084-103_INDUMENTA_05 29/1/09 14:44 Página 84 Age-old costumes. Women’s costumes in the Ansó valley and Irene Seco Serra Curator of the Museo del Traje. CIPE the creation of models Doctor of Archaeology
[email protected] of popular attire KEYWORDS: Ansó valley, traditional costume, survival, historical process. The world of what has become known as “popular,” “regional” or “traditional” dress is both varied and repetitive – in- tricate at times, ambiguous at others, but always fascinating. And, since the early years of the 20th century, the cos- Figura 1. Traje femenino de Ansó. Primera exposición tume of the town of Ansó in Huesca permanente del Museo del Traje. CIPE. Sala “El traje has been one of the most studied exam- regional”, vitrina “Memoria del pasado”, MT005741, ples of this kind of dress. The collection MT0044, MT018527, MT018529, MT018535, MT018537. of the Museo del Traje contains a not Figure 1. Ansó women’s costume. First permanent exhibition of the Museo del Traje. CIPE. “The Regional Costume” inconsiderable number of pieces from Hall, “Historical Memory” display case, MT005741, Ansó, and a complete woman’s outfit is MT0044, MT018527, MT018529, MT018535, MT018537. featured in its first permanent exhibi- tion (figure 1). The costume is solemn and heavy, “I offer you, reader, […] a few age-old and its appearance is so original that costumes that have been worn by one early analyses identified it with me- hundred generations in two abrupt dieval dress and even sought to estab- corners of Aragón” (Ricardo del Arco, lish that it dated from earlier eras, up- 1924).