
I I Mid-COctober jcjailbnndsisa /e ^ B ll-NFL^strrikelookssinevilxibl aieWHMWpeqCTWiiiiiMiiHJ» i f e - c i | I ------------ B E E t r . f ^ ic& Ji Kini' Smurthirthwalta of T ^ n Falls : sold har bac ; In only. .I da)Jay wllh her ;• r t j lo in ter^ ws Classlfled a d i , ^ 3 -0 6 2 6 -No w KES -'go^drlacce'-DI f W.fl( -n 25* 82nd year, No. 261 Twin Fal=all3, Idaho Fridaylay, September 18,1 9 8 7 M i s s s i l e b3 a n a gg r e e i ri e n t ‘jir i p r i i n c i p he ! : r e a( i d y : : j : ............. The Asaodated PnPre«8 ---------------------------- m .M MDT-news conference at theh e So- y ear's end. Soviet lea v ietc5t em bassy. eader Mikhail S.- Germaiijihy, ■■Britain,“ Italy "imand very wlyhourT^ Gorbachev haa heldId back .from ac- Belgium, mantling: ththe em ; • - WASHINGTON)N — Secretary of "Tl"The m ^ o r differences have b< im. aim ed a t th e Sovietviet Word of the tontativive agreement They a State George P. S sb een cepting R eagan's inviivitatibn until he Union. Ir are very dose to . Shultz and Soviet workiirked out, but the details s . In retu m , th e Soviets woulcmid came afler Shiihultz and agreement,” ............. Foreign -Miniate: 9 still. was confident thdrir third meeting destroy I It,” he aaid a t the time. eter Eduard A. mustist be filled In," the offidal, n y 612 missiles targeted onor Shevardnadze dramatictically dedded He aaid Sh Shevardnadze wr I, who would be productive,6- W estern 1 S h u ltz a nd S hevardnadze wrapped .tip their demamanded anonymity, told The i m Europe and aiwthw 171 to extond th eir talim ono: tho treaty-had virtually talkrTbtirsdaywl t lie Aa-— “G enerally, -w ithobout -reason. I aimedof ally-settled a dispute over ■ " with “anagreement— sodalaatedTresa. _______ ^ ot China and Japan^ that could pave the waj'ay to a super- th e A m ericar in principle" to bi don't. go_anywhere,re,-particularly ------5?No- -: ican warheads that are on. ' ban intenriediate-; Inj’n a sign of progress, Riea^n n -further - meetings are power summit by year’s•’send. 72 West G range nuclear miainiaailes, a U.S. offi- for 36 n met America," Gorbachev!v said la s t A pril scheduledlied," C harles E . Redman, the German Pershing 1-A 36 minutes in hia residence la the An official, who0 demanded miaailea.-But r cial aaid. e late during a visit by Shulultz to Moscow. State De{ But he dedined to provide T hursday u n evening with Shultz a Department spokesman, aaidlaid anonym ity, said earlierir th at experts an y details o Preaident Reago z and T he tre a ty would b<be th e fira t U.S. o t th e wii la of the apparent reaolu* agan was expected Shevsevardnadze. windup of 9V^i hours of talksilks on both aides w ere tryingtr] to nail tion o fth o tio to make an annoi •Soviet nuclear armsIS control accord between i } troubling issue. nouneement at the Thelie • ten tativ e agreem ent cou n Shultz and Shevardnadze,Ize. dow n procedures for verifyingvi tho “We are pe W hite H ouse a t 7 i could inthe6V^-yearReagajjan presidency. “The mir J peeling aw ay layer a fle r 7 a.m. MDT today, pavet'e the w ay for a superpow er suj ninisters, in easence, haveive destruction of all U.S.S. and Soviet layer," aaid i I Shevardnadze schc sum- It would require theth dismantling completed lid a second U.S. oiH dal, cheduled a 7:30 a. mit meetingi in Washington 1 ted their buainess. Thereere missiles with a range ( n by of 332 U.S. missilsiles in Weat > will be a 1 of 316 to 3, who alao descdescribed the two sides aa a statement tomorrow att a 125 m iles and th e echecleddefordis. B ARM S on Page AS ‘TriumFph of humaian freedom’ C o in s t i t ui t i o n cc o m i rl e m o i• r a t e d ' The Aaaociated Prei>reB8 „ „ IBurger, who turned 8i 80 and forever a lte r notno ju s t th e se th ree timeim es when Reagan finished T hursdrsday, led an in tem atio n al bell bell- United States but thee 1worid." his preparJa re d remarks, but the tim- PHILADELPHIAIIA — The birth- ringinging ceremony at 2 p.m. MDT placo of the Const D T, “In a very real sens*ise, it was then ing got fouledfa up when the pro- nstitution threw a the pre)rcci8e.time.tho.4,453iWordCon Con-_-_in-1787_--that-tl-the-revolution-aident add libbedli a fe w ex tra lines;— button«poppiog parp'ar^ Thursday to stitutioition w as signed cifler fou: four truly began," he said,id.- “For it was Duringlg ai 20-second silence after celebrate the 200UlOth birthday of a steammy y m onths of h ot debate tw( two w ith tho w riting of ouru r C onstitu tio n He gavee a missed cue, an un- document Presidentlent Reagan hailed centuriuries ago. >n- ft' ------------- a s -th e trium ph-o£h ... th a t th e hopes andi dreams< of the fiusterodd ReaganE chuckled, “Maybe )£hum an freedom.^------- pted -re '^ Iu tio n is ts - could b e . s J M r L S a The bash w a s oneoi of hundreds, *i,. bcarnlHTBarggyrwho acceptec d -becom e— a - 'th a t's allIthat tl we’regoing tb'rihg it."' hool J->yng^i!nduring realitjityJL_ --------------------Then-N i 80letnn~#nd“ 8p arkrklingracrosrthH l Sff/^8ignatures,oL6.million-achoo -National-pBric-TangemirI n - Iren reaffirming thith e The C entennial Bellell. a m odel of th e tower s country Thursdayay OS Americans ;r struck th e bell th ree m ore re. J ititution, tugged on a ropeB Uto the long-silent Libertirty Bell, rang , 9 ^^ rang bells, saluted t eeBASHonPaReA 2 .d the flag b.c.„.e S " /?a replica of the Liberty Bell foi ^erican citizensIS an d took train , I for ninutes. rides into history toit commemorate jjjroi I l w s - the C onstitution. iroughout the land a nd m ilitarjtaiy . S I 'j in stallaillations around the world>rld, In Kansas, water ter from the Foun- otherr bellsbi great and small chimecmed tain of Juatice begoigan to flow by the Jn. I ,, rj^gil Konaas .Judicial CeCentcr, culminat- ing yeare o f fu nd-ra[.rnUiDg elTorn by ^ irger likened the Conatitutibrtion reaidenls. bridle that hamesaes a horseirse. governm ent could p u ll b u t nol I On the boundaryary botwecn New n ot '; I ^ H York and New Jeraersey, the Inijest C ’f '■ Jthe people. It marked theth( ining of the end of the idea o: ., , .fi«9rflying ,flag in thecomiliy,nU6,thi a of r,- — 400-Bqaret6et,' Wa*i ‘UYia^.-right; of •Idng8t''j^csaid George W ashingtonbn ]Bridge. B urger,er, h ead o f the Tederal c o £ nnT ^ s^' f E j J H In Georgia; hundindreds of school* :elebrating the bicentennial, children were treateated to a reading Thee d( t/s $6 million bash fes . of the great documijment amid mar- tured1 a parade, picnic, pageantry .... -—ches and flag showlows-at the atate seven'barges-of fireworks t Capitol. h on o r- thot] day when the Constitu-Itu- ^ ^ And in North;h Dakota, the wawaa signed .by 39 of its 6651, youngest Americarcans were the designeiners. ^ wnncrs. Babies bornbi Thursday Speak•aking' in front of Indepen-en- ________ were_ench _giv.enI _ a_cbpy_of_a the —‘^cnce_H:_Hali,_Rcagan_called.the sign-- Constitution., in g o f‘ tl:the worid’a first constitutionion _ ____ Former U.S. Chieihief Justice War- even/ent-“that would profoundly Tlm«».h diy J u d g e N e e h i re«;ead8 a p r o c la m a tio n aIt t tth e Ju d icial a n n e x ------- i«»-NowiDholo»fSKYE8AV£SON . Balloons were rerc J e a s e d a t B ic k e l E le mmentary e i School TwiniFalls S(jchools,, courtsi join inI Consti By CRAIG LI^^COL^ itution ( •LN . c, celebraation ceremonics praising the Cons e Times-News writerr onstitution. limited to specchcs. With 6th District Magistraitrates C haries P . “Not m Association, saicsaid, “We opplaud th e efTorts merely by the letter ofthe« law,1 b ut th e court to cel, ^ of m ent of th o t d ream uponup' which thia notion _ B nim bach, Melvin C. EdwSdwards and R. by ita spii celebrate the bicentennial. WoVi was founded. The ener TWIN FALLS — .Two hundred W pirit we have survived," Mei^eehlsaid. express nothing nergizing force remoins ~ Michael Redman present, Me(Meehl read a proc-' “^co g nlizing iz that humanity cor ing b ut adm iration for th e wri‘iit- the collective conscienci years and;a doy ago,tgo;-delegates from 12 of lo caiL.ncver_.er8 of thia docuir ence o f a people commit- . lamation produced.by theB IdahoI< Supreme- achieve-l :ument." “ . — ted to equal juatice and tho I3‘6riginal stoteates m et in..,a hot, stu ffy C "Utopia, wc acknowledgec our0 good Twin Foils C( and a recognition of tho--------- C ourt com m em orating the oceoccasion.
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