Paola Cotticelli-Kurras†, Federico Giusfredi‡ † (University of Verona, Italy;
[email protected]) ‡ (University of Verona, Italy;
[email protected]) Ancient Anatolian languages and cultures in contact: some methodological observations1 In this paper, we will review the methodological and theoretical frameworks that have been developed to deal with the study of language contact and linguistic areas. We have tried to apply these methods to ancient contexts to check the existence of conditions for identifying language areas. Finally, we will provide examples of the combined linguistic and cultural-historical approach to ancient contact areas for phenomena in reciprocal direction, with particular ref- erence to the case of the Aegean and Ancient Near Eastern context of Ancient Anatolia. Keywords: Anatolian languages, language contact, cuneiform, cultural contact, linguistic areas. 1. Language contact, linguistic area and other related concepts In the last years, several scholars have discussed the contact between Ancient Anatolian lan- guages and some neighboring ones, including Greek and a number of Ancient Near Eastern ones, as indicative of a “linguistic area”, due to the fact that more general cultural contact be- tween language groups is a sign of the presence of linguistic areas. In order to successfully as- sess these approaches, it is appropriate to take into consideration the linguistic framework of reference. In the 1920s, Trubetzkoy (1928) 2 proposed the expression Sprachbund, “language league”, to describe the fact that unrelated languages could converge at the level of their structures fol- lowing intense contact. He took as example the almost prototypical area of the Balkans. The concept of Sprachbund has been coined to underline the evidence that languages can share similarities even though they are not genetically related.