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Arts & Style News It’s fall: Elling and friends Time for Høsten går over jorden make their debut cozy tøffler! og alt er for lengst for sent og on Broadway for tidlig. Read more on page 12 - Erling Christie Read more on page 3 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 38 October 22, 2010 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at Civil disobedience in Hardanger www.norway.com Protestors who News of Norway Norway’s central bank may oppose power be able to take advantage of a 5 percent krone loss against lines in the the euro since a May high and Hardanger resume interest rate increases without hurting exporters. blocked the start (blog.norway.com/category/ news) of construction on one stretch Amid scant awareness by the public of Chinese prisoner Liu Xiaobo, nearly six out of 10 St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Chinese polled said the Norwe- Norwegian American Weekly gian Nobel Committee should withdraw the Peace Prize and Officials for Statnett, the state apologize for the decision to enterprise responsible for Nor- award it to him. way’s power grid, decided to post- (blog.norway.com/category/ pone work on the controversial news) powerline project, due to inclem- ent weather and demonstrations. Culture Around 30 activists camped Lady Gaga tweets about her out at Kvamskogen, where the studio sessions in as she construction was to begin Oct. 18. works on her third album, “Born Photo: Statnett This Way.” CONTINUES PAGE 6 The proposed power lines to be built through the scenic Hardanger Fjord are controversial throughout Norway. (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Norwegian road builders Norwegian TV wants you! Norway in the U.S. Could the love of your life be Norwegian? The 27th annual Chicago Inter- Pioneer farmers literally carved out national Children’s Film Fes- a mountain road near Los Angeles tival welcomes 13 Norwegian feature-length and short-films for this year’s festival. The festival takes place in Chicago Oct. 22 – 31. (blog.norway.com/category/ norway-in-the-us)

What’s inside? Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e show for Norway’s TV2, the largest News 2-3 commercial channel in Norway. Nordisk Film TV is making a Nordisk Film TV is Scandina- Business 4 visit to the Norwegian-American via’s most prestigious production Research & Education 5 community for a brand-new TV CONTINUES PAGE 13 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Dynamic Norsk duo in MLS Travel 9 Reigning champions Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Real Salt Lake has no Arts & Style Photo courtesy of Richard Londgren Norwegians on the 12 This photo was taken by Ellen Olsen (wife of Nils). The two at the far left and an- In Your Neighborhood 13 other at far right are not identified, but the center three (from left) are Nils Olsen, team, but Norwegian Norwegian Heritage 14 Nick Olsen (on rock) and Oscar Olsen. is spoken every day Sports 15 Ri c h a r d Lo n d gr e n from the descendants of those im- VG $1 = NOK 5.8152 Director of the Scandinavian Center migrants. On the campus, the origi- California Lutheran University nal home of the Pederson family updated 10/18/10 Robbie Russell (31) and Nat has been restored to serve the mu- In comparison Borchers (29) are teammates and At California Lutheran Uni- sic department. And even the hous- Photo: Per Opsahl/VG roommates of the American MLS 9/18/10 6.1124 versity in Thousand Oaks, Calif., ing under a watertower morphed Nat Borchers (left) and Robbie Russell soccer team Real Salt Lake. When 4/18/10 5.8943 the legacy of early Norwegian im- into a faculty office. Grandson played in Norway’s top soccer league 10/18/09 5.6197 migrant farmers pervades the cam- they play away games, they also before coming to play for Real Salt pus, with the land itself acquired CONTINUES PAGE 14 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Lake in the MLS. 2 • October 22, 2010 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Riis-Johansen og Navarsete til åpen For små kommuner for helsereform høring – Norske kommuner er for Olje- og energiminister Terje Riis-Johansen små til at alle kan påta seg (Sp) må møte til åpen høring sammen med partileder i forbindelse dette ansvaret. Det vil føre med pengegavene til partiet. Saksordfører til store forskjeller, mener for saken i Stortingets kontroll- og konsti- Torunn Janbu tusjonskomité, Per-Kristian Foss (H) sier at dette er blitt aktuelt etter opplysninger som NRK kan tyde på at Riis-Johansen i god tid før valget i 2009 visste, eller i det minste burde ha visst, at det såkalte fornybarprosjektet Regjeringen vil overlate mer behandling skulle gi Senterpartiet penger. – Riis-Johan- av eldre og syke til kommunene. – Det vil sen var informert om fornybarprosjektet, og føre til store forskjeller, mener Torunn Jan- at vi skulle få penger ut av det, sier tidligere bu, president i Den norske legeforening. generalsekretær Ivar Egeberg til dn.no. I regjeringens store reform av helse- (VG) Norge, som ble sendt ut på høring i dag, får kommunene et langt større ansvar for helsen Nå kommer den kalde, fine tida... vår. Kommunene får økt ansvar for behan- Foto: NRK – Vinteren er i anmarsj, varsler vakthavende dling av eldre og pasienter med livsstilssyk- meteorolog Øyvind Johnsen ved Meteorolo- President i Legeforeningen, Torunn Janbu, mener det ikke fortsatt kan være 430 kommuner dersom det dommer. I tillegg skal ferdigbehandlede skal mulig å gi et godt tilbud til alle med den nye samhandlingsreformen. gisk Institutt, ifølge fvn.no. Temperaturen pasienter raskere ut av sykehus og hjem til vil falle, og dermed kan det komme snø helt kommunal behandling. husene i stedet for å ha mulighet til å bygge – Da handler debatten om struktur, og ned til 200-300 meters høyde over havet, – Vi mener at flere folk kan være på opp noe selv, sier Janbu. ikke om innhold og organisering av tjenester sier vakthavende meteorolog. sykehjem og i omsorgsboliger. Da kan de Hun viser til erfaringen fra Danmark. i forhold til pasienten, sier Navarsete. (Aftenposten) som virkelig er syke, være på sykehus, mens Der så ikke småkommunene, de med færre Presidenten i Legeforeningen mener enn 20.000 innbyggere, seg i stand til å byg- ikke bare at 430 kommuner er for mange i en Ap vil ikke lukke døren for KrF vi samtidig kan ha mer eldreomsorg, sier statsminister . ge opp alternativer, ifølge Janbu. slik reform. Hun er også skeptisk til vektleg- Etter at KrFs strategiutvalg åpnet for et Kommunene skal få overført penger fra Hun får støtte av leder i Stortingets gingen av at færre skal på sykehus. regjeringssamarbeid med Arbeiderpartiet, helse- og omsorgskomité, Bent Høie (H). – Det er viktig at det ikke blir et mål i har flere sentrale Ap-representanter gått ut de statlige helseforetakene for å ta hånd om – Veldig mange kommuner er for små. seg selv at gamle mennesker ikke kommer med kraftige advarsler mot et slikt samar- pasienter som er ferdigbehandlet på syke- Kommunestrukturen hindrer fornyelse av på sykehus. De trenger å komme dit for å di- beid. Nyvalgt AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen er hus. blant dem som mener moderpartiet må slå Samtidig må kommunene være med å Norge, sier Høie. agnostiseres og behandles, sier Janbu. døren igjen for samarbeidsinvitasjonen fra betale noe av sykehusregningen. Dermed har debatten allerede tatt vend- Høringsfristen går ut i januar. ingen kommunalminister Liv Signe Na- KrF. – Vi vil ikke gi kunstig åndedrett til et – Hvis man skal ha kommunal medfin- English Synopsis: Torunn Janbu, president of the parti som kaller abort for mord. Vår krys- ansiering, er norske kommuner for små. Det varsete ikke ønsket den skulle ta. Hun under- Norwegian Medical Association, is critical of the tallklare beskjed er at vi aldri kommer til å vil føre til forskjeller i behandlingstilbudene streker at samhandlingsreformen handler om government’s health reform, which transfers the med- akseptere regjeringssamarbeid med KrF, sa mellom kommunene, eller at kommunene mer plikt og ansvar til kommunene, og at det ical costs to the municipalities, which are too small to handle the cost burden. Pedersen i sin tale til AUF-landsmøtet. bare betaler seg ut av det og betaler syke- ikke må bli en debatt om større kommuner. (VG) Frp villig til å – Vil være en god far - For mange Kina avviser norsk oljedelegasjon Kronprinsen engasjerer seg Rundt 20 representanter for 12 norske oljeleverandørselskaper fikk beskjed om betale flyktninger så mye for andres liv, at det aldersgrenser at det planlagte møtet med oljeselskapet går ut over hans familie CNOOC i Beijing er avlyst. – Vi har ikke Be rg e n s Ti d e n e /NTB Af t e n p o s t e n fått noen begrunnelse. Ikke har vi spurt hel- Halvparten av røykere og eksrøykere ler, men jeg regner det som sannsynlig at Danmark har vedtatt å lokke flyktninger over 30 år begynte mens de var under 18 år, dette er en del av de kinesiske reaksjonene og innvandrere med oppholdstillatelse med ifølge en rapport fra Helsetilsynet i 2008. etter tildelingen av Nobels fredspris til den 100.000 kroner for å få dem til å dra hjem Ytterligere 20 prosent begynte da de var 18 fengslede opposisjonelle Liu Xiaobo, sier frivillig. og 19 år. regiondirektør Håkon Skretting i det norske Fremskrittspartiets innvandringspoli- Det er på bakgrunn av disse tallene at eksportorganet Intsok. tiske talsmann Per-Willy Amundsen mener Helsedirektoratet, med helsedirektør Bjørn- (Adresseavisen) dette er en god ordning. Han vurderer å Foto: Julia Marie Naglestad, Kolonihaven.no Inge Larsen i spissen, går inn for å heve fremme et lignende forslag i Stortinget, Kronprinsfamilien 2008 aldersgrenen på tobakk fra 18 til 20 år. Retten til et verdig liv – også i idretten skriver Vårt Land. Forslaget legges frem tirsdag, i rapporten, En Dignity Day – eller verdighetsdag – er et 100.000 kroner er ikke et stort beløp å TV2 «Folkehelsearbeidet – veien til god helse for undervisningsopplegg på to timer hvor ung- betale for å sende hjem dårlig integrerte in- – Jeg har vært mye borte. Jeg har involv- alle», ifølge VG. dom diskuterer begrepet verdighet. I Norge nvandrere og flyktninger, mener Amundsen. ert barna litt, vist dem videosnutter og fortalt markeres dagen i 1.-klasser på videregående Leder for helse- og omsorgskomiteen Han synes ikke det er umoralsk å betale dem om skolene jeg har vært på og historiene skoler over hele landet. Idrettsforbundet skal på Stortinget, Bent Høie (H), tror ikke hevet mennesker for å forlate landet. jeg har hørt. Men barna er forskjellige. Mar- delta med 100 frivillige veiledere. – Her har aldersgrense er veien å gå for å bekjempe det – For at noe skal være umoralsk, må det ius er 13 så han kan jeg snakke med på en norsk idrett og kronprinsen sammenfallende han betegner som et stort helseproblem. også være en tapende part. Det kan jeg ikke annen måte enn Magnus som er fire. interesser. Verdiarbeid er en grunnplattform – Jeg ønsker ikke en utvikling der vi har se at denne ordningen har, sier Amundsen. Dette sier kronprins Haakon til Dagbla- i vårt idrettsarbeid på alle nivåer. Vi ser også enda flere ulike typer aldersgrenser. Det blir Første nestleder Gjermund Hagesæther det Magasinet. at vi kan utvikle vår kunnskap og vår organ- spesielt om du kan kjøpe øl og vin, men ikke i Fremskrittspartiet er enig. Han tror en slik Avisa har fulgt kronprinsen i sin jobb isasjon gjennom å samarbeide med Global røyk, sier han, og mener at en lisensordning bonusordning i Norge kunne ha spart kom- med Dignity Day, som er et initativ tatt av Dignity, sier Inge Andersen, generalsekretær med skjerpede rutiner for utsalgsstedene er munene for mange unødig høye regninger. ham, amerikanske John Bryant og den finske i Norges Idrettsforbund. et bedre virkemiddel. (NTB) Han mener penger bør brukes på inn- filosofiprofessoren Pekka Himanen i Young At håndhevelsen kan bli bedre, ble vist byggere som faktisk vil bli integrert. En ord- Global Leaders. i en rapport fra Statens institutt for rusmid- Asylsøkere via Hellas skal få ning slik den Danmark har fått, vil være et Organisasjonen er ideell, og arbeider for delforskning (SIRUS), som viste at nærmere hurtigbehandling godt alternativ til innbyggere som sliter med at verdighet skal styre valg og handlinger. halvparten av ungdom fra 13 til 17 år kjøper språk og arbeidsmarked, tror Hagesæther. Til tross for at Haakon er svært glad i å Samtidig har Justisdepartementet gitt Poli- sigaretter og snus selv. tiets utlendingsenhet beskjed om å inten- Kristelig Folkeparti mener også at ord- jobbe med organisasjonen, innrømmer han at – Problemet er at en ikke følger 18-års- sivere retur til hjemlandet for dem som får ningen kan være fin. jobben har gått ut over familielivet. grensen, og det vil derfor ikke hjelpe om endelig avslag. Dette skjer etter at Utlend- – Slik jeg ser det, handler dette om men- – Jeg prøver selvfølgelig å være en god denne heves til 20. Vi må i stedet øke res- ingsnemnda (UNE) i forrige uke stanset nesker. Ikke om økonomi og det å spare far. Men jeg får det ofte ikke til som jeg øn- pekten for dagens aldersgrense, slik at steder tilbakesending av asylsøkere som ifølge penger. Men hvis personen som tar imot sker. Verdighetskapital skal ikke bli et åk. Vi som selger til mindreårige, mister bevillin- Dublin-konvensjonen skulle få behandlet støtten, kan få et bedre liv i hjemlandet enn skal ta tak i noe. Men det er ikke meningen at gen, sier Høie til Aftenposten.no. sin sak i Hellas. UDI skal prioritere de sak- i Norge, er jeg positiv, sier KrF-politiker folk skal gå rundt og ha dårlig samvittighet, ene der erfaringen viser at det ofte ikke er Bjørg Tysdal Moe. sier han. English Synopsis: Bent Høie (Conservative grunnlag for asyl. Også UNE og politiet skal Party), leader of the health and human prioritere disse sakene. English Synopsis: Progress Party is following in English Synopsis: HRH Crown Prince Haakon dis- services committee, says Norway’s age limit for (NTB) ’s footsteps to pay NOK 100,000 to refu- cusses the challenges of being a good father while purchasing tobacco isn’t effective, based on new gees to return to their home countries. attending to his royal duties. numbers from the Norwegian Board of Health. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news october 22, 2010 • 3 News “Elling” makes First-ever Vinland Seminar a success This week on Norway.com Over 100 people gathered Dr. Erik Gundersen to give presentation Broadway debut in Chicago for weekend of at Vesterheim Museum Dr. Erik Gunderson, grandson of the founder lectures and discussion of the Gundersen Clinic in La Crosse, Wis., will present “A Successful Norwegian Im- Ke n No r d a n migrant: The Adolf Gundersen Story,” on Batavia, Ill. Oct. 28, at 7 p.m. at Luther Collge in Dec- orah, Iowa. Dr. Gundersen, in character as The Vinland Seminar in Chicago kicked clinic founder Adolf Gundersen, will give a off Oct. 15 with a welcome reception held at first-person narrative about the history of the Gundersen Clinic as well as history of Nor- the Honorable Per Bye Ohrstrom and Mrs. wegian immigrants to the Midwest. Liv Ohrstrom Norwegian Heritage Hall in (Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum) the Norwood Crossing Healthcare facility. Pianist Sharon Rich Peterson opened the re- Prime Minister Stoltenberg met with the ception with several selections from Norwe- president of the Swiss Confederation gian and Icelandic composers. Ms. Peterson Photo: Ken Nordan The president of the Swiss Confederation, Photo: Los Angeles Times blog was the accompanist at the Royal Academy Professor Torgrim Titlestad opened the seminar Brendan Fraser is co-starring in the Broadway Doris Leuthard, made an official state visit of Music in Oslo and currently accompanies with a discussion of the cultural and political cli- adaptation of Ingvar Ambjørnsen’s novels. mate of the Vikings during their age of discovery. to Norway Oct. 14 – 15 and met with Prime the Chicago Symphony Chorus. Minister Stoltenberg for bilateral talks. Nor- The reception featured Gary T. Johnson, continued at North Park University. Over way and Switzerland cooperate closely in the president of the Chicago History Mu- Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a ss y 100 people gathered to hear speakers from international organizations such as the U.N., seum, as keynote speaker. Johnson talked Norway, Iceland, England and Canada dis- World Trade Organization and the Europe- about the history of the Norwegian and Scan- cuss topics based on their own expert back- an Free Trade Association. Prime Minister “Elling,” based on the original novels dinavian communities in Chicago as well as ground relating to the Vinland Sagas and the Stoltenberg and President Leuthard also dis- by Ingvar Ambjørnsen, will be on Broadway his personal search for his Norwegian roots. landing, by Viking seafarers, on the North cussed European issues, international finan- for 20 weeks. The play, starring Brendan Following his address, attendees were intro- cial crisis and climate. American continent. Fraser, Denis O’Hare and Jennifer Coolidge, duced to the seminar speakers and to the art- (Office of the Prime Minister) Torgrim Titlestad, professor at the Uni- previews Nov. 2 and opens Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. work of Jarle Rosseland from Norway. CONTINUES PAGE 12 The academic portion of the seminar CONTINUES PAGE 11 Decrease in R&D after several years of growth Time for change Preliminary figures show that Norwegian War heroine dies at age 96 business enterprises spent about NOK 19.1 billion in research and development (R&D) Tikken Manus Norway’s diplomatic expenditure in 2009. It is the same level as 2008 in nominal terms, but it is a decrease remembered for her presence abroad of 3.1 percent in fixed prices. The number of performed R&D man-years decreased by 2.6 contributions to the percent. After four years with marked growth Norwegian resistance Mi n i s t ry o f Fo r e i g n Af f a i rs of R&D activity in business enterprises, the trend was broken in 2009. The business en- movement terprise sector does not expect any growth in The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will in- 2010 either. crease its diplomatic presence in a number (Statistics Norway) Vi e w s a n d Ne w s o f No r w a y of countries in 2011, including Brazil, India, Indonesia, China and Russia. In order to free Global challenges require a joint front resources for these new missions, five mis- For the ninth year in a row, Norwegian, One of Norway’s most highly decorated sions will be closed, and there will be staff American and Canadian research partners female members of the resistance, Ida Niko- reductions at some other missions next year. met last week for Transatlantic Science Week line “Tikken” Manus, died Oct. 12 after what “We are seeing a shift in economic and 2010. This year, a multilateral approach to her family said was a short illness. The wid- Photo courtesy of Tikkenmanus.no political power towards the south and the solving global research challenges was the ow of war hero Max Manus was 96. Ida “Tikken” Manus in an undated photo. east, and especially towards Asia, which is main item on the agenda. “Science and tech- Tikken Manus came from an affluent gaining a more prominent role. This is hav- nology play a central and motivating role fighters who would flee over the border after ing consequences for Norwegian interests. I in efforts towards sustainable development. family in , where her father Gjert sabotage work and other dangerous missions Lindebrække was county administrator. have therefore decided to increase Norway’s International collaboration in these areas is in occupied Norway. essential if we are to meet the most press- She first married a British diplomat who, diplomatic presence in these regions. Her marriage failed, and she married ing global challenges of our time,” explains after the German invasion, was stationed in “In order to give priority to these new Max Manus after the war. But before that she missions, we are also making changes in Norway’s Minister of Research and Higher Stockholm. Once there, she started work- Education . played a critical role in debriefing resistance other countries. I believe this will enable ing for the British legation and became the fighters, getting their reports to Norway’s (Research Council of Norway) key contact person for Norwegian resistance CONTINUES PAGE 11 CONTINUES PAGE 5

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • October 22, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (October 18, 2010) Business angels in Norway Minister of Trade and Norsk Kr. 5.8152 Dansk Kr. 5.3306 Industry Svensk Kr. 6.6302 commissions report Canadian $ 1.0149 Euro 0.7147 on the angel investor For detailed information about market in Norway the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Ra s m u s Fa l ck Oslo, Norway

Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske has commissioned a report on the business angel investor market in Norway. A business angel (also known as an angel investor or informal investor) is an affluent individual or firm who make direct equity in- vestments in companies. In the report, Giske calls for an analysis of how many business Photo: Berit Roald angel investors are in Norway, the role they Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske play in the early phases of start-ups, and what other countries have done to promote rope, recently studied 20 out of 24 networks this unique form of investment. for the first annual report on business angels Norway is late in the game of angel for the Ministry of Business. These networks investors, which is probably related to our have 5,500 registered business angels. low unemployment rate. In planning for the I first met Colin on a seminar in Rot- future, Norway needs to grow well-paid, terdam arranged by the European Business highly skilled jobs outside of the oil and gas Angel Network supported by the European industry. Commission more than 10 years ago. Later, Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Business angels have been recognized we invited him to give a presentation on the Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street as an important source of finance for entre- first seminar on business angels here in Oslo. (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 preneurial businesses for nearly 20 years in The seminar was arranged in cooperation the U.S. and leading European countries. I with our Ministry of Trade and Industry. One www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] had the pleasure once to take part in a busi- of the speakers got his Ph.D. from Norwe- By appointment please ness angel meeting held at the golf club at gian University of Science and Technology Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. (NTNU) on business angels the same year. Some governments have supported business In recent years, the Global Entrepreneurship angels both directly and indirectly in various Monitor has reported that Norway has many Advertise in the Weekly! ways, such as tax incentives, co-investment business angels but that they invest smaller schemes and support for business angel net- amounts. Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: works to enable entrepreneurs to find inves- In the U.K., the investment activity has Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for tors more easily. Trends in the supply of increased over the last ten years, and so has EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color SME finance clearly imply that business an- the deal value and the amount invested by gels have become even more significant over angels. The focus of angels on start-up and • Free ad design the past decade. early stage deals remains unchanged, and the • Support the only Norwegian- Most business angels are invisible, and significant commitment of angels to invest- American newspaper! virtually impossible to identify and track over ing in technology businesses has become time. One way of solving this is to focus on even stronger. We are not only looking for- the visible part of the market, namely the an- ward to the report commissioned by Trond For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] gel networks. In the U.K., Colin M. Mason, Giske, but even more the actions he takes! a leading academic on business angels in Eu- e Scandinavian Hour Business News & Notes Celebrating over 40 years on the air Norway tops ranking of sovereign wealth for Products & Technologies; he has 25 years funds experience from the oil and gas industry, in- KKNW - 1150 AM Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global cluding senior positions in major North Sea Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 amam PST tops a ranking by researcher Edwin M. Truman field developments such as Snorre, Sleipner A, of 53 sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in 37 Visund and Åsgard. Streaming live on the internet at: countries. The ranking evaluates the manage- (Aker Solutions) www.1150kknw.com ment and governance of funds, including Cali- fornia’s CalPERS and Dutch ABP, which often SAS daily New York-Oslo service begins in are not classified as SWFs. This is the third March 2011 year in a row that Truman ranks different sov- SAS has announced that it will expand its route ereign wealth funds. The Government Pension network with two new long-haul routes. Oslo- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Fund Global, managed by Norges Bank Invest- New York will open end of March 2011 with ment Management (NBIM), gets top scores a daily Airbus A330-300, while Copenhagen- Sales and Service for structure, governance, accountability and Shanghai will start during winter 2011. In ad- transparency. Truman notes a progression over dition, SAS says it will also launch a number the years in the general performance of sover- of new European routes, as well as increase eign wealth funds, including Norway’s. frequency across its key short-haul routes by (Norges Bank Investment Management) 150 new weekly departures. (Norway Post) Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Management changes in Aker Solutions phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Per Harald Kongelf has been appointed execu- New high for seafood exports fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 tive vice president (EVP) for the Energy De- Norway exported seafood worth NOK 5.7 bil- velopment & Services (ED&S) business area lion in September, an increase of NOK 1.8 bil- in Aker Solutions. He replaces Jarle Tautra lion compared with September last year, and the who will continue to work for Aker Solutions highest export value ever for a single month. In [email protected] as a special advisor to the CEO. Kongelf comes 2010, the total export value for Norwegian sea- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 from the position as executive vice president food has reached NOK 37.3 billion. (NRK) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research october 22, 2010 • 5 Research and Education time for change… in these countries will be taken care Global maritime knowledge hub (…continued from page 3) of by other missions in the regions concerned. In the case of West Af- New initiative to combine the best of Norwegian us to promote Norwegian interests more ef- rica, the possibility of establishing industry, research and governmental support fectively in a changing world and to make a new mission in Accra (Ghana) is more efficient use of the foreign service’s being considered. resources. The changes that are now being • Norway will continue to have a made are part of an ongoing process that will presence in Antananarivo (Mada- be continued in 2012–2013. gascar), but will reduce the staff “Over the last few years, the Ministry at the embassy and make it into an has examined, in collaboration with national embassy office connected to anoth- and international expertise, the opportunities er mission in the region. The em- and challenges a globalised world represents bassy in Brussels, with responsibil- for Norway. The changes we are now mak- ity for relations with Belgium, will ing are a result of this be maintained, but with work. We must consid- a reduced staff. There er on an ongoing basis will also be staff reduc- where our diplomatic tions at other missions, resources and presence for example in the other are most needed,” said Nordic countries and Minister of Foreign other European coun- Affairs Jonas Gahr tries. The arrangement Støre. with an Oslo-based In the course of Ambassador for the Ca- 2011, the Ministry will make the following ribbean will be discontinued, and changes to Norway’s diplomatic presence responsibility for these countries abroad: will be transferred to the embassy Photo: Harald Valderhaug/Innovation Norway • Five missions will be closed: Abi- in Havana (Cuba). djan (Côte d’Ivoire), Bogotá (Co- These changes to Norway’s diplomatic lombia), Dili (East Timor), Lju- presence abroad will be implemented in the Da v i d Jo h n Sm i t h bljana () and Managua course of 2011. Nortrade (Nicaragua). Norwegian interests

Norway’s history as a maritime nation activities from such organizations as the has provided a strong foundation for its pres- Norwegian Marine Technology Research Want to study in the United States? ent status as a formidable maritime cluster. Institute (MARINTEK). A part of SINTEF, Now, the highest levels of Norwegian gov- MARINTEK does cutting-edge research, NALA helps you with ernment and industry are working closely development and technical consulting in the together with the Oslo Maritime Network maritime sector for industry and the public every step of the and the BI Norwegian School of Manage- sector. Other key players include the Re- application process. ment in the development of a global mari- search Council of Norway with the Centres Visit www.gradusa.org time knowledge hub – combining the best of of Excellence (CoE) program devoted to for more information. industry, governmental support, research and long-term basic research, and the Norwe- academia. gian University of Science and Technology The idea for the development of the (NTNU) in . Proud to bring you the Global Maritime Knowledge Hub originated This knowledge is reinforced by an on- Norwegian American Weekly with Professor Torger Reve at the BI Norwe- going commitment from by the Norwegian gian School of Management. The Oslo Mari- government. Its Maritime Strategy, the ini- time Network and the Norwegian Shipowners tiative laying the groundwork for maintain- Association joined in to launch the project, ing Norway’s position as a world leader in now providing a secretariat, headed by for- maritime industries, provides a blueprint for mer minister of industry, trade and shipping, expanding the sector through greener tech- Mr. Ansgar Gabrielsen. There is a strong nology. By taking an environmentally posi- emphasis on the global maritime knowledge tive stance in the new strategy, the govern- hub as being a national project that reaches ment is supporting the Norwegian maritime to the far corners of the globe. As Professor cluster as a trendsetter for the global ship- Reve indicated at the launch of the project ping industry. in June 2008, “There is room in the world for two or three global maritime knowledge Global cooperation and higher education hubs. Norway can be one of them.” This high level of knowledge is a pre- In discussing the knowledge hub, Pro- requisite for development of the maritime fessor Reve refers to examples such as Bos- knowledge hub, in addition to wide coop- ton (life sciences) and the Silicon Valley (in- eration with global maritime leaders such as formation technology) when describing the Singapore, Japan and China. This coopera- future of the Norwegian maritime industry. tion is made on a number of levels, not in the The country is well positioned to reach this least being the development of educational goal, based on number of factors that have programmes that will bring the best and the made Norway into a global force within the brightest of new generations into the mari- maritime sector, not in the least the fact that time industry. the country has been successfully sailing the In order to facilitate this continued devel- seas since the Viking times. opment on the educational level, Norwegian shipowners, maritime service companies and National Norwegian emphasis knowledge centers have committed to spon- Strong areas of maritime expertise are sor professorships at educational institutions found throughout the country, with the main of their choice at a total of nearly USD 10 centers of expertise being in Oslo as well as million over a five year endowment period. the western part of the country. Strengths So far, a total of 10 professorships have been within ship building, shipping equipment, created, the majority at NTNU, ensuring an and support and service to offshore opera- excellent balance between education, train- tions give the sector its base – and a strong ing and research. focus on maritime R&D provides the basis Donors thus far are Det Norske Veritas for the Norwegian Maritime Knowledge (DNV) with two professorships, and Kongs- Hub. berg Maritime, IM Skaugen, Wilh. Wilhelm- The high level of knowledge in Nor- sen, MARINTEK, Tschudi Shipping, and way leads to many innovative projects and CONTINUES PAGE 11 6 • october 22, 2010 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE 2014: a new celebration The Nordic Bumblebee By , Minister of the Environment and International Development

In the 1990s, many right-wing econo- reached in the 1930s: The labor movement Will the Nordic countries maintain pro- mists pronounced the Nordic economic renounced revolution, and the business ductivity in a public sector that is increas- model dead. But rumors of its demise were sector realized that it needs workers. As a ingly asked to provide healthcare and other premature: Today, the “Nordic paradox” is result, cooperation has developed between social services? attracting great interest all over the world. government, trade unions and the business Western democracy faces competition The Nordic paradox is rather like the sector. from successful political and economic bumblebee: The bumblebee’s wings are too Nordic societies emphasize equality. systems in China and elsewhere. We must In 2005, under the leadership of the small for its body, so it shouldn’t be able There is not as large a disparity in pay be- address new environmental challenges, Norwegian American Foundation, the to fly. But it can, and now we understand tween unskilled workers and highly quali- widespread poverty and high levels of un- Norwegian-American community came to- why. The Nordic countries have high taxes, fied professionals as elsewhere. Women employment. Our economies need to dem- gether and celebrated the centennial of Nor- strong unions, generous welfare systems participate in the labor market at a much onstrate that they can grow, change and way’s peaceful independence from Sweden and large public sectors; it shouldn’t work, higher rate in Nordic societies, in large part adapt. Only then can we succeed. in 1905. The celebration was a success, with according to economics textbooks. But de- because the government has taken on con- People are looking to the Nordic coun- over 1,100 events around the U.S. marking spite the financial crisis and the economic siderable responsibility for care of children tries in hopes of finding good examples of this important year in Norwegian history. downturn, the Nordic bumblebee keeps fly- and the elderly. The economy is more dy- Western democracy. Our key to success is The highlight in 2005 was the gift to Nor- ing. namic when both halves of the population our willingness and ability to adapt. This way from the Norwegian-American com- Could a system that seems designed to participate. depends on a robust safety net provided by munity: the sculpture of HRH Crown Prin- fail be a blueprint for success? Meanwhile, the Nordic bumblebee has the welfare state. It is this paradox that is at- cess Martha. It was dedicated in Washing- World leaders are looking for success to navigate through various difficulties. We tracting such interest: How is it possible to ton, D.C. and received by the Royal family stories in the wake of the financial crisis. need to adapt quickly to a green economy. combine social and economic security with together with over 800 representatives from One success is China. Another is Brazil. In China has survived the financial crisis bet- a dynamic and innovative business sector? hundreds of Norwegian-American organiza- tions and institutions. Europe, the Nordic model has clearly come ter than any other country; will it tackle the In 2014 we get another opportunity to out on top. climate crisis better, too? Will the Nordic Erik Solheim is the Min- celebrate. It is the bicentennial for the Nor- Why? No country can copy our model countries be nimble enough to grasp the op- ister of the Environment wegian Constitution, which was signed on in its entirety. But the rest of the world has portunities a green economy offers? and International Devel- the 17th of May, 1814 at . When noted some key features and wants to un- Will our highly regulated markets stifle opment, and is a member Norway celebrates its constitution in 2014, derstand the Nordic paradox better. innovation, entrepreneurship, and research of the Socialist Left (So- it should also remember to say thank you The Nordic countries have demonstrat- collaboration in ways that less-restricted, sialistisk Venstreparti). to the United States. The Norwegian Con- ed greater ability to change than the rest of American-style markets do not? He has worked in poli- stitution is in many ways based on the U.S. Europe. We adopt new technology faster, The Nordic countries are relatively tics since 1977, and for- Constitution, and because of that, the two are more flexible, have low unemployment, small. Norway is the size of Montana, with mer positions include Socialist Left party countries share many of the same principles and have been spared protracted labor dis- a population the size of Alabama’s and an leader (1987-1997) and Storting member for democracy and sound governance. Our putes. economy the size of Connecticut’s. Will its (1989-2001). He served in the Ministry of two countries share the two oldest active In the Nordic countries, there is ex- lessons apply to larger countries? Foreign Affairs for five years before joining constitutions in the world. The connection tensive consultation at all levels of society. Will the Nordic countries include im- Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s cabinet between Norway and the U.S. is strong and We have enjoyed a good balance of power migrants in our societies and make full use in 2005. it is much to celebrate. since an important class compromise was of their potential? This newspaper is glad that the Nor- wegian American Foundation announced at The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. the U.S.-Norway Forum that it is once again ready to take the lead in planning the bicen- Riis-Johansen was critical of the protestors. 18 shows a shift in support for the power tennial celebration in the U.S. It was made Civil disobedience … “I hope the protestors are thinking of lines — half of Norway’s electricity custom- very clear to the Forum participants that (…continued from page 1) those in Bergen who need power, and hope ers support construction of new power lines the Norwegian American Foundation is not about to tell other Norwegian-American or- Kasper Krogh Hansen was one of the dem- that they understand that it takes on a very through Hardanger, but it is still a divisive ganizations and institutions what to do, but onstrators. big responsibility as they hinder the work issue. through information and motivation, hopes “We didn’t stop Statnett from setting that is lawfully made,” said Riis-Johansen to In a statement published by Statnett Oct. to engage and involve the community once up the equipment, but we hope to get public NRK. 18, those who live in cities are more skep- again. opinion with us,” said Hansen. Both sides of the issue have strong sup- tical of the power lines than those living in This newspaper sees this announcement The leader of Bevar Hardanger, Claus porters. Johan Fredrik Odfjell, business lead- rural areas. Those who own cabins of more as a great opportunity to work together again Rasmussen, said the demonstrators were pre- er and director of Bevar Hardanger, voiced than 150 square meters are markedly more as a community, and will keep you updated pared to be moved by police. his opinions to VG: critical than those who own cottages of the on the planning as it is progressing. 2014 “This is a symbolic action,” said Ras- “The work that began today could just as regular size (about 70 square meters). sounds far away in time, but is not. So let mussen to Aftenposten. well start next year, at the same time it began “Our job is to provide enough infor- us go to work together in planning the best The project remains subject to results of work on the difficult stretches. If the samples mation for us to carry out good democratic celebration ever. a new evaluation that may recommend un- arrive at the wiring in the processes in connection with our develop- dersea cables instead of the overhead power is an option as these towers stand for about ment projects. Then we need to know more Send your letter to: masts and lines, but Statnett felt it necessary eight years before its license for cabling is about where different parts of the population Letters to the Editor to begin work on the first phase that it claims processed and before they will be energized. is, including as regards the master of nature. 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A would be built anyway, regardless of the out- Should the committees conclude that there is This survey has been very instructive for us Seattle, WA 98115 come of the evaluation. no need for the lines at all, the towers stand in that way,” said Tor Inge Akselsen, com- Email: [email protected] Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje unnecessarily in perpetuity.” munications director for Statnett. A new poll by TNS Gallup released Oct. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle norwegian american weekly o October 22, 2010 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Editor: cieties around the country. The imaginative CEO and Executive Director, NAF We are long-time subscribers to the Nor- Congratulations on NAW’s timely issue spellings of these home-grown organizations Kim Nesselquist [email protected] wegian American Weekly and before that to of Oct. 8, 2010, focusing on the great Viking are quite impressive. Managing Editor the Western Viking, and even remember par- sailor-explorer, Leif Erikson, whose name In the Sons of Norway entrance lobby a Christy Olsen Field [email protected] ents subscribing to the Washington Posten. day is celebrated Oct. 9, THREE DAYS be- sampling of such spellings include: Leif Er- Assistant Layout Editor But recently, we have become disil- fore Columbus Day! icson, Leiv Eriksson, Leif Erickson, Leif Er- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] lusioned with the Norwegian American NAW’s intriguing pieces on the sub- ikson, Leif Ericsson, Leifur Eiriksson, Leif Weekly. It is trying to cover too much ter- ject are all to be warmly commended: Terje Eriksson and Leif Eiriksson. What does the Intern ritory with not enough local news. Now it is Leiren’s “Leifur Eiriksson or Leif Erikson: Sons of Norway do about these variations Julie Pederson [email protected] so difficult to read that many of us are go- A Shared History?”; Rolf Stang’s “What’s so as not to offend anyone? Their solution is Advertising & Subscriptions ing to cancel our subscriptions. The print is in a name?”; and Christy Olsen Field’s “Leif most admirable: When writing in reply, each (206) 441-3044 [email protected] too pale and the pictures are too fuzzy. Not Erikson in your neighborhood” on various Sons of Norway staff member is given care- Contributing Editors enough contrast! Is it the paper quality? North American tributes, including statues, ful instructions to spell the name of our hero Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Hate to throw the paper away without to our Viking hero. It was most fitting as in exactly the same way that the respective Carla Danziger McLean, Va. reading it. We used to pass it along to our well that on the front page appears Christian local society does! Talk about diplomacy! Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. kids, but they don’t want to bother with the Krogh’s famous 1893 painting of Leif Erik- As mentioned above, Leif Erikson Day Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway fuzzy pictures either. son’s first excited view of the New World. is officially celebrated on Oct. 9 each year, Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland three days before Columbus Day! There is, Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Concerned Reader apparently, some valid historical reason for Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Via email this particular date, which comes some 500 Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. years before that of the Johnny-come-lately, Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Columbus, when he opted to make his own Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Dear Concerned Reader, trans-Atlantic expedition. Whatever the rea- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thank you for caring enough to write to son, valid or otherwise, for the Oct. 9 date, I Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. us. We are surprised to hear about the poor have often thought that we Norwegians take Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. quality of the print, and will address your special delight in celebrating our big event David Moe Juneau, Alaska concern with our printer. three full days before that of our Italian Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. When it comes to content, we have a brethren, as though to drive home the point John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. challenge. As you know, we took over two as to who was really here first! Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. newspapers, Western Viking from Seattle And speaking of Columbus Day: New Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Julie Whipple portland, Ore. and Norway Times from New York, because York City has probably the biggest Colum- Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. they were failing. As a combined newspaper, A recurring theme in these and countless bus Day parade anywhere, just as it had this Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway we have enough subscribers to survive. other writings on our hero is this: How in the year. But did the TV reporters, at least as far CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives We hear from readers in Seattle that world should his name be spelled? The issue as I could tell, mention Leif Erikson, or of to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage want more from their region, and we hear the never seems to be definitively resolved, and his coming here hundreds of years before his call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly same comments from New York. Unfortu- the matter is exacerbated by the fact that the southern counterpart? Not a chance – in any reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for nately, there was not and is not enough sup- heritage of Leif extends far back to Norway, case, as far as I could discern! style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor port from either market to publish a local pa- to Iceland, to Greenland, and even to the Not only that, but the focus of the parade taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. per. We will continue our efforts to increase Hebrides. America as well certainly makes itself, and of the TV coverage, was largely • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and local coverage, but the Norwegian American its own claims on Leif Erikson. on popular Italian culture: songs, dancing, letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Weekly is a national newspaper. The wide geographical expanses that food, etc. All well and good, but what about not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions We are committed to covering events our hero traveled, and the ensuing thousand all the supremely great works that Italy has and complaints about the opinions expressed by and news supplied to us from the 800 Nor- years of history and evolving language, have produced through the centuries? It was not the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published wegian-American organizations that we all left their mark on the variant spellings of until at least a half an hour into the program weekly except the first week of the calendar year, serve, so please share news from your local Leif Erikson’s name. Like our current NAW that high Italian culture of any sort was even the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Norwegian-American community. contributors, I too have attempted to come to so much as mentioned. of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. The U.S. once had over 300 Norwegian- grips, both in my research and in my journal- We can understand, I think, the failure NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription American newspapers — now there is one. istic endeavors, with the dilemma. After all, of the Columbus Day celebrants on their spe- Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, We will do our best to cover local stories and what is more important to any person than cial day to note heroic Nordic accomplish- US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. people as the remaining Norwegian-Ameri- his or her good name – and the proper spell- ments from afar. But when these southern- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: can newspaper, but we need your support to ing of it? ers scarcely even make a nod to the great Formerly Norway Times continue our work. Perhaps one solution to the dilemma, manifestations of their own heritage, well, Western Viking & Washington Posten Again, we appreciate your letter and at least pro tem, is one that I encountered then you begin to wonder. Perhaps we Nor- Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- your concern. awhile back when visiting the headquarters wegians can teach them a thing or two! Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, of the Sons of Norway International in Min- Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Sincerely, neapolis, Minn. This organization of course Sincerely, NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Editor engages in correspondence with Sons of Donald V. Mehus Norway lodges and many Leif Erikson so- New York City, N.Y. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • october 22, 2010 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway For the (secret) love of rutabaga The favorite root vegetable of Norwegians

An d r e a s Vi e s t a d Kitchen of Light

According to Norwegian anthropologist erybody is thinking about, but no one knows Runar Døving, kålrot (rutabaga) is what all how to talk about.” Norwegians are thinking of but don’t dare to While they barely utter the word, Nor- talk about. This somewhat puzzling asserta- wegians insist on a different kind of rutabaga tion is on the basis of some astounding sta- than the other rutabaga nation, Sweden. In tistics and Døving’s fieldwork and personal each country, the other sort would be catego- experiences. rized as an inferior item. But if we love rutabaga, why don’t we Luckily, there are some signs that the ru- talk about it? In his influential recipe “Bras- tabaga is coming back to a position of promi- sica Napus” (the Latin name for rutabaga), nence, perhaps even greater than before. After Døving found that people have a strong all, it has, against all odds, managed to keep urge to talk about rutabaga, to discuss reci- its position on the weekday dinner table and pes, cooking times, preferences (waxed or at many traditional feasts. At the same time, unwaxed) and its somewhat unfortunately a few innovative chefs are pulling the mod- Photo: Perdue University Horticulture This unpretentious, tasty vegetable supplies vitamins A and C and essential minerals. It tastes good looks but there is no tradition of talking est vegetable from the dark, dressing it up raw, in salads, or with other vegetable snacks, cooked, or fried in slices, and keeps well. It has earned about it. You can discuss the way you like like a king and serving it in ways one would the name “orange of the North.” your meat cooked, or the fine nuances of never have thought possible – with truffles, cooking the traditional Christmas rib roast. infused with vanilla, or part as a luxurious Kålrot But the rutabaga’s lack of prestige prevents potato gratin. And who knows, one day we Mashed Rutabaga us from talking about it, making it “what ev- might be able to start talking about it, too. husmannsgryte

1/2 cup kosher salt 1 chicken bouillon cube 2 pounds rutabaga, peeled and cut into 1-inch 3/4 cup boiling water cubes 2 large carrots, sliced into 2-inch piece 1/2 pound carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch 1 large leek, sliced thin including the green Nordic delicacies pieces 2 pounds rutabagas, peeled and cubed “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” 1/2 pound russet potatoes, peeled and cut 3/4 pound bratwurst into 1-inch pieces Salt and pepper to taste 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 2 tbsp unsalted butter Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg www.nordicdeli.com Salt and pepper to taste Dissolve bouillon in boiling water. Add all the vegetables and let simmer 15-20 minutes or until vegetables are barely done. Remove In a large pot, combine the salt and 3 skin from sausage, cut in thick slices, and quarts water. Bring to a boil over high heat. add to vegetables. Add mustard, salt and Add the ruatabaga, carrots and potatoes and pepper, and let is simmer covered for a few cook over medium heat for 25–35 minutes, more minutes. Do not overcook. Serve with or until the rutabaga is soft. Drain well. mustard, potatoes, and dark bread. Mash with a potato masher until smooth. Add the butter, and season with the nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. – Recipe adapted from “Ekte Norsk Mat: Authentic Norwegian Cooking” by Astrid – Recipe adapted from Andreas Viestad’s Karlsen Scott “Kitchen of Light”

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Scanorama Viking Ad 1 4/5/06 9:12:16STU norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel october 22, 2010 • 9 TRAVEL Experience the marvel: The northern lights

Photo: Bjørn Jørgensen/Innovation Norway Northern lights over the Ersfjord in Tromsø.

Vi s i t No r w a y From December, the weather dries up, with a lot of light as they make the experi- . and there is normally plenty of snow. If you ence considerably paler. Also remember to The northern lights belt hits northern Watch nature’s own theatre unfold above come in December or January, you experi- dress warmly. Norway at Lofoten, and follows the coast all you as the most spectacular light installation ence the polar nights with atmospheric eve- Theoretically, you can see the north- the way up to the North Cape. This means takes the stage: The northern lights with you nings and very short days. ern lights all over Norway. However, the that no other place on earth offers better in the front row. VisitNorway.com gives us In February and March the days are lon- best sightings are above the Arctic Circle in their tips for seeing this natural wonder. ger and you see more of the snow-clad land- CONTINUES PAGE 12 scapes during daytime, and the evenings still When to see the northern lights offer maximum northern lights chances. Seeing the northern lights, or the aurora No guarantee can be given, though. A Piece of Norway in America borealis as it’s also known, is a jaw-dropping Some weeks, you are lavished with fantastic and mystical moment. displays, repeated several times during the The lights appear most frequently in late evening. Other times, it snows densely, or autumn, winter and early spring. the northern lights simply stay away. Natu- In the time span between autumn equi- rally, the longer you stay and the more time nox and spring equinox (Sept. 21 – March you set aside, the greater the chances of ex- 21), it is dark between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. The periencing the lights. chance of spotting the lights is increased. However, the weather is also of importance, Where to see the northern lights and September, October and November tend In order to get full value from the show, to be wet and snowless in the north. you should avoid the full moon and places

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Photo: Sölvi Dolland Greg and Vincent Dolland next to a painting by their great-great-great-grandfather Jacob Salhus, who came from Salhus near Bergen. Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. We would love to include you!

Lena had a car accident with the Ole family car. As the policeman showed up and started filling out a report, Lena and remarked, “Uff Da! Dere sure are a Lena lot of crazy drivers around dis town. Dat’s the fifth car I’ve hit today! America’s favorite Norwegians! What did you pay for that? USD USD Did you know? $ 31.27 $24.95 Facts about Norway Walt Disney’s “Beauty and the Walt Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” Diamond Edition DVD Beast” Diamond Edition DVD Between 1960 and 1965, many municipalities were in Norway in the U.S. merged. Here is a list of Norway’s former towns: City county Town status Holmsbu () 1847–1964 Hvitsten () 1837–1964 Hølen (Akershus) 1837–1943 (Rogaland) 1798–1944 Son (Akershus) 1604–1963

Puzzle solution to “Politeness” Åsgårdstrand (Vestfold) 1650–1964 Norwegian Name Days OCTOBER 22: Karina, Kine Margrete in Norway and Denmark. Märtha is Karina is either a Nordic version of Ka- a Swedish abbrevation. Originally a Persian tarina, from the Greek katharos (ren, kysk/ name, Margarites (perle/pearl). 25. oktober clean, chaste) or formed from the Latin carus The name came into use in Norway about Bernard Donahe Salem OR (kjær/beloved). 900. Varations include: Margaret, Margery, Albert Gunderson Spokane WA Kine is an abbreviated form of Kristine Margot, Margit, Marit, Marte, Marita, etc. Eirik Lirhus LaCosta CA (kristen/Christian). Lillian Heggem Highfill Seattle WA OCTOBER 26: Borgny, Borgar Eva Gray Petaluma CA OCTOBER 23: Søren, Severin Of Old Norse origin, borg means berg- Caroline Lucas St. Paul MN Søren is a Nordic version of Severin, ing, forsvar/rescue, defense while ny is the Marit Johnson Cape Carteret NC which derives from the Latin severus (streng/ same word used today ny/new. The masculine 26. oktober stern). The name has been in use since the name Borgar has the same first syllable while Christine Husaby Cannon Falls MN 1400s in Norway, and has inspired several the second syllable ar, originally harijar, means Virginia Rasmussen Shoreline WA feminine names: Severine, Serina, Sørine, etc. hærmann, stridsmann/soldier, warrior. Borger 22. oktober is a varation of the name. Marius Hagen Hamilton MT Erling Kolseth Lilleaker Norway Nora Weltzin Viroqua WI OCTOBER 24: Eilif, Eivor Sissel Berget Seattle WA The most common interpretation is that OCTOBER 27: Sturla, Sture Tina Olguin Dehli Oslo Norway 27. oktober the first syllable comes from ei (bestanding/ In Old Norse, sturla means forfirret/con- Elda Aasen Rhoadesville VA Olga Shrake Yakima WA continuous, forever) and the second syllable fused. The name could also be a variation of Roy Bjarne Solem Dundee IL Kim Heitz Everett WA was originally lifr (levende/living). Another Styrlaug, with the first syllable meaning strid/ Judith Forsberg Willison Federal Way WA Berit Rolland Mukilteo WA theory claims that first syllable came from struggle, and the second syllable vann/wa- Genevieve Arntsen Biddeford ME Anna Dahl Shiels Pelham NY the Proto-Scandinavian agina (skremmende/ ter, vasking/washing. Sture comes from Old Kristin Eriksen Hill Arvada CO 28. oktober frightening, alarming). Swedish, and most likely derives from stur 23. oktober Anna Tweed Northfield MN The feminine name Eivor is an alternative (stor/big). James R Lyng Jr San Diego CA Gunnar Jevne Healdsburg CA form of Øyvor and is assumed that øy derives Sverre Halvorsen Isfjorden Norway Kurt Andersen Stroudsbrg PA from the Proto-Scandinavian auja (lykke/luck, OCTOBER 28: Simon, Simen joy). However, the fist syllable could simply The name comes from the Hebrew si- 24. oktober Want to see your birthday in the be øy (øy/island) and vor (klok, forsiktig/wise, jmeon – Gud er hørt/God is heard, or en som Johannes Kjøndal Landås Norway Norwegian American Weekly? careful). lytter/one who listens. It came into use around Ruth Feste Minneapolis MN Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ 1300 and has the newer version Simeon. Aaron Swenson Flom MN OCTOBER 25: Märtha, Merete, Margrete Arvid Swenson Flom MN norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one month in advance. Merete is a common abbreviation of Harriet Ståve Quist Skokie IL norwegian american weekly o October 22, 2010 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Sylvia Torgersen Teasing A headline read: “Youngster kills him- egory who identify with his unhealthy per- Died October 13, 2010 self after being teased by his peers.” sonality and laughs with him at others. But A sense of humor is one of God’s most turn the joke on such a person, and you will L o n g t i m e River Edge, N.J., in 1988 and to Middletown valuable gifts to men. It mellows our tri- probably have an explosion of anger. How Staten Island, N.Y., in 2002. als and soothes our pains. Keep it alive! A clever we can be to cover our own cruelty. resident Sylvia A dedicated homemaker, Mrs. Torgers- smile that breaks through the tears is the How widespread is this sick form of humor Torgersen, 96, the en cherished time spent with her family. She most beautiful in the world. Sometimes this even in religious surroundings. And in poli- loving matriarch also liked cooking, embroidery and reading. valuable gift turns destructive and hurts tics. of three genera- While on Staten Island, she was a mem- people. Use humor with discrimination. If you tions, died Oct. 13 ber of New Dorp Baptist Church. Sarcasm is not very funny when direct- want to bring laughter upon a person, let at her daughter’s Mrs. Torgersen’s husband of 49 years, ed towards others. Ridicule of fellowmen that person be yourself. We call that self- home in Middle- Leif, died in 1988. can cause damages that will never heal. The irony and it can be a very refreshing atti- town, Del. Surviving are her sons, Donald, Paul phenomenon that some people find enjoy- tude. But it takes a person with a healthy Born Sylvia and Bruce; her daughter, Phyllis Torgersen; ment in making jokes about others is no self-esteem to practice it. Hansen in Brooklyn, she was brought to her sister, Muriel Ward; her brother, War- puzzle to psychology. A person like that has Friends – it is no fun to make fun of Eltingville, Staten Island, N.Y., as a young ren Hansen; six grandchildren and 10 great- found an “acceptable” way of expressing other people. The Good Book says, “Be child, and lived there until 1980, when she grandchildren. his feelings of inferiority and his hostility kind to one another.” Then we can have a relocated to Hallandale, Fla. She moved to to other people. good laugh together. He always finds others in his own cat- vinland seminar… Professor at the University of Nottingham (…continued from page 3) School of Biosciences in his search for Vi- Global maritime… king DNA. Mr. Harding explained how DNA (…continued from page 5) versity of in Norway, opened the could (and could not) be used to determine seminar with a discussion of the cultural and the likelihood that the local English popula- Leif Höegh each providing financing for one political climate of the Vikings during their tion could be related to Viking settlers. His position. The ultimate goal is 20 professor- age of discovery. Gisli Sigurdsson, professor studies have shown that many people in the ships at institutions around Norway. Interna- at the University of Reykjavik, followed with area around Liverpool could have been de- tional recruiting of both professors and stu- a fine overview for the Icelandic Sagas, thus scended from Norwegian Vikings. dents to the various programs will be core to providing attendees with a deeper under- On third day of the seminar, attendees the success of the ambitious initiative. The standing of how the Sagas actually described visited several Norwegian landmark sites first professorships were in place by the start that land that became known as Vinland. including Minnekirken, the last remaining of the school year. After a break for lunch, Jarle Rosseland, Norwegian language church in Chicago, the The specific area of study for each chair a Bergen-born artist, presented his “Vinland Leif Ericsson statue erected in 1901 in Hum- will be determined by donors and institutions Suite” depicting his interpretation of life in boldt Park and the 1893 Columbian Exposi- together, but maritime environmental issues Vinland. Until Helge Ingstad located and tion “Viking” ship located in Geneva, Ill. At will be given high priority. This is an impor- led the excavation of L’Anse aux Meadows the Viking ship, members of The Friends of tant part of creating a national research syn- in New Foundland in the 1960s, the Vinland the Viking Ship explained the significance of ergy that will see continued development of Sagas were viewed by many as myth. Bir- the ship, Viking textiles and armaments. innovation on a number of levels, including gitta Wallace, Senior Archaeologist Emerita Attendees of the three-day event went technical and commercial. The all-important Photo: BI Norwegian School of Management at Parks, Canada, brought to life the site at away with a more complete view of the life climate and energy consumption will also Professor Torger Reve, head of the BI Center for L’Anse aux Meadows. Using photos and and times of Vikings in the Vinland era. have a central focus in the Norwegian mari- Maritime Competitiveness. stories from the site, attendees learned much With more and more research being done time industry. about what each building was used for and on this era, and new Viking finds in Norway, ing the knowledge investments it takes to how the site was used as a base for continued Iceland and other places occurring regularly, A bright future become one of the leading maritime knowl- exploration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. requests for conducting another seminar on Norway is in a good position to attract edge hubs in the world. Shipping used to be The seminar wrapped up with a lively this and other Viking topics began to flow in talents and technology on a global basis steel. Today it is knowledge business,” says discussion of the work of Stephen Harding, even before the seminar ended. when it comes to the maritime sector, much professor Torger Reve who heads BI Center as Singapore and Shanghai in Asia. “The for Maritime Competitiveness. Norwegian maritime sector seems to be mak- Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory Honoring • Caring • Serving 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159

Photos: tikkenmanus.no Tikken and Max Manus were married for more than 50 years, and lived on Landøya in . tikken manus… (…continued from page 3)

exiled government in London and supplying ken Manus was decorated with Haakon VIIs the resistance so its members could continue Freedom Medal. their struggle against the Germans. Her work during the war was featured For her work as an important liaison be- during the recently released, highly popular tween members of the resistance unit, known movie “Max Manus,” and her biography sold as Kompani Linge, and the British and Nor- briskly in book stores last year. Max Manus wegian military leadership in England, Tik- died in 1996. 12 • october 22, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week It’s time for tøffler! Cozy up with some Norwegian slippers this fall

Photo: IMDB Per Christian Ellefsen and Sven Nordin in the Academy Award-nominated film adaptation of “Elling” Elling comes to... (…continued from page 3) hospital—Elling suffers from acute anxiety following his mother’s death, while Kjell is a at Broadway’s Ethel Barrymore Theater in childlike 40-year-old eager to lose his virgin- New York. ity. The two become roommates and face the “Elling,” adapted for the Oscar-nomi- challenge of establishing a normal life when nated film and the stage by Axel Hellstenius released from the institution. Denis O’Hare and Petter Næss, will be performed in a new plays the obsessive and compulsive Elling. English adaption by critically hailed writer Brendan Fraser plays the wildly enthusisatic Simon Bent. gentle giant Kjell, while Jennifer Coolidge Photo: Norsk Husfliden Set in the current day, “Elling” is a plays Reidun, the object of Kjell’s consider- comedy about a wildly mismatched pair able affection. The play is directed by Doug Hughes. of roommates trying to embrace life, love, Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e friendship, pizza, poetry and women. Both For more information, visit www.broad- Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design Elling and Kjell are patients in a mental way.com. Fall is here! The cooler weather means of soft material. The Romans used soccus, that we will spend much more time indoors, which was a soft leather shoe, and the Native and that means it’s time for tøffler (slippers). Americans in North America are known for Tøffler are very popular in Norway, with a their moccasins. In Norway, many materials wide variety for men, women and children. are used for slippers, ranging from felt, wool, It is very Norwegian to take one’s shoes off leather and skins from reindeer and seals. before entering a home, which keeps the In Norway, many people use thick, wool home cleaner. When we visit people, we of- socks indoors as tøffler,or socks with a leath- ten bring a shoe bag with our indoor shoes or er sole are popular as well. Tøffler are asso- we walk in strømpelessen (socks), if we did ciated with warmth and coziness, providing not bring our tøffler along. Tøffler are used to comfort to those who wear them. keep warm during the cold, dark months. Tøffler make me feel at home and bring Tøffler did not originate in Norway but warm feelings of comfort. I love my tøffler, have their roots in Asia. Slippers were used in and I always make sure I have a pair from India and Japan for morning rituals. Papoosh Norway. It takes me back to my childhood is a Persian slipper with a pointed toe, made memories.

experience the... (…continued from page 9) Living legend Perhaps not so surprisingly, the north- chances of spotting the lights, and one loca- ern lights’ spectacle has created as many tion in this area might be as good as another. legends as there have been people watching. In fact, one often observes the same northern Northern lights symbols are found on Sami lights in Lofoten as in Tromsø, just from a shamanistic drums. The phenomenon has different angle. The driest weather, giving several different names in Sami. It is, for in- clear skies, is found inland, providing the stance, known as Guovssahas, which means statistically best chances, but with strong “the light which can be heard.” The north- eastern winds, the coast can be clearer than ern lights were traditionally associated with inland areas. sound by the Sami (the indigenous people of Norway). Activities under the northern lights During the Viking Age, the northern Aurora is a tricky lady, you never know lights were the armour of the Valkyrie war- when she will bother to turn up. This diva rior virgins, shedding a strange flickering keeps you waiting... So whenever you are light. above the Arctic Circle, make sure you set aside the whole evening. Northern lights Explosions worshippers do everything from a long cross- Reality, if not as poetic, is equally im- country trek to building snowmen in order to pressive. The sun is the father of the auro- keep warm and entertained while outside. ras. During large explosions and flares, huge However, organized tours are a good al- quantities of particles are thrown out of the ternative. Witness the northern lights as they sun and into deep space. fill the inky night sky from the comfort of When the particles meet the Earth’s one of Hurtigruten’s ships, or take a snow- magnetic shield they are led toward a circle mobile tour from Sorrisniva Igloo Hotel. around the magnetic North Pole where they Polarlightcenter, in Laukvik on Aust- interact with the upper layers of the atmo- vågøya in the Lofoten Islands, offers presen- sphere. The energy that is released is the tations, information, courses and exhibitions. northern lights. All this happens approxi- The center is ran by two enthusiastic north- mately 100 kilometers above our heads. ern lights researchers Rob and Therese. For more information, visit www.visit- norway.com. norwegian american weekly o Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us October 22, 2010 • 13 In your neighborhood From low-Bs to shining high-Cs Jane Thorngren’s soprano voice soars, Calendar of Events spins and floats in a What’s going on in your neighborhood? recent concert at the California Polar Star Høstfest Norwegian Seamen’s Lutefisk Dinner November 8 October 24 Montgomery, Ill. Church in N.Y. Laguna Nigule, Calif. Polar Star Lodge will be sponsoring a fall The Daughters of Norway Turid Jespersen festival with traditional Norwegian food, Lodge #44 invites you to their lutefisk din- Norwegian folk dance lessons, Norwegian Ro l f Kr i s t i a n St a n g ner, prepared by Chef Stein Amland! Doors gifts and crafts, children’s craft corner, lefse New York City, N.Y. open at 3:30 p.m. at Mission Lutheran and krumkake demonstrations. Join us at Church. Adults: $25, kids 8 and under: $12. St. Olaf Church in Montgomery! Call (630) Ticket sales are limited to 150 people, so we 553-7389 or email [email protected]. With a vocal range of over two-octaves, only take pre-paid reservations. Make check Visit www.polarstarlodge.com. soprano Jane Thorngren sings in many styles payable to Daughters of Norway and mail and many languages, and sings it all very to Ronna Clymens, 4133 W. Wilson St. #73, New York well. On Sept. 21, she returned to the Norwe- Banning, CA 92220. Contact Laila Bergheim Scandinavian Heritage Fair gian Seamen’s Church singing a new concert at [email protected] or (949) 831-8542. October 30 program through, a kind of dress rehearsal Staten Island, N.Y. before an audience, prior to taking it on tour. Lutefisk Dinner Join Nansen Lodge at their annual fundrais- It was a welcome event for her fans. The pro- November 20 er! Super raffles, lapskaus dinner and Norsk gramming revealed just how versatile this Temecula, Calif. boutique. Contact Sally Lorentzen at (718) singer is: four Italian songs by Wolf-Farrari Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge in Temec- 816-5127 or [email protected] for and an aria from “Sicilian Vespers” by Verdi ula, Calif., will serve its First Annual Lute- more information. opened the program with aplomb. fisk Dinner, Saturday Nov. 20. Lutefisk can Jane Thorngren is a complete musician. be very good and very bad, but when it is 39th Annual Scandinavian Holiday Fair Her excellent training began early; her moth- cooked by the country’s best chef, Stein Am- November 6 land, it will be the best. The dinner will be at er, an organist and choral conductor, was her Staten Island, N.Y. a back-in-time building about 100 years old. Join us for the 39th Annual Scandinavian first teacher. She grew up in the Scandina- We are expecting a full house so PLEASE Holiday Fair at the Eger Healthcare and Re- vian farm community of Pilot Mound, Iowa, make your reservations early! Call Bjarne at habilitation Center Nov. 6 at 10 a.m. This the heart of the Midwest. Her mother was (760) 631-5678. free event features great Norwegian items of Norwegian extraction and her father of for sale, and special treats on the menu. Free Swedish background. In her occasional com- Connecticut admission! Visit www.eger.org or call (718) ments to the audience, she mentioned her Photo: Rosalie O’Connor Scandinavian Heritage Day 989-3089 for more information. satisfaction in now taking the opportunity Jane Thorngren, soprano, is at home on opera, November 6 operetta and concert stages around the world. to explore her Nordic background – through Newington, Conn. Scandinavian Bazaar music! Her recent concert at the Norwegian Seamen’s November 13 Church in New York was a treat for her fans. The Hartford Lodge Sons of Norway invites The second group of songs she chose you to Scandinavian Heritage Day Exhibit St. James, N.Y. was comprised of Nordic songs: Jean Si- and Sale Nov. 6 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m at the Loyal Lodge is holding its annual Scandina- belius’s “Illalle” (Greeting to the Night), were wonderfully sung and played! Sequin Masonic Hall in Newington. There vian Bazaar! Delicious prepared foods will sung in Finnish, and “Var det en Dröm” Not surprisingly, Jane Thorngren’s clear will be rosemaling, wood carving, Scandi- also be available downstairs in the Loyal (Was it a Dream), in Swedish, which were diction and heartfelt communication again navian knitting demonstrations, traditional Cafe. Raffles for Norwegian sweaters and followed by two of Grieg’s greatest: “Langs were received with enthusiastic, sustained lunch items and a bake sale! Admission is other Nordic goods will be held as well. ei Å” (Beside the Brook) and “Våren” (The applause. Each of these gems, we learned free. For information, call Linda Miller at Start your Christmas shopping early at Nor- Last Spring), sung perfectly in poet Vinje’s from Ms. Thorngren, was dedicated to (203) 758-1086 or email Linda at almiller@ way Hall at 201 7th St. in St. James from 10 nynorsk. She and her collaborator, pianist Grainger’s friend, composer Edvard Grieg. sbcglobal.net. a.m. – 4 p.m. Call Torun at (631) 862-8017 Paul Richard Olson, gave these four songs Grainger, we also learned, was Grieg’s fa- or email [email protected]. compelling, insightful interpretations. vorite pianist playing his works. Florida Pianist Olson, also of Scandinavian The end of the program came from the Sarasota Sons of Norway Fair North Carolina heritage, grew up in Seattle, Wash. Now a world of Broadway. Mellow, artful songs, October 30 ScanFest 2010 New Yorker, Olson, equally versatile, is the including “I’ll Follow My Secret Heart” and Sarasota, Fla. November 6 organist/choir director of the prestigious mu- “They’re Singing Songs of Love, But Not Sarasota Sons of Norway Annual Fair will be Charlotte, N.C. A celebration of all the Scandanavian Coun- sic program at Grace Church in Brooklyn For Me,” all composed during the Great De- Oct. 30 at Faith Lutheran Church in Sarasota tries at the Wachovia Atrium in Charlotte. Heights, N.Y. Very active on the New York pression. All reflect well, in Ms. Thorngren’s from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Home-baked goods, Includes a cafe, displays, games for children music scene, you may remember having words, “on just how indomitable the human Greta’s famous Norwegian yellow pea soup, spirit is, even in the midst of deprivation and open-faced sandwiches, Rosemaled items, and wonderful items from all over Scandi- seen him on TV as pianist for the annual Lin- navia for sale. Norway will be the featured prolonged struggle!” jewelry, Bestemor’s attic, Scandinavian im- coln Center Holiday Tree Lighting Festival country this year, so plan to attend! Call Car- After the concert, the distinguished ported gifts, lefse demonstration and more! in Manhattan. ol at (704) 679-2774 or email president@ long-time music critic for the U.K.’s OP- Call (941) 761-1771 or claire.loken@veri- The two then turned to four lovely set- zon.net. norskcarolina.org for more information. tings of British folk songs by Australian- ERA magazine, Stewart Manville, shared www.norskcarolina.org. American composer/pianist Percy Grainger: with this writer his enthusiasm for soprano Illinois Thorngren’s singing. He had many good “Early One Morning,” “The Sprig of 140th Anniversary Concert and Dinner Washington things to say: “Respecting their style, she Thyme,” “Died for Love” and the very poi- Dance for Normennenes Singing Society Vikings: A History Come to Life sings these songs so persuasively, as if new, gnant “Pretty Maid Milkin’ Her Cow,” fol- October 30 October 30 and November 13 lowed by his charming sailor-song setting, with her great seasoned skills subtly applied Arlighton Heights, Ill. Seattle, Wash. “British Waterside,” as a kind of encore. to interpreting them. She clearly feels they Please join the Normennenes Singing So- Experience living history for families with These songs brilliantly arranged by Grainger, are American cultural treasures. And, fortu- ciety for their 140th annivesary! Cocktails Vikings North America (VNA). Enjoy a fun are also daunting in their vocal and musical nately, by not giving us Broadway’s brassy, begin at 6 p.m., and concert begins at 7 p.m. filled day with Vikings on the south lawn at challenges. The masterful impression of ef- out in-the-teeth pronunciation of text, she Dinner will be served at 8 p.m., followed by the Nordic Heritage Museum. The Viking fortlessness and simplicity the singer and gave us an eloquent hearing, letting the mu- dancing to Sticks and Keys Band. The event Age comes to life through demonstrations, pianist conveyed denied this artfully. They sic and texts shine through!” will be held at the Wellington of Arlington in reenactments and discussions. The local Arlington Heights, Ill. Cost: $35 per person. Mikillvidrland Chapter of Vikings North Norwegian TV... TV writes: “We hope to find communities To make a reservation, contact Hazel Peter- America has previously participated in the (…continued from page 1) and individuals with strong and vibrant con- son at (847) 675-2086 or Janet Wold at (847) Nordic Heritage Museum’s Viking Days nection to their Norwegian heritage, and a 669-3797. festival. This is a free event. For a detailed company, and has made the Scandinavian love for all things Norwegian. Our goal is to schedule, visit www.nordicmuseum.org. versions of “Who wants to be a Millionaire” find four individuals who would like to date and “71 Degrees North,” among others. Norwegian men and women who we will be bringing over to the U.S.” Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 In November, Nordisk TV is scouting to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! the vibrant Norwegian-American communi- For more information and to apply, visit Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. ty for participants for the new show. Nordisk www.norwaycasting.com. 14 • october 22, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage road builders... Norwegian Language Corner (…continued from page 1)

The boys from Vangen: Richard Pederson donated those structures, along with 130 acres of land, to the Univer- sity when it began in 1960. The address of the University is 60 W. Olsen Road, which Written by Leif Halse honors one of the early families. And a short Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum distance away on Olsen Road, a park oper- material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson ated by the city of Thousand Oaks commem- Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian se- orates those Norwegian pioneers. rialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian Ameri- But the heroics of those families around can Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! 1900 occurred a short distance away on what is called the . With the help of dynamite provided by the county, those volunteer road builders used primitive horse- Photo courtesy of California Lutheran University drawn scrapers and basic hand tools to create Richard Pederson looking across his land, which a narrow curving road through the mountain- he later donated to CLU. ous terrain to link their valley to the shipping port so they could market their produce. Nils gave the right-of-way for part of the On Nov. 3, at the Scandinavian Cen- route and other farmers also contributed. ter on the CLU campus, participants in the Ole Nelson, also part of the Norwegian HANS VANGEN GETS INTO A PINCH HANS VANGEN KOMMER I KLEMME weekly Brown-Bag Lunch Series share in a community, applied his skill and daring to review of that accomplishment as presented set the dynamite after other workers used a Winter is approaching. Hans Vangen is Det lir mot vinter. Hans Vangen hogger by one of the descendants of that Norwegian special “star drill” and sledgehammer to cre- felling trees in the local forest. He reckons tømmer i bygdeskogen. Til jul regner han ate the holes for the explosive. he will be done with the work by Christ- med å bli ferdig med arbeidet. Da regner han immigrant community. Gerald (Gerry) Olsen, a grandson of “One time,” said Gerry, “six sticks of mas. He also figures he will get plenty of også med å få mange blanke kroner for alt dynamite were used on one tough spot, and shiny kroner for all his work. The bank will Nils and Ellen Olsen, will describe that early strevet sitt. En god slump av pengene skal the resulting blast blew rocks clear across the take a good portion of the money for rent endeavor with anecdotes and photos. banken ha til renter og avdrag, og både Sig- canyon onto the north-facing slopes. and loan payments, and both Sigrid and the The following highlights of his presen- rid og «gutane» trenger nye klær til jul. Hans “Rocks and debris were then moved by boys need new clothes for Christmas. Hans tation depict the challenges and accomplish- driver flittig på med hogginga. hand and by fresnos (horse-drawn, earth- works hard at the felling. ments of those “road workers” who carved Nå skal han felle ei stor furu. Det ser moving sleds) to build a narrow one-lane Now he is going to fell a big pine. It out the first road, called the Norwegian ut til at furua kan falle ned i et kratt med road.” looks like the pine might fall down into fin ungskog, og det må han hindre, så ikke Grade. Appropriately, his commentary coin- He added that, fortunately, no one was some undergrowth with nice young trees, de unge trea tar skade. En erfaren skogskar cides with current work underway by the city hurt or killed in the work. and that must be avoided so the saplings skal alltid felle trea slik at de ikke gjør skade and county to upgrade that well-used. wind- don’t get damaged. An experienced lum- på ungskogen. Hans binder et tau rundt fu- ing and narrow route a short distance from No grand opening in the 1900s berjack will always fell trees so they don’t rua og drar til den kanten han vil ha den til the Cal Lutheran campus. Perhaps typical of Norwegian practical- harm the young trees. Hans ties a rope å falle. Der kommer furua susende rett mot ity, no celebrations heralded the new road, around the pine and pulls in the direction Hans Vangen. Han vil løpe av vegen, men Dangers, difficulties on the early trails he wants it to fall. The pine comes whis- foten hans setter seg fast i noen greiner un- Before the construction of the new route, said Gerry. tling right toward Hans Vangen. He tries to der snøen. Han greier ikke å komme seg løs several tortuous trails served the transporta- “The grade was opened without fanfare. jump out of the way, but his foot gets stuck fort nok. I neste øyeblikk faller det store treet tion needs, according to Gerry. There was no ribbon cutting, no speeches by in some branches under the snow. He can’t over han og slår han i bakken så han blir “Accidents happened frequently to the politicians, no press coverage, and no known manage to get loose quickly enough. In the liggende under, helt fastklemt. Han prøver å six-horse teams, the wagons and the work- photographs” (except some snapshots by his blink of an eye, the big tree falls on him, røre på seg, men det er ikke så lett, nedgravd men as they tried to carry agriculture prod- grandmother, Ellen Olsen). pinning him to the ground so that he is com- som han er i djupsnøen. ucts from the farms of the to Even with this new road, he added, “go- pletely immobilized. He tries to move, but ing up and down the grade in those early Translated into English by Alexander Knud the west county down the three grades used it’s not easy, as he is buried in deep snow. days was a challenging experience. If you Huntrods • Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen at that time. “A number of teams of horses, with their were bringing a wagon down the grade, a Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. loads and workmen, went over the sides of workman was sent down the hill to stop the www.astrimyastri.com the grades with disastrous results—horses traffic at the foot of the grade (now the site of the Joel McCrea Ranch). The same was done The Boys from Vangen: were killed and workmen badly injured. Wagons, with loads of hay and sacks of bar- with a farmer coming up the grade.” ley and wheat, were lost. In contrast, the reopening of the “up- WrITTen By LeIf haLse “When negotiating these grades, the graded grade” around the end of 2010 will farmers and their hired hands put logs into probably get lots of attention—from the Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since descendants of those Norwegian immigrant 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as the back wheels of the wagons to try to skid curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series the wagons down the grades. But, at times, pioneers, from Cal Lutheran officials, from had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and it did not work, and there were major acci- civic leaders and from lots of other Scan- language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! dents.” dinavians in the area. And there will be a plaque to commemorate those early road • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book Road-building builders…and probably lots of media cover- • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods age as well. • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen Gerry explained that his grandfather • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a.

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Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Organization of the Week in the United States Young Scandinavians ILLINOIS Club , Calif. Honorary Consul Paul Anderson Founded in 1950, YSC is one of the Royal Norwegian Consulate General most active Scandinavian organizations in the Bay Area and provides endless 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1825 opportunities for Scandinavians to enjoy all Chicago, IL 60606 that the Bay Area has to offer. Tel: (312) 377 5050 For more information, contact: Fax: (312) 264 0344 http://www.ysc.org E-mail: [email protected] Photo courtesy of California Lutheran University For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Renovation of the Pederson home on the CLU campus (note the water tower at right, which eventually visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations housed a faculty office in the lower enclosure. norwegian american weekly o Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports October 22, 2010 • 15 sports No excitement left in round 27 Tippeligaen: Norway’s Tippeliga holds few results Standings surprises in final weeks 10/16 Vålerenga 4-1 Strømsgodset Tippeligaen PLD PTS 10/17 Odd 2-1 Viking 1. Rosenborg BK 27 63 of the regular season 2. Vålerenga Fotball 27 55 10/17 Lillestrøm 3-2 Brann 3. Tromsø IL 27 47 Co m p i l e d b y 10/17 2-1 Stabæk 4. FK Haugesund 27 41 Norwegian American Weekly staff 10/17 Kongsvinger 3-3 Start 5. Odd Grenland 27 41 Photo: DigitalSport 6. Ålesunds FK 27 40 With three games to go, there seems With his winning record with Molde, interim 10/17 Ålesund 2-2 Sandefjord coach Uwe Rösler could take the permanent po- 7. Lillestrøm SK 27 39 to be very little excitement left. Rosenborg sition as coach for the team. 10/17 Hønefoss 0-2 Rosenborg 8. IK Start 27 38 seems to be the winner, Vålerenga will take second. Tromsø still has the advantage for 9. Viking FK 27 37 Vålerenga got an easy 4-1 win over a young 10/18 Tromsø 0-1 Molde third place, but the 0-1 loss to Molde on Oct. 10. Strømsgodset IF 27 37 Strømsgodset team that seems to focus more 18 opens up for a possible surprise here. With 11. Stabæk Fotball 27 36 on the upcoming cup final than the league. this win, Molde secured next year’s play in To read more about football in Norway, Sethernes, Singh and two goals from Shel- 12. Molde FK 27 33 the Tippeliga, and the team has not lost un- visit www.norway.com ton gave a 4-0 lead before Storflor scored for 13. SK Brann 27 30 der interim coach Uwe Rösler. Last week’s & www.uefa.com Strømsgodset. Lillestrøm managed to hang 14. Hønefoss BK 27 24 “no” from Ole Gunnar Solkjær to take over on to win 3-2 over Brann, after giving up as coach for Molde next year might open up 15. Kongsvinger IL 27 19 a 3-0 lead. Søgård, Ujah and Kippe scored a permanent position for Rösler. 16. 27 9 for Lillestrøm before Moen and Huseklepp Two goals from Rade Prica in the first played catch-up for Brann. Kongsvinger got half gave Rosenborg and 2-0 victory over its first point in a long time in the 3-3 match Hønefoss. Hønefoss seems to be in control Sports News & Notes against Start, and Odd Grenland won 2-1 at of the qualification spot. The big surprise home over Viking. Coach Rekdal was furi- Northug set to ski out of sight out of 46 shots against the Larvik goal. Gro is Haugesund, which won again at home. Hammerseng and Tonje Larsen played equally ous after his team Ålesund only managed a Petter Northug, Norway’s bad-boy of ski- A 2-1 victory over Stabæk gave Haugesund well in defense, and Heidi Løke scored 10 of 2-2 draw against the bottom team Sandefjord ing, just wrapped up a lengthy conflict over a the fourth place in the standings. Once again the 18 Larvik goals. after giving up a goal in the 88th minute. controversial sponsor and now intends to try Thomas Sørum scored the winning goal. to avoid media attention as he enters an inten- (Norway Post) sive pre-season training regimen. Last season’s Dynamic norsk… aged to get a player like Henry, but we had World Cup winner set off a sponsorship drama Cycling: Boasson Hagen takes second good control of him during the match,” said (…continued from page 1) last year when news broke that he’d signed a Norwegian biker Edgar Boasson Hagen (Sky) Borchers. personal deal with the so-called “energy drink” placed second in the 48km international ITT have a language in common. Russell played in his usual position as known as Red Bull. The drink was banned in event at Les Herbiers in France on Oct. 17. The “Kan vi ikke ta intervjuet på norsk da?” right back defender and battled it out with Norway until early last year because of health U.K.’s ITT expert David Millar (Garmin) won (Can we take the interview in Norwegian?) Henry, who played the left edge of the New concerns, and sports officials were not pleased. the race. Lieuwe Westra from the Netherlands asked Russell when VG Nett asked for an in- York Red Bulls. Tove Paule, president of Norway’s athletics (Vacansoleil) placed third, 47 seconds behind terview after the 0–0 draw against the New “He is very quick and clever in his association, called the deal “ethically unfortu- Hagen. York Red Bulls. movements, but it went well. I played against nate.” (NRK) “It was Nat who thought that we should him in the Champions League for Rosenborg (Views and News from Norway) speak Norwegian together to maintain what against Arsenal,” said Russell. Women’s Football: Røa – Zorka, 0 – 0 we learned in Norway. It’s been like that ever Russell played for Sogndal in 2002, and Women’s : Larvik – Randers Norwegian team Røa held Zorka from Belar- since,” grins Russell to VG Nett. was brought to Rosenborg for the 2004 sea- Norwegian club Larvik won 33-19 over Danish us to a 0-0 draw in the Women’s Champions “It’s clear that we must speak Norwe- son. He played the right back position, but club Randers in their second round match in the League match at home Oct. 13. Røa moves on gian together. I miss all the friends I made a serious knee injury meant that the entire Women’s Handball Champions League Group with 2-1 on aggregate. In the next round. Røa in Norway,” said Borchers, who played two 2005 season was ruined. C on Saturday. Larvik led 18-8 at half-time. will meet Russian team Zvezda in November. seasons with Odd Grenland. He was traded to Viborg, and then moved Veteran goalkeeper Cecilie Leganger (35) was (NRK) voted best player of the match with Full27 savesService Agency With Experienced Now Borchers and Russell are key de- back to the U.S. in 2008 to play for Real Salt Norwegian Speaking Consultants! fenders for Real Salt Lake, who won the Lake, which won the title in 2008. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! MLS playoffs last year against the L.A. Gal- “I had some great years in Norway, and information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! axy in penalties. It was Russell who scored my wife and I miss many of the friends from decisions in a constantly changing world! the decisive penalty. that time. I keep in touch with my old team- Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Now the club has delivered another good mates Anders Stadheim, Tommy Øren, Rune Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 season and secured a spot in the playoffs, Bolseth and Daniel Braathen,” he said. Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] which includes the . Russell was league champion with Verrazano TraVel & leisure “We are solid defensively and things Rosenborg in 2004, and now his former club 1 (718) 979-6641Proud to bring you the look good for the playoffs,” said Borchers. is on track for the championship this season. [email protected] American Weekly In the MLS, Real Salt Lake has conceded “I follow Norwegian football, and try to [email protected] the fewest goals so far this season. Only 18 get to see some highlights on the web. It’s conceded goals in 28 games is impressive. incredibly fun that it goes well with both “We have shown that we keep the high Rosenborg and Sogndal,” says Russell. AIR - SEA - LAND level and that we are a good team,” added “Would you consider a return to Norway For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international Russell. to play football?” travel for individuals, groups and conventions Real Salt Lake has no major stars com- “If I get a call from some old friends, pared to the Red Bulls, who have Thierry we’ll see. You never know for sure,” Russell Always at the best possible prices! Henry, Rafael Marquez and Juan Pablo An- grins. gel on the roster. Thierry Henry is the new Another Norwegian connection: Robbie superstar in the MLS, and it was a special Russell had Erik Søler as an agent when he meeting for Russell and Borchers. came to Sogndal in 2002. Søler is now ath- Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 “It’s impressive the Red Bulls man- letic director of the New York Red Bulls. 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected]

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