The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus J^3^y 6» ^^ , .- Dame You»d»- viv dear «^^^ . learnea OJ- -I i-i the ^**^ ,a not Mott>er=> "' ^e bee" ""^ ^ . „4, M y» The Notre Dame Alumriui This magazine is published by the University of Notre Dainc, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second class matter Octo- . bcr 1} 1939, at the PostoIBce, Notre Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912. Member of the American Alumni CoundL James E. Annstrong, '25, Editor; John P. Bums, Managing Editor Vol. 29 JULY-AUGUST, 1951 No. 4 Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., the University's fifteenth presidenc, was named to that position in 1946. By Canon Law he must retire in 1952 and the Father Cavanaugh Testimonial Fund has been initiated to bring the University of Notre Dame Foimdation abreast of its schedule — $25,000,000 in ten years; 1952 will end 40 percent of the ten-year program begtu in 1947. and the $3,000,000 sought this year will equalize the schedule. The University of Notre Dame Foundation herewith announces the launching of the Father Cavanaugh Testi monial Fund. The goal is $3,000,000 by July, 1952. This sum will be used to carry forward, or complete, projects of the Foundation's long-range program. It will stand as a tribute to one of Notre Dame's great leaders, REV. JOHN J. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C who has done so much' to advance the program through its pioneering years.