DOCUMENT RESUME ED 300 212 SE 049 707 AUTHOR Borgford, Christie L.; Summerlin, Lee R. TITLE Chemical Activities. Teacher Edition. INSTITUTION American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8412-1416-6 PUB DATE 88 NOTE 329p.; Drawings may not reproduce well. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, LC 20036 ($19.95). PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) FDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Nct Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Chemical Reactions; Chemistry; *Demonstrations (Educational); *Educational Experiments; *Experiments; High Schools; Instructional Materials; Investigations; Junior High Schools; *Laboratories; *Laboratory Procedures; Middle Schools; Science Activities; Science Education; Science Instruction; Science Teachers; Secondary Education; *Secondary School Science IDENTIFIERS *ChemCom ABSTRACT This sourcebook for chemical activities is designed to be used as a student laboratory book for both junior and senior high school students. The student's role as-a knowledgeable consumer and informed citizen is stressed. Each activity includes a list of needed materials, procedures, reactions, questions, and notes for the teacher which include background information, teaching tips, and answers to the questions. General areas of consideration include chemistry of matter, chemistry of atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, chemical energy and rates of reaction, chemistry around the house, chemistry and the environment, biochemistry, chemistry of living things, chemistry of foods, chemical detectives, tools and techniques of the chemist, and kitchen chemistry. Included is a cross reference of activities by chemical topics, laboratory skills and by major topics of "Chemistry in the Community" (ChemCom). Also included is a listing of useful resources with addresses as well as several charts of chemistry information.
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