 « J )LPN'TFIT1N \JA'< U)ATER^I5H? / W 0“ '- Garfield B BIRP5ATH,.. ------IgARFIELB VOO EAT!T TOO MUCH / zap...vou'r£ 1 BWIil JUNK FOOP. EAI bOhjO/VlETHIN& V a c a r r o t STICh r^ n n p FOR pc •V /------i ___ _ o ^ £

C ' ( a ) ^ ^ - Blondie» s [> i'LU call Si«,^soTj3i r r ^ ‘S THE J fTmil] I v o u H HAN M B SO M S W O at» ■■ >-rr.---- nr ninCOMF^ T E R .? J • STUCKJCK IN VOUR ____ iV OUNDERHEW S A v a j .-THRO^

'^':6~9~cr - — \\^ Hagar the Hornrrible - r - i ^ \L| ------I~T>AAAjks"7"T” f H m m - A m b Y oi - --Yg$,-/V\V~MeAPlM'& ------fOR'COfMS&, p i ’ fNOTICePAHit'THlS ? ----- i»CTO/? ZCtJAi; /< ? f^A < 5 A R '& -M V O /C 5 /' ^ AndyjC ga ip p ______

^ lllp p r r nF^OUBEUEVEj - ( WHYl■rywoNTvoLr ^ A „ > THATNOU'LL KE/Vre'VMITH / ( BELIEVE/SNVTHllslS j - , u r e - i ^ _ f i ___ HI f eING ■rr' f H n ^ The Born LoserIT J r EVES ONNVOUJ V ------I al£ ^ ^ « P 0H,6BW, CAU . / w v u a m ----l--- _ riy0'Oj.l»M..o.»*«Kuprr% _ F I ______l>^l l)» No«m O M E O F THEHE WORST ABEhS TOTO ^ H A R E H l^ ^ EEB^-g£ILOJj^/=s:r 3^S3SSlSffiS =p! ^ ------7

Beetle Bailey H t' l e g f c~KhJm4> o J fIM f l THAT WINC? 1 ------^ AH S0H5 THKOU&l^f l ^ ^ l ) I - t h aAT^- Wizard of[>fld YOU LIKE rJB R ' ~ Y KKiiPE / / ! p p j x m / e i ^(77 iWOTYpi ~ T 1 . ( fORTHo, ll tesew tnononi’ir 1 eA\p-vm na>ii ...... 4 r i T f " v > - , J EJ } k A ^ ! L V i L‘j\ w ^ i Pr§Tcr: y - Gasoline Alley ______i l w J ^ I— TTi Hi and Lb.bis______I W h e r e y o u o f f . L 1#^ LJo the cpastjtoTRe’kon ^ he’lL ^ p T inne.he.learnedj ie WondeileLw.bat. 1 ^ , . - 1® W s O F O E m n & ~ \ 7 " _____ . p h o t b g r a 'p h a / n e t take pjtchurs Ihedici;i 'f b r e T h a t 'S ^ / " g o N Y o v V N - ^ u s ^ ' '^-secuRiTrTY-SYSTEm FOtt - j /- cOfJtV^ON^r- :i \-tf-t h a t ?--/.------L a u byhisself! V he metX U S ^ W y ic > V S £ AUy:Tjiin<5__ 5E,BUrTHEY"P:e / W a V to f • ~ T N ^ - ; i r " 5 5 I WWtoRTM M EXPEN Z t iS lV B . I^\scdO(ZAee i ?tbauu& j^M . I V SUR

ftj^^nough,R ufus!u s i ;

^ / / ^ l \

------ACROSS------ll Ij ' oualiualy th a n h’a m h e w ritings,s, ieven, d a y care, lawn mowmowing. So advise 1 Jufifllo c a t _____ ------~ o)f f\\ William Shakespeare, —;— ^jobanalysta. Oneai 6 Silkworm u ae authority.con:______'1 ------It-wit-was-not-ice skates but-rollercr ' tends a college studBtudentnow.can fi- 13 Allan— ^S-B ^— ekatkates that originated in HollcHand. n an ce an entiroI edueducation by fold- . .14.Racing sled___h m inglaundty. 16 Bovoragos - W h a t ' s w: v h a f ■■ Couilould a political candidate tododay ...... - 17 Frollcsomo m j4 giveive aw ay free m m ? In hia eleclectoral ® womanI in tth e M aasachu- 19 Metric ^ on did ®®y Colonyy wlwho donated th e ------^ _ PLPIANO portera aay th e n am paign, G eorge W ashington moBSuro :s ere'e no such condi- ground on whichhthe th first free IVORY tion a s "portly' sisunny." la t. 20 — H o m o ______H H H H iv( achool woa builtt bulbut girls weren’t al- - 21 Conjunction gjr « r* NNo ote 1957 - th at wns th e luauat year When you pour s aya h e re a cup o fh o t cocoo he:lelpa lowed to attend. 22 Black lo p o o l s ------M ira room-tempernture Soya piuno m okera nny\vhcre_usccled.iyory _Hoft,drink.oyer.ic spirin work faater. • —. 23 Examlno------” - rice, you promptly. ....nspii V. Fifteen pereentof tl L IE IIZ " for fi“ the keys.' lose h o lf th e carlarbonntion. ofthe drivers get 85 ' 25 Moving ■§ ii~ EW BUSINESS? percent ofthe tickeicketa. backward ■ " T Th: hree out of five brides w ho j 28 Pallid »B'‘‘ N ECKTIES r ------m w ------the their pictures in the paper ont re wear- , ■ Mort[ore young mothers are goingig b ack M en w ho tako daily 29 Swiss rlvor W V The m an w ho wew ears n tie every doy, „,( laily w alks in th e ' ing pearlH. 1 w ork rig h t a fler th eir babiesce a re auburba tend to stic 30-Gr.-l8llor -- si- M ifuveruge, apendinda four hours a y e a r bom ) stick to th e sam e , 31 Esthollc _ ^ 3m. THe tren d continues. To0 starts course. But men1 wh who tak e auch JQ- Ih gin OKed? .. ______tjnng_the,thing._ ------34-Lcoso ^------— S .- . - = = - . : = ^ a - n onow-busineaa ^ ofyour'own7= walKsTnidtown'chB:xhangetho'courso ' ' " ' "" ATTJo.sir, you c n n lln n k 'itlhth e day The w ritings o f N 36 Gulls . ------ifM rs.M .E.L.M al- therrf:______M Daaily-Horosc a tc 's feelings. . . with that, ypu keep kc your_ward— — oolong 8 Poy r 'Vm po i b i a i h i d m d Ti honorably. ShouldLild your mate feel 'n GENERAL TENDENCIE.'ES: Get Don’t be annoyedyed by gossip or criti- LH 51 Undocldod - otlon'llontlon lo . nTT r F B c T i LIBRA (Septem ber 23 to OcDctober frantic, you must n .56 Dlllgont 9 Erlo i any importnnt matters settled cism which 'shothould be ignored. If 22): i Bt remain calm and il u SIrM IA iy_ ulnT^B ^ R M R I iii^ T E qqpI !): A n early m om ing surprisiise will poised. 57 Kind ol rubbor Ontorl"a fro '' early. A.few complimentsJi ’Would going on a tripip. , leave early since pleaa cuso yl s Hr ^ ease you,-but y our mood cou 56 — Onassis 10 Excus hcl|tielp in thia ora. Ifyou dola:lay, Inter heavy traffic wilwill annoy you. The brou( “Uld bo AQUARIUS (JaniJanuary 21 to Febni- i t' 59 Exploiter 11 Honov •ought down by frienda. Post)8tpone a ry 19): Don’t beco inoydow W l LD . D J jn yoU’ll havo trouble expi^pressing evening bringsI hchappiness. those become involved in 111 61 Slrollor 12 "Wilh/Ilh — In AlRiR r i s T l ,080 aociol cngagementB; relajla* a nd oiiioncea whicl W m you^•ouraelf and probably be i^ignored...... 'hich you don’t feel I. 62 .Dollvoranco my> hi b U j m r n iccomplish a g reat • 69 Hollow stem 26 Irelani'“"'I s|t|Tr1e sl perior. Handle a crodit.mott 70 Longlh moa- 27 Mlllloi r W n U c g 800day. L E p (Ju ly 2222 to A ugust 21):'A todayday. o utaide m attcra. StaySto at home thia ' 1" 32 Penn aand - Id IE |A ID M g IO charming attitudiude this m om ing will even in g and bo happlappy. . DOWN 33 Schoohool: abbr. 03;18I87 TAURUS T. (April 20 to M^ ayt 20): get you som e fafavors you need. It SA< 1 Sailor 35 Slmlarnian 46 Antitoxin 55 Assisted Mor SAGITTARIUS (Novemberr 225 to • IF YOUR CHIIJHILD IS BORN I l^oniingjsjhejjest time to3 »solve.a...woiUd.be most.ur.unwise to critidzo a Decei ------2-Marrlago-vow—36-Hundrndreds-of— 48*By-means-of-of— 56'—-DavIs------rzir, xamber 21): Reply favorablyilyloa TODAY-., hoorah roubling family matter. Donjn ’t Ict a friend th ie aft«m ( r she will'live' gra- • - P"" 3 Courage yeers-irs Ihls 60 Rroctlce lor a moon. Avoid sodaliz- letter;ter from afar. Latet, contn tin u e c i o l l y in early chilc 4 Burstyn or 37 Leg jo nend hurt your feelings wit ^Idhood and have * J jolnis 51 -- bonh bout f"®' ■ith com- ing'this evening.g. IGet some rest. operaorating sensibly, and makiiko no am azin g ly good fo Drow 40 “Venl,jnl. '52 Analyjo 63 Sullivan and nionnonta which ore unintcnzntionol. 1 fortune. A fine ■ chonfangofl in your routine. Post;stpone educatio n ia abaolu: 5 Curb vid"1" ' sontoncos Asner Don)on’t entertain guesta. VIRGO (Augus:ust 22 to September that 1: aolu^ly neceaaory. ; >i 6 Waplll, 42 Juno10 ( e, 1944 53 Angry . at little M p until a later timoQO.- and your progeny i 64 Singlo . 22): D on't lo t youiour happiness over a ny could do quit«' i ' 7 RoHrottlnfl 44 Lamogo desert . 54_NQmlnfllod______65-NogatIwo------:^.Q] ______i:,well_in_govcmnient.ent-wock,-whether------^ - r 'prcveni'youTrom CS]CSPRKTO’RN (Decem ber 2 2: 2 to m ole o r female. ! , , ______Friday, SVpto'm,mboria^iee? 'Times-News.:is. Twin Falla, Waho

~ ^ P e 6 p t Springgsteen iignores5 fans’ c:Heerslat bandim em ^ adding— ) .( A P ) - A 8 o1- _ n |j||| JANESVILLE, Wia.(/ I “Over the yeam thars ha\ cancel a contract to publiitlish hia Center, said WedrWednesday th e hoapi- S ' w d ” Ious Sean;Penn :i^ Bruce SpringBt^ateen waa best I lo t of new faces, so-called P u g h a c io i autobigraphy. tal dropped Ma.la. 'Thom as from ita En|in a t th e w ^ d ia g of a band mem- I gtria,’ in the busineaa,” s In a six.page letter Sept.)t 10 to.-.S«Ptw3Q-prognmi.a m . a ^ it received— . . . - oi*d’’, ^ ^ t ffrom Jail early ^ ' ber while a crowd begt«gan chanting I “Pve”] never been th at golc r e l e a s e d f Franklin County Chanceryy Court, 12 to 15 callala objectingc to Mla'. 5ELES (AP) - Pugna^ ^ 'W e'want Bruce” aa guiguests Iefl the K : . . I But B when you’re too h o t,;^ y o u r i l k . W s a n g e : Ray said he wanta to brbreak a Thomas. Sean Penn waa un- .cKuith. m i ■1 b the next year.r. So Jaae_dJu«_,«oS»f S November 1986.agreement.w-w ithta* "W® oncemed that wbat ff iiraday, released early ' ’v' DaiinyFederid,"37rtlthe keyboard ~~ [~Faul^ never went in amtnd out of pwmed Thura activist Frederick T. Sausa;Bey’s ihtehde<3ided-toTw-tuTeauctr------______u £ ^ m . ja il .for_>r_ gowi-behavior-after— player-on-Springsteen’»en’s- E - S tr e e t— ‘Andrewa’Pres87~wKich waa~tfts^b^tlonfll'event for• thethe'woinen of horth------_____ &erving32dayiays, the minimum possi- Bond, waB~ m arried Wednesday Wc to lu ^ K - lish T e n n e a se e W altz." e m K entucky ... could( inatead be- day sentence. p K athy Helm eid. 32. ofA^f Avalon, a t A«- Bisset, Irving JoinIS tors blefora 6 0 -da3 Ray daims Saussy editec^ inac- »“« * b r ®or against tho pro- , ^ P enn, 2 7. wew ore d ark glaases as he tfiry United MethodiststChurch. C ■ curadea ..into the -manuQuscript jK)8itlon,‘^sal"»kle»-drivriving inddent - “He did live his life w work and marriage at a chajlarity ap- Boaton, whot apappeared hero laat : ' NEW YORK (AP)-Ji- Ju n e Pauley, t lamt 't imaginei, a b etter p ropare- appetite^” < said Bisset, one pearence for a hospital. weekend, presenssented a $10,000 r t S l t t S ! M Ray wants co-hofltofNBC's‘Today”ay” Bhow, la y s tion for whirh at I do today,” she said in 300 ' people who attended J a m e s Ea> Then local offldala fomlund out check to the Southuth Hilla FamilyHoa. her failed ambition to be a high i„torvioview in tho upcoming Pa- ering< Wednesday n i^ t at the gov. to cancel•} Ibook contract about her pro-choice, vieiews on pice after a.perforrformance, Saturday. Behool~cheerieadcr~help€ilped-her-land rnHffmngnzjazirie', _1 __emor^a* mansion.' ______The hospice^proviirovides-skilled^carfl^:------a jo b in television.------36,— h as— b e e n --w ith ------~ The-film-featival,—whrhich''"enHa— WiNCHESri‘3-iJSKrTennr-(AP)-==-^ Jackie“HirtrpubllcTelotii Itions- di-- and- support • systei'stem s for t e r m in a lly ------“At tho age of 14,1I Ibltf m y life T o d a y " for foi nearly 11 years. She S ‘ atu rd ay , is showing 30 of Huston's James Earl RaRay, convicted assassin recrector for S t Elizabeth IMedical ill pationta in theirheir homes. w as over," P auley said.d.-I * ended up said one rtreason for her success is 41^ movies. Huston died AAug. 28 at of dvil rightaa Iloader Martin Luther joining the soeech teara tea instead, her“wearal the age of 81. King Jr., h a si aai sk ed court o fiidals to rabilit/.” * n p T S KNTEl^l ced telephone 1I ■ ^ RKANCII'IINI! Experiencec Tiffan\,y’s cele>brates ]150 ste>rling yf executive.e Box\)x W-90 1,250 salespeople and C L O S E O U T TIME look-bright. Sales for thele firstf day to- Tiffany once e:^ibited the But the.magic of Tiffany’ available to help cus* 701 Main Ave. E IhlnFa^511 , c/o Timeimes-News ta l^ $ 4 .9 6 ; th e Tirst wcelvoek’s profits, skinned andmd tanned hide of a P.T. ita ability to m ake tbe ordin anatyper- tomera spendJ moneyn on the lowest P.O.. B(Box 548 / 33.‘Mi}ts. B am u m eleelephant, publidy hanged non feel extraordinary. 733-7700' tTWpgs have definitely•Iy (changed. for k illingr a d rcu s employee, in his priced item —- ao $12.50 double deck H TF., ID. ^Qoj)c are tho dog whi(fhips, tongue- front windowdow under an ad inviting “So m any people believee thI a t Tif- of Tiffany playiilying cards - or a mil- scrapers a nd papier-mlache. ad: In their customersi tot have luggage made fanys *® is intimidating andi we' have lion-dollar diamamond necklace., placc stand cavernous8 flfloors filled from th e nlotorious ot pachyderm. r _V w ith nd. collections____ T iffany's- himinpgi; nmmPTt nn<^___ offme silver and crystal.al. . ' keen sense36 of' publirity turned the - ‘ > iSalcs have picked up,p, ttoo; Tiffany sto re in to3 ai profitm^er in four ==^ieorreport^-«ollia^g.$182,5 mi]. ohort-yearer li()n in goods in fiscal 198(.986. grown a thohousandfold since. It was /\ The company is celelelebrating its acquired by Avon Products in 1979 sc^uiccntennial withI fourfo' months and resoldd to a private investors ofinuscum exhibitions5 anand black-tie group in O)ctoberl984. ct galaff in Now York,jrk, Boston, Over thoy0 years. Tiffany’s tony cus- Houston, London, Bevcteverly Hills, tomcra havlavo induded presidents Calif., Chicago, San FraFVancisco and Lincoln andUld Johnson and neariy Dallaa. Tiffan/s has branches bi in every crowrnvned heod of state, in d u d - tHosQ cities a n d Atlantimta. A store ing Queen1 Victoria,V the Shah ofPer- y TRilAFFICSTTOPPER wtll ' open in Muniiiinich. West sia and thele C zar of Russia, Germany, next month. • “ W hile prepresident, Lincoln bought Though internationalnal)y known his wife. NMary, a string of seed - today, tho original TifTa;iffany’s-was a - pearia -and-id-matdiing earrings for 15-foot-wide cubbyholele acroaae from $2.600.,andnd Johnson commissioned City Hall in lAwor ManiManhattan and T iffany's , to provide .a . new_ s e t. o f , . “w en t unnoticed by com;ompetitora as ~cHina fdfthethe WhlteHoiise...... welLas by most shopperpers” when it Tiffany's’s h1 as Ipng been th e pro* opened, according to “The “T Tiffany ferred jewelireler, chiiia m aker and sil­ Touch,” a" book' on the' tl store’s ver supiJlieilier of wealthy socialites

/■W jieH eroiFund /Y J v \ - - • / y M m ------I rewardsIs 21 hereoes / X ■ ------:------. pirrsBimGHjAgi^I —WhenMar- -RnnnMJd_L__Soncho._20.._of_ I ____ tin Jones^and his. bro^nithcr,_Mark._AvondaIe,.I,.La.,-who-saved-a-trudc- - Z.:*’------came upon a burning car onn high- driver frofrom suffocating from R • w ^ near Baltimore,!, thoyt knew hydrochloric)ric acid fumes following they had to work quicki:ckly to save a accidentn t in Baton Rouge, La., on boy trapped inside. AprilU,19l1986. : J v ' ] “It was tho only thiith in g to do," . . _ r / Jones, 22, said Thursdayiday. -The kid . 9 ®E. Korst III, 31, of Impe- w as conscious a n d lookin;king a t u s and h, Calif., who saved two asking us for help. Whathat else could A'ldren from fro a burning house in Livermore,e, (Calif., on Oct. 25,1986. wo do?” oth of Bel Air, ^-'^om aslas D. Finn, 30, of M y T ho tw o b rothers, both Md., rescued Sean Pu LUtlo. 15, am, Ala., who soved o 16- X/ !>oy from drowning in the _ ------from, the* c a r o a-In terst Dec. 10, 1986, placing; themth among irk River in Tennessee on me.Canadian May3. • ____ 2p_American8 .and one honored for heroism ThThursday by -Michaellel Bell. 39. of Solem . O re. _ ------the ..Cam'egio Her?ero Fund , who wass savc(^< a 3-year-oId girl Commission. from a bumiming house in Portland, ~ •Threeofthe21 heroes« s died in th e- O re., on Feb.eb. 3. - - pcrforinanco of theirr ddeeds. The —Parker5r. K. Wicmers, 18, of latest heroes are among'Dg 76 honored M arfa, Textcxas, who saved an 82-' | by the commission thisis >y ear and 7, year-old mla ar n from being stru ck by a 146 honored sinco i t w'as a s founded ; by runaw ay air]lirplano on Dcc. 22,1984. ' industrialist Andrew CiCarnegie in -Lloyd A\Adams, 74, of Elmira, N. A n ni u a l CG a r a g3 6 1 9 0 4 .. -Y., who rescoscued a S^year-old man Each hero or the hero’iiro’s survivors from a bumiming house on Aug. 29, rccoivos $2,500 a n d a mcimedal. , 1986. Jonea, a carpenter,, sqsaid hc and —Gregoiy)iy L. Gadsby, 49, of Fos- his 27-year-old brotheror “ran' up to ter City, Cal'alif., who saved a woman S al i e S pp e c i a lI __tho car and I -wontit i for a fire fromanassa3sault in San F ran d sco on =— trxtinguisher.-— ------...... ^ —June 6.—^—^ — -M ake-your-gjgarage saleihe'bibest'ever“ advert "He couldn’t got tho10 kid I out by -Phillipp . E. Bass, 26; of rtise^ir^ ~ ~ him solf. H e backed awaymy because of C hattahoochx h ee, Fla., who soved a 2- in The Tim es3S-N ew s Classifie'iedsl W e’re offeriri n g a ' the heat, but then I tapiapped him on year-old froiTom a runaway automo- -^l._spectacu!ar.p.price.savings-nov ow -^so-hurry-andd - s t a r t ------r----- the-shoulder-and-we-bol-both went-in-bile on-Mardirch-23r— ------j together. It all happenedned very fast.” -Jam eas R. Barkley, 26, of m aking yourr plans| todayl f We figure maybe it tooltook 15 or 20 Texarkana,a, Texas, who saved a seconds,” hesaid. woman from)m an assault on Ja n . 21. - — The commission.saidd theti Joneses - — Joeeph-h—G _Pavlik,^2^of ------Get-two-EBREtgarage-sal iales.signSra-f^F R E i — pulled the boy to safotyy mmomenta be- Coupland,. Texas,T who helped save fore th e car exploded. BotBoth mon suf- two womonin ] from drowning in Mus- inventoryjisisting sh eet andi d a FREE comfiplete ^ fered minor bums to thoihoir faces and tang Creek0k at Taylor, Texas, on I hands. M ay 29. list of tips 0on how to makeke your garage salej I Others honored are; -W illiaun m Collins Jr., 35, of El a successs all for the prici -T ho late Gerald K.I YYanaba, 34, Ciyon, Calif,ilif, who saved a w om an ice of your paid ai d ., — of Berkeley, Calif., who10 diedd unauc-_Jrom_a_burluming. condominium..in...... cosafuUy ti^ng to saveivo a woman San Diego) onoi May 2,1988. Collina from drow ning in the PaiPadfic Ocean was iiyured.id. on Nov. 22,1986. ’ —ColumQbus bt W hite Jr., 53, of Slimies-2da^lys - 7.50 • -TholatoB. Michael'icl Thompson, S a n ta C laraira, Calif., who saved a 18, of Sydney, NovaI Scotia,S' who man fromI hia1 burning truck on (AA c dd'1.00 per each additionalact line) died trying to save threeree mon from Sept. 10,198986. , drowning in tho Atlanticntic Ocean at -rClifford.rd A. Chafloe, 72, of Long Kennington Cove on Aug^ug. 21,1986; Beach, Califilif., who saved a 4-year> ' Tho three men werere saved by old bery fron l733-062( ! -om a burning house on Call !6 Today! others. __ ' rtay23,198£)86. ______Hurry. ry._offer.Gxpires Septeiitember-25.JL9flZl____ Dean, 30; of -Albertt B. WUliams, 17, of died saving a Mount Prosjoapect. 111., who saved a I •owning in th e w om an fromDm ah assault in Rolling hll. Moadows.IU111., on Dec. 17. r, 26,, of -Mary Crowley,Ci 14, of Flagler 3_Kttsy2i .-saved-a-06—Bcachr^«=lafr^whd—saved—tlww— - il5Qlk-BEI •n a bumiiig women from)m drowning on Sept. 15, ______1986.

,' V—T h e la te Rob‘ert“E. D Forestvillo, N.Y.. who die 9*year-old boy from drow: P a d fic Ocean on M arch 1 . —Teresa Rossiter, MaflsiUon,-Ohio,-who-sfl year-old woman from . house on April 21. • A-10Tlmes«New8,IWS, Twin Falls, Idaho Fridaylay,Seplemborie, 1987____ Worid V , I Iran,I, Iraq tlrade claaims of■ successs in gu]ilf war €engagei;ments i MAN^KAMA, Bahrain (AP) - Iro q ta p r positions, w hile hihelicopter gun- ta n k e rs flyingflyi: the S tars a n d Stripes said itsts forces repulsed an Iranianion ships mounted anotheier 147 sorties, an^ beinglg escortede. th ro u g h th e ^ f ' k attackc in an l&-hour batta ttle th o highest gunship tototal in several by U.S.. worships « as protection T hursdaiday, and-Iron said it bonbom* w eeks. against attacks att by Iran. Iran ac* . bardedd Iraqi1 dties in repriaal.fc1 .for Iron claimed a Soviiviet-built Iraqi cusea Kuwaiwait of supporting Iraq. j Iraqi ooir ir B trikes bn tankers, oil ceiccn- MiG-23 was ahot dowown in central ‘T h ere wwei ere reports o f la rg e explo* -• ------■ , ters ondnd factories. Iran Thuraday. But Irt[raq claimed ell sions latoto Wednesday' near Iran’s - " ______L ____^___^ a i^and y i kaq. 'who have been:n ot t itsjetaretu m ed ao felyly. . Farai Islaniland in the northern gulf. . / w ar forirseyenj^ears. s observed an.uji.un-:::i..Severai-bourH-nilcr n d t a n .w a m c d _ lra n ’flzR€YO!€Y0lutioria^_lGuai^_hav9__ ------j------■ - ofTicialJ btru ce d u rin g U.N. Secretar:tary- it w ould carry o ut repip risa l shelling, used th eI islandisli as a base for armed ^ Genrero]tral J a v ie r Perez de Cuelioj^lar's Tehran radio reported;d “intense Ira- speedboatat attacksai on neutral ships. ' I four-dayiay pcace mission to the guigulf, nion artillery fire” on>n military, oil U.S. military mili sources, speald^-. On Wedi -- ednesday. a fte r Perez de Cue’ue l- a n d industrial targeta"a" in Iroq._____ on conditioliUon of anonyml^, said__ ------lar;lefi;ifl :the region,. Iraq' broke ththe There was no imniimcdiate com- Iraqi F-1;i Mirage 1 waiplanes had luU with air atrikes that continuelued ment by Baghdad andnd no indepen* been activetive in the areo but said — ___ into Thu:h ursday. dent confirmation ofif th e reported th e y h a di nono information about the - « The official of Iraqi News Agenc}ncy, ground fighting. OtDbaervers are rep o rted explosions.exp F ' riionitoreored in C^rua, said Ira:Iran rarely allowed into thehe w ar zone by T e h ran n radiora announced th e sta rt T InmitiiBdiBd*Bn*nBBHTilr3agry5lofeinlB mid- eitheraide.------DfinnphlbiD'Ibfouu m aneuvers off Inm ’u— f night WeW ednesday in tbo central sec-sec Earlier, Iraq aaid iits jcts hit-.a southeaster]Item coast in the Gulf of tor of ththe 730-mile-!ong war fromrent, “large maritime tararget," which Oman, soutlouth of the entrance to the • i;--* s a fe Iraq saidaid the fighting ended abou}out usually means a tanker, ta about Persian Gulf.Gull ; sundownwn-Thursday.- dawn-Thursdoy- and b-bombed oil in* Ira n hoa as soide tho o peration ia in- T The agency, a{ quoting a miiitar:ta ry stallationa ond tw o wcwor production tended to counter ( a growing in- communionique, said “the bulk of thith e p la n ts in four Iran ian1 ccities. te m atio»al n al naval presence in the I, Iranian-n • force w as destroyed,'ed," IRAN, the Iranian1 rnews agcncy, waters outsiutaidethePeraian Gulf. ' beatenI beback by intense artillerx oam n d aoid “some factory wcworkers" were An armadinadaofU-S.and-WestEuro* - t tank fireire by Ira q ’s 2nd Army Coi^i>rps killed or wounded. p ean w arshtrshipa ia m assing in tbe ^ and. atratrafing runs by holicoptei?ter The ahip attack,, tho second Gulf of OmanOmi for a multinational -- ______gunships,------___claim ed by Iraq in 24 hhoura, camc a minc-^sweepleepingoperation.__^ ______:: _ ■ - • - _ I r an*fl_’s-o fE ci^ ■Islam ic-R epubli(blic -few -houra aftcTBTcflBBogged K uw aiti. Pe're* de.Cuellarhofl-dMlinedtor.-Ede.< N ew a' AgAgencyr’also monitored in ir tonker escorted by a U.S.I warship publicly disuss dis the results of hia T Nicoaia,I, made no mention of aran arriv ed aafely in K uw aioit. peace miasioasion, during which he had APU>«rphoto- aaaault.t. Cr— s ,

C astleIe offer Tl^hailand blocksh b0 M O N TH riM mereial purposeloses an d 'to him - Laos."s." Three members of ( the group gold in reret tu m . self foot th e bibill for mainte- Six ix membera of the Americarican th re w plaatic bags conontainihg the re- Bill Heriendon, a former Republican:an' nance coats," Hamminkcln group ^ ip lost relatives d uring th e longIon ward offers into thee Mekongi while congreasn:ismen from North Carolina, tre a s u re r Heinzinz*DieterMe1zer war i; in which about 2,400 ae:aer- the others applaudeded and cheered said thes aismall packages were head- said Thursday.ly. vicemc men ore still listed as missinising them on. Then nil joir)ined in. wading ing dowriwnatream along a routeate Maintenanceice costa for R in-_ in acti I etion. Of theae 644 were lostst iin _ .into, the , river andd puling the where heje claimedc a numberof Amer- ...... genberg C astleJtle, a' few m ile s " ' 'Laos. I s...... water forward. ^ thI stickae or thetr—icans hadad been s ighted.______^fip_m_the.Rhine.JneJliver^e-tsati:-_____ Robi obia—Owon—Bell—of—Fuquaj[Uoy«—handa-to get thtrtwrjmgfl-Wving-to: Tfiailanland'and Laos have had gen* matednt$110,00,000 a year. _ Varina ina, N.C., whose fat^ r’a planlane ward^s the c u ^ e n t. - ; ...... orally poo>oor relatio n s eincc the 1975 w aa'sl'aKot do'^'in'Laoa in 196J968...... The"‘packagea. huRjrgging the Thai communianist victory in Laos.- BlESI&SSi

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% .. INTITRODUCING,, FOORTE-VITALPPOUR LES YEUEUX FIRRM ING'EYE CCREiVIE AJ lon(ong last. .. realistic helpp i in an ey e crem e so light.t, it can b e w orn day' aand nighl, under ...... m akleup eu or alone, to help redijduce signs of-ag-- f • ing an(and p u lfin ess. FORTE-VIT/iITAL Firming Eye ^ C remme, e with its unique Bio-proteotone Bi c o miplex, p k works from the outsictside in to firm —I------a n d -to-tone-the-delicate-contou:ours“3 round ------^ —I ...... th e eyeeyes. Ask^’L'ancome Beaulauiy Advisor a b o uul t FORTE-VITAL POUR LES L YEUX ______^______Eitmln{iing_Ey.e_Cceme__A_beaujautiful-eye. ------o p e nner e r (or the besl outlookok possible.. N et.WW I t..5 02.. $30. ""V


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P u r c h a s ee w ith Purcha;a s e - "

JUST15.E.50 w ith any La.ancom e purch; h a s e

^ L E J O C K(E I Y -for the beD eauty of it alli M U i Enclosed: TRANS'JSHYDRIX.-.65 02., a 244 fhr. moisture . ■ _ lrap ^O , GRES.S.E-YEX REI^E, ,18 02.. a . .. . gyg-.jj^gg^. ^ a protective minimize expression linenes, HYDA ■ ^ ■ CREME, .65 02., a hydrating moisture creantam for th e body,.Improves moisture r level up to 2010 h o u rs, ______lAOUACiLS. .14_fl,_f|_oz,_waterproot rnascari■ara._LE ______^ CRAYON'KHOL.'.I, .04 02., w o rk s a s an eyee IIliner o r em p h asi2er, M-MAGIE NOIRE, .25 M. oz., tl i -BluoLakoiMDl M oll, Twin F allf B . th e ^ source of enchehantment of every puls(ilse M on.-Fri.Fri. 10:00-9:00 'Im point. Sol.. 10:00-6:0010 ' K — * ______7 3 4 =1=9400— Sunday.:!oy-l5:00-5i00------K T FrIdayT;i, September IB. 1987 Times-n«s-No»j, Twin Falls, Idaho ■ Obltuarles/hosispltals B2 r m a g i cc V a i l l e i ■ Jdaho/West B3>3 V ■ Business/markt ad R 3 . ^ y PAT MARC ANTON>NIO ------t l i e W S t ^ild d igraduate d ffam Ari-______------Timca-News-writer------zona Stote. A nd then,sn, thero waa Jim TWIN FALLS - Itt >waa nn in- Brown, formermcr record-breaking accepptcd v a aio n o f celebrities. running bockick for the Cleveland Actora from stage, a •. The Associated PressSS ecreen and Browns turnedmod actor. Brow n, im* even the football fielield arrived p ressive evenen dressedc in red and BOISE - TlThe Idaho Su- 7; ^ ^ Thursday nt the Twinin Falla-Sun black sportss ououtfit instead of foot- preme C o u rt haa been bc urged to Volley Regional Airportirttopartici- ball jersey , steppedste; off the plane D ^e with a districtict judge that a pote in the Lathamn Chrysler- and was immenmediately tackled by road through the famed fan Robinaon '.^9 Plymouth Celebrity Go3olf Clasaic., television reportera « ] for an Bar Ranch on the SalmonSal River is Tho e v e n t will hiheld todoy interview. ^----- notr-public-and-ita-ov-ownei^has-the------th ro u g b -.3 a tu rd a y -at-th t- e -B lu e ------Bchind-th«-^hs-dark-shades-was------right to bar people froramusing it ilH Lakes Country Club. Paul Michaellael Glaser. Glaser -: The court took under u adviae-. The first wave arriveved at 3:25 starred in the television series, ; ;■ 7 ments on Thuradayf anai appeal in a ...... - p.m. on a silver andd blue 16- "S tarsk y andid HHutch." ; - long-running case filed fill by. neigh* seater. Glaser saidlid he i has turned to bors to force the ranchnch’s owner, pop Granted these ccelebrities directing. HiaIis ffeature film, T he singer-Bongwriter Carole C King ,--r weren't Robert Redford•d or Meryl R u n n in g Mon,’an," starring Arnold Sorensen, to open it. tto o public ; use. j Streep o r Robert DeNsNiro. But , Schwarzenegge:Igger, w as d u e o u t Seventh District; JudgeJ Arnold r I they w ere v ery fam iliarr focea.1 Thanksgiving,lg- Beebe ruled earlier ier that since , t ' ' _____Take J o e C onley, bett< previously___v isited ______I :----- CuatcrCounty-nbando tte r known ndonedthe'rond------as playing "Ike Gbdaeyev“ on tho Ketchum,-.GlaiGlaaer returned to -1 in 1939, it no longer er was a public ■' '■'-H-''' ^ — long*runmng-:n’he-Walt< If. Hp wnirf >>nn pnT-ti«»>.______; __ mnd. ------.ltona“-te le — •vision series. — • poted-in-simuDmilnr charity eventa. Dcapite B eebe's rulir aling, two neigh- ' . j Ike will be probablyy be ahow- Produced by' DavidDa Mirisch, who boring couplea are can uirrying the bat- ing ^p on television a(again, but producing: thethe weekend event, tie to fre S u p re m e C o u not in reruns of the ser oap operas, both day TheTtobhiBon B arRn criea. Con- “J “ “ P * Ranch is on th e ley said he has recerently pur- nighttimeime veraions, w ould • • Salmon River betweensen Stanley and . chaaed th e rights, to, thiiheG odacy id somo old ac* Challia. Witnesses tc£ testified in an charactcr to use 'for coi I among the earlier hearing that »>mmerci.l even before endorsements. celebnties. statehood, stagecoaci 3ach travelers Conley seemed rightIt at home Looking aaIS ifif hc Btejipcd off a . uaed the ranch road id as the main in Twin Falla, weoring1C a Htrnw ^ cach m steodlad of a p lan e from • road through the regior cowboy h a t ond an o ir of0f L ‘S City was tho blonde ‘ - A b e tte r paved root road eventually olthough he admitted toU being o handsomsome Jeff Kaake. 1 was built, Idaho 76. TinTtm#*-Ndw« BtiOlO/SKYE SAVESON^ native o f BufTalo, N.Y,.Y. He did K aakc h a s appearedapp( on th o soap, Those a rg u in g in favorfavi pf opening _____ -___ — J o e C o n le y .‘Ik e f iftfj o d s e y ’ o n 'T h e W a lto n s ,' wag amongJhurBday^ly's arrivals add th a t h o sp en t a lot o( f tim e in • S e e STAB •=^-^tbff-n>admlaim-it-hu-h CARS o n P a g e B 2 ______many yeara by fiahennen fiat and _ others flceking accessIS tcto nearby pub-—W .______lie lands in the Chalhallis National I C Foreat. surance2 Mrs. Sorensen andid herh husband, ^ ^ raites cdoublinigfor hiiealth diepartni TJANSEN nent Rick, purchased thee rroad in 1981 diatrict’s eightIt counties approved in J July. The elderly andd p doors outit ers ore buckling u p o fter tl gued th a t all previousIS ownerso o fth e countiea.siI, said th e d iatrict director. ____ may not rise asis^fast Jfe addcdjhat “then er tho law, from 12per- icreis during-the.winterir and-keept the-air'condi*-[•—centto ISpercent;------;• road believed it to be2 public,gi up lin- Director Lg' d'istricL rcn»y no choicece” because atate inauranci ioElGeraJd3iiirflt_told_the_ nce_l_S tionprfrnm frppging^jg-up d u rin g th e s u m m e r .------Stilly— h e a lth — d ia tric t til the time Bruce Lafavifnvour sold th e board Wed y meeting still half aa1 expensive as commer Hct—board— m em b ers------Wednesday a t its bi-m onthly r lerciol “Thank you andI ourou client’s children thankt sounded resigned to accept ranch for $1 million to Mra. Soren- thnt gener :cepting what they feel leral liability insurance.is risirisin g 101 programa. you,” H urst said to) th e board a fle r th e vote. ia too weok a law. aen in 1981. ‘T h e y didn’t did think it percent ththis year and workmen's concompensa- Physical Healialth Director Cheryl Juntui Hurst said at $1818 a month in heating ondd “We don't really havee a seatbelt law,” said waa private,” he said. tion iijaurairance is Koing up 145 percent,nt. said flu ahota wiwill be administered la te r t T this nir conditioning saviovinga the door would pay Board Member Dr. Chorl Burke said th e FoiForeat Service . , year because pal>atients found aix-month co< y lorlcs Parker. But he cover- foritselfinfouryearsiors. odded, "I think we’re bi maintained the road.a. T“ h e re ia no ^ c r buainesa, fiu shots are achedhodulcd to nge locking in tlthe spring when many pec B banging our heads jeople The board had alaialao oaked H urst to draft a doubt in my mind thathnt ifyou read- )v. 1. Also, th e board accepteded (a bid to ,tricken w itlith th e flu. a ogainat 0 w all try in g to changecho i t " • letter voicing opposit)sition to the n e w law in ef-> He echoed others in sayi the record carefully, thtthe Foreat Ser- P“‘ . sccond glass door to betterr insulateii Thebiggeato. outbreaks have been in Ma soying that legislatora Warch feet about one yearor requiring passengera in1 m ight do aw ay w ith th e la\ vice intended it was apublicroad-a i ng room and decided not to! voicevc op. and April and peoplep have been left with B law a ltogether r a th e r ithout the . front seats off cjcars to bucklc aeatbelts... than stopping a t changing i he said...... to what it conaidera a.weokLaU !jr«li-j fiJherman-wJu)------.7 -in fine shape andnowec • “ CroekTiiflHBdiffthrbTte^ —Tho-resultr-io-reduced-sediidiment“'" u a n " of'Rock* CreiCreek-Roral-CiBair— ^— ’ reconomic-pro^-5S?5rkea fromom that iarm hackground , paintsontheaa s id e . 0 0 V grams auch as in ininternational — th a t recyi Stone donated hia ser flowing into th e creek. Tho &famer -WaterBoard. jcycling of lives,'’ Johnson jtTiMand ThoRockC; Creek program uses . bea trade and a small busiiusiness center said, - produced an outdoor pai benefits by conserving soil. Jesser praisedod ' various govern* Iju n ^ on fedoralrionejxey to shore the' coats “2 , ore etpepted to improveive business in He added vrood showing th e S o u thh H : U b ,lh o “Saving soil appealed monore to m ent ag e n d e s for fot their -coopera- ed that tho overoge stort- TUo by changing th e ir f«n the area, MeyerhoefTcr.Ter charn’pt/>r. jng.nga.fnr-i ____r^nynn Anrf y F 4** rarm crH thnTi _ r 1<>nniYi^ _ ^ p-p-Rock— tion-in-the project.-ect.-Ire8ixyeorsthB------jr-studenta-is-rifling-from ------—fimajngninltliStlwasrThis .comd be~Cro ized'CSI's marketing aa Crook. But some said thoy wewero in- projcct b a s reduceiuced the amount of : oa still in its isyeoraold>Id as jobs fbde in ogricul- flowing into the Snake. Enta reducizig the "infant stage." ‘ . -Stone says he-was i n tn terested in im proving R t ^: CCreek, sodiment droppedped into the Snake- ■ • tural busini»inesBea.'*‘T h e _ n o n itrad i-, ^ amount they.ly.tilllto'b^di^ eedi- The —- “Marketing* is “an“area ar that is tionallea'mem er ia going to become the an'.jirtlrf,- l i i t ’ h is vrife" rhey remembered fishing thiiieroas bytwoithirds. » ment ponds.■ • • •______. . chii:hildren.* sayB Roy geasor. 1 fairly naw to educatiortiopaLinstitu-. -h » said .------1 ph"!'-____ iK o n JP a g a B a ______B-2 Tlme3-Now9,TwTwin Falls. Idaho . Friday, SaSflptembar18,lS87_____3-3 die ij n ai r t anker< GGrashin1 Galifoi>mia olice: Airr e s t^- : ThC Associated Pre'ress' Managemement. The cause ol the crash3sh thal began Aug. 28. other liness aal fte r east winds clocked w as nott ImmediatelyI known; the Sbcty-thousand acresis b u rn e d in a t 10 m plh h loI 25 mph pushed the The death loll inn the worst on- weather wzwas clear at the time. Southern California, b uItt: fire officials nam es over'er Indigo Creek and west slaught of forest lire:res In California in the KlammathKl National Forest,^t, said those blazes'have beenb< conUln- through counlountry too rough to build a chlue to rrnurder hisfory reached seveven when three the Seladtd complex of fires jumped>ed ed. fire lines,s, said Warren Olney, Ilre /l^ te rs w ere killlllled in an a ir 2,000 acresres, to. 17,000, and a m ajorJor Much of soulhem Oreregon's forest spokesmann forI Siskiyou National MOUNTAINN HOME] -■ Police truckk stop aflec sho hod. caror tanker crash, whileile Oregon fire expansion)n was expccted throughIgh started going up' In smoke s: after Forest, in Mountain Hn b e h a lf of Gov. Andrus way 30 and Stevenirens S tre e t in the Witnessissea told officers the child got got the apartm en t buldin;inga and ride •Contiiitin u e d fro m P a g o B l O n h a n d to meet m the Wayne Faud,Fa administrator of w est end of Filer. up andnd continued running ocross ■OSS buses from th erc to thithe grade, sev- y « j celebrities w ere TwiWin F alls th e Idaho10 Soil Conservation Filer Police Chiehief Don Barkley tho stretre e t a n d tow ard th e sidiool. Young and Restlcss'’and erol blocks to the northth. Apparently Q • Chamber of Commercee 1President Commmission.lion. said Mark Olsen,I, 7,7 son of Elaine He wtwas stopped and cliecked for i's a Crowd." For two ' for the child waa planning e Lee W agn e r a n d exccututive direct “Jesser iss onone o f Idaho’s truly out------^Huddleaton-of-Filerilerrwas-stonding—in)urica'ca"and“tlieh tak‘^ lo "M a ^ is.-he-alfto oppcored o n -th e — ip c hia bcHooI, Barkley said ^ Buzz Langdon and TvTwin Foils “tandihg soH-ciil conservation leoders," at the intersection>n waitingv to cross Valley RegionalF Medical Center in Box Office series, “First y ■ in The driver of the vehchicle wos not ^jlrnn " Mayor Doug Vollmer. Andurs wroterote. He noted Jesser : the street. Witneaac!sac8 aaid b e sud- Twin Falls Fo for additional examina- in." na- iiyured. Filer officer..EmlcCoates E y Ihe golf action startsts ot 10:30 served withoutlout pay. • denly ron into the1C troffict lane and tion ondnd released. :hergolfporticipant, Corey investigated the accidcdent, assisted young hi ' a.m. “We need1 to ]g e t a saw to carve up into th e p ath o fa wciwestbound vehicle Barklc has starred in not only ■kley said the child resides' in by the-Twin Falla Cou.unty shcnfTa nllbeabar- a picce of the plaque," a surprised ; driven by Somirondmd Anousonc, 20, the C( •al Hoapital." b ut alsog B esides golf, th ere will Casa . Grande apartmente n t office. quet Sotur- Jesser sai “Knot’si Landing"L and “D ynasty." bequc tonight and banqi said afler the cecds bene- announcementicnt. “Wc hove to share • The secondsec wave of celebritiesg day n ig h t. All th e procC' hem Idaho it with lots of p l l j f j arrivedi on0 the 6:20 p.m. flight. fit the College of Southc of people, but youll hove jCemmel club to) hold evee screenii p—^Foundationfwhichproviividc88chol-— *« fight m e to^tyou-picco;"t o ^ ------• O ------^Ambng' them"were^immyth Olson,-.. g...... arships and other suppciport to the ■ v i m FALLS -— If F idd isn’t Ave, There is a S14 fee fo;for the check- better kiknown as actor Marc ow ners intn- Ft. Collins, is the voteterinary oph- Future," "fun^.fillcd weekend." : nar Soturday ot tho th Valley View tinue to«5 6 p .m . thamologist who will be>e in charge o f O therT actorsa to arrive included OURMNFORMATION If - Vetcrinorian Cliniclie ati 2355 Beryl She saidsoi the clinic is especially im-m- th e screening ond semininar. charoctcrter actor Robert Prosky, who ployloyed Sgt. Stanislaus in ANO AOVlovisoRy m u I ■ - ■ “Hill Stretreet Blues." Hc has also SAV Road- —^ ^ starredI iri th e films; “T h e Naturol,"ll," “T he Lords o f Dis- THOUSAN^DS WJVHITE • C o n tin u e d f ro-o n m P o g o B l and in foctfoc trie d to obtain a right-of-jf- When the ranch wasI 0operated OS iciplinc“a}“ ond “Christine." DURING way or‘ 1(lease through purchase or 0 dude ranch, th e publicic was invited O ther•r (classic participants in- ______after a formal 1 petition and trades thi 3ail Rae Carlson of "The a Chapel6y/hePjrlt-^ thro u g h o u t the 1970s,______to.uscjQcilitieaJiejaid:.dJ)Ut.only_as_____c J u ^ G a i THEISEN MOTORS5.FINAL I llh-AV£.-t«r-IWIH fMtl------"heanngs, which was>vas not done. He ~ invited guests. New Mik([ike Hom m er Show," Ja c k niONt 7»U00 * said the public’s usejse of nearby pub- • p'ncoCO 1981, the Forest Service AAer the dispute startirted over the Kruschcnicn of “W ebster,” M ichoel DAYS OF CLOSEOUTITTIME — 11c lands hoa been “iir“impaired“by the hoa neMsld-the self-serving position'0" roiid ‘in 1981, Cust(3ter County Cavanauglugh of “Stannah," coinc- 70tM»In Av». E. TWIrVin Fsllt ' icrwl u I tu un th at it is ■ closure. ^ is a public road," hc said. He adopted an ordinance declaring,thede Son>ommy Shore and C hip 733-7700 But Sorensen attattomey Steven eoidwhilihile th e C hallis N ational F or­’'■* road public. But Mrs. SoSorensen hns McAllisteiJter from the “Better ...... 'Millcmann7McCall,II. 1eaid testim ony "ay “y have occasionally main- won a 9th U.S. Circuit CCourt of Ap- Days" teleeleviaiori'scries. ; at earlier hearings:s ii indicated there ^ '^ e d the t road for its own™ , peals ruling thnt_the_octi:tion wn.qille- • " are a t least seven oth'other poihtB o f oc- Purposes,ca, it acknowledged that' it .gal because the countyy ) did not foi- '' )rivate rood. cess to the Wormn {Springs Creek waaapn> low the proper procedureres. ' ______drainaRc o ther thonm t the ranch_TOo_d.____ Millemiimann.oIso-said.Mrs.-Soren-n- —Attomeys arguing-thelie-state case- M illem onn eaid once on the county sen wos16 not; the first to podlock a said U.S. District Jud;idge Marion - abandoned the roodsd i in 1939. it be- gotc ocrocross the road, He said aaas Colliatcr, Boisci is holdirting final dis- • come privote. He sosaid the Forest eorly oss 1943-44,1 other owners tookjk position of the federal cos:ase until the ------i Servicc considered itit 1 a private road, aimilor action.ac ------— stato case is settled. ffeB rO b itK ia rie s5 — — — llOWNEIR s j l ^ ^ Olga'Audey'H\Humphries funfneral will be held Monday al 1 p.m. The funcrnl and burinl wtwere hdd in A m the FftFosier Road Funeral Home in1. Richmond. GOODING - OlgaI -Audey* 'At Humphries, I. Vault interment «-ill be in Lincoln ; 65. of Gooding, died Wednesday. Wet Sept. 16, li Park at Portland. Mary Judd 1987, ol Green Acros Care Center. Bom July 13.1922 in N Scott Allard BLISS - Morj' Judd, 87. of Bli». died I ^ ;• tended k HooIs in Goodin, .Thursday.Scpl. 17.1987.inacnI core ccntcr in M\ operate Ihc Electric Bak Randy A llarJ’-of Richmond; two1 HAGERMAN - Ray L. Clavlawson, 56. of Gooding; and three 'd.uihii-r*t . Jeanne ' Scott of Richmond and i-9 % grandchildren. She wnna ^ p p r ^ e d in death I __HflRcrmnn, died Wednesday. ScjSopt. )6,t9fl7. e Aitken of Cujhing.'Okla.; two ^ 8% by a brother, Albert. I in the Veterans Administrationon Hospital in Cynthia Loeschcr.of.San Diego, Boise. _ A graveaidescniccwilll‘■ill be held today at 3 c E n ' d l E D Choose yourlur interest rate p.m. in Elmw-ood Cemetcr;.wry ,n Mm. un-.. id Uda Harrell ofTu'in Falls; and The scn-ice ammgemcnis area pending derditvclionofDomamy* idchildron. She was-pr«eded' in — and will bc announced by Dcmamarny's Good- ■ I -I Choose yourur guarantee period her parents and a brother. ing Chapel. Harry W. HoUibcibaugh ^ I V I Safety of prinrihciple & high liquidityly through SP or SPWLWL offered - by over 30I leadingle U.S. Life Insuiurance Companies withwit assets :___ G ?pD |N C _- Hnrry'.wy.We.ley Hollibnush ervices— over 100 billi,lillion dollars. , “J r .- f t . df Poiiland. Ore..)re. a n d J ^ c r b - of — marysvi ‘ Jerome, died Thiinday. S SVlLLE.-Caiif.'^-A-gnive«ldc aer-- tin WilliomSuchitn. infant Boncn ofMark and ' •—"ir • Jndflcy W, Altom. 77, of Mar>'aviltc‘ • - Portland. , Laurie Stnliings Suchnn of Boiiloitic, and for- I Zl ho died Thuraday, will be conducted ^ ) C F R E E l T i He waa bom April 24.19: i merly of Durley and Rupert.rt. who died Tf ETIME IN(COME STAf\R tfN G ~ . 1933. in Jemmc. He ’o^in^SII. Saturday a t tho Baain Cemctcrj- was n member of the Spor Tuesday, will be held ot 10 a.m.n. Saturdayi at in Oakley,y. FriendsF tnay call al McCulloch's • , Aasocintion of Dufur. Ore., I tho Rupert Cemcteo'. AnanKcmi:mcnbar«un- n Burley todoy from 6 to 8:30 p.m.. the Southgate Chriitis der the direction of the Hiinjcnn .Mortuao' in irday at the ccmetet)-, - Portlond,. Rupert SuTi-jving are; his wife.fe, JanetJ Hollibflugh, ” _ whom he married April TWINFAlFALLS - A memorial sen'ice for Gooding; his parenta, .Mr. ' ■ PAUL - The 8cn.nce for Cla:iarn Klomm, .Mr. and .Mrs. H anj' Esther F'. Douglas,D 90, of Twin Falli. who Hollibaugh of Gooding; two 1 70. of Paul, who died Sunday.; Vwill bc held two daughters. Mrs.. • ,iicd Tuesda'sday..wiil.b« hold a t-ll a.m.-loday—— rSalurday—in~thg: Pnul~ Co]l| ------.Michocl-(ChristinorPeder5derJen-ofT»orUan'd onprptlcrimr ' ^ 3 0 D AsYS- "I’hito Mortuary Chapel in Twin Church. Burial will be in Paulul Ccmetcn-.' 3 and ^trs. Clarence (Darli Jarlcne) Meisael of Fait; Sremation look place at White . Clackamas, Or«.; a aon, Lc Friends may cal! al the HanseniMortuaij'in \ . Le.tey Hollibaugh C re m atS7 . ^The family sugg?su memorials of Portland; a brother. Roy Rupert this afkmoon and evenilining, and at ,ven to a favorito charity. Portland; a sister. .Mra, V the chur^ one h^u^riorjojhe.'ie.tim(Lof.thc___ , - : Krciii’ “ of“ TigHi^,"“Ore.; Or. and _five ■ ’ fune'fTil on'Sat'urdoy. The ITimil,nily suggests AiftRER YOU p jEPOSIT grandchildren. memorial contributions to the PoulPo Congn- • ■ BURin’- . A groveaide aervice for Aus- ' ' galionat Church. 1 0 0 %^ MONEY I BACK GL5 U A R A N T E E , ,(COM PLETE LIQUIJIDITY ______NOS,SALE CHARGES1 COR FEES DEDUCT j -H o spp ita ls — :t e d FROM y o u rR DI E P O S I T NO MARKET Bl^ISK : MAGIC GICVALLEYREGIONAL asontoM r.andM ra.s.DanJohnsonofBuhl. Di N MEDICALME CENTCR NO EFFECT ON TATAXATION O F SOCIDIAL SECURITY INCM C O M E ^ r A dm itt«d Jeffrey Peck and Daniel'! AaAalett, botlj ofTwin Falls; .Mrs. Raj CASSL^MEMOIUAL Ray Falcon- Admitted ' ' ■ SSPW F L "The b e s t investmin ent of our' ttime" Wall Street!t Journal,J burg of Jerome; Kandacc Di } Dalton of Burley; Jockie Mullins'ns'of F iler Liaa Potemiekand R ______~ Ethel Welch and Mra. Dan Jo id Roaella Martin, both ofBurley; Cht■hriity Rocheste r ______n_Johnston. both.of.Buhl;..Va]crie.LoLowlew of - ofHeyburarSelidtaaMia Marin and Sue Stutzman, bolh of” ______T' Ht E M O R E - Y'O l U LOOK V He>^)um; and Virgil Hampton3ton and F. Merle Hobaoo, both of Gooding.Goo Rupert; Gertnide ElitodfofElis Oakley, andJulia SaucedolaofMurtaugh. e RelMwd T H E■ iB ETTE R THH I S L O O K S !/ Daniel Aaletl and Rajmondlond *Pct«' 1\injei‘, bolh of Twin Falls:Fal Mrs. Releoaed • Dan Gardiner of Heybum;n; \ Mrs. Edward Luper and son and anc James Eldon'Stokes. Jay■ wh:whittle, and Teresa Lunu and babv.iiy. all of Burlcv: ______3fdFL00n CAIL NOW FOFl ALL THE PLUSS-USS£S — — Thanpsonrboth'cf-Jeroooreifl;-and-Mr*rD4ve-Pu!lia~and"da¥| Ia¥ghfcTor“ «r«*'U-V*nlur-orHeyHRybum; Jackie Harper ofT>«lb;'; and Juanita ------EinSTJNICnSIAtC-DAf.DAfVKCtOC------= = 7 F ------— PnoFESSlONAL-ECONOMIC—c ------! Kim^rJy. Galbraith ofPauI. 0 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO■03303 033 ^7---- sEnvices. inc. 73l.45^r, BJrthi _ _ D Ifth j JAMCSn LOVG. LUTCF r ' Daughters to Mr. and M n. U n. Wayne Detieans and Mr. and Mrs.■Its. WajTie Babies to Mr. andI Mrs.Mr Van Stutzman of Rupert andId Mr. .»d .Mr., ' Stands for SIngJele Premium or Singgle Prem ium Whole - Niylor, oU ofTwin EaUs, andad IMr. and Mrs. Tomna Villedft.offfluhl, Bt and TereeoSaucsdoofMurtaiJrtaugh,_____ » — . FfldayrSrS0ptemb0f-t8,-1M7------^Tlma*-n8*^®w«,-Twln F illS rW ih o B J------l l ------Restriction illegajal since ’60s, Laawyer rrevokes Idaho/}/West I 1/ Snovivmobililers pussh wildeBrness pplan I ra ' . - ...... BOISE ,(AP) - - acist CO — Tho time has muchc wenant :h os conservationists propose Kjse. hope to jointly resolviIve th is fall. A n d ru s come for Gov. Cedecil A ndrua a n d U. rus and McClure hope to. I BO ISE lA(AP) - After nine antm d got them notorized. !o far, tho w ilderness debilebate The Idaho Wildldlands Defense forge a 1bil bill that will include specific H S. Sen. Jim McCluiiure to h e a r th e con- ecems m onths, a Boise lawyer sue* ^ ns to-bo related to the timiimber Coalition supports aboutab 3.9 million acreageB fi{ figures and identify particu- _ ■ On Wednesday, Derr saidd tl th e cem s of the mojoijority o f Id a h o re- poopio ceeded Wednidnesday in revoking a - )lo and th e p reservationiststa anda acres of additional wilderness.w Tho lar areas■asofconcem.-— e ' B ‘estrictlon was revoked andd tlthe' sidents in the ststate's wilderness . 1 covenant on'on B Boise subdivision i land thoy want convertedted to timber industiy hass saidi it will not If so-calKilled hard release language H tction was documented withh tlth e debate, an ofiicijU1 oftheo Idaho Snow- jjjeir t . —property—-ownership - contract, r personal intorests." Trudcudeau support a bill with outo concessions is adoptedpted in the bill, the U.S. For- ■ ^da C^miny »*«y^rdor. ------m obilors------Assoisociation------“ id—jaid .- ' ~ limiting owncvnership tb'^ites. ^ iflhe non-wilder- esfjServlCirvlco’would able to r e le a s e ------H "Only one owner was at,t soil Wcdnnadny. • A fter thhc e action was made “I th:think there’s a lot of groundind in fof logging.g. for timbeinber harvest and other uses ' H eluctant to sign." he said. sai Dick Trudeau, a board member of betwee public, th ei I(Idaho Humtm Rights, /een. There's probably 955 pper- About 4 million ofJ fth o 20 million eas not designated for wilder- H Another asked what my moti\otive tho 450-mcmbor' group,i said the centof Commission.on and tho Real Estate' of utf in th e s ta to who are sonsome- acrea of the nationalalforctlandin br the first time since the H ms." . snowmobilers andnd several other where i Commissionon both said Thursday re in betw een." Idaho already is dcjiiinntcd ( or, .970 s . ______. ■ IBS of groups fovor a wili the c o v enantm t was illegal anyway, One couple, in the process nldemess bill that Atst; stake is th e fa te o f about 9 mil-_wildcm9887incluai5gn iB^ho-Sawu^ih— S."®tl«au *! said th^Snowmobile-Aa------H from would protect monore land th a n tim - lion a a and has beebeen since the 1960s idopting two children fro acres of roadless national fonforeat the Frank Church RivtrofNoRc-Ri on isjoiningwith livestock in- H cove- ■ • industry propo when s ta te2 and/ederalfairhous-ai ju atam ala, learned of tho cov posals, but not as land vtwhich A ndrus and McCliiClure tu rn and Selway-Bittproval-of th e tw o —moreJ than'M-miUion-cufltomcrrtl urrln—standing debfobligatiations of the two TTl6’ entury?’he asked." com panies’ propoaocsod merger. those atates.at le-eeroy-pflTcti^—I floid: “N o port poi of the real prop- a divisions: and th e adodoption byPacif- T r Mike Gray, executive direcUector Under the mer Fresh BERRIES I erty or a n yr buildingbx site or struc- o f f icrger announced UP&]*&L officials have said electrictric- 'C orp of all ta rrif schchedules and ser- _ f the Real Estate Commisaioilaion, Aug. 12, UP&L andid T?acific P ow er & itym tA ______turo-shsll—ut-at^y-timd-bo-floldr-w-fj itcsin-tho.U tah-com pany’se eer—s( vice-cantracU-of-UPiP&L-now-on-file— — - _Fa!l,Rod.Raspb8nies______aid restrictive covenanti~baselased EighfCo., tHelargt ------conveyed, renren'tfld or leaaed to an y ^ •gest utility_in.the_vicc.flrfli>Caa:ffifiuld.drop 5 percent to-:to-lQ—with-the-commiaaionr .-.-=:LT:z16.25flal-'^-- - _____■ n race were outlawed“in'tl: person o r persons pi not of the jogi rthe” " Paclfic'Northwestrt, would continue pcr^ntjn t th e first four years afior tl Wird Hud«of>-Dluoi,Ma/ioni.Boyi«Di. ®\2 luman Rights Commission, saisaid retain the PacifiCororpnam e. rm,„ , will continue to do businessb under Biac^]lacks, Si/awborrlot.Bltckcft;*!. ■ or Caucasianlan Race shall be por- c application asks tho thrc lerr and the landowners shoullould Com pany officiicials eaid the _____. iirce- that name, aerving nmore th a n 670, Cad i mitted to occiiccupy any property in I'®*’ ber com m ission to approve tl e_congratuJatcd_for remoyintying merger would creat:»tej rotroratton ' e th e OOP customere in Calfllifomiajdaho. ______iWc ------eflid-developmpmentexcepta-domes-—r — er ondtemiffoT tho agreeing irchaic and oflfensive" languaguago w a t would be larger:cr and financially = nentr Montana. Oregon, WiWashington and JK tic employee."tc." ding th e issu in g by PacifiCoi ■om th e covenants. stro n g er thon either ei company Corp Wyoming. C ovenontata are prepared by f were operating separatoitely and would owners and1 developersdc before sell- “Covenants ^ such as this wer m ake better use of ft the two entities’ ing lota. Thishis covenant was cre- >mmon in th e atotc y ears age resources and atcd in a'dee nd m ay still a p p ear in th e covtvjvc’ diverse power _ r deed from Boiae Hills facilities. ------Corp______antfl.oLothcr.Bubdivisions.-Ita nportant to emphasize thathat , - TIjuraaayT'filmglg was the fiTst fy Derr, wholo arguedo a 1971 land- ' “ P/ oval process e x -K ' ich language is nu ll a n d void voii c r — mork case in th e U.S. Suprem e mid pectcd to take sever 1 ^3 0 .X I 'oral m onths. D e - ^ Court th o t extextended equal protec- id ^ haa been for years," she said The Human Rights Commia ■ tailed testimony toI aupport81 th e com- 'y tion to womennen, began working to L panics’ applicationsIS will be filed in ly reverse thec covenanti late laat on enforces the state law ban 33r3T< . ningng discrimination in housinjsine ® '&L ofiicials sa id ^ aL 3F tOx > I I year. basetsed on race, color, religion, na in a new a release. D uring thh^ e paat nine months, tionranal origin nr bi>t Tho Ri>«tlI Pa The application woivosjlled.with.the.^ _____ ------he-collected“ d the 30 signatures tatete Commission regulates the ii -TJtSh-iaTiJ-SjSfclice C o m m issio n ^ - _____ . _needcd_to-rtwaivcrso-the-restriction—censiused-pmctice-ofTeal-tstate:—______a nd regulatory bodiJ^eiJii-Q regon.^ ___ __ Washington, Califorrimio, Idaho, W yo- ^ E > 3 0l O E ao j z l Mornmon Tab()ernacle Audit ]puts I orgar ex-dinector I SATUIRDAYr. SEPTr . 1 9 1 I mist deadd at 86 '/ SALT , LAKE 11 A .M . - I . ' I :e c it y (AP) - ofuL atter-day S aints w hen ho wai - 3 P.M . Alexander Schreiireiner, Mormon Talj- His Hii fam ily camo to th e Unii in cleaar cm D cle o rg an istist for more than 53 Stateates in 1912, nnd h c becam eiaciti- a c years, died Tucruesday at a local zenn ini 1920. Hc atudied with, JoJohn IDAHO FALLS (A(AP) - A n inde- ^ health care centjnter of causcs inci- J. McClellan,Mi Tabernacle organijanist, pendent audit of the1C Greater Idaho Y GREAT IFUN FORt ALL KID! ------dent to age.-He• wiwa s 86:------and'^ jr'^na~FaHs-Ghamber-of"(■-Commerce-hasi^ ------)s. .. I I d'wlth'Charloa;Maric"WidbTa ------^ A G i n - i o i r EE i A R S O I P ------Schreiner bega;gan playing recitals Louiau is V iem e o t Notre D am e Cati^athe- cleared former Exec:ecutive D irecto r /.I — - in the S alt L a k;e e Tabem ! ocle in 1921 draial ini P a r i s . ' ------DolBrewsterofanyf VwTongdoingbut y ) Every pdrticicipant in thile rodeo recc and received h his is official oppoint- Se He compoaed many worksts for underscored previoui)ua beliefs of in- ^ icelvo¥^cih M ment thore in April A 1924. He rc- orgar(an, including seven volumesnos of Hated membership fifigures and*un- ^ o fficial L il'Biuckaroo ll Rodi tired in 1977. HiaHis 53 years was the organjan pieces, and hia works were wt derstated liabilities, leo R ibboni longest tenure ofo f any orgnnitit who wide! dely used by church organiianists •‘There's not a1 lot of new^ P has-ployod-thele -famous-1 organ on arour Plus . . . #ro|ephies w ill b< m nd the world. information," said ( be aw arded1 iin ev ery H B Temple Square. Chamber Pre- l / i Inn addition to Tabernacle ChoirChc sid en t Jo e Call. “Builut it helped us “We are sad dlened en by the passing broad e v e n t ! ladcasts, daily organ recitalsla aiand_quantify.things-we hohad a gut fooling- ^ ------of AlexahdorSchr chreiner, who'Bervea*“ h i8own ^ radio program , his pcrfon•form- about." the church as tabernacle ta organist ing: carcerc£ included an ijual concc for more than half h« hia long life," toursrs throughout tho U nited Stot received four honoraiy docto A ustralia — where thliey've been said. ates} a:and other awards, includinginc a airshoilow, th e b i l l i n g ^ ® procedure change an Schreiner tookk ppart in the weekly decorajration from tho West Germa and aome backj^ ■ taxea." said Brewat in v ited to peie r f o r m . radio and televilevision broadcasts goverrem m en t for achieving exce ater, who has<^ hooded the Van Nuyjys Cahmber ofX-/ ^ ____ with the Mormon;m Tabemacle.Choir Icnce:.e.in i hia ficldJItiJieldtha-D rest X lQ ggieiuw ill< ^4^TCim Tlff6M F1h“ South'ehom-UaJilomia’^ ^ ' LalsopeeformK . o t = 4 ; 0 0 . : ______i ' — j^retnairi^irt929^^o^irFftQ&TBrtifiratiTDfthoAme^ aince April. ‘T h erefoi ■' nnd.continued untim til hia retirem ent.__ can GGuild i o f Organists.-:— — fore, the _chflm -_^4 ber now can put thaiat in the past(^ _ -.••Schreiner, a native of He0 \w as an expert on th e phyaic a n d get on with the Nuremberg, Germ’irmany, started play- of soulound and contributed signif he business atX ^^^ H h a n d - b u ild in g their ing tho piano ati t agei 5. Ho began cantly:ly in this'area when tho ne\ iir organization. serving_o8_organiimist.in hia branch_Taberremade-organ was installed i ------w ard of Tho C hurcurch of Jesus Christ 1948. According to Call,I, however, the y>. audit did show thatit the chamber i_ _ ROPEOlEVENTS: had no realistic boaislis on w hich to Quake2 shakes Ut[tah desert project membership ddues revenues SALT LAKE C .^3 qj- at 396,000 a year. Thahat budget pro- / : CITY (AP) - A it, butmt we didn't get any reporta i 1 BARREL RiA C I N G — K id s coticompete by racing small earthquake joction for the spendiding year that ® ake shook Utah’s thattyet," y< Brown said. loir stick horses aroundi the1 barreisand back agia g a i n . . . . —west desert early.ly.Thursday, 1 but be- - Hose s a id 0 quake of only 3 .9 woul•milf? this month wass overstated( hy ^ , ------cntiflo nf tho remnoto o t area no one rp- nnt HniHnmngp tho piimpg ovon if M 5,000.______■ ported feeling It,t. tthe University of occurir ini th esam e area. aROPING^KKlds loiio' tho Toy anlmlimals i in the arena. ^ T he au d it showed m U tah S eism ographtph Stations aaid. membership at ^ ie bost roping tim e winsistheevont. tie w est deaort area h as beenn irin- only 400 businesses wl Tho quake's epicenter ef waa lo- when Brewster v littontly active for years, Browrown left last spring,'CallII said, despite cated m idw ay between bei tho New- .. . U 3 TARGET Si idc 4 't h e claim of the forme i H O O T — T h e t eaddy d d boar targets Y a foundland Mouniuntains and tho . An earthquake o f m agnitude ner director to i Feb. have built the mei re lined up in the barn.n. Kids just knock themam over with thoir weatem shore of tho Greot Salt bled in the same area on Fel lembership to 1967. n early 700 by tho timo Dof-batl guns. Lake, obout 70 milos m weat of Salt 10 he left. Lake City, said1 EEthan Brown, sc- nior staff eeismolo£) l o ^ t . - 4 P I G S QlUEALLING I -- Findr tho . M T h etrem b r h aid 'd la magriitiide of 3.' ' f l T luoalers Jn tho pig and mn ake him squeoi. Kidsds iwill bo tim* ^ 9 on the Richter- scalesc and occurred f U l Wfkm:-. i on spoed in findingI the' squealers ond making ma them O ! a tl;3 2 a .m . |u e a l(. Brown said h e; wwi as not sure if the quake was in thele s sam e area as the 5 R O U N D - U P• T O S S - with rin G reat S alt L ake pumpu ping station at I____ J id d pony Vo rtdo, kidsIs will try their luck an Hogup Ridge, whivhich houaes three i and skills at \/A APR ^ ^ r o uu n n d in g u p a c o w o r t w o . g ian t pum ps designigned to channel ex­ cesa lake w a te rs's intoi an ovapora- , 3 ON ALL USIS E D I tion pond i a th e weiwest desert. , #6 6 H O R S E R AIC IN G - J„.. foro r k id s fro m 1-6 "It's poasible thaJ ia t maybe if there y e>ars a r old. Kids race theheir rolling ponies orearound the track, is a plant o p eratoo r oi ut there, ho felt ’83orNEWEIER I . a glainst a ii tho clock. ,

CORRECTIC■|0N NOTICE I F CARS&TRUCCKS ' I The Enchanlinitlrig Rellections i U P TO 60 M OONTH FINAM< Carpetmg qn“p:"page'11 of ttie _ ^ ►tne Jigl Sears Sept. t(16 pre-print is hHOURS: o i ^ Mon.-Ffl. )0 polyester pile,), hoti nylon pile i. I0A.M.-9P.M. '-i r f SoturdoyylOA.M.-6P.M. 10 as staled. WNee regret any SundayyNoon-Sp.M. Nc •Slor,iOp.n ______— -inconveniencede-tliis^mayhave- L cxIVnif* VnW HS^i'------^ caused our custjsto m ers. SEARS, ROEEEBUCK&CO. m ■■ ^ . -----I

B-4TImes-NeNews, Twin Falls, Idaho -FridFrlday.Seplemberia,108r /Butsmle s s ...... ------S tockk s slide: ahead of ‘witcching hlour’ NEW YORK (APJ4P) - The atock , . . market posted a amt involving a group of expiring Prev - Close imall loss in quiet "8 Brockway Inc. jumpipcd I9Mi te operationsIS for ite latest fiscal index futures, stock index op- M onth Commodity trading Thursday,y. adding a bit jp- 5^%._pacmg-jho-percecentage-gain—quarterr but Close High ULow P.M. and options on individual buttheTCTultrwero better-^ OctnnFTcdtUe ■ ~“ 67.35------:67.47------■66;75“56 ^66.90 ------more te tho ste e p dccdeclines ofthe two lal leaders among Big Boarard issu es on th an , somi)me analysts’ advance previous sessions. word that Owens-IllIllinois was estimates. •® Dcc. l|ve cattle 66.90 67.15 66.606 6 66.72 ■ Analysts eaid tro( ’• . • Oct. feeder cattle .77.22 77.65_____ 76.9076 77.27______I traders were pro- o. I____negotiating a deal ^ I acquire th e Nvnex ,roirose_iyfl,to_75J.Tho-com- - ceeding cautibusly a' Tam-trading- maneuvers-by- * OctTli^'hogs " 47.92* 47.90 4747.00 47.05 rnwiitirg-todays— J^^^^ ^ company for $60 a sham. . pany reportsJrtcd plans.te buy bock a* quarterly “triple'witc aionals using these contracte:te '* Sep. w heat 2,85 2.85^3 22.82 2.82Mi ritehinghour." , , , • much as 6 tpercent of its outstend- The Dow Jones averageav of 30 in- e ®stocks that make up the in-n- Teledyne, which haM o la r g . Sep. com 1.75 1.76Vi> 1.74 1 1.76V* _____ d u strials slipped 2.5 has been cited as a primaryry chunk of Brockway sto< ------Nov. soybeans------5 .3 5 ------5.38------—5 5.32------6.32H — - 2.29 to 2,527.90. lock, clim bed Home SheShopping Network, traded ehind the mnrk^t’A Hmp thia ____ S------S fip -iik c t______L4fi______L 6]______2 bringing ita“ lo8Br-Bince-M ^ i onday's-^^*’®^ on the Amemencan Stock Exchange. _ J .a O ______L52______close to 85.14 pointe.te. ■'------OcLgold------— 459.20----- 462.40------459,40459 ----- 4 6 0 ,9 0 -— ------— Citicorp led the activcive list, dow n to 14Vl4Ve. H om e'Shoppm g s a ia ^ ^ . Oct. platinum 684.40 593.00 583583.00 590.60 Volume on the N(New York Stock ' fnu.* j|] y* at 57^3 on turnover otof more than plans to reorganize iteclf as a 'i Exchange canic te t situation has left Wall “ 0 ? t. s u g ar 6.17 6.39 ■ 6.176 6.39 ?rs guessing about whetherpp 5 m illion sh ares. The coirom pany sold holding com]3mpany. shares, down from,_I96.74-„ll,o„m 19 f„„h„ , Doc. T reasury Bills 93.59 93.65 • 93.58 93. 93,61 Jg 20 m illion new shares atU68V<.. Declininglg issui es outnum bered ad------th e previouB-B«fision.- r storms arc in store for the :______Sep..TVnnfl..Bonri^___------82.00------82,34------^ iO O ------83rH------■ ^ — ------vuncgrb y -ab'□bout 6 to 5 in tho overall Analyste sai4 spotpotty docH... i„ C at the Etching hour, which:h Federal Express gain, I Dec. D-mark 55.57 55.62 55.45 55, 55.55 0 N Y SE, w ith 680 up, 818 interest rates helped>ed lend the mar- ■ cn in the post produced widele 69V4. The com pany report ^ Dcc. S-franc 67.97 67.12 66.856 6 , 67.01 flw m gsinin sto ck priccs. 477 unchanged. The ex- _ k e t some support. decline in earnings fromn ccntm( uinB . » ■ . Dec. J-yen __70.07_____ ^70.45____ 69,69^9?_____70.40 ___ bmposite indexdlpped-.03- 7 ” O c t.c h id c b ir ■ 19.73 19 :7 2 'i 19: ...... B ut thoy also saidaid traders were • to 176.48. 19.65 19.56 leery of committinglg themselvesi in C ^Jlin Quotatations from S inclair and Co. na steps up soyl o i l i m p o)rtS i Standardd I&• Poor’s index o f400 in- advance of the triple)le w itehing hour i/bean dustrials ro9(■oae .12 to 368.06. I WASHI^ IlNGTON^lAPr - China is cxpcctcd lo total about: --I100,000 met- |9 iiiin ------i im porling lg "an unprecedented high;h ric tons, up from 290,00000 tons last U SU U Q level" )f soybean oil, apparently to0 year. The forecast for 13H87.88lsfor takc-advai - Pcu» p"cn w w*fn i uepw <»>». ____ vantage ot low world p rlc e5._imporls.of.350,000-lons. s ._ A m elrlc l o n - i '-'fta.owT'HwetiarKK.MM^------^ • »."■ u«-s«ir-w~-og------~accordihg-ig— lo--an- -Agriculturc- Rm#n2«rtro'41------Closing prices from the ^ CCU) •c-|s about 2,205pounds:------•• tfsvy rr.i*o bk> US 10 1 tO IS C 7 New-York—Long. F ib e r ------60^4------^ ______Dcpartmle ef n t repor t . ______Mosl_of_th(i_oil_ls-coi:omlng-from— cnvHijrs-ew.Mauwaroos-iaoo—_Stock -•• Exchange and-tho WSTASDA.------Micron-Tech------12V*------429W4UOOBoo*j»oo«97o'.i« The wii(oo-'rm.nxivi(oo icotiico-u ■ 459M*M40 (Icparlment's Foreignn Brazil, Argentina and1 Spain, th e w. fjc&ooo300 tl v:n «:HKr*y Nfi«r anc M axtor '13^0 +1V4 U40 4H40 4WW . 1^ Agricultunural Scrvice said China’s ■m/n 17CD.tC00t»:»«roUi:» A X iuwtato s agency said in ils reccnt rereport. ?S:4S'r5*.r?t;2 IC01>MC»5 6 or<« ff Close8c Chgi Moore Fin. Gp.;p. 27V1i r>« sjW'0 BluChpValFnd - S%'b — Vil Prem ark 27 . - y« [O'-'t US M HKr^tt,nUf^mis ten. xuvn:iiiary>Cv^i ConAgra (. 34i ■>■ % Trus-Joist 225^3 - 1 imioima)900 S0700 50720 >1»’ »500Coer»M4(B5■(&500 leiioVioli'do"'" * " ~- 'T ~C00T9 C 2 mil - •% Universal Foodaoda 28% - V4 514(0 >180 i-.»nicnct^»ll t^^,-.;cfM 7 50.iOCO Coo- £ 52210 . 180 1 S«Jo7'^°"'' ‘ "*•I.»a;.-c D uff & Phelps 8y» V'n U tah Power 28% ■ STOO'.S U a CAixtrme»'CM 70-80 can w«ew 010-12 1.Ist.Sec.Bank 31 }<, ■ £im«JJCoow«j»u>»X.7n•711 "® D£)frtfi|AP|-■P) - B«inm*r»«( rvte^ C w Utfi cr oMjin Oc«" Mflti lo. Cf.4 cC^, CDCowaoll3CD-l2CDi2ro^ao»,9(c . Valhi 11% tCO*"rJH7,9J1,ua1,OJ5 Harvard Ind. 17^4 Ir-xi r«v»5i Pi > “ I'lS :«^.’S27n.2 29 4 S ara Lee 44-% + Ve foiV-m rrcVfa->t850,cn.M.I?ai:rsisjaT t .;:;K *• =^;rs H.J. Heinz 48V4 5 COO c; c*«» pr hTr « ]I185IC2I47-3» I - % ifi rWO 7CI0:iO 7500 ?57 5 .in '______19322 195 29- J.H ig b y ‘ ■■ 8y« ______Oci______----y .-'------BK«.M44;-9I5 !______ftu.o.trJOtationafrQip ______S f IJ.J414414» ® IlEWrO«K(W>) --SoC»W*nstnrT«(tlp<<«n^,lC, So “ IdahoTwr.'Cd:------25TT~' + Vh Edw ardr d 1D. Jo n es & Co. Ok 7610 lico'CO 7i9S 7^0 •III B l W s B l I, 5 57(i(i7(iS» Ai.mfvn. 82t5c»,5 C»m or po«^3. W Ccrrwi tw r>x»i»i 7670 77JO20 7ces: 775 1 Ml 5 H M S I I 'T9(fO 0 0 779 0 7869 >1!5 ■ “ s> £ !(1.K0 t ' C«04<-8S''-nc«r:icr:ti»a.ni3.uSa*una!orvi I TWO TM5 : Cejor-WiScefHp»r Bam. lir Cor«i iw -nxtn If*, ■ ^ 801 5 611Vi 5 I :ilt • Pwjcrt LW4X» Atuxuw 41 I 1«U-42ci<1,imjv » tf'« c (n Irom r< ci!T« u» hec I ;4(l/,fnWn Wjf* coi'Dc t.t« ei<» c«' "01 CoI'U ccum' cc;: Mj.li/&f Karrnn ic''', ea,v 6jc(«I . ^Sc^tJ5_^-,a,2 23..r.,375,...«.a.3>n3^yj;54CD. G-tar»3V«J1 $I4CD10|I4'0 Vif 875 . 4 Hcm.rtaj.j4i »£W vt)ftK (A« - SuJX W m Irasrj-goiM c fit. York S--rt--$7530we;e;K»n«,4Ma-rj'. I- W^UOt,R»ngtnt CSMCST*'g-£n Srjir.n V;ir-,$14CD ^ 8M2 *114 I ciivn45(0'tCOCOr«M >«u«o r»V civf. C W C«o» Ecftans* THrWi, S-vf.tl57lc*.i-;^iI-Tl CJ . K' CoT«i ICO -win CC-.M Ihg r “ t• w a Mvra' Vayc Vfti Mtr gjgi•xijt^.ctij/yj icinfle«t jiomiijijsnJI3 50______------^ £ u Ui»J30DO WM «ja.»un«c*^i4acM!iMx*»9------^------ws'cvrnioccns•sjajcrptrTCbi-jg^-u.-v^ii------^ WMiewn«(0.}1Jcfl211 - c« CMIX oo- —/ -----;:-----—Ox7ir-JM9i's/c;, N » iccrren ■ l- ‘. S«i U S 0j!A{-i* Vfcswwrirff^c; tru ^M-rt-,. « 2 30 C»|» nertTrtm S«cl OM7. M3M OuciMlos lOOccvxn US l>9 lotante«^ mt iei« mw m tm )«»•(• S<«ciM «ns Boa oncrt ^^v^ar 71 WJ.700-3 67067C»74(D TCD-1.CI»« UOOtSOO 6-0 6 ^ • » ''i'WJ.J.Ji* VovWt«t«ff*tr,B»»«Gr»nCO nGXCi^ 7' Ouc<«s cinert c«tm S«S«c< 15 «VBSt« tnmj rrxrt t». ' Ltr«n rncrnig ting uu ea U3 to ti ■j»v*iW^;&«5^00Cy 3»s®9'9t---- ...... Cf4 cv<4 ^t'crr.atcn M« wadCo e«a'«a ____ I ------miaiaiiflOJC. ’00—719 --io- -(,£wC'-tf“i-»-r-frrrr^ ►*rr^ •--.■»» ct- J P*.’>l»1W«nr.u«KM75.Cp'$l2l Ciy>cth».vci‘,'ci'.mKOWs iicoerco jiosco a 7500- • r<»r»‘irt»i»ijU5Jl5uaU« Ma.«07C0s7, t-vr>- ^ icncj" .J5 $7 Ml. t.1 0 | IMt Itmom txl J4£0 00. va Jl K S 7000-7510 TCD 503 S a CO 72 CD * £ 7K 'it i4«>IMt8101u300C5 iur>:, & HiTjn MO SO. UB S.'10 WXAIELlOlA®!(A0| - ICIfX>r»rw.»>3lM*ar»ce'l ««uaM20 223 ■—------nrCc^.VS^SWTMT no CiOt ^«,C«n^lTO.7:.u.2P« <>-*• thj-^a^ cnif* C^cajo Bai’S e-‘ T'a^ li» s*tr« I liSXiiK MS ?7,10 U ?l » l.t a»C0l*^t^«>..V •»««' Iw't^ *lt^«^c^o •f*ati«i5i>'cer^5ia2'--cf'!5c»f III tor*. jo<3 ice< H« Ui’ «. DO Ct■J;St I 19M 1972 1011 19M . 17 I TM'«5 7t(0 * CJf. •*;» '‘Cr-4t3 V'CtMt Ijilf ir-l Sfl'rTt*' Vl- .’IW 216J :it; sc,warn 4.1 |, V, C*'". r;, tyjr^'J»AS I3(X;;; !?2^ m u>tsriXK AUCItve 1C.J - Tui'i fl 1 ^r.tyock CvTtrrjK^ Al 21 fl JIfl 2tllMl :i'-s .(U CHiCAGO(AP)-f.-, CO ir^i CIKJJJ Vftj.1« E •- 5'Ci^r>-itJ532aSu'.f*' Vc ^ 21 Bl JI81 :iK'150 ■’ist c*»^*JfvKa, f/; ,'®’’’/B V i? r6 '|5 S ',52 : ’i‘3 I >1 7a - O’ Octn tt-jn lo. &*n.» Cf^ ^ CChCaM (*»( - FuJi/ft |.j;^ „ c.^. w :v,sas';?s‘.ss"j!s ;, a, « Cim£ iract Trvtca, 'OJ5 a;j-j c' • ta»7 SP|.TrgckW>a'M«3'M6.JJI0-P4ne*wr«3 «».-»!.r4 64JOI01CO64K 'MS*-uwn £0 00-73 00 >C 21(0 21G0 2ia:,„;,S = bOojo »'tvntt OOJ '-OT I*"rr4 l3r»T.i»»)i740 00 C»t/Ca.^ c»v»i ftfC »lJti2n S ii E ils :s " i •»■»»». M irrtfuofr-wx«4...v.»o.c^ Tti 0^5-72 50 U-iVccmrrlii tm MC057 0« «viA, w '182: Hr»VtC«00«i9 71 is-li*«f l»'n6900-74 V.f4icp.r,«6761.vs(* . « » 67^5 WM M* Zte 5SOCOaj-'.ryr-jTe^j-.c.’Cv-J*' ’i?S’i?f7'ilS ’,»B£ :S ' w*a Iv*• CO l!OC»tr f»V»Vs 74(08225 tUtCffnitA-CCk't roQi^it I ie»5 1895 IB95 1882 -CS i*sJScn«i»*B JU - ?w*80-* linn 640OOO-ueOCO 00 itllK-jiNxw. 72 I umS m'i “ “ ^ 5}j'i CO80CO i'Hcirt.«.«,UH-sr.j I I CJ’O 6790 6»4'l 6761 Im V ,1o-?.737. iv.cvr,e.»'i ,S30 5 «12 MCO (CCO 6tW . 08 V 303 -of’) i M'*b oci e,SM 65*0 C5CC J, toJ>»'e.Com iM'iCi'’ OWAMA. N«5|At lA^-l/SOAj - OTiM i„n.'x» Vj-»fi ou:iJ ^ UK wntlHinfli. yfiP^Viiu, (»») - 5.«i.3 cwgg c.cjMt.Qfl O'i» 1220 52 35 51M 5t9I -39 )782 i;067e . ...nes tcc»fi«ji;84.«5aj...... 1270 12 90 1230 5244 - 43 ------iii-TTarrMiywt------•------KJ55-KOI x\! ih l aj-'l M W'c'iovio 1»J.—^ I\n2a; WI«Si«»» 13X 9310.1300 1301 -50 na-Ac(s>.0*3 etfiKt :crrc«i| US l-3l2».’(0 tl «K>53C» 200 ,-5 ...... •" ccnri C( Jan 535390 90 S4CD 13C0 13 73 - 44 __ : ____ (-fMffl______;______WW <• i3» 2iW» -M 510052W tCw • • -iC02iii.Tj---r^.«-«c«iLv«-___ - 77M 7825-77B 7763"-. a3 ' 5^3 1 76'‘ 1 't'r 174 ' t .-;■------.ly-...... $4 JO S4»-1300 1399 -!0 - - ______-nfJJ irts” 5C0^ 3.-0 33CC 'Tc.tyjooic.t'S5^?(SS'46»5U 32 d' ?725 7790 77M 7710 ! TO r:.? SS SfS :n I CKtlrrlCf-tt 3/^ 3:0 ;M5 78CO 77C2 77 bl .48 V- yjr MIO, G«U3^« B' if;ill';' ” ” S | : s iij.im.iiiL.-.i JCOlyjrw.tr^rnoxc Oj,*' «-JU jlf.T -m:* TtWTX!-----__ 1------• J J . S; ^ - >9} 1; 1090 10 90 M90 niS ------WV»F»« •luntfTTonxigt^ir,. tiKWMH) ^»ViC^>i^lOCOnco^,&^^Ot500 f.4>- ( siilssii:;! i ------tiuo - WV!» *r*4l ? » lUtKi,) tld;) fc4'*y355ri:«j;,') ” ---- «rt-KUoW'lV7<-5 Oct ‘ ''lico fCniLWO - ViM«,^a?9?(S»n l| V.r-ctc-’jo MKI M « 43I1 “ » ...... e.»T.'J»’OC»Tirk. Jurp-., £ - • ...... 1» * I 01" 1955 4965'«40 4545 IjJ '■ -iVM. .t»4HI5cM(ltc cv.; rc i||ii|| i| I ;9£O-J3O5-4JC0-«« -45 p i i'!ri C%K>rt -1 43BO 43 M l3:i 4J.V '~U BL il . ii'iliiii:" 5^^ if? POniL*IO. O'. |AP) - yo-rv-g fr^:i ' ' i;------B11 75 Pt*T»’W Ifw»c»| •» Ci'» C*-r.v>! VivllU'-C.'rftC-WuCI £vty^ $ __ ^ ______iiiO_ - 5 roct'73 J»rCirn'n!t-----T — i3Tno-=5~4U ;T'«70 ^ 5290 - 10 t Id S0'?C4ns , ' ...l-r«iati;i3l_. . . - " fCt«ftt»eMS *n«I ' ------it:- "ii ‘ ^ ■ j-'&w-'' ...... ■■<« tcwfl.^127,879.10310O3t0 lc I &-■ I'/n na ^ .n fsc,..vr^ t«- ’231 • &•: 14 c»!} lOfnj 1^ 1] laioOfvjf,- ChcK« 3 11 .'i J«r.KD'liiE5 IM'-IJ, JJJ 54I 4.’-'; .CO-- Klftin (AB) . £55 Tjr.rt»'•« ,ii«a?» ana i«n»n9*« 0*w«j : lu 1 •%» C\;3 BESS.■J H«'f ca’caim Cfoit 3 IWKO H 9’ CO E I I ■ lUO 5 7 00 56 32 M92 • 57 '*> 1*0 - . '»'B'a"/[ieCTl 0"rnet>i,AVacaa«u»t» 10 *rp« 01II wn le 2 K”" m« y-r y •V«ujft 3 33a 9-aSn la-=t AA 71,72. rr«Cv t« riniIrtniod W51 3 *OWj t^WlC !%>:» 4KoeC0 ;»95C» Gx»a:>-i c y; lect'-rtJltf«uo9(j U , ' V ^•;*A 70-5t.'T«,n* 11.56>r«vTtAA 56-57.lTaiAA 4J.43 >U ?M“*fC«>^*eUr>'iriar| f6CC-;»3 1.3 5M G^;mC'--.i M-56 ia'8»0 »6t I I ruM ’tc iwt(> afwu rcfiy pflp IJ MJ. \mr;{ic9t(P 51; jj J I b m I ^ h i I 3 il^ S-.viV^Tj W.M5& OoctC'itK' “ r;'WYCM(«).Sj.,.av}r>}«c'n• 15 rst o wi5 ’}% SK&- 85 ICC *"^^ta:tif li*.B ;x> E-:rii.-,g« ,5-ur5. l-aori; si ~c IS7‘* .1" yo'awkfi t.4tH(£D 3 Uc-v^l H tJ t , M7CD 121 U S. f,, n-«t\»njt rxcr\i , «.-5.--;:^t>M(t i IW- 1^^ 45- - '• r/»k^a: 1.383(00 55- .r* 9Ct>M CO 14 16 ti4jC05tC0 lO-IB Cl 47 cr iJti ^ Cr<^ 1.381.7CD 51- . »• 1JC1.7C0 Se<> .|gi< -.: -' '?M7cco"-3t» ' fe!r‘ y ' -■ - - -: - • ______

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Or^ '1 ' "iJr"'" s ^ ' 84 tot 5...... ticw5^3 nn t>8 7 00*«3 sa?,s 'SSS'.::;• t Crv»n.x, Utj.j X” . ■• Cif rn ISO 151C8I 79'* Tiii/iiH , n i l h v S ‘" twc™ 92 14 6J7 27**. ••• CCAjiy U 4” t**. •• ^ s.tat .( 297 4‘*. ‘1 I,rtvi :t 24 7 367 to - •• OjCbi .34 a*Nr»1M ts wo 41-- '•' tail*'c J tj44d.' 15'*. n O' g iis :: H « ^ '4 2‘-. n»t»tg 38,5 ” iij:-'■ ■ B«A-« :«n ii'i- ••■ Cr«Coc 2(0 • HIM 41 - •• G; s l l - 'i ^ W MJ? 20 (08 iill"D'*- '» ’'^‘^‘’3EJi.o l i S f f ______lfl_21J.«S'*------CCc 41*------4341- J4U.|U_Cii __ * <72 7 16* SKCaa C6, 05, ” 25 *4'.- .. , ueoa ?7''- « c -H-iSrK=^S-£.-Srt------»-lU-JJ^4-ii_wii— J ------ir u i—BW-.------Bv.r u ' Ccco*' IM 211291 tf . '> Gr>itrvl® Of 25-9U Id '- '• «,'«<] •' M 113S52 25"- “ uuCire:if« ijtjM Tj - “ D.-r«a B«w ce, - M 2 IS'" Co-nO. c 1 40 n *7 Ui" c«G»nco 6 542 8 . KrrOc[•4 t’i0^ ''511®4r’' r Ul 92 155123 42^-2- US/GG 2442 9l0J(J4t«. .. Oc-r*.a 1B7fl I--'.16 si.'-'sn C'i|0< ;‘ Ut»M05|05, 'a “ 'ri! II B«».a / «164f 17 . '« 0<0».-'iCo''44 , '.t2J.T M'*v'" G» « ■ ■! SJ » - - iSl’ , !______IB77 . )>■' UfNFat Vl IIM. U 237 1”- i2 5 i~ 0^—I------♦3&30-iW^l‘4—vswte-J ~7i------tS~ 0»«tK 20 IW 10U I4>'- '« 0« - io «'•* •• 22 ’ >Vl^3u 125129 31 41 :S5 •-« (0.1. 41 rS'U ■> r. 3» 124527 7} .IM 1 ;i?4M il" ! ’« Ij^* "192 3.« 30**- '■ Griiij■ , W 23 - ■« WJi'-o 9 3'»- '« • • ' 224Q2B 16 - >• Ga*H: S'A ,,!?,,<» li": ______’1 ______------. - Friij■iday, SeptembarlS, 1987 Timos-Nows, Tit Twin Fails, Idaho ■ " . rouiundup_C2 ____ - r port -■ BigSkyrourjndup C4 a Classified C<:4-8 C Tr il i m e s - N e w s I N eg{otiatc orstry

Blackfoot (1-2-2) at Twin Falls (](1-2) i one m oree tim e — The rUIng fortunW if»f Uth'e B rulns’^ffenae coimn c id e d w ith the continued improvemeiment of defense in shuttluI n g o u tM in - ico lu t weekend, but Twi:V in Falls will face a Bromnco of a dif* ^ f e r e n t c o lo r In th ia 7:800 p jn.- G em 8 tatO-Conftoar*no© -gam e— ------to a' —Itt3ruln StadiranrTh-rBIrSIacB oot defense la aoUi vcrt-s Ud, holtUng M strike— - S k y lln e 'a p o w e rftil v e e r o ir o ffe n se to 23 p o in ta l a sl i w e e k a n d ------NEW-YORK (AP)') - T h e chief ne- abutting out Snake Rive: iver ia the aeaaon>openeier. The big gotiatora in the stistalomated NFL queetion Is how effecth ctive Blackfoot’a ^ ic kky ; offense, ^ a b o r talks agreed tolo m eet again Fri- coached by former U8FI ______^ 3FL player Rick Lindbla catello. T h e ...... Thursday the purpotloae of th e meet- Spartans loat their lastIt ttwo gamea afler beatingigBurIey2^ _ . — ing • ia to “explore anany and all ave- ' ” - .. .0 in thejeason-opener.J)r..TheBomsrwho have twon or tied X nues that mayleadid to averting a ------:— r ~ — for the Gem'State Conf>nference championship> sincei 1081. / 's trik e on the 22nd ofijfSeptcmber." scheduledlied and playera re m a in set to — have_their_usual-wideKileK>pen-offense-and-statifl tis tlc a lly -th e ------■ ------Upshawrhoweverrr r a a id - T h u r 8 d n y - w ^ out-on-Tuo8day,-th«-day-afl«r “ ‘-« ------best defense in the confenference. M inlco’a problenems are com- A n ig h t th ere has to be intenaive bar- ew England-New York Jets T \^ plicated by the abseiisence of leading receieiver Craig m gaining ofthe entire!0 iaaue. gam e rloaescloai out the second week of A n d e rs o n , w h o w ill b e1 onout for several weeks w■ith it a b ro k e n ^ “I’ve learned fromm a source close, the seasonison. h a n d . to m anagem ent th atIt in our head-to- Conway, the Management Key matchup: Hig2ila£J a a d wide receiver Rickk Ockey (20 head meeting tomorrrrow owners a nd C ouncjlsil’s assistant executive catches, five touchdowi>wns, a 18.6-yard averagIge) against Management Councncil people ore director,ir, saidsi Io n ia n hopes to point Minico’s com erbacks onoo the Minidome turf tlit h a t d o e sn ’t willing to talk aboutut pensions and eaa where the owners might favor the uninitiated. roster sizes," Upshailaw said, declin- w>lhnging to move in hopes o f avoid- ing to identify the source. e 'That’s 'ngoBtnktrike. n o t going to cut it. Wt;Vc need a settle- “I thinklink thero an» n fm'r nnm hor Mackay (2-11Ll)_at_Qakley-(3-0)- m e n t and not anotherier stall tactic on of itemsIS on o which wo’re willing to Is this the Magic ValValley Conference chamm p io n s b ip the part of managemcnent. The isauea move," ConwayCo said. "W e w an t to' g o m e? I f it’s n o t, p ity t hl e . B y LA RRY H O yt ^ f pensivei reareserved section. Gooding (2-1) a Times-News writer I f all:1 tlthat is accomplished, a I at Glenns Petty (J( 2 - 1 ) rough lookook at tho gymnasium seat- Glenns Ferry got the luiiimdivided attention of tbthe rest of 1 ru n like this: TWIN FALLS - H¥. a ^ g s u n c d ‘■’I ™ ' ' - tbe Canyon Conferencee \by rocking Kimberly ' 14-6 lost ita reserved seating atside floor level — all w e e k ; n o w c o m e s a s te mner e i test at 7:30 p.m. on th ;he Glenns y ' year, the College ofS id, individual th e a te r chairs, Ferry gridiron. Nate Low low, Shone Bauges and; defen8ive back Ray 8 y Stein and defensive gu[ u o r d _ ^ ------bcTi-lot-of unusualthingngs:------^b'anieT ------Workman out^orotloast tw t tw o w o o k s w llh v a r l ^ s»irijuries. i / .The Bruins, fresh from fr their first The Bronironcos ended up losing the But-tho-niim bers-in-this-i B-4-p.m>-matchup-at-Caniro y -H ig h ------/ ------—victorj-iasl-weck-afttiter-two-Opening-ganic-to-thc -thcrsecond-ranked-Grinlies— ? School etill favor Richfield, lid, w h ic h h a s p lay ed thre<-eo g a m e s losses, will J)e hostinglg Ihe Blackfoot-23-21. to C a re y ’s o n e th is V eason. on. StiU. the Panthors-ha ■'Broncos-and'Coach-Ji-Jon-Jund says------T he'funn:unnything abourthal'game 100-yard rushora in their vl r victory over Camos Cou:lunty two \ ^ "they run everythingng. Last week was Blackfcckfoot seemed lo move the____ Eveeks ago, so tho Tigers’ d s’ dim inished ranks wiU_l_ b o _ k c p t------"th ey Tan”from~l8“dlfllffcrent fomff: ball besl, - afleasrmosl consistent- t>U8yon'dofense. — ' ' lions — everything fifrom swinging ly - whenien they were in th e I and Key matchup: The Carey ey running back tandema

B y T h e Times*N€W8s Jim Brown,wn, actor and former run- ning backick with the Cleveland JCS. Bllseivhere: U TW IN FALLS - The Tl stars w-ill ^i-ow-na: GaryGai Puckctt, a Twin Falls come out this aftemooi3on a t th e Blue- -H igh Schoollool graduate who achieved------^ '" Biurley u (1-2) at Nampapa (2-1), 7:30 p.m/. Lakes Country Club withw the open- f“rne withth tlth e rock groupf th e Union ^ Buiuhl(3-0)atWdodRnRiver (0-3), 7 p.m. ing o f the three-day LfLatham Chrys-: Gap in the ‘he late 1960s and early..' - ler-Plymouth Celebrity;tyGolfClflB8ic, 1970a; gam gai e show h o s t Alex larsh Valley (3-0) at f A The first of the thrhree rounds is - T rebok, coicomedian Sammy Shore t Filer (2-1), 7:30 p.l scheduled to tee'off• att 10:30.this and actorsors Paul Michael Glaser, /alley (1-2) at D ^ lo) C(1-2), 7:30 p.m. moming for tho seraramble format Gail Rae10 iCalrson, Kim Morgan t l ■ tournament. Greene, CiCraig T. Nelson, Marc iagerman (0-3) at Shijhoshone (1-2), 7:3150 p.m . Tho weekend fund-ii-roising event McClure,!, PRobert Prosky, Richard f ^ : b eg an T hursdoy night»t w ith a recep- H erd . Jackock Knischen, Pat KIous, jaft River (1-2) at Mm[uitaugh_(0.3),-7-:3G] tion for celebrities .atit the homo of Claude AkiiAkins, Michael Cavanaugh, ) p^m...... ^4 T w n Falla auto dealeror Bob Latham .JocConleyiley and Tommy Hinckley, C:amas s i County (0-3) a( J r. I at Worth Gem (2-0))),'*p.m . T icketaa forf tonight’s barbecue, Proceeda from thele to u rn a m e n t' w hich willill tbe held at the conclusion. w ill benefit the Collegego of Southem of tho . 1firat round of the Id ah o Foundation, tournamentlent, oro $20 and the_ Satur;___ m ----- Selebritier-participapatlnR includc day nightlU bt janquet tickets a r e $100.

i win Falls, Idaho ..._Fftdav.SepttiDtem!yr18.1»87 ' __ _! GiaintsMesadiriiN L V^ e s t ^ b a l l b cDhs to)8 g a[ffies^ i SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Rick — ^ . With one out, Jones hllanhineldhi 0 M o n tr e t a l 4 iw ith a bizarre run In th e eiglgbth.tbey run In the bottom:tom oftheelgbtb when Reuschel, who w asIS ipitching for a " hit to shortstop and Da)ave Concep- mr v m# won ll In the ninth whenI Randolph I Kevin Seltzer dotdoubled lo lead off tbe ]asl*place team fourir uweeks ago, has jB a ^ b a l l cion’s sb]gle sent Joneacs lo third. iV. Y . i’lM e t s 1 * led off with a single agaLalnst Tom Inning and knoknock Angels starter been promised a staritart on OcL 6 —^ D avis followed w ith a bioiloop single to MONTREA EAL (AP) - Pascual1 H ienke, 0-6, stole second aUld o scored Mike Will oulI oiof the game. Seltzer right against Fernando when ■ baseball's posposl-seMon pUy > Valenzuela, per^ pitchtcbed a four-bitter andI easilyes on Pasqua’s soft asingle to scored on a singleIgle by Brett. begins. ;ave C lncihnatr a i-2 victory7 12-14. tpener, b ut Los Angeles took , Huble BrooiDoks_broke a sbctb-lnnlng- centerce field. Pasqua ended i ------“It’s an honor. I'm'm just happy to the ope: ‘ John Franco, 8-5, camime on Ln the ne with a ' Ige of m first-lnnlng wild a two-run homer as tbe! slumsli p. SanDleg come back and earn a ^llt Expos defeated the New• D ave Righetti, 8-4, pltcbe'? IJ “ Dennls.Rasmussen andI ggave up tbe YorkMefe4-]4-lTburadaynlgbf. nlining for tbe victory. t l Reuscbel said Thurs

- 1 ' • — ;— '— ^------! ^ " j Friday. SeSepteinborlB,l9e7 TImes-N}s-News, Twin rails, Idaho . B ig‘Sky c6ointoint, that s fine for ua," he ; ,_____ to_m^e_the_quicklickefltimprovoment______------m ent from the firatig g a m e to the sec— ita-oldeslest-rivalry.-The-echools-an ore—BiBhop says cbmparatiitive. 8Corc8.are_Baid-^______The Eagles alroaiready havo one Big ond game and that’It's what you al- separate')ted only by tlie Sierra Moun}un- fine, b ut 'Weber is a much m stronger Idaho'si KcKeith Gilbertson is in the . S ky loss to Nevadi'ada*Reno, and ifthe In 1 1 nonconference games, PotPort- woys look for. This w eek, we have to ta in s bbut u aro'just atarting a fourbur- team . sam e positio:lition, playing a Division II ' team loses this n s weekend to Idaho land1 StateS attem pts to make itt twotv make strides in conontaining North* year sericries o f games a fter a six-yea:i^ear “We aren’t a b o u t to t< believe th e team a weekeek a fte r being defeated by ' State, it will tns make an early de* straiglJght over Big Sky teams, host-has e m Iowa's special teeearns," he said. layoff. ------m y th “ th a t— com panimtivo—Bcores-l.-ACenlralral Michigan^P “ portxxre from th e B le Big Sky champion* ing Idaho; Id Montana State isia at1 Solomonson saidI Northern] Iowa , Reno0 Coach( Chris Ault said peopeo- against common opppponontB ia a •'Anybody)dy who didn't think.they ______flWp rare.______them-Iowa,...Cal-Davis—is—I big-and-<' “They B ig _ Sky team s h ave 65 foobotboiracholar^in_M Qiitana-Ln n ifln h ig -w in ^ ------:------opgning-HPflHon fi9 _52-5Lloaa-to-Texaa- is idle.lie______:------M ontana“ w as“ Bu;tu rp ri8ed"irt"«S~Sky ght now and be one of tho top "sHipstoHislSl. “We haveive toI go in there and play A&I, is at Easter Item W ashington to “I think th we are making the pnpro- home opener last weveek by Division four tearjams. It’a a great traditiona:>nal "I think w ell b e inn a position of awfully wellveil to have a chance,” ho open its Big Sky ky season and Mon* greasIS I thought w c woiild,” saidi IS'ISU II Portland Stato and ai Coach Don game anand we’re excited about it,” it,' plapng to win a gamme and Weber said. “I thinthink the shocked every- tana is at Norther hem Arizoner in the Coachch Jim Koetter. “We had som9ome Read said he's lookirdng for improvo' said Aull,ult, whoee team waa rankedked S tate will be...playinglg to prevent a body in thelie Big Sky by going into league opener foror bo^b teams. small i Jl irguries that slowed us dowiown, .m ent this weekend agalMa( t NAU.- i -N o, 1 inn tth e latest NCAA Divisionnl- I- - lossj'hesald...... M issoula andandboatingMontano, ......

^ -If-phiiersgcJO o n strike - g S n •frtSj - - ^

------A c a d eam n y b eats Dieie t r i c h ------NB£Cmighiitnotaiiir-makileupjteilams J ------t w i n f a\L l Li S — Jo sh u a C illey Bcorc(ired the'dwlsivc goal in'the i ByJOifl^I^ISE3ER era cut1 iiin training camp and thoseose b u t wc havc a lot o f queilestions a ^ u t CBS holdss televisiontcl ri^'t^to CFA second halff WednesdayW< to help Twin FaFalls Christian Academyto 3 AP Sports Writer who ign(gnore the strike, which iais that — including whvhat players games, whichhich arc generally shown a 2*1 decisionon overI the D ietrich B lue DesDevils. acheduleclied to begin after n ex t Mon-[on- would be used and whether w the Saturday ofteoftem oons. Eric Mott's;t's early goal se n t th e Twii■win Falls team ahead but t If th e N FL playersrs strik e and the day niglilglit’a game between the Newlew games 'would countnt in tho Carlson, alaoala confirmed that CBS ; D ietrich rallieiHied into a h alftim e tie a t r«l.l-l. league dccides to) try and play Englandid Patriots and New Yorkork standings. was consideridering an offer from the • anyway, NBC is notot sure it wbuld Jets, “Right now, we're not saying Professionallal 'Golfers Asaociation to ■ B e r b i cck l drops o u t o f b o u t . televise the games,a, a spokesman ABC, which televises Mondayjay whether we would shohow them or ehow its toumamcnt tou finals on a said Thursday. N ight FoFootball, is cxpected to fill not. We’rc saying maybebe." rights-frecB babasis. There are no PGA . LONDON•i (/(AP) - T revor B erbick, forformer World Boxing Coun- ' CBS said it was ininvcatigating al- t with movies, as it did dur-lur- CBS spokesman Malark Carlson events sched:heduled for commercial * cii heavyweigleight champion, TTiuradayly withdrew from a bout tem ate progrtmimin; 1982 players strike. said there “are a w holeejpt_ofthing 1 8_network_tcle^■/ilpviaif'n fnr thfv rom nin.______•______ag ain st B ritaiitain's Frank B runo, citing n bbnck in ju ry______ns in the event ; of“ a“ strik'eI"aepenarrImg on whether wbyioiioBHlyrwchtfpetKerelnirbe1)0 under consideration." includingin the der of 1987.7. T he 33*ycarffar-old C anadian, w ho loat; tJithe title to A m erican Mike ■ th e gam es take place...... no stn kke,”. e, NBC spokesman Kevinvin televising of games th aIt t. are played. “That's just ono of many things," . Tyson la s t November,No' was to fight Bruiruno Sept. 29 at Wembley M onahanan said. “The NFL has indi-idi- “W e probably a re oblijligated to do Carison said.lid. “Auto races, b oxing.... A rena. The club owners I I have said they coted tha:hat they will be providinging games if they (t^e NFIFL) can play Wc did a lot of auto races, ’ B u th e suHcitfiered a slipped disc this weeveek and w as told by a spe- will field teams com mprised of play- games between be non*union players,irs. them,” Carlson said Wedednesday. triathlons,, thethoso kinds of things dur- ^ cialiBtThuradti-sday hc would be unable to> fightfii for th ree m onths. The currcnt networork contract ing the lastitstrik st: c." with the NFL has provia/isions for re- N i e k r o0 w on’t p itch: j a g a i n Ericks<;on and VIVSU bates to tho networks iiif there is a aBC drewew its fiflh-highcst Mon* ' strike. day Night, FootballFo rating ever for ' ATLANTAA (AP) - Former Atlanta pitpitcher Phil Niekro hos de- M onahan said N BC w(would mn its its scason-opc•opener between the New ------eided-notrto1 mjmake-a farewell-appearanceice for th e B ravesi th e club— "'NFIrtivcprc-game-shoilow as ached--Yol-k'Gianls"nls“‘bnd”Chicogo~Bears7'^ 1“ .______announced toditoday. —tonnvaide Michliqan---- uled throuRhout a strik:e. e. After that, The telecastat drewd a 21 .8 rating and______However,“the th' team saia tne popularir Nielcro^ouldJ meet with he said, it would probtibably run a a 38 share,.m’..marking the beat open- ^ s-next-week-^^to-diecusa^is-ful-ftiture-plona-in-the-front-of— ------ANN-ARBOR.-MM ic h .-(A P )------Erickaon I n has Washington State offoff'sportaanthology'flhowjc ' 'on~the first'" ing■;n^ght 8Bhowingsinccho^ 1983. when '■ flee o fth e Bravraves organization.” W hen ia ploying Mich chigan's football to its.firatrst 2-0 start since 1981, but•ut strik e Sunday. the Dallas-Wi9-Waahington game ‘drew ^ Team spokciikesman Bob DiBiasio saidi NNiekro, 48, w os ofTcred a team opponentsits like Fresno State and Wy*^y* • M onahan said NBC wiwould not ro- a 21.9 and139 39 ahare. The Bears won • front office po{position after being releasee easier than playing sed two weeks ago by the lg Wyoming’s? om ing arciircn’t in the same class w i^th lease any more of ita contingency c the meetingng (of the last two Super T oronto Bluele JJays. N iekro sp e n t 20 of h It is when you’re f his 24 years in the mtyor ’re Waahington Michigan.in. programming becausc thetl nctwork Bowl championpiona 34-19. leagues w ithh th e Braves in M ilw aukee anand A tlanta.------State coach-Dennis ErErickson.------“T h e’th:thing-tharwc'wanfto"dorlo; fe‘cla'“thafb y 'an n o u n cinin g o u r plans DiBiasio aaicaaid Niekro’s d ed sio n n ot to p Compared to last x> pitch w aa “stric tly Phil’s. It w eek's game an d I’vee toldt our players, is gainlin for strike program m ing,g. we'd be im - T he Inteintemational Boakctball ; H c ju a t felt witw ith the confusion a n d the} shortneaasl ... it ju a t w aan't w ith Wyoming, prepailaring for Satur- some resp« apectability in this program,m. pinging on the strike tallilks." Association,in, e a league for players 6 - ; w orkable.” day’s contest againstist the Wolver- " Ericksoi :son aaid. “Winning thoaeae He also denied thatQt NBC waa foot-4 and1 under,ui will get ita firet ; ines at Michigan Stacadium has been first two g 0 g am es is p art of it, th e n to plonning to show Colie,lege Football television exposure ex this weekend 1 a s n a p for Erickaon. G u e r r eero i show s imi p p r o v e m e n t go back to A nn Arbor in th e B ig Tenen Association games orjr Canadian when ESPNIPN shows three games 1 W hile getting ready dy for M ichigan, and playy wollv ond win would reallylly Football League games,s. NBC aired from the IBAIBA'a tour of South Korea I' ' INDIANAPCJ ’OLIS (AP) — Indy car driviriver Roberto G uerrero w as Erickson hasn’t hod t i to answ er the help thiEhis program gain somene CFL games for the first-st few weeks and the Philiihilippinca. ; ta k e n off t hle e ecritical list today, a week seemingly endless qu ek after suffering head in- questions about rcspcctobiability.” o fth e 1982 players strikiike. ESPN will ahow a game fitjm ; ju rie s d u rin g titire testing a t th e Indianapi?r.inP i i a ra ce .c a r- h it-th o —------tli&-19th.rankod.Wolv Steelers S linebacker Mike:e Mcrriweather won the tournament. should not3t 1ham per his perform ancec BUJDWEISER WORLRLD I AFC defensiveive aw ard for h is p lay in a 30-17 victory over San Rodriguez, with 198''87 cam ingB of .this wcekencend. - Francisco; Inn a addition to eight solo tack CHAIVMPIONSHIP FIGH3H TS! i Qckles, onc a s sist and an $432,701, leads sccondid*place Bruce The onlylly golfer in the top 25 on0 » ______intorcaptionrMirMorriweather forced-a-fumb 593i000"DirthB~tliu buuBon------by-Delton-Halllall-and-retumed 50-yardirds-for-Pittsburgh's-firaUr—-:------aeaaon-moneylist:------in-the^teldHld i9 -Nor2M'-ommy-Aaron:— touchdow n. “T h e p ast yeor Chihi Chi and I Dale DoiJouglaas, a four-time win- KICKBOXING I __ havo ployed the b e st golf." ner la st ycar,yci his first on the tour, Crampton said. “You ccould also in* still ia seelceking his first victory of WORLD. ■ elude Gary Player, butut for tax rea- 1987. TITLE BOUT ■ Columnbia worlrking on vs. B . ^ 4 ^ 4 I_____ TO-j'' —many negative1 estreaks- STOCK t CARL SKLAVOS; S TTEVE E DEMENCUK NEW YORK (AP) ?)- — This could be do It, b bu ut I know w e’ll win bVfore - m n \ c m r ^ )N U.lU.S. CHAMPION tho season of milcilileatonea for th e that," hhe esaid. ------^------1 'S l.^ WORLD CHAMPIOh Columbia football11 teamI — ones CanI it get any worae than hia TWln F a lls, I d a h o ■ MiM anchester, N.H. they could do withoutlOUt. first scaileason? 0-10. Outscorcd 379-s X I ' ...... 14-0 (4 KOs) 19-3-0(111! KOs) ___ -- -Its 31‘gam e .loBin{sing.streak la al-_ 91. O utn itrushed by n e a rly two. milea. — _ — ready tho sccond lotlongest tn miy'or McEInIlreavy doesn't think so. HcSi c .ifr I rHANh ------Team-FightI - college histoiy, andd on01 Saturday 610 said thohe team should bo improved DAHO vs. COLORADADO Lions play Harvard,ord, a team that defensivelively th an k s to players from 4 ' FO R Y COUR SUPPORTIT IN 1 9 8 7 & . Satur(jalay, Septem ber 19 - 7:307:; p.m.- boat them 34-0 in last season's laat yeaiear's freshman team whichch DUE TO LA(ACK OF PRE-ENTRIESIS'THE races c 'tel opener. w en t 3-3.t-3. 'm FOR SEPT>TEMBER 19 & 20 HAVE h BEEN jW Only • losses to" I H arvard, Thsnn there'st the addition of John =D. . . COLLEEGE OF SOUTHERNIN IDAHO ------Lafayette, PennsylvjI'lvania and P rin- Robinsonwn, a lincbacker-end who5.0 4 -cancelled ccton stand between:en Columbia and transferrerred from Southem Meth- J|_WE_LgOKFFORWARD TO SEEINGG YOU^ IN 1988. 'fa , Twin Falls tho record. No. 35 would, which odist afteiftcr the NCAA crackdown, would surpass }Northwestom's , B U R L E V . least-they have a placekickcr — I V I A C I C ------^ t ^ Inckets:______H mark“sbt'fr6m'197979 (to 1982; w o u ld " Thompson Suzuki como on Oct. 10 a t PriPrincoton. ' eason, Matt. Pollard, a sopho- TWIN FALLS L from Dallas. Last season tho But Coach Larrarry McElreavy ' Video Wost P BUHL borrowed one from tho soccer Bl th in k s h is team h asIS improvedii “Ught A A m^S P E E i , Donnolloy S p o rls ' »j8utholTwlnfolIiAlfport GoGoska Automotlvo ------y e a ra - airico Jaat.B.season' C i and said . ' _ Gom Stato Papoi_&.S.S u p p l y ------confidently th is sum:ummer, 'TVc'will------Will th I thot bo onough».though,.to.de-. I n fo : 7 34^-T o 1 7 JEROMEJE not b reak the record."rd.*^ pose Columbia Co as patsie of tl^ ISKA Sanctlonod GO! • "Don't ask me whiwhich game weH year? Con Paulos Chovrolot; .J ...... ■___ — ----- V-.----- ■...... ( li — ■1 C-4 Times-Newa, Twin Fal,Falls, Idaho Friday, Seplememberie,1fi87

Coach d o ^nnTffiin^iovTgfrs ’ F s l a t e 7 ; ;^ h L e g qta~JLejgaia | 8

F lo•rida i ju sst w ^ f ss ^ q u a l firep o u ByFREDGOODALL L Tw enty, sailsaid this w eek. giget to play at homo agoiioinst arch- low ed schools8 iiin good standing w ith AP Sporta Writer “I feel better b about our depth ririval F lorida S tate, rankedsd seventh, th e NCAA. CLASSI]F IE D INfP ] E X aflcr two games.ga B ut th e really good in in the last regular-seasonI ggame. That’s whatjat we tried to tell the G AINESVILLE. Fla.WI. (AP) — Flor* teams aree playingp with fourth- and For th e m ost p a rt, th e de] lepthprob- NCAA," Hallisaid sa ofthe appeal Flor- ■ • Enterloinmont ida Coach Golen Hall do ’ pprogram-is— Louisiana SState, No. 11 Alabama “W“WeVe got some expcriencc me since 1984.______^ ___ RMERSMARKET~ ------stiH 'f ^ m g th e effectsa_of_ c 9cholar:__ and_No._18jC8jGcorgia..alLoLthe.SEC:-th<.thosa-peoplerdlthough-we-'e^ o -h a v e ------J ^ ° “Sht.wwe-dxd-very.wellAHail c ------009-€mploirm«nf Agontlof— ship restrictions imposedied bI ccause of__— on the roai•oad...... _ ------— - so>some receivers who haven’l he first time in live 010 ProfostlonalSarvicet rccmumg irfc'^ariticses ■uncovered Ttfiinkthjth a t shows w h a t’this'con- m'tmuch. years, we weroroablo 1 tb recruit with-" ------OU-OoyCorvSBP/lcoi------during the tenure of fom 015 Babysltiors ' 096 Form Soo for Renl ‘It’s a great challengeIge for u s to nation," saidlid Hall, who’ll face Ala* lot of people (opponents) who v arc "vcr our heads.s. Oie IncomoProptrly 099 Posturesros Ilor Renl 020 Monoy lo Loon 100 Llvoslockock Wonlod play as demanding a schedulesd as bamaSotufdiifday in B irm ingham . goi:going to test us to the limit," ...... “I don’t knowIOW if it’s going to be we’ve"”jo l ' —" especialljM , Oil Monoy Wonlod 101 Animolol BrBreeding ly w hen ’ you “T h at's goagood for th e conference," IHoll, in his fourth seaeason at any easier now,IW, but we’re certainly 023 Invostmoni* 102 Cotllo» consider our incxpcriemieircc." H all, he added, “Ijut“I j not for us because Florida, Flo contends it may bee 1990 or glad to be offT probation,”p he said, 035 Initruciion 103 Ooiry Equ!Equipment whose team wiil play sixlix (opponents we’ve got to0 playp those team s.” 19S1991 before the Gators g c:t t: back to “I ’m very opti 026 Music Loiiont 104 Horso*r* iptimistic about the 'Equipment > currently ranked inI the Top' If it’s anyy consolation,c the Gators the moximum 95 scholarsl•ships al- future." ' 105 Horso Equ ------106 SwinoI REAL ESTATE FOR SALi r p 108 Shoep/Gi/G e ools 110 Poultry*I7 & Rabbits 112 Ifflgollon C a r t e r ^ ^ N c ^ ( ^ y \ igns_4-veear ____ ^ Q2a_QpiuLUfluinl.----- • ...... ------113iF jrm .45 RaRanch S u p p lio sIIZ . I m a go es U0 under S 030 HomosF-irSQl* ------lU Form ImplImplomanls-.—------— 03l-Oul-oJ-TownHomo*— ------115 Form WorlWork W anted 032 Buhl/Filer Homoi c O T t f a c f: w itfirE ^i g l e s ^ ^ 033 Kimborly/Honion Homos- for firsrst-round leead in ^ 034 Joromo Homos SCREATIONAL 035 CoodlngAVendsll Homos fPHILADELPHL\(AP)-^ ^ . Wide re. supplemental1 draft,dr th e Eogles gave 036 Rool Etioto Wonted ceiver Cris Corter, picked 130 AviotlonIon id m th e up th e ir fourth-th-round pick in the 037 Form t end Henchet 121 Boots SM6 Marino (fems fourth round by the Phila 036 Acroogo i lols rained oumt Milwaukkee open Si lode phio regular draft nonext spring. 123 SpoftrngCng Goods ^ Eagles Eot in a supplemental 039 Business Properly 123 C u n soond n d Rifles 040 Com olorylots signed four one-yeor contracjita^S; Philadelphia0 still will hove a 124 Snow VehiclesVoh FRANKLIN. Wis.I. (AP) • — United Statestes. 043 VocoiionProporiy 125 TfOvolTroI Trailers the NFL club Thursday, 1 . fourth-round pipick, however, one Tommy Nakajimo tieded a course , 044 Condominiums For Solo 126 C om porsiors « Shells they received in ai trade. 045 Mobilo Homos ForSolo ------rccord-with-a-lO-undender-par-62- „ /M. t , my drenm." said spoSEpk c a m a n . a id ,______127_MotorHwHomos Thursdoy to lake thec oa 2 -8 tro k e N akajim a, jokjoking wilh reporters Carter, C on All-American1 iat Ohio CifteTiilfdlS■sinfSepTlO ogainsr 128 UiliriyTra:rrroilo?i------lited grasp of English. StaState, was declared ineligible)loforcol. “8 «"ts Norby■ VWalters and Lloyd ■ lead in the rain-ahorteirtcned first jverhishmitc RENTALS money, b u t th e dream lege football after signinging w ith Bloom allegingg tlthey induced him to m C : i round of the $600,000)00 G re a te r need the mo UTOMOTIVE Milwaukee Open. IS first. age:agents. . accept a loan thrchrough “fraud and un- - his older brother. 050 Furnished Houses- 1 started play ov 6r the _ ^Eagles Coach Buddy Ryayan .aid ‘“‘f <>< h 051 Unrurnithed Houses' 131 AuloSorviSorvlco '■ Ploy was collcd offT aalter n 2 [!!artcr would bc able to ccarvc a George. Oris CCarter seeks more 052 Fum T^pis.S Duplexes ddny after J.MO-ynrd courseco. on-No. 10 and 132 A uloPofH’oftsS Accessories hour, 30 minute rain del prom inent niche on th e team . th a n $1 millionn ini damages and the 054 Unlurn. Apts. SOuploxos* 133 Autos WontedWoi 156.player >'nvery great golfer," gajj Jl-Amcrican. 072 Aniiquos 173 A ulos-Ply• Plymoulh laid. "It’s just basically tho0 repeti- 073 Boioors&^Crolts below 70 and 45 wereI btbelow p a r ^^cen said, 174 A utos-O• Orher il — tion•ions of practice I need. It N OTICE ------under-par-in-1984 at • Stadium, i F r i s It the-Snn -difTerent."; saidlaid Ed Wisneski, an Diego Open. Eagles 0L O S ’Two-time UU,S. Open champion spoVipokesmon. SEOUT NO>iOTlCEOFINTENTTO thesesite. sllutatecated In the Counly ADO “ T h is m u st be m y birthday bi ” ^ndy North,1, whov is scheduled to A Located at 22181Sth Avonue N orth In Buh iho u p Avenue for• purposes pu ol com- • le (ollowing sum- Idaho3 Falls.F Idaho pllanciance wllh Section • D ate sirizes tho conlent of Octobeb e r 28, 1987-1:30 6 o -il3 SEPTEMBER ao, ^ sto ra ' '113 Idaho Code, the th ro SUNDAY, S B revised rules: p.m.,n.. Conference ' irusleiis le e h a s b e e n In- luhl, Idqho. \ lie 1. d e s c rib e s th e R oorom form'med ei that the street - n ^ r _ Sept. 27 H O C P . M . authority and purpose Oeparliirlment of Waler addresd r e s s of 108 N. Blr- c a j « 0,1987 ^ Qf tho rules and pro- Resosources chwoowood Circle, /ides Ihat the revved 2146 411 APPLIANCES ------, R u le 4th Avenue East. KImbeliberty. Idaho Is A rules apply to now and TwinFi C.£. Upright, opproxlmotol]oly 16 cu il. deop frooio • No Lunch aut Falls, Idaho sometimetimes associated n - u ------< >nc|.dryor— Compoct-vocuum.cloa------ol:e«ai£existingdams. OclobeJiT ^,29,^^jy-U0 with;b s s a ld .r e a l-p ro p e r-. — E V E R Y WEDNESDAY 6 P .I — oulomotic-clolhoi-wathor-om ilo - 2. - d e f in e s -le f m i^ ^ p T m ., , tricolopphoncoj • Eloclfichoocolor. . - ...... — -...... vidi CONSMMSIGNMENT • MISCELLANEOUS.& * * ■ ______lo lo g y . u so d In Iho ferene n c e Room ^ ^ajcjid sas: le will b e m ado -- - ...... M0N.-1N.-TUES.-WEO. -CLASSIFItP AD«D OOM - FURNITUR• Konmoro malching •ules LenB.,J. Jordan Building wllhoul)ul convenant or - - Auc«ronHouw ______BEDRO e-wiih-hi$-ond.h«rs-drejsorrbo<:loanor-Jmollor.olac. ____ R ulo-3_d0Scrlb66-the-C5OIq- WeiJest&TateSTreet ------w arraninty-regardlntrtliie^ ty ------lelghi and storage Boise, i — S A T U RRDAY, I SEPTEMBERR l 9 ' choif of dfoworj. ond springngs and moltross • Crossing chc noli i. Idaho possessession or encum- . d couch - Nico 1925 Vintogo Q :apacity limits used to Interesjsted persons may brances:es lo satisfy the EVATJS ISTAliTATE & NEIGHBORS • GLENNSISFER8Y- Fi -. . .moltross r ■ Nico hido-o-Dod < ;l833ily dams___and p re se n ----- — • • ------ORCHA:HARD PRODUCE«HOUSEHOLDLD ------' oxira.loovos.-buiiot and 6.choirIRE >nt Ihelr comments obllaatioation secured by. __loom'.ioi..Hugonoi. walnut. o> bookcoso-hoodboard:------Je s c flb o s - flsk“ in'wriUi Advod v e rtlio m o n ti Soptom bor 17r c >ol dinnolto set wilh 2 swivol che Illng'lo'the'director and pupursuant ib the dinnoiio sot • Small drop Ical choir • Boby bod Ond :ategorles usod lo on or I MU a uomu nllh Auction Sorvlco hNico ilowofod couch • Roclincinor chair • Hex ond squoro ond r before November power)r 0 of sale conferred 1 • Mahogany drop down wriling’ Quoono Ann dining ^:la ?P sslfy lo s s e s and 9. 1987,B7, o r m ay p rese n t In th ee dideed of trust ex- • cojionol choir • Mopl® desk • ioifi.-.5.pioco.kilchon- ___ S'®lamagos. ' - them 0 SATURIRDAY, SEPTEMBERR 1 9 rnet sowing machino • 3 pioco0 ibathroom sel • Melol ulilily lobl orally or In writing ecuted3d I by JERO M E ED- CENCSIE SPACEK ESTATI-HAIILTON)N chairs - Cedar chost - le 4. d e sc rib e s a t th eI publicp hearlng{s). WIN CLCLARyrvJR. AND HOUSEHSEHOL^- T<^LS • COLLCqiBLESLES 9LDMISCELLANE■nd toblos - Swivol oc- ??*!luthoriiy requlrod_for Copies)s of the..revised DEBRARA A N k N N E n E ' ------HOUSEHO ng desk • Singor cobi- i person representing rules r — - — ...... A d v« o rtlto n fo n ts Soptonibor 17 O.P. oxorciso bicycio wilh 1021O2 miles • 2 brass table lomps - may be obtained CLARY.^Y. /lusbarfd and - oElo. 1 d a m ow n er. b v w rltl ' McM attort Auction Sorvlco 6 nico folding chairs ■ Cosco3 ccord loblo • O liom an • Holl tro« Itien request lo ihe wife, ann r/rilo r, 16 TITLE rand stoinloss slool cookworo • le 5. describes forms Directotor. Department of AND TfllT R lfeT COMPANY, RDAY, SEPTEMBERR I 9 ^Some dishos ■ low hoot brai lEOUS_____ . aSl.t . S A T U R I Hoven m anllo clock-- Quiliin;ing rock and stands • Fruit jors equired lo file a con- Watorr Resources, an Idahoaho corporallon, as CLINTO‘ITON KERR ESTATI * KIMBERLY s - 2 old floor lamps • ^ p ( '•'f ssilvorworo lor 12 • LuMogo10 • Bodding ond linons - Crolis trucllon appllcallon Stalehah o u s e Mall. B oise, S u c c eesso s s ' \ trustee, for ANTIQUE.UE. AUTOMOBILE .• COLLEaiBLIIBLES 0 100 clock • 6 pioco sol ol oldiroo cK • Mogozino rock • o le , ^6. describes provi- Idaho' &83720 or in porson the bene)eneflt.and_aocurIty ------Adv«d v o rtlio m o n ts Soptom bor 17 Bovolod wall m irror • Cuckoc 0 • Stop stool • Now • !______d JuningJ)oard-i_SowingJiosketj Io n s------for------llllno-at-450-Vi-W est-State-Slreelr*'or"ONnJNITED SECURITY ------W ail-Audionoofs------__dfihitiJoi-l2..:.T-V—itflyA-i-ki irs - Communily ploio l( >d color • Garden hoso • 65 yrs. 0 ■ngineering plans. 3rd F lo o r . Tow ers MORTG<AY, A SEPTEMBER 2 5i ipabillty of a dam a ,M .. of of said day, In Ihe ENTLY•Y RESPONSIBLE' IEDMISCEUANE(vont rib • Romington T h ejsed r on tho risk lobbv 0 NEWCOMER-HOUSiUSEHOLD & MISCELLANEOUS*!5 -TWIN FAILS Pj - CONSICNI o t th e Offico of FOR THUFHIS OBLIGATION. • lo-ovon with dryor rocks • Soarso ilo r modol 94 30-30- — quir« Adv«i(vortliomontt SoptifmborlS Forborw aro convection turbo-' milegory lnli of the SAFECC: 0 TITLE IN- T h e1 defaultd« for which Moitoram om ith Auctlonlffervlco hoolorhi • Roglna 3 spood oloctr:trlc broom' • Corning 12 cup oloc jwnstream area and SURAN(NCE COMPANY th is s a•ale le Is lobe made Is CorningC< place selling dinner' didishos • 1 gallon voporlior • 16EOUS c btsee size of tho dam OF IDAHAHO-locatedal31i being I thi the failure to pay; ------S A T U RRDAK,^Ei>TEMBER; D R .2 6 ______i2 qt, therm os and sandwich cosroso______id reservoir. Tho Secondid Slreol North- when dud u e , m onlhly In- iors portoblo oloclrlc Cat6{jsign capacity re- city ofl RAY HELHELM ESTATE- ELKO. NEVADA'A' iloclric colleopot • (4) . d o w r f Twin Falls, Coun- slallmenllenl payments GUNS-Ht - HOUSEHOLD • COLLCaiBLISIS ish or-B ankdble Cht ilre m e n is vary (o.g. ly of Fwln Tw Falls-Slato of underr E Deed of Trust T e r n i t C a i 16 qt. Proslo Connor - th5m e 50 y e a r to, pro- Idaho Tl Advorvortliom ontt Soptombor 34 ______a n d TITLE AND TRUST -Note dald a te d A u g u st 27, ible . maximum -c o m p a i MMa: a ito rf A u ctio n Sorvlco ' d o si£ ANY, an Idaho 1979, Inin the amount oi EflJAGELSANDI )0 d ). As, rev ised , Ihe C orporaration, as Sue- 5483.1212 each, for the ------■ ' S U M bBTAYrSCPTEMBBRal A .T------: - ' l -Owner:-ESIHEJ Ie provides for coasor 1 s r r tr u s te e , will sell m o n thIS s c ol March, April, CLiOEMc8RIOE-ANANTIQUES & COUEQIBLES - TWINTW FALLS SALIMANAGIDBB Y M A S T I B t AUCTION ibstltullon of risk at publicillc auction, lo the May, JuJune, July and iM ISf THAT tn V K I ■OUT" .A d vvortlM o rl montt Soptembor 35 "THllUtlM aluallon or adjust- hla^estit bidder, for cash, Augusts t 1987. All dell- M ai a n o rs A u ctio n Sorvlco Al ClerkI FRIENDS Kani of Ihe spillway ful monoy of the quenl I pa;payments are now LyloM ottori Griii'iryOiborno ColH9NSIRV1CI subsiisign requirement unlledI States, all aue;’pluplus accumulated ' —— . zBuhl. Idaho Oo< T " • e v a lu le-at-the-tlm e-of—iBle-cnaisnaraosrplus-^ny ------W -ii ~W :3227------W - irfci m e n3"re ! a re physical sa le ^ th e following tlHoyor. designslralnts, unique (o- describebed real property, •C<• Continued ------^ -—- S-JI54 o r s m m th e r e c o n s t FrldeIday, SeplemberlS, 1917 Timea-Newa. Tim Twin Faila, Idaho C* ^ Legqts^LegtUs AnnnouncetmentsTSf'elected offers 0 0 2 -6 6 7 ~ L NOTICE . LEGAL N L E G A L N ■ N O TIC E l e g a l NlOTlCE O I LEGAL NOT>TICE LEGAL N O'T T l IC E LEGAL N O TK M 7-Jotisol Interestt 007-JobJof Interest ^ound malo Gorman : TWJN FALLS.LS COUNTY COMMISSIONERSERS MINUTES ZONING APPEAI■EAL . i j j i w Appllctlon. tilnp ac- i Immodlalo opening lor ox- h.REGULAHAUGUSLIST SESSION • herd X, about 4 moniti T w in Falls, Ide Zoning Appeapeal Hearing was 'held fc PNs In porloncod oll-tol prost op- , Idaho tor Clyde T„j c,County Commissioners motat ta t th is Saturday, noar Clrclo- A u a u 3l 3.1987 J o h n s o n ...5 Iptogrosslvo JCAH Bac- orator. Full or part-llme. Call 1987,8:30 o ’clock A.M. tim e pursuant to} recess r( with ali Commlssioneiiners and ^ Etodllod.hospltal wim variedvati, Bill al BLIP. 734-2558- REGULAR AU MEETING AUGUSTSESSION -1 the Clerk present,It. lleront Laoy wuh > car to livo-ln. T h e Boardird of County Commissioners>rs m et a t this C o m m issiomers n er attended a Region IV m mi eeting in MEETING io u n d camera. 9-13.4EiToS X ™ „;'il, coC " nissloners and-Jerome. )oiiiivo time oil, llghi housokeop* ------Ume-pursuantlantlOTocBSS-with.all Commis ------Commissiohorsirs^mel’wRh'T'drWoTuvonlioT:Iol5eten~3ffi'”^ ’^'®®'”''y- Ca':all 733- kalarles. oxcolleni bonolli Ing, aalarynogotlabio. Send ------th e C lerk pI re resent; s ------” ------MEETING _ * Contact Human Resoursource resum e to: Box B-92, c /o AUTHORIZAT:a t io n Commissionermers attended the Alrpono n Board rTERWE-i50STOI o g (Depanmont ai Cassiala Mo-M Tlmos-Nows, P.O, Box 54«, Dorthy Hamby. Har County Assessor, aand the ap- meeting at noon,>on. -borlfll Hospllal In Burtt Twin Falls. It/, 83303. ;, r Hempleman altondod a MurVlurtaugh | AVAIUSLEFOR>R Idaho (20S) 67W recess r« wilh Commlssionors f OSS th01Cair51W20-«53. ______Rax'a. Roslauranl is now COMMISSION!ONERS 2 456 98 1 851J51 67 33 75 se n t. lhe Clerk present. Commis, ------BEANANNY------rocruiling for their ------CORONER— ifsSo" ifs.iyiy; ------B59T9------3241ZTBS------R oottrre-tjuslms liiubs Wds iiaiisau iu d u titin m ent on CouniyTusiness. COUNTY AQEI J4 85 5:00 o ’c lo ck P.M,’.M., when a recess was taken chasod at lho Clly Watlator 01- In ^anny posiiion in MolMoiro gram. II you aro a highly GENT 469 35 324 ( in until the m e e t i n g lico. NY. ono yoar commltlmoiilmenl, mollvatod career orienled PUBOEFENDE^DER 2.160 . 82 1 205()5 62 812 31 h o u r of 8:30 A.M..M ., A ugust 14,1987. , . _ C om m issionerr hH em plem an Is attbnding] ana in- ELECTION 601)195 £ Attest: Richardrd AA. Pence Juc » 4j u » 0®°'’ ‘®'* ol other)r oanan- Individual wilh Ihe desire lo n Boise, Idaho. Call S2‘ Call 1- ioin a lop quality organlza- .. JANITOR . 35 241 44 1 0 41739 7 : 316 00 • ClerkI Ch; “ J ? * * nios nearby, no foo. Call II no a nswer . . . J24-43'5^12— 345-49und, 4 licensed agoncy.______District Manager, Rax'a of SH ERIFF 37 241 34 10 56010 777 1 926 64 AUQUSt 14,1987,37,8:30 £ o'clock A.M. to rn e y K. Ellen1 Baxter,i Deputy Prosocutin' ° “i " ; Boiso law llrm. oponlno ( Idaho. Inc. 13106 TREASURER;R 2 671 55 2 65111 221 1 183 65 REGULAR A UJGUST GI SESSION ames and Kon Dlebert of C< no- call ,igg In ,, joekingTfloal log Yellowstone Hwy. Chub- ZONING 345 94 . 572'2 747 T h e B oard ofOf County Commissioners me«.tm isrxsSFSgardlng menial commlitments. ------sec./rocept., word procosocoss- buck. 83202. ’ W EEDS 2 108 94 1 88414 73 7 - .841 42 tim e p u rs u a n t to rocess with Commlssioneile rs Folton CATERING PERMITflITS ISSUED Losi2'/j mllos noflh olof Buhl log skills roq.. pleasoI sorsond Medical Super Billor. Roai ADVALOREM:M 1 960 38 1 884M 773 a n d H em p lemnan an present. Commissioner FraleyFi ab- pamela Kay Hovlo w e rto n dba The Sago w as i: fomalo rosumo lo Ounne, Smilh. Smil pro. CPT-oxporienced only. s issued wfoid-Inflind 1-12 Howard. & Hull. P.O.Bt0.Box Sond resumo to Box D-92. . PA R KS &RECFECREAT 1 960 38 46919 559 se n t. catering permiisIto to be used Septembor 5ri2, 1 SOLID WASTETE 19 633 55 1 00313 228 MEETING 2,19and:r.'riM 'aS'-BJrlltany.. ;! 5l9.BolsOrldahoa370l- C/O Times News. PO Box ------7— 26 at the Rogerson;an Service. REWARD! Call 5ns to th e Zoning board at thie e IPublic IncapacltaioO person, po fund raising and tralnlr•aining or4B7-26l5afterBp,m;_____ JUVENILE OlVE51VER 4211 225 fo rm a n c e Bondnd Ito Twin Falls County in Ihehe ampuni Meeting to be helcleld October 8,1987. Ross ArriA rrington REv7a r d , Ploaso callall alter skills. Sond lo: Rt. 3 B< GENERAL of $104,902.00I Inin Compliance with awardingig of bid to is requesting a CoiConditional Use/Land Divisiono n Of h is 6:00p.m. MH 210.______6770. Twin Falls. Accoptir PUB HEALTHH 15 893 58 them for malntonitonance of th e Twin Faiis-BuhlilLandliil. 1 property V2 m ile} North N of the Red Cap Cornern e r. A ny Lost: Fomalo sealI poinl appllcallons unlll Sopt.S fs. ? ADVERTISE REV SHARINGMG 1 300 00 Routine Buslnisiness was transacted unlll thelhe hour of and all persons may m register Ihcir commentsn ts . pro- Slampso. 7 yoara old, CABLE TELEVISION Routine busli■uslness was transacted unHIil f,the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M.’.M., when a recess was taken od floa Jnslallorsyconslrucllon,! « 0 „ YOUR jn until th e te s ts , or anreemments e on Ihe subject being'" 8 'si 5:00 o ’clock P.M..P.^ when a recess was takejken unlll the hour of 8:30 o’cloiclock A .M .,A u g u st1 7 .1987. s 1 d 0 red,, 3rackon porienco noc. Call jam 8am . SERVICE SPECIALTY hourof6;30o'clo'clock A .M .,A u g u st4 ,1987. A tte st: R ichardd A. Pence Juc Sl. No, * Blockss Irom Spm, Boiso, 362-2641. ;udvFellon Routine businesse s s w a s transacted unlll th e- hi hospllal. Answers _ - IN THIS DIRECTORY Attest: Richards rd A P e n c e JiJu d y Folton C lerk Chi.halrman 5:00 o’clock P.M.,., vwhen a recess was taken unlllun th e "Noka". fioward ollore Clerk■k cChairman Twin Falls, Idaholho h o u r of 8:30 o ’clockick A.M ., A ugust 28.1987. rolurn or Info, loadir S K r ' i n ' S i ° or »o aci as admlnlslralh?«!?!!.* undor the hotdlng of - Tw in Falls, Idahila h o , . Auoust 17,1987,6l7,e;30o'clockA.M. A ttest Richard A..Pence P< JudyFjy Felton rocovoty.-doad or Publl? ) ^ ‘"‘C'»o/C8/ ^ A u g u st 4,1987,1 ______REGULAR AUGU'GUSTSESSION secrelary, Apply at Publ 87,8:30o'clock.'A.M. C lerk ' ______C hairrairm an 734^935;______------Works Ollico, 620 F S ------REQUL-Aft-AUQUQUSTSESSION ------of-County-Commissioners-me ------Lostr-youno-malo-Bi-Border flupert;-!d-833M.-20a-43i l i l L « « h 22,000 . T h e B oardi olof County Commissioners3 met n at this time pursuant1 to recess wilh all Commlssiorloners and A u g u st 28j 1987,8:3(3:30o'clockA.M, Colllo. Olack & while,I. Bouthi 4900. Closing dale: 0p< famillee~evbryday-~ind-tha------time pursuantnt I to recess with CommlssioriionerFellon the Clerk presente n t. REGULARAUGUS1JSTSESSION ol Twin Falls. Rov/anard of- until flllod. Residency rqq._ and the Clerk today and one of our frlend- rk p( rese n t. C o m m issio n ers Hempleman H( MEETING . . The Board of CoCounty Commissioners molIt aat this ?0Lo=>._caj.ra;??gL ly Ad-Visora will holp you and^ale^abaeb sent on C ounty b u sin e ss. Commissionerslers met with Roger Doughtv •S F e lto n Losl; Seal, point SlarramoaT You'll novor know II My of the time pursuant toI recessre wilh Commissioners F ? w” ?o classlliofl unlllIII ycyou your ad ao Ihal ll will • Idaho Employmern e n t Council. ^ ^ • .a n d Fraley a n d -th■the Clerk present. CommlssilcciQ ner * \ |bo most olfecllva and bring iissioner jpjipayod. IJlSLiL------Commissionersers Hempleman and Fraley are In Boise, Routine Busineilness was transacted unlll ihehe hour of Hemplemanat a C.A.T.C./ meeting in Boiso. Idaho.' ^ h o u r o f small reward, 733-a951.1. Reading Iho classillt IngaTaxSemlnar 5:00 o 'c lo c k P.M.M., ., when a recess was takenn until1 lhe--Routine business3s s w a s transacted until Ihe hc ads ovory day is ai5« wo Pln';for.'”’“''’ ■ Routine busfnjsfness was transacted untilI thetli hourol hourof8:30o'clocclock A.M., A ugust 18,1987. 5:00 o’clock P.M.,,, wwhen a recess was taken unt , thwhllo habll. Call 733-0626. untllthe (io3_speciaiNolice3 5:00 o ’clock P.M., P.W when a recess was takerken until the Attest: Richardj A. Pence Jud Felton hourof8:30o'clockck A.M ., A u g u st3 1 ,1987. ' 733^I93I ______CdbKS4C0MBAf~ hourof8;30A.MV.M., A ugust 5,1987. Cha ™ an A tte st: Richard A..Pence pi JudyF ly F e lto n ^ s ~ a n d Cralts Show.t. Twin ENGINEERS Mothers helper needed Im- ' A tte s t R ichard•d A,A P e n c e JuJudyFollon Twin Falls. Idahoho Clerk ______Chairrr»rman Jaiia.Clly. Ratk^Sopt- k------;------Cf L-lflJ.- .Omer_|ob3_avaJUWo-lral-train, medialely.-famiiy of-Z glrla;------r ------7 —-Clertr- Chairm an------A ugusn 8ri987r8:7r8:30 o‘clock-A:M:------rTrTwinFalis;idahb~ 20:10 pm. Soolhh foos. I parl-llme, ono weekendmd a. 5 4 6. Now York Clly. For In- Tw ln . . Falls, Idaho REGULARAUGU;GUSTSESSION i:30o'clockA.M. $10. For mofo Inlo cononlact: month & iwo weeks annuiinnuai formailon call 20S-726-9539. A ugusts, 1987,6l7,6:30o’clockA,M. The Board of ( County C o m m issio n ers rtieilel at Ihis reSarA U G U S^IST SESSION •______Pam WobD 734.A456, Oi tJatiomndD-tooraiBtntjDiisr'TT------RE6 ULARAUGILtfiUSLSESSION ------^ onors'and rne'Boa'rd oCCdCounty commlssibne7rmet!^it a t bonuses avail. 733-2671iVf i nootl* ’ salesperson lo soil The Board of County Commissioners motm at Ihls thi ent. time pursuant tq re'recess wilh all Commissionerjle r s a n d Colostrum to sop oms Twin Falls. Army Reservf. L L ostabilshod accounlsi No time pursuantIt tot< recess with Commissionloner Folton the Clerk present. sorvo. oxporionco necessary, saia- 1. 66 or You_Can Be. _ _ and the Clerkk present.p Commissioners HeHempleman MEETING MEETING 42!wOM '^or“"'733^26°6 se. Idaho Commissioners3rs and Darrell H eid er, Dlretrector of Commissioners alattended a noon moetinj,,ina a t -...... _____ COSMETOLdGIST)T“ SlKfrlftlSP.rSnlf.t : Solid Waste, memet with Gary Carlson andrid Terry M.V.R.M.C.toheana r a re p o rt from lho J.C.A.H. teeloam - Do your Chrlslmas shshopp- Foll-tlmo and parl-ilmo, ppos „ |.. Call 734-2343 10 am 1012. \ Draft, bottled.ed and canned beer license3 ol0 Howard C o stello o f th e B.L.B.L.M, Ino oarly al homo. IhooMerrl * nons available. Hourliourly Nood lovmg iadj^ to caro for Routine businessjss w as transacted until Ihe' ho waV-Froo flifts, ‘ Klnsfather dbaba Howard'sI was transferred3d lo Justin APPOINTMENT ANDAN SALARY SET I, toys wage. commission 5:00 o'clock P.M.,w, when a rocess v^s taken untilunt the ana homo docor. Boclook 0 benollts. II you aro Intoros C . M ills d b a J CC '! s Truck S top. Robert Vodrask erosl- days or Tuos & Wod. My -aska has been appointedI lo1 lho h o u r of 8 JO o ’clock,ck A.M :,Septemberl,1987. parly loday! Call 32M59(596. od In iolnino tho oroln.'roles- homo or yours, Fiior or Twin LIQUOR UCENSINSETRANSFER agronomy posiiionlion at the Twin Falfs Extensicsion Ser- PUBLISH; Friday,, SiS e p te m b e r 18.1987, ------^ slonal sla fla t^ a lr Trendsitds InI talia. 326-4104______Uquor license ja Howard's vice. As per the a nse of Howard Klnsfather dba I e agreo m en i b e tw ee n th e UniIn iv ersity______------0(H-KidsKornBr 1, call_Nood mill man to operate as transferredItoJusilnM to lllsdbaJC's TruckjckSlop. . of Idaho and Twin Twi Falls County h e will be bi paid ■■■ “ local boan mill, night shllt. ' CATERING PERKERMITS APPROVED $125.00 p e r m onthith cand e x p en se s. ______LEGAL NOTICriCE LEGAL NOTICricE' ______CRUISESHIPS. oxperlonco proforred bul. ! Catering pernermits were_approved. andJ i:issued.to APPOINTMENIAN•.AND SALARY SET______Now Hirlng.-Tour guldo!jidos, will--train -right Individual,'. • Pamela Kowertoarton dba The Sago, Hollister,er. Idaho to Patsy Thornque:luest has-been appointed to r Casino ' worker!rkers. Pay DOE. Send rosumo or ’ be used at Rogerigerson S erv cle A u g u st 8,15.22,22 and 19. Jo a n J o h n , Depul>Duly in lhe T re a s u re r's Olllce.' ^t KIs ^Is ■* C o n t i n u e d f r credit may bo suO)iiihinct 005-Memorial Notices_ socrotarlos. gift shop sales,saloi pert inlo to: Box 2-01. c /o ! Routine busintsjnes_s wa.sj[flfi3acied_unllUti(JheJi0ULQLaj3ajlt(rrifi.pfis(lliDi lliDa-aLJfiDQ.OQ-pfifjnonth_: ___1 ______PJHer c o sfs.o r extp p e e n s e s __ lQ_Qulside_veilllcalication—. .. ' ______phoiograohors._muslclan:clans^ Tlmo3-Now8..P.O^Box-54fl.------hostesses. On board iraln- Iralr Twin Falls. ID, 83303. ; 5T00 o ^ it p^M.,; m : when a recess was takenlen unlll the Routine busmesness was transacted until ihee thour of associated withh this belore taking possi> sse s- 006-Pef5Onal3 inn + world travel. Co h o u r o f 8:30 o'cio 5:00 o 'c lo c k P .M•1., .,i when a recess was taken uniiltheui foreclosure. The10 a c - sio n of Iho item s. Ol Cali Noed person to caro for 14 - 'clock A.M., A ugust 6,1987. q ‘.~: ?0^73M77S.E,t024A. A tte s t: R ichard•d A.A P e n c e ...... — JJudyFellon u i hourof0:3Oo’clock'ockA.M . ------■ ,• ...... c ru e d -in te re s l is }-ai-the- a cash.- bank-drafts,-isr"of "^ALCOHOLrCS yr. old boy. country homo In - - r - - ra le of 10.0% p e ir a n - m oney orders will Diosol Ifuckdilvorsheedeteded. Jerome, exchange for room • • Clerk; . ChChairman Attest: Richard A P e n c e Ju d y F e llo n 'il ANONYMOUS oxporlonced wlin 13; spspd ond board. Proler oldor per- ; Twin Falls, Idahoaho 'C le rk Chairairman num. and the balbalance accepted for lho s; i. AM C.linMOT ■ Road Ranger, Also, exporxporl- son on soc soc, must havo A u o u s t 6,1987,8:?, 6:30 o ’clock A.M. Twin F a lls, Idaho0 owing as ol this datedal on of scrap metal, oncod chopper oporalcorator valid drivers license and 3 • REGULARAUGIIGUST SESSION ..A u g u s t1 9 .1 9 8 7,8:30 ,8:3 o'clock A.M. lhe obilgalion secsecured iiems are to be s( 0 ^ noodod. 423-4j i i 9 . _____-__ roloroncos. Reply lo: Box- ; b y 's a id de ed ol tru st is on an AS IS b a s ' ARTS & CRAFTS SHOV The Board of County C o m m issio n ers memet at this REGULARAUGUS'UST SESSION r l c v ’ Lynwood-Shoppjno Cononlor, Olrocior of.iarga.day cari Y-91. c/o Tlmos-NOws, P.O. :. ^ time pursuantt to recess with all Commissio.sioners and The Board of CoCounty Commissioners metI al; this $32,101.98 plus accaccrued THERE ARE N0-€^ ^ - • ^ O c l . 2.3. ilh HoQlsIra'iralfon contor. monagorlal oatloori? Box548,TF;id.83303. ’ - ' ------the^tertrpresBnlsent:------^------— ^------lim e p u r5 u a n f~ tcto 'recess with Commlssssione s interest al-the ratra te o f PRESS OR IMPLII=LIED Joo, J7;50. Sl(jn up by Si skills Noodod: Exporloncod . RESIGNATION- ______H em p lem a n andId Fraley and the Clerk present. pr I0.0%perannum WARRANTIES OF ( 30lh at Barlon-s Jowlrylf^y°Of ossen°al. ° so n d '’"rosumo;umo. sldinoapDlicalor.324-4048, i{Jino-an-DATEt5.. September3cr 10.—.MERCHANTABlirII.IT.Y— iheHomeslead. - ~______Early_Cmidhood-.Loarnln| ------C a ro l-C a rtejr-rosionod'her’ r-i positiorr-in-n-the-Pro'-Oommlssioner-Foll Folton in-Boieei-ldaho-atlendi'uiiiy BII :all 733-0626'ib placo'your~ ~; secutingAttorne; 1,1987. Id a h o C o u n tie s lninsurance sL Board meeting. , AS TO EQUIPMEI =------Conlof. 329 M adrona.SI.N. rn ey 's Office effective Ju ly 31,1 ■ DIAL-A-DATE': Twin Falls by Sepl, 30_____ ' ;las8illed ad. WoVo horo to • Routine businealness was transacted until the hour of APPEALS _ , , . TITLE AND TFTRUST OR--OTHER ITE^ 5:00 o ’clo ck P.M.'.M.. w hen a r e c e s s w as takenon until tho Commissionersrs hheard three Indigent appealsIls COMPANY, T rusteeee OFFERED. 1-976-1111 . EqualOpporlunily Employoiio-y-S7 ______• : • Routine businessless was transacted until the■hourof h Mabel Redwlne, 1T ru sl All sa le s shall 1 Part.lFme Head Cookk Notice lo lob aeokera: hourof8:30o'clo(clock A.M.. August 7,1987. I b e Fun, Irlondshlp. oxcltom'["O')' Exporloncod in quanlllkintlly Federal - law— roqulroa | ------A tte st: Richardd AA, P e n c e ------JucJuoy Fellon-5:00-O'clock.P.M...vl...when.a recess-was.taken.iin ______de.em ed.coriipietede d a s _ & romanco. 59t/mln. + .loihrr- to fooO-sorvlco5-Relcronc«: “n 'lt- lf= -a 'B L I S H ;------Fri ncos" employers"t0"vorify'lhal“ail"' * Clerk Chj:h alrm o n liour o l 8:30 o 'c lo3CkA.M.,Augusl20,l987. c k Friday, soon as cortilicalii:a li0 n FAIRHAVEN required. Apply al Pilor Filei empioyoos havo the legal • ' Twin Falls. Idaholho A ttest: R ich a rd A. PPence Judyly IFelton S e p te m b e r 18, 25 ^ an d ol tillo or bill of s sa a le Family slylo living lor oldolder- Senior Haven. 222 Main,•tain. ; A u g u st 7,1987,8::8:30 o'clo ck A,M. C lerk Chainlirman Qctcibflr,2.and9.19B — the buyer. The Slale Sla M nmo!^aii3i^^ amino'documontslo The Board of (CountyCommissloners metme al this TwinFalls,Idaho ■noticeofsal ____ Escrow socrolary noodod, time pursuant: to recess with all Commissioriionersand Auaust 20.1967.8:3(8:30 o'clock A.M. OF STATEPROPEl□cDTv makes no warrantyIty of HOTLINE-73W12222 minimum 1 yr oxp. Call OarOari oslablish your Idonlilv th e C lerk p re seent. n t . REGULAR AUGUSTJS T SESSION Idaho any kind as to ti fbiem ‘n K o lc h u m .W o O (driver’s license or stato IIj . . STaie of k 1 th e A Problem Is not a protJl ;— r card) and your work ZONING APPEAL•AL DECISION The Board ol CountyCo Commissioners mott ati this Ih ro u g h the Divisicision of condition ol any Itemsiter when shared, Montal Hoifofl/m Esiablishod company I9 im. 24 sookino a general contrac- authorization (social socurl- Commissioner:lers upheld the Planning andmd Zoning pursuant to recess with Commissijsio n ers H ighw ays, will offeffer Lis ‘fiat Shall be so'Id ld o r Association. Spm to 7am, chnn IV card or birth certlllcate). ndrix’s ap- Hempleman andid FraleyI and Iho Clerk pn 'nl fnr ollered lor sale, ho^uf 50 nw ooK onds. lor spoclalizlng In kllchor Commissions dedecision to deny Paul Hendi present, ed Stateproperly odol Opening lor an ESL Inslruc- C o m m issio n e r Fellceilon absent on County busine: ■pnaralp SuCCCSSfui blddCd d e rs I Cindy Braaton will[T-TT cablnolry & balh remodol. peal foraCondltlcjltlonal Use/Land Division less, sale- at three sep ' Send qualKlcallons tcto lor (English as a secondary AUTHORIZATIONION INSURANCE MEETIETING - public auctions. IIipm o will b c required to0 p a y lonQor bo responsible daho language) 10 leach averapo Bonnie Brunln(ning. Treasurer, was authorizeriie d 10 at- C o m m issio n e rsrs Folton F is in Boise, Idaho altollending offered al thesee lor items purchaseia s e d oriy dobts olhor than S h rs. por wook. Must bo bl- eand ownjjsof9JW7;______tend a Treasurelurer's Convention in McCall^ail Idaho an Idaho CountiesJS insuranceIr Board meeting. tions inciudo bul arean nnl ‘ho day of tho sale ai lingual and have al least 5 (J to PREQNANT.NEED HELP A u g u st 10 thru thethe13th. WATERWAYS CLAIILAIMS APPROVED lim ite d • •’•r.io vaivar^ious- re q u ire d . l a s e d ” pfoonancy ‘ loslia 3 ? S “r-...nC;'ffii“ — - R o u tin e bu sinliness e was transacted untll thethe hour Of Wa{erways“claimaim s wero ap p ro v e d a n d waivarrants .sedans, pickups, tntf, rkc remove Iho purchasi 5n!5 Appli'I" porjon, allor 5:00 n r S - l l e m s ------Irom------tl avallablo. Can Preonar Rofugoo Comer. 260 4ih ■=— ■5:pO'o’c[ocK-p;M“;m .. when'a'rscess'wastaken'ijn untll the -wefelssyed Iniheoieomountof$143.46.- • — - (ractors;-and-other- “ Hotimo-s-cnsis-CcntorrT In premises as soon . ° ° ° - A vo-E asI.-T w ln-Falls.-no------h o u r of 8:30 A.M.,M., A ugust 10,1987. Routine businesscss waa transacted unlll iho h( roadway equipn lalor than 3:00 p.m, on Fri.. A tte st R ichard A.PenceA.I JudludvFellon 5:00 o'clock P.M.,., whonw a recess was taken un'jntll the shOD-offlcg-andl-i^ practicable or withS h i n Clerk ------C:ha1rmfr~fiourofB:30'o’crock- h i rck-A:MTAugusl70ri957: ------tory • furiflshlngs, fcrniDrdayTfolIowniw ing ;>or3onal caro *a aomonstr^*^*noo?.^*°a/lorr dable-candles-ond ' ac- Opporiunity"lor onthushnHc . Twin Falls, Idaho Attost: Richard A.i.Pcnce P< JudyFyFollon^equipmen^ ______a n fi— lho d a le ol Iho s a lee ._. _ _ - )aund_ry,_Call 734_-35_37. individuals lo loam dirocl • C le rk ...... ------Chairr— S a le s lax will b e ct - — cossorlos. Freo kit, Iroo A uaust 10,1907,8:7,8:30 o ’clock A.M. Irman miscellaneous items 'C O I; slop Smoking EasHy-Hj■Hyp- hosloss pifl. freo supplies.1,'" “ salos. Excellenl earning REGULARAUGU2GUST SESSION Twin F a lls, Idaho FIRST SALE: Divlsio5 on n f lecied Ior all s salt a le s nosis 90% success, al polonilal. if you aro ready ------The-Board'ofC5fCoumyCommissionQrs-moinotat'lhls“ AunuBt-2lTl987r8:303:30 o ’clock-A;M:------Highwaysr-Oislricf;,®" ° '_ u n l o s s - lh e - s u c c eiS s s S l lu l- wolflmi_qs_s.Cal_1324-72B1^ lor a change in careers cail____ bidder protJucos — 733'-0500foraDD~olntmenl.------tim e pursuant to 1recess wilh all Commissionloners and REGULAR AUGUSTJST SESSION Yard, l5l7 Goverr Holp wantod. farm ,mach. th e C lerk o re se9nt. n t. The .Board .of CountyCoi Commissioners met aat this nt Way. C n h n n i S a lo s fa x ExofTiplic Apply to Housokofiping MEETING' • Ihe Clerk present. Ceriilicato (Form^ s°T S - ^ Selected oHe vice Dept. only. No phono calls. ' ______(208),_____ 664-8 'ers S n .S incfstStffO- , S a a Betty al Hoiidav Inn:------r------C o m m issio nn e e r rs m et w ith th e Fair B oard...... ■ INDIGENT APPEALSALS ------■ S e p te m b e r 1 9 ,198;987 at 1O4f-or-Ccrtlllcat0-10-Of- ^ APPOINTMENT; Commissionerss heardht two Indigent appeals. 10:00A.M. Purchase for Resas s a le ------Position lor Roglsiorod ; ^TANDSALARYSET — Nurso 03 full-time houso . J e rr y A. Klsetiser was appointed Law Cler:lerk In tuo MEETING SEC ON D SALE: Oiviilivislon <^orm ST-103) a l tt HIGH SCHOOL llmo paymoni is madiiadS 007-Jobs ol Interest supervisor evening shill. - D istric t C ourt OffOffice beginning August 10,191987 Saia- C o m m issio n e rs memet with Donnis Ouill, Supcrierinten- o f Highways, Distri GRADUATES Excollont salary and . ' dont of Malad StaleHe fPark. shonp These forms a rywassetatS18,(18,000 per ye ar. Yard, in'shoshc , Comblnailon oiTlo bo^- ^ Cash bonuses lo J2.000.;®O0k benollts In progressive AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION T e le p h o n e (208)n aal: available prior 10' aar n d fopjif^nan neodod in ’y G j Education assisianco, loanloan hospllal. II Inlorosled con------Commlsslononners-slgned-an-agroemeni-i LAs_s^_a.OLj«as.^ttu>rizodJIJiLSt— 2iUJ— Soptomber------dcalOfahlp-At-loast 3 yoa ropaymonl and G.l. BilL 81IL tact— Human— R esource------mors hav0 ® a an Assessorsor's mooting in McCall, lc )n e e r oxporlonoe. musi ttavo owrti® avallablo: " i r you ’tjullify.‘lily- Department at Cassia Mo- Crime Preventlcntion Council. Commissione Idaho. 1987 at 10:00 A.M, Ovor 300 skills lo train in - -—been-awaniedd aa.grant.of $4420.00 from the10 ollico ot Auoust 2<1 IhtttAuguijg u s t28. _ - ______• n, be calling tho-auctio:tlo n . tools; Sond resumo to: 0< ’ m m oriaf Hospital in Burloy. ' ^ • THIRD-SALE: Divisioi S n part time ono wooK-ondLd_“ a tdohO-(208).678-4444 Exlon-^------the Criminal JuJustice Assistance of thea iSlale of Routine business3ss was transacted until the ho*lourol— Hlghwys,_Dlslrlcric! fi 3il. Olher p e rso n n momtrand-lwo wook’s'ah- coSnilv5:00o'clockP;M TWTWhen'a l recess was’laken unt an- sion 110. Equal Opporlunliy Idaho, for the■ ususe of CPC to establish a coi intii Ihe Y ard, S^ouih of Rl nual Iraining. Call 733-26712671 EmDlovorM7F/VJH service program>m tot provide hourof8:30o’clock/ckA,M.,Augusl24,l987. ' o n u s 20. Telephi|fi?sK,""'^=rhd“< In Twin Falls. ARMY. Bo all Whon you'vo losl 1.CompleteMcM cGruff program in sc h o o ls,i .A tte st: R ic h a rd A,, PPoncoq • JudyF'F elto n (208) 745.^7761. 7: S ta idoui you«nbo_,______C lerk — somelhlng valuable, a 2.CrlmeStopp(ippor S e m in a r Chalrnirman September 30,1987 lo aci as floneral oporallolions HIRING! Govnm'tlobs.yourrour classiliod ad can bo a 3. R e ju v e n atele NNeighborhood Watch, Twin F alls, Idaho • 1:00 P.M. Glen Lusk. Manager , , locliniciana In tho was,aslo aroa J15458.000- liiroctory0 ^ valuablo Irlond In finding ll. ■ 'floutlne busineliness was transacted until thothn hoitr nf August 24,1987.8:30l:30o’cfockA.M.' G a te s will op en torial waler irealmont depl. Ape,pp1y <29.95.602-633-6665 oxl. 707.OZL Call 733-^3626.______^ 5:00 o 'c lo c k P.M.,.M ., w hen a re c e s s wa& takenX m l r e g u l a r AUGUST,'ST SESSION , p re v ie w a t all iocatii Ql public works olfico. G2{i526 F. IDACALFREIGIITLINES Iday. street, Ruport Idaho. 833fM50, . Hiring Good DfivorsI S Noi to ' worry II you'vo ' h o u r of 8:30 o'clocclock A.M., A u g u s t l l ,1987. Tho Board of CountyCoi Commissioners mol alat this one hour prior to PUBLISH: Frida . ^ novor placed a classlllod recess with all Commissioners •hiJ 1! A ugust 28, S e p te m b,e er r 5 43W900. residency ,ro- ,r Call 24 hours a day. . _ .j_ A tte st: R ichardJA A. .P e n c e ____ ...... _ J u d ?/-S..an^start.of.the sale.Jhl! ’®- qulred.EGE------208-407^)330------— C lerk . Che the only timo lho lie -11 a n d 18.1987;- -- - - Twin Falls, Idahoho iND SALARY SET . . , . will be avallablo foro r in- I ______A u g u s t l l , 1987,8:7,8:30 o 'c lo c k A.M.- ...... S h e ri K irsh h a s5 bebeen hired In the Proseculimling At- s p e c tio n . A doiallod)d list torney's Office to) replacerei Carol Carter. Starting Ol REGULARAUGU!GUSTSESSION ig saia- of the items offered n 007-Jobs Interest 007-Jobs ollnteresf I 007 -Jo b s ol Interest The Board ofof CountyC Commissioners moin o t at .00 por month. be secured from? "lhe 1 M Announcomonlan ts ______time pursuant lo .recess1 wlih all Commission loners ar,d*G ™ N Tr^er3 si Division ol Highways.’S. th e C lerk o reseant. n t. i signed an agreement with1 1nuss TERMS: The lormsi s of ______Lively. A rc h ite ct, for The building of ttie n e ^ p aavlM v i lon_the sale are cashh thI e BOARD M e m bERSW e r ORNtN ------. a tth o F a lr G ro u n d s , = I S A L E SS PERSON vi , day of tho salo. P WANTED P e r- OOl-FloristS M.F. Smith wastvas sworn in as a Board Mentembor on Routine buslnossiSs was' transacted until Ihe ho lourof sonal chocks draIraw n We need one wellv qualified personI to replace Mr. Bob th e P a rk s a n d RoclocreatiohBoard. 5:00 o ’c lo c k P.M .,, whonw^ a rocess was taken untintil th e o n a n Idaho bank, bai ADVERTISEMENT•NT FOR BIOS hourof8:30-o'clockA:k A.M., A ugust 25,1987. Gransbury w>hoI Ihas moved to Washingteigton after 8 years of bank drafts^ or monlon o y ADVERTISE Separate sealecaled bids for the constructionion of the Attest: Richard A. Pe,Pence JudyFiFelton orders are considor emplyment. Mu{ust be capable.ol learnirrning the automobile Twin Falls Coun3unty Fair Pavllllon facilityy will bo C lerk Chalrm•mon to be cash. Tho Idad ahS y o u r business In one of0 the finest dealershipssin in the counlry. All the received by thehe County Falrboard of Twil^wln Falls.Twin Falls, Idaho, T-ransportaticlion SERVICE SPECIALTY County, Idaho, tl nly Cour- August 25,1987,8:30 ( a'J fringe benefitsI I including demo, insurai >, the Owner, at the County Departmenl reserve rv e s IN THIS DIRECTORY jrance and gas plus thouse. unlll 2:00 2:i p.m ., prevailing localical time, REGULAR AUGUSTS nMhi. the right to rojoctt anya excellent salaryf i& excellent corrimission.on. This Is one ol the S e p te m b e r 2, 1987, 198 and th e n publicly openlened and The Board of CouCountyCommissloners met al Ihls check, if personal al o r Placed undar itio hoodingin g o i higher paying powsitions in Magic Valley.ly. MustI be an honest read aloud. time pursuant to rreci e ce s s wilh all C om m issionersirs and company chocksi a re yourettdlcol Routine businesness was transacted until theftehourof thoClerkpresent. useei to purchase3 lllltl- hard worker willinIng to put in long hours on-iheon^ }obi -'•••■ -— 6:00 o’olock-P;M.-M.-when a recess was takenn uuntil the-JURY-CLERKAPPOI^>OINTED ------r------:—:------ed- equlpmoflt;~the''1Q-it;- Your ad -v^iil-ronch-SZ.O?2,000' ----- h o u r o f 8:30o'clocllockA.M.^August12,1987. Linda Wright wasm s appointed Ju ry C lerk effoifective ties will not bo issuisu e d “ "tl A ttest: Richard A.PenceA. I Judvudy Folton August 24,1987. Salaralary w as a et at $800.0 0 p o r mononlh. for two weeks or sui rosulls will amazo you.'e Cl m fiAPPLY IN PE R SO'J N TO: ! ' • • - Clerk . Chalhalrman Routine businessss wasy transacted until the hoilOurof time as we a flond- .are ly Ad-ViBora will holp vc Twin Falls. Idaho10 5:00 o’clock P.M.,, whenWh a recess was taken untimil th e , a s s u re d the chei Thetsen Motorss ______^houLOt8:aQ.A.M..Au{ necK word your ad so lhat i, ll w a . .8:30o’clockA.M. AuguaLi8J987______■=------o le ars-th e-p u ro h asese r r-8 - -bfr-tnoal-«ffftctlve-and'bfir ------MrrHarrlson— ------RKtAFiffiuSJUSTSESSION^------A ttest; R ich a rd A. PeiPence JudyfeFelton bank. If person>onal you iho fosulls you1 aa; re y Q .| The Board off CountyC Commissioners metiet at this Clerk Chairmiman checks are usod1 fifor looklnotor. 1 Main Ave. E , Twin/In Falls tim e p u rs u a n t lo10 nrecess with all Commissioneoners and Twin Falls, Idaho the purchase of oihi th e C lerk o re se nnt. t. • • A ugust 2 6 ,1 9 8 7 ,8:3030 co'clock A,M. items, the buyer

zzTzrrCzzz V .... I 5 C-6Tlme8-No•Nowe. Twin Falls. Idaho , F;Iday,SeptF;I 0inbflrl8,1M7

S e l e c t e d o t f f e r s r R e'ea i e sta ti" e j ^ R e n t aIs^ l ______: 0 0 7 - 0 5 4 - I • 007-J6bsolinlefniereil , W?-Jobiof|nie,e 030-Homes ForSale ereat 025-ln8tnict)on e_____ jM (M ^om e5 For Sale oaKHimes For Sale> _ 033-Kimbefly-Hansen THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON " I Men-womon, a ccareer Nice 4 level brick homon o o< n s acres, 15 'mllos Soulhlulh of ^ . Newer 3 bdrm. FMHA.I. no1 I------ONERC 0 L P - awaila you as a I down, closing costs ononly. ROUTE AVAILAB o“p . S HOME IN COUNTFTRY Twin IFalls, Cail1-65S-«45(M50. . t • • payments can be adlusloml-long FmHA linanclng avalraliabio fo fncome, 42:^^297 aves.>. #797 S haul iruck drivor.r. homeI under Interest credit )7-TWIN FALLS study thon rosidont1 training,trai gram lo quallllod buyoIJor'Sn OWNER DESPERAT This C02Y COnAQE ha! ATE ».S. osf-jeromsHomei Nonhwost SchSchools, Ihls 3 bedroom homo ^ loUuoaL Asking-$34,5M,y t t ...... , , „ only a (ow openingsngs (oil. IW snd wo nood an olfer. Call Now o f t l od. backyard...like now f the tim e s News Calf 733.8854. roady for you to movo li 037-F>nn!lRajichM or holo 734^M00' Ask Jann Hutchison ^ ■ 733-0931 For extra summor f s S HAMLETTREALn•T Y Dosporale Owner; 77 acf(— r t = run an ad In classiiiocliliod. Il^s ORTOLLFREE details ai 734^0400. RodU''flucoo OFFICE.... 73W07979 of loam soli with cozy ;il5 toJ46.500.241-87, ■''"TasmrrlngiDonanrpr.nrand-H — l-*0M45-M65oxt£ll 7R7 bdrm houso. galed piP' works, - , - p ^ -----■SWoJBuhlrNowWO.OOO.- _____ Barker RealtofaW437l _ GEM STATI Tl hlruf^^~ o:3 P E N IN G iTfwl’n’FaTis*' AddlsorTin Avo DCAI TV fri-iovel, * bdrm. 2 bath. bat ^0 acre dairy, dbl 5 Her te E.. Sun Valloy style homo. hc REALTY .______. basemont, 640 Chorokirokoo Ingbono barn, ali milkirking — jjgj.g -Q j.eale3ja!s_ — Appro«r3.000-9Q-H.-4-b<;M rm .------— 7344400------Lan8,<70.000rCali-734^123 ------t J u n i o rr-R - : oute-G arrie ”^k%s*ior"3^*cofflpio!ilolD • ■ ■ 3 balh, JW.500. Ov 'ORTOLLFREE.- SIO.OOOBELOW Molivitedl Days 733-2 j l 5 APPRAISAL holler faciiily, 2 housoSOS. ------H e e d e;d-in-& d lM sht>n 1-B0M45~<665e«tE1tS J250.000. Smi down ovmrmnl, ______Ino-H om os ForSale l!____ ”JoneaWeHaul" 2^ balh, (ull bsmt, d Tloxlblo term s. “ I f y o u live l i in ithis aL r T 6 3 . AN brick home, 6 bdrm.Jrm. 3V4 I will move you (or losi HTTTy garago. full length frontll andar — ' ■ — PRice ORASTlCAt foar porch, booutifui vioi. bath. 2 car garago, 4000 so. than ronlingo iruck. REDUCED. Was J150.C p c ft.. 2 llroplacos, big (enced (er Freoestimatos, 2^ flcros. adlolning 2' 038-Acreage 4 Lots c o n t aact c T he Tim e; . Now 0nly.si00.000l.0w?n^K?i . “Cres avail: 3V} Vi. V, S 1 ___. .““S - n ------"Woil. ll'iI'i Cl cold ogoin," - - backyard.'boaullfuTlyly land-li ■___Csli««-a490.- - — will carry w/roasona ^ scapod. Noar Lynwood i Jerome. tSO.OOO, 324-6733« BY OWNER lOdMail URGE 5-BEORM, iovovoiy, down. 5 bdrms. 3 baths Country living SW ol Twirwin. ' ' N e wfS s C irculationL l & Sawtooth school. Asking Asl NOTHING DOWN. i'/i%a . ini- hot tub, 2 c ar o?rago,, nnoy, 2,000 sq. It. ol home on 1' . - 4149,000, bv owner. 73<.?1 n 1 Contomporarv 6 bdrm 3 ballalh M-?OOt. J625/mo,265« Indian Troil'<>IL palnl insido 8. out. Cali.|l (or acros, Slone wail (iropiacplaco homo ihat sits on hill w/ w D e p t:. . at 733-093]> J . Attracihre 2 bdrm. compl.mplolo------— — Mpolntmont lo show. w/inson, heat pump. AC w/ ------^— ------ly-romodoiod insido ( & oul< Soldom an opponunity I 0 luj indoor BBQ. sloroo. built 1 / ltko_ ^ m e s Realty, 1043 0 Jii in aulomalic sprinWon 051-Unfurn.'Houses Now kitchen cabinet cab '*’1*- comlortabio 5- bdi Lakes BlvdN..TO^ .r stove & ovon. Corral S laclack Slablo, corral, sprlnWors™ ii DC-M obile HomBs ______design. OPEN HOUHOUSE, >5f‘ck homo. In “ — room.-J63,500, soo insfdo 1 L l ' : ' SALE-LEASE-RENT CO IC pasture, pole fence. House ^ Sm 3 bdrm country house, 8am-noon. Mon-Sat., MakeM 3'oa, Assume exist Im w/ ^PPf‘»cH'o.'<^3-5a42, ____ stable & 2 acros. tllS.OOC 1976 Tamarrom mobile T C o((or. 332 Com er SI. financing, equity Iraden for * yf- ol'l fiomo In Buhl homo. 24 x 56', 3 bdrm, ?0M - epuatoLiiimosohoroJnjln_!he ‘ bodroom nice home,, seeso Optional 5 irrlgalod acros a ll ------JI tWIN-FFALLS-R^OUT- i - E — -KjrnbBnyr■ OJJ-Homes For Sate O3O-Home5ForSal0 •m lamlly rm. dbl garago, ' ROCKCfl£EKR(MV(£W Kimberly area. 733-3981. 500-e10-600 W ashington N. — I 032-BuhWlerHomes1 1 aero unimproved, «500 TWO DUPLEXES onn 1 Modrono Sf. N. Eoch unil Tia* ------Prime homo silo. 3 ml, S. K l R e n t a l s Two 1 bdrm houses, clean. _ walor pd, *1754185. Ifyou livee nearn one of these^reai 2 bodrooms. 1 balh,1. 850i sq. it. including air condi-'jjl ^ 0 3 bdrm home, V/t baif:bath. Twin Fails. Call 423-5987. sas- BESTBUY , now carpot. carousel frpic FOSTER MANAQMENT }n. rolrlgorotor S carports ior M f . TRADE OR SELL. 22 acres,«; ------' Call T h e Timem es News Circulation DcD eO f '*’0 clly o( Buh(. Per(iPer(ecl Honing, ronge/ovon, fruit trees, largo carder — 73M739 or 733-2009 ■ (or rotlroo couples or Slartorstar ooch unit, Excollonii» invojtmont. oood ronlol his- 1^ ' ’af*" land, (enced, ''*• oxc neighborhood. t32.50C oj; 05Q-Fumlshed Houses 1 bdrm, carpotod, drapes, home. 2 bodrooms. airlir con-c( fory. SSO,000 Each orjrmakouionofforl I closo-ln. wator shares, 733-0931 ____ Incl 7 (Jay pkg tr|p for 2< ti*0 ^alod pipe, power ^ line, __ gas hoat. rofrlo. slove. ______dl!io_n.od,__ ^aulo__spNn^kl f_____ Hawaii orcash, 543^053. Jorom o, part (urn homosI & pllvatojrar_^ *175.733-2504. I sliop. covorod paiio, roi ------^ apl9.-Starllng-at-*125.-Cail-•all- i8bo-sqrfir3i)drm7In-Throe------for expansion in attic.c. CCall PRICE REDUCED Plusus oUroctivo torms on thls low 1.25 acrcs. South ol Twin, ' n. Valloy View Really. 3244351,^ M Eslaios, 5'/< ml. So. of Galnelle (or details. S33.0'33.000. moinfononco brick:k dupiox in Kimborly. ’2 2 033-Klmberly^an3en woli. soplic tank, powor in. 289-87. - —— no trailers. J4850 or terms.I"- Jorom o. 2’ bdrm .-m obilelile Joromo. ront or ioaso with bedrooms. I balh ocooch unit PLUS lull basomont. homo, carpeted, roally nice, ,007-Jotisol Inlerestfest 009-Employ. AgenclE If- Available Immedialoiy■iBly. 91M89-4817.______:o, option, *450/mo. 324-8365. • f Drivo by S19 Lincolnlin St.. Kimborly thon coll'(oror closo lo schools, quiot loca — Call423.5tb4.______'???: SIO.OOO BELOW 2 bdrm. dock, carpotod, ali A cfiallonolno foail I t appt. REDUCED TO S4i146,000! tlon. lor salo. 4 bdrm, 2 bair Kimborlv. 2 bdrni riioblleHe now! slovo. frldgo & - poslilon avaiiablo — .GEMSTATE homo, iivino room, famil)^®l^ APPRAISAL tie now. nin_Prnfoe«lnna( ‘M Rustic ranch slyle. 3 bdrm. homo, Iurnishod, carpeted,Id, 'washor/dryor, somo fur- HN'S and LPN’s,1, (I(loxioio oio-Kfoies3ionai REALTY ^ room, foncod yard, frui _ nituro. *2§0 * dop. Call scfioduilnfl, comp IR.WIN : R E A L T Y .NC. 21* balh. full bsml, dblS c=!E=!!attago^ZH!B_ ! pmpetiiivo - Services ^ Iroos, auto sprinklers, mucr nd Rosp housemate, sharoiro : 733-7525 eves.______*apos. Call 423-559I I 734-WOO. e ! moro. For information cairn oarago. full length (roni and pojnimonl. .9f lor ap. - le a n in g , ' OuailTy"y^work, ORTOLLFREE 734-6-6500 = = rear porch, beautiful view.„y largo luxury stylo selling,ig, ; 2 bdrm home, carpeiod, — Cheryl al 733-2717 (Kimberlj >v,. *200_+_ullls^2ia-7th Avo^ I _ _ rc3sonablo_rat03_R£- ^ e s d U ------1-800445-M6S«*l£n5-115------— ------— ‘-Nur3orlcslor4;3-5330,------jjn -21i-acrea,-ad(0lnlng-2w (0, laundry-facillilos,-garage,------I^silion— iivailibio”} !lor a gijoranlcod. Coll 733 acres avail. 3'/> W, Vt S ol01 East. 734-9621 alter 5. iSlorago shed. *200 por mo„ DIroctof ol Stall DcDovolop- _ Goldon Glovp CloanIlanlnfl _ — jr* m d e p .-7 33^)t64^fter-6,—^---- ______Idaho. rProresatonal-worxi^process. B'TO'wner 17.6 acros with lull >al¥rlof 051—Unfurn. H ouses 2 * bdrm houso, rofrlg, gas equirod, no 4 secrotarlal sor> . ....sh o res, $15,000. Easy terms,-IS,- ______frange...basemont. .1 ..car...... ljack(jround ‘ in Inai lOrtices. 4000-flQ, (I.. 2 story, fresi Insoryice ,.J pm. Mon-Fri, Cati,^all 733- stained cedar, large masi nico building site. 324-2671.. A (roshly painted 2 bdrmm garage.{ *200/mo. + *75 Educotion prolotfcd. SS,- ■ EASY E D A D 0, dop. Call 733-4410. ^d-^MusI ,488,Crippencompany»»y- suite w /sauna. 5 bdrm.I. don.de ^ { CLASSIFIE 2 acrcs wilh small 2 bdrm;= houso. *265, t206 7lh Ave, < ______p o sse ss good ccfnmi in. East. Call 734-9075.______• Ilon ofillls. Conlact; Me loft, AC, timed sprlnkli homo, 8 miios norih ol Twin, ... 2 bdrm wim oxIra storage In ,1.;,,, {130.000. 458 Sagebrush [ m landscapod, panoramiclie A vory cloan 2 bdrm. good)d {gecdnelahborhood.J2K. . SlovQnson, Olfociorir'oVNur” oi 014-DayCareSeivice T S ,: O)RD ER FORr sing, Grooti Acros By.appoMqiont.733-5299.>99. view, se e lo appreciate.10. area, garage, *300/mo. .»■+ FOSTER MANAQMENT Conlof.934-5601. ABC Chrlaiia'n boy'Cari:aro and By ownerl Nico '3 bdrm,m, luii f ,, *14,900 will carry paper. Callail dop. No pets, rols, 734-S234.L . 2502ndAveS 733-0739 1238. _ bsmnl, stool sidlr 3M:4M5,______a c r e a g e ! Large larmm 3 bdrm, 1K balh, RV park­ Ranch hand to oporatorato hay ProjchgqLCail734-323t ““£«■ If you are unslable to call or com larm & small co>cow/cal^l Advenluroiend Day/ Care.' 1‘foplace. carporl & sho me by The Times 5 acre's w/wator, SW of ?LO.*JS.0.733;I359. _ liing, dbl garago. fenced cpofatlon noar OrOroana Llconsod. Openings,i. Mealsh foncod back yd. Low aowni dew N e w s o f f i c e , simjDly i clip an d Joromo, <12,500.324-2766 _ ah' oloc’ r cusiom"btt'ilt' 3 Jbackyard, oloc stovo. Sond ^ snacks included.I. Oroa-' Assume VA loan, 733-6759. minail this order 5.67 acrcs wosl ol Jeromo10 bdrm, 1 bath, carpel, appi, dishwashor, 9 woodslove, Owyhoo County, j ' Iroo water. *360/mo. plus rosumo lo: PCI. Box 291 actlvltlos daily.iiy. Cali By ownor, * 2 bdrm, » form to our cl:lassified departmenent so that we Goll CoOrso on canyon rimlm very private, loncod yard. 1 Mountain Homo, Id, :83647! Mary at 734.3718., bsmt. Insulalod, util to middle of rivor. *25.000 or *375 plua deposlty33^57 *20Qdep.Oct * , 1 .733-5178. prInKorsnood notappi;ipply. BRIGHT h o r iz o3NS n : room, garago. 524,900, 1 can get your;r ad started vyithoutut delay. trado *6,000 equity for ialo10 Area o( Lynwood, 2'bdrmr . 3I bdrm homo, (oncod yard. 1 flocopllonist noededIded lor Proschool^Jaycaro. Uon- Oulncy. ' 3 bdrm. osr modol car or travel irallor.ir. Yard work provided. Dopos.• *Slovo. rolrigerator, poach . ! Jerom o , medical 0 3rd'3 Ownor/agont54»253, !l;ioLo.fOC'co,H_iO._734:^6._ ®and apple Iroos. gardon aroa, closo to Sawloolh. Send rosumo to; Box A-92, DAY CARE in my homf•,mn (Mil *''0- *32.500. • 351' Har-H; , — Avail d e l. 1, nice 2 bdrm, j w m A 'ison, 3 bdrm. lull bsr ■ *4Q0Xmo. Call 733-1891._____ c /o Tlmen.Nown. ,P.O_B P O qx_ !lmo_only^Agc.1.-L734.S Please printIt clearly with a dar stovo. roltiQ, dishwashor, r JZ9;p00,-torm5rCnll-734=355 arlLp5a_ojipejiciL _ ------w ow rars.idrsijo; __ Lilllo Rod Schooihous — 039=BD5ln6SJPropeny—— W 7DTi^':Up ■carporirS2755*- ^9-bdrrTTrali-^lectrstOTe-fum; ------Rollrod non-sr b’y OWNER: 3 bdrm, 2’ balh,bal I * T h e r e a r e aapproximately 28 1 Call 733-6169; _ _ _ ' Jqulol stroot, large garago. n-smekor agos. 6:30 am-9:30 pm. > letters per line. y *350 -f dep. Call 324-2M6...... _,_wanlod. preler.. woman. wc Smoke Iroo. Call_734>90Co n ir garaoe. 4 yr old hom Buy Ownerl Sale' or* lease,I; Avaiiab'io Immed'laioly; ■ y room S Board In oxcf w'8prinklor syslem fromronTs * P l e a s e p r e!-pay - | according toD schedule : offlco building, excolloni‘ closo to schools, quiot loca. 4 bdrm, fipic insert, wood sxcnango Mother ol 2 would iiKO Mi' 10. back, foncod yard, oil ele< condition & location. Com­ Jof part-llmo child caro-aro. oan babysit In own homo, f lion. For ront, 4 bdrm. 2 bath ®slovo In lamlly room, baso- p. Fonc- AC, beaulKully landscaperaped! w i c h i s p r i r mercial zoning, ampio park- „ menl, central air. covorod ^ -1 8 0 9 ovos. . od yard. Call423-€208 inted below. '■ homo, living room, .family ^ 1______no qualifying, low dovdown inn, Immcoiato occupancy, room, (oncod yard, fruit{. pallo.B workshop, *435. 633 flN‘5 Of LPN's lorr chargocl ------r — assumo 10% loon, 734-6107 Fioxlblo term s 4 credit to nurso position in L 5107. 2 trees, auto sprinklers, muchh Pierce,- Call734.i3 l8 .______OI5-aibyslll8ts fospcnsible parly. 734-5600 moro; For Inlormallon cad ^ . 3?M301,{)xI. ?a30f?Ql. ■ a i : or.733:43l6.ovos_4-wknds.- ” ------^ ------School' Disi. Food So ^ DOLURANDSENSE Will show any timo. Choryl a t 73J-27»7-(Klmborjy-‘— _Sofvicc..Babysi|!oL^no,i*ttttijaJn_im !______Jj^ease^run-^fn y ^ 'lrfc la^ lf Icaiioon r #______for I Nyrsorlos) or 423-5330. . (t 052-Fum.Ap!.iOup.( OlfOCtOf"~!oV 'Blainono Lo, momo. Must bo trustwc FOR Sa' l E by OW’n ER: Lot Schools. Exp. m In: • «7,900-Vory clean 3 bdr»drm, I ______d a y s . Avaiiab'io- soon: Clean r msllto- & roliabio. Own iransp ;. M y c h e c k o r m o n eey > order is | w/25’ X 60' wood Iramo \ A largo clean "l bdrm, apl., _ _ll0nal-/Q0d soivicc.mgnTiqml. or Ilon, call 423-5329. ’i — f Z l 'i homo. AC. fenccd. yar, i . remodciod I bdrm houso in r • building, oxc slorago"or-I country. *250, furnlsliod,"waler |- S'sanila.' llconsod dlotliion piolorolor/ed. Ipnef 5 qi,,;, aroa. babK [. nlcolandscapo,Jerome.0!“ ’ ■'enclosed ' forir$ ______■ businoss location at 309 Compotitlve salary Babysit- . $<2,900-Boautiiul 3 bdrm,frm, 2 ■ I ® FOSTER MANAGMENT Ijgnpd., *1S5/mo, 734-4070. Ung in my homo, agoss inir ant bath home, Turkish lul Idaho, Goodinn, *10,000, bonolils. Conlaci olllc lub, ■ I 934-4701, ZlatnlkT^_____ ' ^ ._7^73?.o_r^2009_ Alfordablo A sludio apl. appls, Suportintendani 7B8-229 noiant china hulch. covorod doddock, ■ • Aids Cuto bdrm homo. hlde-a.bod. *140 -f olocrrlc- - ...... Wflto P.O Got J006, Ha K- : - • Insulalod - shop, -Sonalitnalor- - -■ ------— t __ - blirco-buildlng;l30t_MalnI appisrcaipotcd.- util,- room.-'. ty.*70dop.C y all734-9263. ______1083333 ______^___ pavo 1 day lorir oir Mobiio Park. B-4 ___1 (1Stword> (2(2nd word) ~ North, Kimborly; 1500 sq fl; slorago..J200>734.6a58.------AlL All_i:tliltloa_paId!_3-bdrm.------,, I'wilt do babysitlino in — J 2 9 .5 0 0 -o r-tra d a ‘-Si1.500- Tolephono opoialors n “ ifTmy' Mg;50a-GoFd“ 2“bdrm biifi ------a - Property Management bsml. b: Iurnishod. cloan. wookdaus. WillMl pro- homo, basem oni, llropiaci}lace. I oquily for Ialo model car, profor non-smokers, by Iho od lor 4 wooks. 5;30 pm pickup, or travel trallor,; A137 Nico 3 bdrm wl]h ap------po)— U nn.Thufi, Minit i |vlde lunch. 734^60. ______garden spot, Irult trcoiircos.' - ' - ■ _ park, *275 * doo. 733-965?.______wage. Call 733-5350, jMom ol 3 yr, old wouldijiguCT ■cOTiTsnortTs:------Altraclive. cloan sludio. , , . lo babysli 2/3 kids,13. 2f3 * J51.500-J bdrm, 2 balhIh tiirl- ■ “ TffProperty Management Al thorapy tochnlclan wa A1530. ’ 2 ■ bdrm. appTs, Ideal J?. (or single, utlllllos Tl 733. lovol on Ooimari lotsis (ol ■ 043-Vacalion Property ' P i‘d,.no ppls, *200.733.5307, for 28 Ood Intormodlalo storage, covered palio, palii I - ______I oardon, *175,734-6858; Ri laciiily (or mentally rota, 3 M Property Manaoomonl B2J4 B. *185 1 bdrm. washer & iro^'and Ihould llko lo babysilI In tn m , Uncoa yaM. T-6. chlldron, Basic caro I FORECLOSUREr A404 Largo 3 bdrm, 2 bath dryer, ci otl u tll^a ld , programming, no o>iexDoil- “s playmate lor n ______I Sun Valley area condos. home w/slovo. util. room. EVANS MGT ■ 734-1401 onco necessary, iraimnn Tral V^- o'f. near Olo■ iX ROBERTJONES. : ------lencod yd. *295.734.5858. lob Sor- "ool^daysonly. 733-8626. Two ^ bodroom condos, Lookino for a house or apl? provided. Apply at Job ; 3 M Property Managoment ^ Id,__ 2 5 ^ REALTY , - ■ timosl anything lor tho Call OUIlICI, 733-2840. irtled 73M4IM I Jown payment includingI A57B 1 bdrm homo w/ Nico, ui Fargo studio apt., all Truck tiros saios per;person, 015—Employment Warili _/ ______I ' garaoo. *160,734-5858. []^|| Twin Falls, Qurloy a :ars, boats, property, olc. ullls Incl,, *175. 734^64. M/paymonls starting al *250I _P-y-Bl®P-®Ily-Mah®Domont f.. Musl (tavu own Irucfc: lo*p?c1ilo | ' '<•‘‘0 care of eldorl'y tni„,i,„i, tl EQUITY TRADE Nice 1 bdrm furn apl, all ^ I 3or monlh. 336-3924 ___ up and dolivor irvcK•k tirosI homo8_-days.j:all 734^53353_l. VA . 10.5% -15 yoars, Fonc=onc-E ■ . A859 Roally sharp 3 bdrm ulllsm,| Incl. *185. Call 734-8464. 3un Valloy. mobiio homo., homo. fonMd yard, jjr __ and ron.iads, Commlssl i s s i o n . ___ LAWN SERVICE':____ ' . od corner lot, irl^iovol■ol 4 . ------— a Nico 1 bdrm apl. doublo . ------Reply to Box t-91. c /o Tir :-5867 bdrm.' 'funcod' garden, ' e modolod. sjinny _anq_ 3 Times Womowlawn, elc.423-5a n r 3 - " ------a - r —-bod;_also-t_bdrm,-8lnnlo ------______Nows. PO Bo. 54B_I VVili—ptopato-m eal-of- mol9l_ShCd9 Qf> CQnCTBlicielc_ ,M_.,------1 bodraimiiimos-paid irTbblrr:------— Falls:i0 S3303:------^ r ; slabs, oach with a sidewalk 3ost odor. 788-2974,______3 M Property Manaooment housocloanlng. 734-8543, a : J ^ a m e ------______a Call 733-2513. ______Vanity, ono ol mo Mid-w|a-v5pok-up. 3 person, no pols.' AZTV. P.O.Box 1924. Twin Tw 1 ■ CASH FOR YOUR GEMSTATE No down, assum o loan, 1984 — 2 1 - 2 5 d a yI'S : .; $ 88 . . 7 5 Floetwaod. 1 Call 423-4351. ______Cail 324-3490, *350 Foils, idaho833Q3-1924. _ CONTRACT j REALTY Nice hom o. 4 bdrms,, 2 —— Wanlod; Gabvslltor in Edc 2 6 - 3 0 d a y s ______^ TRANS'FERRING, musl s a c balhs,h '' largo family room w/ A 2 i 734-0400 . ( s 9 . 5 0 ;rlllco, 1984 Nashua, 14 x 70. Mr, A 2 bdrm 4-plex. appls,'AC.' • aroa, wookdays, - owQwn I'll 'or yoi Ilroplaco. caipol, somo carpcarporl. *alor pd, WVD facil­ ------1 2 bdrm, 1 balh, *13.800. Call k transporlolion noodoiBdod. Ifusl doed, merigage,, cor ORTOLLFREE drapos, g a s hoat, storage Hy-*ity, *275 -t- dep. 733-6340. ■siod roal ostate contract. AnAny 1-«0«45^665o*tE115 734-2526.1 ______Roloroncos . roquosto< shod, n o p e t s , *475/mo -f Ali’iAll ulils FREEI Now palnl i 825-5740 ovonlnns______lorm. any posHion. Fas-asl. 14 X 64 Diplomat, 2 bdrm, 1 J2; T T - Iriondly and lair! . M e balh. awning, slorago Me sunny 1 bdrm w/appia, *240 W anted: ^ b y sitto r. Mon tail y ^ ro rd e rfo n rii1 lo: [ rs;■f dop. 734-0367, 7 3 3 ^ 9 . .MOSTWESTERNSTATESES Imovo Rlgf»rin ^ Norlhoast1st . p i building, sot up at Lazy J, r;; • Fri.. mornings only. For 1'»'■ yi CALLTODAYI *5700. Call 733-2281 or ^ I*,''4ICE 3 bdrm houso, rolrig, Atlracllvo Atlra largo 2 bdrm. apt. - - - old. Call 734-0597 attor 2 pm. jiacalion, 4 bodroom, 2 balh.5- ______Th sloyp_DO-pols..*3IO,-Socurl.- T,F.r - Metropolllan FinancialII doublo garago. nice yard, he jimes-Newss ------I- 4868-ask for Linda:------j‘;° Worohouo managor-ox ly dop. roq. Soo al 444 4ih carp( r-ox- Sorvlcos , Close .to schools. J43.500, 1967 singlo/wido .Marloile, Av< ...... porloncod only nood apply[5[>Jy. 734-0367or 1-800-345-0753 »: C l a s ssified Departmel e n t ; Avo. 6 . 734.8944 daya. law 1 ^ ; S3 Eycrflroori RMliy, ?3*-3M0. w/roal wood cabinels, 8, oldIdee ond 734.7339 ovos. ^}|"“Atlracllvo 2 bodroom 4-plex, M ust have good quailllca titipout, *2000. 734.5979 ftll appiiancos, walor & gar- (Ion and roforoncos. Phor>t ----- I^ico aroa, ’3 In. bdrms. 1 3 fP . O . B o x 5 4 8 Rosponsiblo cou- Ibago ’ so °' Why storo It whon you yoi baths, unllnisnod bsml, 1973 Fairway, excellent olo 3ago paid, *230 4- deposit lor appolntmont ONLY. So Dlo/indlvlduallorenl3bdrm noptio p o ls,Call733-1347. ' . ' ____ ------Idaho D lsi^ u o w o lso r-n-733.- a -«n^oll.ll7.filaco.a-lowrcoscosL Pailo.-fonced-ydi-oprlnkler.—!J:------T w i n 3 0 3 - , ------—; CondlKoQ___ novn___ carpDi^.hotwmo_w/t»6omor»t.— Iflrge-iri-fv classiliod ad todoy. 733 n-Palls,-ID --8330 5705. s, linoleum., drapos. Iront [lawawn. Irult iroos. nice M3M. Sharp ,2 bdrm w/ • 06M. ddock, sklrlino, AC 4 moter neilolghborhocd. Call bolero mSS baso.J5000,Call324.7401. • InoclOOn 733-2262. "155U"“M 'JJj ' ' 3MProMi1vMin«Demont . — ■ I..------4 — ------T - - - Friday.;f. Ssplem liorlS, 1987 .._Ti.moiimos-Nows Jwlft Falls, Hihb C-7'- ficwtols-jt!Merchanddise'^Farrmers^ma%rket------flos^ : l2^ 054-Un(um.Ap(s.I, 054>Unfum.Apts. , & DuplexesJ®- 067-Miscellaneou3s 074-Musical oa2-Bullding Materials & Duplexes 083-Cjrjge Sales - j 08a-Varieiy Foods py T rail Instrumento A424 1 bdnn, partiamially furn..-2 Cou,iourlhouse, California Ivy Poppy ______LOQ HOMES, roasonaC 10 chlldron dishos. senifco for 6. I S J ; ' Garaoo u io . Fil.. Sat,. Su APPLES, most varlolle: appls. wa(or &. uaanltallon, • o' - "2 < gullar gver^20^ M rs oxperleni ckjon ''OW feady al Akland 00*- . — " '•-■» 8gKi^S,$165J»< iQo, yard! Toaslmastor continn l S f i I8in, 19in, Mm. sol JacM. l,7344i«. —— r SI. Kimborly. Lols olI ktkids *4.00/bushol.cl. ■—'. >"• Moxo'Tam^. «n,m . . RED CEDARJencingrpc cloino>.louolmlic.__ Schoolboy size. *2.00.00/ — i Bosi valuo, largo T------pc„lncludos cymbals,, s'stool, ?‘dlnO. Interior wall cov -A“ bushol. Pick your own. flo hook-uos * dop.. no ’iiou“vviopo ^ C lfeoU T “ to ri2 l"0, Pir framing lumber,“ a™ ; SALE-No.l 10 nod CioA, ( apl., laundry. Hi T ...... and cases. 733-5227 after Shoaliono St. Glasswai.iir n ■"'J Yellow Dellcloui ;Wator, garbaflo paid ______on children's shoosloes Hondo Gambler banjo *3.00/bushel. From Duhl, *'”°!^ L u m b q f 324^120.n lamps, piclures, reconj utils, i 's deposit.III. CallI 734- 3 bdrm duplox. avaavail Sopt. *4,99-*9.99 caso, *350.733-3058. Si— ibpoksAfnl.sc.g.toSFrldajId i; ’ fnl-E .;4m L N ..1-/. E.Brin ______15, Doposll. rafo y ! A ■2559 or 734-0648. 'oforoncos. containers, Phone 54M083, Sat. only. Glass ilroplai “ ■- 4 ^ ^ - r,( f B109 0X3 2 bdrm.rfir"airutiis Call 733-5805802. Cloanr>c«S«le ^ 0S3-Garage Sales 0 Apple*. Plums, & Pnjnes. Women's sh o o s & sand screen, stereo, linons. pl Joo pd. oxIra atoragorago room, Scandalll 120 bass ac —pTP tures, small lamps, cand•inrtlA -You * ‘ll f*lss alol II yo ^ .carpolod, stovo, w pg^l *5.9910*16.99 A big from yard sale. F don't cofne to Powers Fruit IBi-HooniiForRei _ dUn,- now condition,. with, s a u .8 to-s!i^i-5m Avo.A i Na' 'na>(lno supplies, loll : s ------ea8o:*30orcaii733-7ofe: Noolu-Flnejt-ol-appl8ir s . - Clean, lurn. room, a SHOES " s ------Aniiquos. lurnllu?i'i.,pn"' scats', clolhes, misc.•■ 8 prunes & plums. JumbI iail Wurllizer full keyboardd 1con- glassware. Ouncan Ph'Pfiyfo Sr^oj»Asfo.»Orlve.__. . - Prime Gold. *2 for a \ ■B147 tlW 2 bdrm. ______sclp organ. French Pre-•rovln- fable, hutch, reel-to-re>rool, Sal, only. 9 to ?? 4 famillenilles, bushel. Fancy Gold & Ro •tovo. . carpol.I. wator/ Ono call — w e'llI dQrly,irly, 2 bdrm. n quiot counlry park, par *260 For salo; Boll onI trailerIr >iano^ i3-.4mu-Wim»alls.*l-U.pic.)idi ______01$, J225. Call 733-6555.______,1 15m Rosa S L _____ garden lools. & misc.:. 8i802 & wo pick. 2.7 ml. S. c 8220 *315 2 bdrm, 1 _ _ 076-0fflce Equipment Prairie Trail Circle, Kimberlberly Burloy corner on Fair fld. Ii 185 evos. For sale: Pool table. 41 I _ BIGGEEIiI 12" BW port 1 '.51 'a«Na;K)OIMUSB(WIC£'^iSTIIE m OJrrERfLlES FLY'.’ 'frldgo, atovo. dishdishwasher. ^ ii.0 .ct J .,32frilM i 3 7 m Bu*'!' 543-4248 )okup. It's clean. It's 2 bdn3drm AC ' 32" with all access acc Minolta 301 copy machChine, loys, appl), fabric, dishiIShOs! SATURDAY ONLYI 9 Ai T m 's .M Call 733'-e375 days dayi or works well. *150. CallII 734- snoots, ooals 4 lamlamlly Baby ilems, baby, teeteen BOWMAN ORCHARD 734-1726 aftor6 pm, ______9126altcr6pm.______clothing, misc, 829 WaIrValnui clothes, tui=u»M(;:i«p4ri6^=4ul=aiiio-p-CORN".-gone. Thanks tc I5nT *15.000. - S225+ dop. 733-4744. flo like invested-sacrlfico) J500] Guardian pan please c somo our wonderful customers Can 678-3697. *200 e_a^___ ldahoLand..^7W antiques. Sat. Sept. 19, 9- Country living, lrg : lor. Can firm. 734-2694 eves. ___ 734-3479. 9.9-0 Here’s Gardens. Poldln(me Sa'io; For’rds', 7"woeks old, Lirno^Au^o mlxo"r7lo'odor frpic, slorago bldg,cPa foncod ^a^'oa Brunswick 4x8 oool' ■jiblTtal Children, aduit cloihiSihes' lQPoa;lybtfds)323N. Edithdllh, Roa_d Easl. Call 733-4560. US. 733^9592 R.S. GarnersJ _ frtlth scalos. Trailer mount. S ’ ga?doJ '0 'afflo spacoi coals, snowpants & booDoots! Sm rolrlg. Super 8 Minol the year old BosTon Terrier. p8000.Coll543-4 6 7U______yard, groonhouso, irIng sor- Leisure invalid lift chair, *500, Call 733-8908 evos. linola Carrots for salo by ih( spot, non*smokinaIno adults ° f answorlm y j g - Magnus elect org;srgan, cam era, trI-pod. screetreen. bushol,*7.00.537-6851. puro_brod, mole, 734_-5^7. 35 + J45 lor ''ico and socrotarlal11 Sisorvlco 315 E. Ave.^vo. C„ COLOR Televisions. Us door, projector. 3 sols children W/0 hook-up. S265 + .1 service, jpfom oof call 324-486252_____ largo selodten from *99 Co- 1 AKC • registered malo|- or'*'’'# ^ '^ o tl||’ Cho'’‘k'*’“ “ Call 734.6063. rollawdV Dod!'fov8°.^7243°;43 7(h OOOks. Avon producfi ^ Ullls, Ooposft. 733-846 (iniflr- Ken's Furniture & < S ; t S „ ‘” fh „"'5 r’.ni'” i “;01 Cocker Spaniel puppy lor Avo So NEW sturdy on E ^ Ave- E.Sept, 1 9 .^ 0 to■ 5:05:00. woarobles. black & deckc sale, *100. Call 543-4066. Ooluxo 2 bdrm, i for dotali •aii'noni center, wawalnul P»«ncas. 453 Main Ave E. ?30to Sepl.CaLI,543-6273.____ •’■ privato yard, AC. fir i S n o V Closo-oul on remaining,n7T . wofl^ O'C. Sal. 8:301 } lo car lots of shelves,ss, *75. Console sloroo wllh 8 l/i home 6 P 'n -6 '7 WlrschlnQAve.TF.] Tf: Concord grapes, u-pick S4, *4 2 malo roglstorcKi' Alrdaloltl8 lM-HorS03 no pets. $380.734-309: l i ''entory from country hor wo pick *6-. 733-5227 alter 122 Torrlsf pups. *150, lor sale o s s ^ o Can 734-1641______playor and turnlablo, ] Salur- The Joe Browns CLEAI Doluxo, splll-levol : dccor A crafts store. Sali 15 or trado. 4 months old. Call■jin ALL' t y p e s ' OF ’ HOR’sI s Loclismllhing tools. 4t modelmc call 733-2923.______— — day, Septem ber 19. fromom 8- OUT TIME: Lots ol Fishinjhlno Famous duck recipes, *i boughi ond sold. Wo b u y _ duplex noar CSI. Nn Ni 5 ; r ' FALLS iu,n ea. C ash or money oidur,ur! 1-237-0753 or 1-233-2415.____ I B lin S s I ’ PROFESSIONAL CEr: e hter tors. 1 Gould OXR900 sal. receceiv.. 5. 2aih East on 400th SonSouth Opar. horse tack, fum, ,- g killer horses. 7» « tM . - U25 per mo. 971 Bl: I I'Oy e»c,cond.*75,733-3058 9 i Specify: Duck Soup. Al,Al- ? male and 2 femole’pu’ps. 6 N. Call 734-4504 or 734. SO It OX- "’Odol 15. Curtis a sto l (Duncan Phyfo tablo i n's Arobions, show qualily. trail Larrt machine w /key rack,, ManyM RENT A NEW TVI Own ) In more), good', clean, clothesIhes niond Ouck, Sweet n Sour,Uf, wks old. Rod Oobormans, ------Ooluxo^splil-!ovel-2 f.agan—n<- codo—books;—make—of-offcrr TiBwxGiomrBin'ommtr lo" ~JBromarCalt324?6a8:------4’miscr‘Additr’itoms’OfT-SatrSatr -Cmnosp-VeeoUbles-Ssnclmd- *fiS-or-bc3t-olfor_Molhct-i- •• duplex hoar CSI, 971 Call734-1560. ' aT ci 6 ^ Brackon Sl. N. ol0(1 S.A.S.E. to: Recipes. P.O.,0. yrs old, *75 or best olfor. ______creditors checked. 204Tiie If* DON'T MISS SUPER SAL Call 734-0381 alterSpm . ;■ SI; N. No pots, m : lHOn . Meat, band saw, like0 now.ni Ave. North. Cains, 733-7ir Rnid W-f^alls. FR1.4 SAT Sept5op, Box 621, Twin Falls, 83303. Roy 734-4504______I32S Kon „Q S P|^,L LOCATIC 1” ^ FrL 8-5,435 4ihAve. E.Go ~ ShleldsJ24^8,__^||^ available hp. 432-5498afler6pmE 5 , L _ 25" Zenilh cOior TV.. wl jewelry, turn., sporlii FRUlT-PREMlUM OUALITYrV ,, Duplex noar Lincoln.S n i M S m S ' io e'aALT FOR NIntlndo Robot for salo.alo. w/ remolo com ., Magnavlavoi goods, nico toys & cloihlnihlng. Tools, furniture ancanrt Peaches, Poars. Plums,« , 091-C reative World HOfiSESHOElNQ P«BAMEDIC. C»II734.;34-7033. game, 543-4839 after 5:30.;30;___ VCR w/wiro romoto. BolhIlh in decor, rims, loads more.I miscellaneous. ReasonabklablQ Neclarlnos. Apples. KellyHy ______;______TRIMMING \ boai. t '?00 + d e p,*i^4» I------prices, 209' S. Locust-M.I Garden Center 734-8518 or ~ Doug Koontz...... 423-4007 ^ 5 ! — pm coSpM o Avaliabioble. First Oak 4 drawer deskk vwllh very oood cond. *550 for'f IheI DON'T MISS THIS ONEI ■ ’ Kelly Orchard 54W330,____ FALLS APARTMGt“ S ';'® , Intersiaie Building., ConlactC( sllde-ool typing shelf,If 1oxc 80t. CAII 324-5729 ____ Sal9-19.8am?169Brack(icken . - . ... 092—Auctions HdRSESHOEING Across from CSI & closecl to Jim Thompson. 3-0480 or cond,Callg^-5417, 40" Mitsubishi TV. *13!1395. St, S. Antique tablo andind 6 USEDOFFICE DESKS: Grapes, seedless i Con- 7 - lom Jones______734-2464 , shopping. Chlldron 12 oa 428 W est Center Kimborly.0,iv cordes. Winter Banana & Anilquo and colleciibio auc- 0'okko, Boiso, 389-339-4131. Ready lo add lo your ho RCA 19" color TV, *295,i, (GE. chairs, needs work, 12 { tlon,-Sunday-Sopl,-20-star—if - Kl6S-H6RSE,-dopond«blo,------____ ._como_Wafm_frlGn ,(j-oave- VCRr*195. Call-734.2001—------stiot gunrw aterbod.-sola;olas7 123-44llanyllmc:------— ~ Johnathan applos.-3VV-ml £7 -qulol aimosphore. • (Mecham' brand new SX ircurvod oi •t nt OlTF on Addison, 733-3617. linn at 11 om..Preview Sol,al 9 yr old Oir. horse maro. ikbs No.' solarium, sliir In crales, crat ------I0j50fnlc_0misc. 733-0153,53, Yard Sale, 3 miles. V/ost ei 10-6. Sun. 9 to sale time.10 rodeo. 4H. queen comp. ------Frl,r-i8mi^l.rJflth-^-to. Juth Locker boel. by ihe head or itl. Bred to AOHA stall. *800. ssem cntr t>elow-coslrCail-?34-47g4r- -GTB-CommrOevlces— by lho4b-Caili57-fi3Q2._____ Auction Way. 3330 Garrett- CALL734-«00.^ 733-2623,733-0888 alter]>orS_- - tiller, Troybilt Pony.t. likoI ------:------____ 803 Greenwood Circle. Ea — way7Pocaleflor^32-«lfc------SLASHSLBUCKSKIN._8_yt____ ghi. atry, now. Call 7±y977.-j_____ thslovo. pool pillow, kicKids wood items, dishes, anil' - old Olr. horso mace. Ropo. — rrCOOD-AnEA7voryrry Vico 1 'fO"' " 0''' cpaisand moro. ques, and collectables. Frl,Frl- Rome, Mclnlosh. *500 - 0 ' AUCTION HOUSE ,, 4H. quoon comp. Supor lor non- 220 sq. II.. noar Courih “ 580 Addison Ave W-734-6813 " -bdrm bsmnt apt, lo irlhouso, USED OFFICE DESKSi K S ~ OT^Appliances dayiSalurday9-5pm. bushol. picked, bring con- ■* alhl. -poient./break-away. smoker, Utils pd,' nona QOU t)aih. utils»is pd, Now shipment. *20&~dav ___FM,only,'Start5 9to6.Kic S pecial Audlon 6PM Mor). ■o-f** ElociriTFrldgidalrollryoTior, 5 clolhes, Osh Kosi(osh. Yard sale. 739 AspenwooC,ood lalners. 1 mllo S & W ol *195.324-8136 or 73j-89i4S?4° U^^."?9^34.2510j,W-^3i-« 4 6 ^ Opon Mon, Tuos. Wed., (Jay Jerom o. 3 24-3785. Household & Misc. • • • • • • Sal. 428 W est ConConler yrs old, 5 hoal sellings, exc.ex Healthlex, Buster Browi'own! Lane. 8:30 lo 5:00. Saturday, ^ Tools On/llloS Vero Allen, Gooding CounlyTy now 'limo con^llonj 678^632. *150,.___Winter coats and bool oois, Sepi, 19, Large sorrel mulo lor salo, avaliabio for roni.1. 1 bdrm Kimberly, 423-4411 anytlmi SOUTHWICK PRODUCE 1? V/omens size 7 clolhimhing, Yard sale, Sal, only. SeptSept 543-4809 well broke to ride or pack. apis, ront basod onin Incomo,In Waik-in cooler. 8'x8'i I dishes, lots ol baby llomems, 12, 9 to 3. Several families, ^ Call324-8239_.. Wostsldo Courl AL *700.734;|80M______IOS, flcdPoiaioos,iOclb,WeDig rt Apt, PROFESSIONAL ^ n - H3M>lA_vo, EasL lots of good deals. 710 f^aeMae Carrots, Beets, *5 buU-Dig0 I r j — — Open consignment horso Gooding, 934-4986, EHO;EHj ___ ORCOMMERCIAL:|AL WE REBUILO hydrau ^AUTO ner°Rjm!iu ? o l^ ^ 1 4 2 l ^ Garage sale. Fri,. Sol., 18 l Dr., Twin Falls. Sw eet Corn 20 oars *1 GOOSE CREEK MMANOR „ [acks at ABBOTT'S AU y E s Farmers’ market^et ?o"53le?eV“M '’% “rf lor ront SUPPLY, 305 Shoshoishono GE refrigerator *229. Bann l9lh ,9 to 5. 2545 9lhAve.G. EE.! YARD SALE Sat 19th.'9-4.■4. iI 2 ml S Buhl, Casllelord Hwy ■ APTS. 2 bdrm opls,DIS. Slovo Spaco available lor T.F, Furniture, appls, knicknick Mllo norm of bank. Filer, - Sopt. 25, 1987, 6:30 p.ni! and rofrlg, carpolod.lod. EHO behind iho hospital.. 65«6S por SUoptSpulh,Xw!nF^l3.,IS, _ Furniture^ 733-1421.______Ilof- Slokois Garden Produce ----- knacks, dishes, clolhimhing. Crossbuck Slorm door.oor. To Order: 423-5406 anytime __ Registered horses must bo Phono 679-9429, OfilceIllceat 733 sq '‘- Whirlpool washer, Hoipojlpoinl Hclpoint' tofrlgoralor al- i lawnjnower, tools, misc.:. fresh veggies, misc., NO chocked ln_by 6:30 p.m. For^ • East 22nd St. Burloy. dryer, trash compactjacter, mond, 13.6 cu It. *275 In 0 NO Available: Boslon Pickling LO*- G araflosale:F.i., Sat. lOa10 am early salos. 326-4598 Cucum bers. Tomaloes. ’ 095-Fertillzer& Inlormaiion call 5^7474. "■ Ground IqvoM bdrm^rrt7r;n;;7 d magic valley Skdsaw, misc ilenilems, cql.lontc_ondl|iqn._3_2f.nM. Twin Falls Llvoslock, 630 Tii 0*^00 p r o f e s s i o n a l CEN- =-•- to 5 pm. Kids domm ees, YARD SALE. Saturday only,inly, Coming: Pumpkins Top Soil ' appl, lurnlshod. all ENTER 44^3 Jade, K!mb^423-5239^39. Konmoro wash.,"dryor, exc.-ex generol clolhes, aulomoll>lollve peaches, pears,' apples, _ Railroad Ave. Twin Falls, Id. /mo, 734- 734-7033 lies. Organic grown-picked dally. won insul,. $ieo/mo WOODSTOVE'i’FIREPLAi>LACE cond, *175/ollor._B3;;6224 , parts, lurnilure, misc.c. 2 *2,00 busher Kelley Garden:den This Is our childrens sum-71- Peruvian pasos. breeding & 7290 Of 734-6158 ______INSERT; Fan, flroscro(croon, Konmoro w asher 4 dryIryo^ south. 1/8 w est ot Curry.^ ___ Centcr, Addison __ alat mor p rojocl. Como sharoro 096-F a ffT iS e6d pleasure. Sovoral geldings. • In Kimborly, voryr n r ^ ~^777777777^7777T;T •snrouur-otr—convcns-rtS~10' "S'6!r*3Z9rBanhor'Fum1lurlure, GARAGE SALES: Hundrecjreds fcas'iand, ------IfwTwUsbniwJrliUoF.------Hymas*57324CT9. • ------__ coal, oxc. cond.. over SIC bodroom duplox w/ ■ *1000 ^.1421..... _ ol Hems-2 bikes, aquarlurrlum. Yard, sale, antiguo trunks, ALFALFA seed. ji;20'& up;ip’; Rog. OH maro’,' good In UILDING novy,.Btjstqf(ef-7W:0W^ nks, THE BERRY PATCH C3IM23-5109 aflor 7:30i':30 pm ! -' StdRETOFRCE"'"BljiL -----Large-upright g’e - freezejzer. fishing Hems. Frl. 18;-Sa•Sat. dlsnos, -g tassw a rcr' farmlarm Frosh Red Raspberries.,3 several vorielles. delivered.Id, Mlns.-gontle for anyone. 11 ^ IN WENDELL: 2 bdrm■drm apis, isldonce 100 yrds.. oroy wool ususod like now. 2 yrs. old, *35U50. 19,1624 Harmon Park, T.. F.F, hem s, plants, cactus, Iwin twin Wild Huckleberries. Frozen Bob Hamillpn 73_4-3587, _ yr. olcf maro, gentle, good appls, slarl $175 ••-*■ dOD N. Lincoln^ JorJeromo, carpot. Call 733-2461, _____ Call 934-8508 eves. • Garage sale. Pialnviciview bod. *25. Oak breakfast sel.sel, Blues, Mariolns. Boysens,iS, Approximaloly 400 bu. 3 wayav i'as^o/sp.-A^A-^MI,______functio Vordo Apts.pis., 734-9880 Bon Motlorn’______1994 Savin 50/30 cocopy Maylag washor/eloctrononic Drtve. take Falls Ave, E.E *80 {SO dop. flee Spaces Availableloh’th'r ii i250^I^C a im 4 ^ F ~------^ Nearly now relrigoratollOf. Xl>ari8ng:9Bm-|o3pm.~ _■ 2AeD:SALEi;Sai:5bpi:i9;BBrB- Xuoum bera SHiO/iuftrteavo-ro- N u p a l W Wfiuui-'JIJO ClSr^5r^ 3 yeor old sorrd QH Call734-B263,______Lynwood-The Contorgr Of It 3 ^ 4 II. 4 lubo flouroscoisconl *175. Range, corning top. I0| Expect response whevhen 10 5 pm. baby to adultdult mossoQc, call 326-5189. tilled Schuyler barley seed.d. golding. well slarted, gen­ Larjjo. cloan 2 bdrm■m a c o f In AM! light fixtures. 277 voll'wl1 wllh *150. Call 733-3033 or 734- 73- you advertise In classlllecilled. clothes, books, klichenben Tomatoes, *8/bushei, red or0, L.M, Oavonpori, 934-5604, tle, nice ladles prospect, bulbs, *20 ea, 50 recosst Ilems. lots of good stull, 117 *1000. Call 734-4724 4-plox, W/D hook-up ossed 213J,_ask for Boyd. Call 733-0626. ___^ S-. ....:_.:g r a i n s e e d ■ — - 7 L'Ol57T:F.-*20a/m07324^: ■ ■ can-lights, 110 voll. *1515 ea.0 New ■■■■upright' freeze ------Huddleston Rd, Filer:------— D 7 yr. old bay brood moro, CaN,734-912_6^llqr6p_m. _ 3ARAGE SALE; 1958 9lh Certified Stephens.-Hyslop. ' LaurolParkAparlma ;...— *149,CA1NS,7M-7111. — uo. E, SaL Sept 19.9 am?1! to ilSALE Tomatoes. tomaioes,s, Nu-Gainos, Uto Hard Rod & daughter < ol Gallant Ghost 176 Maurice SfN.AptTo't304 059-CondofninlumsS 5- KW. 230 voll. 180 .gyc'o eye Now uprig’ht freezer, *19!199. i pm, Lots, lots ol baby)by Kay’s Klosot tomoloesi Picked. *7.50.0. Schuylor Barley. Check our plusI 3 grandaughtors of oeneraior, *600.544-2758, 734-4195 ForRenl CAINS, 733-7111.______Jloihos, and baby ac- .,1704 Addison Avo E you pick. *6.50. 3 mi. N. 1 prices. Coll Davidson 4 Co.,, GallantJ Ghost: 3 qio, old — ;— - 500 lb.-Sleel shaping amanvil Ralrigorator *95. • Freezejzcr ;e55orlos.-mon'o,'women’s ml. E of J oromo. 324-8517. _ E.dejL.825-55S5------| ' brown Toblano « by Tim ' Spacious4&2• RoelTGardon. 2 lo«ljvels, 2 and a 3 ton noarod cha n'9- 2 laffiily-salp.-Frl.,_Sal..9'to. ; - BJiiker. ry r. oltf Sorrel with ills------bdrm-2batftii734.2885r; Chain. J100,-dryer— 575r-washoile rr md-cnildron's-ciothcs-andm d- 5;~ C hevy wmdow. bikelike' Tomatoes. 5 Ib. lor *1.00.0, Vermcno aUollo seed, stoto 5 ------BoaroomUnits" 5 ? r z z r h0lsl.-CaII7344514, *12S,Rango*125. nalornlty clothes, manymy parts, kids dothes, lols; olOl Squash, cabbage. 2 South.1. Ieslod.324-tl38cvos. 4 ^ stockings & llaxon mano Sun Vailoy c o n d o J ^ niscitems. nilQ. i/4EoslofBuhL543^536_6, _ by Robin Hood. 2 yr.old bay ■ A/C, Pool. Enclosed Er s. *20 SALESANOSERVICE misc. 1 mllo North. Vt mile. C dEntrios 5955 or 733-9451 o v t ? r ^ it°K TiiCAPPLiAfm. bothroom mirror, clothes,ics, pies. Hale and Elboiia1“ Allalla. iirst culling, dry. “.• “ brick Storage Rentals you Super nice WhlrlpoclOol ^otsqlovorylNng. (lols ol sizes) antiquos,IOS, peachos. Boggott's River lino s te m .'*45. 2nd. choice 105-H orse Equipment Modern' 2 "bdrm.' )te. View Orchard, 2 ml. E. ol • duplox In T.F. freezer, No frosl, 19.6 cu.• ft.fl jiasswa're,' coilcclibles,os, books, loys, much .more, 31 quality, *55.734-6262 ^ • , Pu"!' Sai'o/lVa'so 4 ^ ^ -l0 orDr 120001 WlndowWeldor. 733-1099.099. upright, *400 firm. 734-8748,8, ilolhing, m iic, 15" tires,os, Sol, 5 e p l. 19, 9-6 pm. 459 Clear Lakes bridge. Buhl. - circlejYrairors'; • carpolod vir/rango & Call 543-6987 or 543-^W.. Approximately 2000 bales of CheckC our selection and A S'" " «arehousos- In T.F. 1 CresjvlewDr. Slraw. Aboul 12 ton, 1st crop p 1245/mo. Sanitation' &^ < Heated. Insulated, dock doc & ------— WANTED D ea d o f Alive SToi’floTrSoK >P prlcosbeloroyoubuy. p_^a, cailM3J80_p^__ » ew 3 FAMILY YARD SALE: Sal Wolermelon, tomatoes,P- hay and 15 ton ol 2nd crop>P Con Paulos Chevrotol — - — IracKago. Boan wareho Color TV's, appls, furniture,'O' )r, N ^ e p l J 9 . ______&Sun,9552ndAve.W., cants. J.C. Molon Ranch, MOUNTAIN VIEWAP''APTS. . will soil milling machi Callanylimo 734-97lS • hay. Call 324-3533. ,,, Pontiac. GMC Trucks •- - 500D --- -ASSbR'TMENTIiTI ■' 3lamilyyardsalo.l727 mllo W, V/t So. ol bank In 1 & 2 Bodroom3, Playgrround separately. Low down ____ns_R Enlorprlsos,. Haaerman. 837-4711. ” Approx 500 bales, cioan oatal 901 S. Lincoln, Jeromo ^eP'o IIE. 128 K momori rypewrlier, fiber ware, 4 PopiarAve,TF;Frl.a-5. slraw lor solo. Coll 655-4391. 324-3900 or 734-6565 & Laundry Faclllllo:Xis owner will carry, 324-340)ndillonlnB )INNER-6-7; AUCTION al 12" Oewali radial arm saw,^ lorwood.Call_336-3381. trucks, ond packing avail.S' Higood con'd ____ cIcan.-l-2-lbdrm..S195-:195-J291 -Clndor-blMk-gDfago.-SK-516- sq -*2600or-bG6toflor.-734-5028, ___ UOanarpL______)d - AKC-^E’nglisi»— Sprlnger- Froo Cablo. Seniors)rs wpl- It wilh 2-9)ilO'doors. *60 por ------^------— ^ FREE, compioto workiriDIng 1UGE YARD SALE: Frl Y & very llllle, J4is. Cair7S-9126~26 Spaniel puppies, beautiluiI or 438-5667’. . 1 106-Swlne como w /dlscount avalliivallable. mo. Call 733-6340. coal lurnaco with automatic»ic ;at. \Vi miles N ol the Filerlor altor6pm . ______and heollhy, parents ex-■ Wanted someone to — 1322WashlnglonSl, N, stoker. To bo removed Iromeni Sank, furnilure, aniiquos, “ cellont hum ors, *tOO. CallI swatrio, chop. & haul 102 - 733-0740, oHrco: No Pols- •j------065-Camera Equip. • -— Kolctium hom e,-Fonwlck^, ;iolhes-8ll agesr Iresh cornr - Llsa67MM3,-Burloy^_:_ - ’063^Wan'tedTo'Renr" 726-3380. ______’ OeJ-^BIcycles ■ ’ “ • acres of •hay-immedlaloly.- 108-Sheep 1 i Goats ------. POPLAR GROVE , AKC reg iri-color Cocker NWof Jorome.324-8928. ■' sonlor clllzon hou: ------LAB EQ^UIPMENf.' i 6'''coio Mature pro’fosslonarco'icouple paper process, *500. Kodak .adies up-io-dale domes,15, Sekai 10-specd. dark blue,0 Spaniel puppies. 1-male andI We repair & calibrate hay &I Farm llock, Sullolk, 1 ram, 6 . Ilmltod facllllios forr han^.h: dosire nice homo noarar CSI,1 c-41 llim processor. J500. *500 y21i21‘L£'5”'c.S'S m ______”"'’ __ like, Chair, TV, 's h o oIS. s. qood cond,, *75,324-2000. 1-lomalo. 678-2934. grain molstorc lesteis. Also0 Sj ewes. Call 734-0359, capped or disabled. Ri . Ronlal 10 loajo Octobor 1. 2 cats,c Kodak 2620 automatic printv|nt. 3 Inlerihorm baseboardird louschold itoms, & misc. ” AKC Wlrohaired ' polnlinn-. soo our now Farmex grain - asslslanco available lo-' 1130 Fro.rtiont," Friday & >or Call 734^63. ______or, *300, Compioto 4x5 colo-oior hoaiers wlin w airthorm o- Grillona, flold’ and waler lestor. Idaho ' Instrumonl,'"l lA O - P o u I l r y i Rabbits seniors 02 or ovor and h slats. i65 cach. 733-2923. ___ Saturday, 8:30.______* OSS-Flrowood 624 4th Avo. W. 733-5636. ■ | - — "icappotnr-tniiJBiTO- -£ftyalciaA-A«Uwiro-do^oelre- -oalaiCCf.*12ad..734JSfiQ - ^ ___dons. Call 423-5055,______-.:....avallablo.v:.SLovo.. 70 " ‘CO homo .In Burl .4_*_5_CAM0O_camoro. : “ .ARGE YARD SALE. Sepi.Dl. Firewood for salo, call 543-3- Auslrallan Shepherd pup-. 1 ton hay boles & 1 ton strawvBaw^orriiiJhHioTriois “j ------carpel, drapos (urn.., E RupofUiea'rlo leaso OcOcL-I;- le n s e s -S -a c c o s s .— JldoO“door ""OBt^FumitiireSCarpelS"’" I8:4-19,-.;10 am.-to:fl;pmi.900.100. •4237-Or.543jfi9JO.--..-.- — .. • . plos.vopisiorod. 11 weeks, balos lor solo, 536-2345^ o'ol colors, exc .for wool. n. Call 734-1560 _ B. LIncdn. Jerom e. Sage FIREWd6b:Si;P£flDRy/ blue M o r o l l 702:738-3037-T is |- i- 2nd cutllng allalla hay.■ m eal 4 pels, *20 each or.*15------OHico 733 Easl 22nd ur- [BfushSam Parklnnlol. Burloy, 678-9429.____ le------CASH for good usod fur­ ____- _.-734-1573_or54M902.;___ unll 570, kGqptrylng^_.'_ j-lOOJons. *45/jon, 54W9g7,_,• for 3 or moro. 726-6804.___ 7;Tri^^i7r Want lo renl Fall pasluro niture 8 appllancos. Bannerler Machinist .fools, all kinds. Quiol, 2 bdrm. 5*255, carj ij'oior ji^W atodToBuy Fumlture,^ 1 4 2 1 . ______!?• IP Dine, In the round, ijlock. 1st and 2nd cuit'ing hoy, 71 ■•V W/D faclllly, noar LynM !M tooteow >. 55^16.!. _ >ak chest, violin, Victroia, Spni and delivered or by me ol‘'’c o lo rr^ c x c “"lo“ w ° ''‘ l qualily, *45 and *56.:• ^ MalMn TF, 326-5077 ovos, ' BUYING: scra7’^ldlowo1rWof- Full sfzod ' sola sleeper!Of, :lock, organ, baby .bod,Is' semi. 733-3268,733-4613. “* m e ats pois.*20 each or Jt5 so_call423-440L,_,._ . ’0too wtiiie Leghorn pullots. 0 fO. valor pump, 06 gun parts, C Oulot locallon. noaltal and rv, dlamonos, storlincrling *139. ^ B anner Furniture. - Lo/J.P,rmqrq,_72(«M4,__ • _ 15 a c ro s corn silago, 1 mi;; mo, old, laying now, *3,50 sllverwaro, pockot walchoshos, 733J42t______oading scalos, misc., all 'I oa. Fresh eggs. 324-4193. cloan duplox. wllh — ilnds. Frl,, Sat.. Sun, 1038 Chosapeako puppies, South, 1 ml West ofJerom o, “ • }6 sliver dollars, coin collec-Mec- Gold velvet sola, looks now, ^ 087-Plants i Trees outslonding relrlevors and 3 stall rabbit hutch, good ' bodroom. 1 tiaih. avail,'31^001^ H i M e r c h a n d i s a ro V/yomlng SI.. Gooding.____ Call 324-3740 oves. - 3 , 1, range and refrlg, lurnlsh^ lurn — ' ■ liens, Olc. *199. Banner Furnlluro, Uq'uidarion pN cos' on " all,,i groat lamlly dogs. Flold 19 ocros ol corn slingo for• 55cond. *40. 733-7760 aflerS • od. J25o por mo. JlOO1 doidog. '■—------. .IdahoCoinGallorloa m m . ______• Moving'Salel 3W mi, E, .» ol reea: - • cvergrcons----- aiid-■rt c h ar^ io n blood .Tinoj: FC------—302 North Main.-733-8593.- — (-Mart-on AddlsonrFrl.-& r -AFC-^Sunshino- Meg. J2do.~ salo, NE of Joromo,-324-4615 -- "•'•'•"ESUNGER f^EALTi Large pirio table, w / 2 cap­ j lowering shrubs, at Slm- leave riamo and number, 1112-Irrigation ,LTY 067-M lscelianeous FRAN'SBAIT.SKOP tain choirs and bonch,! f Sat. Sopt. 18-19th, 9-4. V Call 1-237-1076. Pocorello. 'RalphEollngor lousohold jloms. furnilure, merly'o-ln.Wendell. For In- . Call 733-9578 Of fS-Wa^ “ All Your Pool Supplies — Worms wanted *299,90, Banner Furniture, I cribs, baby Ilems, wator- quirlos call allornoons &6 Dog- training with guaian-; tens | 2nd cutting ^ay?''j45/? Hostings a7ted""olu"m".rTVC, . 733-H21. evenings 536-2355.______, teed results. No ago llmii. ton. Call 432-5368. & underground. MftUiers, . 8AVEll3bdrm.2balh,S -■ Cal!326<}381. _____ I - coll anytlmo, 423-5847.___ . Also nowor duplox, * BOWLADROME^feM^ 1_____ Maple ond tables, *49,90,=0: a;.?o;.'g i£°°' ___ Banner Furnlturo. 733-1421. 733-2B72 or 733-1359 Alwaysbotlorbi^sl V MOVING SALE, baby Items.^ OBJ-Variety Foods- IRRIGATION NEEDS nL . nTghtcrawlers ^------Now.bfaaa.lamo5^'*49 oach, a a i i » . _ _ o y -f^ a n n s For R e n t _____ca — TOWNE-SQUAREAf^i^PT^"- —SMpporMowore.-TlllorIiofs ------GlIliiandBallSTacklo— •*'— loys.-----books;------sporting iac Tractors, 81 Supplies. _ poods, clolhes, 'antiques. a p p Ue s . u -pick English Sprlngor Spaniel 1 ■ §Si&^^b,?oXn“tp ‘ilr,^- ..... Sludio&1bodroom$l95 lomas Call 734-4944 „• 15t Ib. Premium Quality red 160 a cro s, B uhirA iso 'l30 ond holl-arc welding. 'S> {265 monlh. Donna. , Maolc Vailoy Mobllo Hom — New 'lamps, *39’ ooch.;h. lousehold items, Frl, 4 Sat. d puppies, purebred. *50 acres. j Jorom o, Foil planting ion Topprlco for nighlcrawlors. '' and goldon dollclous. Fri., 1 a m o t h ir r ig A ion Idaho U n d ...7 3 3 ^4300 30( 3V. ml. V/. on Addison ,?• CAINS, 733-7111.______3121rene. Kimborly______.. each. Call 436-5718. ttfpslroblo. 733-1359______734-1336 ____ Buying all sizes. 141V^ Blue - Sat., Sun. only 9am-6pm. Free, pups, mother Is ‘ .. ANOSUPPLY 18i2 bdrm apts. Unfurn. P , Simmons crib, oxc cond, allall MOVING SALE; Sot, Irom 9 Kolloy Orchard 2 miles West LakesN.8-noon& 6pm-11. registered Sprlngor Spanlol, 1mlloooslofBuhl,Hwy30.. , according lo incomo.3 'c C a s a A” lolophono key s -8 access, *70.734--W30. , ___ . Foil p a stu re,' 40 acre’s, I’r 2 & 3 bdrm apartments,■nts, all phones. Mako offor. C - FREE to loving home, g'on- ■ 12". and 16" low hood ir- ullls furnished, slovo a . g . i M " " ^ Stereo console w/8 irack,■l( to dark. Many exc. Items,9. Macintosh oncL-.Johnalhan Hagerman,32^5l81evejKj ove & Bob or Linda, offico I tlo. offocllonale. 2 yr old. rigation pipe, either olostlc Irldgo, close lo schoo r r : *69,90. B a n n er' Furnlluro. skis, furniture, adult « & Applos. bring containers, 5 acros good horso pastureI or or stool. Colt 702-73MI25, hool & 324-8827, Wash. Fodoral.iL___ Wanlod to buy troctor • chlldron designer doming. brown spayed Doberman. shopping. 734-8070 EHO, Sor ______0. South Washington to Circio lor ront. 734-9410. Call ovon-' cocolioct,.as_kJor_CharJiO;____ Boo boards wanted,, vvvlll niountod post holo ougor. — boby llema. 750 Maurice St.^ K store, '/i ml, W, 'A ml S.1.“ Lovos womon i children. 2 bdrm duplox, appls. 1 Two all steel arch buildings. iSS!______; Usod US Volloy pivot, modol 18. car- como lo you, Ray Odermcrmoll. Call702-7S2-3115,- in'. Neighborhood yard salo. 0 a Nesbitts Orchard. 733-7595, Leash tralnod.4B7-2638 ___ l! port, vory nico, no> PO'S-pi 465-5280collecl. — Ideal lor potato slorago. 14071,141 ten powor, 1279’ long. Now, never pul up. willilll littlo bit ol ovorylhlng. Lownrn APPLESIl In Town, 733-3160. - FREE t o A QOOD HOME! • Ront*240 perm o. 733-122 ^ Red-gold mole purebred 100-Llvestock Wanted 1600’ usod 14" bare stool. 4 ~ Boll 8. Howoli Supor 8 moviemoi 072-Anliques deliver, (4061454-0741. mowor, dresser, Star Wars half mllo. oil 5" wheol linos, 2 bdrm. all eloclric, wateM tpr& camera, •motorized oditiidllor, ------toys. Sat,, 6 to 5. 1036 and[? MEST-fresh locker beef,.f.- Cocker-Sponlel, 2h-yrs dd .--: sanll paid, w/d hook '? pork, lamb. inspectod, Vt or •• Noodod-lriimM ra'l^y7'^ *5000 *5( each. 4 tiuarter mllo gp> up. /Ioodlamp,.usfld.onco.41'4110.- Hand.sot.typo-drAwor,^lO i'~ 1051 ParkwayOrlvo...... - - .Noofla_£iJoncQd-yaxd..good I! Wheel linos. *2560 each: Wo------" ofl-slroot pa»klno.'S250lT50 mo.. Snowmobiles: 1987 600llndy In orboBlolfor. 6 fl. lormdlsc, = ■wnoforTScitPuprcui; wra"[^>• w/chlldren. 886-7573 Ep a stu ro -fo r- 40-50" yearling wr *125 socurliy d a p . 734-47S 733-1421.______’ ONE OAY ONLY! Sat. Soptpt pod avail. 324oland regulation sizo, a cc o ssIS In-I rug. lamps, silver loa sot when you can locale p ^ls s Rowing machino. books, r^paJr.,BalloyPlpo-733-<013. - ., pork, stove, rolrlg.. lurn,lu cl„ JE90 or best. Don'tt callc. ana challis. Jewelry. Soo to fj pies. *5/bu. we pick, 1-1/86 ' P&rakoeta&Cockatlels T I to for auiomobilo In tho10 loys. misc. 2108 Crostwood’0 ml. s . ol Burley Corner In 1 Jersey bulls. broodlngTgcT 19(1960 Thundorblrd', exc cond, i250/nio. doo. 733-3647.i647. boforo 5:30 om. 733-4924,I, approclaio. Call 734-2001. _ classlllodada.r.411733-0076.I Drjyo^oflOelMqr._____ n Locally raised. 253 7th Avo n - Buhl. 543-6145 ovos/wknnrfi> ■- p ,iii'im ii7 ,’>^uio'y lp *2700 or- trode for good w hnH I'^------_-- ^ _■ - I oa Tlmeft-^ewa,I. TvTwin Falla, Idaho Friday.'.Septenibarl8,i087 S ..

a f m e r s ' w n a rket^m!ecreatioin a t ^ u t oomottve n

pecial I : Annuali Garagee Sale Sp '' Ge.iet two FREE garage saless; signs, a FREE: iiinventory listing sheeeet and a FREE list of K ' ' j a & e \ , : ) TRAFRRC STOPPER y compleplete tips on how to mslake your garage s?Jelie a success, ailforlhtIhe price of your paid ad.ai " jg S a l e / , Hurry,I offer oxpires S optamm borb 25,19971 5' llines - 2 d(lays - 7.5() 0 . (Add *1.00 persr addition^ line)

112-trrioation . 12&-Campef8iShells 132-Auto, Paris & t3fr-Heavy Equipment 141-141-Vans .so m o . □ Recreation^------'8i”GMC'Mon-DtraityTSiw7a-s . I THE^VGE!iS ON BRIPCG E 'B O B B Y W p lF F - . - A ccessorlee------ro'TOWTnctsrrortriift.-eoooib..- ^i9a3 D odo^R am 3/4 lon l5------— Classic, loadod. wlih '64 oxcelienl condition. Mako pass)as8. van. PS, PB, AC. now ____ Lance campor, like now.3W. ■ ■ - I . ■ ' 2 . G oodyear' Hlghlandor offolfor. Call54y6934. ^tjlaiadlal tiros, low mi., oxc $12,000 or will sell soparato,llo, ______I Irallor li tiros. 7 x 14.5, 8 ply, jT.24' Charmac 5th whool cond.:ond, good oas mi., $6000. • Call 536-2169,______'Expcricncc which H-.1S o ncc NORTH ' s-is-A like ii now. $7S. Cali 733-7086. f,*Irallor. w/romps. 18.000 cap. RUN!^UNSGREATI32»64n. 121-BoatsiAccesa. 4 BridQoslono mud duolor ]a3 axlo. oxc. cond. $3500. Cali -70 \, 113-Fann& Ranch d a im e d b y (h e .ig c d is! n o w c h im e d ♦ Q 6 5 I 70_VW-Campor^ccontly ------_430,xJLai-fili-llghUlfuclu 7M78^^573/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ robul Supplies Always boliFrTuys! -127-Motor Homes------o.u‘lusivel)^y-the-youni• n g ^ ^ ------—— ▼-Air-3------obulit ong. & Irana. Now liros. 4 15” Chevv 8 hole — start.itart..&Gon.it000.934-aS05 •MiDtevafiflyHobnflHom* whilo mao whools, 734-7446. ... Call pons, singlo or mu S'A ml, W. on Addison)n c la ss X x -p io ro f.'z r,' A/C.ic. G KC. Chesterton, ♦ 6 5 w plo, woll-bulll. Single, ; 139-Ple((*Up Trucks -7878 f Ford 351 VB Conv. Van, 8, *50. 734-1336 _____ gonoralor..fnicfowavo._cor)uon- ...... ■ , ______+ J U J J L 5 ------4 ______1------Trade8M- Sport GdGds. Emorgency, miisl self. .19’88 3 4 9 4 with w old and ono with now ^AC. AT. $1595.326-5097. ^nl. '■ h as most options. salo. pfico noootlblo.L i fl: l L Hoybutn/Buflay-fiffl-7473-73----- Grand-P100.43?-5<3f5436. ^flsonable.Catl 324-2516.6, loadod. Cosi $17,800, sacri- day's game. Study ihc combinationC' J225. M holo 16” 7.50 Ford VrAT. cromo rims. $1500. 73> 142-lmpoft i « - Sports Cara liros & whool, $50.543^046. Jjj — 20*-'-Suncfa(t.--li5- :• HPH lico___$11.500____Sets___!ala L__ closcly ahd s a v e .iL ioir_youc_rainy r. ------—— SOUTH------li! a84allor6om&wookcnd8. jjr— flip Gracemans Trailer Park, 146 650 Holley caiburotor. iai .iBrcedes- - Banz, I97i—^— 114-Fann implements:S Johnson, w/lraller In oxi '•*6 day. ♦ K 7 2 I; 1970 F-100 Ford pickup. 302 nodoi. 4 door. AC, sunroof, , ------cond.. {4000 Can soo al11231 2; Addison Avo. W.»8A. Edolbrok manllold lor a onjjino. o ', runs^ good, $500.- South win.s his diamoilond ace and V Q J 10 9 7 6 Pontiac. pi $125/bolh. 734-2430. uxury al a Iraction, oxc. , , D g s s ^ v ^ ^ o ta lo ^ dlflflt"floor. WashiODlpn, TF,.73HJ63.3. _ ■■'m o t o r h o m e s ;ond.. $4750.678-1184. ; ■ _ 1963 X1353 A X pioror-20';M';- -finesses in-trumpS; losiniing to East's ------• ♦ A ...... 1971 GMC V .jon, $1150. Cali iharp 1978 Toyota Corolla i Fully roslorod 1048 slackcacker. — — motor homo van. Immac.JC- king. East returns lhea :spade nine ♦ QI08 IJ^AutosWaiiteiJ 1 S cond. 19.000 actual ml. ;R5, Sports Coupo. 5 spd. >- ro*fnanutaclured for spoo 1971972 GMC pl7kuj), 3/4 Ton', storeitoreo, g ood cond. $950/ . comfort and dopondabllltSS«: iz3^uim fliii.ii Equipped & liconsod. $1,000)Q(j and South is a l ihc crossissroads. flow Vulnerable::: B Bolh ' ■ moxc cond. Cali 32«292. besKlesto^for. 7334552.734-2151 , . Pricod lo scll. will considisldor Browning bar 300 mao. 3i,qj down & assume payments.IS. should ho piay Ihis suit? D ealer; Soulhuth . irado. 423-5634 orA iU SSi.»i i — scope, slings, case, 5 boxo0X09 M36-6573 Hoyburn ovos, If Sotilh play.s low, Ihi:hc_nine goe.s T he hiddine:- 1974 Chovy Vj8,J ^ ton PU._ Some g:------_135=Cycles&Suppll85—: ::arn74-.53§9:~ gt ___iHiMttom-spln«f.plo»iii If 8holisi:S400.:423-4847-£^-:____ MOTbRHOME-forralorCailr to dummyVq'ucen_ aTd’ln-rumps .iro 1979 GMC pickup, shon tl'lvOcIrlve, 30 m pg, oxcol cond, - - t>eams, ouBOO wheel, tX Dan W osicn 357 dual acliocil^ 733:0l4Uller8pm------esl Norlh ■ East Honda H CT90. exc. cond,, 197 drawn. The chib‘“ finc.ssi.ssc loses to J Y j ^ $350,733-7223 allor 5pm whMhooi baso. $2500. Wiil tako suhlun r roof, air, cruiso, 5 spd, , AC sido rako. $275. 3 iP! revolver with 4 boxes shell!loils, Trans-Van, 6' ceillno, kitch- ♦ 2 + Pass I lonwood tape, low 55.00fi , c fio u / picker. J75. JO 1 $240. en. Slovo, relrig, AC, ong,ifl, E.isfs king and a scconditl spado lead 2 , Rokon trail'breaker motor- l£l!irado-ins. Call 837-6365. Konw 0 '0 oxcolleni condlllon, {24i 3SS 3 T Pass ", nllos. $5400. Allied Agon- i - W f tw llh ram. J350. CiCall Cail733-8646ovos.______360 V-6. CO,000 miles, dual'3i comc.s whisllitif* ihroughSh. Ucsl now f cycio. 2 whool drivo, goes 1981982 Dodgo Rampago. front :ios 678-5526 or 87B-7414. ; 543^048.______:ss Pass Pass aj ivhoei drive with shell, AC. —n ~ Fof Sale: Guns, knivo: tires, $6000,734-6259. anywhoro, $450.543-4048. wh IH 2 bollom spinor plow Ir wins two spades .ifler East has won :ruiso, 48.000 mllos. oxc '968968 \ VW sau aro back, noods ■ scopes. Wholesale + lO'X10%! 1977 Cobra, 23 ll, 26,000 1948 Harloy, 80” , cuslom cru nochanicai work, good boams. guago whool. J50 mllos, bunk model, rearrar t'vo kings. bringinR the t andcloan.daiI3264381. «:ond. 25-27 mpg. 654-2319 mech 3 Call,alterjioon, 734-0461., _ • lo one Openinglg lead:1 Diamond king ^ '8urlo¥), altorBpm.-______boSi!jlodv. new tiros. 537-6833. • AC siao raka. S27S. n 3 10' i Remington WIngmasier.'070 87 batn, sfOL’ps 6. porfccf'Cf (]ow.n. ______1£ 1973 CR 250 Honda, now ^ chorry pickor. J75. JO K oko cond, $11,500, 733-9434. 69 Chov 3/4 T Campor 19^971 BMW, noods repairs, 1 riiti 12 ga. sholgun. Full choke South makes his gamenc if he cov- BID WITHW THE ACES ®motor. $200. Call 324-8659, 69 250.Call3i4-4759.______I ' - . .disk wim ram. t350. Ca 1200! 1977 Toyota Chinook mlnl- spoclal. turbo 400. p/s, |250j 543-4048.______30" barrel, like now. {20C ,2_ ers East’s spade nine wit 9-IB-B 1£1976 MR 250 Honda, loss ?P' -j— CaU734-5310. moior homo. 27.000 miles, t-ith his king. ■ocolvor hilcn, 99,500 ml,, 1972972 (Corvolio, 454 ongino, John Dooro 40. now llro; : ♦ 9 4 man ll: 4,000 mllos, $400. Call uns oood, $995.734-4786 spd,pd, i n o w ^a in t. Call allor 8 - * • rati W inchester 3Ci-3ij,modoi'9'4i q'< relrlg., lollol. now tiros, 25 If Wcsl wins and returnrns the suil. ^'old.s: 4 3_24-6659;______good condlllon, $1500. Ca • mpo,pttcetosoll.$3900. ▼ K 4 2 % 80 Chev. LUV. am/ln- PmS4 [Lko.now.$l75^734-4786 dummy wins and the defefenders get ] 1977*650 Yamaha, includos aflorBpm 543-4159. _ - Call 766-4131 or m ossago ♦ J 9 7 4 3 2 Ja :assotlo, roll bar camDoi 1974974 D alsun 260 Z, low Win'ciioslof Ranncr i:' 7B8.411S. only one .>;pade trick. (I-:,Easl has no ^ falrlnfl, vinyl covor, and lull- ,iheil,k- runs good, $1900 milestiles, exc; cond.. tako ovor <•* John Dooro 55 parts corr guano sholgun, $150. 324 ♦ K3------foface holmol, 9000 ml. $300 or bino,326-5ia5ovos. ;r, spado 1(1 l(?ad when he w 11 ;all boforo 3pm -543-5491 omts.mts. 734-9036 altor 5_____ - i .{* -___ -■ -*605a(ler Sp.m:-;------_ _ 1977 20 ll. Cfulsefn.intor, vm,.hisl,i„c s„„,„ - besl ofler, Hailey 788-9695, - John Dooro 4630 wim duals 'Dobgo chassis, air' cruise,0 . of rliibs.) Uh ------b. 83 Mazda 62000, has shell. 1976976 Fiat-X1/9 sports c a r , '. - : j a ls o 2 IHC 620 press wfioc,hnpt ’2 ga. singlo barroll,-Pera: {6500,837-45a0altorSpm, IS1979 Honda 750K. l ownor, ,7iiidor, . Sloroo, now liros, 30 exc.xc. condlllon, haa: . If West ducks lhe firslrst sp.idc, it ' * ’ alalways garagod. oxc cond. grain drills wilh httch, Call Cal 1979 Class A Concord, >tus mpg, 1 ownor. Ex- romo'omovoabio rool panel; now . * 678-3724.______If! inakos no difference, S( now liro, diamond chain. iolient cond. 734-6487 allor 5 wheelrhoeis a n d liros; . sharp , generator, CD. cruiso. air, ®"“ ‘l' l“ “ ANSWER: TTwo . diamonds. Extra- $950.324-8959 $S eves .______1 ££i! Lockwood 35 ll. potato pTioriTfnr ’2 oago.'’ 3" weaihoiby o/vol\ f i 2000/mako ollor, 825-5095,1. unly one spade trick, scoriinnfilOwir. |„„g ------palmaim job; good storoo. Is ■’* . good cond. $42lf0. Call 3j 324 / Orion 4 choKos, now cond’ r ; 1983 Fireball, 26', rool S cab support, but no reason- is1961 Kawasaki r75KDX, din ory clean wilh real low ;; • {500, firm. 12 oapo 3' ners instead of nine. bike, almost now shapo. I^MeavyTnjcks/Seml's, Iiies. 733-9S52 allor 6 pm. ; - : 5061 aftor9pm .-______lod Qoneralor, microwave S I ,, ,. able alternatiiitive is available. ~ ; t; Browning s/s , lull £ mod. 1, Note that a diam ond leadlc; hy Last $400. 1444 Spruce Avo, or =-■ 979 Subaru, 2 dr. Iron! ; r - MF 4 wheol drive. 3525.■,®5 10! choko, oxc, cond. {400,jm ' much moro, Boaulllul unit. call 734-6959.______^ r Salol 1981 42' Eaoto 1979 hp. loss than 550 hours, IIKc All like new, 733-7275, at trick Ihroe is ;i loser, SSt oulh niffs, J^i'l brulur -iiiriliirilinns to The Acrj, f»0. Ilox >addlo-boll trallor. Like wheel(heel drivo. runs excollont, ,i.; lirm. 734-4797______-i981-Kawasakl-LTO-lOOO., So,toy rC all 654-2167, must-lust-aelWiavo-loo-many-^-*-.^— — :— new.-l26.000.-733-l3?S.------5ih—w h e e i r ^ ‘-O v c rtan dd— r~ (lrnw!Tlriimps'.ln'dTs'UietririsafiTldran •o»js-75::5rwiih'»cif-JiiJrVw3:— ^1“ 270 Rommlngton, scope, rnvrloprpriorrfply. fi ' ■ ?!oood cond. MUST SELL! 964 While • Froighlilnor, ars. 423-4140 (Klmboiiy - NH 1048 2 wido balo'wagon sling and caso, llko nownu, quec"' -.“d. !g liathroom. easy 10 tricks, fl200._C^9%5_417.______cab. V-a. 4 + 2 iransmis ■ $3500, 733-3!)62 or fl23-4560, Cop,ticM. H«7.1'niiwH«7. CrJlutc Syr«Jl«1» iJ IV71, 5 X 4, LWB, tandomsi' loctrlc). ioavom ossano. - : ‘'''I*’ . Call1i26-3292.______1982 Yamaha Maxfm 750. gyj sion,266-7171.459-0561.____ ;ves 5434701 or 733-0649. 1982982 5 Subaru GL Hatchback..' : ...... — nl 9M 'rheYV^l-|on~SWlcV BOO cc 5 sp d , am/fm radio,—- i — r — Parting-out-sovoTBt-Casi $1 combines, lots ol partsPU llkikS’ 124-SnowVehIcles ■ ~ ruck, wiihn^barf~woI(I6f r 1!S-UtililyTrailers 1963IJ Kawasaki GPZ 1100, aoclOOd condition, $3700. Call 1983983 I Honda Accord SE.'ok^ : - now. motors. Caso cab, bol i9M"^raVrs“400"rndy,' gooc unloador. 91 Intgrnationa h(header. Motzlor liros, runs gTg.178-4934 morn or oves. coiienellent condition, PS, PB, •• • cond., strong running u-.g''“ fl' For sale or irado'. 1961 Hon- oood. $2395,733-5173alter3, utomatic trans., powor . parts, sovorai swslhors. Cai Call 766-4991 ovonings. 2v’ 12&-Ulility Trailers W KW Conv., 8V92 Dotrotl, au'o'i' • 625-5593______da CX 500 Cuslom. noW 132-Aulo, Parts & 132-Auto, P artsi ------■ % 1963 Kawasaki KlOO, 823 1x4 i J transmission. 1977 42V» *5'Indows, ?° oloclric sun roof, cond, -trade lor 2 wheeled ,M/FM storoo. - leather • • Puii lypo B row Ennis beai 5 8x18 11,’ dual axlo trailer, Accessories Accessories ' mmiios, now condition, $600, i, Trailmobllo fialbod w/ car earlier with swivol base. Call 734-2510or 734-4646. s'j, oals. Call 324-3558.______, windrower. «5 0 0 .543-5214.5 T las-TravelTrailers Call8_37-4724. 4'sldcs, Soo at 218 W est I PARTS WHOLESALE tattention v.w. owners 9d ■Ides. 1966 Ford 6 x 6 10 5oaL»^ Ave, *39, Jerome. .New Slock ol Bug lenders. ‘69 " Honda 90, 3500 ml, iraiil wtid b o a rd rio r lull siJOd pick- engines and kils. HighwayI rimsn 5 boll patlorn. Call '86Asponcado. iowml.-. iiiio “ ipair, nice cond'., $1.000.733-6597 UD. Call 324-1370. , 30 Auto Pans. 734-7094. ?i wtioot drivo, oxc ropalt SZ_ In Burlov. Idaho. 733-2499. ?8B-3-137allcrBnm . . . now. „ $5500.733-9162 - 175-Aulo 17! D ea le rs...... - - 1^I^AirtoDealers------'{10,900. Farmers Exchangeingo. Laylon r'V sI Slocking NovNew 637-6294 Of 637-4485. ____ & usod. Year end d o se ouiOUI. ------1987 Fall Canceilallons18 Bert HarbauQh Motors Inc. Muat 90N Immodlatolyiloly, 53&«323 or Evos, 536-2416SS' IT^AuloDealeoi I^ A u to Dealers I ^ A u t o Dealers 175-A uto Dealers -I■i 175-AutoDeaLers' ______Ijl i i t J I'sott- ^ s i r ^ ^ 2’” Hitchhikor sellsol - -forbaiancoduo. conlainod.' AC, $7990/lirn '• 25-x32'w/irxl0'door; ■ MAUDES TRAILER SALES • 40’ x60-w/18-x12’8-'door;or; o il W4, ExlIJ_47,,837-4492. _ 42’*56-w/20'x14-door; Vacationer Iravol t(lr.-i977 ------50*xl00’ w/24’ x14‘ door. foaicloan,{4M0,ra:4375,. • Call 206-525-1907______jiT tT j I r«;v ’5 tt' iravol I'railor.' nl’cc ^ P h H p H i H r i 2 Lockwood’ potatVharvest-!??'• cond, {700. Call 544.2758. , e rs, oxc cond. Call 6764724. WiBaHl ------275-iH-wlndfowor-in_go^ ______Slock.1470047003______-• ■■■:- - cond. {2000.1962 Ford 2J:?,l Ion lacks.' 12 voll/iio/propani ' Iruck with W oslorn manure llghls. $2000. 324-4?59, Bit 1987 BUICK LeSAiiABRE SEDAN and food box, $1500, 4 '0" Ion TrooSp.22^.Jeromp ' Powor window s, powor doorWf locks,h pow or driver's ferinizor spreader, ox- $001. AM/FM coMOlto ond muchmoc m oro! ' , cellenl. $600.543-5871. 1971 Nomad. 19‘ soil-con -taine d .G atHI26 33Bt,..... M i ' M I V I ^ 1 ' 9 II Sunn pickup w/ 30------. hydraulic motor, will fll1 all i972"20'"Torry soli-conl. lypos ol comblnos, $1250,1250 g as/eloc Irldgo. ladem axle — P o r M onth >uch good cond, Call 423.5996, .. comploto. Call Couch 60 m onlhs ot 0.9*/. APR, J t Equipment Company. 676- 1974 Taurus 2i' seif-coni :, $15,417.90, Finoncod 0415 lor moro Inlormallon.V Iravol Irlr, now Ures & awn- omouni includos lolos loxX ond or tillo. Offor Ends ““ lngi$34qo.I34-4M2aJiqr6. We'vee Made A Dlleal With Firirst SecurityY B a n k 9/3 0 /8 7 ,5 0 Down PaymenttO.A.C. 0 . / 115-Farm Work 1975 Road Rangeri 2 i\ sell contained, landom axto, 1987 BUICK CENTIITURY SEDAN Wanted sloops 7, super condition.s OnAAll 1983 &IMilewer Usedd Cars & Tru' u c k s Powor windows, bowor dooroor locks, till tloorlng, cruiso control ond lois moroo oxtroloxi - ALLlfYPESOF'mrwliIno;Inn cloa_n.5£3-656§ , plowing, doop llli discing,ing! 1983 19'.^' Road Rangor, 0 1 allothergroundwork, soll-coni, sloops 6, exc, 0 N \ ------p lan lln g , swathing, baling,i n g r ’cond. 734-3156afiorSiio; YOURGHOICCEOF Z J 2 7 4 " P e rM o n th ______------;---chopplno.HoBQef-worHrf«ltWIF ^SSft-Sr^tti-wh^oiTrowISr; ., . picking, manuro hauling.Ihg. dark windows, stoim win­ “ 60-fTionihT-or8;9’/r-APRrSlrSl3:^3T:35rFmoncod' "7------' • Will Iravol. Call 543-6886. dows, awninn. level jacks, ^ o v i amount includes solos foxt ondon lillo, Oifor Ends ’ A SED BEAN HARVESTING like now. I97u 1 Ion duallyally ER600S 9/30/07. Also SO Down Poymonm ontC .A .C . : Direct CUT or in windrow.•ow. Chov All, SCI up to pull, oxc I FINANCINi . Trucks II noodod, servingg In cond, lots ol chromc, ' aroa for 35 yoars.ars. chrome wtioois, running UP TO 60 CAR! AUrgeSecliDDOIUseJI:eil Cars & Im cks ____ board, tail nalo. C.ill 733- !8&TRUUCKS - : Leslie fl. Jonoa Ine,____ L ^ P i . ___ .ra3^58.or3^l81 5907:163 BuonaVislaV i Bean Threshing, Axie-Flo•Flo 5lh Whool Security 22' SC, ------MONTHSS ~IIVSTOCK~ 1986 OLDS CUIUISS > Combine. Irucks avail. Paul’aul AC, Awning, Exc. cond.nd. SUPREME BROUGHAM .... M O ,9 9 5 ^ ------— Holcomb. 423-5627,67S-4946,M6, Soll/lradO'-w/RU-lot-sinallnail— ...... N q' SC Mqlorhomo. 733-1637. CUSTOM...... HAYING, ” b iM i i i r , ig i '64 wildornoss CImaron 29’ swalhing-2 bator, stacking 2 1935 OLDS CIERASEOiUI...... and 3 wide. Call 543-60144 ( % ^ 5 l h w heel, cxc. cond. Call:S That Meanan s A 4x4 ; W 543-4682. , a fe 733-949l days or ovos. 7 0 0 ' Cuslom plowing wilh o | 1987 Fordd F-150-."I wllhout NH 3. also cuslOnty v126-CjmpBrs&Stiells 1985 CHEYHIlLnCftViaiEH.ER M 9 9 5 ------^— swalhinorbalmn-and-stack- ■ Month— - J lnflJ^J,anJ<,unk_o[423:5943, All stool shoii In oxc cono.no. ______Custom-groundlwoik_CalLrr.il w/dIdo rack lor sm standard J984 CHMETCmiLER. • Jim Schlund at 324-2848. T)^7cKU^35?r73W72-4-' Cusforii'Baiino. Jim WoNs.ilis, Cabovor, largo. King Call 537-6525...... campor, very good cond.. ____ - r i ; stovo, frldg.. olc. 324-7612 1985CHRySLERLeBAS0N... Custom polaio harvostina w/lull crow. Trucks avairQll, Campor shell lor 6«4' bod. : n3095Lof32«t58^ oyo5.... w /slorano cornparimont & bed. $150 or bosi ollor. 324- Custom boan ihrastilna , i S i S 6 S i 1985 MERCURYLYHX WAGONCON M 9 9 5 standing or windrow. 1460Jfc 7M5allor5pm ...... ------axial-llow-'oombtnoo-w/beH-joK- .HunletJL_Speciajl_i974.LlL -^1986 P0HTIAC-SIIIIBIR0-:: . unloadors. Call Kip Wooion.Qn cabovor. roai nico. all Ihc^0 Low M ile s ...... 423j4M4...... ■ goodies. $1895-Call 733-4631 = « T or 734-6144. Fairctin'd's custom corn 1988 FORD PICKUP F-250 4 » p o pping. Call 543-4694. Overshot camper lor Import -■ PU. Icobox, slovo. $650, L o a d e d ...... «. 1 M 3 , 5 0 0 : ; FENCE BUTl OING all lypos,^2*5 733-2364 allot 6pm or wknds. . ; Jim Wells, M/-6525 ^ THI!I I S I S n o t a b u vV i D ^ N ! ^ ■ ■ 1972 Explorer, 6 ll. comper.Of Hjm'U 01 ^,l^n p dO' f' (PI It.'.'ja; .Ml, ____.’._H ay and.straw stacking, qo J l. lull -ovcfshol.—flood-cond;- 19S0.CHEVR0LET'/2 TON PICIP ic K O P .™ : anywhere. roasonablo .Call678-8160. . J.'UOO wW 'I'DnUii'*!!'! '9I ------HUII R R Y I N r o o► t A Y . . . -j “ ratos. Call 825-5676. APIUiIMjpoiOyi-J crcJil ’ . Ha/rolrroving. 2 or 3 wido, I 1973 10'^ ' camper, w/ico 1979 CHEViiOlETy4 TON 4X4 box, slovo.iurn.ico. loiiol, ; 734-3554 or 734-5636 - $600. Call 733-864Cevus. MAGICC VALLEY'S LARCiOEST SELECTIONIIM O F U S E D V E H IICLES C FPICKUP...... ? 3 5 9 5 • SEED HARVESTING 1976 Kll 10’.*: II, dvorstjol Alfalfa ‘ Clover' Onion lot 197J CHEVROLET'/! TON 4X4 ' Carrol*Radish campor, stovc-ovon gas/ oloc rofrin, jacks, slftops 8. PICKUP, lo w M ilo s...... * 3 5 9 5 i LoslioR. Jo n e s Inc. $1000 OMjjlor. Call W3-4 648,. '. 73W 58or3?M 161 6 fl. aluminum pickup • Wantod: Corn chopping and oarlago chapping, Sciilos,'' canopy, Ills standard shorl- I 1975 CHEVROLET Vz TON PICKUPPICI M 2 9 5 ‘ ; trucks, ond pacEino avail.l\\ >iqci,,.{M' ^3-8464, ■ (Wo do il aiiir Cell 676-1164154 8’ AiasKan loloscopo30 Of 438-5667.______Camper w /nas rolrlg & CALL TOD. — healer. $650. 733-1549 or ______W anlo^ Custom spud dIgg- nd irucks. For moro informa-in. 8vi it camper In oxcollonl tion call 438-5659 or 43S4001J condlllon $700,3?4-799(i ovo. Wsnlod - somopno lo 6 fl. cam por wllti Ico box, 3 HSH-' ? swatno. chop, & haul 10202 burner siovo, no overshot, ■ p M l p p M scros ot hay Immedialoly.ly sloops 3, good condition. ______NW ol Jerom o. 324-6928. ~

------^ ------— i------:------t------Y I , . i U . ■— Friday, SeptomlinT»rf«:i987 Tlmis^loij.Ta. Twin Falla, Waho C-fl itomotivee~AutontoiDtive-Auti'ramotive 144 6 - 1 7 5

W M W ’S&ATV’S t154-Aut09-CadiIlK IS182-Airt03-Fool3 172.1 7 2 -/^0 8 -Pontiac / BUDGET RENTACAR 193? 19 Cadillac Eldorado". )on't m iss this one! Private 197J1975 Trans Am. PS. AT, PB. / 1957 Chsvy S-10 Blazer 4X4, mimechanically great. Body u rty has 1962 Ford Fair- tilt'tut whool, louvres. $2000 or AC, AT w/ovordtve, PS, P8, anand lnlerk>r very gooo. nonont, 4 dr, AT, PS. PB. air, ^best.733^after2pm. Uit, CRjIss, power windows S2S2750 or try offer. See at |k(Ike new throughout. $ ^ . & door kKka. AM/FM. 3 col- Abboll's ^ Aulo Sply 733-2049. Ull 4364240 or *3frj667. <73 Septitember Clea ors to chooae (rom, approx ig 173-Autoa-Plymoirth arance 1977 Cadillac Coupe doVille. 1 0 .0 0 0 m l!e s.* lM ^ 01 •or sale: 1965 Ford Galaxy, _ J ONE OWNER, e x c.-co n d i- ,glew motor, only has I8,0w' I97i19S sporty • - Plvmoutn - •• CaaRowSSMOOOor tlon. tic $2295. Call belore 10 nil s - 450^4 attofePM. ,n miles, new llres, starter will VoliVolare. AC. new brakes. / TRUCKS am or after 6 pm 734-6689. [JJ,lot work, trans tempermart- googood llros, $eso/ot(or. Call I BUOQETRENTACAR 'i960 i» Cadillac doVllle. $7900. UlUl but witl work. Molor and 7^763orh3-2201. 7 ^ 1987 GMC S M isn K 7600.S4M660.543^31. sodan.-AC.-tllt S« wheei.-good see at 825 Sparks. ------.... _1964 Toyola 4x4, extra cab, tiros.- Vl 1 owner. $1200. Call ^79-'79 Ford Thunderblrd, near Tbuckot seal. 'AM/f M 423-5666.------now'radlartlrbs, oxc cond;~ CARS •' cassette. tSOOO. 324-6940. 1977 19 Nova. AT. sun roof, $1900 $19( or best. Call 733-4831. r 19S6 Chevy Suburban, dual oxhausi. black, V-6. '64 ^ T-Blrd. loadod. exc. : Sllvorado pkg. (roni and $1200.Cali934-St56. H cond. MUST SELL. Call 1987 Cadillac 4 Doorlo r i , 5 « ...... ♦18,69S" roar air, front and roar heat- 1980 19 Chevy Monza, oxcol 32M299ovoSjJ«eog_l2^ 328- or. completely loadod, low cond. cc with Alpine stereo. R A IS E ^ ^boF-COLClORTv' 1985 Ford LID 1,672.n ...... » 5,495»* mileago, Call h4-2808. After has ha sun roof, will lake bost .ei 6 c a » ft^ M 9 .______ollar. o(, Calt 733-1870.______16&-Mercury&Uncoln New 1987 Ch«levrolet Converssrsion Van I9B5 Celebrity 1167616 ...... » 6 ,3 9 5 “ 19B7 Chovrolol Suburban. 4 1980 19: Camaro. AT, PB, PS, —BUDGETRENTACAR j , wheol ddve, 350 gas, all tho Sanyo Sa steroo, bra. nice 1986 198£ Morcury Sable 4 dr. BI y V a n t a s y luxurlos. Kim H ansen's whoels wr and tires, 25 mpg, ^C. AC, AT. PS. PB, tilt, crulso. #7-285 1987 Chevrolet Spectijctnini i,iS 3 ...... personal demo. Yoar ond very vo good mechanical con- AMi ...» 6,995** S \M/FM steroo. roardolrost. Power p windows • Power c closo out price. Great S4iv-' dlllon.$3000.734.5760. ^ pow>owor mirrors. $10,795. • door locks • Air condltlonironing • Intermittent ' 1987 Pontiac GrandAirlAm » ,5 5 j...... »10,395“ SjIngs. Call today! ' . 1967 isi Chovrolot Suburban. 4 CallRoger38»-i090or < 'wipers w • Stainless stool mirrtirrors • Front stabilizer bar • HH. .D . s h o c k s • H.D. Kim Hanaen s Chevrolet__wh —..45e^4alter6PM ------gj springs • Cruise conlrol •• 3350 fuel injected engine •> 4 speed; automatic - — ______• iu>luxurlos. Kim Hanson's 19^ ' 1987 Chevrolet C otjic^icaiiM s...... ::^:;:^:: 977 Cougar 4 dr., has boon ' » 9,«95- ^'76 Dodgo club cab. 3/4 1. personal poi demo. .Year end rellaellablo Iransportalion. overdrfvs ^ transmission • 33 gal. fuet tank • Tilt steerir>ering wheel • H.D. a/t. cruise, am/(m cassette, clocloso out price. Great Sav- neoileods palnl S body work. battery bi • Front appearance9 fpackage • Full gauges • VistVista bay windows • 1987 Pontiac GrandAilAm 1 , 5 4 7 ...... low mlloa, new flal bod. now IngIngs. Call today. KIM noo( ...»I0,295“ 5IJ lOOd rubbor. AC. $425. Call \r,iow finder Venetian blinds^ llroa, 5lh wheol. 7344554___ HANSEN'S CHEVROLET ?3J-133-1461 aflorS.______V Dia-Mag elumlnum wheels)els • 6 year-60,000 ^?&:^221.______■ ig y mile warranty • Roof rack 8 1987 Lincoln Iow n CaiC ar 1,607 ...... »19,295- f'64 Chov. SIO. VB, club cab. S « 983 Morcury Lynx, 47.000 : & ladder • Lighted running,ig . bt o a rd s • E n d u ra 5 apd. loadod. Ins. shell. '7676 Mallbu Classic, a/l, a/c. mllo.Illos. 4 spd. $2995. Will take seating SO package • Tri-fold sofasc bed • Oak trim packagege •< O ak lower wall winch, exc. cond. 733-4699 pii it i . A dr.. llll, cruise. da.900 iradi•ade-lns. Call 837-6365- gg 1966 Chevrolet ChevelIVeltB 1 ,608...... c o n s o le • O a k m a g az in e racrack • Aluminum step well platespla • Protedkin » 3,?95" i■85 Chevy SIO Blazor, 4x4, nl. EXCELLENT CONDI- 7984 ^ More. Lynx. 2 dr.. ox- roal sharp, all the oxtraa. TON 734-64a7aftorS el. cond.. llnhi bluo. $2990. package P2 • Rear overheadid console > Audio vox H/C #1160 stereo - - 1988 Chevrolet Spectrictniniii!7s ...... „.,i-5,9-9-5?? -KJ-low-mllotrserlous-lnquirles- -/9.79-Camaro.Borllnotta..p/s, .Anal.nole734-7^or-734-3373. ------pa-package-»-Lighted-vanlty-mii only. Days 733-2679. Gom p>/b, it p/wlndow. a /c. a/t. Tiim5r-»-ContInenlal-tlre coverver-*-TV-Overhead ------State Rep! Afler T. 733-7001 ~ cruirulso. am/lm cass. steroo. ------— ,— COconsolo • Safety & EPA stickc:kers Affixed 1988 Font I a n s WaeK a jo n 1,586 ...... »I0,495“ l« 22CO/of for. 7^3-QOSI 79_Camaro..Borl|DOtla,,350 lS&~Au(os - Oldsmobile 1988 Chevrolet Cavallifalier4-Door-i,6o,T.%rr.7.T;;^ -» a -A n liq u fl Aulos------^ —^-SUPERIOR-Q ^>RICE=^ = ^» 6,895^ :£< Njg— quick,—a /l—etf;—tllf; -t^K/j uiasmobllo Della 86~ QUAtlT?^=«W^> CAR SHOW cry 0.000 mllos. new llros, runs 1986 Chevrolet Colehrehrity i,5 « ...... •...... » 6,495^’*l Tho Th, Lynwood Shopping ii^ reat. $500.733-6420 . Cenlor is reliving iho I950's '62B2 Camaro Borllnolta. t-top, 19^7577 Olds Cutlass Supromo, WasV $22,795 1986 Pontiac SonbirdN. J ____Bl Polilln.Rd ______* 1980 Dodge Colt 1,63,6 3 , ...... ;.-»- 1,2 9 5 " ! S1959 Chevrolel Impala. 2 d r ' ^ hardlop. comploto, 733-9434. 733-3033 175-Aulo Dealers 1 re-Auto Dealers . ^ , 1988 Chrysler ConloliaOIh i i 6 , i ...... 1960 Thunderblrd. oxc cond, ^ ...» 1,995“| |$2700 or Irade (or gooo wheel line, Call 436-9301. -■ 1979 Ponliac Grand PriXl,58,7T:n77;7TT^.~Pr Ti I,995?JI^ 00 you have unused._ pholo oqulpmont In your ^ 1978-OldsmoliilrCiillj ,^,493!mfi5ShomorEnchangoinorcasn— with a quick-acting -I l9 7 7 Jh m d ertilrd 11,6,i 6 ,2 ...... ».J,295«f ;la9$illedad______- . - 1 , — l^rTl>ir • j^NOREASCiONABLE OfFEtERREFUSEdJ 1S2 l52-AlJos-'Bulci( ...... I ® I ni»/i 1 ownor. 1967 Wildcat. 430-4 engino,=8l.e00 mlies.-4 floor-* hardlop. AC. AT. PS. PB, I ffldf!radio, radial llros. J750 or 1 GONPAULCWoHEvim Deal odor. Spradllng's Tex­ aco, Dav!d54is252.*^s. ■ mimaji IKS m ^1^ Bulck Eloclra. 51.0M l e i Moclric seals, windows! H 901 S. Lincoln J e r o m e i^all 324-2584 allor 5 pm . or i 324-3900 ?3465ifi100. at Nato's Sorvlco /ontor. 1034 N, ■ Lincoln, i 'Jcroiloromo. tISOO.______TAIKEYfllURC B r a c iEjEU iiDIE J — mifZBrandjVe!evjH987BivimoicP_ WW325S— i I' : A NgiDlDIIC ® e¥O i 325lg*;;| « ;9 % -A.P.R. — ^ F— F i r a A i v c i i ■ ■ H1 i ■ H S B S l i ■ 325* 325i* ' ~ v ~ Bainroom Spoicaii : Q.W.Cons(nTctlon,324-2a<■^805 I . parts & sorvlco,SSSS" di ..... ■ “ ■ s S Kig. i :; shlnollna, painlino, ! remodels. addilloriB, upallo ■ Vicos avalL Tom 73 ■I ' covora. docka. sny bulldl■ulfding J I ■.;,job.bloor,8mall., . _____ ; - i - . Con Water------1 ------■ r ~M~". fibmodoling.' ropair4”mr p i S i T - j j — ' ■-'MnorFroe’osiimaioanr ■ WETREATWATEFTER SOFTLY | E h H I - d n i Y ^ , 1 oxpetlonco.Pt)ll,42M35: ■<353- . . 559Fa1lsAvoiVvo.W. _ I ------.■ ------^TFr)0«301i7:i734;3088------l - . — L o t-m o -t ■ quailly^%/ori^rMso°nBbi5 w T ■ ratos. Call,:all734MS37. | ^ MAGICVALLEYINTERIOB i o r a ■ J l Orywall Spoclallst. Wo. Wo do ■ ' M M I IT'S THIHE p .-u. any Inlotlor-wood o r mo m I . Cleaning, wall p • I .. , Froo Esilmatoa. 733-7092. ■ homo, o"flcea &iffi'a., c ; ^ . ■ . bld8.423-5994or42 light ncajflortfWi.plutu*, ic.tndtani* Morn, — I 2 D4TPA1NTINQiepQrtflcwi... J ______■ Pfofosslonal wai rO U R . ■ ■ " Lotustiolp.Llz&C : s e m1CESI>EaALTY i I I 734^37 I INTHBIIBDKECIOflY I ?’ Dollvorod for drivewayt ' I - parking lols. olc. Youw ca yT I t irUI rMCti a.000 ■ naul too. Call Northwotcan . ______AINTINQ ~ I v S & lW jm I -Cren«&Rlgglng.733-l2».twost I SUNSETPAIN .KS2 52211 ■ 7ssr“% I -ss|w A j j r ------S S W . : 7 £ £s*«liT.i5*;Sr^ r ■ yoor a ® .•Ii1>rTRUN GRAVEL, dol'd. ______■ b e m o st tffi f«?0 yard loads. $S/yard. t results you. tr e . S r “ I ______» C l 2 ytird loada.U/yard. . Ouano’5 Customg , . r " " 8 i ! . ■ > .>1" max. rock, n /y d . oxtra.- sis. Oiscount - . ^ .y : I^ a fp h Wilaon...... 734-203 I Interior 4 Ext ■ houses. Froo osls.478:______i ______7S73MMI * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ raloa.Call733-5478 ■ ■ A l mm mmm ~r~ ^ ■ I '. C-10TJmO3*Now»,lTwin Falls, Idaho Friday,iy.S8ptembef18.1987 i r i t i l l SEIm HQ m IF l il A I LC 1 0 ^ S lE-O>111R — ili^ NCOLN/MIiE M D I)EALEKOiiira F E iRPRIGESLIIlIKE-THISh — JM m


11J >• ^ ***' S\

Sole price~S8.012.05,. 9 9 7 . APR. 72 monlhs. f. 52,591.75, Idol dofcfft , fofol in te rest rred prico $ n , 004.40. soles» tax ; and dos- I So\WN lin o tio n ch o rg o s nor inclicludod. e r aHONJTH I t up'*?'* C H IC K O U R l o o g » » ^ » ” ^ow iN Tinnr ^ — 0«B*c»r*»^ HATIS

T99877rtEi;RCHRY1 • Front wheelel drivei • Deluxuxecarpet •TOPAZ 1988MlAERCUR* Y TR A< • Halogen headlamp; CER . • AM/FM radicdio • Conscis c le tte « p= ' aufVo* • Front wheel driveive • Tinted glass • 2.3 litre engine • Power brab ra k e s • Power mtrroirors • Tachoh o m e te r « •“ • A M /F M s te r e o • Power steet • Dual note horn ering • Rear windindow defroster • Radial tiress • H e o vivy ) duty battery • k* • Deluxe interior • Radial tires • Locking glove box isitwr- s • Heavy dutJuty battery • Power brokekes • Tintece d g la s s , • W arning ctiimes OfCourseFrereeOII A sL ong AAs You Own Youru r N ew C or------

0 0 luTPt o I Al Use ars! ' i ■ 1979 MERCUIIVMARI1UI! - 5 = : ; - Gid-£»• ■ Gs ■' ~ ' ------8«oulifuMullt'-«quipp«d^ WAS $2995 ...... ■ r _ " Mrcfyy CM .______Floor mounlod transmission " - rf»t: W A S $2495 ...... f4 f I I ______HUBRYJN-TODDAYI-THESE WON'T 1981 FORD FAIRHOIMT 'T lA S n 0 H 6 ! “ S To-tono. oir, powor JlooringngSbtokoi. H If _ WAS $2895 ...... 8 8 9 ------W 8 4t^ONTttrenW ^ wms^*w----- V-8. aulomotic ovcfdrJfdrivo Ifonimijiion, oir conditioiitioning, lo-tono gold ond block. powor door lock*, low.owmlloj, I ownor. . 1984 MERCURY LYN IH-J7.41. Just Ifodo-ln, whlK'NX lilo in color. “ _ J v | 1 9 8 5 CtIHEVY BLAZERR4X4 WHOIESAIE W A S $4995 ...... Just liko now, absoluloly loloadod. Including powor windovsidows. powor door locks. BOOK 6 8 8 outomotic Ironsmission. oirr conditioning,ci cruiso control. PRICE,...... 1979 LINCOLN MAR» S i S i _ W AS . "Z^l(6 8 8 $ 1 2 . 9 9 5 ...... — 1974-CHEVY-lHPi1PALA------^ -----^IT^SCtOSEOllUTTIMIATTHEISiSEN MOTORS— *“ niAS it Good Trantporlalion. -1985;HERGURY-LYN'Neooo^-j -1981-VW-PIEKUP- #2-4914. Tu-lono, lowmilos Long bod wilh covor, low mile 1976 MERCURY'COMET C WAS $5495 ...., ...... m - W AS $3695 ...... ‘l l . . . t m r - ______Po«i>L»tooi;i.ng.Qnd brokirokci______^35 W A SS695 ...... ^ W H983 MERCURY-C0UlUGAR— -1982-CHEVYiMPAlfl Just ofl looso. fully oguipood f - g g - Bluo, local I owner. 1979 CHRYSLERSLeBARON 1 | W A S $6995 ...... W A S $4695 ...... V-8, outomolic Ironsmiisnijsion. I f : i 0 \ ^ 3 8 ' r r • WAS 51095 1985 MERCURY BROOUGHAM $ ^ a lu-tono. local I owner, cruiso 1980 LINCOLN MARK iso control. “ ^ Nico cor wilh oil tho foaluros. W A S $6995 ...... 1980 FORD FAIRHMT r I f f f W AS $5295 ...... i i i ^ • - 2 DOOR. ______W ASJJJ35__.._. iMMJS-fi ■ 7 ^ - . JiyOOGEiLTOILU 1C K $^^ local I ownor. low milos. ^ 1979 F0RD7ir0 W A S $4995 ...... Rod. floor mouritcd ironitsnimijiion, W AS5t795 ...... 'S U: 1984 GRAND MARQUI 1 ownor. oxcollonl condition.1. ■ ” L'-----1'----- , , 1973 CADILLAC Didbville :i W AS $52 9 5 ...... 1 ownor. bought now In MogicM Valloy. , I8 i WAS $1895 ...... _' 1985 LYNX 5 DOOR [ i i kisiaH RIffiM IIR ...flrighl ..J red. low mllos-...... WAS $5895 ...; ...... 'rngrciTOAiWM . ^ 5 ^ Light bolgo. ironl whoolol dldrivo. 1 9 8 5 1 DATSUN 300IZX i 1 8 1 I , RomovobloT-top, AM/FM »toitoroo cossotio, powor windows. WAS $2195 ...... dltioning, fti. cruiso control, alrcon- 1986 LYNX WAGON ; Cii @) JJusl off Ioaso, froni whool drivi ; 1982 PONTIAC PH('HOENIX g ; NADA W AS $6295 ...... : * 5 8B 8 i Sllvorin color low mllos.-JS.--' - - ; — ' OVER I ------w A S ^ m s ? : ...... ; 512,000'....;..: 1986 GMCS-15—~ r^# 8 8 - § 8 8 ^ 4 i spood transmission. ■ c W A S $6995 ...... 'Emmett Harrisonons ((•iiinoilen nai Includfd. Foctory.«bai,i'nullnndinptlM. „ I T lHE CM ------Foriri Over l S 33 Yea Iiars The EasitiestIHI Placer\ni The O World m S 701 MAI^IN AVE. E. dJlO-Buy A Car( ______Twi/in Foils - — — 73^i3-7700-B V______* .______* Idaho Cominmission ‘HamburgerrH ill’: jy on Arts to gget input ‘Visions’ inI BoiseE Run-of-the-mmill fare I combines talalents of y at local mec>eting — 03 on Vietnam IW ar-D 3 I i v __ Idaho artiststs -D 4

X " Peatu:tures, F ri< 1 = pH Frlday,Seplember ei181.1B87, l l X entertairlinment

Celeb])rities airriving -M

for go])lffund-^ is e r r ^ ByTheTimea-Ncwfl — E -- T W IN FALLS - EvEven if watch- rg e r ^ p le i ing an action-packedted golf game PM " " leaves j^ 'u a Uttle cold»ld, this week- It^ - , end’fl to u rn a m e n t n t thrtfaitari .^' Country Club mayy still be of |L . rtist Dann Barsmess thrilllls interest. IP •’s-delight,-the ------' tournament will featuntu re a gaggle of a i M = in finTdm§f^mpt&nmrg=t1^at-cgood'faace celebrity golfers including incl Jim Brown, fonner runninging back for the Cleveland Browns; CorCorey Young of •. Genera] Hoapital, Dynasty, and •. Knots Landing fame; fa Marc ; ! - M cClure, w ho played1 ththe role of re- porter Jimmie Olsen1 irin Superman w • ••. • I,II o nd III; R obert Prosrosky. w how as " H i ! the squadroom's Sgtgt Stonislaus f l p .•-.J. Jablonski on.Hill Strec;root Blues; P at-!-"-S J-— H • I • M ous, w ho plays crui:nii«e director Among.I Julie McCoy on The L( { stars on hand uill be Gail R ae C arlson, formi“ /to- ciaK lous and Marc eral Hospital, who nowlow co-stars as McCIwlure, top: Gall Rae Linda Chambers on TheTh< New Mike Carlson>n andi Robert Prosky Hammer Series. barbecue tonight at 7 p.m. ■ Golferis w ill tee-off■.t a t 10:30 a.m;, S S ”nr’ today, Saturday and Su are $30 each, which in- ^ ' . n ::— tator-tickfltfl Are 1 1 0 -p ipectatorpass. . arc avaiiablo at Roper's, ;u7day, uie celebrities will ~ The Bon, the College c dinner show. Tickets are ____Id^o, and,at_the.countr fl. Cocktails will be served wjy eta will also be sold o t th .m.-. d in n e r to follow a t 7 : " “ grade ond Trans IV w :w ards banquet will com- ' ahuttle transportation weckend. The dinner is who do not want to driv 1 to begin Sunday at 3:30 I ateep ro a d leading to thes s ? “ cts a re $2 0 . ceeds from tho weekend* For those who enjoyoy rtibbing el- long eventata will benefit the College bows w ith celebrities,, chcheck o ut the of Southemm Id ah o Foundation. T ^ack^i)nV‘Baa i’Tfiming good ni(lovefor Iratings

By DEN N IS McDOUGALAL • Billboard’ss ; associate publisher and Los Angeles Times veteran chaihartmaster Tom Noonan, It is a taleale full of detailed data- HOLLYWOOD - Byy common c as- reporting techniques,' t( timing and -- sent, - Michael -Jacksoi(son's-- "Bad"-marketing; strategies;'st ■ ------ilnlj^-iUis-a-casc-sludy-tn.^ -^j “Thriller” LP was — ar and Is — the shrewd mimancuverlne __ by___E p ic- - No. -1— sellln g ~ re c o rdrd " album ifTUccords tb‘‘« 0 ensure thal "Bad" will - Tlmij-NewjBholiBholo/SKVeSAVESON ' America. Il has been virvirtually from debul as thelie No. 1 album in America Dan Barsnessss ’ portrait of his wife, d(done In pastels, won Bes the day It hit the rccordrd stores Aug. when It fina: 3est of Show at the TwinI FallsF County Fair thisI yearye nally does appear_on_tlie______By.SHANNON-CORPRCION ------hig! ___31______^—— ------charisnexfw1 week. th'ifto^tera shbw brnot."”L” :: Times-News correspondedent “]“It’s fun, a nd o f course I rea So why is il nowhere; loto be seen on "B ecausee they released it the really eryoy w inning . Banirsness says, however, that I an lat the benefits of the olficlal Billboard magazine ma Top week beforere L abor Day, there’s no in award,” he says of the10 1 fair’s annuol art enteriiring shows become clear whwhen you’re prc- FILER — Dan Barsnm ess, tho tall, aoft- sho'how. “B u t a nationaLshow is 100-selling album s chartirt this week? way wc coulauld get accurate reports s V is a lot stiffer com- sentining a biography to a n a r t gallgalleiy in te re ste d . spoken, black-haired artiitist whose work won petiletition and if you win son Pop fans must be wond(nderlng: Whv because nf'f,m tr syslnm," Noonan- - e som ething thoro. it -in vom d lim e th is year a t the me« (he "cliiii Lgiip ? , said. "It app neons a lot mone. Butt I enjoy w inning “Itt |gives you some credibility ippcars lo be bad liming Twint Falls County Fair,, ssays hc wants to be any lility, a t least in It Is a long story, acaccording to 'S e e 'S nything, onytim e.” some5 people’s opinion," he si ‘BAD’ on_Page D2 kknow n as more than ju s t a portrait painter. B ! says. “They've Barsness is no strangiinger to national judgeded your work oa worth sometl “If I have any special abability, it would bo in com nothing.” ompetition. The 37-yeor-old•old F iler a rtis t re- B anirsneas, who grew u p in Buhl, portraits at’this time," bb uhl, began taking T l i P Bays Barsness, whose centently won th ird place in tho10 WV est C oast P astel privoti 20x30-inch pastel portrait ito a rt lesaons o s 0 teenager,jer. / 2 lit o f his wife, Carol; Sociociety show for th e aam e poportrait of his wife “I hi / took t< top honors in the_anni had an interest in drawinging little nnimals inual.jair.competitionr-thatlot-won Best of Show at nt the Twin Falls when : Check 1 7 ^ ^ . T y ] ...... “] 1 I was small. In high scho Barsnc89’~wnning port a-very excellent-teachernndind-Meamed'a'lbt------rtrait, entitled “Tho - of' thetl American West in-LogLogan, U tah,-and 0 - from hi _ granger & at the Party," de her," hc so y s...... - ...... iepicts; a woman in a thinlird plocC-and_McriLof-HQnnonor-at-the Salmon— r-He-a ■Tiot~pirik~hot””ahd"area8 si -also-Btudicd-nrtibrtwo'ycayGarranho'Col: ------=— ^ on an upRoT” Riveiver ju ried show in Idaho. lege of Arts and stered chair. . . of Southem Id ah o ; th enI tookto. a year at d crafts sfTowiin park “A lot of people don’t rcalirclize th a t you spend Boise(State. S “T h a t’s about tho fiflh piportrait I’ve done for monore to e n te r a ju rie d ahow son som etim es th o n it's Sinc

PUicasso’s5 secrett affair arthedlby art hiiistoria I The Aasociateded ]P re ss given 0 to Miss Lcspinassso dur- oft c things look at tho 10 little ■ I ^ ^ ing the! affair. The collection, cdining room ... you knowlow how U j t I ^ W YORK -— Pablo Picasso owned I zw by William McCarty rm uch I love you ... T il tome3morrow i B H devoted a series oi ^ ^ s o f sketches and, Cooper,, vw ill bo exhibited for th e my r love it is veiy' lato at 1 M l paintings to a sec: at night .. I se c re t lover w ith first tim___ w ra te in French;______&-friends,—Gertrude—Stein- —AP-UMtp^tOI______, watercolorr aiand love letter la In ~ ; phyofthepainter.er. “Gaby’ my1 love my angol I Alice A B. Toklas. Patislelenne Gabrlelle Lesplnasilasse, Tho magazinee 1 received per- lovo you n O cto b ei’s Hoiuewe and Garden magazine my darling and I think Richardson said thisis m ay , in a phototo possibly taken by PI&Picasso mission to publishsh ttho art works only of yoio u ... To take your mind < • See LOVRP P y p ______i 'win Falla, (daho Friday, Sep>eptemborl8,1987 ^ B a d ’^ i I G A d e> b u t ^ gi r r a n t s — • Continued fromPageDl.fro -Runiumors a t press tim e hav c d s Epic bccause whenen It does debut on Jacksonwn album on their chart,” HlbHlls V - « our charts, it's sure•e lol( be real high." reporletted In this week's issue. The Tht ^ . I BOISE — Professional; aartists con den needa or r opportunitiesop th a t are Debuting at thee N No. 1 spot is not magazlrizinc, which publishes Its owiown ...... I now get immediate finaocncial asais* ' available forr a lilim ited tim e and th a t unprecedented, butul irare. Elton John recordd chart,( went on to say: "OuiOur I tance of up to S600 throufugh a pilot will eohancoe theirth work or career." ___ has done il twice,, Bruce Bi Springsteen reports:Is show (“ B ad” ) moving betteitier I • program offered by the Idi[daho Com* Bolea add. ■did it once and Whil'hilney Houston did than 2-1 2> • over the nearest comom- I mission on the Arts. Exarnples aheshe citcd include mate- - it a s recently as thi W W- three months ago. pclitor.ir. _They_(Billboard) must-be I According to Anna Mararie B oles, ria l for compleiipletion of work'sched------B ut Jack so n 's previo•vious album s — In-:‘short on or their weekly reports from nm t t, UiB-uled-ftftrggPigallery show, rental of eluding__ the__ all-11U-tlme— b e s t^ H e r—Bulgarljirla'aifd'HIhsIc:" SuddenOpportunityAflBiatiatasce Pro- equipm ent forbr a suddenly available ■5 V ' “ T fifliler” — did nolnot debut at No. 1. " it wasn’t wi y e n close,” said Hits^Its gram will give profesaionalal indepen- perform ance) op]opportunity, materiala ------Lllce most-lop^eliinjiingalbumy,- lttook“ editor-in••In-chief E w n y ^ ^ r . "OurouF|aBBM 9M ae dent'artislsimmodiato fintn a h 'd ^ os- for a f61k'arts~pts prbjDcror study with------a few weeks for JacJackson’s previous reportsts showed thal 'Bad' soidiold 1 aiatance to take advantageje o f oppor* a m en to r who10 iais available for a lim- album s to rcach Biiibiilboard’sToplO . 295,000010 U 105,000 fo r'L a Bam ba’.” txmitica to advance their: workv a n d ited tim e. One of the enterlainm cni ent In- The: LosL Lobos-dominated soundund pH^pm m ifU careers.( A total of $3,6000 1haa been ApplicantsB mustm bo independent ------d u stry 's long-standlinding m axim s is track forfoi the movie based on the life JC I (/ ’ Ialloted. o f w hich $600 iag iavailable professional.ar_artiat8,_BtJeaat-lS ------that success. Jjreed;jeds^success. And of 1950sOs rock slar Rllchle Valeas re- iLLu/ - ifor difftributionT or eacfiich o f six y eara o f age, amand a resid en t ofld ah o _____ w h at can be m oreisuccessfurthanan su mafned■d No.I l In Billboard this week,^ek, ^ 0 r : ‘ ..-7------n ,-r-r ~ - -- -...... ------grants{ deadline*—------fop tw o o r moreQore-conaecutive-years.------a lb u m -s ta rtin g -aat-the-lop-of-th®-but-ii-w, t- -^as'displaced-on this -week's ------Thoao-deadlincs'aro’Octictirand Thia is a compotitive grant - charts? Hlls chaihart. Nov. 13. 1987. andjJan._lt.16,.Marcli_prognun.!lBolca sics aaid.J!ao nil nppUca------Jackyn has madeide no secrcl of hl3i .j.'iLwa:wasn!Lany-declslon-we made,—e,— :;n8rMay 20 and'July 22,19£988. tions vrill bee ccconsidered based on com'pctltlveness. as evidenced, for Beer said. sa "It was Just thal thetlie T “Funda through th e Sududden Op- three reviewV ccriteria: Qualify of ". instance, by aI imuch-publicized reportss (of retail sales) showed/ed portunify Program will be I made work/professionilionaliam, merit of the : obsession with beinjsing menlloned as dearlyy thata it was N o.l." 1available to practicing pro:rofeaaionol propoacd auddedden opportunity and ___ e_^llen as possible In the "Guinness Mostt,.. trade... publication ..record3rd. B B B B B B ili— artiBtain.Idaho wbaencou]lunter sud* fmandal fcaaibilsibility."-...... - v .B ook of World Recoecord^." When he charts; areai based on weekly.reiwrtsr t s ...... - ______I f t ______APUs.fpholo_ Sudden Oppoipportunity is on exton* — -^ -^ a h n o u h c ^ a SlS'mlillilillon endorsem enl-of-salcs* cs-or-radio'alrplay.~norm‘ally% M ic h a e l J a c k s oion’s i ‘Bad* Is No. 1 selilnjIng album in U.S. aion of the-con-commiaeion's Appren- - /contract wilh PepsH}sl-Cola 18 m onths called IrInto the publication at the ticeship/Fellowalswahip Program and i ‘ ago, he inviled a Guii Guinness official lo beginniniling of cach week. In Billboard was unablef loI get com- report th at t" " B a d ” is No. I this week. Picasso ■ “ has been develoveloped in reaponse to r«lhe press confen(erence to tell Billboardard’s case, 80 perceni of the plete and accurate sisales figures While theie album Is nowhere on theIC needs expressedsed by artists. ^Treporlers thal het hadti; set another retail sa sales reports are made on when its chart researarchers made Billboard chart, there Is a • Continued from P’ageb| Dl Further infor^formation about and — .rZ-recordi-mosl-money I ey ever.paid a cel* -Mondaysjys.------^ ------•------Iheit-wcekly checks Friiriday, Sept. A, disclaimer.cr.on Page 3 ot the Sept. 199 hav^lMen ^cau8c..piciicosao. was-QPpUcotiona-fbr- for - Sudden - Opportu*------_ r'ebrily in _a _produ oduct^endorsement . B ut whwhen a Monday-falls on a.holli.dIL—according-toNoonan;—- — ^issue-whiclrtcli—tfA platns^Btliboafd’s's-fluppoflediQibe_deepiy!jipi -i ipflctrabQUC TiitgA B gistance! kf.?|contractrr-^=^- —" ------9ay, asis It did over Ihe L a W Day>ay He said that 29 so-c)-called "rack position. NoNoonan said lhal the arti-1- hial lover E va Cfouel, who1 vwaa dy in g tain ed from Ann.^nna M arie Bolea, A rts !-• By effectively deia'claying the official weekend, nd, the retail sales reports at jobbers" who service rmany ot the cle is an attattem pt to "be honest withh of( tuberculosis, or becauause Miss Programs Mano(inagen Idaho Commis- ::"B ad" Billboard deb debut a full week Billboardard arc delivered Friday,ay, nation's department aiand discount our readers’rs” by describing how andd Leapinaaae] woa “involveved" m th Bion on th e Arta\rta; 304 W. State St., - : beyond the album’s's rrelease, Jackson Noonan n said. Cas'hbox magazine,ne, stores, and another dozlozen or more why the exexhaustive and time-con-1’ iLcspinaase. Boise 83720; 208208/334*2119. ~:has made sure thathat he becomes which 1 handles Its album' salesles major distributors didI notr have ac- sumln'g chart ch; methodology that>t Misa LespinaBse wavaa b o m ' - am ong th e few to entienter the charts al reports U s the same way, aiso failed lo curale sales figures lo0 report Sepi. BIJIboard usesl cannot be com-I' (Gabrielle Depeyre in Parisris m 1888 : 'N o . 1. T h ai gam e plaiplan Is not unprec- show th< the Jackson album on Its 4. This delay m eant lh;that Billboard promised tlthrough guesswork. In andi waa 27 when ahe metet Picasso, Icd en ted — indeed,1, i Arista Records charts thisthi week. heard from fewer than1 770 perceni ot order to mnainlain a a high degree off who\ woa seven years older.r. ' released Whllney Houston’s Ho second “Epic ( lc did a real good Job of shlpp-jp- Its reporting outlets inI time t for ..this,accuracy aiand integrity, the sale^ Richardson said it wiwos clear :: album just before! theih July Fourth ing It on a holiday weekend,” said lid wcek’scharls. reports onI “Bad”“ were delayed one2 Picasso,i who lator marriiried twico . - holiday lo take advadvantage of the Spencei BBorland, Cashbox vice presl- :sl- H its,.w hich deals stri(rictiy with in- wxek,_accord)rding lo.thearticIe._ ...... —.. £and had-many mistrcssea,'la.-woa e n ~ ^ .Billboard chart gap.>■...... dent. dividual retail oullels;; can deliver omorcd by Mias Leapinassc ■ Billboard’s policy/ olof holding up the Becaus* sc b u t th a t MJ luse "Bad” was shipped to statistics quicker and. saccording lo "B ui you’cu ’d have to be an idiot lo® ahe ^ rejected him. She dit : charts during holidaylay weekends took wholesale iied about alers and distributors Mon-m- Beer, .more accurately ththan cither of nut know it it was out in the stores,: 1970. j some playful ribbing)ing from an In- day, Aug.ug. 31, and many retailers did lid ils two competitors. Th:'hat, he says. That's whyly we ran ihe article,” Richardaon, former hhead o f lUSANDS nt ; dustry competitor, HILHlls magazine. nol gett Ill until Thursday, Sept. 3, is why tho magazine v id. ( was able lo Noonan said. Christie’a USA, aaid he wavaa unab le ' DURING to track Miss Lcapinaesc.do™ c be- THEISENN MOTORSM FINAL ^ ffore she died but did asksk Picasso P______aabout the portroita. “He w™cloarly a DAYS OFF CLOSEOUTCi TIME C a lem d a r ------^------ddelighted at aecing them. in i- but jOIMolnAv.ive. E Twin Foils ------t—tatcd-at.bcing^cminded-olof-an-«pi— ------73; ’ ' If you Aaue an item Drown's I - 733^7700— '^------'em for The B Band. Refreshments will bcb^ TWIN FALLS - The w(works 'ofBuhl BOISE -- (Christian comedinn Miko ssode hc had chosen to ' Newi entertainment calendar,calt mail it lo; served. o forget," artist Sher Foster will bo be on display Wnmkewillpe1 perform al 7:30 p.m. Sotur- pRichardson eaid. ~7~^—~The-Time»-N«w*r^ox^3X^4aJPuiin_Fal\ji. through the month of Septei^ ^ r aa “Af- day nt thee__Boise State University, _ — - 83S03;orbringittoourour o/flee 132 Third------2 1 / M o n d a y tjat oi th'e:Sfomfi“-pri:ufBoit Imissiuii iu frcu. ‘ ; i St. W. We mint rtceivt■eive your notice by town Twin Falls. Tho exhiihibit includes • ■ Wednesday noon to0 fprint it in Ihe oil pnintinga of vnried sisubjects nnd BOISE —- ‘The Boise Philhormonic "Friday Spceial’for thattha week. The lUt- TWINN FFALLS - Big John Strang willill styles and also some piecieces on shnle with Alexand(ndor Toradze, pianist, and WOOD'S!S DINING I ' ing in the calendar isia free, but events present; hishi: Indoor Circus Variety Show)w ro ^ . The display cnn be viiviewed al 132 James Ogle.B. conductor, wili perform t must be open lo the publiublic. nt 4, 6 01ond 8 p.m. a t O’Leary Junioror Main Avo.N. or call 733-081.813. Sept. 26 a t 8< p.p.m. nt tho Boise State Uni- & DAN(NCING High Scho±oot. Admission is $6 for adults, versity Morrisrrison Centcr. Tickets oro I Llvo Musiciiiic Every iS /T'o o c d a v *■ children ond $3 Tor seniorOT TWIN F A L L S -T h o Gre•rent Rift Set." nvnilable nl. theth Morrison Ccntcr, Sea- W o d n o id a y , FridiFriday, S a tu rd a y dtizens. a multimedia exhibition ex(‘xpressing the son tickets nreare available by calling 344- mysterious and intriguingg qualities of = = p = This W oo k ’s’ B a n d ___ • BLISS - Idaho Thur . . the Grent Rifl National Lan ■hunder.will.pl(vy_ot______““22/Tuesday ------andmark-near_:__An-opcning.:ag.nlght .special.rocoption to - 9:30, p.m. nt tho Circl«irclo Bar Core and Pocatello, will be held throuough Ort. 1 nl meet the newew conductor. James Ogle. —jJ—The Sundiidowners"------• Lounge, tho College of Southern IdiIdaho Henrett wiH bc.hcldI a al t Hillcrcst Country Club ^ 120 W. M ain JoroiBfom o* 324-4911 BUHLL .- The West End Senior Citi-U. Museum, immediately/ nnflcr the concert. Cost of ■------Opon 5:30 o.m.m. tto Midnight ; BUHL - Tho Carablinblers wil] play nt 9 zens will h "YouVo okay. All you All Night FridayJoy I& Soturdoy 11-hold tt public dance at 8 p.m. at $15 per penxm on will include hors nood ti a fow dinnonar< ot______;______: . p.m. ct the R&R LoungenP :______the.Centcritcr. 1010 Main------dessorU.—chnmpngno—nnd— corretfT^Cliimbmber music will also be — ::.,_GOODING— TheGo • City Pnrk. Booth fees nre y will bo on display nt tho Do-, students J from Jnpnn hiis- toured t the BOISE - Hank Ho Williams Jr. nnd tho - informntion. cnll Pam \\ Guild artist of the month ex-.. United ' StutcB each nutumn sincesi; 1964. Jn m a Band nnd nni the Georgia Satellites - orDonnnFerrenburg. 734734.2380. — j' Tickets are $8 for adultss innd $5 for will perform nl ouiTMirait September. Hor paintings aro nl 8 p.m. 0 « ; 14 ot tho - 734>1393 on view aittheofficcsofD t t r. PnuINestcr, children.i Call Julienne SinJlnughter nl Boiso Stale Uni-Inivcrsity Pnvillion. Tickets 2 0 / S u n d d a y across fromom tho Burley Mall, during reg-■ 733-7483 ‘ for reservntions byySepl. ! 10. If nre $16 nnd $16M5 ond nre nvniloblo at a ll. OPEEN 24 HRS.^“^ ularbusinciincsB houra. sufUcient ^ interest is shownA'n m chnr- Sclcct-n-Sent OuUeUO or by calling 385- Th«19 Frlandllo it Spot In Nevadodo toring n bus to attend the peiperformance, nge, : • B U H L -S moke N’Thi■Thundpr_will ploy------J A p I ^ ' nrrnngcmen^.wULbe made__ ol a p.m. aTthTBock 30.O ' formnt'8onI ond 11 p.m. through Sunday in ^ ^ the GainI Rooi^otR« Coctus Pete's. JonnsJ BOISE — The Bench Boyioys will per- v TTTIF m n J f ’il I r ^ : * .■ ■ TWIN FALLS - Theh eT ' ^in Fnlla So. willcntertn:rtnin Sept. 21-27 and Doug Ker-^ form• ot 7:30 p.m. today ntIt the Boise / ■ / I L U nior Citizens will hold na publicf dance nt ghnw willII performp Sept. 28-30 nnd Oct. JStato University Pavilion. TTickew are f i l a i f g BUK jUHHUI n • ■ 2:30 p.m, a t tho Center,Ujr. 616 Eastland 2-4 RickyIcy Skaggs will enteruin oney *$15 nnd are available by calling cs 395- I { — • I Drivo. Music wiil bo provided by night only o; .1766. — . . , • . «■ yonOct.1. l l ■

ALL- Y O U - C: . A N - E Al I T . ;

> * ' — The M a ssa gaeSB e Clink;( ^ a F e R i b sJ ; EVENIIING “ IBM AIDin... A Concert Dinner include: for America ies CLINg i c - coleslaw, bakec:‘ed ■' I 4 : 3 0 - 99 ::3 ; 0 UVE t FRON -beans, combres■ead, W e d . - FF r i rid i ay “ N:OLN, W NEBRASKA ' Saturdirday, September 19 and all you canan eat • B ack,, Hineck, and „ Only on pork ribs. ■ IW shouldEIdor only- NashvUle Network OAH-7:OOPM f g m f;- r $ 1 C Fully be 1 9 M assaglage- ^ C ljng l CH. 2 i ------C all o r W alt V I ^ R El !STAURAMT ii ' l ' " eocable ^ ^ ” Q I Appolntmen ® 4 . 9 ‘ i a S A K E R Y A ;|r 733-270708 - ^ AtNewBeglnnIrn in g j O nly ‘ Yii ------^M assage—technicinlolans-ara ------r W - 598-BLUE-LAKE£ES-N.rlN-THE-LYNNWOOD—734-94(3 4 0 3 - ^ I ------from Mark Beck'si's Apprenll- — VV ship program. I I 111 ‘fp i i p U f i IffiflllliM Arts ^ th thithe dty ofTwin Falls and its * is oleo pursuing o mo’nostor’s de- the Bookmarkirk in i Jerom e. ______vide a etronger cult ita said Shawna Fuller, chairman ( of agreementt thatt we need to have a ■foreconomicdevelopmcnt. - *----- the-Renmsaance-Acadi poaaibly, attract sbState grants as dvuijr fvr Ihu community^y"orts‘newslettor und^n—[— I - ■■ ----- = w ell a s now businessjiSBses. Nomninations ii are now being takenjgjj Arts. T h a t perso n migl;ght be hard to mastor caleidendar for scheduling off IJJJ. find because anyone w "W ith so m any orgi)rganlzations pull- ie r openings on the Arta Coun- wlwjs intor- performanceices and eventa. - ing in dilTercnt direcirections, w e have ard aa woll as for som eone to ested in th e a rts locoJljHy, is already ' ‘ A nother- aai rts coundl m eeting h aa n o t been os ciTectiveive aa we might,"- ®ct«adHdirector to coordinate the van- involved,” sh e said. been scheduduled for Oct. 7 at 7;30^ But, Fuller said, re said John Haui, prpresident of the 'Oups* activities, recruiting' a n ' Location is8 tot< be a n n o u n c ^ ...... MVAC. Haux, who>0 will\ remain as “Ideal:sally, wo are looking for some- PORPROOIAM lalaV the council’s presiduident,. said hc one whc rho is not already afRliatod l | l | i hopes to see greate:ater coordination with one)ne of the arta organizations,"BTnow onNVIDEOCAI\SSETTE I m \ m JtlOMI I fl S * I

I OPEN FRI.-SAT..SU;UN. l a l l OPENi FtFRI.-SAT.-SUN. I *Hambburger-H:Hjl-stoGks - i _SH0W-STARTS-AT4■JdO— . | 1 | J —SHOW.SlV.5TART$^AT4t>0— » — j Iftheydidn'i I mokewoves, standaard militcary fare I theywouldn't rt SEmj - TWIN FALLS -- The' following j ^ be Nerds! TT^ I'li THE SEOECOND STORY ! a re capsule reviews3 olof moviea play- I REVENGE OF THE T I.}L l ! l i ing in the theatersI loLUS THE CO-HIT | ' * ATIOllO ATIOiJO ■ dard'issue potrioticc V\ ietnam W or fGVieW I 'MANNEQUIN* •HOUSE I’W I movie centering onn oone the war’s — bloodiest battles andnd m arred by a I********' J heavy dose of rabble-rousing n > M'larfin 2 & Carolyn preachiness. A littlee sisubtlety would Elexpuru, H n i have greatly enhancedced th e film’s po- I [M r^ SSlliUffifiiiiiiiiiijijii tential for tragic ironrony.. F eatu rin g ? HaveReturned QPENFSI..TUtS. Iflll ONSUNEUNDAYFIOM M I NICHUT7ieO.}*T.1:0O.]lO{iioo-riot a l l 4TO >( P P.M .» . ADULTS I 14 new com ers, the most mo prominent ------1111 ASMtTUDTfDFOIfl.lfl I ______of which arc Courtne'tney_Vance_and_:).p'^^fe^^fManagers ______J _ I r ~ IDylan M cDermott. Daily Dinner I (£nozi}MiUc !: TH E B IG EASY (R).R). Thie film hoa ? ^ j FijiSIAI several methods of estestablishing its | J “ authority over your.air.attention: one I ^ Breakfast I ,— M RICHARD ! is the palpable electriclricity between I ^ ____ Lunch& Dinner ' DREVFUSS i . Dennis Quaid (asIS the faintly | ® P c® n* 6 a m t o 1 0 p m mon thru sat corrupt, smooth-talkiiilkin’ N ew Or- I OPENFRI..TUES. S l i I SHOWS AT 1:00 P.M. leans police lieutenan:mnt) and Ellon Barkin(as thepost-strfstraitlaced, mid- r~ I M.'lRKiLUMON ^ 1 ^ ’SOa-uptight assistantnt cdistrict attor- riiiB I l[i DAILY ney investigating policcilice corruption). i 1 SllMER^J flll SUNDAY 3 ------Another- is thtf feelinging-o^Ncw-0^.------Cactusl^te’ fe’s ___ — IB/ * ' leans that goes beyond)nd the familiar i 1 SCHOOL iron fili^ee and the; “N’Aw lins” lilt iSuperstar CountryC Mui ILT7H0-IHI . ! of the voice. Add to theshesesomedelec- isic! p a IT aiOi-7llO-llH I ______table_8upporting.bits.(ta.(m o8t.particu-..|||||| ■■ lipnaaain rr^ B -O N SAT.-SUN. rSOA larly by tho lato Charlculcs Ludlam as iii jemeWI'I"[ J J . A1.L ADULTS O N ! ------thc-lieutenant's attornomoy)-and-stir—■ ■ ■ ■ ■ with knee-bending sexvexuality. l | z She uos raised in a i S S j I KcvrriyllllUmaaskITl »OMIJTO»P.M. I! ~ LA BAMBA (PG-13}-13). A lthough I I NND ' ' V i i | | SAT-SOH.lHO-3i»-aHO,10-7j0s-»t0« SAT.-SUN. IRH - ! ^ i l — ^—however,'great'dollop8ps'offiOs'flongs, 0 ------P _ | l | i and it lifta ^ e moviec w hen th e dio- ^ B ^ ;i *'■' "A MUST SEE MlMOVIE" ADULTSSa.OO logue and the camcst-but- SKA( r 7itS-*tM I ■ ?n. (b y . Luis------— >-9i19-S>t»-7ilS-9iN I * I Valdez) keeps it earthbthbound. Stars One Night Oni) n iy — i l l — I| l | w '' Ktviiir■ij'usuiir Lou Diamond Phil’hillips, Esai .OO-KIDSSI.OO Octoben • 8:00 & 111 1 :0 0 I Morales, Danielle von>n Zcmcck2 and p.m. HftCKMAH * Elizabeth Pena. Writt ahBZ------I f - ritten and di- ^Don't miss this m odern countrycoi legend W / ^ i I • reeled by Luis Valdez. T h ia ia i j z- ilin h is single a p p e a r a n c ee inIn C actu s w j m m I . P F e te 's G ala R oom ! H e 's a rm aster of five ■|| i i 'i "8 S u p o r m a n ’s | | " ‘ ...... — I STAKEOUT (R). The Thi M ondrian- 'Iin stru m en ts (rom g u ita r to ccountry fiddle, i | l _____ 0 greatest f | I I DAILY 7tie-f|] DAILY 7t1 • esquc high-concept ououtline of the ______BE uihe's best known for his ch art-to p p in g I 1 1 SAT.-SUN. Ji50.SrOO.J0-7t10-1iM SAT.-SUN. Tt4M i3 ■ battle. ||i . ^plot — a dotective fallsills in lovifw ith fihits like "Country Boy". •'Crying"C M y H e a rt O u t O vei/er You", and "D on't Chea'e a t in O ur ____ | the“woman ho has ununder aurveil- "TTomeiownbacRe^tjy F Whis ringing, blasting couruntry bandTRIcRy’Skaggs)s isi a su re j : fanco — also indicates•tes th e by-the- s S ta rt for all your to e-ta p p in ’ a lin’ country p le a s u re . ity___ o£— this______------OMSATv^UNrflOIW -'I YTtlMtM l|i screcnwriting (by JimII KKouO and di- - . ML ADULTS ONL — MiM-Sin-7t1MtN flll rection (John Badham)'m) of th is to ast v$ 2 0 for the 8:00 p.n) .t n .s h o w $15 for the 11:00:D s h o w fjisBH 1| to superficial film makiloking. ^ ^ a t a______(Scalingstarts ai 6:00pi0 p m .)______' J lj HElDOVER.flthWWEEK! h u r r y ENDII ______(Sonimg stans al 10:00l Ep. - J ------1 pity that such a deacriBcription omits AdmissionAd includos Iwo complimc HBBRljli- monlary drinks' th e im peccable comicnic timing of NoN ono will bo soalod afior lheI stiowsl bogins. I o » m a ro tp .M . • " t — Richard Dreyfuss ondmd the high- 3NLY«3.lt 11 gloss beauty with whichlich cinem atog- I EISA] ______. ra p h e r Jo h n Scale h asIS iiinvested t h i s ___- Tickets for^icky:ky S k ag g s a r e a v a ila b le aatihe i­ following locations; . - - - | | IDING SOON | | ^ movie. ^ il|. , ^ An American Twin Falls: Peterson’sm’s W estern W e a r (downtovown), Jeffrey’s Hallmark SiShop I S uccess S lo iy . (Magic Valley Mall), Jerosrome; Ross' W estern Wes SUMMER SCHOOl)0L (PG-13). ear, Buhl: Larry’s Quick Service,Se |jI . [ul . . Bouncy but percepti\ptive comody B u rle y : B urley Inni n i l l ! DAILY Ti:S-1:IS about an easygoing highigh school gym | i | l SAr..SUN.tt2J.3l2J.SlJS. Ij _ •— ~tcacher--(Mark~Harmb)monT woylaid into teaching a remediicdial English t|l| HAM BURGGER mowihoi class to a bunch of kidsids as aimless . as he is. Directed by C [ I L L y Carl Reiner, j l j l f X ^ H ] n ^71I0.911B l | the film is full of highgh spirita, yet 3t1O-li1D.7iI0-*i10 1 1 ___ has on unexpected undendercurrent of seriousness. With KinKiratic Alley, DOIUG jl w o r s t . rowiNOHi IC, ll “ Robin T hom as. e n a t j B , «4ST£9& co l ! LrJaeet.. fJK t NO WAY OUT (R). Ab fl ■ I SAT.-SUN. ntSO-g.-"" .>7.uN°;,'Kia;louCKiniMiun I'l-a solid, Bclf>effacing techiJchnique and ------ww COMII 10 lAin | M Hold o r jl o n lo your h a t b e c a u s e th e Ri tho bristling tension of'hia hif sexiial rc- iRagin' ili COM IM 11> , Cajun1 ^has blown into town! Dougg KershawK > I ■ IU«*»|N UWllA | . | lationships — this crackackingly fine R*brings! ______'- l m l . | — s his bayou showmanship ancan d 6 0 0 I ” ] th rille r plum bq tho depthptha o f decop- , if '* ■' • . ' wans of61 electric fiddle power lo Ihehe show ...... iji l l l :E ID g 3 7iM.«rH ■ |! tion in the federal governomment. Tho W f f " ■ brougtii audiences aroundith Ifi e country l | l Si*»-9tH-7i*MtH | | | action is whizzingly fastBtbutthepor- b tir feet. D on’l m is s ill ' • lll lil illl formanccs are lovinglyneOrink i|i I|1 i i iil i i ii ia fiercely good, intelligerigent a n d ap^ num. Seating from 10:00 p.m i::!______' [ ! i preciativoly sensual. i | i B B E i i i | i I S E l p w i m i WHO’S THAT GIRLLL i(PG). This H Madonna'vohicle scramblmbies u p a lot i | i I H H K *Brmgirvg-TTp -■ •- - - .* — of-plot -twists- fnjmiTBi] I I I M i l M Baby’l ana “After Houio u ra” w hile Call toll-free; 1-600-821-11-1103,or (702) 755-2321I ffor reservations and infonormation I • I reducing its star to aosome weird hybrid: a blonde cordb<■dboard r e b e l' l|li | i w ho w aylaya a h aplessI la^law yer a n d a p^l'jaguar ^hUo^omgTeiPeo-wccHeT- man sweetie-jerky hops,ips, w reaking I jl THE Pi gun-crazy havoc and talking tol in a RJNCIPj ! | ‘DON’T MISS ■ IDAILY 7t00>9i30 Philly screech that soundijids like J u d y . ______I ! t h is MOVIE’ SAT.-StSUN. Holliday crossed 'mth, U Leo Gorcey. _____ I . - ■ " — — m ...... r __D-4Tlme8*New8, TyvirydnFallj.kU ho Friday, Sop)optemb0fl0,l^7 _ I O r;f'gan doi^n a tio m rflife DEAR: ABBY:A L ast m onth I lost a “B um w hat I m em ber of m y.fam ily. H e w as in^ h a t is left o f me and scat- •I ter the aahes I volved in a n 'accid en t and p'ro- les to the winds to help i A b ig a*** il th e flowersI grogrow. I nounced brain b: dead aeveral days I lator. I h u r e n ■ -jf had niver given much* iust bury something, let thought to organ donations until;|{ Dear Al^ b b y ™y faults,lits, m y w eaknesses, and th a t day.. I 'w as very m uch surpriaed all prejudicee ag ain st m y fellowmon. lidoring-the-amount^f-timfr- i»wn h carrh flfl cauBcfl iroihlngT nc illi “Give m y sousoul to God. ~ -th e doctors)rs and sta ff ha d spent with•h endless days of pain. - our family,iiy, they never once men- “If by chanceince you w ish to remem* “Give my blood to thele teen-ager ber mc. do it ^ tioned orgorgan donations'. I was the- it with a kind deed or who h a s bcisn pulled fromnthewKek. I „„d tojomeoitieone who needs you. If % I one who0 approached them and age of his car, so that he ] ^ I m ad e th e? oof ffe r.______e might hve you do all I1 haveha oaked, Fw inive ___tQ.fiCC.bis grandchildren-pl ^ ------r '-►The next!xt week, I received a letter -play.^^forever.=— ROBERT-N.-TESTROI ------— “Give my kidneys to onone who dc- _ ' from th e hohospital inform ing m e th a t penda on a machine toI existc from . Donor cards.rds are available by writ- bo th kidnidneys were successfullyy week to week. ing to: Tho Li>Living B ank, P.O. Box transplantented — one into a 4-year-*■* “Take my bones, eversry muscle. 6725, Houston,ton, Texaa 77265.1 have — old girl— every fiber and nerve in m y body carried such1 a ccard for more th an 15 Ironically tlly, last w eefc~thFnewB pa~i^and'find-fl-wajrto-make-* :el th ere is nothing I can —per-foatureired a^special story about child , w alk, tnydcnth-thatrwiU-boof------how badly ly organs w ere needed. j I “Explore every comei.cr of my Peater valu«„ h a d no ideidea that some people had ] ° brain. Take my colls, if" nocessury,-r This is str b een on aw.1 waiting list for yearal j strictly a non-profit ’ and let them grow so thatat someday organiiation.___ ------My-point:nt^I-almo8t-t^edded-not-tc—] ___^operating— on___n lout at the “shoestring"' aa approachI tl-the doctors because I as- | ’ aa a public aervice, so »• crack of a bat and a deaf(af girl will please be a spoi su m ed tha:haf if they thought my ] sport and send a dollar y hear the sound of rain ng□gainst her or two along wii loved one! couldco be a possible donoj;, iwindow s_____ •j?!j^y-9ytrcque8t..It'B ____ they woulduld approach nie. I was ■ ■ “ tax^dcductiblc." w rong. Idaho artist tiAiNtHtsLAiRE In our los tltt* Carl Rowe, left, Lyncmette Keailer and Jim Co

—P ortmM i - • C o n tin u ed fromnPagoDl T Besideses “Yclopa Fisherman,” te r bath'. w hich .won■on Best of Show at the fair “I aak m yself. 'WTiy hy do I buy a last year.ir. • a p o rtrait nam ed T h e painting?' We havct ppaintings all MexicanI BlanketB Seller" took first around ua. on everyy wallv because in portroit■oits this year. "Sidew alk when I take them dowown, the house Romance,”c,” a street scene of a young A ncders(;en v/Vindo')W I looks completely bare,ire. I can’t be- Hispanicc couple,c< was given an hon- lieve the differencee .they make, orablemcnlention. They really‘do make^ a differencei in “Oaxaca.ca_Bn8ket_Wcavcra.l_.a_ ------your - li fe—A - g o ^ “painting i n - you 27x35-inchich pastel on m asonite, is don't g e t tired o f it. one of aeveivcral paintings hanging in —TruckkloadSaiJle ^ “I did havc one compmpliment from the Trailoils W est G allery in a guy w ho haa some soi of mv Ketchum. fematuring__ pnlntfhgs. He'd boughtjh t a coupio of “I thinkik my best portraits have them and he told me latlater that he’d not been[1 found theiic people nnd —pla^n if-=“ -b but he lookt^'proud and __ I^ciilture—o£_Mcxico—_U )_be—an—humblcatti-tthe sametime;"------I. — for------inapiration. B arsness83 isaya he's constantly try- ^ew Constructionfl « Remofipl» Rppf^pfflC^rnprit ~ — “T he people nrp fri<»nH )Fove^>n-hi3ln3t p ainting:— colora are bright.” aaya3 Barsncaa.B "I "I wouldId say this would be my ,. con walk around a comci■ner and see a goal: to be be an enrichm ent to the Sizes'and pricesllsiiown are examples on painting. They’re justt everywe here lives o f poopcople who have my paint- only you look. It’s a feeling." ings in theireir homes," he soys. "H ave Entire product limne available on this sale;ale ■ He aaya he’s pickedd iup enough I gotten to0 thott point? Maybe on a Spaniah to aak a person)n iif he or ahe couple of them.thi But on the whole, will p8ac for a photograpl-aphsohecan I’mnotsatisltisfled. paint them when hcc gets back "Bongart.'t,' now, he con do home. anything. In Ii landscape he was It’sE “Then when thoy any,loy. 'Por quo equally goocood as in still life and Easy to Replacjce T k n o^v whnt-to-say,::— ^vh portrait^e;:le^once-snid something-to— — he saya. “Acutaliy, I've IVi learned me. He said,ici, 'W hen your work geta-____= Y ( ------enough- to-tcl Ithcnr-B‘BecmjaiTyou g good enough,gh, people s mouths drop ' foMkiDdows= have a good face' or *Yc■You have a open w hen1 theyth look a tit.’ pretty face.’ But I know)w very little “T h at's aoraomething to ahoot for, I and We’ll SI- = 1 S p an ish .” ihow You How --FREE! guesfl." 1 ' ’ ' i Porma-Sna-Shiold______ir-com e-in-to-plek-utup-your------Pcrma-SMcldNarrolIno* ------Caso'mWVSnTWIncJows " Grants avi o R .„ free: Windows »CW2M7 ICW25T i/ailable forr teachers ■ 3 R's window measasuring guide. I310T IJ0<2T IM48T Rog. R#8f " ’ ' Price P rica • Attendlorie of'oup replaaicement/ 'O' R*g. Rftg. to developp arts in chlassroom Pric# Prica M14.31 ♦547.82 remodeleling sem inars, ♦249.7«.74 *»4.00 »273.MI SA LE SALE BO ISE - T h e Idaho CoCommiasion "jfu teacherier opplies for n grant of (ME SALE SALE on the Arts has announc jncod It will S3 0 0 he orr sshe muat have $150 in •_Installaation & M easuring award teacher inccntiv ‘lu*" cash to matchtch." totaling $3,000 during thi ______servLcejes_aY aiIatile.also_ ' w _lhe_19B2iB8------ffrnm-offbTfl-nhan'cmi aa" f-7-Bchoorycar._Applicaliona 3na.m u3t.be - sistnncc toiprofessionnrK-12 pr teach-’ postm arked no la te r th a n < an Oct. 30 ers to dcvoloislop ond im plem ent a rts According to Anna Mai Mane Boles, education cur:u|Ticulum ideas a nd will AIE>^ xoordinator a^ t , , the arts assist in the■(1C‘dissemination through commiasion, the prograr Tam IS dc- the state ofafany units of study that FREE W signed to encourage thethe develop, are developedled. VORKSHOFIPS I I ment and implementatioi tion of cur- ••Genei'ally,'ly," she soid. "this pro- ricula and/or classroom 6a.'i! "' ■ ■ im uniU of gramcmphnsiinsizos the equal p artn er- TUESD study that present or uaeum the aria ..ahipofartiBla DAY, SEPT. 1' Hi sta and a rt organizations ___ na.g basic part and work t« k toward ,.e- in providingS qualityq arts education:------_-Jerome Si quential lea rn in g in th e a h Jfore - 7:00 PP.M. ilSl! F u rth e r inftinformation-and applica- Boles said tcachers mayiay apply for • tions m ay bele obtainedo by contacting THURS[iDAY.SEPT. 117 '■p granta funds up to $3000 c each,, and A nna M arieI BBoles, AIE coordinator; must ohvc at least hai:half of the Idaho Commifmission on the Arta, 304 Burley SUtore — 7:0U P.3.M. —5— amount requested in1 imatching West State S:St.. Boise 83720; 208/ Perma-ina-Stiie!d Frenchwood- Angle Bay WindIndow s funds. “In other worda,"'Boles B( said. 334-2119. SATURCDAY, SEPT. 1:19 GIWGlldlng Patio Doors Twin Falls S?tore — 10:000n A.M. A . . IFW66068'Re,. I3 (h :z « o «1098.04 ‘^BUSIN ESS^ r W k DlRECTOKY/fl ^92Ir ' ADVtniSI • Sale En(Ids Sept. 19thh V lUSmmtMOAlTTI ^ "•3 UNES. ^ • Deliveryy Week of Oct Sellit! ^ Buy If ! ct.26th s'o DAYS C l 3 BUILDINGVC rIB C < f • 25% Defsposit Require(ed k *35“^ MATERIALS■S CENTER? ^ CAUUSTOOAY ______tw in F £ a J l s ______^ G o o d i n ( ------j e r ooiTie p ------Buriey dp t t i3Q0Highlanand Ave. E. 113 Main Si !y— ^ R ^ rt------^------'S t. ______SlSW'est est Main------3O3Ov0ilail a n d ------^ 3 2 0 6 lh SSli-- t- 733-555571 93-1.8427 i l r l ^ 27 324.81.8161 678.836! 68 '436.424515 L ■ "T ------^ " ---^ ------;------—------— ------r ^ — — ,.;t------i


t ' - ' , r

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*Sunday Tod*day" makes's debut — P,Pdge2 On the Cov)ver N B€i' introduci :es "Sundcfay Today to attitract earlify bird neuwshoundiis By PAUL ELIE taUtd -Fo‘F ast Forward" will look •son »o says. “WoTl try to'dividede aa- Traditionally, SiSund.y mom- ivents of the week ahead. aignmenta.equ^ly, sii and well>11 try to appear more a s a group." ing ha« been a timeImetol„vothe ;ry to bo the firat day fo t* TV off and read :k, not the last,” Matson Lately, though, the two0 an- ch instead. NBC hop«.ple w h o w .n l roday,' mony people ju at will wii air on NBC News sheihows to catch up on the» nowsi M well a rt o f th e show and then beginning bej Sept 26. ^ aa be entertained,i. aand don’t fool f “ ork. Or theyll be going Matson’s ^ reports on train tr like waiting aroundmd for Charioj 5 bedroom to the kitchen travel in China and modemimiza- Kuralt (the host:O of fC B S N o w . edroom again, never ait- tion tioi in Mongolia will airr on Sunday M oming’)." m to wotch but always “Todoy" “T( during th e week of SeptSe The format ofr Uth. pnwn.. the sound. With this 28. 28. And next Sundoy, Septt. : 27, Matson notes, is sumlarsis to that filn '•* e're f hoping that people his his report on advertising ______^of_a_Sunday_newi down and watch for tiie China C h ’^11 air on “Sunday Todi ei«paper^Oi^_SlM mim Sunday, people glance gle at the linuteaT’ ! " headlines and thenm ggo to th eir fa- nandShriverwillbepre- — IS equala. On “roday," ( vorite section," he>.oy..-Wolldo sa ON THE COVER: Ma is the anchor, while shi ilaria tbe aome thing.” Shriver. left, nnd Boyd Matiitson - - The "sections" in< uley’s oflicial title is do------vril S'*' will co-host NBC'a new .‘Sundflday . and weather highlighbghta, a cook- Today,’ 90 minutea of newaI. aand ___ Woy.^-you see the an-...... iogffeature, a roundsadUbleofnow^ ' ™ ehtertainment delivered in.in. a paper editors discdiscussing the the start ofthe program, newapaper-like nev format, debutiiiting week’s events andd.reundupor a I you don’t sec them to- ’ Sm ' gctheragaii Sunday a t 8 a.m . The ahow•wiU a ______attfl_aad_mtertain rain u ntil the end," Mat- air.oaJC38AS-aad.KUTV.------_____around the co\ui^ ■v NBC staj,*ys ... r IRENT TO» OWN out in froio n t Tam!pN S I VCR’si ^ APPLIANCES >ns—■— - ^^in-Nielser ||BH O"" NEW YORK (AP)P) -’ - NBC IIB B jumped the gun withith new fall MPVCR ------programnUn?,- BWsUHgjHg"ii» rat- ' — nnnO H ‘ inga and w inning a 3SrtJ3rd w e lk in f a row in the Nielsen coccompetition. TV The No. 1 show wasis thtl e 1-hour IV _ ^ T o O w n season opener of Tom'amily 'Hes’’ ? REfRIEERAIORSIS in its new tim e period pe on ' To Ol Sunday. It had a ratinjting of 27.9 ( f ' “ " J T ? O w n and a 43 share againstst rerunsr on Starting S-nn▼I IW- CBS and A B C ,'ond paip a rt of th e at.... I firat-run ABC movie,0, -Bjuiring‘ . P s r W« i '12JI010 I «».n^7.00 ■ ■ If - • P«rW M k 11 NBC’b 5 iini<»iy linoiiy jup.atarted ----- — ------g\ a fy-CKARANCFt ------late-becHTiflBT)fB'16Tninninutrover:------nm by an afternoon NFI^L football # r e n t a l c e nHER t e OinoMos, game. r 733-7111I Roirigoraiors, W o ih o r* . 2 Hmes-News, JwIn Falta,■Vldaho k - Friday,Septemberiaria,-1M7------JL. Hollywood Go:lossip BusyDi)enn/s Quuaid a bacchelor BY ROBIN ADAMS SLO> ^ ------1 Solca.ea. Dennia was involved withth a ctresiresa Lea Thompson. Sincece Q? Qv FmM We u w DeimU Q u a i d l n th at t romanco1 ended, Quaid'si’s ■ tha new movie, *ThH i e Big beenn UvingI alone with his pet-ct E«»y,-and W i reallyy a h u n k . goldenie n r e trie v e r. How old il he, andi d ia be married?-J.T. h Didn’t actreas Dianei e A: Quald, 33, it now becombei ing ae years ago poae for acmel e one of HoUywood’a b 1 u sie st ^ r ^ '^ &cy magazine photos thata t acton. He’ll play a Waahaahington ' ke V anesaa WiUlama’ plc-c- lobbylft o p p ^ te Cheri r in hia f ______tu r e e «• look tamo by>y ------next nick.-*Su8pect' Hetth th e n p o r------^ — « * aD ip p , a r ia o n ? - ^ B .8 .------tra)« a man who geta poisoned po jB B H - V - Aa : ‘The 22-ycar-old' Diano,10, and has 24 hour# beforee d’d y in g to > who’s>’s been in the Hollywood fasts t ...... catch hia killer in rD.OJLl-A.,” a re- e, h a s h a d h e r sh o re o f spicyly ______------make-of-ft-1949-isoTie-t}r-tfariUon------n u ies:—She~ft)r~cxBinptC7■Gl Hia private life tbeoe dayaays seem s .pl«y>irs a s tr ip p e r in T h e Bigig leaa active. After an unsu«mcceuM DENNI!« S Q U A 1 D Town,-rn,” one of her lateat flicke.:e. five*year marriage to actre U v M wrftli ia retriever • ^ G O S S I P o n Pogo 4

I Cable telel e v i s l o n I » J ^ I c o n v e r s i o3n n guide |. hKr^Cdiiiitkix------>S% ' nsymbelterboU / l2 1 •

ONtthvitoNttMrH___------2 OUSANM(nFall*(N8C: HH ______I O WTBS-Aatnt>(ln(twn ------OrrorBatBTihaspiKa 0DCBN(Ov1»ten);_____ :------:------...... ® KWr.T»*TFtft(CB3); (D ESPN(24^«poftt). _____ 12 ...... g » ^ ^ ^ (c e s)__

SPAN (Cm v «m ) ~ /T/w » • a fu6«cnb#r to «noA« MihiiMtUUlontymbolntaklOtdunittttt CoAjrm/brjwcamntfily, StiltStMthmmmUbhMan n6llktml»bov*kyhdudt: ( S KDK-kkho Ftfl (CSS).K)------■;■, 3 • - ._ ~T ~ ~T~ "~r~ ~T~ ®KTVX.3«Uk*C«y(A9(ADC)-.^------^ ^ O D K P V I^ M o ( A ^ _ - (Z)KUE[>.StRU)»Cttr(Pe'(PBS). — . ..• QDKFMdU»FiBl(N8C)_C i^ ------^ d}WQN

Friday.Frii Septembone, iea? T Tim im ea-N ew a, Twin Falls, Idoho)3 3 Gossip • Continued fromE ~ r g But there are no> VanessaVi Wil* liamfl-like photosI inir her past . You may be confunfusing Diane with hor m other, whiwho w as Ikliss [ T ^ October" in Playht^rboy’in 1957. Diane says her momom is ^iptight V H obout it now. feelingifrUkeahecon- I 19 tributcd her two cent«nta to female ■ exploitation." By today’s ^ standards, she sayB,w. her “better M endowed" mother• wasv photo- graphed gIamorousu B]3 l y - -not smut." “ KaM » BASINGER _____ DIANE LANE ______Q:-Can.you.«tti« ______te llin g tu j u a t hr NftPInyboy^paat------^ w - n > n y ------e r a H oBrs ^ - puwished a few & cmJd«nMlck«yR4> Sounds like a veiy praclI Rooney haa? years backlet Rather. Collins as- vo ictical woVe lost count.. laIi it 19 or sure* me,.. young man...... -- e,..the,.,book .will- b e - a ------, • . novel. ItuTJ ^ about lifo in the ( A: Rooney has siredred 0 tolal of f „ t t o e inI Q: T h e re ’s a s to ry goiroing I in prime-time TV. The an 11 children. In desceniOTding order betting is t around that Elvis Presle■ley’s of age, they are: Micki s th a t the always com- daid a u g h te r L ia a M arie w anta ickey Jr., 42; merdally '» sa w y Joan will sand- d o ita to Timray, 40; Teddy, 36:36:KeUy,27: with la a „ close down Graceland, th t e . Chrifl, 27; Kerry. 25; : I scene or two baaed on fanfai^y home, and move t 16; ^ k , 24; her celehmarated brouhaha. Lct’a bo< th e KyJe, 24; Kimmyir Sue, 23; hope fiction bodies of Elvis and hia pi Jimmy, 21; and Jo on in this case is aa ab- e ent a ts to a ce m e te ry . C a n th e Jonell. 16. sorbing as9 n real life. K Mickey ia currently tr possibly be any truth to thti U wife number eight. Jai ••a’t beautiful actress desd ese c ra tio n ? ~ E.P. ------^W«11-undoubt«dly-be ilnger.have-tt-rather------^A L isa Marie,-nowl9rlnh"ene n ti taehment to animals the more of all this when ^ 0 estate when ahe reaches»26. 2 won’t talk about? - She upcoming autohiogr# bhe la determ ined to move herlTfa- ther published. Aer ond her grandparents to a A:'Kim is an animal lover par cemijemeteiy w here, aa she aoy ♦I..* *>11 excellence.!. £She was raised on o “Ihe; ays. Q: Ini't U true thj they properly belong, not in1 aon . both.Taylorreaily-ta farm inA theuens._Ga., where there,___ “mu.'muflcmcntpark."------>, cats.'horeei, mulee, q . when she’s surro un Q: W hat'a th o new J a m e ...... pi^,_ and goats. Boni aea • o f p eo p le? D tond, the great Timoth w hos shopping for a Dalti thy . ^ v e some sort of pbp S T u .,1 ' •alton, g o in g to do n e it? Al 1 home with huaband ofui AU f us can’t w ait for hia nersxt A:^ Like many sta rs y t )n, Bays al^o fantaaizea miovio-,-.HJ. nv< ------me she often prefera" T^Dttlton*s first love is the thehe^ and autograph seekers “• and his next project is U the companyny o f anim als to other star■cr to has special feelinga a^ut al «. human being ar m a revival of Eumnt ingB— eapedally th e O’Nci aie. .. . periencing other 'pec Neiirs play--A Touch of the public. For one thing,,P«Pj« sl .pedes foZ'^ d in the movie Poet" he her off hours, she en- the>et L w ith V aaesao Redgrave ocon to have microphones afa e London stage in November, ^ medical .journals. Thiss: er. her facc. And she’s reall iis.should be interesting aa Dal- of being the center o fa lo ae, and playing with ton an ol* 1 and Redgrave had a passion- pie unleaa heavy securiQ l..r m „ y h =““"hcldpet.. „ .jS” in- • ; romance for a whilo when hehe sent for protection. Tha^ f 5 Why Q; J l , „ nis first movie with her ______Elizabeths upcorning fait leard that Clark !t______in 11 bnili. aad J ------ftryrOOTc n o f ScoU " ------• . P“an a new line of perftirfiime wiU toyinj ao oc see h er surrounded by gu acting career in a Q: Isn’tIj Yul Brynner’a isona .juardato do«perata attempt al to raise planni keep the public at leastut reaaon- money. Anytl » ^ g to write a nastyy ably a t boy. y th ln g to it? - Y .v. “Daddiiddi^ Deareat” type of A: John Cla if I!lark Gable, Gable's bookik a i b o u t t h e la te “Kintt son by last wife,wi! was left finan- andi”! t . , Q: laat Joan CoUlna^ about dally ,«ure- irstar?-N .O . to publish the Utect 1 r e - by his famous A:: Brynner’sBr son, Rock, is in-I-. it father. But thithe Gable lad, mar- deed p| m e n t o f h e r m em o ir*c» i ta lliii( Had 0 0 , , 1 planning to wrile a bookic h a young d a u ^ te r, obout h in lurid detail her»■ latM ia ata) aa at hia relationship with hisa d ivorc e ? - R-T^, 0 off-road racing father.er. It may not Im all th att Gable tells me th at complin 1____ ! l.know-of plirnentary. Yu] lefl hia larg^j ______iTTWr'expeMive he • estalen - tells mo she's currentlyr wworking ' turned to actir t^moltiy tothe adopted Viet-" chilj^ n —of—hie—last-t------— money. In additIdition to an upcom- marriag date of her spiqr volujoluma of iaj moria ato , nage. Rock, who dotes fromI memorica - in w hich sl 3Ut th e famous Biya o previrevioua Btynao'r marriage, j aho de. 1000 race, thohe young Gable is was left ...... •‘" •e d tlie escapades o f heher aer. aeeldaj TV co) left only with tho shares in a commerical offers. N»w YoYork iiightapot owned bvp ------4-Times=N0ws, Twin Falla. Idal atiSif.------f!Wa(,Saptemben8.i Soap Opera SScene Newmclan glad t

Robert Newman retuieturaed to . the role of Joah in “(“Guiding Light" in October of laatlai year. Having originated tbe role 1981, he left ia 1983 wwhon he thought the productionI teiteam just didn’t know what to do w« ith hia character. Those produceijcers have been replaced, and whethen New- man was offered the chtchance to cnmn hack, he^felt^w-w a s -th e ------t f l j H rig h t time. "The overall stoiy in a isoap is ' n|H very important" said N Ne e ^ a a ...... - I * _*lf they ^ off bn too marnany tan- I gents and lose eight of thithe origi- M iP '’ aal charocter. tho showw auffersi " and the viewers s ta rt lookx>king for somethiag else. I thinynk that's w h at concerned." The stoiyline involvinging Reva and Joah has been rivetii'eting for the past few months and anc fans have been more than pleased. pli ______' Newman"U~al8(Taoin^hi]his best ^ work on “Guiding Light"It" these days. It’s aa if he an d thith e roio have fmally come together, New- aian ia the first one to im itth a t • when writer Doiig Marlar ------fered-him the-part of'JoaJi'oah-way ------...... -back ia 1981, he didn’t havilave any experience in Maps aadI h«dhi to R o b er 4 learn aa he went along. ■ert N e w m a n !■ b o c k I n ‘Guleautidan. I waa . duction of “KcPicnic." Newman ' Eva tr brought dong easy, appeapearing smiled when ho B tries tb make up to Kate ho aaid th a t his on “Lovi^ h g ." Shana gives up bn oaly a couple of days a'week.«k. The wife actually gotjot better rovifiwa • - working part grew as my confidenceice did, ia that ahow than ing for Clay jmd turaa to lanhedid. ' housewoswork. Clay seem s lost with- aad when the heavy ator\torvline rtiAWNEL CB cntatf iny way i waa prepare w r.-A pril LrlBfl- dotheworlL" ^ Terry Usater.•. whow ie known as . Ned becomes suspidous of ■ -Newmaa' can't heap enoonouah ^to fans of T h e - praise on his co-star Kimn ZJ to- I ^Rcstleaa.” finally Tina’sla’s trial continuea to supply m er (Reva). He aays she ia> a asen- i “ chance to show off his dramaa onoi “One Life to liv e ." aa sational actress and giveses 100 the R ussian Herb piles pi up the evidence p e r w t in eveiy scene. N ewBwman t ^ « 80. He wasvas part of aa ia- agaiasts t her. h Cord and M a i are fti- also lovea working with vete•eteran “flitiats from the rious over ov Tina’a revelationa. acto r L an y Qatea (H.B. Lewia). « f‘«rtainm ent fielfield to visit Rus- 'Hna vowI'ows to fight to the death to who can alwaya spark o scene sc K»ium w ith Rus- keep tierher child. W ade urges Mari with his energy and taleat alan membera of the entertain- Lyn ,to s . men t inH»ta»Ty ' o seek holp. Charles aiid ------Coiaddine-with-his-retnn] -7 -T«ny-wiU-be------Lee-dedtedde-to-takB-u-llttl6 ~ a p ~ •^Y^^ g Li^" ^bert. a dining out on hi.lis atories of Rua- tojjother.ier.______[ ------8iaformonthst?rD ------Deliaa mm anages to g et th e keys who plays Lily Slater ia "Loviloving! PL O T PO B T^:N E I T 8 : to the R: " T he Newmans may be a Wo ! Ryan house on “Ryan’s I \vork- E rica viaite Goldoldie Kane on an Hope.” M’ in® soap opera couple but tl ’ Mabe tries to get Liuy • t they island on “All MyIy (Children." Ey. and Owerwen to talk. Bea'a paat is — nevez:—di«QU0e—their—roles-e s - a t ------eiything-aeemB- igaRa:^ ^ FflcFriday, S e p le m b o rie . 1987 TImos-News. Tim Twin Falls. Maho 5 , W/Tydyt>time prdgrc'ams______I 5:00 0 LASSIE SD ® ARTi:m S T S AND MODELS SHOW SHC THE ALMOST ROYAL FA- F O M TO BE ANNOUNCEOEO (MON) (WED) MILYMIL' (MON) QD MUPPETS 01 OWER (FRI) ^:::i_S;05.(SHOW):MQVlE;(THUi=: (SHOW)-HICUIQH j l SCHOOI^WARC^^O^-D^ia):0.t.-:y0E (MOH-THU)=^ 5:10 I S TOOETHER (WED) CCHB HEATHCUFF (FRI) CD MOVIE (FRI) 6:30 ( D C (11)1) (CBS NEWS (FRI) onB AADVENTURES OF TEDDY RU)tux- 5:15 0 BEFORE HOURS 03 MORNINQjQ_PROQRAM _IM ON-______PIRj’IN4M 0NJHU)------______(SHOW) SH ELU TDO raCtD D S T A L L T .— THU)___ : n------r r ------S (11) MORNINQ PROGRAM (MOIION------TALES AND LEGENDS (TUETUE) CD TODAY'S; SISPECIAL THU] 5:20 C> MOVIE (WED-THU)I) CD MORNINO9 PROGRAMF (FRI) CDDDHAZEL H ------HBO (SHOW) MOVIE (FRI)II) - O ® TO BE: AANNOUNCEO CDm hiMOUSERCISE 5:25 (SHOW) MOM AND DADIAD CA N T CD NBC NEWSVS oa v VIDEOCOUNTRY HEAR ME (WED) O (12) JETSOtiOHS 0SNEWS )N S:30 O CBS NEWS (MON'THI■THU) O GENTLE BEBEN ®S LLANDSCAPES (FRI) O MR. WIZARD Q VIDEO DISCSC JOCKEY (FRI. WED- ffiS ANIMALSA OF THE GREAT NOFOR- CD S ) CBS NEWS (FRI) THU) THW•HWEST (MON) GD MORNINQ PROQRAM1 (MON)(M CD SPORTSCEr:ENTER ffi5 WWILDUFE CINEMA (TUE) S ) TO BE ANNOUNCEO fTUE-THU)(TU 0» FAT-FHEEE COOKINGC (FRI) . ffiB NNEWI ANIMAL WORLD (WED)9) GO MORNINQ STRETCH Q t WORKING3 AMOTHER (MON-THU) ffi6 ORPHANS0 OF THE WILD (THIT ------0 (» C N N N E W S ------SH0WHI0H-8C•SCHOOL-NARCnFRI)------BB'PB-PUBUCT>OUCY-SPEECH (Ffi (D TODAY'S SPECIAL (TUE)•UE) SHOW MOVIEE ((WED) WEOVED-THU) CD MJLS.K. (FRI) 6:35 O BEWITC»rCHEO - ffiD ( CONGRESSIONAL HEARINO(OS CD SPIRAL ZONE (MON-THLTHU) CD SCHEME OFO F THINGS (MON) (M0^MON-TUE) CD (11) NIQHTSCENE (MON-ON-THU) (TMO MOVIE•- (THU)f OD 7TRUCK ANDTOACTOR PULj a CD SUPERBOOK (MON-TUE.U E .T H U )... 6:40 (SHOW) MO' CDDISNEY-CHANNEL'PR-PREVIEW----- 8:45 O W N E W S ^SPEEDWAY AMERICA (MON)I) ------(WED)...... ------6:50 (SHOW )-EI-ELEPHANTS-CHILD------CDSD SCHOLASTIC SPORTS AMEfler :- O NBC NEWS (FRI) ICA(:A (TUE) Q BUSINESS DAY (SHOW) MOVIE'IE (THU) CDD SISURFER MAGAZINE (WEO) OS IT FIGURES 6:55 CD MOVIE; (WEO-THU)(V CDD RlRUNNING ANO RACINQ (THU) SHOW MOVIE (MON) 7:00 CD CBS NEVEW S (FRI) 0E> ) «® BALTIMORE FUNNY PAQE! CIN MOVIE (THU) ...... O MAPLE TOW3WN - ...... (TUE]niE )------S:3S CD MR WONQ IN CHINAINA TOWN (S TO BE ANNCINQUNCEDJMON) _ a i3.IBD.AMERICAN.ARCHITECTUR1 .l B IRS ------...... (M O N )-' • ------^— T------(DMORNlNQpnPROGRAM (TUE-THU) NOWlOW (WEO) CIN MOVIE (FRI) 0 O OD OOODO D MORNINQ AMER- HBOBO SURVIVAL SERIES (MON) 5:40 HBO MOVIE-(WED) - - „ _ I C A ...... BO FROQ PRINCE (WeO) ’ CIN MOVIE (TUE) O ( » CD I S TOITODAY (SHO5H0W) MOVIE (FRI. WEO) 5:50 CD MOVIE (TUE) ( S ZOOBILEEs Z2 0 0 - SHOVHOW CONCERT STAGES OF EU=u- CIN MOVIE (MON) O (12) HE-MAIU N & MASTERS OF ROPEOPE (FRI) THE-UNIVERSE 5:55 CB IDAHO JOB REPORT 5E (FRI) (TMCrMC) MOVIE (MON) 2 1 - ___ ^ O (12) SHE-R--RA: PRINCESS OF CININ P PETE TOWNSHENO (FRI) 6:00 CD DENNIS THE MENACEACE . POWER (MON-T CO CBS NEWS (FRI) l-THU)-- - CINIiIN MOVIE (TUE. THU) Q ) O CD ABC NEWS CD SMURFS' ADVENTURES AC (MON,.. 7:355 0Q HAZEL WED-THU) a <» NBC NEWS 7:455 O ® WEATHER (FRI. THU) m SESAMg STRPFT______CB (11) TO BE• A ANNOUNCED (Frii) - Q flBi,affi.A.M. WEATHER (MDN-WFO)LD) ------CD CNN NEWS CD FATHER KNCCNOWSBEST D CB CD ffi 925,000 PYRAMID a (12) DINOSAUCERS CD MICKEY MOIWUSECLUB i PINWHEEL I : ; CD BOZO O CROOK ANDND CHASE g ®1 09 HOMESTRETCH ’ . > C9(11)C B S NEWS ffi ARTHUR C .CCLARKE'S MYSTER. 2 I 12) TRANSFORMERS (FRI) CD OUR FRIENDS ON W0(WOOSTER rOUS WORLDI (F(FRI) “ I 12) JEM (MON-THU) SQUARE ffi PERSPECnVTIVE (MON) S J " NCREDIBLE HULK > (11) 125,000 PYRAMID (FHI) C9 WALT DISNEY PRESENT::nTS(FRI. ffl MEMORY-C-C O M E TO THINK OF TUE-THU) IT (TUE) I 700 CLUB CSNEWS ffi SCIENTISTSrS(W ED ) ' ) QOOD MORNINQ MICKEYI CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY (MOI«ON-TUE) ffi UVINQ TOMI>MORROW (THU )------2I ^YOU CAN BE A STAR ® MORNING PROGRAM ffi BORK SENA14ATE CONFIRMATION “) 01® SHOW MOVIE m DAYBREAK HEARINGS (FRI]W)-- ...... -ffiW Il ______ffljJOUnNAUSTSUROUND'NOTABLE------ffl DAYWATCH;H .(MON-THU)------ffi-WC DISCUSSION (FRI) O SPORTSLOOi30K ffi IN THE WILD W mtHARRY BU-U-______g VIEWER CALL-IN (MON-TN-THU) ____ OLMARCUaJMEWELBY, M.n------ILER^E R ^ E )^ ------CD ASK WASHINHINGTON ffi AlAL OEMING, MAN OF THEik 01 iff PREVIN ON CONCEn cer t;o s s s o p e r lLMAN m PLAYS BEE- NORTI»RTH (WEO) (FRI) THOVEN (FRI)) .ffi ANIMAL AN WONDER-OOWN'UH- —...... - • OiniDIANA-{MONJ - •• ^SSPORT (MON) DERRfTHU) (1 gg M BORGiAS rruei ' •• ^ h’^ ^ O V ^iE-(TUE) E i ------a>-u:a-U:SrHOU&e-OF HEPHE B E NIP iy------6 Tlmes-Nows, Twin Falls, IdarIdaho Friday, September 18,18,1887 ’’nVWffmWEDfTHU)W)' ‘ ■ THU)'"'- a AUTO RACINQ (FRI)FRI) ffi JERUS^JSALEM OF HEAVEN AND O HARNESS RACINGW |(MON) EARTH fFRfFRI) J 'v Daytirme O KARATE (TUE) CD NATUREJRE OF THINQS (M(SN) SfARERICAN MUSCLE:LE MAOAZINE ffi SPICEE OC F UFE (TUE) “ (WED).- . a> WHATT EEVERY BABY KNOWS (CD TO BE ANNOUNCED (THU]IU) . ■ O WATER SKtINQ (THI[THU) CB R0BER1ERT TILTON (aCOUPLES (FRI)-. ffi l a A&E&E PREVIEW (FRI) |O 09 FRENCH IN ACTION (FF[FHI) Qt ATTrruOES (MON-TlN-THU)------ffl.® .L A>ST 8 .OF THE MOHICANS.^ ,- |O (9 INSTHUCnONAL PROQI•GRAM:...... O ZOOBILEE-ZOO ■ ...... (MON) MINQ (MON-TUE) HBO SEABERT (FRI, TU HIGH SCHOOL NARC (FRI) | a (9 WRITE COURSE (WEO-1B-THU) HBO PADDINGTON TO I S i l 'MOVIE J (WED) rCD AU'MY CHILDREN (FH>-RI-TUE.: SCHOOL (THU) (TMC) MOVIOVIE (MON-TUE) ^THU) ' (TMC) MOVIE (TUE) CIN MOVIE/IE (FRI-TUE) C□3 LOVINQ (WED) CtN MOVIE (FRI, WEO)SO) 9:35 fD (B8 SISIGNATURE (WED) ■O CD ALL MY CHILDREN 8:05 D MOVIE 10:00 O CDD YYOUNQ AND THE REST- | B ONY ® GERALDkLDO Ia GONG SHOW O (11) CARD SHARKSKS (FRI) ffl (11) $25,125,000 PYRAMID______O HOUR MAGAZINE —®TORRIERrOn^fMIND'(FBI)^ (I ------BPANDANQO—T------0 ) YOU ANIAND MERKID ' ' ...... ' 'SO DISCOVERY (MON) m BECOMING AMERICRICAN (FRI) O CANDID)ID CAMERA im PERSPECTIVE (TUE) a PACIFIC OUTDOORS3RS(M 0N) G) CLOSETIET CLASSICS CAPSULE - cO TOWARDS 2000 (WED) O TRAVEL IMAGES(HI (TUE) QD RYAN'SCS HOPE ■S BREAKTHROUGHS (THU) O JOURNEY INTO INDINDIA (WED) S ) TALKABABOUT 6O U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESEIlEKTA- O HISTORY OF CHINANA (THU) ffi AMERIC.IICAN DIARY (FRI) TTIVES (FRI, WED-THU) ID WORLD OF SPORTS^TS (MON) ffi DAMS3 RRAID REUVED (MON) |O AUTO RACING (FRI, TUE)) ( a PEOPLE IN CRISISIS (I (FRI) ffi f r o mM 1THE SHADOW OF THE (a COLLEGE FOOTBAU (M0^ON) • OS HEATHCUFF GUN (TUE)E) - IO c a FOOTBAU (WED) HBO FRAQGLE ROCK:K ffi PANTOWOMIME DAME (WED) O ( PRO BOXING (THU) (SHOW) MOVIE (MON)N) ffi ODYSSEISEY rm U ) Q _____ (THCLMOYIEJWEBjmIHU)______m ’AU i VEJN -LA ------f] ^ pcnS^'p w nmQW fu n .j] ...... 9-MOIX}|9(11)Q)PRIC'R IC EISniO H T------“ ffl U.8. HOIHOUSE OF REPRESENTA- iO ® GREAT DETECTIVE O 09 3-2-1 CONTACT'T TIVES (MOh(ON-TUE) i HHBO MOVIE (FRI, TUE-THU) (S DONAHUE 0 AEROBICIBICS • ^ NHBO BEHIND THE SCENES (M<[MON) O O ) WHO'S THE BOS!OSS? a} SION 1 1 :3000(11) BOLD AND THE_BEA_U-_ BE ______; • arWHEELOF FORTUNlTJNE - ...... - ...... (SHOW) THITHE'ALMOST'HOYAL FA -"“ TIFUL a (12) JERRY FALWEL!^ELL MILY (MON)3N) CD G AS THE WORLD TURNS3 (FRI- ( CB WALTONS (SHOW) T»THE TEMPTATIONS I. WED) vi O (TMC) MOVIE S C(THU) ffi MOVIE: CIN ORIGINAL MAX« TALKING - f f i ® JOUR)URNEY TO AOVEHTURE AlAFTERNOON - HEADROOM SHOW (TUETUE)------(FRI,-WED) ------CIN MOVIE (THU) . J) ------______ffl® SIQ NNATURE A (MON-TUE, THU) — 1i012:00 ( O O (11)4B-A3-THE-W0/OflLD ------9:30 O ® SESAME STHEraE E T HBO MOVIEriE (TUE) T\TURNS 0 (S M R . BELVEDEREflE (SHOW) CONiONCERT STAGES OF EU- Q _ M .m SCRABBLE_____ O TODAVS SPECIAL II)------^------CD:»a8.000a. PYRAWIDTTHU)— CD e WIN, LOSE OR OR ‘/MOm SHOW K3VIE v i (THU) mO (9 FOCUS ON SOCIETY (F71FRI) a AMERICAN 8ABY,(M(,{MON) (TMC) MOVII)viE (WEO-TOU) _ ____ ;;_CD. _ a ONE-UFE -TO - UVE - (FRI-1ll-TUE.------ffl.DC»l&OAy-(TUE>We:WEO)— r------l1rf)OtBTOOC0 CLOSE FOR COMFORT Tl O SECOND HONEYMOOICON (THU) O PINWHEElEEL ■______f S l 3 lonejjeejcluv ^ ------IBUUMBD’Si:racU8“r — ’— ' ------C D ^ o n1 n sAND T R ^ BEAUTIFUL o Q o o NEWS ID VIDEO DISC JOCKEYEY I(FRI, WEO- (FRI-WED)I ■ aCD INSTHUCTIONAL PROGR2RAM- Friday, Sflptemberie, 1987}7 Tlm69-N6W9. Twin Falls, IdahoIdl 7 i A ffi ONEE TTREE ISLAND (MON) TALES AND LEGENDS (THU] JOURNEY INTO_THE HHIMA- ...... CD CARD SHARKS (THITHU)------R O P E (FRI)W) ------. LAYAS (WED)_J______' . ______OCa.INSTBUCnONALIAL PROGRAM-_____ (TMC) MOVlOVIE (MON-TUE)------—1 m OEAFMOSAIC (THU) MING (FRI) CIN MOVIEI/IE (MON-THU) fffi NEWSWATCH GD ONE LIFE TO UVE/E(W { ED) . * 2.-00 0 WILriL SHRINER f CNN NEWS ffi ROAD TO THE WHITE HCHOUSE e a O YOUJ LE'S COURT ICD DRAG RACING (MON-WED!:d) I O BILL COSBY O C D G ERERALDO ) - ai NEW ZOO REVUE CB WALT DISNEY PRESRESENTS a OS CDS ) a ANOTHER WORLD fffi (Ml GOLDEN AGE OF TELELEVI- O CROOK ANO CHASE^SE O (12) NEV'lEWLYWEO GAME gSION O PRESS YOUR LUCKCK 00 GHOSTBJTBUSTERS (FRI) h HBO MOVIE (FRI-MON, THU)I ^ B NILE CROCODILEE(FRi) (F O (11) YOYOUNQ AND THE REST- (SHOW) (' MOVIE (MON-THU) CD AUTO RACING (FRI)W ) LESS SHOW HIGH SCHOOL NARC (f CB COUNTRY MUSIC; TETELEVISION - O H AZEL (FRI) SHOWI THE ALMOST ROYALVL FA- S> (B RISING DAMP ffi MOVIEE IVMILY (MON) (TMC) MOVIE (WED-THtTHU) a NASHVIl IVILLE NOW sSHOW MOM ANO OAD CANTPHEAR H CIN MOVIE (FRI) • a BUMPER>ER STUMPERS KME (TUE) ; 12:35 O WOMANWATCH:H ((FRI) ffi OPRAH,H >WINFREY s SHOW UUTH SUMMER (THU)i)_; 12:S5 CB TOGETHER ffi LAND' OFOf THE BORDERS (FRI) (1(tMC) MOVIE (FRI) 1K)0CBCB(11)OQUIDirIDING UGHT ffi WORLDJ) IABOUT US (MON) CCIN MOVIE (MON) .. , ! CB MYSTERIOUS CITIESIE S OF GOLD_____ ffi SEA ALV«.WAYS.WINS (TUE) CIN C DANGEROUS RLM CLUB h __ _ai.QUIOINO UQHT (FRIFRI-WED) ffi RRE ON llfijE) ON THE WATER (WED)- CIN C CINEMAX COMEDY EXPKPERI- CD PRICE IS RIGHT (THI[THU) ffi SM AUL VWORLD (THU) MENTm (THU) O O FRENCH IN ACTKCTION (FRI) - ffi NEWSDA;DAY (MON-THU) 3:05 3 0 a MUNSTERS O 09 BUSINESS OP MANAGE- ffi U.S. HOI{OUSE OF REPRESENTA- n(TMC) MOVIE (THU) ■ MENT (MON) TIVES (FRI,f»l. WED-THU) 3:3/ CD GENERAL HOSPITAl 3:30 a DOUBLE DARE TAL (FRI-TUE. ffi WRESTU:TUNG (FRI) nCD BRADY BUNCH THm CD AWA ClCHAMPIONSHIP WRES- G ■ 'a c ti GENERAL HOSPn a CBaa^ESAME STREET 5PITAL TLING (MONlON-THU) SCD FACTS OF UFE m a DAYS OF OURI uUVES \ * a t MOVIE: (F(FRI. TUE-THU) ______q ------arCB^NTA-BARBARA -OI12)JUUNDERCATS.(FRtl^ ^RA------C g lHK 50U1OUmrOF^URDEH'lMON}------aS (12) BRAVESTARR (M0N-T>1 0(12) JUDGE SHOWBLINI TWi) .IND SUNDAY (FRI) -OLTRANSFORMEBS j ______^ ------^(£WELCOM&BACK,-KO-KOTTEfl(FRI)------SHOW-CMPtiflPeROR'S^IGHTTNQACE O GREEN ACRES CS DISNEY FAMILY ALBUM (MlMON) CD DISNEY CHANNEL .PREVI-VIEW : a YOU CAN BE A STAfTAR SHOW HIGHOH SCHOOL NARC (TUEI______If OPtAYPERCENTAGEiGES - ...... SHOW CONC -(TUE)------r— ------r ------3NCERT STAGES OF EU- ' QCD WIND IN THE WIUOWS (THTHU) O ANIMALS OFTHEGF: GREAT NOR- ROPE (WEO) a NEW COUNTRY - • ------^THWEST-fFRIh------^------=-8H0W-9HEt^— "D'BRTTAND FRIENDS; ' 8 flm es-N ew s, Twin Falls,ills, Idaho , Friday, Seplomberle r16,1987 O CLUB MTV CDRSHirHING (MON) QDWIN, LOSE OR DRAW O a {FRI-TUE,- CD SURFlRFING {TUE) THU) O INSIDEIDE THE PGA TOUR (WEO) Dayti,ime m $100,000 PYRAMIIVMID (FRI, TUE- a WINNEINER’S CIRCLE HORSE RAC- THU) IN Q MkOAZINE A a (THU) O HOLLYWOOD SQU.QUARES (MON) 0 JETSO•SONS fD WONDERS OF TH£ ■ O MAGIC YEARS IN SPORTRTS (Fpl) THE UNDERWA- HBO MOVlOVIE MAKERS (FRI) O NFL MONDAY (MON) TER WORLD (FUI) HBO SHO'HOW MOVIE (WED-THU) a nSHING: BEST OF B i aL tDANCE O AROUND LONDONON (WED) (SHOW)C1 CONCERT STAGES OF EU- {T U E )...... S TRAVEL tMAQESS f (THU) ROPE (Ffl:f r i) - O JAYCE AND THiTHE WHEELED CIN MOVII)VIE (MON) I AMER- WARRIORS 4:35 O ( “ ^ I CAROL BURNETT ANO 0 1 0 SIGNATURE (FRI CD SPEEDWEEK (THU) [FRI-MON, WED) FRIENDS)S (FRI-WED)( C 90U R GROUP (FRI) ^ . 6D 09 JOURNEY TO'O .ADVENTURE 5:00 O CB2:B S NEWS {TUE. THU) O O M T H VALLEY DAYS ■ O Y O UI &CANT DO THAT ON T E U ­ O 6 ) RISING DAMP HBO HOW TO RAISEISE A STREET- VISION HBO GIRL ON THE EDGE O F ' SMART CHILD (WED)O) CD CD (11)I I) JEOPARDYI f t o Wn SHOW EMPEROR’S Nl i NIGHTINQALE O IS O S5 S SOUARE i ONE TELEVISION (SHOW) MOVIE (WED) (THU) Q} CD ABCIBC NEWS _ g j j 2 WOVIE (MON-TUE)— ------(TMC).MOVIE (MON-Tll-TUE)------O ONE-D^:-OAY,-ATATlME . ~ ------a n MOVIE (T U E rmHU) u ) ------0 » N ElEWS V (FRI) - 6: S-.X O SANFORD AND SONIN (FRI- CIN PETE TOWNSHENIEND (WED) 8 » IDAIQAHO AT RVE (MON-THU] IMON) - 3:35 O LAVERNE & SHSHIRLEY (FRI- CD HOLLY!LYWOOD SQUARES i WED) a (12) FACTSFA OF UFE i SEBALL O MAJOR LEAQUE-UE- BASEBALL ID BENSOiSON • - g ’ i e T E g r fTHU) OREMINCINGTON STEELE < 4K)0 O WIN, LOSE ORR DRAWE O MICKE>CEY MOUSE CLUB ^R E M E M B E R H O W N Nl IC E I O MONKEES a YOU CANc» BE A STAR IIT USED TO BE? N(\JO W ; GD SHOW MOVIE (FRMRI-TUE) OA IR WVOLF O I (3) WONDERFUL WORIORLO OF DIS- O NBC NENEWS ,THE DRINKING AAND NEY (WEO-TMU) O VIDEOO DISCI JOCKEY 1DRUGS ARE WRE(EC K - - i ffi DIFPRENT STROKEIKES O M'A*S*I S*H IING YOURMARRIAG O TRUTH OR CONSINSEQUENCES ffi ISLANDiND OF THE MOON BIRD GE. (FRI-TUE, THU) (FRI) GET HELP NOWIIIII ; O ABC AFTERSCHOOlOOL SPECIAL ® OENTLEFLE GIANTS (MON) CALL ------(WED)------^------ffl-WlLD.CjI.CANADA.{TUE)------O W CD OPRAH W INR EF HOUR (WEO) -eANYONVIE\: W 7 — ; 0(13)Q J. JOE (FRI) CMAN TREATMENT (THU) O (12) OUCKTALES (MON-THU) (M< O MONEYIEYUNE . HOSPITAL IN TWIN FALLS ____(B GOOD TIMES------O S P O R1TSCENTER T J IB (11) PEOPLE’S COUfOURT ® PEOPLE»LE IN CRISIS (FRI) _ PH O N E 7 3 4 -6 7 6 03 ' ■ j O CRAZY UKE A FOXW Oil ja c kC AiANO MIKE (MON-THU) ^ CD OUMSO'S CIRCUS5 ^ ...... O CISCO.fo ;K io ______/ ...... r O CROOK ANO CHASE ______E U aM OONIBEUX fC R0CK {FBIrTUE,— ------trCARTOONS------THU) CB WIL SHRINER CD (B ROClOCKUNE FROM LONDON A R E Y O U CD DIAL MTV - (MON) CD SUPERIOR COURT lOCKUNE FROM LONDON FUUYCOVEREIED? I O WONDERFUL WORL)RLD OF DIS- NEY (FRI, WED-THU) • HBO FROGXJ PRINCE (FRI) m MOVIE (MON-TUE) WtVAL SERIES (MON) S SURVIVORS OF THE BUND SUNDAY (FRI) O FLORENCE, AfTERR THET FLOOD (SHOW)SSHl'li E • (MON) EMPEROR'S NIGHTIN- ' S ) AMERICAN DIARY (T SS^ g !| ^ O O L NARC (TUE) O ODYSSEY (WED) :ONCERT STAGES OF EU- O PANTOMIME OAME ( ED) ______I O U.S. HOUSE OF REPlEPRESENTA—IIS' "(SHOWOSW TIVES (MON-TUE) WELLfeY'DUVALL’S fALL TALES ANONO LEGENDS (THU) CD SPORTSLOOK SHOWTHBIIBTFMPTATIONS4FOUR OB LADY BLUE (FRI) iU) OD FUMINQO ROAD (MON-THU)(M( J S T IlK)VIE il (FRI, WED-THU) ' CD THUNDERCATS IE (FRI. TUE) GREAT DETECnVl IGINAL MAX TALKING HBO MOVIE (TUE) ■ HEADROOMM l SHOW (TNU) CIN MOVIE (WED) 6:05 0 ANDYDY QRIFFITH (fTll-WED) I Who wi lilaa to Iniuranei cost. <:05 a AUCE (FRI-WED)O) 5 jn IB fT) mGD NEWS Jo 4:30 HOUYWOOD SQU To (U lt Ml cti« In Rhyma. CD OUARES aStW lSIZARO'8 WORLD - CD NICK ROCKS------— ...... — ( 0 0 ( 1 1»OCBSNEWS ) 9 ll liki lh« m»n, who itopi Ihtcloi:loek. i O 09 MISTER ROGERSIS 0 09 3-2-11•1 CONTACT And think* ho'i i««|ng Umi. CD BENSON ______O ABC NEWEWS O^PEOPLE-3 COURTr r (FRI-TUE^ O a i C N BNBC i NEWS (D DOCTOR>RWHO ’ ' (S TODAY’S SPECIAL £EE/»SONa.{FRJVJl_Z______E O lfSrC E A SE IT TO BE/l3EAVER 0 ^ ( « ) *WONDERFUL ^ WORLD OF (D J EFFERSONS______— ------DlSNEJmHOI»ON._TKU)^------:------^ i n j ^ U P E R I O R COURlURT Q (12) MOVI3VIE (TUE-WED) q O WELCOME TO POOHW C< Q U N E H -— maOAP OBENCHAIN-WHEAAT 8 VIDEOCOUMTRY ' O D O N A L6 b tDUCK PRESENTS ^ ® PEOPLE’S COURT NGO INSURANCE __ ® PORTRAITS OP POWEWER (FRI) ’3_C0MPANY__. '______J 3 3 i l 0 7 6 ______“ *®^OWBIZTOD*Y ------CB CANARIEIHES TO CLYDESDALES O VIEWER CALL-IN . 263 2nd Avo. N. CD RUNNING ANO RACIN(:iNG (FRI) S r S o S S RRRE R . (1____ T w in Falls -3 i ; :f^WyfSeptembeMflj987_L TImea-News, Twin F-alla, Waid a h o S ------j Z^Fnd'day evenint^gprogramss ______6:00 CD ® WHEEL OF F F FORTUNE g her grondrridmother's horso Is hoatihy s O OONNA REED DofDonna char>gos tjefore sho S ) PRIME TIME ACCESS hor oasyfloing Imago. ho can raco Him, a MGAZINE UTAH r ^ a JOURNEY INTO INDIA Jaipur>ur. tho GO O O OS CO (D (11) I capllai ol Rajasihan and tho mos ■HOflCONSEOUEIICES mi ost ro- O a® PROFILES OF Nj maniic area ol India, is studdedId with CD NIGHTLY BUSINESSESS REPORT 0 ( 1 2 ) MAJOR LEAGUESUE BASEBALL Cloveiand Indians at Minnesota Twins. Daytime i CD HOGAN'S HEROESiS >An olite Gor- ! movies manflivlsfon bivouac# no s noar Stalag 13 «C) "Funeral In Borlin'' q,gers" (1952. Btography)'Will Rc ond cfoatos problemsIS fi for Klink and Sujponse) Michaol Caine. Evo ji Rogers ' Hogan, Jr. Jane Wyman, n^C ) ** 'Class" (1983.. Dri OPAPEH CHASE:THE I * * * "Tho Privaio Lifo of R Drama) HEFIHSTVEAB *i Rob U w o, Jacquoline Bissot. Han asks Prof. Kingsflolii«OH nn ocU M ------V lir-(i933. Drama) Charlos ii:011:05 ' Q **v^ "Manhunior" (t ------quostion and must Uiotthoroforo com- on. Merle Oboron. n, (1974, ------plQ to.a.M roooftoo It-wItw lthin 24 hrs;------3.*»J4J:Tho-Park.l8-Mlno-^------_J^?)Jmedy) ffi PRIMENEWS Robort Rodford. Dobra Wlngor • m na ♦Vr'Tho.Lion .HasiWingsi:_____ S ir. ------ffi'SENATE-JUOIClARY'RY'COMHiT------nS40."D ranrama) Morlo Oboron. R a^h -(SHOW)-**Vz“AnimaIsp. Aro Beaiilauliful ------TEE HEARING Topic thoho nominationr Richardsonion. ^ P l e " (1974. Documentary) ol Judge Robort Borkk to t( the Su- SHOW ***r** "The story of Will Ro.'' S(p4Cl ) * * 'Oroam Lover" n<(1986. promo Court. £ier9” (1952 Susponso) Krisiy McNIchol.. IBen M asters. CD NFL’S GREATEST MOMOMENTS Jr. Jane Wywyman, 0® KAY O'BRIEN Kayo iis s tblam ed for C tN "R o s« ( P ,"Ardw::-(t9e6rAavcmiiniuro)" ______Iho noqllQOnfft nt n Jonlor-efoff- gn? ------k®rST8Vtfn$ Brett Clmino, Robert Colby Womtjor^Tony Sopor) ...... BHISO***-'k*-VThe Barkleys of Broad-- - - .Q«'S o t?*."JiJ«)ith':(t966..AdvonUniuro) - .. •Tho Absent way * (1949,M9. Musical) Fred Astaire, 2;3oSophia Loren, Potor Finch Mlndod ProJossor" (1961.161. Comedy) Ginger Rog:OOOAUTORj1 RACINO IMSA OTP s« r. C h o ' as^ . USO singor brings tho tourtnjiring froupo les. (R) h ^ p lo n sh lp Wrestling. ------11100 O AUTO5 RRACINO MKT-OW JO I------JroS S JLL----- ^------■M tta* — ^ttBU^Ungto8®*VOntoc(R) ------4 :3 0 -0 cago Cut>s at St. Louis CoConsnofs. (Livo) AFTERNOON'N |: 1 S g 19 (11) WHEEL OF FORTUNit iN E g ’ i™ «A RS IN SPORTSITS CD SPREAD YOUR WINGSIS >A toen- 12:30 O AUTO0 RACINQF Barber Saab "19^ ' ; y «oor “ ogo Australian girl musl show sho that Sories. (fl) om ______Watsc tOTImes^^e»5,TwJnF^H».(l< KaaHl).: Fddi|f,i«aomi>«ii<18,1087 ” I F R I D A Y E V E N I ~TTT7T7T5=HCTr5H7T7TTSr^ I 7:00 I 7:300 8:00 T;3Q 1 9:00 ( I 9:30 110:00110:30 I ll:t1 :0 0 111:30 112:00 112:3C30 I O |MacNeil/Lehrer Washing- Wall $l. Great PeriorrIormanMs B««ux Arts Trto Theatriteatre Sign-Off I [Gfowing Pams __ Max Heaflioom 20 /20 ______NWirs Entertain. Ntghtteghtline OneOay Sign-Off |Q.®|R808ioniene3 - - — PnvaiaEye.yo------Newt Tonight Show ~ lite Tonight Show O |M.LBaset>all: Ctevel. evelandaiMinneiota Gunimoke10 - WKftP - Ouincy _____ H'moon-' Lata Show ‘ { i B |CBS Playhouse __ Movio: -Naljonal Umpoon~s Vacaacation" News M’A’S’H "Ann ArAmerican WBrewoll in London" j t B |CBS Playhouse __ Movio: -Naiionai Lampoon's Vacaacaiion" News B. Miner Taxixi |aiI ~ Lovo Boat | C ) |At»Mnd Proi __ DuckTalcs: Treasuta cl iho Goldei■Iden Suns News Movie: "Zardoz"o £ ______Movie: "Gung Ho!"i!" - |SHOW)]Mo»ie: -Invilalion to 1 ' to tho Oance" Movla: "THeTie Whiadpoo Boys" Blrarre Brotheiathers [Shan- ' Tho Texas ' IsHOW The |B iza » e~ Btoihors |Shaf>- '-Tho Texasas Ctiaiftsaw( Massacre Part 2” Movio:ivie: "Submission" [Sucfcerlrl ------)-H9Q-|~Agws'0tG0a------— itns

old foftressos ond spoctacctacular pa- son/onts who0 wantm to got ma'rrlod. locos. . . . O NEW COUNIJNTRY Featured: Desert ■ 'T :0 0 O CD O (11) ©■ CB S S Fridaly IS SUMMER Roso. (In Sloroi3roo) PLAYHOUSE Pilots: In "Ki■Kingpins." SHOW BEST• OF01 BIZARRE John By- ______Dofion Hofewood sto fs aIS s t^the onbat- nor and his biza )izorfo crow bring lo life crimarimatlon between tho saltwater cip Hod propfiotof ot a Bowlingling alloy; In Ihe best ol thl;this acclaimed comedy ■"Sons ot Gunz." o manin (Konnoth( serios. q Ddilo ond the Johnstone IreshwaleIler McMillan) employs m roo■ol ol his sons 0:0 0 0 (1 ) 0 ( 1 1 rocodile are Illustrated. (11)®M0VIE**"Na. SHmHOW ITS GARRY SHANDUNQ’J os cor sfllosmon. tional Lampoon» n - s Vacation" (1983. iH o i XS HOW (In Sloroo) g O MY THREE SONS Comody) Chovhovy Choso. Beverly 6:35 0 OQ® MACNEIL/LEHRERER NEWSH-J D'Angolo. 5 O MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLiLL Uanta Braves at Los Angelos Dodg^ O CAR 54.. WHEREV ARE YOU? J ““"| dg- 0 ) O (Z) OnoWINQ PAINAINS (SEA- . Whilo on an und ) b l S P Y ______SON PREMIERE) A vacotroiat'.on_l(ipJo___Toody.is accusoiisod QlJoadlng adouble— HawniTfdrcos Magglo'’lo makmake a diffi- lilo. ra8 -Q R E A T “ PERFOHMANCE8ES ------Vagner" An all-star cast that in^ cult doclslon. g O ligi WASHINCINOrON WEEK IN RE- ^ ini O Q ffCB OR AQ S TO RICHE: h e s (s e a - v iE w g jdos Vanessa Redgrave. Sir John■hn olgud. Sir Ralph Richardson and SON PREMIERE) Nick gooslOOS undor- Q) O (D MAXAX H ^ O ROOM (SEA- nd _____ cover for Iho CIA In L as5_Vopaa_iQ V _____ S O M ^ E M ie n i tXauretwo-OHvlerioirrRtch ardB ur^ n 88 Wagner In this dramatic pof- caicn o Oiackmaiiino mob;lobstor. (In force computertor Whiz Bryce Lynch' ■ I?.*!,?!’ 3f- ■ - Storoo) p lyal ol tho Gorman com posor'a lUo Inlo a crisis o11 l loyaltyIc When horters Uo . . 'd career. In ihla^iplsode^flooir^ : :CD WAU, STREETVVEEK”------attrjoA codomny y taKo N o tw onr23oit------sL® " 'iho air. (In Store } consoquonces ol his political ac J^S^'’J-and-("Whi5tl o d starlel hires Cleary to firid outj; II-_____ 1 . • mobster b<^/riend Is boing un- p MOVIE** -m e Beginnlf Si :hlul. {In Stereo) . , End (t9S7. Science-Flctier■Sfz.uonj Koiof sasfiss'JU yipgQ j j i g p . (12) GUNSMOKE Kitty lalls In lovo'0 S J : ^ S y . S i ' J Graves. Peggy Costio, h a roluctant-gunllghier-afier ho10 ------ffi WONDER OF WESTEHI■CBn "a ii^ ' mORPHANSOFOF THE WILD A sludy “ H sk ih 30s0feaglas. (9 his life to save'hors. THAUA Poor Inte A ustralia's REMINGTON STEELE U u ra and«S Canyon. i elo bellove unscrupulous agents O U RRY KINQ LIVE 0 OUCKTALESES "Troasuro ol tho fr^bol' :s behind tho atlem pts on an osDlr-'r-' 0 BOXING (TOP RANK) Johi young sister's life. . : S-S; STORIES A business- Ins vs. Howard Stowart. Johr YOU CAN BE A STAR od with an unwanted n h i i a i Ins ,(5-1.2. 12 KOs) vo rsuus s IHoward Is locod NIGHT FLIGHT "Comedy Culs IU" in a ^ r u o f prognancy In "Joi■JonI & Iho Whales": in . Sq np Stowan (14-2-2. 4 KOs) In i PERSPECTIVE A look at ho*» : ■ a cartoonist settles lechnoi middleweight boui schoduloc inology is boing used in the autb-»- rounds, from Atlanllc City.•N.J.(Uvo) N.. sonjo scores ata t a hlflh-school rou- 3lle Induatry. *** "Auntlo10 Mamo" ______^a.MoiMONEYUNE------(1950, Comody) R osalindd Russoll,f HBO INSIDE~THTHE”NFL Hosts: Con 0 BEfSENATE JUDICIARY COMMIT- Forrest Tucker. Dawson. Nick BuBuonleonti. (In Steroo) TEE! HEHEARING Topic: tho nominotion1- (SHOW) MOVIE * * * "invltiivltatlon to SHOW BROTHERlERS Donald heads for ol Jud(Judge Robert Bork Jo Iho S u - . the Dance" (1957, Musical]Icol) Gono L.OS Vegas io lulflll lul his Aunt Blllio's premoTio iCourt. ^lly. Igor Yeuskovlich. last wishes — to spread her ashes O HAHARNESS RACING Broodersi ^ (TMC) MOVIE * * ••Class")9" (1903. over tho Goldenin tNugget Hotel. Guest Crown.wn. (Uve) ~C_Ofama>41otM.ower*JQcquotttuollno'BIs-— ^ to r; Jorry-Lewls:wlsr(ln Siereo) (Part-1------® -®B -e ^^CKAMER-irCorO'BIackT------oL2)J5------^ CIN MOVIE ** "Poriotl oof f ,Adjust- B:30 0 MONKEE:e e s a hypnotist at- courtrt whenwt ho decapitates tho wrong m o n f (1962. Comody) Tonvony Fran- tempts to put thoho Monkoos undor his man. I ciosa. Jano Fonda spell. ___ HBO) MlMOVIE **W "Jaggod Edge" 7:30 D ANN SOTHERN O OS) WALL $TR6TRECTWEEK (1885.S. Orama) Glenn Closo, JellI ...... CDWASHINQTONWEEKINRIN REVIEW O VIDEOCOUNTiNTRV Bridges, ------Q------:______------0-ANlMAL-WOlVONOER-OOWN-UN------(SHOW) 0 ZORRO Zorro helps two 3W)^MOVIB-*fr-Tho-VWioopoa-I— ^------w o Indian OER Tho flifforonconcos that onablo dis- Bovr»"" M908. Comedv) MichaolI Fr .. ■nmej-Newa, Tl, Twin Falla, tdahooil 1 a (Hi CX CD t o n ig h t s h o w Host prominent family, settirig ofl5fl a series Friday Johnny' CtC arson. Scheduled: ja :: sin- • of events that loads to deoiiloih. gorJoo W ) Williams, aciors Paul Reiser ■ : POWER ------flndOabnibney Coloman. (in Siereo) ” pLAY* TRACKS: CD MACNI O'Keele, Paul Rodrigu :NEIL / LEHRER NEWSHOUR 11:30 1 a ALL IN THE FAMILY.Y QUINCY SHOW MOVIE V4 •The Texas S MOVIE a ANN SOTHERN Chainsow Massacrore P Pan 2 ‘ (1986. S K/IE I *V^ "B oasts" (1983. Hor- O ® UTE-NIQHT WITHrn OAVID Hoffof) Donnis Hoppor,ipor.Caroi.ne Wii. n B abson. Kathy Chrlsiophor. LETTERMAN (Lelt in Progress) Pr M‘A*S‘H While on loavo tn liams. Scheduled: singor Stanleyly "Buck------_ {TMC) MOVIE *V%'i ' 'Uoht Blast ” - Henry becom es infaiuated Wheat Zydeco - Ourol. ectres•es5 Mony ■ (1985. Advaniure) Erilc iweot young thing fresh from Ringwold. (in Storeo) cftaol PriichartJ. tes. . CD GREAT SPACE RACE "f T OF OROUCHO •'Payload CIN MOVIE ***W.14 "Tfte Diny S In Ihe Sky" This series exexamines JE OF LIFE The story ol Bri- Oo2on'' (1967, Drama)m.) L„ ® YiS m a n s future in space, Epiifpisodo 1 Ernast Borgnina. ilroduction to Indians curry ^ k s wilhin the space progr OAUSTR) igrams of 9:30 CD NEWS TRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL China and tho Sovioi union asa s woll as 1 CB DINOSAURS Hostost Qary Owens lent Rounds (Semifinals). several European countries>s. Japan laiks witti scientists aboabout the history M o v ie and the United Stales. (R) (pj(Part 1 of and myths surroundin'Iding dinosaurs. S , VIE * * '/t ••2ard02" (1974 witti ciips Irom thee firstfi dinosaur ■Fiction) o Sean Connery, CB LATE NIOHT WITH DAVII e Rampling. VID LET- movio, (••The Lost WoricM - A s w e j l a s _____ fe u o w TERMAN Schedulod: singerLSlanley < ___ animalecTcnps f r ^ i 'T i -BEST-OF-eiZARRE-John------•Buckwhoal‘Zydoco"'OuralI. actress < (■•Gertie"). nd his bizarre crow bring to Molly Ringwaia. (In Stereo) life the beste st ol Ihls acclaimed comody P (12) HONEYMOONERS . . a FANOANQO . .soriet.Q . RS The a ASSAULTED NUTS . -Kramdens and the Nortons> eenter a TS An adull co- 10:35CDTAXIW l Whon tho vonding msch- medy show wilh skotche lalont contest, iches porlormed ine girl revjeveals her hidden desire to by a sU-momljor cast. a MICKEY ROONEY **■, mooi Louie.uie. Alex Introduces them. a MAN. MONSTERS AND O TRAVEL IMAGES>A)ournoydown A)( (D MAQNU D MYS- INUM, P.I. A practical ioker TERIES Interviews with local ci Calttornia's whilowatortor rivers.r loaves Mao I citizens Magnum ovor $50 million in and scientists about Nessit a SPORTS TONIGHT^ his will, sie, the O SPORTSCENTER Loch Ness monster a ( n MONTREUX ROCiocK l„cluo.a: “ ERTAINMENT TONIGHT (In a NEW COUNTRY Featured:i: DesertC Level 42, Pel Shop BoysiO js.O M D .Tho . IQHT SHOW Host; Johnny f— Blow Monkeys, Dopectia«.M0d..„d5 - g ™'s“ Star. Scheduled: Jazz singor Joe 9:45 O NIOHT FLIQHTT ••Goes• ( to tho . “actors Paul Reiser ond Coloman. (In Stereo) ^ Movies and Comino AttrAttraclions::______m N i o ^ ------10:00 a c c s ' o a w a TLINE Q ------j » CC a O NEWS rA ‘S*H r a ------a-O O N N A . RFEO rVxu j)440VlE-ii*i!maach«r*::___ H tier easygoing imago, omofly) Nick Nolle. JoBoih ■ a QO BEAUX ARTS TRIO; TR «N EN. DURINQ SOUND Tho n W . MOVIE **l^^'Subm is- / ------tfto Bflniix Arts.Tflo.disci 975, Orama) Franco Naro. J l yoar caroor ar>d perform orm Schubert’s ii-oo le decision — — II ___ S ie re o )______------maKing-JSrt'cBrta ‘TricToaso parem-ieon I 'GD MOTHER AND SON,M communicalication. (R) I CINMAT. ® n i ) MOI40VIE *** "An i^orj?on______il a (12).WKRP..IN CINOhICINNATJ . - -worowoil In > CD INN NEWS ' In London" (1981. Horror) II ;OBURNSANDALLENGiNQraciewants ughton. Jenny Agutler. i l BENNY Jack screws up | l .to know II sho can list horcanaryasohon SnklelSva^ ' dependent. .valon's recording session. ' II ; 0 MOVIE ■■Btby- -,ao c ______a NIQHTr FLIGHTFl ______II . venture) William Kan. > DISC JOCKEY 1 ' a NASHVILLE NQW .IFE CINEMA A study ol Iho I 'BMOVIE*"Tho?'hanlo wildlife surrounding Old J •(1939. Science Fiction) B< In _ Yoiiowstono Nalional' ; Robert Kenl. • O LINOISFARNE "CraC SFIRE Incii • The lllo lod by inhabitants i THE CONSTITUTION o . TMENT ADVISORY RCA 45'* diagonal . eluded Island, localodd olto' Britain^s ^ 8 0 MOVIE • coast. 'IE "Legal Eagles" (1986. ColprTrak 2000 Storeo ------r a NEWSNIGHT------Comedy)-R<-Robert- Rdatofd.- Debra ■■■ PProjection i Monltor-Recelvevar ■ a PUBUC POLICY CONI0NFEBENC6 SPORTSLOOK IROTHERS Donald heads ! S SREGIS PHILBIN SHOW g as to fuinil his Aunt Billie's . i ; W axman ("Cagrwy & Uc« s - to spread her ashes • , Club entertainer Bart>«r« HSolden Nugget Hotel. Quest • * °Ou».Uei,tl»ICJt»,Mwig >' thor Jamas Spada ("Grao Lewis, (tn Sloroo) (Part 1 - ; cret U ves ol a Princess''). •;o^*«_w'i4fimt«ii ou ___^lIlOS-aLMQVJiVJE_***-i:An-Amerlcan_____»«>' ------^ e m o f lf la ::( 19fl0, Drama) In LondoiT (19_ai^Horr«) _. ■ JS Jj lan. Tony Roberta. gnton. Jenny Agutter. i— . 10:^A.aARNEy.MlLL£A- p JS t o rR? ^ ^ ^ D Y ------rrr^:.. ; a MISTER-EO Ed neips hel| Witbor ii.-oeaH A W A l - PAUL KAtBFtEtSCH- choose a winning hofse. VAII FIVE-0 A cot burglar A P strikes at thi A PP U A N C E a n d TV SERVICIICE tho hom e o f a socially '■ A MUi .Ml •( ro*f M ilM Omw 4 ---- »2TlmBS--News7Ti^lo'FanvnaTHiho Friday,SeptemberlBrl8,1087 ”*--- - , _7.t4~4Ua R o m . (In Sleroo) pany. • a IN THE WIIO WITH HARIlARRY BU- a VIDE0C0UNT1WTRY TLER Harry Sutler goes inn searchse ot Q NIOHT FLIGH1IHT "Talte OR" FridayV: the fawn hill water rat. thouglsught to be S SPORTS LATEkTENlOHT extinct. CIN MOVIE ***** "About Last' — — ) INN NEWS a NEWSNIQHT UPDATE Night..." (1906, ComC o ody'D rsma) Rob CB INi ' O PUBLIC POLICY CONFERI^EBENCB I-®*®- >ore. aI ASASSAULTED NIHS An adult co-»• NOLINO'S 125® » m o v ie tW "Saturn 3" (1960. rnedy»dy show with sketches performed«d (SHOW) rrs q a r r y s h a nrtuLiNU o i 9 Scionce-Ficiion) K SHOW (In Stereo) q ) Kirk Douglas, Far- by a six-member s cast. .. CIN STEVE MCOUEEN:-MAtiAu aatirical tips on the Star,»r. 11:3S GD MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWAWARDS ’’''B art of conninging with guosts Turk 1:35 GD NEWS (Joined in Progress)I . Receiving multiple fromlnatkxitS i ara P‘P>«in and John1 ULarroquotto. Taped SHOWlow MOVIE ***Vi "Prizzi'si s "L and of Confusion" by Genes jch’s (Calil.) Comedy Honormor" (1985. Comody) Jack Nichol-ol- - te r Gabriel's •■Sledgohajrham m er," * son,n. KathleenK Tumor. 1:45 O Stevo Winwood‘9 "Higher LoviLove" and 1KXIQ NEWS 0 NIGHT FUOHT "Goes, to thehe^ Movie: U2 s "Wllh or Without You."1." £Sched- O I SPY ivies and Coming Attractions" uM portortners: Bryan Adamilams. Bon O 9 FRIDAYlY NIGHT VIDEOS , (SHOW) MOVIE **Vi "Submis-is- —Whitney------(Joined in Progresiresa) (In-Steroo)------n " (1975. Drama) Franco Nero.;o,. ______a Gastonl. Houston and CyrKll Laupor.per. Held O (13) INN NEW! S ept. 11 in Los Angoios. (X) LAVERNE a■ T : I h IRLEY Lavome a MOVIE **Vi "Thai Uncenalnlin O ONE DAY AT A TIME and Shirley posio s e a s weight-loss Blino" (1941. Comody) Morto Ob-b- a ENTERTAINMENT TONIQIFLIGHT (In '' coun$ek>T9 at aI fafat farm. m. B * urgess Meredith...... Stereo) O MEDICAL CCENTER Gannon ® MOVIEM^ **Vi "Rafferty and theie ■' 12:00 O LOVE BOAT forces a sick surgeon sur to talk him Id Oust I Twins" (1975. Comody)’ly)' m CAR 54. WHERE AREIE YOU? through a delicateato operation on the • q n^ ArWn. Sally Kellerman. While on an undercover assignsignment. m an's ex-wife. MAN FROM U.N.C.LE. An En-n- Toody Is accused ol loading7 a doublec O NIQHT m O HKT T "Comody Cuts III" ih squire and his proper v^fofo- m NEWS OVERNRNIGHT >orgo Sanders. Jeanotto Nolan).»). a ® TONIQHT SHOW Host:st: Johnny OIBSLACKADOiDDER II Lord Black- «*;THFTHRUSH otTidalj. capture Sololo C arson. Scheduled: |azz singeIngor Jo e adder Is in seriouious trouWe with tho “S 1 “nIliya and plot a vongelul torture;' Williams, actors Paul Roiseiliser and court whon ho dlocapitales o c the wrong ©MOMOVIE "Archer" (1986, Advon." Dsbrray Coleman. (In Sleroo)K>) man. )) Brett Cimlno. Robort Colby. O (12) U T E SHOW (R) (Inn Sl Storoo) HBO MOVIE ****V4 "F/X" (1386, 0 1 *MOVIE 0 ' * "The Phantom C reeps" a-700CLUB------'Brown.-Brlan-Den------39,_Sdonce Fiction) Bola Lugosi. ______a MOVJE ** "Ono ol Our3ur Dino- nohy. >ert Kent. aau rs Is Mlsslno'' (1975. Co "A Ctockwork VIDEO DISC JOCKEY Petor Ustinov, Hol^fi HayMT Sciottce Fictim) Mal=------S ’rTlSLAfUttJClNOOVERNKJHT— ^ a CROOK ANO CHASE colm McDowell.. P.Patrick Magee. ® hUTO RACING IMSA GTP Series.1. a NIGHT RIGHT "Video00 R ash 1:05 0 FRIDAY NIGHTNIC VIDEOS "The • T racks" ArtislslrKludo: Cuttingting Crew GrealesI Video'ss bf c the Summer of ' INVESTMENT ADVISORY------("D ied In Your Arms T oniahf)ht"), Psy- •B7 - Hosts-Ahmh m a d -R 98had- and------a GEftALDO Scheduled: fov»r a r...... Fura ("Ghost in^W'o irT a r ^ WalcoBn^amal WWiam er Introduce vi- ity'gosilp. S S poar ol Dosbr»y (-Traveler"),r"). doos by Madonilonna. U2. Whltnoy B NIGHT TRACKS . a YANKS MEET REDS A look90k a t the Houston. Bon Jovilovi end Heart. JIN MOVIE **W "Bolero" (1934. April 25. 1945 nweting ol American Anv 1:10 « MOVIE **g Hol")1" ((1943. 1:30BaCNNNE • MOVIE *V4 "I'll Namo the Mur- Advonturo) Randolph Scott.lit. Noah tr" (1938. Mystery)

a io B T s ro B iE s A twsliMslr>0ss< w om an l^ a c o d with an unwijnwanted pregnar>cy I n ^ n i & tho Whalenales": in •'Least Likely" a cartoonistit ssettles MattjttressTooThick- some sconis at a' hlgh-schooI100I reu- i G g l W R n nloo. Foror Your S h e e ts ? : (SHOW) MOVIE *V^ "Thee 1Texas Ch«ln»«w Massacre Part 2" ((1986. erton Now Has In Stock : Horror)Donnls Hopper, Caroliniolino Wil- Hams. JUMBO 12:05 a LATE NIGHT W m< i DAVIDD LETTERMAN Schedided: slr>gef s . Stanloyj:Buckwhoat Zydoco"-o"O C ural,-— P E R C A L E ^ : a ctres s Molly Rlngwakl. (In SteStoreo) OD JIMMY SWAGOART SHEETS 12K)6 a SJSKEL 4 EBERT A THE I IES R Ym w ExfraTMek U attrW M *: 12:15 O NIQHT TRACKS IncludedN M A.TTRESS T ! FACTORY log a cnock Irom mo clKinor>e convI Fric-riday,Septeniber1^1987 T Tlrr im a a ^ e w s, Twin Falls, l^aho113 13 ------—o - ( » - ( »E-TONIOHT - SHOW HosiT------prbmlndrit^1 family. sotting off a Johnny Car: a series — Friday^ :arson. Scheduled: jazz sin- of < ovenis that leads to deathh. Wiliiame-.-ectofa-PBuhfletsoi------'’■W^O-NlOHTTRACKSrPi■POWER" “ — and Dabneyiey Coleman. (In Stereo) f O'Koelo, Pnul Rodriguez QDMACNEHlEIL/ LEHRER NEWSHOUR 11:30 11:! O A L L IN THE FAMILY SHOW MOVIE aV, -I lUINCY a I ANN SOTHERN Chainsaw Massacro Par E * \^ "B easts" (1983. Hor. a I ® LATE NIQHT WITH DAVID C Horror) Donnis Hoppflf. C Babson. Kathy Christopher. LETTERMAN L (Left in Proc-ogress) Hams. rA -S 'H While on leavo in Scheduled: S singer Stanley "I"Buck- (TMC) MOVIE frVi "Light -U Blast" '’'‘’t ' ' ’' fonry becomes infatuated w w heat Zydeco" Dural, actress18 Molly (1965,-AtfyGnture) Erik E ■eet young thing frosh from ftingwald. fl (In Stereo) chael Pritchard. »• • aCD GREAT SPACE RACE "PaPayload CIN MOVIE I ■■ "TO. Dirt, OF GROUCHO irin tho Sky" This series exar Dozen" {1967, Drama).1 L „ m r M . : OF LIFE The story ol Bri- m n- an's future in spaco, Episosode 1 E rnest Borgnine. oduelion to India's curry. Iclooks Within the space prograr OAUSTRAL •ams ol 9:30 m NEWS ULIAN RULES FOOTBALL CChina and tho Soviet Union a s.well w as ID DINOSAURS Hostt GaryOl Owens nt Rounds (Semifinals). S'several European countries. JJapan ar talks wim scientists atwut« u t the history K o VIE , and the Unitod States, (fl) (Partart 1 of and myths surrounding E **V^ "Zardoz" (1974, 4) with clips Irom tho v flrsi rs iction) Sean Connery, 3CB LATE NIQHT WITH DAVID0 LET- movio. ("Tho Lost World")ld").asw ellas ?Qun,°i)]°pf?JRampling. T«TERMAN Scheduled: singor StiStanley____ ------antmated clips-lrom ("Fam 3EST-OF-8IZARRB-John------I actress (■•Gertie"). • f his bizarre crew bring lo MMbily Ringwald. (In Stereo) We Ihe bostit olof this acclaimed comedy C3 a FANDANGO O (12) HONEYMOONERS5 The series, q . Kf O ASSAULTED NUTS An , Kramdons and the Nortons entjntor a_ » Ar\ adult.CO-.___^10:35 ID TAXICI WhenVl the vending m ach---;—-iBlontr^ontost.- tol ...... - ...... — rhe'dy show with skolchesies porformedI ine girl revea;/eals her hidden desire to . O by a six-mombor cast. O MICKEY ROONEY moei Louie,e, Alex/ introduces them. O MAN. MONSTERS AND N S>TRAVEL IMAGES Aiouijourney down Q ) MAGNUM MYS- UM, P.I, A practical joker TERIES TE Interviews with local citijitizens California's whiiawator’ rivirivers. loaves Maaniignum ovor $50 million In on a SPORTS TONIQKT and scientists about Nossio.9. the his will. LochLO' Ness monster. O SPORTSCENTER ITAINMENT TONIGHT (In O ® NEW COUNTRY Featured: Do a (R MONTREUX ROCKKK lodoaea: S.roST'"” 3osert Level 42. Pot Shop Boys./S. (OMD, Tho n TONirsHT Blow Monkeys. DopechoM IHT SHOW Host: Johnny r— Star. cheduled: jazz singer Joe 9:45 a NIQHT FLIGHT "Gc Vifilliams. actactors Paul Reiser and ______Mav]ea.arid.Coming-Attrac aloman. (In Sloroo)______10:00 0 CEO) 0 0 ( 3 ) CSISST,-irs— O DONNA REEO Donna MOVIE **V^ "Toachors" | H | her easygoing image. '“ira nody)™ Nick Nolle. JoBoih O aa BEAUX ARTS TRIOs in . IU Williims. -DURINQ SOUNO TT>o moi ’ MOVIE **W "Submis.-- tho Boaux Arts Trio discus: '5. Drama) Franco Noro, l l ml. II ______yoaLcaroflr.jnd.p«xtofm^ s S G k S . CI------\I \ —_^ Trio in E-flat Major op. 10( firial movement of Haydn's 3EE SONS 43 In C Major. Taped at Indi. / IMAGE TEEN THEATRE ^ orsity's Musicol Arts Centei bers of tho Now Image r?S- tre perform sketches do- H ington) and tho Tanglowo< Festival (Lenox. Mass.).' »ier responsible decision - - B ,£tereo) Id Increase parent-teon H 'ID MOTHER AND SON communlcatioiItion. (R) ■ IMMiT.------® ( ll) MOVII)VIE’ »« * "An'Amoflcan------H :------r ; o (12) WKRP IN CINCINHiNNATi Werewolf in u >C£)INN NEWS -I London" (1981. Horror) H ; O BURNS ANO ALLEN Grai )hton. Jenny Aguttor, H BENNY Jack screws up ■ . to know 11 sho con list herr canaryca a s a Franklo Avalor ■ depondont. lion's recording session. ■ ; e MOVIE **Vi -Baby" (i ONIOHTFLKPLIGHT H .iv i'* ''’ ©VIDEO DIS'3ISC JOCKEY V . venture) William Katt. ^ean a n Young, OWILDUFEC ; a NASHVILU NOW ^CINEMA A study otthe ■ [ O MOVIE * "The PhantomiAi«,^r>.^ adundant wildMildlifo surrounding Old A * (1939. Science Fiction) 8el« Yollowslone National ^ ; Robert Kent. • a LINDISFARNE "Cradle.01. I.I.M " S S S ? S ? 5'IRE 1 ■ t ‘ The life lod by inhabitants oi THE CONSTITUTION MENT ADVISORY ICA 45” diagonal , eluded island, located off Britain s „ a o MOVIE " ' coast. E "Logal Eogles" (1986. C^olorTrak o k 2000 Slorao Comedy) Rob ; a NEWSNIGHT ' • Robert Redford, Debra "'rojection ro j Monllor-Raceiverir • D-»UID-»l Ccnvn«n3 C*»i*f <»titni g REGIS PHILBIN SHOW« GQl ,» .t.,A , IS to fulliil his Aum SUllo's . ; Wflxman {"Cagney & U cey' - to spread hor ashes , Club entertainer Barbtra Ri aon Nugget Hotel-Guost * OwiUC'itUluUtlvninQ - . ■ewis. (In Stereo) (Part 1 — . thor James Spoda ("QracerSSi"-iMrTheSe., of2)q _____ ;_o’at Uves ol a Princes#").— g ______> a 9B MOVIE "1 ■ ” :0rcE^OtflE'?IE *** "An Amorican. ______Werewolf in Lo oanti J=ondonKlsaiUjorior)_ f ooayAi David Naugmo* w . len, Tony Roberts. Iton, Jenny Aguttor. 10-.30 a BARNEY MILLER O NIQHTUNEN E q CE PASTOR’S■ SJ S ^ D Y -...... ------P, : a MISTER-ED Ed hotps»lps WllOUf iirtM SB HAWAII - P A U L K A IB F IE IS C H — ch o o se a winr\lnq horse. Alt FIVE^) A cat burglar APPIPPLIANCE AN D TV SERVICE strikes at theHe home of a abclailv______E

12 Tim es-N ew s, Twin Falls.i.Wftho Wl F rlday.S eptem boria,•18,1M7 *------1 I' . ____ Ro m . (If> Sieroo)...... ------pany___■------m IN THE WIUO WITH HAIHARRY BU- - a VIDE0C0UN1JNTRY T tE R Haffy Butler goes In a ______Friiia I h ^ a w n riiii w ater rVt. thooi ATENIGKT extinct. c m MOVIE * * * "About U s t ------O NEWSNIQHT UPDATEP N ighl..."(1986.01. Comedy-Drama) Rob CDD INNH NEWS O PUBUC POUCY CONFEIIFERENCE loore. OD ASSAULTED* NUTS An adull1 cco- »NmiMQ*s 12:38 « MOVIE "Saturn 3" (1960. mod;nedy show with sketches perform*med (SHOW) r r s oarry shancfcNDLiNG S Sclonce-Flctlofl) I SHOW (In Siereo) g n) Kirk Douglas. Far- ly by a a six>membor cast. CIN STEVE MCQUEEN:. uM ftu ftu Fawcett. D SPORTSCENTER .T H E EDGE A proM* ofth is 8 ARRY ANDERSON'S: ' . SD <1(B MONTREUX ROCK Includeded:, i >ul leading man through Dim ERf Harry Andorson Levo.evei 42. Pel Shop Boys.'OMO. TheTt ; clips a n d inloworkers. 19 satirical tips on tho Star,;tar. 11:35 CD MTV VIDEO MUSIC= AWARDS ning with guosts Turk 15 □CD NEWS (Joined In Progress)s) . Receiving multi^e nominaii<(laltens are m ^Larroquotto. Taped SHO';H0W MOVIE ***V i ••PrizzItzl's "Land of Confusion" by Gone lach 's (Calif.) Comody Honelonor'^(1985. Comody) Ja ck Nichc*ol- son, ter Gabriel's "Slodgohaohammer," * '^*0® on, Kathleen Turner, Stove Winwood’s "Higherr LoLovo" and 1:00 O N EW S 1 :45 5 O 1 NIQHT FUQHT •'G oes to ihelh Movi U 2's ••Wilh or W/iihout You.")u.'^ Sched- O I SPY tovies and Coming Attractions" uled performers; Bryan Adaridams. Bon B O FRIDAYIAY NIQHT VIDEOS 0 (SHOW) MOVIE **V4 ••Submi!Tlis------Jovi^cfowdod—Houso^l^-W hitney------(Joinod-in Progrogross) (In-Sleroo)------lon^^ (1975. Drama) Franco Nor«qrp, ______Houston artd Cyndi Laupoupor. Hold 0 ( 1 2 ) INN NEW isa-Qastwi:------0 O MOVIE **Vi "That Uncortai Sept. 11 in Los Angolos. CE LAVERNE ^ A I h IRLEY U vom o « tain O ONE DAY AT A TIME and Shiney pose po; as woight-loss eeling" (1941. Comody) Morlo Ob- Ot . . « . ENTERTAINMENT. TONIC)N10HT.(In . . counsetora at a fatf fao n ...... ron, Burgess Meredith. Storeo) O MEDICALL CENTER Gannon y,];D MOVIE' **W '‘Rafforty'and 'th't h e '~ ' MM 0 LOVE BOAT forces a sick surgeon su to talk him old Oust Twins" (1975, ComodjWy). • CAR S4, WHERE AREIRE YOU? through a dellcaticate operation on the lan A/kin, Salty Kelk)rman. While o n an undercover essljsslgnmont. m an's ox-wifo. 1 MAN FROM U.N.C.LE. An En- Er Toody is accused of loading^gadoublo a ONIOKTFUOHI3HT"ComodyCut5lll" / g!!*''ish squire and his proper wifiVlfO' life. • NEWS OVER)ERNIGHT ' ieorge Sanders, Joanette Nolan;an). S » TONIOHT SHOW Host:3St: Johnny 0 0 QP^CKAD:ADDER II Lord Black- t-THRUSH oHidals, capture Solik)lo C arson. Scheduled: jazz singor sln( Joe adder Is in serkxtrkws Uouble with tho Id Iliya and piol a vengeful torturejre:* Winiams. actors Paul Reisloiser and courtwhenhodoey Coloman. (In Sloreo)reo) m an. re) Brett Cimino, Robert Colby. O <12) LATE SHOW (R) (In !Storoo) HBO MOVIE ».V * 4 •FJX" (1986, I MOVIE * "The Phantom C reeps'3S' ------^Thriller)-Bry8ft-£verovmr-Brian-Oen ------339..Sdonco.Fiction).6ela.Lugosl « MOVIE * * "Onn ot Our Om Oino- rwhv.______abort Kont. ______.saurs Is Missing" (1975.>. CorrKtdy)C (TMC) MOVIE *1 ’•A Clockwork 2I ^VIDEO DISC JOCKiii' P e te r Ustinov, Helen Hayes.e s. - O range" (1971,I. &Science Fkaion) Mal- I LARRY. KING OVERNIGHT. - S CROOK ANO CHASE colm McDowell,111. iPatrick Magee. I AtJTO RACING IMSA GTP Seriesos. O NIGHT FLIGHT "Vidoodoo_F1ash ____^1:05 0 FRIOAY’ NlNIGHT V ID E O S JT hO ____ ) Tracks^’ Artists Inciudo: CuttinjttingCrow G reatest Vidoos05 o( ttw Sum m er ol > INVESTMENT ADVISORY------(•'Died In Your Ann? Tonighfghf). Psy- '6 7 " Hosls AhrAhmad Rashad and I ■0 OERALDO Scheduled: royayai. chedelic Furs ("G host in You^’) Yoi and M ak»lnvjamalll V>W arner Introduce vt- mlly gossip. ------S po a ro fO o stln y C ‘TrBTelet^'1 ------cy In •'Joni & tho WhalVhalos":ln ___ . I H H H K ."Least Ukoly" a cartoonistlist settles lattress Too Thick - som e sc o re s at a hlgh-schoichool rou- nion.- ■or Your Sheets?. (SHOW) MOVIE "Thebe Texas Cttalnsaw Massacre'Part 2"2 " (1986. uerton Now Has In Slockt': : Horror) Dennis Hoppor, Caroliiirolino Wil- liams. JUMBO 12.-05 a LATE NIOHT WITHPH IDAVID LETTERMAN Scheduled:I: singer Stanley "Buckwheat ZytJeco"CO" Dural, PERCALE actress Molly RlngwakJ. (Inn SlSloreo) CE JIMMY SWAGOART SHEETS 1 2 M • SISKEL ft EBERT A THErHE MOV- IES FR Your E>tr«Thlcfc H attrM M *. 12:15 O NIOHT TRACKS Inciudoluded: Na- talie Cole C’Jum p S ta rf): Alo> O'Neel ("Fako''): John Coogai tencam p ("Papor In Flre'^). (InIln SStereo) — l2aO -*-M O N K E E S “ AT»ypf>6li•ooU srS- tem pts to put the Monkees undorun< his ------TOOifnsisrAT>TC5nroiTKpp7575irCTOirEl CS FRIDAY NIQHT VIDEOS5 a]»3ndAv«Kv«nu« South. Twin Folll ^ ' ------(S LAVERN6-A SHIRLEY-U^-Lavemo--- — ------^ i m s i ar>d Shirtey droam about life in the 733^3312 ' ------. horealter after arguing aboutKJt returrvr o»*« MM.^rc{. u MATIVTTRESS FACIORV^ ______ontrcoitP------* ' FriFrJday.Septembert8.1987 T Tl lm o » 4 )o » t, Twin F«lla, M>ho1013 ~ Frtdair = - R 2:50 HBO INSIDE THE NFL Hosts: L^n a w M Dawson. Nlci«Buonicomionll. {In Storoo) Horlndtsluifio ' * 3:00 O WACKIEST SHIP SHI IN THE ARMY O NIQHT FLIQHT MILLIOINSOF fB CROSSFIRE 3:16 0 NIGHT TRACKS 3:30 0 SHOWBIZ TODAY^ Y . - ] (TMC) MOVIE * * "JesiJe su s" (1979. riHisr Oromo) Brian Doacor>, I momi n. Rivka Nol- man. 3:40 (SHOW) HARRY ANDl^NDERSON’S: SEARSI!R)R HELLO SUCKERI Harryirry Anderson from "Nfjim Court" puls>ul8 his gavel Bsfdo to provide satiricalcal lipsi on tho fino art ol conning wrfthh guestsgi Turk PORIRIAIT5! ------Pipkin orKJJotiftLarroquflqu«tte.-Taped------a l Hormosa Beach's (CaM:altf.) Comody & Magic Club. 3:45 SHOW BUND SUNJUNOAY Tho friendship t>«twaon a loon-age tsoi boy . and B blind tednean a r Young.

------racks ■'-Aftisfs tncfudorCutCuttlngCrow ” ■ ------. (••Died In Your Arms Tonlglmight"). Psy- chodellc Furs ("Ghost In You")Y and h Spoor of Oosttrty ("Traveloi«Ior"). - ...... — ■ 9 DAYBREAK ID SURFING Triple Crow,Irown. From B Oahu, HawaH. (R) OS PRESCRiaiNQ INFORMIRMATION t o MOVIE "AlglerBlers" (1938. Rom ancbJXharlos Boyo'r.or7HOdy-(a^ I ------marr. 4:15 CIN MOVIE *% —’•A A N ig h t'I n ' Hoovon" (1983. Orama) ChrislophorChi Alklns, Lesley Ann Warren. ------O O O NICKnoCKS O BETWEEN THB LINES ...... (B KEYS TO SUCCESS , •boBTmoBwjiinW T U » n 3 « O BLUBLOCKER & o NIOHT FLH3HT ’T ak e o0 r - ...... 2 S> FOREIGN CORRESPONIONDENTS 23-piece portrailnil package— ID FISHINQ B ass R Rsh shsrm an's 2-8x101,3-5•Sx7»*, Oroam. Rshormon comp>mpeta for - 1l15 w allsli and 3 porlorlrait cham u , , boast bass, from Chattanoogooga. Tenn. Y qSURCHOICBofatradll| dltlprLol/ nurieryv _ ------tU) AMAVIDEOCUNIC“ “ tprihg, or fall badackgrburid. SHOW MOVIE** "EleclficCricOfoam s" (1984. Comedy) Lenny Von^onDoWn. O nly S e a rs P ortrait Studios)s h a v e th e exclusive ~ >' Virginia Madsan. . JeoNMsIofTcamero system . Itfnt frees o u r professional 4:35 (SHOW) MOVIE ***V4Vi "Prijzi-s ' phoihotographers to work closelyely with your child... Honor" (1985, Comody) Jacklack NIchol- so w e c ap tu re the cutelutestsmilesP ...... son. Knmiwn Tumor. AUo available: Instantit C o lo r P a s s p o r t P h o to s a n d C o p y &: RaR e s to ra tio n . Ilord «r CerdI Advlli I g unlll en. hour o»lo>9X ______----- ■ everyNeed"f d ------V ------I^lirdoilSgTIng.

■ 733-0622 y -

t4 T im es-New s, Twin Falls,s, icidaho ' Friday, Septem berliJr18,19fl7 ------) ’ ~ ~\ n^Sataurdaypfbgiframs

5:00 IB SHARI SHOW Irlondshipip betwi een a teen-age boy 0:00 S:0 0 CE O (11) O PEE-WWEE’S OOUNSMOKEDoputvrJty Nowley Is at- and « Windind teen-age girl Is portrayed PUYKOUSE pi (SEASON PFfEMIMIERE) iractedtoavlvaciouJyoi.■ young lady, un- If' a draman a starring Leigh McCloskoy ©TURKEY o TELEVISION aWaro lhat the lovetyr chicharmer has a and Jewelrel Blanch. CEq O CE MY PET MONSTERI crimson past. I 7.-00 O CDE OI (11) O MUPPET BA- Om a CE O FRAQQLE ROCKK ' (DCARtOONS ' / BIES (AniAnimated SEASON PRE- CD (j 3-2-1 CONTACT □ ID ART OF LOOKlNQ0 YOUNOY AND MIERE) O13 COUSTEAU'S REDISCOVER■RYOF BEAUTIFUL O SPARTiRTAKUS AND THE SUN BE- THE Tl WORLD Jacquos CousttBtoau's O JIMMY 8WAQQARTHT NEATH THTHE SEA rovolotionarye windship, Alc>Icyono. ID VIDEO DISC JOCKE)k ey CE8ESAMIKMESTREETq sails « the seas of Cape Hom. CD DAYBREAK. - ' O COUSUSTEAU'S REDISCOVERY CE Q MINORITY BUSINESS REPCPORT ID ACTION OUTDOORSORS w r m JU- "Haiti: WatWatera of Sorrow" Jacques O 8 LAUREL AND HARDY ____ LIUS BOROS Cousteauluandhiscrewexpioreecon- a OMOUSERCtSEq S:1S CE BUYER'S FORUMlUM omically ststrapped Haiti, a country O g THIS WEEK IN COUNTHY MUSICMl 5:25 HBO MOVIE **V**% "Jagged . threatenedied by poor ecological'm an- Ob FOCUS ON SUCCESS Edga" (1985. Drama)>) G.Glenn Close. agementt and rapid population _ c0 BEATLES______------■jQffBfid^s. ~------growth:— S 'T H IS U N O S;30 « a OUT CF CONTROrROL O (12) BEBEVERLY HILLfilLUES ffi S NEWS UPDATE CECHARURLANDO m CE ISSUES UNUMtTED O CLOSE-UP FOUNDATION O SUPER!ERBOOK CLUB O a RUNNING AND RACING ID ZOLA LEVITT . . 0D O N AALD U DUCK PRESENTS m ffi SPORTS CLOSE-UP O » JOURNEY TO ADVENTUlrURE ...... JP M WEEKEXEND GARDENER ' SHOW SI MOVIE "A PateItch ol 89 PUBUC POUCY CONINFER EN C E S kEYST 3 TO SUCCESS Blue" Bi (1965. Drama) Sidney PoPoitior. ID AEROBICS. ______®HAWKI^KIN’S RIVER Environmental- SI 0 9 INVESTMENT AOVI» Shelley Winters. flflWt ‘0to preserve the history and 8:10 B:1C 0 SHOWBIZ WEEK (TMC) MOVIE ** -BrilBring o n We wlkllfieofoiIf one ol Australia's last groal 8:3c Girls" (194S. Musical) Ven 8:30 0 ( E O (11) ffi GARBAGEE (PAIL ■ Veronica Lake. rivors. KIDS (PREMIERE) Populat trac■adIng- ; Eddie Bracken. O N E W'8 S UPDATEI a 5:40 CIN MOVIE * "Cut::ut and R un" card nasties como to llie os supor-su (1986. Advonturo] UsaB1 Blount. k L e o n ;- O T O M WMANN OUTDOORS haroes. ard Mann. ffi e LOVI3VELAW gO BAD NEWS BEARS 5:55 CB IDAHO JOB REPOl•PORT 7:05 (TMC)S) MOVIE * * "MIsunder- SO ( 9 MARKET TO MARKET ____ .6;0Q-fflJilR..WlZARQ-______8too-ANTA8Y ISLAND young couple with thaiiIheir personal CE PEOPLE>LE TO PEOPLE SO COUNTRY KITCHEN problem s. O CONTRArRAPnON 5O LOVE YOUR SKIN QD U.S. FARM REPORTr r O OREATAT POSSIBILITIES IN RE- 50 VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 15 (11) S> H EaO KITTYTTTS FURRY MODEUNOMO ®ffi MASTER OF UNQAVA Thoo true master of Unoava Is the peaceful ______TALE-THEATEH-(Anlnulimatad-EBE-______O P flO U N I fg MIERE) Heito Kitty andd herhi mancap - 0 MONEY> Hbou.whosillla cycS^s^celebraie thisprogrem. ------m ansgorio retell children')•en's stories. 0 RSHINQNO: BEST OF B i a DANCE ~ CD OUR FRIENDS ON•N WOOSTER1 SOUARE - ..... CD WALT.DISNEY.Pft£SEESENTS-::Slilty to return from ony location In tho•>0 w o M to Ita ■ y m birthplaco. O GO FOR YOUR DREAI;EAM8 CB DAYBREAK • 9 VIEWER CALL-IN GuesSuesltoboan- 11 «jaun. (KlVl) BASEBALL Tonnlronto Blue Jays at New Yorkrk nouncod. (Taped) - Y ankMee S ior Milwaukee Brewers at Det]E)etroitTlgBr8. _____ CD. SPORTSCENTER ID COUNTRY MUSIC TELTELEVISION . ; o s t SWINDLE u m . (EBL) COLLEGE FOOTlDTBALL San Diego State aat t 16:30 CD e (11) a NEWJEW ADVEN- A ir F orceree. TURES OF MIGHTY MOMOUSE (Anl- m atod PREMIERE) An up d a ted 1 S ;300 : (K&^' COIXEGE3E FOOTBALL Geor^a ata t version ol Mighty Mouse'tlie's heroica. Clemjoa.30. ‘ ■ 19 MYSTERIOUS CITIESES OFi OOLD Viraaoo. CE NEW ADVENTURES 01 8 OF MIGHTY K>IBALL Boston CoUege ata t MOUSE An updatedI viversion ol n i (KTVX) COLLEGE FOOI Mighty M ouse's heroica.;a...... _ U n iy e m t o f & m ^ m C a l^ o in ia . 0 l a CE O SMURFS r o ZOOBILEE 2 0 0 ______g p - mnJESEiMOLLEfiEZQOTra . I iTBALIiWnBhingtoiLatJexaga s ______CE THB WORLD TOMORR ------IftJSOSPEUBILL______ffi BIQ STORY ...... e p jSrnWGNTBSBKBXnrCB n . Chicago-OtOw at St. Louis118- IDF1SHINQ rurH lniiUlals. SHOW MOVIE ***K '"G"Gold c of Na- plos" (1055. Comedy) SoplSophla Lofon.______------vtttono-OtrsiciT— -— ~ Chriatiao. 6:45 (SHOW) BUND SUNiiUND»V T B . Friday,September18,lS877 Tlm6*-Newa. Twin Falls. IdahoIdi IS kNCE PARTY USA f CD IRON HORSE Saturda]ay INDS A look ai tho cobbler's CD RACCOONS craft. O FARMAID III Performancncos from ______O NEWS:WSDAY m o third benefit concert for A S PUBLI ■American O DAWOERMOUSE BLIC POLICY CONFERENCE farmers. Among iho celebribriOes join- (71) WHA*HAT EVERY BABY KNOWS OCtfll COMPUTERWOFVORKS "Spread- Foaturod: ing host Wililo Nelson aro JoiJohn Cou- SflOOl" od: so* education expert Dr. g or Melloncamp. Dick Clar:lark. Alan -aldorono talks about tho sox- CD O r n aiNTSTONE=»EK,DSg ■ Thicko and Sarah Purcoll. FromFt the O 90 c n CQ ALP 'aronoss and development of . University ol Nebraska In I boys ondnd girls. 1 Lincoln, ■* m SESAME STREET C . (Live) S CD MOVIEVIE"ThunderCalsHol"(1986 O NWA WORLD CH/CHAMPIONSHIP Fantasy)/ O HOLLYWOOD INSIDER SUPER BOUTS y) Animatod, ( E JE T S O N S ...... o (12) SEWiNQ w rm NANCY SSilOVIE -StarduslMomo- fflLANO OFTHEBORDERSJS A lour- IX INCREDIBLE HULK 1980. Drama) Woody Allen, noy to tho border botwoon Si Tony RobRSE !iE SHOW-JUMPING Hamp------' £a COVER- STORY SehaduTorirtOtjdirZ. i ------:— Winqor, ------;------loyM oore. ------hompton, N. CDI VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 9:10 Q SCI-TECH WEEKEEK QJ) WORKIN CD CD FOOFUR Ing alhlotost soloctod s< by the editors CB a i . JOE: PYRAMID OF DAP a of TTie Sporting Nows NESS NE! (Animated) The toy actionsn fl- iRSTARS_OF_____ arerocognizoflzed In this 2 Is t annual ev-______gun ------fluro_wrao«jojl(0jft.thi3j(lvantinture______onin/dmThooiloos incIucJorivafrLendl detailing defi the continuing bottio ef I MOVIE "Paradise if the rc diso Ugoon" andChrlsEverVert (lonnis), Evolyn Ash- G-l. G | J o e team apalnst tho ovil (orc)rf«a______OaSfi. Cnmody)Jtonnalh.^lh.Wore,Sally------ford(uaclt

I I I O MOVIE * • "Caro Boarsrs ^Movie 11;' OCCCOLLEGE3E FOOTBAU. Boston A Now Qononilton " (1966;i.'Fantasy) Fi College ai USC.C. (Uvo)i O MOVIE ** ‘T ho Boglnnlng-shootlng w ho)o rnoods a ptivac/ o a9 i MOVIE ***V i "Jaw s" (1975,5. kidnoy transplant Irom hisi wiwould-bo o DUCKTALESES "Troosuro of tho Horror)Tor) Roy Schoidor, Robert Shaw.w. assassin. . Goldan Suns" (R) (Rj CD COJCOLLECTORS OD INSIDE PRO BASEBALLLL 2 :0 0 0 YOU CANT>JT OOTHAT ON TEL- OH CKKOGAN'S HEROES Col. Klink un- GD OQ SHORTSTORIES A bubusiness- EVISION Tho kidsids atlem pt lo prepare wittinglingly helps Kogan to conlact ah woman is lacod wilh an unwanted um bright young minelinds for coliogo. AlliedDd e agent. prognancy in "Joni & tho WhoV hales";ln 0 ( S ) MECHANICNICAL UNIVERSE CD MAIMAIN STREET — Loasfirkoty-a-cartoonist-ils ts o n io s ------CD’ COLLEQE“"FOOTBALLBoston F( ------0 ( 1(12) 2 ) TO BE ANNOUNCED------somo scoros al a high'SChochool reu- Coliogo at USC.C. (Loft in Progress) CDMU2MUSIC MACHINE Videos: Marinala nion. (Livo) Reeves)vos and tho Vandollas' "You've KBO MOVIE * * * "Bronconco Billy" CD HAUTE COUTUTURE: THE OREAT Beenm Ir Ifl Love Too Long." Jam osTay- ...... (1980, Comody) Clint EasEaslwood. DESIGNERS Yvesves Saint Laurent and lor’ss "Your Smiling Face." Heart's Sondra Locko. Valentino are amm cong tho fashion do- "Magicagic Man". (R) SHOW GROWN-UPS JulOSis Foiflor'sF signors featuredd inii Ihls history of in- ID WA- (Charlos Grodin) who otfon-lomplS to O BONANZA TTie TTi Cartwrights' at- beryy cl- charge on a famous lavnnan. copo with lamiiy domands!s anda ox- tompts lo help a nranch hand with his IB MCMOVIE ***Vi "Hot Millions"i" poctaiions. Coslars Joan Stapleton,Sta romantic iniorestssts backfire. (1966.136. Comody) Petor Ustinov. Mag-3- Marilii Honnor. Martin Bals:alsam . (In QD SOUL TRAINN . . • gie Smith.Sm Sloroo) ID LAREDO OCHECHECK rr OUTI CIN MOVIE -Shanghai Surprise" Sui Q) NEW VAUDEVIEVILLIANS TOO Host O HISHISTORY OF COLLEGE FOOT-r- (1986) Soan Ponn. Madonna.ma. Ed Begley Jr. ("S t. Elsewhere") In- BALLLL 12i10 r o HEALTHWEEK ______!rpdocos__fontomornRorary^vaudeviiio______eOBAPBARRIERS.OFJTHE MIND* study,ly______-12130 O GD e (11) COLLEQE-3E.F00T -____ ® a W orld Champion of momnonlal illness’s societal consoqu-j- enmnrtlnn b aa.______O Q9) ECONOMICS USA An < tmy, a n d a dancing O N EVNEWSWATCH nation of Amorlca's banking s Iho Thoatre Mask En> (9) fVUMARCUS WELBY. M.D. ThelO -in.LORNE GREENE’S NEW.Pw’w l S : - - ro o )_ fatherier ( of ono of Or. W elby's pallontsis ERNESS O FARMAID IIII CONTINUESC isch arjharged with murdering his daugh-V ■' (D WILDLIFE CHRONICLES:S A study O CARTOONS’ tor-BB bebefriend. (Part l of 2) oJ Iho w alrus' soasonal bobavi b a v i O L _ _ P WTV TOP 20I COUNTDOWNCC From------BLLER______— — ® style:w ith elsa klen;ENSCH DwoozirarTcT Mooioon Z appa's barbo- ® .991 HOUND OF THE BASKER- O MIO-SOUTH w r e s t l i nijQ g cue pit. wllh guesjo s ts Cindorolia and v illesLESTom Boker("Df. Who") stars3 (TMC) MOVIE ***V i "Tho'h o Road Charlie Sexton. a s ShotSherlock Holmes In this susponso0 ■ Warrior" (19S1. Adventure)I M(Moi Gib- ® COWBOY UP? T he skill and cour- V of a satanIc hound. (Part 1 of 2)3) son, Bruco Sponco. ago of rodoo cowt)wboys Is displayed. (SHOWOW) GROWN-UPS Julos Foiffor's.8. 1:OO OU(D WRITE COURSE ffl NEWS UPDATt^TE dramma a about a successful journalistJt • O CC COUEGE FOOTBALLL TODAYT ID COLLEGE FOC■OOTBALL Washing. (Charlearles Grgdin) w ho attem pts to0 Hosts; Al Trautwig and Jimt HIHill. ton ai Texas A&M.IM. (Uve) • “ P®0 " wllh family dom ands and ox* • CD SOAPBOX WITH TOM CCCOTTLE a® PARTNERS INCN CRIME Carole and. tatlons'. C^slars Jean Slapleion.X Fivo young mothers discussjss toon- Sydney must oulsrJtsman-two escaped •iiu Honnor. Martin Balsam. (Inn ■ age prognancy ond why ihoyIhoy kept convicts who forc«> ,a Syanny lo MIp roo) ihoir babios. • thorn rocovor stoleolon monoy. MOVIE * * "TTio Secret Woa- ID BIG VALLEY Tho formor sheriffshi of GD dS DAYLIQHT by Night" »K)TON promiere. A drama producedId b by tho . (1946, Mysiory) Basil Ba Rathbono, Nl- » MAMA'S FAMILY BBC, starring Mauroon Upmipman a s goi Bruco. 7ARTAKUS ANO THE SUN 8 E- JoHo. a cab driver.who iss rtraising 2:10 0B SPORTS CLiCUOSE-UI. rHTHE SEA -tnrao-cnndrorraiohoTTTio-acliocllon-b-o. -----2:WiaMRrWIZARt 3CUS___:______gins whon a woallhv Arab dieslos iih her OQ9MECHANICAICAL UNIVERSE______O ®1 .^AMERICAN ADVEHTURE " A ' - c a b :------^ ------—: ^------OTaTCBrANNi (SHOW) MOVIE **V4 "Tho.Bc, Bost of CD OFF-SHORE POWERBOATPO RAC- . REAT CHEFS OF THE WEST ,Timos" (1986. Comody) Robin5bin Wil- INO ORLO CHAMPIONSHIP WRE8- liams. Kurt Russoll. O RISKING fT ALL^LL TUNQ3 fcME Danny lands a spot on a ’ 1:30 0 Offi Wr it e c o u r s e O FULL T H R OTTLE m Toke a front S E " ;! ! ! -(3)-COLLEQE-POOTBALL-TC elevlsion show: Dusty Invites Hosts; Al Traulwlg and Jim HID.. Hill r o BIQ STORY 1 to a rock concert. Frldrlday.S0plombef18.1O87 TImirimes-News, Twin Fslls, Idaho 17 I Saturday j o - ? -

O (12) OUCKTALESi '1Troasuro ol _ 1 Iho Goldon Suns" K->. CO BUSTIN' LOOSE B Ba ased o n the 1981 film. Altof a brushsh vwith tho low. ; . ' - j L H p S a man (Jlmmlo Wolkoiilkor) s ta rts a ccmmuniiy-sofvico • asslgnmont working with (oslor childiiildren------0 ( 1 1 ) VIEWS a AIRWOLF _(Q WE GOT rr MADEDE A boaulllul woman H'orl Coploy) momovos to Now York and winds up workirirking a s a maid 'i ' tor two young bacholonJlors fTom Vil- ' ,! , lard. John Hillnor). g l O VIDEO DISC JOCKEY m ROUNDTABLE ------S FRANKLIN-ADVENTlNTURE-A-jOur------noy along Ausiralia's FraFranklin Rlvor. ED NEWSWATCH 83 NATIONAL PRESS5S CLUB AD- DRESS Spoakor: WilNaiilliam Bannott, Socrotary ol Educallon, (i»: MARCUS WELBY, M.D.M.C Or. Vl/elby K M tosiitlos In. tho trialI o'of a foihor e r S Q h : V. J chargod with tho muruglad, ID SYBERVISION centric mllllonilonairp (Bob_Fr_asqr)_and___ _ GliGlofm Closo): "A Prayor (fir.ir.th o * , HBO MOVIE * * ‘•TTio-h lo - M o n jr W ------Hir(SS6S|iloible wJfo (Unda Thorsdn) Dying" Oy (Mickey Rourko); "Homjmo |s . (1906, Comedy) Tom HanH.nKs, Sholld, ■ nsM lo ovoiyH.yday llie with the holp of a W wi here tho Hart Is". Long. - 'hold staff. IS (11) WHEEL OF FORTUNE• gC (TMC) SHORT FILM SHO SHOWCASE S r D E o T3ISC s , JOCKEY ID BUTTERFLY ISLAND GrogJ mustn CIN MOVIE **V2 "Ivanh anhoo” (1982. CD STAR SEAIEARCH roscuo ret on ambitious sailor yvhivho is Drama) Jam os Mason.I, Anthony Ai An- g he E HAWW about al> getting inlo accidents.' drews. 0 8UNKOSI.ISI, RIVER OF QOLO This ID |Q SHE'S THE SHERIFF- tfJnfis 5:00 O CBS NEWS documentaryy tracesti Iho 1981 Mima- Som So ers plays a widow who assuisumos ID RATED K layan KayakIk Expodlllon. a 340- 'hor 'hoi lale'husband's post as a Novlovado, CJ3BIQ VALLEY Hoath Irlosirlos to help a ktlomotor paddaddle ol the challenging shorlff. shi Pat Carroll olso stars. Mexican rovolullonary. Sun KosI RtvorIvor...... ©SPORTS.SATURDAY © ■ a fl® EXPECTATION O CROSSFIREMRE SATURDAY S9 B5 PUBLIC POLICY SPEECH (Tar•apod) (3} COMEDY OF COMEDYDY H ost Jay ffl 'NSIDE THIrHE CONSTITUTION ID Q COLLEGE FOOTBALL Mlchl:hlgori ------Johnson wolcomos RulhiB Bu u z 2 l.R o ^ _ ® FRANKEN!ENSTEIN An am bitious Stale Sic ot Notre Dam e. (Live) ort Manden and others, young sclentlsntlst facos unlorosoon - € o ) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONRen_Qul»'on. DDavid Robb.______ftianm£ ______> 18 Tim es-New s, Twin Falla,alls, Idaho Friday, Saplemboiibor18,1987 ' / ■ , (1976, Cfram.ama) Ebony Wright. Harold Hall H in AllaniicXity. N.J. (in SStoroo • SaturdayI V Sylvosler. Livo) g 8:52 O 4-TELPEL ‘ CD Q WAR CHRONICLES ------a® EASTERERN IDAHO SPOTLIGHT a P MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBAL^LL Al- lanta Bravos ai Los Angelos D UNE 7:00 0 0 ( 1I (11) - IT'S AN ADVENTURE. „ Dodg- (D WHEEL OF FORTUNi ers- (Uvo) O OS ONE BY ONE Oont)ona)d Is willing CHARUEBf■ BROWN Charles M. Schulz ^ O (12) MOVIE -'A Cn:ry ror to try almost anything tototroalthozoo ti IntroducesIS animatod versions of ^ "Po8nuls"c Love" (1980. Drama) Po“owors animali. I" comic strips ho cratod lor Bootho. a Suson Blakoty. a ART OF LOOKINQ3 Y(YOUNO AND newspapere r |publication. (R) g • “ BEAUTIFUL ID MOVIEE 4* * * "A Kind ol Loving" ' O C (11) FARMAID 111 Porfori^ainancos. . . O 0 KEE HAW (1962, Drar>rama) Alan Batos. Thora from fre tho third t^onoM concenort for __ CD INSIQHT’«7 (R) Hird. ArAmorican formers. Among thoho co- . CD FACTS OF UFE Eighth-season Eig ® TO BEE AANNOUNCED lobritios lot Joining host Willio Nolsotson aro finala. Bavorly Ann andnd IhoI girls all O 0® DEQFiGRASSI JUNIOR HIGH John Jo Cougar Melloncamp, Dick make plans for summor < D ONCE A HERO (PRE- Clark. Cl Alan Thicko and Sarah Pui^urcoll, (In Stereo) g S e ? e )S«leff Lesler stars a s a comic- From Fr< tho Universily ol Nobrasl^jska In 0 ( 1 2 ) WEREWOLF Whilo Whi witness- '’Ofo0 vwho comos 10 life. With Lincoln. Lii ing his besl friend's grisly grisi transfor- For!■orstor, Milo Q -Shea and ID O) PAPER CHASE: THE FIRST■YEAR Y mation Into a werewolf,Ilf. collegee stu- BJako-ko. g Hart Ht a sk s Prol. Kingsliold an odi>ddball dent Erk: Cord (John YorK:■orK) Is stricken O M C E1 ffl GOLDEN GIRLS (SEA- question qu and must IheroloreI com-c ------witfi-tne-sam(rujrso~a0-an(j-lof|-to------SON-PREK1EMIERE)-Sophia'»—now------piQio-a-tuii-roporf5mrwithm-Z«pK 24Tirs7: ------soarch for tho ono menin (Chuck(C Con- Woncl. 8"I ololdorly man. suffers from O d M O V IE * * * "The Uttlost Outl'utiaw" nors) who can holp' hiiW-n. ("I r's disease. (In Sloroo) g (1955. (i! Drama) Pedro Armondndorlz. - Storeo) IVAL SPECIAL "T he Lions Joseph Jo Calloia, -. -- CDMAJOR LEAGUE BASEASEBALLChI- «>’ Elosha:la: King of th e Boasts" O Q COUNTRY KITCHEN Foatiaturod: | cago Cubs at SI. Louisluls Cordinals. J'*'"'’* Jrl •Jones narrates this pro- Michael Mi Johnson prepares chlli:Hi bool (Uvo) Mo of lifo wilhinwill a pride o l lions living stir-lry. sti (In Steroo) 0 ( 1 1 ) 8M A U WONDER9ER in Namibia'sla's Etosha National Park, O o ALFRED HITCHCOCK FPRE- O MOVIE * * * - EncEnchantmont" SESENTS (1948, Orama) Oavid NIviNiven. Torosa ® ^^S T OF OZZIE AND HARRIET O VIDEO DISC JOCKEY WrlghL Ozzio the gugunslinger challongos Tox m 0 ) ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO CARI-C, O MOVIE* "Jaw s or Satan"Sat (t981. a supormarkoi opening. CATUhE c/ Creators roviow tho hishlstory Horror) Fritz Woavor. GretchenGro Cor. O TOMMYHY HUNTER G uests: Pat of of caricaiuro portraits, bett. Boons: Roxox Allon Jr.: Carroll Bakor; O C N N NEWS OONEWS TonyMolowcBwonh; Iho OK Chorale: itio a a® e DR. RUTH SHOW Guost; soingwrl- n j CB STAR TREK Tho Entorintorprlso Is at- ' TravollingI MiMon: the Ontario Rhythm lor toi Sammy Cahn. ------tacKed by a stm ngo forcoirco tnai takos Cloggors. (In (in Storeo) SHOW S> THE TEMPTATIONS &I FFOUR comrol or the ship. S NEWSI UFUPDATE TOPS .TC A saluto to two Moilotown ------OOMTKEBRINIC"AnAUrAioscnronn------lNAtrtST8‘-ROUNDTABtfi------ggr r o u p s - ttio lompiaiiOHS.kr^fiw5wnTor ------d e " A stu(}y ol AIDS stouMOUS. impliea- DISCUSSlOhION (Taped) hits hii such os '-My Gin" and "C•'Can't tkxis and prevention. aOKAYO'BF'BRIEN Kayo trea ts Iho vie- (Sol (Si Noxi to You": and tho Fourtr Tops1 O PfllMENEWS tim or a gonjong-shooiing w ho n e ed s a whoso wl hits Indudo "Baby I Nood ^ ^ ______OU8KELJLEBEBLAJUITHE MOVIES W dnonraminsplant i Irom his would-be Your Yc Loving" a nd "Can-t Holplip My- 1 O e MOVIE *** "Scan (1945, Drama) EdwardrS'.SS Q. iTIE *** "Victory" (1981, formanco foi footago. G uests Incincludo Jo a n Bennett. Adventure))) SylvesterS Stallone. Mi- Arotha Ar Franklin and Dick Clark)rk, {In HSO WORLD STAGE: TMETHE SECOND choo' Calno.no. Storoo) St ANNUAL PRINCE’S TRUST TRI AU.- (SHOW) MMDVIE * * "Eloctrlc 6:30 0:3C CD O CD MOVIE '-Dosporlorato' STAR ROCK CONCERTIRT Perform-' Droams"(19l(1984. Comody) Lonny Von (1987. (ii Drama) John Savago.I. Mog •ances by-Qeorge-Harriwrri5on.-Rlngo- ...... IrgirUaMadson.------Fostor.- Fc — — ------Starr. Elton John. Eric ClaClaplon, Phil (TMC) MOVil)ViE * * * "Kiss ol tho Spi- CD QC ARTHUR C. CLARKE’S WO/ORLD Cotllns, Bon E. King, BryaJryan Adams. Woman"an" (1985. Drama) W/illlam OF Of STRANGE POWERS Topic:>\c: su- Paul Youra. Midgo UroJro and Jeff ^ 8 “'I Ji-Julli. pornatural po oxporioncos. Lynne. (In Storeo) CIN MOVIEIE 1 "Back to School" o O COUNTfivci:iPS~ScnodiJdulo’d:' • SHOW MOVIE * * * "B'Bovorlyoi Hills - (1936. Como!inody) Rodnoy Oangordold. Gory Gc Morris ("Socond Hand Hoflloart"); Co p " (19S4. Drama) Eddie 3rman. Dan Da Soals ("Throo Time Losor")r " ) ;U ...... Judge Relnhold. OWBIZ WEEK ' Ganem Gc ('-Crying'-). (In Storoo)I 6:06 0 > MOVIE **V^ "Tl"The Stono 7:30 CB CBSSNEWS N O ALFRED HITCHCOCK FPRE- Killer” (1973:Dfama) Chat:harlos Bron- 9™ °!™TOOORIOAHO SENTS SE - aon. Martin Balsam. O QD CDI O G MAMA'S BOY (PRE- 0 G9 PUBUC POUCY CONFEREhENCE 6:30 O GD JEOPARDY! g□ MIERE) Comomedy. Bruce Woitz stars ONEWS O O 'M ISTER EO V^lburr brbrings Ed's •?.? 0 d-nosod nows columnist. fB Q) ID ROCK 'N ' ROLL DISCIPLELES in song to a music publisher.her. Wim r/oncy:y 'Walkor. Eplsodo Infor- recognition ro< ol tho 50th annivorsosoryol (Z) JEOPAROYI mation to bo onnounced. (In Steroo) Elvis EK Prosley's birthday, this ddocu- O iTH^EE'S COMPANYIY VWhile sub- montary.focusosme on tho tansis that birig for anothor chef at;arostauront. a ri ID MY FRIEIIIEND FLICKA Whon Kon koop koi his memory alive. a mobster patron insistssts that Jack accldoriialiyly snarost a puppy thoro's 9:00 O MAD MOVIES WITH THEIE LA. take ovor tho ]ob pormane.anentlv ‘n ho McLaughlin hom o. - CONNECTION CC L.A, Connocilon-sn'su p - 3 ) 237 A robber locks MarMary. Loster. ® INVISIBUBLE ASTRONOMY A look dated do vorslon ol tho 19466 film Sandra and Poe-woo Hor.Herman in a o* ‘f'Oe I'Invention ol radio telo- ("Shock"). ("S ) scopos hasas enabled astromors to CD CD rrs AN ADVENTURE. CHAFa r UE O *1l7e TO s” soo moro thathan ovor before. BROWN BR Charles M. ^ h ^ IntIntrod- - - O HOME ALONE-Malccalcotm-Jamal O THIS WEEVEEK IN JAPAN uces uci animated' versions of~"l■"Pos­ W amor ("Cosby Show")S ta a K 8:00 0 MOVIEVIE "TTio U s t Slarflflhtor'' nuts" nu' comic strips ho cratodod for safety (or childron who10 taro home 09M. Advervoniuro) Robort Proslon. new no' spaper put)llcatlon. (R) g ______alone JncludlnoJpa.on.doiI daallng wtth Unco_Guos_t,jsJ:______]______Q 0 .a a MYSTERY^TheJVdvontur;jteft,6f ------_____ stfangera and handllno emo 'ANNOUNCED Sherlock Sh Holmes II" After answoworing ______Winner ortRe^chlevomeniS S i r ------:ECEBffAT70N“ 0 F " T H E ------a ccnaritabio organization's ad. JcJaboz ------ren’s Television Award I frofrom Action WORLD'S QPGREATEST MUSIC . . . Wilson w i is suspicious'W hon .h',h o :ls for ChlkJran’a Television.n. B SH CB O MISS AMERICA PA- promised pre a largo sum of mono]loy for O 8 M A a WONDER GEANT Host>81 (Gary Collins loins Miss copying coi on onc/dopodla. (R) Q - O COLIEOE FOOTBAUi l L Brigham A"’Of‘ca 193?937 Kellyo Cash, a s she (J) ® AUSTIN CITY LIMITS RiRoger ______} ^ n g a t Texas Chrtsilan.an______crownsliersur successor in tho 34th on-______McGulDnj»tfofmsjiCQuslicj(nfsmc ifslons______^ MOVlfijkiv^ "Soiindoindor Part II" noai coromorTtonlos from Convention 01 ol many ol Iho Byrds' hits as wcwell os Friday. S e p te m b e rlS ; 1987 I • T im es-N ew s. Twin FpHs. Ida!:faho19 ______<______! ______1 1 m f a r miMAID ; 111 Porlormances from (1964, Adventure) R o b ed PPreston. — ------^lOojbifAPst&0DelLCOnCj)illorftiiien:can__ Lance Guest. Saturdm larmors.. AAmong the coleO/jiios /oin- ~~10r40~SHOW~WOVIE~f *C i lr’'ilt "T U h m y " ------______ing ho stt WWiliio Nolson aro John Cou- (1988. Science Fiction) Jeffeff Oold- gar Meiiorllencamp. Dick Clark, Alan blum, Goona Oavls. solomatofialiKatoWoUtoU sings ("Love Thicko ancand Sarah Purcell. From the 10:45 10 a NIQHT TRACKS: CHAFARTBUS- Slill Romains") and ("Give ("G Yoursoif University'ity ol Nebraska in Uncoln. TERS 10 Lovo"). 0 ( 1 1 ) SSATURDAY A NIQHTSCENE (TMC) MOVIE "King of th e City" CD NEWS CD MOVIEkflE ** ’•Escapade in Flor- (1985. Drama) Tom Parsekliklan. Ml- OJOHNANKERBERQRG once" (19(1963. Advoniuro) Tommy chaol Parks. O MOVIE -HellsIs AngeisA Sixty- Kirk. Annoimotto Funlcello. 11:00 H CB OONNA REED W henn $ l 2 0 d l- ' Nin«"|1969. Dfomo) TToi om S lorn.Jor. O GRAND,ND OLE OPRY LIVE BACK- sappears. the lamiiy su sp e cts»8 a han------«my Slate. STAGE dyman. O BUCKMAN TREATNITMENT A doc- O NIGHTHT FLIQHTI •’Rock-lt Lounge" O OS RISKING IT ALL tor's housocall Is measuasured In hours O THOMI)MPSON TWINS Tapod at O MOVIE ** -Tho Golden MMoment: ' and days In somo Isolaioialod ports ol London's's DominionI Thoatre In May An Olympic Love Story^^ (198080.Rom - Northern Canada. 1983. tho10 Thompson 1 Twins porform ance) (Pad 1 ol 2) Stephaniee IZimbal- O PINNACLE SchoduDduiod: Francis songs Ironrom Ihoir debut album "Side Isl. David Keith, Gulliano. chairman AMPtMPAD, Kicks." IniIncluding ("Lovo on Your m NATURE OF THINGS C’We Aro Ooloctivos") and CD WEIGHT CONTROL O SPORTSCENTER SAI«TU»OAV O MOVIE ** "Rklln* DownI ththe Can-______------Q# LAOY-BLUE-Katjrfnv -fnvo3tigatos-n ©NEWP/i' PA'CIFI c An analysis ol how -----yon’'11942rWostorn)” Roy"flRogers. possible link batwopnpn a money- tho rapidd economico growth ol coun- Gabby Hayss, laundering scam and tho murder ol iriosonthethe Asian rim is changing tho O SNUB hor partner (Robyn Ooug of .world trado. . CD HEADBANGER'S BALL - CD WORLD WTOE W RES ------~ S JERASH: POMPEII OFTHEHE EAST 0 > I|9 1 U S SMITH ANDJ 'SNIQHT ID JONES Foa- S . u l c I;STMENT V ADVISORY A study ol the njlns of earihi . tures British comediansm Mel sm i,h stricken Jerash. and Grin Rhys Jones. IE * * * "Tho Boston Stran- 968. Drama) Tony Cudls. O NEWS UPDATE KBO MOVIE * • * -Thot.0 Hy" 11986. S ' " " ! ? ® Of) INVESTMENT ADVISORYIY Science Fiction) Joff onda. Goona Davis. ■» K K lOVIE *** "Scarlot Street" HBO H! ROSEANNE BARR SHSHOW. (SHOW) MOVIE * * * "B••Beverly Hills irama) Edward G, Robinson. Housewifehc / comedian R oseae anne Cop" (19S4, Drama) EddEd«.M„T>l,y, innott. Barr Bs detivors hor views on motlOther- - D(11)CCABCNEWSQ he Judge Rolnhold. ' hood and life in a mobiio homne. e (In SHOW MOVIE "H"HardbMlt." FARMAID III Performances Sloroo) S t g (1984, Comody) Grant Kr 0 third bonolii concod for (SHOW) (S THE TEMPTATIONSNS • RotMds. n-larmersr-Among-the-ce'------p-FOU RTO PS'A saiuteio tw o Moitotow ir"------X) lobrillosjolflolnlng host Willlo Nolson ara _groupa..JhaJemptatlons.y know}wnioc ------Warriof" (1901. Aijvorttur iougar Meiloncamp. - Dick ~ ' Tffi hits such a s ''My G irf a n d "(■•Can't son. Bruce Soence...... S. a'San Thicko and Sarah Purcell, Gq et^o x t to You’': and the F ouriIf Tops From the0 UniversityL ol Nebraska In whoso w hits Include ‘•Baby I ^N eed', CIN MOVIE ■-Shanghaijhai Surpriso" . Lincoln, Your Loving” and "C an't Helplip My. . (1986) Sean Penn, Madoadonna. OTWIUG^IGHT ZONE A piano givon a s self at - foaiures Intorviews and■id per------9:15-CD-ELECTRIC-GRA>RAMDMOTHER-----'-5n>irtRaoy'ay proseni nas a strango formance lo foolage. G uosts inc Maureen Staploion portn)rtrays o warm- • powor ovorvor th050 who llslon to It, Aretha Ai Franklin and OIck Clarkirk. (In headed domestic robotbot purchased O (34 LA1JVTE NIGHT WITH DAVID Sloroo) Sl by a widower (Edwardd H.Herrmann) lo LETTERMAMAN (In Storeo) CIN ci MOVIE 'Trouble in Mind^' (1985.(1 keep houso and raise his throo child- ( S G.L DIA)IARY Orama) Ol Kris Kristofferson. KoithIh Car- ron In this (antasy slor^tory based on QD SATURIURDAY NIGHT UVE Host: radine. ra Hay.BracIbury;s.("l-Slnf^-tho-Body—------V olorle-Be• Bedinelll.—M usical-guest— i11:OF03 i-oi lilO V ir**V f •OnoTs'aXctlonelyZ- T7 ------Eiectric"). ------Robed Crii':ray (-Sfiiokln' Gun’). (H) (In Number" Ni (1972, Drama) Trishth V a n ' .. 9:30 CB MONKEES Mick)Icky discovers Storoo) Oovore,0< Monia Markham. that ho resombios a killo:«ller. . CQ(11)HARlARDCASTLEANDMCCOR- i11:10 l ; l i 0 TRAVEL GUIDE . OD INN NEWS MICK 11:311:30 O MISTER ED V/llbur bringsJS E ^ 8 “ O ZOLA LEVITT O GRANDMD OLE OPHY UVE song ac to a music publisher. O T H IS WEEK IN COUN*UNTRY MUSIC Q NIGHTr r FLIGHT • New Sounds^' O o » T O 0E ANNOUNCEO a NILE CROCODILEi ThTho Nile cro- Foaturod:I; onclusivoe inten/iows with CB(11) o SOUD GOLD Marilyn McMcCoo' codilo sfruggling to survivirvive is looked now bands.ds. returns re as host. Guests: AtliMlantlc at. (X) MOVIEnz. **\^-'Tho Oslerman Starr, si Dm^ M Yoakam, Oan-in-HIU ------a SPORTS TONIGHTr W eekend"1" (1983, Susponso) John ("Can'l (■• Wo Try"), Strawberry AlarmA CD WRESTLING Worldd ClassC Cham- Hud. Rutgetger Hauof. Clock ci ("incense and PeppormliTjints," pionship Wrestling. S> MOREE I PERFECT UNION Topic: from fr, 1907). (In Stereo) 6D (Rl GOLDEN AGE• 0OF TELEVI. privacy, aO VARIOUS SION In "The Day thea DovUDi H id" Q CD BOXINGNO (TOP RANK) John Meek- CD o COLLEGE BOWL '87 A quiztsh 8 o w . Koroan pawnbroker Iss s

' j ' ------I ^ A T O R D A v SE V E N tN Q ------L 3 ------L-|-7-;Oft4-7c30-}fl-l-8:00-l-8:30-l-9:00-ll-l-9;30-l-10;00-l-10;30[ll;iU;OOU1;30[12;00|12:3I I O |peGfassi OuWoofs3ors Great Music Mystery^______Austin City UnWs RlsklrItskbg Sign.Ofl______| 0 |OneeaHefo ______[Movie: "Desperaie"r ______Twfl. Gk)ik) MMornnt an Olympic Love Slory

S9pol.Gif1s|Mama-ss's Miss America Pageant ______News David LetlBrmannan [tbA Ghost Slories I O |wetewoil ConfdJ Movie: "A Cry l« Love" ______Movw: "The Eva That ManMen Do" Dempsey & M. | E |lt'»anAavBfllufo.0. famiAiaill • ______• HardcajBe [solldGold jstgn^OnOft -• | 0 |iraanAdvenlore.e. Movie: "The Last Starfighter"^______News FarmAidlll------[ I B I SounOec Part ll"I" Conl'd0 [nows Wrestlingg^ ■______Movie: "The Boston Strangrangier" "Ghost Town Law'!W" |5HOW)|Movie: "ElecUg DfcDreams" Movie; "Be'Boverly Hills Cop" [Tempiemptstions "Hardbodios" [s ^ j-B e v e rly Hills Cop"pp" [Templations Movie: "Hai■Harflbodies" [Movie:'TM Fly'Fly" [ C r ^ [hBO [Movie: "ViclOfY"• Movio: "ThiT heR y" [ Roseaoseanne Barr [jo Jo Dancer

olisTOEMPSEYT^a MAKEPEACE Natalie McCurry. Me After oil othor methodslOds lall. Make- 1:00 O FOF•ORQOTTEN CHILDREN OF posco comos up withI an idea that sho TKE 60*8 Saturda“ v ' , ' hopos will iroo hostago:ig es taken in an O O C N:n h n NEWS ...... attempiod bank robbor>3ory. CB TONYY FRANDAIL CD SCTV Sketches:nes; Margarot O PRAISEISE THE LORD new Z bands. O PUBUC POUCY CONFEREN Thalchor (O'Hara) andand Tip O'Neill O MOVIEflE *V^ "HoDs Angels Sixty- “ ENCE ' ' (Candy) are guests o n ‘7"Nightline Mo- Nino" (196!969. Drama] Tom Stem . Jer- O MOVIE * * "Tho Invisible Ghcihost" : lonvllIo";aparo-Buck-.dt-Jone»—Trm------•H » 9 3 ^ e ste m H 3 e n e -A u .------McCoy. try. Smileyey Burnette. 3iW1:20 (SHOW) QROWN-UPS Julos1 Feif-P HBOMOVIE** "Jo Jo0 OlDancer. Your 1:30 CE INNIN NEWSl for'for’s dram a about a successfulI jour-'jc Ule Is Calling" (1986.6. Drama)I Ri- O THIS WlWEEK IN JAPAN nalnallst (Charles Grodin) who attemim pts chard Pryor. Dobbie AllocMien. 69 ® QOtJOLDEN AQE OF TELEVI- to » ( cope with family demands a nidox- d ' (SHOW) MOVIE * * "H"Hardbodlos" SION In "The "Tl Day tho Devil Hid." a Ppoctatlons. « Costars Joan Staplotloton. ------(1984.-Comody) Grantt-Kramor.-T«al— Kr K orean pavJawnbfoker is sent to AIca- MaMariiu Hennor, M artin.Balsam.n. (In ■Roberts.* ...... traz. ■' Stereo)Ste 1 2^0 SHOW GHOWN-UPSP S Julos Feif- 1:36 ( E POWOWER PRO WRESTUNQ 3:25t:25 HBO MOVIE "Nights In W hito!oS a- ; _ fefs drama about a sucojccessful jour- 1:40 HBO MOVIE_^* M< -'The Awoken- tin" tlf>" (1986. Drama) Kenneth Glim,Iman.' naHsf(Charle8 Grodin)iwhooKompts wh ing" (1980.W. Horror) Charlton Heston. Priscilla Pfi! Harris. to copo with lamliy demTiands ar and ex- S usannahh York.V 3:30:30 O MONKEES Micky discovisvors poctatlons. Costars Joanoan Stapleton. (SHOW) MOVIE M * * * -Tho Fly’ that thai ho resem bles a klllor. Marllu Honner, Martinn Balsam,G (in « (1966. Sicionco d o Fiction) Joff Gold* •>a NIQHT FUQKT Storeo] blum. Goenileno Davis.. O MONEYWEEK 12:30 CE LAVERNE ft SHISHIRLEY U v OHT TRACKS______O 0 SENIOR PQA_QOLF Palno W«Wob- om e has to explain to an ber World invitational (Round3 2). loy why she focolvod3J^OMsSto a passionate mooturh^ JRKEY TELEVISION FroiFrom Charlotte. N.C. R) lovo note from Carmine. HE * * * "Harpy" (1970. :40 CiN MOVIE "Lust In tho Du!Just" ' O VARIOUS - Drama) Hogilugh O'B Hen.Blzabeth Ash- (1985. (191 Com edyJTab Hunter. Divirvine. . O WRAP AROUND NAS 3:481:48 0 N K 3 H T W C K S ENTERTAINMENT T VAUDEViaiANS TOO Host 4.-00KM OI KIDS WRFTES (In Sieroo] ly Jr. ("St. Bsowhere") in- S DEAF MOSAIC troducos contomporary & vaudeville ' H I S SPORTS UTENIGHTJUT acts. Includluding a World Champion ■ a COOEQE FOOTBAL 3lng comedian, a radio- . Stale at Notro Damo. (R) 1 dummy, and a dancing S )® R O C K 'N' ROU..nisCIPUSIn Dll ne by the ThoalroMaskEn- ■ In Stereo) recognition ol tho 50th1 anniversaryam Ol S N ^ a w T n - Bvis Prosley's'bifthday.'lay.-lhla docg. r FUQHT "Rock-lt U unge'J----- ■ montary locusos on tho YKINQ WEEKEND - ■ I keep his memory allvo. rrMENT ADVISORY K H — 12:35-CD-UNiVEflSAL— W »LMOVJE_***li^Gold.ol_Kj FEDERATION (1955. Comedy) Sophia "ISaS'ffl'M OViE **Vi "ISU ttorto-Do-SlcjT------Stream " (1977. Drama)ia) George C. OVIE **V4 "Groove Tube" ■ Scon. Clairo Bloom. )medy) Chevy Chase, Ken 12:46 0 NIQHT TRACKSo Shapiro. 12:65 CIN MOVIE** "Ooad; IHTFUOHT "Now Sounds" H ------ln'-^(1086rSuspen60)-No

I . I___ mday-pmgr.frams.------—

5:00 O SHAfll isHOWW Includos10$ Inlon/lows with logal and (TMC) MOVIE "Slrangi>ge invad- O ALVIN SHOW modicAlill exports,( g e rs" (1962, Science Ficlion)I) Paul( Le- C»3 JAMES KENNEDYDY 6:55 CDI ID,IDAHO JO B REPORT Mat. Nancy Allen. CD JIMMY SWAQQARlART 7:00 CDilT IT IS WRITTEN CIN CINEMAX COMEDY EXPERI- E O CALLIOPE CD SPARARTAKUS AND THE SUN BE- MENT Al Ffanken and Tonom Oavls CD SCIENCE IN AQRK3RICULTURE NEATHH TTHE SEA elicit tho opinions of hlgh-schiy^oolsen- -mXAYBREAK------CD O) (11)(■ CBS NEWS SUNDAY iors a s they prepare lor grecraduatton. (11 FREDERICK K. PRIPRICE MORNINC(INQ (In Siereo) q (TMC) MOVIE ***V2 'T ho Trip to O DR.I. JAMESJj KENNEDY 77:20 O A trro RACINO Formtmula One Bountiful" (19B5. Dfar3rama) Goraldlno B M GQD D CNN NEWS G rand Prix ol Portugal. Fromim Estoril. Pago. John Hoard. a (12)2) FUNTASTIC WORLD OF (Uvo) 5:05 HBO MOVIE * * * "Tho Ry" HANNA-EA-BARBERA 77:30 O TOM A JERRY (1966, Scionco FIctloiction) Jon Gold- O KENNNNETH COPELAND O LASSIE blum, Goona Davis. CDOONAINALD DUCK PRESENTS O (39 W A U STREET JOURNnNAL RE- 5:10 (SHOW) MOVIE: ***V>** "Gold of 8 CELEELEBRITY OUTDOORS Foo- PORT Napios " (1955. Com^mody) Sophia lurod: Co.Cory Wells (Throo Dog Night) ( S SESAME STREET p ------Lotef>rV.ilofk>-0*-Sico fly-fta hing* fo rm rnbowirout" In— ------O 'A N D raR IFF m rA unrB oo00 buys a Now Zool:eolandnoy Dangorflold. CD VIDEO)E0 DISC JOCKEY DAY OF DISCOVERY Sally Kollorman. OD CES______CD POPEYE 5:30 13 OUT OF CONTfNTflOL ffl K £LDd ' CANADA An erupting vol- CD WISH UPON A STAR O TOM & JERRY ANOANI FRIENDS c anoorsiir sirong eorlhquako Is nothing O RODEO Mosquito Champn pionship THREE SCORE )RE/COMMUNITY comparedired to tho forco and power of Rodoo from Mesquite, Texexas. (In CALENDAR tho massiisslvo lidal now In tho Bay ol Storoo) CD USU ANO YOU Fundy. S THE WORLD TOMORROVOW . ES BIG STORY OIOAYWYWATCH O YOUR MONEY 03 PUBLIC POUCY* ClCONFERENCE CD SPEECEEDWEEK . .. HBO MOVIE **Vi "Mr. U vre" e' (1985, a AEROBICS O I INVES''ESTMENT ADVISORY Comedy) Barry Jackson. AMaurice 13 INSPIRATIONAL ANNA BARBERA ADVEN- Denham. SHOW MOVIE **Vi. -Ki. co,»r SHOW ELEPHANTS CHILD) JJack Ni- (tges. Advonturo) JoromyJon Shamos, SI m MOMOVIE * * * ••Sealed Cargo" ctiolson tells Rudyard KiplingDg's d as- ______Jim SutlofcJ. • ------(1951-Su■Suspenso)~Oana'’AndrBW8;------— slfrtslo'aBoufB'baByolopna; , 5:45 rt) WHATS NU?^______Claude .Rii'.Roins. ... . ventures on lhe edge of lth< ^ ^ ray-. >^MOVIE * * '/i “ForHoavon's----- •- O IMI MUSIC ANOD TOE1 SPOKEN Sa™ "o9i(1950.J3omody) Cliflon Webb, CtN MOVIE **Vt '-Biggest BundleBu ol • WORD Joan Bonrlonnelt. Thom All" (1968. Comody)') Vittorio' . CD MOVIE ■■Bravo Ffog F« s Groatost ; Advoniuro^^ ! rt) ROBERT SCHULLELLERg ' CD (IC JAMES KENNEtNEDY i,|^Sports Higlgh iig h ts | .. CD BEST OF WALTX CDISNEY PRE- K S S ' SENTS ■•Music for Evoryt>ody^‘Evoi Host k MBI fuDfako pcBsarats------k SES a variety ol musical;al iontonalnmont —— ______Wlih guosts J^o[sonjn Eddy, Olnah ' m -an Shdfo arid Bonny G w 30-ajn-(ESPN) AIJTO.RACB.CINGNASCAB-Winstan-Cu3up^ ------r O CARTOONS ...... i S , CD SACRED HEARTr ----- £D FISHING THE WES'rEST 11 BJ]ajn. (KBCI) FOOTBALL Tan:rampa Bay Buccaneers at Ch::hi. S DAYBREAK cage BesBears. 03 VIEWER CALL-INrJGuosltoboar>- Gl nouncod. (Tapod) CD SPORTSCENTER™ 11 aon CD DIVINE PLAN um. (KMVT) FOOTBALL SanJan Francisco 49ers a t C indnia- . CD (M' JOURNEY TO5 AlADVENTURE engals. 6:15 13 (11) SATURCURDAY NIOHT- SCENE(R) 11 luum. n (USA) TENNIS DuPontat All-Americani Tournamentn t CD FROM THE CATHECWEORAL F in a l roit-oimd, from Amelia Island P lantantation. 6:30 O MYSTERIOUSUS CtTIES OF GOLD FISHING THE WESIp e r ppjn. j i (WGN) BASEBALL ChChiciigo Cubs at SL Louiiila ' lals. BUGS BUNNY'S BUIBUDDIES • ' O i r S YOUR BUSII‘JSINESS . - ^ C»1 SELIHOT SERIVCfC f 12:300 pJn . (E 4 S A Z ) B A S E B A L L Seattle3< M ariners a t Chicagogo , , CD (11) U.S. FARM REPORTREF ■ Whito Soj . CD THE WORLD TOMOMORROW ...... ©LUNDSTROMS ' 1:30 p j ■ © CROSSFIRE - p j a . (KUTV) FOOTBALLKoiK ansaa C ity Chiefs a t Seattlel e ___ © INSIDE THE PQAKTOUR TC SeahawTks. k* [ (iii IT IS WRITTEN m. (WTBS) BAS£RALL Atlai ______: CD FAITH FELLOWSIWSHIP MINIS- TWI ^ ^ tlanta B raves a t Los Angeleclee

LWORLD______FOOD MAY BE - 3 p jm. n . (KMVT) FOOTBALL OftH^ a s Cowboys a t New Yorkirk • . HAZARDOUS TO YOLVOUR HEALTH G iao ts.MI. M innesota Tikings a t Los Angioigeles Rams, E)etroit Liona ata t ' Basod on rosoorch by Consumors Lm Anmngeles R aiders or St. Louis Union, an oxamlnallon lis C ardinal* a t San DiegcVO Ion of food ond »rs. • how ll aKocts thoso who consum e it. C hargers, ------KTimes^MiSWaTFwrnFairiFalfirraiRo Friday, Septembenber18,1987 ' Oo Sica; Rebofi wagnor)nor. HBO ia O L E ROCK Wombioy 8:00 O O i CBS NEW:EWS.SUNDAY. . . halchosanemoggthsffetloutofgardon ------' ■ MORNINQ troo. (In StoiStoroo) g O 00U 8LE DARE (TMC) MOVIOVIE * * * "fiulhloss Poo- Suhdc a (10) MISTER ROGERSiRS plo" (1906.■6. (Comody) Danny DoV.to. ------^ a DAY OF DISCOVERYERY Botlo MIdlor. ro DEAF MOSAIC O (») 3 3 CB SUNDAYr TCTODAY (PRE- 9:10 ffl TRAVlAVEL GUIDE ro S NFL PREVIEW MIERE)Wool(ond odillonlion ol "Today" 9:30 CB INSIDSIDE STORY m B SPORTSCENTER SUNDAY co*onchorod by Mariala !Shrivor and Q STAR TRTREK ( (H 9 FAMILY MEDICINE UPDATEFE ’ ■ Boyd Matson. Schodulo(lulod: proMo ol (X llB {11)0I) ORAL ROBERTS HBO H{ SEABERT Tommy. Seabedid end< rock group U2; Emmyiy AwardA p re v a KENNETIETH COPELAND Aura Ai (ry (o figurei Out why all theI tfitrees *' low: muttidenominalionalmal cilios; com- O M TOI BCBE ANNOUNCED have ha boon cut down In a VenoztM!i>elan • - _ ' momoraUon ol Iho dobuiabut ot Ihe-lce- (I) PROFILE:ILES OF NATURE rain rai foresi. croam cono. OD I S MEET•ET THE PRESS g CIN Cl, MOVIE **Vi "Short Ciroircurt" CC BUGS BUNNY OD LONE RARANGER (1986. (1< Comody) Ally Sheody. Sieve Sli a UOYD OGILVIE CD GOODI MlMORNINQ MICKEYI Gultonberg. Gi CD MOUSERCISE O MOTOWCIWORLD Foaturod: CamoI 10:000:00 r o CS 0 FACE THE NATIONON ID BEATLES Pro Series)s INational Championship O o YOU CANT DO THAT ON TEIrELE. OD THE WORLD TOMORtORROW from Searsrs PPoint Intornational Race- VISION VI! S ) LAND OF TME BORDERS BC A way in Sonconoma. Calif.: Camoi Pro O Ofi MISTER R O O ^ journoy to Iho bordor botwoonbot Scot- Sorios dirt1 1rackIn racing from Spring- CD ffi MORE ------lonaund Engiandrtho-sito•site otsom e of------noiartirpn'Sn'StorcSl------■BTarCOHPTGNTlEPORT------history's bloodlost battle:itties. (D JERRYI FFALWELLj QD (D READING RAMBOW Q (B NEWS UPDATE Q) TABERN^INACLE CHOIR 3D VIEWPOINT • r o PUBLIC POUCY CON:ONFERENCE ______SHOW MOVIE "Logal E8£E8Bics"(1966.. I - Comody) Robon Rodtcodford, Dobra ' V^ingor. 8:05 a GOOD NEWS 8:10 r o ON THE MENU 8:30 ID BAD NEWS BEAR:ARS CD TABERNACLE CHOIRlOIR O (iJ> 3-2-1 CONTACT Q O ONE DAY AT A TIMEIME \A OD ZOOBILEE ZOO OD CAPTAIN POWER uU&tn(BUlm I ISOIlCHRlSTtANLIFE!IFESTYLE MA-

ID. GOSPEL BILL ------C^.YOU-AND.ME, KID Gu diih MacRao. O HOT RODS FROM* DETROITD A hisloryol pro-stock cars)rs and< drivors including NHRA champiimpion drivers . . Bill Glidflon. Warron Johniohnson, Bruco ■ Allon ond Bulch WoiL (In(In. Sloroo) n w ID VIDEO DISC JOCKEY m Vh I • (D JIMMY SWAGGAHTT ■ u | | |

------(SH0W^M0VIE-»1^Vi-K-K id Coitor"— I - — M— -- (ieaS,-Adventure).J«f«mysmy-Shamo*r—------Jim Staflord. 0:35 O MOVIE "C"Cool Hand Luke" (1967. Drama) Paul’aul Nowman. Goorgo Kennedy. 9:00 IB DANQERMOUSE Subscribe now and a CD HERALD OF TRUTH 99* Installation andT N a O ® SESAME STREETE T C p ------\ O ORAL ROBERTS first m onth for 99*. CD MISTER ROGERS Ihlt fall. Th# Dlinty Chonn«l hoiosoMlsch«iul#e(#fli.f. a O (13) JIMMY SWAGQAFOART lolnlng progroms lhal nake Ih* ^ 0 jra(}*for#v*tYon*.Adulli ^ CX) SUPERMAN end kldi alike. Exclusive prim* ilmtm# urlM ond mbilswitt. ^ 0 ( 1 1 ) ROBERT SCHULLIJUER ;Pr#mi«r# movl*i. Exciting spocial.I.Oisnjyclosslo. Ois including- CD SUPERBOOK lh# world t#l«vltlon pr#fniir« o(■I WallWt Disnty'. -S(**pl,^ I S DUMBO'S CIRCUS floouly."fl And much mor*. Enroll your lomlly in lh# Disn#y ChannelCha todoy. don't ralu g w rp% o V.EO)E0 COUNT- 01oulonaufBock-fo-School$al*. DOWN CD QUESTION OF WINGS Wlh Tho H b e M W M d rac elv e a B edcto-Sd>-Sthool Klf F i n . A SM value. school for modlums InI Ea;Essox, Eng- g land raisos obvious quostiiostions. ^ 9 NEWS UPDATE _ T h e ' ^ 1 ^ 1 Channel a® CARDIOLOGY UPDATEATE "• GB MOVIE * **V i "Montlonty Pylhon *** and tho Holy Grail " (1974.»74. Comody) Qroham Chapman. Johnin CCleese. ____^69 ® NOmiNQ_TO_FE«;:AB:J»E.LE:______QACY OF FOR An cxamllamination of fc ^ n g ViddeocabteJ------how^raSftdpresWentrfnrfrankltfrf>e------^------lano Roosevelt, shapeded Amorican. A ^33-6230 Twin Fells. Kimlilmberly, Hansen Ideals and policy, focusingIng on< the ev- * 326-2W 885 Filer • S3B-6S65 Jeronn en is trom tho Depression}n tot( the Now ome.Vkfendell. Gooding Deaio. and tho InfluenceUi ofc his ac- pOH er not pood cn f n>k« tions on society today. f^rlday,F’ S o p te m b o tH , 1S87 TlTlmes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho1023 LEY g 1 CIN c MOVIE *V^ "Armed and DaSartger- O (81 UFEif e s t y l e s o f t h e r ic h ous"c (1966. Comedy) John Candy. C Sunday AND FAMOiMOUS Eugene E Lovy. m ONE BY o n e ------CD FOOTBArBALL Regional Coverage. AFTERNOONt ■ a (12) BOBERT 8CHUI ironcos at Greon Bay Pack- r»l RAWHIDE ami Dolphins at Indianapolis 12:00 12:( 6 MISS PEACH OF THE KELLYKl IS (11) LORNE QREE Houston Oilers at Buffalo SCHOOL S BACK TO SCHOOLIL Live- »EEN PS NEW 2 ’. , ° ™ ; and Ar- WILDERNESS ittsburgh Sieelors at Clevo- action a I puppets. Miss Peach a r Mns. (Live) thur's tl dassm ates try to convlncnce him CD GOODBYE CARNIViNIVAL GIRL A « to como back to school In th her falher. , WILD WEST The receipt of FealuringF the voice of Martinn ShortI G> WELCOME TO POOf iper (hat predicts th e death. and a lyrics by Sammy Cahn. resenco, ol a famed magi- O f ® COMPUTER CHRONICU:l e s O WISH YOU WEREJE HERE Fea- cian, puzzlezies West and Gordon. ( G S EIGHT IS ENOUGH turod: Phoonlx and OuaiJuartzslte. Ariz. q (h ) nfl■*F{. FOOTBAU San Fran- ONEWS ( (la Sloroo) ers at Clndnnali Bengals. _ O I (9 SPECTACUUR WORUILD OF O AU-AMERICAN WRI^ E S T U N O GUINNESS RECORDS O TO BE ANNOUNCED O CAMPBIPBELLS James and ’Sims (D C MASTERPIECE THEATRE: "I"All (or CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY•'EY search (orir a vacdne whon it is sus- Love" L A salesgirl, who basess her1 II- (D NEW PACIRC An analysisana o( how poclod thatlal Harriot Sims h as small- fostylo f< on a women's mageigazlno. ttio rapid economic QroMirowth o( coun- po* f^faces shattered romantic dreams dn Uios on tho Aslan rim Is c l^dmnglngtho aB ftccoC»OKS ------__ Cduring a brief holiday in Franco.;e. Gor- pjiiorn orwbfrd'lrifde. aldirie 'McEwan stars. (R )g ID NEWSDAY OPERFOR:ORMANCE PLUS Featured: f \ 's Celebrity Challongo with O * (12) DUCKTALES "TroQSusuro of PHYSICIANS’ JOUIOURN.L UP. the Golden Suns" ...... DATE., ------Lorenzo Lamas ("Falcon . ^ Christopher Atkiris ("Blue - ( ^ E MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALlkLLCht- 03 MOVIE * * * "Tho" J t Prowfor" I. Robed Hays ("Starman"). cago ' Cubs al St. Louis Cardirdlnals. {1951. Mystory) Van Ho (Uve) Koyos. ard Dean Anderson ( -Mac- lam ous Oldsmobile drivors. O O MOVIE * * "Fabulous To>roxan" HBO MOVIE *** "A.TanotLo,," To iriK " (1947, Wostom) William Etliott..1. John (1985. Drama) AngelaiP.nttM Pu cOr^ 3) Carroll. y r]or. Drow Forsythe. NIS DuPont AU-American £ ■•Bill Tournamente n t Final rourxJ. (rom Amo- O ® MOVIE it*Vi "Hoy Thoro. It's''sYogi SHOW MOVIE * * * "Bl Bear " (1964. Comedy) Volcos:0S tiy "Himsolf"-’ (1962. Co Plantation. Fla. (Uvo) ' ® AMES KENMEDY Daws £ Butlor, Don Messlck. Cosby. - “KS IQINQ WORLDS View how CD% VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 10:30 CQCSCQ (11) S N in iJ standing o( women re* CE 3 THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRImiNK* CS NICK ROCKS IS chanaed in the Muslem L^ E Y g ------O (l« SQUARE ONE TEITELEVISION A------W g eria;------* S FRANKUN ADVENTUnE'A^•joor' j ------song about porcenta, dc noy atong Australia's Franidin Rivor. R ______tucttoneH>'iorfl CONFERENCE g ■ WEEK IN'HEVIEW------tti THIS WEEK WITH DA' ( 9 SPECIALTY UPDATE: SURGIGERY LEYQ Si'S— W AL MEDICINE UPDATE ^ 1 mechanisms, sido effects Topic: - shock wave lithotripsy. ______O-THE WORLD TOMOft . — Tojfc^n; iracterlstices ol various CB « INSIDE WINSTdN CUP RACACINQ O TO BE ANNOUNC A bohind-tho-scenos look att iaulo (TD KNOWZONE A look b s 'y b erRVISION v i radr>g, ™ lrtdudlr>g inlorviows, ^high- C0S5 Of rocont scientific i .MOWE_--.-Looal_£agloai:— ______broakinrouohsJor-lho-da intedy) Robert Redford. Oo- 69 ^ IB THEBAN PLAYS - * ^ 'ppus u al (.« NFL LIVE Colonus" Anthony Quayle stanars es . O BUTTERRY ISLAND “f- S' iNO Greg must OVIE * * * "Tho D resser" tho ^ blind and outcast Oedipus,». who rcsciio an ambitious s«. s a i l o r ^ Is "''W rama) Albert Finney. Tom travel^ •/* to Colonus wilh his daugughtor aboul goiting Into acddo:rfdenla 1^®“ ' y...... - • . . ... Ai Antigone (Juliet Stevenson), wlwt>ere CD OONALb DUCK PnE! « e s e » ^ i i S ^ ' “ i5MOVIE.o ’ * * * "Destlnailon ho eventually meets his doath.I. O HIDDEN HEROESS Featured: F a ,?c SHOW MOVIE **^1 "Gin Haplappy" visit 10 Patrick Radnfl in L (1943. Adventure) Cary hn Garfield. (1965, tj' Muskai) Elvis Presloy. Sh4ihoUey CaM.. whore Jim McQ« K) FAMILY , Fabares. P loams for Kevin Cogan ar NOVATION Ellorts lo save 12:30 e TALKING ANIMAL A studu d y o l Fittipaldi prepare to race.ic.dnSlareo) ed coastlines end tho long- camels, featuring often ovorioclooked CD FOOTBA a' Regional locations of the ("Groon- lacts. ^ ------Oenvor Broncos at Groor gO ( 9 MODERN MATURITY ors or Miami O o^hinsalatlndianapoUs li Sffi lESS WORLD O S BUSINESS WORLD ' Colts or Houston Oilors O F W IU SONNETT O S » AMERICA. TNE DREAM G(GOES Bills or Pittsburgh Stoelet I IN THE W ia o W S Rat. ON Harry .Morgan, Marie Osmimond. land Browns. (Live) Badger. Mo»viole and Toad vie for tho Gordon Jump, as ^njamin Frananklin. f « IT IS WRITTEN a t th e Grand Annual Show ar>d the Mormon Taberttade CChoir m FOREIGN CORRESPC SPONDENTS ? , X S S Jy ‘'pProduce. aro^ featured In this celebrationio(the ol CD AUTO RACING NASOs c a r ™ .,, on ^ BASS Masters Oassk: Constitution's ^ bicentennial Cup SOO. (Uvo) 1 the Ohk) Rivor In Louis- O ^ OBSTETRICS I QYNECOKILOOY (SHOW) ELEPHANTSBCHIlDJack C S iS L S UPDATE Topic: cervical cancer.jr. Nicholson tolls Rudyarc b v t c e k i n «9 MAJOR LEAGUE BAS EE■BALL classic talo at>oul o baby ® NATURE!tEOFTHINOSAvlsltloAr- Seattle |< Mariners at Chicago WWhHo advonturos on Iho odge c ^ “y IzoW# ChirtWrigiw rnwntalriS: ------Sox. groon Limpopo Rivor. (In(fn Storeo) ^ m o n e y W HBO. MOVIE * ,"PlayoralL(H(1979. 11:00 CD Q) N R FOOTBATBALL Tam pa ( 9 ORTHOPOPAEDIC SURGERY UP- Orama) P/ Ali MacGraw, Doarvln-Paul Bay Bucconoors al ChicChicago Bears. DATE T opic)ic management ol rotator Martin. ______:______^wfl_tears.__ I M O SOMETIMES I WONDERlA * (ler CD LASSIE B B O B U EECKER'S C WACKY WORL^ “ tholr ■ moih8r^rtng»“ h o m o ~n n w w ------CO NFL FOOTBALL Tampampa Bay Buc- OF SPORTSTS baby, fa tvro chlWren fool they’rere un- canoots at Chicago BoorKiara. ' . . . . HBO JERRYRY SEINFELD; STAND-UP loved _ nuisances and oscapo tootheir t JUNIOR-HIOH------CONFIDEMTIwnAlrKnown-forW^X^ay------oraDdmolbotla-lCollMn-Dowtu^ ihiimty ______' Voula Is horrified whon^ n Stephanie Specs, corn*jm edlan Jorry Seinfeld in home. ^ usos a unique melhodi to gain votes his first soto d o television appearanco O ®| (O JOY OF PAINTING ______.'njho_r,ico.for.9choolprc.president. discu s se s (aifamlty reontons, shopping_____ JA(3) WONDER WOMAN O THIS WEEK WTTH DAVIDDA^ TOINIG ana s iu b bo w m pels. (In Storoo) g -O-ENTERTAINMENT-THIS-WJ « WEEK------^ (In Storoo) 24 Tlm os-Newa, Twin Falls,alls, Idaho Friday, Septem berDer18.1987 * CD MYSTEflY ’ TheI AcAdventures of CD TOO SMART SM I^OR STRANGERS Shorlock Holmes II" AIKAlior answering Winnie ho mo Pooh and frlands give a cliacilablo organizaiioritlon's ad, Jabez youngsters>rs tips on how IQ deal with Sundilay ; Wilson Is suspicious.'js.w tio n ho Is strangors.Hs. Host Sonny Molondre:. g ____ promised a largo summ cof monoy for q ALICE copying an oncyclopodiiiodia.(R)P eoOOYSSESSEY Threo archaeologists cCIN MOVIE * * "Ladles’ Man"■•(1947, ( O AMERICAN SPOR'ORTS CAVAL- traco tho' extensive on network ol roads cComedy) Eddie Bracken.. Cass CADE Foaturod: SlOCk

Friday,S0plemt)ef18.1987987 7lm88-New8, Twin Falls,8, Idaho 25 OQ• S I IDAHO AT/FIVE Walsh, who was abducijcled In 1981. i D UTAH FOOTBALL WITH JIMIM Hosi: Daniel J. Travanil.111. _ _ _ „ -SASSEL. s ! - ...... : Sundaxly__ _ 5:45 CD CONNECT - ______OIMOWE M "Throo Violonl Poo------pie"e" (1956, Weslorn) Chariton Hes- Gardon South.■ Q tonn. ., Anne Baxler. '*■ EVENING O BIO VALLEYLY JJarrod rents a larm CE] SMALLS WONDER A doterminod to a Mormon famliamlly and som e ot iho engiriglneor invents a child-sized pro- 6:00 O C» O (11) S lI 660 MINUTES lownsp«oplo resoesont It. nrom'ammable robot nam ed Vicki that (SEASON PREMIERE).).P CD BEST OP WAWALT DISNEY PRE- winsIns tho approval ol his wife and son.„ O DONNA REED SENTS "M usic: forroi Everybody" Hosi OI (12)(l MOVIE "Tho Living Dosert" O o a BACK AT THE; IRANCH Tho Maosiro Ludwigig vivon Drake presents (19S2953, Oocumoniary) problems ol ihe moderJern Amorican a varioly o l'mnuslcal u s entertainment CE} FAMER Danny lands a spoi on o ' ranchor are studied In thisthi documon------wnn-gu08t5-NN 8l! SISW r-Eddyrornah live0 television I show: Dusty Invites lary, which also offerss .a history of Shoro and Bonnyin y Goodman. Jessitsse 10 a rock concert. (R) ranching in iho United.!d States..N ar- O PERFORMANC\NCE PLUS Featured: CB) (11)(1 SMALL WONDER ralod by actor Richardi FFarnsworth. ttio NHRA's Calebslebrity Chatlongo with O»CROSSBOW Cl Several orphans iry (I) O CO MOVIE "DistHsney Sunday drivers Lorenzoizo Lamas (-Falcon to stealsic Toll's horso. Movie " (Part 2 of 2) Crest"). ChristopItopher Atkins ("Bluo CD1 MOVIEM ** "The Horsomasiors"... O O C C E O OUR HOUSESE In Iho allor- Lagoon"). Robortort HaysI {"Starman"). (1961961, Oroma) Annetto Funlcello,. malh of the oarthqualJake. David's and Ricliard Deanean Anderson ("Mac- Tomr)mmy Kirk. caught in a massive ox|explosion and gyver"): famous)S Oldsmobile0 drivers. Q t I firo. (In Sloroo) (Part 2 o I AMERICAN SPORTS CAVAL- ______: ------CAD!kOE-FeatunjdrStodrCarConnoc^).------CTINATURE-OF-THINOS ~ 0 AIBWOLF tlonin racing, from Sanair Supor 0 ( 1 2 ) 2 1 JUMP STREEEET (SEASON ^ MOVIE **ViVt "Until• S eptem ber" Spoe. Thierry - Storooroo) vestlgates tho kidnapplmilng or a high- -ihormitte. ORII RIPTIDE school sludont. (In Sloreireo) m FROM THE£ SHADOWS OF THE OI OUT0 | OF THIS WORLD CT LIFESTYLES OFTHEHE RICH AND ______iQUN.DIflerlrio political poll philosophies QI M*A*S*HM' FAMOUS Raquol Welch:Ch: King Tau- ; "of Nonnom Irelamiland. QI COWBOYC( UP Tho skill and cour- faahau Tupou IV from TongaTi In Ihe '^QB NEWSWATCHCH ago10 oro rodso cowboys is dispiayod.j* South Pacific; actor AAl Waxman CD HYDROPLANEANE RACING CMC 9I NEWSNi UPDATE ( "Cagney & Lacey'"):I: tho lowol- ,Cobra Series. (Ta;(Tapod) oI PUBLICPI POUCY CONFERENCEr making Houso ol Chaumjmol. (R) 0!) INTERNAL MEDICINE ME UPDATE CDNIINH.-PRIMET1ME ------O PAPER CHASE: THE£ FFIRST YEAR Topic tho mechanlianlsm s. sido cffocts (QiI AMA Al VIDEO CUNIC Topic: dia-. Hart a sk s Prof. KIngstieIceld an oddball .and characteriseristlces of various bolesles mollilus. (Part 1) quostion and must Iherlereloro com- ‘NSAIDs. I L JAMES KOUTNIK plole a full report on It wiwilhln 24 hrs. jCD NEW QIOGETET______g fL edS.LEQENDARY.SRORTS.CARS—C a NEW MIKE HAMMERER ______■;SHOWHOVlE"L'oi"LogalEagios'Tig'06. RoboiIbert Hardy exam ines high-speedJ ------O VIDEO DISC'JOCKEVEY e rt-R odfofd. - Debra------a trtoito racing m tins toui'iliiuuyiriMu V ln g o r. logon(lands ol aulo design.-. story behind tho bulldlilding of the 4:30 ID CAR 54,, WHEREWl ARE YOU? (SHO\HOW) MOVIE **★ "Excepl For,. bridgo that spans iho riviriver Kwai. 'Toody and Muldoodoon doviso a plan lo Theeoeand i Mo“ (1975. Drama) RichardL GS PRIMENEWS keep Officor Schneihnausor ertd his wUo Kiley.oy. Shlrloy Kniqhi. PROCESS AND POLIIUCY (Livo) ------TTOtiTTigniitwr------i^C) MOVIE * * * “ Drogonslayor" - - o NFL THEATRE D reaiatTrTdams": ------DOS)THIS OLDD HOUSEHI Tho Tam pa (1861.161. Faniasy) Petor MacNlccl. Cal-I Qd PHYSICIANS' JOUIlURNAL UP- ''homerocQlves "ho"hoat-shlolding" win- tllnI Clork.Cl. ' DATE [dows. alerfnlteI inspectionins and rigid CIN MOVIEM ***'/, "Chisum " (1970., O TO BE ANNOUNCEDD ductwork (or thoa nne ew central air con- Wistorn) ests John Wayno. Forrest; e s m i BUFFALO BILL Bill:ill Ilands a role ^dltionlng; tho rosidiisidential resort com- Tuckockor. in a Hollywood film. ■munity of Seaside.Ide.g 5:10aa ONE ON ONE Guosts: Kirk Ca-, SHOW .MOVIE * * "I-"Hair Moon .... ------t o T riA rS INCREIREOIBLE" ...... m eroriron. Olck Clark. -...... ------Stroot'- (l9B 6r Drama)-J)-Sigourney-...... OiaCBN BC NEVNEWS 5:30 OO O S NEWS Woavor. Michaol Calno.I. CD MOTORWEEKiK O BBAD A NEWS BEARS 6 : 3 0 0 MISTER ED Ed'sjofjealous whon O (12) SHE'S THTHE SHERIFF Suz^) < O 09 di ADAM SMrrH«-MONEY^ Carol ond Wilbur buy aI poodle,pi I,anna Som ers plays play a widow who WORL)RLO O COLLEGE BOWL'87r A quiz show .assum es hor Ialolo husband'sh post a s (J)BENSON BB On a buslnoss trip ovor- involving four-mombor teams to com- a Nevada shorin.in. Pal Carroll also soas.lis. Benson and Kraus are accused posod or tho couniry'sI l-host: John Schnoi- seatk>t look al auto racing. K Wombioy hatches on ogg Ihat fell oul |der. Guosis: Swoelfoelhoarts of the Ro- M8PCSPORTft (UIMDAV 3ut of gardon ______troo.,(ln.Sloroo)q______OfTTHEROAD'WlTH'KiOAZ 7:00 c a (T m a >11) CT MIIC IhMj^WALL-STWEtR E ^ W ^ K — {j ^ URQER-SUE______1 rH0W*T0-ron8ETTSTBEEr:“ WflO-r=E (SEASON PREMII •CS ABC NEWS q UlERE) I^ur- H CHARGE Charles ART CHILD Pollco officials andi . . . dor's.around tho.comor-vr when Je s- ( a CHARLES IN C d-abuse exports offor advice on» sicajravols to Paris to anottondthepre- 'lo a m s he'll bo thelollve-lnhelporfora 1^ or the Pembrokes cation children about the dangers1 mioro fashion collectionn ot an old now family aftor ibducllon and assault. Common- friend. Q . move to Seattle. (R) ______larvbyby John Walsh, falhor of AdamI O MOVIE "Johnrinny^Angoi;:______. '2 fiT im « ^ e w 8 , Twinwin halls, Idaho Prid8y,Sept(iplomBflFliTiMT I ISUNDAYEVE^I N G - y 1. f I no 111:30 1 12;00 T i 2:3 0 I I 7:00 I 7:30 8fl:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 9i: 10:00 10;30 11:00 I [ O ICfcat Space Raca NaiNature |Masterpleco ______McUuQ- Inieresls Sign^3fl311______' B. Ono Day Sign-Off * j O SpeoserFofHifB Mo’Movie: "Tne Best Uttle Whorehouseise iin Texas" ______Twii. | n9ws ISkipHall Alice Laverne News TBA ; | 0 8 |p a m . [Two MMovki:o' "The Highwayman"______er John. M.D. Fonim Sign-Off ■ I C B Emmy Awards Rodoo' 0.1, Olaiy TrapperJ' ...... Movie: "Paradise »Lai Lagoon" ______S»gn-Olf I [Mufdof Sna Wroio ^Movie: Maude- ' Story News Siqn-Oll ; ! jMufdefSheWtoie ^Movie: "MicKi & Maude"______| nbws Comedy |sisk/ "Sunny" "Ghost Town Law" | I O | to Bo Announced Conl'ienl'cJ News |Cntp;nti7 Music TV Cnuy Music TV Tie Escape" Coast to Coast ^ ' |sHOW)|Movie:'"lcgal Eagles"J- Movie: "HallI MiMoon Sueet" Movie: "POW: Tho t oast to Coast Movie: "Bill Cosby;by - - "Himseir" [Prf. ~~ [sHOwlHall | mo. i«:"PM'OW: Tne Escape" Showtime Coas Ivietnam |jerry Seinfetd ^ I HBO ["RemoWilliaiTH: Ttw3 AdvoniureAd Begins" Movie: "Mandendela" ' I (1945. Mystery) Goorflo RaT!Ran. Clairo a WEEK IN REREVIEW I Trovor. Q) TO BE ANN(4N0UNCED ' O W OREAT SPACE.RACU C E v u n ------oil CARDIOLOQOOY UPDATE - Sundai r locking tho Unlvorso" Amofltlorlcan and s i <» RANOY)Y NEWMAN AT THE ______Soviet sclomists ottompt to answ or ODEON Randyidy Newman performs questions al»ut ttie naiuro;uro of tho hits Including3 ""Short People" ond D INTERNAL irj MEDICINE UPDAT|^ I univorse arising Irom focoijcontly ac- "Sail Away" an.and Is joined By Unda . Topicspic: the mochanlsms. side effectWts ; qulred knowledge, (fl) (Partart 2I ol 4) Ronstadt andJ R Ry Coodor.' Id and choracteristlces of varlouous I CDOSPENSER:FOR HIRESlE S p o n co r HBO MOVIE * * * "Remo Williams; nSAIOs. s a II I 0 m an who The Advonturoiro Bogins" (1965, Ad- SHO^HOW MOVIE "POW: The Escapopo" t seeks revenge agalnsl the m j W ard. Joel Groy. (igge9S6. Drama) David Carradimino. seriously wounded him Inin a shool-ahool venture) Frod M 5VIE "Logal Eagles" Make out. (R) (In Storoo) g lako. dy) Robort Redlord. Oo- q;oo0 O 0 Q ) O (11) S MOVIE **r** O <» ( £ (B FAMILY TIETIES . (in (1986. Comody) bra Winger. Micki & M aude" (1984. Comed]Jdy) Steroo) g "MicI ______m.NATURE Jhls_sorioslsl?• sixth sea- fTWC) MOVIEE i* * * "Ruthless Poo- Dudlcudloy Mooro, Amy Irving. :om edy) Danny-DoVilo,------Cl-Q9-NATURE-Thl»-8«rl«»’_aUI f Q ixth— li. son begins with an expldratic-itioiTdriho------plo" (1980.'Cor t,.p . Hntlfl Mtmar. ■ gaf11 l lho Port ol Spain: the Tasma.mannndo- MoncoH-lnS. Siereo) g 0)0 5 IN i ^ O N Featured: _ bJBC-producod b C films examining tfthe • vil and wombat of Australia:iliB-YBlo'SQ ID A N tM L S II klri^dom's laslost run- yrtjrl(vorld'a onvlronmont chronicles tttho ; cappella glee club tours lho I It.Jumpers and largosi dosuioslroction. .arising from, deveio;ilop- - ...... Ropublic of China.------moninont in Senegal. MoxIcolrTd Bc«k » t- ■ ; O (12) EMMY AWARDS Frc HEROES Featured: o iand, dona, Calif., tho Academy o o 'h I O M N H and. * Racing In Long Beach, g j h ____ftinn Arts oDtLScloncos’ 39t39th annual visit to Patrick F CNEWS o.JIm McGee and-lho------o9 e BEN HADEN------ceremony. Presenlors indundudo Joan Calif., w h ere.. jvIn Cogan end Emerson qS MOVIEm * * * "The Rod Badgele o f • ColUns, Michael J. Fox.0*. Sharon teams for Kevir iparo to racor(ln Storoo) . . coui:ourage’‘ (1951. Drama) Aiidlo MiMur- ' Gloss. Bob Nowhart. JoaiJoan Rivers Fittipaldi propai and Tom Selleck. (In Storocaroo Uve) g q HOaYWOhy. BUI Mauldin. B PERFORMANCE PLUS Featurejrod: m STAR SEARCH ______O ROAD TOro THE WHfTE HOUSE B P nlerviewa with "Big Daddy" Gariartlts . TOUCH Featured:''ca;campalgn“ actlvitios-of------• inter jnd John "Brute" wrce: a nowrline li O DANGER BAY GrantI mmi ust find a prosidonllal hooefuii.ho and gold model lhat dlsappeaijo aro d Irom ______ttio Aquarium’s whalto sculpculpturo dur- J p S S S ! ^ Ing a btackouL Q ■ O MOTOWORLO Foaluro , 7 out bridge, which signaled'lod ttio ond o( :______^WorldAVftLli,______— FridayrSoptembeMSrIM?—— TImes-NewsrTwlnFalls.-lds]I« h 0 j7 ------Gutton&of!bOCfl._^_:______]Q:35-a)-MaViE-***-r5ond-iID iJ-M*-No+-' I . T I5 0 o M(MONKEES A gangster luros Flowers" (1964. Comedy) Roclock Hud- Sunday tho quart£artot Into his latest cflmo. son. Oofis Day. ______a JERR>IRY FALWEU O TAKE TWO ------CBDEMPJyfPSEYft MAKEPEACE Mako- 10-J6 10 B CSS NEWS ol manual transmissii ission shiltofs: a poaco resigns roa aftor.sho witnesses 1010:45 0 ABC NEWS g visit (0 Saleen Autosp< Br murder ol Dompsoy. 1010-.51 B COACH’S SHOW O ROBERT KLEININ TIME* Guosts; q e o YOUNQYO 11 Jackie Mason; Marllu 11:00 a SISKEL A EBERT & THEHE MOV- K rllu Honnor. f n DISNENEY CHANNEL PREVIEW IES CD 8TRAIQKT FROM')M THE HIP S YOUNCJNG ONES Vivien sirikos oil in O U S T PLACE IN E O SELF-IMPROVEMENT N ENQUNO Tho |ho boys’rt' basement,______— O-TWIUGHT ZONE Allons frtfrom an------tim es a fishormorr-spois p ^ uponSonin------ffl'SPObRTS ftl T0NIC3HT COVfl. ------other planet show Earthmonn howI 10 ; a * INTER'ERNAL MEDICINE UPDATE live peacefully witb one anolh>ihof. a CNN NEWS tho mechanisms, sldo oflocts C9 OBSTETRICS / Q a ® AUCE Mel and tho girlsIS believet / GYNECOLOGY In d '^ ch:haraclorislicos a i ol various thal buriod troasure lies some UPDATE Topic: corviarvlcal cancer. NSAIDs. Tiewhero s. in mo diner and they sot oul to ■D 0 A«E PASSPOf to Rnd it. PORT "Joumoys q COUNIJNTRY MUSIC TEUVISION CD MOTHER AND SON Throush Israel" Cliai :haim Topol ox- 0:OOCDCDlD O OS C E O (11) O O D ffi . O JIMMY SWAQQART plores Israel with visits visi to GalilOO'. NEWS CD WE OOT r r m a d e a boboautllul Golan Heights and ttioIho NogovI Desert. CD STOCK)CK MARKET VIDEO ' (Part 2 ol 2) woman (Tori Copley) m oves> tot( Now O M MMCLAUQHUN C I QROUP York and winds up working aIS s a1 maid 8:30 CD INN NEWS CD GOOD30 NEIGHBORSI Whon Mergo ______CD.BOCK.AUVE------___ '9L.?wp_younfl_bachelors-a&Tom_Vil-____ I irs-tho-Gooas'TJlan'noTreop------iard.i John Hlllnor). O CELEBRITY OUTIlUTDOORS Fea- iho enlists tho holp of Mr. 1O (13) TRAPPER JOHN. IM.D..D. turod: Cory Wolla fThrcThroo Dog Night) Carior. g o e s fty Ashing for rail ( £ ATTHE MOVIES SchoduloQlod:"Fa- rainbow trout In q (121 ROOEORC SPORTS PAGE 1tal Attraction" (Michaol Do ” -- • Now Zealand. (In Storetoroo) ------o LARRY Douglas. I IRy JONES (Glonr> Close); "A Prayer fclor the ' ® MILESTONES IN MEDICINE ©MOVIE /IE*** "TurtleDiary"{1986. IDying" (Mickey Rourko); "Ho^omo Is ■ "Subendocardial Infarclarction: Tho Hid- Drama) GonGo Kingsley, Glenda Jack- 1 don Danger" Where tho Hart Is". B VARIOUS 9:00 O -SMOTHERSRS BROTHERS Q AMERlERICAN SPORTS CAVAL- | SHOW O OTC STOCK JOURNAL -oaturod; Slock Car Connoc- ((D UFESTYLES OF THE RICH O (23 09 MASTERPIE(PIECE THEATBE S l ,° " c T n CH ANO ictng. from Sanair Supor |FAMOUS Requol Welch; King "All for Lovo" Alter her dominoorlng Spoodway ng Tau- vay In Quebec, Canada. (In 1laahau Tupou IV Irom Tonga mother's death, s vrt>mrt>man accepts a Storoo) la In tho South Padfic: actor Al Wa paying guest Into hersr housohi and bo- g WEIGH iVaxman GHT LOSS MADE EASY (("Caflnoy & Lacoy"); tho | com os increasingly fondfont of him. Eve- q 12O Mir I Jewel- MINUTES Now tronds In mu- making } Houso ol C haum et (R(R) lyn Loyo, Juno RitchIitchie. Benjamin gle and Iho ihi groups rosponslblo aro | ------^------WWtrow-star. (fl) g — _ ® BARRIERS OE.THEMINDA'A.study ------...... — torploco’ ofthis’prbgram:------cof mental lllnoss'B sodotal cononsogu; ____ rRtD-AB0 UT -US~L'6ndori'5------1oncos. CC HOGAN'S HEROES)ES Hogan con- K ow Scirdons rocoivo a visit. - 1 vlncos two Gonnanin officorai thal Q NEWSK B NEWS UPDATE /SNIQHT IB NFL'S GREATEST MOMENENTS Stalag13slts over ava:I vast pool of oil. ID NFL PRIMETIMEPR . S RODEO Mosquito0 ChampionshtpC QDMEETIf • ® INVESTMENT ADVISORY( TING OF MINDS |ffi o Is missing. DATE Topic: manpgomoiimont o l rotator mony. (R) 11:111:10 BHEALTHWEEK — . — culf tears.- - - O (11) MOMOVlE-**W-:-'Paradiio La------ll:11:15B l T O BE ANNOtJNCEO- CBNEWS ■goon" (19(1950. Comody) Konnolh 11:18 ll: l B WHAT A COUNTRYl . SD (B EVENING AT• TFTHE IMPROV Moro. Sallyally Ann Howos. 11:30 n j B INSIDE STORY H o st Lome Groono.. Guosts: Gi Soan q jqhnI OSTEEN0! O t BOSOM BUDDIES Kip andJ Honryh Moroy. Bruco Mahler.. CarolCt Siskind. o LOVE; YOURY( SKIN compote 0 against a connivingn g .c o ­ Potor Qaulko. Michael9l Murphoy. M CB HOW TO MAKE $500 A DAY EV- worker v. to bring a Juicy accountlt toti tho HBO MOVIE "M andendola" (1907. ERYDAYf , ( ad a agency. Drama) Danny Glovor,or, Aliro Woo- 9 STYLEE VWITH ELSA KLENSCH O < « LAVERNE A SHIRLEYEY An dard. FAMILYIILY- MEDICINE UPDATE over-onthuslastic 0, building inspiSPOCtOf (SHOW) MOVIE * *<■ "Hall" Moon Topics: twnMrrior contracoplion; hor- threatens Jf Mra. Bablsh wtth a $2500S; ■ stre o l" (1986. Drama)Tie) Sigoumoy m onal connonlraception: a now Joint (Ino. Woavor. Michaol Caine. ABFP-ABIM !IM certification procoss in * • QD ti FAU AND RISE OF REGIN SHOW SHOWTIME CCOAST TO geriatric mo, Ariz. U d d . (In Storeo) SHOW MOVOVIE * * * ''Bill Cosby - O in SANDRA BROOKS DIET CIN MOVIE **W "She■Short Clnwlt" ••Hlmsoir'" (1982. Comody) Bill a (1986. Comody) Ally Sheody, ShG Stovo Cosby. B NEWSMAKER SUNDAY _ 0 _MpyiE_*^_::Sunny:L{li.(194J,______------ZSTlme^N^TwInFail^ailiTldaho FHaiyTSepfinilwrbsnariM ?------

■\ .J, ______' Hofnorvco) Anna Neagle. HayRay Bolgor; (1982) (Part 3) ^Aloe dSinness. ' KBO VIETNAM WAR STOR'ORY Throo 12;46 0 EVERYBiYflODY-S MONEY MAJ-, soldiofs rocuporating in o'Va V oierijni TERS Sund^ Adminislration hospilol d9deal wilh 12:50 CIN MOVIEIE *V|t "Armod and Dan- ' roalily In difloront ways. (In Sioreo) ' gorous"' (1981,986, Comedy) John (Port3ol3)g • - Candy. Eugonomo Lovy. 2:355 CSa ABC NEWS Q 11:35(S ZORRO Zorro helpsstwolndlan tw i2:S5 0 MOVIE^lE •'S pooks Run 2:50o e0! s NEWS (R) sorvants who want to getIt married.m: Wild" (1941., C< Comody) Bela Lugosi. HBOBO MOVIE *** '.'Romo Williams 11:46 O) LIFESTYl^S OF THTHE RICH East Side Kids.ids. Thehe AdvoniuroJ Begins" (1985, AdaJ ANO FAMOUS 1:00 0 SAVE; THET> CHILDREN venlumlure) Fred Ward. Jool Grey. 12:00 O N EW S 0 MOVIE**'.' "Mad Wednosday" 3:000 0CQ CAR 54 CB MOVIE "Johnnymy Angol" (1947. ComocTiody) Harold Lloyd, 0[I MOVIEMi * * ••Thundor In Iho Val/al­ (1945, Mystory) Goorgo Ral:Rall.'Claire Francos RamscTisdon. ley"ly" (1947.( Drama) Lon McCaliislotter, Trevor. 0 NEWSNIOHGHT Edmudmund Gwenn. O ONE DAY AT A TIME 0 (M) EVENINNINQ AT THE_ IMPROV Q1 LOVELC YOUR SKIN - O OD CNN NEWS Host: Lorho'GiGroono. Guosts: Soan 09 V VIDEO I DISC JOCKEY CD COMEDY TONIGHT Morey. Bruco:o Mahlor.K Carol Siskind. 03 SPORTSS( REVIEW O CHRISTIAN CHILDREN'S;N-S FUND Peler Gaulko.0. Michael^ Murphey. 09 PUBUCPi POUCY CONFERENCE: e O (12) CANYON FORUMM HBO MOVIEE 1* "Born American" (TMCrMC) MOVIE *** •'Dragonslayor' 0 700 CLUB (1986.Advontuinturo) Mike N o rls. Stove (1981981. Fantasy) Poier MacNIcol.Cal:ai------CD MOVJE^XhautauqwLGtfl£tftl(1984)______Durham------______Uin-CiJl-Claik______Janot-Loigh Gfoon. Toroncanee Kelly. (TMC) MOVIEIE *** "The Orossor ’ 3:200 (SHOW)(S MOVIE -'Perfect Timing O MOTOWORLD foaluredjred: Camel (1983. Drama)na) Albert Finney. Tom (1982i982. Drama) Slopheri Marklekio. Pro Sorios National Chamilampionihip Courtenay. Mlchillchetle Scarbolll. • from Soars Point InlomaUon.ttonalRaco- i;3 0 O MOVIEHE *.**W "Tho Pawn- 3:300 0C MONKEES A gangster lure way In Sonom a, Colif.; CaiCamoi Pro brokor"” (1965.65. Drama) Rod Stoigor. iho10 quanelq Into his latest crimo. Sorios dirt ua ck racing fromrom Spring- Geraldine Filzgilzgerald. CGD LAVERNE U & SHIRLEY Tho girl}lrls Tield, 111. (In Storoo) .. GD INN NEWSVS agonigonizo ovor Shirley's alcohol!olic O SEARCH FOR BEAUTYTY O k e y s T O? SSUCCESS .. broihroiher. CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEYi 0CROSSF1RIMRE a] LOOKL( AT ME NOW 0 UVINQ TOMORROWf HeHow mod- (SHOW)MOVll)V1E * * * "Sill Cosby - 0D INSIDEIN BUSINESS om technology holps thothe handl- ••Himsoll"" (1982. (1 Comedy) Bill 0D A AEROBICS I cappod find froodom. Cosby. 11 PRESCRIBING INFORMATIONH O MONEYWEEK 1:46 0 NIGKTVrrwATCH .,,'150 SHOWc! MOVIE **V i "Kid Colterter" GB PUBUC POUCY CONFE•4FERENCE 1:55 0 MOVIEIE ***i "Tho Rod Badge 1965. Adventure) Jeromy ShamosIOS. CD SPORTSCEffTER or Courage"r i{1951. Drama) Audio im Stafford. ____CD.MOVIE.y»j»_i:Ghost_To»Town Law" Murphy, BUI M « 0 CURIOUS GEORGE Inno- Tlm c u n w UnWF orn^_BuclL_jQfi 1 - 0 ^ N ^ < E W 3 ------McCoy. • ...... (1985, Susperpense) Som Waterstorv 9D ?LAVERNE I. SHIRLEY. m ® A»E PASSPORTr ••Journeys"J Kaihloon QuinIulnlan, D JAMES ROBISON Through Israel" ChaimI TopolTc ox- 2:00 0 TURKEYKEY TELEVISION “3 KEYS " TO SUCCESS . . . * * * "irs a Gilt" (1934, - - g J pForos Israel with visitsI to Gollloo. , CB MOVIE ** B DAYBREAK Golan HolQtits atid'tho Nroev ^« i Desoil. Comodv) W.C.>,C. Fields, Baby Loroy. n nPTTINQ FIT______------^O'BIHD'POW — TPorfrofZj------^------[D CARDIOLOGY UPDATE HBO JERRY SEINFEU):; STAND-UP ST 0 NEWS UPO?POATE 2Db MOVIEM * * "T oxas. Brooklyn andan CONFIDENTJAL Known fortorl his X-ray a® INVESTMEMENT ADVISORY “foaven" ” (1948. Comody) Giiy Madadi- Spocs. comoOlan Jorry SelnfokI Se in 2:05 (3) MUSICJC CtTY. U.S.A. J"®"on. Diana Lynn. Ms first so lo ’tolevlslon appeorance ap( 2:1O0SHOWBWBIZWEEK ^^•i;iN MOVIE * * * "Throe Mon andi d a ...... ------discu$$os‘lamiiy rounlons.iIS. shopping - — 2:1S O ’ MOVI3VIE-»» "Boy ol-the- :radlo" ^ (1985. Comedy) Andre Dui)us- and siut>born pets. Slroets" (1931937. Adventure) Jackie Blior. Roland Glreud. - (SHOW) SHOWTIME' COAST-TO COJ ------Cooper; Mar|o 10 O LITTLE PRINCE COAST J a z z musician Horblo Horl Han- 2:20 CIN MOVIE 3 TOM & JERRY AND FRIENDS-s. •ence Stamp. Jo h n Hurt. g P cock travels across tho United Drama) Teren( D FAITH TWENTY Statw.— stKJwcaslng lalont laloi from------2:30©8IO-STi street corners to comodyly cliclubs, with porlpimBnces by both esi andirogtonal eniertalnors. 12:05 CD MOVIE ***V» •Thoirhe Goodbye S' Girl" (1977, (^jmedy) Marsha Mar Ma- son; Richard Droyfuss, -- 1= 12;15 CB ATTHE MOVIES} Schedutod:Sc f f l ] ------S ' J l RH

______ams - ...... M M flonday eveimingprogra

6:00 CD GD WHEELEL OFi FORTUNE Q • Chine:n o se Interlude. o MY THREE SONS O OONNA REEDED HBO0 I MOVIE * * ’I. Doslro" (1982.2 0 0 9 MACNEIL/LEHREi)ER f ^ S H < ■ CEOOMCDIBCB (11) CS S ) NEWS HorroiTor) David Naughlon. Marilynn OUR a PROFILES;S OF( NATURE Jo n eies. s ( 3 ) 0 NFL FOOTBALL N«New England QD NIOHTLY BUSIIJSINESS REPORT 6:50 CB OAK STREET CHRONICLES\ Patriots at Now York JeUots. (LKe) QD MOVIE** "AntAnalomy ol a Soduc* 7:00 CDO i(E G (11) S I FRANK'S P U C EE a IS CE O ALF (SEA!y^SONPRE-— tion" (1979. Oramima) a Susan Flannory. Franknk leaves New Orleans 10 resume,e MIERE) ALF s relocatedHothe'famlly tc Jsmosoo Parker.>r. toacfiiiching in Boston, but a run of badd garage a s a result of his: mischievousm O FATHER MURFJRPHY Tho orphans luckc(< convinces him to rolurn lo Louis-J. behavior. (In Steroo) Q go altor a bond of outlaws( who stole iana. CD CITIES tnoir favonto horso>rse. □ CD KIOS tNCORPOtPORATED Suporsii- tious Stacy is tJtstrastraught whon Gloria losos hor lucky cfi:charm. Daytimele movies a NASHVILLE NOWNO ______------O-RIFTIOE------.11 AFTERNOON CD NEW VIDEO) H—r>------Shodow s'‘-(1903r'M ysteitery)-Vlncer«------RDM MOVIE***** "Shooima Partv” Couslijsln " (1965. Drama) MargarotM price. Potor Cushing. (19’£W. Drama) J Ja a rn o s Mason. Ed- ig rid crJ ohn-WiWmen;------CIH-iHrt^Reprisar-Higst»67W e9tem)------ward Fox. • 9KW HIHBO **V4 "Running Brave” Guy Madison. FeWa Fanarr. HBO BEHIND THEHE SCENES . (1983.B3. Drama) Robby Benson. Patll 2:00 CD * * * "OW Yelk»aer" (1957, (SHOW) THE ALM(LMOST ROYAL FA- Hirigle Drama) Dorothy McGCiire.re. Fess Par- MILY Tho m ombors bor of the Hondor* r r a i c ) . **V4 "Tho Dirty Oozon"■ kor. son family sot upp trthoir own kingdom (1967.67. Orama] Loo Marvin. Ernost'51' 3:00 HBO **V^"Blrct) Interierv®l’’ (1978. on Groat Mosquitojito Island, Borgnrgnine. Drama) Ann Wedgeworth.th. Rip Tora ------SHOW-SHELLEY-1f¥-OUVAU4S_TAU------1 « « « " Desert Bloom" (1906.3. (SHOW) "Dream s Lost»t. Dreams ...... TALES AN O..LELEGENDS_.:’D avy..__0 L8rj‘ima) Jon Voight. JoBotfTWiliranirr ------Foutid— n ssT T U fa m an ) ) -K a tWoqn------, Croc>e Catun” ------drewJackson s(Mc(McLoan Stevenson) Com©mody) William Powoll. Carolele (1966. Drama) Armand AsAsunte..OAn • c « « i scool and fights-at figr tho Aiamo, nbard, (Ifl Sieroo) o • O * ^ "Ridin' on a Rainbow" 4:00^® O "The Mystery k CIN MOVIE * * * •'Grand 0 Pnx" (1966. (1941.4 1 . W estern) Gono Autry. Smiloy•y . Castle'* (1973. Adventure] Drams) Jamos GaGam or, Eva Mario motte. 2) O u Guiager. Mariettaa HI artI**,...... Saint. K)W) * • » "Betrayod" (1954.«. SHOW * * "Period ol A Ai d ju s ^ n t" 6.-05 O MOVIEE ***’.j Fathor Dramjjmo) Clark Gable. Lana Tumor. (1962.. Com edy). Tony, frtadi^. G oose " (1965. Com^ o d y ) Cary Grant. 11KJ5 O O **V^r " U d y Godiva" (1956.5. Jano Fonda, Leslie Caron. Dramjima) MaWeon O'Hara. Georgele 4:30 CIN **V t "The New 6:30 O 3 JEOPARCiRDYI 3 Naderder. (1976, W estern) Jam es Gi , O MISTER EO W.10VilOur hopos to cufo 11:30 HBO HI * * * "Droamchild " {1965.5. Kelly. ' Ed's loar ol r>oights,h,s. Dramjim a) Coral Browne, lan Holm, 5:30 (TMC) * * * "Exlr«|ini« CE WHEEL OF FORFORTUNE CIN4 ** * * "Show Boat" (1951. Musl-li- Drama) Farrah Fawcel ) Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel. O J 4 NIGHTLY BUSINESSBU! REPORT 'I- Russo. • , ! I J ' , O • - O THREE’S COMF)MPANY Janot lotls ilftO her parents thatt s^she and Jack aro ■ ■ vtc . newlyweds. O M CNN NEWSts Daytimine sports ~ ■ GC PRORLES OFF NNATURE :00'GD MAJOR t^ G U E BASEBAUy, 11 SHX) CB SPOftiaCENTERER QC M‘A’S*H Tho0 aihngai USO smgor 1 « W 5:30 CD NFL MOKDAV ; urxJergoes emergergency surgery Js 7aNew York Mots at Chicago Cubs ER . tho troupe enienamtains lho camp. (Lnre) ' 6:30 ID SPORTSCENTER ■ 0 ( 1 2 ) WILD. WILDILD WORLD OF ANI- 2 =M ^ O AWA CHAMPIONSHIP WRESRES- 7:00 0 SPORTSLOOK TUNG______7t30 O SPEEDWAY AUI ------i - O (11) WHEEL OF FORTUNE w ~ 8:00*0~HARNESS. RACjl ------:------“ W SHbLBT ANU) T II HE PROFESSOR------iOaO-DRAG-RACJNO-VVorid'-Flnal! (R) “ 'TMBWOflLDOFS^RJfiTS"^------: A uttkj girl IS visitociijod in a droam by ^ RACING OMC ' AltXJri Einslem a nlaSirtsaacNewtori. a S ■ .-00 CB SPORTSLOOK 9:00 O HYDROPLANE Rj i3 0 e FISHING Kasba Trophy Troi ; e PM MAGAZINESE iUTAH 3TCUUI.MkcM- < X TRUTH OR CONONSEOUENCES •. ^Toonwment. From Kasba. CanadiS' • ' gan Stato at Notre Dam»me. (R)’ :______:___' ©PRIMEJ1ME ACACCESS______IR) ______’ S ) HISTORY OF'F ICHINA Britain's ■ - - 30 T im es-New s, Trwmwii Fails. Idaho Friday. Sepe p tem b er 1S.1967 f P I J ' B llll I llll ■" I ..... I M O N D A Y E V E N I • | - — , 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 I 8:30 9:1)0 I 9:30 9: 10;00ll0:30 11:0(1:00 111:30 12:00112:300 _ ' o MKNtfl/Lehrer &Only One Earth . American Mas'■tasters Health Century Outdoordoors Sign-Ofl ______NFt. Foottatt: Naw EnglandEng Patrkits at New York Jets News Entertain. NtphtUwhtUne OneOay Sign-OfI______Loner- TBA News B 9 alf |vaierir~. "I "II Ifs Tuesday, it SiiJ Must Be Bet;Belgium" News Tonighi Show _____ SUf.Tfek— .. M Movio: "Tho Ostemian WMkeM--I';— ~ WKRP:- - Qwftcy - — : H'moor*- LaieSiww - I B . Ffink-s Ktle/Allie« NewhartN Women Cagray & Lao News M’A’S'H "Murdeiurder Mo, Mulder You" |Sign-OHtl O ' Pftnk'5 Kale/AiHeie N e v ^ Women Cagney i LaoLacey News B. Milter Ta«lll All Lovo Bost O " f l ^ on Ente&tie"• MMarco Polo______j______Newa entry Musk: TVV Stranger "Headline Woman" SHflW) Movia: " P ^ ot AdjuAdjustment" ______Tale A Legendlends Movie: "Dreams Lost. Dream•earns Found" "Thunder Alley" SHOW MovH: ••Pfeami LCiL9SL DreamaI Found" Movie: 'TltunclundorAitoy" [Movie: "Ruthlessess IPeople’' ■ [Tho Studud J

■Confd— -iFtaggla-lM oviD^'^mnflblood" ...... Ipo^:kConcert C Iwight oftneCreepsW ______^ i ■ ' 1‘ 383. S uspense) John O (12) STAB TREK On a mismission to; Weokond" (1983 M o n d a j : - tranaport a 'rare wfwal grainrain to ar»-‘ lauer. - , ______- . ^ ..j othfir ptenaL CapL Kirk finds fin. his , ___ _ t a l k . cargo belngidaplotod. • ...... ! ‘ OSTRAiOHT TA ffany's". p a CROOK ANDaul Winflold, Kristy ™ I CE MACQYVER (SEASONON PRE- ■ ■ Adventure) Paul )lghborlng reservation. ‘------MIERE)~MicQyvof "bocotti« I ’VOU c a n BE A STAR------)L0 Tho advonturos ol g I_____ pawn In a ^ i e t sctwmo to I AIRWOLF (In J l OfOO) ntnwAntiiry n»p (Parti o fig , ' : are dramaiizod in onic security gatoa keep functionaltal, a S N U U ‘ WORLD The cultuailWte .n a ■ " " " 'I 'S m W M I*i MONEYUNE traditional oxcolionco ol Louljjulslana’s Marshjshall in 'm e tiiio rolo------g j# " EVENT ' OF-THE OAY...... ly as Polo's adversary J’ C alun.. Leonard NImoy a 9 AUTO RACINO Barber Saab Sor;of- Achmol and Qurturt Uncastor as Popo ' • LARRY KINd LIVE 9. (R) a AUTO RACIKQ NASCAR>RW,„s,on V .rnots) '"'I' JOY Lovoloy buys a qD) ® $ VIETNAM "Tho 10,000 Da3ay Cup SOO. (R) V8r"-Port-two-ol-an-ovorviow-o-o t------®WY-OFF*BROADWAr-Jy — ------dfoaaof that conUM talnaa valuable Arab—------vvar" id f a s s .- ^ ------Ametimertea's-involvement In th e --Viol>iet ------n _{8TOVIO-HOVIE:W*Jn;PorW r(11>-O-0E8iaNIN0 „amam War lrrthls documontary^erieries Justm enf' (1962. Comody) WOMENMaryJo-Jolooisthroatonodby with:,1th narrator Richard Basohart, FrenciOM. Jano Fonda------od’. ------SHOW MOVIE ' • Ofoamsms Lost. ■ thothooaWolhoihor children boing with • ■ hIBQ»‘BQ, MOVIE ■ ■** ■ "Youngblood 1936. Drama) Rob Lowe. O ndndy Dfoams Found" (1387. Dramtarnal Kath^ Her ox-husband’tId’s new wile. (i93( amajivBin QMONKEESThTho group gets entan- oibb. loon Quinlan. DavU Robb. 3ibb. ' ^ 0 Dirty ~Qlo~d In a Red-Qh-Chlnoso-BpyTtng.. , _ - (SHCSHOW) SHELLEY DUVALL'S TALALL (TMC) -MOVIE-***W--iiThi lovy D o ^ - , (1967. Drama) Loo i i TAU•ALES AND' LEGENDS "Dov irockott" When an oighlh grodcIdor Enien'0oronlne. t ~ svrsoNOUMCED Croc Into - - . 7:30«f(3)a(11)9KATEaA RPIECE THEATER (AdaAdam Carl) Is transported back Int S " S S o "OUNTRY S Scheduled: timo.imo. ho moots Amorican horo Davlavy a coiKloo danco.Em m a botrio )an- og6itat ahd Jennfo broaks up \ I ("Long and Ustlng croc:rockott (Mac Davis) and accompar y Travis ("Forovor and ' losos himh whon ho sen/os a s Gen. An-Ar Ever Amen"): HankHa Williams Jr. ("Ali drev,Irew Jackson's (McLean StovonaoiBon) ^ o ^ ^ ' s o t h e r n ' imo. 0 '® 'O D O VALERIE'S f lends"), (in Storoo) chiei*lol scout and fights at the Alami (PREMIERE) .(In Slaroo)g. : CHRONICLES Radio (In s turod' Rot- transmitters oveover tho course of a sHOI hOw '^Mo SIe * * "Thunder Alloiloy" O NEV^-<^NTRY Foaturo UII • U o^sK o > ^ 1 e. (In Storoo)3) yoar givo Inlormermation roguarding rat. (196'1965. Drama) Roger Wilson. U Br00 9(Ee(11)«NEW H«WHART. g tiosnakea. - Garr3arrett. a CAR 64, WHERE AREUtE Y O l^ HBO FRAGQUSLE ROCK Boobor Toody tools Inlorior to an Intellectual'Inte soarchos lor a iquieter place away _ irrn sandgam osolF ragglo imIIlW rookio and asks to bo reawlaukinod from the songs ai O 0 9 ONLY ONE EARTHm f 1 t t f i r t , . storoo]•00) g • * * "Oporetion Petti- ' ‘ — portanco or lorosts In CiOiCiochoalo- BJ5 0 MOVIE* Comedv) Cary Grant. vakia. Japan and Contrai,1 AAm«,lc. I'™’ “ (Part 3 ol ll) ...... Tony Curts. 9^)000)0(11);i i )»A a q n e y » la- -TOaSMALL.: 0 (S) CE O MOVIE Vif It's8 TuTuesday. CEY (SEASONN FPREMIERE) Tho do- ____ ILSUILMualBtBfllglumlliej(^0^7. C o. tactlvoa ald_flLflcbizophrflnlc.who.ls flc ------mody) Ciaudo Akins. Richardlard Moll. • thoir primary vtritnoss wi In a robbery m iMERICAN MASTERSIS "U ‘ n a n . ' -c a s o . q ...... ------SwfodPrayow ThoUloliHdliW nm B S ------O-I-SPY------6 /TruitianCapbto’':A portrtflWCrofTfiJ------O09AMERICAICAN m a s t e r s '’ unan- Djuno Albright man Capoto (1.924.^964)., avauttwr of aworod Prayers:irs: T he Life end Times 4234834 •42347M ' "in' COM fik x x f and "Broakreakfast at ol Truman Capoiipoto" A portrait of Tru- ______man Capolo (1924-1984)^outlioc.o! (19 ____ —jDiicQttnUioriiBufe-Handic?] U li c?p.i _ rOstorman "in Colo'Blood"ixi“~and "BroakfasI at Friday.1 SepJember18,l087 T im es-New s, Twin Falls, IdahaJio31 ) \ r MondayV R

■ CIN MOVIE * * '/, "M"Murphy's Rom- anco" (1985. ComocJ)lody) Sally Fiold. Jam os Garnor. ______9;30.CD.TRAPPER JOHfOHN. M J). A pro------Jossional figure skatorlor suffering from hoart disease learnsIS s sho m ust hang up hor skaios. O HERE'S BOOMERER A young co- median gots a shot a t t: stardom whon he and Boomor appoapoar on the "To- nlghl Show." Guosis:ts: BillE Dana. Kay Ballard. OIck Martin. O FANDANGO t O) JOURNEY INTOO IINDIA India's harsh roalilyis Iho scoriconery for a stu- diod fifm indusiry. Q» SPORTS TONIGHTHT______CD'SPORTSCENTER QD(»41 BETWEEN THEIE WARSVI Profites of Franklin Dolano Roosovoll R< and ■ Adolf Hiller. Host: E»Eric Sovoroid. (Port 2 of 2) .-s CTMC) MOVIE * * -Thi'Tho Hit" (1934. Orama) Teronco Slomimp. p John Hurt. 10:00 o CO q:i o o IM)M )(£a9(11)IBc cn Q) CD NEWS e DONNA REED a 05 HEALTH CENTU'JTURY Tho first opisodo of tfiis seriess profilingpt modi- cal scionco pionoors oxaminosoxc Infoc- tious disoasos. A«\» owner-operator of Che* L CD SOLO z Louislane, Frank' 0 ( 1 2 ) WKRP IN CINCIfICINNATIJonni- ?arrlih (Tim Reid, center)I getsge to entertain lor Inviios hor w ealthy'hy 'frionds (0 a • *ucluch n o tab lea a i Jo e Fra^torter.,lcft^ndDon.Klnfl;— — =------foTTtisratsm gTJinyw■ poor ^ inends of urjii Johnny's lell hom olossQss oftor a firo vho g u est s ta ra i Uiemtelveives, on 'Frank's Place.’ dosiroyod Iheir m issionion houso, I new CBS comedy series to be broadcast in a G) BURNS AND ALLEN•EN------B ee econd sp ec ia l preview onI Mi O MOVIE "Archor" (1985, (li Advon- - Monday.______luro) Brott Cimino. Roboo b o ncolby,------O NASHVILLE NOW ■toaling from tho company. D’O ------O 6 NTERT/ O’Connor.-.------DRAGNET------RTAINMENT TONIGHT (fn 11;0505 CO( HUNTER Hunlor and McC G3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYKEY Sloroo) cCaii nvostigale whon a killer begins slaliialk- ______0P-WONDER OF WESI IHT SHOW-Guesi host:-Jay____ lnn° ESTEBN*US------ng-victims-who-dispfay-suporlonor: ------TRALIA Hangghdng fronirommounl.ln= ■todulod: Malcolm Fotbos skill- skills a i arcado vidoo gonwa. (fl)_1)______• nnd the ocoan. athryn Harold.-(ln Sioraol-----o0 NIGHTLINE ‘ m NEWSNIGHT ( S TO BE AhANNOUNCED -> n i □ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EX-E S3 PUBLIC POLICY COS A*S*H S fn INFERENCE ’LORER An E asier .colobraticItlOT) - ID SPORTSLOOK / MOVIE **.,'.'R utftloas____ ma7>narking iho-fifst doyltoht-aflorolg iid WAY OFF BROADWJ)IWAY ...... - Pl«'8 10:30 ffi BARNEY MILLER lopublic of China, /• BENNY Jo c k and Conmo m p IQ MISTER ED Wilbur top.slocu,oho| D PASTOR'S STUDY Ed's foar of heights. a sketch about Stophon ii;06 ( 16 ED HAWAII FIVE-0 McGarrerrett O M O ) TONIGHT SHOW SH Guojl .'S sE i-ru o H FOR TOMORROW ooks tho identity of a juror who hasha host: Jay Leno. SchodulQilulod: Malcolm " ^ oen bribed. • , ,, Forljos. actress 'Kathryn 7 n H.,oW. (In ® J ™ ■IDEO HOUR MTV Show, n -200(TM n C) MOVIE * * * "I Confess Sloroo) videos from ostabilshod (1953 SS^'il 953, Suspense) Montgomery CItfi (B MACNEIL/LEHRERH NEWSHOURNl m < nno Baxter, ■'i % , O (12) QUINCY iNS^OF THE WILD Two H - a S c M ealurod mvoiuino g O.IB A a IN.THE FAMILY------QD MOyiE_**J.'A.Ultl® S 3 ANN SOTHERN ComotJy) Tim M aiheson.in . Kalo Cap- 1".™; * WId "mino, a duiker, and a q 04 Bhaw. ------I M W TE NIGHT. WfTH OAVflWD fB CROSSFIRI ...... i fEl ™ ibRMAN (Loft In Progress) (RW ______l3 < t1 )M ’A«S’H HawkovtSmiS-Wllllna------Gfi INVESTMEI — ------tcrwnoonnfd-doal wiih' an' MENT-ADVtSORY------m a r a n y o n o fo ra HBO WORLDS0 STAGE; THE SECOND S ? . ICK ; hoodeO now pair of boots!£*s, ANNUAL Pfllt HEU-ON ID BEST OF OROUCHO O STAR ROCKS'SEr^a,,-: g ) TO BE ANNOUNCED - O EDGE OF NIQHT - 1 (12) HONEYMOONERS Ralph ancmd ------©XELTOEATRE-Oroam^J l^&fehoaraalsforthe-tahwt contes:ost ------. . . CO COUNTRY MUSIC TEL sturb lho neighborhood, 10:35 CU CHEERS, ' E. King, Bryan Adams, q )I MICKgymi BfVMJCV -« ^ ------®-MAONUM.-P:rrM^nij]jn u n is la is s i Lynno. (ll?sio„ rOANQER BAY Grant musi finda fl o . clienl. tho prdsidoni Of of a family- CIN MOVIE *« Hd modol that dlsoppoared-frofri ownod business, boliovo! * * * "Marfowo'^ (1969, ,hoAq )V0S his no- Mystorv) Jamiamos Garrior. Carroll inB g Aquarium's a i whalto sculpturo dur*ur. 3 2 Tlm os-N ow s. Twin Falls,! ) a blackout. (Ir) Steroo) 0 Is, Iclaho Friday, Soptom bono n a . 1987 )■ 1 3 /-. O-NEW COUMTRy.FoaFeatured: Rat- Drama) Oiivt)iiver Tobias. Joan Colim, P J tlosnako Annie. (In Slereilereo) 12:35 CD NEW:5W S(R) Monde 1 O NEW GENERATION>N HAIRh CARE 12:36 0 NIGHGHTWATCH li H 09 ANIMAL WONDERR OOWNC UN- 12:40 CIN M«0V1E 0\ **V i "The Hitcher " ____ 3 OER A study of thal 'ordintrdlnary- animal (1986. Susfxspenso) C. Thomas Howoll, K dom onstfatas liow tho silver gull Rutgor Haueauor. 2:312:30 CD MOVIE * * * •O ld YoYeller" ^ provides an additionalilalmonslonlo dii , j *, o n e w S (1957. Drama) Dorothy McGcGuire. ^ tho ocosyslam. « s (R ) y,Foss Parker. j O NEWSNIQHT UPDATEATE ® ' S " O MIND POWER BE ANNOUNCED .1 G) NFL’S GREATEST■TOMENTS MC - 2:45 (TMC) MOVIE * tV : "BollzainBiretho-,, - -I CD MOVIE ***V» - mThe a S lm n g .r" N NEWS . rlCajun" (1986, Drama) Armandnd As- • i (1946. Suspense) Orson”"W V - s .L o r - INE & SHIRLEY Laveme sante. Gail Youngs. .‘5 otia Young. I learn that everyone at tho 2:55 2-5' HBO MOVIE * * * V t "T he) FR oad' I ’4 11:35 d ) FANTASY ISUNi ust undergo psychologicai W arrior" (1981. Adventure) Meliol Gib-; V woman (Joan Prather) ^ son. Bruco Spence. CAL CENTER Gannon ancient queen ol the '’ OrtdS ™ ’. S O f , - ™ 3:00 G> WACKIEST SHIP IN'J -THE finds her life is In jeopard] iick surgeon to talk him '*•ARMY dellcato operallon on Iho L low (Paul Williams) wants CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 1 ( night In a harem to get so vtfo- Sr a CROSSFIRE 'r tic experience: I ” "’” '™ " - S 'r a M MIRAM YOURSELF FOR g u r SUCCESS CD TRUCK ANO TRACTOR PUU; ll ’ ■ O ONE DAY AT A TIME 1:15 SHOW EMPEROR’S NI0H1IHTIN- f; O ENTERTAINMENT" TCrlM O H T IIn OVERNIGHT :j»OUCy_CONEERENCE______GALE Glenn Closo tells H ans CtChris- ______. -ti3n-Andorson-9-claysTc~tiTro“ o T a i , a l o O LOVE BOAT CD HORSE: RACINGR Maryland Mil- Ballimoro. (R) Chinese V Emperor who Is given a 1 IB CAR S4, WHEREE » ARE YOUT . TNAM "The 10.000 Day chanlcal song bird. — ■ Toody feels Inforior toI an inteilottual - 1:20 0 CNN NEWS ' " rookie and asks lo ber reireassigned. two o l on overview o( f , ’ iK^en America s invinvoivoment In the Vlel- 1:30 O GOMER PYLE. USMC Cabarter h O <» TO BE ANNOUNCI volunteors Gomer for a parachichute :7 CD GREAT PERFORMAN "I iu« " “f" War in^ thisth documentary series - J'®'' or Richard Basehart. jump, and then suffers consciei:ienco PJ From Uncoln Center Nev. - J " - ; ™ ', ' pongs. r harmonic Opening Night G IVIE * * * "Extremities-- • •ama) Farrah Fawcett. gO LOVE YOUR SKIN < conductor Sir Colin Davis. f B SHOWBIZ TODAY Murray Perahia join thoIh . Yo,l. s p CD AEROBICS I Philharmonic. QD PRESCRIBING INFORMATIOrON O (12) LATE SHOW (In(t« i O movie ***V^ * "Sopiem bor Affair" [in Storeo) (1950. Romanience) Jo a n Fontaine. Jo- (SHOW)MOVIE* -T h e S tu d -(191978. a 700 CLUB Drama) Oliver Tobias, Jo a n Coilirlilins. CD ADVENTURES OF^ OZZIE 0: ANO S QEwi^OS o 3:551:55 CIN MOVIE **Vi "M issing inin Ac-i ' HARRIET Rick and hislis ffriend con- lion" (1984. Adventure) Chuck Nor-N y s i o n sot, NEWS VEeNW&WARS^»rofH«------£la------— ?s ; 0 and h is ' proper wife D ^FAITH TWENTY 12K)5 CB U T E NIOHT Ww n r ra DAVID £ , n K . ° n H 3 KEYS TO SUCCESS LETTERMAN (R) (In Stero inders. Je an e n e Nolon). g 2 “'“I £SI5";H ofnclals. capture Solo gJa °BUSINESS MORNINO (S JIMMY SWAGOART S NATION’S BUSINESS TODAYY 12:06 01 HOUSE C A U £ and iilya endid pplot a vengeful torture. ® " 0 SUCCESS ™B I PHYSICIANS' JOURNAL up. Ul ,r 12:16 (X) MOVIE **V^ "Mi"M.irHflr Mn • * TO S KINO OVERNIGHT •ATE Murder You" (1983, Mystlystery)1v«BrS? StacyS ta w o» HORSELA"''^ RAI IBO MOVIE * * "Krush Groove)ve" Keach, Tanya Roberts. RACINO Marlboro Cup. A " “ O t and 1/4t Imllo race (or Tho- 1’1985. ” . Musical) Blair Underwood.,Jo- Ji 12:30 O MONKEES Tho grou eph Simmons. tangled in a Red Chinese ., 3-yoar-olds and up. H S n t)nt ^ Park in Elmont, N.Y. O a C N N NEWS S ) LAVERNE a SHIRLEYLEYUioolrls !S|„vESTMEI ------try to reconcile Lenny an< MENT ADVISORY aner tho guys havo a terrl CD MOVIE * * * * "An Ar •LLEY D U V A L L 'rT A a' ND LEGENDS "Davy Paris" (1951,'Musical))i S Gone-Keify,Gi n " ? '? : : " crockoH" Whi — Leslla.c:aron______AThen an eighth grader S VIDEOCOUNTRY S Cart)1 Is transported back Imo — Crystal Gayle ("Cong an lOts Amorican hero Davy Love"): Randy Travis ("Fc ac Oavls) and accompan- ~in ho se rv o s a s Gen. An- Ever Amen"); Hank WliilaniilamsJr.("AII Lr„ T • ------My-Rowdy^=flend8-).-(ln£ an's (M cLean Stevonson) O R E SC U E 1000 ------Chief scout and ani fights at.lhe Alamo. HT (In Sioreo) g _____ ■.8P0RT9 UTENIGKIL O SPORTSCENTER ------2:20 C1N MOVIEVIE-'’KillorParty^(1986.------SHOW MOVIE * -'The Stud" Sti (197a; rtin Howltt, Ralph'Soy- ■ ■ F riday, S ep tem b er IB, 1G87 Tlm es-News, Twin Palls, klal f I MondayV p

CIN MOVIE **'/!I "Murphy's-K Rom> anco " (1985. Comoflmody) Sally Fiold. Jamos Garnor. 9:30 CD TRAPPER JOHJOHN, M.D. A pro- losslonal figuro skaiorator suffering fro m ...... hoart disoaso loamsns isho must hong up hor skaios. O HERE'S BOOMERi^ER A young co* moflian go ls a sholIt at stardom whon w k ho ond Boomor appo;ppoar on tho "To- l i __ nighj_Show-'’ Guosts:sts: Bill Dana..Kay______•Ballard; Dick Martin. 0 FANDANGO © JOURNEY INTOr o INDIA India's harsh roollty is tho scosconory for a stu- Oiod Tilm Industry, ffl SPORTS TONIGHT3HT______r ------CJ-SPORTSCEMTER- Q) (Ml BETWEEN THEIHE WARS Profiles 01 Franklin Oolano0 Roosovol!P n n d - Adoll Hitlor. Host;t; EricE Sovarold, (Part 2 of 2) (TMC) MOVIE-**--"Tho Tf Hit" (1984. - Drama) Toronco Stamilamp. John Hurt. 10:CK)OCSQ}OO(M)(M)H)CD(11)CB OD Q) O NEWS CQ DONNA REED I f O a s HEALTH CENTIINTURY Tho first opisodo o> Ihls sorlosos profilingp modi- cal scionco pionoorss oxaminosox infoc- tio'us disoQses. A*Al owncr-opcrator of Chez 1 CD SOLO ez Louislane. Frank Parrish (Tim Reid, center) g 0(12)WKRPINCINCINCINNATI Jonni- r) gets to entertain ' I' lof Inviies hor wealthyilthy frionds to a •u ch notables as Jo e Frazleizler, left, and Don King, fund-raising party for3r poorp< frionds of wlwho guest star as themselvt Johnny's lolt homolos:jlosa olmr a lire ^ ^ Elves, on T rank's Place.’ ______cJostr9yad_I^olr.IIlisslo^ anew CBS comedy sezleatcsto b&broadcast ln«------CD B U Rr^ AND ALLEr•LEN, “ ■ ^secondepecial Rr«lcw.orj P ■------CTMOVIE” "Arc‘hor" (1986, (1 ...... >r» Monday*-,___------turo)-8ran D m inorRobRoborf-Colby. ' O NASHVILLE NOW- sioaling from tho company, QO’Connor, i O DRAGNET O ENTER-ERTAINMENT TONIGHT (In 11:05 ...... Storoo)___ 1:05 cn HUNTER Huniof and MeVIcCall ^ ------O VIDEO DISC JOCKE invosiigato whon'okilldr bo g inistalk. i si r ______H)_WONDER_OF_WESKESIEBN-AUS------IGHJ.SHOW_Guosi.hosi^ay____ 'Z THALIA Hangglidng11, Iro . , . m oun,.ins choduJod: Malcolm Forbos. ^iiis ski at arcado vidoo games. (R and tho ocean, Kathryn Harold. (Iti Sloroo) □ n NIGHTLINE - - ...... ffl NEWSNIGHT OD TO BElEANNOUNCEO^ ^ ' g l'A‘S‘H O NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: EX- ©PUBLIC POLICY COCONFERENCE PLORER An__Easter colobra)ratlon _ _ID^RQRISLOOJC____ 'W^M0J/16_**A_:JiuIhl086^ma-matWng-iha-firsfdayllghrafter • olflM:o ------lift WAY OFF BROADWDWAY Pooplo" (IS(1986. Comodyj Oanny Do- mo loMidlor. months ol d a rk n e ss lor tha Inul)UllOl. E)i«;MOVIE***'-Shc Iflloolilk. C anada; Dr. Eugonlo OOarlKi (1984. Orama) Jam os and Emory. Kristof photograph dodoop______. b(11)M *A‘S'HH3wk0ivkoyo Is Willing • go INVESTM (amTooms,(R) Slarr. Elion J Ed s rehoarsals for tho falont contcmost CD COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISIONTEI Collins. Bonn"n ^'apton, Pmi dtsiidisturb the nolghborhood. ’ 10:35 CS C H EERS. on E. King. Bryan Adams. ' (n h Paul Young,ng. Midgo Uie and Joff oO cMICKEY ROONEY ? ; ^ , • QD MAGNUM. P J. Magniagnum's latest Lvnnn. rin .51QI00J ^i< ______D DANGER BAY Grant nlust nndn d a ______...... dlont;-tho-proslcJont'ol'OI-a-fdmTly:------^ClN MOVIE^! 30lcJ-rnoer1B,1987 bei B NEW COUNTRY FoalFoaturod: Ral« Drama) )llvorOllvi Tobias. Joan Collins. tlosnako Annta. (In Steroceroo) 12:35 (3) NEW!:W S(R) ' Monda a NEW GENERATION»N HHAIR CARE 12:36 0 ) NIGHGHTWATCH S ANIMAL WONDERR 0OOWN UN- 12:40 CIN «OVIEMOV **W "The Hitcher" _____ ^F\ OER A study of that 'ordinrdlnary'animal {1966.Susp{spenso) C. Thomas Howoll. domonstTBtos how thehe silver gull Rutger Haueauer. 2:302:30 ID MOVIE • * * "Old Yell■eiior" provMas a n additionalI dimension dir 10 i ^ „ n e w s {1957. Drama) Oorolhy McGuSulre., tha ocosyatem. «S (R) Si'Foss Parker. O NEWSNIOHT UPDATE•Ti O I SPY B MINO POWER k ID NFL'S OREATEST MCMQMEMTti O ® T 0 BBE E ANNOUNCEO 2:45 (TMC) MOVIE AtkV^'BoIizalrore Iho „ T a M0V1E-***W "Ther Z ' - - . 0 ,(12) INNN NEWSh _____ - Cajun"-{1986, Drama) Armandd As-, . - - - 7 (1946. Suspense}O rsonV INE & SHIRLEY Lavorne sanio. gg, Gall Youngs. otta Young. I learn ihat everyone ot tho 2-552:55 HBO MOVIE ***V^ "The R R( oad' i 11;3S Q} FANTASY ISLANC ust undergo psychological • 'wjWarrior" (1981. AtJventuro) Mel■1 Gib-C _ woman (Joan Praiher) be son. Bruco Sponco. ancient q ueen ol Iho Oru CAL CENTER Gannon 3.3:00 ^ ID WACKIEST SHIP IN TTHE ___ ------finds hor life Is In joopardy sick surgeon 10-talk h im ------ARMY------low (Paul Wiltiams] wants delicate operation on the _ vifo. ' ' ^CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY night in a harom to getI somesoi roman. S3 CROSSFIRE Uc oxporlonco. IRAM YOURSELF FOR ^ . u c SUCCESS ID TRUCK ANO TRACTOR PULLX O ONE DAY AT A TIME :1S SHOW EMPEROR'S NlGHTlrriN. ^ p ENTERTAINMENT TOTONIGHTimurnuT (in/i« O^ NEWS OViOVERNIGHT LPOUCY-CONFERENCE------GALE Glenn Close ta tls J i a n a Jtui*. ^ ------O HORSE: RACINGR Maryland Mil- non Andersen’s classic tale of a 12:00 O LOVE BOAT Chinese Emperor who Is given aim m o. . ■■- O CAR S4. WHERE;,A A H E YOU.? Baltimore, (fl) TNAM "The-10.000 Oay chanlcal song bird.. Toody fools inferior to anintettoctualan I :20 O CNN NEWS rooi(ie and aslta lo be roaroasslAnorf two o( an overview of r " roMSianed. America’s Involvemont Inv In tho Viol. ■M O GOMER PYLE. USMC Cartarter O SB TO BE ANNOUNCE volunlqors Gomer for a parachuhute OD OREAT PERFORMANiIANCES-U.0 "IT 1 this documentary sories , ^ or Richard Bas«\art. I'^'^’ljump, and then suffers conscloni9nce From Lincoln Conten Nowgo»VoikPhl|. ™ cTS|v, pangs. harmonic Opening NfghtniGan-Guost G. n s? IVIE * * * "Exlremilios" £2"' •amaV Farrah Fawcett. ~O ‘LOVE YOUR SKIN conductor Sir Colin Oavlsvlsiinaplanbl i , 2 ° ; oS;!" B SHOWBIZ TODAY Murray Perahia join ihoho N.W YorK 'SO' S : ?E • ®ID 'AEROBICS Philharmonic. Qt) PRESCRIBING INFORMATIONIN 0 ( 1 2 ) U T E SHOW (InS **V^i "Soptombor Affair" lanco) Joan Fonlalno. Jo* (SHOW) MOVIE* -Tho Slud" (197,978. O 700 CLUB ,n ' DrarDrama) Oliver Tobias. Joan ColiintIns. O ADVENTURES OF O: 00 3--5SC55 CiN MOVIE * * 1^ "Missing in Ac-Al HARRIET Rick and his fi s - S E S b 1:30 QD INN NEWSNE lion" (1984. Advoniuro) Chuck No‘Jor- atnjct a do-it-yoursell tolo •Is. tolovlsion set. ^ ® ® b ETWEIWEENTHE WARS Profiles ./i®' B CROOK ANO CHASE 00 CD CURIOUS OEORQE O LOTTERY BUSTERSfo ' ol Franklin1 0Delano Roosovoit and 2 2 5 'I y ■ -.A dolf Hitler.ir. Host: Eric Sevareld. ga ® S> CNN NEWS O VIDEO DISC JOCKEY ID JAMES ROBISON ------S ODYSSEY Exhumotniv IE.*A .•J-Orrnonl'l (1986,, _ BTW " DVir^fChor'^ (i986. Adver .ter.archaoolooista-are tho urfl)Broii ClmlnorRobert Coiby^ ------oMhree M editerranean, shiahips that of------Tavlor-Otitwrt-Wiifam— D H0W T 0 MAKE-A"MILU0N1IHN ------(or understanding abou bout ancient ,,^*ij,„0VIE»IE **** "The inspector rHE STOCK MARKET ahlpbullding. 0 DAYBREAK ____ O M OVIE^W "Ho_ad!lno (1949, Musical) Danny lllnoWpman" S^W el.iJ® D PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCECE • (1S3S. Comody) H oathor/ orSiorak. ®P lor Anoel. Ro^ ^ .fg^cilO W rM)MOVIElHnk-"Roth!e93------D.QErnNGFIT.------gerPryor:------ID FAMILY MEDICINE UPDATE . 8 D IB LOVEJOY Lovejoveiov buva a P eople" (1986986. Comedy) Danny Oo- 2® B_MOVIE_**V4 _:'O.CULi:-(1WgM9. . i - drosaor thal centalna avail • Vito. Botte Mi

-I ------V ...... uesday everming prograiams

6.-00 CB CS WHEEL OF FORTUNE g — — O DONNA REEO ( S O l B i a 3 ) 0 () 1( 1 ' 1 ) 0 O N EW S O 09 PflOFlUES OF NATURE Daytimee movies CD NlQHTtY BUSINEINESS REPORT MORNlIININQ Culp, - ...... CBM0VIE.**V4-:.'81aiSlack Oak ConspP------11KWO** "Tenans Never CrCfy'-(1951.- racy" (1977. Adventumturo) Josso Vim. 6;40 CJNIN nr*h ' Rabid " (1977, Horror) W estom) Geno Auiry, GallII (Oavis, Karen Cartson. Marilynlyn Chambers. Frank Moore. HBO * * "Another Woman*jn 's Child" O CR0SS8OW Sevoeveral orphans iry S;50 fDD *V: < "Bolls ol San Fomando" (1983, Orama) Unda LavlSvin, Tony ' to steal Teir» horso.50. (1947,T, VWosiom) Donald Woods, Glo- LoBlanco, IB HAVE I QOT A CTORYCT FOR YOU ria W/arron,_ an (SHOW) * * * "Invitationtn to tho Assijlod by her fribnclends Laihb Chop. 6:00' SH CaCarradlne. AFTERNOON a SUPERBOUTS He(Hearns vs. Shuler 6:00 OD * * * "The Uon" (1962, and Sims vs. Ouman.lan. From Las Ve- D ra mla) a )' William Holden, Capucine. 12:00 1 SHOW * * * "The StoryTry ol Will g as in 1986. 6 D ®® :*** "To Raco lhe Wind" Rogers" (1952, Biography)'f) Will Ro- a FALCON CRESTrr (1980.I. I Drama) Sieve Guttenberg, gers Jr. Ja n e Wyman, a MOVIE * * "The Young Randyy Quakl,C 1KM O IB **V^ "Angel andd thet Bad- Pioneers" {1976, Adventure) Adv Linda SHOWV * * * "Invitation to tho Dance" man" (1947, Westom) Johnin Wayne, Puri. Roger Kem. ,(1957.. Musical)f Gone Kolly. Igor Gall Russoll. SB IB AMANDA'S AmiAmanda and Zack Youskov0-«BO- K>-**14-^The-Man-Vrtth-Ono------; fttiTg-Hoi— unpopular girl's persoraonality. ______R o d Shry of Will “ 73 . Al lef.' Narrafon Raymor . flogora". (1952, Btegraphy))yflii V iRo-- S ru c o DDom, o ft:30 0 m JEOPARDYI. gera Jr, Jane Wyman. *iirV^ "T he Movio Maker" : O MISTER EOTTiePo! 3:30 (TMC) **W"FIX" (1968,’'9,’Thflller) pS.„a»aook **Orama) Rod Steiqer. Robert threatens to leave s lnh c « a lh o ra a r a n o I'™ ? . Or Bryan Brown, Brian Donnehythy;'- eligible men around.I. CT WHEEL OF FORTUIrruNE ______O (B NJQHTLYJUSINIilNESS REPORT______baytime sportss O THREE'S COMPA^PANY Jack and u o a M H C Janet try to thwart a wwealthy man’s frtUHriiNtINQ New York Mots, at Chlcaot100 ' Cubs, (Uve) I efforts to make Cindy (■ ayhlsbr/de. e:30OSP(SPORTSCENTER VM ■ O AMERICAN MUSCLE£M AQA- O a CNN NEWS ZINE (Z) PROFILES OF NATU TURE WlldlllO SPORTSLOOK D SCHOUSTIC SPORTS ^2:00 O AWA CHAMPIONSHIPIP W E S - dnematographer RobofiboftW . Davison TUNQ ...... raised cougars in condljndltkjns resem - AMERICACA btlng their natural hablti 3 :0 0 .0 DRAQ RACINQ Winsnston All- ibltat. In ordor to 8:00 O KARATE(R)KA Stara. From Dallas. (R) . atudy and record thoir i oir activities. 9:00 O M-Al ;AUIfiJWCINaiormulaJ)ne^ri:z------Oaasfo.-from^ahurHawaHriHr(H)------lemla and can't Grand PrbtolPortugaLPri From Estoril. 5:00 £ O SPORTSCENTER ' give blood to his bestst buddy.b (R> 5:30£ O RSHINQ: BEST 01OF B i a 8 ^ ) WILD, WILD WOiWORLOOFANI- • DANCE - AFTERNCINOON B 5:35 O MAJOR LEAGUE BASASEBALL V 0 O 'l) WHEEL OF FOFFORTUNEg I O BUTTERFLY ISLANt Houston Astroa at Atlanta1 Braves.I ANO Grog m ust 12:00 QD MAJOR LEAOUE BASEBALL lUvel ______. — roacuejm_*mbltlou»-*i 34Tlfii0^New8.Tw!nFallFalla, Idaho Friday,SapVambmboria,19«7

L ______. ' 1-.

I t u e s p a y -e v eE w N g y G ? ■:'v; ---■~ I 7:00 I 7:30 I sTori 8:30 I 9:00 i 9:30 9 10:00 110:30 11:01[:00 11:30 12:00l 12:30 | 0 |M«cfW/Lchfef NNova______vya Ow Peoplioplo Constitution Chefs}fs SIgn-OfI ______I I O Who's |Fua _ GfO. G |P « a Moonllghiingng News Entertain. ABCC N(Nows Special______TBA [Bg|Mitlock ______Crime Sloryry News Besl ol Carsonn luiter- ~TBA____News - | o |sU fTfek------Movie;U "One Spy Too Many"-----...... WKRP- Ouincy------H'moon--- lale Show------— j l B |HouMonKniorm Movie; t. "Angel tn Green" ______News I Till MMoiheroi Gets Homo |Sign-0H I ^ ^9 iHomion Knights ~ Movie: K "Angel in G tW ______Nevn B. MiUer Taxili AH Lovo Boat .1 m .lY O U ^ PlOfVMfS KMarco Pok>______Nows CflUy Music TVV Sl/anger "Headline Woman"V ;; |W0W)| Movie: "Gfown UpsIS" |Movia:"^rizzi'5 Honof______Movio: "Fool for Lovo" V

_____ (show ["Prliii S Hoiw " lont'd |Movia:"Foo)lorlove"e" . loallaaiwr - Movie: 'Teachers"______I HBO iMovia:-Sphinx" I Movie: "Shadhadow Play"______[The> MaMan Wilh One Red Sh6e iThoRy

about getting Into a ^ e nents. t i fii j J his throo children.. With 0 PM MAOAZINE UTAH John Stamos and Dovid QD TRUTH OR C0N8E0UE Tuesda^ i m PRIME TIME ACCESS^ O NEW c oOUNTRY u Fealurod: Gary ------m PA C inC OUTDOORS Storoo) . opisodo: opls freedom of speech, rollgliIglon m (B OOOD TIME CAFE t = OF THINGS Tho Windy ond ond Iho right of assombly. (Part 1 of Time Bedore: TDe Oroundl ost. 4 4) )P q B lan k s His Nasty Habits; Al I (11) S ) MOVIE "Angel in O Q ((12) MOVIE "Ono Spy TiToo CIN MOVIE im *V t -'TI ’UCO Boxlelinor. Susan Many" Mar (1966. Advonturo) Rob SERVED ' , IDAY EXCEPT 'NOW^a" OFF BROADWAY-AY A L L ! O 'IB -M O V IE . * * * * "Interiors" "I 5:0010-10:00 P.M. M on, thru Frl..O nly (1978. Drama) Diane Keato)aton. Goral- dine Page, HBO MOVIE** "Sphinx"K" (1981.(• Ad- venture) Lesley-Anne Dow3own, Frank Langella. ^-:(aHQW)izMQVlE^-Otmwrown~Upaltzz ■ B alsam ,...... —m M iG r m Chartea Grodin, Martin Bali (TMC) MOVIE * "Bomn AAmorican" H (1986, Adventure) Mike Norris.Nor Stovo I Durham. 7:30 O ANN SOTHERN E s m u ]RANT ;______aiOIBEULLHQUSEiEflIEHEMIEBEI____ — ^ 8 8 Bl A musician and a comiclc holDh a wi- F riday, S e p te m b e rie , 1987 Tim es^lew B , Twin FallB. Idahaho3S (SHOW)) MOVI&t ***'/} 'P ri2zi's much-needed I nose job for an ar ^ n ^ l [« Honor" (19(1985. Comody) Jock Nichol- Isted I man. Tuesday/ son. Katnicitnioor) Tumor. CD ( BEST OF GROUCHO (TMC) MOVIE MO ** ',i "Night Shift" O I EDGE OF NIGHT ------(1902. Co/n:omody)HonfyWmkJor.Shol- mi THIS ENGLAND The railwayt-ay Sla- promlofe. loy Long, ~ lion bar at Sialybridge, OD MARCO POLO Thohoadvenlurosol 2 WVIE *'-! "Stewardess ' CD< SURFER MAGAZINE 13lh-conlury expiororror M arco Polo School ' (1986.(1 ComedyJ Brett Cut- O I COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVIS'ISION aro dramailzod In mislis EEmmy Award- „'® r' ry C adorone. GD ( Kim PERRIN RoggioRo( decides to play while 'O *C d t ) GREAT CHEFS OF THE WEST'W ' Basinger. his wife Eliz.ElizaPoth is away andmviies 15 Q (11) MOVIE **V, "WailTill'111 Your I:35CDM0USETERPIECIlECE THEATER ilary lo jom him. Mother K> Gels Home” (19S3.Comjmedif) : 9:00 O I SPY //KRP IN CINCINNATI Hert) - PaulP Mlcheal Glaser, Ooo Wallan parartW- ____ plains.- and an electric oK watermelon. (In pa O YOU CAN BE A STAF pale In spontaneous dlscussk TAR Storoo) Anchored by Potor Jennlrws. (LlvJ O AIRWOLF 10:30 CD BAR^VRNEY MILLER H :« JS? 1:06 S ) HAWAII RVE-0 A doubleleam- i - O CLOSET CLASSICSICS CAPSULE O MISTER E •R ED The Posts' now cook pu 7 law MTV loams up old favorllvoriios wllh re- throaions to puloo seeks revenge on every : lo loavo smco thoro are no olficor oil he feels contributed to10 Nl cent classics. eligible monion around. ______« ARTHUR C. CURKE-S "TheChargoofthe'— en showsf on Arts & Enlertaliirtainmenl. Ught Brigac erotos this panel discussk>n of prob-pr gade" (1968, Adventure) . loms lor within*college sports - payolyoirs, HBO'MOVIE * * "ShacShadow Play" Trevor Howajward. Vanessa Rodnravo, ' nn (1G86, Suspense) Doo Doc Wnllaco IB (11)M'A»i gamblinQ, dfuo a b u se .a mJ-Bca' !A!SIHiJanrkoyo end-Trap:------^ itatf*------Slon«rD0fI9X0flChman-an. per arranao I mia's failure to educate atudent a DO lor on unnuthofitod bul lotos. loti Panelists Include HowardI Cos-O 96 Tlm es-New s, Twin Falls,Ills. Idaho Friday, Sepiomborb o n a , 1987 . H ell and Notro Damo baskoib(Olball coach fQ SPORTS LJLATENIGHT 9 Dipgof Phelps. (R) CD SPORTSCECENTER B CD LATE NIQHT WITH OA'DAVID LET- 12:35 O TO BEEANNOUNCED A Tuesda] H TERMAN (R) (In Sloroo)) HBO MOVIE; * « * * "Tho Fly" (19B6. ______9 0 ( 1 2 ) HONEYMOONERS)S PRalph and Science Picticiction) Joll GoldOlum, a Alico arg u e over on aclressress's namo: Goena Davis,S. (198!1985. Comody) Brooke Adams. Gril3rlf- ! » Ralph Invites mo bus compampany pros!- 12:36 S> NIQHTWITWATCH (,nin DDunno. — iij dent 10 dinner. 12:40 CIN CHETET ATKINS: CERTIFIED 2 2525 SHOW! MOM AND OAD CAN'NT I 'i O MICKEY ROONEY _____ GUITAR_PLA\^Y E R _Chol Alkins is _ H EHEAR A ME A young girl fears her nO'TOW I O ANIMALS IN ACTION)N IFoalurod': jdiribd by starsa rs'w ho wofo influonced (rionrionds will not accept her If they nnd------"nn V tJie anim al kingdom's laslasiesi run- by his lalont.nt. including tho Everiy 3ut |lhai hor parents are deaf. ia ners, highest lumpers and am lorgost Brothers. Emnimmylou Ham s. Woylon 2:3030 t O HOGAN'S HEROES LeBeee a u \ I s fliers. Jennings, Mar\iark Knopfior. Michael mas.Tiasquorados as a French chomi!TllSt i ^ O NEW COUNTRY Featuralurod; Gory McDonald an(and Willio Noison. (In „nil)while Hogan smuggles the real ch«:he- y '4. Morris. (In Stereo) Sleroti) mist■nist to England. O HOLLYWOOD INSIDERIER 1:00 CQ NEWSS(R ( ) CDCD IMOVIE "Over the Mooro n " ' ' ^ O AL OEMINQ. MANkN OF THE CD I SPY (194[1940. Comody) Rex Harrison. Menerlo j;- NORTH Hoad oft reindeer3er iin a largo a (Ml TO BEIE iANNOUNCED ObeOberon. Li' scale arctic round up. O (12) INNI NlNEWS (SHI(SHOW) MOVIE **Mi "Toocher!»n" I m NEWSNIGHT UPDATETE CO LAVERNE4E & SHIRLEY The girls (igg(1984. (k}mody)Nick Nolle,, JoBe'3eih ^ O RUNNING ANDTIACINC:iNQ' ------accopnrroiiorilopskating-daie-withtwo------ivilllivmiams:------^------I ' O MOVIE ***'/! "Thene !Sirangor" short mon. 2:4040 <0110. JoBom G rand Prix otof 1Portugal. Prom Esioril.- mq CROSSFIREi I* Williams. (R) CD'CD WORLD OF SPORTS . 11:35 ( 3 ABC NEWS SPECIAICIAL-’Capital Q)(«0!A&EPRPREVIEW Tho upcoming ((TMC)xm MOVIE *tn "She s Workiirking to Capital" Poliliclans frorfrom tho Un- show s on Art!M s & Eniorialnmeni. norHor Way Through College" {19;952, _ ited S ta te s and Ihe Sovietiet UnionI par- CTMC) MOVIIiVIE **V2 "F/X" (1986. Muslcol) Mui Virginia Mayo. Geno NiNel- fT- • ticlpate in sponlaneousI discussions.dis Thriller) Bryai7 an Brown. Brian Don- son. ' ...... i j Anchored by Peler Jennlngilngs.(Livo)g nohy. 3:15:15 CIN MOVIE * * "Certain Furw ■ ‘ O ENTERTAINMENT TOITONIOHT (in 1 :0 5 ® NEWStfS(ni (191(1985. Drama) Tatum O'Neal, IroIrene it. Storeo) • . CD OERALDODO CarCara. - - ...... -. 12:00 O LOVE BOAT 1:15 IB MOVI3V1E * * ’’The Myslery 3.251:25 SHOW KIGH SCHOOL NARC: Mi-f O CAR 54, WHERE ARE« 1YOU? Mui- Mon" (1935.IS. Drama) Rotjort Arms- chachaol E. Knight of "All My ChildroIron" 'i doon Is tired ol being harassedhar lor ’ wong. Moxino:in0'D 0yl0. stastars as a cop who goes undorco'» v o r his shyness and pretendsnds h{) has a 1:25 (SHOW)F) GALLAGHER'SC OVER- to iinfillralo a high-school drug ring. rin ______1 ____ dale with-a beautilui girlr--1,1,------^-BOAROl-Coniomodion.-Gallaghor_pro------3:30t:3 0 O 0 0 M E R PYLE.'USMCGomimer. Q ( a TO BE ANNOUNCEifk Is ; ■ a CROOK AND CHASESE Irom "Nighihi Court" puis his gavel mIiMino" (1985. Drama) Tommyf LoeI O MOVIE * * * "ThoI Lion-'Lie (1962. aside lo provrovido satirical lips on Ihe joiJones, Holon Shavor. — Dfamarwitnam-HoidonrCTrCapucine.------(ino art of coiconning wilh g u e sts Turk----- 4^004:00 09 CURIOUS GEORGE OD JIMMY SWAQQARTIT Pipkin andI JcJohn Lorroquoito. Topod qO S ) CNN NEWS m PANTOMIME OAMEE A look at lho ol Hormosa;a EBeach's (Callf.) Comody CD fp NEWSIOHT '67 role of parody In Britishih ppantomime. S Magic Clut:iub. CD MOVIE **Vi -Topper Takoij.nncmMnviF "Choe rs for Miss_____ ciChester Louck. Paul Michoal Closer. Doe300 Wallace. ^ ^ " ^194!.p7ama)Mann^pir 5 ------■Jra51SH0W)-HARRY'ANDEH8O3^2! 50N ^:------> O MOVIE aVi "The ViolViolent Ones------w n i K o rorgan. g HiHELLO SUCKERr Harry AnflOlJorson (1967, Drama) Fornondondo Lomas, Irom "Nlghl Court"’ puls Ws gavel g » Aido Ray. ® MOVIE; * • * "Lo M ans" (1971. aside to provide satirical tips on the ? 12:30 CB MONKEES A gypslypsy iDoroom Drama) Siovlovo McQuoan. Siogfriod fine art of conning with guostss Turk' ovmor boiiavos thal Davi3avy can holp Reuch. Pipkin and John U rroquetto. TcTaped . her daughter reach slard BUSINESS MORNING With M e"); Merlo Haggiaggard ("Korn Q ) LARRYt KKINO OVERNIGHT SCD NATION'S BUSINESS TODA'IAY ------Rlvef“ )rTlm-Klmmol-(“H(‘‘Thera-Free------Cj«-»NVESTMTMENT-ADVISOHY------OBSTETfllCS'rOYNECOKitOQY------dom"). (In Storoo) 2:15 0 CNNN NEWSI UlUPDATE a VIDEO DISC JOCKEY" Brliion. . War'Thoevonlsfromil Wosiern) John Wayne. Ga.i 1 HBO "M andela" (1987,. Or communisi otionsivo,0 10Ic Iho dominos r'r™ ^ Danny Glover. Alfre Woodard.. collapse of Soulh Viotn'iolr>am-5 CHIOS. * * * -The Hasiy Heart" 1 h” ■' (SHOW) * * * "The Tuminfl P SHOW BROTHERS DonDonald hoods for (!950.0fai3rama) Donald Roagan, Pairi- ( Las Vogas to fulfill his Aum Sillio's r m MacLaino Anne Bancroft, is;Sl fasi wishos •• to sproa "Sack 10 Scliool" (1986, I;' Voad bor ashos ^•30 C IN "* * * li "A Paich ol-E , over Iho Goldon Nugoolloot Hoiol. Guosi Coi^ody) F I-Bluo" an ((1965. Drama) Sidney Poilier. ShoH«ySh • g > SllStoreo) (Part 1 e-OS winters. ’ ***^ "Tho Suspocf (1944,' 2:0 6:30 CD 0 ) JEOPARDYIYI_g r ____^ j ? * * -* -O Jfonry:a-Fuim^>, ; — «. Dal* I'l ------C3-MtSTEH- E U ’bd''claiclaimTcHJ^n^ S o'S c) mlsiroaling him. C) **'/! "Toachors" (1984. n ------. UL WHEEL OF FORTUNrUNE...... Comody) ') ^ Nick Nolle. JoBolh Wll-...... ()P.® **--'A.M atter.of.Uf# and Oep e a th -^ - — (1980. Dramal Linda Lavin .«^li ------ailflLNIQHTLY.BUSINEl —Jons:------'------P THREE’S COMPANY! * * * '-Agnes ol God'.:(J98S. _ JJ j ...... — ...... |ot> and movos In wit Jano-FonoarAnne Bancrolt,' -2fJ-«HOW-*,^Vr"Kld-Colter-T1! Ai somo. Advoniure) Joromy Shamos,I, Jim W)*'/? 'GncoBriion"(t985 SlSlafford. O IMI CNN NEWS Comody)ILauion La Hutton, Jim Carroy. (T ______a ) PROFILES OF NATUfiTURE This p o r.' ’ °;°0 |» O WiV***,"ThoTurningPoinf * • (v * * * "Soils Are Ring! ran ol North Amoricanm wildlifev. anist [’977, Oram■ama) Anno Bancrolt, Shirloy M(I960. Musical) Judy Holliday. 0 - - _ Maynard Rooco was rocordodrocc In his c iN ______"atiVQ Amorican ■ 3:00 (SHOW * * * "Excepl For■Jim T] __ i ~ SffOh working In marshos mar and 'osto.n) John Wayne. Gail -^nanWo-^(1975ror«ma)Rteh Kii Ward swamps. Russoll, •^ o y . Shirloy KnighL Ci.) M 'A'S'H A lollor Ir CIN ** ii, ■•Resiless Nflttwttves" r from Radar ® I"" 12-Mao ^(” Drighionstho Colonol'sda 985. Comody) Vincent Friell.I. J06J 5 day until Klin- 09J Mullanoy. gor accidontally Oroaka■s hishi glasses. Obo?; w?g“„ T " ”’ 0 { 1 2 ) WILD, WILD WORIORLDOFANI- (TM C)***' «:30 HBO * * "Rappin'" (1985. Orarrama) J •*'ChoosoMo"{J984.Co- Mb MALS Tho myslorlous■ olophantolo seal *.(R) (1 ©TRAVEL IMAGES TfollMollthodopihs Bombof!>°rs at Briilsh Col.mb.g t S00 \ o SPORTSLOOK ______giant yollow mr ' luna 0(1 »iQ Lions. (Tapodi 30.Q).tNSIDETHEPQA-TOUH .. OO'iO'SPORTSCCNTER ffi) M TWENTIETH CENTUfTURY An ox- a fter n o oIN n 5.-3030 ID SCHOLASTIC SPORTRTS ominaiion ol iho siogo oj)f LeningradLi AMEAMERICA (PREMIERE) jJtUha-C6r.i____12:00ID-MAJOR 35 a.MAJOR-LEAOUfi.BASCBALAU ------— OR LEAGUE BASEBALL------®Hnif ves. ^

• Stoll Bandid with) ;> i s polcem an loavos his ddos o sk io b to b e - troos. 8:15 O MOVIE * * % "Skyjadackod'- MOVIE *Vi "Onco Billon" ®-/,' in. como a $tfooJ-boal ofliCijflicor! Tonighi: (SHOW) MO (1972, Susponso) Charlton Ho;Hoston. I jmody) Lauron Hutton. Jim • y, t; W hon Ika's (Paul Sorvin-rvino) frlond is (1985. Com( Yvolio MImiouK. uostion his own Carroy. 6:30 CD MONKEES A beautifulul prin- 3. 1; killod. he Doglns lo guost /IE ** "Tho Socrol Woa- (a I c aree r goals. Wilh O.W. a « M O V ,| cess wants to m arry Davy, )42. Mystory) Basil Roth- qffi O ® SU^P MAXWEU. (PRE-(I • ffl MY THREE SONS MIERE) Comody. Dabney Coleoloman ‘h RER NEWSH. 1) K - OOD MACNEIL/I^HRI D © ‘(11) S ) eOUAUZER portrays ^ an egocentric sportsw OUR i PREMIERE) McCall-s. Tonight: ? Slop’s oncountor wltlvith his' r STBANGERS f m o ® PERFECT S leam up with an ox-lorrorlst editor ' (Brian Smior) loads to anin omo- (SEASON PREMIERE) .vaias). whom ho do sp lso s. Iional ^ 0*11 from lhe nowspopopor. (Ih comos 0 cub roponor,r arand Balki tol- ^ ^gaaiyIdly mission. e lowing his cousin's load,sa d .flo la jo b in ijj cAR 54 Storoo) g 54. WHERE ARE YOUT A ffif, INN NEWS Y . tho'riowspapor'smaitro11 room, g nicpicHpockot w ho always O AMERICAN SNAPSHOTSi TrfshaT O < » ® ID HIGHWAY'»Y TO HEAVEN “ "mM 10to Ibe a cop arrests Toody Springer ^ and Don Ja ck s seekI outoi the ^— f: — CnlyBtterOTpeHencing-ong-og------EiH'Maiaoo ““ pob^lo'and-plocas-Whlch-rnaJlaXo'iip ...... — > blov/'lo thoir plans 100 hihavo a lamliy.' « «« n « A?So^ AUSTRAUA ' \our Amorican horilago. i do Paul and MIcholo roaroallzp the Child g g c C HlHOOPERMAN{PREMIERE) C CD ° HOME ALONE Malcolm-vn-Jamal :— : ------ihoywontisslreadylnllIn thoir lives, (in------comofly.~S.~San”Franci8co-dotocttvo—Warner J ("Cosby Show") lalks:s 1al)Out ■■ !______Stoifla).(Enrl.2-QL2).g.-O______Harry-Hoopsoporman.(JohnJliUor5-diS;______— safoty-for-childron-who-are-.o-homo______m BANJO'S AUSTRAU _____ M io a jtahat i 0 murdor victim’s posky fiii-,nn lofiiidlng tips on doaHrKUno wilh______: rmrtnronjiiau • po ------o (12)'5TAH TREK Th ■pMitIvo[yTdof5tify'tK«rwilor.—^------"strangers and handling oinorgoi transports 114 dologoto: llnstoroo^10)0 IWinner o( lho Achlovemont In?nChM* ' allon moollng lo voto1 on an important O 3® ®3 CQ0 YEAR IN THE 'ron's Tolovislon Award fromn I Action — (OrChlldrDn’rT olovisionr - - O > 7()0C u Jb landa Potorson) tall< obout O | VIOEOCOUNTRY Schobo Ehr- HBO MOVIE * * "Fa is a wild in Scott Clough. 13lh-conluntury o*ploror M arco Polo llch (Ed Bogioy Jr.) chosos (1985; Musical) John S his wed- — OofiJeranklln------matltod In this Emrhv Award- woman (PolrlclQ Wottlg) on hi • SHOW MOVIE * * * •"Tho Turning winningI mlnlsorlosm from 1982 star- Oing ovo. o ffi TALES FROM THE DARK:mSIDE Point" (1977. Dramo)a) AnnoA Bdncrotl. ring Konin MarshallI in tho titlo roio. O REMINGTON STEELE£ Whilo . Shirloy MacLalno. Leonardd NimoyN a s Polo’s adversary ___ Lnurn aitam pts lo rocovor slolilolon sta-______— fTMCj'MOVIE-**^i^-i^Polo-Rldor::------Achmet-arI-and BurtLnncastor.a s Pope------tuos. Remington' Is d r u g ^a Tnda tof^ (1985, Woslorn) QIntnt EEastwood. Ml- Gregoryy X.X (Port 3 or 5) lured lor'searching o ship'si aiantiquos chaol Moriarty. S](M)HE»HEMINGWAY North Amorican :RN______• ______promloro,re, A ororilo of Amorican au-_____ cargo „ _____ 7JO.OJVNN.SOIHERN dtsona.-ot------OF THE CCA'SS tlTor Ernom ost Homingway. teaiunng ------CD EDISON TWINS-The-Edts i l f fi O ® HEAD OF g Oortjy. R E ). g convorsatlsations with his wivos. friends lond tho W oston Pishing f l (SEASON PREMIERE) So ogoinst H O NEW COUNTRYi FiFosturod: Opry and critlctItlcs ond photographs ol his whoro Ihe boys and girls side Friday,September18,19871987 TImos-New s, Twin Falls,IB, Idaho 39 10:15 O3 MOVIE *■** ‘'Tho Glass O ANN SOTHERN 0” (1972. Oroma) V.c Morrow.' " 0 ( 9 ) LATE NIQHT WITHrH OAVIO Wednes Alda. LETTERMAN (Lflft In PrProflreii) ______sday10:30 (D B ) BARNEY MILLER Scheduled; Bitty CrystaL (In!n Stereo) • ISTER EO Ed claitfls Carol Is CD WATCH ME MOVEI A hiihistory of ono onoihor to catch ca Iho pn'zo- Sst?o!JDating him. . black dance. Irom the Charleirleston c( - . winning (rout- ® .WILDUFE CINEMATOQRA- _ the ’20s to breaking and po( O Y O U CAN BE ASA STAR * S e RWI WOLFGANG BAYER ------Ih o '8 0 s.'------O AIRWOLF D (Wt) C(D TONIGHT SHOW Host: CD LATE NIQHT WITH DA,VIyVIDLET- O CLOSET CLASSASSICS CAPSULE ly Carson, Scheduled: aclors TERMAN (In Stereo) MTV toam s up oldd lavorltosfc with lo- Kirstio0 i Alloy. Dudioy Mooro. Bob O (12) HONEYMOONERS8 A psy. cont classics. UocKoror. (In Sloroo) chlatrist odvises Ralph to Staystt awty O ARTHUR C. CLA: l a r k e -s w o r ld ACNEIL / LEHRER NEWSHOUR Irom Norton. OF STRANGE POWERS PC Topic: g , i 2,(2) QUINCY O MICKEY ROONEY txinding motal. CC MOVlOVIE * * * "Cross of Iron Q NEW COUNTRY Feotureguarcarding nt- Millor. Richard Lowisiwis, Edy Williams. Q BESlEST OF QROUCHO ttosnakes. HBO MOVIE "Ma'M andola" (1987. O EDGIDGE OF NIOHT ffl NEWSNIOHT UPDATE Ofamo) Danny Qlovillovor. Alfro Woo- Q SPEEPEEDWAY AMERICA CD FISKtNQ: BEST OF B IUJ.DANC£ 1 dard. » CD COUIOUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION CD MOVIE "The RoguelUO's T«»- (SHOW) BROTHERS;r S Donald hoads QDl^iTVn TWENTIETH CENTURY An ox- ern" (1936, Myslory) Waltac lor Las Vogas (0 (ullilljifill his Aunt Biliio's aminatioation ol tno siogo ol Loningrod. aco-Fbrd. Barbara Pepper. last wlshos - to sprspread hor oshos wtion1 ihithoir poopio hold off Iho Gor- over Iho Goldon Nugsluggot Hotel. Guost mansI Iclor 860 days. Host: Walior HBO ROSEANNE BARRR SHOW star: Jorry Lowis. (in (In Sloroo) (Part 1 Cronkitokito. Housewife I comedian iPoRosesnna of 2) q 10:35 (DDCHEERS, C Barr dollvors her views oh 1 ------SHnwMnviFY-'Thr ,o .. J w g{lj pdJi!p.jnjL ac)biItU « Goes lo Woshlngtoigton” (1977. Co- on undondorcovor assignmoni whon a Stereo) g mody) Jooy Hoathi■othorton. Goorgo friondI is found dead. 11:35 (D FANTASY ISLAND AApr6bi- Hamillon. Q ENTfNTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (In tion officer (Monte Markham)m) gives I (TMC) MOVIE "Logaligal Eogtos” (1986. Storoo)0) hordonod criminal (Erin Gray) Gr. tht Comody) Robort RRodlord. Dobra ' (Q TON;ONIGKT SHOW Hosi: Johnny chonce to straighten ogt herier kj«: in Wingor. CaTson..}n. Schodulod: actors Kirsiio Al- a n curator (Joanna Pottort^*^^ e m s to CIN MOVJE_**V^> "B."Back to SchoollL loy. Dud)udley Mck>ro; Bob Uockor. (In loam Ihe identity o f 'T W ' (1906, Comody) Rodnodnoy Dangorfiold. Storoo)0) whoso image appears In'ia histohe... ------— Solly-Keilerman——------; j ------CB.NIGHIGHTLINE. _____ :______painting by Gauguin (Rob«rtlrtGoiJtl),— ; 9:30-CD WILDLIFE; ClCINEMATOQRA- 10:36 Q)) M 'A'S'H O ONE DAY AT A TIME PHgR WQLFQANGQ.BAYER_ B ------^10:4O-SHO'HOW-MOVIE-*V^~Tho-Toi(a9------O-ENTERTAINMENT-TONKNIQHT(ln— CD TRAPPER JOHN,HN, M.D. Slocum Chalnsa\isaw Massacro Pan 2" (1986, Sioreo) —:------lalls.victJm.to a schomHome that will dony .. Horror)ir) CDonnis Hopper. Carolino Wil- CQ MOVJE.*»i;ThQ Rangorjr 1endttit.— him his rightful ponsliinslon bonofits. liams. Lady" (1940, W ostern) Royy fRogeri, (D DANGER SAY lllo{Illogal furs turn up 10:5S (TMCMC) MOVIE • * * "Kiss ol tho Goorgo •Gobby' Hayos. r .- g ------Spidof-Vtf-Womtn-(1985rDroma)-Wil------—I1:4rCD‘Dtl T V ^ ------'O FANDANGO--...... • - ...... Iiam Hur-lurt. Raul Julia...... --12:00 O LOVE BOAT— (D VIDEO DISC JOCIOCKEY 11:00 O)TAXI T j -ffl CAR 54, WHERE ARE• YOU? Y A m HISTORY OF• CHINACl Britain's O M YY TTHREE SONS ' clover pickpockot who alwairs ______Chinoso Intofludo. O (IS)) Cl CURRENTS • ____wanted -to. bo Ji. cop arrestsHs..Tood)u— ffl SPO RTS "TO N10OHT H" ------0 (1 1 )WI) MOVIE'** "Crisis in Sun Val- and Muldoon. O SPORTSCENTERER • loy" (1951978. Drama) Dalo Robmotto. O ( » TO BE ANNOUNCEO0 (SHOW) rrs q a r rRY y SHANDLINQ'S Taylorr Lachor.U O (12) U T E SHOW Sec^ e d u M SHOW (In Sloroo) g CD JACKiCK BENNY . guosts; the music group DoiDoug v a ______IftOOIDCnCBOOW»(M)CBCB(11)CS O SEAB;AHCH_FOR_TOMORnOW ______CD'S'CD'NEWS - a>LAN,NOSCAPES0 A study Of animals CD 700 CLUB O OONNA REED residingng in tho two-biihon-yoar-oid CD BEST OF OZZIE AND WHARRIET CD COMEDY TONIQHIQHT gronito0 h hills ol Atborta. Ozzio the gunslinger challongtngesTe* CINCINNATI Horb ffl CROS 0 ( 1 2 ) WKRP m CIN lOSSFIRE Banon at a supennarkot ope■pening. and Jonnlfor aro trappappod In an oleva- CD MAGI\G\C YEARS IN SPORTS High- O CROOK AND CHASE tor whon Tiro orupislls liIn Iho building. lights 19 1982. Look at tho yoar 1982 ffl DAMS RAID REUVED LoiLook t i l Q BURNS ANDALLELLEN Footsteps In with a locloaturo on golfor Tom Watson______----- apeclal bomb-lor uso-on darlami, W ------tho night load O ra d a ti :taio b«l(av0 tnat a^=Gi»'INVE!VESTMENT-ADVISORY ------fesuI^oFOperation Chasttse.-i«.------burglar Is on tho prov srowl, © iM iLl\LIVING DANQEROUSLY AdO- CD FISHINQ K asba Trophyihy Trout CD MOVIE "Brolhor:hors By Choice" . cumontointory profiling tho mon rospon- Tournament. From Kasba, Cantdi.C (1986, Drama) Yanicklick Bisson. Char- jibio for (or bringing iho Unitod States (R) ...... — ------loy Higgins. Into tho10 oilI ogo. Winner ol iho Cine • iunoflcan 8 NASHVILLE NOW ffl {Rl HEMlNOWAY North Aff OW Goldonn EEaglo Award, promiore. A profiio ol Americiricsn au- O DRAGNET CIN MOMOVIE ** "Tho Hollywood featuring ffl SMALL WORLDD TTho culture ond Knights" thor Ernest Homlnoway, fei ts" (1980, Comody) Robert ,- conversations with his wives,,s,fritndJ------I ------lradttlo.naLo?(COllOQC,o.ico.of Loulsiann's • WuM Tony To Danza., . . . ____ . . . .. hsol-hls... Cajun. - end critics and photographs > 11:05 CDD ADDERLY/ (SEASON PRE- exiensivo travels. - O NEWSNIOHT ■ MIERE); E) Addorly's tales of his advon- (SHbW) MOVIE * "Tho) H W ; a PUBLIC POUCY:Y cCONFERENCE turos In ft^(l«77,------;----- &SPORTCL-OOK— i''rom°am!c°M^ Plunoo Mona______----- Hooke^0o6a tO'Washlr>gton------m n n r r c . Comody) Joey Heatherton.. GsorysC ■. (ill WAY OFF BROAD)AOWAY . aiarrinaig thor and Addoily, ; SD IK) VIETNAM "The "Th 10,000 Day q n iQK: Hamilton. 3HTLINE 1, H DAVID War" Tho events Iromrom Iho slart of tho CT) PASTi 12:05 ffi U T E NIQKT WITH I .STOR’S STUD_Y______-----__ LEnERMAN.Sch«dul«d:-Bifl>lifl/.Cryl:_____ ' communist odonsivoivo to tho domino----- HAWAIfFIVE-O McGarrott at- * collopso of Soulh VioVietnam's cilios. lompts to tal, (In Stereo] s to solve the riddle ol a sorios • CD JIMMY SWAGOART ‘ (SHOW) MOVIE *t** * * "The Turning of opparparentiy motiveloss sloylngs 12 Point” (1977, Drama).ia) Anno Bancroft. that occu 12:06 ffl HOUSE CALLS ccur ot six'wook inten^ats 1912:15 CD MOVIE * * "Crisis in SiSunVtl- Shirlov M acUlno. 11:30 CSAL ALL IN THE FAMILY ley" (1978, Drama] Dale RoblobWttfl, ■ 40 Tlm os-N ow s, Twinn FiFalls, Idaho Friday, Soplomomber18,1987 I' Taylor Lachor. 1:05 0 ) MORE a MOVIE *** -wo-fe> NoNc Angols - CD 0ERAU50 M955..Comody) Humphre)hrey Bcgart. i:30 CC INN NEVL IWednesda Potoi’ Ustinov. O M O V IE**»* "Tho Deadly Gamo" ■ no) Oavid BIrnoy. Burt W 12:25 SHOW MOVIE * * * "The" Fly" (1976. DramaJ (1906;' Science Fjction)i) JoftJ' Gold- Young. ‘ Hope. Hop Paulollo Goddard. blum. Ooena Davis. G) BILLIARDSDS Miko Sigol v s. Jo se 3:25:25 (SHOW) MOVIE * * * ' 'Tho< Fly"F 12:30 O MONKEES A boaueauliful prin- Garcia. 9-Boiloil Championship. Irom (19B6. (191 Scionco Fiction) Jetl Goid- Gc ...... --M ss wants to marry Davy.a v y . __ Ailantic City.. NN.J. (fi) blum. Blur Goona Davis. . - O OD'CNN NEWS ...... 1:40 (SHOW) MCMOVIE "Tho T ex a s...... 3 :3:30 0 1O QOMER PYLE, USMC Gorom or------IS MOVIE * • -‘Escapad(}ado in Flor- Chainsaw MasAassacro Pari 2 " (19B6, , bolrlonds bod a crow, who turns out lo b o once", (1963, Adventure)uro) Tommy ' Horror) Donnisnis Hoppor. Caroline Wll- a o ssnoak i thief. KIrK. Annene Funicello. liams. CD ZORRO Zoffo helps Iwo Indndian O VIOEOCOUNTRY SSchedulod: 2 :0 0 1 9 MOVIEIE <** "Topper Returns" sonservants who wont to got marrtoi■led. Chas & Dave ("Ain-| No Ploasin' (1941.Comody:3dy) Roland Young. Joan QO i LOVE YOUR SKIN You"); Johnny C a sh ("Lot.oiHimRoil''): t- Blondoll.- CD'ID VIDEO DISC JOCKEY Holly Ounn ("D addy's HaHands"). (In (B MOVIE **1k t'fy "Zoffo" (1975, Ad- QBGB SHOWBIZ TODAY Sloreo) vontufo) Alainlin IDoion. Stanley Baker.' • oID AEROBICS. ID VIDEO DISC JOCKEYEY a t MAN FRON:0M U.N.C.LE. Solo and qbQ® PRESCRIBING INFORMATIOtON m PORTHAtTS. OF POW'OWER "Tru- ' Iliya m asqueraerada as shlpwrock vie- 3:50:50 SHOW MOVIE **V, "Kid CollOllOf" man; Years ol Decision"V ' lims 10 boardird 3 strange ship cap- (19B5. (i9i Advonturo) Joromy Shamjm os, modOfn-day-pirat®-(Rob------Jim O SPORTSCENTER ort Culp). 4:00:00 CD CURIOUS GEORGE HBO MOVIE * * "WildId a Noal. THE STOCK MARKET 12:45 C9 MOVIE **'/2 "AOr:Abraham Lm- 2:25 HBO MOVI3VIE • "Born Amorican" {QCS IDAYBREAK ^n!|^jl9^. Bi^fapny) WWalter Hus- (19B6, Advenn.mturo) Mike Norris. Slovo GQ )l PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCNCE :***V j "I Lovo You Alice (]«l(]« FAMILY MEDICINE UPDATE IjOO O NEWS (R) CIN MOVIE *4 B. Toklas"' (1(19Q6. Comody) Polor Q)CD MOVIEI * * "Quoon of tho Ama-. Ar ,(D I SPY 2ons" (1947, Advonturo) Palriilrlcla a ® TO BE ANNOUNCEi(CEO Sellers. LoighiQh Taylor-Young. zon 2:30.0 HOGAISAN'S HEROES An elite MoiMorrison. Robert Lowory, O (12) INN NEWS CIN MOVIE "Lust in lho Dust" (1919B5. .«WEOICAL CENTER TwoTwi widows. Germ an divi;livislon bivouacs noar CIN andlmpovor- Stalag 13 andjnd Cfoalos problem s for CorComedy) Tab Huntdr. Divine, • . one wealthy and ono ill anc 0 S a­ ished, bolh havo claims,ona12-yoar- on, KlinkandHog^ogan.’ ’ < 4:151:15 HBO MOVIE "Nights In Whlio : O AMERICAN:AN MUSCLE MA0A2JNE tintin" " 0 906, Drama) Konnolh Gilmlman, O NEWS O V ER N IG Hr— T" ------2:40.0'M OVII5VIE..H* j:E o rt_ p f Lo s t ____J>ftBcilla-Har»ls------PfiE 3NFERENCE Droams" (1935, (19 Drama) William 4:30:30 m LITTLE PRINCE ______€l£UBUCJ»0LiCY_CONE XrrOM-S^ERRYAND-FRIENDiD5------ID NFL YEARBOOK ...... Sbydniola-tjn tj o :------'DT e » m EVENING AT THE IMPROV 3:00 O GREEN•EN ACHES U sa botchos_____ CB( E FAITH TWENTY______Host: 'D on AdafflS. Guoi3uosts:“ Larry up Oliver's, lalosilal larming-ldea------.a.THAT_GIRLQ: ___, ;______Edy Williams, ID WACKIES1EST SHIP IN THE ARMY m BUSINESS MORNING Miller, Richard Lewis. Edy -CD'NATtON’S-BtJStNeSS-TODA'iAY ------rTM.qMOVir***~Boiislolis'Aro-Rlng------6D CM SSFIfl VIOVIE * « * "Nolhinq Bul______(jfiM PHYSICIANS’ ^JOURNAL_,_yP: , I Dean Manin. Ihg Truth"' (1941,( Comody) Bob dDATE a NBCstrtrik efsset•tto picket^tpageanIt

.N.J.(AP)- atruck NBCC tabout 10 weeks ago evenvents, and it’s had no effectt c on ______ATLA N TIC.Cm J^.. icm.-We’verhad-no-troublc~geget------Striking NBC newawrBwritcre and overjobBcnirnirityrThe contro et ex------their ng peoplo and equipment papast tocliniciana w ill picketket the Mifls pired M archJ) 31,I and the m ost re* ting America P ag ean t on Saturday cent talka fell opart F riday after ^le e ir ir pickets," ahe said.- ...... the and the activities precjreceding the eightdoysonof federal mediation. AI!Albert Marks, head of tl :oke event, a unioo official ofTi oaid NABET BtrikerBatr will bc joined pageageant, said officials “will tal m re ------Sunday.'------— ~ - by hotel andid restouront workem — ^11 1 thotl steps-ncccBBaiy" to enau 'W e intend to come)me down“m atnkirig the10 Elsinore’s A tlantis ilie'tie pickets] don’t"»nterforti wii force," sold A rth ur Kent,t pre- Caaina Hotlotel4 over a . wage thetie ievent, The Press of Atlanto tic ______aidentofLocal llofthi‘the National dispute, Citylity reported Sunday. Assecmtion of Broadcatleast Employ--— NBC-Bpokjokeswbman—McClain------•TTie‘T MiBa Am erica Pageant-i t i s ------|J)C- eea and Technicians., Ramsey saidlid th e NABET picket* a nonot a party to the dispute J; He said NBC h a d, televisedtc) the ing shouldI not n disrupt pageant tweewcOT NABET and (NBC). \We 'pageant for 26 years.B. coverage.------.— ...... a reI ti a disinterested third par^rty." ------‘Thifl-ia-the-firBt-iBt-time-thQt------3 3 ie y _ p^ielf«>ti>d k l m an y other Marl

6:00 O 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNEFOI g CD DONNA REEO 'GC)a09liCEI5<11)CB)CBffiNEW S Daytime mnovies - 0 08 PROFILES OF NAIMATURE ...... CD NIOHTLY BUSINESSiS REPORT\ 5-00 jtm C)0 i»*'/^ "Can You Hoar the [1941, (1W Wesiorn) G ene Autry. Ciro CB MOVIE **V»"An EyofyoforanEyo Uughlor?;ir?; Tho Slory of Froddio Hughos. Hug (1901, Advonturo) Chu<:huck Norris, Prinlo"(19(1979. Biography) Iro Angus- HBO HBC "Mussolini; The Dedint .inand Ctirlstophor Loe. tain. Kevinvin Hooks. Fall Fall ot II Ouce" (1965. Drama] (Partirt I CD H EU TOWNAmontallntally impalrod 5.05 ,shoWJW) ) * * * "Tho Hasty' H oart" of of 2)2] Suson Sarandon.’Anthony H6p»6p- 1 rosidom CTony Longo) ala l St. Domin- 0irama) ^3^ Ronald Roogan. Patri- kins.- kins ' Ic's Is accused otanackln{king a woman. d a Noal,I. (SHOW)" (SHt * * * "T he Comedians Robert Bloke stars. , , S:20 CD *V^*% '-Sho Demons" (1956. (1967, (196 Drama) Elizabeth Taylor,< ^ Rl CD GAUCHO A youlh fror JrialLMcCallaj:od.GcttfiQ,______.cf^o!chard Burton, ------grar\t"communitynrrNowlo w ^ T rrc n y ------«* "The Hit" (1984. Drama) 11:05;05“O 1 *** ”20:00(rr«af8-Tn-SrtSir?— gets a poUcoman for an In-law and joronco1 StStamp, John Hurt. Sin?Sing" (1933. Orama) Sponcor Traqaey. dospllo previous susplcicjlcions. dovol-' 6:OOHBO****"ThoAwakoning"(1980, BoltBoito Oavis. ' - ': ops a Irlondsnip »riih him ...... Horror) Ch.Charlton Hoaton.-Susannah 11:30:30 >CIN * * "Period of Aitfiustment«ni- Q NASHVILLE NOW York. (19E(1962, Comedy) Tony Frandouou. O RIPTIDE : ) * * * "Shoiv Boat" (1951. JamJano Fonda. OD ENTERTAINMENT TONIOHT TC (In ^ M u s ^ i?) K; Kathryn Grayson. Howard Storoo) ARAFTERNOON :xC '' ©ARTHUR C. CLARKE'S:E’SMYSTCH* 6:50 (SHOW))W) **'/> "Kid Collor" (1985, iWO1 ■. , IOUS WORLD Tho toctinohnoiogyoim o Advoniure)ire) Joromy S h am o s.. Jim 12:00:00 SHOW * * "Electric Droawm ' artcionts Is examined. Slofford. (19£(1984. Comody) Lonny VoaPoWei ® PRIMENEWS 6:55 CD ** "Port ol Missing-Glrls" VirgVirginia Madsen. . •.cim-l GB EVENT OF THE DAY __ (193e.Dran irama) Harry Carey. Judith Al- 12:30:30 (TMC) *** "Goodbye. Ul. M

Torr^plo. (Live) 7:30CIN«*V»*V^ "Reprisal" (1956. W est- O'TO ^ l ^ o t u l a Clark. ■. r; HM3a QS FALCON CREST , .. orn) Guy/ MMadison, Fohcia Farr. 1:001:00 QD IHI * * * "T he Captiv«,ti«srl(arr . CD MOVIE « * * "SovonI/on Boaulles 8:00 0 * * * * "His Girl Friday" (1940. • (19^(1947, Drama) Michael Redgnri'■va. (1976. Orama) Glancariclarlo Glannini. Comedy)r) CCary Grant. Rosalind Rus- BaaBasil Radlord, .. ' Shirloy Siolor. HB(HBO **V^« "TrIbyte" (ISfiOj Df«m LAST OF THE MOHlOHlCANSTho *'A "D.O.A." (1949. Mystory) JacJack Ltmmon. Robbie Benson.« Huron guldo. Maguo.• promisespi 10 EdmondI O'O’Bhon. Pamo'a Britton. 1:301:30 (SHOW) "Rock and Ruler (W Iroe tho othor captivess inir relurr) for sHOW *** *1 "The' Comedians" MuiMusical) Voices olO on FrafK*s.PiiIs Cora's hDHd in m arriage. ■'* °!.______(1967.-0raiDrama).aizaboth_Taylor^Rl------Leh • 13)' ' urton, CtNaN^*W ■•Oliyor'r~SlofyTli97 HBO MOVIE ***_;^^Rom( *V^l'MaryJano Harp«r C ried----- OraOrama) Ryan O'N eal, Candice r Be Tho Advonturo Bogins" ght" (1977. Drama) S usan . gergen. ______yoniu>o).Ei;ocl-Ward.,J(>el :00-C D -**W — M «yland'— (19494 l _ (SHOW) UUTH SUMMEi ------»:30(TM C)*:)**V^ "Almost Yoii'.'(1985. - DraDrama) Walter Brennan, Fay Baintafitar ship blooms botwoenin an elderly Comodv)') Brooko Adams. Grillin (iSQS * • "Skotch«s ot a Stranglsi woman and on il-yoar-ol,r.old girl Whon o S Z ■------(18:(1S78, Drama) AUon.QoonMtz. Monto a -.l- thoy spend a sum m er caricanngforoach 9:OOHBO**** "Maxlo" (1985, Comody) dithdithMacRae. • tilhor. ~ Glonn Closilose. Mondy Paiinkin. 3:0011:00 HBO * * * "A T est of Love" (1961965. SHOW MOVIE "Joy J o ol So* "Whilo Nighls" (1905, DraDrama) Angelo Punch McOregojgor, ------(19e4rComody) Micholliholle Meyrink., MiMikhail Bnryshmkov. Gro- DrcDrow Forsythe. Camoron Dye. IOS, (SH(SHOW) * * "Electric Dreanuimj" 6:15 O MOVIE «*V i "Zoi•Z0„0-|1S75. loT m L* T "Ono ol Our Dinosaurs Is (19(1984,'Comody) U n n y VonOoJil*hlen, Advonturo) Alain Ooloi "(1975. Comody) Potor Usti- Vir(Virginia M adsen,, . Baker. nov. Holonion Hayos- 3:05'1:05 (TMC) **Vt "Can You Haarr the 6:30 CD GD JEOPARDYII g IQ :_i:Ponny-S«fonado-(194+;"I ------Uuohier?:U i Tho Slory ot Fraddiddia ------O MISTER EO Pandomolmonlum njigns------gif-” ", 5^,Cary Grani. Irono Dunno, PrliPrinzo" (1979, Biography) WApgwgus- whon Wilbur's handym. ' & r f f SHOW 'Ro.Rockandflulo"(1983.M usl- tairtain. Kevin Hooks. - o o . ' '' waior on a magazino photographer. phc cal) Voices:os ol Don Francks. Paul Lo- 3:301:30 CIN **W "Strange CD WHEEL OF FORTUNEJNE I^nt (19(1982, Scionco Fiction) Paul.LeMl£ O 091 NIGHTLY BUSINES'lESS REPORT r r „ c i **W ** "Funoial in Borlin" NaiNancy Allon, .-i ■ O THREE'S COMPANYNY Aflor Jack ...... {I^s^ jsu sp IJO HBO »« "to SeorcK ' Norlh Ahiorlcah p'romlori 30N __:__JSS{U>-CD-WINNER'6-ClRCLe-H0RS£ (Juliot Stevenson) defies lACINQ MAGAZINE • ' w o n LEAGUE BASERAII SOT « :: l:. . ' the Greek kingdom and » cd*s p o r t 9c e w t e r ■ ...... 42TImes-Nows. Twin Falls,alls, Idaho Frld^, September3erlB,19B7

------^ ------^ I T H U R S D A Y E V I [;b6 11:3Q- ^12:00 112:300 _____ — I 7:00 1 7 :3 0) T -8;01) 8:30^ -ftO d 'll% 8 'iO-l-r():i)O Hl):3l)U l:l)l Masterpiece Amor.ar. Sign-Ofl f o |M8cNeii/Lehfef. WM Risking Mystery News Entertain. TBA. Ono Day Sign-OH ______I O [stBdpa Cnanri; Mov«; •'Ghostbuslers" Mystertes Novrt ' Tonight Show U te TBA News ____ I s 9 Oil- Oiews |Ni.Coun|unso>vedMy ------H’moon-” Uto Show...... — I t i Star Trek ~ ~ MoYie: "The Uqutdalor" ' ..... W KR>~ (Ju'incy xling News M‘A‘S'H JoeI ForresterFor |s i g n ^n p r o Tour of Duty ~ ~ WfiM Guy______Knots Landio wjing News B- Miller Taxili All |lovoBoal______I O Tour ol Duty WM Guy ' Knots Undin News Cntfy Music TVV "The Madamo GamSles" f C ) |"SevenBeauti«s"• Maico Poio.______ivio; "Beveily Hills Cop"______tsH0W)[EmpefOf |v . Forgeje TempUUCKH |Moyio:"Joy

de ad brolhor wilh honors.•s. 1Tno WiNJ tion bor a t Stoiylolybridgo. Thursdaay propTiet (Sir John Glolgud)ud) prodicis (SHOW) MOVIEHE ***'"VaIIoy Forgo" hAr tragic (uture. (1975. Drama)la) Richard Basohart, ------(SHOW) EMPEROR'S NIQHTIN- I Horry Andrews.YS. FOU(OUR TOPS A salute to two Motowi)wn GALE OI«nn Closo tolls HaHons Chris- CIN MOVJE * ** * "Hurry Sundown r o u p s - tho Temptations, knownifor fo tian''Andor9en's classicc ttalc ol 0 (1967. Drama)a) Michaol( Calno. Jano hitsits isuch as "My GItl" and "Can'sn't ' Chlnssa Emporor w ho Is gl\ Gotfilot Next to You": and tho Four Topops chanlcsl ^bng bird. EST OF BIZARRE John y,hosfhoso hits include "Boby I NoO'ood |8 Pltarro crow bring to v^„r (PREMIERE) Expk)lts of aan n .Amorican lile tho M s toifthisocclaimod ttn comody 5^oil" - (ooturos Intorviows and poi>or- platobn Ourtng the VietnamlamWor.To- Drmance (ootogo. Guosts Includudo nlglin Andervon (TerenceCO IKnox) ro- 8 :0 0 O G D ® < H11) ) ffl WISE GUY Crimo S.rotha Franklin ond Dick Clork. (In (1 ports heavy losses andd nmeol3 tho dram a. An undjndorcover ogont (Ken . storeItoreo) Ratoon's new leader (Step5 » p h .„ c ... los (ho underworld in At- - gKO'iHOW MOVIE * * * "Beverly HillHills 'Ith Jonathan Bonks and Qop-:op’’ (1964. Dramo) Eddlo Murph;5hy. iS^^THREE SONS Roy Sharkey. udgo Reinhold. O ® MACNEIL/LEHRERJERNEWSH. O C A R S 4 .WWHER&XRE H YOU? Tho 8 :31 0 0 MONKEES A gypsy tritxj wonlints n chorgo during Capt. thosi CUR timid m an in c f\o singers to stoat 0 jowol-oncrustoitod (S OUrSCEDQE-HAMNiMMEHr-(tn------Block^^vacatiottiOn lSJUmOffldiQ.hO on atntnitatueJto. Guest star; Vic Tayback.;k. ogro, I - • . ' O3 OQfii ' RISKlHOTrAtC-;----- r— • a ’S O COSBY SHCBHOW(SEA- 0 051WILOAKAMERICA A look a t tho • nB l (3 » CD CD NIGHT COURT Whil'hile ------SON.PREMlEHE)-Now!yw^ywflda Son. COVOtO S ability,Ilty to adapt to its onvl- - nupnillotnptinQ to perform his stunt: 0on ______d ra and Bvln return (romn theirthi hot»oy. ro n m o ^ Q ho Brooklyn Bridgo. Harry s cot;on- moori wHh surprialng newnews for tno (23 O ® MOW)9lE "Ghostbus- frontrontod'byo'man who Intendsi tto ___ H uxtabtu. (In Stflreo) c3_ t_ _ - ters" (1934., Comedy)C Bill Murray.______comilommll suicide. (Part 4 of 4) CD ADAMS CHRONICLESLES'-Adamj-' ' OonAyk^oydr D INNOVATION An oxamination"d byI his in. O ® ® ®O CHEERS (SEASON ™lugor ond sugar substitutes. creastng' Involvement In thot liberty PREMIERE) Among Ai tho surprises q;)D INN^ NEWS movement. After th e BostcBston Massa------awaiting Samnuponhisreturnfroman u{ - -mD fTO BE ANNOUNCEO------cre, many In Boston questiiestion his toy- around-the-wor(vorld sailing trip Is 0 now qS) MOUSETERPIECE THEATER1 atty to the colonies. (R) (Pa(Pari 1 ol 13) bar r. (In Sleroo) g , q9 v VIDEOCOUNTRY Schodulod: Ala-Ali — O (12) STAR TREK Whitehlte gathering CD OFF THE• HIRECORD bom,)oma ("Mountain Music"); K.D. Larjn g vegetation samples onI a soemlngly g m 2) MOVIEVIE * * * "Tho Llquida- ("Tu"Tum Me ’Round"): Restless Heaeart tranqUrt planot. Kirk ondId SpockS wit- tor" (1966. Ad'Advonturo) Rod Toylor. i"Th"That Rock Won’t Roll"). (In Store.reo) nassahamt>ush. Trevor Howardord. O 700 CLUB CSNEW S IBMOVIB**W'HeyTherihero. It’sVogl c n STRAIGHT'fTTALK Bear‘'-(1964, Comody)ri Voices\ by q c ROOK ANIAND CHASE D av» Butler. Oor> M esslc)sick. m CUTTING} EEDGE HAPPY HOUR O WWF PRIME TIME WRESTLINGWF g NEW! ANIM.IIMAL WORLD Tho Study ------«^L06T-KINaDOMS-A- Shelk Bad)i. «B CNN NEWSWS ~ • LARRY KINQ UVE OSlBERRENGEGER'S Tho strong-wlllod ( 3 WAY OFF BROADWAYVAY patriarch andd oowner of a chain of ex- (TMC) MOVIE * * * V i: ."J "Tho Road elusive New' YorkYc dopartmont stores ... Warrior" (1981. Adventuroturb) Moi struggles to< mtmaintain his emplro and son. Bruce Spence...... prevent his opopportunistic son (Bon -' 7:30 O ANN SOTHERN Murphy) (rom}m staging a corporoto Q ] O CD THE CHARMIRMINGS Tho takeover, Channlngs go Into the.cle.debt using o MARCO POLOPO The adventures ot WIS their newly acquired crodirodit cards. Q i3th< entury'y' {explorer M arco Polo ^=»:eB:a):O;0i(7ER£HlENTzWOftLD____ a iu tlmmattzcfl7nd in:thia:£mmy.-Aword- — ------(PREMIERE)Comady. DorDenise Huna=- winning' mlnlstrilsoHos from 1982 star^ hie (Usa Bonet) ad lu stss toto lile on hor ,ing Kon Manlarshall In tha title role. ow n st Hillman College.». WithW Vemeo L eonard Ninwnroy os Polo’s adversary ,u(]V j WatsofKJohnson. Episodijode informa. Achm ot andJ BurtBi Lancaster a s Pope tton to be annoorwad. (in(In Stereo) g * Gregory X. (Pi(Part 4 ef 5) a NEW COUNTRY Foatulatured: Oavid ; h BO MOVIEE * * "Maxie': (1985. Co------Allan-CoerJIn-Stweo)-.— m Ck»0rM0ndy-Patinkln-:_Bim a THIS ENGLAND T ho10 mihwoyn sta- rHE TEMPTATIONS Friday, S epleriiber 18,1Q87)7 Tlmes-News, Tw inFalls,tdIdaho 43 ilquos and non-flommablo gas Whilrow slar. (fl) g ,j4:fmr^sda lo airshps to a lo ly carry largo <, , ^DOOOOJ^E^OHSOHSW^an«n Margo 'oy . al k)wor costs. discovers'mo‘Oood?:|)ian'tii; to ke — ------ffi MONIONEYLINE------pigs,- aho'onlisis- 'tho^B tpp orM r." ------/ENT OF THE DAY ______:ICartor.______• ----- S ~ A L OEMINO. M . M»N OF THE" BNFL'i-L'S GREATEST MOMENTS 0 ( 1 2 ) WKRP IN CINCINNA^VTIBalln. NORTH Hoad olt roirtirelndoor In o largo ® W) TRIUMPHTf OF THE WEST Tho c overs a slory on a children's i scalo arctic round up. 'sclinich up- doclino10 cof tho W est is attribulod to hor first crack al field reportlirting. M 5 0 MOVIE * * *» "Tho -7 Princo ond mo risoIP ol c FasclsfTi.flnd tha m odern______CD.BURNSANO A U S H .— .- ______l»i«Paupor;'(1937rA«'.-AcfvonturojErrol------'mavomdrmdni in Iho Arts, while Japan CD MOVIE ** "Thunder In tl Flynn. Ciaudo Rains. 1 tho Vai. Bppoarsirs loI bo a strong conlondor in loy" (1947. Drama) Lon McCj:CalIister, 0:00 O (X) 19 (11) Q0 >KNOTS LANO- tho fulur(lure. Hosl: John Roberts. Edmund Gwonn. INQ (SEASON PREI’REMIERE) Abby (SHOW)N) MOVlfe *V4 "Joy ol Sox" B NASHVILLE NOW ’ nghls a dosporato bai 1 battle to prevent (i984 . c Comedy) Michelle Moyrink, O DRAGNET thfr dlscovory ol Ho Hollistor-s body; Camoronron Oyo. S ) PEOPLE OF THE SEA Ph<’hotogra- Paigo confronts Sumn.jmnor with Iho ac- (TMC)M(IMOVIE * * * "Tho Fly"(1986. phy ol Iho Palow Islands. cusation that ho is hor rool falhor. q Scionco:o Ficlion) Jeff Goldijlum. S NEWSNIQHT CD I SPY ✓ I Davis. • - . O PUBLIC POUCY CONFER:RENCE 0 03 a s MYSTERY;RY "The Advon- 9:30»?TfiTRAPPER JOHN. M.D. Trap- CD SPORTSLOOK tiirn< fit Holff lolmetJi:iPio{o&------jx-wno crodtos w aves in mo^ti- — Q^WAY-OFF-BROAOWAY— 5or Moriarty pursuos uos Holmos and calcirclos;lo$ whon sho doddos lo olfor m(R)LASTOFTHEMOHICAt W atson to Swiliorlar ANS The jrland whore ho aworkshiishop on how to survive mar- Huron guide, Magua, promiimisos 10 confronts Holmos for lor what m ay bo rlago lo0 a doctor. froo tho othor captives In rou tho last (imo. (R) g oium lor ’ O FANOiNOANGO Coro's hand in rnorrlago. (Po.Port 4 ol B (U) QD CB UNSOLV3LV6D MYSTEfl- Q VIDEOIEO DISC JOCKEY IES (In Sloroo) S ) PACIFCIFIC OUTDOORS HBOMDUIE..'-JoJoD«ncoi OD TALES FROM THE cor. Yew rHE OARKSlOE Q) SP0R1ORTS TONIQHT ILilo Is Calling" (1986, Drafflam'a) Ri- , CD REMINQTON STEI>TEELE A com ic CD SP0R13RTSCENVER ichard Pryor. Debbie Allon. Strip artist hires Ro Romlngion and no PEOPlOPLE IN CRISIS Feaiurod: a SHOW MOVIE * * * "ChoosJ3S^ Me" Laura whon ho bocom comos tho objoci man whoho fools his sislor is wasting I(1984. Comody) Kollh CanaoBdino. 01 a murdor ailompt, hor IHo wawaiting for her husband’s re- 'Gonovlovo Bujold. CD BEST OF WALT C .T DISNEY PRE- Ioaso fronrom prison. iCIN MOVIE "To Uyoandnd Dto In ' SENTS A teon-oqo ^^y. y eager to o«- fp I ir nylng; loam s to" " ' n ew s !son. Willem Dafoo. soli piano. CQ DONN/'4NA REEO 10:05 10: ( D O NEWS ' O YOU CAN BE A.STAR' ST . 0 0 9 ; MAS1ASTERPIECE THEATRE "All 10:07 10:' CD NEWS O AIRWOLF lor Lovo"vo" Alter hor domineering • 10:30 10:: CD BARNEY MILLER * CD CLOSET CLASSICSSICS CAPSULE moihor’sd's doalh. a woman accepts a CD • MISTER ED Pandomohiurn'irn'rolgns MTV team s up old lavoriioslaw with re- paying guosiguc imo hor houso and bo- whor) ' Wilbur's handynjijn ;$qulrts . .cont classics:...... - comes increasinglyIncr lond of him. Evo- w ' alor on a m agajino phoJogrJgraphor. S ) SCIENTISTS Howw nown materials. lyn Laye.jfo. June Hiichie. Bonjamin.. .B .• tw CC TONIGHT-SHOW« H W ------Wm SM \ \ Maklany Idaho families are•e beingI tom apart by ' ' • r \ \ a sS h o c k i n g rise i n domesnestic violence. The scars r u n deep i n adultsilts and children alike. ^ /tS, '■ ' In a special three-partrt ireport. NewsCenter?■7’s i — * - Itolly Love examines.tliLthej:easons— ^------“ behind family violenceice and looks at...... i 1 efforts to end the tren•end. \ Find out-how-andTvh-'''^^?X!tjhe-picture of \ Idaho’s perfect famii;niiy is changing; il .

W ednesday, Tfatum ^y.-griday ____ ^ — e - o o i K m : '■ ••'■■■■■■

ii .... . t ; , I ^ k tiS k S J^ - • T r ^ ~ t ^ y ~ ------44 Tjm es-New s. Twin Palis.llis. Idaho Friday, Seplomborbor18,1987 I'S AUSITlALfA c c MACNEIL/LEHRER N MIQHT WITH DAVID LET- Thursdcfay ------Q., 2) o u in c y ...... Jcheduled; Billy Crystal, (In' a ) MOVIE * * * "Sh«■swr 0871. ^ Drama) Richard Roundt HONEYMOONERS Whon Gunn. o T i ] HOI deadly weekend, officer Joe Forres*Fc nks Ralph is suicidal, ho f Mating. ffl (11) M’A'S’H For a f( sve him for a minulo. lor tackles incWenis of wlt»4)ei ______.4077lh.has.no.ca9oalUeiiltlos. but w hen ‘lo®*"' drug pushing and gang waiwarfare, . 't h e fighting picks up. il'sils bac*I lo bus------^CB MICKEYEY ROONEY------r From ihe 1975-76 NBC crimeI asertos. ------COUNTRY Featured: David [ . inoss as usual. O NEW CO (R) :hO Allan Coo. (I 12:30 O MONKEES A gypsyly tribe CD BEST OF QROUCHO ’brFlS'^SURROW “I a EOQE OF NIQKT oSEA RC H wants tho singer* to steal as }ewoI-) ffl NATURfi OF THINQSNQS The Windy Q WORLDJD AUVE Soulh America s *encrusted statuette. Guost staitanVlc •odiunglocatdomonstratos * Bay ralnforost. moslfesrod Tayback, . ,, o ’^SCHOLASnC SPOfiPORTS AMER- how brave>e anda cunning It Is. ga an CNN NEWS a NEWSNVJNIQHT UPDATE }® UVERNE & SHIRLEY Lo'Lavome 1b*country musicC TELEVISIONti CO MOVIEE i* * "Tho Madamo Gam- ) and Shirloy quit ihelr jo b s at a the 151. Orama) Richard Hoam. | ffl (B) THEBAN PUYS»YS-Antigone-' bias" (1951, browerv and join the WACs. (Pai^ a rtlo t _ J______Nofth-Amflricaoj)**!^imiere. Antigono petula Clark {Juliot Stovor\son) defiSi^ M W la W ro l----- ^1T:3rffl’ENTllSoiT»INMEtt7-T0lllQKI------j2) Mot-MHl tho Gfoak kingdom an(and buries her (in Steroo)o) I(1968, Comedy) Peter Ustinov,IV, Mag- doad bfothor wllh honoionors. The blind ii:40ffiFAN1kNTASY ISLAND A brido-to- gle Smith. pfophoi (Sir John Giol'saiolgud) predicts . bo (Qonie0 Francis)F w ants to find hor O VIDEOCOUNTRY Scheduledled: Ala- her tragic (uturo...... ' roaltathor.or. w hom ahe’s novor soon. . bam a ("Mountain Music"): K.D.D. Lang - 10:35 m CHEERS. so ha cann giveg her away al hor wod- (•Turn , Mo 'Round"): R estless(S Heart ■ IB TONIQHT SHOWH hHost: Johnny (jing; an archaeologyar< p ro to s w (Ed- (•That nock Won't R o in . (In SiStoreo) Carson. (In Sieroo) ward Wlntinntor) seeking oxciiomeni a MOVIE **** "His Gin F(Friday" BIZARRE John wants to3 n make o famous sdantlflc (1940. Comedy) Cary Grant, Ro:Rosalind (SHOW) BEST OF BU y - n o m atter what tho cost. Byner and his biiarrorro tcrew bring to discovery - Russoll. lilothotjostofihlsocclaccialmod com edy o ONE DAYOt AT A TIME ]ffl VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 11:45 CD DTV ffl SPORTS LATENIQKT 11:55 SHOW t - *!trTtraflaTWfl{r-"'*"''Urahih)' ISC -iaSSISiSfeoaiv^ t : ------num are caught In, theiho middle of a hamo. TERS 12:00 0 LOV -12:40 (3) HEWS (R)------drug doalor’s war. ^.^S?wOHrYbU7^"o C3 ENTERTAINMENTNTTONlQHT(ln C9CAR64 1:00 ONEWS (R) lan in charge during Copi. • Storoo) llmld man CD I SPY 10:42® NIQHTUNE g Block's votvacation Is rumored to bo an O , 9B TO BE ANNOUNCED - T 10:45 a MOVIE *k**M * * "Gam bit" ogre. ' O MOVIE ***% •••Brother Orchid" Ol ______(1966.,Sosporiso)ShlrlShirley M acU lne. O ® Tro O 'BE ANNOUNCED (1940. Comedy) Edward Q.. f Robin- UATE-^HOW^in•Stafoo)_------Michael Caine. • 1 ------D (12)U * ----- sonrAnn-SoUwm.-^------______(TMC)jaOVlEjUft31a31allbu Express"_____ a 700.CLCLUB _____ arby Hinton. Sybil CB AOVEIirEKTUH^’ OF-OZZlE-ANO , (19W, Comedy) Dart>y S ^ ^ S e ^ S H IR L E Y LaLaveme HARRIETET Tho N elsons and Ran- ( Donning. and Shrrioy quit tholr jo b sI tat the — ...... , dolphs pi.play m atchm aker tor their i ------11rf)0 ffl TAXI------browory ond )oln the WACs. (PaPari2 ot------OMY-THREE SONSNS bacholof f M K AND CHASE ' ...... ' O O AMERICAN ARART FORUM Q CROOl CD MEDICAL CENTER The girlgirltrlond RESTER During a . O 8EARi- ! W S O MOVIE * * "Suciluccosslul Fail- cil tho opiniplnions ol high-school son- VITAMINS5 •Juro" (1934. Comody) WilliamWil Collior. ‘ iors a s thO):hoy prepare for graduation. A vailable at thes»howed"fower“ p€oplo-pie-watching— -the-P-®opl»-Mot«r-rat------—__RRUO_ 1109 M a in S t.. Buhl ______ielevision .this weekok than h o d _ .in ?» .^leaailaaed for Monday's ^ n indicated by the previous P^o-timeB pprograms — most of ’ ' — d to iin j tho "■“ 'I' re sxinuner rerxma - _ of monitoi = ■ iiation’a view ing habitfibita - were consiatestently lower than the , 2 But research ofTiciiridaia at th s NaUomU Television ' Index ■three netw orks say,th tl; « y d o n o t le largest drop was for SIB'S yhart," which was off ^expect th a t tho early ear Peoplo p®? -Nowhi PHARMACYY ^ ______------;MeterrtUiJgrwlllbav«r. hu ^traditional Nationalal TclcviBion waa 1 pcrcent lower, WENDfeLL ------>Index-ratingHrwcntn ligning-W om on^and------| ! R ~ ^ — ^ LF" were 9 pewcnt DRUGCENTEI i 'Monday. It showedd'7.?°maHon^'f™C'* 1 los W ait BSIr«ot,W

..... — ^ 77icnj;>f«/ic M D/w if=ti ff=H ^ S t f dgfiuw i^>qr-^M a_-Ll;g-l5H. Vitamin E 4 0 0 1.CI.U. T herapeutic MH Vilamln C 500 mg3 * T he MulllVHamln&Mlnorol Fiber D iett , TWIN PACK TWIN PACK BONUS PACK:j, 100+ lOOTabWl* FREE! BONUS PACK 100+ 100C«piule*FRE=RF.B l00Tabi.lH-30FREE! ------»X)TaWcK't-30Fr«

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•s c fiW -X V) 51372 'O O y stc rS h e ll-C a ld u m 250 mgmgu/Ulum ^ nD...... ^ 5 3 2i 9 r 100 + 100 Tablet* FREE!...... >9______L-Lyslne500 m9 l 0 0 + lOOTaWdi b t e S m Moi. FBEE W919 » 1426T FFerrousj Sulfate lOO + 100 TaW ‘Vlfamin~B^'50-m3'100-+-lt-100 T.W«> FREB....S3.191 9 - _____ l^nMp • ’ ’ «1284T"Vi bUl.FREB, M.5959 Ex-Jr #1208A TlT h e Fiber D iet 100 + 30Tabl«n W...FREE1 M.3939 1^*** »i362A.'TlT herapeutic M 100 + 30 Tablet 5 9 . _ ProEREPA «W89 VVitam in C 1000 nrjg lOOTabUiibUij ...... w-oy Tab!«t*...... 55.89B9 Fish Oil Conco n c en tratc s 1682 LL-Tryfptophane 500 n>g30Tab 59 BONUSPACK60 +h30SoMsFREE' 30 „ j^25 S tre ss B*Complex w /Iron 60 Tablet*.. »3*59 60 Tablet*...... *3-8?89 i Q S1635 T.Timed Release Balanced $499 C hildren’s C hcuraW c M ultltl VVUamlns ^ 39 wllh Mliwral* 60 T abU ti...... N u tra E “ Pure V lta m ln t Sk ■ -|1 a 1500 ^ ...... $1.775: & 2 ...... N utra E Pure V lt'm aln E Oil C o n cen trate ^ ,? .75 , 1 n. Oi...... v ::- vr*‘*V'V'r 32400 Sunny £ Maid* CElldren’s Chi . p ___ -MulU-Vltamina 10Q.Tflbl«l»...... - I i i — s Sunny Maid C hild ren ’s CIhcwaWe h « S9 T ;Multi V itam ins w /lro n lOOTt...... 52.2'.29 V i t a m i n C 500I m g ■ SSunny M aid C h ild re n 's Chw:hewAble with RoseJSC H ip s ■Multl V itam ins w /E xtra C: lOOTablct*10 ...... 53 .1.19 ' BONUS BOTTl£r i£ J30Tablcti ►9------^-Vitamin-Experts®— ------$2®9 U»l »1259A niuiS — ------fade~. xh j :”

W7 ^ T lm e ^ N e w s. Twin Fallfl,„ Wahoh 47 FrUtoy,S«<)i«iib«l«,iM' . 1^ , 1 ^

I irUIilE IS E ijiI M O T O5R S |R (rN/kL ClitO S E COUT

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I I ■

198TZ M E R G lU R Y T O FP A Z j I p S J Fronj wheel d 8 IM E R C Ii:S W T R A< \ C E R halogen headlam ps. AM/i I drive, deluxe carpe . h M/FM ra^dio, Front wiieellel drive AM/FM s te r e3,delux o j Interior; radial tirelires, heavy duty, consolette..’2.3' rrors. tachometer, dual note h tires, I heavy *.3 du litrej engine, power rnirroi le hom. r^ial b a tl^ , jiowj« er sleei ng, power brakeses. tint( d glass, rear windowdow defroster. *' !ove box, power brakes, tin warning chimesduty battery, locking glov tinted glass, b h Im ies. IT AU L A D D S I ^T T w u tt^ h m luPTOVAALUE in iso n s ' l-i SEBV ' I Over 33 Years The►s £ i IV 1 TOIljtelnAw For O Easiest Place In Ttrhe Wbrtd To Buy / W e. E iW In F a ils •j--; |--. 7 3 3 - ^ 0 0