,IANlR,\ M"R1'TNS COSTA L>ep. de rnt9mologia Museu National prof.' Titular MISCELLANEA ZOOLOGICA SUMATRANA XClI -XCIII A Synopsis of the Odonata (Dragonflies) of . By M . A. L1EFTINCK. (Zoological Museum. Buitenzorg).

During my work on the Odonate fauna of Java ( .. An annotated list of the Odonata of Java • . .. &c" . Treubia 14. 1934). and in determining several thousands of specimens from other islands of the oriental region. I have taken the opportunity to compare the Javan fauna witlr that of Sumatra. and the result has been a fresh list of the Odonata known to occur in that island. whi~ I hope will prove useful for further research. . I. A I bar d a. H .. in Veth's Midden Sumatra. Nat. Hist. Afd. 5. Neuro ~ ptera, 1881. 2. C a m p ion. H. Odonata, collected in Korinclii. . J. Fed. Mal. States Mus .. 8. 1925. . . 3. K a r S C h, F. Sumatranische Odonaten. gesammelt... . in Bindjei, Deli. Ent. Nachr .. 17. 1891. . 4. K r ii g e r. L. Die Odonaten von Sumatra. I ~ III. Stett. ent. Zeitg. '59-63. 1898-1902 . . 5. Lie f tin c k. M. A. Dragonflies (Odonata) from Northeast Sumatra. Misc. Zool. Sum. 34. 1929. 6. R i s. F . Odonaten von Sumatra, gesammelt von Edward Jacobson. Zoo!. Meded. Leiden. 10. 1927. . 7. S c h mid t, E. Odonatader Deutschen Iimnologischen Sunda-Expedition. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 13, Bd. 5. 1934. 8. Se I y s L 0 n g c h a m p s. E . d e. Odonates de Sumatra, etc. Ann. Mus. civ. Genova, 27, 1889. As is well shown by the distributional lists given for each species in some of the above: quoted papers, very little was known about the distribution of the species inhabiting this big and important province of Malaysia. Therefore. I have not only assembled and put on record all residencies, localities and names of captors, relating to little known species, but also the known localities mentioned in the literature. However. in order not to expand this paper to unreasonable length. all previously published records are only briefly quoted, and the names of authors who mentioned the precise localities of these species have been placed between brackets.



During the past five years several new species have been taken in Sumatra and many new localities have come to our knowledge. The reader will find some of these - £specially those ·of species captured by Messrs 0 res c her and To x 0 pe u s in S. Sumatra - incorporated already in the Javan list, but many other records have so far remained unpublished. It was my good fortune to spend ten days in the residency of the "Lampoengsche districten", S. Sumatra, in December 1934, and I was able, with the help of my wife and Dr. T 0 x 0 p e u s, to collect about 85 species, including several of great interest. The Odonate fauna of the chain of islands, situated to the west of Sumatra, has been left out of consideration, and for several reasons I have thought it best .not to include the fauna of the islands of Banka and Billiton; these islands are inhabited by a number of species· occuring also in W. Borneo, which are absent from Sumatra; and the species common to Banka and Borneo for instance, suggest that a close connection formerly existed between them. I have included the fauna of Doerian I. (Riouw Archipelago), where Dr. K. W. 0 a m mer m a n for many years collected a few species of interest. . In the prese;"t list my vJews are stated somewhat dogmatically, but. alihough I was obliged to give only a Synopsis of the Sumatran fauna, the reader will soon notice, that I have arguments to support my statements. Recently, S c h mid t has published a catalogue, compiled from the literature, of all sp'ecies known· to him ·to occur in Sumatra and Java. This list included Iql Sumatran spe<;ies (not counting subspecies), of which 6, viz. Rh. heterostigma io (= Rh. selysi Kriig.). Caconeura notostigma Selys, Stenobasis osc.i/lans (= Arci;ibasis oscillans Sel.). Procord .. ;!a sumbawana Forst., Tetracanthagyna degorsi Martin, and Anax fu ;"osus Ris (= A. gibbo­ sulus subsp') are, in the writer's opinion, injustly listed as Sumatran species; the total number of known species is thus brought to 155. The present list contains the names of 180 species, or, if Ictinus decoratus and I. melaenops, and Macrogomphus parallelogramma and M. albardae are traced as distinct spE;cies (as most writers do) , the total numeer would amount to 182. Of the 75 species of Zygoptera only 31 occur also inlava, and of the 105 Anisoptera, only 67 have· found their way to that island. The number of species precinctive to Sumatra ·is less than in Java, only 22 (not counting subspecies), or about 12% being confined to the island, while in Java about 28, or 19 % of the total ( 142) are precinctive. In the follawing list the species confined to Sumatra are marked with **, and species not previously recorded are marked thus '. My sincere thanks are extended to Messrs. F. C. 0 res c her, Dr. L. F u I m e k, Dr. E d w. J a cob son, J. c. van de r Me e r Moh r, Dr. H. R. A. Muller, Dr. C . G. G. J. van Steenis, Dr. L. J. Toxopells, and many others for their kind help in collecting material in different parts of the island and in permitting me to deposit all specimens, including the types of new species, in the collection of the Buitenzorg Museum. My thanks are also due to Dr. E . Tit s c hac k, for the loan of specimens in the Hamburg Museum. -3-

ZYGOPTERA Fam. C a lop t e r y 9 i d a e. I. Neurobasis chinensis chinensis (L.) - Common throughout the island. Specimens from the S. extremity of Sumatra are true to the type. "2. Echo uniformis Selys - Atjeh Gvt.: Takengon. 1200 m. van S tee n i s leg. Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sibajak. Bandarbaroe. 800 m. Do c t e r s van Lee u wen leg.: Mt. Sinaboeng (K rUg er). Tapanoeli Res.: Rahoetbosi. van de r Me e r Moh r leg. West­ coast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is): Korintji. Sioelak Daras (C arii p ion). Benkoelen Res.: Mt. Pesagi. 1400 m. van S tee 'n i s leg. Djambi Res.: Soengeiramboet (K rUg e r). Pa­ lembang Res.: Mt. Dempo. 1400 m (R is). Apparently a mountain species. 3. Vestalis amoena Selys. - Common throughout the island. 4. Vestalis luctuosa (Burm.) - So far only known from the S. Lam­ poeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. 4-600 m. Talangpadang. Gisting. Wailima &c. where it is very common. K a r n y. To x 0 p e u s and Aut h 0 r leg. **5. Vestalis lugens Selysl) - Distributed all over the isla·nd. except in the S. Lampoeng Res .. where it is rare and. ii1 most localities. is replaced by luctuosa. Along the bank of the Wailalaan. and near Gisting. the two species were observed by me flying together (ult. Dec. 1934). ' . Fam. E li P h a e i d a e. * * 6. Euphaea aspasia Selys. - Northcoast .( S e I y s). Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda & Lianggagas (K rUg er). Tapanoeli Res.: Sibolga (R is). Vlestcoast Res.: Padang (5 e I y s). Benkoelen Res.: Kasoei. Rantautemiang. Kedaton (Ranau distr.). Mull e r leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 4-600 m. rare. Aut h 0 r leg . • *7. Euphaea bocki McLachlan. - .. Mt. Paio" (M c Lac h I an). Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sinaboeng (K rUg e r. S c h mid t): Deli. Sibolangit (Schmidt) and Medan (Lieftinck). Westcoast Res.: Ophir distr. Tanangtaloe. 1000 m (R is). 8. Euphaea impar impar Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (KrUger). S. Lampoeng Res.: Waiteboe. slope of Mt. Tangga­ moes. 500 m. Dec. 24. 1934. 4 d' (fI. Aut h 0 r leg. - From a series of 11 (fI (fI of E. impar inaeq"ipar Selys. captured in W. Borneo. our Sumatran specimens differ only in that the black apical spot of the hind wings is a little more reduced in size. the inner border lying slightly beyond or at the middle of the distance between 'nodus and pterostigma, Hence. I cannot follow R i s in considering both races as distinct species.

1) First demibed by deS e I y' 1879 (A 1 b • , d. 1861). -4-

* *9. Buphaea modiglianii Se1ys. - Westcoast Res.: Padang (R i s). *10. Buphaea ochracea ochracea Selys. - I have examined 3 (fI (fI and 1 !i1. collected somewhere in Sumatra by B. J a c h a n (Mus. Hamburg). 11. Buphaea variegata (Ramb.) (= intermedia Kriiger. Schmidt). - .. Mt. Paio" (M c Lac h I an). Bastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Sibolangit (Schmidt) and Soekaranda (Kriiger). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir dis:r .. Airbangis & Kadjas; Padangsche Bovenlanden (R i s); Korintji (C a m p ion). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau distr. (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 4-600 m. very common. Aut h 0 r leg. - I arrested two (fI (fI in transfor­ mation (Waiteboe. Dec. 29. 1934). 12. Dysphaea dimidiata Selys (= limbata Selys) . - Eastcoast Gvt.: DelL Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er) and Soengei Radja. van d e r l\f e e r Moh r leg.; Bengkalis. Kampar Kanan. F u I m e k leg. Westcoast Res.: Silago (A I bar d a) . Djambi Res.: Djambi Exped. 1925 0 Po s t hum u s .Ieg. Palembang Res.: Moesi River. Moearaklingi (S c h mid t). BenkoelenRes.: Lake Ranau distr. (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: Gisting. Waiteboe. 500 m. slope of Mt. Tangga­ moes. Dec. 29. 1934.2 (fI . (fI, Aut h 0 r leg. - Since a fair number of specimens in my collection are exactly intermediate between D. dimidiata and D. limbata. the latter cannot stand as a separate species. Even in o·ne locality this species varies so much. that all colour-differences appear to Iy within the range of individual fluctuation. Fam. A m phi P t e r y 9 i d a e. 13. Devadatta argioides (Selys). - Westcoast Res.: Korintji and Pa­ dangsche Bovenlanden (R is). Benkoelen Res.: Soebanajam (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 400-600 m. very common ult. December 1934. along forest-brooks and in swampy · forest. Aut h 0 r leg. Fam. Lib e II a gin i d a e. **14. Rhinocypha angusta Selys (= apicalis Kriiger). - Commonly distributed all over the island. 15. Rhinocypha anisoptera Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii g er). In the Leiden Museum I have studied a (fI collected by Doh r n near Soekaranda. Jan. 1894. and two (fI

19. Rhinocypha selysi Kriiger (= io Fraser). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er) and Sibolangit (S c h mid t). Tapanoeli Res.: Sibolga (R is). Westcoast Res.: Ophir distr. and Korintji. Sandagan-Agoeng (R i s & C a m p ion). Benkoelen Res.: Soe­ banajam (R i s) and Mt. Pakiwang. waterfall. Oct. 30. 1929 I 61. I ~. van S tee n i s leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. Waiteboe. 500 m. Dec. 29. 1934. 2 ~ !2. Aut h 0 r leg. **20. Rhinocypha xanthe Ris. - Westcoast Res.: Korintji. 735-1400 m. (Ris). 21. Ca!ocypha petioJata (Selys) 1) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger. Schmidt). 22. Libellago hyalina (Selys) . - Westcoast Res.: Ophir distr .• plain country (R is). 23. Libellago lineata lineata (Burm.) (= signata Kriig.). - Westcoast Res.: Lake Singkarak (S c h mid t). 24. Libellago semiopaca (Selys) (= martinae Karsch) . - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. (K a r s c h. S c h mid t) and Medan. van d e r M e e r Moh r leg. Djambi Res.: Djambi Exped. 1925. O : >P O'S t hum us leg. - These specimens do not differ in any way from material of W. Borneo; it is a variable species. L. martinae is considereCi by S c h mid t as a subspecies of semiopaca. * * 25. Libellago snellemanni (Selys.) 2) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soeka­ randa (K r ii 9 er); Bindjei Est .. W. Bur c h a r d leg. (Mus. Ham­ burg) ; Asahan. Tangga (Lieftinck). Westcoast Res.: Solok. Soengei Aboe near Moearalaboe (A I bar d a) . Benkoelen Res.: Benkoelen (S c h mid t). S. Lamooe'ng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gis~ing . 500 m. Waiteboe. 22 a'I a'I. 2 . ~ ' ~. Dec. 29. 1934. lo­ cally abundant over small forest-brooks. Aut h or leg. 26. Libellago sumatrana (Selys). 2) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Medan (L i eft in c k); Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e r) and Soengei Krio. van d er Me e r Moh r leg. Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Boven­ landen (R i s) . Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau. Mull e r leg.; id. (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. Waiberah. 2 a'I a'I. Dec. 28-30. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. - Listed as a subspecies of aurantiaca (Selys) by Se h mid t; in the writer's opinion both should stand as quite different species. Fam. Le s t i d a e. 27. Oro[estes wallacei (Kirby) (= udeana Kriiger). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlan­ den (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggambes. Gisting. 500 m. I '0' . Sept. 26. 1933. To x 0 pe u s [eg .. and I a'I Dec. 28. [934. -----. 1) Accordin g 10 L aid I a w (in lill .) karJ c h~' (Kriis.) is tne ijI of Rhinocypha pe!iolala Sely •• ~. 2) Fin' d.«ribed by d. 5 • I y. le79 (A I bar d • 1881). -6 -

Aut h 0 r leg. - O. udeana is considered by me to be the same species as wallacei, from Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. The two males, now before me, are of different size and in one of them the body-colouring is much faded; in fact, the colours of this fine insect rapidly disappear in dried specimens, They do not differ from a small series of Kuala Kangsar, Perak, in the Hamburg Mu­ seum. F r a s,e is key to the Malaysian species and re-description of O. udeana are entirely misleading and partially copied from Ri s's description of immature specimens. I believe, that K r ii g e is species is correctly referred here and that the differences noticed between wallacei and udeana are due to the effects of decomposition. A colour-description of the living insect, a'nd sketches of genital organs will be published elsewhere. The male, captured by myself, was resting with its wings half open. 28. Lestes praemorsus praemorsus Selys. - Westcoast Res.: Silago (A I bar d a); Padangsche Bovenlanden(R is). Tapanoeli Res.: Lake Toba. Hoetagindjang (S c h mid t). Fam. M e gap 0 d a 3' r i on i d a e. 29. Podolestes orientalis Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt:: (l'I!;! Deli, Soekaran­ da (K r ii g er). Westcoast Res.: !;! Mt. Ophir distr .. plain country (R is) ., S. Lampoeng Res.: 4 a" (ad.) , Kotaagoeng. Semangkabay. Dec. 26. 1934, Aut h 0 r leg. - Also reported from Borneo, the Malay Peninsula (Pahang), and the Riouw Archipelago (not "Kiour" as stated by Se I y si). My specimens were taken along a very small muddy brook, flOWing through secondary forest, near the coast; the !;!' was also seen, but I failed to capture any. It is a robust insect. differing in some respects froD;! a small sHies in my collection from W. Borneo. which are, I think. racially distinct from Sumatran specimens, More material of ~he type locality ("Malacca"?) is needed to ascertain the validity of subspecies, The Lampoeng series will be described at some other place. 30. Rhinagrion macrocephalum (Selys) . - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soe­ karanaa (K r ii 9 er). 31. Rhinagrion mima (Karschl. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. ( K a r s ch) ; Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Fam. P I a t y s tic t i d a e. **32. Drepanosticta arcuata Lieftinck (= kruegeri Ris et Schmidt) . Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli, Soekaranda (K r ii g er), Benkoelen Res.: Le­ bong and Redjang (R i s). Lake Ranau distr. (S c h mid t) . S. Lam­ poeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes, 4-600 m, Gisting and environs. common. T 0 x 0 p e u s & Aut h 0 r leg. Drepanostrcta bispina Fraser. - Westcoast Res.: Pajak0emboeh. Kloof van Harau (F r a s er) . Only a single !;! is known of this species. " -7 -

.. 34. Drepanosticta tenella, sp. n. (fig. I). - 14 6', 6 !;!, S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes, 4-600 m. Gisting and environs, Dec. 25-30, 1934, Author leg. 6'.- Colour-pattern of the body very simil­ ar to gazella Lidt .• from Java. though better pronounced. Pale colours in front of head pale blue. or creamy-yellow inter­ mingled with green; labrum bordered with black. Prothorax with anterior and posterior lobes bronzy-black, thp. latter saddle-sha- Fig. 1.- Drepanollicla fenella sp. n. ar Lampoeng, ped, margin very An.1 app •.. d.rsal view and right .ide. slightly concave: side- edges well pronoun­ ced but very little projecting, bluntly pointed, without horn-like processes. Thoracic sides much as in gazella. but the lower (anterior) two-thirds of metepimerum sharply defined bronzy-black; remainder and under surfaces pale yellowish. Wings as in gazella. pterostigma only a trace. shorter, pale reddish brown. Neuration also similar; Y -vein present. whether or not stalked. Postnodals 13-15 in front, 12-14 in hind wing. Abd.-segm. 1-7 similarly marked; 8 with a dull blue marking, variable in shape, covering the basal l /S to 2/ 3 of the dorsum; remainder black. Sup. anal apps. of simpfe structure, evenly curved inwards. not so bent at base. their distal third strongly en­ larged and broadly rounded at tip, without any ventral tooth-like projections; inferiors as long as upper pair. shaped much·, as in gazella (H£!. I) . ~. - Differs from the '6' only in that the side-edges of the posterior prothoracic lobe are still smaller: rectangular. or bluntly triangular in outline. Po~tnodals 14 in front, 13 in hind wing. Valves shaped as in gazella. projecting beyond the end segm 10 for ca. I mm. Length: '6' abd. + app. 28-31 , hw. 18-20; ~ 25-26, 19-20 mm. Types in Mus. Buitenzorg. - Although closely allied to gazella. this tiny species is easily distinguished from it by the absence of prothoracic horns and by the simple structure of the anal apps. of the a'I. Differs from D. bispina Pras. (~ only) by the absence of curled horns at the pro thorax and by the very broad and distinct black band running over most of the metepimerum. -8 -

Fam. A 9 r ion i d a e. Subfam. Platycneminae. 35. Copera acutimargo Kriiger. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e r) Deli. Medan and environs. van d e r M e e r Moh r leg. Westcoast Res.: Padang (S e I y s) . Palembang Res.: Moesi River. Moearaklingi (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng 'Res.: Mt. Tang­ gamoes. Gisting. 4-600 m. extremely common. Aut h 0 r leg. 36. Copera annuIata (Selys ). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden (Ris) . Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau. van S tee n i s leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. Waiberah. 500 m. Aut h 0 r leg.; Talangpadang. 200 m. D res c her leg. 37. ' Copera lobimargo (Kriiger) (= 1 vittata Selys). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e r). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bo­ venlanden; Ophir distr. (R i s). 38. Copera marginipes (Ramb.) . - Common everywhere. '39. Indocnemis oran9 (Forst;er). One i31 . Sumatra. B. J a c h a n leg. (MU5. Hamburg)'. 40. Coeliccia membranipes (Ramb.). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sinaboeng (K r ii 9 er); Tapanoeli Res.: Rahoetbosi. van de r Me e r Moh r leQ. Westcoast Res.: Ophir distr.; Pad. Boven!. ; Korintji; Padang (S e I y s. Ri s). Benkoelen Res.: Mt. Dempo. 1400 m (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 4-800 m. common. Aut h 0 r leg. 4 I. Coeliccia. octogesima (Selys). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger). Subfam. Protoneurinae. 42. Caconeura analis (Selys). Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger) . 43. Caconeura collaris dohmi( Kriiger) ( = dohrni Kriig. et auct.)- East­ coast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr.; Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is) . S. Lampoeng distr.: I i31. I ~ . Talangpadang. 150 m. June I . 1929. Drescher leg.; 9 <1'.2 :to Mt. T anggamoes. Gisting. 600 m. Waiteboe & Waiberah. Dec. 24-30. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. ". A very careful comparison of the Lampoeng specimens with a large sedes of typical coUaris. collec,ted in W. Borneo. has convinced me that dohrni is not. specifically distinct from that species. In most of the Bornean specimens. and in those from the' Malay Peninsula. a rudiment of the anal bridge-vein is present. whereas in dohrni this vein is invariably absent. In the ,Sl ' there is a slight difference in the shape of the posterior prothoracic horns. which. in typical coUaris from Borneo. are a little shorter. Other differences are 'not to be found; the apps. of the i31 are identical in the two races. 'H. Caconeura notostigma (Selys). - Not previously known from the mainland of Sumatra. S. Lampoeng Res.: 5 i31 i31 . Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. Waiteboe. 600 m. Dec. 24-29. 1934. rare. Aut h 0 r leg. -9-

These specime'ns apply perfectly to the original description after a 6' from Singapore. I have seen specimens from Sedagang. Pulau Tioman (ex coli. La i d I a w). and a very large series from W. Borneo. which agree closely in all important characters. The anal bridge-vein is well developed and s:rongly arched in this species. In living males the large bands on the back of the thorax are not deep blue. as in collaris dohrni. but pale bluish green; the wing­ membrane is usually tinged with greyish-yellow. 45. Caconeura verticalis delia (Karsch) (= arba Kriig .. = verticalis Albarda. = delia risi Schmidt. = verticalis karnyi Laidlaw). - East­ coast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. (K a r S C h); Soekaranda (K r ii g e r); Soengei Krio Est .. van de r Me e r Moh r leg. Westcoast Res.: Tanahdatar & Loeboektarap (A I bar d a); Padangsche Bo­ venlanden (R is); Lake Singkarak (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: 54 (!I . 6 ;;1. Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 4-500 m. Dec. 24-30. 1934. Wailalaan & Waiberah. common. Aut h 0 r leg. Se h mid t has correctly placed C. arba Kriig. as a synonym of delia Karsch. but he is eVidently wrong in considering delia specimens of N. E . Sumatra (Deli) . S. Sumatra (Benkoelen) and Simaloer Is. as racially distinct from his de/ia

Res.: Kotaagoeng. sea-level. one pair (in cop.). Dec. 26. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. 48. Ceriagrion annulosum Lieftinck. - S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tangga­ moes. I CJ'I. Gisting. 500 m. Sept. 27. 1933. To x 0 p e u s leg. (Lieftinck). 49. Ceria!frion cerinorubellum (Brauer). Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. (K a r s ch); Bengkalis.Pakanbaroe. F u 1 m e k leg.; Tebing­ tinggi. van de r Me e r Moh r leg. Westcoast Res.: Padang­ sche Bovenlanden (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Kotaagoeng. sea-level. Dec. 26. 1934. common with praetermissum. Aut h 0 r leg. I have also seen a fine series from Doerian I. (Riouw Archipelago). collected by D a m mer m a n. Ju'ne 19,23. *50. Ceriagrion coromandelianum (F.). - S. Lampoeng Res.: Telok­ betoe'ng. Oosthaven. 2 (>I. June 3. 1929. D res c her leg. 51. Ceriagrion erubescens Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda? (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr. and Padangsche Bovenlanden (Ri s). S. Lampoeng Res.: Telokbetoeng. Oosth,aven. D res c her leg. 52. Ceriagrion praetermiSllum Lieftinck. - S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 600 m. June 23. 1914. To x 0 p e u s leg .. and Kotaagoeng. sea-level. Dec. 26. 1934. common. Aut h 0 r leg. (Lieftinck). 53. Ceriagrion 1 melanurum Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sinaboeng (K r'ii 9 er). La i d I a w has suggested that this specimen might rather belong to his pendleburyi. 54. Teinobasis euglena Lieftinck (= combusta Kriig .. nec Selys). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). S. Lampoeng Res.: Telokbetoeng. Oosthaven. sea-level (L i eft in c k). 55. Teinobasis ruHcollis (Selys). - Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr. (R is). Riouw Res.: Doerian I. (Riouw Archip.). I 6'. June 1923. D a m mer m a n leg. 56. Archibasis melanocyana (Selys). - Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distt.. (R is). **57. Amphicnemis ecomuta (Selys).- Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kr ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Fort de Kock (S e I y s). **58. Amphicnemis gracilis Kriiger. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda and Liangagas (K r ii 9 er). 59. Pericnemis stictica Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda. I Q (K r ii 9 er). Benkoelen Res.,: Redjang. Soebanajam. 1 Q: (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. 1 Q'. Sept. 26. 1933. To x 0 p e us leg. - Abd. 49. hw. 37 mm. One of the smallest specimens which I have seen. I possess some Q'; Q' from Mt. Slamat and Mt. Raoeng. in Java. which I1re of the same size or even smaller; in this respect the species is a very variable insect. Differs from Javan female'S only in that the pterostigma is brown -11-

surrou'nded by a broad yellow border. instead of being entirely yellow. In the structure of its prothorax the present ¥ is identical with Javan ones. 60. Pseudagrion bengalense Laidlaw. - Tapanoeli Res.: I ~. Lake Toba. March 1922. D a m mer m a n leg.; Lake Toba and Samosir (S c h mid t). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlande'n; Korintji (Ris). 61. Pseudagrion decorum (Ramb.). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. 6' Soe­ karanda (K r ii g er). This record needs confirmation. 62. Pseudagrion hypermelas Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sinaboeng. 6' (K r ii g er). Like the foregoing species. the occurrence is Su­ matra is uncertain. 63. Pseudagnon microcephalum (Ramb. ). - Probably widely distri­ buted. I have seen specimens from Takengon (Atjeh). and Benkoelen. It is a very common insect on lake Anaklaoet on Poeloe Weh (Sabang). N. extremity of Sumatra. where Mr. D res c her and I took a fair series. 64a. Pseudagrion pruinosum ranauense Schmidt (= P. p. [raseri Schmidt). - Atjeh Gvt.: Takengon. 1200 m. van Steenis leg. Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kruger); Medan. van der Me e r Moh r leg. Tapanoeli Res.: Lake Toba distr. (S c h mid t). Westcoast Res.: Moearalaboeh; Solok (A I bar d a); Pajakoem­ boeh. Kloof van Harau (F r a s er); Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is); Korintji (C a m p ion); Lake Singkarak (S c h mid t). BenkoelenRes.: Lake Ranau distr .• Ba'nding Agoeng. van S t e e­ n i 5 leg.; Lake Ranau. Mull e r leg.; same loc. (S c h mid t). - Although 'very closely allied to typical pruinosum the name of this 'subspecies may be retained for specimens in which the pale occipital markings are greatly reduced. These markings are variable to some extent. some of the Medan specimens being not different from those of Benkoelen. 64b. Pseudagrion pruinosum pruinosum (Ramb.). - S. Lampoeng Res.: common everywhere in the hill-country between Telokbetoeng and Kotaagoeng. from near sea-level upwards to about 600 m. Not dif­ ferent from Javan pruinosum (L i eft in c k). *65. Pseudagrion rubriceps Selys. - Atjeh Gvt.: 1 2". Takengon. 1200 m. Aug. 1934. van Steenis leg. 66. Argiocnemis rubescens Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soeka­ randa (K rii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr.; Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is). Palembang Res.: Palembang. G. W 61 b e r leg. (Mus Hamburg). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau (Schmidt). S. Lampoeng Res.: Telokbetoeng. sea-level. and Talangpadang. 150 m. D res c her leg.; Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting and environs. 3-600 m. rather rare. Aut h 0 r leg. - 12-

*67. Mortonagrion amoenum (Ris). - S. Lampoeng Res.: I 6'. Telok­ betoeng. Oosthaven. sea-level. June 3. 193'). 0 res c her leg . Of this species I have also received a few specimens from W. Borneo. 68. Mortonagrion simile Ris. - Eastcoast Gvt.: D eli . Medan & Boeloe­ tjina (R i s). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. Waiberah. Dec. 28-30. 1934.3 6'. 2 ~. Aut h 0 r leg. Occurs also in W. Borneo. but eVidently is a rare species. 69. Ischnura senegalensis (Ramb.) - Common everywhere. I have also specimens from Poeloe Weh (Sabang). 70. Agriocnemis femina (Brauer). - Also a very common species. *71. Agriocnemis pygmaea (Ramb.) - Apparently not previ<>usly men­ tioned from Sumatra. The species was found by me in the S. Lam­ poeng districts. though less abundant than [emina. 72. Aciagrion aciculare Lieftinck. - Benkoelen Res.: 1 6'. 3 ~. Lake Ranau. Oedjoeng. in rice-field. Nov. 5. 1929. van S tee n i s leg. (Lieftinck). 7~ . Aciagrion borneense Ris. - Westcoast Res.: Padang and Padang­ sche Bovenlanden (R is). • *74. Aciagrion feuerborni Schmiclt. - Tapanoeli Res.: Lake Toba. Hoetagindjang (S c h mid t) . *75. Aciagrion tillyardi Laidlaw. - Eastcoast Gvt.. DelL 1 6'. W. Bur c h a r d leg. et ded .. Oct. 12. 1895 (Mus. Hamburg). Applying perfe.ctly to Laidlaw's descriptions.


F am. t i bell u lid a e. Subfam. Libellulinae. 76. Tetrathemis f1avescens Kirby. - E astcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger). 77. Tetrathemis irregu1aris hyalina (Kirby). - Eastcoast Gvt .. DelL Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). S. Lampoeng Res.: Telokbetoeng. Oost­ haven. June 3. 1929. 0 res c her leg.; Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting and Waiberah. 5-800 m. Sept. 26. 1933. June 21 and Dec. 28-30. 1934. To x 0 p e u s & Aut h 0 r; Kotaagoeng. sea-level. Dec. 26. 1934. Author. 78. Tetrathemis platyptera Selys. - .. Sumatra" (S e I y s.R is). 79. Risiophlebia (= Oda. nom. preocc.) dohrni (Kriiger). - East­ coast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e r); Bengkalis. Paka'nbaroe. 1 ~. Oct. 23. 1925. F u I m e k & K a r n y leg. 80. Orchithemis pulcherrima Brauer. - Eastcoast Gvt.: DelL Soeka­ randa (K r ii 9 er); Bindjei Est. (K a r s ch); Bahilang Est .. Te­ bingtinggi. I 6'. June 11. 1928. van de r Me e r M o'h r leg.; 1 'i! . Selajang Es ~ .. April 7. 1932. K. N. z u r M ii hIe n leg. West­ coast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr.; Padangsche Bovenlanden; Pajokoem- - 13 -

boeh. Kloof van Harau (R i s). Djambi Res.: Sarolangoen. 2 .9. Juli 1. 1925. O. Po s t hum u s leg. 81. Pornothemis serrata Krii>ler. - Eastcoast Gvt.: DelL Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir dis:r .. Padangsche Boven­ landen (R i s). 82. Lyriothemis biappendiculata (Selys) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soeka­ randa (Kriiger). Wes:i:oast Res.: Airbangis (Ris). Djambi Res.: Djambi Exped .• 1925. 1 "'. O . Po S t h u rn .\ S leg. Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau distr .. Banding Agoeng. 1 Cl". Oct. 27. 1929. van S tee n i s leg. S. Larnpoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Oeloe­ beloe. 500 rn . 1 '2. June 2. 1929. D res c h er leg.; Semangkabay, Kotaagoeng. sea-level. 1 : Q, 1 Cl", June 27 and Dec. 26, 1934; Wailirna, 1 .~. July 3.1934, Toxop e us leg. 83. Lyriothemis cleis Brauer. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli, Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau, 1 Cl", Sept. 6, 1932, Mull e r !eq. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggarnoes. Talangpadang, 200 rn , 1 Cl". March 31 . 1929. D res c her leg.; Gisting, 500 m. 1 d". Sept. 26. 1933 and Sernangkabay. I(otaagoeng, sea-level, 1 '8'. July 5, 1934. Toxopeu s leg. 84. Lyriothemis magnificata (Selys). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Mt. Sinaboeng (Kriiger). * *85. Lyriothemis salva Ris. - Westcoast Res.: Korintji. 1 Cl" Pantjoe­ rangading, 1000 m, Sept .. 1915. Jacobson leg. (Ris). S. Lam­ poeng Res.: Mt. Tanggarnoes, 1900 m, 1 d". in crater-marsh, Jan. t. 1935. Author leg. Not differing from the d es crip ~ ion of the type. The insect was flying at the edge of a small sheltered pool. with an abundant growth of rush and sedges. on the bottom of the old crater; no other specimens were seen. The very high altitude is noteworthy. as the members of Lyriothemis usually inhabit low country. 86. Nesoxenia lineata (Selys). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger). 87. Agrionoptera insignis insignis (Ramb.). - Eastcoast Gvt.: DelL Sibolangit. 500 m. 1 'Q' Oct. 1929. Do c t e r s van Lee u wen leg. Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir dis:r.; Padanqsche Bovenl.; Padang (R i s) . Palernbang Res.: Palembang (R i 5). S. Lampoeng Res.: Ta­ langpadang. 200 rn. and Telokbetoeng. Oosthaven, March & June, 1929. D r es c h er leg.; Semangkabay. Kotaagoeng, sea-level. July 5 & Dec. 26, 1934. fairly common, To x 0 p e u s and Aut h 0 r leg. 88. Agrionoptera sexlineata Selys. - N . W. Surnatra (R is). 89. Potamarcha obscura (Ramb.) - Common everywhere. 90. Cratilla lineata (Brauer) - Eastcoas-t Gvt.: Deli, ' Soekarandn (K r ii 9 er) . Westcoast Res.: Moearalaboe (A I bar d a) ; Pa­ dangsche Bovenlanden (R i s). Bengkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau distr., -14-

Bandingagoeng. van S tee n i s leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Oeloebeloe. 500 m; Talangpadang. 200 m. Kotaagoeng. sea-level. D res C her. T 0 x 0 p e u s and Aut h 0 r leg. 91. Cratilla metallica (Brauer). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is). Palembang. Kloeang. na ~ive coIl. S. Lampoeng Res.: Talangpa­ dang. Wailima. Kotaagoeng. D re s C her. To x 0 pe u sand Author leg. 92. Lathrecista asiatica asiatica (F.) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Medan (L i eft i n c k); Deli. Tebingtinggi and Bahilang Est.. Juli 14. 1928. van de r Me e r Moh r leg. Tapanoeli Res.: Sibolga (S e I y s). Westcoast Res.: Aur: Padangsche Bovenlanden (R i s) . . 93. Orthetrum chrysis (Selys). - Atjeh Gvt.: Singkel. W a Ish misit. Eastcoast Gvt.: Dele Mt. Sinaboeng (K r ii 9 e r) and Sibolangit. 500 m. Do c t e r s van Lee u wen leg. Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr.: Pajakoemboeh. Kloof van Harau (R is). Palembang Res.: Kloeang. native coli. S. Lampoen>l Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 1-600 m. common. Aut h 0 r leg. "Tand)ong Slamat" (Fraser). . 91 . Orthetrum glaucum (Brauer). - Distr i bu ~e d throughout the island. 95. Orthetrum luzonicum (Brauer) . - Atjeh Gvt.: Takengon. 200 m. ult. Aug. 1934. van S tee n i s leg. Eastcoast Gv~.: Asahan. Siriaria. 1400 m. (Lieftinck) ; Deli. Soekaranda (Kriiger). Tapanoeli Res.: Lake Toba distr .. Hoetagindjang (5 c h mid t); Padangsidimpoean. 5ipirok. Oct. 17. 1925 F u I m e k leg. Westcoast Res.: M t. Ophir distr.: Fort de Kock; Korintji (R i s) : Alahan­ pandjang (A I bar d a); Danau di atas (S c h mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 600 m. Dec. 27. 1934. I 'i'. Aut h 0 r leg. . 96. Orthetrum pruinosum pruinosum (Burm.) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli (R is); Asahan. Siriaria. 1400 m (L i eft i n c k) . Tapanoeli Res.: Lake Toba (R i s). Westcoast Res.: Alahanpandjang (R i s); Datar. Soepajang. Silago (A I bar d a). - Possibly restricted to high altitudes and evide·ntly a rare species in 5umatra. The occurrence of pruinosum and schneideri in the same district (Asahan). but at quite different elevations above the sea. is very remarkable. 97. Orthetrum (pruinosum1) schneideri Forster. - ,,5alidah" (S e I y s). "Mt. Rayah" (F 0 r s t e r) . Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. 50ekaranda (K r ii 9 er); . Tang.ga. 300 m (L i eft i n c k). West­ coast Res.: Korintji eR is). Be·nkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau (5 c h mid t). 5 . Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting and e·nvirons. very common from 200-800 m. T 0 x 0 P 6 U sand Aut h 0 r leg. 98. Orthetrum sabina (Drury). - Common everywhere. - . 15 -

99. Orthetrum testaceum testaceum (Burm.) '- Distributed all over the island. 100. Orthetrum triangulare (Selys). - Westcoast Res.: Korintji (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting • .s00 m. I

Oct. 1929. Docters van Leeuwen leg. Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau distr .. Bandingagoeng. van S te e n i s leg. S. Lam­ poeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Waiberah. 500 m. Dec. 28-30. 1934. common with fluctuans and terminata. Aut h 0 r leg. liS. Neurothemis terminata Ris. - Common in the S. Lampoeng Res. Also known from Benkoelen (Lake Ranau district) (L i eft i n c k). 116. Neurothemis tullia feralis (Burm.) - "Sumatra" (B r a u e r. Selys). 117. Bra'chythemis contaminata (F.) - Locally common. 118. Trithemis aurora (Burm.) - A common species in Sumatra. 119. Trithemis festiva (Ramb.) - Also common. In the S. Lampoengs I found both species together in several localities. 120. Rhodothemis rufa (Ramb.) - Atjeh Gvt.: Singkel. I Cl. Wa Ish misit. Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is); Lake Singkarak (S c h mid t). 121. Zygonyx ida ida Selys. - I have examined many specimens from the Eastcoast Gvt.. and the Lampoengs. which do not differ much from the Javan type. except for their smaller size. It has a wide distribution in Suinatra. In the Buitenzorg Museum is a larva from Loeboeksikaping (Westcoast Res.). 122. Onychothemis abnormis Brauer. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli (K a r s ch). 123. Onychothemisculminicola culminicola Forster. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli .. Medan. I d'l (L i eft i n c k); Bandar Koeala, I ~. O. Put t­ far eke n leg. (Mus. Hamburg). Westcoast Res.: Salidah (R is). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau. 1 d'l. (S ch mid t). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. Waiberah, 500 m. I 2". Dec. 30, 1934. Author leg. 124. Zyxomma obtusum Albarda 1) - Eastcoast Gvt.: DelL Medan (Lieftinck). Westcoast Res.: Soepajang (Albarda); Pa­ dangsche Boven\. (R i s). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes, Gisting. 500 m. I d'l. June 23. 1934. To x 0 p e u s leg. 125. Zyxomma petiolatum Ramb. - Atjeh Gvt.: Singkel. Wa Ish misit. West coast Res.: Kaloeng; Padangsche Boven\. (R i s). 126. Tholymis tillarga (F.) - Common everywhere. 127. Pantala f1avescens (F.) - Found all over the island. 128. Camacinia gigantea (Brauer) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Padang and Padangsche Bovenlan­ den (Ris). 129. Camac1nia harterti Karsch. - Eastcoast Gvt.: "Ddi. Batoesankahan. 8000'. 1 , ~" (K'a r s ch). This locality could not be traced on our maps. 130. Rhyothemis ate~rima Selys. - Eastcoast Gv:.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii g er). Riouw Res.: Inderagiri. I d'l. Soengeilalah (R is).

I) Fi", described by A 1 bar d. 1881 (5 e 1 y' 1878 nom. nud.) - 17 -

131. Rhyothemis obsolescens Kirby. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soeka­ randa (K r ii 9 er); Bengkalis. Pakanbaroe. 2 00. Oct. 23. 1925. F u I m e k leg. Westcoast Res.: Pajakoemboeh. Kloof van Harau. 500 m. (R is). Palembang Res.: Palembang (R is). 132. Rhyothemis phyl1is phyllis (Sulzer) - Widely distributed and fairly common in low country. Specimens which I have seen from S. Atjeh are not different from those of Djambi and Palembang. 133. Rhyothemis pygmaea (Ramb.) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei (L i eft i n c k) ; Bengkalis. Pakanbaroe, I 00 . Oct. 23. 1925. F u I m e k leg. ,* 134. Rhyothemis regia (Brauer) subspec. - 'A eastern species. not pre­ viously known from Sumatra. Extremely common on lake Anak­ laoet. near Sabang (Poeloe Weh). northern extremity of Sumatra. where we took several specimens in September. 1929. and in March. 1932. In Malaysia otherwise ' only known from Simaloer I. The species forms well-marked 'geographical races, which I hope to discuss in my monograph of Papuan Odonata. 135. Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli, Soekaranda (K r ii g er). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlall'den (R is). Djambi Res.: Sarolangoen. I 00. July 1",- 1925. O. Po s t hum u s leg. 136. Hydrobasileus croceus (Brauer) - Atjeh Gvt.: Poeloe Weh, Sa­ bang, Anaklaoet. March 19. 1931 and March 20. 1932. D res c her & van Ben the m Jut t i ng leg. (common; larvae also found in the lake) . Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er) ; Bindjei Est. (K a r s ch) . S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. ·500 m. Waiberah. rather rare in Dec .• 1934. Aut h 0 r. 137. Tramea limbata euryale (Selys) - Widely distributed in Sumatra and not differing from Javan specimens. 13S. Urothemis signata 1 insignata (Selys) - Palembang Res.: Soeroe­ langoen. I !j1 (A I bar d a) . This is the only specimen known .from Sumatra. 139. Aethriamanta brevipennis (Ramb.) - Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau. I ff' (S c h mid t). Also listed as a Javan species by S c h mid t (1934) . but this record needs CO'nfirmation. 140. Aethriamanta gracilis (Brauer) - "Sumatra, P I a son leg." (B r a u e r. Se I y s). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden. !j1 (Ris). *141. Macrodiplax cora (Brauer). - Atjeh Gvt.: Poeloe Weh, Sabang. Anak Laoet. I !j1 ad .. Sept.. IO. 1929. Aut h 0 r leg. - Not pre­ viously reported from Sumatra. This widely distributed and migra­ tory species was very abundant on the lake. Subfam. Corduliinae. '. 142. Procordulia artemis Lieftinck. - S. Lampoeng Res.:.Summit of Mt. Tanggamoes. 2100 m. 14 (!I. July 11-12. 1934. To x 0 p e u s leg. (L i eft i n c k). On January I. 1935. we took 2 (!I and I !j1 in the - 18-

same locality. a'nd in the crater-marsh. some 200 m below the summit of the mountain. where the Q was captured' during oviposition. [1 Procordulia sumbawana (Forst.) - Reported by Se h mid t from ,,5umatra". without comments.] 143. Epophthalmia vittigera (Ramb.) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. larva (L i eft i n c k). West coast Res.: Padangpandjang (L i eft i n c k). 144. Macromia ?cydippe Laidlaw. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. (K a r s c h. sub westwoodi); Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e r. sub west­ woodi). **145. Macromia polyhymnia LiefHnck. - Westcoast Res.: Fort de Kock. I <1'. August. 1924. Jacobson leg. (Lieftinck). The only specimen known. 146. Macromia cincta (Ramb.) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei Est. (Karsch). 147. Idionyx dohmi Kriiger. - Ea .~tcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). Benkoelen Res.: Ranau distr. (5 ch mid t). - The <1' from Ranau is possibly a specimen of montana Karsch. 148. Idionyx Montana Karsch. - Westcoast Res.: Loeboeksikaping. I Q (R is); I iII. Korintji (R is). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau. Bandingagoeng. I <1'. I Q. Oct. 27-28. 1929. van S tee n i s leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. Waiteboe. I Q . Dec. 24. 1934. Mrs. l. i ef tin c k leg. . Fam. G 0 m phi d a e. 149. Sieboldius japponicus Selys (= grandis Kriiger). - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda. I Q (K r ii 9 e r). S. l.ampoeng Res.: Mt. Tang­ gamoes. Wailalaan. 400 m. Dec. 25. 1934. 1 <1'. Aut ho r leg. - Only a single individual of this splendid insect was seen over the swiftly flowing Wailalaan. in dense jungle; it settled on boulders in mid-stream. with its body held slightly in a curve. 150a. Ictinus decnratus Selys. - S. Lampoeng Res.: Talangpadang. 150 m. I <1'. June 1. 1929. D res C her leg.; Gisting. 500 m. Waiberah. 8 <1'. IQ. Dec. 30. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. - This small series. taken in one locality and on the same day. increases the difficulties where to place the /ctinlls of the Lampoeng districts. So far as colours are concerned. some of the males are true to typical decoratus from Java. the majority are perfectly intermediate between the two "species". and only one at and the single Q' are not diffe­ rent from typical melaenops of N. Sumatra. For the present. I am unable to decide how to classify the intermediate forms. being at a loss for a correct discrimination of the two spedes. 150b. Ictinus melaenops Selys. - Atjeh Gvt.: Poeloe Weh.Sabang. Lake Anaklaoet. 3 7,1. Sept. 10. 1929. Aut h 0 r leg .: same loc .. I <1' March 20. 1932. van Ben the m Jut tin 9 leg. Eastcoast' Gvt;: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii \I er); Medan (L i eft i n c k); Te­ bingtinggi. Soengei Segiling. I <1' . June 15.1928. van de r Me e r - 19 --

. Moh r leg. Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Bovenlanden (R is); Loeboeksikaping. larva. Hun des hag e n leg. Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau (S c h mid t) . 151. Gomphidia mac1ach~ani Selys. subsp.? - Eastcoas"t Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda. i5' (K r ii 9 er). Westcoast Res.: Padangsche Boven­ landen. Pajokoemboeh. Kloof van Harau. 500 m. i5' ('R is). 152. Heliogomphus drescheri Lieftinck. - S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. T&ng­ gamoes.500 m. Oeloebeloe. 1 i5'. 1~. March , 31 & June ,2. 1929. D res c her leg.; Gisting. 500 m. June 17. 1 i5' 1 ~ . 1934 To X 0- peus leg. "153. Heliogomphus gracilis (Kriiger) - .Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soeka­ randa (K r ii 9 e r). Westcoast Res.: Mt. Ophir distr .. i5' Tanang­ taloe. 1000 m (R i s ). 154a. MicrogQP1phils chelifer chelifer Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). 154b. Microgomphus chelifer 1 thelyphonus Lieftinck. - S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Oeloebeloe. 500 m. & Talangpadang. 150 m. 2 i5'. June 1-2. 1929 .. D r e s ch e r leg.; Gisting. 500 m. Waiteboe. 450 m. Dec, 23. 1934. 1 !? arrested in transformation. A tl t h 0 r leg. - One of the two males is nearly identical with the type of ch. thelyphonus. from S. W. Java; the second specimen is smaller and rather intermediate between ~helifer and thelyphonus. More . . material is needed to settle the question as to whether the two races . should be united. 155a. Macrogomphus parallclogramma (Burm.) ' ~ "Sumatra" (S e I y s). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 450 m. Waiteboe. 1 i5'. Dec. 29. 1934 (not captured) and Waiberah. 1 (lI Dec. 30. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. - A very variable species. I possess a fine series of both sexes from various districts in Java; some of these are indistinguishable from the Sumatran specimen. taken by myself in the Lampoengs. 155b. Macrogomphus albardae Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Bindjei (K a r s ch) ; Soekaranda (K rii 9 er); Deli (R is); Deli. Medan (L i eft in c k). Palembang Res.: Lahat. !? (S e I ys) and 1 if'. 1871. G i e 's.b e r s leg. (Mus. Amsterdam). - I have examined the holotype i5' from Banka (not Palembang. Sumatra. as stated by de Selys!). and Selys' allotypeQ from Lahat. in Palembang; both specimens are in the Mus. Amsterdam. In the same collection is a if'. also from Lahat. determined by A I bar d a as parallelofJramma. I am unable to distinguish this male from Javan specimens in my collection. which do 'not differ in the shape of their anal appendages. I am deliberately of opinion that albardae is the same species as parallelogramma. and that the differences Iy within the range of individual· variation. - 20 -

156. Macrogomphus decemlineatus Selys. - Palembang Res.: 6' Lahat (S e ly s); Kloeang. near Pladjoe. I 6'. Aug. 3. 1933. native coli. 157. Macrogomphus quadratus Selys. -"? Sumatra" (A I bar d a. Se I y s) - Palembang Res.: Kloeang. near Pladjoe. I 6'. Aug. 3. 1933. native coli. - A fine specimen in',excellent condition. not differing from a series in the Buitenzorg Museum collection from W. Borneo. This is the first precise record of the species in Sumatra. 158. Maerogomphils thoraciculI McLachla'n. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda .. (K r U «e r); Mt. Sin",boen!l (F 6 r s t e r). 159. Leptogomphus lansbergei assimilis (KrUger) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r U q er). Tapanocli Res.: Sibolga (R is). S. Lampoeng Res.: I <;>. Wailima plain. Nov.-Dee. 1921 K a rn y & S'i e b e r s leg.; Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. I . ~. June 17. 1934. To x 0 p e u s leg.; idem. 450 m. Waiteboe. I~ . arrested in transformation. Dec. 29. 1934. and Waiberah. I 6'. Dec. 30. 1934. Aut h 0 r leg. **160. Megalogomphus sumatranus (KrUger) - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda. 6' (KrUger. S c hmidt); Langkat. <;> (Schmidt). Merogomphus parvus (KrUger) - Eastcoast Gvt.: 'Deli. Soeka­ randa (K rU ge r. Sc hm i d t). 162. Mesogomphus reinwardti simplex Lieftinck. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Medan (Lieftinck). Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau distr. & Banflingagoe'ng (L i eft i n c k. S c h mid t). - Considered as a distinct 'species by S c h mid t. * * 163. Onychogomphu~ geometricus perplexus subsp. n. (fi!l. 2). - East­ , coast Gvt.: I 6'. Deli. J. B. Cor p 0 r a a I leg. Holotype in the author's collection (Mus. Amsterdam). ... Smaller and of slenderer build than typical geometricus from Java. Head and dorsum of synthorax coloured as in the typical race: the isolated yellow antehumeral spot larger. Sides of the thorax with the yellow predominating. so much so. that the sutures only are striped with, ,black; the entire metepimerum yellow. without posterior black margin. Legs with anterior femora broadly yellow interioriy. Abdomen with the black predominating: median yellow spot on segm. 2-4 isolated. much reduced in size. Basal yellow rings 'of segm. 3-6 occupying about 1/ 7-110 of the length of segments and en:irely divided by the black on mid-dorsum. so as to form paired spots; 8-10 black. 'Anal apps. yellow. sligtly slenderer and longer than in geometricus: branches of app. inf. more strongly bent at base. Length: abd. + ,app. 35. hw. 27. pt. 3 mm. This is possibly the same species as F r a s e r's geometricus from Takengon (Atjeh Gvt.) and considered by him as a local race of that species (Mem. Mus. Roy. His!. Na!.. hors serie. -4, 1932) . Both agree in having ' the yellow predominating on the thoracic sides. but much reduced on the abdominal segments. In F r a s er's - . 21 - .

~ the inf. app. is said by him to be black. although further in the text the author remarks that it is not different in colour from geometricu .~. This new subspecies is undoubtedly closely allied to geometric us Selys. from Java. of which it may be regarded as a subspecies. As will appear from our sketches. the genitalia and apps. are almost exactly identical in the two races. but the colour-differences are very striking. The amount of variability in the colour-pattern of typical geometricus has been discussed in an earlier p"per (L i e f­ tin c k. Tijdschr. Ent. 72. 1929) . - Among other characters. O. saundersi Selys differs by the black-tipped sup. apps .. by the different shape of the genital hamule. and by the absence of any dorsal interior projections of the in£. app. In O. duaricus. Fraser. the anterior genital hamule is in the form of a long tapering black spine. the branches of the inferior anal app. bear a strongly pointed basal tooth. and the distal ' /a of the upper appendages are black in colour.

Fig. 2.- OnychogomphuJ geomelricus perplexuJ. SIp. n. or Deli. Genitalia. left side. and anal apps .. right sight and donal view. - 22-

164. " ,Onychogo,,!phus modcstus fruhstorfcri Licftinck. - '}iestcoast Res.: Korintji. (31. Moearasako. 680 m (R i s) . S., Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. 1 !i1. July 7. 1934. To x 0 p e u S leg. 165. Onychogomphus saundersi subspec. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Sce­ karanda (K r ii 9 e r ). W e~, t.::oast Res.: Korintji. 6'. Tamiai. 800 m. near (R is) . - I have not seen Sumatran specimens. Fam. C ci r dui e gas t e t i d a e. * *166. Chlorogomphus spec. novo - In the Leiden Museum is a si"ngle !i1 of an undescribed species. with hyaline wings. from Padangpan­ djang (Westcoast Res.). It is hoped to publish a description of this insect at some other place. 167. Chlorogomphus magliificus Selys. - .. Sumatra·· (S e I y s ). Ben- koelen Res. (F r a s er) . . Fam. A e s c h n i d a e. 168. Oligoacschna "(= Jagoria Karsch. nom. preocc,) modiglianii Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 e rl. *169. Indaeschna grubaueri (Forster) . - Eastcoast G vt. : D eli. Sibolangit. 500 m. l !i1. J~ly 1921. Docters van Leeuwen leg. S. Lam­ poeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 450 m, I ~ . forest-pooi near Waiteboe. Dec. 23. 1934. M a c Gill a v r y leg. *170. Heliaeschna crassa Kriiger. - Easttoast Gvt.: Deli. Selajang Est .. I , !i1. April 7. 1932. K. N ; z u r M ii hIe n leg. Djambi Res.: Djambi. I ~. July-November. 1929. C. N. t e r L a a g leg. Palembang Res.: Palembang. I 6'. 1905. 0 r. H. Se h mid t leg. (Mus. Hamburg) . S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. I 6' . June 25. 1934. Bar k m eye r leg. " , *171. He1iaeschna unincrvulatll Martin. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Dcli . I 6'. d e Bus s y leg. 172. Heliaeschna vanderweclei Martin. - Westcoast Res.: Ophir distr. Moearakiawai. plain countri !i1 (R is). Riouw Res.: 6' ~ ' Inde­ ragiri (R i s). 173. Tetracanthagyna plagiata Waterh. - Eastcoast \Jvt.: Deli (K a r s ch) . Palembang Res.: Lahat (S e I y s) . In the Hamburg Museum is a !i1 of possibly 'this species, collected by O . Put t­ far c-k e n near Bandar Koeala. Deli. [Tctracanthagyna degorsi Martin. - Reported by S c h mid t from Sumatra; the species. however. was described from Nias I.J 174. Gynacantha baslguttata Se1ys.-- Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda & Liangagas (K r ii 9 er) ; Deli. Medan (L i eft i n c k) . 175. Gynacantha bayadera Selys. - Tapanoeli Res.: Sibolga (R i s) . Westcoast Res.: Pajokoemboeh. Kloof van Harau, 500 m (R i s); Fort de Kock. I !i1. August. 1924. J a cob s on leg. Benkoelen Res.: Lake Ranau dis!r. (S c h 'm i d t ) and Bandingagoeng. I ~ . Nov. I. 1929. van S tee n i s leg. S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. - 23-

Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. I ~ Nov. 26. 1933. To x 0 p e u s leg .. and I if'. Dec. 27. 1934, Aut h 0 r leg. 176. Gynacantha dohrni Kriiger. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda (K r ii 9 er). S. Lampoeng Res.: i

Published at Medan. May 1935.

Printed by N. v. Oe Cell Couunt Medan (Sumatrill