Biodiversity of Nekton in Batangtoru River and Its Tributaries in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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Biodiversity of Nekton in Batangtoru River and Its Tributaries in North Sumatra, Indonesia BIODIVERSITAS ISSN: 1412-033X Volume 21, Number 6, June 2020 E-ISSN: 2085-4722 Pages: 2344-2352 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d210602 Biodiversity of nekton in Batangtoru River and its tributaries in North Sumatra, Indonesia DESRITA1,♥, AHMAD MUHTADI1, RUSDI LEIDONALD1, RINA D’RITA SIBAGARIANG2, NURFADILLAH3 1Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Jl. Prof A. Sofyan No. 3, Medan 20155, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Tel./fax.: +62-61-8213236, email: [email protected] 2Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Riau. Jl. HR Soebrantas Km 12.5, Kampus Binawidya, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia 3Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Jl. Putroe Phang, Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Aceh, Indonesia Manuscript received: 26 February 2020. Revision accepted: 3 May 2020. Abstract. Desrita, Muhtadi A, Leidonald R, Sibagaring RD, Nurfadillah 2020. Biodiversity of nekton in Batangtoru River and its tributaries in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 2344-2352. Batangtoru River which flows from the Tapanuli highlands (i.e., Sipirok, Tarutung, Siborong-borong, and Silangit) to the southwestern Indian Ocean is an important habitat for aquatic organisms in the western region of North Sumatra. This research was done to provide basic data on biodiversity of aquatic organisms in Indonesia, especially North Sumatra. The study was conducted in July-August 2019. Nekton was captured using backpack electrofishing units (12 volts and 9 Amperes), traps, nets, and bamboo trap. This study found 68 nekton species, consisting of fish (57 species), crab (3), shrimp (6), lobster (1), and 1 freshwater turtle (1). In general, nekton found in the Batangtoru River and its tributaries are native and economically valuable fish (Tor and eel), including the newly discovered species, which was, Hemibagrus caveatus. Invasive fish found consisted of 6 species, i.e., Cyprinus carpio, Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Xiphophorus helleri, Hypostomus plecostomus, and Trichogaster pectoralis. The only invasive crustacean found was freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). Keywords: Baung suat, freshwater fish, Tapanuli INTRODUCTION crustaceans in the Cisadane watershed. Meanwhile, Suryono (2006) found 10 species of crabs in an estuary. Batangtoru watershed has an area of 303,181.82 ha Therefore, since Batangtoru River that flows across (North Sumatra Province Regional Spatial Plan 2017-2037) Tapanuli region is wide and long, it is necessary to conduct with the length of the main river of 174 km. The average a study on the condition of nekton habitat and biodiversity water flow of Batangtoru River is 106 m3s-1, with the in Batangtoru River and its tributaries. This can be used as minimum flow of 41.90 m3s-1 and the maximum flow of inventory data for various uses and management of 484 m3s-1 (PT. North Sumatra Hydro Energy 2016). Thus, Batangtoru watershed. However, the studies related to the Batangtoru watershed is the main ecosystem for biodiversity of nekton and macroinvertebrate in the conservation of water preservation in North Tapanuli and Batangtoru River are still rarely done. So far the studies South Tapanuli. This ecosystem is also an important habitat related to aquatic biodiversity have been conducted only by for the flora and fauna diversity in Tapanuli region, the Amdal Team from PT. North Sumatra Hydro Energy including aquatic organisms such as nekton (fish, shrimps, (2016). The team found only 10 species of fish and 9 and crabs). Because the river flowing from Tapanuli species of macroinvertebrates in Batangtoru River, which highlands (such as Sipirok, Tarutung, Siborong-borong, are considered low as Batangtoru River is large and long. and Silangit) to the southwestern Indian Ocean is an ideal Small sampling location (not spread evenly) and one-time habitat for aquatic organisms. As stated by Odum and sampling might have caused the low diversity found in that Barrett (2009) and Gordon et al. (2004), rivers and their study. As a comparison, studies in Wampu watershed by tributaries are highly suitable habitats for various types of Muhtadi et al. (2017) and Desrita et al. (2018) found at aquatic organisms including nekton. least 26 species of fish, 3 freshwater shrimps, and 1 Nekton is organisms that can swim and move actively, freshwater crab. The objective of this study was to provide such as fish, shrimps, amphibians, and large aquatic insects basic data on diversity of aquatic organisms in North (Welch 1954; Odum and Barrett 2009). Although shrimps Sumatra, Indonesia. and crabs tend to live at the bottom of the water, because of their ability to swim freely and against the flow, they can be categorized as nekton (Welch 1954; Odum and Barrett MATERIALS AND METHODS 2009). Kottelat et al. (1993) recorded that at least there are 1,300 freshwater fish species in Indonesia, most of which Study area are found in the river waters. Wowor et al. (2019) found 4 The sampling of nekton was done in Batangtoru River species of freshwater crabs and 23 species of native and its tributaries (Figure 1) which cover North Tapanuli, DESRITA et al. – Biodiversity of nekton in Batangtoru River 2345 South Tapanuli, and Mandailing Natal of North Sumatra Nekton samples were then photographed and preserved in Province, Indonesia. There were 34 observation stations, 10% formalin solution, labelled with local name of the fish, consisting of 4 points in downstream, 8 points in middle location/station, date of collection, collector's name, and stream, 5 stations in upstream, 9 stations in tributaries, and other information required. The identification was conducted 6 stations in sub tributaries. The sampling was conducted in in the Integrated Resource Management Laboratory, Faculty July-August 2019. of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia based on Kottelat et al. (1993), and, Procedures Wowor et al. (2004) and Wowor (2010) as references. Nekton was captured by-using backpack electrofishing units with 12 volts and 9 Amperes. This tool is very Data analysis effective for shallow waters such as rivers and tributaries. The diversity of nekton communities in waters was Electrofishing operations for each location were carried out determined using several indexes, i.e., the Shannon-Wiener along the two tributaries. The electrofishing operator diversity index (H'), evenness index (E), and dominance moved to the opposite direction of the river's current index (D) (Krebs 1989). Diversity index (H') was used to (moving upstream), and collected the fainting fish by-using get a mathematical representation of organism populations. hand nets and put them in a plastic bag or bucket. In It can simplify the information analysis of the individual of addition, nekton was also captured using traps and nets. each species in a community (Odum and Barrett 2009). Figure 1. Location of the Batangtoru Watershed. station 1 (1°17'21.45"N, 98°50'33.81"E), station 2 (1°17'26.07"N, 98°54'34.85"E), station 3 (1°19'43.58"N, 98°57'4.20"E), station 4 (1°19'16.51"N, 98°59'42.96"E), station 5 (1°28'43.46"N, 99° 4'5.31"E), station 6 (1°26'58.27"N, 99° 6'46.16"E), station 7 (1°27'13.3"N, 99°06'57.6"E), station 8 (1°35'14.6"N, 99°13'02.1"E), station 9 (1°34'25.60"N, 99°12'29.17"E), station 10 (1°32'15.06"N, 99° 9'42.17"E), station 11 (1°36'12.9"N, 99°18'18.8"E), station 12 (1°36'05.17"N, 99°18'23.60"E), station 13 (1°45'6.10"N, 99° 8'12.71"E), station 14 (1°45'24.98"N, 99° 8'17.88"E), station 15 (1°47'42.43"N, 99° 6'46.90"E), station 16 (1°47'46.13"N, 99° 6'39.21"E), station 17 (1°48'11.05"N, 99° 5'31.96"E), station 18 (1°51'8.72"N, 99° 5'0.51"E), station 19 (1°52'15.13"N, 99° 3'39.01"E), station 20 (1°51'52.21"N, 99° 2'48.77"E), station 21 (1°51'55.61"N, 99° 2'53.02"E), station 22 (1°59’4.73”N, 98°59’9.58”E), station 23 (1°59’4.09”N, 98°59’4.67”E), station 24 (1°58'46.53"N, 98°59'15.38"E), station 25 (1°59'4.49"N, 98°59'2.76"E), station 26 (2° 4'15.45"N, 98°56'21.35"E), station 27 (2° 4'37.69"N, 98°56'9.79"E), station 28 (2° 4'42.68"N, 98°56'19.88"E), station 29 (2°12'5.37"N, 98°52'47.31"E), station 30 (2°10'34.78"N, 98°57'4.13"E), station 31 (2° 2'52.65"N, 99° 6'0.05"E), station 32 (2° 5'56.25"N, 99° 6'10.91"E), station 33 (2° 8'53.97"N, 99° 4'6.08"E), station 34 (2°11'50.58"N 99° 2'11.13"E); and the detected sites 2346 BIODIVERSITAS 21 (6): 2344-2352, June 2020 Nekton diversity was calculated by using the diversity species). Shrimp group of the Family Palaemonidae is the index of Shannon and Wiener (1963) in Odum and Barrett second most found species in the Batangtoru watershed, (2009) with this formula: and at least 6 species were found in the research site. Fish H' =-( ∑ pi ln pi ) from the Family Bagridae became the third-largest after Whereas, Cyprinidae, with 5 species found. H’ : The diversity index, Studies on several rivers in Sumatra Island have shown ni : The number of individuals in the i th species, similar results, for example in the waters of the Bukit N : Total number of individuals, Tigapuluh Siberida area the Family Cyprinidae was found Pi : The ratio of individuals of species i to all as the main inhabitants with the largest population, individuals of all species.
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