PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 10 PAGE 7 Parish Stained Healing Parish mourns glass power of of the after murder preservation relics month October 13 to October 19, 2010 R5,50 (incl VAT RSA) Reg No. 1920/002058/06 No 4697 SOUTHERN AFRICA’S NATIONAL CATHOLIC WEEKLY SINCE 1920 RCHBISHOP Stephen Brislin of Cape Town will celebrate a Mass followed by Aa special benediction service to mark the 90th birthday of The Southern Cross this month. The Mass will be celebrated on October 15 at 13:10 at St Mary’s cathedral. The Southern Cross will publish a special anniversary edition on October 27. Parishes may order extra copies by contacting Avril Hanslo at
[email protected] or 021 465 5007 Inside Calls for better water use A parish in Rosebank celebrate World Habitat day by warning about water crisis—Page 3 Attracting youth to religious life Dozens of religious and lay Church leaders have looked at the next steps needed to attract more youth to religious life —Page 4 Where was my Church? Mphuthumi Ntabeni discusses an eviction cri- sis—Page 9 What do you think? In their Letters to the Editor this week, readers discuss The Southern Cross under threat, homosexuality and immodest dress—Page 8 The annual Blessing of the Fishing Fleet took place the first weekend of October in Cape Town. The Portuguese tradition sees prayers offered for the forthcoming fishing season and an anchor of flowers is thrown into the sea for those who have been lost. Statues of St Peter and Mary were carried to the boats, followed by an at-sea blessing given by Archbishop Lawrence Henry.