PR8022 C5B3 1984.Pdf
'PR C60d.a.. •CS�� lq81t- � '"' �r,;,�{ cJ c::_,.:;;J ; �· .;:,'t\� -- -- - - -- -2-fT7UU \�1\\�l\1�\\�1\l�l\\\\\ I 930171 3\ �.\ 3 4067 00 4 ' PR8022. C5B3198 D e CENG __ - Qv1.1T'n on Pn-oU.t::t!. C 5831984 MAIN GEN 04/04/85 THE UNIVERSI'IY OF QUEENSlAND LIBRARIES Death Is A Good Solution THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND PRESS SCHOLARS' LIBRARY Death Is A Good Solution The Convict Experience in Early Australia A.W. Baker University of Queensland Press First published 1984 by University of Queensland Press Box 42, St Lucia, Queensland, AustraW. ©A.W.Bakerl984 This book is copyright. Aput &om my fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher. Typeset by University of Queensland Press Printed in Hong Kong by Silex Enterprise & Printing Co. Distributed in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbe1n by Prentice Hall International, International Book DistnOutors Ltd, 66 Wood Lane End, Heme! Hempstead, Herts., England Distributed in the USA and Canada by Technical lmpex Corporation, 5 South Union Street, Lawrence, Mass. 01843 USA Cataloauing ia Publication Data Nt�tiorralLibraryoJAustrtJ!ia Baker, A.W. (Anthony William), 1936- Death is a good solution. Bibliography. .. ---· ---- ��· -�No -L' oRAR'V Includes index. � OF C\ :��,t;�,�k'f· I. Aumalim litera�- History mdl>AAI�. � �· 2. Convicts in literature. I. Title (Series: University of Queensland Press scholars' library). A820.9'3520692 LibrtJryofCortgrtss Baker, A.W.(Anthony William), 1936- Death is a good solution.
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