A Psychological Thriller in Donna Tartt's the Goldfinch Abu Fanani
A Psychological Thriller in Donna Tartt’s the Goldfinch Abu Fanani (A Lecturer In Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Abstract In this article, the researcher analyzes a psychological thriller in the form of anxiety in Donna Tartt’s the Goldfinch . The researcher then uses psychological theory. The researcher analyzes the main character that undergoes a psychological worry; anxiety. At last, the researcher draws conclusion that the main character, Theodore Decker undergoes recurrent recollection(s), feeling humiliated, worry, fear, nightmares, and feelings of terror. Key Words : anxiety, feeling humiliated, worry, fear, nightmares, feelings of terror. Introduction Literature and society remain inseparable in that their existence influences each other; on one hand, literature affects society. On the other hand, society affects literature. Levin (Scott, 1962:126) states that literature and society are mutually connected. Both affect each other in that society gets the literature’s effect, on the other hand, literature gets the society’s effect. Similar to this statement, Olsen (1978:203-204) has the idea of the influence of literature to society as well as of society to literature. The researcher may well, as to the influence of literature to society, refer to a work by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle’s Tom’s Cabin or Life among the Lowly influences the society to be social emancipation, to abolish racial discrimination between black and white people (Hardjana, 1981:70-71). English philosophers and poets are said to have
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