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Chiesa Viva 506 LA YEAR XLIX 529 SEPTEMBER 2019 «Truth will make you free» (Jo. 8, 32) MENSILE DI FORMAZIONE E CULTURA ChiesavivaFONDATORE e Direttore (1971-2012): sac. dott. Luigi Villa Direttore responsabile: dott. Franco Adessa Direzione - Redazione - Amministrazione: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà Via G. Galilei, 121 25123 Brescia Tel. e fax (030) 3700003 Autor. Trib. Brescia n. 58/1990 - 16-11-1990 Fotocomposizione in proprio Stampa: Com & Print (BS) contiene I. R. e-mail: [email protected] Poste Italiane S.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003(conv. L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Brescia. Abbonamento annuo: ordinario Euro 40, sostenitore Euro 65 - una copia Euro 3,5 arretrata Euro 4 (inviare francobolli). Per l’estero: Euro 65 + sovrattassa postale. Le richieste devono essere inviate a: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà Via G. Galilei, 121 25123 Brescia, C.C.P. n. 11193257 I manoscritti, anche se non pubblicati, non vengono restituiti Ogni Autore scrive sotto la sua personale responsabilità «THIS IS HOW I, AS A YOUNG PRIEST HAVE (NOT) BEEN TRAINED» by a young priest young priest wrote an ar- sonic Temple?” began on Febru- ticle, then sent to Carlo ary 20, 2006. This special edition Maria Valli, with these demonstrates the Masonic-Satanic Awords of introduction: «I must ad- nature of this new church and the dress a subject that is hardly ever existence of horrible offenses talked about, but this subject is against Jesus Christ and the Holy quite important because it is about Trinity. The culmination of this the breeding ground from which blasphemous challenge to God is all the foolishness, buffoonery, represented by the Stone Cross abuses and profanations origi- which stands on the churchyard nate. What am I speaking about? and symbolizes the glorification I am speaking about the Semi- of Lucifer’s victory over God. nary! It is really there, that the The design leader of this new seeds are planted which then church was the famous architect produce certain weeds. I will tell Renzo Piano but the person in you some events I have experi- charge of the design was Mon- enced personally, that have been signor Francesco Marchisano, told to me by some my confreres President of the Pontifical Com- scattered in several different Ital- mission for the Cultural Her- ian dioceses.» itage of the Church. Monsignor Francesco Marchisano *** was an “old acquaintance” of Fr. What you are going to read is so Paul VI and Msgr. Pasquale Macchi. Luigi Villa who had already re- aberrant and upsetting that it will ported him as a Freemason com- certainly cause incredulity and re- plete with Masonic registration da- jection in most of the readers - first ta, in the issue No 109 of Chiesa of all, because this is mainly due viva of June 1981. However his ca- to the impossibility of understanding the reasons for such reer had continued undisturbed until he was appointed as a vast and widespread work of destruction and perversion Vicar General for the Vatican City State and President of in the Catholic doctrinal training in seminaries. Therefore, the Fabbrica di San Pietro, conferred by John Paul II. before publishing the text of the article, we consider it ap- In September 2002, Fr. Luigi Villa replied to these two pro- propriate to present some documents that demonstrate the motions with the dossier “A Scandalous Appointment” existence of Masonry’s secret plan for the corruption which contained three letters of Monsignor Francesco and destruction of the Catholic doctrinal teaching in Marchisano to the Venerable Grand Master of the Ital- seminaries. This plan had to be carried out by treacherous ian Masonry. In one of these three letters he wrote: «Illus- monsignors and cardinals all identified with acronyms be- trious and Venerable Grand Master, I have received longing to Freemasonry – as shown in the following docu- with joy through MAPA (Monsignor Macchi Pasquale, ments – and led by the supreme leader Msgr. Pasquale personal Secretary of Paul VI) your delicate task to quiet- Macchi personal Secretary of Pope Paul VI. ly organize a way to break up the study and discipline The distribution of 10,000 copies of the special edition of in the seminaries throughout Piedmont and Lom- Chiesa viva “A New Church to Saint Padre Pio – A Ma- bardy.» 2 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2019 After the distribution of thousands and thousands of copies of the dossier, specific personalities of the Vatican came to Fr. Luigi Villa in Brescia to buy some packages of the dossier and other personalities, coming from Rome, con- fided to Fr. Villa their distress and desperation. Nevertheless nobody seemed to be able to stop the irre- sistible ascent of this Prelate Mason Francesco Marchisano who only lacked the appointment as Cardinal, but at that time his name was not on the list of the suitable candidates as Cardinals of the Consistory planned on October 21, 2003. It was thought that the main reason was the massive distribution of the dossier containing the proof of his be- longing to the Masonry. Three days before the Pope read the names of the candi- dates of the Consistory – expected on the September 28th, 2003, I was with Fr. Villa in his office in Brescia when the phone rang. Fr. Villa picked up the phone, listened and then hung up and looking at me he said: «Do you know what they just told me? The name of Monsignor Francesco Marchisano will be on the list of Cardinals!» Three days later on TV, everybody watched John Paul II reading the list of the names of future Cardinals, when suddenly, his personal secretary’s hand appeared holding a leaflet he laid on the lectern. The Pope’s irritation was of no use... Shortly after, he also read the the name of Ms- gr. Francesco Marchisano. Below the text of the three letters. Letter of May 23, 1961 Illustrious and Venerable Grand Master, I have received with joy through MAPA (Msgr. Macchi Pasquale, personal Secretary of Paul VI) your delicate task to quietly organize a way to break up the study and discipline in the seminaries throughout Piedmont and Lombardy. I cannot deny that the task is immense, and I need many collaborators especially in the teaching staff and you should report them to me in order to let me contact them as soon as possible and study the strategy together. I reserve more detailed information after a meeting and a personal interview with MAPA. In the meantime, please accept my devoted greeting. Frama To the Venerable Grand Master of G.O. will be sown among the students, so eager for novelty to- (by hand) day. In this way the disciplinary disintegration will seem a sim- ple and spontaneous consequence, the students will think Letter of September 12, 1961 that we had nothing to do with it. It is therefore essential that you pay those teachers well, of Illustrious and Venerable Grand Master, whom you already have the list. After approaching and contacting the brothers, PELMI and I will be a diligent overseer and I will report everything BIFRA, several times I have come back to MAPA to pre- faithfully to you. sent an initial working plan to him. With the most devoted greeting. He advises us to begin with the disintegration of the cur- Frama ricula, insisting to our faithful teachers that, with topics of To the Grand Master – Giustiniani Palace new pseudo-theology and pseudo-philosophy, the seeds (by hand) “Chiesa viva” *** September 2019 3 Letter of October 14, 19.. Illustrious and Venerable Grand Master, During last night’s meeting, Bros. Pelmi, Mapa, Bifra, Salma, Buan, Algo and Vino were present, I concluded the following: – First of all, we should start some experiments at some seminaries in Italy, in the cities of Trent and Turin or even in the city of Udine where we have a good number of Brothers. – Secondly we need to spread our concept of freedom and dignity of the human person without any hesitation neither from the superiors nor from any law. A widespread print- ing is needed. At this point, we need a meeting with all of you in order to decide how to act and to whom to assign the different tasks. With my devoted greeting Frama To the Grand Master – Giustiniani Palace (by hand) From the three letters above, we could clearly presume that the supreme leader of this plan for the destruction of the Italian seminaries was Pasquale Macchi, person- al Secretary of Paul VI. Now to better understand certain services rendered by Ms- gr. Pasquale Macchi to Freemasonry and the prostration of Card. Sebastiano Baggio towards this Sect and also Card. Francesco Marchisano. his “love” for the Church, we publish three letters written by Salvatore Baggio and addressed to the Grand Master. Letter of October 4, 1969 To the Venerable Grand Master To the most Esteemed Assistants, I have just received the notice of my appointment as cardi- nal from MAPA, obtained by you through your all-pow- erful ways. I hasten to express my grateful and devoted thanks to you all beloved and esteemed Brothers. As in the past, I always make myself available for our plans of expansion and penetration in any ecclesiastic en- vironments especially in those spheres of command that in the future will be the main positions to ruin the whole Church in all its branches from within. With renewed loyalty Your Brother Signed SB (Sebastiano Baggio) On the “Pecorelli’s List” we can find the personal correspondence of all the BIFRA: Biffi Franco (15/8/1959, Matr.
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