Entrepreneurship in Education and Training

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Entrepreneurship in Education and Training Action Plan Published by: The Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Minister of Trade and Industry Public institutions may order more Entrepreneurship copies from: Departementenes servicesenter Post og distribusjon in Education and Training E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 22 24 27 86 – from compulsory school to higher education 2009–2014 Publication code: F-4251 E Illustrations: Lars Imre Bidtnes, 07 Web Printed: 07 Oslo 01/2010 – Number printed: 1000 Action Plan E ntrepreneurship in Education and Training – from compulsory school to higher education 2009–2014 Foreword If the Norwegian welfare society is to develop, it terprises. Considering the current financial reces- is essential to provide everyone with opportunities sion, it is essential to facilitate wealth creation and for taking high quality education. Throughout the innovation. course of their education, each pupil and student Training in entrepreneurship can help pupils should acquire attitudes, knowledge and skills that and students become acquainted with their local can help develop society. Knowledge and educa- working and business life and the challenges the tion are also positive factors in their own right as local community is facing. Activating children and they ensure personal and social development. young people within the community builds local Children and young people are by nature in- identity and commitment. These young people can quisitive and curious, qualities that are also cha- also experience the demands of working and bu- racteristic of prominent researchers and energetic siness life and can see its inherent opportunities. entrepreneurs. Curiosity must be stimulated if it The education and training system and working is to develop further. The education and training life must therefore become better at seeing the system is vital for the development of a culture for opportunities that lie in interaction and collabora- entrepreneurship and a creative society in which tion. The Government therefore believes it to be people’s search for knowledge and their creative important to implement training in entrepreneurs- urge are appreciated. Training in entrepreneurs- hip throughout the country, adapted to local and hip provides pupils and students with an opportu- regional challenges, using existing workplaces as nity for using their knowledge and their abilities in learning contexts. untraditional ways. Entrepreneurship can promote Norway has received international accolade for practical learning methods in educational situa- our work on entrepreneurship in education. A ma- tions and so help the individual achieve increased jor factor in this is the strategy See the Opportunities learning outcomes. This is important for providing and Make them Work! – Strategic Plan for Entrepre- the country with the knowledgeable and compe- neurship in the Education System (2004-2008). The tent work force that is crucial for innovation and Government now sees the need both to develop wealth creation. In other words, society depends further and to expand efforts in this field by pre- on creative people who turn ideas into new enter- senting a new Action Plan with special emphasis prises or make improvements within existing en- on higher education. Tora Aasland Bård Vegar Solhjell Minister of Research and Higher Education Minister of Education Sylvia Brustad Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa Minister of Trade and Industry Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Table of Contents Foreword ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 1 Background, definitions and target groups ��������������������������������������������������7 1.1 Introduction ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 1.2 Definition of Entrepreneurship in Education and Training ���������������������������������7 1.3 Limitation and Target Groups ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 1.4 Policy Instruments in the Education System ������������������������������������������������������ 8 2 Status and Challenges for Entrepreneurship in Education and Training �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 2.1 Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 2.2 International Context ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 2.3 Higher Education ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 2.4 Primary and secondary education and training �������������������������������������������������17 2.5 Vocational College Education ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19 2.6 Collaboration between Education and Working Life ���������������������������������������� 19 2.7 Innovation and Regional Development �������������������������������������������������������������� 20 2.8 Instruments for Young Entrepreneurs ����������������������������������������������������������������21 3 Measures for Strengthening the Place of Entrepreneurship in Education and Training ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 4 Follow-Up �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 6 Background, definitions 1 and target groups 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definition of Entrepreneurship in Education and Training It is today’s pupils and students that will create the values and workplaces of the future. In Report to Entrepreneurship is concerned with establishing the Storting (White Paper) no. 44 (2008-2009) Edu- new activities and about being able to perceive new cation Strategy, the Government proposes measu- opportunities and making them work in a number res designed to make education more realistic and of social areas2. Entrepreneurship competence is practical to ensure a population which is flexible relevant for all areas of working and business life, and well-qualified for working life. Strengthening a in both new and established activities and enterpri- culture for entrepreneurship and collaboration bet- ses. Voluntary organisations/associations, foreign ween education and training and working life are aid and development work and the cultural sector essential measures to achieve this end. are also important areas of society where entrepre- See the Opportunities and Make them Work – stra- neurship and innovational processes are relevant. tegy for entrepreneurship in education and training The Ministry of Education and Research, the Mi- was launched in 2004 and revised in 2006 in con- nistry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of nection with the implementation of the Knowledge Local Government and Regional Development be- Promotion. The strategy’s implementation period lieve it is important to make entrepreneurship in lapsed in 2008. The plan was evaluated in 20081, education and training a broad priority area. cf. Box 1. The results of the evaluation indicated among other things a marked increase in the num- Competence in entrepreneur- ber of pupils and students that have taken part in different types of entrepreneurship training, espe- ship is relevant for all areas of cially in primary and secondary education. Norway «working and business life, in both was the first country to present a national strategy new and established activities and for entrepreneurship in education and training, for which there has also been international acclaim. enterprises The cross-ministerial collaboration has been given a lot of positive attention and also forms the fram- Entrepreneurship in education and training may ework for work on this Action Plan. In addition the be both theoretically and practically oriented. Trai- evaluation concluded that it is necessary to expand ning in entrepreneurship can be organised as a se- efforts in a number of areas so as to promote entre- parate subject or be integrated as a way of working preneurship in teaching and learning on all levels. in other subjects. Entrepreneurship can be a tool This Action Plan for Entrepreneurship in Educa- and a working method to stimulate learning in dif- tion and Training places emphasis on higher edu- ferent subjects and in basic skills. Entrepreneurship cation. We must develop an education system that in education and training may also further develop to a greater degree gives the pupils and students personal characteristics and attitudes. The trai- of today knowledge and skills adapted to the chal- ning may focus on imparting knowledge on how to lenges of the future. start one’s own business and about innovative and The objective of the Plan is to strengthen the ground-breaking processes in existing enterprises. quality of and the scope of entrepreneurship educa- The above figure can be used as an illustration tion and training at all levels and areas of the edu- of this. cation system. Internationally Norway shall be a leading force when it comes to entrepreneurship in 2 This description of entrepreneurship in education is based on education and training. definitions the Government has used in for example Report to the Storting (White Paper) no. 7 (2008–2009) An Innovative and Sustainable Norway: Entrepreneurship
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