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VICTORIA Report of the TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD for the Period from 1 July 1980 to 2 February 1981 Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed MELBOURNE F D ATKINSON GOVERNMENT PRINTER 1981 No. 4 Thirty-Sixth Report 150 Queen Street, Melbourne, 3000 The Honourable the Minister for Planning, 500 Collins Street, MEI:iBOURNE, 3000 Sir, In accordance with Section 5(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1961, the Board has pleasure in submitting to you for presentation to Parliament the following report on its activities during the period from lst July, 1980 to 2nd February, 1981. Yours faithfully, Chairman, J .J. BAYLY Deputy Chairman, M. W.MILBURN Member, J .R. BAGHEL Member, P. S. COLCLOUGH Acting Secretary, H.R. TROTTER TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS AS AT 2ND FEBRUARY, 1981 Full-time Members J.J.BAYLY, B.Arch., Dip. T.R.P.(Melb.) Chairman M.W. MILBURN, B.Sc. (Durham), Deputy M.A. (Waterloo), Dip. T.P. (Durham) Chairman Part-time Members J .R. BAGBEL (Mrs.) Member P.S. COLCLOUGH Member PRINCIPAL OFFICERS IliJRING TEE PERIOD ENDEJD 2ND FEBRUARY, 1981 Acting Secretary H.R. TROTTER, A.A.S.A. Director of Planning P.J. BROWN, B.A., (Statutory) Dip. T.C.P.(Sydney) Acting Director of J.D. MOIR, B.A., Planning (Strategic) (Nottingham) Dip. T.P. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD Chairmen Deputy Chairmen J.S. Gawler, 19,46-51 H.W. Hein, 1966-76 F.C. Cook, O.B.E., 1951-66 J.J. Ba¥ly, 1977-79 R.D.L. Fraser, I.S.O., 1966-76 M.W.
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