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1 • XXXI • 2020, p-ISSN 1024-0845, e-ISSN 2228-4893 Kaastööde esitamiseks ja lugemiseks külastage: For online submission and open access visit: AGRAARTEADUS JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE –––––––––––––– Agraarteadus Journal of Akadeemilise Põllumajanduse Seltsi väljaanne Agricultural Science Estonian Academic Agricultural Society publication Tartu 2020 Vol. 31 No. 1 June 2020 –––––––––––––– Toimetuskolleegium / Editorial Board Peatoimetaja / Editor-in-chief Alo Tänavots Estonian University of Life Sciences Toimetajad / Editors Maarika Alaru Estonian University of Life Sciences David Arney Estonian University of Life Sciences Tanel Kaart Estonian University of Life Sciences Marko Kass Estonian University of Life Sciences Evelin Loit Estonian University of Life Sciences Marten Madissoo Estonian University of Life Sciences Toomas Orro Estonian University of Life Sciences Ants-Hannes Viira Estonian University of Life Sciences Nõukogu / Advisory Board Timo Arula University of Tartu, Estonia; University of Maryland, USA Berit Bangoura University of Wyoming, USA Ants Bender Estonian Crop Research Institute, Estonia Edward Hernando Cabezas-Garcia Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, UK Gunita Deksne Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR", Latvia Edenio Detmann Federal University of Viçosa, Brasil Margareta Emanuelson Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Martti Esala Natural Resource Institute Finland, Luke, Finland Marek Gaworski Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Csaba Jansik Natural Resource Institute Finland, Luke, Finland Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia Iveta Kociņa Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR", Latvia Zita Kriaučiūnienė Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania Olav Kärt Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia Hussain Omed Bangor University, UK Sven Peets Harper Adams University, UK Jan Philipsson Swedish University of Life Sciences, Sweden Vidmantas Pileckas Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania Jaan Praks Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia Baiba Rivza Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia Mart Sõrg Tartu University, Estonia Vita Tilvikienė Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania Merko Vaga Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom Rein Viiralt Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia Abstracted / indexed: AGRICOLA, AGRIS, CABI, CABI Full Text, DOAJ, EBSCO, SCOPUS p-ISSN: 1024-0845, e-ISSN: 2228-4893 Väljaandmist toetab Eesti Maaülikool / Supported by Estonian University of Life Sciences Trükk / Print: Eesti Ülikoolide Kirjastus OÜ. Kaanepilt / Cover image by macrovector / Freepik A1 AGRAARTEADUS JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 1 XXXI 2020 Väljaandja: Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts Peatoimetaja: pm-dr Alo Tänavots Tehniline toimetaja: pm-mag Irje Nutt Aadress: Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1, 51006 Tartu e-post: [email protected] www:, Agraarteaduses avaldatud teaduspublikatsioonid on retsenseeritud SISUKORD TOIMETAJA VEERG A. Tänavots, M. Kass Agraarteadus – 30 ..................................................................……………................. 1 TEADUSARTIKLID V. Bulgakov, J. Olt, V. Kuvachov, M. Chernovol, M. Sviren, S. Kolomiiets A study of the interaction between soil and the pneumatic wheels of agricultural gantry systems .................................................................................……………................. 3 V. Bulgakov, J. Olt, Kuvachov, S. Smolinskyi A theoretical and experimental study of the traction properties of agricultural gantry systems .................................................................................................................... 10 P. Kanatas The aromatic plant Melissa officinalis and effects of its aqueous extracts on summer annual and invasive weed species .………...….........…………..……………..…………. 17 P. Kanatas Mini-review: The role of crop rotation, intercropping, sowing dates and increased crop density towards a sustainable crop and weed management in arable crops ….......……. 22 R. Kõlli, T. Tõnutare Eesti erosioonist häiritud muldkatted: muldade nomenklatuur ja uurimise ajalugu ...... 28 D. Matvejenko, A. Komarov, E. Nugis, P. Lekomtsev Optimization of options for differential application of nitrogen fertilizers in the precision farming system .......................................................................................... 41 L. Nei, E. Haiba, M. Lillenberg Lühiülevaade: Ravimijäägid reoveesettes ja nende lagunemine kompostimisel – viimase aastakümne uuringud Eestis ..................................................................................... 47 E. Nugis, K. Tamm, T. Võsa, T. Plakk, V. Palge Express-diagnostics method for assessment of soil compaction for different cultivation methods ................................................................................................................... 53 N. Nutt, A. Kubjas, M. Kaplinski-Sauk Lühiartikkel: Eesti ajalooliste mõisaparkide ja metsade puistu liigilise koosseisu võrdluse meetod ...........................................................................…………………… 66 A2 M. Olle Short Communication: The improvement of the growth of tomato transplants by bokashi tea ...................................................................................…………………… 70 Z. Pacanoski, A. Mehmeti Review: Managing weed populations through alteration of the cropping pattern ......... 74 J. Raamets, A. Ruus, M. Ivask, L. Nei, K. Muoni Siseõhu kvaliteet põhu- ja pilliroopakkidest seintega elumajades ..........……………… 84 KROONIKA M. Kass, H. Kiiman Akadeemilise Põllumajanduse Seltsi 2019. aasta tegevusaruanne ............................... 96 E. Järvesoo Minevikust: Akadeemiline Põllumajanduslik Selts 15-aastane .................................... 98 JUUBELID J. Kuht Professor Enn Jaama – 85 ................................………....………………………………. 99 E. Leedu, A. Astover Mullateadlane professor Raimo Kõlli – 80 ……………....………………………………. 100 E. Vesik Arvo Tõnissoo – 80 ……..................................………....………………………………. 102 M. Kass Aleksander Lember – 65 ……...........................………....………………………………. 103 A. Tsahkna Mati Koppel – 60 .….........…...........................………....………………………………. 105 IN MEMORIAM O. Kärt Virve Karis – in memoriam …….......................………....………………………………. 106 A. Kikas Koidu Kelt – in memoriam ..……..........................................…….………………….... 107 E. Leedu, A. Astover Agrokeemik-spordifanaatik, emeriitprofessor Paul Kuldkepp – in memoriam .............. 108 MÄLESTUSPÄEVAD A. Lüpsik 25 aastat loomakasvatusteadlase, põllumajandusdoktor prof Karl-Robert Kurmi lahkumisest ………...............................................................…….………………….... 110 E. Leedu Loit Reintam – 90 ................................................................…….………………….... 111 A3 AGRAARTEADUS JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 1 XXXI 2020 Published by: Estonian Academic Agricultural Society Editor in Chief: Alo Tänavots DSc (agriculture) Technical Editor: Irje Nutt MSc (animal science) Address: Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1, 51006 Tartu, Estonia e-mail: [email protected] www:, Research articles published in Agraarteadus are peer-reviewed CONTENTS EDITORIAL A. Tänavots, M. Kass Agraarteadus | Journal of Agricultural Sciences – 30 ...............……………................. 2 RESEARCH ARTICLES V. Bulgakov, J. Olt, V. Kuvachov, M. Chernovol, M. Sviren, S. Kolomiiets A study of the interaction between soil and the pneumatic wheels of agricultural gantry systems .................................................................................……………................. 3 V. Bulgakov, J. Olt, Kuvachov, S. Smolinskyi A theoretical and experimental study of the traction properties of agricultural gantry systems .................................................................................................................... 10 P. Kanatas The aromatic plant Melissa officinalis and effects of its aqueous extracts on summer annual and invasive weed species ………...….........…………..……………..…………. 17 P. Kanatas Mini-Review: The role of crop rotation, intercropping, sowing dates and increased crop density towards a sustainable crop and weed management in arable crops …....………. 22 R. Kõlli, T. Tõnutare Erosion-affected soils in Estonian soil cover: Nomenclature of soils and their research history ..............................................................................................................…... 28 D. Matvejenko, A. Komarov, E. Nugis, P. Lekomtsev Optimization of options for differential application of nitrogen fertilizers in the precision farming system .......................................................................................... 41 L. Nei, E. Haiba, M. Lillenberg Mini-Review: Pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge and their degradation during composting – recent studies in Estonia ...................................................................... 47 E. Nugis, K. Tamm, T. Võsa, T. Plakk, V. Palge Express-diagnostics method for assessment of soil compaction for different cultivation methods ................................................................................................................... 53 A4 N. Nutt, A. Kubjas, M. Kaplinski-Sauk Short Communication: A method for comparing the tree species composition of Estonian historic manor parks and forests ................................................……………