Reposition of Historical Pesantren, Madrasah and Integrated Islamic School

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Reposition of Historical Pesantren, Madrasah and Integrated Islamic School Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan – (2019), Vol 3, No. 2, 75-86 DOI: p-ISSN 2548-8201 | e-ISSN 2580-0469 Reposition of Historical Pesantren, Madrasah and Integrated Islamic School Hardianto STMIK AKBA Makassar and Doctoral Candidate of PPs UM Parepare, Indonesia Corresponding email: [email protected] Received: 13-07-2019 Accepted: 29-09-2019 Published: 07-10-2019 Abstract. The aim of this study is describing history and development Islamic boarding schools, madrasa and integrated Islamic school. This research is descriptive-analytic literature research. Research concludes that Islam can be developing and be accepted by Indonesian society through existence an institution that pioneered by the scholars and character education that has spirit religion, development institution education experience install it recede in his journey. Proven by existence effort positive for developing institution Islamic education and shade Ministry of Education and Culture. Since the madrasa was developed together with the emergence of the Islamic reform movement in Indonesia, the madrasa curriculum has always been done the renovation. Initially, the madrasa curriculum only consisted of religious knowledge than experience innovation corresponding with demands the times. Effort massive do by the Ministry of Religion in developing Islamic education institutions. so as Ministry Education and Culture give away opportunity for Integrated Islamic School for designing curriculum education for meet National Education Standards. Keywords: Boarding school, Madrasah, and Integrated Islamic School Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan sejarah dan perkembangan pondok pesantren, madrasah, dan Sekolah Islam terpadu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian literatur deskriptif analitik. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Islam dapat berkembang dan diterima oleh masyarakat Indonesia melalui keberadaan lembaga yang dipelopori oleh para cendekiawan dan tokoh pendidikan yang beragama roh, pengalaman pendidikan lembaga pembangunan itu surut dalam perjalanannya. Terbukti dengan adanya upaya positif untuk mengembangkan institusi pendidikan Islam dan menaungi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Karena madrasah dikembangkan bersama dengan munculnya gerakan reformasi Islam di Indonesia, kurikulum madrasah selalu melakukan renovasi. Awalnya, kurikulum madrasah hanya terdiri dari pengetahuan agama daripada pengalaman inovasi yang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. Upaya besar-besaran dilakukan oleh Kementerian Agama dalam mengembangkan lembaga pendidikan Islam. sehingga Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan memberikan kesempatan bagi Sekolah Islam Terpadu untuk merancang kurikulum pendidikan untuk memenuhi Standar Pendidikan Nasional. Kata kunci: Pesantren, Madrasah, dan Sekolah Islam Terpadu Copyright@2019 -Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, (ISSN 2548-8201 (print); (ISSN 2580-0469 (online) Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 3(2), 2019 - 76 Hardianto INTRODUCTION the welfare of the Indonesian people spiritual-material it-self. Some even did Studying the history of Islamic not hesitate to educate the Indonesian Education is very important. Especially people to achieve political maturity and candidates and educators or Islamic finally political independence. thinkers. By studying the history of Islamic Another unexpected consequence was Education, it can be known because of the the emergence of thirst and awareness of progress of Islam, because of both the way going to school among the Indonesians of upbringing and its teachings and the who were incarnated in the form of cause of the decline of Islam, because it is private schools, private schools labeled by wrong in its methods and teachings. By the Dutch as "Wilde Scholen", "wild knowing the history of Islamic education, schools". Among them are Taman Siswa it can also be understood because of the based on national principles and brightness of the teachings and teachings Muhammadiyah based on Islam. The of Islam and because of complete Dutch government was unsuccessful in darkness. blocking the growth of this "wild school" If known in the history of the causes of that soon after private schools exceeded the progress of Islam, surely we will try the number of Government schools (S. the causes - causes of progress. And if it is Nasution, 1983: 153). Scope study known the causes of its decline, we will boarding school covers the history and certainly avoid the causes of its decline. By development, madrasa history and studying the history of Islamic education, development, and history integrated we can make a brilliant history in the Islamic school and its development. education that we seek for future generations (Mahmud Yunus, 1990). METHOD Seeing the urgency of the history of Islamic education, from the very beginning This type of research is library of the development of Islam to the present, research by analyzing descriptions on it is so complex to take understanding. One some reference. The approach used of the factors of Islam can develop widely normative theological approach, historical, is thanks to the services of scholars and juridical, and pedagogical. Time research government support in developing Islam do since 2018. Researcher start is holding through an educational institution. up review literature in Makassar City. The Islamic education views families, author uses a content analysis model, this communities, and places of worship or study is an in-depth discussion of the educational institutions outside of schools content of written information or printed are the main base formation character in mass media. Research to literature (Hardianto, 2017). Education for new history Islamic boarding schools, secular goals arose around the middle of madrasas, and integrated Islamic school. the 19th century with practical reasons Observation results early to be ingredients and objectives to support commercial consideration appropriateness next for to interests. However, in the Netherlands be ingredients research. alone there are a number of individuals Studies library to research dominated who are aspiring particularly those whose by non- field data collection at once covers liberal views and adheres to politic etic the object under study and data used to who saw education as a means to promote talk about it, as a primary object at once Copyright@2019 -Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, (Accredited journal-Sinta 6) Published by STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 3(2), 2019 - 77 Hardianto secondary. In obtaining this data, in the form of writing, books and other researchers analyzed literature main that forms of documents relating to the object is book history institution education and under study. Processing techniques and development, and as stretch support in the data analysis are carried out in several form of thought Islamic education, books stages, namely data reduction, data issue Director General of Islamic Religious presentation, processing and data analysis Education Ministry of Religion of the and testing the validity of the data, and Republic of Indonesia, guidelines research conclusions (Sugiyono, 2017). library. Data sources obtained from library Participants belongs to institution government (city library), library institution private, library History of Islamic Boarding Schools campus and library general belongs to The birth of a pesantren is a religious personally. Secondary data sources are response from society. with religious additional data in the form of writing, leaders, they carry out a building from books and other forms of documents that within a certain framework or ethos. In have relations with the object of research, this step, there was an effort to make such as photographs, texts and important Islam an ethos in people's lives, religious, documents about integrated Islamic cultural, economic, social and so on. school. Data in the form of writing or Following this, success in the formation of books about Islamic boarding schools, what Gus Dur called the 'subculture' was a madrasas, and integrated Islamic schools separate tradition, which was different and other documents serve as from the others. reinforcement of findings. Collection of When Hadratusy Syaikh Hasyim Asy'ari library data does with system open and and his companions carried out reforms, closed system. System opens the meaning Islam grew as a social framework, which researcher could in a manner directly departed from a framework that was of choose books that are meant while in a the nature of jurisprudence (legal closed system taking book do by a jurisprudence), meaning-making Islam a librarian (Nyoman Kutha Ratna, 2016). social institution. Since then, Islamic The instruments used by researchers boarding schools are no longer the place of are writing guidelines. researcher on teaching religious sciences that are school the basis of integrated Islam add 'psychic' and have gained more mystical data through related documents such as experience, but fiqh sciences and tools documentation photo. Object research or (Arabic) have begun to become a major formal object of text, discourse. The formal concern. Entering the twentieth century, object in question is language, writing, the Shari'ah factor became very decisive, sign and the medium of the goat used data although at the same time there was also a processing and analysis techniques are realization that Islam included faith, carried out starting
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