
Goals and Notes Take a Note on an Employee 3 Add a Goal 4 Edit/Remove a Goal 6 Add a Measurement 7 Scoring Appraisal Workshop Request Multi-Rater Feedback 9 Score Appraisal 12 Send for Approval 14 Archive 15 Create Future Appraisal 16 Take a Note on an Employee

Locate the Employee you want to take a note on from your list of Direct Reports. 1 Hover your mouse over the Employee and click Notes.

If your organization has enabled Notes on all employees, you may also see a group of other staff members at the bottom of your home page that you can take notes on. Just click the name of the employee you’d like to take a Note on!

2 Input the note you would like added to the Employee’s appraisal.



A. Type your note in the B. Select a Privacy Setting C. (Optional) Select a competency that this note is in relation to. If no Competency is selected, your text will be placed in the General Notes section on the appraisal D. (Optional) Attach a file (Customer Letter, Certificate, etc.) E. Save by clicking “Add this note”

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !3 Add a Goal to an Employee Appraisal

1 Locate the Employee you want to add a Goal for from your list of Direct Reports. Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

Note: If the Employee’s Appraisal is within your organization’s scoring , the show Score in bold. You will need to click Manage Goals and Notes on the right side of the next page to add goals to the appraisal.

2 Click Add a Goal.

Helpful Information

If manager Goal Setting is enabled, you will see an “Add a Goal” .

If not, you will be able to add a Measurement which is attached to a competency. Measurements are covered on Page 7.

Goals are big picture competencies that are set specifically for an individual to focus on.

Goals are eventually scored and can carry weight on the overall appraisal score.

Employees may also have the ability to set goals on their own appraisal.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !4 Add a Goal to an Employee Appraisal, continued

Add an existing goal or create a new one. Fill in the name of the goal 3 and a description if desired. Select the appropriate rating scale. Save Goal when done.

4 Select the Location of the goal on the appraisal and click Insert Goal.

Now, your new goal shows up as a line item that will be scored during 5 the Employee’s next evaluation.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !5 Edit/Remove a Goal

Hover over the title of the goal. The “X” will remove the Goal. 1 The edit pencil will allow you to make changes.

2 If Edit is selected, the content of the goal can be edited and the weight of the goal can be adjusted.

(Note: Adjusting the weight of the goal will most likely have mathematical consequences on the overall score of the appraisal when this Goal is scored.)

Helpful Information

Only the author of the Goal has the ability to Remove/Edit that Goal.

Since Employees may also have the ability to add Goals to their appraisal you may not see the Remove/Edit option on all of the Goals. If the Employee added the goal, they will need to be the one to Remove/Edit.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !6 Add a Measurement to an Employee Appraisal

Locate the Employee you want to add a Measurement for in your list of 1 Direct Reports. Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

Note: If the Employee’s Appraisal is within your organization’s scoring window, the status bar show Score in bold. You will need to click Manage Goals and Notes on the right side of the next page to add goals to the appraisal.

Locate the Competency or Goal you wish to add a measurement to 2 and click Add Measurement.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !7 Add a Measurement to an Employee’s Appraisal, continued

Fill in the boxes. Only the Measurement Title is a required field. Finish 3 by clicking Save.

4 (Optional) Add an Email Reminder and/or Tasks by clicking Edit.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !8 Request Multi-Rater Feedback

The appraisal must be in your organization’s designated Scoring window to request Multi-Rater Feedback.

Locate the Employee you want to request Multi-Rater Feedback on. 1 Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

2 Select Request Feedback in the Appraisal Workshop.

Helpful Information

Multi-Rater feedback is an optional step in the appraisal workshop.

Organizations may, at the Administrative level, decide not to enable Multi-Rater feedback, which elements Multi-Raters will be allowed to score on the appraisal form, and/or that all Multi-Rater feedback will be anonymous.

Multi-Rater feedback does not affect the overall Appraisal score for an employee. Ratings from Multi-Raters are not calculated in the final appraisal score.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !9 Request Multi-Rater Feedback, continued

3 Fill out the requested information.

Feedback is always anonymous to the Employee. Checking the box for anonymous feedback means that it will also be anonymous to you and any of your Trakstar Administrators.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !10 Request Multi-Rater Feedback, continued

4 Add special instructions to the Multi-Raters if desired.

5 Manage the Feedback that has been requested by selecting Manage Feedback from the appraisal workshop at any time.

Status indicators will show the progress of Multi-Raters that have been invited to provide feedback.

Send a reminder to a Multi-Rater if the request was issued but the Multi-Rater has not responded.

Delete a Multi-Rater if desired.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !11 Score an Employee’s Appraisal

The appraisal must be in your organization’s designated Scoring window to Score.

1 Locate the Employee you want to Score. Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

2 Select Score Appraisal from the Appraisal Workshop.

Here, you can see if the employee’s progress on scored their self appraisal. You may also have the ability to Override the self-appraisal which will remove the request for the employee to complete it.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !12 Score an Employee’s Appraisal, continued

3 Select a score for each competency on the appraisal using the Rating Scale bar. Helpful Information

If the Employee has submitted their self-appraisal, you will be able to see their scores when you hover your mouse over the rating scale bar. Any comments that the Employee left will also be shown underneath the corresponding competency.

If the employee has not submitted the appraisal, you will not be able to see any scores or comments.

4 Add a comment if desired. Save comments by clicking Add this comment. Comments are optional and can include an attachment that will be linked with the appraisal.

Expand the list of Coaching Tips to find comments a manager might be interested in using for the corresponding Competency. Click the blue plus sign next to any you’d like to use to copy them into the comments box.

4 Return to Workshop when completed.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !13 Approval

The appraisal must be in your organization’s designated Scoring window and the appraisal must be completed by the Manager and Employee (or the Employee self-appraisal needs to be Overridden) in order to move to the Approval step.

Locate the Employee you would like to Send for Approval. 1 Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

2 Select Send for Approval from the Appraisal Workshop.

This step can vary. Choose or view who 3 the appraisal will be routed to and click Helpful Information Send for Approval. All approvers will see all submitted information on the appraisal including employee, manager, and multi-rater scores and comments. 4 Leave any notes for your approvers. (ALL approvers will receive the message saved Approvers are given the in this box in their individual email notification). opportunity to Approve/Reject the appraisal as well as leave comments throughout the document. You will be notified via email when an appraisal is approved or rejected.

If you select the wrong Route for Approval or an incorrect person is in your route, utilize the Cancel Routing option on the right side of the Route for Approval page.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !14 Archive Appraisal

The appraisal must be in your organization’s designated Scoring window, be completed by the Manager and Employee (or the Employee self-appraisal needs to be Overridden) and possibly Routed for Approval to Archive.

1 Locate the Employee you are ready to Archive. Hover your mouse over the Employee’s Appraisal progress bar and click.

2 Select Archive from the Appraisal Workshop.

3 Decide whether you’d like to carry forward all measurements and goals onto the employee’s next appraisal. Then, Archive Appraisal.

(We recommend carrying goals forward if the employee is still working on any of the objectives. They can be edited once they get on the new appraisal.)

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !15 Create Future Appraisal

1 From the task list, select the drop down that says “Show Current Appraisals” by default. Click Show Future Appraisals.

2 Click Create Future Appraisal from your list of Direct Reports.

Helpful Information

Future appraisals are perfect when you are already thinking about next year’s appraisal, but you haven’t yet completed the current appraisal cycle.

The future appraisal will take effect immediately when the Employee’s current appraisal is archived.

3 Set Goals as needed on the Future Appraisal.

Trakstar Manager Quickguide !16