Police Gazette
POLICE GAZETTE. WESTERN AUSTEALIA. FOR THE YEAR 1877. Published for Police Information only\x * \^V PEETH: BT AUTHORITT : RICHARD PETHER, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. INDEX TO THE POLICE GAZETTE, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1877. Annamorrie, ab. nat., 183 ABSCONDEES— Aftnear, Charles, free, 91 Baker, James, p.p. (9068), 28, 37 Anme, ab. nat., 134, 142 Bradbmy, Henry, p.p. (5979), 28 Ashmore, Thomas, t.l. (8476), 72, 146, 183 -Bum.side, WiUiam, t.l. (10049), 162, 168 Atkinson, John, exp., 10 ""Clements, Isaac, t.l. (8516), 58 Atkinson, George, exp., 80, 90 Cooper alias Jimmy, ab. nat., 140 Baker, George, exp. (5455), 208 -Cuimingbam, John, t.l. (7380), 88 Ballingarra, ab. nat., N.W.C., 73 •^Devereux, Patrick, t.l. (7676), 100 Barrett, Con., t.l. (9669), 80 ^Earp, WiUiam, t.l. (7682), 123 Barrett, Joseph, t.l. (6524), 117 Etarro alias Bob Liang, ab. nat., 140 Barrett, WilUam, c.r. (10009), 3 Flood, John, t.l. (8267), 108 Barker, John, t.l. (9072), 6, 44 Foley, John, c.p. (2611), 50 Barker, WilUam, exp. (8209), 94 Foster, James, t.l. (8263), 28 Barney, ab. nat., 3 Goodland, William, alias Bill Attel, p.p. (8269), Barnett, H. Calvert, free, 3, 10 28, 37 Barnett, Ann, 77 Harding, Henry, t.l. (9181), 8, 11 Barnsdale, H., exp. (5888), 80 Harrington, George, jj.p. (9459), 37 Barwise, Eobert, exp. (5424), 44 Hart, John, t.l. (6693), 210 Barry, Eichard, free, 91 Kearnes, John or James, p.p. (10097), 28 Base, James, exp. (3411), 26 Marks, Edward, t.l. (7774), 78, 82 Bateman, Horton, c.p. (5610), 103, 107, 110, 115 Momarbiddy alias Paddy, ab.
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